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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 7 Apr 1882, p. 1

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 \i y^ »i • â-  I t I J, I 1 "f^o" H^.m. S.55p.«. ♦^^'•-th iMtjm. 4.10 p.i^ ArSaiB. A.iap.m. 4.45 pjB. 6.03 p.B. Arnott WilUiwfct*.^ 4.17 K-^kir «.S»j». HirtUU 6.4Saa. FlM'iart'aAPrievTilla 7.f5 a.m. froum 7.i'i ,.m. '•'-••'k -,7*'».m. 8helbaro%...' ....^8 f2 •in. Cniuibia'a .^ t(. 5 a.m L«llr»] 'â-  K.2I' «.r3 OrM^tatiOa Joneuou o.' OaiiinartLt.a. ArriT» DqMU^ Alton CUarl'ttoD MnoD Jiowi. Boltmi. Kl«inkurg Wno-'liiii.'" Humberluutui Xmer; WMtoo Carltr.n TeroQtu. Union Kt'ii.U.;.^ n m. GOING NORTH r.^vronlo d»p. 7.1'ia.n. ;C«rlton â- W««ton JEnwnr tHumlJer Sommit Woodbndge IleiiibarK BollOD Mono Bo«'l Charleston 9.15 Alton d2S Obai«ctii.le â€" AiriTB ».37 Depart k.45 JOraD^erille June 9..57 •Laturel li'.07 JCromljie's 10.19 Hieiburne 10.33 IdDdalk 11.06 tProton 11.20 FlenhertoniP'Tille 11.36 tslbiUaii tBOH. H£](BT, '^OrneB, )Sk%nu,t. On. S.4- «.i), AJUam. .. 9.a' a ra. .9 ;.5 a Di. 9 i:, ».m. .U'i'id m. .M.i-.'am Ii.'Juaui. .10.3:2 a. m. ' '57 10 i • 1" 7 am. 7.33 a.a. 7,41 '• 7.53 75'J 8.06 819 8.31 8.4S Markdale :Berkly Williainaford ;ArDOtl Cbatiwortb..,. «K«kfora Owaa boon.. 1155 '• 12.' p.m. li 21 " 12.33 •• 12.40 " 12.53 •• 1.16 •• ».35 p m. 5 40 p.m. «.54 j,m •2.' IB. •.3" p.iu. ^.-'Ai pm 7.00 f/ in 7.10 pm. 7.30 p.m 7 42 p.m. 7..5- p ni. 8.2-2 |.ra. t».3.^ p III 47 )• m »."7 p m. 9 1-2]. m 9 2.-. m. 9..S2 m. 'J.')^\ p Ui. 4 10 p.m. 4.28 p.m 4.36 â- â-  4.48 •â-  4.51 •• 5.00 " 513 • 5. C •• »40 •• «.12 " «.22 'â-  6.35 •' 6.50 •• 7.00 " 7.10 " 7 21 •• 7.34 " 8t6 •• 8.21 " 8 37 '• 8 .55 '• 9.10 •• 9.21 •• 9 33 '• 9.40 " 9.5:h •' 10 i6 '• " Eogliuid, wiiii nfl tliy fkalts. I love UtM stiU. My cuttiitrj.** Late in December. 1881, » familv c on n telin g of ih« water, Iik wife, and three cLildren lert the shorea of 'â-  the ieit-pirt isle." to seek tlieir furtane^ io Canaua. We set luil in (Iw itond ship •PeniS .ylv4 »ia." Ltvi. g secured a side OMbm .o oor^^lTes near the ceutr« of the ves-el. Af;er sandiy leaTe-tHkingd and"" (God-bc-with-ye) vvhich uon« (if ns will ever forget, we parted with cne ilear, tree, and tru^ty frieu; wi.o came with ui up the river, aiid 'ur 1 ttle cabin. 'he ponde- r-Ub vt8-el eteamed out o{ the liver and tlie fog into t.'je Irish Sea, war near fi\e o'c) ek in the aftemoin iii.d l)y the time we had •fixed" our things in thi« cabin, the gong tuanded for dioner, atd soin the cabin -paa- «• agt: s together with the (f^ptain and the doctor were pleasantly chatting j over our fir-t meal on boar I Biiip. We wislie'l each other pleasant jouruevf" and hopt-.l agaiost hope for a good vo.age. The season aud the weather wat admitted to be all against ns. A. CBAJIPIONSHIPOF THE WOBLD HAMLON AMD BOYD. Th« ioiw4oakea fcrcM* M Hwrian, U Tatooto. mat Brji. Bag- laad for tfa« aoolliiw •bcafioiMhip of tbeworid and $6000 look pboa at N««eMtie-Ki-TyiM oa Monday. Oor Canadian oAramaa won the rietory with ease. OXFORD AND o'AMBBIDGE. The Oxford and Cambridge Uui- *«4Mty UMt«ao*Mt tit* TiiaaMa, tooat Putney to Mortlate, was won by Ox- ford by one lenzth. There was a good breeie bshind the ersws, and the water was fairly smooth Cambridge came oat first Rud took the Middlesex side. Cam- bridge was first to oatch the water, and led by half a length, tnt were eanght aud paseed in fi/^ yards It Oxford wrm by fally six lengths. Oxford finished in god form, and won as they pleasf d, Cambridge was exhans^d and rowed an irregular cour-se. The Priuee of Wales and the Duke ol Edir.burg witnessed tlie race. Ifcl^ION SALE OP Tilnlile Fann Property Id tbs TowBiiiiiw FrvtoA cntf Artemesiai In di» OOOSTY OP GREY, tb«i« will be sold, o» Thnrsday, th* SOti- day of Apnl, 188i, »t 0ns ©dock in th* AftenKMn. at the ^^i^S:^^^!