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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 17 Feb 1882, p. 1

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 i Ir' !• P I J i I J ai T«rMtoi^irA]f I Irietfi. GOING SOUTH. «*B SbBuJ. ilapart 6.15 8 S' p.lP. it-Mklord fi.iO •.m. 3.5o p.ia. "^«UTu^th 5.55 ajn. 4.10 p.«. \rjott rt.l/S 4 Itl p in. WJIlAiaafjril 0.17 «.m. 4.3-J p.m. Cvrklr C.Sta.m. 4.45 p. a. 4«rx«H 6.45 a m. 6.03 p.m. 71et'ie."u.kl'He*rille 7.05 t.m. S.'lo p.m. J'r.a.n 7.l»«m. 5 40p.m. ftiU'k 7.n».m. 5.54p.m. i 'l)irn« 8 U'i a.m. 6 2c p.m. ' :r a'jie'i 8.15 k.m. 6.34 p.m. Tairal 4.9 i a.m. '«ii{fv.!l« Jauetion 'l!lBTILLt Arr T» •â- part ' .Mton' '"i»r'.««ton Uoad olton t'eiubiTf v\ uodhndtft ii amber Huuimil. itiiiery A'Mtoa CarltcD. .. 8.4A .m. M.SSam. .. 9.00 B.m, S 15 a.m. 9 4' a.m. .10.")B m. .10 12 am. lf.25ii,m. 10 3.' a..*. lo'aVa.m. .10 50 a.m. .10 57 a.m. T"-onto. Vnion St'ii.lI.lS a m. .MAKKDAIjE 16lh Fbidat, feh 1881. Fionr 6.00 to 6.25 SpriuK Wli»at per binh., new l.'JO t£ 1 24 Fall do. do. cio 1.16 to l.-.'o itarioy j.ea â- ' 0.8O Uati 0..35 " 0.37 i'aaa O.M • 0.71 ;i.uto*«. 0.60 •' 0.71 Gutter. rei H) 0.15 â- â€¢ 0.15 r;w«, l-n iloz. O.ltl 0.18 fori liiBHBe'l 8 00 " HJS h-M 5.(J0 '• 5.50 tie*»e p«r lb. 0.07 '• 0.00 Pucks, »r i»«ii 040 ' 0.40 K...W1' Jitr (.air O.fJO •' 0.00 Turkc}*, p. r il. 0.07 •• 0.00 S!ier|».kiDi 50 i.r.5 Mil« 7.25 â- â€¢ 7.50 ir»n t*d 2 -.o • 3 0' Hay 12.00 •â-  1400 Wool 0.22 • 0.00 Tre'iii App/i"' I'T. l.iitliel.. 0.7* " 1.00 L»r.l 0.10 • 0.14 ThIIow 0.07 '• 0.08 D. 1 75 ' 2.00 fiM to ftitt ^Mfe tin uuMuity, md ^07 hsw fkWB time to tinM met it â€" ajwâ€" â- tonoâ€" diatotad In ordu to oparal* tba ioog linM of railway with aome itgtm ot waittj, each Mpaimto manager haa bean oblig- ed to ignore the difCarent local timea, and arbitiarily adopt a special time for the movement of traina on the ^le cial lines nnd-^r his charge. The rail- way guide books publiah at least seven tj-five regular chosen standards of time, employed for tlie running of grains in the United States and Can*- 0.5O p.m. da. Every city and town of import- 7.00 p.m. ance has its own time, occasionally coinciding, but frequently differing from the nearest railway standard. The public have been obliged to sc- commodate themselves to this irregu- lar system, but it has become exceed- inely inconvenient and irkson.e, and a scheme which will introduce a time system characterized by uniformity and simplicity cannot fad to be cor- dially welcomed. For the reason ' stated an earnest movement has be- I gan in America with the view of es- UabUshiog refcvm in time-reckoning. I The question is engaging the atteu- tioo of the Canadian Institute of Sci- ence, the American Meteorological Society, the American Society of Ci\il Engineers, the American Association for tlie Advancement of Science, and other Societies. The community gen- erally and the great railway and tele- graphic interests are being awaked to 0.00 ' its importance. It is felt that tlie 7.10 p.m. 7.80 p.m. 7 42 p.m. 7.52 p.m. 8 22 pm. 6.35 p m. 8.47 p m. 9.0O p.m. 9.07 p m. 9.12 p.m. 9 25 p.m. 9.32 p.m. 9..')0 p.m. Mtffwd Rnjlwtd. Tiiat this Dinsicn havs •B«e«i^ to »*• "°^ **f" '° A* lattar pKt at Jibm '£1,0 wai â- atli~t of tiua Orangs viU ka haU •* Eogwia, ths 6th of Joiw. at 10 o'tloek *. m. Jon Won, See. [W« paUktei tba Itat of effiasrs lsstwMk.1 HoHcaâ€"Ws wish J» ^mntfttj « » a e" »na that we 4o aet ImU MiMlm t ii whT J* to tbaopiaiona question ib one in which all countries have an interest, and although it has presented itself, perhaps more promin- ently in America than elsewhere, it is eminently desirable that Americans I casiou. Messrs. Carey and Thomn- should take no narrow view of a scieo- »on sung some very choice pieces. A tific matter of world-wide interest. It reading by Mr. C Graham, Dundalk, i.i held by those who have seriously was well recieved, also, a recitation A poatihaaiar it i" r--i to (;â- â€¢ notice I consiJertd tlio subject, that a Solution by J. J. Crombie, which was well rend- T i.»iTB» ir. t.irr.;,,- tli- pej-r doe.s not an- ^f ij^g nioldein which would be good tred, nnd the excellent sineing of Mr. »-r I .e aw.i «!; -n -;:' •, il»r Jo- « not 1 for .America would bs advantageous Daniel Stiachan, contributed much It is considered toward the success of the »vening. that in ii;tioducing a reform in time- 1 We were much pleased to see so many Ai .V |«?non will) tiik.^s a par'"" from flip reckouinfj in North .\merica the sys- 'â-  young people from Dundalk, and very iri'*-*. " i«»:tii»'r dm rt^-d lo Ilia naine or i ii i i ..ii ,, 1 1.. „i „„rii.^,i „, tern should lis such as would com- ,,'r, or wli* i;i»?r r' i;a" MUusrnljoa or r»aj»oi;fl;i .(• for the j iiv. mend ilsolf generally; that it should If uur i..-r».ii or.I. rs li s ap-r diicon- ba ouo wliich I'V its appropriativeness I III' mil t l'»v »!1 iirriKiat'i's. or t!ic ' i- • ' " ,, i -brrrnHV .â- ..„-„,.,.• to ,..,.! it i.Qtil pay- andsimphcity would have e^ery pros- iimii' uiii fW. .1 ili wli-le aiuouut, pcct of biiiig' adopted ultimately t 1- lulnTi from trie ollic-e or uot. « i • i â-  leijil ,ii.-..