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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 17 Feb 1882, p. 4

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 .fr r a 'ft P E Q 6 2 1^ N M L 3 o o -r H O S3 n • ,^* ' s .J o ;t1 ?^ ft n ^-a "jp^v jrv/ A! RIVED. :.rOCK." LATEST 3ESi: • â-  i 1-1 raes. ' â-  ;*;.u-B. â-  • :•-•. i:;c«. !l "I t o\^/;^.e's Gallei !â- ) _V"!ir own .;;tit fitP. No • vtiiiii^ new, 'â-  1. ii iiiriii-li ym •â-  1 â- ;. iij fi.r.utii-». â-  â-  ;ful l.iv-. an ii' ' .••\ if ;. I I .: ,. i:':ik.' \.yf%\ r»y I I I. ;.'r y iticulart â-  ?i 'k«r.' 3^* f„r Rilloiua f; i.' â- â-  i'-ij Hrml- Irhr. J- 4 ^^^rij i:,u,:iou.iii i-i '?â-  T», r!^.7imN», Hrartfc '.? â- ':.:! i.:. ;h. »♦ -• â-  'i •, .InantlJc"' 7. ' •'in::u-b, llT»r I ' .* â-  â-  i-if.i^ fn^tra lh«i â- -.. .^ .- • -.-•..••.«. TheTajr»j " ' -Jit; :: -a^.^ vm. â€": â- â- .I- •:.!• loriiK srKFj .« • EloH«.«-lioli Pal r, ;.iviii_ (imu, 1"' â- .â- .a\. li 'irr- puiii in ' ;â- . • r. Ihr.-iit. Uheii ,1 .,! I â- .. -yX niiy kinil ' ' "I A 1 III K-;. r\tAy qui^ .. iI. ;; it -tinj; t'o^'M 1 ..m:' lloii-ilioM 11 â-  .1, ..;:,. I;,-, ill.. -rfutPaii 1.;. ill.- -tr. ii(;ili 'f »^ I ilri. !:• Ml tlie worlil. V I, ri :. f.»- ""â-  «â- ' • i, ill. l.o.-„ n-iii«ly "1 -I til.. st.i;i.i.-li. »nJ .;. i.iii.l-i." aii-l' i.« for 'â- , .-nt.^ u 1''.-. ;-â-  Mother.- !â- â- ;., I It iiit,'!it ail' â-  i.. a M.Iv iliil'l "fl ' • !i I,. \,-ni-i.i' lie I'»"' â-  1: â-  Ml ..HIT iiM'l K*"' u lN.^I,i\V:s SODTHINOj t. vi- till r ilttl"Mlff*"'« .. !•. lul iii»ii !t thfre i» t riu'ifi- nut II luiitlifr 1 .r n-..ilit. who will not I n ,t It Kill rc-^'-Wte Oi" !• tluMootlii' and reli* •!:!.!. i|.i.r:itii.L- liKC mapiC- if. ti. ii-e in all crises, audi Ui-.n-il I, th.- i.r.'Tiitio.i ;.l.-t ,.,..i lipst ftnialo pbys II 111. States. ' it '" |., iits a In'ttle. old (irfrit el: in. me" „ always taK ' 1 iiaiu-..^ for makinKi ' r .1, ^t III riiUv hfconie » «li uo ni.t improve suchj -! in I'l'ierty We wart maf luiy.., anil t'irls to work M own loi-.ilities. AitT onej I roiit'iy from the first st mil |iav niore than ten I â-  ' £x|.eii.sive o.itfit furni'B .vlio LiiKatJes fails to niak \\ can drvote vonr wh*le tiic^ J.'ly VD'ir spare moments. li and all tiiat ia needed sent! IsioK A Co., PortlaoH M«»a*.1 »»â- : /^ X- .^. 1' I* OXTX^ 7H1 suFimnreASED â- dbse to BB KAftEB. fke foUomnc mtw* were foand Id a r llnnWoB of ••Knignma, ete^» om bandred aod flflgr yMn old. The mairter ia Mid to have been Bar. Ms. Ptl X^ .Patter, of Bcamiac, in NoHbUt, Bt^laod. Aod BMUt thea fli my doom, (waat â- â- Â«â- Â«,â- â€¢* f And will ttoB kill thy MTv^t, ali â- â€¢ poor? .A 1l$ia» luuMf IM vav lire, I dibt A MtUe loat" bubta* 'rooad tby dow. Pbr aoch it fiad* IM to baboU tUa BlM« 'lenae «ili|in tU* baaplt^la aM: Maaaarafaaaai It iIinM%f«4k AndHogar aaar Ike I For.ahl totUnkofwbatvabotheqjayad In 1^ UfB'a prima, ara I vaa old and (aar. WktaftomthejoeanamotataawuMalM^ My gndoaa BaMar OB thia back I Mr*. TMoa told ten year* bave uane'd oo down alon(, BtBoa tbat tbaaa way. worn Hiaba to tbae I (arc; Bwan â- nlllmyearal when boUi of a« wera fOBotâ€" Ika kindeat maater, and tba bap|rieat alan. S«r aaald*at tboa baar to aaa th* aerraot blead, Iko' waanina pter bw deeraad Ua Ibia; TdLabl iBvaEirivlMwtforlifeaballtiMd, Vnatuabaa dwtad TTiBi ii *ta. tALMBLB BEGEEPTS. j^ No. I.â€" Svaflowcr^MSTlbusbel; o*«i,2NdM». Mix, and Biad together. Mi feed two fwrts at the |rixtai«ttiMtiaaM»4qr. lUre hay â- H.watwiM okveted In tvaalia* haana. Ho. t Tlnniin iliiiâ€" fi. iiilill i|i. riiiiii grsek, akwdc-cabfaan MaH^ «nreiuie, and ginger, equal larta of cw!k. Ifiz, auii gwe a tkbleapooofiii once or twice adw. BtkehoneitftlMtoMlitin ned, make it into It s ba«Bl si**. No. S.