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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 27 Jan 1882, p. 2

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 AND JU-CX-L^ "STANDARB «l0otol ^^ta^c A. G. -rjiiuary 27jh. 1882; '^^Vothe'r notices OOALJ^ â€" 7;'piJth.*T'iur5d*y. lock nf Crockerr ao J Glas- '[Tp^r cent below regukr price 4».«^ CHEROil â- portlii*""" I ^OHi,, -/l/». of th, entire "' â- .»^ of m« t «i»w!.7i?^« Pie'ur-KTtsk. TTn £r:*!-'«i « *o*/*.* ai..i «.^,.rf rJJ;^ Hi ^Y LARGE BTURDn c EVERT NSIOHBOrI XtilDB A rtUcnKBON STALLKH 'â- UvC ktratbd that whm T â- n iiiarsa of the countryi l .n.Ii.rm mb «Mi«t kMpm, ImL^ â- ! »».J tor more iaon«w(ST^' ^^ ouiw -I â€" t of Uotim!' otographsl I'")) ill t-vi-rv stvle ud' fioiih. ill. the r(-i|iiisi(cR whidl eon •'I' i«i,i.KKy. â-  iu»r-('i 4SS work don». !•• II w riio;ii:m|ilipr. iin s I ii;L'd ami euUrgW. " V nil iiiv "'i-k .jlx'i tliM "tiiuil, orar th* Stii •, iilnr st\'r» made. tlif »liitli\v ere tlM line Kiwii tnit'lit of FramM Cba^l »iii p. ;tiil fiirj:et til «boutil. J. h. JJKUWNE, I'botoi EUCENIA~ it.SawanilLatlil ' mid* r.iUnsir* imp" iit Mill I ftffi coufiJenl I "• I niitact.ou. FLOUR ALvVAYS ON Wl f^ping Done Evtry D«-\ I Si win;' •n'l •.::il AND UTH (jn hand. :;iif,.„i.i, Whiit Aih. *»«* 1. r.M.- »ii 1 ll.-.ul.ick u# M AKITT.iiS^n*] i';:eivL NoriCE* I. lOMFOl.TTnrniSrF?* \\\i\% lloM«eh«M .1 f. ,1'vwu- p*l '..•rii:.l. Itonr^'P*^ It, A- Is, S,.r.- Tl'f^'-J;.^,, pl..-, r.nmbRir.) «iiJ 'â- ^.,,^ia* It «i,l most 8»"'y 'Tart i!Kih...4i. ii»it«»ciiuK pjrv •• a â-  .....xvi.'.ljje.l*-' "•« e^-j MT â€" ,.f ,l..ul.l.-tlieslr^nKtll «• «^1| „ Linim.ut in the w^*- fi.i.lvlMii.i.vfor "'••lii^. aliv is UlU »K:it ff" riiH- ' If all kin.U." «nd ' '" lis at 25 ceuts a bo«W|^^^_^ a! Mothei-s!! j^ijotifj ,uai«tarbed«H«'K"'jiBi,|' t by k '•"*. «^-L^*n ,th tlie txcrua-l'" PJl • iinkj lf«..Rr»ton«'»'li^ MNSLOWS S"' ,.a.-ve the poor Utt"^--; e,Hua iijionit: " "^u» j«* ._ ev»ru.eait.wbo^«;;.jfc*J .tit *iil ™«' **^^i^*' |ttotheniolheT.»»l'2I »* kfe to use in »U "^fSiS •* " »nd i^ the pW'f^'jii^i* ,i„ the U""*:!,^ 35 eenU • botue- »ud "ell assorted *;*/,.»tB'^bt.'.. Vf jjurseli. r DoU does not intend Ie«Ting *l«^r »"â-  rf.. employe.! til. .service of •/hit stock Flesl^r! u. ^,^uI;â- ii;.;i."oMb,^u,i clad Tenders will he rtoeved up \b. is-. febv..'82,fo^lOcord. 22 incb be delivered at i.lsvMD Office iQ Fek'y. Address. Box 33. Markdale. ^,0 wd after Moudsy the 30tL. tlie „lj be carried oii tbe morcin? ,„iu/ Soutli ia8t««d of the «Ten- y ti prei*"t. \j Smitb. the barber, will be in i^erton. Friday »ud Saturday uu- 3000 ewli week »ud ou Fair Day's. j„ nrtt J'0" ' Kdcanet OfBce, «â-  f DjII. wbo recently purshased ^ofE.D. Wilcox, auiiounceu utaauon of ielling at cost for the ' 3) d«yi eee bills and dodgart for icular*- Arer's Ague Cure i« ao infallible â- for Fdver and Ague in all its i Tii« proprietor* warrant it, [ki,ir word li a» good at a U. S. ,i. Try it. Ur i.ibt. Aikiti, is to tbe front jrgsst^"" unJertikinj,' all »iJ stvleii of L-'iffins ou hand, to Ijer »itli »n exceil .nt assortment Als'J a tirst class hearse 8 of EaphrasiA Coonail crowded oat. 18 large BtooK ormdves at cost fof Thlpty Da yS ^Tf- â- ^- BaaraofSt., Vim- Wardon fortlia