-it:.i lanco until throu^'iiout the world. A highly im- pUanM witii petition of If mbts. AUtt â- ad Wii^t, relative to mpatatad puitioaa of reaerres two and {oar. En* geaia, pcaying tbe Oovenunmt to grant eaid portkâ€" of wttd n t mr rm to the Artemesv' Apitmitmwl Sooiety, free of charge, and that the Beova and Clerk Bgn tbe Muae and attaoh tba eocponUe aaal tlwBto â€" carxiad. CoaneO a^jooxsad to meat on tba firat Monday in Itaieb, when Path masters and other monieqwl officers will be appointed. W. J. BellmmIj Ckrk. PHOTON COUNCIL. sraciAi. mnmo. Honieipal Connail of Protoo mat at McCoilongh'a Hotel on Feb. 6th inst., to take into consideration a petition presented to jconfirm the agreement between tbe Grand Trunk and T. G. B. Railways. It was moved by Mr. Agnaw.seconded by Mr. Bobinson, that the petition preseD*.ed be signed and sealed co be- half of ihe Council by the Reeve.â€" Car. Conoeil adjoomed to 7th March. RIVER VDSW, MEL ANCTHON. From ear Correspondent. On the eveaing of Wednesday, the 8th inst., in connection with the Methodist ^Church, one ot the mott successful eutertainnisnts of the sea- son was held. The church was filled I to its utmost capacity. After tea be- 1 ^o be brougght into market, namely, ing servt-d, Mr. Brown was appointed j gr(en and drv wood. Noir, nhea chairman, and addressss were deliver- grgjn ,rood sejls at 75o to 80c per ed by ths Rev. Mr. Potter, Dundalk, and Mr. Deans, Shelburne, both ad- dresses wers excellent and well deliv- ered, being most suitable for the ce- fe^,odinaoinaca-aathv»» V^ for writing tba •*«»-^^t; Slpapan- Bat i» Oaprey the t»ta» Smo wh«.the m^ oftb. C«i.cawdltakeidaoe. ^.^ to have auggaatioiu thrown out. « qnertion. pot which in.7"^.-*; Lk. ehanga. or improya««.t. » oar and would .ay. lat a. bear from you again. KDCBEBLY. ;^"*^ or in my px-,withaU before, M good a lini- 2^^bo bava wnltan Silt there netar waa aa eontiDM 5J»TiSr-r«a- beast ever SOLD AGAINâ€" BUT NOT BY ST- JACOB. TotbeKditor. ' \x. This time the aell was on vie wood qneetion, and thinking others might be in the same fix. with yoor permisaion I woold lika to giva shape to a few thoughts oiTthe subject. Farmers, as a class, have long been proverbial fer honesty, the many stories about grain frauds, etc., to the contrary notwithstanding, but wlie- tber it ariaea from the ineraasmg in- tereoarse hold between them and the yillagsrs whereby they are becoming contaminated or not, I shall not pre- tend to say. However. I have come to the conclusion that it is bsst to watch even a farmer to sm that you get what you buy. Two clasaee of wood are supposed Mr. Editor. Perhaps yo« d«o[t know that we have had a Baptiat Tival in Kimberly, but such is the S,L It occurred thu. Tbrse young sents and ladiea were emoying a !teU npon the rink on the pond, and tTvary the sport the ladiea «»ated themselves upon a alei({h, irhiie their male companions hitched themselves op and drew them along the i«e. Bna- denly when Roiug a good speed. oracK went the ice un -er the genU' fee*, but thay bad sufficient headway to shoot over tne spot. Not so with the slewh wiJi its freight of beauty. On it came and in it went s bjectmg tJie young ladies to a involunUry baptism. The tliree gallanU returned and „,4aetl«« ^•^ ^t.C.At.a. Borton.Mi» ^^" LIKE A MiJBDEB. DoMUK, Feb. U.-Several mem- J^nolnuiy of deteriorated food. :U?S'^f TUian their youngest daughter. Tba 2ok of the food are progressing favavourahly. UEXPECTED SUCCOR. ,BOVID.«UL .Sc'a^OF »IIIFWKECE«. TOTAOXBt. At o'dock on the morning of the 80th of last December, the steamer Mot^. of the Allan Uue. bound .SEWftPAPEP. L.\W3. ••v.' Il « |ia;*r out of tin- of.c- •. Binl state the rKBWjin for il» ii'.l 1,1 n.' t ik-u. Anv iiP({lcct Jq otju.i- coUUtrics. •O ii n'l II skcK ini- ), 'i.ia-tir reispoUBible to Inr piibliilM'r* f. r tli» piivim nt 2 u. trying to pull their partners fo, Liyerpool via 'l* "' ""l" " ^utthJv broke through and were them- ]h„ way from """"'*. ^^J J.'i^.t wives baptised, some it is said beirg pi»ce. ran ashore on ^»'« '""'r;" IjEted^to the ortbodox ceremony o J,.,t ot Mud Wand, ^om. btU»n S immersion. Luckily they «! mU" from the town ofYaiUioulh. goVout and went home, as tkey should No,a Scotia. A "^f '"^,^f„, **^ 5?le? so solemn a ceremony, sadder. Uowing at the time and a I'^^vy ;ea and wiser for the "dip." running, and the "t""f" "" J"" ?] i nenl It was found that the forward Icompaitments had filled with water HOW TO ESCAPE DIPHTHERIA, {^j^^ders were given to hghten cjirgo I while preparations were matle to lanU 1. Avoid tho atmosphere near the ^.^e puBaeiigers on tbe Island, witU wetter, Moititor. disease. Especially I's this important bu[)ply of food and clothing. The lor children, whose' throats are more j^pjiug was salely effected, but the liable to take on the poison than those ^^jj ^j^ lut^use and some of the of adults. So matter how mild ths j.^jt^ ^^re severely Irostbitten. On case is, keep children away from it. .^i^q guip'e inauifeht was a cmisigu 2. Do not premit any persju not Qj,jjt ^,i yt. Jacobs Oil, which ih cord, dry wood, as a rule, brings $1, which gives the seller a return of from 26 to S3 per cent, on the ontlay. to say nothing of the difference io draw- ing, which will add Irom 5 to 10, _. » ., „„„. _. _- more according to distance, this, 1 1 even a dog or a cat to come from the Toronto House of A. Vayelai to., ., w i .â-  r 41 room wiere there IS a CAse of diph-^altimore, Md., hud just shipped to think, Dught to satisfy exen til. rapa- I ^j^^^.