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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 24 Mar 1882, p. 3

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 i 1'» mh t ;â-  r if (IP M m Vli' ii I, \t ilV I 1 » 'â- â- il lOSOBAHGB nr. BiiM. L ao» ft mmmm M ptob lug »• .^ulljto. WM lu(iil7 WewrfBl la fc«|w U i biin MhCuMi k«t the flHIN'«t balMaa of «â- Â«â€¢Â« ia Oat ^wfoniMd by fitttfMk Bl»«l ttittan. ttMt iDiitebt«Mi ftuaua «* ^kiod i«ri- Iw wkirfa «ete «t abca ofon llw bftwda, tiM 8ti^ tUb iNwand Am KjdiMT*. wkik H in ter«tigtiMDs Mm wliol* EUPHBA8U COUNCIL. At k)M iMrtaif h«ld oq Mar. 8. all Um mtmhtn wtn pnwnt. TM minokM M bat â- e wi on war* imi aoi aaofirik^i. f h« soiTOTor DM t^tpoiatad to da- fiua the |Hrap«r limita of tba road mn. luiig betwaen 37 ani 28, 1 and 2 eon. TUe Raara, Mr. Erskioa and Clark ware appoialed to aattla with ilr. A. T. BuebaLMD. The RecTe and Deputy R^ra war* tppotai»i to anqaira into the naoaai i- ij at Ofiauinx danation road on lot^, eon. 6. Mr Baohanao to raeaira $9.S3 pay- iaaut in fail of arrvarf of tates char' gtfd against the S| lo 2. eon. 0. The application of tb tru tees of b.S. 15 f jr the isaning of deb utureu %a« laid aside. ftttUX' *t6 the Pnblic. Lsdies Olid GtHtteaum: I woald annonnc* to the inhabitants of Dnndftlk and surrounding country that I am an authorized agent and am now prepared to sell the best eiw d i â€" u i w » d as it H eartain ia ito ait â- addMaaoiUialar. BatIhaovBi FROM THE 0NEONTAPRES8,!l.r. OneonU, Maw Tork, Jan. 6th, 1881. EariT Uat gamoMr Ifaaan J. B. KaadaO A Co.. of EDoabnrxh FaUa. Vt., aadaa eoa- traet with the paW^ora of the Prem tor a baU eolnmn adTertia«iDetit tor one /«ar aat- tiiin forth th« marita of Kandall'a 8f ria Cara. At th« aame time we aeeaied frooi tha flna a qoantit} of buoka, entitled Dr. Kandall'a Traatiae on the Hmae and lua Dia- aaaea, which we are giTing to adTaace f»jiaf aubaer'hera vf tha Preu aa a yiwaiom. Aboat tha time the advertiaelneot firat ap- paared ir thia paper itr. P. O. Sehemerhom. wh'i reaide« oeti CoUieni, had a apavinad bone. He read the aJTertiaement and oon- daded to teat the effleaey of the remedy, al- tbongli hia fneodii lauded at bi« eredafaty. a bought a bottle of Kt^ndaU' Sparin Cora and oommenoed OHing it on the borae in ac- cordanoa with the direetions, and be infona- ed ui thia week that it effected anch a complete (tire tbatoD expert borseman, wboexamined the animal r«centlv ooald find no trace of tlie rl(«Tiii or the place where it bad beeu lucatet Mr. KcUermerbom baa Kiuc« secured a cop; of Kenuall's T reati -e of the Horite and bia Dii(fa-«' wbieb he prizes very biRhJy «nd wooU ha loth to part with at any I'rice. prf So SSflNG lACHHES! mannfactiu'ed. They are the world-rencNnMd New YtrfcHiitflreri mn And, moreover, there is no person that ever used one of them will dispute this, asser- tion. Mf Ei'sit:Ue waa aatb^i^iaed to get ' j'^^"i" ""'•*"?* »""'" ""'^YT' ° I mnch for a/|vrti8ine reliall' articlps. mdeiina 6 and 7. eon, 11 and 12 open |Cendall'8 SpavlH Cw9. for public travel. • New Hamburg. Out D«. 