"f^^.r^ II 1. i' h i Ifah r By an CngHshman. '• COMIlitf TO i CK8I^ SKK NEXT WEEK S ISSUE. « t We are oo ttie e^ of what bids fkhr toMoatHotll flMst iiapurtwt erM' it Caoktiko hiatory. TIm political ATcnU of ih* oexk He* ronot^ wiU in all proiiabilitj aeriov*!/ affiet tbt tor- tailea «# tfaa cooatrr for loBff yelm to come, Perb«{,a it 14 searctily too much to ny that tli« 'Aestiiues of LaU jk coiiiiii«nt vili be note or Jaaa iaflu- eoced for all time to ctMBtTbT tlie ver- *^'"" "t"' """^^ *** Siw to every :^^- ,j^^^„ ^^^ ^^ ^j^^ F.W SCBSCBIBEF. t. or.r oaper 1 ., vj 1 d "â- _..._..^ '... •!*ctori» of tbe old and new PiouncvB Our Premium Ws Imts ma"« arrAOireaienta bv 1. 1 to old suliicribefa PAYING IN ^iiDVAXCt, a copy of Vn. KENDALL S "Treatise on ihe HORSE • and BrDissases." Tbiaiaa tanl«rd wo'-, â- t:'a.,i: an liidex of Disas«;ti, wi.icli i.r-i» t" 81 •Dptoms, caiii'e. an' t..- bet t.if tn»'Ut for each a Tiible, (;ivii;g hL tin ^Tincipal druga uaf'd f»r tlie Lore, with the nriiiuary dose, tff'Cts, and antidote wiieo a poison a table with an engraving; of the borae'H teeih ait difTjreut af,'e». with rules for to liui^ Ihe age of tlie horae a Tauaiiie u(i lection of receipts, aud macli othT QHeful iuformatioD. It is a oo' k that a'loiild be in the liaodit of every far- mer and owner of a horse. Now is the time to aabscrihe, or fir old suLscribeiS to pay up, and ^et the bonk. H#an.â€" We wuh It «ab tet w« io Bot li a M m mnAn be aaiaioas «z|raMM ]f av edktdapuM««iB ssaasssm i-. m i " H\ iiaii TH£ NEW KfMBEBLBT BOAI To of (.'antda. nsws irmuk 1^^ ICiMMii vf LLorii* vinta Mon- iteal «• ki 10* •f Aprii. to opm tba B iy»1 0«BBdi*o »^tidi.-mj. a»crmt(ne»T\ at Batter and Baea, Tboa. Payni, aa Eiglialinian haa di* 1 £r. im \hti^tciA, of atroug dnnk at lioiat««aI2 Twveds f.. Mote M^^n^ J^" Friday, March 24th, 1882, of Ilia family, and tlireateniug him with rengeanoe. Norris alraid of a aceod. 'nroie ont a cheque at ouce. The old man appeared mollified, bat his heart was sore. Noiris had boarded with Reid at Orangeville. He had become too iuti- male with ODS of Keid'a daughters, aud securing liis xalary, left the poor 'iil overwhelmed with vam regret. bir. I iM that the worthy pioneer ot the TaOoy ia eoming noarar the Btark. H« aaya ttum-â€" k» many who want an outlet aniith and ^^^ â€" _^.. ^^ wHrt that Gaud 7 lideroad wonld prfjilirfcg »it4,'Bi*Ur »»A 3^. H- jmx. I am gUd to kam tju«, Xur.I beuan to think that tboaa who wanted the ix)ad wefB very lew. ,. j, I have neT»;r traTeUftl tlie two nratesi and I am qaite safe iu eajring no man erer did. Wae not the sor- â-¼eyor compered to go a long W*y round to get from dne point to ano- ther He refers tb the petition a« a proof of Uie deaifability of the new r ad. He wi 1 do well t' k^ep qoiet a'oat that p^titio-i. If be has $d to $1 his road ia sore. I need bo threats, bnt gafe it as pnbli opinion, if oar worthy pioneer knew more of it. be would bave remained silent. I ' biage was a'reaJy arsored. Three or would Uke him to give me an instance j fon- teama were ready aorin after sereij where a manici|.al council has close 1 k"^c" »" «'"7«^' "' """ 'J^' ' rivlezTous. Horath' â- « n il ront.n oi Hocialb aas gone throii;,'h. aud ui ill the nhall iioiirn of the morniii wer the party *,'aia laaled ••\ M-irkdale. Over I8O psojL- spent SERVED HIM RIGHT. From Uraiigi-vi.le to Winnipeg A ei.'t David R«id, farmer, u qoeat of yuiiug man named N orris, late a Ec)i»'I teacher in the neiglibarbK;d â- i UiS.iiieMlie. R';;id para-ied Winni li )i tag- r.y acaaiiing th" ^acj of every t;ll ire'-sed young man, aud at laat lie watt rewarded. Buddt-nly crosFiuK Main .^t. he stepped up t a kiio i- siimelv dressed mau, and tapped bim •n the shoulder. Norris was thunder ktruek. Tha^ turned dovn a aide btr.-3i where Rei-l became terribly fcxcitfd. arused Norris with the rniu ' 'he Queen's highway. I am aware Ued upon Eugwiia. and eanied ofr4 or fi pe.aons to what they edasider a betier bind- May tbei. best auticna- tions U reali- ed- We do not c .naider th.m I'l*' but simply gone bef. re a» more have caught the infection, an • cann.t bold out here very muaj d»y» longer. i ,«: -i •• If there is no snow we sha'I ba^e to 90 throui^h the muil," w.is tlie aote iriveii earlv in the week reaiiettiug the Soeiitl at Mr. Johc Whitby's, ou W. d nesdiiy eveniae pu behall li the Meth- •Mliat Parsonaue FaiiH. The snow ot Tuesday and Wednesday was the eanae of euaHi(('!rabl« rejoicing, fi«r a pieaaai.t sleiyh ride and a large BIRTHS GLENELG AGKICLLTUR.