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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 17 Feb 1882, p. 3

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 "W^- ft !z! h t^ o o r • C3 O o 3 g'v« O o V a: '93 CD S3 S3 n "â€"1 o H "r" ft n -i^Afi^E â-  ^/ ARRI\ED. ' â- ^rOGK. LATEST 3E8i: .-^' ..•1 F'rnraes. ' â-  .• 1 lAta, â- X I ';-Tme«. .. "'y. ..!.!.• a. -.ov/ne's Gallei \i.viii c»Fn;«. 66: I. i:i yi.iir o' ...iitit fi«e. ivtiiiug new. â-  â-  1 »i il fnrni.h yin â-  I ;,ll. Ii:; f. r.UIllJ. .:- I .â- â€¢11. li"d li.v an^ It' I ii»r. if yoii want I I ,11 i!i:ik. ;.ri'f»t pny I I ,!â- ' for p'rticular*! I' rtlBii.!. Mnin*. I or Billoaa llrnfl* Irbr. Hrartb L SiiuncIJi' t'tomru'i, Ll»«r I â-  ^.-ising from tbel t •.(•-.i-:*. Tbeyir*] i:3i:.cir»clion. Trail ti â-  "^^*iJ i:p.itlun. \-J: 'h.n. :!:77in«-s», Hra ' â-  â- - ' i-ri.:tli. t-"" I .I'l !.. ,t l-Ml.r loTiiK SUKFJ Eioii«ioliold Pal • I I, i.fViiiK \nnu. iK't il. It i-iufi vain in S,.r, riir.Mt. nheai '.,\ -I ... :fi.l nny kin.i i 'I v\ I iii...-t surely quifl il. n~ it- .\etinr i()«'fr ::r...\trs Ui)n~«-iioi«i rj vl .r-. r^is till' ;.'re«tPn 1.:. tli.vtreii^;.h of i!!i. lit ill tlif world. V hi-i "iv for II e W-*^" .. • 1- ill.' l..'.-l rfiii.«ty in • 111 til.' S't'ii:iai-Ii, linil m|;," iiiiJ i" 'or -t 'â-  I .iit-i u l)OCtIo. Mothers r: Mo^ i:^.l St '^^i-Oit ami â- , M.-k (.-l.ilil "ff .â- \riu-i:itiMB |«»in â- â-  .It once iiii'l UCi »i 1NI.)\VS SU)THINtij .: iiTlu-jxMir little suffers I- ii.l upon it lliere is "â-  I lu-!.- i- not a mothe" • \Lr ti-oil It, who willn it It a ill rt'f; •'â- Â»'« «!'». !• theiuofher. and relief^ 1. opiriitiiisliKC m«pic- f. to ii-e in all caseM,:iuJ •.U'l'l i-, the pre-oriptiOii, -t uinl lip«t female V^T^ II 111.- r,ii'l States. "â- " c-i nts n bottle. t I. !i 1 I: old Great ch« money ' always ta r- 'I inaiu-vs for making â- T rtil, ^.-itirriillT beconie »« whu i) not improve at in j^nerty We wart ma Iioy^.-iml j; iris to work r own localities. Any one I rb)ifly from the tirot will p.nv more than ten tij â- Â». Expensive outfit furn .vlio engages fails to n |i can tie vote vm r whole tii I'lyyonr spare moments. Il and all that is ne«ded ••nti l»»o)i Co., Porflatwi Htia^-' :«j] *W â- V^"" V «^ m '7^ TT*;* *•* â- " ' t\JXi. W BSE 10 THB fUFItAmrUiBED MB MAfltEB. Ilie IbUowiDf T«w« were foand la • ••Knigrasu, ele.."aa»baiilre!uilfl(^M Tbe msMer i» mU to imn beta Kar. Mr. ftller Bcvnl^, iaHlHMk, BdcIumL w. .Aad moM tkM ti my daoa. â-  I â€"rtw. â- â- ! r And wiUttao kill thy MTr^t, aX aMyoor? A«Uela^«butU« 'fD«l Iky 4e«. Por Midi tt iMi n* to babeid Ikto BlM% It ci^aM aarala Ma »iinl*S Am^ Aa*lbi|«r aaar 4le â- pot wtera I waa bra^ For.^l totbtnkafwbatwabothenja^ In aagr lUVa prhaa, an I 'â- aa old and Mor, inMtftaai «faaMad son to ara aaui^ â- y fnetou toaator aa tkU baA I bsra. TMaa told tan yaaia ha*a daaM eo down aloB(, Maaa am tbaaa way-wora Haba to tbaa I ^Ma; Bwm â- iniayyaatal wban ba*b of na wera ygaatâ€" nakindeat aaator, aad «ka bvpiaatalava. iUaal I feci Hia ITatura dcoina ny death, ne! I fcelHii TfiC: I Pity glvaa tbe blow it rWu. ah, If atUR I take my breath, .And By Idnd maatcr daB BO lurrg^ ksow. mm^ FOR HOBSE TlfOWllERS. Sunflower Seed for Horses. â€" The sunflower aeed 18 very healthy feed for the horse, and tiboald be given in quantities about half a pint a day during the winter and spring, which will cbuse them lo have a ileek coat, and will keep tbem in good li«aUh and opirit. It il conaiderod " ly many who have tried it to be a preventative (f heAves, and several have claimed to have cured heaves with it, aw well as coughs uiid distemper When used for heaves, mix two bushels of oats and one of the feed, and have it ground, then feed two quart-s of the mixture, wet irith water, three times