^ HoisI, ra the viTage of DUNDALK, by Tirtas of Powers of 8«le ooBtaino* in certsio Mortgages which wOl bepr*- dncfld at Um Sak. tba fuUomag pro- 'w^ PARCEL I. tJnde' Mortgage from Mary MeiK mm, tjoi 17. in the 7th "con. of the To^Aip or Proton, Couo^of Grey containing 100 acres more of less. The following Imiwuvements wt] 8.1 id to be on the premises About 2if\' acres cleored Under PARCEL II. Mortgage from Duncan METHODIST SOCIAL. A Methodist social with method in it was held at Mrs Fobtt-r's, back line lady friend of the writer's told him j east, on Weduesdar evenmg. Sevoral jubt ere we started that should she i "gs were sent to the Tillage, but not •• take a mad fit to go to Canada," she ' sufficient to convey all those who l'*^ ^J^ Priday, Msxcli 31sl 1682 THE SIDEWALKS 1).\LE. IN MARK- We coraiusnd to the attention of the powers tiiat be. the lerdict just given at Toroutw. Tlie wr.lkk of thu nUaf.e aro in a ba'l condition aud oiijjlit to iM 8' en to. Avirdi«t of fivt hundred dollars given agxinsl Toronto for iujories snSUiiued by a suitor lhrou{li a (Ufective sioeVhtk hI.ows toe necessity of iho 'i^test i-ar.e bi'ing eiercisect in rej;«rJ to nio strewts. As a rulr, th" city ii:ly (^ots into crrtJ't wi'h fuch actions a.i its holicitor tinnkti can i e ttuechttfiillv Would take care tliat such a trip should come flfin the summer. H-.wevur, we had not taken the mad fit, 'twas this tha' rad taken \ii, and winter or bumuier to far away Canada were we bound. We had be«?n up and at it since four iu the morning, and noon after dinner were glad to secure the rest our tierths ailtrdcd. When, early in the morn- ing we had coflfee nud biscuit on deck, we were withiu sight of Ireland. We steamed ai iiig its souUiern coast, and at noin into Queedtuwn harbour. Here we seut letters asnbre, pursbased a few Irish newspapers, aud then set out ou our journey across the hen-iug pond. I Wo were soon out and upon the bosom of the mighty ocean, aud as mi'lnight apja-oached the sleepers were awakened by the rockiugs and heiivings of the veasel. We held on firmly to tiie sides of the berths, aud were thus enabled to prevent the cjn- tents of our beds being upshot on to the cabin flooi. The children pence f.illy siuiubered, but like ourwlves, they wore rolling about like throe or pfour jiotatocs iu a wheelbaAiw driven wibhud to attend. A very pleasant social evening wa.s spent by the large gatheriug assembled, aud whan part- ing hour arrived, few were ready to disperse, a good round of enjoyment liaviug been indulged lu. The pro- ceeds were about $13. INTERESTING HORSE CASE. THE MEN AND THE ANIMALS IN MARKDALE. So long,"howevei ntal we were i'esiisted. I „,, 1 by tt-4runkeTi man. 1 111 re fire claHii.' made and compro i 111 .. I ..1 .. • t as we rchuued the uiiseil wiiicli attract -little aMeniioii, ' ., » .• J laii right, ahO-^cvuid treat the whole but winch mean thn layinent ol da- I " T. 1 " 11 'u»»tttr as a hugs joke, but wheu we luagei It IS luipossioie to providi' ' o j ,. ., •,,.â- .» i assumed the p.rueiKlicular, the sen- a;4Hiust all the acci (ents niav " I ., 1 1 r 1 11 ' 'Bi'tion m the region Xi the stomach liappen throngh defective 'â- iilewalkH, i j was not a pleasant one. The best but the previ'Ution of eynn on* may mean fi«l»Ji||udre(f^^' thousand dol- iaiM. PRESENTATION, The members of the Kiarkdale lodge of die A.O. r W, met on Monday tvinin^' hist to i-rcsent an address, to- gether with a beautiful gold piu to Mr R. H. Ijvjirs, recorder of the iodge, wliu l«i» 'Mur.dalu iih, Ttmiii fo.' the ^o-aliCii.l Uiwn Kochoster, New York state. The uieinhors fpoke in high teriris of Mr Bvers, he liaving disch.irgoi the resjionsib.e and arduous duties of Re- corder Moce the Lodge was organized, with L-redit to himself and satisfacli'U to all.. The acldr.'ss ran as foilows To Mr. R, 11. Byirs. Dear Sir and Ihother, â€" We, tlie officers aud members of the Mark- dale Lodge No 141 of the A.O U W. desire to give exprcstiou to the feeling of respect entertained for vou person- ally, not oulj at a member of our beloved order, but as a Wortl y citi- zeu of our common country. Diiriug the time which you have held the responsible position of Ke- corder