V* Dui .ing Oj-j. suit th-W,,t Â¥*°^*«*» DOW Btock, conriitmg of*** *• â-ºots and Shoe,, Winery. Sac., •ICE. ' ^j»'e ever " 'offered f oods must be soM ** sold. Proprietor. 1 N Intsau • ft |IDE." ' » 30 DAYS Goods, ronsisting of JL-iistres, Winceys, Ladiega Ul»lea^ made Clothm^, Linen CoUan, t'ancy Flanueli. Carpets, Ac "I.D AT PRMERPRIGES • """" 'or my Spring ^per. â- â- -Mill of Uaieh. II. II." iiiinnt'-y for tb" very HWh ' liusiuvMs, and uo^t toMrilt FOSTEE. wm A" yer s \ir Ytgor, |l vitality and color â- f nr;rreable drcuinc which i.iiTiiIfss iiiid effectual, for pi^ :.ir. It restores, with tht ^Iiiirs6 vt youth, faded orfn^i ll I; lir. to a rii-h brown, of dM^ Iv Ih- .Irsin'd. By its iwe ihta |i-'M':icd, and KtldiiCM oftw liv.iy.'«-ured. It check* ftJto* jaiiiedi.vely, and cauieta**' i-).!! «Iiore the glandt »-• v;,: t« brashy, weak, or rs d h.iir. it imparts vitalUy -..t renders it pliable. cli-aiisos llie scalp, cur«« W f ir::;.T!;o:i of dandruff; »«*, \rr. «;inin!,iriii;, and soo'.UInf Jir.-.:« ui;»t if not all of »*• IJ;sc.-»6.-» jvBculiar toth««e»l^ (.!. i-k.-»n, aiiil »of», â- "J* \.i:% '.isoascs of Cie •«•»? â- «"» I ss.Llc. •rAzis tor Ladiea' Uab \% i:,c..inj.nrab:e. It U l^ p ranibric. U imp»r'» » [i Listing perfume, Mid »• *• lot it IS ecoiio«ii««l •â- • |iii its exccllenc*. Dr.J. C.AyerfcOt., I ,^eV, Mat*. 1. iiaC€*r.i«T« rT»»T v-rilti wanted to «« Li Edisou-. lMt»iitaneoa»r«r l,si«. Knclos* •*»fflP '°' " te CO.. m Ch«t-o.J»- iOTICE. M ContricUff^- 1 u. reoeirod ^.^Imm 12 o clock noon «f 'T, nou of « HOTEL .«*• k for Mr. J. ^- '•^Z^STgw fications can of*^ ih to the 35th u»^ ^x\f tender no* v.^C TBAYXOB, Architect and So- Owen Soond •»•. Sa.le r has on *^'^^ k V aa â€" T. A 8. B^^- ced aboald T^^JiWI0f X.\ free fw- •â- « Oxnn. V0 K€ I, IMS- ,is«' STANDARD. ^-i^R NOTICES 1,45 all disappeared -iwvrare, good ar.d fresb ' tLsutter Rae 8. ,„t all manufacturers, ' jj-^iui men wbeu they Tt^' th« OrRans at "W. F. %cil\atteuUOQtoMr. W. ^TertisementthiBWO»k. ,tive meetiug la called to j^,„ Hall. Gleaelg on 'J^t Mifch 10th inat. ' who are in arrears Coogba, CoUta, AatboM, Fkipta la U« TCrMtrimd •d ftod cored'by thaaM son's PalmonCTfOMigli Di moat rslisMs Ustimony baa b««a r« ceiv«4 aa to -^kmi effieae;. la Bot- tles, 60 c«ota. A. Turner auJ Go. Sp««*} Afwi lUrkdak. Horace Greeley's bad peamanaoipi has paasAd into a proverli. No dM- cription of it witfauat a fae-aimiU od the writing contd eooTey any ri^lClibf its illegibility. Itla cbaritabl* ^hi- ever.to the old philos^pber to suppose that the iaoit laj with Mxf pens ha bad bean aoeastoasMtto'-wia, bnt vhat a world of gnat and troubU woald been saved, to the «OMfMriMca' if he bad «rhtten bis «:ditorIs viUi »n Esterbrook Falcon Pen. We wen.and«^ the impreaaion that Markdaleaid neinity