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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 17 Feb 1882, p. 5

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 M^ h •• i' i 4^ 1 1" h i' Wf f up TOM MT 8 CLUB. "Tdt^^Qr^^ •oil. mhnt sr* joa fn'n-j to ;lo with tliat clab f*' "Send it tii the e1:tir, of contM." "tiui wlikt kre yon C'iog to Mnd it til tl»« rilitor fur â-  " 'CauM 1h nys if knvbody will Mud him • einli be will Mud tbam a K-p.T of hi-* p«p«r." ' Dui.T iirnij. dear, wbtt do too •a-fio8« l-» waota «ilh club f â- 'Well 1 dun'tknow. nnleuit is to kiock doWT) â- nbrcri))tr« •â-  don't pay f 'T tliair p».«r. t tupiiose ther* ar* )i'tiiiT l( siicii meau peoplt." â-  i^i â-  A Cftow Babt. â€" Notliing iM to cm- dacir* k a luan'ti raisainiuK a baeba- lor as itoppiug for one ni^ibt at tha liouM of a mariitd friand aod being kept awaka f r firaor six Lonrs by tha crying of a crow baby. All cro«i arid cryijijr babiai need only Hop Bit- tors to maka tbem well and smiling. Young man, ramsmb^r this. â€" Trattl- Ur. EUPHRASIA COUNCIL. The m*iiibcn elect of the Townabip Onn- cil of tbs Township of Eaphraaia for the jmi 1«82, beiriK Robert M^Im. Esq Beere. Thonun Gilr»y. Etq., D*| aty B«e»e, Wm. Fawcett. D R. EUis. and J. Erskioc, Et- qairei, Couuciller*. baid member* elect Uaviag uieinbled at the Township Hall, n 16lb da; of January, made and nubscribe.) their dt-clarations of qualification and of oflire in due form, de- posited tbe same with th« Clerk, and took their aeats at th .Conncil Board. Mioatu* of last sesaion of Couucil read and eenfirmed. W. H. Dodnon. ou nominatiOQ of the Bevre, and J. Johnston, oa nomination of tbe CouAcJ, were appoiutud Auditor*, and a by-lawpasFed accordingly. ' cTaeiHon was appointed Aispsfcor at a salary of I 0, and a by law passed accord- ingly. L. O. L. Vo. 30-1 w~5! permitted the free ase of tlie township hall for the purpose of holding a soiree on the 1 7th of Jauuury. Tbe KesTs'a orders wcia issued on tbe Treasurer iii favor of T. Allison for 921, being auiouiit charged lor statute laljor for the yearn ll76-77-7'i, ««ainst !ut 9, con. 8. as it IS now made t' spi^^ir tliat Knbert Merser dirl perform the statute labor for s«id year«. The Clerk waH Tdend i) the Co. Treannrer to strike from hia bouks the am- ount of V7. being for statute labor charged a«aiB8t lot 9, roD. 8. fcr the year 1879, an it is DOW mails Xay»\*ti that the statute labor was perforriioil lor said y»%- Jame? FsDh wai appointed caretaker of tho lown^hip hall at a sal,tr,T of ten dollar^). The Keeve and Clork were app'-inted a 'mmittre to ascortkin iiiw arrears oftaxen scrrasd a^Hin t K. lot (, con. V!, and £. Itl3, coo. 4 ri:t Reeve and Iii.i'Htv Uiere were «p pointed to ink*- furthir Iik" adTice in refer- «us» to reino-a. of (•^uct- from iu(;bway. Tlio K»»vs nnl Pepaty-Heeve were appoint- ed ft 'o!:imJttee to enquire into the validity of the Treaiunr'a seciiritic-i, as the law re- qiiirwM. The time for tlie Collectors to return their rolU wiw extended fur on** month* The rreamirer was o-ili-reil tp remit to the KegiHtrar. ((â- â€¢e'l Hound, J14.(». fees for re- gmter.nK roud by law A resolution was parsed approvinij of I'.. Sim Igrove'a action in remcvn^* fences from bi^liway. and inU inii.h .m; laii. as pntliinns ter, a^'aiiist unr pecuniary '.• » ur damage in th' dis-liaii.: of Ills duty. Tile rrt-a-ur r was i»rderdt to rt-mit tu the name,! ^i-ulUmeu the amounts placed ofipo'its to the r iiam h for tlu'ir iwn •ervices, -s I'epiity,' Ollicers, ami ihnt I'f tiK.i (oil Clerk.s. ami in one a coin'ablo at lat rn'micjiil election, viz J«ni«' Struthers,87. j N: Hewson. »7.1l»-, •»' CMrry, »K.7(»; l Sdverthorn, JC.70; J. Yellan.l. »7. H.