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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 24 Feb 1882, p. 1

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 r^i-i h iti i u i iiii' 4 f. f N I! I â- if' Iiii Mm T«rii«fcfcM4lr««6'iS» '01t«iti8:« ol 'rtme. ConrnfMiBC Ttaa^, Dabtal b« t. 1«1 OOiNQ SOUTH. 0ir* Stxladi 4^i«n t.U a^. »Mp.*. Uueklord 3.4) %.m. »Mp^ â- iwhirorth S.55 un. 4.10 p.i«. ArsQtt C.CSft.m. 4.18 p-B. WillMiuiforJ 6.17 ftiB. 4.93 p.m. li rkW 8.|)ft.m. 4.46 p.». '.{ .rki«le 6.45 k m. 6.»p.m. 7i«-iert'aAPrieaTiU« 7.0S aju. 6.-25 pa. ',ol.m 7.19 »-m. 5 40 p.m. DutiUIk 7.3J«.m. 5.54 p.m. Sh^lb:iriu 8 02 •.!«. 6 3f o.m. Croiubu' 8.l*jn. 6.M p,H. l»ar*l H.Vt a.m. 6.50 p.m.;!'v.Ue JundtioD 835 ».m. 7.03 P.M. OR«)iaKT;ixB. Ar-i»« 8.4.^li 7.10 p.m. D»p«rt 8.53 ».tt. 7.80 p.m. .41ton 9.05 ».â-  7.43 p.m. Cjiu-leaton 9 1 5 k.m. 7.52 p.m. H-,u., r.oiU. 9 4S«.m. 8.23 p.m. ijcltop 10.00 ft.m. 8.35 p m. Klaiuburg 10. 12 a.m. 8.47 p m.- ♦rixlbrid«e 10.25 am. 900 p.m. ilumber Sammit 10.3*2 a.m. 9.07 p m. Kraerv If) 37 a.m. 9.12 p.m. We»ton 10.5^» a.m 9 2.5 p.m. Carltcn 10 57 a.m. 9.32 p.m. Toronto. Cnion St'n.U.lS am. 9.50 p.m. GOING NORTH. Toronto dtp. 7.15 a.m. 4.10 pm. Carlton 7.33 a.m. 4.'i8 p.m. Weaton 7,41 •• 4.86 " ;EmerT 7.63 " 4.48 " jHomber Summit 7.59 " 4.5* •• Woodbndge {.OS •• 5.00 " KJeinborK 8.18 " 6.13 • Bolton 8 31 •' 6.a8 " MonoB«d 8.45 " 540 •• Charlwton 9.15 " 6.13 " Alton 9.M " 6.33 " Obab«etii,le â€" Arrive 9.87 6.35 " Utparl 9.45 •• 6.50 " ;OrangeviUe June 9.57 " 7.00 " :Laurel 10 07 " 7.10 " ;Cronibie'» 10.19 " 721 " Snelbume 10.33 " 7.34 " KumUlk 11.05 •' 8.06 " ;Proton •• 8.21 •• yic(h.rton4Pvi)te 11.36 ' 8 37 •' Markdal 11.55 " 855 '• tBcrklT 12. 10 p.m. 9.10 '• Williamnford 12 21 " 9.21 •' ;Aruott 12.33 '• 9 33 •' tjiiatnvtoilh 12.40 •• 9.4) •• tftoc.forl 12.53 " 96 " Oira-K .SocuD 1.15 •• 10 5 •â-  ap OB rracBiHg ibm foot of the lull, and other* by UoloAdiiK and Ukinff \mU tlieir load ap »t a time: Now, «• *iaak th» bminw mea of Markdale are aa dae^y intmcMad In tliia matter as tb« tiLrt»m%, and 4r« that tkey wiU rolMerAa libeMiif to- wards this eooteniflated mtprotmmni when asked to do ao, as «e an in- formed they shortly will b«. thereby seearing ti themselTes thirty or forty eastoasers who are compelled nnder eiiatiogcircamstHBoea logoabeffhere MiWhP.ArEI; L.WVS. FLESHERTON. FiMS ear Conmp tm i mi t. The social held on Friday erening, the 17lh, inst.. under the anspioes cf the Ladies' ail of the C. 11. Ohareh, Fletherton was a grind success. kt 7.80, sharp, the meeting was calM to order by Mr. B. Daris. AfUr a few apirepnate remarks, he called on Bertie Hooper, who fsTored the ac- st mi'ly with » BODg and was followed by Alfred Sarjeant with a recitation. Misses Ada Sproule and Efi5e Philp, SOD/ Mr. Fawc^tt, reading music by tho QaiotettA Club Miss Aggie Lietch, sontf. There was then an in- termissiDD for rafresbmeuts, after whieii the programme wai rc6umel by Mrs. Trimble wi'h a soug Mr. Mc- MuBter, reading Miss A^gie Philps, song music, Quintette Club Mr». W. Trimble. song Dunwoody Bros., dialogue; Miss Pierce, song; (Mrs. Will Trimble, reading also a I song entitled " Obey," which was well j rendered, after makiug some reference to Adam, the choras was, " The v«ry last Man w^uld the very last Woman Obey." •aCVITIKS. The Presbyterians will hare a so- e h1 oa tbe 24tb inst. A good time •xi e-teil. Scarlet fever in tde Villuge. Our thoroughfare almoKt blocked with potatoe teams. Good sleighing again. A number of Villagers hare Mani- toba fever: I will soiid a list next werk. OSPitEY. From sor Corretpondent. Here we are in the mud again. '•â- ml it until pay- -The thaw yesterday, and the rain 1. A pnHlma»t*r i: mjuired lo Kive notice • T i.KTTKB (retuniiiig ih^ paper iloe» not an- iiw.r tiiu law.) wlii-n a Mili-.criber doei not tuki- ))!• (i«i*r out of tlie office, and state the reKMOiis for Its not brinii taken. Any neglect i to (III •io makes the pustniaitiir reipousible to •hi- jubliih-rM for llie paytnrnt. j 2. .\iiy |«rgon who taken a paper from the I font offirp. whether dhectod to hia uamu or ' aii»thei i»r whether he ha^ subscribed or ttitl. » responsible for "le p,1j. S. If aHT per«fm nrdeis liin 'aper discon- linn-id. he ryiiat pay all arrenra^'es. or the I'lihlifhi T may c'ontiniio to mui.t )• ni.-iile, hij. I colleii the whole amount, ., ' j. i ii ii «i,eiher it he taken from the office or not. ^^"8 miiraing took the suow all away There can b* no legal dm.