2Htb, 1881. Tiia RaCTa waa authorised to gat I Mr. F. H. McCAlIam, Dear Sir :â€" The bot- the job on QniBton H hill completed, j "• »' ^Z" ,J^-u.l»ll 8 Spavin Cure bought of ' 1 7°^ '**^ sunjuMT :ive me the utmost satis Funds «ere fumisbed to defend the suit betwaen Nuble Clarke and the Monicipalitj, Tbe CoUo wing accounts to b« paid, ^Rowaell and Uutebiusuij, Toronto, $i2.U for StAtioncrT. ioiiuvon and I)odson, Auditois, fU.UU aaeb. tiamuel McCourt fur repairn on tbe approaches to Uea\er river bridge, 18 and 19 wieline, (2 James Gibsoa $30 for work on 3 4 sideline, cou. 7 H. Tbe Council adjourued till Apiil 7. BoBEBT DuKLop, Tp. Clcrk. VToacrNomi*. â€" Bafora jou begin your heavy spring work afisr a winter of rel»xatiori,5our system ne»d eleaus- iiig and strengthing to preveut an at- tack of A(iue, Bilious or spring Fever, ur somr otLer Spring sickness that will unfit you for a season's work. You will stva time, much sickness and grtst expanse if yon will use one bottle of Hop Ritturs in your family this mouth. Don't wait. IIO\V GIKLS KISS. The Maine girl kites as though shd were tskin» an iinjirvssion in chewing gum, the New Y'rkgirl as if she w»-rc dabbling in a Wall street speculnti u. The New Jet ay girl's kiss is as fiery as applejack, while httle Delewaro ijirl's are aoft as peaehes. T'le Uhio girl goes in for big a kiss, while the English girls kiss is hke eating sugar candy. But tha Canadian girl carries the cake. When sua kisaas a fellow, it ruuM throu'h all the veins and always leaves a lingering xen'ation de- lii;htfiil iu it:i cxquiii'euess, it is a coiiibinnlion of all the joys of the pre- suiit «nd tb futuro cjinbiueJ in one awoet momout. A CURE FOB CROUP. Apply flaiinal s^tura'ed widi Ha^vaid'H Y( lloA Oil anl administei the Oil iiiturii:illy on a liule sn^'ar »â-  din ctt.ll on tha bottle Yellow Ojl cn.fn Kli'iunHtiin-. Biriis, Scaldv, :ljilllaiiis, Lameness, and all flash woumiIm. All ilf-altrs siipp y it, price i 25 uoiits. TRAGKDY AT GHAVE.nUURST. faction and criormeti a wonderful cure upon a mare miietrfn years old belonging to me, which was baiiy fDaviued for t«u years. She waa sv lame tliat I could hardly get her to move. Tbe hkmenei-a is entirely gone after luing half a brttle of the core, and sh* is like a yottng borrc sKairr. Tours truly. J. F. Both. FR0.1I A PROMINENT PHYSICIAN. Washington VI Ue, Ohio, Jun« 17th, 1880 Dr. i. B. Kendall 4 Co.. Gents :â€"BeadinK your adverti^mest in T'irf, Field and Farm, uf Kendall's Sparin Cure, and baring a Tal- nable and spL-etly horse wbieb bad been lame from .ipaviu fur eighteen monthH, I sent to yon fur a bottle by expre^;, which in six weeks removed all lameness and enlargement and a large splint from an'tLer liurse and both burses are to dav aa Koiind as colts. The one bottle whs worth t6 me one hundred dol- lars. Bcspcctfnlly yours, H. A. Bgrtolztt, M. D. Kendall's Spavin Cure. ox UVJiAm FLESH. Thousands ot trials od Luman tie-h has provud beyond a doubt that "KENP-iliL'S SPAVIN CURE" has sufBcient strength to penetrate an i virtue to cure the worsl cases ef rlicnraatitm, corns, biinvoua, frost-bites, or any bruise, cut or laifaeuess which are not affected in the least by ordinary liniments. It duea not blister but on the contrary re- moves all soreness. 