a day. Always remember to feed hay and water a" wc direct iii the treatment of heaves in another place. A Horse's Foot. â€" A horse with a poor foot is many times almost worthless. One of the most frequent causes of poor feet Is in allow- itg tbe blacksmith to pare the hojf too miirli, ♦"fpecially the frog, which never should be fared under any circumstances. Balky Horses. â€" The most effectual nieth«l ci starting a balky horse is to divert his atten- tion 80 he will forget that be does not wish to craw the load. This may be done in T.trtoiis Wi.y8. A stout string twUted around the Icreleg, so as to cause Some pain, and to ttop the circulation for a short time, may bave this result. Unhitch the horse from the lead, and tura him around rapidly several t.iaes until he becomes dizzy. Tie a string ucund the ear. Give a handful Of grass, or a iamp of earth or sugar, or, in fact, anything but whipping, which will have the effect to divert the attention so the horse will forget his wcrk. Bots Destroyed hy Feeding Potatoes. â€" It is claimed by (•ome that bots will not live but a thort time if placed in grated potato, and ttat horses have been relieved from attacks of bots by simply feeding four or six quarts of potatoes. .\t all events, it is well known that {otatoes fed 'once a week are excellent for torses. Tkt Quantity of Food Required for a Horse. â€" For ordinary work, a horse of average size sbottk) be fed IX^Kiunds of oats, or other grain food, and 15 to 18 pounds of good bay but, if driTen on the road, 2 or 3 pounds of hay, morn- ing and noon, and 8 or 10 at night, with the same quantity of grain. lAee on Cattle, Horses, or Dogs. â€" To rid an frmnt\ of lice, apply a small quantity (the size of an ordinary pill) of meroiuial ohitment to acme part which tbe aaiiul caa not lick. Charcoal for Fowls. â€" Place an ear of ripe com into the fire, and allow it to remain until it has become well charred, and feed this to ycuT fowl.9. It is much bettier than ordinary charcoal, and will giv« health and vigor. Black-Leg. â€" This disease attacks young and thriving stock, and lunally proves iatal unless seen and treated early. The symptsma are thoae of plethora, fever, and halting on one limb. Give at once half a pound of epsom •alts and a teaspoonful of ginger. It is claimed by soote that saltpetre, given occasionaHy, i.S a prctvntatiTe, or, if given in large doses, after th« aMack, ni qoaatitiM varying from one to four teaspootifuls, aeeorAiag to tbe age, is quite iure to effect a cure. Hoven, Drum-belly, or Clover Bloat. â€"TVis is a bloating of cattle, caused by overfilling the paunch, and in too quick a time, before the stomach has time to act tqwn it. The symp- toqw ass. swelling of the i^riule left side of the â-  .wuy. •" """" ';â- .â- 'â- â- â- â- â-  TVwtimwf ahwild begin a* aoon ai possible ^,^itiiig,«!KTj 6i0tTitoiD^X»a, one.taaapooa- flili«f yidmnsw4 ebarooal in » pi^u^^. i^atMv. ' ]£4ii»«MB ahAuUpMveto be one w^ji^^^if^Bld oM^yiiaU toitbe abwe tvaM4^ntn|te9 tSP'..^ I Jsiom^amimai^ pliwgiBg « sbf|f9,:^^^tuita I illMiJaft aMftiis « 4ofaaprad an^. mjwa alrM ,. i»(Mtoto»**w(t««uj|j^yiUat(wtj5rsB»the hiftj l»i«a**elf*HBbl»lst*e ^**fT)JK?^^^ f' I thAtedcbmMirv »• Jkn^fc ^li)»iflOrtWft to tha oiMaiaC wrtil a, quill caa,_P« ' f Vo fiMW *hrv'g*T. when it can W vjMidrawto^ Cflr»th»«lAb« ta)(en not to let »jd!:.|te q«iik ....A'«woai',awd caanola can janally pe fXtiiatA frnn n pjiyrifian vhicli.i« the best instrnment that can possibly be ^^Ui^i^ fox this ^irpoa« ALSABLE ttECaSffTS. .Itiushel 0. 1.â€" BWMtowerae« tltustiel oatB,2 b««H Mix, andgiiad tosetkar, aUfecd twoaaaiu tt\ j^ttoe ti «taaaia*yr are hay mi. wat«r r4» Wo. aâ€" gnek, equal parts of* one* or tirice a 4br. ted^BHlnitintolla So»^po4*sni7Sil wildtomip, fara- anenue, and ginger. â- raaa toblespoaaftil STiHwiliiaaHHn raMMTlflz, awl dMde raigiitfbra No. 4.