\L SOCIETY. Ihe officers of the Agiicultur«l Society of Glenel?» are i-paring uo trouble in endeavouring to have one of the fincsi f-tir 'r('nni!t tlmt is to Le touiid in thia or adjoining countie.- Thiy have leaded for ten veara with tlic jirivilej^e of piircli so a very desi- rable |)roperty from Mrs. Atkinson it Would he hard to {.'Ot a more conve- nient n]iot for the r'sidpnt3 of Murli- diile. As the Society intei'd t" erect a â- .ninolious A^;rit-ii tiiml Hall, an i h'no ert-ft proper placi's to exhijit t! e vjirioiis kinis of stock, and liMve a fiu Show rin;,' it wmld ha »• 11 to remind lliosc who an' interehtoJ in tin- succes.s i of iIk- society that ul! tlitsc tiii.igs can- not he done without u larj;e expe^idi- /- tiiri-, and Unit those who sib-Ciihe to til' fund^ for this ]iur os il he aiiij'ly ro|'iiid hv the ijuuibur- tliaf nil" he attracted to Mai k'ln'u on the diffi POST OFFICES OF GREY. LAST yeab's business. There is nothing more s nsitive or more generally accurate in showing the general ius'ness state of a place tlian the post office. POST OFFICK. Alsfeldt ... 48 00 Ay ton ... 630 37 Allen Park ... 210 95 Arnott ... 76 87 Annan ... 1U4 63 .-^shley ... 25 02 Alvauley, closed may BETEHCK. 8AI.ABT. I 15 00 31, 1880 Brook holm Btiyvicw Banks Blantyre Bu.iiieioa I Pognor CoUarviile Crawlord Chatswoith Cover. cy CiuiUKliauk C'lav.-nug Ciipr Rii h CutikKiiiUjj Cral^;ol uu Diiiicaii DLNDALK, Dr-'iuore Dm ham DcSiioro 1- ay wood K|ilnig Fu^'eiiia l'.,.riuiiut 'Jlrwood i'.tirniont l' Vtr-hani FLi.blli-.RloN 702 02 Fi.sii I toll siut oil llil 8B Gnrrsviile (iiuralter (j:eiii-d u n it |iul)lic oecasi iiis l! i- a s â- tli. 1 lilt' utiou of the «'Cie:y t.) e-tai'Ii»h monthly fairs, which 111 tiiem-'C'lv s will he a grc.il honn 10 f.irnii^r-, as, if tliiy provi' suti^iiifiil â€" ad tlitre L-* uo ' iloiilil 1 n that sc reâ€" it w.ll be :ui in-! c(utivo to buyers to c iii in I'l 'in a iiist.ine to tht;si' fair. .il'ia will I h.iv" tiie htiiitil of c .{'ea i and 1: ' l)L' re'ilrulcd to i.ii, huvcr who, loay '-Jo nnmil tliec-iinlr s 1 i ;; liat j â- .M' It iiud-iicli lliiii^' a • '•'!.• low i ' til' iiiit'.ket. likiK lo ill o\\ r' .: 11 ;li 'â- - F. cini' lln- arlirloiu' is i s aicii i.r lit a very low ti;;uifc fi.ou ii thi â- IS a niattir wliii-ii greatly c ncerin. all Giasc' ririii.'s in tlie Towrislni.- an.i ^u ' 1^""" " â- • I 1 1 .1 i 1. 1 H in.iii;;s M:ils II ivi' no (loiili! tliev ,vre liilK- iilive ,1 T llo|.ev.l e to llus fact yet we wuiil 1 â- ITtr a Holbtenj biii,'.,'esliiii which ini;,'lil ho w ll ,ur:Hainp4eu th.TU to .•.iisid-i-. .Mirk ill.' IS Will Hiiiuver known to 111., a floiirisi i:i^' v Ua;," •I'll! as sivli r.al ctatc is lumnl t |, ..h ihsI lui-r'asd ill value, ami on rliat ac j U.-jn.,, u, r^niil wo believe it w Mil I ho the wi.S' st j JoIiokou (i 'liov of tlio s leioty to j uichaso the I â- ^."^â- '^*"'" lit Ihcv have leased at ouce, as wc I ,^"'*\' Ivemhie arc informcM that reasonable i*rms h^^^,|^^jj i^aii now b; arrived at for purcliaso. Latoua U'li-n tlie Society has purchased the i Leith lot. it will foe! more ehtouiaged to • i.Cl siibHaiUial bnibliu^-' itc. But to do this reiiuiros more of the ne. d- so 1 21 21 22 49 8G36 84 02 80 GG 77 45 100 48 42 02 588 58 IGOli m 12 89 93 2a (iS 501 92 51 50 :iOOO 889 27 118 27 17(»3 17 71 G2 14 87 62 73 174 22 43 08 202 41 42 41 123 OG 231 00 72 UO 42 00 6G00 12 00 2 00 14 60 20 00 18 Oil 26 00 28 00 20 00 42 00 12 00 143 50 10 00 12 00 12 00 18 00 that they can open roads in lieu of, but not close the original. I a-k tht. old resident, (as I see I have b-o-n treading on Liberal's toes), Wili tht improving of 6 and 7 affect his inte- rests If the residents of the valley in Artemeaia are so auzi a8 for this new road, let them meet us as we did them in grading Freman's Hill in proportion to the benefits derived. Had our worthy pioneer 1 ot triid to make the public and farmers in the valley believe that 6 and 7 Pideroad Was not a necessity, I nhowld not have been compdled t shew tht it would not be either to the farmers' interest or Markdala's