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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 24 Mar 1882, p. 4

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 Assorted 5tock i^ t^^ Clothing „,. i ries, ' ockery. Grlassware Boots and ^h^^ l Bushels Potatoes ii|( EORCE Nixon, ' ^t th» -Mly ni»il»- »»• ttert ^owign and ProyinciJ I »*»*"*,t^.uce. County Busmea^ *^! »T h« opfcon o the pubhs^ "P'A, J,â„¢. Jii^r. without p.yiB« Nc »rre««e8 »r» ible (or the V „,,! .U^v comply -i'l' 'l"' '»^*" T»K»* 150 60 '-*ar 7 /i T^-a b1 ..- Jo .....•••••.•â- â€¢ .„ianaer,fi«t msertiOB. V' w^lBle«.«i"»»«•'"*• '*w\^lLi«(^oent insertion. .. • • »^tf "t m«^ion p^r Im. 37 00 15 Oo 8 00 4 00 60 16 76 16 • „o *^7J»niient insertion ' »^'Se1TuU to be reckoned by th. ft"'*^^ weaoured by a tciJe o( iohd â- -•""Wrf^^nients without .pecifi« K-' Hm be i.ubU.h«. till forbid and l'" 4 Lit AlUrauwtoryad-Mtie*- •^•^t. n. tbe office of puWioetion by -T "fw the Thuriiday morming preceed ffv^^'^-^KtrLEDOB. Proprietor. I^EtSiONAL 4 lUSINEU " fMDFr ft*- DIRECTORY. ^r*ul« Ann*lro»», VOL. 9 .--No. 29. 1*» V*^ soQ Kt TO Bin mwa i AT W. F. D6U7»i ui n*w aoiii'ii iUo ' »i WHOLE No. 81. and brick). naaUrina EMtianlailT attended to in town or eooatiy. EstiniAtM OB work free. DondAik. September 2nd. 1881.1 ni vrUtntftOf, |it«reU«t»«tt#. Wm. Incas Co., ' BANKERS, IM Urse or %mMiX •moonta. •! all Ubm, ^b lood tndorMd notM, or on eoUAtenl aeenrity. „afls, SurgeouH, Accoucheur il«aical Hall I9S0. reaidoaoe at 1-T JW (rgal. DALE MD SHOE JOB' B 7I«nibLAX, r.»\l Y AM' SOLICITOR, IS NOW ^^•^ fH.u;..i..Sto •" kinJaef l»w r oftL^ »t Ka.v* Hotel. ^-^ f,-u»t rro*t, AN1 ATTOUNKTS-AT :n CuriiictrT. Convey Ovju S. •iitid. have resume! at (iff.!* i'»n ev«ry Thursday, a* ioi ' ' ' INTEREST AT 6 FER CENT. lilowed on Sevinga Depoeita. Wf AtttJ) HW« J«AH.' r'"' Come at 7* laui,rai Aeon Ufc'ebcBe euui* â- ^Draftii iaaoed and CoUeetioBa made en all point* at loweat'rata*. W». LUCAS, Manaj{er. Spteember 23. 1880. ' It 1 j'.i-t pUtri.nage I br( t eanaai SelectedskHii Brtrv W ,iu» K»»-r- J. 11 vs«o^, â- Â«i-K.-.rtr: MAM KB ANDDEP.REG Ik ' i juui-- V Nuiuiy Public, ConTeyan J. W. Faoat.LL. B. ,iTn Aitirnev I MHjlii II. to •»"n«la!k. RIVING DAILY •:•• 'I'llt'lll. I Kif 1: Mt« call and get *t|,j gyj I IV' ' I. '» I iculty. •J i^. \il Custom Work] inlcU. [/anzer Sewing Machines ' "'i'.ii fii i-K)h. Also tlie a i .-. ^\ IV fel â-  f ' mU ui ;m»! luiiJatk Boot miiU THOS. HANBURY. i 3m '"lul^EnoI l"N" AT SIX PKK CKNT. ftic-s-O*" Sound, in Vicker's Block „ St mil" MftrkUl«. orer Mefar- •:' ,,,r^ ..n Kii.lav and Salurday every "•*" â-  5r.l) » lrea!»ur A .norrlson. ii;l.lsIr.US.S(.M'-TTOl:S,(:OSVtY. ,i:, ra. .V.C. Ac. fj^.j, ;., Owen Souad. Pufferin Block, gW ;\ V. jfe Store and iu M AR K D A LE. .1 M. l";irliiii'ri» Store on TliumJay week. lend im rensonahl^ tormj. Q. C. l)l-NrAN MORRISOS i;r. i. 15, IbSi. Va-ly B- iP.Ki^ii us, soi.icnuRS, *!f» CON- „s,;u. â-  n. .\Urk(Ule. McK»rl»nr» Block. ,,i. c)U I'aiin Security, at 8 pel IJFl.v» F. TEEPLE*8 CARRIAGE WORKS, DUNDALK, ONT. The aubsciiber it prepared to inpply the public with WAGGONS. DEMOCRATS. BUGGIES, SLEIGHS. CUTTEIiS, BOB SLElGHx, Together with all kinds of rjpairs in wooil or iron ou shi^rt notice, at reasonable rates. F. F. TEEPLE. Dundalk. Sept. 2ua, 7«81. 1-lj REMOVED, REMOVED. J. W. Bowa. Prnti«ttra* Mr. Jamoo J. White l,),:u:t i" It. (.1111. run, Owen Sound. •lil.r.K. \1 THK KKVEUK HOUSE, M ,•„ .... â- 11 '.iie l-'^t Widueaday in |a«iB.u:l..wi..-ii Iu- «i'.l le prepared toper iKatvi'T i' » I'M I w MEmpM, Mti^gia, tsJt£em, iJim^aga, Bmekaeh; 8otetm$» •f tht Clfst, 9mit, Qmntf, tort Thrott, iwH- iagt mnd 9prmitt$, Burnt miii 9mM», Gtmrmi Bt^ilj Paint, Tttfh, Emr \n4 Htt^teht, FrotM PtKt tni Ekrt, tni all 9tht0 Paint and Aektt. W* Vrmmnrntm aa wrth efaal* ti. jA«na OB •â-  â-  mfr, ntr*, »ttnpU «u »hm^ BxtMial KrmMljr A trial Mtalla bat lb* mmfntkitlf totainc Mtlar ot M Oata, uii •vary om MStrlaf alaiaa. Mrvctfeaa la Biana I^BKaafW* â- OLD BT ALL DStTOelBTB US SIAUU nifESioinB. â-². VOOXXER Jb CO.. ROBT. ASKIL., Has opened out a First-Claat For ye ken aor SineawaWebeea aaHed je wM fatthfa' load as' tr«e. The stotiM o' tile togatkar we haV Imt^ battled throiich. ' Te'd think tae lodt baek. ycaterda} bad been oor weddinf day. Yet fifty yean ha'e ulipp'd awa' oor loeka are noo ixnite grey Thoagh o'er the kappy aeeoea o' yooth aald Tim* baa drawn the aereen. Still 'â-  aye aa fond aa aver o' ya mr Mild wife Jaan Oor ROBS, tae seek theu fortune, ha'e er eaaed th« raginK main Oor dochters ha'e left na â€" there in boosee o' their ain Tae see lu left aae lonely, Jean, it mak'i my heart gev fa' The burden aye aeems liditer wfaeB I tell my mind tae yoa. In grief ye aye ootild eheer me, for ye were a faithfu' wife, Ye're words aye gied me oonmge, Jean, to stem the stream o' life We ha'e toddled on together, ye were a trus- ty freon' An' I will lo'e ye tae the day I dee, asy anid wifeJaan. Allki^nSltwe weren't w«alt)9».4^m,4M*had .