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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 17 Mar 1882, p. 1

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 "^5? *(^- M »f' «i ' ♦• ' 1 I!! 1 III 111 m m m 1. A pnimutn utuBiifd to gm » t^l..B (MMniin|rlliaBii^rdaM-DO*i** «Mr the !•«. wli«^ 4 aAacnWr 4ms •â- â€¢ ttke ill* pdlrvr'iwt o( the oSee, airf aUto^ tCKionf for It* not beir^ Uk«n. Ally a et^ett !• 1*0 o mkktr' the ]k«tiuA.Mrr rMpoiiiiU»to Uia pobh hen tor tb* pajmeiU. Any pom who tAkaa • pr«r froa tke ^t offi^e, wIk'Umt ditaeted to hi tmmt or •!iftth«r. or whether !•« baa nfaaenbe4 or a«t, is ref pouaibla (or tiM pay 3. If uiT per«nn »r)ers hlf %mftT AiMia- tifiut' h DHint par ali arrimnmes. or tb* ^ul'likiicrinay eontinue t« tend it ontil pay- mvr.t is piado, and collect the wIkU amoant, •bet her it b« taken (rom the oAioe or not. 'ThiTf can b« BO legal diesoiitinanwa ontil Iaym nt it made. pmfwn of Wuurtoo gnutii^ thk booiu and no aoabt ik wai W n/tmLâ€"B*m- PmL ZSOTIC^K, â- TÂ¥1HE CaoaU AJrertisinK A«eBeT. Ki t° X King Street We*t. Ton.nto, W. W. BUTCHEB, Mawgtr I* ai .IoKe? I to reij4»» vlvertiaejaenta fo this paper. SoacBimo.xit are reeciveu at tbi» oificc the (oUowiug Paper* and Uagasinas. DAILIE*. r eato Duly Globe, par Tear, •7 00 Mail. •• 7.00 WICKUBI. Toronta Weekly Globe, per year. •1.00 VaU 1.00 Hamilton '• Spe'talor •' 100 Montreal HeraM Weekly SUr, Witna-ii 1.10 MeancngeT 1.00 Canada Farmer 1.00 â- eientific American S.IO MO!ITBI.II«. Farroem Ad»oe^te, per fear. •1.00 American Airricalt'irKt '• 1.50 Onr I.ittle Onr% 1«0 THE STANDARD. Frfday, March 17th. 1882. NEWS S0Ti:s. NoMou Bnx Btaxps.â€" 0r tb« Bill which hM leva Maontod to by th* Oovamor-Ocuaral, bo laora bOl â- tMBps m ttqainMToo promisaorj ootM, irafta or btlb nf o«ch«ng» dnwD or •oetptod ia Cftokd*. TboM hayiag Mieb KUmiw out axehangt tbem fur povUg* steapa or «ae tiiom for isiyiag eaatom dotioa. MULES aOBSES. Now that boraeflMh Lm b««n raiaod to aaefa high prioM, i( migUt not be anio'areatinj; to the public to leun that there is a team of mnJca naar Lial) Lak« which oatatripp«d tha crack horae team* on a raoaot Sonday wbai: retdrDDg from cbarch, the driver be- ing as tpirited as bis mnles ara frisky. One of the horse tMms wished to pass Uie moles, bat no I that woald be an iusalt to the loog-eared colts, hence a lively race ensued, the irale driver jockeying his neighboai into the ditch, throwing off the sleigh-box, and dam- aging things generally. Some ill-na- tursd people say that the " 3I.D." and Itis Vam are very mocb akin in their mulishnese. Mf Elliott moved â€" Hist tha Baeve and tbtf Claric be a oowuttaa to finaUy *iaih tha Audi- tor's report. Thk ma aaeondad bj Mf WaUter, andeazriod. The Goanail than ai^juâ€" Mrf. W. J. Bkllamt. TowBfl^ CkA. PROTON a)U«CIL. Lot 17, St. Boiiifnce west, has been piirclmsed fur $40,000 by a Syudicate composed uf MeSRfci. J. 8. Fand, of Oi'aiiK'Vi!le, Cnpt. KoUerlsou, of Oweu Sound, Ji)» Storel. C'lina Garesu, W. T. AiulrfWH, Dr. Fmly, A. Keeulv- side, A Vauitlntjiie, N. B. Liukau, H. SVilHon mid Tlioioas Marshall, of \Viijiiiio" Martiu Ijvc, H. C. Stov*-!, J. A.'d and AUtiu Lamout, of M'lntit Forejt, And S. McIlTsui*. of PorUiRo la Piairie.â€" fWiNMFio Sm. We iiave tn dn^ to record the death i,f It ct-nt' iiarian, Francois Unucher. »lni died III tlie remdi-iice of liis sous iti law, Mr. K Mcl)«iiald, St. Vincent, Lei-*a.-('l nu.s ilic oiikbt tuan in tlii- (leifflil/'irliiiiiii, iro*)ttbl\' III the cmnty, hiiviiitf rcyciicd tin- ailvKiised ugo ot 102 :tiid !) uioiiMia. II(; took part in tlie wHr of IHI-J. for wliiili service he ucfiviil » iiihi.iii fruiu the tioyern- ni r:t. Kor tliirty vr;ir» lie wuh a rraideiii of tliiH lociirty bt int? an old 11(111 when lie armed here. â€" nan NVNon S,iniid rs, n young mku liv HI? witli Mr. Dougaid Siuitli, St. Viu- C'u' II I I I'.viif tte tii.;ur« on llit- left Land ta .ii • fl' vvirli a tiirnip cut ter ou haturlay i-veiung wliile C"l- tiii^' tiiri.i|i^ lor iiju cattle. Dr. Mitcliitii dris*!.l tlip w.iiiiids Sunday niorilill!'.â€" Mco/'n/ Mm.ltor. ABTKMESIA COUNCIL. The Artemesia Cuoocil met in the Town Hall, Flesherton, on the 6th of March. There were present MMsrs. Chri*tor, Webster, Elliott, Wright, and Pfdlar. The minutes of last ses- sion were read and confirmed. CummunicatioDS from the Minister of Education and Messrs. Creasor and Morriiton were presented and read re Separate Schools. A petition from Malcolm Kennedy et al, re railway crossing iu back lane weat, presented and read. The following accounts were order- ed to be paid W. T. McKce. cost of seizure re Mc lutyre's taxex. $8 50 G. L Dodds, clearing suow off road at station, $2 00 Creasor and Morrison, re Separate School, I'd 00 Mrs. Thompson, for bread furnished (Boyles and Taylor) $10 25 Bye Law No. 3-10 to appoint Muni- cipal Officers for the current year read a first and second time. The following officers ware ap- pointed. Femcb- Viewers. R. Whittaker, Pe- ter Muir. Angus iicLeod. Dugald Cur- rie, Jos. .