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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 27 Jan 1882, p. 3

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 S* r If 'â-  S- a T^^r; ♦^;-i JL^. -^r »â-  I »^ -=^ AROUND THE WOBLD. Talk ^â- â- 3 -*T e ^4«^ii* lam â- Wrfiiuad Wfts plenty mihI mouey searev. The Uoverument of Soath Anstralia are alwut to build a new Hoiute of Parliaaieuta'^AdalAidyftjOketpi tk* f 4.000.000. t Ella Tnuoey ran bcedleaelv in debt fir fine clotlien at Svynaour, Ind., and I. en comtoiltei -^aiode beeanae abe could not iav. Tt rstimnteil that tba «am of 600,- IKHi.OliO. TiKrlis ($125,000,000) -wooW lie i( quired for tbe purchas*} of lie Geiuiau railways by tbe State, aa To ]iav« pure water io the boaaa •â- very family abould hare good filter. ti.e htalil) and cjiDfo. t depend* largly f^^J^ '•'*^** " .^ «-« I £ • " lUbed mrr Tniaj muma% u tiae for ant â- :pr'ii the UHe of proferly nltereii water ' ^1^ V^- .^ V .J â- 31 The Standard If ADMnras TO u Tn Best IjocaIP9.peiK^ Nit DESPFMANDUM. MhnTbUi« Tiie liver !• tiif- tiucfilter for the blood, and burdock Bitten keep tbe liyer and all the aacretory vrgani lu a bealtby yinlitinn. Itia tbe grand blood poxi- tying, liTerregmlatiag toaia. A reei'lent of Belfast, Obio, baa brtn put under bonds of $i00 to ap- pear before tli* Grand Jury on the cbitrge of rpeuinK a letter from bii wite to iiei father. The rich Greek banker, Syngroa, lias Contributed another 100,000 fi ;inc* for the fnuudatiou of a National Arclittologioallluseurii at Olympia, wlure tfie relre* of anti^oity rcMnt'r discoverc'I are to be exhibiled. Mr. John Miller bus just purcbaaed fnin the Crown lii« funn of Scraliuter, Caitlinesr-1,( 0 atre^ areable, 500 nii'iintain piibtiire for $14r,000. His rer I was $4,875. This suit ia a pret- ty jrood price f »r an extreme north of Scc'tland farm. ANkWKXTins. â€" Did you ever know nny perbfn. to be ill wiUiont inaction of t'le ht'.inHcb, Liver or Kidneys, or did yon "ver know one who was well when fitlur wiis (ilip-triict d ht iiiactivci and liid yon v(»r know or hear of any case of 'III- Kind that Ho]) Bitters would not eniL- Ask your neighbor tbe I rine quoslion. â€" Timrs. A Cliin"'c acrohiit aud juggler rc- reiitly gave n pertormaDco ut Brigb- t"Ti, Rnplnrd, in tb» eouriie of wliicb he tired it .swiuii ciini.'On which be bad huhiiicea II pun a nword held iu lis inoutii. The c'iiinon was directed towaid the njiper {,'alleiy, and when th â-  iiiolic iind cii'ured away it wa^ iiiMioverid tliat the ciiarge had blown till' lend off II hoy sitting among "tbe .-.od-.- ri{( KOll HKADACUE. A\ b:l liy!ii:iaii has ever discoyered n cii-e f ir he'iiliiijie Ijdio answers iiojii' lint liurdnck I'lood ISitters by 111! 1.- p'irifyiiii.f; invigorating, nervine [•ri'ii'il'is atfoid tt cure in nearly '♦â- ry casi;. 'J'hu be.tlth givioir prio- ii|ili-s f thin reiimdy are iinequniled I'V iiMV siiiula.