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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 10 Mar 1882, p. 2

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 .s FOR ALL KINDS O^ GO TO THE alkDrufirgi^^l :tant to PAEiui^ Lrchasctl :i large stock ol all kj^L^ [ower Seeds direct from the olie^*^ ' in Canada, and c?n safely recomnw^ well to come and inspect my atoS**^' largest variety of Field, Gard^J^ 'I Ljrted i.ito Diindalk. Don't fail to Yours truly, O' W, P A R|oj|^ ;e stock of Timothy and Clover S«ed i» a new variety of Potatoes fors^^, h;4lt ton of new process Linseedu fj ind c â- â- xilv, cheap. $2.50 per roolbs. iirh -til. i^Si. ^% bv7 House," Di -f^ TGOFP. SELLINGO] Bargains. Bargaii !d for the North-We«t ir,lU ..f t â-  MitllltObs tto^ :s.- itcu siook, couaistoc a( Groceries, Boots and She • I -ung. Millinery, (fcc.. VI A('i;lFICE. iia-fide '•.ale ever offere '.k of goods must bes(A4J ill 1 ^â-  SON, Proprietc 1 rn DISCOUNT a -AT rlEAPSIDE." M!F. fiEXT 30 DA • :. -i.k of Piy Oood«, con»iitM|«' C" ill meres, L»ustre8, Prints. Wincey*. 1 -broideries, Ladiea's ..; Ready-made ClotWnt] (W tf Ti«ts, Linen rcoa.s. 'ancy Flaoneli. M Shirtinprsi Carpets, f -I'M K WII.T, BE SOU) AT DISOOUn S FORMEUWC' •1 ti t M, ,1,, in i.rJer to make room for â- ? 1*1"" i ;, Mil .rnvc about the aOth of Ua*. I M :- J A H H- i the Mirroundino country forth* '•T' in.. Elliot; euuimencing bu»iue«», a"" "^^ i:: i'uri It 111' HENRY FOSTBB. ill. ^irr^TM^li lOth. 188a. NOTICES CioT«r and Timotby S««ds. J; Iteical HaU. A. Turner 4 Co. Beynoli«. merchant. oonWrn- J: building a brick residence the ffiioS gomm^* mannbetenrs. finrtke •hoot »" .. iti and miU men wLen they Try TTtti Lardine *lSrS nw-wffl pTi-ffSrSaF ?^ the next twenty daya. J^ No Humbug. *J^,,brupt termination ofsleigbinj iaft m»Dy " our citizeni bhert of JJ*, (ummer stock of wood. From preseut indications boildiag ^tions will be more extensively Tl^ on the coming eeaeua than last. Batter i R«« l^*' g°* ^^* ^°*' Jtbsi^ guods.but would have no ob- ijiou to » little "Dnet" from tbo« Jja^o in arrears to them. Lo»i.â€" On Monday 6th inst., be- „ 9 o'clock a. mr»nd BBon.some- 1^ in tiie Tillage of Markdale, An mm Cap Lever watch with open f^ Tue finder will be suitable re- ^iti by lesvii.g it with E. Purvis. 5ir J. A. McDonald, has favoar«(^ A, poor m»ii by takiopof the duty m I„ uij Coffee, aud Butter Rea, ipt to be out iloue will give 4 pounds jflwfor $1- \^« kcka x^'l-'^lss *itb thanks lub- unptions to the Standard of ^1, from U|i«ri. !-;'"""'• Kidgely, Maryland, jnd Mn Potter, lehkummah, Man- liouliD- ^g,^i«.â€" While Mr. \Vm. Jack- na of llollsDd. was working 'q the kotb on the i7lb of Feby.. he sl.ppeU, ^liog on s balsam pole.brcakiug two rite. jl good cl;ance to purchase or rent igood fari" ^i 'uiles ffJ'n Maikilaltf, (J tb« grdvcl roa*^, Holland, for par- tjcolsra iji* Atlvcrtitieiucut in auotlier eclamo. 