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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 17 Mar 1882, p. 4

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 O HO |„i(iiU .t^w'lw^ '" "^,«H«« Assorted ^tock n t ;ting of Clothing 7. ji,0Ar MOBWIHG ^^ „d an I».trnetiT. OB. If^f^vou^Me lot the yew* •ab- Cl"^.Tl^,nmDlT with tb« nxlM. Um'!j^ibeendofth*ye*T. No Irf'^ilia until aU* tVfSdMIhe option of the pnbluh iVf^rt/u"" P^P*" 'i'"'"' '*^* i â- - b:er^' "y V Boots and ShoegJ ' â-  a, )Cauiic's Potato Wajtjil CEC^CE NIXOM. 'rtf" ' woflo " t ::::: "«» ,i. j° 800 ,* :::: *« ^and.r.fint insertion.. 60 Lf Lflucnt insertion ...... «« iK'^rst insertion per lm« • I' ^^paent insertion V .tT 5 lu.*s to be reckoned by th. K^^^J mea^iireU by • icale of .oha Ii*'P'^^,ti,fment8 without .pecifle n» lib. i.uUisbf^a tiU forbid mI /0 *r„gl V All tran.itory ad'ertiw- â- f "*Tb« in tlj* »*«• °' pnbhcation by r to '1^* Tbufday morninn prMMd |»^'!i'ft"'l'a°TLEDGB. Proprietor. _.jAi A lutniEts "directory^ jiMii,Surgeoni».Accouch«ur ^1 M«li«al Hall; rMidaao* at 1-T jCrgal. D A.JL e: LfiRNKTANI" .SOI.ICITOR, IS NOW 1^, [or attrn.ling t. aU kinJa af law y'T' c)i«-»* Kay" HotaL ,1«. Vft. iiid, l-'ftl. D SHOE f r ]: ,. tr.M.a • 1 Wg loam M. f r„t Froat, jSTkUi' .^M' ATTORNKTS-AT it SoUi'"' '" ChanceiT. Convey ' 'U^aa SkuiuI. have resumed at â-  *n Ofic. open ev.ry Thursday, ai •'" J.W. Faoix.LL. B. u oaieciBQw »).. ii;;i.i .i.;o l'"uua'.k. .•,nnn/if3 5 Daiiyl « .-.•;' 'I'lM-ni. "i '• " 'i » ' 'â- 'â- ). call and |.t ihia. (j â- \i 1 ' â-  1- I •l"r:..ltT. iJ. 1 to. All Custom Wor I t'a.*r. ,. Crowa Attorn.T. 1_^ J. WA^NO."*, Ubiswb MASTEH asddep. reo l^gyjBjery. .Sutary Public, ConT.yan- [*jr ro!"^^"""""' CENT. ._0*fn Souml, in Vicker's Block jl »i.d ii. Markdale. oTir MeFar- E?'ii»re. on fnJitT and Saturday every 57.1} 'rrn^or .florrt'Aon, jiLSlKKS, SOLICITOUS, •-ONVEY- )u,ar' •V'â- â€¢tcâ-  Ei in l)*eu Sound. Pufferin Block. f) f W.lfo's Store and in MARKDALE. jW J MiF^irland's Store on Thursday fguiU to I'lid u rcasoiiablo tenni. tcir*""" W- '-•'â-  Ii'NCAN Morrison »iil.. Murcli IS, 1882. 79-ly littae H R«we, if.K!5ll l. SOMCITOR3, aw» CON- [Tt'aii*"'** Markd;il.' \li tarlttii l'» lilock. fc«(Titl"il- "" l"i«"J S*:urity, at 6 .-er I C. J. W. KoWE. PrntUtrst. l;i lii..or Scwiag Mac! li f. ca^h. Abo tha d power. :â-  ' '.he Durilulk Boo twtl ThOS. H ANBURY. 1 3ni Mr. JaincA J. White, |ipuut tu I'r. aiuiron, Owen Sound. 'iiLbK \r Tin: k::veke house. Uurk iilc. ••!! tlif U-t Wedueaday in It aili. «i]t M 111- vill l.e prepHrud to per n„.,i»riili IMS rtci'iiixil upon the mouth lituiiist ^.itisfaciorv manner, and upon l.e "'1 III-- 1 V lMi«dlatiroa«. A iJ A Ij B 4 Boor Enactor Wiu. ISrowM, riRoF M.AItKIAOE LICENSES, (k. '.jiiimi."»i"ii-r ill li. 11. dtv. |iaH?uii'iii ill ail iti branches piompUj 1 tn iwi carcfiiUr Axocutcd. llB.-Uuciy to Land uu Heal Estate â- â€¢- llb;kiiis. S«iit. iT. 1880. 1-7 Alexander Browa. ||SI'£U of Man litge Licenses, Fir. and 1U« lii-uninct) .\j,'ent. Commidsionei It. Ac. L'i)rt\,'yaiicer and. Licen-ied naecr fur t'.ir County o( Grcv. Fariuers, tut*, iwl Luu.l Sales, I'uuclually %t- 1 to wi\ rlLif^'cs made rerv uoderat*. IfrwiUe.Sci.t. 17.1884). " 1-T i i" NS, K.A.MES ;â- . Filled. » n. ;aibraith lCai#.\H.K AN1 (iENEUAL LAND L it'piit, \V;iii:iiusfard Stati.iii. Auction ssit'Uiie.i HI ail part.-, of the County. I "It Coiiiiuiarion. Rates moderat*. I Uitiiiiis. and Sfwiui; Muohiues also fiUiiJilriiaMieiiHi Trees, Vines. .Agricul- i.jii|l*iuui3. and Machinery of all kind* nii:»mifora. Jan. 27. it«l. .J â- â- â- . -• MB^ â- :.i. Shore. Ji G. Slnir« PJ(I.\I0:« AND FUOVINCIAL LAND ' MrTt(,r. lr«M},'btsmau and Valuator, ItrJuiiii Markdale. Having purchased 'leiai l.auil Surveyor Clmrle.s Rankin's Pi nnK uf original Field Notes, Plans, TU. laa'.riictiuns. Ac.ol all his Surveys • •itliiiMi. last fifty-five years, I aai Bed make Surveys in strict accord- I iiitrtwiili. Protii.s and £«timat«s 'MiuK II ilU. Plans and Speciticatious ••lUiiig I;ri.ii,'e8, furnished on appUca- Uou»y to Loan at 8 per cent interent. ' b' leitiir. or left with U. J. BLYTH, Wii*;*, will L, promptly attended to. |l*l 17. 18(« l-T T. 0ATI9. ^ni.l'F.l; CONTIUCTOB, (S;on« and ' .^fll r (iinipletiiiK l' buildinf^ '•«i»unit .111! ,,n the track and is (till â- "1 tu .1(1 ali kinds of Btone and brick yW.tini,' Mid tuck pointing. Those Ifo eoniemplaie building wiU find it to ^^iiwioflvrhira a call. mJ~^"""' 'â- "iiier of Brawn and Sproml. '*«.M»Mriir l«-v 8-! £3 1 iEUTIOllS S..:.,ona'i.