iu our Lodge, your services have been cheerfully rendereU, the the onerous duties of your office per- formed with promptitude, and your attttudancM at liie Io Ige meetings com luandably re){ular. We regret very much your determi- nation to leave Markdale for a time but the laudable desire to better your condition amply justifies ths step. hi Ukiug leave of you for the pre- sent, we assure you. S'l of oar best wishes for your future happiness and prosperity. We at'k you to accept this Pin as a i ot friends, li-, said, must and so with our di"n»-r of yesterday. We parted with our diuners with tears in our eyes, and great sorrow. Our friend tho liiuner, became food fur fish, but we ure here. We concluded the best course Wits to lie down aud bear the "^sday. Last Friday an iuteresting case was before our Magistrate at Mark- dale. It arose out of the fict '{hat 2 colts strayed from the Township of Arthur, Co. WelJington iu the spriug of 1879- The supposed owner, Mr McAoley having heard that two colts answer- ing to his deiicription had come to this district in the same year, and strayed into the premises of Mr Johu Lyons, who having kept them there during the summer, advertised them for sale in the fall. The horses were bought in by his son. who kept them unmolested until last fall, wheu they were sold, one to Mr Love aud the other to Mr Wigins. Now Mr McAuley arrives upou the sceue, examines the colts, aud lays an lulormation before uur Magirtrate, Mr Brown, that these colts "Strayed or were Stolen," c. The Magistrate issued search war- rant aud the bodies of the men aud the horses were brought up to the village. There being no case against Love or Wiggius they were discharged, aud there beiug discrepaucies in the evi- dence of coiuplaiuaut aud his witnes- ses, the case wus adjourned till Wed- concession in the Township of Protou iu the county of Grey, containing 200 acres, more or less. The following iniprovemonts are said to be en the premises â€" Aboot 60 acres olsare^l, wi"h a .Toung orchard, and having erected thereon a log house tnd bsrn. PARCEL UI. Un.l»r Mortgage fi-om Ilngb McGu- ron,â€" Lot No. 17 in the 19tli couees- bioa of the Township of Prjtou, in the county ot Grey, contUDing 121 acres, more or less. The following improvements ars said to be on the premises â€" About 20 acres cleared. PARCEL IV. Under Mortgage from Robert Gor- don â€" Lot No. 87, in the 8rd conces- sion, south of the Durham Road, of the Township of Artemisia, in the county of Grey, containing 80 acres more or less. Tiie following impT've- ments are said to be on the premises. The pri'perty is situate" about 10 miLs from the village of Dnndalk and about 8 miles from the village cf • ^lesher;on. TERMS -Oue tmth of the pur- chase money to be paid down ou the day of sit'e. For b lance, terms « lU be made kuowu at the sale. For further particulars apply to JONES BROS. MACKENZIE Solicitors. Masonic Hall. Toronto. Or to JOSEPH SicABDLE. Esq Hopeville. Toronto, March 25, 1882. THE SHBL9U«F "^^\ A«oTfflaNTO*Y. ^^ would haTslwKf Mwtad to^J- »« " doabtfni what course will be UMi as ths Cniwn. will »»o» .proq-ed «t es^mi i,tk the eUf-0- I " Thi- faot^U tte •»»• •« fn'Ai m oor readMi' minds. B»itU was »r. rMtfuftRhftttittdw- of tHvmk as Jan. 21. Bmitb savs his uncle was shot by someone staudiag oatwde the house. The medical evidence proves that the oW- man's hen1 *8b knjofcf* %.d toi boy likJWnita. ^ow a man named Thompson s ay be eaw Smiths tatfaer, go i«»-the oirCan's bouse in the aiieruoon o( the murder, an(iJ^V he wis offHflIf 6« either uot to men-, tMui h ortb IwTaf ii Mr Hat.nah, tho merchant «ho sol^l tl^- I'ietol t.. the boy; Th »**46 im^ Thompson do not be!i**9 t-im. as Ihe is a drunken f fellow. It is prri«ble that the c Campbell. Lots lO^and 11 in the lOthj-^jjj {,„ adjoume| to enable the Crow* "" â-  • " to obtain more *videnoe. -fall irheat looks strong and he^l'hy itttbe B.fghbi'irhoodof Chatsworth ,At CuM^'Si*'"' â-  *•* ^*^' *^' yomii maa4ifm»d Duncan McArthor wnilsi jumping on h fractious hon^e, recavel *XveriJ|fll l being thrown ot! Sirifiiuc^the sidewalk wiih bis breast. t.S^4m**"' have 1- it Dor- LABoi Loo.