'McColl Bros. Co., Toronto, are fo^wf^t of^i^ Witji the eaote ^te. "We him re«dve3 the Ik^ ontnlter ofibe " liirror," a new pi^per jiat started in Meaford. It is an eight page paper, publish^ i» th^ interests, of the Conservative p^fty" Itk wrtiAtg are well written, and its general "gt( np" is good. We wish it raeeeMT Tbroagh the montlM ofllaroh and April be eanf al not to oae PomtiyM Wato i»ang.r^p Mi» m s i b er injomw substaacea. Tbe fropet and safe Furgativas is tbe OrMt Vegetable Preparatioo. Dr. Carson's IStomaeh and OonstipatioQ Bitters, tbe purest and beet Blood Purifier known A Turner and Co. Special Agent 3£ark- dale. ta J6 to as to .» o^^t.^ i „ W to JO " «.76 to 75* ' \AM0" U.0OtolC.^ •RSas TOBONTO .«r|ieat, ___ BHtoy, Oato, t- Pom, Bye. CtoverSIM. do. do. do. do. do. do. ..-41 SS to •! immk ao to 1 li .W^li 80 to e 44 to 76 to 8S to S 00 to For all affections of Lungs and Thjbat, use Dr _«Mi, Chest, ^\^J^!^//-^r Pulmonary Cough^ " D;;pi^'Si; tej^^ti!:::::^!^ w to £»*«*dBo^ji« 100 Itak.. 7 fiO to » 60 to 400 to 46 to 46 to 60 to 60 to 1 00 to S8 to 18 to 00 to o ai to o 00 to 00 to 0* 045 oae 6 8 7 C h ic kens per p^.. PowIb. ' 4o. n«»k», P«« hiMa.. ' Oeese. ea«h TarkBy. Bnttw.knenriU... Batter, M1FM17..., Batter, aure-pMkod .,,..., Bgga, freah, ser doa, f^ ardiue, the ic)t luaniifacttirers of ^uj labricator Lnowu. Try it. 'in. Win. Ileury, lots 16 aud 17, I iftemssia, lost a Brown Woollen Shaw!, on the 24th ult., between Kiikdsle and Presbyterian Ch'irch. Ihefindtr will confer a favir by re- laraiuj; it tu the ownipr. Ladies vlioiild know that Ayer s IHu" Vifor is a superior and economi- l»| dressing. It has become an iu- Ijiipenkuble article fur the toilet. Mark aiiJ Willie Armstrrtn^, retii-n l«fuD I««t Sjiturday from Kansas City Ifhfre the y had taken a shii.incnt ol lipUtoes. Wuare glad to leurn tliat tli" liunltwas Very satisfuctory finan'.-ial FoiNii. â€" A small sum of money the |jii)«r can have it oniitoving propfr'.y md paying for tiiis advertisemsnt. J. Is.Blaik, MarkJale. Urdine nuiclifne oil will not gum 1 irfreeze. nil 1 wiars better tliiit any ii« oil in tlio market. Ask your I ktl dealbi' and take no other. .Tie p'asic moralist bids "FiHma I iitf," but wlijn you want a tiood p.^n rjiicanuit j:et oii* of Esterdrook'stoo ^ickly Tlie stationers have them. I Wholesale by Toronto stationers. J. D, Slisiisilian, has a good portion (Ithemeterial on tli« ground for the town and village in the Dominion, M» :srriftfre fictory be intends ' erpe SS sDoii ii.s the weather will pcr- lait. It IK to be of brick, two stories |iugb, 32x.V2. Glenelg A^ Society, are asking for iTfndi-r*, fnr liie erection of a Il«ll, lai tbs building of a fence on their hnnndij. I'Ihi.s an.l spcjificaiiousiaiay I b« Men St llaskett Bros. A. Diiiilnp, IS having tlip meterial linwn for tlie erection of a two story Ihililiug. for a bakery and a ihreUinv; Imilill St., on the next lot south of |lii«pr*nii6es now occ!i;'ied by him. Mr. M. J Snyder, who is seeking Ikrfsrms/or old country farmers who Iwsboutiinn igrating to Ontari is jUKtiDg With good success. Parties [•ttliing to dispose of their farms woald 1« sell to call on him. neel, T. ngald, an' how is hersel Iwiity. r.rawly, n an^au' thank ye spetriii. nays Tonal. Eh, man, I" 'bar oil hhe get the breeks. bur l*ej are hra'T. What did she pay for l!»m? One p. Ill in siller at Butte'r FaU Bvle; tatt PeM Potatoee. Batter, pw lb. ^KK*. per doz .