-. l-a-li:..uableaud tapl« ioUU. II^EVERE HOTEL, I MAUKUaLK. p SPRouiiE, Proprietor T HiSi Hi'ti'l has had a large ad- luQ i..l.l(ihl t„ n. ti'oroiiKhlv refitted. now -.o,,!,,! (o uoiie lu the couniv- 'tahliiij; n,„| attentive onler. First- ^1 iiniii,.,ii,t:,,ii for cu'uuu-ruial travrl- rerinn 91.00 per dar. 17-Iy Hov .:ul, wliica *i' .i."*er at MEAbORD, Ont. PaopatETOBs. I' J McUIiUt, J^»«ojanio.Ution ^- Ine bar for the travelling ivell stocked with the e a I £iwiS/«AC â- w,,!v*""' " '•^'1 "«=ked with the UUCGCl PrlCe»» â- CofT-^;^/'" Luiuors and th. best l^'Wtoa.uUromaUtrain.. ^- 17. l»8il. 1-J 'I... I v.Uucs !• every Una. • • -â- Â»"' jfei" â€" O- CUIi STOCK O? •COMMERCIAL HOTEL PRICE VLLliE. Ont. llooi? J'" sommodious Sample Booms Ha ^,f^°°^*' â- *:. Tlia Bai and lard. Z!^ "itl the best the market »f •••W^tihUTig andattmtive BknU^r*! ^^^ JH03. ATKIJteSM, ProtniatOT :^e, Crockerj, and m^^^ viil ;ial prices and t»1»«« "^^^ 1 artment. â-  ^^ij .^L AND SAVB mCfHTT^ oar suppliea at tk* "T«ont» Wm ^VE WUR COMBINGS. n to MUIOQIIOA to ""Wm" ""« •"'1 â-¼iciniqr that th* ^t^- *? "rk up hair oombiugs into ;j,"" »"d curU, term* muderaU t' wMsu "'*^' K«-»denoe comer oi MJ S^ «»tr««u_ oppoMte Mt. flow.*' w Sti *: V VOL. 3 .--No. 28. BUILDSB ANn^rarSotDB f, Wd bMk). TiMUriM »«i attaadad to in town or etMntif KsiiiBaUa tm wodi fre«u Inadalk, HtptatlwT ftdi.n«ir ".^ I" Wn. Lucas i Co., BANKERS, yioaey JL.oajaed IN Iai««or MuU aaowtte, at aU tiam, good MidMaad notes, or on M-1 1at»l MCHiiiy. WTEKIT AT 6 Kl CENT. AllowMl on 8*Tin«« Da^onta. i^DrafU iaanad and CollMiiona mad* .d all pointa, at lowMt rataa. WM. LUCAS, Manager. Markdal.. Sept. 17th. 1880. l-ly F. F. TEEPLE'8 CARRIAGE WORKS, DVNDALK, 0:«T. Th. •absciib.r is prepared to snpply the pubhc with WAGGONS. DEMOCRATS. bUGGIES. bLEIGHS. CUTTERS. BOB SLEIGHk. Together with all kinds of repairs in wood or iron on .short notice, at re»souable rates. F. F. TEEPLE. Duudalk. Sept. 2nd, i»8i. 1 It REMOVED, REMOYED. J. C. ATK-INSON, TAILOR, Having removed to Main Street, is now pre- jmrod to h all orders on the shortust possible notice. -LATESTâ€" Fashion Plates RECEIVED REGULARLY. CHARGES MODERATE. Satisfaction Guaranteed ll.enr»e»»ler the I*Iace NEXT DOOR TO NELSON'S STORE, MAIN STREET. Dundalk, Nov., 1881. IS-fcn. Meat Market! Meat supplied wholesale and retail -o â€" Ordera called for and meat deliver- ed to any part of the town. Shop on Main Street. V. S.â€" Farm«'r8 haTiug fat cattle or sheep to dispose of would do well to let me know, as I will pay o«bL for such. W. T. RUNDIil, Dundalk, Jan., 1882. HAIR ^.UTTING AND SHAVING Every Worliiiig Day, lly rrhomas Hmith. t^ Orde -8 fiUed for Tomb Stones â-  Uarkdala, Jolr 31. 18*1- ^-9» A LECTURE TO YOUNa HER O^ THE LOSS OF MANHOOD WE have re edition of elebra recently published a new of Dr. CiilTerwell's brated Essay on the radical and ncrrons Debihty, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage etc., resulting from exoe. ses. fcs'Piice, in a scaled envelope, only 6 cts., or two poHtagc stamps. The celebrated author, in this admirable Essav, clearly demongtrates, from thirty vears' Buccessful practice, that alarming con- sequences may be radically cnred without the dangerous use of internal medicine, or the use of the knife pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain and effectual, by means of which every snflerer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. CarThis Lecture should be in the handa of every youth and every man in the land. AddreM Tht CrivtrwAU Itiical COm 41 Alia 8t^ l««w WmrtL. Poet Oflw Box 4M ^1^ ^m ^fmm weak in ytmt own tewn iBvCftV* outfit fi«e. No liak. ^B^^^^FEverytninflMw. Capital not rtqnjwl- ^« »ill fnrflish yon every tUng. Ma.