Mr- Masson from Owm here as natial on Friday md iarday, eve/y week and baa rooMv- iustruetioDB to lend oompaoy fanda 6 per cent. Ha haa also a limited qoantitT of priTata fonda tot ioTect- ra^nt. Aji extaneive ei edit aaetioa sale will take place on the farm of J. King, lot 34 con. lOEupbraaia, on tha 10th of Fab'y., wb«o a qaantitT of taratatopk implements kc. iiill be sold. 11 n o itbs credit on good paper. W Sbepberdaon, Anctionear. Aba â€" Dentists who have triad "TaASBBaT." prononnce it the finest thine 00 tbe face of this earth for the taetb and breath. 6 cant aamplaa. FiB«.â€" On Monday morning the "â- ***' ••***^ *^* ••"»«»«" ••*V fraiuo buil'Ung occupied by Mrs. Caa- '^^ UndeTtaker â€"AMDâ€" :â-  ...;7.. CABtNETMiMCR, Haa mom oo baad CoMaB of all um and f er Uiv, 4iai||as BMdeiata. UNPEItTAItl blis wpU was diseoTered to be oo fbe.caoa- ad by a dafectm stofe pipe. A crowd soon sathared, some sotting to rem jve the famitcre while others try to save tbe building. At one time it seemed that the building must go, but through the strenuous exertions of our citizens it waa saved. Our subscribers will please bear in miud that when we decided to reduce tbe subscription to f 1.00, it must be in advance, the redaction is but small to any one, but it amounts to $150.00 less to us. Therefore, we hope our subscribers will band in their renew- als at once. We venture to ssy there is not a better local paper in Canada the size of ours printed for the same price. A PuBuc MsKTDia Should be called of the citizens of every city, tuwu iind village in the Dominion, to con.sider what should be dons to AlMafnIl stoekof HoDsebold FuinitDK] I woal^lgunounce to We inluLblUtttr of 0undalk and surrounding country that I am an authorized agent and am now prepared to sell the best SEHMG mmmi mannfactured. Tht^jottke wond-renowned or va'stri-ru New Y«rk Singer I And, jaoreover, there is. no person that ewrr ased one of themvttl dispM«"thi»- tion. DUNCAIiK. o- BaraaiDB. Bargadits. Bai*g€un8. I o This t9 6ie r.'gfat house to get hA^fiiii in Vty Goods, he- sides BBitinf{- the very latest Engysli and Ffotiefa igishioiuu^ Wky r iBeeanse they come dii^ irada thd itiana£^ctiirers;' thereby sa^rmf jdl wholes^ pfofiti.. tad i;r«. Itrk and Willi" Armstrong Jr's. 1 prevent the hair from turning Grey un .SdturdaT the 7th, from a â€" an fft'li" o"' ^^ t^^" imporUnt hiving Uken to .hat l^"**"' "ff'" "'"' **"«"' ««" o .•/i/»«f,»r. »i.u» wr.iiiH unanimously |uru 10 Cbicft, sideration they would l^ct two cir l'.ad of -potatoes Irom j^^jj^ j,,^^ ^^^g^^g j^^j ^^ ^^^ ^^ covered something that would ai.swer We understand the result iti^factuiy. rkJ»l»- ij'litu »« IT 'r"»tMl [;„• n i-j tie new turned up point 'Xcell"d f.reasy writing. Xsk rtiterbni ik-) Tocuiasuh, Choctaw telei'rni liic i)eiiH. Fi.r nhole- [« (UpliiiM. lir.j*ii Bros.. Toronto. |W( ba 1 a very savere snow etorm S«!urd«y turniii;; Colder on Sunday Uj«' WHS clear but very coM, the ^rinoinetor refjiutering 15 below M.iiuIhv niyht howevt-r was tich C'lbr, will u tiie mt-rcury went fn t» :i2,w!,ich wa â- e»son this purpose â€" and furthermore would revdution in Steel Pen recommend Cingalese Hair Ueuewer a:4 being tins soinetriug for restoring the hair to its natural color, and pre- vent