- propar.ition in tbe v.. lid.' Ilkimb- lef tiautaad teat to aa/ aUieM FREE OF POSTAGE I $1.00 I adaaa^ 01 UJS « aol ao pal4 C. W. ItUTLEDOE. Bditov aa4 PNyriMoT J MIIEDT, ear* for Seaunal W Sparmatonlica, kod all diMaae* that iellOTi ae a aeqaeoee of BeH-AboM •â-  loM of V«ncii7, UiiivwMl liss iitoda. Pain in the Back DiWMM of Vkion, Preaiattur* old age, and maaj otner DiaeaAes that lead to Inaanitj or Coaanmpticii and a Pra- â- imtara (have, i^FnU partienlara in our faatpUet. which we desire to aabd free by mail to erarr one. The Specific IXedieine iawM bj all Draggiata at -^ .. •l.Od per p«eka««. or tix iAOT Tatnig. padfaisea for %6.QO. or wiU ba aeut free by nail on receipt of the moMv by addresaiDg. THE WAT MEDICME CO., l-ly Toronto, Ont.. Canada McKENNA MASON -VBZ-~ OUNDALK HEBALD Ii the aaaie aize as the Staxdird, aaid ia alao pnblished at thia otBce FOR yi.oo. .sj A. G. HUNTER. Loeal Editor, Dundalk CARRIAGE WORKS MARKDALE. Aa the aeaaon of the year ia ai^toaching that Sleighs aud Cutters are wnuted, we wish to intimate to tbe farmerH anJ public in geueral that we can giipply them with aiqr thin( they want in that liuc, each as Long Sleighs. Knee-Bobs. ';| Block Bobs, "' Democrat';, Square Box, Portland, Swell Body, and Double-seated Cutter OF ALL KINDS AND SlYLES. A PERMAN£*T CURE FOR UME BACK,, Pilea. Maeaaea of tbe Kidneys^add^aja Orinaiy Orea~ or attendant eomiOâ€"rta. nrouBiTBLB Bvii«NCB orvwft »H- TIBE 8ATI8FACTI0B. Picton. April*). IMI. OawTLaMa.â€" 1 find that Toor Pada are giTiDg entire •tiafastion. and wish yoB m- oeauMd aalea for 80 yalaahle a remedy for Diaeaaes of tbe Kidneys- Signed, Pb. J. B. MOBDEN. Prieea-^niad's Pad. W.60; Regular Pad. « Special Pad for Chronic Diseasaa W. Aak your Druggiat for Pamphlet and Teeti- monlala. free. Sold by A. TUBMEM CO^Martidale' FABKEB A CO., Owen Botind. J. W. EliUOTT, Chataworth. STEPHENS McCABBOLL. Maaford. M. BICHABD80N. Fleaheiton. TflOS 8TBPHKN80N, Orangarilla. a. W. FABSONS. Pondalk. HEKBT PARKBB. Dnrh«Bi. M WARNING! There is great danger of tak- ing cold from wet feet. If yon want to Guard Against Sickness! Keep yonr faet dry and warn by procuring your BOOTS 1 â€" raoM â€" iCAY THOMASa A( we iise nothing but first class material we can GUARANTEE SATISFACTION Satisfsctiou Giiaranteril. Med- icated Cork Sole^, all iiizes. kept ru band. Kemembrr the place opposite the new Btanpabd Office. B,,,nd«r yota moMT if ten w«i *•• »* "" hi' a 'Aii-ljUli 9J â- M gaijj^eople'a Photograpber F Ttit»ffTM' A W .â- ! L** AW? â- ?**'**'" "'^^ â-  .i»iir-Ma uid Hotto and othac VjtM^, ••â- '"â- J We arereeelTia •Urg.jrtoekol JfOJ^^g^Swy hOW Prt068, Oril -« Fi»iiif»,whiehweeaii,a»d»ea»to eeU a» XM«n»T»~^ ,^,,^_. •Morebaigaiaa. .,,_„^ ^w^*hM,eu»4e«laca enlarged by Tw old l^- ivR.^'ri*" DOORS, JMMrtMi^ei^'l^^Ml ' v,^J^ 49 THE 1» lOU WAMT JOB WORK! DONE PROMPT WOliS? TII.\N WAR Ijm ilii'oii li;is (li-hiM)\ tj(l more hvcsi ill. Ill til' --AT.iil, l)v iiiipriiiK-iicu in I ' ilni;: uiiil iiituiiip' raiiuL' in tlrinkiiig I.I.- liiit rth-ii li- :ilili l)tc()'iii-s iin- |tii:i'i liiu niiK- laliii. id p plif miij 'iii.l rcIi'T ill Miuilici l5i;C'l IJit- t 1^. Il i.'^iilut.s- il„. l„,*,.l !l.-ts I K,.,„i i, ,„, he Standard office. Ifyoudesi-. 