8t. Johns, P.Q., Oct. 27th, 1881. Dr. B. J. Kendall A C.v., Gents :â€" About a year ago I fell in tbe road onto some ice and was badly hui t iu the hip joint, wbieb caused me much suffering. I tried various reme- ilies Iml none gave relief, until I tried Ken- dall s Spavin Cure. I applied it fullstrengtb twice a day fur twc weeks during last October and it effected a p!rfevt cure. I hare sinee then been well and free from lameness. Ik ij very Mtluable iur man as well ui beast. Yours truly, Crestsb K. Obbbi. Kendall 3 Spavin Cure. Is sure in its effects, iniid iu actions as it does not blister, yet it is penetrating and â- powerful to reach every deep seated pa.n or to remove any bouy g-owth or other enlarge, ments, su'jh as spavins, splints, curbs, riug- bues, callous, swellings and any lameness and all enlargements of the joints or limbs, or fur r'leumatism iu man or fur any purpose for which a liuiment is useil fur man ur beast It is now known to be the best Uuiment for uian ever Ustil, acting mild isd yet 'jertsin in its effects. Sonil address for illustrated circular which we I ink gives p sitive pioof uf its virtues No remi'ily has ever met witli such uuquali fled iucciss to uur kuuwledge, for beast as Well as iiiiin, I'rce Jl per -bottle, or six bottles for So. .\ll I'riigK'isis have it or can get it for yon, or .t will be sent to tiuy address on receipt of (irii-t. liy the pioprittors, DR. B. J. KEN- 1.\I.L A CO.. Knusburgli Falls, Vt. oOLD Y ALL DRUGGISTS. I.viuaii Sons A Co., .Mootreal, P.Q„ Whole- sale .\;;riit3. 71. PLEASE CALL AND GIVE THEM A TRIAL N.B. â€" Old machines bought JAMES HANNA, Agent. Dondalk. V*t. 90th. 1881. IStf Foundry! AND MACHINE WORKS. Ws are prepared to execute all kinds of mmi mm^ Turning and Bonng, WITH General Lathe Work Dona in a practical manner. A PERMANENT CURE FOR LAME BACK, uSiry Or,«», or •»»f»^» -•' ' WM â- ^•BpwumoB. • • Ketdi. Atffl ». *»• ciTiDC eatira sa t i af a nt i o B. fMi wiah yoa m oraMwl sales for so TaluaWe a rwnedy lor DiaMiata of tha Kidneys. Signed. Ds. J. B. MOBDEN. grief rwiit-fad. i.fio: »««»1« M: Speeiil Pad for Chronic I»«»^' *?' 2*T5«rDni«i.t forP.«phW«n«l Teab- â- wiiali. frrt Bold by ^^.._. PABKKB CO.. Owan Sonnd. J W. ELLIOTT, Ctataworth. â- XKPBfMB McCABBOLL, Umbiti. U. BICBARDSOM, FlaabertM. HBMBT PABKBB. Pnrhav. fS THE KEY TO HEALTH. Unloekf all the elog;"' avntaeioftht Bowvla, Kidneyi tad Ltnt. canying •ff cradaally witboat weakening tbe stMod. all tac ifflpaikia and foul humora at tb* â- beretions at the tame time COCnctiU Addity of th* StomMlL curing tut- nnniim. Dnprnnn, HeMUchet, Dii- liniM HautbniB, Oooctipatioii. Sryaen of tlw Skin. Dmmr, Jim.' soaof^fioii.JMiodice, ButBkova. Brj^palM, Soroftilik FlnttMiac of tbe HMurt, VoToanun ud Oonoiml OttbOitr all these and many other tini. lar Complaints yield to the happy infl tieoc* oTBUXOOOK BLOOD BITTEB iMWto BotdM lOe BccDlar riMfL For sale by all dealers. â- kBDMBH a C*.. PrayrlctOTs, T* :^ti^ (/) w Ui O ol n All affraT, iivrlvi i: th* (Lati shaiitv luuii iHiu'-i MM,ii*ii, • (â-  curred at iIiIh lKi-f (ni ilniiiiiiav U-t. At tlie sirinK "f tli* war ^ilautvLU«(l tC'9 It to tliis \;1Ih;i' nii i r8if luorecr luhS vi'l'-iii.