ooald boMt of some of the tUleat men lo Ontario bdt we bad a call fro a a gentleman on Monday la,Bt, wbo stands 6 foot ^^iiiD* '0 I"*^ "P ^° uaercv j seren and one forth inubea in his boots 'on dcli'iu«utsâ€" Buttar. j^cLaughery Wright and others of that ilk mast now take a back seat. J14SS-I1. Uirristar.of Owen xhe nest bitting of the Cjurt for ,rt,»««""""^^'""â- "'""*^*'•« 5"' Division 'of the County of f. tv cf ir..v ^^ TiiiirsJaj, ^rey will be held at Markdals. on the iisrf^ Hi. Ho""ar Judge Me- 20th of Ajril/neA ThU will give a ^,m gof-'e to F1«"«1» f^-|fp-«at advai^i » the citizens of ,(5t of 1^'» '»»""" Markdale ayd surrounding canntry.as .„jor.of Cl.at3vortb,'e!iVBS J many wooKl ratoer ^allow sqiall «m iob»'""^f """' ^?"^\*^' ,coa'»t» i»»etUipnnoolI«»sdfb»f b» or^;" â- "" ' ' Flesherton or Dundalk. raaioi' M,n.t' «e that you ' „ ^[- Samuel McCaw.Uiewell-knuwn ♦»";*'«! » r. r-:.aMe Wau-hv.. Co.uL.ctor on th • li i3ros 9 k r Whitby and Lind H.iy Uiiilwrtv, says Dr. Carson's 8to Toronto, aro niach and Coiistipation-Bitwrs cured ri«c:i;r--- "f I';W'i"e, the m, of Dyspepsia. I always keep AU. Iry It. tbeiu in the hourte, and consider thvm .Ur^ \M'l be phased to i'"'«lual»It- as a laiuily medicine. A ,oril.y ch.ef. Mr. C. W. I '^^^""^^ "" Co..Spe.ial Agent. Mark- LStCOt ^i,, » Uir «ay to recover. ^^." ^^^^ ,.fte«i,Vn toM that so,i,WulVi«!':^t aRnin. takers, wlien B.iyiiig. their pri any wool I ,.;„l up a pttitiou tliat the UiuJ=:wJ.i" ;,^,'.[.!.t[«t /!."•â- •â- * It '•'"'i" misht prove iinhealtliv. Of coi^m III: of thirty wrt ilo nut voiji-h lor the truth of the ariiig, but if tlit;y do, they are no .a*i and ca'is I worsj than the toupb st me man. !»)()ts uuist be ' "'T think of it, one of them had the Biitter i '"^l"c^ty to infocia us he would jjCt np uur lica.l stoue in the spiing. Of? to ^iA^nrona. â€" .maiiv of onr eiliz: lis will r-gret to kuo.v ',h»t Mr. l")\Te. wlio lias b*'en practicing^ hit lrifo-siiii lit r« f.)r thw piiht few ,iji:i"' iw.u ., iQ.,,iii,s,iiai, lii.ciilnl uj'ou g(iii;g to the j^:a;*obea fav )rile with GrL-ut L ..nt- Laiul. Ti.ou..;ii only here iile'.t»i .IS well as thd Owen f.ir a short time he made many friends by bi»cortioHs and gentleman- ly disp isiri j!i. Hi conies with him tiie giod wishes of the reaidouts of Marl.dnle. A Ptiii.rc Mtj.TiNo should be L;(,t*iiil ui.'itr.ut I \.t\i uin i;et Lazanis A ,,,._-Mr. C.^-n. lng',i' of O. ir lovru 1 S ttiirdny ,i;,fe: c Irom Fleshertou i\x. til" proceedings of the ,.'»nil I-' "â- :,"'• '^i"' sovoral "SMSts i«mtn ts of DundalkaS nding country that I R^ authorized agentHrid f*â„¢* prepared to scUlie b^st SWQI6JLGHINESI mam factured. They ate the wcrrl| -r«nowned New Ytrk Singer! ^moT moreoveri^ there is no person that ever used oae of them will dispute this asser- tion. PUA8E CALL m GIVE THEM r A TRIAL,;, v^ N.B.