advancement to support a new road to this vi lage. Liberal has acknowledged that both roai^.s are necessary. The new road will affect my interest if established on .the present survey, but inn it on high dry ground and get a yeueroHs support. Yours, Ac, RESIDENT AND RATEPAYER. TH;*T MENACING COMET. THE END OF THE WORLD. pleasani eveuirg, aud tue piocotda aiuounted t'l $20.05. It »onld ftild wonJerfuUv to the conif ft of pedflslrians and the pui li generally if the village tradesme: wonld clear the snow oil the sidtwilks in trout of their sto.es. It U qui e a dilBcul matter to set into s.iine of ih p uces of budines, uotably th -se wit'i steps, which i- cotue clop;ged aud foru more of a slope ti'an actual steps, and toe I when frost sets in it is no ea.-y mattei to mai.itain the perpendicular. Thi.s remnant of harbariam might be cl -ared off iu a few minutes if done in the morning. " if eachbefoire iiis own door wodld sweep, The streets would soon he clean." Iso. New goods arriving daily at Butter and Rae's. The comet seen in 1880 ia identical ritli tlie ureat ;oi|jet of 1843, and als witli that of 1C68.. The period of its revolution has b^en greatly rt- dnced, and it is likely to rei.ppiar in 189G It has already p^iased through the sun's corona, aud when it returns it IS likely to fall into the sun. If a 2'ii) 00 bitr comet bIiouM fall into the KUn thf 22 00 hi at Would fire up to such a device .,g yjj ihat no iivinj* thing could survive it, ^^ QQ and rlie result wonld be â€" the eud ot I he world. (FROM MAZH-) aae JTeir Compound, its 'jj?* deiftil BtOnltT to the Dleoatir9 Apparatus and the Liver, incre**- i£r the dlssolrinmJvdtMt. reUor- ing almost instAntljr the diemdtal Jesuits oi Dyspepsi a, Indi gestion, %nd the TORPID LIVER, m»kes Zopesa an eveiT day necessity in nvery hoxise. It acts gently and speedi^ in Biliousness. Costiveness. Hemch ache. Sick Headache. Distress af ter Eating. Wind on the Stomach, Beartbam. Tains in the Side and gack. Wa-ni of Appetite. Want ot uergy. Lovr Spizits. Foal Stom- ach. It in vigozates the Liver, casf- Ties off all surplus bile, regulates the Bowels, and gives tone to the •vbole system. Cut this out and take it to your Druggist and e:et a 10 cent Sample, or a large bot'Lle for 76 cents, and tell your neig^or about it. It earcs ItcbinK, B»»I HAIB VBXSSVtO U to very â- datln. I* tnnmph etee. WHISKERS BLACK at ilamHian. Beta* IB •»»• ^repwraUoo It 1* eeaUj »PPM«*. "P^ prodoMM • rerntmamal color tha* wUl not nd^lk Druff Stoh IMPOBTANT TO FAEltjj^j I have just purchased a large stock of all V j Garden and Flower Seeds direct from the old " ^n reliable dealers in C.inada.'Hsnd c?n safeK re ^^^ "" Farmers will do well to come and ms-)ect m^'"""'"'^^ lieve I have the lar^'est variety of Field C ./i ^^"^^ It PREPARE© BY HP. HJU.LGO., NASmiLi Sold by ill Deaian bi MwUdnS' Sl'f.ClALNUlICtib. 5,000 CORDS llEMiO'^K BARK. rpHE UntlersiRned X Hark delivere.l aud piled on line of T G. B. RailwHy, 'A '2o '»i curd, uicasuml an i [laiil for at (oint of delivery. For jiAr- ticulars auit coutnicts. api'lv to D. L." VAN VLOCK. P. O. Ad!ro-8, 215 Jarvig st. Tjionto. iMaich2:l, 1SS2. 80-lOi MAKEDALE Meat Market. fnl, so let us see how liberally you will Htihscrihe to the purcliHse fund. tHE LATE DEA.N (;R.VSETT. By th? death â€" which occured at ten minutes to r.eveii o'clock yesterday uioriii'ij^ â€" of the late Very Rev. 11. J. Grasett, B. I)., Dean ot Toronto, llir iUiurch of England m Canada loses ":ie of its fathers, the city of Toronto iti vldest ininister.and cliarch s of all demoiui.at. 1US ui;c ol the|mosteat!ioiir .•md steailla^t fi lends of evtry cli is- tiKii and jihilauti r ipic luoveincnt. riie Dean was born at Giiiralter ^n 1808 As'a minister, Deau Grr.9'tt pis- «ed not a few ol the most irapor:ant qualifiCitt ions for success. Ifruffi"ent and reliceut. he yet worked qiiiet'v with a dcterraina'ior:, clear-headi-rl*. ness, and consiatency which won the reitpect of hot'i friends ami opjieu ehta. ' Though rarely truvtin^ hiiu self to extemf-orary addreas.and nevei then with sueoeos, his 8?rmous wori m tsterj'ieces of composition and cleni BVfiteiDatic, esiiaiiutive thought coucli- rd, not III fli-rid, kiit in fini-h'd sen- tences, alioundinjf in evidences fd nat nr.1l refinement and scholarly acquir niunts. If not delivered with th •rdenU eart.est manner of some of hi brethein, these sermons «6re deciJel- It evangelical iu tone, bad calabl^icd tt) teup the moat serious Mought rf hearers. In the ether outies of th' pa»tortte he was equally suetosifu., lending a b^ihp hand in ever^ goui lanrk iit viiiefa his c^n.