â€" AaUbMida, nolNAeiL 1 mum; out- pbo^^mn, pnlTtnxed, iwtu. lOz, and dfaride nteioorpowdera; Ibed oa* ateiy ether nigbt for a I â- :' • I I fr«l 'til Nature dooma my death, O pie I fe«l Hii Pity givee the blow T%t are it fall*, ah, Hature I take mv breath, .And my kiad maiter ihall bo aurrbVf know. HZOTS FOR HORSE ' OWNERS. Sunfiover Seed for Horses. â€" The sunflower aeed is very healthy feed for the horse, and Kboold b« given in quantities about lialf apint a day during the winter and cpring, which will iwise them to have a sleek coat, and will keep tbem in good liealth and ppirit. It ik cotiaidered ly many who have tried it to be a preventative if h*aves, and several have claimed to have cared heaves with it, ai well as cough« and distemper When used for heaves, riix two bushels of oats and one of the fvd, and liave it ground, then feed two quarts of the mixtnre, wet with water, three times a day. Always remember to feed hay and water a« wc direct iL the treatment of heaves in another place. A Horse's Foot. â€" A horse with a poor feot is viay times almost worthless. One of the most frequent causes of poor feet is injillow- itg the blacksmith to pare the hojf t'o much, «'fpecially the frog, which never should be jared under any circumstances. BaOcy Horses. â€" The tnot effectual niethod cf starting a balky horse is to divert his atteii- tjcn so he will forget that he does not wish to craw the load. This may be done in v.irious w^ys. A stout string twlstsd around tlie Icreleg, so as to cau*e some pain, and to crop the circulation for a short time, may live this re«ult. Unhitch the horse from the lead, and turn him around rapidly several t.oes until he becomes dizzy. Tie a string (j-tund the far. Give a handful of grass, or a ;ump of earth or sugar, or, in fact, anything but whipping, which will have the effect to c'iT«rt the attention so the horse will forget liis wcrk. Bott Destroyed by Feeding Pctaioes. â€" It is claimed by i-cme that bots will not live but a »hort time '.f placed in grated potato, and itat horse" have been relieved from attacks of tois by simply feeding four or six quarts of potatoes. .\t all events, it is well known that {ctatoes fed once a week are excellent for tcrses. rh* Quantity of Food Required for a Horse. â€" For ordinary work, a httrse of average size rboold be fed IS^vounds of oats, or other grain ^ood, and 15 to 18 pounds of good hay but, if {Iriven on the road, 2 or 3 pounds of hay, morn- ing and noon, and 8 or 10 at night, with the fame quantity of grain. IAc€ on CattU, Horse*, or Dogs. â€" To rid an udbiCl of lice, apply a small quantity (the size vf an ordinary pill) of meioiuial omtment to ecme part which the aaimal can not lick. Charcoal for Fotels. â€" Place an ear of ripe com into the fire, and allow it to remain until it has become well charred, and feed this to ^cur fowls. It is much better than ordinary ciiarcoal, and will give health and vigor. Btack-Leg. â€" This disease attacks young and thriving stock, and usually proves fatal unless Been and treated early. The symptoms are those of plethora, fever, and baiting on one limb. Give at once half a pound of epsom salts and a teaspoonful of ginger. It is claimed by some that saltpetre, given occasionally, is a prereotative, or, if given in large doses, after the attack, ia quaatities varying from one to Jbur teaspoonfuls, accordiag to the age, is quite iure to effect a cure. ' ffoven, Drum-ieUy, or Clover Bloat. â€"This is a bloating of cattle, caused by overfilling the paunch, and in too quick a time, before the stomach has time to act upon it. The symp- toms are swelling of the ^hole left side of the beUy. rneatmemt shovld begin as soon as possible kr erâ„¢ ig every fifteen minutes, one teaspoon- All -«f 7ul««riaed oharooal in a pint of w»tpr« tflhir ease should prove to bg one wljicb,wouid OM yiaU to the above tr^aUnent,. ^|^n f«p tk« bcom^oAamimMi by plupging a- sh^ imfe intoj tiMi«A«idft.i» • downward an^ xawtM direo- tiooipm a point equally distant from the hip- boa* the last rib and the latertj, .jirocessos «f 'Ite teakbone. The knife ^uld remaiA in tba opeoiac untU « quiU c«a be ioseited fofXtte gas to pass througb, when