^^ are ntaking forttinea. La^e. make as mMlf aa men. aod boT and giria make great {Nty. Reader, if yon want a bosi neM. St which yo.i Mn make gn»t pay all the time yon work, write for p«rtiealars t» H. Ballmti a Co Pectlaad, Mai MARKDALE, ONT., MARCH 24, 1882. RIEUHATISM, lhmfmlgit,9cMem,Liimkmf, Bmek»9lm, 9orvi9u tf tht Cittt, foiit, Quiny, Son Tiromt, tw^- My* rnnri Sprmhn, Banu n^ iMUt.BinnlB^ilr Tttk, Smf m4 Hâ€"iacht, FpmH^ fâ€"t miMt Emn, m4 all atkat Pamt and Mehaa. *• y iie ai sB ij a oa Mrth ««aak tr. J*«« a» 7 • f^' â€"'â- *, *imjUt ud tkmtf kiMMl ttrnttf A bW aBMlW bat A* M^wMMTalv Mliiw Milv ar W OsBl., swl .VVT «7M*rta| **'Msie saa kav* 4kmr n i^ltii |n« «9 DbMUsM la a.vaa iMcMca. â- OLD n ALL DKUeOlSn US osiLm XM kesioue, A VOOXXER Jfc CO.. miMiM^iM BOBT. ASKIL., â- Has opened out a Firkt -Class Furniture AM UNDERTKING ESTABLI8HMENL An.' thiiei,.re ha- ^uppliod u want long felt, rispeciallv iu tbe Uudertakiiig Line. COFFINS, C4SKETS, SHROUDS. and all FURERAL FURRISHIR6S, supplied on the .sbortes notice. A. Kolendicl Hearse t^r hire at moderate rates. PUBNITUEE! â-  From the Common to the Rest and Latest Styles, in everything in the line. Callaal saa fir yoirsslvei. ROBT. ASKIN. mm m mm\ IM CSREAT TARIETT. THE CHEAPEST! BECAUSE THEY ARE T II F- U E SI r IN THE MARKET. Any Number or Style Promptly suppUed from stock on the shortest notice. " All manufactured by skilled me- chanics, with good material in the Latest and most improved Style. -o â€" Special attention is also directed to the large and verj' superior stock of second growth HICKORY AND WHITE OAK purchased from one of the best factories in Canada, sufficient to manufacture over fifty Waggons and Carriages for the coming sea- sou. Intending purchasers should not fail to make an inspection of my stock and save money. SEPC'AL ATTENTION TO RE- PAIRINQ A HORSESHOEMI. IS'Kemember the place â€" second door to Butter A Bae'g. D. J. SHAN AH AN, Proprietor. Markdale. Deo. 2nd, 1881. 64. A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND a Happy New Year. •"pHE Snb«:riber desire* to eall the atten X tion of those about to commit matri- mony, that he is prepared to fami«h WEDDING CAKES. and every other article of oonfectionerj suitable for such oocasions, in tbe Most Artistic styls, nnd of a flavor and quality, that canho{ be surpassed. SOI REE H, am- Surprise Parties SuppUed with every desirable article of Con- lectionery on the shortest ootiee, and at reasonable rataa. Hr THE Accidie of Bread I I DEFY COMPETITION, And will deliver it at the reaidenee o all who may favor mo wiUi their patronage. A DUNLOP. -HEV, OAViO WlLUAMt.- WeHa of nniiiiliilimiji mUtmmi to kta aad Mwtowtecwifc ty X. WBgLKT •AYAOS. Ba kaa 8DM, TOW haloMi. hA MM t» Uanat. *aar dat» WjlHâ€"i. jfall far Ifca Ba workad Ifta a kare while I Aad lahoared too haadâ€" it m^t he i SojMuioaa M« ha poor aianera to aa** That Ata' iife lac that pafjaaaka wittM- -â- â- .;_^«aT». -,rl fB*^^^laa«u«4pMi|ihrt«a indi ha on- Una, â-  ' .-:" ' That with flnk aal with Uood he Mtar eonfajred. By. night and hy di^ Cwe one and aomeaU' Waa brather VHlliaaa' nntirin^ mU. Ha spared not his tongii be aparad not hi* Toiee, If oaly balierars wenmade to lejoiaa. The seal of onr brother, too aneh far his trame. To geoerons Martyrdom t gives him a Tet 'tis doe to oaraelre., we find on the whole. To hosband onr strength, ear ssal to control. His noble and genial spirit has fled, And rests his remains in the realms of the dead, There slumbering calmly till roused by his Lord, With thousands of others, to meet his reward. If faithful dear friend, we shall join him on high. Where affliction, and sin, and death we ' defy Where painful ba-savement do more can annoT â€" Our friendship €istiirb, or Insaen oar joy! Instead then of weeping, eontemplate the time. Yon will meet your baloTed in a more healthy clime. You'll joia him in singing, you'll join him in praise. Nor broken by sorrow, nor nambcred by days. Acquaintance resumed in .hst region of bliB, \i much mora endearing than any in this; On earth separation and parting takes piace, ?ut nought of farmrslls in heaTen we trace. Then weep not dear friend, bat be of good cheer. The laurels he's gained for servioes her. Will encircle his brow, and never shall fade. If we can confide in the promises made. Let this on his monument clearly be read. This hard working man had nothing to dread, Hs shrank not, but bravely accepted the cup. And â-  The zeal ef Ood's House hath eaten him up.' Tweed Methodist Parsonage, Feb. 21. 