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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 10 Feb 1882, p. 3

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 ^^Mj^fm'^t •.?â-  1'i â- I 1 I' h l'»- fci« bii^ Itltitoi* ngbt t« r.v«|x Mic. ttjid fvmaiu f IpcNpy kod iiiiKeilbU, l?iSa i^y iiaV* to UUmm- ^•n nnd commit Muicide. If Qui RBft' /tcii betr5k X(f!fli and fiila to per- form it* faoctiuna, Bardock Blood Bit- ters Uni fpeeJil; remedy the trroablc. TBUE GENTLEMAN. ijile aud l6of? bf his hat. Harry L«3 utiiiti Lftiidel to ati old man, whom 6 bad itt-cuieDtalh rtumbled against, l\ii: rao« wuioh Ue knocksd from his )iHiui. "1 hopo 1 ilid uot hart yon. AVfc wtre playiUK tx) roughly." "Not a bit," said the old man, (Ijrerily. "Boys «ill b« boys, and it in best they should b«. Yua did nut Ltirm mb a bit." "I'li glad tb hear it," tud liftinx 'lia bat acain, Hairy tnriivd to join NIL DESPERASDUM. iV^i;rjfcA Jr'jj'-i The n ADMmBSTO BS Best Local Paper ill* plurtnatrs with whom he 1»1 ' that ts pablukai Iw *• bc!ii flociliSg at the tims of tha ac cident. " W uat did you raisa your bat at that old fellow f^^r T' askad his com naniou, Charley (/ray, "He's only Gii;es, th« huckster." "Th!!t ciaket uu Jiffereoce," said Harry "the questiou is uoi whethar ha is a g«iitl(iii«L,but whether I am." KESEP.VING OFPliAISE, Too mocli cauiiot be i-xpresaad in fstor of that unsurpaosed remedy for cqukIih; fcoldii. astlitna, croup, sore • iirutt, h^'i ill luug couiplaitts. If v.u Hiiffer from iie;,'lected coldit, try Jla:.'yard's I'ectoial Baloain. The toki in trilling, uuiy 25 teuts. rilOVlNCAL API'OINTMENRS. It is pnb- Usbed •Vny Tiiday stxaing in tiiM to* Ant to aay FREE OF POSTAGE I â- urs THE OBEAT EKCKLISti KB •Dd aO iiaemm Ufa* foll«v as a Mqnanee al Salf-AbaM â- a loM ct VeiiKAj, CniTena^ Las iitada. Pain in the ' ~*~' of Vifcion, Prematar* old aCt Biaiiy otoer Diseases th^l or ConnmiptiiD tnd a flb' matora Orare. ' ^FfvM partiealan in Mr pamplilet. which we desire to send h ee L V mail to arerr oaa. ' Tb* Specific Medicine is sold '\rj all Dmggisto at •1.00 per package, or six AftflT packages for tS.OO, or will be sent " on reci ipt of the monty by adi THE 8RAY MEDICME CO Uis liouur (ho Lieuteuant-GoTernor lias l/eeH pleased to appoint the fol- I'lwiiiy gentlemen coin!iiis«:orerg, au- iler ihw j)ro7i:'i":S of llic Licer.Se Act of 1870, ill am! ft)r tlie iinderuiouliou- ed Liceusi- Di',r!',ts •- b.i.ckvillo and the Doutli Riding of Leeilti â€" liobert Broiicli, CtinieB Corn- uuil, l^iillicr Kilborii. JJnic-»» (Noriij Ui.iiii^i â€" James Row- iJiI.J.Ln M. KiiLoru, \V;a. IJull. GaiJwuIIâ€" 'aui«r!t U. Nf.vlf^ve, Geo, Jon â- , 'liijb. Ilromi. • ItTiiwisii -Alex. R Mr!iii.»lii, Jas. ^. Uoi.erfs.ii, 1). 'I JfjlJ.imi.l. I'liihuUi I \V.^r,l Ki.liii.-' -11. Mid- dleioii, H. Wiii.iiitl, .1. liii^;eR (iri.v (Notii I'i'liugi (.ieo. I'rice, ti. h. Doi.i... .1 StLAait; llHstings lK-|^t ii.iilii;.' -Q. rilil- liph. ,S. \\':.