-regation wa^ engase:!, or taking. .Uj* le^ling pri iu the labonjc hiirseif. C. W. Rotlelgf. Proprietor of the S-MKiiaBtt, has r â- coTcr.'d from his late tUyflSi, and ia able to attead to the 'J4 77 04 IG 25 .3 2i) 78 2h8 03 378 10 112 (J9 28(1 70 5'J 71 84H 45 Hiiywaids Falls !}8 22 Uoain Iliad closdl Feb, 8 ()G lv;8 27 20 44 08 1)5 lyo 25 83 94 42 12 83 81 7U 55 3.104 27 10 00 27G 95 80 83 1,241 95 2,968 24 13 09 03 00 19 30 113 08 IGGOO 4C1 09 9G02 4,980 17 181 89 84 52 600 41 32 92 29 15 95 08 23 62 CG 97 9G66 17 10 67 98 17 09 82 43 Meatoid Morlev Max.v'ell Melaiictlion .. MAl'.KDALE Mount Forest il urJoch M isbie Maituion .Mclnlyre Neuiigh Neustadt North Kepnel Dwm bouud... trclmid Oxdeuilen I'nceville Pomona Peabody Pre^q^' Ile ... ParkUead Llaveuua Kocklvu Rob Roy Roc U ford IStraithnairn ... Siirigley Sheihurne, incl'g arrears 1,266 71 Strathaven ... 17 62 Sullivan ... 261 61 Tuo.i.bury ... 1,125 16 Travtrston ... 40 60 Veutry ... 9 05 Vaudjlenr ... 67 28 Varney ... 75 86 Wareliam ... 29 21 Willi.im»ford... 199 08 Waiter's Fall* 117 77 Wo.tifoid, from Oct. 1 80 191 80 Wj'seley ... 14 8^ Yejtfd ... 66 05 550 00 34 00 10 00 30 00 41 00 '{t? 00 48 50 12 00 68 00 332 00 84 00 4C 00 12 00 10 00 12 00 82 00 92 Ut 38 CK) G2 (K) 10 00 282 00 12 0l 9 17 28 00 18 00 16 00 68 00 20 50 12 00 44 00 88 00 7GG 00 10 00 90 00 85 00 332 Q-} 826 00 10 00 18 00 10 00 20 00 68 00 118 00 82 00 1,256 00 64 00 32 00 158 00 11 00 12 00 48 00 10 00 82 00 84 00 10 00 28 00 12 00 18 00 KIDNAPPING. About five yearn ago, Mr. Milthei- ou. blackMniiii, Bioouiiiii^to.j, ado^it ed a liilie girl. Two weeks ago an uncle of I lie girl living in Wo"db.i Itje came and wanted him to give the girl lip. Mr. M.t;oll^enttâ- d to let the girl go if h' r une'e would settle for the girl' bna,a, L-Iotlies, j., for the G^st tlir^e y ars. The uncle gave his note for iSlOO, anil went bis way rejoicinj;. Four d'lys af e •, Mr. MHttrneson 'ot a letter from tiie uncle, sating; that the girl i:id not aiiit Miem, aiid by givina up the one hundred dollar note he colli 1 have the girl hack. Mr. Mat thiefion eouBeu'ed, and the pirl was hro- ;;ht: bacii on We Inesday ni^lit, aud the uncle got his note, Oo rimrsday night tlia uncle drove from Riiu'wood Mr. Galbraitli, of Sheihurne, was iu Toronto cu Monday securing counsel to defeud hia cl:ent, Johnny Sicith, now in custody charged willi the mur der on the 2l8t of January last of hia uncle, John Smith, late farmer, town* ahip )f Amaranth. Mr. Galbraitli stated that the missing bovFiicr, who was in the fchop at Shelburne at the time the pistol was bought, has turn- ed up. He was confrouted in prison with Johnny Smith, tiia acousod, and would nit *(vy that ha wad jh of the boys steu in the sioreon the day the pistol was b: Uifht. Frier would he called as a witue^B for the defence, the trial comes ou at the Shelburne Assises which open ou the 8rd of April. Just finished takin(» stock, will sell all w liter goods on hand at a gi-eat saci'itite, in fact HlmoBt give them away, Bnttir aud Rae. A Pt'BLic MthTiNO sliou'd be called of the citizens of ovjry city, town and vi:la;e in the D.iiniuioa, to Consider what should be dona to prevent the hair from turning Gniy -and lalliiig out. If this inijiortant questiiiu receiv.!d their earnest con- sideriitiou they would unanimously I decide that science had at last dis- eovered soinetiiing that would ai'swer this purpose â€" and lurtherinore would lecoinmend Ciugrtlese Hair R'^iiewer as bein^ this sometl lug for restoring the hair to its natural color, and pre» vent its fallm. out. 50 cuts 'per ^^^J'^^^^^-^"""^^^- ""' BEST AND COMFORT to tbb SUKFEBING ffroun'*) Household Panacea ha^ 11 I i-q lal (or relieving pain. txHli inter- nal aiiJ i%ternal. It cures pain in the Side, Buck or liuw.U, Sore Tlir.'ftt, â- niieauiatisru, Tiiiitliacbe, IiUuiUko «»l S"^-" kind »' • I'a'" orAelie. "4l.*"d l""' sno'.v quicken the HJoiiJ iiiul bea'l, as its acting' I'lnvcr is \vo' iU pay for cU «iich ileriiU." " Urown's H.m ehoM I'aimc--H." 