\us.sum, James Beatty, H. D. Irwin. Robert Shann- i, W. Blair, Jas. Humphill, D. Stinsou, John Dun- can, R. Lever. J. Sharp. J. Hicklmg, A. Down. Jos. Pedlar, Jas. Stuart. Pou.Nu Kfepkrs Geo. Tuck, Ales. Rulledge. J. H. Heard, M. A. Kitt. PArHxiASTEss.â€" John Rcid, H. D. Lwin, Jus, Hcatty. J. G. Pur^•i8, An- drew Curr. John Sharp, Thu. Morrow. Geo. Johubton, Jolin Bannun, Geo. Lndl )W, A. Neilson, Jamos Mercer, Coaneil mat aa per •djonmnMot at Soarlett's HoUl, Hopavilla. on Tnaa- day, the 7th mareh. 1882, iDeinbarsall present, minuter of last meeting were read .and approved and aavoral Com- â- onieatimis also, from parties read. Moved by AgMW, Iep. Baeve, â- aaonilad by 3. Kobinaou, that the Clerk I)* instrnetadto have the arrears of taxaa against Iota SB eon. 7 and Sd e3n. i, erased as same tUts been paid. Car. Moved by John Agnew and James Robinson, that the snm of $f ba paid to John Moore, beinir ballanoe of re- mnneration for road devitation on lot 10 eon. 19. and that the Beeve iaaav an order for tha aama, and that the Treworar give np Mr. John Moore's note to him, he having filled the eon- ditions â€" Car. •Moved by R. Black and Jamrs Robinson, that the Auditors Report be recieved and that 200 copies be MoaadkyJ. A«oa« aad »• J*b- _- th^ iha Baara laaja aa urder tor M 49 for bill of iMilfBr bridges m ?L1i«i!11tJ.J. JWdiHoo.-Car- IfoTod by J. Agnawand Geo. John- ««. tliat tba CooncU do now adjonrn toMt at CadarriUa e« tha first TbM day. ia April, i« tha H^.^»t ** hours of ten o'clock •• MoTiea.-We wish it diaiaetty â- â- *f»?f?* a«t ,a do not bold »^' JSS^* lbs opmiona axpraaaed by oar ooirae»oii«iaiiia yfa gladly open oor eolmnns for the opinions of our correepondenti, and are, anxious to aocommodate as many of them aa poasible to this and^we wish to impress strongly upon our oorreepondanU the daaira- bihty of expreeaing thenwslvea m a concise form. Aa a rule, it Is as easy to say as uiueh on 1 or 2 folios aa on 12. THE NEW KIMBEBLEY BOAD. To tha Editor Sir, â€" Bespecting " Ratepayer's " eommonication of last week I am re- minded of the fable of the moantain and the mole-hilL He says of my communication aiieut the valley road " At first we thought w». would pay no attention to it. but on wcmd conside- ration, it would not be right to let it "Mov^edby'james Robinson and r. j pass unheeded as the impression lo(t • up .n the minds of yonr readers was The Mamtiu kkvk«.â€" S^^veral of J,, hn .M.rcir. C. Irwin. Jacob Hidley. â-  Ill- rlliT'-;.- liHVe CMU^Ilt til-: Mauitlii c- • i i r i i» ». 1 ,1 1 1 ,, 1 ,.; Isaac Sinclair. Joseuh Leeard. D. Mc 'tir-r. fitlii r liuvc l«?ll or Hre ao'iill ' ' • {â- â€¢ il.i s.. f â- ! till- I'lHii 1.- I'r iv'iici' On M .â- ltillan. J. H. Allen, Jad. Humphill, •los. Henderson, Edward Ross, Thos. Hutcliinsou, H. C. Wilsiiu, Robert Blair, Win. Speers, M. Keuuedy, A. Whittiikcr, Donald .McKeuzie, Charles ' niipuiv s W â- rki-. n-"xt. Mr. W K. b«eii !i uKTchaiit liiMf years, leaves kldoralo. W.- vviMJi n p)ia-aiit jonrui'V, II 1 i\ .Mr. r. .\ii vini liu* lieeu .i rir:Zi II 'i| All ilurdfo iwt-iii vix \\'ur).; Mr. C i:i- I' iJriiVii, Mild Mr Jaine* 1' .\ lii!i li I; fur til" fur wist. Tney re t 'if |i.iiiiil at I'ornnto, by Mr. Will. II. my Sinilli. wli.. was ' l«"l'e J"cl ^Vorts, John Gibson, Jas. eii,'iii .T 111 the .Mf.if.ird liiiiidm^ Nclsou, F. Wait, T. Coukey, Joseph Anion Moudiiy i Watso! T. A. M Ferguson, David Ir^lai.l, rtli.) has iij,„je„ou^ cLas. McKinuon, M. Mc- lioip for the pact I,,.,, ., ,,, ,, i..r tliti Cana.liai. i ^\'l^"" '"C" McLean, ^\m. Mead, liatli ou» of th'-m i ^^ • J- Henderhon. James Vanse, Jehu and .t'l success in Campbell, Angus McLeod, Peter Muir, til* distant Pioviiu- lo which they go. ' j^^n Thompson, John Uavard, John Mcljeod, JoUu Symous, S. Badgerow, I John Nicholson, James Ryan, John M.vRK.UM,M:»rch lO.