«, Pork, drMiaed, ., Oeeee per lb Dacks, per pair â- Fowls, p*r pair Turkojrs, per lb Sbeeptkias Hide* \yfft0# 40#8f~ •â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â- â€¢â€¢ n»y Wool Green App/es, ner. bosbel Lard TaUow ' Drv Cord Wood speedily care Coughs.ColdsIuflueusa' ;Onioa.,pir bof. Hoarsene? Bronchitis, 4c. As an '• expectorant the Cough Drops ars unequalled. loosening phlegm yery readily. A Turner and Co. Sp^al Agent ^aikdale., HoNoa Roll. 8. 8. )Ho. 8 Proton, for the month of February.â€" Senr. 3rd Class^Mary Johnson, Josiah Koseboroagh, Wn*. KirkHra. Junior 8rd Class â€" Juliah A. Hodgin^, Sam Rosekorongh, Bertha Johnson, Sec. Classâ€" Andrew Colgau, John Sluar- sou. C. Graham, Teacher. CA'c*«i», which cost f 8 a piece a short time ago in Wmuipeg. can now be had for jl.fiO, and LanieK Cloth Jacxets. that cost $5.50, McFarland is now seliiug at f 3. Men's Felt hats, old price SOe.nnw We. Winceys, old price 16c, ouw 15e. Dress Goods reduced: Flan «ls at job prices. Frin- ges, cheap. Prints, cheap. Mole skius and ducks, chpap, at MoAp. land's. The only Direct importer doing busineu in Maikdale i$ 'UeFar- tand. The new treatment for rapidly con- ditioning Horses, Zock's Tonic Com- pound and Blood Mixture. Each [tackage contains a, good Purging Ball which is givien to the animal previuus to using the strong louis powder. ~Thib is the common sense treatment ana will accomplish more in one week than the old syf^tem of Spices, F«eds and Condition Powders would do in a month, ask your Druggist about it. A. Turner aud Co Special a^ent Mark- dale. IIoNOB Roll.â€" S. 8. No. 10 Malan- cthon. for the month of Feliruary. â€" Marks Obtainable, .200. Senr. Srd Class â€" Uattie Richardson, 181 E. Montgou.uery, 158. Junr. Srd Class A. Taylor, 176 W. Montgoi^ery. 106. Sour. 2nd Cl*«8â€" A. Bell 162 J. Corbett, 146. Junr. 2nd Classâ€" M. Corbett. 185 M. Flueny. 170. Senr. Itt Ciass â€" J. Richardson, 175 J. Biyvl, 162. L. GitAHAM, Tescber. rSEAKLV A l"iRK.--(Jn Wedjiesday morning the cooper shop owned by Mr. T. Mu!larky,liad a narrow escape from destruction by fire. The fire ori ginated from the stove pipe, and when first discovered, by Mr. Wm. Carter, about two feet square around tbe pipe of the inner side of tbe roof was in dames. Being afraid to leave the shop to suek assistance, thinking the fire would make too much headway, he succeed.'d, maided, iu subduing tbe flames before much damage was done A PiBLic MtKTiNo should be called of the cilizeiis of every city, to consider, what sboubt be done to prevent the hair from turning Gray â€" am! ialliiig out. If this important question receive! their earnest con- â- sideration they would unanimously dtcide that science had al last dis covered something that would answer this purpose â€" and furthermore would lecominend Cing-tlese Hair Llenewer as being this someti ing for restoring the hair to Us natural color, and pre- vent its falling out. 50 cents per bottle. For sale bv all Druggists. 60 76 76 S 00, s 90 ' 00 8 00 1 00 '*.*yi^^ 00 to'16oO ABKDALE. VktBAXiIab. SSrd 1881 flow ...... 6,00 U «.