-nrT B,.ll. S7.'); an4 also to pay fi'r tlio uf' of sclio..! h onsen as polling (itation-.. ToTrii.loeiS S No. 4, ?-J; No 14. ?-i; No !.â- ., 'J. No. H, ^2; and to pay for uae ,,f Ornii -t hall, in Kimberly, %2. y.. I'uiilop. 'lerk, alio»i-d 820 for services at la.t ileciioii, and the lieeve's order issued accerilingiT The U^e^eâ- s oilers were isMU-d on ths Treasurer i pay ss f' Hows: To ,!«•• li Nee'ey, ?1i f r ««rvice3 as csre t.ikir of liall for I'l^t ir; J im»'s Andcr^nii, '2, sail' sum hnviii^.* li- cm paid by him in ex- cess of ths avi inl plt'-i'l on the Collectors roll fi'T lortd, \k1icB Mr. .\uderson was Col- lect/ir. MoTed by Gilrny and r.rakino, that this Council ai)^urii until the Friday in Kebrnary nex., and tliat in fatiire thinCoun- eil meet for tbe dispatci) of busincts on the first â-ºliday in each month thrniighoiit the enrr»'nt \enr, and that the Clerk gi\e notice to that I ITi ,-l in the Meaford Munitnr, Thornbnry Stand ird and Usrkdalc Btand- saD •:ir,rieI. Tionf. DusLo?, Clerk. A nn etinc o! the Towufli'p Counc I cf the Town "â- ' p o( Crpbra." was heUl p irsuant to adjonriiiai n: n the 3ri) day of February, Mini) OS all ]irire!i.. MiDtites of last ses- s-.on of I :ini'il r-Hd aal 'oiit'iruied. r.-i.^|nit of the spreul couiuiittoe ap p«"ilHi to ".aTniiio the validity of ihe T'eae- uisr's rtenrities In' 1 Isft'ie Council and ailopied. .\ letltiO'i, siened It William I)ougla.s» »• 4b ollii rn, ftskiiii; for the o| ening of -id* losd :t and 4. iii 9tli and llitli coQcisaions !• .1 l.f for*' (Vmncil. and the Heeve, Messrs. V.rskiue ami Kllis appointel to examine the natter und do what they m«y deem prudent i' T-lit' premise-*. Mov.a " Mr. (iilriiy an.l I'rskine, that as s»v. ral parti, s ow-iin;; pare -l- of ihis Town- flip luve allowed ^urh Isnil to be plaied ou the ii'ii lesiil, lit roll, ami nployed paities to pcif.irni statut*' li'Mr f r -aid laud.tliareby caiKiTi;,' inneees ary trouble both to the Ti.»ii hp eoniii il 1 I'd County T la.-nrer claimr to be refunded tor statute labor, be it th«refore "Ileiolved that in future no claim of this k ud will be »n erta ued by this Council, and that ail ta^M fslling lue against nou-resi- .1(Ut land. iucir.oin(;.r'ini lit lor statitte la- U.r muBl iepaiii to tli« l ui.uly Treasurerâ€" janitd." The Clerk wa- cid.ridby resolution to ,, .1 prrpi r noii,, u :l.t pii;.si g i.fa byli to a tabiih a lien li:Mi lo through 'ots 1, °J ai.'l 3, iij liic Jih Co-.. "llic llii (e's ..' ers vrr.- issued on the T'l .â- '.s'lrer lo p«¥ K f. lio^s Ti 1.. 1«-.I-, " " ' •' 'Ki'ct»i. ,• ':... ;iS. inarnagf* w J uee'h a» per cert^i • ti • f Irspector; .Kn.e* F ii. u-oii. S'.H or, l r ere- •- »».^- • i. 'J and 7 ...leruiMl, coli«M- lEMOALl'd SPAffiH UUftL The â- Â§â€¢Â«( sacceasfkil K«Hie4iy eT«r discovered, as it u certain in its effects aod does not bliater. Bead Paoor Bklow. FROM THE ONEONTAPRBSS.N.Y. Oneouta. New York, Jan. 6th, 1881. Early last summer Messrs. J. R. Kendall 4 Co., of Enosburgh Falls, Vt., made a con- tract with the publishera of the Prett far a half column advertisement for one year set- ting forth the. merits of Kendall's Spavin Cure. At the same time we secured from the Arm a quantity of books, entitled Dr. Kendall's Treatibe on the Uoree and hi* Dis- eaees, which we are giving to advance paying subscribers of the Prett as a premium. About the time the adve tieemeut tirst ap- peared ir this paper Ur. P. U. Schcimerhorn. who resides near CuUiem, bad a spavined horse. He read the advertisement and con- cluded to test (he efficacy of the remedy, al- though his friends laughed at his credulity. He bought a bottle of Kendall's Spavin Cure and commenced using it on the horse