-Au auction Snuth. Jo«. Podlar, John Hargreavee, sale was- in piDiTress vesferday alter- „, _., ,,, ,,. ° ,, noi.n m Mr. j;,tton-/ house, on thai Tlio«- Gilbert. W. \\ ilson, bcott third conce«*iou of tha towuship of j J»uieson, Geo. Rutledge. Wm. Corr, Markliaui, .when tilt! fl.Kir gave way John Boland, Thot. Dunlop, John and pre.ipitati'd the auctioneer and Linlov. A. Elliott. John Blain, John .hunt »aty p«..ple who were attending ,;^^„;^ j^, y^^^^^ jj ^^ y tiio suhMDto tha cidlar. iiie cocking, .i-n- ' ts «lov... «i.i,li was filled with Lurniugl^l"i'"' """â- â-  ill»ame, Duncan w(M.ii, wint d iwii with the floor, and i Campbell, John Weber, A. Minshall, f"r a tunc all was wild coiifiisi,,n. i W Clayton, S. Damude, A. Hannah. Srveral men wrre hurt, two having 1 Mr. Eiliott movedâ€" tiiL'ir heads cut and another scvural i r,., ,, ,• • » -i,. I I ihat the petition of \v. Armstrong ribs brukfn. i i ana otln-rs be granted on condition ,, I- »j I irt » J 'that the commission for Ward 4 Mo' NT FoBKH, March 10. â€" A sad aocid.utofcniredou the line of the i ^^P^^*^ '^^ """ " ^^ ^^d appropria- T. G., and H. Hy. near this station, tion on Campbell's bill. wliei.hy Jihu Walker lot-t his life. This was seconded by Mr. Webster It appears that he was putting on ^^,^ carried brakis at the bridt-e, when the hard whefl broke off, vrecipttating him over the platform. The train was bai'kiiig at the time, and {utsHtd over hiin stvcring both leg* and arms. Death was lustantaueuus. Dr. Norton met with a serious and paiufnl accident on baturday forenoon Ho was driving Itisurelv up Maiu ^tlCit her between eleven and t o\".0(-k, 1. hen by soma means the haine-strap became uufastbueil, and liio sudden jci'k caused the horse' to i«;ai't forward at a rapid rate, tha liues Fli)piug at the same time from the doctor's bands. Having b^Kt control f the animal, he oudeavored to save liiinself by jumping Iroiu the buggy. tint in doing so fell on the froieu road, crtung cut about the chin, and the Hyht knee severely bruised. The knftf is much bwolleu and is very jkiiiful, and iu all probability it will Im a considerable time before he will la abl» to get around. We trust that ii'i serious cunseqiier.ccki may follow the accident. â€" hrrf Pran. Ths Rulitay.â€" The officitls oi tbe Stiatford and Hii/im Kaihray are making piepurations for ths com- pletion of the road to Wiarton. Work ill bo comioenced immediately an wfl may soon exjx-ct to sea the mad opened to tiis terminus. The Di« minion Government has made a oon- ditional grant th«i6minion Gtvani- meot has Tmil* a conditional grant of $35,000 to imn ove Wiarton Harbor. The cu iditio IS arc, thtt tha amount '** snpfle-jneui.ed '-y $15,000 as it is fxiixat^d tliat it will require tha sum of S50.000 t do ths work. The WUSinr€M»^nr will give f 7.600 if W.a.t.. gives Ml equal amoaot. A Hy-^« « ••vb* rabaittai t» nt*- tmH rarri^d Mr. Pedlar moved â€" That the petition of M. Eecnedy aftd others re railway crossing be granted, itlid that the facts be set out and forwarded to tbe Co. Director to be by him laid before the Board of Directors in Toronto. I This was seconded by Mr. Web- elve ster and carried. Mr. EUiott moved â€" That this Council cannot see its way to take any steps in the sepa- rate school matter complained of by Messrs. Kelly and Sulliran, believing the action already taken to be legal. This was seconded by Mr. Web- ster and carried. Mr. Pedlar moved â€" That this Council take action in regard to bridge on 7th con., at lot 27, it being in an unsafe condition for travallmg. This was neconded by Mr. Wright and C4urried. Mr. Pedlar moved â€" That the Council take proper stepa to remove lot No. 24, con. 9, from S. S. No. 11, and pUoe it in S. 8. No. 13 aad that the derk notify the trustees of said sections. Thia waa seconded by Mr. Wright and carried. Mr. EUiott movedâ€" Thai tb« Baare and Clerk be a comuMttee to saaicb the recorda of tha rpwaabip regarding a deviation on ot 1, con. 6, Euphniaia, and rapert at next sitting. This was sacxidaJ by Mr. Wabatar Black, that lot IS, oon.l9, lot 41,con. 6, lot 41, con. 7. lot 20, con. 10, lot 33, con. 18, lot IS. oon. 19, be erased from the N. R. ro'l of 1881, the Ux«s on these lots having been paid to the Township Ireasurer. â€" Csr. Moved by John Agnew, and Geo. Johnson, that tha Audttora recieve thair pay beiuj. $6 each and that the Reeve issue an order for the same. â€" Carried. Moved by J. A?new and J. Robin- son, that grant of $20 be (iven to S. S. No. 12. it being a poor S. S., pro- vided the government give an equiv- alent.-- Carried. Moved by J. Agnow and G, John- son. that a grant ba giyen to build ap proaches to bridge on townline be- tween Egremontand ProtoB,provided Egremout Council givd an equivelant to the same amount, and that the re- presentatina of Division No. 1 expend the same. â€" Car. Moved by R. Black and J. Rjbiu- sou. that thu tender of C. W. Rut- ledge for printing be recieved provid- ed that he print 200 copies of the Auditors Report instead of 150, for the same amount. â€" Car. Moved by J. Robinson and J. Agnew, tlyit the Clerk correspond with the Solicitor of t'le Ontario Bauk, about the taxes on l^t 11, con 11, Proton, to inform him that par statament of the t wuship,collector,there was no goods or chatdes on the lot to distrain for the years 1878, 1879, 1880. the year 1881 it being assessed nou reuident. Car. Moted by R. Black aud J. John- son, that the taxes, $8.10, discha'ged agaiutt Thos. Vcddon fjr part lot 231 Maiu St. Dundilk. aud the taxes $2.