\, i. Al'rl;rt),l. Noiih Hi .HJJ5 "I Lee In and (ireii- 'iil- a I'l till! Electoni' I^istrict of ' U h (ir uvillfeâ€" J.Buckly, E. Smith, I. W rij(«t. •h ijo\ â€" J. Steveusu.i, J. Felljas, A. I, .Monk'i:. N'-rmik- -l" Gord ii, r. Beemcr, \V. Ti.iubuil. Oiitan-i "i'.iMl' 'K: liii/, â€" B. F. ff.ui|.'.L-,l, W. :.I..i!l, M. b n. K. I'm^ii ^. ii:i (N.,it)i l:i;iii,' \V. Mowat, .; K .lai.aii. \V. .S. iJ .1 cr. nuM.iiid-.l. Dieiv,.' v.. Moriii, J.i 'IllaldiSOM. ' .oo la adTaaee, or %XM U not so paM. c. w. rutLMdge. â- ditor and Stafnator ffli^im OH, m -08, HBiil ,t)^j*(«»«ifT^.««»*P* T* k PERMANENT BACK, ^ea. Diseases of the Kidne Uiiilary Orxans, or atten IdJDUBITBLB EVIDBNCJ TlB 8ATISF/ creased sales for so Tsia liseases of the Kidneys. FORUUIE Bladder and it eoarylaints. GIVING BH- IIJOB. •pta\ are .J ^JTiemedy for Sjgned. 1 J. B. MOBDEN. ^1.50; Begnlar Pad, onio Diseases, U- "phletand Tsati- Prieeaâ€" Child's Pad Special Pad for joaiDra^at I Oee. Brttf â-  B1«EB 4 C'l^ MaHidalc. Cd., Qaren Boand. i yf. EESiOTT, dhaUVorth. STEPHENS ic MtfCABBOLL, MaaforA. M. BICHAKDSqjI. Flaaherton. THOS. STEPHTOiSOS, OrangeTille. •«. lf.PABSOI*mDnadsHf. X-- -â-  •• â€"THE- DUNDALK nerald Is the same size as the STAXdRC, and is also pnUished at this o£Bce A. G. HUNTER, Loeal Editor, Dundalk IF TOU WANT CARRIAGE WORKS MARKDALE. As the season of the year is approaching that SlciKlisaml (utters aro wnuttd, we wish to intimate to the farmers and public in general tljat we can sui)jly them with any thing thty want in that !:ne, BUih as Lonf? SieifjliB. KueeBobs, Block-Bobs, Democrats, Square Box, Portland, Swell Body, and. Double-seated Cutter OF ALL KII.DS AXI) SiYLKS. Aji vre use Dothiu^ br.t first-class material we can GUARANTEE SATISFACTION Call and Inspect our Work cu hand bi'fore purcl;.isjng elsewliere. WARNING Thars is great danger of tak- ing col^ from wet feet. If /ea 'â-  'i cwaa'ttp Guard Against Sickness! Keep yoar feet dry and warm by .procuring your jBOOTS 1 •: r. KAY THOMAS. Satisfaction Gnaranteed. Med- icated Cork Soles, all sizes, kept vn hand. Kemembrr the place opposite the new BtutDUIt) Oifiee. 49 THJdl NarrowCauge IS A- The People^s I^hofe ,X O XX im^m Oi i«»a M heretofore. U0. Wloisa«.tap.,««*o*^K«*«»-'^^ ^?;|^^jfe}xd,a^tA^^J«A^ied M^d eal|igaaby tout oIdfri««^ i j^ «a^"' •"â- â€¢"" :^- " ALL -^MEIV 'i H'anthMtoPwsfcaseorBert In^rarsd farms, WOd" the Couatyol Ory «tUla*»fK»partr.te SHOULD SEND fm â- T^ Ah Farms for Sale arid to-Ltt. :v.?!Jvn li"in' â- â- * " ' â-  â- â€¢â€¢ â- â- â- â€¢ " 'j â- ^'^\ â- -â-  " These JSaTing UMI pi?fl^rt»s to dliposi of shdald eonsolt me â-ºâ€¢F* Sar« Sal* •' â- â€¢ CATALOGUE SENT ON APPLICATIOB. I have openrd an Offlce in Rntledse's Hotel, Iflarkdale, wher« 1 wiU be found every Thursday, and will he prepared to exeeau Deeds. Leases, Mortgages, Ac, Ac, neatly an-l correctly. Adrice on legal poiaU ej|. Also to attend to all the