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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 10 Feb 1882, p. 1

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 4 0»i 00»NQ SOUTH. t/»«a SouuJ. lfp«rt 5.13 aji. S SO p.v. kjektord 5.40 t.a. .55 p.m. ThatiaOTtll 5.S5 aji. 4.10 p.ia. Arnolt 6 03 ».m. 4 18 p.m. Wi1liaiBfur4 •.17k.m. pjB. BerkI; 6.30 lb. 4.45 pjB. Uirkdilo 6.45kBi. 6.03 p.a. 7lMli«rl'a.ftPrie«TiU« 7.06 ^.m. 6.16 p.m. Ii;o«un T.lSsm. 6 40 p.m. Danda^k ... 7.3'i a-m. 5.54 p.m. Sheltmr'u 8 (rJ a.m. 6 3c p.m. Crombia'i 8.15 a.m. 6.3t p.m. Laarel 8.33 a.m. 6.50 p.m. MBonioaaly wodallMMMdwiUpUMM. N«w EuvUod ia badly la oMd of a post oflc«. W« vonld niglMt that •ome of our infloMitial man ui tkaa* intarested in it tak* is band and try to get a oocuM^inf link batwwB Markdala and BoeUyB. m Vandtl wir BnuT Lrtxb Bout.â€" Tba M« pillar boxaa are now in poaition, and will be foand a sreat oonTcnienee to onr citizen*, eapedally to the ladici, a* tboee renidug a diatanoA from the Post Office cau poat tbair lettara with oat travellin* ao far. The letter box- es are aitnated at the corner of Baj and ttosell btreeta. at the oomer of Poalett and Dirision Streeta, and at the oomor of Poalett and Campbell HtreeU. Mr. Edward Paterson baa the contract tor collecting the letters and taking them to the Poet Office, and the boxes will be emptied three timea a dayâ€" at 6.80 a. m., 2 p. m., and 4.40 p, m.â€"O.S.Timm. Bo««)wiMo PA»E»a.â€" There ia a elaaa of newipaper leadera who are al waya finding fault with the editor for what he pabliabea and yet these are the ones who never pay anything for tha support of a paper. They will borrow a paper from a noigb- boor and then after reading through they will aay that it is Kood for noth- iiiK. Soch meat, conduct daeerves to be diacounteuanced by every right The man wuo newapaper OraogeTill* ianetiou 8.35 a.m. 7.00 p.m. 0ata«BTtu.8. Axriv* •.44 a.m. 7.10 p m. Depart 8.69 a.m. 7.S0 p.m. Alton 9.05 a.m. 7.43 p.m. CbarleatoD 9 15 a.m. 7.53 p.m. Mono iioad 9 4.:^ a.m. 8 33 pm. Bolton 10 iO a.m. 8J6p m. Klainbarc 10.13 am. 8.47 pm. Woodbrid|{« 10.3a a.m. 9 00 p.m. Humber Summit. ..10.33a.m. 9.07 p m. Emery 10 37 a.m. 9.13 p.m. Wealon 10 60 a.m. 9 35 p.m. CarlU n 10 57 a.m. 9.33 p.m. Toronto. I'nion Bt'n.11.15 a.m. 9.60 p.m. MARKD.^LE. Pbiuat, Feb. 9tb 1881. 6.00 to 6.25 8pnog Wheat per ba«b.. iiew 1.30 tc 1 24 do. do. Fall do. Uarley Oatu iMtatfjen. Bitt*-r, p«r lb. KUK*. per iloi. P')rk,ir»M';d, B«ef '«••• p«r lb. l)aek:4. per pair 0.40 TowIm, per pair 0.00 Turkey, pe^ lb 0.07 bherpvkin* 50 Hide* T:ii Grai t ut'i, 2 'o Hity 13 O*! Wool o."2 Ore. n App/ei, Kr. bu^litl. 0.75 Lard 0.10 ' Tallow 0.07 Drir Colli Wood 1.75 ' 1.16 to l.-Jl J. 60 0.S6 0.68 0.60 0.15 0.18 800 6.00 0.07 0.8o 0.87 0.71 0.75 0.18 0.18 .8^0 650 q' ' tniiikiug iudividuai 0.00 i ia too mean to pay for a J I.*? I now a daya should nut be premitted to 7. .50 read o le. 300 14 (.0 O.fK) 1 00 0.14 008 3.00 NEWSPAPER L.\W8. MEArOKD ROA.D. Proa our CorraapondeDee. The annual Tea Meeting in eon- neeiion with the Uuien Sabbath Schol, held here on tbo Slat ult., waa a mi at decided success being far alioad of tlie expectations of the most Haiiguiue. The tra aud cakes wers all that could le Jesired both in excel Mad. pork, hmt, ina»»o«, taik^. gooM. fowl, butter and cheeee. 'fhey bring alao saeb thinga as socks, and tbayani to make and mand thanaâ€" lUnfB arar wafosoM with the thxifty iKMaewila, baoMua tfaay ao* oaly for- â- iah iiLiiraTj aieihiaf. b^ alao tiM oppoctwutyof t«Mhiag the bairaa bow to knitaiid work for tiaaaaaalTaa. Tbo barn ia not left empty. Tbeae thinga may aaam homely and flommoo plaoe for p r eaep t a tin n, bat they are jnat the things needed in erery well regalated fiamily. Thoo^ they may, in tbeae yeara of plasty, ba not worth their wtiflu in gold, tb^ are wurth their m/m in gold. â€" D. »â- Â» COUNTY ORANGE MEETING- SOUTH OBEY. The annaal meeting of the L. 0. Co. Lodge of South Grey, wae held at Fleaherton Station, on Taeaday, 7th inst. There was a large attendance. The following officers were elected for the ensaiog year Bro. James Brodie, C. M. Bro. Robert Aljoe, D. G. M. Bro. Robert Kennel, C. Chap. Bro. James Elliott, C. Secretary. Bro. W. A. Anderson, C. Treaa. Bro. Geo. Rutherford, C. D. of C. Bro. â€" Crawford, C. Lecturer. The semi-annual county meeting will be held at Maxwell on the laat Tueaday in June. HOLLAND COUNCIL. 1. A poatmaater I rrqu'red tn (^it* notice S T LETTBB (r'lnrnin(,' tli pa|«-r iloei not an- awer lie law.) vrb^n a (iil, rriber lo*-i not lakr liM iiar«r (lut iif tilt- offi*. and itate tbe I ... m n j r*«,.,n'.or,t.notbr,n.'i..k... Any neglect '"ce and quantity. The attendance to do «o iiiakeH th- [x-a'inaiipr responaibla to I was laigc, the cLurcb being filled to tb»- i'iilili-li»r-i for tlie pavni'iit. ' mi 'iij r ' ' ,â-  ;, the vtr\ door. Toe claldren preform- 'i Aiiv jieiKon who tnk^n a pajxr from the i i i_ â-  pn^t ofTi-'c. whtaiier diMrt.'I'o lii iicme or i (il their pirt mrist admirable, both in Kr,oii,.r. or w!,. ti,.-r h- i.a nubscribed "M .e:r r. citatiouB. and dialogueb. The ^-Ot. lb rr!*|ioiii,ili for tlif pay .1 If aav I erson nrilers h 9 )ap"' iliDCon- linii'il III- niu.t pay nil amaiaiir:!!. or tbe piilii nIi't Duty iNintiniie te van'l it until pay- .i' I.I in iii.-k'l-, kill rolliM't tlir whole amount, wlivibrr It li.