â€" A h I wiia wMh wheat I am aegiiaiatad says he baa carai aaveral eaaaa tt haavea with aff tar. Uagif«aiiMor«aATeaaaataaapwiaftla*an(, oight, avareiT aAar night, by pooii^ it ok to Ika tongue, and tfaea giviag aaiaa gtsia, which o«riea It into the ""»^, He says be has givea Tagrhad caaea taw or threa tablcspoonfuU at adoaa, wthfrraod remdla. it to ba tka bat remedy u we, and tried repealMll^ results. lie _^ alao ^Qod tor any cough, or to put a liorae in good eODdtfioa t n fact, it ia hia " cara all." Contracted Hoof or Sore Peet Xo. 1. â€" Take equal parts of soft fat, beeswax, linseed-oil, Venice turi|eQtine, and Norway Uir 6rst melt the wax, then add the others, mixing thorouglily. Apply to the el};e of the hair once a day. No. 2. â€" Take of castor oil, Barbadoes tar and soft soai), equal parts of each, melt all together aud stir while cooling, and apply a little to the hoof 3 or 4 times u week. Middled HarMw4aUa .fculaea.' Ko. 1. -J Tincture of aaiMLt ' 2 dRMlims. Zi^( a day. 2. 4)Mr diraelfy iato tha «as«l Anodym No. l.-Xartri»aro-ta», 1 starch rniel, Iquart. lEc KX-s»«rspiiia«rahi^ 1 tiaatnreofr-' For Scratchea and Oreaae Heel. No. I. â€" Take of oxide of zinc, 1 dra!lun; lanl, 1 ounce; powdered );iiin beQi'.oiD,ten ^rraius ism|)hur- ated spirits, 1 drachm. Miv thoi-ouvhly uud nil on twice a week. Uo not wash alter the llrst apjilica- tiun. No. 2. â€" It li,as leon rcpirt4d lo ii» that Kf mlall' Sfiavin Cure, applied twice a iliiy, uf\er wa^hin:; us above, w ill always etlcct a ruri- wiicn other nuuj|ie fail. If is well'usuallv to (.'ive eiimliiiuii i.ivci saltpetre, 4 ounces sulphur, 8 oiiiicei.; eiip|n ras, 4 ounces; feniipreek, 12 ounces; ;;.iiiiuu, 4 oiiiuc-. Mix, aud give a tablespouiiful twice a day. Condition Powders. No. 1. â€" CfCiitian, fenugreek, sulphur, salietiv, creain of taitai, of each two ounces; rosin, blaik antimony, of each 1 ounce ginger, liquorice, .3 ounces each; cayenne, I ounce, pulverized and mixed thoroughly; dose. 1 tablespoonful once or twice a day, mixed with the feed used with good success for cou;hs, colds, distemper, hide bound, and nearly all diseases for which condition powders are given. No. 2. â€" Fenugi-eek, 4 ounces giufrer, 6 ounces anise, pulverized, 4 ounces; geutiau, 2 ouuces; black antimonv, 2 ouuces hard-wood ashes, 4 ounces mix all lufjetLer exceUent to give .â- Â» horse an appetite. Xo. .3. â€" Liquorice, 4 ounces fenugreek, 4 ounces elecampaue, 4 ounces blood root, I ounce tartar emetic, 4 Olln^e (riufrer and cayenne, eai'h, 1 ounce. Mi V and i;ivc a tablespoonfiil two or three times a day iti the feed. One of the best condition powders for any couz h, roUl, distemper or epizoJitii? also exccl- U-ui I'ur heaves. For heaves, 1 uuuix uf lobelia auil cuiuphur may be added. lainimenta for Horaes. No. 1. â€" (-Hive oil, 2 ouik'CS aqua ammonia, 1 onnce. Mix; and a«1d 2 oiiim-os r,il origanum; 2 ounces spirits of turpentine; (ouui^oil of worm- wood; strongest alix)hol, 1 pint. This liuiinent Ls excellent fur any lameness; also 'Ouil fur s|iuviiis, ringbones, curbs, etc., if used wlieu they make the first appearance. No. 2. â€" tJil of spike, 1 ounce; oil of origanum, 4 ounces aqua ammonia, 2 ounces tinctm* of cay- enne pepper, 4 ouik-cs beef's gall, one (.nil camphor gam, 1 ounce; alcohol, 1 piut; mix; used for tbe same purposes as No^.l. No. 3. â€" Best viuegar, 1 quart; saltpetre, pulver- ized, 4 ounces woi-mwood,4 ounces. MLx, uml steep in a dish well civered; strain «nd prcvs the lierbo; valuable for bruises, swellinfs, and spraiiw. No. 4. â€" For all purposes lor which an external liniment is nied on any beast, or on humui flesh, we never havo found anything to equal Kendall's ttpavin