â€" Oltl iini'chines beug^t JAMIK8 HANN^ Agent. .Pankalk. Uae. %a§^ 1881. mi i^ros^A oundry -.AND- MACHINE WORKS. kW« are prepared to •zeou'e all kinds of MCME7 mm Turning and Boring, WITH ji;, cuuf to hand too lato 1 ili:3 wo.-k. T.-.s, of WiunipeJ,, li.'ii' fir pouie week* .1. S)... ciilled of the ciuzeiis of evjry city, town and villa^'e in tlie D.nniuion, to consider what shoul 1 be done to prcvLiit the hair from turning Gruy â€" aid falling out. If this important ;ui i;,' l"r.-i'"» an^l cattla, j qutsri.in received their earnest con- °l,.f3ach this weok^"""^^""^^'"' ""^J would uuaiiimouHly decile that science liad at last dis- covori I s 'niitiiia;,' lliat \Yould ai'swer -.villi ;w. tlii.s purj).).s.j â€" and fuithormore would iu!»cii;iie oil wai ii'i Ruin j wears hotter that any j i^" l"'"'-; thn soiuitl lug far restoring 1,. niarkjt.. kâ- ^k vjur ,,:*-jJ inke no otln-r. .,ri.i sac n-i".i! i I'lace. M oil Will ii't puin I 'ec.iiuiuL-nd Cingalese iluir Uo'uewer ,t any i ft" b. -in'.; this soiuitl' the hair to its natural color, and pre- VLiit itj riliintj out. 50 conts per ;i;it' hargii'.is while tiie •Und, a \Vd are in coiu- si'li ItaMiii^' Jiot;scs in -., t.. M;iMit,"da:nid i.'o in- bottle. I'lii- sale by all Dnijgista. Tiic AiiirricuH AqricuUural tot ifartli 1st. just is.sued, contains over a liiindred longer and shortar articles, giviiii^ usefal. practical inf.rmation lisii, fruiu Oxvcir Sound, is ifor the Far, u. Garden, and Household nlfli.' ovr .McFiirlaiid'.t and lilty or lu re eiigruviiiga. Ain.jng |i^il) i\uy Irioiiy and is .D:.,!'!islnng quite a SLuiir;";irm.s for sale should U. Snylcr. at th.; R.^veie tiacso Wo notico â- Sug^ebtious of and for the se»s)n A Pioneer's Uwelliag Costini{ $200 to $500, with Plans, Specifications, etc; (^a First Prizj arti- cle amon^ 1S3 plans in oompatitit n);a â- to the public. This new machine will mangle General Lathe Work Cone in a practical manner. PLOWS! And Plow Points will recpive our'kpecial attention, knowing through practical experience the best class of Irons for such. Box Stoves, agar Kettles, Land Rollers, will receive oar 'attention. We also intro| duce our new FAMILY MANGLE! U.!l 1, hi iii«' M:-. Til .s. Miixlow, of \i:.\^ of K'-jiitasia, brought bie i«ile-ir m? of purchaeinj; New Disotse in Diary Stock, by X.A. L'iiii:ii' Ih-'tish iinmi- 1 ^^ 'i'"" Iinoortaut E.\periinouts on ill l U.-]icito)i on the i^ep and Shallow Milk Pans, by Dr. Jenkins, ot the Couueetic ;t Agricul- tural Station Stock and Grain Barn, with cugiavings Siieeii-herdiug boxes S'.iiL'oii M 'il.iy 2'?\'i nil., a JNew Cattl* Tia, by Prjf. Shelton iifo Tci,r,. •.vlnrh weich.