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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 24 Feb 1882, p. 2

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 o o o w W S3 C/3 W n â-º-« o S3 o H a: ft n .^ U2 m PI D z c. c z n DlrOOUNT SALE EAPIDE." â-  Cv, XT 30 DAYS •"!i!- Oocvl-, consisting of Lustres, Winceys, 1 • s. Ladies's Ulsters, ?u adymade Clothing, s Ijinen Collars, x"aDcy Flanuels. I ii;?s, Carpets, c. • ' !:f ~j)"n at liStGJ T i FORMER PRICES â- ' ' 1. 1,1 1; f loo.u fir my Spring impor- â-  th' SOtli of March. â-  ^i \; ;-. • .V ^* II. ' ' T iiii ;, Hi) country Jor the very liWi " • ^: i]; bu^iiic't, and hope to iBMit I HLKBY FOSTBE. lofd H ' •:: M- t r- '•â- 'â- â- â€¢ ;i'l.:ltii..i.r â-  '!-• lirrivy lii-it \. ilil.r. .i:..-, "â- " lllllll' J,. Miir. Hi. ,1, V,,. 'â- â- '»â-  â- â- â€¢.â- lit ,„ • â- â- â- â- â- â- ' :!;. :-'rt. liif l,.,s- t'iiie-1 i.nUunr. "i-!"-l fii'O. \,, â- '•' -y ii.i'l i •â- â- â- â-  ill :Ii. .V rk Kull ilif.iriii,, â- fric. Ai!,in FRAMES! ]IST ARRIVED. NEW STOCK. LATEST DESIGNS. '.-\.- Panel Frames, 1 "I-'uw I'a!iel Mats. "' ' Ni w 8x10 Frame*. I" w 8x10 Mats. â- S il'iu' Cheap at Browne's Calle'y* 'VER BiANDABD CTTIO*- ^_^ l^X^ SKfS^^Q 1 UIIjs^cAqEM m I^kH fefe ll^^^g^^p. I Tulce iSotioe- t LL PAKTIE8~US£B«^2i,'^l» 1= .hcTulIiS q"«-'ed to call and pay '^i^TwU"**^ h w-dy to be sent n»r, Dmpgitt, he »loue P" .^ rMiW** RIB, Si^-lsman. rw.iT* lonnlM due ni« •â- * •" at, TORONTa |Nt*D. recciye monies due ni« therefor. .«-?-. MarfcdBk. F»b. »M ^•*' STANDARD- ,fe ^ary_24«h^l882. ofHE R NOTICES ,^, Watches at W. F. DoD's. I to '"" ^^e ggain taken the place I ir '^•. F. DoU ». "ted. and for sale another '*^in,8tT. MatUews. ' at one dollars worth of kfo* Bae'«. for sale chebp at W. " 85 cU. try Bauer "IJl^a Organs for sale jp Insineps.â€"Mn. Grant ii "jjtcost. Now is the time la.000 FtBnds: ifa»;waati»g!raTfij^ 50N inauufacturers, men when tbey L j ' shout all .^ogbs,CuItiS. Broninchitis and '^^acUomof the Luugs, Uke ;^Ch«rryI'ectora' It in fT. TV line inc^uJinR SIlTer '•^ Plit. i \\'""^- ^-'o'"'"" '»' Bright »- .Lrr Diani.iiit and \V.!dJ;ng Rings, iji'V'""" Italian Strings, ice., A Co., Toronto, are of Lardine, the Try it. -mskt uom^ by bdffBit iDg at Battvr Bm'b. Ur. MaciUe, Beeve o^'dlaielg, in town tbia week. He is loddng m jolly as ever. Potatoes are beiqg «hipve4 ia; Inre quantities from here this week. i£c- Farland sent six car loads, and Hill Bros o«^hr;M VbtE^Tl '•What kind of tea ^o moet editor* like ?â€" Brevity." The people prefer McFarland's te». If /taMae weil drinks well and makes yon feel well' Try it. Weaotiwibtkaaiif in Town and shall expect him often if all delinqaenta is not up to time with Batter Bae. Mr. John Ford of lloant Boyal farm. Township of Artcmesia, adver- tists that he h«8 a quantity of White E .ssia wheat, Black Tartar OaU, and two yoke of oxen for sale Mr. F. has gained a reputation tor raisinu first-class articles, and as he is willing to ttnarautee wh»t he sells to be just as he represenU them, we we would recommend parties who require such to give him a call. The Boundary award ir isot eettied yet but it is au audi»putea fact iJial the fktapnt and Bett go .Mis can be had t Butter Rae's. BoMLABY.â€" The shop of Mr. Geo- HarnessBhop. CORDON """wajs on hand a foU aaaortBMit of HEAVY MRNESS, 'WHIPS. 