it can be w^thdrawik Care should be ta2ten not to let go .of. t^ quiU. A tiaosj avd cannula can osually be pbtainad iron a physician, which i^ the best instrument that can possibly be ^(ttai^^ for this purpose. Sulphur for Animals. â€"Vfhen taken inter- nally in quantities of about a teaspoonful once a week witl;i food, sulphur will keep all kiads .afji^attl»ft9t fhm lice, and yMtootes the gjifigfaX fc«»;th. ,One teaspooij^ul is sulflcJent ^r ten or twelve' hens, or tliree of four sbeep ir pi«s. Tke salae iqumntitor o' ebaivofl can No. 4. â€" A horsaaHa with whom I am aoquaintod says he has carsd aavenl easaa at heaves with oil tar. UagireaHieofdlâ€" ycaaea taaaroonflgeverf oight, or evenr other aigki, by pooiiae it oa to the tongue, and then (iviiig soast grain, whick carries It into the aloinacK He says be has givea vwvhad eases ftps or three tablespooiaulii at adoaa, aBafiaixl rriiJti He reports it to be th* b«t remedy ia me, and aleo eood for any cough, or ta put a horse in good oondiuon in fw^t. itia Ua " cure aQ." Contxacted Hoof or Sore Feet No. 1. â€" Take equal parts of soft fat, beeswax, linseetl-oil, Venice turneutine, and Norway U'lr; first melt the wax, then add the others, mixiii)^ thoroiij;lily. Apply to the eil^'e of the hair once a day. No. 2. â€" Take of castor oil, BarbaJoes tar and soft soao, equal parts of each, melt all to(,'etlier aud stir while cooling, and apply a little to the hoof 3 or 4 times a week. For Scratches and Orease Heel. No. 1.â€" Take of oxide of zinc, 1 drai-hm; lard, 1 ounce; powdered gtiin beu/.oin,tcn (rraiiis; (tamphor- ated spirits, I drachm. Mix; thoi.oii;:lil_v iiud riili uii twice a week. lu not wash alter ibt-'lii-st ripjilica- tiun. No. 2. It has been ri. ported to ii» llial Keml:ilt' .S|iavlri Cure, applied twice a day, altci- iva-hiim' u* aliov(., will always ell'ca a ciii.' when olhcr nuit-iru.- i'ail. It is wellusuallv to t:i\v oimliiioii .iivci.«: Maltpelre, 4 ouncx-s sulphur, H ouii,.»; ihiiik las, 4 ouines; I'eniijrreek, 12 oimies; j^iiiliau, 4 oiimc-! â- Mix, aud give a tablespouiiful twice a day. Condition Powders. Xo. 1. â€" Ceiitian, fcnugi^ek, sulphur, salpettv, cream of taitar, of each two ounces; rosin, blai k antimony, of each 1 ounce; ginger, liquorice, .1 ounces each; cayenne, 1 ounce, pulverized and mixed thoruuglily; dose. 1 tablespounful once or twice a day, mixed with the feed used with good luccess for i.oujrhs, colds, distemper, hide bound, and nearly all diseases for which couuition powders arc â- ,'iven. No. 2. â€" Fenugreek, 4 ounces ginger, 6 ounces anise, pulverized, 4 ounces gentian, 2 ouuces blat-k aatununv, 2 ounces bard-wood ashes, 4 ounces mix all loj^etlicr; excellent to give a lioisc an appetite. .\o. .1. â€" Liquorice, 4 ounces fenugreek, 4 ounces elei/ampaue, 4 ounces lilooil root, 1 ounce tartar emetic, 1 ounce gin^'er .iiid cayciiue, eai'h, 1 ounce. M i\ and givca lablespoont'iil two or tlit*ee times a day ill the feed. One of the best condition ]xwdcni for any comj^b, otfld, listemper or epizo/tic also leui t'ur heaves. For heaves, 1 uuiiiu^ ul* lobelia and camphor may be added. Ziiniments for Horses. \o. 1. â€" Olive oil, 2 oum-es; aqua ammonia, 1 oiiiiie. Mix; and ald 2 oumcs oil origanum; 2 ounces spirits of turpentine; (oitu«oil uf worm- wood; strongest ul.«hol, 1 pint. J'his iiuiincnl is excellent fur any lameness; alo goo.l fur sitaviii^, ringbones, curbs, etc., if uid wlicu they make tbc first appearance. No. z. â€" Oil of spike, 1 ounce; oil of origanum, 4 ounces; aqim ammonia, 2 ounces; tincture of cay- enne popper, 4 oiiniK's lieef 's gall, one gill camphor gum, 1 ounce; alcohol, 1 pint; mix; used for 1 he same purposes as So. 1. No. X â€" Best vinegar,! quail; saltpetre, pulver- ized, 4 ounces wonnwood,4 ounces. Mix, and steep a dish Will covered; strain and piTss the herbs; valiialilo for liruUfs, swelling, and sp-ains. No. 4. â€" For all piirpos" for which an external liniment is nsed on any beast, or on