-d Kausa" Agricultural College; Cut- 111 ;Iii hi heat. ' ^vorias and other Li^ect.s, by Dr. Oem- I, 1 • 1 Iber, of Gioi.'ia; luitructiv? Fertihzer IK'iU'.f'is wii.i have lr;ed I ' ' â- v'"\\ -v\: it the fi nos I Experimonts by a Farmer, from Ijsfn-.'oiiui., earth for the Prof. V.' O. .U water; Onion Culture, IwMtli. "icM siuitdes. I Profitable and How; Eaily Vegetable .iicartiiv.' 1 to call an,l Plants With .ut Hotbeds Willows at i::»l'ric(san,l i-ee for thoiu- 1 the West; Working Mon's Gardens, lure u,.[ m !li.. hahit o ^ay. j ^^. ,,,|^^ _^ -n..; Guernsev Cattle, with fine i'lusTration Sundry Hum- bug's E\por,el; Over w trked Wo I'fJo n..t iiuan. ko the w.ay p-'jiT-r* !s ' irv us â€" iSutter I men Vaii 'iis Houseiiold Ar.iclex Oae-i I.):- March is to 1 The I) )ctor's Talks, and other articles |a- at mir oflGco ail s e Jo I have any love Nif 'ir»ny.;u will not hesitate Snl.r;iprions taken at ai!li. n irli. r. will bo in '"n?\t M .11 lav, Fai:- iKiiroutiiii.' sliaviii^, ^mr' .Ve. All who f'.r the I.iltle Folks, etc., ntc. $1.50 a yrUr IS c-iith per urmber. OraNOB •Juni) Co., Puldisiiers," New Y(«k. Linen, Cotton, and Woollen Goods, giving the-u a beautiful smooth and glos.sy appear- ance. It also improves the clothes, whereas hot ia-on^ injure them. We will also laann- faotura CAST-IRON GRAVE TABLETS! with «r w.thout inarblp slab for name, :\ also Tomb Railings, Pall IWata and Orna- mental Cast ii'ou Chains tot same, also aU kinds of Ballu^ter Kailiiigs, House Fencing â€" plain and ornamental, Machiuery Brass Casting.] of evtry description. Brass Bells, large or small. MOFFAT BROS. Markdale. Nov.. 18.il C3-lj O. GRANT. Undertaker (From 4h« HsraUl.) I llemeiubei- the Fair Oayis on Tues- [day. t le Ttii iijst. j Th-^rc are a iargd nnmhtr of farm- "fif"*. \Mil fl aso give liitn ers i^.iirg to Maiiitoba early in the f?.a«t.ilv,r :, Flosh-irtjn ispi-nis?. I Plot. "11 C 'U'umI meetmsr sit* in 'tlirnu»iii„ th3 country Hop, -ville, on Ti.e day the 7tu inst.,at »!:rf,Vm,,-,iof D.-. Car- 'S.-arleUs' H..t 1. ai,U'.,i,st:pation Bit- 1 .John M u-shall Esq., hat returned f*'^niio tlh y Sell acts 3.1 j frjui a trip on bb wo I hug tour. We ^nnu^' Dv-ieesia, Indi- ^j.,), i,^jq »u j )„3 neww.fe much sue- promptly attended to at all hcnn of day or 'MC6«* I.;v. C.-uioIaiut, c^gg 4l„.ou-h life, "v.ned it" A Turner " ,.,, ., "l-^^ieiit.Miiik.lale ^^^ winter still keeps open, the r«s n.,fi • • T'l farmers have a large quantity of wood l.osauth,,rizniThos.i^^^ timber to team am' »oold be "i.r,to.-eil on the 9th.„j,jrt to have a week or two cf good 1^. cou "). l-.up'ir.isia '"'ck, implements, ic. '•'""5 uuiler ^;5 ca.-h, over 10 rQou;i;8 crodit on F?«JraPci. 