different departments of my business. Xf\. I |n eraiy department of my business my m^tto is Thoroufh- '^iL.' nets and fair Dealing. O.VPEFCL ATTENTION GIVEN TO IIACYAIIDS Vl.l.l.OW OIL. j Wiil b? foiinil iny.iluiililu fur a. I iir- ;• of il I'iiriuly liiiiiiiuiit. Iiiim;ili-i '•..' will I'oli'jw ili lu uUoaset) ' t't ji.iai lo the tstomacl), buvvclsor nidu; iii"iiii,.i:i .111. i:"iic.. r-|i uiii ii 1 I bni^ies. I I'-u iM.' iiiiil iiii^l t \i riiii. use. liliiiil :....;.a. Ill ll.- w..rU f..r wl.atUl.r.- «c,:d it to the Sr,x.ur.r. office. Ifyoud«,i.e I. lor s.ijit iv ii!l clt'ulers neat work doni at moderate pricos send it to JOB WORK HORSESHOEING a;ii"i (iiiicral Jobbing' in every line. DONE PROMPT bliOrâ€" Oil M'll Stiont opposite t'j THING OF THE PAST -BHT- REYNOLDS SON -ARE Jitltlcii-irl •ll li.'.i; i'lr b )ltlc A i;aI) i;i,i NDKii. •le. wo aro couiid tit wo can auit you. you want Vt H â-  lira-fl til s. nil.... m.,uo ti-ue ago jjjll HEADS. •â- ..1 stmlt ht « 11... (iilailid t" LETTER HEADb, .i^i-.t :( vi.iMi;^ l;clv, (\Imiii Ijh i iiij.' :i'i;iili(il iiolu iti.'ti, III liiiiklii^' .â- â€¢ii. »â-  ll.- V ^.il.'j.iili ,i:;i.Jt.l lilir.iiv I i.» |. (.';," !:V0 iiiii.i.ii.r I'liiiiid till- ' 'f\ lii iin .lU.s .l.'i Uii|'Ii'a.-iii!it one, I •.- lii.- •i,.uiiiji' rmiii:,' rr utiiio read i ... .1 III.; Iill '1 i:f;h lidi.k I'iiiiii the I Hill- |.i.;i, "III' 111- .lr!l;^lltL-llly i-,,J,U(l j li- inl.i i.i.- i--i; '.i"-Mi Ih-I,,:,. \,i,a. In I hi.t, lii n- ihii- I 'li;-.u;,'ii till- iiiiii'l of 20STEKS 111.- â-º. r ini.l ':ill I'l- LiiiMif-.ll vo;ith I -.â- Mill. 11111. -s til- u |.--tii:i wlijiher j Mil- a 11 -i.-;! I- 1 111 1' 1- -t. '.Mill lier plei:v • !i»;iiri- .1111 iiii/i" ' .I, I- .ill not be I iii'iiiii-.l I.' btffoiiKj i.n,- •'.-^liar^r ol his i iui"ii-- iiimI l-'iN. I I-Vll.-Vf • \M I'l 11 M» liu tiiiiglit ll I .i -v 1. â-  tlionf^iit tlio voiinq I ?iliii.. 'I'-ul 1 do.i I ilait., 8D mere' j Ml. nil. 1 111 It.' .And with gloomier faci tliaii befort.- If contiiiiu-.l his work ..Umi»: ..ur, -.Vexi book-.' al,u„st U'^MPHLETS. iin iii.-.-ti;iiiii-:illy :i-i fii-it uij li») had lri»iii'-ril).'il 'ill- f"i 111- i- titl'?. Ill) Wiia iiri.ii?i-il lioiii his rcTiiii- l.y llio fol â-  v\|^i;^ M-j-' rt.' i.'ieol iii-i d.iiiai.'is ♦.â- r "ii-xl boolv " •â- Why iliii I you d-i It ?â- ' II.' Uiil d lis iI.iiiil;Ii tlio girl had '.It -n i.hIui^' Ills fli M/iit.s. ••! «liii! â- ' ' 111 iii'iuircd, by way of .h:i«i-i--; lur.'Ut. Jiiit the young i.-|.it«.i not a woi-.l. To gaia '.mm ill- ii;^ii:i iii-i â- Next look. " •â- N till!.! iiko til- present, " said ' i^ iiiiii.ioii, vvitli .iu ciicoiira^iug • 1 -ee it i-i of ii M-.'e to hide my r/i..ii:;iit.-i from you. Miss M.," he said, »M i^i;' 11^' Willi eiubiirrassllieiit. â- 'V 111 i:i-"-_tv.o remarks, Iiave aliowu :iK' 1( V pai iVctly yon realize my state l-"i!iil. I will, thei'i lore, follow Send us TOUT order by mail or otherwise and 'Ill jiihict! and fiubiaoe the present " "'l'** "euded to at oaoe and we will t;'P -r'-iiuity of iLskuij; you whether; V r.)