- 65 against John Potter for lots 4 6 Main St. Duudalk, be erased from the Collectors Roll. a« the said taxes have been charged in error. â€" Car. Moved by R. BlacK and G. John- sou, that the chrk be instructed to forward a coj.y of the bylaw forming Public School and that the clerk de- maud remuneration from the appli- cant for the same. â€" Car. Moved by J- Agnew ami I». Black, that a srant of $10 be made to widow Foster, she beiug iu poor circum- stancas aud that Mr. Christopher Johnson be entrusted with the said amount, also $10 to widow Bryce to beentrusted to Mr. John Vert to sup- ply her with the necessaries rsquiiad, the Reeve to i*sue orilars lor th so amounts. â€" C »rried. Moved by J. Robinson and R. Black, that the arrears of taxes on lot 17. eon. 9, be erased from Collectors Roll the taxes having been paid on said lot. â€" Car. Moved by R. Black and G.Tackson, that the Clsrk be instructed to write to the County Treaeuror to ascertain the amount of taxes against lot 16, con. 6, and lot 28, con. 9. â€" 'arri- ed. Moved by G. Johnson and J. Ag- nsw, that Peter Walter be refunded the sum of $2.14, it being changed in error on lot 21, con 6. and that the Reave isaue an order for. tne same. â€" Car. Moved by G. Johnson and J. Rob inson, that tha Council felt it their dnty that aa Mr. John Vert Town- ship Clerk, has been laid aside from old agi they give him $25 aa a small token as he has been a faitiiful servant as Clerk for twentyone years. Car. Moved by R. Black and J. Robinson, that lot 17 eon. 7, be taken from the Resident Roll, aud placed on tha Non Resident Roll as it was placed there in error. â€" Cmr. Moved by J. Agnew ani O. John- son, that Jas. Cavanagb ba appoint- ed Clerk for the townsuip of proton, at a Salary oi $150 p«r annua.â€" Car- ried. Moved by G. Johnson and J. Ag- new, that Robt. Ruaaell be Treasurer of Townstiip of Proton at tha rate of 185 per anpum,that be is to attend alt the Council iLaetiogs and also to have an office in village of Duudalk and attend there each Saturday or transact tha business thiough tbebank there. Moved by J. Agnew and R. Black, that tha Baeva, Deputy Reeve^ and Councillors racieve taeir pay to date, and that ths Beava isana ordara for the aama. â€" Car, Moved by J. Agnaw and J. Bobin- Bon, that John Goodwin ba paid tha sum of $S tor two days work done un- der tha patlimaa^' of road Div. No. 8 and that tha Baava uaaa ao oraer lor t£ha Mma.â€" C^. that this new and only route would accommodate the whole vall*y" Had he beoii guidd by first thoughts he would not have exposed his ignorance or his ability to misstate facts. The second part of the sentence he does not question, leaving the " im- pression " as strong as ever. He next quotes my statement ' choice of mar- kets, Flesherton aud Maikdalo." Thi" he does not contracUct, but states that Kimberlev and Flesherton are ahea- dy connected by a good road " (Save the mark.) " A much better road than the new one would make it' tiionsanis were expended on it." Probably he is the only person who .vould make such a reckless btatemeut, and I haz- ard the state jaeat that •' Ratepayer ' nev r travelled over the two rou'es or ho would not make an assertion bo wide of the mark. He says " that is not what we oo 6 aud 7 sideroad wish, we want to go up more direct." That would be almost impossible, fur just a little " more direcf. " aud they would fall over back- 1 wards in attempting to cUmb. Evi- i deutly he is sorry he had not time to dilate en the roundabout way of this i new road. If he could disabuse bis mind of the idea that G and 7 tide road is the hub of the universe, 4ie might then see that this new road would net ouly accoinmodatu all on 6 aud 7 side road in the valiey but ten times m..r-;, wiio would not try to climb 6 aud 7 si ieroad. "" i He insinuates that the residents of Kimberley and district are, with few i exceptions, opposed to tJie neA road. The opposite is provc.l by thc-'peiition â-  to council asking to have the i oiened, signed by a large m:ijoii:y of I those interested. Two parties are giving light of way lice. Further we ' can raise $3 subsc. ijition iu aud about i Kimbrrley for every $1 that they have j for and 7. " Ratepayer's " threat is unworthy of notice. My BUggoslion to close the town line across valley aud adopt deviation instead he denounces as an absurd impossibility. Ho must be very ig- norant of the powers of