t.'me. Eyewuter. No. 1. â€" White vitriol aud pure saltpetre, of each one scruple pure sort water, woanoey. Mix. This sliould bo api^ied to tbe iutluiaed litis 3 or 4 times a day, ami il* the intlammation does not lesson in 1 or 2 oays it may be iujoeted directly intf tlie eye. The wriltir luu used this fur bis uwu eyes, re- diicel half with water aud dpuppt'd directly into the S'e, which would cause the eye to smart coasidera- y for aboutfivo minutes, when he would bathe the eye with cold water for a few minutes, and, by repeating this 3 or 4 times a day, it has given the very best of satiaiactioD. It does uicely many times to just close the eye and bathe the outside freely. No 2. â€" Hugar of lead, 1 drachm; tiactnre of opium, 2 ^«chms soft water, 1 pint. Mix, and wash the eye 2 or 3 times a day. For CoUo. No. 1. â€" Take of gum inyrrh, 1 ounce; gum cam- phor, 1 ounce; powdered gum gnaiac, 1 ounce; cayeaaa, 1 auoca; iiausa f iaa bark, powdered, 1 ounce; spirits turpentine, 1 ounce od origanum, ounce; oil hemlock, ounce; pulverized opitmi, ouBca; stroioreat alcohol, ^quarts; mix all tasether and shake often for eJ^ht or ten days and filter or strain through fiaunel. Dose from 1 to 3 tablespoon- fUa, accxxrding to the severity of the ease; give in a pint of milk. We never have known the above reme1y to fiul of giving reficf when giren for coUc, in horses. In many cases where it has been used it has given im- mediate r«lief even though various other remedies had failed of giving any relief. It toakas one of Uie veiy beat of Pain Killers for famUy use, and we advise all to keep it on hand. No. 2. â€" Take of landanom, 1 onnce spirits of tuiyentine, 11 ounces. Mix, and give at one duae, in three times the amount of warm water. No. 3. â€" Sulpboric ether, 1) omeea; h 1 ouaoe; eaaesce peppermiiit, 2 ounces; water, ounces; mix, and shake well before giving. Cuts, Woonda, and Soraa. Na 1, â€" Take of lard, 4 ounces; beeswax, 4 ounces rosin, 2 otmcea carbolic acid, 1 ounce. Mix the three first and aidt, tbaa add the aarbolic acid, stirritHi until oooL TUs is escelleot for man as well asb^ ' No. 2.â€" TSaetota apium, 2 ooncea; Uaaln, ounce. .Itis* No. 3. â€" CarboBp acid, 1 onnce soil water, Jl quail Mix. mo, 4. â€"For cats, braises, woonds, or sores, ^^ indall's Spavin Cun, which is one of the best a^ ms lor this purpose known either for beaat or Sulphur for AmmaU. â€"Whan taken inter-. ti|^iiafgt.^rB«obai'asfte«ia«ar nally in quantities of about a toaspoonfhl a week witfi food, sulphur will keep all ;:c[f 4dtealaft«* f«B lire, and y aatabtes tka 1 (l.V -, ^^x- » "ltonewuulk,2qu8*t»;s3rrtn P^o^'^vVrns""«'^otVJ?^'^*^^ •^ i^ pi«a. ne tataa.iquantt^ of cfaawofl can ^,j|fr;,^/B»Mil^,wim,-^TJ«»jp^fWf'?^-l ' lum, 16 FtiB arfl «irt rtotiila. iroi"l.-^C ap| MM, l ifcattaa; Uaa viltiol, 3 ' lb II iiMaa ' salt, a draehMu «Utoi»Ml SMki*( mix. aad vawdar toe. FiU gay-i^ ft attttlMtelm «f the Mwt Moaat febf^Mlnrih w ar B«t difs ^^y«« «S«*i WdaC ba fipa and M- Mtoaaiii^hrMani'hwiUai' ' Mib a.^Vlka/i«aNil«ieQe in the pipe, afte- W a tu reof opian^ 1 ooKa; peBBan«iitJowtee;walcr, Iniitt. iia.S.â€" TWkiR of ophuaTlou Vuitsafcaiapbar.iounoet airise.i. 4bhanc-ather, 1 eaaaa; waMr, 1 1 Mix. Farqjr SBd OUuidM*. No. 1. â€" lodidaof ^otaMfaiB, draehas; oopfasaa, dradoa; giagi 1 dradmt gaatiaa, S dtacfasx; pow. dered gam arable aild ajm^ to Ibrm a No. 2. â€" Calomel, 4 drachm; totpen- tioa, I ounce; bine vitriol, 1 diaenm; gtna aiabic and syrup, to form a balL No. 3. â€" i ounce sulphite of soda; 6 ' grains Spanish files, powdered. Mix, and give at uiglit in cut feed for sev- eral weeks ;icive at the same time, every moruiug ami noon, 3 dr. 