- tak»n from thv oDice or not. I hi-ri- can 1" no l«i;al 'lucontiimauce until I aywut i» inaili-. I â-  'I'ICJK, 'll'IIC r.naHx A^rertixinK AKenrr. N. 3a 1 King Street We-t, Toronto, \V W. UrTCJIF.H, Manager. U *i .i-ri/il ti ret'^iT* atvertisemaute fo lliia pufiei. ^11 H-' Rir: lovii are rurcixia at* tbiK (iffiea I liie fo. lowing Taper* and Mauaziuai. Dtii-ica. aingiug wus excolleMt. The amount realiaed was $45. Erery body, both email anil great, expresaed themaaWes aa being higl pleaaed. The pais horse and hi* rider has paid this neighbourhood auother viait. Ills victim this time was Mi' Edward Foley, who came to reside here some fite ur six years Ago. Us was a quite citizen, and a good neighbor. His end was peace. A LADf S EXPERIENCE. ttrmmto Uailr Uli' per Tear, Ma:l. WaKII IBI. Torunt" WnikJT rl"be, par jaa Mall fla nilton " Spw.tator â- â-  Ca via Fariii«r " S*. intifie American HOBTRLtBS. Faiinere lTor[|tr per Tea*, A'H' "I'-an AKrirtilt'irilt " • ur I tt|y Ouee THE STANDARD, Mrs. T. A. Gist, No. 1204 Walnut street, Philadelphia, Pa., writes "I *^ 9^ had inflammatory rheumatism very badly. In one foot and ankle it â- eeras to liavR taken hold with the ' IS i determination to stay some time, and the morning I obtained the St. Jacobs Oil I could not put my foot down to the Hoor, even for an instant. I used it that evening for the first time, and II 00 1 the next morning for the second time 1 50 aud that afternoon put my foot down for seveial minutes. On Sunday fol- lowing 1 could stand anU walk a few steps. On Tuesday could walk about my room, and went down stairs by holding on the banisters. Now I cau walk quite weli,]aDd there is very lit- tle pain lelt. Just think I one bottle and a half and I am almost free from pain. It is a wonderful medicine. 1.00 l.oo 1.00 a. 20 1 50 Fndav, Febrary 10th, 1882. EUGENIA. Id AiiiitUor cIiiKiii will bo foujd an«rticiiie)it, aniii'uncing that the; From our own Corr^epoodenea. The fourth annual supper given on January the iMth, by the members of al-ri-s and dwell.iig in the lieid block K„gcnm Grange No. 684, was one of ..lenowrealr i rent. The stores the most successful entertainments of aro beins fiif- 1 up in first class style l"° ««'*«""• "^y " '^? ^J "^e^Khs ,.,,,, .1 began to arrive, bringing baikets load- aiul th.. dwelling. ..ver the stores are ^^ ^.^^j, ^^^^^ ^^.^^ ^) ^»^^^^_ ^^^.^^ r^ for any one who wish a really tlie medical faculty prontunce to be ciirofurt liilo resileuce. Tlio first flat unfit Tor the despeptic. One would consists of a kitchen, dining room, 1^*^^ "i^*8'"«tl "»* t'le lady m«™l€rs piirli.r, at i a Hpare bedroom; the up- M^*«\ "'«'^^' «•» » contest to see who ... could provide the greatest quantity |.^r tlat is .l.vtdeJ into 4 sloepmg ^,^,4 test quahty. Each lady member aoartineiita, with a larj^a h:tU ia the j had, with one exception, made a point eeiitr.-.' 'I'ho ba.lrooius are lar^o, well I of providing for at least 23 to 30 vibi- h»:lito t anc« airy. The carpenter work ""'â- '*• *° "»« '"ri^" ^a» ample. 1 IX I, Altluiuph diauppointed in some able w.i-i done bv Messrs. uyers and 1 • o"uj»; »i/ic â-  -^ ' spoakors. yet, judgmg from the re- I lii.mpsi.n, and the mason work and miu-ks which we overheard, all seemed pliiito ing bv M. Jain«s Rtid of Mark- well plcHsed with the evenings enter- dnl.' assi-iti^d by hiscouttiu Mr. James taiiiment, which was kept up until a II id .jf M Hint Forest, and does all '"' """• The thanks of the Grange I are tendered to all those who lent their The new Council met at Vegan's Hall, and after taking the declaration of qualification and office, the Reeve took tl)e Chair. Members presentâ€" John Cameron, Deputy Reeve Councillors, Anthony Shute, John Dcavitt, and W. Norton. Moved by Mr. Shute and seconded bv Mr. Norton that the amount of six dollars be expended on 24 side-road, con. 2. for the purpose of hauling gra- velâ€" the people interested to supple- ment the grant by giving teams to haul the gravel. Nioved by Mr. Davitt, seconded by Mr. Norton, that the account of Jo- seph Fanning and Close be paid. The Reeve appointed James Gra- ham.and Council arpomted J. Murphy as Auditors. Moved by Mr. Deavitt, seconded by Mr. Shute that the petition to the Legislative Assembly, with regard to the Toronto, Grey and Bruce Railway beiat; amalgamated with any railroad other than the Grand Trunk, and that the confirmation of the agreement with the Grand Trunk be signed by the Council. ^S- Moved by Mr. Deavitt, seconded by Mr. Norton, that applications be re- ceived to-day for AsseKSor. Moved by the Deputy Reeve, secon- ded by Mr. Norton, that the Assessor's salary be $00. Moved by Mr Deavitt, seconded by the Deputy Reeve, that George Little be Assessor. Nortonâ€" DcavitIâ€" that, the Clerk write to the different printing offices, asking sealed tenders for the Township printing tenders to be opend at the next sitting of the Coun- cil, Feb. 14th. Mr. m )ved by Mr. Shute, secmded by Mr. Norton, tUat By-laws, Nos. 1 ond 2 be read first, second and third times. Morsd by Mr. Shute, seconded by Mr. Deavitt, that James Robins on be allowed f 500 to buy provisi 'Us, beiug indigent. Moved by Mr. Shute, seconded by Mr. Cameron, that .Mr. McDiarmid receive $5 from this Council, to enable herto buy flour for h-r family. Moved and seconded, that this Council now adjourn till the 14th day of February, and that the Collectors Roll be extended to^ that time. Carson Paics, Clerk. Mr. 0. C. Ja««a wt« appoiatoa Au- ditor by tha Bewa. and