its falUng out. 50 cents per bottle. For sale by all Druggists. Dr. Sproule M.P., has annoaaced by Posters, a serious of public meet- ings, wliere lie will be gla'i to meet as niaay electors as can make it conye- nieiit to attend. Tbe time and places are as follows Flesberton, on Mon- day Jan. SOtu liocklyu, Tuesday 31st Thorubnty, Wodnesday Feb'y. the coldest dip ^^*' ' ^^^'^^^^l Tuesday 2ud Shel- ' j buriie, Fridav 3rd Duiidalk, Satur- Weduesday morning j o^ti,. Each'meetinn to cmmence at Oidefed wcik o all deaeriptiaaa with the ntmost drqiateh. A foU (tock of IIU8TK5 m PHOTa FRAIII£8 which will be sold cheap for Cash. SMtMtd Lmber if all klmlt Taken in exchange for Fnmitiire. G. GRANT, MARKDALE. Markdale, Dee. 33, 1881. e7-tX. eEORBE RUBLE, INSURANCE AND LAND AGENT, LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the Coanty of Grey. AesKT for the fuUowinf; reliable Compaaiee CITIZENS' of Montreal, AGBICULTUBAL, of Watertown, and TRADE Ji COMMbBCE, (Mutual) of Toronto. A number of Cboioe Farms for tale, alao Village Lot«. Auction Sale* eondaeted in Town or Coun- try on Shortast Notice. Charges moderate. Bills, Blank Notes, and Stampa prorided. PLEASt'CALL AHO eiYE THEII A TRIAL 1' Z5 â- --â- . l?»^ N.B. â€" Old machineV bought JAMES HANNA, Agent. MuKDALS. Mav tOtb GEO. NOBLE. 1881. 86-lv GOOD NEWS mm. iijuitfl la idcrate, 20 above zero. 8 o'clock p.m., sharp. Dr. Carson's Pulmonary Congh excellaut Expectorant loosening the phlesm far more recadily than any other preparation. For Cuufjlis, Colds, IJronchitu, Tickling in the Throat and Soreness and Tijjht- iiess of the Cliest, they have no equal. In larsje botlltts iituO cents. A. Tur- I '.iar if4'ii--i A Couijh or Cold as l»v »rc teiy apt to lead to •eriou* I Drops aro an jju? tr.iible».. Dr. Carson's Pul- Luirr t' Mi^ili Drops have a \»oiiJer- |ii tlfect i:i ruli«;viD» and curing |,ii;;lii L' il i« a:id all affections of the vat ftiid liiuii^'s. As Dr. Car.sou is If il iiiinwii Canadian phv^ician of |,.r 2i rears siiccossful pr..otiCL' there i »- tr ""J 'o- Special Aleuts Markdale. la !i;r tli»lliis lleiuedios are! The lloyal Scarlet Chapter, of the li[i.piii«r witli tli« Canadian people, j District of .Arteinesia, met at Fleslier- and Co. Special Ag«nt8 for ton Station, on the 14th inst., and by |(ir'tJalc. adjournment on the 18th, for the elec- tion of oilicers, and general business in Connection with the Chaptr. The following Sir Kniglit, Companion or the iitlicers f-r the currant year viz J. Brodis \V. C. C; W. Wright. E. C J. Hrtles, Chap.; T. Elliott, C. S.: W. Uutledge, C. T.; G. Best, S. ILK A.; W. J. H.; A. Parks. O. H. A SrCCESSFULL BXPKKIMK.NT IN MkL- ANcHo.N. â€" Mr. John McLean, who moved iiit^) the above township two years ago, prepared a piece of land tor the urpose of raising clover seed. He sowed 14 acres with red clover and 11^ with alsike, and has it tliiahed. Hiid marketed the most of The r-d c'over yielded 05 buHliels ^nifere tiianka fcr the very generous which is worth $5.25 per bushel, and liberal support he has recicvcd I J""""""' f '""» '« " shipped, 52 bushels and is worth $8. per bushel. He also had 12^ acres of peas, mak lug in all 38 acres, the produce ot which netted the handsome sum of The seed was thrashed by I Mfssrs. Doner from near Stayner. |u"ie. A »"'h1 prin-ciitutivefor FeTers,.