-.. wiiiinij to iiee-.'pt me a.s your T.artiier I'or-iM'e. Your answer,! am •.â- .'iiti-liiil fr.K 1 tlu'so romarks, will b« ".iCiriuativo." It was the j.niiig lady's turn to be •- iiil'iuiiisned. â-  i\ what nr'aiks d you refer 7 ' aha Ml id. "T.i the two s..!!tcnceK ie which you :..i iluiicat^Iy blende 1 word* of advice mid en*"i/.iiageiuei!' on this u ost itn- I i i!«iit of i-uMecl.- wlieu you said, W liy d.m't yo'i do it ?* and -No time like till present.' Tile girl 1 Kike-^ piirzled for a mo- ^iH-nt, jiiid then Lurat iut5 fterry i»'ii;li. 'Why, tli.ise wcio the titles of rlie 'mi Ls you cail'dfor. ^Vell, yon iiavo got your-iiir iiit a pretty fix,' ;t-'il hi'.lgiied Pt the discoinfitted elil-l'-llt lU'.llciollslV. Mi » M.," said ll'e youug inan, bnriii^iiigiu w-ih^n.l.leii earnestness, •I lei; you wdi eoui^idir ttm words tthii'li I ciiiiuo! iiow ivt-.i!!. Be inine AkA I sliHil lie all, happy. â- Re- !.ie uie tiid you v id luuke use luisar- ttbl.' lof life. Will y. u be niiue V •V%a, v- K don't tuuke siiCh a noia« niHiitrtoi :.viiicl I'l.y wdi overlrtar VwiU.' CIRCULARS, NOTES, RECEi*^TS, SALE BILLS, BTREAilERS, DODGERS, Hand billp, PROGRAMMES, VISITING CARDS. PUSIXESS CARDS, BALL TICKETS DINNER TICKETS, Or in fact enything in the printing hue, PLAIN OR IN COLORS. TkelPorestandBest Sedlcine ever Made. AcoLuMnat)ofi"of Hops, Buchu* Man- ElratcT ' ' moHC Reeu I and Dandeliorif ^th all tb«best uratjvi; yrii; trtit J cf rU other Bitters, ^fc^A ffi-aax^t Stood PurlA^r, LlWAr atOfi and life a nd IleaiUi UM^tnrinfg icaiUk 1 posFibly lon(f exUt where Hop ed^o varied aud perfect are their No dLieass c BltterBaT-e peratii Tttj gilt »â-¼ 11 %h a£l ng:rt: XU agti asI IzLflrm. Toallwho?© e^nii'loynirnis cause i-regiilari tjof theb*jwtisoi^^unu-»ry orvnnn, or who re- quire an Ajipetizr^^^Touir anrtij'ild Stimulant, Hop Bitters aru inyai^^uatde, without IntOI' icatinS' tu luaurrwhatyourfemeUnfirs or n./mptonis are what the disease or ait^'icuC 1» u^' Hop Bit- lera iun't wail until youa*'t» aic'f hut if yoa oulyfcelbad or nilstralii"-M"**^'***"" at once- I( inay aafe your li ItasB â-  a v e d hundreds. $500»inhepaidforacal90 *l"y will not cureorhelpw Do not sufT, r%""'-^onrfriends »uirer,but useand urce thtin^^^ "" Mop B Remember, flop Kittera is n.i^^'^*' tlru^Twd drunken no.strum, btit tho Purest^^^ ^^ Beat Medic-ine cTcr made th" **ISViUuj^W FWBID and HOPS' and no ptrson or faini! should be without th( in. D.IC. i'lpnahsolut^'andirrestihre c forbrunktufs.-f, use of opium, tobacco i narcntic*. Alla-Jd tv rtru^rirts. Se for Circular. U«p Blttav Mlg, C«^ Eochestcr.N.T andTorunto, UDt. iBtill to the Front! with a large and will selected stock of Stajilc and Fancy DRY GOODS, CiROCERIKS, Boots and Shoes, Crockery, dtc., v.-liie'i they are 8(1Ung aw.iy down at rock Lottoui I'rii-i s fur eath. FLOUR OATMEAL I;RESI1 AND GOOD. 