-)' are if fr.-qu- ij occurniicp. This ;m.. ii Aii|K':ir Mc.Mulli.'ll got lull) ti^ 1' ;)l|i. III tr iiiLlo was ]iiieiei' fu tlie liiuf lcii., Siil)Ai'(|iieii*.ly be WHii lull 'We i by ae Tera) intiii, who heat lum m(i Kwcrcly fhnt he filed from Inn iiijuties the ful- lowiiij; d«y. A fiiaii iniiiied Giliraiier. was arrested, but luade his eacap* from thu cuusiuhiea. Tiie villitge i tL«i rci'ue uf ^Ttfut t-xcitemeut. PERCHERON HORSES â-  LARGEST â€" ^^ Importing and Breeding ESTIBLISHIENT WORLD. ly^'.tNlOUS I.WENTION. Som« ahrewd Yaukee baa invented a aey tlal will wind any watcii, it is titH ueett^t aUachmaut to a cliaiiu, and it is said to work like a cliArm. S • di^d that ^miJ Kjy k healili â€" liurdxck liKxid Btttera, t(i« fn^HteMt diseuvery the nfi^. It Uuldcka all tht secretions, and cluanses niid iii- -viKoratfS th» entire i^Vkt^'in. Sample buttlhii, 10 'Mtutii. large siz* $1.00 of all luediciii* dealers. Or.ANOE GRAND LODGE ONTAKIO WEST. OF "^riie annual meeting was held at Strathruy on TueiMlay and Wednesdav Frb. 21 aud 22. Tiie report* were all of a v«try Mtiafitctory character. A ro»olutioQ was p^isaod condsmuing the rvct ni Glibs article ou the Toronto PLOWS! And Plow Points will receire otir special attention, knowing through practical experience the beat elasa of Irons for such: Box Stoves, Sugar Kettles, Land Boilers, will reoeire our {attention. We also intro duoe our new FAMILY MANGLE! to the puolic. This new machine will mangle Linen, Cotton, and Woollen Goods, giTing them a beautiful smooth and glossy appear- ance. It also improves the clothes, whereas hot irons injure them. We will also manu- facture CAST-IRON GRAVE TABLETS! with or w.thotit marble slab for name, As.; also Tbmb Bailings, Pall Pillars and Orna- mental Cast Iron Chains for same, also all kinds of BalluKt^r Railings, House Fencing â€" plain and ornamental. Machinery Brass Castings of every description, Brass Bells, largo or small. MOFFAT BROS. Markdale, Not. 1881 f*.!; G. GRANT. W»5. W. DUNHAM, I, Dn Page County, HUnolai, U. 8. A. (35 milea west of Chicago.) SnHua thtpatt 17 momfht 990 STAXf ZJOSshm £ABE»haveb„m impoi!£a ^wm /Vnnee re thU emtmbllshmeiU, b^ing MOIte than tbe enmMMed tmportmUotu at •II elfter Importer* of Druft aorwea /Wm mU parU qfEmropt fitr any oa* yMn. OM'-^/Tk of tbe entire noobar ot f inp*rS ol yrrneK Bormrt io America can oa aaan oa Bis farm Bis Importattooa haw inr'ndTj tba Priaa Winnen ol tba Onivmrnt Bxpâ€" Mom,. fariM, 1II7«. and nearty all tbe PriasBaMae M tba Oiaat Shows of FiBDca aiaeo his impoc* tKtiutia o»i g« n TtMy miwo oanried off the boaora at the Caotennlal. 