-ontiiiuauce until but With a little frost We wUl BOOU paviiK lit is made. i i i- I hare good wheeling. Mr. McAlear has left Feversham, having purchased the Railroad House at Flesberton station, whero he in- I tendp keepin;; a fiist-olass Hotel. Ou the 7th inst. a social was held in the house of Mr John Clinton. â€" i The weather being disagreeable pre- I rented many from attending. After I doing ample juestice to the good things â-  furnished to comfort the inner man, Mr. John Osborne was elected chair- man. The programme consisted of vuchI aud instrumental music, some readings, aud an eloqaent adiiress Irom the Rev. Mr. Snowden, aud all BUttS*'â€" Car. Moted br Nail and OleoeroM, tbat tba Aaditan' -Baport ba now finally pMsad nnd adopt^ and that the dark gat two nnndrad oojpM fontod in pamplilet farm.'-iiar. I'ha Conaeil adjoamad to i^e^ •t thr aana piaM on MDodi^.tiM 6bk day of Joae nMt. TOBONTU, OBEY, AND BBUCE. mt tmrvTATum to HAur or THX a. t. baU/Wat lUTioa. cm x'i'ict:. 20 fll-IK Chm ida Advertiiii|{ AgencT. Nc L Kin^ Street We^t, Toronto, W. W. HIITCHKK, Manafier. Nat „norizHl to rereiT» «iverCisemeut8 fo this oi'p-r. 1- i â-  'â€" â€" ^^^^ Sir-i ar» receivni at thi office • tbe f(!lIowing I'upi'is and Magaziuas. • «-*nt« |)iIIt (ilohe. per Tear, Mail. " WnEKI.IF.S. Toronto Weekly (ilohe, par jssr, •• â-  Mail Ttaioiltnn " Sp'etator " Vioiitr.Ml Herald A Weukly Star, •• Wiine-s " M'smnger CJa-mla F'anner " t«i iiLilio American " MONTHLIES. K'finprs \dvoeHte, per rear, n M -ail At'riciiltiirist " • ii r.ittla (Jiiej 17 00 7.00 »l.(iO 1.00 • 1.00 I.IKI 1 10 J ,^ retired feeling well pleased with the 1.00 ' evening's entertainment. 3.30 $1.00 1.50 '..-.0 J GLENELG COUNCIL. THE STANDARD. 'liday, Febrarv 24th, 1882. NKW.S NOTKS. W learn that Mr. Jnhn Hanbory. »lio wi'iit to Manitoba a few weeks inee, has struck a "Douaza." Rev. Dr. Ryerson. the founder of I'lr pri.8ent excellent schoul si-ystern, ' unci one of the piin er M^'hodist Pi. achcrs of CiiuaJ;' .lied in T .ronto I Lixt wet'k. I Tliore has been great ilainai;" d ,ni- in t'le Mississippi anl Ohio Viilleyc, ' by flotxls. It is statel 20,()00 men have been thrown out if eniployiaeut. The land boom still continues n Mrtiiitoba. Wc hear of woudrnl lucky ksits by pur- chasers of laud, and siUiill fortunes are biing ma"e in ' a single d-iy. Tbe Grand Lodgrs of the Orange Older and of the Anci. nt Drier of Initt'd WDrbmen aie in session â€" the fianur nt iStrathroy and the lattir 1 1 ilaiuilton. Our numerous readers will learu with rotfrel tliat the Bill iutrodno«d into tiip Local loj-isiattire to e:. force i t fulfilment of the a^'reemeiit enter- :.d into between the late Directors ol the T. G. and B. Railway and the 'P' ""^le for the taxes against said 'irand Trunk company has been Council n et at the Town Hall on 13th init. All the memben preient. The committee on the Treasure's sureties presented their report. Moved V Glencioss and MuUarkr that the repi rtof the committjs on the Treasurer's 8uretie.s beadoptedaudeu- i{r( esed ou tiie Minutas. â€" Jar. Moved by Dun m o.- und Glencross. •bat Alex. Bell be paid $2.00 for work on Durham Roitd. â€" Car. Moved by Glencross sad Danstuoor, chat the Reere be authorized to ex aruine a bridge on the Rocky Sau- ge n, Gitrafiaxa road in behalf of this Township and to repair or re- budd the same if necessaryâ€" Carri- ed. Moved by Neil anl Glencross, that I the Rtifve b« instructud to employ a I KUi VcVoi to survey the road deviation on I 't IS, c(nj. 4, N.D.R., ucoordini; lio tlie pat^^ut tor said deviation as «iu as (.losMible â€" Car. -M ve I by Miliarity and D«u8 m r, ihit C. W. Rutledge's account foririniug, $3 75, and Rosrsell llulciiisou's accoaut fur Township l•'ank^:, $15.11 be paid. â€" Car. By law No. 209, appointing pound- keeitrs, Feiceriewers and Path- ma!ters. introduced and read a first aud 8«cond time. Mo id by Gleucross and Neil, that tbe nccuunt of Mr. Fori^erty for get- ting the Town Hall and benches clean cd.umjunung to $5, ba paid. â€" Carn* ed. M.iveJ by DunsmooranJ Glencross, that the Clerk instruct the county trnasurer to erase the taxes on lot 7 e n. 8 E. G. R.,Mr. McRae being re Ahrgeand iuflnentkl depntaticii waited upon the Attorney-Geoenl and the Commiasioner of Crown Lands last night in reference to tbe bill before the L=gislatara for tba con- firmation of the agreement betwaaa tbe Toronto. Grey, and Bruce and the Grand Tmak railways. The depu- tation, which was introdncad by Messrs. Creighton, H. P. P., and Hay, M. P. P., consisted of the M lowing gentlemen â€" County Grey. â€" C. R Hing, warden. Owen bound.