in ac- cordance with the directions, and he inform- ei) us this weekt. ititeffected suchscomplete cure that an exp« t horseman, who examined the animal recently could find do trace of the spavin or the place where it had been located Mr. Schermerhorn has since secured a copy of Kenaall's Treatise of the Horse and his Disea-se-,, which he prizes very highly »nd would be loth to part witu at any price, pro- vided he could not obtain another copy. So much for advertising reliable articles. Kendall's Spavin Cure. New Hamburg, Out., Dec. antb, 1881. Mr. F. H. McCallum, Dear Sir:â€" The bot- tle of Dr. Kendall's Spavin Cure bought of yon last summer gave me tbe utmost satis- faction and performed a womierful care upon a mare niueteiu years dd Ix longing to me, whicli was badly soavineii for ten years. She was so lame that I could lianlly get htr to move. The'Iameuess is entirely gone after using half a bcttle of the cure, and she is like a young horkc again. Yours trulr. J. F. ROTB. fuo:ti 4 PROMINENT PHYSICIAN. \Vn,l,;a;.-!.,!i'.ill(, Ohio, .Jiin.* 17th. l.^SO Dr. J. B, K. r.'lall V Co.. Gents:â€" Rca.linc your adT(rtiinie-it in r-irf. Fi 1 1 n'ld Kaim, of Ken'Ulis Sp.iviii an liml \r.i\'n:^; a val- uable andsp'-i'iy hors., wi.irii ii,i i Ix en lame from spavin f. -i eighteen mo.iths, I sent to you for a bottle by express, v.iiich in six weeks remot l il all lameness and enlargement and a large spU.'it from an tber horse and both bor-,Os art to d-iv a.., s.^m;,! n, c.iits. The oue bottle was wvr.h to lU" om; liinind dol- lars. Respectfully yours, 1! A. Ilmir .l:;tt;M. D. Kendall's Spavin Cure. 0\ II(.^1A.\ FLESH. Thou amis c,t trials on lininan He h has jirovoil b ond a doubt th^it â- â€¢Kli.NDALL'S Sl'AVIN iJ'RK has buliiciint sUiiigth to jjenetriite an I viitU' t-- ciin: trie v.ors-. cases of rheumatiim. corns, buiivons sj-bites. or any bruise, ciitrir lameu'si -.m.. .. are not a'.?' -ted in the by ordinary liniments. It does n"t blister but ou tho contrary re- moves all soreness. St. Johns, P.Q., Oct. 27th, ISil. Dr. P. Kci'ia;! ,^- ro.,(;.nt I liavcusea your Sjia' in Cure with (.'reat success on spav- ins, curbs and s]ilints. I know it to be a good lenieily for riiiglioiies. bone spavins, cu s, t?iills and al' ki'nds of lameness ar.d many otli"r ilitli'-ulties about the liorse. One o( my men -iriiiiieil liis ankle ba.lly. 1 ap- plied K'nd.iH's .Spavin Cure and 1 never saw .1 ,.1'iiiig Work like it. he ttns wi-il in a few • 1.;^ I l.iiov.-it !o !•,» i»,j, ,1 i,r niiiii as veil as 11 "-r. I procured one of voiir Treatise OH NIL DESPERANDUhi. «UrS tPECmC MEMOKs rpHE UBEAT ENOUSH 1 BE MEDT, an nnfailinj cure for Seminal Weakness, Spanaatorrhaa. lauot«acy. aS ag a«e na«s 1^ tsilavr as a sa^vsnt^^f sBn-AsMse as lass of 'Vemor?, Universal ^Mwg- Lasiituds, Pain in the Back Dimness of Vibion. Premature old age, and many otner Diseases that lead to Insanity or Consumptii n snd a Pra- matore Grave. (^Full particulars in our pamphlet, which we deaira to send fie? bv mail to every one. lae Specilic Medicine is sold by all Druggists at â€" .^^ •1.00 per package, or six Afteor Taking* packages for »5.00, or will be sent free by mail on rectipt of tbe mon«y bv" addressing. THE BRAY MEDICINE CO., l-ly Toronto, Unt., Canada Bunluek Bitters McKENNA MASON CARRIAGE WORKS MARKDALE. As tha seaikiii of the year is approaching that Sle:ghs!iud Cutters are vi-antej, we wish to lutmitc to th.' farmers and public in general »e supply them with any thing they want in that line, such as Loncc Sleighs. PInee Bobs, Block Bobs, Democrat.s, Square Box, Portland, S"well Body, and Double-seated Cutter 01' ALL Ki::iiS .VND SI YLES. As we use nothiiiR bf.t first c^ass material we can GUARANTEE S.