\gue infi jliiii.ii-i I'li-adcis is Dr. Carson's ti ::i:k.'b an 1 con.stiiati lu iSittvrs a u» ^.^;lâ- tablc preparation. They iiuui' !iysii:iu, I'Uiity the Blood and tC'M^ Uic appetite, and render those lu:ii^ iIk'Iu ithuost proof against l«M" slioiilil h» used in every ca^c Ic^iJ I'f |)i!i». .\. 'Turner and Co. ^f«cmi A,;i'nts Markdale. Mr. v.. D. Wilcox, begs to intimate luiiuia y friondb and customers kmt lie lias pold out his business to Ir. W. K. D.ll of Fleshertnn. He rii.l ulio wisli to r-iturn his most inks fcr t support tlie li iiiii'« iif the people of Mark- j bin and viciaity during the seven jfcftrt iio lias been in business here, i a' I'l.t «Ain.i, would bespeak ,,,,,, r » fill ol-oo. r iiH siio.T.icr a continuance of the i Burbi Mills ai WorL â€"HAVINGâ€" LATELY FITTED UP My Grist Mill in FIRST-CLASS RUNNING ORDER 1 am prepared to turn oat all work m a flrst- class manner. rlonr ami all kinds of f ed delivered free to any part of the rilluce. lliaiiUiii^' you all for past favors I hope by strict attention to business to merit a con- tinnauco of the same. W. J. BOWE. Barrhead Mills, Sept; 20, 1S8I £4-3m Rer. I). Williams, who was well liu'Wii in tlii.4 place, as well as Flesh- ' liri'm, Daiulalk, and tlirough this j Ic.iUiitT ^;.iirrilly, died in his resi- Idencu ui Wallicrton, on Tiie*day '.he |2l'.ii inst. The deceased has been in ' p'lir iieallli soino years, the com- m-ticn...tiit of which «af, we believe, i luatlaci uf cout(ustiiii of the lungs *mU(iu the M irkdale circuit. Ho was I'^flayimg man, ana In* premature Mmli will hi' i4al news to hundreds »n Ii»vt! Ill tlie past been profited by |lj«soci-!y and godly life. file Manitoba fever appears conta- Ijumaiid is becoming very prevalent. ^W ui leritaiul thst it is the intention ffMr F. D. Wilcox Jeweller, who 'ol' nil s»,)ck and business to Mr. W. f. 1'1I of Fkshertou, to take a trip to be Prairie Piovii.ce. Mr. W. is a |r I'd prnctical watclimnker i-iid a first cl.i»3 Teleijraph op-rator lie will Nothing Like Leatlier. M. M. M'LEOD, MAKKDALE, NOT TO BE BEATEN I Budaa. Bee. Mtt, tSMi ISM Foundry! CMat« tad sQe onj? Bttsi Gbods, ^Mhioa^l^e and U9§t.fttjtiL Come and asa.oer r»Awmm,Stom «•» om^ ana arc our Ladies* Cloih Coats, from fi^^jb fb f to. ' t1" IsmMt mi \n\ it-t* nf trj gnniTinMM riiiâ€" iinJ«MkH ' ' â-  T^"' toadeetfroiB"'^^"' " •* See oui'^botch, West ol England, and Canadian Tweeds^ bomt09^$lMfmyd. A-wfltafi â-  ioqoalityaDl alg^ See our late importations of Gests* Re?dyinade Oothi^g, London nwda Qrereoata, st^la and IH vnaorfaaaed. Hay* ••• .^ iMadfaraMtbaraaaa. AlMarapletaeaaaof Sliairia, -â- â- â-  -J M.-. Fkimela and other floods. «ad nnaypBe^r, HHi iimt^ ^QcH, -•%, :^K:^- L2C5 -^omsK lAtgfi con^iramentof new and fresh Groceries just d^viJBbl. A fine and Miaately flavored- Tea wfiieh I ean seiiiU 8 voandl Ibr- • dollar. I am detenninad that ear ftiaods travdUi^ •*«;^ -^ til* deiparat^ roack ro«da to Dnndalk aball be x«- 4 4V paid (or their troaUe by gettiag bargains in \»c^. • " every department, '"' '-^ Crockery and Glassware Department, which is now replete wifii nmj SMMaary. Baiidsome China Tea Setts at |fi.80. '« Hand^Mne OHass Setts, price 