'ims powdered gentian, 2 ilrachms powdered blue vit- riol give the mediciues for a longtime feed well. This Ls the be«t treatment that can Iw given for these diseases. Fever Balla. No. 1. â€" .Saltpetre, ij clra-hins; taitar emetic, J dnu^hm Havsi;ml meal, 1 ounce camphor, drachm giugei, 2 di'aehus. .Miv, and iatm into a ball n peat threoorfiwr times a day, if necessary. No. 2. â€" Tincture of aconite, 10 drape) tartar emtitie, (drachm; aahpaire, 1 drachas; rager, 2 ilra^ma; linaeed meal, 1 ounae. Mix, and ntui into u liall repeat thiea or four tiaaw a day if aaeilssary Diuretie Balla. NJfc I. â€" 8altpire, 3 iliaclims; rosin, 4 drachms; casllla soap, 2 drachms; fenugreek, 3 drai;hms; flaxseed meal, 1 ounce. Mix, ami form into a ball. No. 2. â€" il of juniper, drachm, rosin and sall- petrt' each, 2 drachms; camphor, J drachm; castile soap, I ounce; flaxseed meal, 1 ounce. Mix, aud furm iulo a ball. Cordial Ball. No. 1.â€" Camphor, 1 drachm; anise, 3 drachms; Uuctiire of opium, 1 ounce; owdei°ed extract of liquorice, 3 drachms tlavseed meal, 1 ounce. Mix. Astringent and Cordial. No. 1. â€" Upium, 12 grains; camphor, i drachm; catechu, 1 drachm. Mix. No. 2. â€" Opium, 10 (trains; camphor, 1 drachm; f'nger, 2 drachm:,; casiile soap, 2 drachms; auisc, drachms liquorice, 2 drachms. Mix. Cougli Mixttiz«a. No. I. â€" Oil of tar, given as directed for treat- ment of heaves, is one of tbe best remedies for nearly all coughs. .No. 2. â€" Take of alcohol, i pint; balsam of fir, 2 ounces. Mix well, and add all the tar it will cut. Shake well liefure using. Dose from one lo two teaspiioutuls two or three times a day. Cracked Heela. Tar, 8 ounces beeswax, 1 ounce rosia, I onnce alum, 1 ounce; tallow, 1 ounce; sulphate of iron, 1 ounce carbolic acid, 1 drachm mix, and boU over a slow fire. Slum ott tbe filth, aud add 2 ouuces of the scrapiuga of aw eet elder. TbmalL No. 1. â€" Wash the feet well with castile soap and water, and sprinkle a small quantity of pulverized blue vitriul in tbe cleft, and then fill up all Uie cavi- ties with rottou aud press it in so as to keep out all dirt, and repeat as often as necessary until the cure is complete. No. 2. â€" Blue vitriol and copperas, of each 1 ounce burut alum, 2 o,imces w lute vitriol, ouuee. ^lix. Nasad Oleet. No. 1. â€" Copperas, 2 ounces; pulverized gentian, 3 ounces; elecampane, I ounce; linseed uieul, '6 ounces. Mix, and ^ive fiMm to 1 lablespuuiiful twice a day. No. 2. â€" Aloes, S ounces pulverized niu vomica, 3 drachiaa; flaxseed ueal, 4 ouuues. Make iiMo eight powders, aud give one or two each day, ^RTater Farcy. No. 1. â€" Saltpetre, 2 oum^-s copperas, 2 ounces; ginger, 1 ounce feungrcek, 2 ouuces auise, ouucc geutiau, 1 ounce. Mix and divide into ei^ht powders give two or three each day. No. 2. â€" (ieuliau, 1 ouiu:e ginger, J ounce anise, 1 ounce elecampane, 2 ounces blue vitriol, 1 ounce flaxseed meal, 2 ouuces; saltpetre, 2 ounces. Mix, aud divide into eight powders. Moderate daily exercise aud rubbing the iiwbs are u;rtil'ul. Healing Preparationa. No. 1. â€" Carbolic acid, 1 oiiuec soft water, 2 pints. Mu. No. 2. â€" White vitriol, I ounce soft water, 2 pints. Mix. No-'S. â€" Tinctuv of opium, 1 ounce; tanuin, 1 drachm. Mix, and shake well before using. Excellent foigallaof collar, saddle; or, in fact, for any purpose requiring a healing astringent. Haalinc Mixtnra. Coaaoline, 8 ounces; carbolic acid, 1 drachm. Mix. This is one of the very best of mixtures for any sore, especially for such cases as are inclined not tohealreadOy. To Core Mange. Oil Tar, 1 ounce; lac sulphur, 1| ounces; whale oil, 2 ounces. Mix. Kub a little on the skin wher- ever the disease appears, and continue daily, for a week, then wash off with castile soap ana warm water. To Srowr Hair. Mix sweetroil, I pint; sulphur, 3 ounces. Shake well, and rub well into tbe,dock twice a week. For Worma. Calomel, 1 drachm; tartar