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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 10 Feb 1882, p. 4

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 â- tock in 1^ °"«. coiv. â-  ' f ,r/-i= »oa Provinci*] jr :»=r' ,.,;,. TonntT Busmess, In--'"*^' • .„â-  1 »u ImtructiT* *â-  ,1 -.0 in tliree month., L?*, r'" " ,_ -...1, tl.K rnlM 'ing, li •â- Â»- " â- â€¢â€¢"•••1 »" a"-..-e^ I «m:V ;,.,Vr!witl;'ti.tty !»"â-  ..irnooo a: 30 15 00 8 00 4 0" £0 15 78 VOL. 2 .--No. 23 '.; 'â- â€¢ «ICK». *E$8I3^A ^, *• ircfition.. ;)*'TI'»11 " Hit:' •11 I)»r Uu« • ;^ertioii •,, li.- i«:kii)«J l'» '•'• .. I.-.- n icale of i"liJ •i •.»!!'•! "t ')ecific "'.•..-.. !.'.! ?•"â- â-  "•" â- ;'.•.? :.rv â€" t s-. â- â€" â-  "f I ni"if«'.ii;i »» i .»»ia. r«iUKPi««MJ .::-H.;i rropriHor. L BUSINESS ~\:':--^ TORY. p Potatoes Wanted CE NIXON. IF' i.X'f »'» •»â-  {•â- ' r»«iUiiM at '|-«0 1-T ilT jpH ""â-  ' -•8-«^«nnr.nnn»,,k« ecledslod l^iG DAILY. i ' K^t th.m. ci, II Custonn '.Vc;. ^.cwln,* MathiDcs ANi ;ue \\ t V "s IS* ' I W.'.i Dy.. t*nd Sbre OS. HANBURY. ... i' 1 rol;. IS NO*' â- ' â-  ;.. %]\ k.n Is of l»w â-  ',; li..-.«l. -;,... C4. ,.. .1 r*t. M i. .N- YS Af â-  1 il.' ili%f% .k â-  r« -.u:" 1 at ... /J V l';.:jr».i»y, »â-  J .-. '» ir. i.r.. n. ' â- , ••••â-  1 •5*,S'»0l. \s!'i)Ki' r.:'.(i .1 r'l: I ;:nt .. .;.-. ».i Mil ar- .. ..i, *:i.i i.iv I \fiv JOHN HANIURT, BUILDEU ANi CONTKACrOK, (gtone anil brick). Plastering p»rtictti»rly attended to in town or country. Estimates on work free. Dandalk, September 2nd. 1881. T ini«rrUxit«0a«. Win. Lucas Co., BANKERS, Money I^oanod IN larKeor small amounts, at all times, ^n Rood endoriud notes, or on •oUatwal saciiriij. IMTEREST AT 6 PER CEMT. Allowed on Savings 1 .-poaits. Car Draft* issued and Coll««tioni made on all oiiits, at lowest rates. Wm. LUCAS, Uar.ager. SpptemUor 23. 1880. a ly F. F. TEEPLE'S \^' i.\ r. .i.';s. int. CON nrcur.lf. »l fi per CARRIAGE WORKS, Dl VDALU, O^T. Tlio tub-KKltr is i.rf] arril to supply the 1 iililic with WACiC.UNS, Dr.MOCIlATS. LlCiGlKS, .SLF.UIIIS, CLTTKliS, Lr,i; SLElGUb, To/o'iKr \v.:k all kinls'.f i. piiii.s in wood or iron o I i; lu'.uc, at i (â- ;.-â-  ni.ilili' ratuH. r. r. tj:kple. Dundalk. Sept. 2nU, J6bi. 1 Ir 11,1 i.»rii Sr.iiiiil, ..I ' i.m; .:ii'i :.i:, ' 1 Wi- lli' « l«v in ,.• â- . 111.' â-  i.p:tii'il I' I'er- I...' 1 Ml. on t II' iii.i'.lli â-  ' v\ maiiii»*r. au-i ii;.i,:i REMOVED, REMOVED. i-iic cUancoa*. .i • .. i-i ;•.N.â- ^^s 'ic J. C. ATKINSON, I TAILOR, r.i .K 1 .!.â- â- â- â€¢ 1 ;• 'Jaiii Street, is nov pre-, I',,;. .111. tV.l nil '111 .11:1 llif tlioi test possible 11 '1 !â- ;». ' t"iu: i â-  If" 1. " 4 ..' "'*, r:t*'.e SC- 'â-  I--' ly ij._ » m ' L B r Factory (â- â€¢!• stn\in. :. â-  u-i' i rt- and â- . .1',. ' 'â-  !1M ^»5lillSI ,,-,.. 1 • •iiitd ' t â-  â-  i jri:irr». I -,- .nllv at- '... »^ V u. ii-iate. '-1. 1-T â- ;»:•. li;!: â- ' ..A! 1.4NP • ':.s' •!. A.c. 'n • ' ' .(IT. '.I « '1. '-â- â€¢ii,:». â-  • ' « «..•• tt i; r'loNS. IKAMftS |ii Shingles, r "iTtit ly Fiiifd. o(a 1 v.:% lAl. l.V.NU •1 t V..!.ial.ii' ' ..(•ii'i-cd ' .-â-  'KHi'a LATE ST Fashion Plates RKCEIVKI) IIEGILAKLY. CII.\RGES MODERATE. Satisfaction Guaranteed ,!.•; ,;.• nil.) ^.t.nil" for •• 1,,.,.. by '-l.'Sf- «;t««t'0» »• 1..' l, ,1 a full .SU'f^ 'f H^ BER Kh Shore. i) UNJJB.ESSJBD. l.lllft. 1 â-  1 â- %« V'.ip, 1 am -•; 01 ai-i?.'rrj. a.'i r.slnnates 1 S|..'ci;i.-alMii- .. ' "11 applica- !• .•« 'I' iiititr^it. -., .! :!i.\rii. .-.: â- i,.,'.1 l... -T 1 ... • .!.. • 'i. ,.â- ;•.â- â- .«' an-l ' ".. ,. ;^• â- i .1' I k 'i.i i a; ill •- '.f '.I.:, .ill i Lnrk .i.tiH'!!.' I'lLH? ' i; linl II 10 tlieir iJ»Miiojnljoi* the I*liic'o M:.\T do »U to NELSON'S STOKE, M.JJ.N Sir.EET. Dun.lalk. Nov., l.-^-Sl. 13-Gni. HAIR CUrilNG .AND SHAVING I'M Every \V"orl£i"g Day, 1 5.V 'iK^lioiiia.K t^imitli. T.\i-. it rii.lnts .iiid Saturdays until noon wiK a lie will-bf ui rleslierton. « â- Â«â-  (intes tilU'd for ToMiib Stones. Mi.rlMfl e. .Mih- -21. I'SSl. 4S-Sm A LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN o\ Tiir r.oss of ir V and Sji'-ouls ' I â- '• â- . ' \;."l '.i- I'AINT B. ' ' 1 ' iiiitr â- . " l-M. 71y I H uui'iiDir^uo, ' iiiin uiicf to .• ' .iiil\ tlint '.lie 1' imliiiiK^ into • mis i:i..|i riUf • ' ii.iiitr 111 Mi.1 '.Mr. n.'W.s' ., â- . â-  .,â-  u 1 J li to. mmm ^7?. I. ^EVE-;?E HOTEL, iisMo wu! Staple f-1 I d Prices. '» \I.S Proprietor. li-tl « i:irv:i- -ad- •':•'.:' 1... !.,!.: v.littfd. â-  ••â- l I ui'ii.' Ill ii c .iiiity. • I " I ii\.' I' I'irst- ... '1 '..iiii, ..II n iivel- "i-.i. ;mt (lav. 17-1\ '•:: M\ua., 0]it. i '••'•. raopaiiTOBS. â-  â-  i: I fur the travelliiig â-  !