187C; and. a* the OrxM PmitCtrMSKOin, On tamvHUl»m with ttta tarvwf aod ftntrnt ooBaMoa ot Otwdf Undertaker â€" ANDâ€" CABINETMAKER, Has now on hand Coffins of all sizes and prices. Choice Farm for Sale. 2 MILES FROM MARKDALE. LOT 1 19. Concession 1 Artemeaia, Bast side T. A S. Road, containing 50 acres â€" 46 of which is uuder cultivation, aud the balance hard timber. The above farm is a very desirable properly and will be foU cheap, A good frame bnrm and log house is on the place Possecsion given this fall. For furtlier par- tictilars apply to WM. LITTLE JOHNS, On the premises or to C. yf. BcTLKDos, Markdale. Sept. 2nd, ItMl. 51-H. HACYARDS YELLOW OIL CURES RHEUMATISM FRiaEMAJTS POWDERS^ CO CO O 03 1-3 ij ^S CQ CD CD CD B rem «I7 Has the Largest and Best Aasorted Stoi ' sistingof "»^'^t^, Dry Qoods, ^J ^el^ Made Clothing ineryj 91^inthrM teMMi of tba -T "«iq|ttl all air* Aa tipiioa e t|»* I 1.1' Groceries, Crockery, T Q-lasswaje j V. Boots and -•'y ' â-  -â-  " â- â- â- -- ' Gash for Grain. 5,000 Basbels Potatoes ly^l GEORGE NIXOK DUMLALK, 8«pt. S, lUl. " D U N D A L K ih BOOT AND SHOE ©'.ToieE INTHA.NKINOmynniBsrous eustojiers f'-r pa»l patronage I fcfitoto*.^ am HtiU U tha for* wUh tha .i. •«»iii,^ kgiestlestSeWstiii Of Boots Sill Shoek sTnonght iijto '"oUalk. Am pleasant to take. Cootain their owb pDzgative. Is a safe, sore, and etteetmaM t ou uj or ot w9rau in f"IHrrn vt t^^lWi TO XtEIST. ri^HOSE SPACIOUS AND FIRST-CLASS JL stores in the Beid Block, Oood cellars, full size of building, under each store. Also the dweiUngs over tne saiil stores, oon^isting of kitolien, diuing-ruom, parlor, five bed- rooms and large hall. The stores and dwell- ings can be hnd singly or together. Term.^ moderate. Apply to JOHIT BEU), Markdale Mark.'.itle. Feb. 8:h. 1833. 74 St. IBaat Bailclaa arar Bade. i t i la s Mf tt Hov«t^Sw4l*H. Man* t •a' OandaUoii^hthaaikAsMaad an tin propcftiM of an other MMmh '•(natMt Blood Purm«r,LI**r 1 fit, and HwlUllMHifli^ BsygiitiivU^ Taani *KtVbik Iwhoas ipcHritiljloac eiM wkarsBm ' TaitMiaiidpscwtars«M ^kndTlmtotkssfitssttai iplOTiiMBlKsaM tmcBlarl' qyliaaa Bop Bitten anil lOMins. KoiinTlst *\0kjMit •n Wftat Um dlMMt or I taeS. DaMwaitutajoai oalJ^lMlkad ormiacnl' It iMir lan jawUf*.U I iee««WiaMtgri orkslp. OoMt â-  r,kNit esa and Bra* ^ai1au7 ^ToBle and mild kMliisk Without Intos^ dnuksa Boinsii sad MTV* and •» •hovMkaMihoat" BoyMlli liss kattteFai • illM •WiUBS^ ksllBCS ar (rapa Viwu Is on Sao 1 rick k*» if J ISUl«B St Si IsaTsd baadn th«7 wffl Bat rIM/MrMMdi ••â- i*||Op7 b4 1 «r tanilT^ 4mlâ€" OTtt shown, eonaii Den at tha Gb«at Shows ot rtaa wii aod En- 60BE TUliOAT. Apilj HM7»rd'a Y«lliw Oil and bik* luwardljr accortlini; to dinctiuna. Tttllow Oil ia Um iMai raoiedv for Ithauiuatikui, Nearalgia BrnisM, Bnriia^ iTroat KitM aod al) Uib«i«m, lndamui.'iioH anl pam. Vo iioua«- toiU-sK(rRl L«' wiUi-iui it. â-  tfbdT i#«H 4$na0n!« «M only jnat ftiduig tiut'Utat lh« Imm iyqiiirt« Uit 4katXM»t t t«i»ib«iit ut ^^ Aodittin' Brpoif !«*«%' tHMtiiiUd fu lh« loml BAV£aOk'£. D'tdH 5%« d«B|M* if it iVf Hag.aU'i'a PMtur«i bita currd utl«i'», wu^ flaod.) waa awarded tha Ortt»a aww j wtwfcâ€" JVIae at 9H»a» and OtumI fiM«l Stiml. M* TM6B CJTAZOmrm â€"m* WKKM •» -pfNemtimt. Com t mt m o mwp 40 lUmo- trmtUiu rnnd Ska fcU l si'M sdT tlU Portitmmm race. Onl ar " CATALOOVX X.» JBVa HY LA ROB BHBEDBR A BVXBT nhohbobbocd naos A raacBxaoa m nam tfatrty Taaia' tn^ baa daaic» ttratsdthatwlMn brut So tba a the eountrr tha pradnaa la a onlfcsit aaa aasfas kaspsn^ Mtti and ssa Isr nor* nKoay oa ttaa ot ADrtllNISTRATORS' NOTICE. THE Creditors of TVilUam Irwin, late ol tbe Township of Artemeaia. ia tba County of Orey, Methodist Ministar, •d. are reqoirrd to send in their nai sideuces, and partitMilars ol their and tbe nature of the security (if any) held by tham br latter prepaid, to one of tbana da.aigBMl Adaiiniatrasara^with Will aaan, ad. oa or befoM Um Fifteenth ddy of May^ A.D.