'l)c.in« uckiiowleilttelas ihe KriftiPa.n Ktliev- cr. and of double the sin iijjib of nuy otlier b-lixer or Liuimnit in the worl.l, shonld 1m- i:i every fa'iiily ha'j'ly for use w'leii wnnteil " a-i it really is the beat remidy in the worM for (;ramps "in the Stomach, an. I Tains and A^'hc: of all kinds," and i.T for sale by all OruKKists at 25 cents a bottle. 20-It ' constant t-iipplv of Fresh EVieats ou haiui. .; 1I..J Lowest Living Prices. Orders solicited, and deliv- ered free to all parts of the Town. Farmers having fat stock to dispose of. will please leave their addresses. TERMS, STRICTLY CASH. FRED. SAKJEANT. Jfarkdale, March 23, 1882. 80 ly '"'SMEN^WAHiED. To begin work at ence on Hales for Fall of 182. for the Fonthill Nurseries, LARCJEST l.-V CAAADA. bottle. For sale bv all Di uggists. MO.Nri;j;.vL, 1" y.. and T Tail. m.n.. Unoccupied lands will be asses'td NURSERIES, FONTHILL, ONT. thin y-ar as iion-resideut accept the We can start in adilition to ouralreadj ]o.Tge Mothers! Mothers!! 1/ others Are voudi-slurbed at 11 plit ai:d brol.en f your I'e-t l.v a sirk tliilil Miff.'riiig anil crying wth tUeexcrncintinc pnin of eiiHinj- leetli If so. !,'-«.' once and i;et a bottle ol Ml;.S. \V)N.SLO\V':S SOOTH ING SVKi:P. It v.lU icliive the I'oor little MI T,;cri'iiine(ti • ately â€" deji.nil upon it; tlnie i- no mistake ftlKiit it. Tlje»e is not a mother upon earth who ha ever n-sed it, who will not tell von at once tb it it aIII reu-'sie the lioTrels, and yive re-t to '.he nmilier. anil re'rf anil health to the chid, oiieralini; lise m Tic. It is iicr- fecily safe to u-e in all case and plca-iant to llie 91a! â- , a-i i i the pie-eii,ili.,i (ii one of die olde-t and best fe.ni!e iliv.-"c!«ns and iiurS' s in the I'sii d Suites. Sulil every will r( at 2." cents a bottle. "0 Iv TO GONSOiPTIVES. file alve. ,i--ii i/;r. in;.' i-er n ' lui on I'tiv cured ol th itdi-uad ilixease, Consumption, b' a simple remedy, is anx uu- to mtki? known to his fil ow .-ulli lers tlie means of cure To all who desiie it, hi will mii'i a eie.v of the |)rescri)ition u-ed. (li«e of el:iiit;e) v.'.h lia directions fur piej.aiiin}, eT:d limine tht aame ivliich they Will III I a s. i:i; Cike for CoK- Sl M'lIoX, .VslIIMA. I'll'lNtU! 11.'^. iWe. I'aiiiis wishiu;; l)'e I'l' -eiipli'in. wili pit a-ieaddre-" llev. K. A, Wii-.m, 14'.l I'eun st..Wiliiam-bi • li,X. T. 20 l' Seeds ever imported i.ito Ditndalk. Don'r7*^\^ ""^^ lau toca'j^ Yours truly, c. w. PARSoJ P. S. â€" A large stock of Timothy ami Cl.verSe*^ on hand. Also a new variety of Totatoes fors h ' just received a half ton of new pro- ess Linse d feeding horses'and cattle, cheap $2 50 Dundalk, March 7th, 1882. per 1 00 lb,;*' "Glasgow Houss," Duii( SELLING OFF. SELLING oi Bargains. Bargains. Bargain Bound for the North-West. ERRORS OF YOUTH. VGE.VrT,f:M.M; who srfreiVed for ve?i f.iiiu Nervor,-- l.Ki;; I.ITY. I'KK.iiA TIM.K n;",C.\Y. and all the efTnt of louiL- fiil indis!-ri'tiiin. wi.l [urtlie siiWe of tuU.: in;? hmrinr.... eiei fri e to ".11 w ro iieiti it, the recipe and directions for makiiiR the simple remedy hy which he was cnied. Sufferer.^ w:s!iin^ to Jiriifit liv the odviit^serV experi enee can o .^o oy a h'-es-i":,' in jieifect con- hui|iic, ' JoaX i;. OGDEN, 20 Iv 42 Cf St. Kew Ymk Ihe under.sijfned haviu:: determined to renjoTe to M.HuitoLa now of I Vbolo of his large and wall aasortvd block, congisting of "*l Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and 8hoe^| „ Ready-Made Clothing, Millinery, c., ' AT A GREAT SACRIFICE. This is the onl}' the public genuine bona-fide "-.ale ever ofereiii The whole stock of j;ools must be sole. Terms Cn,««h or l^^ai-m I*rluce. Wm. NELSON, Proprietor Dundalk, February 28tb, 1882. • i .\sse»8or is instructed other -tise in writing .\ci;oiMing t- law nolica should be neiit to TOwnsliip Clerk bv to Blooinin^'toii with a eeoiiil party. The little ^irl â- »"nt out inatructions iu regarl to the aas'-s- of the In.i.se bfire-lieaiel, aud haa ni.t'msutofthe aaine not later than tha heeu aeen a-ncr. The ki Inappeis 31,^ .,.