Mr. WilKwn Brewa by tha Oonnoa. Mr. Whitby ^pointad Aaiiaanr. »od Bylawa ooatmaagHiM than appoant- • abo ft Qj-lsw a»tanling time fcrtlw'raten of tha CoUwte'a BoU. ThomMOibbartwaa ntuadtd $S. b«ng«orSlfttaU labor ohaifed in ar- "wm. was wftindrf $«. bau* Stat- aU labor pvlbnnad for pMtt kta SO and 81, 8rd 8. D. R- «id «â-  b«ng seaeased on the non-raaiduit roll for 1881. Wm. Betta waa raftmdad $S.84 for taxes chargwl in 1878 againat his kU in Eugenia, aaid loU haTing baan aa- â- sssaed on both resident and n(m-r«- aident roll for that year. M. Akitt waa alao rafanded $8.92 for aama eanaa. J, W. Hoath waa rafnndad $4,00, being atatnte laboi oai his lots 14 Sa- genia, charged in 1878, proof having been produced that the labor was just- ly performed. The Reeve, Deputy Beere, and Mr. Wright were appointed a committee to whom all ^pplioationa for aid to in- digents shall be referred during the year- The Reeve and Clerk were request- ed to sign a petitiot to the Legishitive Assembly relative to the Toronto.Grey and Bruce Railway, and have the aame forwarde.1 to D.A. Caeasor.Esq Owen Soimd. The reeve waa requested to get U- gal advice rehitive to collecting Uica charged against lots 7 and 8, Kinross street, Priceville, the Collector for Ward No. 4 to act m accordance with the same. Mr. Thomaa Manders waa granted |5, he being in indigent circumstances. The following accouuta were order edtobe paid:â€" J. Rutherford, |12 Thomas Lauder, for searches, $1 R Sproule. postage, f 3.17 W. J. Be'lamy, quarter's aalary, $37 50, holding nomination and other ex- penses. $6 A. R. Fawcett, printing, 19.2.5. Council adjourned to meet on the first Monday m February, 1882 and will meet hereafter on the first Mon- day in each month during the year. W. J. Bbliomy. Clerk. Xf;»wi«raaBdTWta,tiU BOftuy w i,««. Shakeapaarewaatob. an^ other of these g.«ttowna;waU. the Zn lote ara etatt atanding. Tal- IiB,«.o«4ui O)aagmconij, » m- -therofthaaatownalhftt Mww oftin* to a baftd. bat whiab ruinad ill^„5 a,»n. AllowOntftnooftnba fo«nd tkamarfcaot thaaa «iU it ba in Mftniobft. towna. Bo Jt w. As act hold oarartvaa r.poosiUe (or epiaioBS axpreMed l^j oar oorreapondenoe TadwBditar. Xjmpcctob's Offic*. Sooth Ga»T. PnoeTiUe, 2nd February, 1888. Dbab 8n.â€" WiU yon please call the attention of yoor nnirerons readers to a recent Departmental circular, for bidding the use in any of our Public sehools of Oago's uaw Readers, or of «ny other than tha ordinary author- iied seriea, antil at leaat aix months afUr preliminary arrangements and the sanction of the Hon. the Minister of Education has been formarly giv- •D- ,. .1. I would also ask you to direct the attention of school truateea to the fol- lowing card j at received. Yours Bespaetfally, W. Tnavtom. L P. 8. "Edacation Department. Toronto, Jap. 1882. "lam directed by the H' n arable "the Mmiatets of Education to call "your attention to the fiJlowing pro- "visiona of the Lchool Act of 1890, 43 "Victoria, chapter 88. "The truateea of •"»ry rural school â- 'aiyl the public achool Board uf every "town, village, or township. ahaSl "keep, or cause to ba kept, books of "account of all school moneys of their "aection our village or township as "the case may bo aco rdiug to such â- 'form as may ba preacribad by the "Ministers of E docation. "The account book authorized by 'the Ministers ispublialied by Messrs. "Warwick ion, Wslhngton Street, "l'oronto,Tweutytiveceuta per copy." Your obedient aervant, A. MiSLINO, Secretary, MARRIFD. Dr. Potto. W.P ' tttiodla, of Dandalk, to tto lata Iwael Mclnnea, of 0«a« terof **â- ** P«,««-Jt» tha Mttotoe a( "â- SSi-r^hS^t ai- on the 8th in.t., by *• ^^p "L^ "S nf Euphraaia. Mechanical jLir3.utomatic Reed o to theCabiiK Ontaa, leCtC asay now bo called a celebrated inti^ M, bat the organ muat be mauiouUtJ^r'**'*. u daeemoaio mm v«ounrBTrB in on the other hand entireW » I* "^k at a triflinff expaaae U aaa be made to furnish ao unUutiw^fT*^ » k. â€" rofOfUo GJo**-" "»««ijLS,3 **Th« OrCVlaettC is indeeii a mnsieal wonder, it u as Btrong and meloiioas a tone an the Cubinet Size. It i,nr,..?"*»i the reason that the igaoramns in masio can play it a« well aToT " ' (•:4or. Thb Obobik fTTB is strong a id accurate iu iu mechairinl***' "^ifci?^ iiaWa to get out of oidur." â€" Montreal Oazrtu. â„¢*' *•« «(2J**S »*Th« •i gai l»ett« is the aioat pcrfest aitomatic mntie-i • its re|/ertorie ia unUmited, the tone is renutrkably good."â€" |fomJT?*'«»ni GOATS TO PROTECT SHEEP. THE LAND BOOM IN MANITOBA. p.irtios coiicprned verv grant credit, 111 a.ssibtance towards the evening's en- fa.-t t IS without a )ubt t^j« best Luild- 1 joyuicnt with songs, music, recitations, 10^ of llie kind in Markdale. Tlicre dialogues and S|ecches. IS two and two dwelling-t in the These suppers are not got up sim-, and we would advise any per- Rv for the pecuniary benefit derived from them, as the Grange, financially, is in excellent standing. The outside public look forward eagerly for the Ci range supper â€" they come around and almost demand it. \. Gifford, Meaford, touched upon the benefit of the Grange Fire Insur- ance, also the Mutual Aid Association abolition of Market Fees. c. His re- marks were well received. The proceedings were brought to a close by singing God Save the Queen, when all w«nt home well pleased with the Eugenia Grange supper. koii in wnni of s good stand for bust- ii'-^-i pu poses or a comfortable dwai* li'i^' t( apply eaily, as such desirable (•it'iuises will nut long remain without leiiatiu. Dr. McGrogor is ^peakin g of leaving h It- tor the Noitli West in the spring. Ihe Dr. has been eminently success- 'lul m his "ofeiioD and has a vary large practice here, and it would be a pity if he were to leave. It ia to be lioped he a ill change hia mind. â€" ' .