^^ ^^^^ p^^^^^ ^^p^^^ to it jv^^e.^ Newberry Sous, London, cious business man. yet to make tbe ^j^^^j^j ^i^infect his clothmg, and ,o ^ji ^ugiis,, orders. The part it matter a little better, a thurd class cf! bsthe his body, and wash thoroughly pi^yed in llie c.itasirophe is de» wood is introduced, and being some- liis hair, and gargle his throat, before tjj^ following article, whi( or i bed hich what at a loss for a proper name fori l.e comes into contact with a child â-  ji'TM (if.ii '•• n' ,\.u«-iil i« loa'l r" K.rn AiirKt \S t, li-rMiiio, W W. lilTCHr.];. yianayer, lOrirtJ t rAri^ V* i Ivertinuinefita fo :« '»|.er. ',1 Bi' aifri'Hi, ail- i»'i-i vc i a" tlii* â-  ill* (oiiowini; r«|iiri KTii Mak'aziuvi ',*••*»• ',i..i,i- [.er T«ar. M,%.1.- â- â€¢ wctm.iii. foroiilfl \V««klT r.l,,b». par jaar. it n Iton '• Sni.i'taior " .|Miiri-al ll.'il'l.t W. .kly St:ir. M. •i^.IlKlT 'a'lala F*i ni**r " I3«iitift* Vmarvaii " H'lXTRl.Tll. I-armiT* Ifi'i-af. wt' v»»r, '\i 1 rrai AtrridiltMimt " «*i ). 111.: Hum pcrtaiit feat TO of the movement is to employ every means to render tbe i«y.slem generally ucceptable, so that whenever the necessity may arise in any other community for its introduc- tion, it may be spoutanoously adopted; a course calculated to secure ultimate an J complete uniformity in all coun- tries. I shall 1,'ive in brief an outline of a pri po.-iition for defining and rcgu- laiiig civil time which is favored in (|« qnarttri in Canada and iu the I United States cf America. tliHnkful to them for services render ed. Proceeds amounted to about $50. GREY DIVISION GRANGE No. 2 .ffio« •7 00 The above Grange held their annu- al m( etiug in Dufferin Hall Msrkdale, ou Thursday, January 26th. The following delegates were present Georgian No. 13, A. Gifiord, J. Long. Sydenham, 14. St. Vincent No. 15, B. White, H. Palmer. Victoria No. 25. T. Brooks. Woodland No. 50, A. Webster. Arttmesia No. 259, J. Weber, J. I. Graham. N«w England, No. 312. D. R. Ellis. Orange Valley No. 326, H. D. 1.00 1.00 l.nt 1. 10 1.'I» 1.0(1 120 1. It is piopo.sed to one 'msrkdale No. 884, T. Mann, T standard time which will be common j Elliott. 1 1 all jH'ople throughout the world fur j Huvthorno No. 861, H. Keid, D. coinmunicatiun by laud and sea for Armstrong all ordiua'A' purposes, for synchronous $1 no 'â- â- O. ^â- ^U^ idav. Fehrarv IVtli, 1882 iil.Vol.l lioM/.INii •ri.MK. MVMiti'llI Fl.FVINd S KV.i.l MSNT 1 J„. ;^.|"mMi.- !i -Tillill.-- will' 1 i\ rii;i. Imi and for all scicutific pur- poses This htaudard time is to be 1.50 i kiiuwu as "Cosmopolitan Time." ' •'" j 2. Cosmopolitan time to be based on tho diurnal revolutions of the earth las deterniiucd by the (mean I sun's jiassage over one jiarticular meridian to be selected as a time-zero, ii. TliC time-zero to coincide with the jrime meridian to be com- tnoii to all nations for computing loiij,'titudc. 4. The time zero and prime me- 1 idian for Jjie world to he established tioii- Ih, ,iHe of h',l.:inl. V !i 111 of niilwnv.saiiil ^^"h the concurrence ol civilized na- ln'cn rst;il)l'.-lK'i • uiinrn-i.i! inn.litious II \iiinslv \i.-led ill â-  huiiiiiii raru. i\e atlceloil til" 1 â- I"taiice. ill a uiaiiiier whioh shows lut a »v.-,i 111 of notation which we •I i\o nilu-nt'ii IS ikfective that it ;i;.ds ti' fiiii)ii. ciiiisfs loss of lime, ..III distiirli.-^ Ilir iiiTaii;,'eiiie;it of Uuv- !!â-  v» and lii.-iiu "-s nioii that il fre- • iilly n lilt' ill loss of life, and .;» to iliOiiiiliiis of va ions kinds: â- ;i! iii'di r tile eireiiiiislanees wliich ii" •'.â- ll.iwiil the iXtciisiTe eiu[ilo\' •i.I of sli .nni .uid eketiii ily as means â- â- Jliid eoiunni licition. it is^'eaeraly .|i| r'i'n.-ite. Thiii iiuestion has ;,'enci-ally. lid soiial and ' •"'• Twcuty-four secondarj- or stand- whicli never "I'd hour meridians to he establi.shed, III. history of fifteen do;;recs or one hour distant Tin sf f lulitioiis from each other, tho first loiug fifteen ikti.ns of time and degrees from the prime meridian. J. C. TO Bl CONTINUXD. I AUTEMFSIA COUNCIL. Council met in the Town Hall, 1 I'leshcrton, Feb. 6th. j Present, ^u.:srs. Christoe, Webster, Klliolt and Pedlar. j Miiintrs of January session read I and aiiprovcd. letter from Father Cassin, of Piii-evillo, presented and read. j IVtitioiis prjsetued and read as fol- lows :â€" From the several hotel keep- I ers in the Tow^nship re License Fee. ..f i« I. eanie a iiiaUer of fjreat ^Vallaee .Armstrong and others regai'd- Ik- iniportaiiee. nnd attiiition is ' in j; a certain nsd division. M. Akitt -...n.slv directed to the simplest and «"' ^»^" Wright on behalf of Arte- ., I.;." an. of leuicvin- an iinpedi- "'esm Agnculiural Society re^srding lioveninient reserves in tugenia. Messrs. Sullivan and Kelly waited upon Council re Separate School. By- law No. 8,H9, for limiting the number of tavern licenses and the amount to Ii to coiiinierce and giMiernl in er- e. The system which we follow hich has been followed for ages, ,.iiie uii.l'iectiiinah.o half a ceii- â- ,, ^1 â-  1, „ o. be paid therefor, introduced and read i,'i), when the eleitiie telegraph I â-  .. i .• .