1682. i mm WDM. PART II. ChaptiSB III. Continutd. '"Wlio wonid liare a doll, tbea^k its tiair should b« draased Aod its petticoaioa trimmad m tba fashion ' 'A Iiondon belle of tfarea years' stand iug aai a flirt â€" no sach wo- man aa that ia hardly likely to be a wife of mine or mistress of Trpgeiina. But it was my lather's wish that at least I should marry no one with it seeiiie her, and every wish of his is sacred. It is surprising, though, that she remains single still â€" with all tbe beauty and grace and fatal withery they say she possesses. Many n,en have offered, but she has refused all â€" men with rank and power and wealth.' For Sir Arthur had returned home and matrimonial thongbta intent liis late father and the prtsent Earl of Rayslaud. diasimilar in irauy things, were 7et close friends ind com- rades. The plain Cornish baronet hsd been dazzled by the morebrillunt peer, and when that peer fell into poverty, his pnrae and aympaty were ever at bis service. And one faaving an only sou, the other an only daugh- ter, what more natural than that ihey should oink their bond of friendship in tbe closer bond of relatiouship. Old Sir John had lov'd and admir- d little Lady Clive, next to Lis body, above all earthly tbinj;s. Her fair faca and golden ringlets and brown, luoiinons ayaa made aoDshine olten in tbe dim, dasky-storied oM nmms 3f IregeDoa, ber clear girl's tones, tbe sweet-st rauaic. Slia bad not met young Arthur on these visits, be bad been up at Oxford. Casually, however.K^nce or twice they bad ccme togethsr. Bat aomehow tbe friend- pbip ol the fatiiers was not rcprodnc ed in tbe ebildren. Little Lady C««.l iu ber white 'rocks and blaa Mshes. ber fldwiug carls, and dancing eyes, was but a friTloas, tiresome child in the pedMitic gaxe of tbe tall, Greek- speakiDg, Latin- loving nndar-grad. while tbia uphfted, severe, silent yoimg Oxonian was an algeet of awe and a terror to the Earl's daoghtar. But Sir John died, »nd on bia d ath- bed be had aakad lua son. alriekMi wiUi gri^. to make, if he eonld win h«f consAukjAdy Cecil Cliva tba fu- ture mii^trMa of Tracenua. 'Too wiU lova her,' tha old man. had â- ud. *tvbo could help ft r She w as beaatifdl aa tbe day, and as good as she as haantifal. No ' ^ne tivaa whoB I •ookLM MOM tea joor wife a* my Itftinir bad girof lit prntiae, and wiMo iSA a Tt^gsniia aver Weak his word to friend or foe J He went abroad and for three jeara raoiainad abn^d. La^ Caefl waa in bar nbaUeutli year opan hla r«tam. and it waa her first aeaaoa, death in the family having kept her back. They naet ia' tliat gay gxaoioaB,. knUiaat, M^ter world, and h« Mdn to iMloa ahat Lady Oeofl GUra waa by no meaoa the woipaa of wcsMB ba wiafaad to laka to wife. She waa lovdyâ€" no daaht «f thatâ€" aweat, gentla, pora. and prond. Bat aha hTad admiration â€" many Mno •oablit her. pre said forward aaearly in the «baaa,aad Bir Arthar Tragaaaa atood in tba baokgroond and saw bar amila npon them ail, vary few of Mtoae aaailaa were for him. She had beard nothing of that death bed compact, and her hther chanced to b« abaent from £nglaDd the firat aeaaon. Ba- fore it haid ended Sir Arthar had ta manned his yaoht, and set oih for the Meditvrrauean. And DOW after three years he was bask and on the same srrtnd. One last effort he made to obey his father if he found her the sort cf woman be bad suspected, then she ahoold oover be wife of his. Two men were talking near him as he sat lost in thought. Their eoo versation fell on bis ear â€" they didt not seem to heed liim â€" and lost in' bis own revene, he did not comprebeitd a word. 'Left this morning, did you say, Wyatt one of them waa saying. Someirhere down in Sussex, is it Then I shall not go to the Clarges St. raception to night. London is a how* ling wilderness without ber. The Kun shines on nothing half so lovely as La Rein Blanche.' â- So poor Buceleth used to say until she refused, and sent him headlonu to perdition. It's a crush fact iu nut ural philosphy thiit all the men who lose thwr heads for the White Queen go straight to the bad after it. Poor she is as a church mouse, and yet I believe she has rejected more propos- als this seson than the Duko ot Be- Ivier's daughter beraelf, with her beauty, her blood, aud ber splendid dot. What do yon suppose she is waitin$r for â€" a ducal coronet ' 'Old Buys IS au inscrutable card, and there's someone in tbe back- i^round, depend upon it. Wasn't there a whisper at Pratt' of au enormously rich Curuinliman fjr whom the old bird is reserving her She is charm- ing â€" La Rein Blancha â€" aud nothing under thirty thousand a year stand- any chance there. 'Praise as we may. When the tale is dona.] She is but a maid. To be wooed and won*' 'I envey tb« Cornish, Whoever he is. 