| ,, W|«tjado«rt«im, ,..;:•;-:;. lWi':5dMt we had we were eon t ao t w di^na .avt and monm i-i Foti imikf keq, ita no troeloTa that pover- ^Akirlbwart, i Ai^^Vdtat'a the gaid o' mona/, Jean, vltboot ' 'ftteting heart )|»teiad a happy lifts, aa' «•'(« no afraid .too daa. I^a ne'er ha'e -teake the toww »*aiiA».be- ' 'Beatb the hawthwm traa -- • ^.;- we towed to lo'e aaeh othtr tft^th y -^ould elose oor aen,- ' -• • ' '-^ UPt^vMVM meet in HaaTW «P jBt my •aid wife Jaan. ivoimwu ' She cttagETi hia inn'imftttfti^f, And gTe hiin on* gaoti* tbiSl'mft •taring at yoo.MtM ^Wrneaat^^What, « tbt uattar with kial f"' ' 'Mia Hctneaatl* tOriMd otlmly tnaai'tbti lyUrap^anJt atttia lootad at thek*r«Dt. •Ha oertatnl; loidtaiwt iL la tbw* MBytbuig I eao do t' 'Har Toice 1' tha baranat mU, in a borror, atrf ek -wfaispai' 'her eyaa, har face. Oh, U^aveD. who ia tUia 7' 'Who?* hia wife eri«d,wiUi a aacopd angry ihake. 'Are you mad, whom •^J^n^MJ^ifh eih^i ^. Jf^ r,bH*lciia»4 ' dan^ w€n% haiâ€" foi '"^ttfiT • aptta't lit! kn. Ir-I'm gautg dewi 'â„¢ ' » ... • T.TV •B»ui don'l M^ anrthiag abwt m hft •ad Wbj don'l Uke Bh« plky* J. C. ATKINSON, TAILOR, Haring remoTed to Main Street, is now pre- pared to fill all orders ou the shortest possible notice. ,iin:.l n}ion the mouth ,iail'.rv lunnner, and upon I T |Hi«(rUuuroa«. DALE loor Factory -LATEST â€" Fashion Plates BECEIVED llECiULABLT. i.i)iN(;-^, )i ()\V li.XTTONS, FRAMES and Shingles, ;.i. IS rroniptly FiUed- I'l .. ,.. ...i,- ..f M^rkd-Ie and Ti. ai»y. •• I I, |.,~i...i..l lio,..s by rios. stt« â- .,11 â- !. !:•,â-  Hi !.ecra fnll 8to«k el U M BER le North Shore. D AND UNDBESSBD. â-  â- â€¢";â-  -â- â€¢ uiainer. fttu. Browa,' JMCBKmF MAUUI.VOtLlCENSBS.Ae 1 I..I1UI11 '.â- â- nt 111 II. K. Af. i. u'fViiii'-i.i-' 11' "' i" i.ranrlies prompth I ia«iel t" ii:i'i c-imfnUv executed. S ti^ U iioy to Lenil on Beal fistate se- I "•â- " ^irUai*. S»vt. i7. lSi*0. 1-y ~T»le»and«*r BrowM, ISSrKU.'f MinriaL-e Licensi-.-i. Fire and Lfe lii-uriin.e A;;ent. Couiinissiouei 1 .1 B. U. .v I'onv.-.viimor and Licen-ied l*.i,»ii».-r f.r llieC.nntv of Cir^-y. Fanners, btcuasi-. mil L»nl Sales, Punctually at- I Ht,,^ to »ra ili:\r-»s made Tery moderate. PriciiUe. «ir|.t. 17.1SW. 1^ R. H. (lisdbraith I C" ri"M- ANI (.ENKUAI. LANP A. AjHHi, W ,.!.am.sfoid ,Stiiti m. Auction k.»»tt«ii.if 1 in nil p«rt» .of tlie County. •*i, ' .I" â-  1. I Kate* modt'iate. »iL«,. iii»,u^s. and SewaiR Miiobine*; also Fri.l.iiJi'::.iiN»iil.ii Trees Vines. Agricul- Wt. Uai^ituif uis, and Machinery of all kind* u • fii.»ia.:.ra. Jan. 57. IIHI. CHARGES MODERATE. Satisfaction Guaranteed Furniture AM UNDERTKIN6 ESTABLISHMENT. And has suppliod a want long felt, especiallT in the Undertaking Line. COFFINS, C.4SKETS, SHROUDS, and all FUNERAL FURNISHINGS, supplied on the sliortes notice. lor hire at moderate rates. fubnTtuke! From the Commtin to the Best and Latest Styles, in averythiug in the une. Gall*il*.3»fi- y'f-'4"3*- ROBT. ASKIN. PART II. Rein«mlei- the Place NEXT POOB TO NELSON'S STORE, • MAIS STREET. Pundalk. NaT., 1881. iseiB. RTATIilllS! J. O. SinK, DnJIlMi'M AND PKOVINCIAL LA5D 3,1! .«.!. lrioi[;lit.-iimii and Valuator, K«iV:.Uii.l Markdale. HaviiiR purchased Si n,ial l.iiid Surveyor 'li:irle~ lUnkin's •iiL'» iU..-:, of iri^'iiii«'l I lel.l Notes, Plans, l»iw!i-, lii..triution« .V.-..ol ail lii" Suivrys •!.« 11. a Mie last tifty-live veari, 1 am •rn»r*l I,, iiiuke Surveys in strict accord- m» Protii»s and Estimates 'rii-i.; i.j ll.!-^. rUus an.l Sp-citications VI«:Ui,,f Uiidces, furnished on avpli^*- t« M„i,.T I.. L.^aii at â- i per cent iiiti-re-t. 0-««r» 1), If. â- T left with li. J- BLYTH, IUilius w li !â- â€¢ |.roB)itly attended to. !•»». IT. l-ii. '-â-¼ T. DAVI!». RUU.l !.l;* CONTI. KiB, (S'.oneand k.i. ' .Alt r .-ouipli-tiiiK It buildings lL.i,»k.;,n t uriil on the irauk and iV still »!'V»f*io !â-  nil kind!" of atom- and brick •or*. (.Itai, ,..