80o. AJID- MACHIME WORKS. We are prepared to exeenle all kinds of MMl EEFMIG Turning and Boring, WITH General Lathe Work Done in a practical manner. PLOWS! And Plow Points will receire our special attention, knowing through practical experience the best class of Irons for such. DUNDALK. (From the Herald.) Oranoe Soibke in Pbotos. â€" The soiree of L. O. L No. 1202 came off on Wednesday, 18th inst., in their hall, on lot 28, con. 13, and was a success. After tea Bro. Joseph Mo- Aidle «as voted to the chair. Apolo- gies Wire received from Rev. Mr. Ed- munds. Dr. Spronle, M. P.. and Dr. Cliristoe. The following gentlemen addressed the meeting Revs. Messrs. Eakin, of Dundalk, Turnbull of Shel- b'lrne, and Goo. Rutherford of the same place. Music was furnished by Mie Uopcyille choir. Votes of thanks were pa.osed to the ladies, the choir, tbe speakers and the chairman. Tbe national anthem was sung, and the part/ dispersed well pleased with the evening's entertainment. CnrncH Openino in Pboton. â€" The new W. M. Church on lot 14. 16th con. of Proton, was opened by Divine ijul.tlesi have no trouble in stcurii^g service on Sunday. 8th iuRt.; and a » Rood situation should he desire one. 09 iiRR been in business seven yearn in Markdale, ard has wou the confi- Jfiice i.d respect of the entire com- inuuitv, and we but poorly express tbe •^ntiupiits of the people of the village *Dit vu-inity when we say, we deepiv "grct Ins intended departure, and wish nim success in his calling wherever he lasy locate. Tl.e second social giyen nnder tbe »a9pici.g (.f the Ladies Association of lire Presbyferinn Ciiurch, Markdale,in *ii of the church building fund was P^«n St Murray's, ou Tuesday even- 'H last. The nigUt was clear, and 'be sleighing good. There was a good 'Mn »ut from Mark-lale. The social '»• lu every respect a grand success. The whnlebeaated host and liostet did »11 in their po*»r tc add to tbe com- 'ort and enjoyment of thobo present, *od each and all enjoyed themselves ""•JSDscly. A large cake was to be 'ut and Mils Mclntyre and Miss Don- ^J were chosen as condiiatoa for the ""awoi. Master John Richards was *PPunted to canvas for the former "i2(a3ter Wesley Whithy for the ' The canvas was entered into «0 hot tides with more interest than *^in»ry municipal election, and J**'e^ in the elecUon of Wise y^^ Theprooeedseftbeeoeial soiree on the following Monday even- ing. The opening sermon was pr«ach- ed on Sunday morning by the Rey. Mr. Fish, the superintendent of the district; the afternoon and evening services by the Rev. Mr. Barkwell, of Toronto, formerly of the circuit. The church, altho,ugh large, was well filled. On Monday evenmg tbe tea party was the most successful eyer known in Proton. Tea was served in the old church, and was a credit to the ladies of the congrocalion refreshments were served from 5 until 8 p. m. The addresses, music, etc., came off in the new church. Rev. Mr. Edmonds oc- cupied the chair. Addresses were delivered by tiio chairman and Revs. Messrs. Barkwell and Fish. Good music was furnished by the Flesherton choir. A subsciiption list was opened and about $500 was collected, which will about claur off the debt on the I church. Votes of thanks were passed to tbe choir, tbe speakers and