'His name is Tregennaâ€" Sir Arthur TretrcDua â€" worth no end in tin mines and fiuheries and that, but a deuo of a pri;;, so I am told.' The next instant the two yourg dandies were startled by a tall, sUii- burut, silent gentleman in the arm chair rising up and facing them. '1 beg your pardon;' he said ii: haughty surprise, 'I am that deuce of a giag â€" Sir Arthur Tregenna, Had I knowL I was the saliject oi your conversation I would have iuterupt- ed yon suoncr. And you scarcely honour tbe uaise of the lady you praise by making it tba public prop- erty of a coffee-room.' With which, and a frown of haugh- ty ai^ger, the tall, tanned geutleman stalked away, leaving the two friend* aghast. 'Gad I' Wj-att said, 'and that's Treseniia â€" like a reoonter on tbe stage, where the hero, supposed to be at the Antipodes, turns up at a min- utes notice. I took aim to be a sailor merchaut captain, or something of tbit sort. Has his arrival, I wonder, anything to do with little Cljve's flight from London ' More and more disiatisfied, the young baronet left the room and the hotel. And this waa the girl be had come home to mat ry,a flirt who drew men only 10 refuse them and send them to perdition, aa that perfumed puppy in the coffee-room pliraseit it â€" a fair and fatal Circe, born to work evil and destruction on earth, I shall go down and see for myself he thought, sternly, that at least my promise binds me to, but no hardened uoquette shall ever be wife of miue. If I find Lady Cecil Clive w^at 1 know 1 shall, I will leave England agaiu within a week, aud try once more the plains of Texas, the Buffalo, and the Indians. I will take some dusky wo inan, she shall rear my savage brood. Well, not quite so bad as that perhaps â€" I m not ill love, and. tbe fellow iu Lockly's Hall was â€" but I'll go to my grave alone, and Tregenna shall pass to the nexc-of kin, aooner thau marry a of the world who is a wo- man of tbe world tnd no more. How lightly these flippant flops took her name on their lips Aud my poor father believed her an angel because ahe had an auger face. It's enough to make a maa forsake tbe sex.' gardinara itbdv bdy'a cfdara h«d done th*ir 4afk, tba fartaana. tha tropic blooiif tlfa waaMiDf ayrtlr and «Bi«aoaat*a. A 'nam and gwraaiaaia, varabhaantoJlMimodwa gardan oi Bdaa. •^ How hvdy â€" wbai a magnifiowt old ttUce I Lady Cecil exdaimad, and yoa eall it doll ts daatb, aa diauMtl aa a kmb, Qinevra. It was h«r firat riait to tbaanoastral homa of her aoaain'i rich bosband, and ia ber baart of bearU tbe belle of Laodoo dearly lovad the ooontry. Lady Daogarfiald alanao aroaad bar with a little sour air. *So it was, B) it ia, so it will ba â€" if Ilflt it. Why can't the Loiidtttf saa- aon last fur averf I like rnral b'fe and raatio aoenw iu pictares â€" in real life give m(t.BaIgririAj yaiir in and year out.' •And balls, soirees, operas, draw iog-rooma. and drivat. the old, weary tread-mill, tiraaoma, eodleas ronnd. Ton are fearfull.v vital, Omavra, and stand the wear and tear well, bat if these little breathing apaoes did not come, eynn you would have to go an aer speedily. For mysalf six weeks of Londun, if you will, four of Paris, and the rest of the year in just ai^ a dear old coaotry house as this, half a dozen nice people to live with, one's country neighVoura to yisit an:t Mrs. OruDdy forgotten.' 'Well, mv dear, you shall have all that aud more, when you are Lad} Treu'euua. Tregenna Towers is as old agaiu as Scars wood, and twice as truly rural. It is my lord and master I see on tbe portico steps Really he shriv els ap and grows smaller with every passing day 1 And nere eomo Pearl and Pansy flying down the steps like little wild IndiiiEs, Miss Herncastle, what do your think of you future home aod voar future pupils.' (to BK CONTINUBD.l THE NEWSPAPER IN THE FARM-HOUSE. People who live in cities having two or three daily newspapers, do not fully appreciate the value of a newspaper. There they are looked upon as neces- sities, and as indispensable as tbe morning meal. One must be for off up the country, remote from the mad- dening crowd to realize the full luxiuy of a newspuper. The farmer who re- ceives but one newspaper a week does not glauce over its columns hurriedly, as doth the lawyer or merchant, he begins with the title and reads to the end, not a news item or au advertise- ment escapes bis eye. Then it has to be thunlbcd by every member of the family. The daughter looks for the marriage notices aud the love story. The s m, just