^TISFACTION Call and Inspect our Work I on hand Ix'foro I'urcha.^inp elsewlicre. CAl'EFl'L ATTENTION (iI\'i;N 10 HORSESHOEING a- .; (leiieral J.'bbini; in every lino. SHOrâ€" On M'll Street opposite tD Sproulc'a liotel. u,. lor ... bv for "'" â-  1 1 iliiiik It \\.\ 1 .â- . .1. -â- %â- :. i ' .- nil on one hors. i^llt 1 1., r 1^ 1 a- â- or. i 11" • .:!,.' d:rec- llOll^ 1 i;i â- â€¢â€¢lU; b,.: Toui tl .1.-. â- A. J. a-..a stiUe. rEARSOJI. J' in"i: in. \i).. Ma, .-il' 1! Ill, IsV'j. Dr I' .1 K 'lldli iV '., i llts Vbout a y 1 a I ,.• IMi 11 il .- ro I'll ;:r. s. :iie ice and was 1 ai.' out :ii I .le 111 I'J" lit, « li;ch caused ni" much siilTi iiii' 1 tri. .1 va lor.s renie- di,-^ Ill r .l.e (_ IV. â-  I'l 'â- . il-il 1 tr.e 1 Keii- diiMs .Spav .n ir â- . I:- I'plH d itf iill-tieiigtli twice il dav for twi; -.v.-el s III ling ast I ictohei and 1 t elle â- te.l I 1- rf. • ~eii e. 1 have since th(fn been wt li and f.M fr,i 1! '-I'lieuess. Ik la vei J iiil.k tor man •A veil a s bl'Sst. J ours tidiy, ' â-  CiirsrEi; K. Gaf-BK. Kori ds Spaviu Cure. Is sure 111 1. efl cts, niild 111 aeili.iis as it '!oe.s not I lister, yet it i |.em trating and I'owi rfiil to reach every lieeii se.lted jia.n or to remove a-iy bony goAih or other enlarge, nients, '•wch us hiin\ins. .splints, cmbs, ring- bones, cal.ous. swellings- and .my l.anu'iicss and all eulaigoiiients if the joint* or limbs, or for rbeuniaiisiii .v. u.!iu.n- for r.y puipove for wii.eii .1 liiiiii:- lit is used lor man ur beast It is now ki;o\vu to be the best linimtut for luaii CM r u-i.l, aeting mil, I ai'd yi t certain in itself, els. Seiiil addrefs for illustratfd cirenl^j wliich we tiiiuk gives positive pioof of its virtues No lemi dy lia-'ever met witli such uuquali fied suecess to oiir knowledge, for beast as Weil as iniin. I'riceSI per l.ottl' or six bottles for?.';. All |)'.ii,';„':-ts li.iv.- .; orc.iii get it for yiiu.jor it y ill \- sent to .my lu'eli.-ss on reee^i't of |iiiee by tiie ptoiueiors, !)]i. t!. J. KEN- I'.Af.I. .V CO.. Kii,, biiieiri-'ails. Vt. SOL.P HY ALL DRUGGISTS. I.yuir.-.i So:is ,t Co., [ontreal. r.Q„\Vhi le-' s.ilc Arm:-. 71. PERCHERON HORSES LARGEST TheftPiirehtandBctit Sledicine ererXade. A col Irak' maken' binaiioD of Hops* BuchUf Man* a^il Dandelion, ^th all the bc.-tanc uiat:ve |fr""-rties uf all ollitr l.-tU-rs, fcboKreau. St Blood Purifier, Liver at or,*ndUfca i"l n.alih Ke^wrliif k an possibly lonip exist where Bop Vedjat^TariMi aod parfect are iheir Tiinlc and luiJd Stimulant, uabtof without Intox- Vo dLwaaa o iJi.^.TBare us ov« ratio] 7h67 fiTd U7 Ii%I^ ui ^iffor ts tha tgtd a:il ioflrm. To all whose e%niployineDtaeaase irregularl tjof thebuwelsoi^L nnnary organs, or who re- quir»an A\\-*:ia^T Hop BitUraoret ayaf ieatinK. wm^^.- Numalter whatyourfe%cnnsr« or aymptoma are wbattbeuideasuorailw"" If use Hop Bit- tors. PeatwaiSuntUycunm'e ^^'" lut i' you onlyfttftftad or niiacraMr- .«"•*' 'i'f'in «t once- Itmay •aTeyourlife.ltUaaMs** od buudreds. $800 *111 be paid for a cal » **»;y will not |cue ur hrlp. Bouut Bufferl «"l*'t-T«°^ '^end* Mfltr.but uveaiid urije ttiem^^" "" Hop lunnember. Hop BJttera la no^^J^ **1 drunken nostrum, bat the Purest^^^ " *• ae^\ Uodioine cvernuwle the **IIITaUD6^^ 'â- â„¢"*1 and HOn** and no |H:T9oa or family â- thould be without Ibeoi. P.leC. is itnaheolut^- fin-1 Irrwtible cure ?orlrunlient-s-'^,u«eot ojiiuni, tobacco and narcotics, All»o!d by dnufci:!* Send for Circular. Ue^ BI(t«n Mfp. Co., liochttster.y.T and Toronto, Ont. FLiI_;bnEETON Harness'Shop. CORDON Has aI^v.1^ s on b.aiid a full a-sortnient of HEAVY HARNESS, ^WHIPS, SLEiCH BELLS, TRUNKS, horsj: blankets. AND Importing and Breeding SCOTCH COLLARS ESTABLISHHEMT WORLD. Warrnntoel to f,t, :ini maile of tliB very best luattritil, autl at the LOWEST LIVING PRICES. i;em£Ubeb the pl.