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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 17 Mar 1882, p. 3

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 •V 'I i 11 ^i\ ' !• il 1 ' It 1 t. V « •I I' LEill DY FOB TBEHACCCT OF 1 lih CAiJBAGJi tLÂ¥.- ., .. Cowle«, DwrtfordTCo., .( â- ., riif* *•! let ky nii article lu tii 1' c iiiiii.Ih r «f tii« kwtr.con hf., Ihitt Bisc^iMiH* of C-trlx'ii n nvrm- i;i-ii ' for fli« Fljr. Uow \» li ni'|t'i. J ?â- â-  â€" Tha n â-  f fliiiLaJpLi (Ir t (.'.krU'U is nut iilj recoinu.cnd' id f' r i!i8 o»ii'a;,'C uia;rpt. ]iui aim) tor tiie sq.ias!i bor t, anil otber snb rl-niii'Hii ins^c!*. It would Mnre['irali! t-^ il*-s?r(j auU wLsu juu rwn find tluir liilU. To ai} 1» iLe )iiiiiH. we^liave ohiy tj luaiie a rii uil 1 )V, l3 u»f t a cab« cr ^^tlMr kiuail ro1. ci-«« ieriiio tli« flaiit to a tlfpHioftw" "T iline inrh'S, then )!â-  Ill- iiild ll;c Ii'i!*- » Ua-iiooijfiil of tbo fl.iul, ai.l q:iuk:T cov«r lli« ».f-iie Lt f.liiii: tliu licle witii euiili, and pr*»- Â¥wg, it (l)*ii with tlif f'M't. Tlie famf o^eiati'ii lu tha middle of ao ant Lill widiqiiickly dc»tnj i'j« ants jf tLt.T HrwWt »l.«.t:ar.Tif8 of tho hill. Ail I'r'iil.l i«iiifi1.bfr tliut I'litnljihido of mloii iind alto its VHjv.r, are very in- flan.n.dle, an 1 ^lio^:l i alw\v« t.e u»- (1 «illi ertat c»i«. â€" kmtruan kgrieul lliiirt {••T Mo/(7i. The â- Â§â€¢â€¢( •â- ^ceasfiil .Renar^tS mat tUKei.veM4, a^i u aartaio k lU and uoeK Dot blister. Read PBo«r Beixv THE ELECTRIC LIGHT BapTCfldin(; ai it doM all other raitdeik of illuuiinatiou, a»d iiall^d cnlv It the gti^riJ"' iiuu»liiii«. "" n-t be bailed with ^TeHfer joy by all oT.h(-r I.!'"" )*r;ti»r8 au'.l loaica as the "•.lictric liglit in Kiiperiir to thi» old tti»lii()iied tallf.w di)' l^iidrck Blood itt«ra ciirea bciofulH,' auU all foul iiomors and inparities of tli« blood. "in wLa*. cciiJition na» t'lR patnach .]â-  I at tlie «ul of lii« liie ' h ked a bun '.») Filiool hach. r of a quiet- ookiijii b'.y at the ti ol ' f the '•Dea-'" calmly replitr.i ihc quiet 1 ok- M*iNa Nk« â€" H)ii iJirters, which a.talvBrtixed in '.ur c !iiai:is, ar* R aai* cDie for a;ii' li. -a^.-i'ss aa Ui^liiey^. Tii-.s* who ust .linn K!iT tlifjv (•;'.:. ii't li" to., hiirlil. iftvii!ji;i iMlf.(i. 'i l.os. Hiy.citil Bi.rul.. ;;iT8 tl:c:i a f.iir tri.i' Hn:! wrl •; co:uf til 'roliy «iit:aisias;ic ui tiiB pra.»« of lliifir ciiirttive qualiilei. â€" J 'i, It! a ml Ai^jiiM. ' Ar« vtu twii.8" r.KkoJ a youD? I»il\ III ciiatiif "f a c!!is» I i rnjall •li l;n- ill Ltwi^t.pi). Suil.liU ^ll To tha Public. La4ie5 and Gtntlenum I 4u:4JdObOdie inhabitants of Dundalk and surrounding country that I am an authorized agent and am now prepared to sell the ..OMTHEONEONTAMSSaSEWING MACHINES! oneonu. New York. •'"•^et^. '^- I mannfacturcd. They are the EarK iast munmer Hewn J. B. KtiwUn " A Co.. of Enoabuigli FaiJa, Vt.. ma4«a eon- • WOrld-renOWnea tract with the pubhih;r« of tlM Pren for a iiolf colnian xlverti^eniMit for one year b«1- tinff foi'tK tlie merits of Ktmdati'a BpSTin Care. A' the gaaie time we secoreU '^|0ID the firm a qoantitj of books, entitJed Dr. i j rr\nron\rt^r KcndaUn Treatise on the Hori-e and his Dii-j'^na, moreover, easea, which wc are ({iying to aJvau.* paying 1 person that ever USCd OnC ,ub,cr.oer8oftheP««a.apreiuium. I them wiU dispUtC thiS aSSCr- PLEASE CALL £ND GIVE THEM A TRIAL. .