â€" Dr. C. E. Barnhart. mayor John (Jhhdiolm, rceye A. B. Lang, deputy reeve S. J. Parker and W. B. btephens, president and 8iera- taryofthe Board of Trade; Capt. Dunn, Thomas Scott, B. Allen, G. Corbstt, and D. A. Creaaor. Howick. â€" Johu Kaiuo, reove David Weir, deputy reeve B.. Stark, Thos WaUon, and Thos. Wdson. Woodstock. â€" W. Tottcn. mayor. West Luther. â€" Robert Murdock, reeve W. Sexaipith, deputy reeve. Mono. â€" Bobt. WilsoL, reere. Osprey. â€" A. McGirr, reeve A. Mclntyre deputy reeve. Melancthon. â€" J. Huxtable, reeve. Sarawak. â€" R. McNaught aud R. J. Doyle, reeves. Keppel. â€" W. Graham, reeve- Derby. â€" R. Stark, reeve. Amaranth. â€" G. Bennett, deputy reeve. Sullivan. â€" R. Wightman, deputy reevtf. Arthur. â€" Alex. Eraser, reeve. Culsoss. â€" W. Scott, reeve Alex. Mclntyre; deputy reere. Teesivater â€" F. Fairbairu, reere. Sydenham. â€" Robt, McCutcheon, reeye. Holland. â€" W. Howej, reeve. Minto. â€" John Prain, reere. Mr. Sing, warden of Grey, was the first speaker on behalf of the deputa tiou. He said that since the Nor- thern railway had amalgamated with the Hamilton and North- Western railway they had raised their rates, and a similar result would follow if the Northern should combine with the Torrnto, Grey aud Bruce. The county lie represented was wholly in favour of the amalgamation with the Grand Trunk, aud hopej the Gorero- ment would ratify the agreemeut. Dr. Bamliart, Mayor of Owes Sound, said the Grand Trunk con- nection was the only one which would benefit h.s muuicipality, which had contributed $5C.0OO to the T. G. and B. railway in bonuses The people were strongly opposed to the Northern railway connection. Mr. J. F. Parker, president of Board of Trade, Owen Sound, ad- vocated the same views. Messrs. Doyle. Owen Sound Howey, reeve of -Holland Alleu, of Owen Sound Barker, cf Oraugnville, Fairlairn, reeve of Teeswater Scott, reeve of Ross D. Weir, Howick Prain, reevo of Miuto, and Eraser, of Arthur were all heard in advocucy of the s.tme views. Mr. MowatsaiLlhefeltdte, ly interest- ed in the country represented by the deputation, ai it had given so much aud struggled so hard to secure proper railway facilities. Last year the Government pasied a bill giving the T. G. and B. railway a right to amal- gamate with the Grand TruuK, and they bad no intention of repealing it. The Iicgislature also gave the pro- tection thdt no other nmiilgamation could go into effect nithont ihe con- sent of the Governor in Council, and that protection would lemain. (Ap- plause.) With regard to compolling the Grand Truuk amlgama.ion, he coald not promise that, aud it might be goi i{ too far to ratify the agree- meut with that company. Mr. Pardee said that the Govern- ment, while wishing to comply with the wishes of the people, had to be in- fluenced by considerations of justice and right. It would not 1 e consistent with iustine and right. It would not be consistent with justice to force two companies to an amalgamation whether they were willing or not. It would also be unjust to ratify *au agreement which was before the law courts to decide. Whether it hpd ever been entered into or not. What- ever becam«of this agreement, how- ever, the deputation might be assur- ed that the Governmeut would autho- rize no other amalgamation against tne wishes of the people. The deputation withdrew BAII.VAT J^pmut. â€"Tb» BMiltnin whidi leaVci^Mt* c^cvy aftemooo mn agf[* tn^Bt New loweU last Fri- dj9 mrnuat^ Tba Mota n m n had T^ eantedly !â- * tb* ««itcfa open belov th« itetion aad as there is a heavy grade th««, • good rate trfipeed wa* •tfenied befcaw ^* '^iMi was coMlMd. l%e fli^lBMr did not notice th^Ae' iwitch *•• oi«i until within a few feet of it and had b«eJ(jr time to reverse hia tPgioe before it -was pitch- ed oflf into th* diteh followed l^ tne baggi^ CMT. Tbe im o kir g an d yta- â- oBger cnrs were merely jerked rf the track whieh ww q«it« saJlddDt how- •rer to give the peswnjsftrs a good uean. Bngiaeer DmUmrj fctwe'y stuck to hia post and went down with hia engine, and how he and his fire- man aaci^ied nnhnrt ia moet wonder fnl. About twenty-five yards ah^l of where the accident oecnrred " » very deep gully and had wc gone oS J* there the chances are this item wou!d i f^ never have been penned and kessrs. J. 8 Wilson and A. H. Wat?on, nolMo moi« numbered amongst the residents of Meafoid. "Better to be bom lucky than Tieh."'