'o. 1 CO vr. OIL At 2Tc. ir Imperial gallon. i Guarantee Satisfaction. Advertisers wonld do wen to reoiembar that tyr special advertising we publieh in our two papers far 23 per cent, advance on one papers' charges Correspondence ^-^ must be in our oAMliy secure a l)U(ea m that ToaadaT eretueg to at weePs issue. -•Kji sail Mtt5. rvRTi!«.JT N S.'.Vs.â€" E^»n't tkti Viiy it l..« n'lav; t.-KirurtSt, as they tr€ ' .;i aattLii i.« lu«- uiaii"!! »v4lnn ' ]mi »*i't v.iu.' iri'-t I.J il.-ji "^tti.rt. wkini Jill coiV'V.-rfi r^l ..I »^.l».tlâ- lou, coalttrk iTikit* .^.%H.t coi.iie ti i saai a I lau,ic r-xu » aMwra eatnii' ,-i.' ..i ie»«-r. Tm»y am »'!» »«i»'t» #1 4 c. W RUTLEDGE, '""IfaakUe. Oat r. P Nil X Horse-Shoeing a Specialty Markdale, June2, 18 1 .4 FLESHEETON HarnessShop. CORDON Ha.1 always on hand a full assortment of HEAVY HARNESS, WHIPS. V-\, SLEIGH BELCS, TRUNKS, HORSK BLANKETS. -AND SCOTCH COLLARS â- Warranted to fit, sn.i made of the Tery best material, and at the LOWEST LIVING PHlCES. saasi^iacs thx plaix RICHARDSON'S BLOCK. J. GORDON. N. B.â€" GoodSUve and Shingle Tmiber taken Fleaherton, Dm. flth. 1881. }«. Cholcfl-^JEarm for. Sj t^o FBOM sr-iaXDltfe t, Aiteianuk.lbi L'Joatafntng tJO acn leHfiration. aud tin *ka IlLir' Call and be. convinced. KVLL ^VINTER OOODS SELL- r ING AT COST FOR 30 DAYS. REYNOLDS SON. Markdale. Jan. .Irj. l^fiS. R9-2m. Aactioi COBT* flales eondncted. Rents, AccooHta, Ac^ collected mad prootpt returns made. CHARGES L.OW. HOT. DAVIS« r, Commissiooer in B.R., Keal Estate, Loan h InstiraBsa ifaMt NeT^ HAVINO UASBD THE PREMISES LATELY OCCUPIED BY TUBJIIB ik 00 HAVE HOW ON HAND A PIBST-CLASS STOCE OF Dry Coods, Groceries, MANTLES, READY-MADE CLOTHING 0-^:E:3=3CO.i=!.TS, 9007$ A^^ $801S$» Crockery and Glassware 1^^ MX*}-*, c Jkc. The above stock ha* been purchased for cash lit a seasoO wlin-i t'le importers are rtiniiing uff 'heir surplus stock at and under cost to make room for their sprilig importations, con- sequently I am in a position to give ains to those who are able to bny their good« fo oaiili. Call and see for yourselves and yon will be aure to call aifain. MARKDALE Marble Works Monumects, Tombstones And every description of Cemetery work executed in FIRST-CLASS STYU I and at reasonable rates. Orders left at tlie stiop or sent by mail will be promptly at- tended to. â-  Satisfaction Guaranteed. hop newt door to Revert HoUH. Ws A. JOHNSTOM, Prip. Markdale Knz. 10th. 1881. • 48-1t ToJiaajtm, Omnjumn and Aaoaans wach Hacvaks's YstxowOn. k BWi^ I t to cure or nEm titter h wLm or cmour, I coreas, CMAMTK, aOBM XBMtUX, iiwuaiiiHsaLUM 8. MiibcT. I '*(!l^ a.uv« Ivia is a ^^rr J as ro b tf li«peTt; assi wiU be eoli diMy. A mm and log Inmse ia «â-  HiahMdl, .ra^ thia ifU- ror farljist MilfiMit «abiauODtka i aH»i ns.«*Tf' tlHII.HTutOrB,' " I KWXKJJMBa, oaarrRACTzon '^m*n,- 9tXmAI.0tAf noaTBMxa^ Mwpam, ITOg, HBNBY FOSTEE. MarUale, Noyember 15th, 1881. 