â-  j ' the requisite number ol times, and or- .inUiiovMi and the horse was al j,.,.j,j ^^ ^e signed, sealed and ougross- si the only locomoiive. The sys- q\ i,, Jiy-law book. II is based on tiie tlicrv that time jilati'd e\i ivwlier.' by the pa.ssage siiu over the ineriiiian of each ito 1 icaiity tiiat the period be- I â-  il any two solar passages, at any idace. is divided intj halve.*, .n :;s aiiti iiu ridian and iast-in.,- an. each half being divided into • i«-e iiours. an i the two halves • • her constitutes a day. .\ccirding recognized iheory, as .ilready 'd, every sjiot on the of ' Ltlw i ilitTiriii.r ill hm.'titude has â-  • ioculiar to it.sclf. Except on the â-  J meridian there are no simultan- ',•• •• days, or h ur.-, i luiiiutes. Ev- Li: the d.ivs .tiul .ii. isioms-cf the • •_, vary, a:id ih v are iulin- ti- In the c.ise if North .\merica l::' couti oi;i c\t.i.i i iicrofS one hun. !. J and live dv-'re s of longti'ude. 'â-  hill i.a estrei;; eastern and west- limiis it i.. â-  s-il'U; to ilraw many '.. u:;t:ids Ml; 1 lii.i .ct nifi'idians, .and ' '.j.viug ray:.ily liie prL-scribcd theory ' iiM' hnvc a» mniiy thoasiuiJstond- I .a I i tiaie, u t two ;)!' v.'hich would .» lit iviii; .:iy. 'i'l.t r..;l,r:.y 'lUth ri- »'!â-  Moved by Elliott and Webster, that the Collectors be paid $22 each, the auionnt of their salary; also $1 each aspo-tajje espenscs â€" carried. .Moved by Webster and Elliott, that John Hazard, to enable him to return his roll, receive an order for f 9.68, being taxes against Father Cassin, wiio by law is exempt from taxation â€" carried. .Moved by Webster and Elliott, that J. W. Armstrong be paid $2.50, being expr;8s charges on County rates to County Treasurer, and bank discoimt on two cheques â€" carried. .. :. ""C' '" "dlnr and Webster that cents, being arr ears CT taiia cukftfea in error â€" carried. Moved by EUiott and Webster, that Peter Holman be refunded twenty- seven cents, bemg error in assessment â€" carried. Moved by Pedlar and EUiott, that tJie petition of W. Armstrong and oth- ers be laid on the table tmtil n'^-^t es- siou of Council, or until Pathi .crb arj appointedâ€" carried, Moved by Webster and Elhott, tha; t:ie sdiool tax dispute between Jame:^ Sulhvan, Stephen Kelly and thi- Council be fully submitted to a lawyer, and tliat this Council act in accord anci with tiie advice given â€" carried. Owen Sound, No, 421, R. W.;lker, S. C mncll. Kilsjtli No. 422. Artemsoia Centre No. 468, G. S'.ew- art, G. Dale. T'yiur's No. 460. Pivton No. »12. Beehive No. 625. D. Robertson, R. liattie. llarkaway No. 348, C. W. Moore, Mrs Mooie. Hicklmg No 381, J. Hick inj, J. lukster. Miss Hicklmg. May bourn No. 538, J. McArdle. Eadcn No. 547. Silver Star No. 580. Ijake Cliar'cs No. G64. Kugnnia No. 684, J. M. Webster, D. Can^pbcll. Rosebauk No. 718, A. Gillis, Z. Brown. Big Bay No. 792. Kemb.e No. 793. Saulde No. 824, T. Anderson, J. Kennedy Spriuefield No. 280, J. McKenzia. There were also quite a number of visitors present. The following is a synopsis of the busines transacted â€" W. N. Harris, Manager ef Dominion Grange Whole- sale sup^ily c'ompany, addressed the meeting, explaiuing the working of tbe Company, also the reason for send- ing out Travellers to represent them, when it was Rfsolrid, That this Division ap- proves of the Wkolesals Supply House conducted by Bro. Harris, and that we believe it beneficial to our Sub- ordinate Granges. A resolution was carried unani- mously. That in the estimation of this Division Grange, the arangemeni whereby it is proposed to lease tbe Toronto, Grey and Bruce Railway to the Grand Trunk Railway should be carried out, and that the master and secretary be instructed to draw up a memorial to the Ontario Government, praying that tht same be earned into effect. Moved, seconded and Rttolved, That in reference to the Agricultural Commission lately inati- tuted by order of the Ontario Govern- ment, for the purpose of aecaring practical information on 'he various important branches of Agricultural industry pursued by our people, that tbia Division Grange hereby desires to r -cord its very high appreciation of tha exeellednt results of said com- mission, Eow issued at uhe instant e of it, a friend "who knows how it is him- self," apcly suggested sunburnt wood. this class is produced accordiugto tho quote from the Yaimoulh (Nov;. after his coming from the sick rooin. yy^Jtla) I'nbune of Jauuaiy IS'h 8. Do not permit a child to ride in ••l"i,c uasseiigeis and crew ot of tbe a carriage in which one sick with diph- ^i-e;:ied steamer Moravian, during theria has ridden, until it has first been ^^^.^^ j^f,gj encampment at Mud Island, spirit of the times by au improved pro- disinfected. j Buffered severely Irom expoture lo tlje csss. In the winter cr esrlv spring *• f^""^^^ •" •=*"'^* "^=ch cause the j w^Hther, and some of th.-m wtre ti- â-  1 throat to become sore, raw, or tender ..,reiv froslbiUen. Fortunatelv, a quantitv of lot's are cut, and per- i â-  /• x- j t vereiy jiuoLumvu. ... ,.' dumg an epidemic of tnis disease, iu I nmoua the lading ot the ship was a haps skided up and perhaps not. In f»ct it is well to avoid them at all j paekage of proprietary medicines; some cases they are cut up with the times. A simple sore throat may he- ^^.