^ N.B. â€" OKI machines bought JAMES HANNA, Agent. there is no of About the time the aUve.lis. meiit Crst ap- peared i' this paper Mr. P. G. Sebiimcrhorn. who reiide* near Ckdlier*. fiaii' a spatmed h»wwe. Ht reati the a-lTertisement and con- clnJed to test the efficitv of the remedy, al- tliough his friends lauitlied at J-i* creduhty. He bought a bottle of KtudaU'n Simviu Oar* and commt Doed jiair g it on the Uo sait^NB- corvbiuee with the directions, aud ha ioform- el as ibi« week tbatiteOcctj-dbOchacoujplete enre thatan eifiert horseman, v, ho examined the animal •ttntlT could find uo trace of the Bpa\in or tiie place where it ha-l beeo located .Mr. Scheniierhorn Las xince s-firj-d a copy of Keuuall's Trtati-e of tlie livrse and his IispaAfr«, which ha prizes »«rv highly «nd woold be lotli to part witJj at cny i rice, pro- vided he could not obtain another C' ^py. So mnch for Adverls'nK rebable'arliele Kendall's Spavin Oure. KuwUaiuba/g, Uiii., Dec. 28tli, i.-Wi. Mr. F. H. .NfcCalluiu, Dear Sir:â€" The bot tie of Dr. K udall h .Spaviu Cure l)";i(rht of you la^t RUmmir gav. lue the mniost t^atig j faction aii.i itiiorujci a .voniUifui curt- n|M'i a uiaie uiuutt; ii ycius old livlonjjuij; to me. which was btwlij foavined foi teu years. She was so lame that I couM hardly get her tJ mo\c. Tiie Uij.( in- s is en t i ri 1 v i;onc after UhiuK bM â- ' a Ix vie of the cuj«, »nd she is like a youuijli ir-cHgain. Yeurs tmly. J. F. ROTB. FRO.II A PHOMI.^ENT PHYSICIAN. WashiiigtonviUa. Oliio, Jujc ITtu, LS80 l!r. J. B. K.iitlill J. C. (i.ut ;â€" Reii'luia yoiiradv(itihiioc:it in Tuf, F.t^ld iuid Farm, iif K â- ii'i'tli's Spavin Lure. „•:â- )' a val ..(iliie uri.i sps-.ty iio;s.- uliicU h ' t l«-eii lame f oin Kpaviri f .r cij^'i ivn -^iifii ii I a-;Dt to y.m IfV u l.ottl.. i.y i x|.r.j .-. wnicb ii six weeks ro'iioifd ii;i !.i!ii"iu/ nnd fi:lnrj;enicnt ami M Ins." -| ii'it fiiiui an lioi^eiiiii \hi.'a hor e.1 are to ilav as '^nMud as c ills. Tiie one bottle was worih tu mt- one liuiuired dol lars. R'es'-cctfuUy roum, H. A. IJKP.roJ.rTT. Jf. D. Dandalki Dae. aCtU. 1881. 16U lis of {^i Sroi»^ Fo lih dry! AND MACBINE WORKS. We are piepaKd to ezecate all kinds at A PERMANENT CURE FOR UME BACK, P*». Pi,.,«r of th^Kidney^ Bladder ij^ Crinaxy Oriran.. or »lt-'^,\ "f.^!f MDUBITBLE EVIDENCE WVIN» B»- TIKB SATI8FACT10B. Picton. April 20, ISSI. Diseases of the Kidneys. Signed. Da. 3. B. MOMEN Prices- child's Pad. ?1 SO; BepilM P*'^. M-.., f an all::iit:\p piir '• cl.i: .r w ho n. ii' of the i-a;uM size, hii" • h-^i:l.'iil fiich otii'i- wry much â-  '• \».; le i-.t- il," iliey, lu li. "• *oie« il 'iiiiBon. liAflVAlJD.sTELL'JW OIL. \Vi i he f.'iiiid ins â- ' for ftv |.,M|i â- â-  "S of :i '«:iii'_v 111-- .icii;-. Im i.v ,,.i'i: r.ii.f will f..!l iw it^ •v:\ It r, |i. viv p nil, ciiMs cliiiiiliiiiis, frost l.irci. a- li'iti, burns, ciuii, rhi'iilUM- 'isiii. Ill tiru'.Ma. .tc. I'"' I'l"' 1 tl Hi 1' jv 1. me til.) li.s womlc In' v r V I .1 â€" lV-'iu(*iitly nii-ii â- Â» â- )â- 'â-  Mil-..' Il will nirv oioii]! Ill n tuw mimit. A !.••.» b' llUs lias oft. 11 i-i.l..'l .i-thi i:i. f'.lin !in.s been cured by u tMe~j.oi)nl:i; ili'S*. It L-uies wirl Hili T. it is reuUy a Cl.iC. Kendasrs *t?i lii; the r,; w lulerhil luedi l„'i' ri.iii's; ill the i siijL'c u'l iiite at ULf^.Tttiite of a !ailv by liiti 1 li â-  l;en-\v lici. :iiiii v.'iitnrcd A N. w Oih -iiis j.i purs r. ooiitly. fi'iiii Il c 11.. 1" in re i.iri. i.iv Kll -5.V u vf ,1 lli'V tviis ).!p»|' I il vi-ii " .a •."•r ii u.. II." 'â-  !t II ;h. r â- n!|'j!i,H!i to .iiiniiK--. â-  I" '.;â- . .1 â-  I 111 "f i'l'T. "Ni •â- â-  Ml .1..