â€" Mr. D. Mcl tyre, father of-M-. A. Mclutyre. .i Myk dale,sil^Wc' us a hen's eggthai-welgh- eu 6i 08.. HiKi maasareu 9J inches by 7i •'^Wi^j^juiu liKe to -te luai. beauu Fetch -along thise big rgg*. Eastei i» i:r«i H\ oauil. F.OR ALLkInS^o? GO TO THE WG1IAII5DW. FOR THE 'K WHISKERS fj.»-^ the ksM4 to a BBUWM ae BI.ACK as dlaantlon. Baiac la aae It Is easily a yp U s*. aaA rocking (ju:etly. In thiee or four dayw we recoverjj, and tiie Wjiter as- buyed to«mi£e ' a, cigar was a treat, 1 ut cigars in the plural reminded one of an evening l.,.ng ago, when father's old black pipe and Kome tobacco were smuggled down to the garden arbour. Augu that pii After 5 days we overtook a steamer bound foi New York, Iroin Hull. Siie was labouring hard against the wiud. The captains of the -vessel exchanged llag me.-^.sages, Liil in a few hours we lest sight of her, and iuen nothiuL' but a few gulls, which followed us all the way, could be seen upou the waste of waters. Still, Ou the opening of ths case counsel fer djfendaut objected to the jurisdic- tion of this court tryiuj; the property in the colts. The Magistrate ordered the animals to be delivered up to Love aud Wiggins, and McAuley to pay all costs. Mr Read was for complainaut and Mr Massou lor defendant. TO FARMERS k BREEDERS. Having purchased the Short ti orn Yearling Bull. PRINCE ROYAL, No. 225, Vol 7, Canada Short Horn Stocl Regis'er, got by KELSO, (G64, Vol«) Dam EYELA by BRITISH PRINCE (2799) gvanddam LADY CHAR: LOTTE. by GLADSTONE (1481) gr. g. iiuva Mai-.a by Duko of Aikell 11223). ' A limited number of Cows will be taken at. $1 50 each for hcason at hiiit stables Lot 118, north east Toronto Road, Artemcsia. H. D. IRWIN, Owner. " N.B Insurance guai anteed: March 25, 1882. Dundalk DruoStoi JMPOETANT TO PARitJu.' "'â- %hgixe m^ purchased a large stock ol all t !G*4fAi and Flonrer Seeds direct from the old ' fi 'I'eliaWie dialers in Canada, and c?n safeU rer^^^ Pitthflr^Svill do well to come and inspect ^^^^^^ liev^fhive the largest variety of Field, Card '°^^ Seeds ever imported into Dundalk. Don't iil ^^^ Yours truly, c^^ PBBPABXD BT C0.. MSIIIU,I. by sB P mIâ€" Is I G. W j^PARsoJ Sl'i!iClAL NOi'lCliS. t'jJ^OMPOET TO THE 8UFFEBINO Brown's Honscliold Panacea lias lui eq lal for reliuviiii; p«iu, liotli iuter- luil auJ uxternal. It cures pain in the Side, Ija.ik or Bawels, Sore Tlir.'at, Hlieuinatism, TiioUiaclie, Lnmhauo and any kiuJ of a Paiu wiil most 81 Ay quicken the ,1. as its nctiii;? jiower is woii- liiowu'g Hou-elu)ld I'auacpa," b-iinu ocknowlettged as ihe great Pain IJelieT- er. aii.l of double the streiiRtL of any other Ulixer O! Liniment a tiie world, should lj« • i.T erery {a^nily liaudy for use wVeii wanted *â- â- ." as-il roally U the best remedy n Ihff world 'ItoT (;raraps in the Stomach, and Paius aui] Acho= of all kinds." aiui }» for sale by all UrujiKists at 25 cents" iK.dle. 20-1t ^ergy, Lovr Spirits, Foul Stom It invigorates the li^^. ^s off all surplus bile, reguJaies the Bowels, nd gives tone-ig i' 'vhfjI^ngjBteni. â- Â«*'• ^^ CmthS'ant aniT taJt^ ft to yoUi Omgglst and sret a ID c«tit Sample^. All animals charged for and n«' â-  o** latrge Bot.2e. for 76 cents, ajar '• "" f" I ow wfcary " Over the bri'jJit blue sea," with the w.ud right iu our teeth, we steamed on. The vesssd pitched and tossed very much, and sometimss the propeller wiis hfied several feet out of the water, when it 'wuuld go round with such velocity that the ship shook fi-om stem to sttru. Cnribtraas Day at Itiiglh arriTed, but as the writer intends to describe this eveutlul Oay in a eeptirate paper; it muit be passed over here, merely remarking that with the txceptiou of such excitement as could be obtained from Ihe occurrence ofâ€" â- w^ A Glonous Sunrise at SeaJ A Birth on Shipboard, A Death ou Shipboard, A Fuuetal on Shipboard, A Fire ou Shipboard. A iVhale at Home. slMTht