• sr.l tuck pointing,' Tliu« '"" .1 l.uildiii will ti"d " '" "^•"' •"i'SUti^T 1,1 ;;,\, lllUl » Call. 8»«ui«!n» .ini«rof lro»n and Sproale 't«l»S Mill M s 16-v Me'at Market: câ€" Meat supplied wholesale and retail 1^ OREAT VARIETY. THE CHEAPEST! BECAUSE THEY ABB T II ^. u K s r IN THE MaBKET. -O â€" Or.lera ciiUe.l for huA moat deliver- ed to any p«rt «-f tlie towu. Shop on Main Street. p s. F*im*r8 baTiug tat calile or •heq. to disit)se ol would do well to let me ki.-w, as I wUi pay cash lot Hucb. W. T. BUNDLX, Dundalk. Jan., 1883. fjotrU. HAIR CUTTING AND SHAVING OK Every Worlci"'g Day, t-*- Ordes tilled for Tomb Stones" Any Nflinber or Style! Promptly supplied from stock on the shortest notice. All nianuf icluie.l by skilled me- chanics, with 'ood material m the Latest and most tmproi^d Style. is also directed to the stock ol second Warkdale. JolT 11. 1^1 tf-tai iiaMe. I'.i^li.oimble and SUple 1 L wi efTer at uced Price* • REVERE HOTEL, T SPROULE, Proprietor THIS i,.;,-i' il t.-l has had a larae ad- ilit.on Miulf.l to il, tuorougiily rehttcu, •*! !â- â€¢ now -ei-.iud lo none iu tlie oounty. '"i «t.iK;,i,^- Hiid stuntive ostler. First- ".iSi •(•(•â- .â- K!ii., latum for commercial travel- •^ Tt-riiio !)^I.OO per day. 17-ly I LECTURE TO YOUNR MEN Oy THE LOSS OF MAN HP O Special a"' i'tion l.-vrco and very sujx'rior growth HICKORY AND WHITE OAK purchased from on. of the best factories in Canada, stUBcicnt to manufacture over Mty WaKRons an.l (.•arriages for the comiug sea- son!^ lnten.Ung purchasers should not fail to make an inspection of my stock and aave money. SEPC^l ATTCMTIOM TO RE- PAIRING H0RSESH0EIN8. fcs-Kemeiuber the placeâ€" second door to Butter Bae's. D. J. SHANAHAN, Proprietor. Markdale. Tec. 2nd. 1881. 64. a^am^ hav. WXI/ edition VW el«'l ;roi.K or Irockery, and Gli**J a1 1 j-rioes and rairjea nment. Iand sAVk pUeaat the ' Toronto COMMERCIAL HOTEL PUICEVILLiB, Cut. Urre and e.mmod.ons Sample Bornis •« lit-l It.piu-. Ac. The Bar aud Urde '•il mil. lied *ith the best the market at '•'lis |«„a Sta'olinp aud attentive Hostler'i THUS ATKIKSON, Proptietea 'save YOURCdMBINGS. "" T. G. Morgan, begs to announce to "•Udiejof Markdale aud yicinity that she â- â€¢ Pi'lii. I to \v..rk up hair combiugs into •^•tliM. ynSs ana curls, terms mudetatr *«»ll II ioUciied. Residence comer of Mi^ J°*Qje«u streets, opposite Mr. Bowea* a, 5J*«w fcy Mail promptly attaadad to. *«M»l«, Sept, 1, 1881. E have rwK-ntly published a new ition of Dr. Culverw ell's bratrd Essay on the radical and nervous DobiUty, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage etc" resulting from excesses. fc*-Prict, in a sealed envelope, only 6 cts., or two postage atamps. The ^lebrated author, in this admirable Essay, clearly demonstrates, from tlurty years' successful pracUce, thcit aiarmmg con^ •^uences may be radicaUv ex're^ .^f»P°' ^« Tngcrous use of internal medicine or Ae use of the knife pointmg out a mode o ciu- at once simple, certain and eff^""" ^^ means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheMT. privately and radicJiUy. l^his Lecture should be in th* handa of every youth and every man m the land. Address The CulvtrwAU lidicil Co,. 41 Ann St^ Wew I'ork. Poat Offlaa Box 480 A" MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A Happy New Year. THirSnbscribel- desires "to call the kMen tionof those about- to commit inatri- mony. that he s prepwsd to. fuxnish WEDDING CAKES, and ever, other article at ooH^ianerj suitable for such occasions, in tne Most Artistic style, â-ºud ot J. flavor and quality, tha, cinno* be ChaptiSB IW. 'ontinuA Thp goTernets, in charge of my lady 8 fat Kiug Charles, had Ukau tha laatiu the carriage. Tb» •arj had uot driven in lb* e*r»i*g* ^^^ ^^ ladies from tbo station. Mup Hern- caatlfr" 8 l«j:ge calm «ye8 had been tttk- iiiif ill everjthmg, m»d Mi»8 Q«su- caBtlp • calm tonas r«ph«d 'It 18 a beaiUifal place, my Udy. But I have seen Scarswood b«for8.[ 'Iud«»d I This is uot your firat visit to bu88ox, theu Was it iuSir Peter's time, or before Pansyâ€" Pearl Lit- tle wielche8,do you w«nt to run under the carriage wht-eU SUud back and bu Jlill 1 Sir Peter, how stupid of you to let those chiidieu run wild in this boiateiou* manner.' It was my lady's first greeting to her husband an ths was assisted out. Sir Peter had come down the steeps 10 meet her, she gave him two gloved liii"er8, then gave the twins first a slake, then a kiss. The littlt nine- year- olUs were miuaturea of her-elf â€" the same round, black eyes, the s»me crisp, black hair, the same petetite leatures and pioportionB,aud so mucli also, like one another that It eeemed impossible at a first glanCe to tell them apart. You disobedient little midget8,their mamma said, how often have I told you not to ush to meet anyone in lliat hoydenish way I What it yonr maid thiukiug of to let you 'Twasut Susau's faalt, mamma,' piped one black eyed twin. 