'i' 11 t 1 li\.i aii'i Kniiii v.s, pll! llius i mat work done at ii^wlerate prices seud li to M.. 1. 1. .•.(!, iiii'l sliiHiilii'cb all lliu fUiTc- "â- ^- "â- â-  Hre coiifid.-iit we can buit you. Do li..„, I-. a Ip-altliv ii.LH.ij. j yon want .\ii xaii'li.i. I'mik «x I f W all f, lias " • Hi I ii'lirMil cm t \ci 11 lit fiisluoii. li' l.ah inaitt- Ml public a (lispluy of "'I'l-i HEADS, Call and Inspect our Work on hand before purcba'ing els«wliare. CAPEFCL ATTENTION GIVEN TO HORSESHOEING and Geueral JuLbing in every line. ynOPâ€" On Mill Street opposite ta SpivinloV Hotel. uspluy o 11' t iilti^ciiliK ii: Id iii'rs i.s and ilailf;li ti:-. It il:l^5 lefUlif till' IlK.iU- for III)- t.i i,;.ii ,1.1^' iii.lili ui.itliill siiu. il.iiU Io !â-  ..s I,, r ^ilVft lis. Stnill li..\ .-• riiil /Il i 11 1 â-  .; 1 .... 1. c 111- l'|. ' ' i-r 1). •! I- y I 1 1- s an. I pil;fi as till' |i. T.^ p.-iiailfil ly tiiu lii'iD'3 in til I 'I'l.i luiil nil tuiit 111 llv'lu park. â€" i UK St'.l UET OF UKAITY. '.. .-.mMK'tif ill ilie worlil c.iii impart I'l ml' ' • I l.u-i' llillt IS ilisli"lllf J liy 111 I,'., v I i Irlii H unsii.j,' trnm iivi- I !.:â-  t!'"!. i'.iirili)rk Uliunl JSilttrs in 111!' '1 ui.l pill il\ iii;^ iiielu iiic iiir all i'llini 'ltln I1 "I. It ill:lk".S fJOOll t-l I aii'i inipnrls !::• Iiliioiii (if lieahll I â-  ill" nil-.; i-iil!'i\v i-)i:i|.|»'\i i:. Tin- niiiiibfr iif lii';»_;.ir» of all kiinls vvlio liuvc iii.iilu tlirir iii[ie!irniice lu 111" .-..r^i'ls lit' I'.iris* tins wiuiir liaa I'ip.'hIv i'xciMi'»il ill)- Uijiial number, l:ii'ii;j!i Ml far tlif wuallur liiia henn iiiii.i fid evi'M niiiiy. Tlie depots of M- iitlaeily. iiro sanl til brain iiily full, a.-, tv. I «n iln- li'ispiiaKs, while the iiiia lire tm" srflnll fi.r the niiuiber of i I I i!;,i'::ilh I'f a ililTnut type. The I I ,. il" apki o v'odiii' in the case of ll|â- H!•ar^ liny are, and always hare ' I'l I i:, u'll lull iRlpii'bi. t'.irl 15 ifk, \vh(i lias been traveling VI I'" iiH'i' f r the Oiitch (ioveruinciit, «lM\n'ie \irv anxious ti iblaiu ac iiir:i!p iiifinuati(iii as to certain tribes, viMird Nibaii. Miibaii^' ii caunilml rhicr. who, when ho saw him, Lad fri'bh up(iu liib liaiiilo the blooi of no I •-.â- ' t:i.iii SI venry victims â€" ireu, 'WO- i.ii'i; .-iiiil flill li-fii- whom he itiid Lis toiliiw: r:. had jiist slaiii,'liti led, and «n.«»,i htads .iiiil braiiiM, consiilond i:ii' linit le devoured. His i\\' I .irane-- was uiiprrpos-;essing. CHILBLAINS. The.-^o troublesomb cumplaints may bo .«pei'Jily Clued by lia^yura's Yelloiv I'll, the gnat rheumatic remody, whirli. as an extorual nj'plication and s an internal remedy has a wider iani:' nf usef;ilni'ss than any similar preparation in the world. All drng- • flsU ^ell it. ibc. The state of the Eiijjlisli Loi^d t'lnueelKir's health is (.'iring rise to coiibidi'rublu BU!tiety, idc lias new had a rulapge which will probably iKOssitato his never ngaiii lesumiot; liisjudKial dntis. He overworked liiiiisi'lf while at the bar.