« Bpring Irbaat per btteb., ew to 1 M do. do. 1.16 u 1.80 ).60 0.85 '" 0.68 •• 0.60 " 0.16 " 0.18 8 00" BM " 0.07 " 0.40 " 0.00 " 0.07 '• 060 7.25 " 2.5o " 12.00 ' 0.22 " 0.76 " 0.10 •' 0.07 '• 1.75 •' 0.79 O.Sl 0.7U 0.71 0J6 O.M 8.^8 6.60 0.00 0.40 0.00 0.00 1.66 7.60 S.OO 14.00 0.00 1.00 0.14 0.08 2.00 itoi fiWfci F^itB:*!! COKSMTEJiQ 01^ y s^Teas^ Coffees SSf" Sugara, Raisins, Ciarants, j*o.^ eseijoUicr arlide in tbe grocery liae kept no n shmt oa band, aad oi tbe fiiatwl va4it7 aad beat Waa||. i I -At. â€" IN LIQUOBS! er IjSBS^vlyaqaaiitytbatwiU ttty â- ^ titioa is M^i*.H" i i jriJi8UERT0N. {Corrected weekly for the StoHda'd by R. J Sproule, Fleiktrton.) Fbidat. Feb. 23rd. 1881. Flcnr, per bbl 16.25 lo 0.00 Bpring Wheat per bu.U., 1 20 to Fall do. do. do. 1.18 " Barley 0.60 •' Oaw 0.37 " Peas 0.6.5 '• Potatoee 0.30 " Batter, per lb 0.20 Eggs, per doz O.lg Poik, dressed. Beef Sheepskins Hides Hay Timothy seed. Wool Lard Ts low 6.50 ' 400 ' 0.60 • 7 25.' 12.0 â-  2..-.I â-  0.22 â-  10 ' on," ' 1.25 1.22 0.80 0.38 0.70 0.36 0.00 0.00 7.10 6.00 1.25 7.50 14.0 3.00 0.00 0.12 .0.07 I ean wnapeta «itb the hiwthnaMi in Mark- .-, ' dale. Gtive me a. Oa.ll. Vatkdale. Dee. WILSON BEKSOH. lst,lB81.. 6 McKENNA MASON Mechamcal Creai Discount SALE! AT THB- POST OFFICE STORE -v»^^ 3t -Ai.-^*--£ *v eJiO-I »: t/' ,-1«:?- An Automatic Beed Orgall.' toMiSlsetIn kla«tew«sl â-  •»:- .«»r may aow be eaDad a 4 raaa. bat tbe argsa aast be 1 â€" 't^bitsit by daaeasoase tbo Oaeo ma wa is on tbe otbar baad eatis^ msrhaateal to ita __ al a trittafe^aaae tt aaa be aade to tomiab •â-  oaliasited sopplj ol all kiaii e( aW*. '•jria? 1 It it a minatur* reed otfsa, WH^- It sarpawM tbe Cabiaat Oraa tot FIjESti^KTON, r ' .•:i\h-,M 4 "•- FOR THIRTY DAYS. I In order to make room for .J CARRIAGE WORKS MARKDALE. BEORGE NOBLE, INSURANCE AND LAND AGENT, LICENSED AUCTIONEER For tlie County of Grey. AoKKT for the following reliable Companies CITIZENS' of Montreal, AGBIOULTUBAL, of Watertown, and TBADE COMMKBCE. (Mutnal) of Toronto. A nnmber of Choice Farms for sale.. also Village Lots Auction Siles conducted in Town or Coun- trj- on Shortest Notice. Charges moderate, Bills, Blank Notes, and Stamps provided. GEq. NOBLE. Mabksalb. May 20tb. 1881. 36-lv BOOD NEWS IGMN. ImM Mis ai Work. DUNDALH. h 1:. I. J v,ais ..l.l- ..f •• h MIL'S I •. ov. n»ii |i of I'fts. r:\\l jirov-, |.insKl'n MILKS. iti'»' ;!Ki.TKD TO MK l.X)k aiToant I'ti *•- I tlie siuic to A Tnr Iwinif a.i'.hiiriz- 'I 1" aud to give receipts SPItOULE, M.D. 18SS. Sl-9*. To Buildew Jc_Contri f p NDEBS will be V1^^t^d^\ I sign.d up to 12 o dock »o«^ .1 for the erection of »» g. Bsii J oilia- from the aOth f J^L^ " â- Y\w lowert or any K"" "" ""•""*• ISAAC TBAWO^^ Arebite«i*«J],'2!;»H 76-td Ow«_»^ "^^ arc '.eebv notified to P^^tar** ,„eiit mav be "J* " .AruiHtrong, Marirtsi*^^ gPlOO**, Markdalo, ^y^*^^ '• Ibe bis» A choice lot tor sels*" Kov^J p,rt 'f Markd^. tgy, «ssal***2r ipghoose. aboi **"â€" u ear v«g ^^ h"rdwato.. •»»*â- â€¢ "P" I terms. Apply -^-MUir.! WM. or to C. W. roster is. ilftcrmined to make his |s9re tbe cheHiest place in Markdale '«»e who iiitcui moving tO^-iMniioba I'tiiiK the coiiiing spring, should buy Jkwou^t »liil» Ijis aUuouut sale is llWig on. it lasts till the twentieth of IWh.IirydooJssoldat cost. Th«re is a rumor afloat in Mark I** that the popuUr Station Agent I" "illiamufonl is about to commit Uj^trimony. We hc^pe it is true triend I V. for the "tood book" says, it is I*' "good for man to be alone." /lecrv (ir«tii and Wm. Littlej.