-iIiMtitor. Fnta IN NacsTEADT. â€" On Monday at midnight, a firn broke out in a brick building u»d aa the printing; office of the •'CiUiada National Zei-j ^^ tuug," Neuateadt. which soon spread „es to the adjoining residence occupied by i the the publisher. Mr. John Klein Des- '"'" pite the greatest efforts made, nothmg could be saved out rf the printing of- fice. The greater piirt of the house- hold furniture was saved, but badlv damaged. Mr. Kleiu moums the loss of an excellent private library, con- taining rare works, which will be dif- ficult to replace. The buildings were owned by the Ontario Bank, and fully insured. C. GRANT. -vho ' Cu Oraf I or a. SuciDE. â€" Mr. Johu Gi lespie, of Holland, com'oi ud suicide this Thursday morbiug. He has been in poor uealth for the last four weeks and in a very desi o ident state. Hi' family have watched him closelv for t'le last two wejk8, as lie showed sympfous of inamity, but this morn ing he escaped their vioilmice an'l hung himself in bis barn. The de- ceased was a highly respected citizen. and has been a resident ' f tbr t wu- sbip tor the last 26 yeflrc, and ba^ been a member of the Council on sev eral occasions, lie was aged 56 years. His family has the sincere sympathy of the whole community. Nasrow Escapk. â€" A little gu-1, aged seven years, daughter of Mr. Mnffat, of the Markdale Foundry, while re- turning from school on Wednesday afternoon, and when opposite, the driveway leading from the stables of the Mansion House, was struck by a team coming out .*'rom the drinng shed, and knocked down. The horses being somewhat startled sprang cum- pletely over the prostrate chdd witL- out doing her any iiijurv but one cf the rimners of the sleigh struck lur on the side of the heal aud inflicted an ugly but not serious wound. It is a miracle the chiid ' 'oti instantly killed. Wheat ftud Black i 113, r qnantitSof White linnsi in Tartar (Mts. PariinR d.-siriiip to procure a sood artide for seel fOi.itld give nie a call beforp pTjrchnsin-; clsewht-rr, as I punrantce the above pnre ami frre from all foul seod alao two V ike of Oxen, rising ft ye-srs old, well mat shed, and sound in every respect. JOHN FORD. February 22ni, 1882. 7G-4t' X w. eatonT ON THE WAHPdTH AGAIN AS A, BUL BI Tiie S'ibscribcT !n)j.s to auno'int c that be has secured the services ol a first-clai--s me- chanic and is now prep.ired to carry on the blacksmith business and pmural jobh a« in Undertaker â€"KSOâ€" CABINETMAKER, hMd cdBns of an si«««aa prices, lor hiie. charnes moJ«»te. UNDERTAKIfgg ly amended to at aU hcur» of day or ni^t. Alaoafnll stoekof nsehold Forniturel red wtA of »U deacriptiona •IMO.UA with the utmost despatch. A full stock of STIC AND PHGTO FRAMES hich will be sold cheap for Ca Ji. scRedLuiBbferofaUkimh aken in exchange for Fumitare. G. GRANT, MARKUALE. Markdale, Dee. 2S. 1881 674f QEORaTNOBLE, INSURANCE AND LAND AGENT, LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of Oroy. AosjiT for the following reliable Ccmpaaiaa CITIZENS' of Montreal. AGRIOULTUK.U., of Watertown, aud TRADE 4 OOMMr.RCE, (Mutual) ol Toronto. a. c ST*. TO o o a- O M hi- I 3 H .ui) l H o V (D z o in H X Pf3 a A nmnber of Choice Farms for aale. al-o Village Lots Auction Sales conducted in Town or Coun .â- ...^,.....» r, iYUUHOU kJ,».wr, ^-w,.^«v..^v. .« w .. .. w. Mark Richardstn' o!.l h..p He will treat t„ on Shortest No.icr. Charges moderate DUNDALK M-UtlCKTS. AVheat, Fall, No. 1 Wheat, Spring, " Barley " Peas Oats Butter Erks Potatoes Pork Hay 1.... 2 1.... 1 1.... .»1.78 to»1.20 1.20 to 1.23 .60 to .80 .t9 to .72 .35 to .36 .18 to .20 .18 to .2!) H5 to 40 6.75 to 7.10 12.00 to 16.00 TORONTO. ^Vueat.fall, per bush.. Wheat, spring, do. Barley, do. Oats, do. Peas, do. ' Rye, do. Clover Seed do. Dressed hogs, per 100 lbs. .SI 25 to 81 -i: all kinds of diseases of the feet such as Corns Bud Contrac:iou.-i. I;iterf-.iin^' of liorse- a Siitciallv. Having a S""'d roptitaf.on in thi.s section of country- Rs^ first class horse shoer he cari fiuarautre satisfaction. A fair trial le poetfully ^uliciteiL Positively cash until first May. after that dile creilit will hi' Jfivin niitil 1st of January, 1K83. Will work ns chfai as the cli. apest. Markdilt^, Feh. IV.h. 18iJ. 7;-3m. Iloiisse to Itont. DonWe Teaemcnt, with steblc, on T.roDto street, Markdale. WM. BROWN. Mirk.lftle.J.'U. 16th, 1S«2. 