faumao flesh, we never have ffrand anything tu equal Keiulall'slSpavin (.'lire. Eye^RTiiter. No. 1. â€" White vitriol aud pure saltpetre, of each one scruple; pure sort water, 8 onn"' Mix. This should be applied tu the iullamcd lids .1 or 4 limes a day, uiid^if llio intlammation dfes not tcssnn iu 1 or 2 atiVs it may be iiijncted directly into the eye. Tfie writer lius used this for his own eyes, re- duced half with water aud dropped directly into the ej-e, which would (reuse the eye to smart coasidera- bly foraboutfivc minutes, when he wuiill bathe thecye with cold water for a few minutes, and, by repeating this 3 or 4 times a day, it has gi\X'n the very of satisfaiiion. It does uicel)' many times to just close the eye and bathe the outside freely. No. 2. â€" fSugar of lead, 1 drachm; tinoture of opium, 2 drat tuns soft wa;er, I pint. MLx, and wash the eye 2 or 3 times a day. For Colio. No. 1. â€" Take of gum inyrrh, 1 ounce gum cam- phor, 1 ounce powdered gum gnaiac, 1 ounce cayeaae, 1 ounce; sassafras bark, powdered, 1 ounce; spirits turpentine, 1 ounce; od origanum, (ounce; oil hemlock, I onnce; polverized opium, i ounce strongest alcohol, 2 quarts mix all together and shake oflen for eight or ten days and filter or strain through flannel. Dose from I to 3 tablespoon- fUs, according to the severity of the case give in a pint of milk. We never have known the above remedy to fail of giving relief when given for colic, in iiorses. In many cases where it has been used it has given im- mediate relief even though various other remedies iiad failed of giving any relief. It makes one of the very best of Fain Killers for family use, and we advise all to keep it on hand. No. 2. â€" Take of laodanam, 1 ounce; spirits of turpentine, li ounces. Mix, and give at one dose, in three times the amount of warm water. No. 3. â€" Sulphuric ether, 1) ounces; laudanum, 1 ouace; essence peppermiut, 2 ounces; water, 16 ounces mix, and shake well before giving. CutSk Woonda, and Soraa. No. 1. â€" Take of lard, 4 ounces; beeswax, 4 ounces rosin, 2 otmces carbolic acid, J ounce. Ilii the three first and mek, tbeo add the oarboUc aci^i stirriiw until cool. This is excellent for man as well asbeaat. Nb. 2.â€" TSacfata apium, 2 ounces; taanin, ounce. Kiz. No.' 3. â€" Carbolic add, 1 ounce; soft water, J quart Mix. VOi 4. â€" For cats, faraiaea. wounds, or sores, .., Kendall's .Spavin Ciue, which is one of the beat ap- ^cations Wr diis puipose known either for beast or Saddle W HamaM OaUs, Brtiises, Bte. No. 1. â€" Tincture of Sanaa, t ouaees taaaia, 2 dncbms. Xis, and twite a day. Ro. 2. -- Afaty directly into the Kendo's dpanio Care, as it has « trieil repeated^ ^ith the very iMit results. Anodyaa Daanobafc No. l.r-Tiactaasfl#ofiom, 1 oums starch gruel, louatt Mix. liiO.£â€" SweAspiiitoar aitre, 1 tiaature of opiai% 1 ouace PDU Brfl aad riatalM. Wo. I.â€" Co pf iW ' draehH; Has Tittiol. 3, iksiiMaa. iiiiaiiaiiii salt, 3 dnKhxaa; whiia vitriol, 1 illsriili mix, aad fawder fine. FiU a goose-qnlD wi|jk..lha aoiKdar, and- push it to the bottom of Ac .tfM, bavwg f *ick in the b» of .tttgaO, so IQU you csE push the poniu Mt df Ika duillTMring K at the bottom of the pteei repeat agittlbaMutfoar «»s$*a4la M« or ttra* d^s fiMt fhkt^haa yon eai tdke fesld of the pi|* and ra- *DV* it; iraiiaat tiaobte« li*. 3.~T«kaa«aMllvieQ«aC;hutarcaastas,|dace in the pipe, after being cleansed with soap-suds, tiien fill the bole with sweet-oO, 5b. 3. â€" FUl 1h« «Ht W'Ae bettMB With aabes from burnt ean-eobs; iie|Mat two ar tfiree tinaa if or until a cure is cAected. '..i... J...tlJ' " '.ii i.l-K Bota. Take new milk, 2 qos^ srrop, 1 qnaiC JUx, aad give fbe aAKile; ftso, ia fifteen or tareaiy aainutea lAer, 0*8 »4laf1k of wml, streng ««e tea; half aatiaar sAerlhafcai give 1 «iait of r*r Imssed-oil, •c if ihe oil aaaaott be had, give Ian) iartssAi .-." â-  â-  â-  .•â- â- â- .-.â- . ,^^'ik^. â-  -^ .i*"J»9{"^i:? ^i.