^ From the time when as lioiindell Palmers. Le, was caillid by Lincoln's Inu, iu 1787, he IflJKind mora hours jut day than any i f Ins brotlier profi'Ssiouals, and r.f r lie 1 1 CI me a t^. C. the extent of Jus 1 riiciiee fililowed him no rest.' The dully Inst It f his hie wrs to reHt only twc. or ihr.'e iiunrs ont of the twenty- iir. and «Ht bill little. The enormous 1 nil ui't if woik Li pot t'irongb wa.- • 1 e ««toni.-l rueiit fall who knew liiro. Noiwifiisti.iuliisn the estrein» pressure of Lis biihinr.iis lie never laikoil at auj cf ilia papers on Sisiiddv; biit even tbf'ii be wrs III t i'l- f r when li^ was rot in ids plaee of rtorship lie was en- aged in Sunday sclnxl teachiiiK. BURNS AND ECALDS Are promptly cured aa w 11 aa a!l fliab woauda, cpraiDM, brni' a. callona li.uij"*. for^iif-s, r»ir. itiH ^TO'iiatiin I I'd py\ px'ii'fni diseat:' s bj- t'.ie I;l ccn tie li'.rJedv, !?;;;.••. tir"fc Yi- on 'il. For raumst aMd lutMruai oaa. LETTPIR HKADS. CIRCULARS, NOTES, RECEIPTS. POSTERS BALB BILLS, STREAMEBS, DODGERS, HAND BILLS. PAMPHLETS, PROGRAMMES, VISITING CARDS. BUSINESS CARDS, BALL TICKETS I1NNER TICKETS, Or in fact anvthing in the printing line, PI AIN OR IN COLORS. .SenJ ns yonr order bj moil or otherwise and it will be attcuded to at oooe aod we will Guarantee Satisfaction. TkclParwtand B«it Medlciae ertr SAde* Aeal inWn at to n of HopSt Buohu, Man- tIraliMAd DandeliOHi with all tb* best aiK moat eVoratlTs properties of aJl other BlttoiSp inak«s\tboffreMecfe Blood Purifier, Liver lies U I m-atort^odLifeau d neaith Bestoriaip 1 possibly lon^ exist where Hop ke(^Tftried uul perfect ftre their NodlMAM Bitten operfttioi To all whose e^mploymcnts^ause IrregmlArl lyofthehowelao^L unuar7 orgunn, or who re- qaire an Appetiae^^kTonio and mild Stimnlant, Hop Bitten are inTl^^uahle,withOUt IntOX* IcatinKa Mo nuoter what your te^elln«rt or tTiDptoms are what tbe disease or ailWuent U use Hop Ut- L Don't waituntilyou»' lck but if yon onljfeelbad or miserabte.Vusethem at once* itmajureyourlife.lthAslBaTed hundreds. $500 wUl be paid for a c*l " \^^^ ^^' '^^ cure ur help. Do not mifform ""**" '•^""^•nda â- afler.but DsendurKe them% ' Hop B Eemember, Bop Bitten la n^^T**®. dnigyed] drunken notitrum, but tbe V\ Medicine ever made the **UrAUIi8 and HOn** and no person or family should be without them. â€" p.lfO. il sn abeolate and Irrestlble » rorlminkcDess, use of opium, tohskcco i narcotics. All sold by dnigirists. for Circular. â- â€¢Â» Btttan Bf^. (h Boch£ster^.T and Turunto, Ont. NarrowGauge IS A THING OF THE PAST â€" liUTâ€" REYNOLDS SON AKE â€" Still to the Front! witU a large ami well selected stock of Staple and Tancv DEY GOODS, Boots and Shoes, Crockery, c., w :;ch thev arc spllini; awav ilowu at rock Lottoin iirices for cas'i. XTe^r Cash Store. Dry Goods, Groceries, MANTLES, • .it READY-MADE CLOTHIN 3 OTTEIBCO.^-TS. ;$|^kO^ Ait^ M03$9» Crockery and Glassware' I.