the chairman. All those vlio may have had the misfor- tune to have been born barefooted will he%T in mind that we have jusi received tho larg- est and l)C-t stock of leatlier ever before brought into Markdale, consisting of Spanish Sole, French Kip and Calf, and are now pres pared to manufactarc Ladies, Gents, louth and Misses boots and shoes, from the stoga to the finest k d and prunrlla. Sewed Work a SDecialty. All work warranted. Invisible patching alac done here, M. M. MoLEOD. Markdale, Sept. 19tli, 1881. IDT TWO, QUEEN ST., MABKDALE. There s on thb lot a brick house, stable, shop, well, and (istem. Will sell cheap and ou ea^y terms. THOS. MULLARKY. Markdale, Dec. 28th. 1881. 68-tf Gold.! Great chance to make money. Those who always take advantage of (. e gouu chaucu« for making money that are offered, generally become wealthy, while tho^ who do not improve sncfa chances re- main in poverty. We wapt many men, wo men, boys and girls to work lor ub right in their own locaUties. Any one can do the work properly from the first start, rbe bos. iaaea will pav more than ten times ordinary wages. Expensive outfit famished free. No ons who engages fails to make muney rapidly Yoa can devote your whole time in the wark, or oily your spare moments. Fall inforaa. tioB and sU that i* needed sent free. Addras, Bwsoa A Co., Poithad Msiae. Ayer's Hair YigoTj FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR TO ITS NATURAL VITALITY AND COLOR. It is a most agreeable dressing, which is at once hannless and effectual, for pre- serving the hair. It restores, witli the gloss and freshness of youth, faded or gray, light, anil red hair, to a rich brown, or deep black, as may be desired. By its use thia hair is thicUcnetl, and baldness often though not always cured. It checks falling of the hair immediately, and causes a new growth in all cases where the glands are Hbt de-ayed; ivhile to brasby, weak, or nhcrwise diseased hair. It imparts vitaUty fttid strei-.gth, and Pindet* it pHable. Tlie Viooii cleanses the scalp, cures and prevents the formation of dandruff; and, by its cooling, stimulating, and soothing properties, it heals most If aot all of tke huiDots and diseases paculiar to tlM scalf^ keeping It cool, clean, and soft, under which cunditious diseases of the scalp sad hair are impossible. As a Dressing for Ladies' Hair The YiooB is incomparable. It is color- less, contains neither oil nor dye, and will not soil white cambric. It imparts an agreeable and lasting perfume, and as an article for the toilet it Is ac o n ow i e al aad luisurpaaeed in iu excelleaea. Prepared by Or. J. O. ^^r«r ft Oo., Box St.oves, Sugar Kettles, Land Rollers, wdl receive our Attention. We also intro* ducc our new FAMILY MANGLE! to the public. This new machine will mangle Linen, t'otton, and Woollen Goods, giving them a beautiful smooth and glossy appear- ance. It also improves the clothes, whereas hot irons injure them. We will also asana- facture CAST-IRON GRAVE TABLETS! with or w.tkout marble slab for name, As.; also Tomb Bailings, Pall Pillars and Orna- mental Cast Iron Chains for same, also all kinds of Balluster Raihngs. House Fencing â€" plain and ornamental, Machinery Brass Castings of every description. Brass Bells, Isrge