tok.u of our esteem, aud as a ' *^* '" Pf"^^ °^ I'^^^^^y- memento of the pleasant relations sub ^^' """ "'« °^°** southorp •isfing between yourself aud every i '"' '""' ^^ "â- *"9-a"aut'c steamyrs*" membtr of the LoJ"c. "'"' '^- -^ ' FLESHERTON. Mr. R. J. Sproul wiil be home from Manitoba about the 10th. Mr. Josial. Gamejr's second ton is gone to join his brother in the prairie proviuce taking with him two yoke of oxen. (arm implements and seed giaii^ Mr. John Clinton of Oeprey left for Winnipeg on TaesUay, He bought property there before the boom aud has made a good speculation. Mr. P. McMaster has removed to Mr. Armstrongs house. R. Jummings of Markdale to mi. Richardsous vacant house. Mr. Joseph Straiu shipped two car loads of potatoes this week Mr. J. W. Rates is shipping 4 care ofjjiircb blocke for which he gave prices that paid, so the farmer • say. Mr. R. Wbittaker has purcbaud the Vogan Hotel at the station. It is rumored that he had to smoke the house by stopping the chianey in order to exterminate the vermin as the place has been yacant for some time. ORGAN PUPILS wanted Prof. H L Thurston, (Late of IBramptou) TEACHER. Terms, 24 Lessons for f 8, to be paid for on every third lessou. Upon cer- tain conditi" ns, satisfactiou is guai' pupils or pan^ota of .^pupils. Lessons given at the homes of pupils. First-class refeieneee as'tfftsical Instructor. Mr Thurston is also a Dealer in Or gans. Pianos, aud Sewing Machines. MARKDALE P.O. Mothsi 8 Motjiprs Mothers 1 .^.jj ..;. HetW '4iftl9ft^1ltlf^rbed'4it ui^lit and brol.enil' â- (FBOK'BlWHL.) aai g 4)t»ir ic-t by a sick child suffering arid n» JffW Coi^pOWd, its weW j,r^.i„j. „,^l^ tha excmciAting pain of cr.Uiur derfal affinity to the Digestive „.i,; if «. ro at once and itef a b .ttle •.( teg- the dissolving jn^,T^Or- «!EiW^SS^l,e poor little sufferer immedi ing almost instantly the dreadttd ,,...iy_aej.e,ul „po,. it there is na ni*take reunite ofDy^pepsia^La^sUom^.'^^ -rheie is not a mother upon earth Zopesaan every day necessity in ,.„«, n„t it .viii re«-wte the noweU" and ^li^acU^gentlSfr and speedily in «iv«, re. t to tne mother and relief and health Biliousness, Costiveness, Head- ' " oh id, o,«.r»t.,.i. hKe magic. U is ,Kr- ache.-Sick Headache. Dis^ess at- ;::^L2i tti*"" '"'• t"" Tf: â€" " " â-  -â-  'nrnff^ll' vV- t II- re-icri;itii)ii ot.oiie of bold every *»0 1v r P. S.â€" A large stock of Timothy and Clover c:.^ on hand. Also a new variety cf Potatot fopseeS 1 iust received a half ton of new process Linieedu' Seeding horses and cattle, cheap. $2,50 per looiil DimtJalk, MattlftVth^ 1883. "Glasgow House, " Diuk -o 'iJfliXiING OFF. SELLING 01 CONSUMPTIVES. 'ns. Bargains. Bargs '^^1XtoSliii4. l"::.t^. North-We«t i't --cnrltui â-  Spil' â-  ,• " â-  ^%?IS.Hft'i^xl^'^Hv;ri.:: rlRferm^Vilea to remove t" ManitoU now ,? J tJVi.nv" r.ili*9¥»^«^'^*Wrt» Vg* and wall aseorted stock, cucsuia- of " ^5.ti: ^mfSfom$»^Ofocer\es, Boots and Sho toU yiinneig^hor about iti^ iiaviij' ieen perui^ueulily cufeiTof'trrcfTrt-ad iti.-eHSi' C'oiisiimptinn, bj; It "simile ii'ini'ilv. ik niixion- to uiak.e .l^uiwu ufiPseri il;e ujt'Bii»T)f rtfre To all who .ii-siie it, be"«i|l yhiL* sei'X, ii tlit! Offtiriillliillli "-ed, (:ite 4 char)5e.)^.«i!h h* for piejwirinK Olid nshig ttit Mlaie raiF A aEWTS VVAW't'KD.^-rig r«.v.â€" which thev w;il fiud a s.-kk Cube for Cos Samples fiep. -A.Jdrg'J^ *. 1;^ Btlf^.-W "paiti. KaassaH stir* New Voi-k. Meat Mar 10 U. tiigned ou behalf of the Lodge, VVm Brown. M. W. ji. Irwin, Recorder. Markdale, April S, 188S. In leplj^, Mr. Byers said that there were timee m a maa's lite when the beait was too full to give expression to one's teehugs, aad this was tLe case with lum, especially juit after receiv- Uus sponUueous expression of their good wUl. He felt proud of the honor done him, and should be leave Mar it- dale for cood these mementos would i ke carefully pjAerred, and this even- ing locked back Opon as one of the brigbUet lu his existence. He hoped that he would uot be long from the Tillage, lut