-hns I""«Wl siezed with the prevailing pplHat. Mviitoba Fever, and have P'nzed Geo. Noble, County Aiic I °**"'" «ell. all and singnlar, their JT^, imi'lemeuts, household goods, L "iWeiiuttday, Mar.;h loth lust. " P'l'ticularg see posters. 13' •'aount of freight to be remov- I jooi our station tnis spring is im- I. **• *Dd would have been much i^l^aJ tbe sleighing held out a ^lis longer. The resouraee of •^ B. are beii.g used to their cappacity. S^^^â€"^ot only the most ex |jB»otV""Kf"-tlieteeib and b.eath %o^"' "^EABERRy'iga beautilnl "'•ment and finish to the toilet ' "aioples. •^sen lias had a narrow saeape jj^J-'aok," but Butter Baa P^i i^ ""'® '• •""' parties by l^oi^i".^*^"" ^^^y baye tbe lV»nd.ri1^"** "• ^^V nien.wo- »!,! ""• '"f*!* in body and t»C"V '^y *»'«" *t "»• ^- '»'i Uwtt is Batter A â€"HAVINGâ€" LATELY FITTED UP My Grist MiU in FIR8T-CLA88 RUNNING ORDER! 1 am prepared to turn oat all work m a first- class manner. (From the Herald.) Jlr. Parsons announces in thi^ issu^ ol tbe IIek.^lo that be has the largest anl l) selection of field and garden seeds ever brought into Dundalk. Mr. Wm. Nelson, who is about re- moving to the North-West is selling ofi' at cost. Big bargains may be had by calling on him. Mr. J. McQuarrie, Main St., Dun- dalk, has flour for $5.7.' per barrel, ami everything usually kept in a first- class grocery at jwices that defy com- petition. Give him a call. A. hard change in the weather since our last issue. (Uving to the bad state ot the roads, our fair was jioorly attended, not much stock offered for sale, there were quite a numbor of buyirs. Mr. Jas. Hanua has sold his blacK- sniith shop, and house, to Jas. Mul- hoUand, of Melancthou. There is a great amount of sickness at present in the western part of tbe township. The Hbkald is becoming more pop- ular every week. It is the iiiteutiou of the publishers to make it an mdispen- sible article in every family, we would be pleased (o havo our realer8 wad ns items of news from their u;.'ighb ur hood. Mr. D. McDonald, of QKprey, sold hJa enfiro horsf well kiio\u by the name ot Young Scotland's Glory, to an American for $850. We had a yisii from our friend H. Graham, of the city of Toronto, he looks hale and hearty and seems pleased with city life- The best and most satisfactory move our Council could make, would be, to make one leading load oat throagh tbe centre of the towni^. Iron: Don- dalk, to llopeyille, tbea all parties throughout the township would be mutually benefited. we cannot see why this verv importnnt matter should be neglected so loug, we trust that our Conned will consider the matter and -that they may dirisa scheme wb«rab.« {, the township aasaOvi. to. tta^a M least one good road John M«lweli Ea^.4 is RMtisro* well as favorable as could be expeet- fd. Ifn ^Vra.4l»ilk)H i8«iVN3f«4"b««ie from Manitoba this we«k» to wind op bis basinets ni Dandalk. and Mtom to Manitoba at ao aariy data.