Municipal Counci's. Any scbod-boy could en- lighten him on that point. What " Ratepayer ' is driving at is a problem, he pcints out no better roue. There aie a grsat many who want an outlet south and west, that 6 and 7 wouli not be convenient for. He says we are of posed to building roads to accommodate another town- ship. What misleading nout^euse I The new roal will accommodate more Euphrasia ratepayers than of any othwr township. AN OLD RESIDENT OF CUCKOO VALLEY. "1 SKit" when they the Corinthi«u (A«J- J^'J^.'tLiS „,ld that many of *»»•, '^^^T .. having beUey^.w«eJ;^^ In tbe report ' ^^WlS^ i*" the crowd who cned. ' Wha*^ ' we do •• tbey were enjomad « *^ ^nt «d be Vti^ed every o«^ Vou." Now Sir, am I Jiot ]us^ fn Mking why this diffete^oe »etw«n Sa^S^t Should not the ««^^ To.eaCHiua the G-spe! be the same in Sen T Will «.me one^; ly enlighten me on Una imporlan* "TeSeR of THE STANDARD. We are informed that all *^"« *J? ""have united with the Meth^ Church aa a result of the raoent reriral havb be ew BAPrm n- (i^a-J MEATORD BOAD. j.a«iToB..-Mr Jas. A. Rows left .Of Aiaiiiuba f.»ctnuy, law- m pu-i^ 1« loauii*. ou ui. »ve ol ui. ua- Loiass ana haua^ouie biole. 1" ^a.»s- cx^r««.- .^i~^t "'"» '" *^ x.^*,,»ua u«t wili^D Wi '*-""'• '" x».,«« iepli«d exf i-essmg in* '"tf" »» iilaviun in. iitouOa, auU tu*nit-a luem Gocd aleigoiug m-kes cva y K*d uu^y luaiiks u ihe beautiful snow. jjj. Graham fiHa the scbool-tiuatee ship vacutoU oy the removal of Mr. Brelby. .. Pugilistic affair in vicinity reaentiy. usual result, black eyes and bloody noses. BIRTHS. LrcAiâ€" In MaAdale. on the 9th in.t., the wile of Wm. Lncas. Esq., Banker of a Bon. FosrESâ€" In Holland. March 5th. the wile ol Mr. W. H. Foster, ol a danaHar^ MARRIED. McCoNNELi.â€" Masonâ€" At the Commercial Hotel, Prieeulie, on Friday, tlie lifh inst., by llev. D. McLeod. B. A., Mr. Thomas McCounell. O^prey, to Miss Calh- eriiie Maria Mason, Egremoiit. V.iSALBTiKEâ€" Aldbichâ€" On the 8th inst.. at the .Methodist Parsonage, by Kev. A. Pot- ter, Mr John Alexander Vanalstiue. oi Proton, to Mi-9 Annie Aldrich, Bentinck. Sir, I, in common with muny others quite agree with letter of "Ratepayer of Euphrasia" «o far as regards 6 and 7 sideroad. The new road will neces- sitate a lot of money btiug pent for very little advantage, A few only will be benefitted. I endorse what ha says about the good market at Mark- dala, and am sure the best course is the improvemant of 6 and 7 sideroad. Yours. c„ CERES. To the Rditor. Dear Sir, â€" The discussion anont the improvement of 6 and 7 sideroad and the proi-osed valley road is somewhat amusing. Neither side has stated the facts very clearly. The opening of ths valley road and the improvement of 6 7and sideroad are both necessary, as each has different iiit* rests to servp. I can sympathise with " Ratepayer ' owing to the narrowness of his little mind. Will the opening of the new road affect his interest I doubt he will seldom, if ever, use Preseut your petition, Mr. "Rate payer." to that Board you are going to annihilate, it will deal more liberal- ly with you thau you in your selfish- ness would deal with them. Disabuse your mind of the opmion that you are the snn and centre of al municipal influence, around which the whole municipal body revolves. Yours truly. A LIBERAL. â- â€¢" Kimberley, March 18. (FROM BRAZIL.) The New Compound, its woa- derfal a/finJtjr to the Digestiva Apparatus and the Liver, incremS' ing the dissolving Juices, reliev- ing almost instantly the dreadful results of Dyspepsia, Indigestion, and the TORPID LIVER, makes Zopesa an every day necessity in ^very house. It acts gently and speedily in Biliousness, Costiveness, Head- Bciie, Sick Headache, Distress af- ter Eating.Wind on the Stomach. Heartburn, Pains in the Side and Back, Want of Appetite. Want of Energy, Low Spirits, Foul Stom- acA. It invigorates the Liver, ca^ ries off all surplus bile, regulates the Bowels, and gives tone to the •vhole system. Cut this out and take it to yout Druggist and ^et a 10 cent Sample, or a large botUe for 75 cents, ani tell your neighbor about it. I'reaaor JUorrioon, BARHISTERS. SOLICITOBS, CONVET- anciTB, tc. lie. OFFirKS in OwBn Sound. Pufferin Block, aver W. F. WoHe's Store and iu M ARKDA LE. Over W. J. McFarland's Store on Thursday and Friilay of iiach week. K^sTuiidsvto lend on reasonable toi-ms. JuHK Creasor, Q. C. Ddncan Morrison THE BECENT REVIVAL. To the Editor. Sir, â€" I notioa the report of the recent revival eondocted in the Meth- odist Church, Markdale. that npwarda of 80 seekers have been at the al- tar. I wiH ra|irod« a r yi ta of i«ri- AD,IINI3TRAT0R8' NOTICE. THE Credit. -ri« of W illiam Irwin, late ol the Township ol Artemesia. in the County of Grey. Methodi-t Mtnistar, dtHseas- ed are required to sead in their names, re- si lences, and partiRiiIar.t oi their claims, aad the nature of the security (il any) held by thsm bv leUer prepaid, to one of thenn de: signed Adminiatrators, with \Vill aanex. ed. on or before the Fifteenth day of May, A.D.,1882, Aui notice is herebv given that alter* that date, the said Administiators will proceed to distribute the s.'