about to start a farm, reads crop reports, and has a keen aye to unproved modes of culture, Tiie young people look after sirhising scraps, and all look forward to the day that brings the paper. If it should chance to miss, the grumblings are loud and strong. Tbe new^ipaper is the poor man's library, the food of his mind. Through the months of March aud April be cafi^fdl not to use Purizativos containing Cttlomcl or oiber injurious substances. The proper aud safe Purgatives is the Great Vegetable Preparation, Dr, Carson's Stomach aud Jonstipation Bitters, tbe purest and best Blood Purifier kuown. A Turner and Co. Special Ageut Mark- dale. TWO THOUSAND MILES IN AN OPEN BOAT. AT fCABSWOOB. Late in the afMmcon of that sannv June day, at tbe very hour indeed in wfaieh bir Arthur Tregenna sat list- ening to Wyatt and his companion in tbe coffee room in his hotel. Lady Danger%ld, bar aaoie, cousin, goyar- aesa, aeryanta, etc. â€" an irapocMgpro- oeeaivoâ€" arriwad from London at bcarswood Park. Scarawoad I With tba fad floab of tbe saitiBC aao npoir it,wiUi tba gladea tha lawaa, tha ahrobberiMa ataepad in gidd, with tba atona arm on tba stoaa lacraaaa tamed to barniatiad nlvar, tba scarlet roaes like aparka of fira, avary laaf if kb« aopp«r blaaabaa blood rad-Wibiaa.tha wiadnwsgbutdng tbrongb tba traaa bka abaato A bam- isbadiiold. Saanwood Park and tba laiiaMail eild auuMiin came opon tbam â€" a aanrelloaaiy fair piotiiie. Track- lasadaptha offeru wared away aod apuy.lbaoMtihpaod aptoadaat lite • alw ainvr. â€" â€" The " Clara," a barque of 960 tons register, left Hull, lusded with coal for San Francisco. In mid-oceau it was discovered that tbe cargo was on flie. Efforts were made to extinguish 'the flames, boles were bored iu the bow, the flames seemed mastered, and the water pumped out Deiise volumes of sm' ke attain broke out, and this time it was attempted to smother the fire, but without sticceSB. Eventually the crew had to leave the ship, the heal was unbearable. They were distribu- ted iu three boivts in tlit master's boat was Capt. Sherwood, his wife, two children, tbe second oflrcer, and six seamen another boat contained the mate and five sailors, and in the third boat was tbe hoatswaiu and three men Each boat earned a compass, 50 daya' provender, and water. It whs ttu o'clock on Sunday night when the long journey from the i-bip to the shore was commenced. Tbe "Clara " was soon lost sight of. For two days the boats kept well together, but one night a storir separated them, and from that time to the present nothing has been heard of the mate's or the boatswains boats. The captain's par- ty sufftred frightfully from thirst, the heat of the sim's rays, and the ocean's reflexion. The allowance uf woter was half a pmt per person. Tbe cap- tain's wife and chil^n were greatest sufferers, aud at one time it waa fully expected tley would die. The cLildren lay upon their mother's lap, moaning for water. A turtle was captured, and torn from its shell, and its blood ea- gerly drank. At last tbe coast was reaobed, a atream found, together with rest acd refreshment. They proceeded 200 miles north, aud after a 28 days' voyage aririve^ Mtiely at Ac^uhxr. *««( Some thief walked off with $700 from Campbell's store, Sbelbame, on Friday last. The pocket book con- taioiug tha nANiey was left on the desk in the office, and someone walked off wi'Ui it nnaotioad. The robbery took place between "iA and 1, and a gieat many people had bean in darinf that ttma. No due to tba thie£. HAOTABD'b PEOTOItAL BAL SAIff Caraa aoii|^; oolds. aathaaa, aroap, wtaooping awogb, sore thtuat, broa- aaid all iaaff otwaiainta that w. IMaaMaaalBi WHOLE Mo. 80. BBUGE lONSS. Btal Ban.â€" Ntna Bilaaar m from Thaaaakatra the Braoa Mutes, tbe oUaetM^td plaaea oa tba North Shore. Twenty yean ago tba -rinaga bad a po»«ktiao of 9000 and money waa flaab at that time, tbe price of eoppar waa bi^. Tbe eompaot ' wi^t^ atrong, and leaolved to pmelt tbe ore inataad of sending it to Swansea in Walea; aeaordiogly they inreeted ^640,000 in a smelting hooee which bad imm'aoae brick oveos, a pon- deroos engine, aad a brick aiaoke staok 180 feet hii|^ Tbe macbii ety did not work well. Owing to tbe tan- nel not baring bera properly timbered, it caved in, copper Ml iu price. When this news raaebed Englaod the com- pany gave orders for sa^Mosion of rpsrations. This was the death koell to Brace Minea, tbe