- r loor and all kinds of feed delivered free to any part of the villaee. ' Than .ing yoa all lor past favors I hope by strict attention to business to merit a con- tinuance of the same. W. J. BOWE. Barrhead MiUs, Sept. 20. 1881. 54-8d Nothing Like Leather. M. M. M'LEOD, MARKDALE. NOT TO BE BEATEN I AU those wlio may have had the misfor- tune to have been born barefooted wiU bear in mind that we have jusi received the larg- est aiid best stock of leather ever before brought into Markdale, consisting of Spanish Sole, French Kip and Calf, and are now pre pared to manufacture Jjadies, Gents, jfouth and Misses boots and shoes, from the stoga to^he finest k'd and prunrUa. Sewed Work a Si)ecialty. AU work warranted. Invisible patchmg also done here, M. M. McLEOD. Markdale, Sept. 19th, 1881. TH08. MATHEWS, HarusS EsiattuiT! MARKDALE. EVERYTHING IN OUR* LINE KEFD ON HAND OR MADE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. i' As the season of the year is approaching that Sleighs and Cutters are wanted, we wiah to intimate to the farmers aud pnblie in general that we can supply them with any thing they want in that line, such as Long Sleighs. Knee-Bobs, Block-Bobs, Democrats, Square Box, Portland, Swell Body, and Double-seated Cutter OF ALL KINDS AND STYLES. As we use nothing but first-class material we can my Spring Importations I will sell the balance of my large stock of Fall and Winter Goods at Extremely low Prices. ia iadMd a WMtoal wooder. aad s sriodioaaa toae aatba OabtaM Siaa. It sarpaiaes tbe Cabiaet 6raa S thai tk» isaocaiuu in aaaie eaa play it aa waU a« tbe nve^ aoeomptiabed ff- Eaa Oa.uisiiiB is lAwac and seearato in ita ateohamsta, and smaMnssilli a.1 UaMe to fst oat of order."â€" Jfoaawal 0«s«tt(. '*Tk« Orgmtaecte la tbe mo«t perfect antamatie anaieal inatraiaeat jel tto NfMrtane is aulimitad tbe tone is remarkably good."â€" Jfoiitreet TUr. Prices, SlOto $16. ".^:rrf.F.ABBOf a6o. Tt TO «1, TOLTIOEBV8 STREET, Bcle Humfaoturers and Patentees. ^fO^'I^R E 4L1J.' O. W. RUTLEDCC, A^ent; Mafkdale.. THE "LONDON HOUSE, "" DUNDALK. oâ€" GUARANTEE SATISFACTION Work I Call and Inspect our on hand before purchasing alsewnere. CAPEFUL ATTENTION GB'EN TO HORSESHOEING and General Jobbing in every line. SHOPâ€" On M'll Street opposite ts Spronle's Hotel. Be sure and call and secure some of the Bargains. E. J. SPBOULE. Flesherton, Jan. 30th, 18 • 2 WARNING! There is gre«t danger of tak- ing coll) from wet feet If you ' waut ta Guard Against Sickness Keep your feet dry and warm by procuring your BOOTS I KAY THOMAS. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Med- icated Cork Soles, all sizes, kept on hand. Kemembrr the place opposite the new Siambais Office. 49 NIL DESPERANDUM. BRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINL rpUE GKEAT ENGLISH 1 REMEDY, an nnfaiUn] cnre for Seminal Weakness, Spermatorrhea, Impotency, and all disease.' that f ol ow as a sequence of Self-.