^sets of the said William Ir- win among the parties pntitlel thereto, hav inif nepnrd only to tha claim' ol wliicli notice shall have lieeu given, and that they will not be liable lor the assets or any part thereiil so distrifiutcj to a«y person or per- sons ol whose debt or claiia they shall not then have had notice Markdale, March ir.tb, 1«R2. H. D. IKWIN, 1 ,, ... 79-4in THOS. IBWIN. f '"^Ble. C. C. JAMES. Priceville. NEW DRESS MAKING Establishment. The undtraitTied beg to announce to the Ladies ol and vicinity, that they have oommeaeed Dress Making, HILL'3 BLOCK, TOKONTO ST.. Where they are prepared^ to de work ia a manner that cannot tail to GIVE SATISFACTION. t^" Call raspactlully solicited. MISSES DOHEBTT 4 WELSH. Markdale, March 16th. 1882. 79.«t EUGENIA Grist, SawandLatb Mills Having made eqtensire improvements in my Grst Mill I feel confident I can nra good satisfaction. GOOD FLOUR ALWAYS ON HAND. Chopping Done Every Day. Cmntom Sawing and Bills Filled on tho akortoet notiee. LDMBEB AND LATH ALWAYS ON HAND. Cherry, Bsttemnt, Whiu Ash, IBlaeV Aah Baaawocd. Pine and Hemloek Logs waatad! ^W' M AOTT. liv^mm. THE BESf B«^ AYE^ CHERRY IndiasaaeaofUiop^ ita tbe conftdenco ol },le, »WI wifatlre t^ ueaoltbefloeatdro^J, chemically »»»«**â- â€ž?*. „,cb power as loinauf. ,ha |p»a»e»t I»i»«* ityofreaulta. ItstrlMS roaAt ara "••Ef*LL!f^ri«Hi8 ilia** » '•" :Jet^« afford. «- •;'„'«/*"co«.umpU«i ihereT. ro other nmeij ao «» *«thiuK..ana be Pf; • ,•„ try aoiaa of«le.lKeil ^»«V't.C«tloo and fiaa reach ol human aid. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer *. Co., PracUcal and Analytical ChaasiaU. Lowell, Mats. BT ALL lMl'«*il»Ta EvaBiaBiBB f-»^ FVKE SE^ FOR ALL KINDS OK GO TO THE DundalkDru^Store. IMPOETANT TO FARMEu^ SPiiClALNOTlCiiS. BEST AKB COMFOET tothf SUFFEBINO Brown's Hoasetaold Punnceii has uu equal lor relieviui? pain, both inter- nal and external. It cures pain in the Side, Back or Bowels, Sore, Hheumatism. Toothache, Lumbat'O and any kind of a Pain or Ache. "I twill most surely quicken the Blood and heal, as its acting power is won- derful." " Brown's Household Panacea." being acknowledge*! as the great Pain Believ- er, and of double the strength ol any other fclixer or Liniment in the world, should be i.i every lamily haudy lor u^e w^eh wanted " as it really is the best remedy in the world lor Cramps in the .Stomacli, and Pains and Ache= ol all kinds." and i.^ lor sale by all Druggists at 25 cents a bottle. 20-lv Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers Are you disturbed at night and brol.en 1 your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the cicruciating pain of ci:ltii!;- leeth' If so, gi at once and get a bottle if MUS. WINSLOWS SOOTHING SVBl'P. It will relieve the poor little sufferer imniedi. atelyâ€" depend upon it tlierte is no mistake about it. Ttieie is not a mother upon earth who lia* ever nsed it, who will not tell you at once that it *ill reg-'tte the bowels, and give rei-t to tlieuioHi.r, and relief ami health 10 the child, oi)erating liwe rangic. It is ptr- lectly sale to use in nil cases, and pleasant to the state, and is tlie iirescnptlu.i of v^ne of (he oldeU and lest leiniilc physiciAUs aud nursH s iu (he Unit d States. Sold e\pry where iit •2'i eeiits a liottle. "'O Iv TO CONSUMPTIVES. Tile it4vein-er. Iiiivni,; I'eeii |inni;ilieiitly cured ol tliHtdiViid ili«asc, I'oiisiiiap'.jnu, by ft simple nmt^dy, is anxiou- to mike known to his fellow -nfteier.-- Ilie 1111 hub of cure To iill who ilesiie it. lie will semi a eiv I'f the inescriptioii Used, (five of ilmige.) '• h be lireptioiis fur pii'piiii iii^' and using tl aaoia which tliey w:U fimi a biRi: Ci be f"i c..n- SCMPlIllN. .\STIIMA. liuoNrniTis. Ac. rallies wishing I'l' I'r.seription. will lUease address, llev K. A,, 14!t Peun St.. Williamsbnigh. K. Y. 2e-ly ERRORS OF YOUTH, \C;ENTI.EM.\!; who snfTerred for vear- from Nervous liKBILlTY, PUE.\!A- ri'l.E 1)1".( .^V. and all tl;e effeets of unith- 'ul.iiidiser.t;iiii. wiil fm the sake of sufieiing hnirJiiity. end fit e to nil wlio need it. the recipe and ilm'etioiis foi iiinkiiig the simple remedy by wtiicli lie vas cured, SufTerers wishing to piiifil by tin advertiser's experi- I'Uee can o so ov addressing in perfect con- Sdeiice, ' JOHN B. OGDEN, 42 Cedar st. New York I have just purchased a large stock of all kinH Garden and Flower Seeds direct from the oldest ?