7l-3t. Bills, Blank Notes, and Stamps prorided. GEO. NOBLE. Mabidalk. M«v 20th. 1881. SCly eOOD NEWS AGAIN. Md lis ai Wuk. m PI H O w o G W w t o in 1-3 CD ma H 0) l CO I I I P^ CD CO CD CD -HAVINGâ€" 4 /â-  17X""I"C! """" teil to sell on's Musical Tflephone a'vX Idisou's iiisitiintanc oiisPiaiiO and Orfjin .M isi".. .stamp for cat- ahvtn' nil I teinis. tDIhON .MC-JIC CO., '.)29 Choitiia*; St., I'kila., r.i. f.s-Cm. SPECIAL NOITCES. ERRORS Oi 1 genxlema:; uii rV foi TUhE DKf.VY, ftii.l .iH the cffocts of lonth- ful iu;liscr"t:on, will firtlie sake of sull.ring hun-anity. :ruil free to all who need it, the rpci|e nnd iliri.ctioiis for ni.-.kiLf; the simple remedy by which he cnrd, Suffererg wisliin^ to profit by thr mlvi rtisrr's i xperi- ein'e caU o so ov ailihessi'i;: in (lerictt cou- fidence, ' JOHN B. OGDEN, YOUTH. stiffi'ireJ for year- UP LATELY FITTED Ky Grist MiU in FIRST-CLASS RUNNING ORDER lam prepared tatnrn out all work m a first- claos manner. O z CD t (ft o CD CO CD CD CD M O pi CD •^ cf- O B CD hi O O CD •â€" '• B o Hi o d CO 2 ^*^ it*: H Ed H O o W •*! O pi H Q O a ai c ••-a ft X o 1^ M V 1 i 5' 3 81 Z PI u ft C 2 PI z rlonr and all kin l.s of feed delivered fria to any part of the villace. Tlianking you all ior past favors I lioixi by i strict attention to biisiuesa to merit a coi • tinuauce of the same. 20 Iv â- 12 New York 1 3a tc 80 to U to To to 'O 85 to o 00 to 7 50 to Beef, hind quarters 5 50 to Beef, fore quarters 4 Ot) to Chickens, per pair o 45 to Fowls, do 45 to Ducks, per brace 60 to Geese, each 6'J to Turkeys 1 00 to Butter, large rolls 23 to Butter, tub dairy 18 to Butter, store-packed 00 to Eggs, fresh, per doz o 21 to Eggs, packed o 00 to Apples, per brl 1 00 to Potatoes per bag 90 to Onions, per bag 1 15 to Hay. 1 31 8'J 4.5 .SO 8li 5 lo 8 00 7 00 5 00 GO 50 75 75 2 00 25 20 CO 29 OO 3 00 1 00 1 25 9 00 to IS oO MARKDALE. FaiDAT, Feb. 23rd 1881. Floor „ 6.00 to 6 2.-) Sprmtf Wheat p«r boah., iiaw 1.20 tc 1 24 Fall do. J do. do. 1.18 to 1 h.i Barley Oats CLIPPINGS FROM EXCHANGES. tlirown out by the Railway, Committee y ft yote ol 26 to 1? WORTHY OF SUPPORT. lot â€"Car Moved by ^f uUarky and Gieacrosa, that by-law No. 209, appointing cer- tain towiisLip officara, be now read a third time, aigned aeoled and en- erosaed eu tha minatjs. â€" Gar. We are informed that a subocrip- Moved by Neil and Oltueroaa, that Jin libt is beini; circulated araonj? the I the collector for Ward No. 1 ba aatb- farmerrt in the Vallt-y in the naingh- orizad to accept f8.49 for arreara of liarhood of Kimberlv, with the object j taxoa against lois 6 4 7 con. 2 N.D.B. for ite year 1860, and that Caariaa of niisiiig m 'n»y to bcr-xpended in cot ting do\Tu the rock on and 7 tide ro:u1,- on condition thai the TDwnabip i onncil grant an equivalent anm. â€" I'h-i luOVOLut-ut is utiiiji; wall wy III 111 'â- 1 by tho farmera iiitereat, vbo are 'li'Kironti fgivi)ig|11t'ircQstnm and sup- pirt to MirkliL j.rovhled they had MuArthar b« allowed fifty centa for Statuta Lakor retariMd agaiuat him. â€"Cm. Moved by Mollarkr akd N«l, that N. G. Dunamoor, P. Nail, aad tba mover b« aoommitiM to inapeet tba bridge known aa tka GlwMroMbridge, i go,Hl r. ap. A- it i« now, it is next »nd that said committM be anthoris- • M poKsib'e to briiij a lartT snfBcient- 1 fd to get the tpeeifiaatMB from Mr. y 'aTRe to make it narabeMfi** OB ' Gl^ncroaa and give an order on tiie z' vcoitut of the ate«pDeab of flM hill. Traaaonrr for the amount doc tlia con A I Hiiiteded in reaching \£arkdal« traetor, aa soon as tbe work ia com- tHir winlVi «ifh tfccir ^nin, hj d(mb flMcd to tfa« MliilMtion el tka mm^ The boy, John Frazer, who pur- chased the spade and hammer, at Hannah Ferguson's store, Shel- bume, and who was supposed to be in company with the boy John Smith, who is awaiting his trial for the mur- der of his nncle, was brought down here on Monday, aud confronted with the prisoner in tbe gaol for the pur- pose of identification. He says that he does not think he is the buy who was in the store the same day he made hia purchabe, and fiirthar states that he never saw the boy who was m the store with him but on that occa- sion. They must now hunt up the boy who bought that revolver. â€" Or- anff«riUe Gasttte. Sab Dkath. â€" A little girl, about six years old, youngest daughter of Rev. Mr. Ashbury, of this town, was taken suddenly ill while in church on Bun- day hut, but managed, unattendac*., to make her way home with great difS- oulty, on