631y TORONTO HOb HM the uargeat and ifest Assorted 5tock sistingof ,/, .. '^Wl Heady Made Clothinj^^ Grocerleg, a;' â- Â«i. ^yl^ 'Xltfi?! it* #«*!*»•.â-  If l\' t i« •»â- Â«Â».» "*â-  â-  -.1 • ' â- â- .'.:. ' Htei.'W;|.'l4i." ' • â-  ' "",â-  hil! f! •i::i-vi*"' â-  â- "â- ;. ri. J AJT loA\:est i*rices â- ;(! U.r â-  .: â-  • ' Crockery, ?-^ ' Glassware, :•. Boots and She Cash for Grain. 5,000 Bashels Potato ii -; GEORGE Nixon. DUinbALK, Sept. 9^ Issl. IW L DUNDALK BOOT AND SHOE J IM THAJftolO my nomerons enatomers for past patronage I bst to..., I am stiU to Uie fore with the ,_, ' «'»t«on»^ Largest Of Boots ao.l Shoes cvrronght iiito DunUa'.k. NEW GOODS ARRIVING DAIuJ On.lI a,nl H«»e 1'lieni." am still manofaotaring those celebrated French Kip B otsi call utl cm iba nl Boots, either sewed or pegged, a \i)cc;altT. Repairing promptly attended to. Warranted. All Custom W«i| Y- WILLIAM STEAIN, Dealer in all kinks of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, WAGGONS, Sewing Machines, Organs, Fanning Mills, Tin and Copperware COOKING, PARLUR AND BOX STOVES Atwaw in Stock As I keep all kinds of BEPAIB8 for the Implemwits I sell, Farmers will see the advantage of dealing with a Local Agent. WM. STRAIN » E"lesLe-rtei"j^ Flesherton. March U, 1881. "^^^^^^^^ I keep the Celebrate^ f anze-r Sewing Hiiil Constantly on hand, -which I sell very chca|. for CH»h. Also the 13 O M: I IV 1 O TV O I« Ci^ A ' K wU'ch are uiirivalle.l in hean'v of .nrf il j.nwi.r. All kinds of Farm Podoce taken in ezehauKe f.jr ;ii .-U a'Mlic fnr!ln)k B'v mil Sto.e. â-  .-.. *♦ THOS. HANBURY, Dundalk, September 9nd, ISSi." ' *.'â-  _; J*" maek dale Sash and Door f actoi]i| SASH, :." DOORS, 'â-  "' V '-: .BLINDS -P MOULDINGS. â-  .HOLLOW iiATTOSS. Lumber, Lath and Shiiigla| Orders Promptly Fill^- -AJ-ways on Hand. -o- fh« Subseribef wishes ta return thanks to the ppojiL- of*Maik',.!e »" '•""' |^ very libatal patronage they have Kiven him in the past, ami lioi-os by clo«« »*"â-  business to merit a continuance of thn same. c v w I have now extended my buainess.and will iu fiitiir? k. .-p a full Sti« " PINE LUMBERl Direct frenTfhe North Shore. ALL SI^ES. BBESSED AND UNDEESSSP- AA\ I£ind« of Plain antl Kanoy TurmW Dona in a first-alass manasr. THOS. McNBA." MarkiiiM, May S7ih. IMl. 1W t Ihe earty niaila. L Keteiffo and ProvineJsf **^3ii«sarcoiinty Bnai»ess, Ugjj;^ « Instn-*ite ^fUWia three "Siilfce en* at the year. â- Â« *2i^til all arrea*- «»• TiTiJL^ option of the publish J/tJ^KTfor the y«*rs sub- i» OF ^^»™".°.,5nooo «a* vear •â-  ao 4^ ... â€" •••• 97 50 15 no a 00 4 OU CO 15 75 S5 • 8 mo •••••"-- i«idsr.*«i«tosert.on.. *~Laaaaot insertion. ....... Unlives, Brst insertion mhewiaent insertion nesflrat insertion per hue .biepneo' ineertion -^ J!rS lines to be reckoned by the feiS ine""r'l by a seals of solid PidverUsements without ^pecific ItriU bi pubUahea till for' and L* wTui the office of publication oy fin the Thursday rooraiuK prssssd nblieation. W. BUTLEDQK. Proprietor. joilAL ak BUtlNCSt DIRECTORY. l^^^^lc Armstrong. lajiB, Surgeou. Accouchaur Kedieal HaU; reaid.aee at £Xtn,i.