should it be otherwise, he would remember with pride his con- nection with this lodge. Saying to them Farewtll, 1m hoped that ii not bere, they would meet agaiu in the Oreat Grand Ludge presided oyer by Grand Matter Workm*u of the Uoi- «en«. with the idea of avoiding ice and ex- .t^eme cold, and we were now steering for Philadelphia. We pussed over the great banks of Nfcwf..undland right merrily, for the sea was smoother, aud our hearts rejoiced ti;at we had safely crossed the sea. This side the banks, however, rough weather awaited ua, rougher even than before. Sickness laid hold of us with a terrific grip, and American bea gulls were rewarded for coming out to meet us. Ite last we saw of EngUnd was tWh a dense fog, and onr first view oflTankeedom was obuined through a rtenser 'og. I; held us at anehor one day in Delaware harbour. In this fog must our readers reniaiu till next week. TO BK cowraiuav. DON T BE ALARMED. At Brigbt'e DMaae. Diabetes, or •eaee of tb«kidMeys, livaror unaary oigwia, ae B«ip BiUers wilt eertaiiilj andlMtisgly eure vm, and it is Ibe oBlj tko^ IMII wtU. A cough or cold contmoted in the month of April if not speedily arrest- ed is hable to stick to one daring the whole sunmer. Dr. Carson's Pul- monary Cough Drops speedily cure Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Pain aud oppression of the Chest aud all Threat Chest and Lung Affeetious. In large bottles at 50 eents. A. Turnwr and Co. Special Agent Markdale. ♦â-  The following is the common sense treatment for a horse out of condition (iu fact all horses reciuire like treat- ment this time of year) a good Purg- ing Ball following by a course of Btroug tonic powder. These are both to be bad in Zock's Tonic Coiapoand and Blood Mixsore, as each pib^kage contam* a throughly good pai'ging bail and over a pound of strong Tonic Powder. Ask your dmggist about it. A. Toner and Co. Special Agent Markdale. Tailor, MAROALE. A co!ista!it siniply-jftf ' • t" Fresh Meats a)n Laiiti; at'the " '" LGwe.4t Living Prices. Orders solicited, and d^iv- ered free lo all parts of the Town. Farmers havinf^ fat stock to dispose of, will please leave their addresses. TERMS, STRICTLY CASH. FRED. SARJEANT. Markdale, Mareh 23, l! 82. 80 ly TION. .\srHM».-l!R0NcniTI8, dc. es wishing tbe I'li'scription. pl.-a-;«aiMiess. lU-v. K. A, \Vii„n, St.. Wili!,imsljint'h,N. Y. will 149 Pmmi. 2#lv iORS OF YOU^H. iNTLEMAK who sn0erred for yoar- fi^in N.T o;is DF.BILITY. PltEMA- TUliK OKCAY. and^ll the effects of .\outh- -â- fyi^ iulis;i«tibn,-wilftorthe sake. of siilernrg â- h'liirauitir, jend frpp to all who need' it, .he iT^dtoftCAd (litK-'Tioiis for making tbb'sim{))e' Jjllfliy^iJ which he wus cured, Snfftrers wishing to iirofit by thr nd.vertiser's eX|'eri. eiiue can o oo oy addressing in perfect con- liOence, V -lO^lN B. pGlJE' 2Qj4 42 Caii*r «t. Newiy'ik P I M PL E S I will mail (Free) the rc-cipe for a sirnple Veob'^ablB- Bai.jI- that will remove Ta»- FRECKLKS, PIMPLES and Blotches, leave iug f ha ki;i oft, clear and heantif'il also instrnctions for producing a lux oiant growth of hair oli'a hald he-vl or sniiwtli face! Ad- dre!^, cnfVisiiitr a 3c. stnmp.Ben. Vaiidelf A Co... S Ue^kyan st.. N. Y. %tir AT A t»lBAT S'AClllFliE •Wer only genuine boi^ft,-.fi4e -.:.le ever ofej bhc. J^f ;jyhok ^tpcl of -ouds-nresfbealc ^!i' â- *. â- =-!*!» -sliiR' ^»jj.Tri' "*-^ K J5ei*i!.' w'i.f ' lene'iic"' It • f • I •i,. .; II- s and Expenili •», !lrf TOWNSHIP OF PI (OTON, • h:6rtht.Y^ar en^in^^ut Decemkr, iSSi. A r^T-T VF^'Q '•»°'«^ to neii rl V 1 Vj i 1 r Edisoii'g Mn.ic.1 lelephpnp,B(id Edison's InsUntaneong Piaoo and 0«:M^.y„sin. ainiap for '?tpi«P**pXC CO., 'J29 Chosti.nt St. Pki.aJ. liflnai Pa. (i8-6ni. 13* Special attention to Cuttiug. .£1 SALESMEN WAHfEfi: To begin \eork at «noe on sales for Fall of 1882, -for the ..•.-.