-.1.' "?lllt 1 Hi 1- d ' "nil. Nm. 1 1.1 Tlif hi ly niiii'lly rcmoveil 1 i.siiiL: io til" a.-.ti' â-  :•.? '.u- â-  'I iii* III "tiioi oils L 1 11 r-iLViiiL' iiiiiliim \VI I stira. |.roVil;r' • I ri']-," til- .! \s\. n till .1 i,'.;.- -I- bo ' elor.' Iior veil, ill 1 llOl -it 111 a %. ' 1 • I'V '.• SUlCt:. Cpavm Cure. I ' oil ,.iii el tiiiils D.i 1. 111. .all ..p b ha~ 1. ;.or.l n ..i.i.iiii ilii'.t •Ki:;Nl/U,[/:S ' JN tX'lti" ill. .-ii!bi;iri:t to j I • UhIc Hii I viriiie to.t-re till- wors. ea--s € i Corns. LunvoUii. frij-t-bitos. or a y liii;-.*. cur or Ijtii. ur s witicli are not I alTuc: d' i.i t'le i'.i.-t liy I'iv.iiiniy â-  lintuts. Il .lot- ii t iiUi oil th.- cuiiir.r.y le- I. -^ c nil .-ort-iii's i. ' iSi. Joiius. P.Q., Oct. -JTth. lotil. j Dr. B .). K.iid.ill A C â- ., Cii ut :â€" .Vbout a j vi-ar rt;,'o 1 fi-'l in tiic road onto soniu i'lo and Turning and Boring, WITH General Lathe Work Done in a practical manner. PLOWS! And Plo\V Points ..iP W.l â- r iv I a 1^ ha.liv 1 lit in tlic li.|i join;, v.ii clu.\ii.sed â-  iii'ii-i: • .li. ..(ij 1 '•. i v.:i..ii iiuie- i .i- •â- .;....â-  i I [j nil il I trud Keii- I .iii.; It liiil-^!i t n.^. 'I'M ill;; :.t-l Octoocr mil .1 ;li.!.i I a 1' ill t c'.-.rc, • 1 liuva aiuo'j :I,. 111. till w-,... ail I f.ti. iroai l;out!;i*-a. Ih li veiy va.iiablulur m.ka at Trell a^ bia^t. yoar.s truly, Cii'-;9Ti:r K. Gnrm. Kendall's Spaviu Cure. 1- s .IP lu li^ iff cts, iiiilii 111 as it .;oi s not pow, rtiil to r lo rutQovc .11 minis, such biCii'S, c»l;.t;l; anl all I 111.;' or for r' • 'i' ' r v.-..;i il .• ,] 1 li will rtccive onr special attention, kno^vinj; through praciio.".! ex;' ieuco the b,est class of Iroi.- for such. vi.;.;.(t\v '-III. ii.-Ii-t f. 1 a. I (I'l • Mr l:-ini It i :it .s;i-.-: ss. 1 t 1 iiK.ily a. Ill i;!.tn:iiiiliy. It r-i r^ s I' Mir. 'fit. Iiiiris. seal Is. I" os hit '^; reiieve.-, an.l olteii eureu nalbnia. lTA"rV.M;li Is St. lli.j !i.:;l "f ses cf a f.iiiii'v wi' !i Mil' 1 1 cil 1 1 i. uiaii ' It- .â- ;. N.I .â-  Ii. -I 1.. lUl. t;. r. }ft 1! is |ii ii iraiini; aiil •il (Vt 'V lii ID sc.itid pii 11 or »o:iy ;^ ' or c'.r.T eiil:ir;;e. as |i:. \r.i-. j.liii;s, euro:, ilig- ..^. s-.v*-liin^'s ai. I ai'.y Itfui" iiess j ' iii.n: r't tlie j'riiii or linbs, 'â- : â-  -.1 ill for tiy pill ;..i-r !...:.: lit i ii.-i f... :.i 1 .â- : i" r â- ; ' o\..i ;.' Ill' il.r 111- lu tUiiUi li r i a. ai'lii.g laili a:iil yet ccitHiu in ' " l..r illa.^:rati".l tire .I'.t iriiid) IS |. -, iv.- |-Miif i.f IS v'rt s i\r-r ii;i i Willi 'M*.: ni, ip iir l.n.-v.i...|.;.., fur b.;st c a- 111-. II. Hi l.-r Tr ,-.-H, ,,..,-, .\li I' it w il li. *â- â- â-  i 1. 1 ;iii\ iuldri- Il 1C--1 or.. • l.v i.ii- ).n .i'..r 1'.; 1!. J. ii.M.I. CO., iiiM-l.i 1 -il-, V;. .v^Lil' T AJ.ij ij;;U--GI r..-. -A s.ii.s .v: c â- ., -M.i.t'-ii. I'.y,,' -.Ill- .v.'-u: l;ot;!c?i f'lr »â- " il f.)V M'ii„i.r I !-' â- -' CAST Box Stoves, Sugar Kettles, Land Eoliers, »iU recciTd our latteation. Wo also inlro duce our new KAriisLY mmiii to the public. This new macljine will mRn^'I- Ijiia-n, I'otton. nn 1 Woull-n (loo-l-i, cjviii; ilr-m a r. luti'iil ii-ootli «a 1 ',-!-s:-.y R-ipcni- .111.1. It also iiii). roves lii-j clothes, v.liei.'iis hot irons iuj-iio il ;-i'i. Wi wiil »;.;) manii- faclitre IRu ON GRAVE TABLETS ;ts. h le- 71. wiiii or -.v |!ioi-.t iriii ;.• .l.i'ni'or r..iii!c, Aj. a"., o Toiiil) llpilin-^s, r,.ii in i rn menlii' Cast hou {-UDi'is fr -.uio. ai-... a. i liiiiiisbf Ha'in tcr ilaiiin^.i. ii. 