â- * AdtfTliifr. NEW ENGLAND. The .Annual Gringe Supper took plate C'U the evtniiig of tlie dOth of J.iniinry. The afti-ruoou was occupied It cxami:ttng tie samples from tha (i range Supply Comiiany, after whiah Uic (lysters and other good tilings were served. After this iuteresthg part of Uie programme was over the DMCting wi.« callod to onUr b the Master. .M' James Murwood was appointed cii.;iiiuuu jod gave a short addraaa. 1!« th«-ih callvd upon Mr. Evaoaoo, ,iu Irr^iuga Sapp!y Ajent,) who •piLr cliitlly niH/ii (be workinga of i.iK Snpj'iy (.'oiu|»iiT. Tht-n fuUowod d -uir*. II Bue iiii:iit. 1. Webar, and J. i(,.iiu' fih« Ma^JordU-adOraiica, 1. Mtok,!. a.4i-gnnic«(.^ T. TaUand •*. H. Ik B^, ' Ha;i-«gfcNwl BUNESSIN. From ear Correspondent. On Monday, 16th January, sboT* a •oora of the yonng people of Bonasain surprised tiie Manse, Pricaville, and aaeoeed quietly in placing within iti walls atorea to laat for many daya. Nor did they forget the bay mara, Jen- nie, whoae bin waa not large enoogh to hold one half of the clon white oats they brooght. After a rafraabing cup of tea, whieh waa got up • {« mutU, tha lada and laaaaaa aanaad thamaelvaa with auifuig ftad a variety of interaatinf gantaa. Tho«iHi Um MaoM aoi oftan viait- ed by ao many and ao maah at one time, yet aa«h yiaita 00 a email scale •raol fraqaaiil Mantrinni. The good paople all orar tiia eoogi tg ation aU waya raaaa a a har tbftt tba oeoapaoU of lib* otbar aaM^Ma folk, thMM fta u a wt aaa. Aonr, PROTON COUNCIL. SPaCIAL MXaTINO. A special meeting of th« Proton Township Council was held at the Queen's Hotel, Dundalk, for the pur- ix)se of re-appointmg Auditors. Noved by Robert Black, seconded by George Johnson, that By-law No. 241 be repealed, and By-law No. 243, having been read a fiist and second time, be now read a third time, sign- ed, sealed and engrossed on By-law Book. â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. Agnaw, seconded by James Robinson, that lota 80, 81, 82, S3, 36 and 37 block K, Village of Dundalk, be pkoed on Col. Boll to Robert Black, at a valuation of $60 on the whole. Carried. Moved by Bobart JBlack, Moonded by George Johnson, that the Reeve issue his orders on the Treasurer, in favor the following patties, as Deputy Retumig officers â€" James Menzies, ' Div. No.l $3.60; Jamas Cavanagh,Div. No. 2, $3.10 Peter Dow, Div. No. 8, $4 Jame Eraser, Div. No. 4, $8.60. â€" Carried. Council adjourned to meet at Hope- ville Mar. 7th. Jamzs Cavanaoh, Actg aork. ARTEME8U COUNCIL. Tha Newly elected Council for Ar temesia, for tiie year 1882, met in the Town Hall. Fleaherton, on Monday January 16th. 1882. Preaentâ€" Mesara Chnstoe, Webster, Elliott. Wright, and Pedlar. After ^each had taken the Qoeaaaarj declaration of qnalifioa- tion and office, tha Chair was taken by the Beara and bosiness waa pro- caededwith. Minntaa of previoua meeting read and ain wov a d. Mr. Pedlw â- wrad, aeeoBdad by Mr. Wright, that Alexand» Wright. Eaq.. ba Dapaty Baera for 1868.^rCbniML ConiBuiaiefttionapraaaBtada^TCal aa iollowt :â€" From 8. J. Parbar. Co. TrMaonr, ThooMa Immiu, J. Wbit- by. D. A. Qmmt. wd B. MeL.j Puii^. Canada is convulsed with tha Mani- toba land speculation craze at the present moment, everybody is invest- ing his little pile in town lots, speca- lators are hastening to the scene of action with thousaudi of dollars. Dis- contented business men are giving up business and travelling westward. Big stones are told of fortunes being made in a few days Some sny it is impossible to lose any money by iu vesting in laud that everybody is sure to return home rich and pros parous, and such stories, but for the benefit of 3ur readers we give a few facts iu regard to this kind of specu lation, and caution them against in- vesting in paper towns which may psrhaps iu the future be nolhi.ig mors than an ordinary farm. No doubt large amounts liare been made by persons investing in land, but as a rule they get rid of it j'lst as quick as thty can make a little on thair pur- chase and while the feyer lasts. A person cannot lose much by taking up land but even that can be over done. A person taking op a farn of poor laud, which will perhaps be twelve or fifteen miles from the rail- road, stands a poor chance of making more than an ordinary liyiug, and when he is sixty or seventy miles dis- tant hit chances are still less. The Toronto World has the follow- ing remarks ou the subject which ai'e to the point "To the land scoopers, Manitoba furnishes the 'suckers,' and they are caught in this way. Four ur five shark* go to work and get a tract of land of 500 acres, say Smitli, Brown, Jones, Robiosou and Dicksen are the proprietors, but they have it all in one name say Smith. Along comes Brown, and be offers Smith $5 an acre for the 600 acres. The sale IS made and duly registered. Jones now steps up to Bro wn and offers him $14 an acre. They finally close at $16. It is now Robinson's turn to go to Jones and offer him $5,000 for one hundred acrea. Dickson buys another one hundred acres for $6,000. All these transactions, but not a dol lar passes hands. New the time hat arrived