emetic, i drachm; Unseed meal, 1 ounce fenugreek, 1 onuce. Mix, .and give in feed at night, and repeat the dose for two ar tliree times, and follow with 1) pints of raw Ua- aa e Aailf about 6 baurs after the iMt powder has been giwn.] Oraaa* HeaL of tin^ 11 drachms; water, 10 ooacas; 8 ouaoaa. Mix. If there is much dia- Sf poahice for several hours, followed of tbe above, after cleansing well and castile so^i. The following be given at the aaate time in the ht, for a week or two Bicarbonato ounce; arsenic, 1 drachm; iodide of iron, 1 ounce; fatugreek, 'i oaace*; ginger, 2 ounces elecampaai^ 1 ounce. Mix thorpugUly aad divide lato 12 ptwdt». 'â- \ *•• Tha abawa eat U a good rapreaentation of the Kcw Laboratory aad Mannfketory of C«., EBoalmri^ Falla, Vt., proprietors of the oclefearatcd KcmdaU'a KpaTln B. t. Kaadall Core. The great aueeeas which has been arhieved with KecdaH'o â- Spavin Cure, iu all parm of tbe United Stales, ha« never before been equalled, and ta now cuimidereU by ibe'Iirpt vi.rerinary •iirgeoiia and mo»t extensive horw owners In tbe ooudlry.'iu bi' tb.f |-raiileKl ilis'^ovi ry in veterinary science of the nineteenth ceniury. It is giving ihu very best satisfaction wherever used.. â-  â-  It d'es iioi blisU'r or cause any sore, which makes it'a desirUiIe liniment for use on man as w«il as on teast,-aiid it is sure in itn effect. it has no iHiual, to our kQowl«dgc, for spavins, splinu, ringbone-curb, eatluua, sprain,!, swttl- inifs, gnlls, lai na naas, from whatev-er cause, in any part of iLe body or liDibs, and is «lhi g'oo.i for cuts, scratches, woonds, ate. As a household Bnhnent il has no aqnai its elTect on human flevh j« raarreilciis. It is ijs«-d with the most gratifying reaalts Incases of lamt-uess or any deep-fteatel p:iit.s â€" ,is in rlieufnatism, sprains, Mnlns, bums, bruises, frost-biles, corns, etc. The inoreaaad deotond for Kendall's Spavin Curv, witbin tbe pact tbre" years, h:is conip Ile.I the propriatora to balld the larae and cutnnKHfious buiMing, rf^re«ented above, in which tbt' manufactnra and bottia the Spavin Cure. The building is especially adapted to their ;m, cuntaiti iiili; ulflres, and private offices, advertising, printin|(,^nanufacturing, bottling, and packing dcp.irtments, and now even the Comp.-iny with this spacious building, are tinding themselves barely able to meet the great demand inaae on them fvr, their preparations, and at an t4rly day they expect to have to enlarge their laboratories, as nuW'a lai^ amount of their work has lo be done ouutde. Much could be said to show the great sucoess alread' achieved, but we give helow copies u/ a few letters from proiuineul men who liave u«i-d the Spavin Cure, which fbews plainly, in a few words, what reputation it has, by parties who are perfectly familiar witL it. Office of O. W. Voorhiit, Proprietor HanUramek Driving JHark antt Park Hou»e. UrraoiT, Uicn., April 42, TMl. " Treatise on the Dorse and his Iliseases ' you isenl me is FROM COL. L, T. fill the hole with sweet-ofl.' m. «^ ni ' «i«^«Mni» "^At «ith ' oraotfiawia tjti^, 1 qsatt. Mix, and 'lilted e»Na««Mi««(iMnl,atzaaK^ig* tea; half ' ivaiqpMftor; B. J. KE;UAi.t. Co., Gentt: â€" Th at hand, and think it a ttrst-claa* book. Your Kendall's Hpaviu Cure 1 have used for the last three years, and think it tbe best medicine I ever saw for Spavin and dplint, aud- will freely recommend it to my friends. Yonis Respectfully, (J. W. VOORHI8. FOSTER. YoiKGSTowjt, Ohio, Way ]0, 1680. Or. B. .T. Keniai.l tc Co., GenU: â€" I hod a very valuable nambletonlan coH which I prized very liighly. Uc had a large bone-spavin on one Joint and a small one on the other, which made him very lame 1 had him under the charge of two veterinary mrgeona, who MIed to cure him. I was one day reading the .advertisement of Kendall's Spavin«'ureinth«"ChicagoKiprws." I determined at once to tr' it, and got our druggists here to oend for it. They ordered thns* bottle* 1 took tkiem all and thought I would give it a thorough trial. I used it according to directions, and the fourth day the cuH ceased to be lame, and the lumps have disappeared. 