'roe Feru-in • I pb.iii and oin-iiai-nta r!-u'lii.i-;y ii PERCHERON HORSES â- iiH of 1 verv 1 laV-:;.' .lip lOlI, l;i:is3 B, tr â-  LARGEST MOl'l A B. .^-: KKI- r .laii^or ih.i! c.\- iMIc'l. 'i'lif -â- '.- s.i-al. " is II 'Hr.i'Ri- iMr;ii lilii- an s |ir T li Iriti-.l 111 IMt. -re 11 11' ile.-ii I â- W- III th '.. I :..• oiu-g who s:;e|i mist. ,\V:il;Hf,ii_ iiilil. Ill lire always '.-ovis!i, iniiaoi .111 I lean !i' tlity i-.-.:i he itulu'-ed t-.- !-!.•• p aluriilantly lIu'V are qiii;:t li.;i' V t.i hic 1110* food iiiituru'l iiiii' iiltiitij' i' icir f.!«e|) sli'Uil.l he an •ntch ih â-  Kli,' till hoirS of ilarlvllfl-S a^ l'0.,.,lil;' rtiiil 'ii'-r.-f .(0 it in hi tttti- that ihoy oli.uhl '-JO to bed heforo Bllli8-'t ti httVo :ii»ii- siecp (lilt, than to slee; ;. ii,;i-r after muuis-c in the miniiiifj. m wxll to let any iKalthy, prowiui; iilil or youii^' uhihl or yon n;; perion until he wakef hiiusv-if.and tlien liiia '^iR-li a Tariety o'f out il "r ri'tse as dhall make him g'ad when 'dtllUe C I'll' 8. Importing and Breeding ESTABUSHKEST Ai.-j^U 63 â€" DJ THE WORLD. •I' SIHE CUKE kuH The I ' ' A Cl'UCU. C. CRA!\5T. CJndertaker 1 M. W. DUNHAM, lii.h'.j !::v^r.'\y ft r a •1!. li nr Co I usihrr".. shortness of r-'ii'1i, soil' thro;;t, R^'als hint's mil hn.-.iohial iror.hl.^i, i* Huttyunl s ..â- I- .U.S. IJaisaiu. n 1.S h .\ 't iry i- t-iid of ' wf 11 ku .i-n p t: i.iit who iin.i the misf Ttine to liav« on- ot hiti l»tji shoit-r t!i:iM '.lip ' to.r. lii' t«oi|l(l iievf. L-i'Tiv cru'cli, a;' friauds ofli-i wo. ;S. r- d h »'.» h ST W»!i Wl.ilollt '111 â-  ii.,t' i:: i-l ha pr â-  ot an ii| !:is sho- MS iriauciu oi i-oi:l i ^-et 11 1 loe t \eiii; Wayne, Da Page Cotmty, DUnois. IT. 8. A. 136 mxles west of Chicago thtrtnif the patt 17 months 3H0 ST.11^ ' ZIOX.S .,',VD ittKEShnFfhrrn imported (r^n* Fr»iirf to thit fstnhlisltmruf, leiHf MORE tltnn :hr ronibitt**d iiniiortationm of all other imjfiorterx nf Iiaft Horarm 'roils I uU parts o/ Btirojtr for any one year. Onr-ftp'i ot the entire nuinber at Import' 1 e*€ Frrndi Z/orv V in Aui.ncacan tx seen oa his farm His Importations hav« included tba â-  Priio Winuers ot the I'lilnrrsnl £jin^ition, â-  farU, tHJH. ayi nearly all the Prize Horaaa I ot the Great Shofa of Franco aince tiia mnpor- taLuMis in;^.tu AiW- a bocun-u-il i. ff the bcjuors at Uia Conttxuuak um and, at the tirrat Chienno t 'nlr JSSJ, Jtfr. Duiihnm'a Hrrit of PBRrWKROWS, dn rnmpftiUnn with the Inr-ifeft Bud finest collection of C/yrf"*- ' date* evor sbo^m. connistinR of the prize win- 1 nci-j at the Great Shows of BcoUani. and En- I glaod,^ wa« awai-deil the Gntml Ntrrerttmkaa I 3t»c 0* iftjfXHt r-nd «.•»•«» Oohl Xrftnl. ' 190 FAr.E CAT 'lOaTTE tent TttTm •M opp?t -tii .oiu toittaii-.H ocer 40 Jfiwe- tratiam irnrt th« Ul-toni of the Pi i iiasrâ€" race. OrJcr ' CAT.LLOCUE X." HVERY LARGU BB K FD MR EVERT NEIOHBORHOOO KK£D8 A PEBCHrBO:^ WTA l T fiw BSI^SIIC? thirty yearj'tria! bis deosca- DCWHU-Jk stratod that when bred t« the •ommon mar^s ol Uie country the prodoaa la more nnlt.^rin. are easier keepers, tett4Mr HT^, aAd seii tor mere mocey on ttie aiua tat attar olasa ot lionsa. â€" ANDâ€" CAdlkiSKTMAKER, Has now ou bund Coiiins of rll sires and pricei. for hire, charges tnodeiate. UNDERTAxKIc â- ta ^^^gaasssztacfssEScu promptly attended to. at ail iicore of day or nisht. A'lso a full stock of !1W I R iittd hu'.i.-'-i: .f t'l^ ha t' • ii Maloi'i' 11. s:ii).