•«. .« \vi 11 Mui'W»l vi-itli the â-  â-  1:1.1 l..ii.ij i»a.i lh« best â- .'^,^" i"U.friKU all trains. â- ?• '•,1,-Mi. k\.*rv line. ry, and Gla.siare L raises satirf«e»«'y I SAVE MONrri r-jronto no«»** m 8ROWII. 1^ /^Mi^RGlAL HOTEL â- ' "' I â- â€¢ 'Ui'ii.. lirtus Sample Booms â- ,ty " â-  â-  ..V v T'lB ll»r »»' l»rl» •'â- l'M «. II, tile best the market af '-j'^ra' ;.i,- T,.i»tientive Hostler's IH1.V. AlalKHO*. Pr«f»i«»« ' i-.'i'..'iii!v publisliod a new Ly iition of Ir. «'iilverwell*s V CrlfbrntiMl Essny on the ria..':il and nervous r.bility, Mtntal and IMix -i.'iil iMMjiaeitv, Ini)Hdiiii'nt.s to Marriage tie., ii'^ultiii;; from \c.' ses. IL-r"l'iie.' ill a s.aled envelope, only 6 ct«., (ir two postaj;.^ stamjin. The itl.-liratL'l authur, in this admimble Essay, ilearly (U'nionsfr.itcs. from thirty y.niT' ui'n-.-ful i.iac-:iee. that alarming oon- Requ.'iices may I.e laU'ally cured witliout the dangiifiH use of iiiteinai medicines or the use of the knife inintiiit; out a mode of cure at oiiee .^imiile. certain and effectual, by nicriiis of whieh evi ry sufferer, no matter wjiat liis con.litioii iiiiiy In-, may cure himself cli. aplr. privately an 1 irdioally. tf^Tliis Lecture should le in the hands of everv vf.utli and every wan in the land. .\dlr.»s The Culverwell Medical Co,s 41 Ann St., N«w rork. Port Office Box i.'SO THOS. MAfhEWST kiesS EstattsnT! MARKDALE. EVERYTHING IN OUR LINE KEPT ON HAND OR MADE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. li^^^HAPuiNTlNG PKBSS, SlZJl â- "'"" tuase ^Jxi-Ji inches, la capa- fv â- """" 7oi impressious per hout. ^lA-'^lUBD OFFICE. Murkdal*. wmi MARKDALE, ONT., FEBRUARY 17, 1882. ^^-^â€" ^==^^ .â-  â€" •' WHOLE No. 75 FOB RHEUMATISM, neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell- ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Mehes. Vo Pr«paniti«ii on fsrth tqiikU 9r. Jimm On M «(t/V. Burr, Hmple aMd eh9ap Eaitrmst R«nply A trial enlajli but th« oomparativelj trifling ouOav of M T^ati, and 9tmt one auffering with pain can haTe cheap aod posltiTe proof •( ilp •Ulma. DWectinna la Slavan Lanfrna^fls. •OU) BT ALL DKUOOIbTS AID BEALES8 IK MEDICINE. â-  â-². VOGIXER CO., BattitnOTK. Jfd.. U. S. A» EOBT. ASKIL., Has ope.ieJ uut a First-Class Furniture I --.\Mi â€" UNDERTKING ESTABLISHMENT, Anl' tli'-ivt.Te lia- -Ui'i'li'-.I a want long felt, esi.f '.•iallv iu the linlcrtakitig Line. COlTfNS, C-ISKETS, nn.l .111 'SiinocDs, FUHEB^L FUUHISHINGS, siim'i 1 .1 i.n the -hi.rti's notice. l.r hire .it uiuJeraie lates. fubnTtuke! Fr.mi t!ie '..ii f llio Best and Latest Styles, in •Tfirything in the line. Gill a il '1 ' i" •â- ' K(313 T. AS KIN. i:\ cjki:at variety. THE CHEAPEST! BECAUSE THEY AHE T II 1- 1 5 li: H r IN THE MAMKET. ^WOniFIILWIll^ ^m. â€" :o:- xvii. loii^, aud s so dizzy Any NuMier or Style! Proinptly supplio'l fr.Mii s; 1. V on the shortest notice. Ail inaiin/aelu!. 1 by .-^killed me- chanics, with pood material in the Latest and most unproved Style. Speciil att. n'irn is al?ri directed to til.- lar(;e an.l virv super or stock of second growth HICKORY AND WHITE OAKI purchas. I from one of the best factories in Canada, sullicieiit to manufacture over fifty Waggons and Carriages f i r the coming sea- son. Inteu ling purchasers should not fail to make an inspection of my stock and save nione SPEC'AL ATTENTION TO RE PAIRING KORSESHOEINB. ISr-Kememlier the placeâ€" second door to Butter A Rae's. -D. J. SHANAHAN, Proprietor. Markdale. Dec. and. 1881. ^j- A MERRY CHRISTMAS A S D A Happy New Year. THE Subscriber desires to call the ttUeil- tioii of tUose about to commit matri- mony, that he is prepared to WEDDING- CAKES, and every other article of confectioueiy suitable fci such o«ca8ions, in ttie -^-*'**ir! stvle. and ol a flavor and quality, that cannot be surpassed. S O IKE E W, CHAPTiiR XVll. thntinutd. There xas sometLing (o forlorn in her look, in her lonelinns, in the sofi pUintira to»e â€" lomethin; so like a •pirit abouClier, that the worde be iroold have spoken died on hia lip*. She stood before him alire, bat snielj deatii was pictured on her face. 'Cojoe in." he saiJ simply, and ahe glided past him, and into the presence of the othj-r two. •My child 1 my chiLl ' Mrs. Otis said, with a motherly cry 'thank Heaven, you are alive, aud have come te ns. Sit down, let me warm your haudf. Uh my child, what a fright Toti have ?ivju us a'.l Where in the wrld huTo you been ' She sank wearily down iti the chair and let her htindg Ue in the elder wo- man's warm clasp. 