« 4iDfw peMcnaint,j[oiiaee water, 1 pinU .Ne. 3 â€" Tinctufe of opiusi, 1 1 Vititsafcamphor,4ounoe} aaiae.i splpkaricether, 1 ennes «atar« 1 Mix. Fuojr aad Olandaia. No. I. â€" Iodide of folaasinm, drmchms; copparaa, 4 drachm; gia^^ 1 drachm; gentian, 2 drachms; pow. dered gum arable aad lyriuk toi^rm 1 baU. No. 2. â€" Calomel, 4 drachm; tarpen- tine, 1 ounce; blue vitriol, 1 dracW; gum arabw and syrup, to form a balL No. 3. â€" S ounce sulphite of soda; B grains Spanish flies, powdered. Mix, and give at uiglit in cut feed for sev- eral weeks ;,giveatthe same time, every moruiug and noon, 3 ilrailims powdered gentian, 2 lra-hms powlciTd blue vit- riol; give the tnediiiues for a long time feed well. This is the best treatment that can le given for these Fever Balls. No. 1. â€" Saltpetre, "1 ' :u.hms; tartar emetic, J drachm tiavsced meal, 1 oiiucc i^amplior, i draclim giuger, 2 ilrai-hms. Mix, and Harm into a ball r. peat 1 lirco or ur times a day, if necessary. No. 2. â€" Tlneture of aooaite, lu draps; tartar cmdtic, I drachm; saltpetre, I drachm; ^lagcr, 2 ib-aehins; Unseed meal, 1 ouooe. Mix, aiul unu into a bill! repeat thwa or four times a day if necessary. Diuretic BalUi. No. 1.â€" Saltpi Ire, 'i iliacluns; rosin, 4 drachms; Castile soap, 2 drachms ' fenugreek, 3 drachms; llaxseeil meal, I ounce. Jlix, and form into a ball. Xo. 2. â€" Oilof juniper, I tirachm, rosin and salt- petr(., each, 2 drachms camphor, drachm cosiile soap, 1 ounce; flaxseed mcol, 1 ounce. Mix, aud form into a ball. Cordial Ball. Xo. I. â€" Camphor, 1 drachm; anise, 3 drachms; tincture of opium, 1 ounce; [lowdered extract of liquorice, 3 drachms; flaxseed meal, 1 ounce. Mix. Astringent and Cordial. No. 1. â€" Opium, 12 grains; camphor, i drachm; catechu, 1 diwliiu. Miv. Xo. 2. â€" Opium, III ^iraiiis; camphor, 1 drachm; r'nger, 2 drachms; castilc suap, 2 drachms; auisc, drachms liquorice, 2 drachms. Mix. Cough Miztorea. No. 1. â€" Oil of tar, given as directed for treat- ment of heaves, is one of the best remedies for nearly all coughs. So. 2. â€"Take of alcohol, pint; balsam of fir, 2 ounces. Mix will, and ald all the tar it will cut. Shake well lefure using. Dose from one to two teaspooululs two or three times a day. Craclced Haela. Tar, 8 ounces; beeswax, I ounce; rosin, I onnce; alum, I ounce tallow, 1 ounce; siUphate of iron, 1 ouni-c; carbolic acid, 1 drachm; mix, and boU over a slow fire, iikim otf the filth, and add 2 ouuces of the s.i^ugs uf sweet elder. Thmah. No. 1. â€" Wash the feet well with castile soap and water, and sprinkle a small quantity of pulverized blue vitriol iu the cleft, aud then fill up all the cavi- ties with cottou uud press it in so as to keep out all dirt, and repeal as ollen as ncx^essary uutil the cure is complete. No. 2. â€" Blue vitriol und copperas, of each I ounce; burnt alum, 2u,imces; wlute vitriol, i uuuce. Mix. Nasal Oleet. No. l. â€" Copporo-s, 2 ounces; pulverized gentian, 3 ounces; clci^mpanc, 1 ounce; linseed uiial, '.i ounces. Mix, ami j;ive I'niin i to 1 tablespouiiful twice a day. No. 2. â€" ^Uoes, C ounces pulverized mix vomica, 3 drachms; flaxseed meal, 4 ouuces. Make into eight powders, aud give one or two each day. 'Water Farcy. No. I. â€" Saltpetre, 2 ouwcs; copperas, 2 ounces; ginger, 1 oum*. feuugix;ek, 2 ouiice.s auise, I ouui-e gentian, 1 ouu- c. Mix and iiivitlc into ei^hl puwilers give two or three each day. No. 2. â€" (icniian, 1 uuncc ginger, J^ ounce anise, 1 ounce ;elc;a:iipaue, 2 ounces; blue vitriul, 1 ounce; flaxseed meal, 2 ouncet; saltpetre, ' 2 ounces. Mix, aud divide iiiio eight puwdere. Moderate daily exercise aud rubbing the limbs are useful. Healing Preparations. No. 1. â€" Carbolic acid, 1 ounce soft water, 2 pints. Mix. No. 2. Mix. No. 3. â€" Tincture of opium, 1 ounce; tannin, 1 drachm. Mix. mid shake well fefore using. Kxcellent ' forg alls of collar, saddle or, iu fkct, for any purpose requiring a healing astringent. Healing Mixttira. CosmoUne, ounces; carbuUc acid, 1 ilrachm. Mix. This is