reaching which m showed ^ympt-nns of having been poisoned. Medical aid was at once aummoned, but to no purpose, she continued in groftt agony, vomiting aud orying out fur water until next morning, when deatli cume lo her roaeue. She had partaken with tbe reet of £he iiamily of some highly seasoned cake, whioh is supposed to have been the oaose of the accident, being rather detiote, it took mure eSsct on her than any of the others. In addition to this sad afiiietion, arery member of Mr. Ash- bury's family, with the exception of bimaelf, are now ill with either sosrlet fever or diphtheria. The reverend gentleman and hia Camily have the deepeet sympathy of the commmuty in their miafortuiMi. â€" H^itkam Cknm- ' mTw^M •• ••••••• Potatoes. Butter, per lb Eggs, per dos Pork, dressed, Beef Geese per lb Docks, per pair Fowls, p*r pair Turkeys, per lb Sheopskini Hides Orass seed, Hay Wool Oreen Apptei, per. bushel. Lard TaUow DrrCordWood J.60 0.35 0.68 0.60 0.15 0.19 800 5.00 0.07 0.40 ' 0.00 0.07 U60 7.26 2 ..".o â-  U.OO • 0.28 0.7S ' 0.10 ' 0.07 â-  1.75 • TO CONSUMPTIVES. The ailvcitisir. Ii.iivi;ii» i cc ii lu-rmaiir.ntly curctl ol thitur.ul dijca^i. Consumption, by a ^implo r( nit .ly. is snx 11.- to ni .k-. known to his fyl'ow KuCiir.-; the ui".i's of ciivp To all who JesiiT it. he will send a coj'V of the proscription UPi'd, (free of tlmrpe.) with he dirpctious for prepairinf; and using the same which they will fin J a Bi;ni; Venn, for Con- sumption, .VsTHM.i, Btt'iNlIIirlS. c. Parties wishins the I'rPscription, will please address. Ee». E. A, Wii.-..)u, 149 Penn St., Williamsburgh, N. Y. 20-ly B: trhead MJl?, 8ept W J 20, 1881 GREAT PISCOUNT SALE \T â€" "CHEAPSIDE." EOWE. I 54-3m Nothing LiKe Leather. It;* M. M. M LEOD, MAKKDALE. NOT TO BE BEATEN PIMPLES. I will mail (Free) the recipe for a siraple Vboktablb Balm th.-it will remove TiK- FKECKLhS, PIMPLE., and Bi.oiches, leave ing the skin soft, rlcni and hesntifnl aUo instructions for produoinn a I'lX iriant growth of hair on a bald head or siii(Kth face. Ad- dres' enclosint; a 3c. stamp, Ben. Vandsll A Co... 5 liciikman st.. X. T. aoHr 0.72 0.31 0.70 0.71 0.15 ' 0.18 5.50 0.10 0.40 0.00 0.)0 1.66 7.60 8.00 14.00 0.00 1.00 O.U n (te 1 â€" V*"" """"enrs. n js tue pi joo' S--_°°*' effectual alteratAe AU tho~e who mny have had the misfor- tune to have been horn hai^coted will bear I in mind thut v-e have jusflRwivetl the larg- i est and be-t utock of lejKTr ever before brought into Markdale, c(msiKtingof Spanish S.ole. French Kip aud Calf, and are now pre ' pareil to manufacture I-adies, Gents, /outh* i and Misses boots and shoes, from the stoga to the fiuest kd aud prnucUa. Sewed Work a SDecialt;--. Invisible patching alic All work warranted, done here, Markdale, Sept. 19th, M. M. McLEOD. 1881. THOS. MATHEWS, EuiesS EsiailisknT MARKDALE.. FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS I \?iU offer to- the {Ublic mj cutire stock of Dr;- Goo---. fon-i:iiigof â€" Dreiss Goodsi ;..• Cashmeres, L ustres, Shavirls, .:.",. Prints, Wiuceys. Velveteens,.: Embroideries. Ladies s Uls'en Mantles, Twe ds, Eeady made Clothing. Hats Caps, ..;.:. Get" s Ti^ s, linen Collar Jjress Shirts, Ovcrcoa'".s, j?'ancy Flaunels. Ducks, ., Oxford Shirtings, Carpers, ic THE ABOTE STOCK WTLT. BE SO: P AT 10 PER CT. DISCOU tT S FORMER PRICES and niTst be run off by the middle of ^{arch, in order to mil e ioo;;i f r my Sprint x*ir- tations from Britain, which will ornve'ahcruT tin i'Kh of .March. T 1? K t S d^ ^V H 1 1. I'hbuking the inhabit hts of Markdale and the surr.,un iino count ma:ncr in which tht'y h ive I'atronized me aaice pouiu»eu,.ing,v. continuance ol the Bam!, 1 aid yours tnily, an J uo]* lomer.'.! FJjEBUEBTON. (Corrtefed weeklf for the Standa'd by It. J SpromU, rietherton.) AJ, Feb. 33rd. 1K81. Flcar, per bU. Hpring Wheat per bash.. Kali do. do. do. Barley Oats I'eaa Potatoes Bntter, perlb Egga, per dot Poik, dressed. t^eei ........ Sheepakini Hide* Hay Timothy seed, Wool Lard Tailow 9i.2o to 1 20 to 1.18 'â-  0.60 " 0.87 •• 0.6S •• 0.3U " 0.20 " 0.l8 '• 6.60 •• 4 00 •• 0.60 •• 726 •• J2.0 •' 2.50 •• 0.22 '• 0.10 " O.OB '• 0.00 125 1.22 0.80 0.8r 0.70 0.35 O.fK) 0.00 7 10 6.00 1.25 7.60 14.0 80O 0.00 0.12 007 BIRTHS. Westâ€" In Mwkdale. on Jtanarj Kad, tbe wife of Mr. Hemy West, ot a dMfhter. ^fSP^" o' ♦•• virtues of sarsaparil- It. â- â„¢nnin«. mandrake, yellow dock, with weipdide of potash and iron, all itowerful Wpod-maklDK, blood-oleaBsing, and life-eus- 1 talntdK elements. It js the purest, safest. ' and most effectual alterathe medicine 'â-  known or available to tbe p«blic. The sd- I ences of medicine and chemistry have never ' prwlnced so valuable a remedy, nor one so potent to cure all iliseases resulting from Inipure blood. It cures Scrofufa and all scrofulous diseases. Erysipelas »^t}%^ Tumors, Tetter, HiimorZ I Salt bhenm. Scald-head, Rinc.worn^ EVERYTHING IN OUR LII^E KEPT ON HAND OR MADE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. LIVERY! IN CONNECTION. HENEY FOSTEE. ?-*?*â€"» N««ralgla, FenWle Weak. EniacUoin,'"and"oTneâ„¢i ^bS^ i, ^JL '*â-  searching and cleansing qualitie* ji.„^2S? "\^^l, *°"' comiptioM wUdI S^ l.'r^f V'"" J'»«™nl»t«8andenllv3S SlJiil' 'unctions, jnomotes enerRv and KrenKth. restores and preserves health, and inlttae. new life and vfjfor throughout tte Whole sj^item. No sufferer from" any dS we Which arises from impurity of the Wood neel despair who wulgive ATn's Sabsapabilla a fair trial. It fa folly to nperiment with the naaier- Imtztir â€" " GEORGE WIL80. Wholesale and Retail REST ASD COMFOIvT to ibk SUt FEEING Brown's Household Ptinacen has no i.qual for ruiic-viut; pain,' both inter- nal and ezternHl. It cure pain id the Side, Back or Bowt-ls, Sore T hr.ats Itlieumatisra, Toothache, Lumbago and anj^ kind of a Pain or Ache. "ltwi:Iino8t surely qnicken the Blood tend heal, as its acting power is won- derftil." •' IJrowu's Hou-ehold Panacra," being acknowledi^l as the great Pain Heliev- er. and of double the "it rength of any other Kliier oi Ijiiiiment in- the world, shonld be i.T every family handy for use w^en wanted " as it really isi the best remedy in the world for t;raraps in the Stoiu.tch, and Pains and Aohe° of all kinds." and i? 'for sale by all I Druncists at 26 o«nta a bottle. 2(i-lT {BUTCHER!! BEEP, POBK OB MUrTON 8UPPLIET from i single pound to a whole c»i«ms« at the lowest market prices. icarsmss, w««d-p.riiie«?:;s'e disSi^^ '••â-  ^wi jniM SEASON ^^Si^^»^h"'^^:S£it"^r^4K^Tr ^^« '" "" Sheep, or 4 NOTICE. Rd||)MGONVEtiiiONEASTGIiEY WiU meat ia the Towoahip Hall. Pleshertoii, ON TUESOAT, UABCH 7tH, 16«3. at one o'aUok^m., tor the ymptue ot sebet- inc n a n d tJ a t s e both tsr the BDwe o( Co*- â€" sauJlOatrta T «^ l « hu i. MM hitoit ot ral-was and gtoi gn»wiâ€"l ata aonMaliy invited. fij arte W tlM SMidUnt. MadtWc. r«b^ UHt, UMS. niA, reliable ♦"tiS?^ t^.iS".r*^^ »â- Â«** tot tiny jraacs. MHl taaa woo the ttaqnalifled eoMt conceattated curative far the best, chea|iest blood-porifler known ixnnpiMition, antl |Mn I wkUlf used foe foR; -, ,.,. the unqnalined etn dew* of mllUons whom it has benefited. Prepared by i^. C. Ayer 1^ Co., Practical aad AAljrtical CbemUts. UweH. Mau. â- â€¢LD BT AU. saovaiars CTBarwaaaa. Mothers Mothei-3 !.! Mothers 1 Are you disturbed at night and brohen • f your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cuttinj- leeth If w gc at once and get a bottle it MBS. WINSLOW^ SOOTHINO SYRUP It will relieve the poor little sufferer immcli atelyâ€" depend upon it there is no misUke abont it Tueie ia not a mother upon earth whohasever nsedit, who willnot t«ll vouat „t TrPlPUQ once that it »ill reg' the. bowels, andiNFW QTfini^ I ATEST OcolU'"" give reft to themofher.aud relief and health "" I UUN. LrtlLUi u to the child, ojieiating li«e magic. It is per- fectly safe to use in all cases, and plea.sant to the state, and is the prescriptio.i of one of the oldost and best female physiciins and anraes in the United States. Sold every whwe at 26 cents a bottle. o© ly FRAMES! ]U SI ARRIVED. Gold Oreat chanee to make B»oney. Those who â€" always take advantage of t. e goKja «.au».s for making aoney that •«rflered genenUi, become weaUby. whUe tW who do not improT, snoh eha^ re 3 Barn.- Block, opposite"-the n";; Unl« -«• l«-"'i^^lrirU toTork"' °""' "" New Panel Fr.ames. Now Pa:iel Mats. New 8x10 Frames. New 8x10 Mats. S- lliB^r Cheap at Browne's Gallery. .pVEK S.\M'«K" KFU.«- LOT TWO, QUBBN ST.. MABKDALB. Thers «s on tlu. lot a brick hausa •tahle. shop, well, and ristem. Wm aeli aheap and ou eajy terms. THOS. MUliAEKY.. Markdale, Dee. S8th. 188^- t^.^ MarM«Je. Ort. «Mfe, Uaf 5^* "Vf NOTICE. To BtUIdcTH^ Contr ctors. rpEKDEBS will bT^ved by the mider- dL 'V^ ^* "'"^^ "O"" of the rtk ^. te the erection of an HOTEL ia oI Vmage of Dnndalk 'or Mr. J. C. Beid. Pla«« end sp.eifc»tiona«ii beISi at.fc °®5f fr«« 1» OOth to the lith ii^ â- â€¢ ^^Tbetowestoraay t«der not MeeHad^ ISAAC TBATKOB, on» who encaces failn t« ».7j. f^* their own localities. fur OS right in i SSEDS TOSOMTa Ti.lce Notice. LL PAPTIKS If fj^^.""r either by not.