'I haye bean with Ilantah,' she .it'swered slowly at Br.icken Hollow with my iiuire.* And to-mcrrow I leave Castlefoid, ai.d I couM not go you know, without seeini; Ga:itou,poor fellow. Iwoulii hate come before, but I â€" I didn't Know â€" luy liead feels all wron;; some how, aud I tldnk I hsve been hfilf asleep all d»y. And tiie walk wan $0 lou â€" so so coldâ€" nh me kud 1 \v; aud stupid all the way. llow warm joui- Cie i! and how nice it is to lit here ' Her voice died drr.wsily away, her hood dropped against the back of the chair, her eyelids fell heavily. The three abtul lier looked in cue au other's stiirlled faces iu dead sileuce. What riid this menu 'My childâ€" Miss Dangerfield ' Mrs. Otis murmured. Uh, look up. don't Uh like that. Miss KalLeriue, Miss Kathenns ' 'YeB, p.ipa,' JroTsiIy -but I am so sleepy, and dou't want to get up for break last ytt. Has Gaston come It i^ col i for him lo ride from Oastle- foid tii-iiight â€" and he hatps the cold, _poor Gsuton Call me when h« comes papa â€" I want to sleep ri'iw.' Hfr eyes heavily closed agslu, her mind was wandering. • Her troublws had b«eu too much for her then, after all, and had turned her brain. Dr. Giayes bent over her aud shook her slightly. 'Katherine I Kathetiuc ' he called, 'rouse up â€" Gaston lias come â€" Gaston is here I' She bat up and (;azod at him, a be- wilflered look in her eyes, 'Wl-o calls "• Kho asked, 'Oh, Dr. GraTfS is It. yi'ii ' Where am I is apa s;ck'ii,'air, Why, this isn't â€" " alio look Oil jir.'Utid, memory stieiBed Hlow'y stiii^'.t^'ing Lack. 'Yes, I know now. â€" till* is '.Ir. Otis house â€" Gaston I" here,' She to»e up suiiiionlv, fully iier.'tlf. •! lira yoinj; awav, aud I want 10 see (iaston. How is he to ui{ht, .Mrs. Otis ' •Much nH lis has been from the first, Miss Dangsfheld â€" little better, little worse.' 'But he will not die Mr. 0;is, you told itie hs would not die ' •I think lie will not I have seen woi so cases recover. It is a sort of concussion ol thu lirHin. lie does not snffsr Of. at least is conscious of no suffering.' :TLaiik heaven for that ' she paid foftly. 'May I see him at once now, aud itloHe ' I don't know whsn I will see him a^^aiu and, Mr. Otis, you have been so kind, will you take care of him till he is quite well again I can't pay you now- 1 am poor â€" but some day, if I live, I will.' 'I need no pay. For your sake. Miss DaugerDeld, I will care lor him gladly. I would cherish a dog that had been vouib.' She held out her hand to him with the dd bii'ht grace. 'Thank you. I knew I might trust you. I must go before it gets too late, Please talx mo to him at once.' Ho led her to the c'lainbcr door. Wliitc, coli, and motionless, in the fast fading tUy light, Gaston Dantreu lay. SliC hsd not seen h-m since that fatal wedding night, fnd now (jlie saw him again â€" thus. She stiod an iu instant, then she eutftJ and closed the door. They heard the soft rustle of her dress as she knelt beside the bedside, then silence foil. No one spoke. The momeuts pas- sed, the ni^'ht had entirely shut down, the wind li..wied through the desolate churchyard, whose ghostly grave stones ihey could see glancing la the darkness." A hushed expectatiou held them â€" of what they knew notâ€" a strango. prophetic awe. Mf. Otis was the first to move. The mnutel clock struck six, she turned softly and lit the lamp, a' d stood waitiuu again. Five n inutcsâ€" ten â€" no sign, «« sound from that inner room. Fifteen â€" twenty â€" the two men looksd at each other uneasily. Twenty-fiveâ€" tiirty. Then Dr. Graves spoke. 'She has been there long euoug'.u It is no place lor her in her present state. Mrs. Otis, do you go aud tell her to come ou*.' The little widow, full ot foreboding, tiptoed to the door, aod tapped. No answer. A second tap, louder still no reply. A third tapâ€" louder this time, hut the only auswsr profoundest â- ileuce. •Open the door, mother 1' called thb Voice of her son, soundinKstrtnge and husky â€" open at once 1' Mrs. Otis obeyed â€" ever so little at first, and not looking in. » a â-  â-¼- â-  • • â-  6Dt6r ' still no responss. Then. he open- ed the door wide, and recoded with a "7i. ., .v:.j t.„. fallenâ€" she vhit«, Jiexk. Le lay, tJrtmOf fnrf^g 9old. *0h. Henry, speskl' bis motbdr cried. 'Doctor OrafM, tell oao, baa she fainted V The elder doctor rvmored his hand from her heart, and stood np very pale himself iu the lamplight. 'Not fainted, mftd»m,' h« said qoist ly: 'dtadV AND Surprise Parties Supplied with every desirable article ofCon- fâ€" ..^.