one uf the very best uf mixtures for any sore, especially for such cases as are inclined not taneal readily. To Cure Mange. Oil Tar, I ounce; lac sulphur, 1) ounces; whale oil, 2 ounces. Mix. Uub a little on the skin wher- ever the disease appears, aud continue daily, for a week, then wash ufl^ with castile soap ana warm water. To Orow Hair. Mix sweetKiil, 1 pim; sulphur, 3 ounces. Shake well, and rub well into the duck twice a week. For 'Worms. Cakmrl, 1 drachm; tartar emetic, 1 drachm; linseed meal, 1 ounce f'cuugreek, 1 ounce. Alix, and give in feed at night, and repeat the dose for two •r ttuee times, and follow with 1} pints of raw lin- f Si M t'Oil, about 6 hours after the last powder lias been ftiven- Oreaaa Heal le of ziac^ I4 drachms; water, 10 ouncea; 8 ouaoaa.^ Mix. If there is much dia- 1^ poahice for several hours, followed ' of the above, after cleansing well and castile so^i. The following be given at the same time in the bt, for a week or two Bicarbonate ounce; aneuic, 1 drachm; iodide uf iron, k ounce; fetiugreek, 2 oonces; ginger, 2 ouncesj elecainpaiwy 1 ounce. Mix thurougluy and drride into 12 powdtirs. For PlaUwaai. Hopa. 3owoes; «a il Mdii acid, SO drops; boiling water, 2 gaUoos. Hit Iha ho0 aad carbolic acid with *^ i»^|«pj| watei^ aad oonmel the animal to iahils the steam Cor U or 20 minms at a time, and repeat three timea a di^. Apply a ato^ng mostard nMte to the throat, and place a wtcm poiiltitc over Sepasle. FeedwsmmaahaaaaihaiMTSgetablea; Veep fte slaMe eoailbitably warn SHd the air iwre. Oive the lbBo»ii« powden onee adfiy: Povlared I^raaian baiit, 3 ouaees powlsrad«trtiu.louae; riwdesed oopperas, 1 ounce. Uiz, and iJrndiM into powder*. Thmab. Take white vitriol, 2 ounces; soft wat«% 8 ounces. Mix, and apply to the diseaaed suriaee, after the ragged parts have been cut away and thor- oughly cleansed. Pack the cavities with cotttio bat- ting, so as to keep out oil dirt. For Ringwonk. â- â€¢ ' ^Af/fiX mercurial uintioeot 9 or 4 times a wash. The abowe ent ia a good reprcsentatloa of the Hew Ijibonttory and Manafbctory of Co., Kmoaborgh Falla, Tt., proprletora of'thc celebrated KcndaU'a Kpavla B. J, Koadall Cure. Wl.ite vitriol, 1 ounce soft water, 2 pints. I The great »ucce«« which hn* been achieved with Kemlall'fi 5!paviii Curp, hi all partu of the United States, has never befota lei.n equaffed, and to now coimidered by the ijrut v.-ieriiiary surgeons and moat extensive horse owners in tbe country, lo b.: lb.- i-ranilesi dis.x.^. ry in veteriuary scionreof the nineteenth century. I Xt ia giving the very best Aitisfaction wherever used. ft It d'e« not blister or .aiise any sor,' whi--b makes it a desirable lltUment for jse on roan a* weil I as on bcast.-and it is sure in it.. cffcL-t. I It has nil tM]ual,to onr kuowledge, far npavini*, spIHl'.!*, ringtKine.cnrb, ralluuc, ^praiuA, tw )i- ings, galls, lamaoeaa, from whatever cause, in any part of tbe body or limbs, ami ia alK.^ g,..| ft^r ' cuts, scrauhea, wounds, etc. I As a bouu'liold Bniment ithaano equal; ita effm^t on human ftei-h in raarvellona. Iti* um.I with the mont gratifying reanita in.*aaea of lameneas or any deep-aeate p.-iiua â€" aa in rbenrnaiism, I sprains, atnuna. bums, bruia^i^, froat-bltaa, corns, etc. j The incrsaaad deeaaod for Kendall's Spavin Cure, within the pact thr.-.. yeara, has comp lie.) j the proprietora to build tba hirge and conimoilious buil.ling, repree«'nted above, in whicli tin v I manufacture and Itottla tbe Bpavln Tare. The building is espet-uuly adapted to their, cuiiiaiii ' inie oflirea, and prtvate otBi'ea, advertfaing, printinir, iiiuiiufa.turing, bottling, and parking- d.