to look for the Ontario suck- ers Aeoordingly Robinson and Dick- son hia thamselres off to Ontario to exhibit their aoheme. By this time it is perhaps knocked mto town lots on papal. Tha opau-mouthad Oa- tarian is shown tlie plans. He is told of how land that was bought for $2 has changed hands repaatadly a| $| $10, $20, $80 and $60 Ha if shown tba ragistand translarsâ€" and tbat the boom has now eommencod. Tha On- tario dapa believes what ha ia told, buya tha land, and then the 'big five' go home and devide." As an illustration of paper towns when the Graid Trunk booia was abroad about thirty years ago, town plots wsre laid out at every station and cross roads. Scarboro' Junction IS not much of a place to day there is a hotel th*re anda couple of honset, and you can get all the land you wantaf^ut $60to $80 an acre. But whefi the Grand HAk was bhUd- uigit wasUwnlottod,^61d at hi^h piicaa, and ruined many a man. A place'was also laid out at York, and to day yon can't find it. Mimico, on the west side of Toronto, was sold off in lota. Land ir leas than $100 an acre there to-day. Gordon Brown, Band ford Fleming and othera got up a town and called it Balmoral, on the Grand Trunk somewhere between Toronto and Weston where fta iw. menresaleof loU took place, and everyone loat Ina money. Every one aeemedmftdtebuy theaa loto. Too could not fnd Bitlmoral if yon went out than )o-dft7. Malton ia a statiott fwH bfn «p the Grand Trunk. It waa ta k^awna a mighty centre of eom- mafe^ Wall, loto u tha great (proa- paeti*a town of Malfon were Bold by •^atton 10 Montreal and other towm *»«00 a lot; now they wont bring aw an aere. Brampton haa ^i to ba aomathing, but maay a h«d«ai. addoUisr_waaloattharaia Uu. Ona b2^£i' "?!£r '^u^ *^ •» owwteotfOaiMiMO aaab; h« The farmers of Hunterdon and Somerset counties, New Jersey, use goats to protect their il.eep from dogs. Two gnats can drive away a dozen dogs, and two are about all each far- mer puts in with his sneep. As soon aa a dog enters the field at night, the goato attack him, and their butting propensUies are too much for the can- ine, who soon finds himself rolling over and over, a few repetitious of tuit treatment cause* the dog to quit the field, limping and yelling. Fos- merly when a dog entered a sheep field at nigfat, the sheep would run, wildly around and cry piteously. Since the gOats have been used to guard them, they form a line hehiud the gouts and seem to enjoy the fun. The idea of utiliziug goats iu this way came from the West, whera th^y are put in sheep pens to drive away Wolves. (FHOM MMZn.) The irevr Coaapound. M m wa»- dgrtal mtOnitr to tke Dijgmtirt kvpnTBtus and th»Lir»T. daenjLB- tor almost insfBtlyth»di9Ml Tad the TOBtTD LTTXR. atMktt Zopesa. an every day necessity in nvezy house. ... ._ It acts gently and speedi^ MM BiliovLsness. Costireness. Bem^ ache. Sick Headache. Distress •* ter Sating. Wind on the Stoataca. Heartburn. Pains in the Side aad Back. Want of Appetite. Want OX Snexgy. Low Spirits, foul Stom- ach. It in vigorates the Liver, car- ries of/ all surplus bile, regulates the Bowels, and gives tone to the whole system. Cut this out and take it to your Druggist and ^t a 10 cent Sample, or a large botxJe for 76 cents, mad tell yourneighbor about it. House to Rent. Prices, $10 to $16. 8ml fm lOmmrmttd ^•F.ABBflUi 1 TO 91, FOLTIOERUS STBBKT Sola Manafaetorers and Patentees. -^ONti C. W. RUTLEDCE, Agent, Markdi|,| I A Rare Chance. I A elio'c« lot for sale in the best bdsiDes* ' part of Markdale, being lot No. south side of Mill street. Has a comfortable dweU- ' irg binR*, shop, and stabler also soft and burd watei Will b«- sold on very reasonable terms. Apply to WM. WAI KEB, Msrkdale P. O. or to C. W. RuiLKDOE, 'Standard" office. 73-3t Double Teicm en' with stable, on Toronto Btrei't, Marktlaie. WM M»rklale, Jrn. 10th, 18»2. BBOWN. 71-3t. Tiilce Notice. ALL PABTIE3 INDEBTED TO ME either by Bote or book account, are re- qne.stsl to cll and pay the same to A. Tur- ner, Druggist, Le aloue being authorized to receive monies due m« aad to give receipts therefor. T. S. SPBOULE, M.D. Markdale, Feb 8tli, 1882. 81 3t. FROM -THE TIMES." Editor 0/ th$ Timet. â€" I have been watching the corrxsjioudenue in your paper for tlie past few weeks with much interest. Having been in lbs ^ractiee of medicines for many years I have learned to have no confidence iu the many proprietory medicine which are on the irtirket and it was through the excellent recommenda- tion given by Dr. Bates, and the knowledge I had of his veracity and ability as a physician that ever led me to la} aside my long existing prejudice to try the only wonderful remedy, named Kendall's Spavin Cure which I find so many of your readers have also found to be so valuable. Blieu- matism has afSicteJ me lor yeais, aud haveall the skill I have rotessed to haye in treating others I iuuna myself un able to do .nything to cure mvablf entirely. After suffering tor ybarr| he d;flBcultv became located iu my iiip and nothing that I could do seemed to effect it until I began to use Kendall's Spavin Cure, which has cured me completely. In all my experience as a physician I have never been able to make any compound which penetrates to thoroughly and works so admirably iu removing old standing ailmnuts, and at the same time hardly produce any irritation of the skin. It has done such wondt^rs with me that I have the utmost confidence in its ef- ficacy, and can rr commend it with a confidence that the proprietors do not claim too much f r it. Respcctfuliy, J. R. PoBxaa, M. J), Scranton, Pa., Sept. 24th 1881. TO REIVT. rilHOSE SPACIOUS AND FIBST-CLASS X. iSlorrs in the Bcid Block. Good ceUitrt, full siz? of biiililiof;, nuder each store. Also the dwoUinxi over tlie said stores, sou-istiug of kiteheu, dining room, parlor, fiva bed- rooms and large hajl. ThestoreK and dwell- ings cau be hitd singly or together. Tciius moderate. Apply to JOHN BEID, Markdale. Markdale. Feb. 8th. 18S2. 