^A MPS, c c. The tboT* dtock ha« beea pureliascd for ca?li at a season whei the importers are mnaing off their snrplus stock at and under cost to make room for their spung importations, coii- lirqueoUy I am iu » poeiiiou to give bar -ains to those who are able ti buy their goods fo cask. Call and see f»r yourselves and you will be sure to call airaiu. HENEY FOSTEE. MAlKDAl^g Sash andOoor |r|, BLINDi .iiv' ..U.;, MOU.DINGS â-  If I Bait, Lumber, Lath ani H n Always on Hand. Orders Pr, The SabMriber wishM to return thank* to the people of M v, ly liberal patronage they have given him in the pas\, and hmT*' bnsinees to merit a cootinnance of ihe.samo I hftT* now extended my butlnens.and will Sesby dolr^" PINE LUMBr Direct from the North Shore ALL SIZES, DBESSED AND UNDRe A.11 Itind* or F»la.iii ami Kanov 'r, I I" ancy Xu poneiina firstelass uiaiia«|... THOS. M«rk4«U. Uay 27lh, 1891. LATE IMPORIil Of speeially AttrBetiye, Seesonable. F»n! hjiuU^'^, ICarkdale, Noremher 15th, 1881. GSIy rs- -SI H f*i w r N M V s (5 3 3 FLOUR tb OATiHIEAL FKESH AND GOOD. TVo. 1 co^vr^ OIL At 27c. per Iiuj^crial gallon. Advertisers would do well to remember that fir special advertising we publish in oui two papers for 25 per cent, advance on one papers' charges Correspondence I muBt be in our offiee by Tuesday evening to sccnie a plaee in that week'i iara«. C. W. RUTLEDGE, Soiio* an Pbotbiro*, IfaAdaV, Out Horse- Shoeing a Specialty MarkJale, Jnnc'2, 18 1. .4 ^FLESHEKTON HarnessJShop. CORDON Has always on hand a full assortment of HEAVY HARNESS, 'WHIPS. SLEIGH BELLS, TRUNKS, HORSK BLANKETS, AND SCOTCH COLLARS Warranted to fit, and made of the very best material, and at the LOWEST LIVDIG PRICES, BEMBMBER THE PUtCE RICHARDSON'S BLOCK. J. GORDON. N. B. â€" Good Stave and f»hingle Timber taken '?// and be convinced. FALL WINTER GOODS SELL- ING AT COST FOR 30 DAYS. EEYNOLDS SON. Markdala, Jan. 3 d, 1382. 69 2m. MARKDALE $500,000.00 North of Scotland Money I rpO I..0.4W on Farm Sicuritv at 6 and 6J er cent yearly, and on the most favorable X terms of repayment offered by any .^grnt or Xloiiev Lender in Ontario. No Fines. Expensis reduced to the lowest possible fiKUre. Parties wanting to borrow will pleaae communicate by letter to the unlersij^ued. Box 51, Shelbume, or call personally on Mon- days. All communications promptly attended to. GEO. lirXHERFORD, toin Agent. I am authorized to sell a large numb.-'r of I;uproved and Unimproved Farms exceedingly cheap Parties wanting to buy should communicate with me by letter, stating kind cf pio- perty wanted, or call personally on Ioii Inys. Particulars will bo given respecting location, Icrnis, and price of the class of inoiicrty wanted. GEO. HuTHKiiroBi), Estate Agent, to. Box 51, Shelbume. All kinds of property insured iu First-class English and Canadian Stock Companies, at low rates. GEO. llcTHEEroBD, District Agent. â€" â€" Peeds, Wills, Mortgages, Leases, Assignnu'uts, Agreements, ic, neatlv and properly exe- cuted. Charges moderate. â€" G. W. Uutherford, Con. and Com. iu B. K., Shelbume. N B. â€" By giving a week's notice can arrange to meet parties at Dundalk or any poin* named. â€" GEO. Butreufobd. November 29lh. 1-81. f,4..'