„_ t^^,, ^^^^ ^Mssor would jjet were traced at far aa Rincwood the .. ., .r., next raoruing, where it was a^ertaiu »"t'«tti.m8 froai the Clerk, some of 100 Additional Canvassers, â- â- I '" ^â„¢" ""'" "l'" "" t'i'^e fall time to the the party holding racant lots giving I husiness. Stea.iy euiployment and Rood -al- arie- to Kuccesfal in^n. ' It dues n..t ni:«tler ed the uncle, girl, an. I Mr. ^Vinds'r' livery had left for Woodbridge. The matter id iu the hands of the detec- tive*. NO DYNAMITE THIS TIME. Woif an Jrixhman might look at it.) St. Patrick's day pasaed in unex- pected tranquility, but every precau tioL w-is taken. The Post Office au- thorities cut open huinlreda of jmst.- boHid boxes sent from Ireland. SAo;h- iiirkifil lriishm.-n in London, not dyna mitr, were the xole eontints. â€" Cable di6- patchea of 20th. the Asaeaora however are wdliug to B»ike the deaired alteraltoua if noti- fied before they complete their work. â€" • â€" »-***^.« INTERN.VTloNAL (Sl^ED) WHEAT EX- i CHANGE BITWEEN C.tSADA AND THE WESTERN STATES. wliat \our j.reviiius o^cu; a ion ha- heen. If you are wii.iiig to work your suciess is al- moii Certain. The best'iefeieuces required. Apjily .0 STONE WELI.IXGTON, Numwyuien, To.ouio,Ont. 80-1(0 880 00 10 00 72 00 29.' 00 1600 10 00 18 00 30 00 10 00 42 00 36 00 52 00 10 00 88 00 Wtat pistols an ' loordi, an' the bayoutti all tia uia' An' every postma"ter with scissors in hand To capture onr poor little boxes rontainin' • Tile bit o' gra.n hamrock, the pnde o' the land Ah 'tisn't of death an' of morther we're thiikin' (Th«re'B death and there's murther enongh iu the laud); 'Tis a cup full of grief that in silence we'ie drinkin' Above the green message come thus to our hand. m Put the soords in iheir scabbaris, the gnus in their caS' s. Let Us think o' the days when w« darad to be_gayâ€" SuT*. ^aee may b« hid 'mid the numberless g aces That deck the green Sliamroek oa Patrick's day. A DIare Chanel. A cl'o c- lot for -ale ii the hes: bnsine-- I'i'.t of M.a!kiiale, beinsi lot No. soulh s.drf of \Lll ,tree;. Has a eoiufo:iab!e d.v.i; irg hi.use. shop, and stable: nlso soft and hiird waicv Will be sola ou ver\ reasonable erms. .^pily to wif WAIKFIt, MarkdaleP. O. or to C. W. UiuEDoK, '-SiriBdard" office 7:i-3t ror rwo J I h e â- â- - f^vVi.i::. QUF.K-- ST.. on till lot H stal.le, shop w.ll. and ij.., che.i^i and on e:iv te.uis. MAHKn.^LR. I rick hou e. ;ii. W.ll 8, 11 I'llO.S. ViULLAKKY M«rk.e»le. Dee. 38th IKM. t.h.xi JOSH BILLINGS. WEW YORK POST OFFICE. Win. H. Wireiuz, Esq., Asat. U«! ral bupt. Third Diviaiou Mailing and Diftribatiog Dept., New York toa: Office, in writing concerning 8t. :lacoba Oil, aaja Tb« reports fram lUe aeveral aaperinteodeota and derka .who have aaeu the Oil acrae iu prais- iiii; iti kibldy- It baa been foand effieaaioaa in enU, burns, aorenaaa and siiffueaa of tb* juinta and moscles, and affords a i«»dy relief for r'uenmatie eompltoits. lion. T.Xj. J^tmox low fiumishua the tarn ntMeriala.and let* PoetiBMter Q«oet»l of the U. 8.,aoB- j the lellar finivb th* job to aoitkim- twrad 10 tb* fjrefoing. mAS.. .,^ .j.^ «....,».-.,* â- " S' • v..-/,_ I have nevrr known a sekond wife hut what was boss ot the sitawashnn. Auny man who can swap boraee, 01 cateh fi-ih, and uot lie aboat it, is az piuz a man az aver get to be iu tbis world- The sassyest man I ever met is a beQ-pecked hubbattd when be is away from borne. Tbuae peepl' Who are trying to get to bevveo ou their kreed will find out at last that tb*j didn't hav* a tlra ticlcet. Whiskey, jttdiei««elf applied, will do more bixineea for tb* d«TTiI than tbe smartest dcaeoa he bne ffA. Nature seUom aikke* a fdaoel she striking the word F.iii,CRB from the pstb- way of I. (S.) W. E. I have spent nlauy lon^ mouths of hard work and a large sura of money to make it a successful movement for its patrons as well as for myself. E .ile»3 obstacles have been encountered, arid thou- sands of miles prosed, with the one idoa of final sureess. Now all I reqn're is tlie pr..Mpt p«tronage of t.rogres-ive wh^at-«rowers of Canaila to make it em'nently snccfssful Jly circulation of the "White Husi'ian " ftnd •'Lost Nation" Siring Wheats in 1877.8 have been naiiii.teitlv largely l«nelieial to the counties of Orey, Bruce, and Uarou. My aim is now ihrongbl. (S) W. E. t..iut.oauct into each di..,trict only such good prolilie nt flouring Spring Whtats as will be ^pl.cially auaptea to the soil aud diiuate of each local- ity, and to do so at trifling expense to the The