^ o !v^. h- urd-i^J Lif or ni-, i" d w. i i â-  WhS- lieiuji 'â- â€¢â€¢; '-11 "i nr-m I i- ••â- â-  â- â€¢-!; «rf Ills b»dy to the iono (i:i»-, o„s ;li p bvr-iii;» Ilis liei.^ht Sbver-l :uct:e-o. «iini iiv Hfttr.'i'Vi •"' tiutskl-ii ive ..m r I'f 'j.o»n aud l«.rtV, (ti* ha: w '•â- â- â- â- 'â-  r liisciil Uie deli.?;.Uj'^-^«'r:ii:f ie W-A ♦•«•« CI I'.iiyptjug^tjiou^-lt' ci loit -rjaud nith :i iKft'ti*!*-' I lok ou I'i' eenial (n uiiivii-'net' a»k"^, "Ui ih»1 where i» ti.Ht htilf fei;. v v.h.) rricrid tiiia tlr:lj|.,"i. ^WHAT TO STUDY. 5I)«, tilt poetical 'iiiioa.;plicr aiid, Ihe proper "tildy of laankiod »» ' ehai ic .i-i W nowjwparetlto cai^ on Um." riail.'--«»4***i 'tW liili* »« 'h« teal bhcicanuth bnniiese and RKncral pJbba; in sc ence cf itMU* »tn.ii-«l.^ It f^j-.pie j .Mak Bjch«ni«iuV "U -Im^. He wiU tnat "i » 1 ...iZtâ€"i t ..1 ikit laws -»f 1 aM kri.;«ci.rti«*a-M o{ i|Hfeet»:|el»a.sC«rp« undwtootl »U.;iteed.-d i|l4 laws „i Co-.-rs-Ti.-M. li;te*..i- .l be-aen » heallji; »»d «l»«a " i^f ?»OrU wosiW ^.^,it,. H,. n -r n r"J -e- aUhon in tlti^ tl'«ojfcih» »••"•' D â- et*« Itke BVm 'Oktioti o' e-' luiry r.8 a brst cl-WK liM' e a) o^ -.ioiJ^ixhI Bitters, mnuv cf th« 'itl* 'i.^Mi. » beir to" uiii-Ut he •fibr^ p^j,;,,,^ j, ^^.^ ,^. „,,^ ^„^ ,^ Iri^Or (•(•«(• M-O. l\ invmor«.«« ana 4,-ef,^i » »;)^^p,t.Tr.n n.iti»M«f Jar.nary, A W. EATON, ON THE WIRPITH ASAIN A3 A .em mmL Tu-' s bficriber bi-gs M annonaee that he laa. ...wTir-nii Um Ber'iee:( i a fint-dai's me- be e*n r^ satifecliu. A (air. trie W p-ti'»Uy -oIiit« 1 PiviitiTj iy ea b nn-.-X «".* 'i», s .^ »«i;i 4,te iK.7ralateJi all UM aecTollontf to ft tan!- lMH.n. W-.ll w.tti *â-  chap an ihe ch'-apeat. jNj acti*M U MarkliK TtK IMh,18bJ. 7»-»rn. Ordered wtrk of all descriptions executed with thu ntiiiost d gpatch. A fall stock of '1U8TICAND PHOT J FRAMES which will he soU cheap fct Cash. SeasoRedLumbef of all kinds Taken in axchange for Famitnrs. V G.JRANT, IfARKDALE. Markdale, Dec 23, 1881. 67-tf »!J; Special Pad for C^'â„¢'" ^^^r-Tasti- Lk J our Drnpgiat for Pamphlet and Te»« PAHK i.K 4 CO., Owen Sound. J W. icLUOTT. Chatsworth. STEPHENS McCAKROLL, Meaford. M iaCHAiil'SON.FIesberton. TH03 8 TEFHEXSON, OrangeTiHe. a W PAr.-iONS. Dundalk. •' -f MMBl FiHK^K- l!?i»**' '" • ' " Manager- Sptecmber 23. 1880. ^^^ To DisiASKS, CoKHAnrrs and wbick UaotaKds VauLOW oa. U lc«d. to cur. or Bkast. reScv* I guarBB- I iLui or CBOfTP, CRAMTS, Tuu nmsNAUT m covaas,. I gORB TWtOAI, ASTBJTA, i COLDS, iPPUIO tXTUNAUY «• MBXVTILAlXSJtf CUILBLAIXS, fiWKLLnfGS, GAtZ.8, ZAMEXESS, COKTRACnOliS jjxrxsAao, VEAEyESa, BPB-irSS, JTEUKAZaiA, CAl.LOVa LUJfPB STIFF JOnfTS, FBOBTBITM, CORITB, SBVISES, ITCn, FAISVfMAaC, PAIN la SIDE, Jtt, •Krery bottle gnararteed lo gire aatisiae- I tion or money reiunded- D'.KMTICSS WITH EACH BOTTli WtOI a««w I T.iiiLE1jr,iT £: C3., r?cptletori TOEONiOi oar. Choice Farm for Sa^e. ri MU.KSFROMMAUKDAI.E. LOT 119. ^Concession 1, Aitemesi.i. East sale T. S. Road, oiitainin.i; iiO acre.^ â€" iti of wh.cli is iji.ler cultivation, and the balance bai-a timbi r. The above farm is a very desiratili propurtv and viU be -oU cheap. A poo.l irame barm and log bouse is r.n tiie place Piwsei-sioi. givea this fall. For furtlitr pai ticulors apj'iy to WM. LITTLLJOriNS, On tli« premises or to C. W. P.OTLBDoa, Markdale. Sept. 2nd, ISSl. "^l-^- '|-'H(lSr. SPAiIOlS .\SD lir.ST-CLASS 1 Stuicsin lilt Rcj.i Blotili. Giio.l ciilais. f.lil^iz.' of bulldinp-, ti ;.if r (..di .\ls. the d.vtilin;;s over he sai ' storoj. ^ou- st n;.' of kiirhen, iliouiKioom, piiilor, lie bed o'lius and iar;; • Iiall. T ,e s'oie ami i'.