8LEIOMQELLS, TBTJNKS, HQRSK BLANKETS, Jl Bros jbricator ku 'wu. Ve^ts, Punts, Caps and '^..t be cold for c;i-h in order ' â- " 'rwiu fi^r spring atosk ab r.vB**'" ... fail 1 11 Tuesday and Wed 1 Wilson, Butcher, Markdala. was hrok- ^1, igliing good agaiu.' ^° "*^ 0" ^^^ ^^'o^*^ o( the 20th and a It 1j8S tcaue j„» logs air. cord wood are being iiut in rnpml.v. t forsct tl jl'tat discount sale JgoodsKt C.e«p Side, lasts fw â-  L oaly no" ' y^"" ""' "' (Bar;ain?. ^.,,g,; Pi.BOER.â€" .^. man who [j, tight boo!!^, Iy pr )curin,' Mc tinii's well-fittitig, uon ripping, â- pfjo." Rjots. iimi'n 111 """"'" "" "^aV an 1 fail- .f, biiv I.izir'i"t ilorria' Spectacles, l-jT be -u"'i ' ' "â-  W. F. Doll. Bolc agent largo qiiauti;y of meat taken there- IVcm, ilr. Wilsjn has a pretty good idea who the party W4s, tku^ should he be able to preve his suspieioa he iu tends pushiu;; the matter au far as the isrn/ will alijw. Mr. A., had better give the above ahop a wide berth fti utiu5 or else he mig U fiud himself in the toils of our woftLy couatable. A Public MttTiNo should be called of the ciueuus of every city, tiwu iin»! villrtge lu the Dominion, to consider what should be dona to I pre veil the hair from turning Gray j â€" iiuti latiiiig out. It this important question rectivod their earuest cnu- liy \V. F iW. Fl«"""'ton and Dundalk. jreTJvijI .services are still bei ng 3 tlie Ml Ihodist Church h^ra. cij arc now being htld twice a "id'ii'iiti'" they would uuaiumoubly E,v, Mr. Lake of Chatsworth. I '*=""' ""' â- ^'""«« had ai last dis- „ ' covered soinethiu' that would Hi'swer ,„Vm.g ffic.cnt aid. upwards j^,^ purpaseâ€" .it.d furthermuie would sekers, have been at the altar, j recommend Ciug,»le8e Hau- Ueuewer a^i beiut; this soiuetliug for restoring the hair to its natural color, and pre- vent 1(8 falling out. ' 50 cents per bottle. For saie by all Druggists. I want old picture* copied or I to auy Kize, and finished in style. Go to Br w.^*^ Gal- ri'J bt' II liy glancing over our ijjii^' cohiiuiis, Mr. A.W. Eaton Ijiuitifeil business aKain, liav- iliil P.itiiard.soirs old st in 1. mine ni;icli:ne oil will not gum KK. mil wciirs better that any in tiie market. Ask your Ibleraiid tuke no other. Hr;fiiiicv y(.ii tniisnlt consult yonr McFiiiland i!n;)ort.- dir^ct, Ijiiaillloman a pr )tirs, aud gives lejimeis the benefit. -Di^ii tists who have tried â-ºitm. pronounce it tl;e fi nest tDitiie face of this earth for the ^ijilbrciith. 5 cent samples. ;ir's fcrceast for the last of liiis proved true, the last kirsliiivin;; been inteiisitely e old |ia gr.iiiid ouce m ire covered w. Bnall. alias Na-Ma Goosie, |.tiebrated In'iau rope walker, iMtfifiid, has lift for Owen kii.ii 18 supposed he has gone into Jock for repairs. Iierytliiug is ribiiig in price even ilampH .i:(' higiior when you tiitm up. McFarlaud'i goods^ licw B1UC8 I coninieiiced to im- 'itett. He li:i3 turned them down pint \-;iU. fdiijet it. '.Samuel MeC'aw.tlie well-known Itin't "11 tliL' WhitLiy and Liud 1 Wiiy, says I)r. Carson's Sto- t ml Constipation Hitters cured lHs[iiji.sia. I always keep fra the ImuMc, and consider tht.m ttibltusa tuiiiily medicine. A k and Co., Special Agent, Mark- i We musi apologize. to our re^iders for ibo sh iri amount of local and ' other mailer in ou: 2)a|ier tiie I two wee ss but