'She told me to stay in the nursery, but me au.i Pansy saw the carriage, and you and auut Cecil, from the window and we couldn't stay. We're awful slad you- 've come, auntie. Our dohs haven't got a summer dress to their backs.' Lady Cecil laughed and kissed the twins. Cluldreu always fell in love *ith her at sight. 'Nor a summer dress to their backs Pearl aud the Season so far advanced, a harrowiui: case which must be at- tended to immediately. Sir Pe^-er, ill oa endorse Psails welcome and say _you are glad to see me like- wise.' ... She gave him her hana with a smile thrft thawed even the frozen nature of Sir Peter Dangerfield. To be glad to ii«e any one who was a vis- itor and daily expense was nut m hu natuifc, but as much things bad to be under the rule of this very much bet ter shook Lady Cecil's dehcate gray glove, aud said .omethiLg about his pleasure in welcoming her to Scarswood. 'And Scarswood is a home to be proud of,' Lady Cecil said-'my idea of an earthly paradise, as I told am- evra coming up. Papa stayed behmd Sir PeUr, talking to a friendâ€" he will be here for dinner. Permit meâ€" Mise Ilemcastle, Sir Peter. Ah, Pansy I ah, Pearl I No more dolls and dress- making. Here is »]aily come all the way from London to train you m the 1 wav you should go.' .... The twins fixed four bw, bright eyes fuH on the governeie. Sir Peter bowedâ€" the goyerne.1 was at some little distanceâ€" then stopped, put up his eye tlasa. and started agam. The That womuiâ€" "IM f ul I Who u she ' 'Miss nerDCAatle. {be oliildren's (Toveruess, yon little idiot I' Lady Dangerfield actnslly called that noble baronet a little idiot, and gave him a seeond shake into the barcain. WLat is there about her to frighten yon, I should like to know ' 'Miss Uerncastle, the governess,' be muttered,falliug bark, 'and for one moment I thoughtâ€" I oonld eworu it was â€" it was â€" ' 'Wellâ€" whom ' 'One dead dead and buried far six long years.' He turned his back upon harabvupt ly.and with that gfastly answer walk- ed into the house. My lady turned auKrily upon her new governess. 'Beally, Miss Hcrncastle,' she be- gan haiigbtily, 'this is very extraordi- nary, I must eay. The Earl of Ruyslaud sees you last night iu the moonlight aud tiikes you for a ghoitt â€" Sir Peter Dangerfield sees you to- day in the sunshine aud takes you for another.' 'Who are yon, pray ♦* The faintest symptom of an amused smile dawned on thr tranquil face of a tall nursery governess. â- lam Helen Herucastle, my lady, and the ghost of no one that 1 know of.' Lady Cacil| lan^^hed outright â€" her -anoet mallow laugh. *IIow absurd you are, Ginevra. Ghost, indeed I Only evil consciences see plioits, and Miss Hernoastle is much too substantial for t^hoBts or fairy. She resembles some one Sir Peter has ouue known, dead sit t8U's, he said. Was there n )t a cousin â€" a young lady who died suddenly â€" an Pan«7 pointecTto IM niuMrj door, witb^wUe«yee ofwoador. s'Iâ€" fcwtootol 4iM IfaSsHiaeHei^BOMtto. mattttiia feteb As Mdf Oeefl, Ob^t' bIm blmd'iaMi'e bluff with -oe, and battle- dore, i bftto -poky people, m does feorl. Miss Hemoftsila ie poky, «nd soTemn, and stiff. Vaf* jou -want h6r T •' ' ' •I'll iOi hte: .n down •gun, 4on't M^ anythiag*^* Bj beiut np'bere, Pansy â€" uere^s a good girl.' He turned ta a Bervoni, irreB'lute â- anner â€" • manner thitt had become I babitaal to him of late yeareâ€" and r he grooped hit way down stair*. Six years had passed since that tiaxio day when he had looked upon Katheriue Dangerfield 's dead face, and those six years had made him an old man. Be morse, terror, nerves, dyspepsia, be it what it might â€" the fitets remained B» Peter Dangerfield at six-and-thirty was an old man. He was one of your fleshlees, sallow people, who natarally age fast, aud since his marriage the change for the worse had been twice as appearent as before, his pale sun- ken eyee looked paler and dimmer than ever, he walked with a habitual stoop, be shut himself up with as dry â- as dust books, and inseots. and fossils, and has little to say to anybody. Tue resident genthry of the neigh- bourhood had iustirctly shunued him sinoe bis accession