„-^ «n the shorte-t notic*, a«« at LIVERY! IN CONNECTION. lectiouery on the shorte- reasonable rates. qi ;the Article of Bread I I DEFY COMPETITION. And will deliver it at the resideneeof all who may favor rae with their patrorage. A DUNLOP. BM. 15, 1*1 ••â- *â-  Henry, the child has has fainted ' i.„*„,. Uenry Otis was in the room before the woJd. were spoken, ^tberine was lying on her face on the floor by rhe bedsfde, where she bad aofUy Ian In one aecond she was upliftwl in Hanry Otis' arms and boms into Se bght. Her head fell limp ot. h'r afm. her eye. wer. clos«i. b-r features rigid. He ""d her upon J sofa -the two doctors bsntoTerber^ one with his band on her bwt. other on her pulse. Tb. besrt â- till, ths p«J«« bt»» BO longer the Uy Rifid. Sir Petar Dsngerfiald aat alons m the library at Scajswood, the silkeo curtams wers drawn, fir«lu;bt and lamplight mads ths room brilliant, bis purple easy chair was drawnup before a writing table littered with deeds and documents, aud Sir Peter iu gold bowed spectacles, was trying to read. Trying â€" not reading. For eTer betwse 1 him and the parclimuut page, a face menacing and terrible kept comini; â€" the face of Katherine, as be hud scan her last. Where was Katherine Dead or alive, she had (.worn to be revenged Was siie dead? Ha shuddered through all his little craven soul and heart at the thonghl. Men had looked at him daritly aud askance all day, and turn- ed coldly Hway frem him while he spoke. Tuoie hai' been whispers of sucide. What if while he sat iicre in his warm, li;{htcd, luxutous room, she lay stark and frozen under the stars dead by her own ha?id Theiewasa tall, smoke coloured bottle OU another table, with glasses. He was usually a very an thorite fir abstemiiusueas, but ho sprang nji now, with a muttered oath, filled him salt a stiff glass of braady, and drain- ed it at a iLaught. •I wish to hiaven I had given her that inftrnal three thounaua, and be hangeil to it ' he muttered, flinging himself back t^ulkily lu the chair. 'Curse the luck I What's the use of a titlo and a fortune if a fellow's life is to ba ba?t;ered out of him in this way There's that greedy little devil. Mrs. Va»asor,uot a peuuy would she throw ff. And now theie's Kaliiwrine. I wish I hadu'i said what I did to her. If lliov ever find â€" I mean if they Cud her â€" I'll give her that three thousand if she takes it. and have dona with the whole coufounded thing. But she's so confoundedly proud that lika- IV shkj'll turn cantankerous and re- fu.o. I'lieie's no pleading a woman anyway, refuse it and yini insult her, ott'i-r her it and you insult her more. Oil, coiiio in, whoever you are, aud he hiiiigf .1 to y.,u I' This plctsaiit i-nuchidiug adjuration was i:i respoiisa to a rap at the do r. .\ tull, serious foot inau in purple plush brcfccbes and white stockings ap peartd. 'Dr. Graves, Sir Peter,' spake this majestic meniiil, aud Tanishad, Sir, J'ettr »ruso, as Dr. Graves, hat in hand very pale and solemn of. via- ago, stood before him. News of Katherine ut last. He grasped the back of his chair with one hand, and taced his yi* itor aliuobt dafiautly, as one whoshould Fay 'whatever has hap- peieU 1 at least have had nothing to do witk It.' 'W^'l, sir ?, he demanded. 'Sir Pet«r Dangerfield, I bring news of â€" Katherine. She is fouud.' The little buruet's heart gave a great leap. Found, then she had not commi'ited suicide. 'Ah 'he said, with a look of sulky injury, -1 knew as much. I thought slie wasn't the sort t-f girl to take arsenic or throw herself into the nearest mill stroam. So she's found 18 she. Aud where has she been pray since she ran away from Scarswood " He resumed his chair, f jlded his arniJ and looked up at his visitor. But still Dr. Graves kept that face of su- pernatural solemnity. 'When khe rau away from Scars- wood, Sir Peter, she went to her old nurse in Bracken Hollow. About three hours ago, while I was at Ottia' cottage, seeing that unlucky chap, Dautree, she came." 'She did! To see Dantree, too, I suppose. Exlroiuely forgiving of her, I must say, but not in the least hke Katherine Dangerfield. Perhaps she is goiug to turn romantic sick ni ise to her wounded cavalier, and end by getting him to marry â€" ' 'Stop, Sir Peter Dangerfield I' the old doctor said hoarsely 'not another word. Katherine Daiigerfiuld will never marry Gaston" Dautieo or any other mortal man. She is dead. 'D.-ad ' Sir Peter leaped from his chair HS tiiough he had be.n speared. •Dead. Gravea I Good God I I thought you said â€" I thought â€" ' His white lips refused to finish the senteuca he stood atariug with hor- ror-struck ayea at the elder mau. 