uiidersit-aed beg to announce to the growers. I find the following best known Wet«m varieties the mo^t reUablu Spr.ug Wheats for Canadian growers, (being the most hkely to Bueceed'iii our soils aud climate), viz "Siiea laU-d," " Ch^ia Pearl," " Bed Kussiau." " White 1 ussian," •' Hoosic," ' I'Je " or " Glasgow," and " Lost Nation." Fob Onx lioujia a lialf-poand each of five of the forej^oing varieties (of Iowa, Min- nesota, or Dakota growth,) will be s«nt post or express paid to any Canadian address. Fob Two D01J.AB41 oae pound each of five varieties as above will ba ao seni with the Travzixeb and L (8.) W. £. Asvocats (qaarterly) for \9»i. Th« TaAVxixaa has been enlarged to a 24 oolomn size aud its circulation of xO,OUO copies will largely iaeieaaed if the farmara of CauadAow atts- tain me bv a liberal patronage of L (S.) W. E. Foa THBsa Dollum par boskal (at Onta- rio distnbatiug points) any of the above varieties will be aappliej, Each order niut atatetha Datura a the aoil to bsxrownnpon. Delivery will be aiada at llarkdals in Apnl, and oeden leeeived ihi««^ W. i. Mcyaa- iLAsm.Ea*.. will bave prompt atteatio* la ordastobe boaas ia April. I mast W^»n ordns bsfere tmA oi Mareb. I waatewaj Use fanser to giw asea eoedial aspport. Mid a aaah osdsr. I waat ao eo* to isTCak in it wbo will not give the grain so ordarad a for trial en gtfod soil. CUAS. t. DOnA QSDAM BASOW, I0IM. :...-- --.-. .. .... »,. PIMPLES. I will ina'l (Free) I'le ricijie U)T a t-'nipla VF'irT«nir Bai-m ihat will re'cove Tan- KKK«'KLKh. PIMPLES and n.ouTTKS. leave iuR the .skin -oft. clear au.l l)P:iutifiil r also instntetions fur pioiluciii;' a lux iriaiit (;riiwtli of hair ou a hald head .ir sumoth face. Ad dre-«, enclosiiic; a 3c. st.inij,r_-ii. Va'.iH'.f Co... 5 Be«kiniu st.. N. Y. 80 hr â- f I nliAWN in favor of John McNilIy, Holland, and s Ltue I by I'iiom^is "Co.J edce, .f Eu].h asia. for -M. in net at eifjiu per cent., nated in Deeeiiilji r, Isfil. or .Jaii'i- aiy, \xn-2. puvablv one year from dn.e. Any pi 'Son fi'id tig and r.tur ing tli.- ame to •lolin .M Xallv will l.e S'llLalil/ rtwariitd. Pajmem of s.i.d uole h.is h. ii s:t.)iped. .IdHN Mi.N.U.I,V. Ma'c'i 7th, I 82. 75 .if GREAT DISCOUNT SALE AT- "CHEAP SIDE." A(-iKX'rsi"v':;:., to sell .. Minlial Teh'plii.ne n-).t E liso Ts Mstaitar.. op.s I'ia^.o 111 I Or/Hn .\f lain. lOu lo^e stamp l.r cat »l"g le in I t'niH. Kills »N MCsr; CO., "'j LesTLPt riiilaJ. 1| hiu I'a. cs f. FOR TH NEXT 3D DAYS I will offer to the public my entire stock ofDry (!, •â- IS. ron«;s"if| itgrf St. NEW DRESS MAKING Establishment. Ladies of and viciniiv, that they have commenced Dress Makings HILL'S IlLOCK, TO HON TO ST., Where thev are pr, psred trt de work ia a manner that c.miot fail to GIVB SATISFACTION. Call raspectfully solicited. MISSES DOHJJBTT 4 WELSA jf arkdal... Match 16th. 18S2. 79.44 EUGENIA Grist, SawandLatli Mis THE NEW ARTIST Dress Goods, â- â- ' Cashiif.3res, " r usires, Sha-wJs. Prints, Winceys. Velveteens, Embroideries, i^adiess Uls»i» Mantles, Twe.ds, Readv made Clothing Hats -C!ars, Geife Ti»s, Linen Coli»-'» Dress Shirrs, ' Ovcrcoa.s.' ' ' .. .-. cy YUn^tli, Ducks.. •' Oxford Shirt in-;. Citrieti.fc "v THE ABOVr. STOCK WILL HE SOLf AT 10 PER GT. DIS00U;:T « FOailiSPIIItt* and mvst U runoff by f.e middle of March, in order to ma room for uiy S^iai *!» Utions fiom Britain, which wi.1 arrive »boui me li.ili of .Vlarct. HENRY FOSTEE. t^«ir Wale. ^fr^^^'^% ?»?°"'« improvamente in GOOD FLOUR AUfAYS ON HAND. Chopping Done Every Day. Ctfstwr n^ iind 'fim; Wisd on tB* shortest notice. LUMBEB AND LATH ALWAYS ON HAND. Cherry, Bottemat, WUte Aah, IBtaek Ash Ataawcnd, Fiae aad Hamloek Lo«s wantad! AHjr. M. AKiPiVi CordiaUy invitee att tiMt whs aw lovers of GOOD PHOTOS To com* AT ONCE and (five him a trial, for todoaoittobe Suited as they nev«r were Before ^AH poor and tfieap work despis^i b, THE TObscriber has on hand, and for sale iia " "S"' Boyal Farm, LoU 117 and ii!".V'°-,'L.^- ^:- «• »- Attemesia. a quanUty of White Baaaian Wheat and hlack lartar Oats Parties de«rin« 10 procur* a 3oud article fer seed shomld give me a caU before porchagin* eUewhtM, aH I ill be receive! br " Nonc'E. To Builder.^ Contractor 1 the above pure and free fronli aU fosi^^ "'"»«e of Lundalk f..r -Mr. J. t also two »oke of Oxen, riaJng « t««Tm' "»" •" ' "t" c;fif«!'o"» ^." ' weU matahed, aud sound in ««« a11!!Z. I office from rl,e .luh to th. l Febmarr ated. ISO. nW.