^1882, And Botiee ia kmeby giran tlat MUr Am date, the said Adntintatiatoca witijnmmi tu distribots tbe arsnts of tha said WW aasoBK the partiaa satMad tkaasto, Wr hag repara ooff to tba dai»« of whieb aotisaiibanfaa^feaeB gfvw.aBtiaa* dMy wiUa«*tar8abl*larth«aaasts or aaj p«H tharauf so diaOfhatad to ally p««a or ha*« Markuak. Marah '^jfjg- 79-4W rivSKviui.t C. C. ;AMIft jl. o ooi he AK-SE for hire, charges moderate. SmggRTAKINC promptly attended to at all hcun of day or night. Also a fnU stock of HonseMd Furnitorel Ordered wcrk of all descriptions ezeentc4 with tha atmost deqwtcb. A foil stock of RUSTIC AND PHOTD FRAMES iHiieh wiU bs sold cheap for Cash. StaMMdIjahtrtffaR IdMlt Taken in axehange for Fomitnra. G.GRANT, MABKOALE. Maf»ato. Ota. S). I8B1. «-U ^^^ m â-  Onat ohanc sMwrinAaMMd^Waa* '#sal Onat ohanoe to make "teosa who advaatac* .am,^aymmmi (bia «• tsstfc teas ii«ktia Uwlr »aa Ipa iMtisi Aaj oaa «Ht do tha p.ltO. teiualisoliiteaBdlmsttMe c foruraakcBMS, «•• •( eptna, totiMea i nareotlm All sold br diugViMa. Sa torCimlar. â- Â« tM^^ritSTOk^ loobsMsr JI.T aad Tteonts, owt. FLESHEETON Harness'Shop. GORDON Has always on hand a full assortment of HEAVY HARNESS, 'WHIPS. SLEICH BELLS, TBUNKS, HuRSK BLANKETS, AND SCOTCH COLLARS I Warranted to fit, anl made of the yery bea material, aud at*th« LOWEST LIVING PBICE8. OH, HEAR. OMm OH, HEilR. Squander your monev if y« u want to. if not, get yourPlmtograpUa of W. BULMER. The People's Photographer, Flesherton Who is again prepared to take Pictures, and do Copying and Eulttrging as heretofore. r^RiVMEH A rV l F£lAME l-^IXIIVt^H We are receiviD abrge stock of iVlOT'TOGS and Motto and other Frames, and Frame Fixings, which we can, aud mean to sell at Betuarkably Low Prices, Call and secure bargains. Bring along your pictures ami have them copied ard enlarged by vrur old friend. BULMER. FIssherton. MaichlO, 1881. ^6 aâ€" e ALL. m:eiv Wanting ta Purchase ur Kant ImproTed Farms. Wild Lands. Town or VUlaga Prot^erty, in tbe County of Qrsy SHOULD SEND FOR NEW GOODS ARRIVING DAIH Cnll «.nroe 1*li*?m. um stilt inauufaeturiiig4hoae celebrated French Kip Ii-ots call and ftt i^ y ,,l)outs, either sewed or peg^.i, a '|)i'c!alty. Repairing promptly atteniad to. Ail Custom Wai • ' Warranted. I keep the Celebrated Wanze? Sewing Cotista.:tly on hand, which I Hell vcJa chea| for csi-li. jUsotfci IX \I I i I IN' Ii Ik jk a which are unrivalled io )i«aaty of tmit nrl power. All kinds of Farm P. oducrtakeu iu exchauite for ro'h1« ai t'ie Duululk Boot alb Store. .; THOS. HAHBUITf Dundalk, September Snd, IVil. lia Markdale Sash and Door Factor} SASH, .. '.^ DCORS, V â-  • â- â€¢ :.-:^ â-  ei.INDS iMOULDlNGS, HOLLOW B.ATTONS, FK.