^bnse as Joss of Memory, Universal Befbn TaklBCi Las atnde, Paiu in the Back. Dimness of Vl^ion, Premature old age, and many otner Diseases that lead to Insanity or Consuinpti n piid a Pre- mature Grave. IS'FuU particulars in our pamphlet, wiiich we desire to send free by mail to every one. The Specific Medicine is sold by all Druggists at $1.00 per package, or six Alter Taking, packages for 8. .lX»,ttr will be sent free by mail on rw ipt of the inoniv by addressing. THE BRAY MEDICINE CO., I-ly Toronto, Ont., Canada MARKDALE LIVERY! IN CONNECTION. jLL. PIMPLES. I will maa (Free) tbe reev* for a simple VaeaxsaLB Baxm tbal ratoove Tax- FRBOKUSS, pnCHsBSWd to ii si is a., to iva ing tbe skin soft, elear and beanUfn l; als o inatreetioB. tor proda*nf a lax irian* gfew«a ofbaironabaldbead^ sai »n«b ^, U- dieto. eaekMiag a «a. .taas».Bw. VsaMI MarbleWorks M(HiiiBieiits,Te]Bbstones And every deaeriptien of Cemelefy executed in FIRST-CISS SItlE I â- ad at is.snnsh1n rates. Ordera left at tbe â- hop or sesit by maU wiU be promptly at- tended to. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Shop aart inorj9 B*rtn BfiUL V. I. MMSTM, fm^ llukdals Awk 10th. mi. 4*-ly FARMERS MECHANICS' ESTATE, LOAN AND DUNDAIjK, Ontario. CoBVByancing dont with cart, neatnist aRd despatch. A. G. HUNTiy^. OFFICE â€" One daer eouth of Anglo-JmtrUan Hatet. Dandalk, Septomber 1st, 1861. I.I7. TAILOR, SYDENHAM STREET, Markdale, Jaly 7, 1881. 4-0ai. MARKDALE HOUSE ALEX. EUTLEDGE, Proprietor r THIS HOTEL i a large three storey brick boi'ding, recently erected and fitted ap wiA every modern convenience. It is furnished in FirstClass Style The Bar is saaplied Bargains. Bargains. Bargains. This is the right house to get bargain* in Dr Goods, be- sides getting the very latest English and French, fashions. Why Because they come direct from the manufacturert, thereby saving all wholesale profits. Come and see our Dress Goods, fashionable and fancy, !• to 85o. per yard. Gome and see our Cas'.imeres, from 25c to 60c per j4. Come and ser our Ladies' Cloth Coats, from $1.50 to $i*. Tbe largest aud best stock of dry goods ever showu iu Dundalk to select from. See our Scotch, West of England, and C^adian Twetd«, from SOo to $1.60 per yd. A splendid assortment aad nna(}uallei in quality aud style. See our late importations of Gents' Re?dy-made Clothing,' Loudon made Oycrcuats, style and fit unsurpassed. Hsto •» bled for auotber case. Also a replete case of Shawl*, Flannels and other goods. o Large consignment of new and fresh G'^oceries just delivered. A. fine and delicately flavored Tea which 1 can sell at 8 pounds fer a dollar. I am determined that our fiiends travelling over tbe desperately rough ro«ds to Dundalk snail be re- *. paid for their trouble by getting bargains iu ' " • every department. Crockery and Glassware Department, which is now re-let* with every necessary. Handuome China T'.a Setts at $5. SO. Handsome Glass Setts, price 50c. BUY WHERE YOU NO FAVOUR. CAN BUY CHEAPEST. FAIR DEALING AN» J .W. S. HEWETSON. Dnndslk, Jan. 19th, 1882. I GET MY WOOL CARDED -AT THE- Dundalk Woollen Mills. Where do you get Yours? p. S. â€" Parties indebted b note or book account will pUatte ta aak settle at ouce. •' ' .;.. W. H.PETERSON DUNDALK, Dee. tS. 1881. ' ' a?-!