-partmenu, and now even lb*. Conipaiiv with this apaciou* building, are Undliig thetaselvea barely able to meet the great demand made on them fur .their preparations, and at ah early day ttu-y ezpts't 10 have tu enlarge their laboratoriea, as now a large amount of their work has tu b^ done outJilde. Uuch could le aaid to ahow the great aucceaa already a..bieved, but we give tHlow. roplea of a few lettera from proiuiaeiit men who have uatsl the Spavin Cure, which abowa plainly, lu a few worda, what repetatioD it haa, by partita who are perfectly familiar with it. Office of O. W. Voorhln. Proprietor HanUramck Driving Park ami Park Uousef DCTROIT. ificH., April 12. INI. B. J. Kf^idai.i. S: 'o., G*nt'*: â€" The "Tre.atise on the Dorae and hia Diaeaaea" you ^-ni me ia at band, and think it a tlrat.claaa 1ook. Your Kendall'M bpavin Cure 1 have used for the laat three yeara, and think it the beet medicine I ever saw for tipavln and dpliot, and will fre«dy recommend it to ray friends. YoUFa Kaspeetrully, U. W. VUORHIS. FROM COL. L. T. FOSTER. Y0l-?«C8T0ir Onto, lf»y 30, ]W0; Dr. B. J. Kendall Co., (j^nt*: â€" 1 hftd a very valuable Tlambletonian coH which I priz«3 very liighlv- 11*' bud a laryc bne-«partn on one Joint and a imall one on the other, which made hirii Vfty fame I had him uittier the char^ of Two veterinary t-nrfeona, who fkiled to cure him. â-  1 was one day rfadiiig tbe advertirteroent of Kfiidiill'a ripariof 'urtiiii the" ChicafoEzprasn.' I d*'t«*rniined ut tuice to trj- it. and ^t our druggif^tit hereto send for it. They ordere«l thn-** Itolllea I took tbera all and thought I would ^ve H athurougb trial. I uaed it accordingto directions, and the fourth day the colt ceased to be lunie, and the lumps bava disappeared. 1 uaed but one bottle, and the colt's limbs aro as free from lumps and as smooth aaany boraeiti thel^tate. H*^ U entirely cured. The cure was so remarkable that 1 let two of my neighbors have the renuilnliif two boUlea, who are now using it. Very Ketpeclfully. L. T. FOSTER. FROM A PROMINENT PHYSICIAN. WAaBiicOTONViLLE, Oaio, .lone 17, 1Mb. Dr. B. .1. Kendali. Co., Orntt â€" Reading your.a4vertiaement in â- â-  Turf, Field, and Farm," of Kendiilra Spavin Cure, and having a valuable and spe«dy horae which bad been lame from .pavin for ei^itei.ii raontha, I aetit to you for a bottle by expreaa, which in aiz weeka removed all lameneaa and enlargeineul, and a largi- apllnt from another borae, aud both boraea are as Bound aj* colts. Tbe one bottle waa worth to me one hundred dollara. lleapecifully youra, U. A. BKRTOLBTT. M.D. ' KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. ZlOJfSTILLE, Tkd., Not. 31, 1880. Dr. B. J. Kevdall JE Co.. Gentt: â€" I hare yob r valuable Treatise on 'the Horse and hia Iiwases, and your Keudoll's Spavin Cure, 'ii.y horaus have the episootic. One of them could not swallow for two days. I applied your Kendal Ts Spavin Cure twice to her throat and it gave moat instant relief. I thiuk I conid aell 1 .000 of your bxMiks. Pisaae give prices to agents. Yours truly, HKTKR BOWEN. HARRiaBUBG, Pa.. Nov. 18, 1860. Dr. B. J. Kendall Co., G^nU: â€" I have a very fine mare that has had a bone spavin for a long time. 1 tried every thinif man could tjevise tc cure il, but all In vain, and was about to give it up when a frie'id of mine iu this city came to me and recommended Keitdall's BpavlD Cure, which I triad with grand results, rerauvin^ thai hone clear and clean; and I s«nt 20 ceuts to you fur one ofvuur illustnit4*d Uttrse I{ovks. and I think there is no b«t«r book printed ou the horse and his diseases. I have taken great iatereat M I't and haw since sold 18 copies fur yoa to my neighbura, and wfll try aod do what good 1 can by getting them for o^era. Tours truly. G.W.MILLER. STATEMENT MADE UNDER OATH. To xehom R May Concern â€" In the year 1875, I treated wtth " Kendall'a Bpavin Cure," a bone apavin of aeveral moutha' growth, nearly half aa large a* a hen'a egg, and nomplaiely atopped tba lameneaa and removed the enlurgement' 1 hl\ve wi.rked tbe bora..- eT.-r a4ice very bard, aod ba never haa been lame, nor could 1 ever eee any differeuce in tbe aize of the Loi-k-iolnta alnce I treated him with •' Kendall's slpavin Cure." K A.QAINB8. KsosvuBuu Pau.