\ce RICHARDSON'S BLOCK. •J. GORDON. N. B. â€" Good 'Stave and Phingle Timber taken Flesherton, Don. Cth. 1881. 16. Joutv tiraiU. *6 .30, (or w.rk " *»"" line. '-^Tii»»«r,-i to hoi. I ihr order until he r«*t:ve tl*- l.Mvt:' "•w.-l^* eoinph Le,l (kit nitii a lv.n;( ri-r ilice'e that the â- Â«Â« a d »fefnded the **' H. W. DUNHAM, VaTne, Da Page Cotinty, lUinoia, U. S. A. (35 nuies west of Chicaga) Durinff the paitt 17 tnonOii 3S0 STA^ ZIOSft .tSD MAKES hnrr Ihrxn imporlad A^om Fntiive to Ihtt rstahfUhnieKt, b^ing MOKB Omh the Tombined imimrtationt tf mlt alher importerm of Draft Hordes frotm •U jMrte ^r furopr for any out yean On'^-fif^h of the er'ire ntnuber o Import* 0H Fr* meit llnr\rv \u Auiencacac t' seen OQ his farm His Importations haTV inclutletl tte Prise Winoenof tbe C'Mirrsif M^xpotitiott, Pari; I« 7M, and Dearly alt tbe Prise Hortet 9t tbe Great Sbows ot France ainee tu impo^ MUiuus Ln-^uu i'li«»y ai6ocaiTiecl off Ui^ boaora uf piSlCiTE/fOWS.' {in eompelUl'on"'*^ Oe loryMf and finest coUectioci ol Oty^rt- SJSTaS'S.'Sa: SESiS^S'^gl.iSy^ a »'aDU was rawded tbt aramAawoowmtm^ VriM at 9i/000 and Orwm^ Gold Med»U jM rAOE cAT.AZonw â€"mtjnxm MS ormU-mttm». Contains ovr 40 JHm*^ triMma m* tk« hlHory of lAeFt'i **••â- â€¢â€¢ Ord«r " CATAJ.OO P£ X." Choice Farm for Sale. Q MILES FROM MAliKDALE. LOT 1 19, 1^ (Junresiiion 1 Artenii^sia, East side T. S. lUad, cnutaiuinR 50 acre â€" 46 of ifhicb i iii:ii:T vul'.!\.iii'.i. airl tin- liulance hard :imltr. Ihc alHjvi larm i.* a very desirable pro|iert.v and will he sold cheap, A good innic b.jiin and loLT hon^e i^ on the place. '»'faio\, givou this iall. for farther par- 'culjis a, (ily to WM. LITTLE.JOHNS, On tha premisM or to C. W. BrTLiDoa, Markilale. EUGENIA I Grist, Saw andlatliMls V.;.- Sirt Fridaj m • B t;xi.OP. Clrik. r.s DFAGBEi' ,-v V risU ' ti;itll tiie 'mM â-  t III- i ul D aa; rA v 'ill! SfiM. .nil • ruTJ ID » '.tj «Kll'lit oft«D I 9iie t sij' u liarvb u«ii. WBTN Kv VtUtJ -: N ti.iuv iv •• tiS iviii' I'll *-i,l. niii II :.r O 111- •iiii i.:i- \iJ t fi'if f r t..«u,»*lti.-. UK* »^* Bt»' â- i. k !;:•«..' I'.itltP, «iiu nyewlily '«• c..t. r.- It » the K""*! •«•â-¼ ' h!»lth t lat ijiTMcA «tl the Mer»U«iE«, »u 1 Itb- BVBRT LABOB BRZSDEB BVBRT NEIQHBORHOaD a mcaBBON rri.ij«w ttilrtr Tean' trial haa tancD. are*ed that wb«i bnd to tta* mana al the eoontry tbe prodoee la â€"a â€" llDraa. are Ma l s r «., aai -MW S^J' Itaa MW alli« ataa «i A Rare^hance. A ch'ic" '" for -ale n tbe best boainesa p«rt f U.-kd3h' »vii'gh^t No. soath %j£e .1 \i.iJ-tr-c:. Hs n (omfortaWe dereU- ir|( h n."*-, shoj' Rtttble: a si f«t and h-ri aate- Vk ill be sold n very reaaoakU* t«nns. .Apply lo WM WAT XKB. Mrrkcale P. O. er lo C. W. Btni-aiH";, 'Standara"' oOioe. 73 3t A PERMANENT CURE FOR LAME BACK, Pita.. Diaaasea of tha Kidneya. Bladder aj* SS^ Org^ta, or "^^^^f' WDOBITBLE EVIDENCE OIVINfl MW- TIBE gATlSFACTION. Picton. April SO, 1881. 0«TiJin«.-I find that tout P^ « dtinc entire aatiatofl*ioo, and wtah yoo m E«2d^ee tor so Tateahle a r«nedy for Dlfeases of the tiineft Signed, Da. J. B. MOBDEN. Prieea-Child's Pad, fl.SO; B*gul« Pj^. IS; Special Pad for Chrome Dueaaae.w- Lk your Druggist for Pamphlet and Ta»tl montals. free. 8Hd by ^^j_i- A. TUKHEB C'O^ Mai*«»*«' PABKtB 4 CO., Owen Sound. J. W. ELLIOTT. Chatsworth. STEPHENS McCABBOLL, UmSori. M. BICHARDSOil, Fleaherton. THOS. STEPHENSON, OraogeTille. Q. W. PAB30N8. Dtmdalk. •• HkUBY PABKKB. Dnrh*m. IvarningT There is great danger of tak- ing cold from wet leet. If you want t» Guard Against Sickness! Keep your feet dry and warm by procnring yoor O O T S 1 â€" raeii â€" KAY THOMAS. Satisfaction Gnaranteed. Med- icated Cork Solex, all sizt«s. kept n hand. Uemembrr the place opposite the new Stidii Office. 