7 per cent off â€" -ANjjâ€" CABINETMAKER, Has now on hand Coffins of all sizes and prices. AO!OOr MEiAf^SE for hire, cliarges moderate. UN DERTAKING â- â- â- â- flBgsHHHMMaaiaas Also a full stock of Household Funiitnre! Has on hana cm^iorfs a flnt slwa ^U â- t- â- ^wsityrfwo o? T^a^ Coffees Sttgars^ ilaieins. Currants, *o., ABdermjrothec artiele io Um (reenr lia* k«pt ooaktant)jMn hnd, aad of th* freahsst â-¼aii^r aalKiht 4^ IN JOBS! I can supply a^fulity that will dify 4iti3n in .flaiUale. m'^PRICES I can eempete Vith r booaas 10 llaA- Olvi xnfe a. Call. -, Ulijd J ^WltSOS BEM80H. ttaiUbU, bee. Isi 1881. McKENNA MASON CARRIAGE IMS MARKDAL As the Reason of the year is i^pptoa^ung that Sleij;hsiiBd Cutl"-s are wanted, we wish to intimste to ths lurmers and public in general that we can snpply them with any thing they want in that line, such as Long Sleighs. Knee-Bobs, Block-Bobs, "Democrata, Square Box, Portland, â- Swell Body, and Double-seated Cutter OF ALL KINDS AND SlTLES. As we nse nothing Imt first-elass material we can GUARANTEE SATISFACTION "ri"Tr I iNechaniGMii Oi^ineii« Croat eiac^^Mt SA UJiU JS'T Vâ€" -AT THB POST OFFICE STO^ .*â- ' '^l^etitJrtu f^ JntH^it 'u FIiESHEBT01ir.U£f.y T r-*iii â- ^â- â- .^M"if (\s: 5FOR THIRTÂ¥3«DflV8l tat » 5«ivi txi: •- 'ft* J •Ul.-- • K! â- h room for Sjpring Importations I r will sell the balance of my large stbcSoif Fall and Winter Goods at Vr --.It :): ' iJ. X: ..-It • .-' :i Extremely low Prices. An Automatic Reed Organ* laaraowlMariWaesitbtatsi Instrum nt. laioaaltl to tka Cahtaat Ognn, k«t the Qtiaa OMrt be naaipiiUtsA hi availte ta oAsrla ft^ ia eewn a ir tl^ oaa.nincns is on kbe olbsir h«nd ntimljr BMebaoieal ii iu aatki, muk at a tnte^ aiaipisi itaanhessade to funtiahaii anUmiled sA^tply ot all kteds af Maais, JSSZ t Orw as s^rtmtf and Msledioos a toae •â- the Cakiaek Sis*. It aaipasstu th* "iSiait TJriaa 1m ike Maas^ttM* tbaignenaaas ia iMsie «aa play it as wdl a* iha moat rV'^TJ »' iMSsr. Taa Ommmnrrm is atronff aod ae w a ts in its meehaaiaia, and •aaaMMMW 51 tot«te«tef«H«r."â€" IbiUrMl OmMI*, .., ttaNpertoria 'iniMtt* b th« Bost perfeei attteoatie iB«Blill fbstrfl^rtM ii onlimitad, the ton* is remarkably food.*â€" Jfaairvai Cua^ Prices, $10 to $16. "".^r: I. F. ABBW CO; 1 t«» tl, FOL.TIOEBI7S VKVLEB'H *M'.H â- V :â- ^, Bcip Manufacturers and Patentees. ' .; "lOIVXRE AJfUi, C. W. RUTLCDQC, Agent, Markdele. I.- THE "LONDON HOUSE," BUNDALK. .:^ Call and Inspect our Work on hand hefore purchasing slscwnere. CAPEFCL ATTENTION Cn'EN TO HORSESHOEING and Ocneral Jobbing in uvery line. bHOPâ€" On M'll Street opposite t iSproule's liotel. Be sure and call and secure some of the Bargains. R. J. SPROULE. Flesherton, Jan. 30th, 18 • WARNING! There is great danger of tak- ing cold from wet feet. If you want t« Guard Against Sickness! Keep your feet dry and warm hy procuring your ^OOTS I KAY THOMAS. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Med- isated Cork Soleo, all sizes, kept c-n hand. Humembrr the plaea opposite the new SxAanAao Office. 