^ fjituuatcly still, tho bulk of machiue and thrown in a heap, and j come a case of diphtheria very easily, ^1,^^,^ consihted of St. Jacobs Oil. and thus left in the log until after seed- j when tlie poison is in the air. 6. Do uot allow my child tj wear ing or perhaps after harvsut, thus by the retention of the sap and the ah ' sorption of rain becoming watrr-soak- j ed, and sawed and split up at mobt convenient times, and delivered next winter as purporting to be dry wood, but wbich the consumers find to be an article on winch the average green woed would be a great improvement. The first requisite iu the use of this wood is a sufficiency of other combus- tibles to I Rise enough beat to expel the water contained in it, and then burn it up. I will uot prstend to say that this article may not have its pro- by tbe prompt and liberal use ol this invaluable remedy, the itartius *eie or handle any clothing worn by a per- I gpg^„ij|y leljeved' uud all unpleasant son wbo has had diphtheria. It is! ^f^^^ gy^gyq^^mje averted." crimoal to sell or give away clothing (if this sort, without most thoroughly diriufecting it first. An vpideiuie was recently caused iu one of the Nsw England States, and man}' lives lost. PROMINENT ACTOR'S LIEF. BE sent to .i Mr. Tony Pas!or, of New York City, froir some chithing Iroin a child which ^1,0 ^reat hum iist and actor, ws* ijigaally benefited by the Great Gor- mau Remedy, an;i felt c mstiumed lO testily t • its eflicacy for the iisliefit oi otiiers siiffjriu,' in t!i3 same ^»ay. died of this disease b^ iii^^ friends from a western city. 6. Never kirs a person with dipli- thrria, itiotliers iiave lost tlieir lives by doing tins, nor drink from the same cup, nor blow a whistle he has Ub(d, nor use a pencil, or a pen, or a handerchirf of his. 7. Never senil theclothing rl a diph theria patient to (he coinmon nash BIHTHS. Moist â€" In FJonher on, on tho 2iiit inst., the wife of Mr. C \V. Merer, o; a diu^rluer. li! par use, like mjst things in the wodd. i ^,^ |^„„^y^, ^.,,^^^ ^.^^^ ^,^„,^_,^, ^^^^ but I will say it is uot tha aiticlf 1 become iufncted. waut on a morning like this (Monday, j 8. Disinfect all ihe cifâ€" Li.ns frotr Jan. 23rd) when the lufrcury is away one sick of ihis disease hy a strong down below zero, almost frozen fast. ""lulion of coppers r wstes bcfoie dis- I was very much amused about a| P°^"'« °^ ""j" year ago ou hearing a fieutleman at L. ^- ^^ ' """ has been exposed to ths dmner table toll of a 50 horse I "P"'"""' ^^ Mci'ent, or by any power eufeine he had mn, the steam "J"""' •'°""« 'f'"'" j' f'"'" ".*'""• for which was produced ^without th'dreu, give a 'borough warm bath boiler, and if this was coi'ect. which i ' " y' "" clean clothes put it on a of course -I will not attempt to deny. • f^^., " f""" '^,';«'?, «P' o""' ^ith it strikes me »hat this must have I '"'*â-  """ ^*." 'V' â- " ""«" '» °^«" been the clais of fuel used, us it seems i b«fore removing it from qiiarnniiae. to contain in itself all the elements L â- "PP^'ip"*. poison, no doubt, goes necessary. However, it is my hum- ble opinion that consumers should shut right down on it- Your humble servant Will not be caught again, apd "doL't you forget it." Perhaps if a few of these parlies where to hnye a quantity of this wood thrown back on their hands, it might have some effect in stopping the practice. Yours, c., Om« who was Twica Sold. dar the title ol mission, 1881 that the pnteful thanks of this Division Grange are hereby most respectfully tendered to ihe said Government for their very liberal distribution of the valuable oeok referred to amons tbe farmers of Jntario generally, and especially be- cause each subordinate Grange in tbie i^ivision haa been kuidly promiaed to e pot in possession of the entire vol- imea issued through said Oonuniaaton; tlso that a copy of this reaolation be or warded to the Hon. Proviooial Be* To the Editor. Dkab Sib. â€" I take great interest in your paper, and am well pleased with it. I think it the best local paper that If to be iad for the .price, $1.00 per annum. I like tbe politics, or, at least, the firm stand it has taken in re(!rd to pohtics, that is neutrahty, but there is one thing I do not like, I have watched for a year and have not been able to see the Minutes of our Town- ship appear in its columns, and have come to the conclusion to write yuo and find out if possible the reason. 1 1 see the minutes of all other Town- ship Councils on that side of us. vii Artsmesia, Glenelg, Holland, Proton, and Euphrasia, but no Osprey. Now Sir, as the Standabd his a large cir- culation in this Township, why not give us the Miuutts ai well as other Townships. Our Council, I believe, have the Minutes and Proceedings of the Council printed once a year, in phamplet form in connect'oa with the Auditors' Report, tliis is good as far as it goes, but of course if there IS any missdoing, it is too far gone to remedy when the old year is out, to- gether with per hsps the old Council. I will expect au answer next week, please give it through the columns of the Standaso so we will all see it. aa there are many others desirous of knowing tbe cause. Yours Truly. for juilti iu the air from one house to another. The wind carries it, and when there is an sjiidemis the great- est precaution should be takk-n. With all our care we aie not always ab'e to prevent its spread entirely, but much ma be done. 10. Allow no chil drtn to attend a funeral of one who has di-^d from lihis