'Yes, Sir'Peter â€" dead Of heart disease, uo doubt, latent aud unsua- pacted This ia how it happened â€" â-  She came to 'feea Dantree betore Lav- ng Cistltifora â€" those where hor words. She looked ahockinp'y ill and haggard, and her mind se-oied to wander a little. She fell iuto a sort of stupor as she sat befoie the fire and complained of her head. We arousad lier after a little time, and she went mto the sick room. She abut liie door, and Tve heard her kneel down. iUtiio waa a long ailauco ao long. 30 proluuuii, that we grew aluriuf d. itrs. Oua knocked again and again at the door, and received no auswcK, Then we opened it and went in. She had fallen n her face and waa stoue dead.' ' 'Great Heaven ' 'Sho u^ust haye been dead aomo already growing cold. I left her there when I found life utterly extinct, and nothing more possible to be done, and cime here. It is sbockieg. Sir Peter â€"it is horrible. And only yesterday, as it were, this house waa aU alight for the weddipg.' And then the old doctors Toics broke, and be turned bis back attfupt- iT on Sir Peter and faced the fare. Dead aileuoe fell. The clock tick- ed, the cindera dropped. Dr. Gravea looked fixedly into the coala, and Hit Pe«er sat OiS and nprighl in h« cbwr quite ghastly to look at. -DMd or JiTe. I wiU be retenged. The borriWe words rang m his ear like bis own death knelL T J mmA paaaknaia, haspotenk rag4 of an oat- raged woman, who knew his eo«ard I7 natore to the foil. b«t tfaey did tbeir work. Katherine wat dead I and Katherine was Tindiotiy* enoaf^ to carry her hatred and revenge into that world of abadows whither she bad gone, and come back from her crave and porsoe him. C^raater and wiser than poor httle Sir PetM Dangerfield bavo^deyoutlj belicyod in ghosts ht was auperatitioQB to the core. And Katlierine was dead â€" dead â€" dead 1 Great, heavy drops atood on hia pinch- ed, palid lace, and bis voice was hus- ky as na apoke 'Dr. Qravea, there mnat be some n iatake here â€" there miat. She could not die in that way it ia too horrible â€" ^and abe was ao youne aud so strong never sick a day in her life, by George. Ob, it ia impes6iblc,you know entirely impoasible. It is a fit or a faint.if you like, not dearb. Let us go back aud see what can be dona for hor I will go with yo'i. Let us He o£f at once. I tell yeu she can't be dead. I dou't want bar to die. It is a prolonged fainting fit, doctor take my word for it nothing more. Stroug, healthy girls like Katheriue don't drop off in a minuts like that.' 'Sir Peter,' the old phyaician the Old nhysician aaid quietly, 'I am sixty- fire years of age, and for the past for- ty years I have scan death in all its phases â€" lingeriug and mstantaQeous. Aud I tell you she is dead. But we will go to her, as you say you cau cjuvince yourself with your own eyes. But still Sir Peter would not be convinced. would not, could not 'make her dead.' He hurried from the ro~)in, changed his dress, ordered round his borsf8, atd in fifteen miuutes the two meu were gallopi-ig full speed through the keen frosty night iuto Oastleford. The town laid hushed at^d dark it was close upon cleyeu now, neither spoke a word the breathless pice did not admit of talk. They reached the Otis' cottage, its whole front lit, aud figures fluted rapidiv to and fro. Aud Peter Dangerfield's heart an- der his riding coat was throbbing so rapidly ,he turned sick aud reeled diz- zily for au instant, as ho sprang from the saddle. The uext he 1 allied snd followed his leader in. On the sofa in the little sitting room where they had first placed her, Kath- eriue still lay. They had removed her hat and cloak, and looseued all her clothes, but over that rigid face the solemn seal of eternal sleep had fal- len. They had closed l»r eyes and crosicd lur pulseless hands, and calm- ly as though sleeping, aud fairer than ever iu life, she lay. The hair;,'ard look had all gone, and a great calm lay upon it. Sir' I'eler DaUiiorfijM saw her GOVEBNUR OENEBAL'3. SPlsECS. agaiu. There were three persons in the Ottawa, Feb. 9. The speaker took the chair at 2.40. On the arrival of bis Excellency be assumed ths throne, and read .the speeeh aa folio wa â€" SPEECH FROM THE THRONE "Honourable Oentltmen of the .Smat* 'Gentlemen ot the Uoum of Commons "The hope I expreasert at the cloae of the laat aessiou that on the re-aa- aembUng of Parliment we ahould be able to conto'atulato ouraelves on a season of peace and prosperity has been fully realized Canada has been favoured with a year of great [roaper- ity. Her farmers have enjoyed a plentiful harvest and remunerative prices. Her manufacturing aud other industries haye been, and con- tinue to ba, developed uder favour- 1 able au8pic«B. Her trade and oomineree I have been steadily increasing, and pea-se aud order prevail within Jfrr j bordara. For theae varioua Llersinga I wacaunot be sufficiently thankful to the Oiver of all good things. in THBPUBLiO I Witt ha W4 r^ :00ti^' sMeIwatmies Ibaa will Ml^Hu« la»oT»blj wiii a« hiM atot* ia Caaa^ -^•^ AltoiMhar bia Btoak ta UfiGE, TASTY. AND WELL /^8- SOaTED. Aa.