49 NIL DESPERANDUM. sleighin}?. •• f in3ioe?s in general is rather dull, Ordered wcrk of aH descriptions' mimn^ with the utmost despatch. P-i-ebest p. hoy in raedi- *».aotInr iliiu-.^. Ayer's •»genuiue preparation, ^;^ tpriiig medicine and ^*" '"HideJlT snprrior to â- *« mwktt. Trial proves '•'""ft. Auctioneer, has â- "ous from b' Carson ^-G.?.., Holland, to L;'*^' '•tim. implement" ""«fe, ic, to the high- 2^1 March 13th inst. IW "" "" »" sums 'onaihing good joint h i«;ii ,; *^' »ny farmer, ^. or any man l^^M'ljroil which wUI »j5«r *»ebinerT on account of having no sleigbing, in fact our climate seems to )xrgradiia']y chauffiiic year by yeari.aiii bccooiing more like old cniutry treather. Parties who w.nld wish to get a sam de of the Celebiat'^d French spring wheat, grown by C.Gr*nt,ERq. of Thornbury, can be aapplied by cal- ling at the' office of A. G. Hunter. Dundalk. where samples may be seeu As will ba seen by refering to onr advertising columns, Mr. Geo. Ruth- erforU, Real £siate and Gentiral Loan Agent has opened an office iuDundalk where he is prepared to Loan money, at the lowest rates of interest and at- tend to all other business in his line, give him a call. Mr. Samuel McDowell, son of Mr. John McDoiull, is home on a Tisit from the North- West. He is hale and hearty aoH giTes • giowang ooonn of the North West, especially of the healthy climate. He having enjoyed a term of four years iu Manitoba, and. the North-Weet territorv. is folly ao- qnaiataiLsrith aQ tlie pftftfUkrs. and will be quite willing to g^TS any pM- nd won't I ticnlan with reTertnoe to that iuroiCit land. A full stock of RUSTIC AND PH0T3 FRAMES which will be sold cheap for Cash. SeasoRed Lumbtrof all kiadt Taken in sxchange for Foniitiun. MARKDALE. Markdale, leil.W.l»n. W-^f, REFORM CONVENTION EA8T§ftfY Wia nM«t in the Township Hall.' Fleshertmi, ON TUESDAY, MABCB Vd. IMt. at one o'oloek p.m., for the pnipoae rf ing candidate, both for the â€" mons and tOntario LegisUtarf '•^U^T" of reform and good govanunwi aia earaiauT bivtted. H"" " aRAfs srEciFie mcricwl THE OBE.VT ENGLISH KEUEDY, an ontailinj cure for S.^rainal Weakness, Spermatorrhea, Impotency, and all diseases that fol ow as a sequence of Self-Abuse as loss of Memory, Universal Bsfon Takiligi Lasdtoda, Paiu in the Back. i)imoe..s of V^^ion, Premature old age, and many otuer Di..-easeg that lead to Insanity or Consumpti n »ud a Pro- mature Grave. v 13'Full particulars in our pamphlet, which we desire to gei\d free by mail to every one. The Specific Medicine is sold by all Druggi.