74-3t. JOHN NOBLE, MARKDALE, EUCENlil Grist, Saw andLath Mills RAVINCl Having mada eqlensire improvaments in my Urist Mill I feel cunfideut I can firs good sat isf action. GOOD FLOUR ALWAYS ON HAND. Chopping Done Every Day. KENDi L The nioi,t ever di-cnvii-.l. ^CAIli I ••â- eeessfta and Qous ut,t Ulster Kiu, h FROM THE ONEONTAPRE^ I 0.i.;;,Ml! New y„rk, j^ Enrly Ust Mimmcr M«s»rs J4€(.. of Kll.,^l,ul(;ll F»ll, V,' rlT/ *;"""'*••'""""â- '""» oltUi I half c.luiuu HdvmisTOieirtlwJ^ Bills FUled ou the Custom Sawing and shorteat notice. LUMBER AND LATH ALWAYS ON HAND. Cherry, Butternut, White Ash, Black Ash, lUkswood, Pine and Hemlock Logs wanted. j ting foiil Cure. At â- I'lal.tit. „f b,K,t,T!*l rr.ali.e on the Hor« cmv. M. AKITT, Eugenia. r'ai'm toi* (sSale^. Lot west half of east half 12, couccSHion 6 Euphrasia, containing 50 acres. About si acres cleared balance hardwood soil clay loam. Will be ^old cheap $500 cash bal- ance to suit purchaser. For particulars ap- ply to PETEB McABTHUB, ^rkdale. Or to C. W. BCTLCDOB, STASDUiqhOl 70-6t 20-6t. the tlim Keudall-s „.„or«^, eases, *h.cb we arc Riving b^j"'"' subscribers of the Prm »s ipreaZ" About the time the ajve \^^J peared ir tla- |iii|Rr-Mr.p G 1 ' who re.sid.-s i„ « {:,.\Sm. Uax\ horse. He re».l the aJ»erti«t«a, ,. eluded to tes' the effiracT o( th, though I1I6 frie,»M«ujrti'ed u t,, fle boiixht a bciile ol K.niitf, and comint rind using it on it.? 5_ fcordance with the Ju-ettioitt,ijL!! J ed U' this week that it «lI«t«isKi,^ cure thatnu eifH-rt hoTM-min tjun the auiinal reeeiitlv cmld find do n spavin or the place wheieit hiil b^L Mr. S-'cheiiBciliornhas tinettto^j of Keii'iail's Treatise of the Bon, Jl Diseases, whi'.h he priiej vm would be loth tu piirt waiiBtu't 1, vided lie could not rthtain anotkeegp, I much fur b.Im rn-inj leiialle »n.i» Kendall's y^f^y â-  â€"^ K SMm.Ml WMtoa â- '*â- '*â- *• w s M sssaea '^SLCZm^Zk. PERGHERON HORSES â€" â€" LAaOK«T Importing and Breeding ESTIBUSHIEIT â€" w *ia â€" WORLD. HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY. THOS. MATHEWS, hml EstaiMiiT! MARKDALE. EVERYTHING IN OUR LINE KEPT ON HAND OR MADE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. LIVERY! IN CONNECTION. â€" 'â€"" Spavin New f|niubnr!. Out., Dec.H;i| Mr. F H. McCallum. KearS.--, tie ol Dr. K-uJall's Spavin Cm t you last xuiuniir Rave me tl« uia. faction and perh.rmel a wotjdftta-i a uiare niuete 11 years old Wooai, which was ha.liy tttvine forlnii was fo tame tlmt I eo«lJ LariilT iai] -w-w-rr-i 1 .-. «c TA_ m"t' Th. laiutliesK is eiitltthii W^"?â„¢,*'""'"'"""" ^yff, ^»- "sint.- ball- a b uh r.f the cun V which arc now nio.stlv skidded up lu I i,),,. ,..«..,. l,or-.- f\xm. â- ^ours irnlr. A PALMYRA PBINTINS PBBSS, SIZM insiile chase S^xi'iJ inches. Is capa- I bic of printing 700 iraprasslous j-er hou' â-  Will be sidd dieap. STANDARD OFFICE, Markdale. j Notice to Contractors. which arc now nio.stlv skidded up lu 1,1,^, vouuijl; the woods. A good Hhanty and stable also, i ' â-  Any person desirous of xocuiiiig a •iiitract I will do Will ti see us at once. The distance^ to haul is about 2^ miles on a good, road R. A. NEILSON, 20tf Prtoii bmtinfj. INOTICJK. FRO:«I A â-  PROMIi^ENT PHYSm â- Wa-hii:„-t'nville. Ohio, Jaw Kil Dr. J. B. K.iid..ii dt C" GeoK- youraiiTtrii-emeit i-i T'lrt. Fi»idui!i ofKendail'i) 'ij.avui Cure, uid utaiii 'nable and«prei\ li..:s' which bM hai from spavin fr eighteen monllu. In Kupiira^ia will innet for the despatch of l{us- you for a bottle Uy eipre^, •aiiil iiiess on the first Fridaj- in each inontLj weeks renioed ail laineues ana eu throughout the current year. 'anda huge sphiit from an tut kail i;OBT. nUNLOP. Tp. Clerk. ' "" '"""-es are t- daT as sotiDltaal| fleik'i office, " ' ..... A.n. iKKj. I)UBI.IC Notice is hercb given tliat the Mu:i cipal t'cuncil of the Tuftiiship of Euphrasia, 17th lauftary,! jj^J^- (tEMTS WAWTiiJD. -Big pay.- ^\. Liyht Wmk. Steady Em| lurmaut. Sample, flee. Address, M. L. BYHK. 46 Naaasaa skrea New yirk. ' 30 STARTLING DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. a Tiottm of Tonthltal bsprndsDoe eansuM Piaaia tar* Decay, JJerroua Dcbilltr, L»t Hacbopd, etc., havliig t.ird In vain srerr known rcmedj, baa dia- oorrn d a timple lelf cure, wbicb ba will ivod FEES tc bis feUow^aaHeran, addiwa J. H. â- EEVBk SPECLAL NOliCES. BE^Tamb COMFOBT to TBI SUFFEBINO Browa's Ilonsehold Panacea has no equal for relievini; pain, both inter- nal and external. It cures pain in the Sida, Back or Bowels, Sore Thr.»at, Hheumatism. Toothac .e, Luinba^^o and any kind of a Pain or Ache. "It will most surely qnicken tlie Blood and heul, as its acting power is woti- den'ul." " Brown's Household Panacea," being acknowledged as the great Pain BeUaT- er. and of double the strength of any other Klixer or Liniment in the world, should be ia every family handy for a*e wben wanted " as it really is the best remedy in thv'world for i;ramps in the Stomach, and Pains and Ache« of all kinds," and ia for sale by all Druggists at 35 oents • bottle. SO-W B«s;ectfiiljy Tuun, H K BtaKLiTT II I Kendall's Spavin dil 0\ 111 nA\ FLE8E lliou anus •) tual.