â- ... ^^ Fonthill Nurserieff^TttE^ NEW ARTIST THE lABGE83r IN CANADA. Hs*D Offici- -TOHONTO. Ont Bbahch OrncES-MONTtUiAL, P 6 and ST. PAUL, MiKK. • NURSEf^lfS,- FONTHILL, ONT.' We can stsst in addition to our abeady large force I 100 Additional Canvassers.! Kn°.ll'°' "Sf ° T^° ^?" "" '»U tâ„¢e to the ' business. Steady employment and good .sal- aries to snocessful men. It does not niatter '^m^ '"â- " »E0AP1TULAT10N-BEC£I?TS 1S81. To Cash biltDcV'frpm iiudit. 1880. ' fi-nin CdfleBtor for 1880 •* 1881 " ^â- .' " •t'*»"^,f*«'»».«llte.*st -.D §00 at ti Perceut ;,. n. J. L..yle. brtlaiice ..f lax.s f„r 1880, ... ' i'Vi"' "â- *""' taiwlot 16. con. IS. .. :.' ;; EJ*fa(»,id"Wf8^!f«, «ues lut 19. c^^. 19 .., George NoRal.iajiii^toi 16. cod. 1 " Bev. Mr. Kftr. Uxn lui,. 234, 2S4. cons. 2i3 • J«m. sRobiUiion, taxesj..!s 23. :i4. con.d. 79. ' 1 atnirk Ol-giier^y, u,xr^ u,t 25. tou. 11. 1K79, .*. JIin C.H.per. Uxei K pt I-t 85, cm. 8. 187y, JobuAbb^.tt. Jr.. fax«8 loi 35. cm 14.1879, •Pel. 24 Mar. ^. April S 8 is "^^i^i I fl' IS yoo want a yo'ir Order with Perfect Fjjt#leaTe C. A. OWEN. MARKDALE. riiat your previous occnpa ion has been If ouare^ih.ngto work your sucAs is al- TjpTy r* " ' «"'«°»^eq4ed. STONE A WELLINGTON, NnrBwymen, Toronto, Ont. 80-106 rpHE suH^criber having' re»trf-flW Kick A building opposite Doctor Spronle's new rfpidcnoe is prepared t» Uk« feveral board erj, «ood ro«iu and ooa meaU at reason- able .•«(«•. •â€"•HI i, wj ^•^- LEAVEN lOrkdato. Marsh »th. 18M. n-U GOLDEN IkFORMATIGNI A While ago, said Mrs. Dr. A. A. FARM TO SELL OR RENT. claims (o, aud I preeecibe it â- iUinnly aad eonfiiUntly totboee otmj, pafti^ta who aaffer witii rbeomatiaou sprMas and «U bodilj pMiM, • vgndecfal MUfdr, -j-.~j y IWici*. 70 of whieh^ «b«ed IB a «ood..ut*.,/ aalt^t^. igood buiUing.. and a qaaaSyof S|S^?* nadone. For p«tJe,32.i^ry to '^^ Rare Chances. .ide of Mm str^t. fias'a'^comlortabi; Zt ems. kWto "°"'°--»^'«»««*bl.l. or to C ^-^-^ '"' ""^^ 'O. " 78 it *- "^â- ' '•.8t"»«lard" offies f. EUGENIA CordiaUy invites allthoge who are lovers ol GOOD PHOTOS To com. AT ONCE and give him a trial, fer to do so is to be Suited as they never were Before j^AJl poof .nd cheap work despised by bjfr â€" ANDâ€" " AflODER^TE PRICES. is HIf motto. Jne.lO I .rfi.]y26 16 Kipt.16 ' IRc.lJl- " u^'u*"'*^ Abbott, taxes I..t 31. c-.u 14. l-^TO. .* «.b;.ScDft. laxfcs-, pt lot 22. c-.'.ii' 1879 80 " l'»'tGrt7Li-iiisf Fiirul •« n-.,,-.: v • â- â-  i f .11. 19. 12, Coll. ' Daniel B'eriiiHO'i. ar eur M.ix- s ...t •' John Vert. HUt;i bib-r. 1 t 12, •• Laud linpi..*, nif-nt Fiiu.l. " J- br, Verf, tax.s l.,t 12, co-,. 7, ... " Jv»hu Abbo.t, note $45 ar H per ceiit Dei.€urur. lS!uki:,y Fund. " In«. .in-Deb.fSOO al 6 p^-r cent.. S.b. 8, Tr 'ton " John Vert, Jno. McKee's Taxes. '• Clergy fUeerveFuud By cash to f^afauce $191 e sfiisr i.S iii '11 » ifn 10 SI I ar 59 ]if' SOdS 5» ... i^ .Si-hool 80 00 Oil ,/;.: $6# -â- â- .' 146 » J7749 57 1 1.-. "REOAPITULATlON-EXPENDIirRE. • I lII8^KLUtNBn;S ACCmxTS. '%â- â- :, 'M* .«P«Pop«iar Styles nade by '/^•••.'i:-. ngdone. 78. Jordan, 61 Lincoln street. Woreester, Mass., one of my friends from tiie booth spoke to me ^ery highly of St. Jacobs Oil. I reselTsd to try t esi my {Mttients, and I moat oosifisas thkk L'^^T'SS S ^T£U ifi^ CWOS HEMLOCK MRK JAKES QILLBIEIJ,! Bcrfcrii y P. 0; â€"i i»idtoI7viSt rf •**• .K^ *-s,i^«-yy A?^' T.. wins. Itia (MrtMuW **«« «Mb«nitn ifdT.MidX CMlJ^gtilVj r a A^L. t»i^ otimUw^ •is J^^^ "Wot* «« Jsf^stXsfpi^^ I .7 ?!!°?^."^« pqtensiva Choppipg JJ,gne Ever^.Day, J. L. BROWNE, Ills h^tll°^f^ SUndard Offi,,. Markdala. HWDRESSlAKHifi Eetabliahirfbnt. improvements in lent I ean give '••'JXfc imd»r.i«.ed b^ to announce to the !(»U,b r Ladles of 1 or. ..u^-^ R KD jIl L E3 •ndvidaitr, that thej have oommaMrf Oress Makings .^ HILLS BLOCK, TOBONTO ST.^il i^-* ' IMl. hJl *o|»d.ijAi^l^isiou No. 1 nH' 8 School SeoliSSlerv, 1880. P lice Yiliftge • .