^ H\ :ndt (.. Seeds ever imported into Dundalk. Don't faaV reliable dealers in Canada, and c»n saf^v recom ^^^ Farmers will do well to come and inspect mv st '^«V lieve I have the largest variety of Field, Garden ad c^' Yours truly, C. Wa PARSOHa P. â€" A large stock of Timothy and Clover tti on hand. Also a new variety of Potatoes for seed ' just received a half ton of new process Lin feeding horses and cattle, cheap. Dundalk, March 7th, 1882. f 2.50 per loo seed Mei, lbs. "Glasgow House," DundaiJ V I SELLING OFF. SELLING OR Bargains. Bargains. BargJ ound for the North-West. liie nndir.sijjncl bavin? determined tb removtf Id Manitoba now ofaki whdL.- of bis large ani well assurteJ stock, consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Keady-Made Clothing, Millinery. c.. .•â-  "AT A GREAT SACRIHCE. This is the only ;:;en\iine bona-fide ':ale ever cffewdt the pubUc. The whple stock of goods must besold. 20-1 V Wm. NELSON, Proprietor. Dun.lnlk, Febr.uary 28tli, 1882. .... 1 PIMPLES. I will mail (Free) the recipe for a simple Vbobtable Bii.M. that will remuve Tak- FBECKLh-S, PIMPLES and Blotckks, leave ing the skin soft, clear aud beautiful also instructions for producing a lux iriant growth ol hair on a bald head ir smooth lace. Ad- dress, enclosing a 3c. stamp, B^n. Vandalf t Ca.„ • Baakmaa St.. M. T. M Iv ]voTE i.owr. DBAWN in lavor ol John McNally, »( Holland, and sigue I by L'homas Coiil- edge, ol Euph'asia. lor $14," in:ere-t at tight par cent., dated in December, ls8l. or .Janu- ary, 1882. payable one year Irom date. Any person liuding and retiirning the same to John M Nally will be suitably rewarded. Paj ment of said note has been stop|ed. JOHN McXALLY. March 7th, 1882. 78 it' GREAT DISCOUNT SALE AT- "CHEAP SIDE.' Ifr A/ " Ij" VT"^I'VJ wanted to sell V T Tj i I O Edison's Mu sical Telephon" and Edison's Instantaneous Piai.o »'i I Orgnn .M'lsic. huclo«e stamp lor cat- alog le anl terms. KDISOX MLSIO to., S3» Chesrnnt St., Philadelphia, Pa. r.«-6m. nighly recommcndad lor Bilioiuaeaa, Urad-.4cbe, Caa- â€" ' stipatlon. Indl g aa Dtzzlnesa. â- eaitbmm. Breath, Loaa af Ab M-ai.-, „P*"*^. Janadiee, Laas af] !I.^Tf'!. "^r '"•â- â€¢aeh. Liver Com* PiateUor any Illness ariiing from the aiaB â- eh.Bawelicrfeldnej'if tT " Buld and tborooxh in tbeir acuoa. pUlalsadoee. FWCE f Sfc m FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS I will offvf to -the public my entire stock ol Vry ~ie.. I' consistiig cf Dress Goods, .. • Cashmeies, Lustres, Sha-wls, Prints, Winceys, Velveteens. Embroideries, Ladies s Ulstol Manxes, Twe* ds, Ready made ClothiK Hats Caps, Ge t's Ti*-.s. iJress Shirts, Ovcrcoa-.s, x-'ancy Flanucli Ducks. Oxford Shirtinfs, Linen Colltf Flanucli. CarpetJ*^ THE ABOVE STOCK ^^•UJ. BE SOLD AT 1. Liver t;oM« from the aiaai TtwT ar^ aaf^l uoa. Frc_.ltoil 10 PER GT. DISCOU:a £ FOilMER PRItp and mvst be run off by the middle ol March, in order to mn' e reoiii iJr my 'Sl^ tafions from Britain, which will arrive alxiut the --'oih of .yareh. â- -â- ' T E 1 iVI jsj. J ^V fS II- I'bbnking the inhabit nts of Markdale and the surronndino .ouutry f r tM ^^ manner in which they hare (latronized me since eoiumeiiciu,; i,u-aies*. *aim eontinnanee ol the aaine I am yours tmly. HENRY FOSTEB. For Sale. THE subscriber has on hand, and lor sale, on Mount Boyal Farm, Lots 117 aud 118. Con. 2, E. T. A 8. R., Artemesia. a quantity ol Wliite Busaiaa Wheat and BUck Tartar Oats. Parties desiring to procure a good article lar seed shrtuld give me a call belore purchasing elsewhere, as I guarantee the above pure and tree from all foul seed also two »oke ol C'xen. rising « yetrs old, well matsbed, ani aound in every i«spect. JOHN FORD. February 92nd, IM3. 7e-4t» FRAMES! ]UST ARRIVED. NEW STOCK. LATEST DESIGNS. New Panel Framea. Maw Panel Mate. New 8x10 Framea. New 8x10 Mata. ' ' ' f- Selling Olieap at Browne's Gallery, nwwB ----- -u: " 1.* .. .j_.».* .f on» a/Anwun c Doarders Wanted. THE BuKseriber having rented the briak building ojiposite Doctor Rproule's new rasidenoe is prepared to take 'everal boanl- era. ftood roam* and ood meals at reason- abla rataa. „ ^^ J. W. LEAVEN. Varkdaln, Maioh 9tb, 1S«1. 78-tf '*s- •;-. â-  ^*»'r-. .vis's •;l.^ FARM TU SELL OR RENT. LOTS 74 aad 75. Irt N. E. T. A 8. Road, _?«Ua.t lOOaena 70 of which are «••«« ??^ B «M "tate of enltiv.ition; l(D04 tmOdiaga. and 1 qaantaty of fall â- '.ough- ui« dona. Far partWan apply to .^ J4MB8 GILLESPIE. :* j B«vkaiayP.O. P' NOTICE. ' To Builders Contractor* Tv.XDEUs will 'â- â€¢â-  n^-f^j;[„fd,,r!* ..igiudnptoliociai^^-^EI.,* inst., loi th.