we feel sure Lliat our j readers will bear with -us when we j btate that Mr. Rutledge, the proprie- tor, has been confined to his bed with I a severe attack of pleurisy and intla- ' uiiitiou of tile lung's. At the present of writing li-; is in a very low state and grave fears aro entertained of his recovery. I What, prove d to bo one of the bes I socials ever given iu tliis part of the county, was held at the house of Jas. S tinson.Esq 11th lint Euphrasia, ou WVdues.iay evening, 8th inst., uuder the L.A.A., MarkUule Piesbyteiian Church, in md of building fund, tlie house, which is tolerably large, was fil- led to completion. A sumutous repast was provided, confirming the fact that I lie lltL liners can t bu bjatea lor cookery. The games were entered in to with a 2o'st, and all seemed to have enjoyed, and felt tiieiuselvts perl'ectl at home, unler the kind hispitalititis offorded. An tlictiDu cake, worthy of praise, was -cut by Missss. btiuboii IJourk rejiresen jng. Euphrasia and llarkdah; ri-spcctively. Proceeds §33. WairantoA to it. Mid m4^ a tiM vetT bart m|U«ri«l.Alulatih« U)\p6T LiyuiQ^Bicas. SXMXmXB THS TLkCM RICHARDSON'S BLOCK. J, GORDON. -Good fiire i^ rauii«l« TjaJttt N. B.- takan. nMherton. I)m. Cth. 1881. To the BtiOioi Ladi4s and G^tlcmm: I would announce to the liihaitaaits of %g^dalk and surrounding country that I am an authorized agent and am now prepared to sell \h» best SEIINC UCaOESI mannfactured. Tbe^artile world-renowned Mew Yt^j^jn^rer! And, moreover, there is no. person that eyw used one rf them will dispute thiy asser- tion. PLEASE CAa AND GlYE TKtM IS. W. BENSON Has on tend and for xale a flrtt-alaas arti- cle of FRESIH I CONSISTING OF Coffees Sugars, Raisins, Currants, c., And every other article in the rocery line kept constantly on hand, and of the freshest variety and bcbt brands. IN LIQUORS! I can supply a quality that will defy compe- tition in MarkilaJe. Croat DUcount sale' A TRIAL â- 5 ir--5 r.'" -Old machines bought N3. ^yilKAMES HANNA, Agent. Dnndali. Dee. a6th, 1881. Itt! f»l^K,K:r A. LE Foundry! -AND- MACHINE WORKS. W« are prepared to execute all kinds of Turning and Bbnng, WITH IN PRICES I can comrete irith the te8t honses in Mark- dale. CJive me a. Call. WILSON BENSON. M a-kdcle Dec. 1st, IBM. 6 McKENNA MASON CARRIAGE WORKS MARKDALE. |TOal wiil oj given ou Thursday t'iaJ March, at the residence of hiephei'l B'lvce, Glenclg, under Ibices of the L.A.A., Piosby- Chiircli, Markdale. A good kajbe expected. p!is Lariliiic Ask any farmer, w. or lull! man, or any man I machiiH rv, and be will tell pfitis the only oil which wilt to castor oil, imd won't f dog your machinery. frames, from 5cts up to "D'l all size.? of picture or ' frames m:id« to order, die ij r^n's. Over Standard offic' fiiim a call. ??iit8 tliryucjliout the coniitrv pto the grpat merits of Dr. Car- T'aiacl, an 1 Constipation Bit J*' Medicine they sell acts so WmcuriLj/ Dyspepsia, Indi- .Biiiiinsness. Liver Complaint, DUNDALK. Pe, (From the Herald.) No snow and bad roads makes bus- iness Very tlull. The Dundalk Poet OflSce is now permanently established in G. R. Middletou's new store, directly op- posite to the office of A. G. Huuter. Ou ;ast Saturday Drs. McWilliams and Griffin amputated the left foot and leltahandof J.McDaweil. This second operation has left Mr. McDowell