- or 1«*^^,„.VT ner. Druggist, h- ai.^.e _^^^"J,^« r««l* J\. eiiner u» "â- â€" "â-  „ e«mc '» ""â-  'im qnested to cilUn I P .y '^^^^^ut^^* "'*«*^ltlMKMO«M». receive monies dne me j therefor. „ sPBOH^^ *f 5 L862. ^^;^;^ww*«^t^wrirD^ l*V,i^ a specialty, eO work •JwrrTDoU'" "'V^^and for sale another f ««ot «• dollar's worth of! fc^eta- *^ ®°***' Rae.. Ii ""r :^ Organs lor sale cheap at W. loaineM.â€" Mr«. Grant ii '^ieoat. No" » ^^^ '™« in*- I j,ont»ll mauufacturcrsj â- ,, and mill men when tlieyP |-J%rdm" -^s. Colds, BrontncLitis ant ' ggteUons of tlie Lungs. UU *.i« every line includiM^' S: '^^Sed Ware. Colored ,in 1 Hri.-l, *JlirpiamondandW.J.I;n^' line- "Jji'VioUns, ItaUan Stmigs. A:r ^LCoU Bros. Co. Tor.i.t.,, .,1. f^ufactnms of Lardmcs tli r Ye«ts, Pants, Cin^s- a:. r;.tl-*Wfor ca.h i,. orJu "e room for sprinj sti^i .. f A Bae'«- gDOW fall 01 TucsJny aiid \\\i a has made tleighin^' s-.J a-:i. logs au:l cord " 1 aic lub lilt in rapidly- n'i forget the groat .1i^c.m.t -: f ^s at C'cap Sid. !a^t fdayonlynowisyo-irtia-. .- Bargains. I Corn Do»o"â€" """ ;/ tight b«x)ts, l)y pr.iur.t.: ^i „j' well-fitting, n. n rij.. p l proo.'" Boots. Tnien an! women with w li ::i, •:.. to bav Lazarus .lorr s Ss- :: • be snnpliol by W. K. I..l^^..:. i.-. v^y, yiashcrton and liaiLU I jarival services an still lo 1. J tbe C'lac 1 li r ^1 are now bciii;,' In 1 1 t\v: • • Bev. Mr. L;ike o( Cli.ns" :â- â- ' rfdenng ifliiiint iiiil. v'l'^^-" kteekers, have liceii at tho ;il':.i ron want old picture* c pi. J 1 to any Rise, an 1 tiuisli. â- ! lis style. Go t' IJr w 1 1 â- Feb. W iwill been bs- sIi-kii,' o'.-r .m ang ooluinns. Mr. .\ W. I" 1 ciEBienced biisiin- n..':iiii. !. ^Dted Richard.soii's "11 st .:i 1. irdine mncbine oil will ii"t U"' ere, and wears tha' :r oil in the market. .\sl; v.. {dealer and tuLe in 'OKr. I! fsncv you cusiiit c..1!::m .â- â-  McFarl:iill i'U â-  li!* iir ' [oomivlilem.Mi s pr .ti-. i-d 1 ':\ Utomeis til" l.t litfit. -DctUi.sts who liavo 'r. «iEET." iiroiionncft rt tl:.- tin I on the face of tliis cartu f ;• 11 iind brcatli. ' cMit s.iuii.i. ^. DDor'B forecast f r '.!.â-  ':i-i MIT lias lirove.l true, lu- ... Iirj Imviug been iiite isi;..'y • [ibe ground ojce lu i-i- '• v â-  Itoow, Riualil. alias N.i-M.i ' â-  I celebrated lu haii n'lio '.v..!.. Meafird, Las Ml f. r ' it is suppc'sed he ba!!.'i'iic .;i dock for rej'air.-. erytliing is riisiiig in pri.* • toil lamps arc liigK-r «i,. .: them up. Mthalliiiul- i.' D«er since Jie coiiiiiniiv.-' 1 1 kt'irect. He has tiiriit'i.) i(i-.'!ij I don't you foicet it. k. Samuel McCaw.tii»i v.- .. BctDr on the Whitby aiil *. wlwaj-, saye Dr. Cir.-.i, V -.*â-  land Constipation I'-iftts ... d( Dyspepsia. I nUvay-- 1. lin the houBe. an.l ci')i-.i.!i 1 li.' Dableasa tainilv iii'di^iir. and Co., Special .V'j.nt. M ;: cia! will be given on Tirirsi:d H2nd Marcb, at tlie rci.l lu'i- Bhepbenl Boyce. (ikn. L' tm il [»n8,.iccs of the L..\A.. rr..ij â- ^ Chnrch. Maiki ik. .\ ,â- ; ' [maybe exr«ctcl. â- Â»t is Lardinc .\mv a^iy fu .nd jWw, or mill man. or any m Inins ntaebinery, and be will ^»t it is tbe only ml wiuiii v 'equal to castoi- oil. ».i:d »\ lor clog your machiinri" â- â€¢to frames, from "icl^ iii' D, and all sizes of pi.-r iir â- *o frames made to nr.Ur. c'.i • ^fown'a. Over Stanhui. ;; ^him a call. ,.n«t8 tbroupbont tli. â-  'i Mo tbe great merit-.». ' Ibtomacb and Oonstipai. :i i ' ^° Medicine they sell a t- ppWyincuriug Dybiefsia. I •"o. Bili)08ne»s. Live. C" nr HaveyoB tried it I;: "-.Special A«eut,Mark.Ul TowasBWD Family.â€" T) is fooopany will'app.arat ':.:V ., 1"' Tuesday evtuu:;,' ilic\ lnJ 1^1*'^* r"putatioii. iiaviuj ' ' *!' tbe principal cities m " and America. We bopo WiU Qot migg this rars tre| â- on 25 Reserved scats :( " "even kings of Hnu- \^ ^.••. Noma Pcnupiliuv, J' "«. Ancus Martius, Taiku; "• Seryma Tullius, at.d i I "• Seperb-ts, and ti. Ki. â- *^«si8 EsterbroofB Fak- n "i L. *|"^ed an anou;.'iuou^ â-  ^ff^ aotfte party in 0\ •â- 0 Mems to be ver lai: ij^"Oifo^t daring the appr..i ""â- uaar. "^^ \^ j^ iuforui •• are quite cupabl o'sBrselvcs • but il" wol referred I in picl gratuitoubly. ^P^Jjla, Asthma, Bronchil liest, reli| Dr. CoQgh Drops. •â- â€¢O' efficacy. In '^^.Y Titer, aud '*. gratuitoubi Lj^J* Throat and Ci Kji^Ji^y ^* nao of

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