miuers depended oo the minpa for work. Ilieir money waa io.yested mostly in their homes, tome however had b^en pro- vident while times were good, and made the most o^ misfortune by tak- ing up farms and titling th(m, but tbe majority moved a^vay leaving bundreds of comfortable dwellings ctuoccupied,many of which have never had a tenant smoe. These relics of former life and bustle fill one wi^ a feeling of sadness, that where such a business in mining was once carried on, ibere nothing but rot- ting houses, rueting michmory aud crumbling smoke stacks. An old miner says that the bottom of .he lode was never reached. This subject is wortliy of attention, as it is hoped mining at some future period will be a great source of wealth to Algoma, Coloiadaad aadVaddi^ VIOLINS. ITALIAN ^%iam» t|ksn4i4 Oi^te sale Watefa Bepairii« a i| (aannteed at W. F. DoU's. Markkas. Feb. M. IHi. 7^ and " A dual's amang ye takio' An' faitb he'll print 'am-' Bvaaa. Oarrenters Wf making op to $S pat day in Winnipeg. • â-  1 â-  I Tba STJtxDAao Office turns oat gaod Job PrvuUng. A civil word in the world. ia tbe ohcapaat thtag 76 cents wiU tbe end of ' this tffl An oance of care of the feet is wottb a poond of f.ver A little nonseuM now and'thM Is relished by the best of men. Eor^ka I sboa't-all manofeetuara^ machinists and mill men when' tbay first try Lardine. This is tbe way they run ap a bill at Edmonton, N.W.T. Coal od ft per gallon, bacon 38 cents per pound, tea 70 cents, sugar 33 cents, tabaoao ^1, aud syrup $8 per gallon. McCell Fros. A Co., Toronto; are sole manufacturers of Lardine, tba best lubricator known. Try it. Subscribe fur tbe Standari, aad secure a valuabl" hook, entitled "L Treatise on the Horse and his Di seasss," worth half the sobscriptioa. Tt is lawful to kill a stray dog whoa it is " augbt iu the act' uf •aaVcftH^ sheep, not otherwise. A simple log sled may bo made froiB a crotch or fork of a small .voong tree, thus, Hitch the team to this end. "Tbe Horse and His Diseases" ta full of infMrmation most valuable t« horse 'owners. 15 cents. tiiAHDaan Office. A Goo» HoDSKwiFE. â€" When she is giving ber house its spring reu«va tiog, should bear in mind that the dear inmates of ber bouse are more precious than many houses, aud that their systems need cleausiug by puii lying the Blood, regulating the sto- mach and bowels to jircvent and cure the diseases arising from spring ma- i laria and miasma, aud she must j An Indian who strayed from bia • know that there is nothing that wUl I camp was met by a Gleuelg farmer up perfectly and surely as Hop I in Manitoba. "Are you lost,' A parent in Markdale said to bia naughty sou. "John, I'm very sorry to h:tve to punish you." JSaid Johnay^ "Don't then, 'cause it makes ma feel bad too.' do it so Bitters, the purest and best of medi- cines. THE POOR FARMER. tbe farmer. " No," said be, "India* not lost, Indian hers, wigwam lost." A girl about hero remarked to bar lover "I am willing to marry you area if we have to live on bread and water." "Right," saia George, " y lu find tba bread, and I'll look around aad gat tha water." '-The Horse'emd His Disease," ia a valuable book of ueai: 100 pages. It will ba given to each subscriber to this paper who pays iu advance. One of our lady readers has seut the following. Many faults have women, Meu iiave (inly tw» â€" There's nothing rij^ht fiey say. There's nothing right they do. There is no tru-,h io the two last line#. All shouting connection with Grand Trunk via brauch from Of^eu Souud to Tnra, sb 'Uid note that Col. Tisdale 'l-'re.'iaeiit U and Trunk, Georgiaa Ray, an I L.tke Erie Ry, says soeh a br.tuch wou^d uot bo b tilt by bia ooot- pany. A Poor farmer cannot be a think- ing man. When a thoughtful man sees things going wrong he enquires ihe re. sou, he watches and tries all sorts of plans till he fiuds the cause of the wrong. When he has fouud it the work of repair is at once begun. But the POOS farmer* works on, grum- bling at his ill luck, never thinking of looking carefully for the reason why his cattle give out, why his sheep drop their, wool and go about with piuckod and careworn faces, why his iioiscs arc hidebound and mangy, his chickeus dying off, and uo eggs in the basket nay he does uot even consi- der why his poor wife is worn out with hardship, struggliug uloiig with wet firewood, whith she with bhivcring bauds and arms brings iii to make the morning fire, while the husband gives „ „ ,,.