to Scarswood. Strangers looked yrith a sort of con- temptuous pity at tLe dried up, shriv- elled pityful master of his grand do- main, and he shrank away from these humibatingjlances with morbid pride 'ihe desirs of 'lis heart was â€" Kathari- ne Dangerfield was in her graveâ€" he had bis revenge and his triumph, but never in the days of his most abject poverty had he been half somisserable a* now. Of Mrs. Vavasor he had never heard since that night ipon which be bad paid her price, and they had parted. Iu Paris or Baden, doubtless under some new nom-d* fantcuia she was en- joying herself after her own fashion upon the proceeds of hsr plotting. (to BB OONtlMVKD.l 000 nea aaJ wenan with weak aa Ml Inieyea to tej L»zru A .«rri*' npaslMk*, •(â-  only be saxpliad ky W V. IVU ills ij ail •sr Maitjaia, flsihertca a*4 f-aalalk. lov toNi !â-  oiori 3oo t iadadiac Xaver a«d Kleet'^.riat*! Wan, Cokred and Brlab OoUAiKt-Utiy Dam ••4 and Weddii^ BiailB. Ar..^e. Alaa TIOLINB. ITAUAN ST1.IS08, *e. dMgbt«. Too Modinga were gima by Mr. Irrms. Mr. Wai. MeDMffal sawioae eooff, gave tm reeitatioua, and. with Mr, MeKeDBa,took pact u a. faree. Their effort* were roeu'vcd with great sppUaao. Hub Wilaon and Mtsar* Mofiatt Boe. thrio* Mtnk before the audieuoo, Miaa Wilaoa also eang"8«eet Beasie." Mise Duadae sang two genu, " Star of Heaven." and " Beeene," with good effect. Mr. Clarke tald his bearen in an amuaing maaner that ha bad Maaitoba aa Ih* bcaia. 6au(b«: â- .., ,A-ir â- â-  ' ' â-  " Igaeaa ni ga en loot il I eaa't gat on the train. For jiut like tfrei^ body else I've Wionipag Qn the brain." Mrs. Morgan sang two songB,aeooBpa* niad by MitsHollingsLead. Mr. Mc- lotyre sang " The Last Bftea of lum- mer," and with Mrs. Melntyre the duett " When ye gang awt' Jamie." Miss Hollingshead played two organ soloe in good style. After the inter- val, Mr. Brown. M. W., repeated what the chairman had said raepect- ^bg the Society, prestiiug its claims upon bis audience. The proceeds of en- tartaiume'at amounted to $2C.U1 Soae splendid Organs for sale ^aap at W. F. Dol"s, Wateh Bepairing a SpeeiaUy, aU w_k goaraoteed at W. F. DoD'a. W. F OOLC* Markdale, Feb. W, 1081. 47 -ly • o r AMD $66! B0imr Wr» eiiojpr*' J Tlitre is nv Aa- le» -» *»«b »«oe*. ^- «hop, well, *ai sMHM. Witt eat a week in yonr owiLtown. •5 outfit fiee. No riak. fiveiyibing new. Oapital no* leqmireil. We will faniiBh yoa every- thing. Many are aaUng fortune*. L^^ make gnat Mty. fcadan if yon *anf a bto naas aSwUMi'9Mi time yon wwk, wTil*r^ar»*l«eBfa*-^» Haixkc a Oav. Mvttaad; 1 •â- â- ^ 1 Surprise Parties SuppKedwIth'ev^ry ^^'^Y^" ""^A te«*»neiy on the shoct«t a^" •^ •* reasonab rates. ^«* sonable rate goveriie'ss o».me a step nearer, fixed her eyes upon his face, ma^ a grace- ful obeisance and turned to her pupils. ».- ' » VMill yon give me a ktsa, my ^eor 7 You are Pin^yi »», /J*. '^^'IT^'Z Pearl Ah. I thought 1 could tell the difference though yon are eo mnch ".I*tnMi, fiir P*t*r.y»»«^.a»it^5 upholsterrrs fitted np the dming an«^ drawiu. room,^^rduigtomy orders tZ. GoS gracious. Quiniuetwhat is tl»at man 4anog at f ^Jj^\ 'Imposter,* said Lady Dangerfield, •Yes, there was- 1 dare say it is she It's not Miss Hernoastla's fault.I sup- pose, that she must resemble deait people,but it s very exti aorr^inary and very unpleasant. My nerves have r«- cieved a shock they will not recover from lor a week. I hate scenes ' Aud then, with a last backward, distrustful glauo* at the governe8S,my lady swept away upstairs in very bad temper indeed. But bad temper had years ago become a chronic complaint of Lady Dangerfield. The world had gone wroug with her in the days wf love's youns! dream, aud soured tfa4 milk of hauran kindness witbin her for all time. It was uot Miss Hern- castle's fault, perhaps, that^ people should mistake her at first sight for a ghost, still it was vexatious aud ex asperating, and if her narves were to be unstrung in this raauuer. it would ^position to-day. perhaps have been better to have paid a higher price for a commonplace person, who would not startle earls and baronets into mistaking har for spirit for their loved ones gone. Laav Cecil lingered for a moment behind' She laid her slender glove- ed h«nd on the arm of the governess, and looked into her face with her rar- ely sweet smile that had driven so many men fathoms deep in love. •You will not mind Lady Danger- field, Miss Herucastle, she is nervous and easily irritated, she has had a great deal of trouble