without either feet or hands. We sincerely sympathize with him and hiS family in'tbeir great affliction. R. r. Taylor has purchaaed the house ana premises, on Victoria St., ovicd by E. B. Grey. A. G. Huuter, Estate aad Loan Agent, lias a number of cbeap farms for sale, and a large amount of moi.ey to loan on easv terms. Tne following is the Honor Roll for Soho. 1 Section No. 6, Melancthon. for the mouth of January â€" Marks ob- tainable, 200. Seuiir Third Class- Emma Taylor, ;iaO. Junior Third "e you tried it A turner Class.â€" Annie Taylor, 18G; J. Barm- •jpecial .V„t, Markdale. I by, 130. Senior Second Classâ€" Jas. !!,?1°.,^'"^*-~T,*"!!.P°" ICorbett. 158; Wdlie Thompson, 142. Lizzie Barmby, 166; Maggie Corbett, 153. Senior First Class â€"Russell Taylor, 175.â€" Luci.NDA Grabui, Teacher. We are pleased to near thet John McDowell io doing as well as can be expected under the circumRlauces, of Ins mislortune. There is a i;*ueral tee hartest going on, in prei^ration for the warm days of summer. Dr. MeWilUam»haii taken to him- selt A wilt, who will help him on .Uiro-tgb the journey ol life. All our iB-wns are noted for splenfld time. We believe that the conductors on the T. G. B. Railway, are the luoet oour(eo«s and obliging cjndno- tors ni any Railway in the Province. A few cooking, box and parlor stoves, cheap lor ca8b,at J.^lafdineir's,^ Diiidiilk. aUo large gfaes lam^, for 40c. There will be an auction sale of valuable property at Duuualk, oa I jonipany wiil upp, ar »t Duflferin • i ri» .^,. ,. .1 I ' Junior 6ecoud Class l..»' luesiiay eveuii:g, thev have i »id. ri.putatioM, haying play- "' '"e iJii..cipa! cities iu En- »»1 Anieiica. We hope our "11 uot tniss this rar9 treat. "^d2.5 R-scrved seats 35 cis. '^en kings of K.ime were '• Nunu Pompilius, TuUus "• Aliens Martins, Tarkuinius Strviiis Tullitis, and Tar- Seperb'is, au.l the Kiu? of '°«i3 Esterbrook's Falc .n!No. '"ed an auonymous com- **i from some party in Oweu wenis to bo very scdicitous ' wmfort during the approach- e beg to inform said *® we quite capable of |J^ "f ^orselvcs • but if would I., of tte articles refftrei to .J*^**â„¢ a few. in. ^flUe,, ». gratuitously. ';^l«i8,Astbma, Bronchitis. oroat and Chest, reliev Cec- „ r- The ,,^ testimony has been •£'** '•y "^e use of Dt In Bot- cflScac" Co. As the season of the year is approaching that HleighB and Cutters are \v;uitct, we wisli io tetimate to the farm'Ts and public in general that we can .supply them with an.y thiiiK they \raiit lu that line, such as Long Sleighs. Knee-Bobs. Block-Bobs, Democrats, Square Box, Portland, Swell Body, and Double-seated Cutter OF ALL KIKDS AND SlYLES. .K» we u"e nothing bi.t Urstclass material we can GUARANTEE SATISFACTION Call and Inspect our Work on hand before purchasing elsewnere. CAPEFUL ATTENTION GIVEN TO HORSESHOEING and General Jobbing in every line. SHOPâ€" On Mill Street opposite tD Sproule's liotel. General Lathe Work Done in a practical manner. PLOWS! And Plow Points will receiye oar special attention, knowing through practical exp'rience the best clau of Irons for such. -AT TIIB- f-f^Y n THE "LOl^ON HOUSE, DUNDALK. â€" 0- Bargams. Bqirgains. Btogains: â- â-  â€" o â€" • â-  This i5 thw f:g^t house to- ge* bargaiui in Dt Gobdi| be- sides getting the very lat^t English and French fashioua. Why i Because they coine direct from the manu£a.cturers, t thereby saving all wholesale profits. Come and see our Dress Goodsi fas'^ionable and i"ancy, to ji^-^ V) Me. per yud. Gome ud v» onr CasUmerea, ou» ftie ta 80a per yii. " -^-tai tiRt J:w4;^ i. POST OFFICE STOBE r« 'SIi.s-f.