disease. Tlie Setentifie Ametiran adds As every physijian kuowo, it is no un- co.nmon thiuic for adulls to have dip- theria so mildly that it is mistaken for au oidiusry sore throat resulting from cold, yet '^uch a pers m cao easily in- fect a child, and the child become a cntro of malignant infection yifiw of thw fatal prevalence of dip'itli- eria, therefore, tha kissing of a child upon tha mouth by a person with a sore throat, in hazardous, if uot cricuin al, aod scarcely less so is the practice of allowing children to kiss their ail- ing playmates. It wou'd be wise to ex rciae great caution in this matter, if not to dis3ontinue the practice of kisoing npon the mouth altogetlier. The best j'revfntions are to be foui.d in the hints given, and in most iliorough cleanliness about the house, the air, and the drains, water sjpply, and cellars. MARRIF.D. SABJKAST^BiBNi â€" OnWV tnesJoT, 8 li inst., by tlie Her. \lr. Pliilp, in Klesherioi, r. KreJ. barjeaiit to Misi buri.», all of I'lesl.- ton. BcBSBTTâ€" Ml .\fHT â€" At the rraidraca ef the ^bride'i father, F(.b. 8th. by Itev. 1). .McLeod. B.A.. Mr. John Burii«tt, of -â- Vrtemi sia. to MiiH Margaret. dau:;htcr of Mr. Johu Mo- Aular. of Piiceville. DIED. Hci.L â€" InMarklale, oa Wednesday morning. 15; h inst.. Aiiiiie Beitha, infant dau^'hte' ol J. H. Hull of Muirlet fever, age! 1 yoai and 11 inon:h'^. FOLBY inst I7lhl882' Veto'^y""^^"'""^*^ ^^, ofIi»*- • ' .MaU advanee on cost at rjiji't. No peddler's profiU. •**\y,Ounioi., Patrons of Hus- 1 If** jn Toronto on Tuesday, (FROM BRAZIt..) The New Compound, its wvn- derfal affiaity to the Digestive Ij Artemosir.. on TlmrslaT. o,,,i\A.ppa2ntus and the Livsr. incres- Mr. Edward loW, aged 51 years. ^^^ *f « dissolving J Uices rehexr. __^__^ • j ing almost instantly tha dread/al resvlts o/ Dyspepsia, Indigestion, and the TORPID LIVER, makes Zopesa an every day necessity in ^very house. It acts gently and speedily in ^Biliousness, Costiveness, Head- ache, Sick Headache, Distress at- ES! Jb'ors s^vj.ii:. That well knr\s,i Heavy Drancht Stallion. "lOUXG FieE:V^H SUFFOLK," This celebrated hai e ha-s taken fiiit ri/i' wharev.T shown and has proved liimself a Iter Eating.Wind On the Stomach, sure f.ial gutter. Is « beautiful bri ht \,a\\HeaTtbum, Pains in the Side and stands 16J hands high, with fine form and Baci, Want of Appetite, Want oi unsurpasKt'd action. For further iartieulars ' Energy, Low SpititS, Foul StOm- apply to acA. It invigorates the Liver, cap- FRA ]U ST ARRIVED. NEW STOCK. LATEST .IESIj'iS, New PsiiiFl F I -I rues. New Pa;el IIa'.s. New 8x10 i" New. 8x10 :.:.;•.?. S.'ijinj.' Clie;*n .•. irowne s Gallery, JAMES Ml Feb. 10th, 1862. ilLL. Owner, Everard P. 0. 75-4t* Take IVotioe. ALL PARTIES INDEBTED TO MF. either by note or book acouuut. ar:- re- lil j l"""**^ " 9^^ "ud pay the same to A. Tur- |.n*r. Druggist, he alone lieing authorized to receive monies due m* and to give receijjts thjrefor. T. S. SPEOl'LE, M.D. Markd-.le, Feb 8tli, IS^'i. 31 .-{t. SEED Ties of/all surplus bilw, regulates the Bowels, and gives tone to the •vbole system. Cut this out and take it to your Druggist and tcetalO cent Sample, or a large botxle for 75 cents, and tell your neighbor about it. A. W. BATON, ON THE WAHPATH AGAIN $66 111. I r«(;. \\ I- u thil g. .M:l"'y ;i!. I.:..'.. lllik. ni II. mil .IS .• â-  iii.ikv+.Te.".; \K\\\ !;• e-i Ml wlTl'-u yji i .;. liiue \n\T W iri. » i ii tij.LElT A" â- Â« r-it'.a FROM -THE TIMES." Editor of tli4 Timn:- The, state- ments recently published in your valuable paper has created much ex- 1 iuvited It will pay piir-hasrrs of S«-ds to cet MY rVFMTV- SEYEHTH A«'!UU P'JB'.if^ATICM of .he Cuhu'.w' Guide or Catato^-iie of .Seed*, now rca.iy to be sent gratis to applicants. J. A. SIMMERS, Seedsman. 147 Kin; bt. East, TORONTO. INOTIOli:. REFORM CCNVENTI0NEA8TGREY I meet in the Township Hall, Flesher ON TUESDAY, MARCH 7th, 1s82. The « ibscribor be^iK to' nnn rnee that h- has secured ths seivic 5 o' a tiift-'a- uie- chaiiic and is now pivj tr d lo is.r y ou tl e Mxcksmith busiiio.'ss HU-i ^i'nvrm julib ng n Mark Itichai-.i" n* old -lup Fe .will iieat all kinds of diseases of tJii feet such as Corns " ' Coiiliaei;. us. luteifeiim; ol liorsc^ a TOii • .u .. I .T â-  ., "i CAly. Ha iiie a r.iikI r. ;.ulatiou in thi- WiU meet in the lownship Hall. Hesherton, v. o of c .ntry ns m first c ass hor-e siio r he i-uii cuar.mtte s«tisf.ict!uu. A fair tiial • pict/iilly olii-itt.l. Positively i: sh until first Mav, alter that dueciiiiit wi Ibeg.y.n uiitiH;t of January. '|{|lloa»' oad-triif. t* i;[ia!liin.lM]»w ,flrtl.r=-r7i...-^H«i1bBJ. „if..-.:i i... -.h. «"'"';5 2J to'i;-, .T ::;in«!i.' "'l Memorr. (â- ' •â- n: h. l'"" Ptaliit.crn-vi::r- â- â-  -•' Z"" .^Z. O^Bo«,-lirr r -.r-;,-.