in ber liletime. and little ttiings annoy har. These niomeutat«ir£ta^iens pa|B with her as quickly as they come. Do not let them annoy you.' ' Sweet aiid gracious words, spoken with sweet and gracious meaning. Miss Herucastle, still standing with Bijou humhlv in her arms, looked up aud their eyes met,- the eyes of the workiuK-weoiaii and the delicate, high bred patrician. What was lu the gaze of those steady gray eyes that made Lady Cecil recoil a sUp What in the expression of the^et face tliatsnade her «move her hand hastily and shrink-away T Bbe «eald nwre^ have told, the eyes were calm,the face emo- tionless, and yet â€" •You are very kind, my lady. I am not annoyed â€" I have no right to be. People in my pisitionare not apt to be sensitive, still. I tUauk you very much.' Lady Cecil bent her bead, caught up her gray okirte, and swept awav. •Whoever Miss Herucastle i», I tjiiuk she must have seen what they call better days. She is a lai^ evi- detilly, in spite of btr position. She retracts me and repels me at once. They are handsome eyes, but bow coldW, how hardly they look at you. A striking face.the face of a clever wo man, and yet I can't hke it. Some- thing in the look she gave just now, made my flesh creep, and she doesn't resemble any dead pezaon ever I knew. Papa took ber for a gh'Bt,and Sir Peter, toe. How very odd.' PerhaEB sue wpuldjiaye. thought it yet more odd could she have seen Sir Pbtec Btfll lingering farther dbwu the entrance hall, screened by a porphyry case taller than himself, aud vratelicd the governeea, as one «f the eerraDts oondOBted ber to ber ebamber. Still mn« odd, ooold *he have •een hhn follow, ae thongh dni%i» by eomeirre- natiblo (aeeinataon, un aloDg eorridora and iNillertee, watil be stood In the .|iMoago:i««li^4o tho Borserf, and the Tocmaof tbo yw o iuo e e laad the «taUdNn. ' ' ' HWle ho a«*rf frfcablat^ bai^y h»o#ingbat to w M *e or #hy be tko *«rBerf door '6p«n«d, on* otlll»lPw«» "ftaiio boo»ioiil|t-out. and ran h*adlon»«gainot hiBC j«-tho A. O. U. W. CONCBBT AT DUFrBBIJ* HALL. One of f ur oubBcriber* went up to Toronto on important bUHnese. He is a plain old man, wears an old style bat aud homespim clothes, and reads our paper. When in King St. a slick looking stranger professed to know him, asked bow ths family were, when he came to the city, and when he'd return, the old man declined the prof- fered hand, and said, • That's all right young man, never mind the prelimi- naries, git right down to bnsiness at once. You've got some goods at the depots sad want to pay the freight,but hain't got nothin' less than a hundred dollar cheque. Would I hold the check and let you have $60 45 to pay the freight Or p'raps you've just dravr^d a prise in a lotteiy, and woul 1 I step around with you and git the money Or, p'raps â€" " but the confi- deuoe man had slipped away. The old man chuckled to himself ' Slipped up that time, Mr Bunko I'm postei â€" I've read the papers.' Facts and Flrnblas. 76 oents irill aocnre this paper till the and of 1882. Life Inanranee is a provision againai Lcoatiugeuey to which every human ling is subject. The mtt wLo gets bit twioe by tho eanio d is betUr adapted to tho» kind of business than any other. There will he a fine field for lawyere in the North-west when some of the title deeds to property have to bo proved. The following sentence of only 84 letters contains all tha letters in the alphabet "John quickly extemporised â-  five tow bags." Guittean rars'y reads his bible and is never seen prayiug. He is leas talk- ative tban formerly, and txhibits no sign of insanity. Teunysou, poet lauraat, has repa- red a song of thanksgiving for the Queen's escape. It will be snog in the Colonies on May 24. ' '•The Horse and His Disease," is a valuable book of near lUO pages. I*. will be given to each subscriber to this paper who pays iu advance. Mr B. J. Milne, of M«aford found a purse iu Toronto the oth^r day Its ottner was disoaverad, and Mr. Milas generoiirly refused any ul (he offered reward. A young conple were baptized tog*- thsr at Tiousdale, Tenn., and imore* diately afterwards they were married, in their dripping garments by thi same clergyman. An item fo' wivesâ€" Take a horrid, nasty tempered husband (if you've got no other) pour a nice dinner into him, stir him up gently, and then aee if yoa cau't dfaw the f 6 bill you want for a new bonnet. ^1' e -1 f^ For •^JSitfittrD* **^j«^*°^.5' '.H^. whoro'B tbo ftUf iW T An entertainment announced for 7.80, on Fridaj