- nu liomu Ml provod bcroud n dnabt that "jniii.' SPAVIN CTKE" lia -ufSntnt trap penetrate an 1 \iitiii- 1.. care ibf »^« uf rlieuniati .m, (miu-. .limvuni. h**, I or ay bnii'-e. cut I'l lamenet 'k* â- * jaffucted iu the leat by orJinaiT ias* â-  Ic doa» n'.t hii-t.-r hat ou llw eaar» moves all ^»'rt-iic«». ' St. J. hiisr.g-.Oct.j:tii.» Dr. B. KeiiilallA fo .tieDl--Ii«* your Spav in'Circ with great eo««'«* ins. curb^ and ^plInt». Iluio»il»" good remedy fur r.iiclionet, cu s, ;;all kn.l al' kiiiiis of many (ither diffi".iltie slw" "'fjj'*! of iiiv Dion praini-d hit ankis bM? plie i KoudaU -^ spaviu Cora and 1 1*" auvtlung wjrk ilk.- it. he »•• •«" â- * days. 1 k!i..» it to be eo»l fof "«â-  as beast.. I piDtureiii'iieof jwi'Ii the Horse, by niaii h-r ix- w" wn the m.aii- oi saMU»- ni« "'*^i hi rs.. that 1 1; stcd acooMmfr tt T' tioub given I'H *eM» Hmp»rl9* ••««• seen OB 'a mrrd Mm with '^CAtAiJbSjM'i FRAMES! JUST ARRIVED. NEW STOCK. LATEST DESIGNS. New Pianel Frames. N«w Panel Mats. New 8x10 Vramea. New 8x10 Mats. Selling Cheap at Browne'8 Gallery, ovu sruioaxi) omox. Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers 1 Are 70a diatarbed at night and broken ef yotjr rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of editing teeth If 90, go at once and get a bottle of MBS. WINSL0W8 SOOTHING SYBUP. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immedi- atelyâ€"depend upon it there is no mistake •bout it. There is not a mother upon ^arth who ha.) ever used it, who wiB not tell you at once tbat it will reg-'%te the bowels, and give reft to the mother, and relief and health to the child, operating Uae magic. It is per- fectly safe to nse in all cases, and pleasant to the sute, and is the presoriptiou of cne of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Bold every, where at 25 oents a bottle. 90 It ERRORS OF YOUTH. AOENTLEMAK who soffwrad for yew- 'rom Nerroos DEBILCrT, PBEMA- TUBE DECAY, and aU the effeeU of yoMh- ml indiacrntion, will fortbe sake of snfleriDc anminity, jend free to all who need it, tk« raeipe and direotions for making the simp|« raasedy hy whieh b» waa enrad, Bnfiwiac WAiatuoit an adTartiaei's emc? •noa eui o ao 07 add r ea a ing in periaetomt- KM? 4 aCelw it.NcwTwh Gold. Great ehanee to mak* money. Those who â€" always take advantage 01 I. e goou chauctis for making money that Me offered Kenerally become wealthy, whUe taose who do not improve sneh ehanoee re- mam in poverty. We wart many man, wo- jnen, boys and girls to work for ns nght in their own tocalities. Any one can do the work properly from the first start, i-he bus- iness will pay more than ten times ordinary wages. Expensive outfit fumUhed free. No mie who engages faiU to make money rapidly You can devote your whole time in the work, «• orly yonr spea e momenU. Full informa- taon and all that IS needed aentfaae. Addrea Binnoa k Co., Portland M-i«r^ uyuur ho.kforih»pl«"^| Y.iara iriii.' _^ \Vii.J.I***l Dunham. P.Q..Marthl*tl|J Dr. B. J. K. ndal A C ... Graf -**'^| year a^o 1 fell w liic t.*a oDto ^.^ was badly huit in the '"I' J"'f'^(» mt much suffering. I ""vTSi* dies but none pi ve ""•'• "T, jji«i^ dall s S|«viu C ure. I »rpl'«» "T^orf twice a day tvr twc ".eks "™«,T|,^ and it effected a perfe t cure, i then been well and '»* from ^^ u very valuable 16r maa s« «"*â-  Yours trul.T, KendaUs SpaviD^^,, Is sure in its effi ets, does not Uii-ter, yet It li Cure- powerful to reach every ^^^ti0 to remove auv b..iiT r""" jati,!* ments, such as spaM"' •^F""' for»»»r5| for which a lunuieut ' ""^/^ i,*^' I It is now knoxvn to be «"« "T-,i«i*M man ever used actiug mild •=• ' I bones, callous, l ,, and all enlargemehts of tn« J' or for r'jenmausni lu msn J' AGENTS ess;.. £..a iMaphooa ud Kdiaoa'a instsntMieoas Piano •ndOTRMllnaie. Eneloae stamp for eat- MOKoeandtwina. EMSONMUWC CO.. 9M CWtnnt St.. â„¢^^"»- «e-»m. I^BOM THB PBEiaSBB OF JOHH «»*M, Lot t, ConeesMon U. Enphi*- HTL* \2^S^^^' •"»«»• ^«V inlonnktion ••**' â- *â-  IPWImli Will W iMnkfiUty le- 'l' its effects nd address lor """•â€"" rfm »»^ Send'address 'i" '"»»'^( ^Trt^ I »*iU rledg bottle, or •â- Â» fiU^ I ^f^ No remedy has "ever m««" fied success to onr kiio«i«»« to onr well as man, Pnoe41 per All Druggist, have It or »D itwillbe.enttoauy-ddre^B.Bj" pnee DALL SOLP BY Lyman Sons* Co., Moni ,„.„Co.,Moa««^'*a â- ale Agents ^^^___.,^--^ Mea^Mar^-*' supplied" retail Meat Sausages and Fish^^n^ sU kindftat the ^T* made \heix appearance A oev- ytcjaold vea -The foUowiogj Markdale lodge tusning term ent A.. Wilaon, P. M.W.; W. Luoi B. H. Byera, B* FiDftBoier A. ' Aakin, G.; W. Large O. W.; AJ Butiedge, Wm, Mr. Samnel Conductsr on «ay Bailway, e Btacb and OeoatJ me of Dyapef them in the houl tmntHtJ of Fi«** ai M«la*n»«- I Ooaaeil proceeding* mTaluable^aaa out thia iaeae. snantity of apples, green, and _A. Molntyrea. the kiae to get pbotographi goa #eallier hulda oat. Ifike tot a« go and hate our ,k." Wbar "Brjwn'a." I, Crockery aud GUaware new.DO eld gooda in ilockâ€" Bae't. [oofdwood, sawloge, and graiu Itinoe to arnya in large quan- UnrviQt.