**!* 1 matahed, aud sound in every reqieet. KBM FOBD. 7»-4t« The lowrft or any tender no* !aoeepted. motto. JVt. BROWNE, «ke Sta»ifeu Ogee. Mk.it4fr* ' THE snWeritMr having nated the brisk bmlding oppowte Doctor Spronlts new re-Udence w prepared to take rereral board- 76-td WAAC TBATXOB, Architeci and """^giih^ UWCB SoiuiJ »â- • IJPfioTicES Ti.unking the inhabit .dU of Markdale aud tii* surroun l.iw oi.n. v for tii« "Tjjjf ma ner in whroh they have patronieed me siooe commencing l.usni.M. .nJ hot* "" conunuance of the same, I am yours truly. fTtb. te •â- ^^ DakioK. ' down to ftOcts per hi» ^j,^^TXugatjMr*oW %i.jobn.ha..oklh,s farn j^^^^-^tmey to go to the ^••^; Ca T. 0. and B. B ^^JgfOi time- ^jd, and ends to be soM at ^•T Co«t »» McFarlana-s. ^^ lot of that cbeap Tii ju .^Beynpld"«»n^Sou. [â- Lf^tee for tLe Couuty of Gr. Vj en tk* 27th in»t. â- â- 1,11 tbiak, and fart on Tue, r„ae.contiu«ied on \Vediit*a« .-.mU "t ^*"â„¢ *^'^^' '""" XlTlioO»«bofd effecta.al Ucve f5,rkdale. ou Satuiday. â- ot s^lffyth-weet with a f«ui. [you haT« euougli m.-uev I., t Istkft. L» I shout all maiiufucture- listsand mill meu »li-a ti- Lardinr- Curtaint, Prifits, h- ,SndGsa«» H*t» receiv.l f-gi McFarlaiul s. C forget .le A. O.L-.W. li.t. L lu tbe Hall -M^rUal- tnj L«veninf l^'ni. D"Uj;l*8 is rcaKi:!: ' fi)r builJiiig a lUiOK !• -j \iis seaeoB.. I Brojt.. JfH:o., TuriiM... Ml etarers of Luuiii.*. tti| iricator kuwn. Try it. nag msu fro;ii V.mu'Iini " ' Ibis hum. went to U im; ;, â- lost all, ami wikIi- li -i: Uej to biiiig liiiii buck J^e aaeliin* oil will ii^t, k"' «, and wears b-it r tli»; i io t!ie market. Aak y alsr and take no utiier. ^ieeling of Gleiiclj; 'i.:ifcir\a;i\l ktioD was l-eld u; iii» t 'wn H.I 10 ioat wbtu Oflicns w i\ I for Ibe Jififereiit Wards, nfallible reiiitfJy fur IVv. r uui p Ayer's Ague cure. W;. bio and cont.iiuiai! no quit.. nlesa and suie. iearoings of the Tutotit •. B^cs railway for the an « » Ll^ch lltb, were ?4 5:! .«i afftlis coiresponJius wc. li. 1 " .jib! Please call anil v-e H fi alligator andtioat r-kniF. t| fkaven'ttitne to sUiUii i:i lu' ' low thett. iseiety for the sM]r. s-i i; le of slang has h'tii I iti- Sonud Public* Sc;i..l. \M ido with a branch a' M.ii..'ii ^ic4^---H»t only tbi.' Ill '»â- I fiiiug for the teeth iit.J ' ,but 'Tkaberrv â- IS a ii.*-*;! ij ruameut aul finish to i." t I'l samples. r%w to cure a cold.' Ik|w it out by driiikiii.; I* fii; 1 fUcFarlaude lea liitiu i:.j fa dozen coipse* iii*' 'â- â- I kom Winnipeg totJuiaii' • iiaii/ weeka, of priiuu!)!'!..; n I vsDt there, lost -then h- -.i i sin the horrors. •ry liiil wat put olT a 'e r, t last auQimei icc.iu" .. i •ndiag with ins cul idi. il obtained a veru.cl i at the company. ]JrJB«Arc J^IMUg hUti-t'ui^ .j â- eeadry Muincsii a li are wf ag(^ bagintg. Tikv aru â- I mecLanica. ' Grey conservative ai-- i- etin MarkJale n.x: lu Mor the purpose o f ol.ciiu^ *« fer the Doiuiui'iii u:i • atures tor said ri.nn.' •McGregor of Cbi'i^w i' • p Ibis professii.i.al Vi.i ' 'on guterilay last. »« !â- â- i learhig for th • i l^ou the 17tii AiMi:. ' Bi^e bleiieed to «ivi t: "H McFailrtud is ,:ivii" ' '^•^ #«• the lc;ibt lu rti. "•« My whisky hardci.ri i' .^ 'i •y it eofteos it. M-;. •%h(j Uave uo uraiiiS k.; y ""♦it," as it does mt iii li el « difference to ihoiu, n [••rtaiuman tied \iu h rs *^ ,^lu^ making a e..l ""^frona Flesliertoi), ilf i '*«««aphug Rcbult If."' i" "Wl^tyne Aak any f^:in '^ttiraman in fact ai. ic I?** ^Wbinery and he ^i!i 1^*" « ia the ouly oil whicu I '•" to Castor Oil and %v **«yonr Machinery. FA«lfT4j»ELL0RRENT. L*«Sl!i r»* ^*' » T. A S;- Road, eW„^^- ^^rr- '» °' wlfi'eh^ ^^|^«« and m « good state of ctrtfivition; and a naatity of fall jAwifth- eoodl iVHiy, to itL P**"" â- '*°« your Mac PAY yi-.^ri.' !*»-' aro »jereb}- noti6ed to ii».v 'P "' m â- â- •i^Mii.ia.^ jnent m»v be made to A. Aimsuon.. Markda^..^ spBottA^^, Uarkdals. March 2ni, l^- oan,eoMhei.r*n..«-'J'To«*r lot 1«. ;st oonees ion SJl^prt)?*^ Osprey. Owner wiH ple»«JSr t^^ Jtad-pay expense*. .^ocPlf t^*^ S^ JOSSI*' recently jonod. and is tl.row] jl^J* •'*rgy into 4ie «. kaa been en f*, hav^ ioser's art •• 'if pritttitjR .â- •«*•*' â- ir «.- -liiiil^teiy J, â-