40 THJlJ NarrowCauge IS A THING OF THE PAST â€" DVT REYNOLDS SON â€" ARE Still to the Front! with a large and well selected stock of Staple and I'anov DRY GOODS, Boots and Shoes, Crockery, c,, w.i.cii they are stlliug away down at rock I oltoin j'rices for cash. FLOUR OATMEAL IllESH AND GOOD. "o. 1 CO.VL. OIL. At 37c. j'lT Imperial gallon. tS^ Call and be convinced. FALL A WINTKR GOODS BELL- ING AT COlaT Foit SO DAYS. REYNOLDS 8c SON. Mirk lala. Jati. 3rd. 1892. fi9-3m. MARKDALE Marble Works Monuments, Tombstones And erery description of Cemetary work executed in FIRST'CASS SUIE! and at reasonable rates. Orders left at tha shop or sent by mail will he promptly at- tended to. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Shop next door to Revtrt HoUl., W. A. JOHNSTON, Prop. Mark.Iale \ii«. 10th. 881. 48-lT H»Tin{? rnade eqten?i^o iniprovetnenta in my Grist ilill I feel oubS lni 1 can fiTa good satisfactiou. GOOD FLOUR /tLyVAYS ON HAND. Chopping Done Every Day. Cu toM, S.TTins and Bills KUed on tha Si.orre-t notice. LUIJBER AND LATH AliWAIS ON HAND. Cherry. B^^tten" AV^IJ^^i^i^^ To Diseases, CoMrLAnrrs anl which Hagyakd's Vfcixow Oil is cnani teed to cure or relicT* cither in iLui or Beast. " "' TAKU mTEimUY FM amjco rrmiuuT r«i ' ' MnKUXATISM, IfBUnAJMIAf CnrLBLAINB, swKLLnros, GALLS, ZUMKlfBSS, comatAcxioss X.X7MMA0O, DMArsKaa, SPRAIXS, Every b^nls tioaoriBaoey vmcMiatnu. cAZLOv s i,umr » STzrr j^amWt FBoaran^ COBXS, BBVOMM, ITCMt, rAZtr ur iLdCW, PAIWIm ajM, St, tatn« Cely. M. AKITT. Extsenia. Sti-av«cl J;iBOX THB PItEVISES OF JOHS i Shears, Lot 3. Oi^mee'ston 11, Ctmbi%' «i*. a l-yeat iiaufnr, all ml. Any iaionntio* M to iaa «r «?ffli OMEAR OMBft W. BULMBBc The People's Photograplier, Flesherton K,i^^hichw.e«i.««l â€" »«," .„ur«d by TO-r old friend. Bring along your pietBTM •"» ^||| BAE Hsi« the Largest and Best Assorted Stock in t ' (iiCyJirt J;^-# «5S»v sisting of ^o«m. •^ yj,d„rton. MaidilO, IWl Xll metv -, ».m,. Wild L*ndt. Town « ViU»g« rnr^ij, i« W«,ti-« t. P-rahâ€" or »~» ^Vr«r^ "â„¢" ;„ tha County of Oray SHOULD SEND FOR -OF- Farms for Sale and to Let. ^0^ Th... h.T»g Uk. Properties to di.poa. of ahouW «,n«llt me. Sar« 0ml« .r paf. CATALOGUB SENT ON APPLICATIOS. I hmre an 0«ce in Butlcdire' Hotel, IWarkdale, wfcer. I wUlirfom.; every Thursday, and will be prepared to e,e.ute Deed.. Lels. Mortgages, *c., *c., neatly and correctly. Advice on legal point, free. Also to attend t» all the different dep.irtments of my business. In every department of my business uiy motto is Thorough- ness and Fair Dealing. A.eUon Sale* conducted. Rent., Accdnnts, Ac, collected aad prompt return, made. CHABGES I.OW. ROBT. DAVIS, Con T.^c«. Comnti«i«.r in B.R.. Real E.tote. Lo.n h Inturan.. Afeil ITev^r Cash Store. JiAVlNG LBABBD THE PRKM18K8 LATKLY OCCUPIED BT TUKKSB OO. HAVI NOW ON HAND A FIKST-CLASS STOCK OF Dry Goods, Groceries, MANTLES, READY-MADE CLOTHIN 1^ Crockery and Glassware' I^xVMr»H, c Ac. The above stock has been purchased for cash at a stn.^on wIir-j the importer« are running off their surplus stock at and under cost to make room for their opting importations, con- sequently I am in a position to jjive bar aiiis to thoie who me able to bur their goods fo easU. Call and see for yonrselTcs and ycu will be sure to call ttKain. HENEY FOSTEP-. Markiale, Noyembcr 1.5th, 1881. «lly WILLIAM STEAIN, Dealer in all kinks of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, WAGGONS, Sewing Machines, Organs, Fanning Mills, Tin and Copperware COOKING, PARLOR AND BOX STOVES in Stock. L» I keep all yuds of REPAIRS for tho Implemeuta 1 •ell, farmers will sea the a.1 vantage of dealing with a Local Ageut. WM. STRAIN, 'lesla.extoanL. Heshicton, March 24, 1881. 