|a^Mtie^«( kis sSoi* will n|ia) aayaaek Ha is givlBf apaeial diseniats dariac the. hohdays. W. F. DOIX. n«lMrton. Dm. SS, 1681. eT-ly DEATH or PaEaiDKMT GARFIELD. "The Chief Magistrate of the Unit bd Stataa has beeu cot off by the hand of an assassin, and it is fitting that the sorrow of our peop'e for a loss wliich was not that of our fr'ren;l5 and neighbours alone should bo hero advarted to as another instance of the S'Oi hopes of a of 818 miles, aud of this IGI milee are completed au.t opeu f-r traffic. The company liav in addition graied eighty-niue miles uf branch hues. INTEr.C.ll.OMXL RAILWaV. "I am pleased to ba able to atate that the traffic on the Intercolonial railway has largely increase ], aud that thia line waa during the last fiacal year, for the first time in ita hiatory, worked without axpenaa tc the oan- l:y. WELUWD CANATl. "The works on the Walland canal were uo' advanced that the waters of Lake Erie were introduced for its supply in Jena last, aud lU Seiitouibcr the new portiou of the canal 1 tweau Allan- burg aud port DaU'cubie waa epensd for traflic. â- -' TR.tDE WITH SaAZ'L. "You will be pleaKPu t. kuow that a monthly line of sieHiner-, which hns been subsidized under :he author- ity of Parliament, is n-w playing be- tween the Dominion and I'.azil with Diinually profitable sympathy which unites iu brother- hood the British Empire aud the American Republic. THS soBTa wear, "During the recess I had the pleas- ure of yisiting the Province of Maui toba, and of traversing tiie extenaiyc prairies of the North- West, and fi'^Jm personal examination cau sincerely ' ""^^"^^ **"" th« d-.'»el..ii;iie.-.t coHKratuUte Canada on the possoKion j luanufactniini' ;ii.hts:n#», w.l! of BO maguificeut and fertiln a regioa, 1 before you. and 1 invite t....i eanna* trade. r.vcroRV 1.AU111;.. "The report of the K y*l Com- missi. ni issued to eii({uiri' into the question of liactory lab..r.r. aiil into til* best inea- s of proinot'ii^ icfli- fort and well h«i;ig of tho-v uk.ugman and liib faniiir. wi.h -ut mil r inter- if our w.ii be lai.l to be inhabited, I trust, in the course of years by millions of thrivinjf, "aiid contented subircta of bar Majvttty. The immigranta have not coufiued themsalvev to Manitoba orits vicinity-, but are acattered over the co consideration of this r^ioit. '(iKHtUmenif ihe lipune 1/' I'ummoHt "Till? accounts iil \)\'9l lai" year will be laid I eforo von. li mil ba satia- untrv f^"oO' to you to find that Iheexpen.i westward to the base ol the Rocky '"'•e l'«8 "been less and the revanti-. considerably more ihin the estimates of last voar, leaving a si:rj lus of over four millions of doil.^'-i V porti.n f this sum has hcir !.;â- . 1 li tli*^ re.luc- lion of tl le [in b'ic d hi l)v thr Mountains, ai.d from toe interna tional boundary to the banks of the N.jrthern Saskatchewan. It is therefore thought that the time has COL'ie for the division of the .tuiritories iutj four or inire privisional districts, with appropriate nomenclatne. Ttiis,. ,â-  subject will be submitted for â-  viKtr " *rr^^" ^^ ,^1«-' r'Vf U'ont i«r pubho consideration. ' {^"'^^ "liuiVTea.rr to -apitul accunt. I Die ncco.-sitv 01 i:^--u;iiu' -he (Irhenturc I deiup- lion of matured dehfnturea bearing six v^v CPi't.iiUorest, and the reiuain- rooui. B.side Ocis and his mother, thu old ex-indiau nurse frara Brack- en 11 olio w, sad, gaunt and gray, sat close by iier nur.'iliug swayinu; eeaso- less'y to !ind fro, aud uttering a sort of moauiug cry, like a dumb creature in pain. She lifted her inflamed eyes and fixc.l tlieiu with savaj^e hat- red upon the palid face of tiie baronet. '.\y,' she said bitterlv 'you area fine gentle, now, little Peter Danger- field, and you do well to come aud look at your handiwork for you are her murdsrer. you aud that lying, false f.aced villain lyiug yonder, as sure as ever men were murderers. â€" The law won't hang you, I suppose, but it has hung men who deserved it less. I wonder y-ou aren't afraid to look at her afraid she will rise up from her death- bed aud accuse you.' He turned his tortured face toward her, quite horrible to ace in its fear aud ghastliuess. 