- end Mil "'»""(- K«i VUlage ol l'und.ilk for -^"-i „ j^ !«c H 'lan-aii.isp.etica;iouj.» omoelr..mihe2.ihtoth.4^'^„«**iS The lowest er sny leiiJ-r »- 'â- M vitb Boyd, April' *^M oanta at McFarlaod'a. «( t about all manafa«tat ^jgta and mill men wban ^-n'a BawlTer Ties, newest tlJ •* ont, at McFarlanda. I WaOoU Bros. Co., Totonto, â- ^J^Bofacturara of Lardine, 1 lobrieator known. Try it. ^^^ ^pA niea, f *^^ jlcFarlanda $3 Mantle*. w^^s. Creaaor A Morrison of JjTpBn^ a law offic« in Mark] _T l^arlands store. See Ad v I ill aort* of Biscuits, aud h Maortment of all kinds of Montgomery's bakery. "J^ported direct, Corderoy and Moleskins, at McFiirlHuiU. Af^taat bargains ever ofT«'-o l kdala 'or tbe oaxt ten days,] noli'» Sou. [-1,, writer is prepared to buj Jl farm.cbeap for ca^ii. Write ' eulartf ••meteor," Stasdakd '•A proof of Cv-mraon sense." buyintf Tea from M-il'i 'Ranted to pnrcbase a snia;! 1 f j »rkdale Village. njii*t lie tlieaj.,! by letter only. F. M. ^ta.vJ ice Markdale. JLardine mi»cl"« «' "ill u. t Ifreef* ""' wear* bi-ttwr tiiur tr oil' i" *^* market. A*« j a, j«alar and Uke uo fiber. ail wortb seeing McFarlnn iu important stotl of lean. OwinS to " amount of matlei id, tbis wa«k we arc uinj r I'sity of coudt'iisiti^ aia'iy ..f iDUuicstiouB.aiid iiHV« itiiers next waek. r. Henry Kiup will 1 a* ii.i tbanks for those ujhi'.- in '.:t- Iv sent ns Lii our lute i.ln.-ss. â- cHKBcac. â€" N;'t only tlit ui"s' te tiling f'lr tiie teirtii and lnei nt, but •Tk^iskkkv' is u li.-.-iinl a ornament and tii.isb t • t:ie 1 1 n'» satuplt-s. Long tnayy.i.i live" tn .in ik McF-triamls Ti'S. [â- vnildsA Son wiil ric.ev.- f-^i tile building of a liriek i^.l se up to Ibt (.f Air.l n x'.fu. Ijjulars can be Iih.I i.y .qi-lyn; §tir store, TuruKio :ieti ^j J. W. Speers. anl \\ U. .-^.^r. Il^ their d«par:iire f ^r M.t ;l ik, taking witb tiiom a Hir|ii;i ., le. 0B8E STOI.KN. â€" Mr. D.'lia il _^ ie bad a liTse tiiiini u: ' l||bleon Saturdny ii:;.'iii !:it!. «. ^^ to sty tbe horse Iias ii.eii i ^r three days st^arch. Tiie Rttforiii. rs if S iitii «ii-y. Ii| i«iiiiiat«d Messrs. Lanleil.iii. II i Ik tlie hoiife of J luitii 111- 'I Mio Legislature lesiptcti'vly. Printing Pre^s for sil», c' i: ll^kdale Standard Cilice. Oalv one tram a J;iy i. tun Durham. Tii- t.*. i^u' Htfliertou beJps to t.i.l-; oi r t.i* »«ltT. ,,Mr. H. D. Irwiii h:i- j nr.-l ugh bred Durham bi.'l. l^r i.l from Mr.* J;.. St. it tp., who ib n teJ for rai-iiit: » k. Too mucii en v.iira.'t ot be piv*?u to luiprov.'iiii- Ack, and we. trust Mr Jrivin -« fvfited in his forward sM' iSome of the Councils ar â-  •..'•^ â- diugout that tlie Law i oi Astract Statement ol tii. .\ii- i Itpoit to be pul»!;slled I'l ;i.i 1 «•â-  At a Social hc-M cm Tucliv Mr IhchardsoKx. in .aid ••!' tin 1 riiin Church Fund. :i ;;â- .â-  lly i.' g enjoyed th.-inselvi- w-'v u: hoceadK flS Social at the r.:"iifu*.- •:" Mi IwLitby on Wedneadty e-.ii.:ii^ ni ds iu aid (if Meiiio.tikt 'iw Trust Fund. Mark Armfitroiijj J.- iefr lo i •day with five ears of j^.tat. â-  ItottsCitv. Junes Hamilton lia g 'ne to â- fi itata. Tlio*. Kewen, St\m.\kb o.Ti i to Chicago. A new dress ruuLiii-; i^stal.lisiii •paoed this week bv Mi»s.'-1' Welsh, in Hills block..* livv i »«»11 ladies. "1 immense qtiantil.v f ^, Wood, Sawl.g-, Ac-., lias I •d this week. The ;.ai •verj available plai-e c .:i\ ni »• R. B. Track. 1, ... li Timber, .Tba good sleigliiii- th.- (•:!â-  •.appear to be wdciud I O'Jpe it will coiiiinue. we .-. "•'y expecting tbe pnii;i~ i l^ood fr om our Kuli.-ei ;it ^j^.tnAltira at Winnipeg i .. ^22^y morning. "«•• WaUon, a L .i.d u ' • mysteriouBly disapp^ ar.' i. •O ttanisuudtr Hirst. tioUcribe for tiit- Stui.d. r.i ""â- â€¢ a valuabb- book, tiit:tl on the Horse mih) 1ii« Worth half the Milseni Markdale L'.d;^'e, ». I •J Literal V aud Mi^t.-.i! i ii *««itiu Dufferiu Hal!,.. I. **f- The rich piOirram^uj 'On ensures a »h\ lime. "• W regalia. *««ttee •^d «th 7e-td Oireii Sound H" PAY rpj-r-'i arc 'lercbv not fi. -I to \*^?^tafl,ti " ment ni*v le mad.- to Armstrong. '^^"^;^^T?Or^% JIarkdala. March 2ni'l«* I^OTICE- ___ if ,1 came on the vr^ft g.. To«%. lot Ifi. ^•"â- '""^^â- Tnta ' " S' t'"«^^-'"°L«!ani«^ Oaprey. On^ner »» P*^ -fl* and pay expenses. jffgtVB '^^ 77-»f .^••day cveiiiue tie mI 1^1 *^" "^Inrk.iale ami 1- 1 5^^' aarf^Tr escajie but Hjr^wleft cedai on the H'ti *V^^^ ^^ dnniic tb" e| ,*• light was seen Iv n. e»tL J**" "' I"" "'" " ly,:*' «"r, succeeded lu /^*« tt«fire. l2^" tb* months of March â-  i^j*J^'i' not to use Put lm^ t Calcunel or oiher iujur Tbe proper and â-  the Great Vejret A^. Carson's Stoa '*«»a Bitteis, the pij • Pt»Mfi«-r kn.wiij ^]yeeial Agent

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