?m. WIBLIAM STEAIN, Dealer in all kmks of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, WAGGONS, Sewing Machines, Organs, Panning Mills, Tin and Copperware Di^T id SUyl, _, to meet the ewly in»U«- ^eUtest roreign and ProviDcial ' I»*«jSr«w*.C°«»*y Businens, ^JUJ;^ and Ml Instructive 'â-  4,»nae. •1.6" « *•" months, Iffined until •" '"-**7,,r S^ii at tbe opUon of the publish- STrefMing p*P-rs without i^yinc â- ^/^«ir^siWefor the years sub- :«la^«'°'Ply with the rol... [tBSOFADVEBTISISG:^^^ â-ºâ€¢.•»V .V '^7 60 *• ;;.... istio *» 8 tKJ lo ::::'""' •• *»" _od under, fi'rst insertion 60 r«Bbe*Io«nt ins^tion. i» t, inline., first insertion.. .6 hTabeeqaent insertion »o tne, first ineertion per Une • hmbiepuent inaertiou « -beTof lines to be reckoned by the I^^Bd measured by a w-ale of s..lid Advertisemeuts with-.ut -^1*^110 will he puhlishMi till forbid an* •rdingly. All transitory a.l-erti«e- Ll he in the office of publication by [»u the Thursday morniug pieeee* ^ablicaliou. fc W. BUTLEDGE, Proprietor. lAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY. '••r««lc An«str«ng, l^jjgSurgeoufc, Accoucheur ice- Ifedieai Hali; resKUnee at ^° sllpt 17. 1»80. Yor..: JOI Bt'ILDEii and bnc'l attended to in Estimates â-  Dundalk, SoiJ 1 V To nand, whie'i wo r.ffc -,1 Greatly Reduced Pricey 1BT AND SOLKITOli, IS NOW *lor »'»e"'i'"« '" "'â- ' '""•"â- ' '•" Oifice-at Kays Hotel. je, Dec. Slid, i***" Moil IN large or m^ good enJ i security. INTERESl I all poiuto. at St'itf.-iii)' 'I- F. Fl CARRI ,i. We offer special v*iue8 iu every iir.. 0V14 STO( K or ISl'EBS, AND .vnOKNH.YS At Solicitors lu tl.iiMin. •â- â€¢i.s Uwen Souuii, iiave re-i;un»lat Office open every Thur* Isy, as i,|__i \y\ Til' J. W. FaoiT, LI., li. Lty Crown Attorney. t ISTEB. M.^SIKH AND I»EP. IM.i.. Ihancery, Notary rublie. Convtvaii TO LliNO AT SIX VZX CI'.NI -Owen Sounl, in V;rkors H!.«;, St.; and in Maikdiilc. ov.r M. ai hre, on Friday and Siuuuliiv .-t.iv ,»• hi I v.: ,)-..k. lliMOii Groceries, Hardware, Groitei'i, aad Glsi .-.;.! Kowe, Is vary complete, aul is!,i)jterj will lii'l »»:\i! • luiruam-. u!il va; i-V».5aiif,,,.j -jr_» a GIVE US A CALL AND SAVE MONEY 1y purchasing yoijr Riipj):;,.s at :l;e • lor ,:ih Htiu.';." " Wm Markdale, Stf-.'t. 25th, !.S81. BROWl ALIL- Wauting to Pnrc"iasc or P.cnt I upr.ived Kanns. W.H I.^n".,. Xwrijcri^liji?T|i| --/.th* County of Grey • ' ;. -^ Lane ISTtlLS. St)UCiroKS, *«D (-UN knoer*,^. McFarlands Block. I te lend, ou Farm Security, ai f. (««•' J. \V. UowB. SrntUtrfi. J. c. Ir. James J. While, at to Dr. Canieii'ii, »iv.-ii .^,iuul. j BE AT TUi: ItiCVLUV. ii'H ..|;. rkdale, oil the la t A .-.iii. i»y iii â-  .when he wiii lii- iTejiir.-i ti.j.c! 1 eraiioiis reii'-iiit:.! u,o:i iiK* iii' .i:li oat «atisl.iciii luauti-r, an m- i-rm! Ilavii !• I. ;, I pat'l • !â- :. SEriSD FOR P.] OF Farms for Sale and to Let Fleaherton. D«e. 6th. 1881. 