-.. i.- iiij,' cii 1 b" !. 1 .. ' idy o;- to.'etiier. ,Ti;:i mo App'v to JtlUN RniD. Markdalj \\* eV.. 8- \^f.. it X |Tk«1 â-² CMmMaatlon raki rMtandi!:.!! Ilvillcinc orerXade, (X Hopa, Ourhu, Man-j aad Dandel ;on, "t.i all t:iu best and ir»tivoprL.i.itie3 of all cUicr Ctten, tbagreattn Biood Purifier, Liver ' vaod Life and llealtb Kirtoring 1 poMdhly lonfr .tIsS wh«« Hop 4l,ao TSiW and pert Mt are theU- Nodlansa lUttera ai-e o|)«ratlo: They girt £iwU%tiaslT!rert3tbsagtliBdi:iflim. Toallwho«e e^ Irre^nlari ty of tiiebowtliOl^L uniiii-y or^rans, or who r©- quire an Appetize^^Tonic and iiiiM^tlmulaat Bop Dlttcia are tatral^^uabla, without Intox- Inirt or symptoms lout il '..-J Uop Bit- ^i-e sic£ but It you ^ui«t.icin at once* • ared huniirada. ae th«y will not ieatins- Kg nuITtcr what you r f -, are wliat the d r or a i; ters. Poo c waft untitTOaa otilyteel bad or Luserabt..' it may lave TOOr liie.ittaaa tSOOwlDbepaiilforac-.. ,_, (T'-eorhelp. Do not BulTerfterleiyonrtrianda rail«r,but uae aiid urirfl them^k^'*** Hop Remember. Hop B Iters L- noVJ""' drupBed dnir.'ien nostr.-..i. but lae I'uruit^^ " " Beat Melicin«eTernia. t^ie '*tSTmi*s^^ "'^P nd UOTS** and no p^raoa or should Lie without theui. O. I C ia an a'LWlnte and ImMfbie mrv fori'runkeu»-w,u-eo*opiUra. tobacco and narcotics. Ail sold by dm^ri'ta. " for Cirrular. ay BtUcn Btf. C Rocl'^stpr.If.T and Torocto, Out. Hamess'Sliop. CORDOi^ iT.i- alw:iv8 on iiauii a full aas.'itment of HEA'^Y HARNESS, â- WHIPo. SLEICH BELLS, T B U N K S HuR3)-: ELANXETS, AND SCOTCH COLLARS Warranted to fit, and nale of -.he TCry lest luateri.i!, and at the LOWEST LIVING PRICES. RICHARDSON'S BLOCK. J. GORDON. Timber r-e f-3ff!8."B N. B.â€" Good Save and Bhingle taken i-.«aheTtan, Pacfith. USl. 15. ^^ â-  â-  Great c .X il^l'lrtit-l â- lillty I '1 I I" Great chance to make Xf Show. !*». -4a1w a4«aatag« JiZZ iyT' ciuuice.^ lor makini; money tluU are offered, cenerallj become wealthy, while :ho=e wbo Jo not imprOTe ?«eh ehancea re- maia IB iMn e rt y. W« wart many men, wo jcii.-b«^»n4 giriato-iwrk fc»«a»nht» h»ir 0-.S8I 'JtehHaa. .\ry o-'a ean do thr trx), k*eT.perI3Lh-« -^ "'"•* »'»^ •1'*^ "»• in«3s-»iltifcT » w8 i h *! •« tiaiea orflaaijr artkg a. Sap8MMTe nnttfari.ifihea frrp. Bo- one vho ««•• Wa* to ipafc*fneefy ra«iii*y An nn 4«niW Tov-whote IMi^lb««»k, Kottiing like Leather. M. M. MXEOD, UARKDAIiE. NOT TO BE BEATEN 1 A9 those who may hare had the nisfor- tane to hare been bom barefooted wiU bear in mind tliat we hare jnaa received the larg- eet and bet stock of leattier ever beiMM broattfat iato Markdale. ooeai.stUKof Spaaiak 3rie, Kmich Kip and "alf. and are now pr« par^ to tna-nfac'.rsre l.aHiei' (itmta. /oath aid Mia^ee boot* tod iboee. fuMt tlia atcca to ihe tinest k d and pronrUa. 'Sawed VV'oxiC « KseoUtliy. A'l T orft warranted. InvWWe peteftti^ Asa done kiere, w- .iv â€" ^^ r V.U.1((XB0D. uuk,ua,s«K. taut. l»:;l. ^1 » H I 3 §0 g CD CD J/J go .8 oE H K rq j ?= H CD fi' CD I 13 -11 CD l.-'a C3 CO O Z (0 w w Cl CD P CD CD 13. W W oa gcJ H I 3 o o t^ CO in ^Hn I ni 2 n Iâ€" z ^O o sn .- • • .!'.. -.•â- â- â- -.5 -_.:â- *- Dry ^oods, ^^f--ff -• ifeaaT^ Made Clothing ^^1 Mimitery. ., IIP ,â- "â- 'â-  *»!' ' â-  â- 'â-  -: Groceries, Crockery H-l.jJ.»l t- â- - -l.-o-i 7iJ i.!';i. â-  *..- i- H n CQ o EQ t-3 i 9 c 3! m ^; .. .f ,:, Glass vvare, .../-"V :--.-. "Boots and Shoes •!/ 1 â- â- â-  Gash for Grain. 