evening, commenced soon after 8.30. The purpose of tha gathering was to lay before tha pub- lic the object and aims of the Ancient Order of United Workmen, in order to increase its members. The chair was taken by the Rey. A. Wilson, P. M, W. of the Markdale Lodge, who, in this opening address, gave a brief his tory ot the Order. He said that if was founded in 1868 in the State o- Pennsylvania, and although establisn- ed only 12 or 18 years, held a proud It was introduced into Canada iu 1877, and the first lodge opened was at St. Thomas, and sines this time 189 lodges have been established iu Ontario alone. The work of the order was very successful last year, and its members bad greatly mcreased. In the beginning of 1881 its memt)ers numbered 8.187, and now it was about 5,000. At ths same pe- riod the Order carried a riak of $6,- 800.000, and now it bears a risk of bbont $9,000,000. The number of aBseesa.ente made were not in eqoal proportion to the deaths only 18 as- sessments had been made to meet the call tor $4G,000 caused by 23 deaths. The Order embodied the principle of benevolence and brotherly aid. It was every mans duty to provide against the uncertainty of life, and thus durmg the worker's lifetime to provide for those who were now de- iPsnding upon him. In paying the assessments, every member must feel that not only was be fulfilling his ob- ligation as a member of the Order, but also tiiat every dollar he was call- ed upon to pay was going to the re- lief and support ot some widow or orphan children. The Order was one that inculcated good btbits. No one could be sdmitted nnleee he could kiing a (ood character. A great deal had been said about the Order, its aims, and its mode of procadture, but had not older ordersâ€" the Freemasons and others â€" been despised when they I were first established, and when they were weak, and thus it was with them. The Order was neither sectarian noi political, but purely benevolent; on its rolls coold he found the names of uttu of every profeesion, and mea ot every shada ol|epniun. When be re- r*c«ntly atCbnded as a delegaU at Hamilton, he was surprised, but pleas ed, to find himself among Bucb an ar- ray of %ooi.^ sound menâ€" lawyers, ministers ' Motbodtst punisteni, who were saro to bo oonnoeted with evory good thing â€"and othn workers. The •xamingtions which memben wore pat tbwu as rigid as possible, 4he livee of rntnUn wore yoaog lives â€" among tbera this eyening were membsM srtto wefo'Hie yory picture of good health aad long'flfo. The very fact of Ha existwicef its r«;nd growth, and the Work il ^lr*adjr aecoaplisbed spoltt yolope* aj ,^ |ta thproogb offi- i«»W9'*i»H!l*» •^oiiaapdod Ike, Order i imt§ttirm^Â¥^ Ulfr •ttsalioa of ' Iml *^'A'Tp wliti»lW 'bf ' «nyfadl ^t^-fW^ifi^th.-"lb. htiaiHttialic thaifok ooags, on llUr'ar^ W U* HOMK. Dr. 0. W. Holmes soys :â€" I aever saw a garment too fine for a man or maid there never was a ehair too good for a cobler or a cooper or a king to sit in never a house too fine to shelter the human head. These ele- ments about us, tbe glorious sun. the imperial moon, are not toe good for the human race. Elet^ance fits man. But do we not value tlfese tools a lit- tlemore tban they are worth,and some mortgage a house for the mahogany we bring to it "1 had rather eat my dinner off the head of a barrel, or dress after the fashion of Johj the Baptist in the wilderness, or sit on a block all my life, than consume all myself batora I got to a home, and take so much pains with the ontside whan the in- side was hollow as an empty nut. Beauty is a great thing, but beauty of garment, house and furniture are tawdiy ornaments compared with do- mestic love. All the elegance in the world will not make a home, and I would give more for a spoonful of real hearty love than for whole ship- loads of furuiiUrc and all the gor- geousnesK all the upholsterers in the world can gather.' EAILWAY MATTEBS. The Great Western bas leased the Credit Valley Bailway for a term of 999 years A Bill hae been introduced into the Commons to prevent the amalgama- tion of Bftilwayi which have Been aided by bonuses uiiless they have express provisions in the Act reppecting each of the companies to be amalgamated. No amal-jamation to lawful 'jtiless and until bonuses or privileges granted be previously repaid or restored or the grant or promise thereof cancellel. There is every probability that it will become law. The Rill of the Toronto. Grey and Bruce asking the Dominion