-*1 â-  i^i i»i5«t*» 'tt :^'^^^ .» » "if4i. â-  .-lie sa' ..* c» â- . I t T FOR THIRTY DAYS. ^. ff^**^^ ^^^ see our Ladies' Cloth Coats, from $1.50 lb $i«k. cA n* kiffaet end beet stoek of dry Rooda ever ebowD in DoD^Ulk " • «« to s«lect from. • See our Scotch, West of England, and Canadian Ti^etilir, from 80b to $1.60 per yd. A splendid asnortmcnt and Buequellird in qaalitj and style. See our late importations of Gents' Ready-made Clothing,' London mede Overcoats, style and fit nusurpasRed. B«ve imr bled for another case. Aim a replete cue of Shawb^ " ' ' -?./ ' Flannels and other goods. o Large consignment of new and fresh G'-oceries just delivered. â-² floe and delicately flavored Tea which I can sell at 8 pontidt'fer ' " A dollar. I am determined that our fiiends travelling over the desperately roui(b rovds to Dundalk ahall b« re- paid fer thsir trouble by getting bargains io every department. Crockery-' and Glassware Department, which is now replete with every necessary. Handttome China Tea Beits at $S.fiO. Handsome Glass Setts, price 50c. In order to make room for my Spring Importations I will sell the balance of my large stock of Fall and Winter Goods at Extremely low Prices. «« i.v» Box Stoves, Sugar Kettles, Land EoUers, will receive our [attention. We also iatroj duce our new FAMILY MANGLE! to the public. ThiR new machine will raanfile Linen, C^otton, and Woollen Goods, giving them a beautiful smooth and a]i)car- ance. It improves the cloth(s, whereas hot irons injure them. We will also laanQ- facture CAST-IRON GRAVE TABLETS! with or w thout marble slab for name. At.; also Tomb Kailings, Pall Pillars and Orna- mental. Cast Iron Chains far same, also all kinds of Balluster Bailings, Hcuse Fencing â€" plain and ornamental. Machinery- Brass Castings of every t'eecription, Brass Bells, large or small. MOFFAT BROS. Markdale. Nov.. 1881 63-ly Be sure and call and secure some of the Bargains. R. J. SPBOULE. Flesherton, Jan. 30th, 1883. FARMERS tc MECHAIVtCS' ESTATE, LOAN AND 0-era.exsLl -A-g:exic3r, DUNDALK, Ontario. Conveyancing dona with cara, naatneaa and daspatch. A. G. HUNTKR. OFFICEâ€" One daor touth of Anglo- AmtHean Hettl. Dondallc, September Ist, 1861. llv. MARKDALE WARNING! There is great danger of tak- ing cold from wet feet If yoa want t» Guard Against Sickness! Seep yonr feet dry and warm by procuring your BOOTS 1 KAY A THOMAS., Satisfaction Guaranteed- M^-^ icated Cork Soles, all si«e*. kept en hand. Remember the place opposite the new SiAXioe* Office. « NIL DESPERANDUhl. • cbecf^ lot of lampiJ or 0*f napti o »nd a Pre 8. burners, WA Klass.^Tnata'""*- '•» â- "'â-  I^FbU pertienlert ia tmt pamphlet, irtiich^wf 4e«i» to sand fi te by t^httoereiT TuiuauK; i_ipBii.jr bk j^t»viu».-, ~â€" I oB^ The Bpe^gjt JleMj fu i e MlU-';i*^th. FairPwiiaKthrApA^'ISIld by all Dmggirta at .----., .,^ki__ Atoericau IlotJl." VaTties wa.mglo »1.00 per p«!k»ge. «. «'VAn« A^^ «ve.t real eet^ .*-.