- is at tl.OO per package, or six Alter Taking, packages for t.i.tK), or will be sent free by mail on rectipt of the mon«y by addressing. THE BRAY MCDICliE CO., 1-1, Toronto, tnt.. Canada MARKDALE FARMERS t MECHANICS' ESTATE, LOAN AND O-era-exsil -i^g:e23LC3r. DUNDALK, Ontario. Gaavayaaclag doaa with eara, naataasa and daspafchs A. G. HUNTRR. OFFICEâ€" Ont d»or ttmth of Anglo-Amfrtcan Haul. Dniidalk, September 1st, 1861. I.IT- TAILOR SYDENHAM STREET. Markdale, Jaly 7, 1881. 4%-%m. ,\ MARKDALE HOUS D-^^Xd! ALEX. EUTLEDGB, Proprietor r â€" THIS HOTEL t « largs thrM storay brick boi'diag, nemtly «r«et.d and Itted vf wifli •TM7 modsmoonvenieucs. It is famished in First-Class Style Tha Bar is sai^liMl I MKlr â- I ailMJri I with the best brards of Wines. Liquors and Cigars, and th. table with all th. di the ssason. Th« traTailing Pubhe may rely upon STary atteotion being paid to thwr fort. Oood-SamBk ilooaii for Comnurcial TrmvtUert. TiM Mtlj â- •Ml â- •â- aaa^fenkfrMkalf Tratoe. •â€"* T.I. I 7?i a. I Bargains. Bargains. Bargainiii o- This is the right house to get bargains in Dry Goods, be- sides getting the very latest English and French fashions. Why Because they come direct from the manufactarwi^ thereby saving all wholesale profits. Come and see our Dress Goods, fashionable and fancy, i# to 86o. per yard. Come and see our Cashmeres, from 2So to 80s per yi. Come and see our'Ladies' Cloth Coats, from $1.50 to %i9» The largest and best stock of dry goods ever shown in Daudalk to select from. See onr Scotch, West of England, and Canadian Twe«dt,' from 60c to $1.60 per yd. A splendid asnortmcnt and uneqaalle4 in quality and style. See our late importations of Gents' Re?dy-made Clothin^j London mvde Overcoats, style and fit unsurpassed. Hare e»- bled for another citse. AIko a replete case of ^halrls,- Flannels and other goods. o • Large consignmentof new and fresh Groceries just delivertd,' A fine and delicately flavored Tea which 1 can sell at 8 pounds far a dollar. I am determined that our fi iends travelling evac ' the desperately rotigh rovds to Dundalk shall be re- paid for their trouble by getting bargains in every department. Crockery and Glassware Department, which is now replet* with every necessary. Handsome China Tea Setts at f 6.60. Handsome Glass Setts, price 50o. BUY WHERE YoU CAN BUY CHEAPEST. FAIR DEALINd JCH* NO FAVOUR. â- W. S. HEWETSON. Dnndelk, Jan. 10th, 1883. I GET MY WOOL CARDED -AT THE- Dundalk Woollen Mills. Where do you get Yours I^ p. S. â€" Parties indebted b note or book account « ill pleese le eefe M settle at once. 'â- ^.W. H. PETERSOIT; DUNDALK, Dos. JS 18«1. -^^. • «7-i/. r. TO THE^ PUBLIC. The Subscriber respectfiflly intimates that his stores • Flesherton Station and Eugenia, are fully stocked with Genei^l Goods, suitable for the season, and will be constantly renewed as required, consisting •! DRY GOOD.S, H.\RDW.\RE CROCKERY, GL.\S.S\VARE, -^ --' V BOOTS, .