| Duiidalk. Moiiieipal Cfiiiriicil!' i ^iiiDicip»l Oaeiel^ MoDcip*! G»^Dte'«»* School* l^beBtnre and coupon aoooout Debentore Siakii^Fnnd anil interest ei.,i r\ ' .V .. |1» " 218*5 "., 801 i« â- â- ^'8598 15 •••• m 78 â- â- â-  191 » â- â- â-  870 00 â- â- â- - '8380 â- â- â-  446 90 ;;; mo « t"V}, TOBONTO BT., 3 ^*««ths7ai»preyw^ fo wosk'l. » â- wilier that oaanotfafl to GIVB SATISPACTlOlf »• Oafl r is y s utfti Uy solisitaj. ^^ W«, yoor Anditort »ppoiut*d to audit tile Acfoun'i « P rf PkotoD for tlM year en.iinj? the 31st dav of D**° J â- 1«81, h»v« eumiiMd the Bioks aud Vouchers ol tbe Trs^nier. wn«e«. *y« «•» ibfther oecttfy to the Tcry neat, in whieh the, Books sre kei^t. corrsct, iiti inagBB DomutTY a W»rj» i •» THOS. HAiVBURY, (Andilon. •^ .. ♦ •^ â€" V* t. If n5ti iraeneed. rcst^r- tills week^ .|ur 90ceuts per q« ma V'" g ' ^uliit" ' the ^oree in Markdale wil .-j|ttd*y. ^^^ Fridat. ^^t to get a new neat •y^go to Etejnolds k Son ^jpald like to bear froc oorreeponil^*- ^Ted by ordering spring lleFarland. L FiretClM* Job W»rk, lL^m»M» '*«'*• Markdale. ^Mitds ODiii, are offJ J^^^gaio* i" Teas, fc c Brown Sou, sre iuu| rV^i- aaw mill uifbt aiid daj r^ at Montgomery's Bak.i y Ofe^ hm* sold his fare itoMr. P«wt-r8 for $ll I will l*y twiners to k"c-p tiie flawiM Bhclteied iroiu n-fe c Q^K. â€" Tbc fiueut tl-it^K ket f^r feeding calvo*. b-r f ladical tUll- boose to let oppxsite lb-- l| office. Apply *• «•'"» I'l^'^* Lode. Fleshcrtou. i:tU Br3«-. ««.* *â- â€¢Â»â™¦â-  "'â- "• ri ,u^b p'iittt=. give :li.' convinced. cCoU Brie. A C'.. â- l..i.M.t innDufactnrurH of L.-.n!ii;. [lubricator kn-. an. Trv Iron wa^it t}\co rir-: ' I lN^^t style of (1- • ri*ka I »ii lUt a ' .It ^uts aud tui-' :i I trv Lsriiij juobl'x ii III.!.. ;| .v .f V .» 1)1 li 'Ot' e I" • -â- ^•« '• j" 'Gi/oca i!»j " uior' i. .. Exed apou for tltc- ..ift-r.ii e| lis tbe 6tb r June. [l^uis, Holiiiiias. li.-Us. y. till* Mild Kl- illc I 1:^111 er i Rntis. [ffaciiDDW^eilge Pcrip* of 1 fi| |. TbibaudeMU, Uviiai llunlt. i'»i riptiou to StanI)*ki i.r I'^^jJ ro clitsts of McFarliiini-s .i] I to Manitoba last vrct-k, ai: 1 1 to Owen boil I.' il. Eiji-u.^li i-l lii't purchase ytmr s;riii;,' l' 1 H. Foster's Knglisb inij. I arrive, which be ciji-cis 'il Bb of prunes for $1, iids dust tea i;'"d !lav..ui SiT-uJ I, dried aprk'S ircsh :iiji .- spsrnte IJnrtjainp IJOii p n; I boutti, nuiucns hikI .^ll-r' K rworlll $1, kellll'g fast n kuds. Stilts dress shirts v.\ii'.ti H'.. lallMzes end clieap.ei-t- 'Ktiu. li all the latest now hics. at I £ae's. [Ae bigliest towers in ili- wi itiiose of tiif Cjlgii" til:. Ifptt, or riiiiivali-u{. to l.r.'ij irbn ok's Falcun IVus. I And still tier go. AlU-n M.l ueiis maker, Wiu. Md.t.- d, I; lend Cjutractcr. uud Jatii«?- lUiA iur Manitoba lust week. ati.capR in fflt and htrn.v. ].- I have recievtdtli. tr sjam;; ^I^ »ould ask tlie piilhc i â-  -: Price from jOju t.) *:1.i'm. [lh»Glenelt' Assebrfr'j. s '• i' k| I Tillage this vreL'k, ii« is r\ Itbs Aastsmt-utfioniTio u Umi loter former years. ' new time time table in e\, • into force ibe tirl of M:i M will run Irom Owcu S .ui;,l koto ia an hour lebs time than M ars pleased to havt- oar "1 1 il 'fcr Horse Bills call niiiking nents for tbe pr.^seiit s .i I "ill endeavor to i;«e rit..;.i th* past. •in? shpws ;nv lu-ar at )ia:. Bers aud mecimt ;i.-s in.i-i ' i,, IbiKits. and iluit.r .t K:.v iij Mmd to keep out vhaut. uud *. fce and see tlieni. ^nfatn of sprin-. McT i.u â- isr two milliiiei M -~ i '««B..Brkt-, luxe r.'.:-. "to»itbBOine b.\cly_i;t,..- â- ^fe, eall and see'tiuiu. o«Kday iu MakJiilc. Ai i " ,J*'"«'*t»e- s :».â-  ,!o."ruii.i| •re. If they are not pKiiupa J^«uo.tb«l„,^.^.„.„,.\„, ,M JI'Daftsr to-day. Butter ilia-. Wt^wiU,thecbHuc.-..f«.t ' six bu.^ie s .,( .,r.s u p'-J" County, Ont.iri .. b].,-: r*** ***•« by commiuaig iW- IGT" *»' Mane and will alW •Bctiou, a c w and bous.lj «• biturday tbe 25ib, at Ternaa. over $4. six ujol [tweeds to fit the lurg^~;| ' *»n. by the yard or ui., " eheap as any importer L Itjj^V^ 'urniRh. we nuaraJ »fc -5°" °^- Young mf II reiij^ la, "' yoo â-¼ant a i-ui'/iutt 1^^ VUutiois drawn to Mw^ J "W Cos advertii'emeut tb^y g„ shewing a gr Jf.^ *^' Cards by the fioan makers. ^^ â€" J forms one of thej ^lUrkdale. Tliosewhof i^^orM call and

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