*, Vt., Feb. 25, 187». Bwom and aubaeribed to befsra ma tUa 2itb day of Feb., A.D. 187t. JOHN O. JENHX, Juatice of tlie Peace. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. Fbemont, Ohio, Jan. 2S, lUl. Dr. B. J. Kenoall Co., Gents: â€"I think it my duty to renderyou my tbanke for benefUa andprofiu which I have derived from your invaluable and far-Camed "Kendall'a Spavin Cur*." My coualn and I had a valaable atallion, worth M.dOU, which had a very bad apaiAn,and waa pro- nounced by four emioent veterinary aurgeona beyond any cure, and that the horae waa dona for ever. Aaa laat reaort, I advised my couain to try a bottle of EeudaH'a tipavin Curs. It had a magical effect; the third buttle cured It. and the horae iaaa well aa ever. Dr. Dlok,af Kdinburgh, the eminent veterinary aorgaon, waa an uncle of mine, and I take great intaiaat ia aaaiating hia profeaaion. Youra truly, JAMZ8 A. WIUBON, CivU JVi^iiMar. We feel eonSdent tbat we apeak the truth when we aay that no Hslaant was arac d l s ua n w sd that worka ao well on human lleab aa Xendaits Spavin Cur*. ALMAin, N.T., Sqt. 2S, 1(80. B. J. Kewdau. S: Co., Omtt; â€" Saidoaed find 2X oenta for your recaoUy publiabed boraa book, the revised elitioii. I have oaad your Ken.UII'a Spavin Cure, la bad caaea, with varyflaa reaulta, and 1 would not be without h for f. nr liniea tlic amount per bottle. It ia agtially aa wal for man aa for beast. 1 fell from a high tree about four yeara ago, aad have meipiainad of Bay back ever aince, until about two iBontha ago 1 began using voor KendaU'a ^^avla ^ua, aad bana not been aMe to complain aince. My doctor aaya tbat be bad expaatad me to be a erippla for life, aa he could not do anvthing for my aplne. I'leaae to aend the book to L OOTHOCT, ALBAirr, N.T. vj BAXEBsniXD, Vt., Dae. 2S, 18M. B. J. KXKDAix fc Co., Qt»Xt. â€" \a the apriog of 18o2 I alippad on the ice and aprained my rl^t limb at tbe knee-joint. 1 waa very lame, and at timea have a jffered tbe moat excmciattag p2o since. In April, I87ii. I began to tbink I abould be a cripple for Ufc. I uaed oae.italrd of a bottle of Kendall'a Bpavla Can, and experienced reUef at onee. I feel very grauAiI to you, and would reoommaod KaadaU'a 6pavla Cure to all who auffer with aprahia or rhenmafiam. Youra truly, MB8. J. BODTEIX. BAVAxaaB, Oa., Dae. S, IMo. Dr. B. J. Kesdall S: Co., (7ni«.-â€" Snetoaed plaaaa And 2t ecata for which aand bm one of your new boraa booka, aad oblige. I have triad your Kendall'a Spavio Cure In a fiaaa of rfaev- maoc conk and find it ao excellent remedy. Youra, etc., ate., J. W. BDHT. Wist BnosBinMlB, V*., Vth. U, Mtl. Dr. B. J. KanAix k Co., ffni(«;â€" Several monthaafo I tiijnred aiy kBaa. et ti t wblcb caoaed as enlargetneat to (row tbe aize of a large walnut, and caoaed me very aevara pain all tbe tlmatorfotirorllvawaaka, w*aBH»g an toaaaKeodaU'aBpaatnOTe,wththe awi a»aa t li fa « iln ry maalla It baa x iin f ti s al y re»ova tbe aalaM am ant aad atopped the l a mene aa and pain. I have loMkaowaltlobe ateaUeat for boraea, bat now I know It to be the beat Mnlma-t for hamaa flaah tbat I aaa aoqoalntad with. Toon tr^, T. P. LAWKSHCB. iz: ..»vj. KmMJAIsI/8 SPAVIN CURE hw aad p aw ai f u l _^_ Xil*aS«saf As la aura In ita eCtata, aHId In Ita aetioa, aa tt doea aotbliaier, yatS* to reach every i h i up â- Â«â-  » paiil'«r I* win a aay bony growth «r " apaatoa, apHaSa, earta. saHoaa, i p iaiB^ sweHit^ aod aay jdolaarlaibStOrfw rhevnatiaaa iamanaadforany porpoaefoSwMck maaorbaaat. It la now known tube tbe beat Bniment for man aver e^rtsCsiBluenett. fiaad a dd r aaa for â-  h MWIi d Claoalar. whteb. we think, aivaa aoaittva UMaedyhaaaasrmaitwahaBflh MBa Ma lltU i l a nno iaitooBrlmiia l itp, Price tl per bottle, or aWboWaa for • AlUniadatahavamr â€" aa itar s» «tlt wB beatUawraddaaaaea iH t of uriaaby tbe pnyriatocs, OB. B.aaRlA£L* OO, its • Eaoabu ,Vt. O* HB-*" ' lOS .Tf!i-- â- â- ::^- .-- i-i; .1 •». -L- '%. 'â- i *iiai.a'aa ***«?..

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