- SHOE^ • GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, fto. FRESH GROCERIES a specialty at this season. Ail Kinds of Farm Produce, Cordwood, and Saw Log* taken in exchange for Goods. .Inspection of the Goods re- spectfully solicited. My Saw Mill at Little Falls, is in tulf operation. All kinds of Logs purcliased Sawing done br â€" J CU^ " ' i *r-X-_^ I 1. •. Wk. BaowB, '^ttaitcU.; fM). Ilth, 1M XS«l)*fIb* £ar te Sxa.tiwikn MarbleWorks M(fflDffieDts,Toil)stoDes And tmj deseripti* of Cenietsry work ezeented in RRST-aSSSlUEl MMtatnaaonable rate.. Ordsn kft at the dhoB or aent hi maa will be promptly at- tended to. Satisfaction Guaranteed* JHiSTOI, Pripb 1,000,000 1 Logs Wanted! THE SUBSCBIBEB8 ABB PBEPABED to p.^ the Highest Price In Cash 1 for any quantity of good sound Saw Log»â€" hssd and Mft wood. ALL KINDS OF LUMBEB KEPT ' ON HAND. BtUs FWti m SMofi r r • or Spwtel a n tel i ia paid to G. S. BBOWN HON. taa. llth, 18M. 7(M Best saving. Fann tor aSale. iMUel wstfaalf lS.eeoeeMoaS. M aen.. Aboat rix ciaaMd; balaaee haidsraad; mmI day Win be sold dxap VGCO eadi biJ- (o soit puiehsws. For patticalan ap- now btifore the pvbtie. Tea ean make money fastn at work for us man at anythmg e^e. Capital not need- ed. We will start you. |l3 a day and up- wards made at homelytiie industrion*. Han, women, boy. and girls WHited ererrwhere to wore for us. Now il tk. time. Ton can work in spare time ot|y or giv. your whole time to the busiacM. Ton mo lire at home and do the work. No other busineM will iay yon nearly a. welL No one ean tail to make en- ormooa ftj by earning at onm. Costly outfit saft tams fiee. Monsiy made fast, eaaly and fcowwah|y. tddrssi lava A Co., Augnite, Main.. JOBra* NOBLE, MARKDALE, GENER'LBUGKSiotH iriM rw^iSi* â- jf-Ti i-il*... HORMiatlOCIIiG A araCULTY. '^^ FETVB MeAItTinm. MaiUala. 0» te C. W. Btm^Ma, Sraawtaa OOss. SSBDS theThousand or on Shares. .Slesherton Station, Dec. 28, 1881. Wm. HOCC. fSU0C^MtlBi 1 ll i 6 I f" C5CSC A. M'lNTYRE TEA TEA TEA I A. MiNTYRE IF^lO'CLX, EUOVLX, 3E^l0TJLr- McINTYBE'S UQVORaiJLIQIIORS! McINTYRE'S Cigars, Cigars. MoINTYBES '-} Oofiee, Oon»«i' And ef«7tkiag^qt n in a fizst-claas QroMqr uid Iiings " -fr "' ahray. on hand, cxsar roa caaa. McIKTYRE'B MEAU MEALI MEAII MclSTYRES Pork, Pork. Pork McINlYREU 8ie • nit van kamm Heavy Draught BtabioD. :f|ris MMntaikme haa taken first prizc^^ â- er shown and llM proved h'msclf a ImI KMt. U a ^Matful bri, ht bay; Mdk' with Ho* form eod r-r.ln-l'â€" • iMitic-utars J£SS KcCILL, Owner, ^, Everanl P.O. Tmk. IMk. ISei T»-tt* AaBM;i'd wAwr.BD. -Bi| rv-^ U^ Werk 8t*ly Emr.lotwiwC Samples ffs.. V'dr^Mi. U I. BIBM, «# SaasiiaastrM V.w Twk t^TMRTLiilG _^ o Discovcmri LO«T HAMMOOO MaT a nsBSi sfieafbM'InM iiisuia mm tfm s»3tr. nmmm Vrmtr. X/«t Mt •:r :a^'i iis^isst irU it, ittrs erny ^inwB rnni __ *_ .ifea:.