'For heaven's sake, hush,' he said, I never meant this* I nevei thought she would die. I would give all I am worth to bring her back to life. I could not help it â€" I would not have had it happen for world" Don t drive ma mad with your talk.' 'Liar ' oid Hannah cried, towering up and confronting him donlle liar and coward. Who rcfusid her her dying father's bequest who offeied her the deadliest and mo»t dastardly insult it IS possible to oS'er woman and you say you are sory, and ask me not to drive you mad. I tell you if the whole town rose up and stoned you, it would not bo half your deserts. I say agaiu, I woudcr that, dead as she lies there before you, she docs not rise to accuse her murderer. Mr. Henry Ottis, this is your house, and she thouf^ht you her friend. Show yourself her friend now, and turn her murderer out I' 'Hannah, Hannah, hush?' inter- rupted Mrs. Ottis, scandalized and alarmed. Whatever Sir Peter might bo, it was not in this good woman's nature to do other than revereuce to the lord of Scarswood, the man cf cigtli thousand a year. But her son stepped forward â€" 1 ale, c(dd, stern. 'Hannah's right, mother," he said, 'and he shall go. Sir Peter Danger- field, this house is no place for you. You have come here and convinced yourself she is dead â€" driven to it by you and that man yonder. He is be- yond the pale of justice â€" yiu are not and by Heaven you shall go 1' He threw wide the house doc r, his dark eyes flashing, and pointmg out into the darkness. 'Go, Sir Peter, and never set foot acroas tbia threabold of mine again. She turned to me ir* l.,.x..uuuj,' «iuu sne 18 mme novvâ€" mine, Go !â€" you coward, you robber and msulter of helpless girlhood, and cotue here bo more ' (to bb comtinued. COKDITICN OF THE INDIXNS. "During my j(.uiney I was met by numerous Indian tribes, all express- ing confidence in the continuance gf the traditional policy of kindness and justice which has hitherto governed the aborigines. 1 regret, however, .to say that the necessity of aiipplemant- lug the food supply of the Indiana still exists, and is likely to continue fir some years. Fvery e.xcrtiou has been made to settle the Indian 'jaiids on re8eryes,and to induce them to be- take themselves to the raising jf cat tel and cultivating the soil, fliese efforts have met with a fair measure of auccos;, btit we cau only e.xpect. by a Ions; coutiuuanca of patient firm- ness, to induce these cliildreii cf the prairie aud the forest to abandon their nomadic habits, become self-s ip porting, and ultipiat3:y add to the in- dustrial wealth of tho countiy. The iuflux of a white population bus great- ly increased the dauger of collision between the settler and the red man, I loan authorized by Pailian.ent for j th 80 ptiqiosos his therefore been ob- j viated. The cstimtle.s of the ensuing (•year will aKo bo aubiiiiiled, av.d will, i 1 trust, b.! found to'ha\e been framed I with duo regard to economy and the elficiciiey of tho iniblic service. " Hori'irublc litttiUiiieii uf thf Sruatf "GeutU'iiifii th* tiniitf (./ C.iiHinuint: I now invit.i your ntteniiou to the general busiiios's which will come be- fore you, with full confidence iu your ability atid patriotic desire to f.irwjird the b.'bt interests of the ciunlry." I After bis Kxrelleiicy li^.l withdrawn I the loll 'Wiug new Neiiators wore in- I troduced arid took their soal.s â€"lion. ID. Mclnue«,. Ilanr.l'.on li'Mi. I Mr Ofrilvie, M.n. Mr. .Mc- Kay, Cdchoslei" ati.i II 11. Mr. Skcad, Ottawa. i It deridi-st ii;"t tlio iiddrosa i shouM he.movc I l-iji.)rrow. the House 1 to moot at :-'.;((•. .WSMUST F«ES AKD DocToas.â€" The feesrif doctors 18 ao item that very many per- sona are intoreeted in jnat at preeent. We believe the schedule for y'n'iit is $8.C0, which would tax a man eon- fined to bis bed for a year, and need of daily vititf, over $l,OuO a year for medioal attendance alone And one single bottle of Hop Bittors Uken in time woald save the $1.0 W and all I Tile House then a-Ijotirnod. and in my opimou renders au augmeu- j .^.j^^ ^^,j^,,^^ ^^ ^^J ^^^^^^ ^ju ^, tation of the Mounted Police a matter ,^^.^^^ ,,,. „^.^ i,,M,l,nK-s, and sec ol urgency. ' ,. ., j ^^^^^^,^^ ^; ,j^^j ^j.^ O.^lvio. CIVIL 8F.BVICK RI-.FORM. "The report" of the commiasi-'n ap- pointed to investigate tho extatlui; system of tho Civil Service "ill he laid before you, and a measure 011 the subject sumitted for your considor- atiou. RFADJLSTMKKT of RF,R£SEN"TATI0.