*. with the best brardn of Wines, Liquors and Cigars, and the table with all the dehsaeiaa of the season. The travelling Public may rely upon every attention being paid to their aom- fort. Good Sample Roomi for Comntfreial Traveller*. Tke •â- If Hotal lhaitr«as a BiHi tm siaid n-aas all Tr ahw good Stebtoe and attonttye BaeUâ€" it TO THE^ PUBLIC. The Subscriber respectfully intimates that his stores a^ Flesherton Station and Eugenia. are fully stocked with General Goods, suitable for the season/ "iand will be constantly renewed as required, consistinjj ot DRY GOODS, HARDWARE â-  CROCKERY, ' GLASSWARE, •. BOOTS, -^ SHOES GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, c. FRESH GROCERIES a specialty at this season. All Kinds of Farm Produce, Cordwood, and Saw Logs taken in exchange for Goods. Inspection of the Gools re- spectfully solicited. My Saw Mill r.t Little Falls, is in lull operation. AH kinds of Logs purchased Salving done b/ the Thousand or on Shares. Wm. HOGG. Flesherton BUtiou, Dec. 28, 1881. 67 1,000,000 1 Logs Wanted! THE SUBSCBIBEBS ABB PBBPABED to pay tbe HIgtiest Price In Casli I for any quantity of good sound Saw Logs â€" bard and soft wood. ALL KINDS OF LUV£B,EB KEPT ON HAND. BtUs FWed on Short Notice. tar Speaial attsatieB paid to saetoai sawiaf. P. 8.â€" Mo I bat seod tiBbw waatod. O. 8. BROWN k SON, ia. lltb, 18SS. 704t Farm tor n^ale. Let watt half of esat half IS. iS. Aboat rfx d«M«d; baluioe bardwood; soO daj WiB be Mdd ehew: •«.• eadi bJ- -aaSs to aait parebaser. FBr partiealaia ap- PBTBB McABXHUB, lUiUda Or to C. W. BanxBaa. Biaaaaaa Best! business now before the public. You ean make money faster at woik for us luan ar anything else. Capital not need- ed. We will start yon. 912 a day and. up- wards made at home by the industrious. Men, women, boys and girls wanted everywhere to work for us. Now is the time. Too can work in spare time only or give your whole time to the business. You can live at home and do the work. No other business will pay yoa nearly as well. No one ean fail to make eo- ermoos pay by enfraging at once. Costly outfit and torms free. Money made fast, easily and honorably. Address Tbcb St Co., Augosto, Maine. JOHN NOBLE, MARKDALE, 6EM1BLAGKSHITH HOR8E8HOEINO A 8PECIALTT. 'R -f** SSBDS A. M'INTYRE TEA] TEA! TEA! A. M*INTYRE i^lOVLX, E^l0\ll, 'lO'CLX. MoINTYRE'H UQUORSI_LIQUORtl MclNIYBES Cigars, Cigars. McINTl RE'S ^- MEAL 1 MEAL I MEAL I H McINTYRE'S Pork. Pork. Pork McINTYRE-8 j Ooffe«, Ooflee. And everything kept n in a finit -class Grocery and Liqooe alw»ys on band, caair roa cuia. MclNlYRK 8 ete »OCg g»$e C*ENT3 WAISTli.lJ._-Bi« |ay.~ That wen kaowa Heavy Dranght StaUion. •*T*IJIMI rBENCH amFFOLK,** lliia eelebrated boise has taken first prizes wImhis sbowa aad has proved h'ma-If a •anisal 84tor. Is a beautiful bay. ilsads 16| bands bigb. wtth fine form and iiBsarpaisril action. For fai l ha ^articutsrs "** JAMEMcOnX.dli(fr; Evdwr.o. r«h.i0^isp. n^ Hainples free. Naoaikaetrea Addre M. New Yw*, i ifura STARTLING DI800VI tore Xacay, I havtectifcd tavaiB ortij kanvn i rsrii li ilmiiassiff III aMiatoifll i».ta^Jieow j i jtauj jji i 1 1 Xk ""fr. .«s*^- .): i|»a ,ai^iMtii -^ â-  â- ^â- ^*'m-"

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