« not ^-^ZiV^Z^r^T^^^^ ail to ktteiid, as tlie property is one •»*• â€"^laMtiMC CO.. of tlie best in the village, and is nrnr Tit W«I " y^ nl^, fet'tdran yeaily rentaL^tf JMUfQft Toif^iyM,-â€" P IIAft SfECIFIC MEDiemL ri^HE GREAT ENGLISH 1 KEMKDY, anunfailinj cure for Seminal Weakn8«8, Spermatorrhea. Impotency, and all disease-i thit fol ow as a seqnenee of Self- Abuse __ as less of Memory, Unirersal Befim Takk^ Laa.itnde, Paiu in the Back Uimness of V.»ioB. Prematnw oM age, and jxf'T o**»«' Disea-^s that lead to Insanity MarbleWorks Monuments, TonibstoDes And every description of Cemeteij work executed in FtRST-CASS SULE and at reasonable rates. Orders left at the shop or sent by mail wUl be promptly at- tended to. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Bkof) next door to Bgtmrt Hotd. " W. A. JWISTOM, Prap. ICarkdale Aoir. 10th. 1881. *8-1t EUGENIA Gristj Saw andLatli Mills '• ' _^-_â€" Havinftinade. eqtensive inprotertetttf in my Ortst Mill I feel eonAdent I can (ive good MtiafaetioB. fiOOD FLOUR ALWAYS ON HAN^ Chopping Done Every Day. ciuMM 1ivA« and BiDa rjBel en the •horteet notiee. LUMBEB AND LATH ALWAYS ON HAltt). ;M «^/i 'cherry, Bnttemot, White Ash, iBlaek Aah, BaMwood, Pine e^Bmntook Loss vantW. AKITT, Eugenia. TAILOR SYDENHAM STEEET. Markdale, July 7, 18S1. 4S-8ai. MAKKDALE HOUSE ALEX. EUTLEDGE, Proprietor THIS HOTEL i large three storey brick bui'ding, recently erected and fitted op with every piodern oonvenience. It is furnished in First-Class Style The Bar is sunpUed with the beet brards of Wines, Liquors and Cigars, and tbe table with all the delieaaies of tlM season. The trarclUng PnUic may rely upon every attention being paid to their eom- fort. Good FampU Roomi for Comnureitil TravelUrt. The AMlT IIoC«l tk«trw«e a Bae so aad fr«ai all Trahe* fteMl M^Mm aad atteaire HoMtaM li H= 1,000,000 1 Logs Wanted! 11 â-  1 1 â-  » I I -^ THU: SUBSCBfBEBS ABB PBEPA^D to pay the Highest Price in Cash I for any quantity ol good sound Saw h:i{d and soft wood. Best ALL KINDS OF LU^CBEB KEPT ON HAND. .tii:' â- tkl -lo; BtUs Fil'at OH Short NoHct. f.-At V*;; â- awiac. t. B.â€"Thtm Wit good timber wanted. Uarkdale. Jan. llth, U|ti TMC Farm t'F itfcOe. I«t«eiitl*tt« awtkiUU, XiVkmia.o(ateiHi« M aeiee eleaied |elnw J iawN eo d aoU eav loam. WinWwUk«lMa| WCOeaeh: M- Ill mil runiliiMi Fer partieolan ar- p\y to PETSB UeABTHVB. Markdale. to C. W. Bva.eMB, Srtro«ae Ofiee. business now before the public. Ton can make money faster at woii for us^ean a* anytiiiiigelse. Capital not need- ed. We.wiU start yon. 913 a day and np- war^s laade at home by the iadnstrious. Men, women. 4oys and girls wanted everywhere to wort iotna- Now is the time. You can work in ateie ^ime orly or give yoor whole time to the MMBiess. Ton eao Uve at home and do the work. No other business will pay you nearly as well. No ene eao fail to make eo- ormotu pay by engaging at onee. Costly outfit acid terms free. Money made fast, easily and honorably. Address Tbub it Co., Augusta, Maine. JQ^N NOBIiE, MARKDALE, it v."" GEIIER'LBUGKSIITH u:var..M y HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY. V -p, â- *â- --#-, Strav«»d FBOM THB PREMISES OV JOHX SniM, Lot a. CoMB'siaa 11 BUT WHEBE YoU NO TAVOUB. CAN BUY CHEAPEST. FAIR DEALING AK» W. S. HEWETSON. Daodalk, Jan. 19tb, 1888. j-i ' BB I GET MY WOOL CARDED mm -AT THE- Dundalk Woollen Mills. Where do you get Yours?' -,-. â- ..•â-  P.S.