« VOL BriLDEl and hi attended to iif Estimates Dandalk, irtaU^ JUif~B. M c m 1 1« l- A " ISBT AKD 80I-KITOU. IS NOW 7 for attending te all kinds of law OSee-at Kay's liot.1. US, Deo. and, 1881. C4_ L ~prost Fro»«, ISTKBS, AND ATXtlUNFYS AT Sol cilors in CIbik.iv. .iii»i- â-  Q,en Soan.l. liaio re^uim-.l at ' Office open evsiy Thurs.lay, ss ^^ J.W. Fai.sT,I.T..'B. Ej Crown Attoruet. 1 3TER, MASTKU ANlUiKI' nHG banccry. Notary PuW.c, l .m»«..aii [to LEND AT SIX WAX r.NT Jwen 8o;in I, in Vicki-i s HIik-L aud 111 -Mark l-ilo. .iv.-r ll.-l'ar- on I'liJav aii.i .Saturajv »eiy 5 My E.anr A XXnwf, tsTi;; soi.u iTuRs. i«t. cun- BCers, .Maikial. r Mcl'arliiiiJs UI.k:!.. Ita land, ou Farm Hscurity, at 6 per Wm. IN larger good eiil sacuriiy. INTEREi Aii.-v er- Draft 1 all |Kiii'.-. a:| Sei'tondK-rl F. carfJ Th..- WAtiiio" sLr.Kiii.H Toro'hr r w.- ir iro!i Ol i| niinaa'.k REMO' Ir. James J. 'Whitr, nt to Dr. Cnim-ri.ii, (Jwpii Sound. BE AT THK Ui-:VEHE HOISI-:. iarkdale, on the last Wi-ln-saay in Itli.whon he will bo prepar.-.i to per iperatious reiiiire.l upon tiif moulh ^\ I aost satisfactory manner, aud npni W « \^s| Tl« term*. I .* s, Q- c. J. v.- 9ruti«trs. ]|li«crUaucoa«. Win. iirown. UF M-wUKlAliJi; I,lfKS.SBS,A« Biuis«iii. 111 11. It^**:. ranci:;.; iu all its l.rKiie'.ies pnitu; I'j I to ail I iiart-i illy or«.oul».s. -MuMov lo Lsiij .111 llnal Kstat* se- slo. Sept. i7. IS-^i). ly I AlcxaiidiT BroM'M. til i)f Mari.a^f.- I.ireusi" K.rc and Insurance .Vgeut. C.uiiiiiiiBn.iie[ A'C. â- ('.mv.'yancer p.ii.l 1. .-.|..idi rr for tin* '..UMly ..t Urry i-'ariner», ktt, and Lan.l S:iVi, I'.iuct lalW at- lanJ charufs »»ry in aerate. Wis, Sept. 17.18*1. l-T R. .n. (jalbrnith riosfc'KiiAND;!;ai. T,Avr sut, ^Viiliaiusl'.r.lStat. ii. Aic; n snieJ in ail iarl.» ..f tli* ouIjIt. dM on C'oiuiuit-ii.ii. Ka-" m ..l«iii:»..| )rgaiis, aiM S-v.iie Mb.-'i!.-« a.»-) ^dOniaiiirii .i. r «.••. V. -si. A; 'j.- '! Marbi ier» of a 1 k n.'s ' Ilavi.i,; rr.i pau-J til fi" FasL Ki.t; Cll.\'.^ Satisii !T1" mti'ord. Jan. i:.;»i-l. N!;.\Ti" fn.Tilar- J. ti. Sine UNION AND J-iiiAIN lAl. I.ANU rrsyor, Draugblsiiia'i m.j V„l.isl.ii, land Markilale. HaviiiK i-iiisba.'iHi Kal Land SurT.^yi.i i..r..-« 'â- â-  niiis ck i.( original 1 i«jiI N n:.*. ' UAI-D p Inatrurtioiis .tc.,..t »:' .. -i .•%« llnin U thm the last fttty-iivo ycaiu, I anil to make Surveys in acr.cJ- j "U^T-r. erewith. I*io:iUs auJ R^itimaies I -tivC hug Hills, Plaun and Sppci);-at:-iii. liug bridges, (uriiii!ii-.l "U applies foney to Loan at s per onit iiitsr^.t by letter, Ol- :.-lt Willi (i. J. IJLYfH |ls. will ts pi'oai2tly atteiide.i lo. ,17.1880. " i-v I $.v nx(-. i.t Ii- *A idSasiMt 'Ixatif .frame ZViaea iieaWs ^^" "S""!