^ ,, ,, J ij Mr liace, .Mitchell UacoaoeB nied his cows, lu a cold icv yard, fouder i i»ii- rr •» •â-  f. .u » i.v«u ivj jttiv*, »v^ Jas. Dalhuj,' l^or 6 years subscriptioa covered vrith suow for then- m. ruing ^ith iuteresi and got it. Newspaper meal, which they in their wretched i m^u a; e uot to be dead beat that way. shed have scarcely strength to eat. Is there any wonder that such poor farmer continues poor Ah he knows uo better. He sever rends a paper, he says " book farming ain't no good nohow." And so the poor farmer is past mending. Twenty passengers left OxaogcTiUa for Munitoua on Tj^sJey. AN EDITOR IN LUCK. St. Jacobs Oil cures rheumatism of this I am convinced. For years 1 Suffered witu rheuiuatiSin lu my left shculder and right arm, anil la^t fall I wan inicapabl^ of atiendurg t my duties, aud lay mauy a night un- able to sleep on Accouiit of teriible pauis. A lew weeks ago a severe at tack of this trouble struck me, and this time I concluded t .ry the St. Jacobs Oil, I must ackbowiedge, with but Utile confidence iu i's •neri.s. I freely coufesss that tbe result has completely a^ni»ibod me. The first application rslieved the pain vet^r materially, and the contLiued use of only two bof^^les has completely cured me of this chronic evil, aud that, after the mostemiaeut physicians aud their presci'iplious bad been of no avail. I therefore caisider it a duty to pub- lish tbe above for the benefit of all suffsrers with rheumatism and kin (tred compiainu. G. A Hkilmsm, Editor HrpuMican, Pittsburg, Pa. There are 1500^ Winnipeg market. horses unsold !• "WELL BEGUN... HALF DONE." Is true of mo4t kinds of farm work. Previously well considered plans, and a good ready, with seed, implements, teams, harness, etc, so as to strike right into tbe work in hand, are large elements of success. We know some farmers who ate always oomplaminK of •*Badlu*k," poor soil, unfavorable seaaops, etc. We have seen them start from tbe Hreakfast table at 0^ to 7 o'clock, and freqtienily tba sun climbs baJf op tbe meridian before tbe teams and oUier working appara toe, are all gut together, aod then, vary often ttiereira miasinR link, or blrft,-or sariiW.â€" Thinking, pUnoina, anaoging beforahaad, taking time by tba feraloek, are just aa imp jfiaat to tba tillers ef tbe aoil. ar to the man in any other basinsas. Aefive spring work ia opoo osy or e'oae at band be aU ready to strike tbe most f ff-eti*e felows at ill* very sUrt "Well begaa I â€"half dfibe."â€" ^awrMtt kpiaaUurut ' M ApHt.- v-j V.-: .? •..: i.: It'.iu^ ' â- Si The father of the boy Smith who ia awaiting trial for tha murder of bia uncle at 8h-^iburue, last week had a nutuher of search warrants issued, and Several lariu houses wore hauled over in the hope of fin. ling some of tbe old mail's pr •[erty. Great indignation la uxpieKsed by tbe Ikruiers, and aotioaa ihrea'.eued' As a popular pas'or was praaehiDg last buiiday. bis hearers were smiliog a' a big cigar wlneh was working ita way up out of his vest pocket. tVintiipegcoutractors complain thai they see no prospects o* workmen fer the cumiijg season's building. Canvas houses are being run up im the North West. P'siitercra and masons go in for ft and labourtrs $3 day in Winnipeg. Anotlier swindle, against which far* mers are warned. Ah' agent caHs oar, a farmer, buys e!;g8, butter, Ac., s^ya' be wants a receipt to Khew tbe firm that he bsii paid for them. He breaks the pencil p .inl ju-t as the sigoators is reached, then takes from his poekM' a fountain pen, with which tbe farmer signs the receipt. The swindler goM to town. er.ises tbe pencil writing, aad writes a prmissory note ft-r $siS aH $1(X), which be gnts discounted. Tbi Hest*^ thing in bonnets â€" A pretty faca. " Tonng man, we eat alt the tint. b^fe," said a local farmer to a fraafa hand, who was paring tiie dirt at a cheese. "All right," said he, "I aas cnttiog this off for yoa." Golden ruiaet apples a^on^ fe'dbv mg 15s. iu Liverpool. Mr. B^n. Allen is a d^ferata f^Haj 0wan Soand Bbard of Trade to rufi flie bmlding of a line to a trmTiniaaf point on tba Onwid Xntik. A man labiarinv oadar arbialMJ^a infla^noe, was waJaiag up IBl "ii, Aa. Mber day p r aa ti a im taf walking ob tin top cf aranfei tmat.- I tuTdeira around WifiAcf/IJbA' ^/i hm^aitii/Ji^.f^M^ ♦- hSti^*jif ^f^' -• ".- "• â- - i«? *..Vt

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