16. Choice Farm for Sale. 2 MILES FEOM MARKDALE. LOT 119, Concession I Artemesia, Bast side T. S. Boad, containing 50 acresj â€" 46 of which is under cultivation, and tb« fa*lanee hard timber. The above farm ie a ^etj deuradle property aod will be 'oU cheap. A good frame barm and log house is on the plaee. Possession given this fall. For farther p«r- ticnlars apply to WM. LITTLE JOHNS, On the premieee or to C. W. RrTLBDOB, Markdale. Sept. ted. 1881. (l-ti Marble Works Monoments, Tombstones And every description of Cemetery work executed in FmST-CLASS STYLE ami nt reasou.iMe rales. Orders left at the shop or seut by ma 1 will be promptly at- tended to. AOKNTS BdSKm' tn sell s Hnaieal Telepihone ami Edieou'i instantaneoaa Pumo and Organ Music, l^nelose stamp for eat- alDgne ani term«. I KDIBON MUIC CO., 039 Cheatimt I PhihL. Pa. 68- Satisfaction Guarantiee' SAop next d or to liertre HoUl. W. A. JOHNSTON, Prop. Markdale Ana. 10th. 1881. 48-1t Burdock Blood WILL CURE OR REUEVE iiuousMEss, otzimss, OrSPEPSIA. DROPSY, JAUMDICe. OFTHEHEAUr £RYaiPELA8, Aciorrrof SALT RHEUM, THE S^OMMm ' HJ/JtTBURM: DRYNESa '"' HEADACHE. qE THE WM. And every apMlee of diseue «rl.lâ€" \l1 COOXING, PARLOR AND BOX STOVES STRAIN. 2"ieslx erto^L 28 If Those having like Properties to di.'ipose of should c riisnit ine? Sore l«l«« pay. CAT.Ai,OaUE SENT ON .Vll'Lk ATKH. Alwftvs in Stock. i see t WM, Fleshorton, March 2i, 1881. I have opened an Offiee in Rnfletl^eN iloirl. Mark*ilf. »" wriii be round every Thupsday, and will iie)irt|arcJ to ««"•'• Leases, Mortgages, *c., Ac. iiea.l.v an* ..h c;Iy. AJv.ceeifl'Et!?"" free. Also to atteml to aUthe diil»rent d^; ntineuts cf mybaiiii»« In every department of my 1pu»iu-»» h.;- riuuu .i Xauit'u|li â-  ne^s and Fair Ifi»:;iii. ?;.^r- AncUon Sarea condneted. Rents. .4-owiit«. *«â- Â« rMtttti^ prompt returns made. -||.VK4a:4 LOW- ROBT. DAVIS, ConY«Tancor. Commissioner in B.R.. ktal Kswii.-. T.. " i Ii^rt""' |ttUrrUanroa«. Wm. Broxia, UF AlAiatl.^Ol. l.U LNSKS..i. nissiouer in li. tt.V..-. Dcing iu all it* branri.ei 'ruiu( '« I and carufuUy exci- iiea. i-Money to Lend on lital l-f.«l" ««â-  le. Sept. »7. 18Si(.' ' Alexander Brown. B of .Marriaf-'e l.iiii«i-. i :T. ".i. i luKurance .\^;tMil. t.oiin. ;.**;••!., i Jkc. CoMVeyan«'»»i" ainl 1. •*â-  • r for theCiiuiity ,.i tjn'.v. r.«!!ii. i«. nj Land Sala. I'uiic:ii.i,ly .r â- Milo and charges .iiiri'le vorv iu luui:. M^fUls, Sept. 17. l!^H(l. It -J R. ,11. Calbrailh lONEKUAND (.I.NIIi.M. l.ANI'i nt. Wiiliamsfor.l Stiii •!!. Aucn'ii uded in all imrl-s ..( tiw â-  ;ii:l». pl(i on Commissi, III. Kh"*^ !u«»'l*r*iv. rgans, and Sewui),' .M aii-" j Ornamental Ttee V,iie«. .fg.ui; dements, and Machinery of a!i kii:(* atford, Jan. 27. IShI. •-; 'f oil II (II X!.' Si :. I 1 Iv. '.. THOS. i W ish: ' letter ^e desire to announce to our patrons and the public eenerallv that w« i,- our annual and weu'^^decti Srf ^^" '"" "^^^ FANCY GOODS! CONSISTKO OF Shaving Mugs, Dolls, c., c. All Sntoriptioiu! B«ttt tu botWMn l8t Oot'r and 31st Dooembor, 1861, will entitle Siilb8oxil)er tc^ WEEKLY GUI The. acknowledged Sup«""' all Weekliei. agentTwaiitei IN BVBBT DNREPRESEHTED ^^ H BI.OOO, T^^ROM THE PBEiaSEB OF JOHM A SBE^ns, Lot 2, Conecjs OB 11 E»^ St. r^Jtr^^^' â- ""«»â-  A^yinfoSSi *n tri^!