- -Parties indebted b note or book account will please te eaW aal settle at once. •- â- â- :^*â- ^ w. H. PETERSON. DUNDALK, Dee. 3 1881. â-  •:â- â-  et«.-- 1881.- CHRISTMAS. 1881. THE "GLASGOAV HOUSE." I^BESEXTS tho complimeiits ut the ceast.n, witliing all a Happv Mew Tear. It i 1 scarcely six mon^^li.s since this housrc wa^ opened, aud as week after w«ek hjit pa*se4 business, has rapidly increased, which lias at the presept date eiialilel the pioprlMur te import direct from 'Europe. Feeling thrnkful ti tlie farmers of Proton and aijiict»nt tow». ships for thfiii" liberal patronage, tni-tiiiR to merit a continuance of the kaTue. would re- spectfully invite inspection to the now lai-ge stock of all kinds of goods, consisting of 0r7 Cpp4np Wmnpy Ooo4s# HATS AND CAPS, READY-MADE CHOTHING, Boots and Shoes, Groceries and Crockery. DRESS GOt)DS lor 8c. worth ISc. BL.\tK C.^SliMEPES for 25c. ».itii 40c. WIH- CEYSfr(.m5c.'up. PRINTS from 5c. np. All of Hoiuirls ami Shir'n/s at lew prices. Blauke;ts' ai.d Voollcj UndercJi'Uiiin,' very cl.t..)' Pine L ueii Taliliiii^s 80e to 7.5c. per yard. White Coftoiip aiiii Ht-aTV Oicv t oitoi,.' fioni uf. to tic. Ts|esrT Carpetinp. Boots. Shots au'l Uiibbr^, (.vtri'f'O pais to â- elect from o jastrbuiri ^olee- and for less money than sho.ldv goods are sulil at. DUST 1 EA f r^m ITc. up. Pitn TOUNG HYSON TEA, 3 Ib^. forjl! A First-class Tailor and Milliner! In eonaection with tUe cs;i.lilis!iiiieiit. L*' Cail ai-^l in ;m c; )..oi- o, .:c p:iif".tsi«g Higbest price paid tor all kinds ororaiii and Faroi Proda««, Discount of 5 per cent, oll'lor ca!li. Wm. NELSON, Proprietor. 'Glasgow House Noted." Gheapest House North of Toronto. Dundalk, December 8th, 18S1. TO THE PUBLIC. The Subscriber respectfully intimates that his stores a. Flesherton Station and Eugenia. are fully Stocked with General Goods, suitable for the season, and will be constantly renewed as required, consisting ol DRY GOODS H.\RDW.\RE CROCKERY, ' ' GL.^SSW.VRE, â- "vBOOTS, V V SHOES ' GROCERIES, PROVISION'S, c. FRESH GROCERIES a. specialty at this season. All Kinds of Farm Produce, Cordwood, and Saw Logs taken in exchange for Goods. Inspection of the Goods re- spectfully solicited. My Saw Mill r.t Little Falls, is in lull operation. All kinds of Logs purchased Sawing done "by the Thousand or on Shares. Wm. HOGG. Flesberton station, Dec. 28, 1881. «7 ,A. M'INTYRE TEA TEA TEA « A. M'lNTYRE r^lo-ax, E^louLx, I^lcox. i McINT-i RES McINTYBE'S UQUORSI_LIQtfOBtl McINTYBE'S Cigars, Cigars. McINTYBE'S j CoiTee^ CToflee. And arecTthiag kept n in a fiirt-claw Grocery and liqnot Mwayi on band, cnzjit fob cksa. MEAL! MEAL! MEALI McINTYBES Pork, Pork. Pork McINlYllEa Tea*i, Teaa. Ste o m w That W.U knowe Heavy Draught Stallion, -YmmitO FKBMCH StrPFOLK.^' Thi. edebnted h«so has taken first prizes vfeenrer diowe «d has proved kimerif n MM foe) gotter. Is a beautiful bri^bt bay. â- aa4* 14 liands high, with fine form «nf^ eewrpawed artion. For further partieuUr: JAMES MeOILL. Owner. Eiwrard P. O. OBNTS WA*4'lljrj. -Bic pe*.- I 8ampiea free. NaussB. stree Ad'1n«. M !»ew Toik. L. »Yft;, STARTLING DISGOVERYf LOrr MANHOOD RCrrOREO. viettM of fooaftal Ijnpndenes oaM*^* am S«a7. Merrso. DHftv, Ut^iifcit. lavlBc t:M In vbId e'«7 kw«B 1 ewn ' 'I s â- iiiDp)*.rlf e-ne. wiikk he .;

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