\MES -OF th Ugue Farms for Sale and to Let. Lumber, Lath and Shingles |E- Always on Hand. OrJers Promptly Filled -o- Thasa hanac like Propertiaa to dispose of should oonsolt ma. Sare Sale 9r par* CATAljO(»tJ£ SENT ON APPLICATIOM. iO â€" â€" ,i. IIEMKlfBEB THE PLACE RICHARDSON'S BLOCK. J. GORDON. Tuosbar N. B.â€" Good 8Ut« and Phingle taken. Fleaherton. Dee. 6th. 1881. IS. Notliiiig Like Leatber. M. M. NPLCOD, liAltgHAT.g NOT TO WE BKATIN I All those wlio may hana ka4 the aiafor- tana to hare bean bora baretootad wiU baar in Bind tbat we hare jnat rsasiTad a ten- est and beat- ato^^ leattar mv Mm broogbt into Mackdalr, eoaaistiMof Bala. FiasiA Kir and Catf. aa4 aaa a^ at*, pawd to iMinalMfBrs I^Jjaa. 0â€" to, rwdlliaasabaats aMi alMaa, boas tka M*ke «ai$A k'Aaad fruuaUa. 8«w«a Work ft Ssaoiatty. wark wamataO. Inviaibto itiMMhan. M.U. I have ^Kar4 aa Oilc« ia Riia«4ge«s H«tel, nark4ale, w^ere I will l»e roaa4 every Tharsdajr, and wiU be prepared «o enente Deads, Leaaas, Mortgagee. 4o., Ac, uea.iy aul oorreetly. Adriee on h^al poinU free. Alao to attand U aU the diflerent departments of my business. In arery department of my business my motto ii Thorough- ness and Fair DeaUMf Aactiea Bales cea^aetesL Beat*, lietteaatk^ *c^ e*llece« pV*Bipt retaras aiade. CHABOE8 L*Wv aa4 ROBT. DAVIS, ConTOYMicar. ComimHioiisr in B.B.. SmI Estate. Loan A Insorane* Agut The Subscriber wishes tjretnrii thatiks to the people of MarkiUle and toim?^ very libeial patrouagie they have giveu him iu .ht? past, aud li.'i'is I; clo« •»•" bu in.BS to mt-rit'it continuHtice of thi- ^ame. c „iW I have now extenJi^J my buHin^^so.and will in future V*cpt fill Sl»» PINE LUMBER Direct from the North Shore. AliL SIZEIS, DEESSED AND UNDRESSiD i^U X^ina^^ofPlnin ana Kaiio:^ Tu»-»iM Done in a first -^lass niai nrr. :â-  I ... THOS. McNJijl^ Mark4ala, May S7*h. IMl. 'ffj Laponsible for tha yjars J 'SSl «Sroomply wittt »»»• rt •^^Or ADVEBTIBINO: aaraar *^| -*, a* "• ,f 4o ' j_ 4o .../• " t^io ..t ' -mx, first insertioD %% insertion a^rst insertion at insertion ...... ^^^ J insertion par Una JIj.TSaaP"^* inwrtion. .^ ••^ t^k Una* to • reckoned bl •••^^ ^ured by a scale of 1 •***^AiTertisa«n«n*» without sp# \Zn ba pubiiabfta till forbidl â€" -i.-ji^ lf. All tranaitory ad'al P'iCbaHi tha offie* " pubhcatii ' TJw^ha Thursday morainn prJ ' ^a!ir BUTLE PQ' Propnalj 4iUflllH OnRECTORY. ArmMroi ^^^i,^.Surgeoup.Accouc| IC* Madical HaU; rati.'ei jSTsla. â-  apt_17.1«»«- ^•»l. |ttobnetandsoi.ic!| \-sdT for attending to all »:i.a- ""^^ Qf^^g^ti Ka s Hital. Bea. tod. 18bl. fr*at FroM, IaBBISTEBS. AM) ATXOnS' Law Solicitors m 1..;iik.h. M* Owen Souua. !i«\e re 'H Krton. Offic* oP«" *^«^*â-  T'"'r' alera. mMO Faast, ^- •â- '» rcoaatyCrown Attornev J. l^^A»«o^. LlBBISTEB, MASrr.B AM' I.H I IB CUaneery, Notary I'lO.; ..â- â€¢â-  |)SKTTOLliNI AT MX P!.^ ' If^gg Owen Sound, in V.-;..' ^ti St.; SLud iu MarkiUilf. or, r ri Stare, on Fnliiv s:ii ^jiui i 'l Creaaor A Morrison. fcABKISTKl;s. iMr...- llui..-,' 'â-  I moers, 4c. Ac. rfi?ES in Owen Soaad. l'iffenn r W. F. 