* wH^iMaa^^.JSfcaaa^airVi^ iO; ttantaaa. Lot 2. Conccrtion 11 na.a|-xsarHeif»r,aUi«i. Aayiai to •«Tad. $500,000,00 !S l^ortlfi ' of Scotland Money I ^^xSKi*^ Jf" '^^^ « Ontario. No Fums. To teasel Expcttacs tedi I am sttthonsed to ssU eheap perty waiij FOl* OBO. BUTHKBPOBD, *f Daeds,Jinila, M. H B OBO- BgaMy ioM,^ Atttte ASeOt, te. Box 51, Its^ai hi ^irst-dfalas flbuSsh aa* fAJ^jk-^ Btoek OEaa o ,, 03 jS re -^ .aM 1 «k. II •tt^taialiWak^Vttl «.A LATE IMPOmii Of spaaially Attraative, Seasohfthle, FashioDsble »nd Supl« *;." ui ' ,..•â- ., ^.Teaanili^frhiehweofler at Cihsktly Reduced Price*- â- '-•â- â- â- It Tfr-;.;i ii' '..'.â-  â-  â- â- â- 'â- â-  ' .JT ;v,iiriEi .-ii^lfciaffMapeolalTaiBes in every Una.. • ' â-  *^ ff :..;â- ..«â- â- â- . .â-  • ' •*^""' •"â- -"OHB STOCK OP ^^ fiwctfies, lardf are, Cwckery, and ""• KTS ♦.♦Mr' eosiqie^, ana itttonatt tHH ftnd priees and vriues sati-"" partineni. ^^f CIVt us k CALL AND SAVE MOH*^ mm^ 'â- â- â-  â-  by » li f siiss»«#. M s«ffUes a* the 'Tofoat. aâ€" I ^-^ (ll ;.- Ill«rkri • I T. E. D.WiS. ^DEB CON l'U.\t 1 Ol'.. (Stone and j ck). -After C'nip;o;i-i»{ l.H iiuildiii|.'S â-  I CnTI son is slill .ii tb- track aii-l is siill I •• fc^** â-  to do all kimls of atono an" l-r.rk j ^^^ jistoring aul tuoi. jioMitin^' T) i Btemplatu buil )in^ will lind it lo their I to rave hiiu a c.iU. i lance CKiiier o( t3ioi!i and' Sproule I iMxsKDiLB. 16 y ' H. JitMllll«ll. I lf\f :SK,SIGN,*C.UlIUAGErAlNT B. â- ^' Contracts tak.-n in town or couutr; •"•• ••" •" =i" ' I laik, Oct. 12. 1881. 71y |.,.'.;V;!.tl,' or twit --T;! Til. .-.;. Essjiy, !-, Vt nr*' ^ur WIU" iir-.-s '!ant'.-r'.(i- uvi .)f tlir I at I.I.--.- -iiiS l«i':l?.- ..f w| wl-M- 1,; rli.;i|-)r. |.ii\| t-rl...- ./Vt-IV \..!.iii â„¢e your^ombings. T. (i. M.irsan. Ik-k-" t.. aiincuiice tt, iiw of Markilab- and viiiiiity that slio pareU lo work up hair ci)iiiiiiiijr. into B. puffs and curU, tiruix iii.,.|i'rntr 1 solicited. lU-iilcuc-r c.irin-r of M-.t seen sticats, o|iiosit«- Mr. B.iwes" ' kv Mail iiro-nptlv .i' lea 1.^.1 te. kdale. Sevt. 1. ltl" Ijatrl*. :VERE HOTEL, JPROULil, Proprietor. lis pojinlar il.t.-l liii- had a l»rt- ad- 'lition added to it, tl(iroii|^hly r-. tilt. .1. [is now 8eeond to none in in cuuiity. stabling and atlenlivi- o hirst- ' aocommodatiou for coniui. .. .ai trav,'!. i Teraas SLOO per dav. i~-i MEAFORD, Ont. I 'â-  McGIKK, raoraicioBS. A.n--' The Cull Pr.,-1 ifTir.- 1 THO kiS! r aeoomm -ilation for the travelling The Iwr is well siockod with the •t Wines aud Liquors and the bent ds of Cigars. 'bos to and from all trains. •17. 18«0. W lOilER^IAL HOTEL I*BICEVIIj1-.B, Ont. eommodions Sample Booms Booms, *c. The bar and lards "«Piiad with the best the market af Stabling aud attentive Hostler's Taos. ATtlbaO*. Pr«f»is»« 'j^AUfTftA PBDJTINe PBISS, SIZ« â-  wsMeshaae •ixia^ inches. U oapa- lw!!I2"' "^^ impressions per hour. •atAMBASB OFFICE, Markdale. M EVElJ KF-IM TO t| Ll M«Mria»Sept.Mlk,lM|. :i â- i

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