\. "The deeounial census having been taken last year, the duty of reconsider' ir.g and readjusting the fepreseirta- tiou lu.lhe House of Commons is im- posed upon you. A measure for .the purpose will be laid before you. PUBLIC M.VTTEBS. ' "Several other measures ol im- portauce will be tubmitted to you. Among them will be bills for tlie wind- in? up of Insolvent Banks, dnsurance Companies.and Tiadius Corporations; for the consoJidation and amendment of the laws respecting the Dominion lands for the a'ncndinent of the Acts relating to the Supreme Court of Canada and bills relating to the tenure of office of the judges of coun- try coiirts, and to fugitive offer ders within the Empire: and your att.n tion will be called to the present anomalous position of tho vice-admir- alty juiisdicticp. CANADA PACIFIC RAILWAY. "The work of construction on that' portion of the Canada Pacific lailway between Prince Arthur's Lauding and Winnipeg is being pressed to com- pletion and it it confidently expected that in July next railway coinmiini- catiou will be established between these places. Tlie section between Rat Portage aad Winnipeg, one hun- dred aud thirty -five miles in length, has been completed and tramifarroJ under the terms of(tke contrstct to the Canada Pacific Railway Company, by whom it is now operated 'Joi.aid â-  eecutioD of the work om that poriii;n of the hue during the pres. nt year pro vided for. In British Columbia fha work upon the section between Savo- ua's Ferry and Emory's Bar is I bu^i carried on with every prospect »f ita completion witnin the time apeeifiad in the contract and the linl latter place to Port Moody, which has commu.n iw.»„ .,r«fnllv IfH-ated duriuK the past lieved a WHAT i:-VF.UV0Nh BKTl.ll.. I Aii'l avevy oa who on tus!.f' ita I i]:eriis speaks wuiuily iii praiae of I Hagyard'b Ptcloml lialsam as a pcai- tive cure for all thro-at and lu la; com- p'ainta coughs and colds, sore throat, I bronchitis, and lueipinnt CMisump- tion. I ,\ Jers'yn'an bavin.: a cow wi'li only [one ryo boiii.'ht a j.' .me friin an animal slutier, and p-n il into tho cavity. One diy he 5 .Id i; .0 1. cattle dealer for ^!f) ii;i.l a '..•â- ;; oi ci-lor. Subsi,q!i.-iitly lu;-f 11' •*.•» the dealor laud t( ok tho Cov. r.w v fr.iui the I slalile, she.- ha 1 I.e. :i stowed for j the ni.^'i.t, nud p;U her glass eve into his jKickot. I'he do iler hau hiin ar- rested for hlvaliiig. 'I'iie accuser aske.l hmi if his c^iW' ba 1 '.â- .â- . o e_ivs. "Cer- tainly," !^ai 1 tho do. ill r. The cow was brought, iuid. to the deal: rs as- touishiiiont, pruvel to have only one eye. The r.ivv was h.inded over to ite former owner, who i.'ok bur home. He played that trick times â€" often enough to got inonfy to pay his e'octir»n exjcnacs wlien bo ran for sheriff. Suhs-jipienily tiie cow had a calf, and the calf had a glass eye juk» like its motiicr's.' So the Jer-ieyinau said. A RI'.AL M,CLS'^;T" ^.o house sh'iiM bewil:;o.itn bottle of I'agjaid' Y'e ^ow Oi"'i cas • 1 f ac- ailtu. T.i' If is no iire|'«ra-i I'l ..ffer I to^.ffenng Iii.mnnity that ha« mats .10 lumv p-'rnmi ent ciirea, » 1 relr.vo.l so nMcli pain and misery. It iactllcl by some tlia (ioo.l Samaritan, hy ofle •» ihr, (lar.-* all, and by the Rffl.ctl an .Angel of Mcrcey. r'.men » DOl li^rjShSi" A?'«i'«'»^'««l thayat-.^ek-aee-roa. An important in-tnlme it o' ..Y'hiri 'fiTgaf a"'e" at twenty-one came into forcj «i h tie new year, l.i iniuiy cantons the ai;e • f majoritT for men ha« hitherto been its hf^ii n^ fAenty- six anl, as woiue.i were altoi'Oiler denied majority, no matt."" h.-v oH they were, th' num'n" if ••wards' wore very creai. Toe 1 1 â- â€¢ of in^ar.i- tiie contract "and the line from thej ianship in m rt cr.:o« .1. v Ivr.l oij t! e es, v.hch ik:t mucli thaii. l \v y. 'tl M .avo he. n ti s i :!•' T and ipi at home beeu carefully located during the paat aeason is now being placed nnd^-r con- f 5r the futur. S«r,i.a tract with a view to ita completion at abr.iad, •hoJrr unm-'rel. iv.«t- tbesimedate as the section from iried, or wi low,, wdl hc:v,!lv en v.- Savona's Ferry to Emory's Far. cipated ou their t-Acnryir«t hirth.ia's. Joon tiie sections to be constructed 1 In the town of Saint G 1 1 a'one fo:-- by the railway company the work hasi tunes to th.'.. mount of upwai. often been most energetically carried for millions of f.nncs we e ti ,n-. one I lo, ward. During the past s mmer tha women, f^rn rly ;i w.rla..ip, under road has been graded for the distance the n*- » liw. tf ^tV Y-ai e .^y I f I. -^ â-  y .it"i

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