1 used but one bottle, and the colt's limbs are as free from lumps and as smooth as any horse in theHtai«. tic is entirely cured. The cure was so remarkable thai I let two of my neighbor* have tbe riouainiiig two boUlea, who ore now using it. Very Respectfully, L. T. KOSTIia. FROM A PROMINENT PHYSICIAN. WaaRiiOTONviij.c, Ohio, Jane 17, I8M. Or. B. .1. Kendall 8C Co., Ofntt â€" Reading your odveniaement in â- â-  Turf, Field, and Farm," of Kendall's Spavin Cure, and having a valuable and speedy horse which tiad t«»en lame from kpavin for cigtitet-n months, 1 sent to you for a irattle by expre**, which In six weeks removed all lameness and enlargement, and a large splint from an^iluT horse, and both horse* are to-day as sound as colts. Tbe one bottle was worth lo me one hundred dollars. Itespecifully yours, Q. A. BERTOLBTT, ll.b. I KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. ZI05SVILLE, IMD., Nov. 31, 1880. Dr. B. J. Kendall k Co., (rente: â€" have your valuable Treatise on the Horse and his Ilisease*, and your Kendall's Spavin Cnrv. Uy liorse* have tbe epixootic. One of them could lKt swallow for two days. 1 applied your Kendall's Spavin Cure twice lo her throat and il gave most instant relief. I think I could sell 1,000 uf your books. Pleas* give prioe* to went*. Yoars truly. rKTKR BOWBN. HAaaiaaL'ac, Pa., Not. it, 1880. Dr. B. J. Kendall Co., Grnt$ â€" I have a very fine mare that ho* had a bone apavin for a long time. I tried every thin^ man could derioe t0 cure it. but all in vain, and was about to give il up when a friend of mine iu this city came to me and recommended Kendall' Spavla ' Cure, which 1 tried with grand results, removing that botie clear and clean and 1 sent 26 cent* to you for one of your illustrated nrse Books, and 1 think there is no batlar kKKk printed on the nurse and his diseases. I have token great interest in il and have slnee sold 18 copies for you to my iicighbura, and wfll try and do what good I can by getting them for utfaers. Your* truly, a. W, tllLLKR. STATEMENT MADE UNDER OATH. To whom h May Concern:â€" In the year 1876, 1 treated with " Kendall' Spavin Cure," a bone *pavin of aeverml mouth*' growth, nearly half as large a* a hen's egg, and oompleiely atopped lb* lameness and removed the enlarffeacnt. 1 liavc worked tbe kiorsc ev.-r sitice very liard, and ba never ha* been lame, nor couidl ev«r see any difference in the size of tbe bo-k-ioints einca 1 treated him with " Kendall's Spavin Cure." R A. OADTSS. KNoaarauit PaLLa, Vt., Feb. Ki, 187». Hwom and subscribed to befera ma this 2ith day of Feb., A.D. 187t. JOHN 6. JSNHX, Justice of th* Feoce. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. Fbemont, Ohio, Jan. 25, 1881. tnoirtard â- cm yoidwe over boiMTtKetabias; HA'tbeiHigpaM. (Si: For PtolMiBW's HapBi2«Bnaaa; imlaJ i s acid, SO dnipa; boiMng water, i gaUona. Wet tba hogp aad carbolic acid with tba basiing watet^ and aaanel Oa aaistol to iaMa tbs steam for UoraOminittM at a tfaae^and repeat three timea a dqr. Apflyaa' "-* nisto to tlo throat, and place a warn niepasla. Peed wann masbs «tep fte sMHa esttfatabiya Gtva tba Mki«fa% pawdun ance a4|^;«w«nH ftiaaian faarit,2oaacaa;pawiara4MtWsjkoaaaa; Mwd aacd eopperas, 1 oonoa. Iij4tid wVy a f i am I powders. .. ' i TfenxH. ' '7 â-  Take white vitriol, 2 ouitoes; soft wata^ 8 ooDces. Mix, and apply to the diseased auriaee, after the ragged parts have been cut away and thor- oughly deansed. Pack