5,000 Buslic:'oPutal(i.slj| ' K " ceorcenixoh, DUKtAI.K. 8»pt. 3, ^;»1. ;vv /; ' r DUNDALK BOOT A SHOE o OH, BE^. OH^MR. OH, 'MR. Squander yonr money if ycu want to. if not, y;el yourPhotograpLs of W. BULMEIR. The People's' Photographer, Flesherton VTho is again prepared to taks Picture; and do Copyin;; and Enla.giiR as heretofore. \^ 1 1 .V31 K s A IN il r" 1 £ .V :^ i 3 i i^i^ i x i â-º- Wenrereceivin al rt:e sjoeliof ...OTTOr^.^ and Mot? an 1 • her Frames, ai^d Fr mf iMiinn-, wliil-i. wecaii,and in-i.'.u to sell at l-ieii^arkab.^ Lf w TriCeB, Coll i.iic secure bargiui.8. ,-, Biuig along yodr pictures aud have tliem cotiied ard enlargeo bv vour old fi e'.i.l. UL AT^ER Flesherton. Maid 10, !•! Al^tj ^- ±j iT \V:intinK te Purciiaa^'or it-.i. L.i •'•• i r n v.-f C 1 y. 1 La L IN THANKIN-3 my liooterona etulore s f-r pus: f trm a • I Wgtcaium,. I 'umatiUtolheforrwith the ,â- ..."... I Largesti W SekledsWI "'Of'Boots aaJ Shoes efTrooeht ii,to P"iiuaik. "' -â-  o NEW GOODS ARRIVKM Qi^lll] «_f\ll E»nl Ho*? Tlieiii. I am still mannfaeturing those celebrated French Kip H.otB. c„!l and {« im ]|l Bouts, either aewed or l-egged, a •p.-ci.-itT. Repairing promptly attended to. -â-  Warranted. All Custoni W; in! I keep the Celehraied Y/anzer Sciia^ M Coartaiily o-a hand, which I seU*ery ilui; f. i-a.ii. .\'.«th( r o m: I ::n 1 o :3f o I J 4.^ V N s 'â- which arc unriv ' in beauty crjonf d p-ir. r. All kinds of Faria P. educe t.iken L --.oitai^e 'ir :o,ds r.i •I'.u -£)iiin^..i E» aa '"" 7KOS. HANBUW. Duidilk, .«;epiembir 2-a, i82. "'" ' ' ' ,i^=MABKDALE Sash and Door 7ciorj\ 'â- - â- -.-â- ' o- s\sii,. â-  "• V â-  •"....- • WU â-  I 1 Mi iiiii Wm '-â- '311 -OF- â€" Farms for Sale zx'A to LeL w These baring like Properties to ilipose of should couaaU me. .«iir« Sul* or u* pay. CATAIiOGUE SENT ON APPLICATION. I have oponrd an Office lu Kutledg:e*8 Hotel, :TIarkdn:e, vthcre I win be feUBd every Tlisrsday, and will be prepared to execute Deeds, Lease.s, Mortgatses. 4o.. 6c., aii;l correctly. Advice on legal points free. Also to attend te all. the different departments of my businew. In every department of my businoss my motto ii Thorough- ness and Fair Dealing. Anclion Sales conducted. Renis, Aee^anils, Acl, eolfeietei anj precajpt retams made. CUASUafiii I.01V. ROBT. DAVIS, Conyeyanoer, Commissioner in b!r.. Real Estate. Loan k Idroriince Ageai WILLIAM STEAIN,' DeiOet in all kinks ot AORICULTORAL IMPLEMENTS, WAGONS, I Sewing A^chinefi, Organs^ Panning Mills, Tin and Copperwar'e ,s.i|.r-; ...r :,: .... '-\ â- ' â-  /.Hi* -nil tn ;i^v*y~f^f f CmKIIIR, HmJBili AND BOX STOVBS iau I .ll.»' PI^E L m Direct from the Uor.ii »;v-rw. ALL SI5'^I:S. Dl?J2aSLU -.U ' â- â- '-^-- _Vll- lviit.l« oi" l*liiiii- t»*! « V " I'oue in.a rii-*-; .-.'â- ' â-  w » " Til .niif "trVdaio, Ma.'rnTt.h. 1-6^1. TKO:::. -^ic^'^t "â-  â-  â- ' T ' LATE OlepeaiaUy Attractive, Seasonal le. lu-l."ii.i: and Star* To aand, vfaieh we 'ITer at •-f. :*i'r. Wa otfef special Talucs in evei o â€" " OUB STOCK 0? Eocenes, 8 Taty -aap|«taf aad luetomors will find prices and valnei "-^ partment. eM US At ALL AND SAVE mO^^ fcy turtkutog year snppliei nt the ' Toronto " yig^ V -a. y:- »* t. sMi, mu Wm Bl of tlia year. ^^ tU amtfaf '«pacm of theT«« ^^^^^ sap^ra witbottt y '^^Zglktoloi tbayM" I S«7 eoMpIy with tba or ADVKETISISO: -%-r ••••-â- n? ' i --^ 1 •• 'A :•••• â- Jjlr. fcat i»MrtioB.. "â- ^ toewttoo I. fuartion iâ€" wti â€" per line ^â- iat iaaertion "ZiUsm to be reckoned by 1 " ,Pâ€" .