*. '^^l^T^ pUlslsaii-*^. ^^(^',5^ PHJM;.. RATUAVKa. l^ ii l l l i V iil ii im »T "^;^"' 10th "82. the reason we do not publish tha~min •ites of Osprey Council is, we do not baye them forwarded to us aa we do from otlier Townships named, there- fore, it is not in our power to have them appeir in our paoer. We woold be very much plesaed to baye them sent us bat do know the reason, they are not, berbaps the Conoeil will let yon know Uirough tbe colamna of the Staxoabd. It is eostomary for tbe Clerkflof the diflferent Townsbiiia to citement iu this city among the clas.. who own and use horses, and after reading your request that all should write you *ho had been benefited by the letter puhlished from Dr. Bales iu resjird to the remtrkable success be always iiad with Kendalls Spavin Cure, I decided to wriU you my experience with It. My first knowledge of this remedy caaie through a visit to tue office of the Massacbusette Saciety for the prevention of cruelty to animals. This society was the first to use Ken- dallt Spavin Cure in Boston, and I was infjrmed hy Cliarles A. Currier, a gentleman in whom I had the utmost uoufidence that they had never used anything that worked so well for •payins or any lameness m horsea agree »o use it. and in thU way he was enabled to g.t .long witoou! piosecuting them a. it wL sure cure when persevered with at one o'clock p m for the purpese of sclnct- ing candidates both for the House of Com- mons and lOntario Legislature. AU friends ol ref 'rmand good goverumaiit are cordiallv By order of tbe President, Wm. Baowa, Secret* v. Markdale. Feb 14th, ia.--!. 73td. SPECL\L NOriUES. ERRORS OF YOUTH. GENTLEMAK who sufferred for year- iA. from Nervous DKBII^tTY, PKIiMA- TUI.E DECAY, and all the effects of .mouth- ful indiscrntion, will for the sake of suffering buicinity, jend free to all who need it, the recipe and directions for making the simple remedy by which be waa cured. Sufferers wishiDfi to profit by the advertiser's experi- ence can o so oy addressing in perfect con- fidencs, JOHN B. OODEN. «0-lv 41 Ctiu St. New York TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, ti 7'-*WH»e, Consumption, br to lime after this I received a V.Ty sfvw^ mjary to the knee joint and the high recommendation which Mr. Currier gave Kendall Spavin Cure, gave me 80 much confidence in it that I used ik for my knee wit., the very best of re salU, and since that time my faith has been so strong in tbe meriu of this remedy tbat we will not be withoi;t XM I T.» A- «: torwvi a copy o tbe Ukntm ot eMli I th^ *foJ ft^Hit L^"^^*^ ' ""' M .veJ by Elliott auff Webster, thai .reUry. a. a tken o,onr ,r.titod«. -.mMtOff to Ihelocal p.pen. far W 'oTmy cow! tllltoX^ "' "" UKSIam. t ii:-'l-"'l.! -:.:?i« Brow'ii' :ii.; I'Ji" ir.- )«â- Â» i" iL. dernil.' 1h83. Will Work 18 ih'-ap as the cheapest. Markd lie, Feb. l.'Jth. i8s2i 7o-3ui. H*^"«e to IJtMit. ., .1.1. -^ •» » » beiim arknowl.-!;." l:i T^ ,, r !er. endof diiil.:.rli--i/ ";â-  Double Tenement, with stable, on Toronto Klixer or I.-niitiiiit ni ' h street. Markdaie. ;., „,.,.„. ,„.„ ly |, ., ;â-  ., n r,uirr.ny-"^:_ Mtrkdale, Jan. I6th, 181'J. WM. BROWN. NOTICE. ktil 1 V .,ir CP' " ,. â- -.ti N !â- ' ^ytllill^• iw«- Cf*' ,. ;iin)i li y-f^- :.j •,,... -in. Ua .....i l,,v- »:;.--'» ,,r ,f M. ;^r;^Tl;^;â- ^«- â- ^, ^r.-itp-v-^* ;. T r;.iu;sr« »â-  H i. M'h r.e. Jl V .1 P""";* has n,. rqiiar f.-r ri fi.ll (ttid Il • •â- â-  1-,. ,„,.,ji. 1 Itai-k or U..« S..r. li.r-it. •:""^\-^ i T;iehe. l.,....l .-. â- â€¢. rA n.:.v k'.n.l " ' ._^, ;..r.\i-le-. "It«-.l k' â-  '•^'â-  1""',o.. !BliH«lKiidlir:il. ^i-il- â- â€¢'"-J'"",," " I .!«;.. 1 •• .. Hr,,.ni"!. I! m-iti" ' ' Phuis and sp-ciliaatioji» cin.he seen at mv atelyâ€" depend iii"'n it """',|"u'pf,:i »â- '«' office from the 20th to the 25th inst, ' about it. Tliele is im; i """ The lowest or any tender ntft neoessarily accepted. ISAAC TBAYXOR, •â-  Avf»i»wt and Surveyor â- mple remedy, 18 anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure To au who desire it. he will send a copy of the prescription used, (fr«e of charge,)"ilh he Slh:y'w,.r«n7f ir cr,« t 'HZ '^- ---'"'••« Reid-B^k sownos. Asthma. Bbo!«chitj8, Ac Parties wishing tbe Prescription, wiU st..WUh«Ba»bnfffc,lJ.T. Se-W Owen 8ound"B't.,'lJun(UUi • to I'l-i in :iil s"'" ^; ,„, ol i the state, and is tli- I'r""l"r.'.Jw •"" the ol.l«.t ami lust feiiiaie 1'".^" ,, ^^J I States. S«1T,.' io-ij PIMPLES. FRECKLES. PIMPL^anlrbi:^x«r, L" • C*o«ntI "â- 4^. v-.fii.^h u.i.ti, ingtbeskin^rft, clear and beaitS^j'-.X 1 unrsi s iu the t fyHOSE SPACIOUS AND FIRST-CLASS "«'â- Â«Â«Â» '» '*»"' " '"""'" _- full •,'-.. „» I I â-  • "°" uu^eit. uooii cellars, .^^ â€" â-  rtmr'.^d°urt"^^~Â¥irt:?r "f "^.f i "^-^ â-  -^â- "'•' "'""'^- r/v^' ing. can be had smgW ort^,T '""^;*«" are offered. «e..oi.Iiy U- uo -; '^%, ,e moderau A-.l".*' "' together. Terms ti,„,^ ^i,„ j,. „.,t „,„,rove -m" '"^,t «' main in i«iierty ^^â- " «â- ""' '"f'lasriphi '» men. ImviJatid jrirls to "'[r" "• ^j 74-31 i their oa-n 'oi.alities. Aii.v "f" ,,., bat- work propt'ly frnin t\mpr-t si» -^^ ^^^^ moderate. Apply t« i# u^ ^^^^ ^EID, Markdaie. _Msrkdale. Feb. 8th. l8dZ. AGENTS "**' " "" Telephone anA-i- "'â-  .^ Edison's Musical ^d OrfZ U^l^'T' il"«'»"tan.«us 1 iuess will pav ii"..m' than It'll .-,.. wages. Ei,-..s.v. outitfu;m^l';;;;;^p,ilt one and Edison'slnstil^UnJlii^iV::^ :::^Zl.o'::ni;:^-^ f-ls i. Vl'^in'tii'i^ eat- ^iS^l MD8IC 00., Fwta., Pa. You can devote .%"iir »•'""' 'â- '°j-yi| Intof* H» Ckastnnt St., or only vonr sjwrt ni.'ineut«- •- ^^^^ tion sod all that is ne*ir;,'"l â- â€¢ox Co.. PortUnd }iia*- "]IIe»re being ajked for in Dun '*1^« erection of an Hctel lu see Advertisements. ,ber that Mr. J. J. White ..JtbeBeTere Hotel on Wcd- ' «e»t. 22°** '"'*• F â€" 1 i: Mining at ««» '"" **"" "^â- !' '•°*It| a Son. in order to get rid .tTnter stock. wUl sell at c ,-t Zi% tbirtv days, bee adv. ' o.fnrm Convention fu- L^^sij -jKeld in Town.h.p lUl;. •"„ on Tnetday, M«rdi «'Ji.