â€"Oltnelg Feb'y. iutâ€"d. Feb'y. 14ib, Protofi, rtb. auaioal wonder ef tue_ age linett* lit Turner and (Jo. dale. A Pl'BLlC called uf the ci' town and villa;;c cousider what prevent the huir â€" aud falhiig uu question receive sideration they decide tbat xcai. covered BometK, this purposeâ€" a recommcutl C-11.; as being tin-- •" the bnir ht is m vent Its IhJ jij" bottle. l-\ir sal We liave recif- jg of 1 itc 01 iht no Call at W F. Doll's "*^ """'" "»»' I two ilays aftat 1 ' iu others uiir ia a Beana, Potatoes, Turnips. ,1 liST^/aud Piovtatons of ---i "" ' -«' ,t_.A Mclntyre'8. ,^ou- H th" " •/â-  1 '*â- ' would pasB ' b».i \faater bees to notiiv the • Poet aaawt wa^ ^.^^ lai-se* w; tlie Mail going south, is 1 ine mMu m « god, complaint i 7 o'clock p. m.. .Larp. ^^^^^ t^, be a v J, SbawU, Gloves, and all forie, if the uui [woolen goods at costâ€" at I ^^ ^^.^^.j,^,, Bae 8. 1 gpfctor uj, mj,i rm weather of the past few made sad havoc with tlie the fault lies. I and I tell yer he is just CoiiRht;, Coll!- I'aiiia IU tiio Til J ISTaNDxan Office he Ink mine [ed ami cured l.v| j^lig I sous FuliuoU'ii J most reliiillc t^ i ct'ived as til tiitl long boots and orer shoes wiM ' ties, "iO cents. make room for spring S^iecwl At;ei.i It Butter A Rae'f. eviTal services in the (*" M. are still being nightly conduct- ritb very gratifjiu;,' raiu'ti. proale M. P., left for Ottawa "^st we e Jay evening, to attend to his ^^^ country kenlary duties. last call to all debtors to ay aises not tauen auy lougei â€" j i-tock of g 'oJs 1 er A Baes. which further 1 (Fron, I Out winter cannot le verv C. n. Midi, The Proton hell H SI I ^ple know a gool thingwhen it. Tbat is the reason why nje cannot pass W. J. McFar- ' Itore without eoiuB into buy. incmlMirs of iw, 'â-  cide upon H pl:K Kmiss the Bights, J. L. Browne j^^,^^,^^^^ ,. ^.^^ opened out the finest display ^^^ ^^^^ „„^^.„,4 BS and mats ever shown in rn, aud he sells cheap. (.'^11 I lor yourselves. Caswell, who bus been absent ' tioii winch hii- farkdale for uearly two years. ' :i» t where I). inthe Pine woods of Michgan j htlJ. Now iiia| lifily settle i. «' will uii-e lluir Hi :ciiui:i^ sh iw of I ii I* 1 all inter, stc'l. of the .Society 4if I'undaik. f'i This will sottl. to towu a few days sii.ce. I â€" Eenti8t8 who have trielC 8«Y." pronounce it tho fi nest the face of this earth for the 1 "« " "'"l " ad breath. 5 cent samples. Biaitie. lot 129, Is* W. T. ltd, Artainesia. has 20 Vii tim )thy hay and 50 or GO lo:id straw, also two good horrcs. Uee hand bill's. Mi-fsrt.- Vi 1 llAiilmry. " â-  Hee Wliiiil."' _• ihcy likf It tiir" c-lia^. ^Vt- Mr. Wilrf, of Tor i)to, is a C'd ^er, aud it he ever take* up liif •«' '*«"" ' ' ' of 'â- Barjjains" he will ho say tiiat MjF.trl.iul Sl.â- H^ st aud cheapebt. h)-«n iiniilii' ' Ins iiiVii!" I jioint Mr. f.iv ns prematurely gray can have iln.- 'llii- "f ir rostoreil to its ynutlifni ' Vert soon .t1,I by using HrU's Ve^utme jf his otiice. Ilair Ronewcr, tlie bust urticle ' A. (i. Unitr market. terati-ni 111 1... fionrisbed about tkn year chased lait iy iVj C, and eciierts in fVoiirisln .g ^\-^. ^^.^, jj habitai.t.x ' II that the I' 11: t.-il ufacturiu;.' a si J Bns can be sold aru'iiii; tli" 3US styles of the Bsterkrocik ?en Co. Goats, Suits, .c. kc, made Ui first class styls. Wincty s, Tlic Ume L.i. ol it. Clouds, Caps, Shirts, Draw- j liabitants cai: j list be called out, don't forget turc Bâ€" Butter Rae's. i ' ... business for lale, the goods f^^^ ^^g h. I.i. Nmoved at time of purchass, at iei,,inuce of 1,1 1 prietor wants to make room L|„ ^tyck sii wtJ ke goods. Will sell in large or ^^ y^,.y ||,„,teJ 1 quantityâ€" A. Mclntyre. doiuand lor wo.j aggiats througbout the country wtre sold. ThJ to the great merits of Dr. Car W. Mori )w, of 1 We may «xieJ moath. LastTtiursdaT jbtomacb and Constipation Bit No Medicine they sell acts eo ptiy in earibg Dyspepeia, Indi- ), Biliousness. Liver Complaint, laTe you tried it A 'Tamer 1 appearance a( ^o. Special Agent Markdale. uccakKion of a tnd concert will ba giveu iu the *ae a lai (,'e att« Hall Burkley, ou Thursday, ••°t ^^l'" "" "" l«th. The entertainment pro I tlie comiuenci to be a good one as some fine se.ison bo baa bean secured. The pro 1 from far and lit 1 to be applied to Christ Chunh number in cosiij iale Sunday chool Librvy "abiliin«nis. Bee bills for particlars. j variou.s nali .ii| Too,eetbo«i Black bilk Top ' ';^'"*^" "^^ „ i, 40. 50 and 75 cenU i^r 1 " "« l'ra.c.ral| at McFarland's. 'AX) pieceb i ed Wown and bronze Winceys to I Miss M Mc( kpâ€" 8t. 11. 12i, 16, 16 aud IS j Miss A. McA old elsewhere for four centn Morning MisJ rd oaere. For real good all wool Night Miso 11 go to McFarlaud's. 1 am Miss A. Pliilli^ off all my .Mautles at cost. 100 S. Kay ai d PJ ' aew Prints, warranted fast col Miss .J. Lamonl For a good Black Gros Grain jj. Stiaiii, Uai [at lias go to McFarlaud's. 1 Night and Mn-i( w I Bajfs W. Sut • Wm. McKay, one of the oldest ^| j. •Marshall [•oat reepected residenU of Hoi- gou and W. |. died very soddenlv at his resi- Wuiiley, Inn" on the 2nd ooncpssiou. a short Arthur, Indian I â- Â«=• fcom, .n Monday ^^â„¢' ^^^J.-o'.l.'l Owjeased was Ukeu ill with a j ^j,,„j „f .i„ e^« ' • tide about noon, but wss j promised hand, ' *o take taa in the evening. After an appearance the kindness of Potter, assistj' |ka Waa takm worse and Dr. Mc 'M Mnt for, but Sefore he ar »a tM ftntlemaa bad passed bad been a lesideut ^i» M or 40 yeara.â€" ld- itiptrutneutal m by the joanag* the courteous the best of orde fully e3jiy*d tl

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