28 tf Mechanical Orguinette. An Automatic Reed Or^an. **The OrgWteette.igMy «»w b« «d!«a a celebrated instmmrnt. In tons it ia an.. to the Cabinet Organ, bnt the organ roust be manipulated by an artist in order to pro dacemuaie tbe OaauiHiTTB is on the other hand entirely mechanical in ita aeti«n and at a trifling expense it san be made to famish an unlimited inpnlv ot all kinA. al m'li.i. â€" TonmJo Globe." ^^ â„¢uai«. **Tlie Ori^inctte ia indeed a masieal wonder. It is a mioatoi* Mad otnui with as strong and melodious a tone as the Cabinet Size. It sarpasada the C^riaat Otn^S^ the reason that the ignoramns in music can play it as well as the moat aoointliah^d^l' feasor. Tas OaaoiiiiTTa is strong and aocarate in ita maahaaisiD, »M «»iaaqiiaiit|^Il liable to get out of ordw." â€" Ifoatreaf GatetU. **** '*The Oryalaette ia the most perfect antomatic moaieal inatndMit ya| iatm^^ ita repeitoria ia onlimitod, tbe tone ia remarkably good." â€" Jfoiitr«a2 f te Dry Goods, Beady Made Clothing, Millinery, Tv .Groceries, Crockery, .â- â€¢ -•=,,. Glassware :v Boots and Sh Cash for Grain. 5,000 Bushels Potatoes laiJ •.7. GEORGE NIXON. DUNDALK, Sept. 3, 1181. j ^^ oes L DUNDALK BOOT AND SHOE ©"^ox^e: J â- N THANKIHO ifiy nttmerons enatomers for past patronage I l,j Ihluc-.!^. i am still to the fore with the ' Largest lecleds Of Boots and Shoes cTrroughtiiito Dunda'.k. NEW GOODS ARRIVING DAILI ^si.ll nnd S*e I'ltoni. am atill mauutaoturing those celebrated Fruuch Kip B ots, cs'.. »n i |te; ijit -.J " Boots, either sewed or pegged, a »iiec;al'.y. Repairing promptly attended to. All Custom Work| Warranted. I keep the Celebrated Wanzer Sewiog M^ Constantly on hand, which 1 'sell very chc ail for'nh .VU.the r p i I :x 1 o r»f o « a .v » • which arp nnrivniled in hi"n;ifyTf t'lTif 1 ' All k'inds of Farm Produce taken in exchau:i' for (jom ;â-  .i; • ' i i i'o uii-ji Store. THOS. HANBURY, Dnndalk, September 2nd, 1991. MAE K DALE Sash and Door Factoryl S.\SH, DOORS, B1-INDS' MOULDING^. HOLLOW DATTON: 11.. 'ft:; Lumber, Lath and Shingles, Always on Hand. Orders Pron^'ly Filled The Subscriber wishee li return thanks tot'ii' i'-.ijl' «..' '•â- U' Terj liberal patronage they hiive given him iu lU. i«st, a:M l^ i buisiutaa to merit s oontinuanc*' of ih ^nme. I hare now extended my bnsiuss.and will ^u L. '• ;: Si(i«' PINE LU ft^BERl Direct from the North Shore. ALL SIZJ1.S, i:EI::sSi.D AisiJ UNiJivESSJil" A.11 I^iml* of l*ln.iii iinl J ivi» lu'"" Doae in a first-elass n.!ti asr. • 'â-  ^^ '" THCS. McNM. Hark dale. May J7lh tSSli " â- ' LATEIMPORTATI Of apetiall/. AttrMtire, Seasonable, FasLicuahle and Staple -31 T« nand, whieh we effer at Greatly Reduced PriceJ- ^« «tfer apecial ralaes in ererr hnf Prices, $10 to $16. II* W.F.JU^TiCO, ODB STOCK OF 1 TO «t, TOLTIOEBUtB STBBn Sole Maon^Mtonn Mil Pctsnteea. MOPf^TRs;' ^T. C. W. RUTLEDCE, A^Mrt, M/Hcditfe. Groceries, HaPdf are, Crockery, and »»« ' ' " '«^mari wfll find prioe. and talaes satisfawf? partment. CIVE ys ii CALL AND 8 A VI MONEY' .(..; -.?v;:7â€" • y*"" •â- ypliee at tbe 'Toronto House mnwmu I and ProTlaeial Btuiaeas Inatrafltive L^ia, OooBty L aal an Ii fUO in three aw il* nke mi ot the year. Ho *Ti.tU all arredgea are *Tam option of the p liWf" â- â€¢ â„¢ without jayms -J hle for the yea" •u» Sey eompW with tbe rules. ADVEBTI8WO: ^....foaoo a* ie do ^,Ba*.«r.t inaertion js MfT^ ITnt insertion ^^^Tiinee, f»"' •""•'rtion ••••^oeotineertion ik^T^ret ineertion per hue a ^!*l__.Bt ineertion 37 50 i.