^ by a ecale of solj '••jj^iaenU without ajieci 'r^^^biith'A tiU forbid a4 " |y ""Ail transitory ad'ertit to IB the offlee of publication 1 tbe Tbumday moraiun preâ€" Proprietor.] A •UtWEU] DIRECTORY^ A Ar^stroBC.I Surg«onB,Accouch«l Ka^ieal Hall; resid«ice| 'â- --"•- 17. IMO- ' lUMl-l rrgjf^Tw*' J* 1 tl- A X, r^nHBTAND SOUCITOII. IS N( °7toi atteodinc t. all kind, ef ' ^^ ,» Kav's Hot«l. ^^tod.^881^ -^;;iir* Fr»««- I R18TEBS. AKD ATTOnSKYS r.. Solicitors lu Cliam.iv, ..t-J rV.' Owen Sound, have reM„„,-J k ••â- â€¢ offiee open eveiy Tliir.a«,»l J.W. Fao«T,LL| ^••ty CW« Attorney -J71liA««0'\. jgTBB. ItASTK.K .^.M' I'KI' I'Chaoeeiy, Notary Piil.lio. • "h* jyfOLKND AT SIX Pi:; I ' »«en Bound, in Vii-ivii' li| St.; and in Mark'lale. ov, r M' on Friday and Satii: U} • [Cre*^**' 'VI«rH»ou. BUsTEKS, SoI.lilloH.-:. o.vvi .-. *C. Ac. »s in O fu Siiund. llutTrr n HlJ ^. F. WoHo"i Sloie and 111 MARKDALE. J. McFailaii'l's Ston- 'H: niay "t each week, yonds to lend on roaM«ii\bb- t^, ..OR. Q.C. 1*1 HN ida.i. March 1.5, *2. UAa« t^ Kovte. RRlSTEltS. ililK^. nyanoers. Slarklil--. ict: McFarlan I'a lilork. IfT te lend, ou Faii.J Sei.-ui; Thr.rl t'-riuij 7 "I a, Q. C. J. V il PrntUtrs. â- r. Janie» J' 1'Viiitr. istant to lr. Cam'-roti, • ««--i. ^LBE VT THEKi;Vl.!;i; il.| llarkd«le, €n the la-l V\ .-,!â-  nonth.when he will iK-pi- :ii. jU operations required ni" "• its most aatiifarlorv mannri a: i| •ble trrm U#crllauroao. IB OF MAKUI.^i.i-l.l' 1-N- ' Commissioner in U. li A" BTayancing in ail its bianriie* prd to and carefully «im-nied. ,B. â€" Money to Lena on Keal La: ». Sept. i7. 18HU. Alexaader Browa. BDEB of Man .age l..iru.-. I lustirance .\i-'eut. t â-  in " B. 4c. Coiivey.Hi.ier a.i.i 1. tieneer for tbe County .n' lii. v. 1, â- ts, and Laud SmIi-s. I'lio.-. k to and charges luade vert um lie. Sept. 17. lf-« tb JW. «all»r:«illi CCTIOXFKUAM' «.i Ni i.v Atlent. WiiiiaiSkfoii! Stat: i.. i attended iu all paitn f ii.e ds ftultl OB CommibM.iti. ICti^?. ' B»». Organs, aud S»-win2 M..'-lii:.' I aad Ornamental Tiee%, .i,t-. lIapUmeuis,aud Mu'-luiu'iv vi lliaaeford. Jan. S7. it^l \0MIKION AND rulVlN lAl, ourreyor. Dran^'bt.sniHn an'i liordaod Uarkdale. Hawi.,: I'V aaial Land Snryt-yor Chaiii- I itaok of uri^-inal Kield N' s, Instructions .Vi-..ofaii in I within the last fifty-live yea 1 to make Suryeys lu «;.- therewitk. I'roliies and 1 rOrading Hilla, Plans an.l Sp ^â- aiUing Bridueii, f'lrnifiiei â- â- â€¢. â- " Money to Loan al "• 1*1 cei â- . 1 by letUr. or left »itL il ^e. will be pruKptlvatiaiio' 17. 1880. T. I»AVI!». ^DlLDEK CONTliAt 1 • K. Brick). Affar cmp.-. â-  ,.â-  1 'eeaaonia still on tin- iiarkai 1 to do all kinda of â- ^i- 1 plaaaaring and tuck |h.;-i;.i,. • •""»te«pUte buildinj! w.iU 'ii. 1 •ata^ to gi»o him a call Bendence corner of Bio" a ' Ma3kKiai.( 1" (SVERE HOli MAKKU al.i:. SPKOULEy Pro: pmS popular Hot.1 hai^ ha 1 L ditioti addod toit, t-ori.i.'i. â-  tt now second to Uon.- ml etkblmg and attentive ..-; ' •J^mmodation for ro-iim _^*'"»a 91.00 per da ^^^OVaTi/ iH »'I MJEA FORD, Out *• '• MctilUR, iB Greatly Reduced Price*' ' aeeommodatiou for tin- IJl^J^^ The bar is well stotke 1^2*?"' ^inea and Litjuiira an J2» "boa to and from all tram. • *f, 1880 COMMERCIAL Hd I*BICEVIL.1_,E, Ou aiad eommodioiia Sami ttoomH, Ac. Toe Bii y»itb tbe bet th« t a li a g and at lent v ' ATk.I»K^i;.- ^VE fWRCOMBIN l?**»fcegan. liegs to ai •* Markdale aud vioin *•• wuek tip hair oon [jjT'^jJâ„¢* and curia, itrrm 1 ^jj^'l*'*!. B)»idenoe o»r ireppoait* Mr iW promptly attaa

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