House to declare that road for the general ad- vantage of Canada, and to give the company power to amalgamate with or leave the road to the Ontaria and Quebec Co. has been withdrawn. The opposition was so strong that it was deemed advisable to let the bill drop. The present holders ef the T. G. B. must eitbv own the road ae an inde- pendent line against the active compe- tition of the Grand Trunk or carry out the excellent arrangement entered into twtween the T. G. A B. and the Grand Trunk. A new comer was questioniag an old settler. ' How long sit:ee yon cams here ' ' Young man,' said he, point- ing to a lofty peak, ' yon see that bill acMss the liver well I kirn here, sir, when I hat was nuthin' but a bole ia the ground.' Hundreds of tents are be^g pal op in all parts of the city of WiuDi|eg to accomodate immigrants who are now pouring into the city. Regnlar aad special train« are Itiden every trip with people froni botb Canada ond tha Uuited States. ' Mr. Browup, father wants to hoi' row your Staudard he only wants to read it.' ' Well, go bark »nd tel! yomt father to send me hip supper, I oaly want to eat it. Ti 11 him the scbserip- tiou is only $1 a year, and if paid ia advance. hH ran ^rot a boi^ that will tell him how to cure tha»e two horses of his.' The little ones will keep on sa^nr thini^s. Six year o!d Mabel is ia* dustriously engaged in "cleaning oat" a preserve Jar which her mother bas just emptied. Four year oid Bobby looks at her for a w'lile, and tkea blurts out, "Say, sis, don'l yea wish you con Id toru it inside oat so's yoa could hck It 7 ' NEW YORK POST OFFICE. Wm. H. Wireing, Esq., Asst. Genersl Supt. Third Division Mailing aad Diftribntmg Dept., New York Poet Office, in writing concerning St. Jacobs Oil, says The reports frem the several superintendents and clerks who have used tbe Oil a^ree in prais- ing it highly. It bas been found effieseioas ia onts, burns, aorenees ana stiffnees of ths joints and muscles, and affords a ready relief for rhennmlic complaints. Hon. T. L. James now Peetmastor- Omeral of tbe U. 8., ooa- onrrod u tho foregoing. WoBKiHOMaw.â€" Before yoa begin yonr beayy spring work after a winUr «f iel»xalbnyo«r system needs eleans- fng and strotrgthing to prevent an at- tabk of Ague, Bilious or spnog Fever, or eome ottier Spficg siekneee that wiU anfit tou for a soaoon's work Yoa" wjll A little boy was a'cnstomed to aaj grace in his father's absence bis younger brother was an impatient boy and one day when company was pre- sent, helped himself liborally to cake before a blessiog was asked. The lit- tle master of the ceremonies said, 'For what we are about to receive, and for wbirt Cliarhe has ciready helped m- self to. the Lord make us tntly thank* ful. Amer." Particulars cf the eataetropha la Dakota on the Northern Pacific Rail- road show that eight persons were killed outright, and a numt»r serious- ly but, it is thot7glit,uot fatally wound- ed. "The accident arose from one of the car wheels breaking, causing two sleeping cars, in which were 80 men, to jump the track and fall ever tho bridge to tbe river beneath. 'J'bo oars took fire, and all the victims were horribly burned. The coroner's jury have found that the wreck was accidental. A Ooos HorsBWiFB.â€" When she i« giving har houhe its spring renova- ting, should bssr in mind that tho dear inmates of her house are mora precious thau msnv houses, and tfa.*i their systems need cleansing by puri- fying the Blood, regulating tha ato- mach and bowels to prevent and OBfo the diaeases arising from spring ma- laria and miasma, aud shs mosl know that there is nothing that will do it so perfectly and surely as Hop Bitters, tbe purest and beet of medi- oines. jou save x«u W.M -V- time, much «ieknoM book an.l aioney iTgS'sTj^-^ifV.K.wiltuse one Hamilton's H..I. and a letter boua si flop Fitters ia you^ faauly I wallet I'ovad who the awn.r was t5?LoBlh. Dw'tw*. wfusedaltat^-omsi^^d. The ottier day Mr. Jonathan Batty, of the 11th Hue. )^i. Vincent, eolo a ap^n of horscH to Mr. Arthur. Mr. Battv proceeded homewards with $28£ safe iu a pocket-bodk in the insido cont pocket. Wli«.n arrived home ho ascartain'id that he had lot' bism.-*ey Noxt day he came t^i town fir the porpoee of trying to find tir* ibouey. When he arrived oppoaite lift- Mo- Kay's on tbe 16tb and 16th Kidelino, Mies Mary McKay hail d hfin, and presen'ed him with the lost pockei^ Ptief'Hind tiiem oa iu tho Sho M •«i "

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