^ -h-reabonu itill be tl.»nkf.I^ i\BOOK8 -o frayer and Hymn lra, andCfaUdren'e very fine collection. J. O. Sins,; NION AND rUOVISClAI. l..\ND eyor. Draughtsman aii.l Valua;"!. id Markdale. ilaviuj! i.u:eliM-'d Land Surveyor « liarl«» Kniikfu* k of original I'leld N'lle-, 'l..i-r-r Instructions, itr., nf all In- Sui \i ;. •• in She last liftv-tive v.vii-, 1 am v.rviiUi.ii I to make Sur-evs in str.ct aofn.i- I'l:- •"â- â€¢ n I'l nth. I'lotiies aiil lt;iii«te-' ' •' "â-  •â- '•' â- ^•â-  Hills, Plans aiiil S|H-'i!u-Mtliiis j »'"'• â- â€¢! J" Bridges, furnisheil ii «||ii'ia 'ii'i "'-• J to Loan at « ier ct'il i-ii«-i'-t. I r, or left with (i. J. l;l.\ III. ill te promptly attended t' I. 1880. 1-v T. E. DA%I». LDER CONTU.iC 1 oil, (St.. re and uk). After ciiuipleliug Li l.uj.r:ii.,'« on is still on th' li-a.k and i s'.i. do all kinds of Mom an.l l.i K-k â- tering and tuck poiiiiinir. Tli'"" emplate buildint; will llnd it to thkir to give him a call. •nee corner of Brown and Sprotile "iSKDALE. ICy f8E,SIGN,ACAUiaAifc.l'.\l.Nn;it. ontracts taken in town oi cuiiiiy. lik, Oct. 12, 1»S1. 71y I I II HARNESS WEYOUR^OMBINGS. [T. O. Morgan, b.-;*- t.. aiiri',;iu.» t.. I of Markdale and Vi-:miI liiat -ii 'ed to Work up hair c»iiibiiij-~ inl' ks. puffs and curl-, tt rnis uu-i- r.itr I solicited, lle-idi jice c..iiii. oi M .t eu streets, opposite Mr. E.Am »' •-, I by Mail promptlv attended to. »le. Sept. 1. \Hhi' 1 •-â- N..-. 1 tl.. 1.- :.l •..• r.4i. Ia!- HAIR Cul KVirfV I5.V '!. fCx.-.'!.! 111.;,. \vi!. n 1 I-- f XlarkHHf.. .h^ a LECTUR (i\ 1 wm gatrU. Utioj. Book,,- and Chil"rprcTure"'S1°"ch,,?.?""' fn^ date of BokKriptioa te eodef 1882- Enclose 91.00 now to THE GLOBE PBIHTIHG CO.. Tofont O;^ MARK^DALE HOUS^I HOTEL, *ROULjE. Proprietor. L'polar Hotel has had a lur/t- ad- i added to it, thorouxlily riiiii. .1, |*ow iiecuud to none in c«ii:ii iling and attentive o-ilei 1- n »i- onUBodation for c«iuiniciai travil t t ♦l.Oft per dav. I'-u MBAFORD, Ont. "T- _. ^^a /7 "O^ -^^6XJ 13* â€" llediclHalK ALEX. EUTIjBDGB, ProP^ Meonunodation for the travel. .ni; The bar ia well stocked wuii in. iJZ^^ •** Liuuors and the be.i [«*Cigara. I J9 •«»* from aU trains, li."' 1880. W^ f f «•!' I•i.^ • â- -â-  !â-  •• 1--: 1 ' â-  • ir !«•• 1 li.. »â- -!â- *.. lIsKH «-.• V.iiis" 111-. ^â- â€¢\H- li.- h: 1 '...IT.-' II- 11- U- ..f 1 I** hii fi at 4.*ii'i -iin|.!« iii'-aiis of X%i: wlial h. •-â- roiii t cj). .iph |.M\;.r. t?-I Ux^l.-A viiutli r A'ldi.^s Ths QuIyi l-v 10' JJERCIAL HOTEL Poet OfTiw Kf $6 fpHIB HOTEL i alarge three itorey brick bni'dinp. rece ntiv «r*^^. m *^ Jii. J7*? â- â€¢oaern eonvanimHw. It is furnished in First C lai 2rLr* ^*,Sr*" °* "»«*- Liqoor. ana Oigars. and tW t. tti^Sii „^« '»'^«« PuWie may rely npon cverv sttentioK "-^^rW i • ^» ••'••« MM»«H ff f 1. AM »t»bii« »•* ••♦»*^^ Mid ^^ II.-. i-nuri-.;. •"â- Uaodioua Sample Koom thing. Manv "*fi *c. Tuc and lardn i i,iuke a- lu.uli g*^ the best the market a( niake f;r. nt piv Jf'""j't and attentive Ho.^iler's j ne^s ut wincli \| ^yg^TgHlyOM. Pwpnetor I i,,„ y.iu woikj I i.ui â-  y.Mi A Co

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