'olfe StKi* liii'i lu M AR KD ALE Vr. J. McKailairij Si.: ..'i I I Frulay of eacii wwk. J rfoni* to lend on reiiiial ' i -H iCaCASOR. Q.C. ItlN. *-. N J kdale, Marti. IS. \bvi. Laa4 Itew*. i kARBISTERS. ^â- .'I.K 1 loRs. ' Tsyancera, klarkdnJ.' I Dmos: McFarlan.l'sni«.k. " isy ts land, ou Fai m iSacui iiy J V.1 pcntUtrs. ♦•"mT? â- r. lames J. %f lii'.e^ Assistant to Dr. Caiuirnii. Ok^i. WILL BE AT THE Ui:Vl.i:l. !| MarkiWlo, ..n tii" i-i-^ " CmoBth. when ho »iii '•«- pi ail operations r"-jiiivil n; H tka most satisfacLirv iiKtiii"!: si assaBabta terms. li#(rUu«»roa«. 1Ktn. Bi-oua. tUCEBoF MAUIUV'.!. i 1 Nl Commissioner ill H. li.A' f CoDTeyanoing in ail .1- i.niii':i-;s â- Maadad to and car«{uli e\-i"iTi j. t f, B. â€" Money to Lanil ou H«.ii b.| lantT. â-  Markdala. Sapt. i7. IAmO. \m â-  Alexaadrr Brown. TgSCEEof Mftrriau-.- i 'n-' JL liila Iusur»n«a .\i;eui. l • uii la K. B. tc. t'onv.v«n-.-r fl' 1 Aaclianeer for tlieCoUiilv ..[ (ii^ x ttarcbaats, aud Land Salt"*. 1' inj isada^ to and char;;** uis'ia vaiy ^PneeTilla, Sept. IT. lx~" B. .11. 4alli':iiili .| CCTIONEEK AM' "-i-N A«ent, A'iilianir,f't.l S; it n.l atMndsd in all I'nru â- â€¢{ ili solil OB ComUil~"ll. e« Orfans. and Srwiiif M::"lil frait aad Urnauisntai Tm-i %aral laplamenis.auti MH'i:.i:' ' aal*. Vlliaaaford. Jan. ST. It" D' UTE IMPORTAT Of apvaiaUy AttraetlTa, Saasonabls. FasbionabU atid St*?** Dry 3roodsJ|| t. G. Sisii:. kOMlNIOX AND rUOVlM 1| ourTayor. Irn'i;.l.lMox a:i'l Msaford and Mark.Ulr. Hh in^' ^TiBsial Laud Survcjor •'liiii- ;^iatu' stook uf oi.t.'.ijHl lie:! N IXsperts, laatriictK'iis A' "I â- â€¢ i t4aaa unthia the last flftv lixr t| Jpiaaarad to mska Siii»ox ui -trj sasa therewith. I'i"u«« ai.i fst araduif Hilh,* »' ' ^! Ut BaiUini; Bridc»». Im im.'-I baa. Mooay to Lu:i at c- Orders by letter, or l»(t wit.. Markdala. will tie |Tiaiiti\ ai.en Kaat. 17. 1880. T. OAVI-*. I BTJlLDEB*CiNT;. I' R| Brick). Aft.T ••.iiii4.' .• ll this season ia alill in ;ii' â-  k| »tepare4 lo do all kiiil- •â- ; Work, platierinj! and luk ' vho aontcmplai.- buiiauk" » •â-  "'-I ^Mntsqe to glTt; biiii a • nil • *aaidenca corner ol Ut-' •»«taa. M4*atALB. 1'" ' I GET MY WOOL CABBED 4m -AT THE Dundalk Woollen Mills. 1^' ,;..;•-. ,-â- ",;«. â€" â-º.^.- iii I*-f ' t Wliere do you get Ymmp 9 ••Mb si Ta nand, whiah wa alTar at Creatly Reduced Price*' 0»^' tm ft^^vft jksm gotrt*. Severe h .nAKKI* «i.t. T. SPROULE^ Pic I â-  n^RlS popnUr U.t.1 lin:^ .t 1 â-  -1- dition added tu it. tiioio ij ^a is now seoouJ to ntma ni •ood stabling aiiJ «ti»'iiti\.- I'l •ass aoeotnmodatiou f"r (-.imihJ ^i^ TerniK ^l.OO p*r 4| ' l^* aiud emmod.o'iK Sit] St* ®** Booms, *c. Tlia I J* supplied with the l-xt i "â- â€¢Â» t««od Stablinp and atteuj TflDS. ATklKof WatSst apaeial raloea ia e*«cy li»»- o OCTB STOCK or «AYE YOUR COMB ^*^. T. Q. Morgan, begs tJ T* ' *» as of Markdale and viJ fsaparad to work tip La:r -^ ^^jfcaa. pnfis and carls, ten ••"Biaaoliintea. Besidence atffll I y Sj!'.y ^°t*^- BeMdeno 6roceri«8, Hardware, Grockerj, and *â„¢| '^Czr. • «W7«aaflMa, Mi -MHloaan viaflialpMaM and Tahmsafisssw -n.^,,, ^^ via flial pMsM and Tstai* ••' ^Ofaeat, ttNM UO A OAU. AND 8AVi I ^â- t tha "Taronta H*»* KO-*" fft,\ ^:.M -•.TV ' HP^ ^2^ ""V^ well, mai t ..MWt*^^* I flfcsrr-

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