| ^1. desirous of purcha-ins aj " .sUllioushiuUre^dth. a.i- Cnt of^r. J*^- ^-1" " '-I ^another column. „w out for Mr. Henry i next week. He is u;vv..'.;,' a iicoint sale for thirty days.i.i.. I *,DS may be exj.«ct.d. _leDU8te *ho have ir. ,„i " pronounce it th, U n^ «n the face of tins r^i'iu iH i. ,nd breath.' 5 c«iit .am; •• Kvle. « fo"n;»- .J^' ' aale"-^'P""" ^â- '•^'•'V" 'â- 'â-  |i„hisP-Bet.t hottu.. '.a. very mich. li-^ ' i..^-.-^ -^ !â- * ij'" " .1' fimfti who lias ever u-^l "t. «h" "'.â- ," ""'jl' H' oncethat it .ill re;j '•'"â- .""T^jht^ give rei-t to the luoth. r. mi'l "fi-*^' j^ j, pt- to the child. o)..r;it.r.-- liKi niipit- 901' »!;t r.iHer ..fMiii. fur til' 111 ui. i; 1 \. Ibearty. â-  tere U no use .Ie-^';C r. Liquors thry sp.a. ',*nd soactimesti. 1.... ., ;beheTSitUejspr.p^icdt .; v Pry the:n. kfftt Bo». h;ive a lar,' -^t •• -• kettles, and as siu-ar iiii«; sromenctd esrly th. r- mV. .;!., .. I long season of it. lii. i pi ,lf with a ketilo or two. E. Puryis has purchi-^'d ir-i;. Jto. Wright, a paik lot c ".-^s: wtwo acre* on wliich lie i" m •! hreperatioiis to buiM a riM-- .i^* lot is locatod on ".civj;.* S.. I distance from thu I'iobI y-.eriH'.c woria.-l""" ,.:.,..- «-"^* RS It nully i- ti.. l"-i '•""""V".W " 71-3t. f,r t;rainis la Ih- St.. iili. «"' '" ^^, I Aches of •." i-, '•"•*' 4,,!, j DniKtrists at -J." I '*^'j^: ' â€" â-  I Mother! Mothers'" M°tter«^^ To Builder.^ Contr ictors. Ar.. you .listur). i v. .. Z;' sni i^; -^ your rest hv a s,i-k. •id" " ,,(V'rf rpENDFRS vii-iU be received by tbe under- I ^r.*'"K »""' "â- ^' â- â- ^• i •-â- :' "-,l;;'" ^..-j 'â-  X signed up to 12 o'clock noon of th.- 27th '•â- ""' If s" V' •"'•""' â- '""uKci 'i"^^ inst., for the erection of an- HOXtL in the ^I«S- WINSI..WS ^,"' '„.,,'„ ;n:m«^ Village of Dundalk for Mr. J. C. Reid. â-  I' ^ih relieve tin po-.r .i ».•»» „^;,i» ighs. Colds, Xsthuia. !tr.:!-'.ii;s. ,10 the Throat snl fii.M. trii v id cured by the use 'd 1.. 'â- ^•â-  Pulmonary C')U!,'li lr •!• 1 â- â€¢ relisMe testimonv l .;; re to their eflii^^af-y. ii I'f' 60 cents. A. Turner a.:;. I Agent Markdaie. ' kave received l.ovill's lia.-i;...'-^ rofessi.inal Diiectcu-y l..r o,it;tri im extensive wjik *!id ;• f.'ii" •• iworkmaushii' i* c-'Mcriio-l ts .vvi Up. It win-W J»l:vciei !.^ .! #rs shortly. • I Ob. isn-t this, dress char ai •. a' i I msutle it just !i;s m- • oks to McFatiai.d. 11- 'â- â€¢â-  ' â-  â- â-  such nobby j;o "la :«t V,- y .-^ I tell yv.ii. Mur; -ih- se. -l kbports direct tin 1 ^mjs o.isli ' krlismetit is in e«ii!"i -n. "' ' ' •' • Dg off tiie duty iiu r'« itnd i .; l^dopie need i;ot w;;H lu.;.. torurchase cheap 'l*a.s asli. " ^Iwiiave already d -lie -•-.:. i rpviuj thfeu pounds i- r • ..«.- â- â€¢â-  Try ihcm. |Ir. J. McAlcar has h-;;* i •'â- â-  tad House, l-"l.-shc'it(.n St' ' 1 oamber of years fr 'in th^- irietur, Mr. Alex ll.-iinia i. ' Jeai has been Ions an I fnv -lA' rn lo the public f K ut ' â- . â€"â-  «8sful caterer t.j I'u.- pi â- 'â- â-  -» l.bii accom|)li-?h«il h !»:y»s is rior, and few ontiils. i ;:. r- tiiiD of a bouiitcou* lu' tl.. ities wishin^f to |.uii-liu- a i .: libonld sec Mr. liu.i's s:...-* ....;- PfBUC MttTINO si. -.1 of the citizens «f .-v c ' land village in tlic I •i.i;'.. -n. der what shoul 1 !.•• .!â-  ..v BDtthehair from tUMi;;!-' •â-  td lalhog out. If tiii M. -i: linn lec.-ivci their i-'.u.i -i tion they wmil.l ujj.-h .:.j':i- I that science ha i a: li ' Irsd soujetliiug t!i;it v.- •..: l -.;â-  â-  purpose â€" aiid furt).. u â-  ' iimeud Ciug.ili-st- 11 (.1 K smgtliis sonu-tl liJi; f.r j.s' ' hairto Its c .lor, an I t'l- i «i falling out. 5(t cuts j Fur sale bv all 1»mij;.';«. riiere is no plact hl.e h ini- jUginning of a irety s-.ii;.;. ;! i i i» uo other plac« wii re y-.ii •â-  bsst Laces, WajceyS. (.'a-':;ui. â-  I snd Linens so chvap a^ h: M «t)d'E. ikaodred men wantel tn l.u;. W â- f. Doll's, Markdali-. Fi. sin i â-  ' Samuel McC'aw.tiie we" i.- vis iuetsr on the Whitl.y and I l\ iilway, aajB Ir. Carvu. -: I and Constipation l?if.. is «• i !ol Dyspepsia. I alwsy* i. T m the house, and c.ijsmi r ili* UQsbleasa laoiily lu.diriu*. â- *. â-  'nd Co. Special Kn^ni M • J- Q.Grant, (cabinctmukci In " fr..m E, D. \Vih-.»x i.:- pWch is erected a very neat .i-r. L'oeated on Georgp St. M -- F*leine and R. Cuniuiighaiii i. ^Wchased propeity ou the sa:., Qgpits throughnut the c iiiU! M P** the great merits ol Ur. ' 'inach and Conbiipati .n Hit] "0 Medicine tluy bi.;1 mU â- y in curiLg Dvsi'cpeia. Jii uJ '.Biliouiness. Liter Coiu|'lsi r.J .tUveyoa tried it? A Tui;;.' l' Special Agent Jlarkdalo. "â- '^bert, lot 2-2 con. 1(», I. "SiBMgot the ManiU'u.. /-..„, '••4 has authorized Win. hli*!' t«4iBpo(« of all his stock, liuj IL?* '^••hold furniture, ic |*Cbtit bidder on Tuesday, l'^- POPULAR REMEDY I's Pectoral Balsam is one J *** d«eervedly popular rtuicdii l*»e«re of coughs, colds, sor ' *«tinna, whooping 'CUgL i^vocehitia, and all puhuonarl For sale l.y all dealer if tbe small boy may •» ail the street corners vril| 'lis?"** *** '**' panU abou 4 yn°* **• knees, in other worJ Jr*** bae net in and our boj '•*tW. .»*»:*.« ..-,5^ .tUl^i'uqf, i • '-• m.i.'i _-.,. ,VV-:

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