the caaikiea with cotton bat- ting, so aa to keep oat all dirt For Ringwofi*. "'O' •â-  "• Aanlr mercurial uiatMeatX«r4tlHp«#M|t' ' Dr. B. J. Kenoall h Co., Gentt: â€"I think It my duty to renderyou my thank* for beneflta and proflu which I have derived from your invaluable and far-Cimed "Kendalr* Spavin Cure." My cousin and I had a valuable atallion, worth $4,UOu, which bad a very bad (panniand waa pro. flounced by four emineDl veterinary eurgeous beyond any cure, and that the hor*e wa* dona for ever. Asa la*t resort, I advised my cousin to try a bottle of Keudall's tipavin Cur*. It hiidamaaical effect; tbe third bottle cared It, and the horse i*aa walla* ever. Dr. Disk, of Kdinburpi, the eminent reterinary snrgaon, wa* an uncle of mine, and I take great int a r aa t to aaalating Ills profcaaioa. Yours truly, JAMES A. WILSON, CieU Wttglmsm. N. We feel that I speak tha_aruth whan we say i a nosh 8 3t DC witnoui n ror luiir times luc amount per ooiue. it i* equally a* waa I fell from ahigh tree about four year* ago, sad bava iTrarimalntd of ay ibout two raonlhs ago I began using your Keodall' ^avta tSm, and bava plain aioce. My doctor say* that be hod np s*as d me to be a eripBla for AXBANT, N.T., Sept. 26, 1880. B. J. KEiSDALLd: Co., riifi Â¥aiilisi 1 find 2.S cents for yow reoaosly published horaa book, the revised edition. I have aaa4 your KeHdaIl Spavin Cure, ta bad c a* e s, with vary flaa ramlu, and 1 would not tie without tt for fuiir times the amount per bottle. It I* equally a* wal for man as for beast. I fell " Iwck ever since, untii about t ixX been obte to complain aioce. My doctor say* that he hod np s*as d me to be a erippla i life, as he could not do anything for my spine. I'lease lo send tbe book to CUALKS L OOTHOUT, ALBxirT, N.T. BAaaasriELO, Vt., Dec. SS, 1880. B. J. KBiltAU. Jc Co., 0Ms;â€" In tbe spring of 1862 I sUppad on tbe ice aad sprafawd my ri^ Uasb at the knee-jolnu I wa* very lame, and at time* hav* saffered tbe moat ezerodatii^ DUO sdoee. la April, I8T8, 1 began to urink 1 should be a erippla fsr UfiL I need nar third of a liettle of Kaadall** Spavla Core, and azpeil*DC«d relief at onee. I faal vary gratohil to you, and would reoomaMBd KeadoU's dpavio Cure to all who auffer with. sprain* or rfaeomatlana. Your* tnily, â-º MBS. J. BOOTKLL. SavahkaJI. Oa., Dae. S, UK. Dr. B. J. Kendaix k Co., gsat* â€" Kneloaed plaaaa find 28 oeats for wUeb asod laa one of your new bor** book*, and oblige. I have triad your KeodalT* Spavin Coreln a caaaof ihev- matlc goot, ood find it an ezoelleat remedy. Tours, etc., ate., J. W. BOHT. Waar Kiwa atia a a Vv., fhh. U, IHI Several month* ago I iirtnred ay haaa j a to t wUeh large walnut, aid caoaed ma very aever* pais all the aaa KendaU'a BpaMaOara, wttb the aoauaualaatory Dr. B. J. KanBAiA ft Co., Gente â€" aaad an aalargeiaeat to grow tba aize of a tha*lbrtoaror«Tawaalt*, w%aB H saaato a Saks It h» I s a ij isls t y r aasovad tbs aalaaasmant aal atoppad tba lam » ns as and pain. loMkaowatttob* sKeaOeat for horse*, bat now I knowlttobe tbe beat Hiil»«rt fii fiMhthatlamaoqnahaad with. Toatntr^, T. F. LAWBXKCB. â- ' d *i:.' c ..»»i-j • BpaMaOara, with tbe aoauatlabatory atoppadtha lam»nsa* and pato. I hav* w It to be tbe beat MiilMsrt for hnmaa KmmXAl0l/8 SPAVIN CUBE â- ittag and yawarfal aweWt^ and any I iiniiiiMs'ani's«^atiTi»5w tt Abl in aad tat aay porpoaa forwhleh »IWbmbs la «aa m' lebaat Unhn' foroMu aver u*af aafli(MI tal â- * lasars in itseSMa, aaidhiHaaetioa,as It doea aotbtisier, yatg Is to reach every i uup i s aail pall'*a* to lam a aaany bony growth ar "' 1, caiha. sa B aai. ap fflBr rbinaaiisas is now known to bathe Saoabnvi nib, Vt. .1' s "I n VK::. _::_.!. -.--L " I. I aas mm h tmittm "-- ^â€"- wmm

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