*; no 4 Ol* fO 1 78 • ^Hiant ineertion ' TVjnes to be reckoned by the "liS^ed by a acale of solid rJli^iaeBieet* without »}eci(ir **J^ pobliah** UlUoibiJ %n4 *? ], ^1 transitory ad'ertiae- *rfin'the ofBce of publication i.y W'^pfjB^TLEDGB. lAL A BUSINESS 'directory. ^â€" iV* Annstronc gurgeoUk.Accouci^aji pa " ' £gQ_ L Kedieal Hall reaideaee at 'â- â€¢Sjl 17,U«0- 'â- " irial. â- irtTAND SOIJCITOU. is :.OT\ *SatUnd.«.c "k;"^-' n«ee-at Kava Hole! 0»^^Vl«81__ '.« LsTEBS. AND ATTOJtSKYS .M 'sol.citor. iuCl.«'v. «•'•••; • Owen Sound, hav. revir.i-lat â-  oae« op*" "•" ""â- ' â- ^ '• '*• " J.W. Pa ST,!.' 1!. C^»«n Attorner. i J. WAMO.'^, STKB.M.ASTEU ANIU'Ki' I.l'.. aoeiy, NoUJT Puhhc. l ..iiTe»a:. IxOliKND AT SIX PK!: :.M Bound, in Vii;k»r» I; â-  « tud in Mark la !e. -iv.-i .V. » n on Friday an-i Salu; ls «eiv gXEBS, Sol.h lioRS. ISO -tX'N __ llarkdal. BfiTarland's ' ou Farm .Security, at C per .1. \k U f « Stnttvtrit. James J. Wliiir. I to Ur. Camef.iii. Ow.ii S..;.n 1. 1,BK AT THL UKVi :;i; llul -,::. irkdale, on the la t U- lii.-fi.lar m „, irheu he will li*" pvepar, .i :.. i-et Mrstion* renuirivl ii|ioii tii«^ lu'-uti. at satisfactorv luaiiiK-r. t!.d m|i:; I t»rin«. 1 â- â€¢ ytifcrtluurouo. Wm. Brouu, llFMAUiilAt..l 1.1 KN-ilS .ir .DiMioncr ni 15. Tt .t" isnciug in all its i.raiir'ies i!.-u,j ;.i • Itci ssi°aiul'-ili eae'-uteu. -Uiiue; to Leud ou U^a. I.stti' «• .Sapt. i7, IRSf). 1 T Atcxaadcr Brown. B"f Marriajit I.ncusf?. 1 -» f. ' Iniarauee .\;;(?ut. ' • â- .•.iii. «• Jkt. Convi-vAiii-er i.u't 1 •• â-  r for the County o( tir. y. 1 »t.ii- • and Land StU-;, r.:u-t » isad chareas malu erv ui" i*;a:' Us,Bept. 17.18St 'â- â€¢ K. .n. ORlbraltSt lOSKEU AND uKNi.i.A;. i..*M Bt. Wiiliamsford Siat'tx A i ' :. Died in all iarts of tin- ' .«. lldoB Coniiuii». :i. Ka°. s I. I,0rg»us, and Sewiii); MsVi.; lOrnauieuiai Tiv^s. â- â€¢â€¢ \. plsmeats, and Machinery uf u .s aford. Jan. aT.ftsl. J. G. llnr. BSIQN ASD PHOVIM l\i \.\;- ITTSTor, Draughtsnis'i ari'i ^^ 'Si IsiiJ Markdale. liakii.t: i ws: a* 1 Land burrcyoi tHarl' l.a.s • of orijjiual I'lfil N-.:c i .s .s Ustnietioua, itc.tif al. :v. .!\'.» ibiB the last fifty-Iivo y.'ai... 1 tat Itomake burvoya in i.;i .-. ac •â-  i 'itk. Profiles aiii K.,t:n,a:ea J Hills, Plans and Sp-c..:.a:ii us tat Uridges, furi.islir-i .m aj )â- ;«.. lonsT toL';in at s pfi or'it i^.t-r-s!. J»J letter, or left ttith I.. J. ri.'i HI a. wiU be pruaijith altru '• i :â- â-  M" IWKt. â-  T T. E. D.%«is. PEHACOXTI; »ri«i!.. i-:.T«t,i »•• After loiiip':.!!!!^ i;' .i.ili,!" ' i» still on til.- tr:i.-k r.:.\ :- •â-  ftodoall kinds »[ «.»:., a;: I i: i fin;; and teen ]- .i.*:ii» I:. plalc building will ih, i a t.i ii,* • «« give him a call. «ic« Corner of Bio«n an-s ' IJfAaaniLa. i6 y H. St^iiih(ll, ttE,SlGX.d.CAKRl.\ir. PAIN I i ';. |*^utracts taken in town oi o .i:.;i *• Oct. Ij. 1881. 7,v ^VtYOUft_COMBINi;S. IJ-G Morgan, bogs t.. ait-i. i; • PV"' Markdale and vi.i,, â- . r^lowork np luiir c.n.l.. r \J^' »«»d cnrls. t.Tiii-. 111.-., r .• P^W. ll.aidencco.rM., ..( r* "reeu, oppositf Jdr. I. »â-º •V MaU premptlf attwadu:! lo ;y°«Pt. 1. i8si." M mu S«trl«. f^ERE HOTEL, â- ROULE. Proprioioi |^Pnl»r Hotel has bn.I « !.,.•. » t«.» •^"" l"'r..;i*;ii:v i- ufi L^ oecoudto uou.. I., t,,V .•..•„tv " and atu^utiy. .^ li^ -Vt.J 'â- mmiatioii for ro'iiin,i,-,:i. n •'.- ^•^» tl.O© per d.iv. i: y ^AFORD.Ont • " 1 EoPElHo;... jJJT*"***'" for the tiaveihu^l • inaZi *• ***^ *tocktd Mnii thJ "^ira?*** ^«»"" and lii« U -tf M7, i2g5^ ""»•" traina. KlMunroTEL loua Sample Uooms •^ Tlie lia, an I larl«| iBl^ij^" k^et the market a( ^5t^JWG PEBSS. SlZt i'J!^ 3aai2l "*«^'» ix c*i*i ^••Hl^/ **'**"»on» per hou- "^«»**»OmCE.M,rkdsle .S-

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