or small. MOFFAT BROS. Markdale. Nov.. 1881 »-ly WT BENSON Has on hand and for tale a ftrst-olaas arti- olo of FRESH 6R0CERIES! CONSIS-nNG OF Teas^ Coffees Sugars, Raisins, Currants, c.t And every other article in the grocery line kept constantly on hand, and of the freshest variety and bekt brands. IN LIQUOBS! I can sapply a quality that will defy compe- tition in Markdale. IN PRICES I can eompets with ths best houses in Mark- dale. Oive me a Call. WILSON BEN80K. Markdale, Dee. 1st, 1881. • GEORGE WILSON. Wholesale and Retail {BUTCHER!! BBBF. POM OB MUTTOH SUPPLIXD. from » sin^ poond to a whole sareass, at the lowest narkst pciess. nM4rawi M BUY WHERE ToU NO FAVOUR. CAS BUY CHEAPEST. PAIR DEALING AND t \. w. s: hewetson: Dnndelk, Jan. 19tb, 1888. I GET M7 WOOL GABBED -AT THE- Dundalk Woollen Mills. .-0- Where do you get Yours 9 jUSTTHfi THING. .SÂ¥^ :•»•:;: 7t» -- 'â- â- â- r. READY-MADE IK ASUNDANC^. -â- rt â- '^V'-J -•"â- rHi BOOTS and' SHOES! FOR THE MILLION. â- .^- HA^ AND CAPS FOR EviRYBOOY. P. S.â€" Parties iud«btod b) settle at once. DUNDALK, Dee. 28. ISAt. note or book aeeoont will pleaee to tail «nd W. H. PETERSON. «7-U. 1881.- THE CHRISTMAS. 1881. "GLASGOW HOUSE." GKOCEHIESi ^â-  Fresh and at the ven- lowest prices. Cash and Farm Pr«' duce taken in exchange for good?. TyRESENTS tht compliments vl the season, wishing all a Happy New Tsar. It i J. Bcitrcely six moushs sinoe this huaae wa^ opened, and as week after week has passed business has rapidly increased, which has at the present date enabled the proprietor to import direct from Europe. Feeling thrukful tu the formers uf Proton and adjacent (own- shi|i* lor their liberal pntronage, trusting to merit a continuance of the same, would re- dpecifully invite inspection to the new large stock of all kinds of goods, consisting of HATS AMD CAPS, READY-MADE CH0THIN6, Boots and Shoes, Groceries and Crockery. DBESS GOODS for 8o. worth 16c. BLACK CASHMEBES for 35c. worth 40c. WIN- CEYS frem 5c. up. PBINTS from 5c. up. All kinds of Flannels and Shirtings at low prices. Blankets and M ooUej Underclothing very cheap. Pure Linen TnUings from 90c to T.5e. per yard. White Cottons and Heavy Grey Cottons from Sc. to \0c. Tapestrv Carpeting. Boots. Shoes and Bubbers, over 2000 pairs to select from ..o pasteboard fole s and for less money than shoddy goods are sold at. DUST 'lEA from 17e. up. Pure lOUNG HYSON TEA, 3 lbs. for »1. â- â-  â-  A First-class Tailor and Milliner! la sonaection with the eatkblishmeut. 1^ Call and inspect goods before purchasing Hivtaeat price paid for all kinds of Grain and Farm Produce. Diaconnt ot S per cent, offlor cash. Wm. NELSON, Proprietor. "Glasgow House Noted." Cheapest House North of Toronto. Diibdalk, Deaember Btii. 1861. x-\j TO THE^ PUBLIC. The Subscriber respectfully intimates that his stores at Flesherton Station and Eugenia, are fully stocked with General Goods, suitable for the season, and will be constantly renewed as required, consisting ot DRY GOODS, HARDWARE CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, BOOTS, SHOES GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, c. FRESH GROCERIES a specialty at this season. All Kinds of Farm Produce, Cord wood, and Saw Logs taken in exchange for Goods. Inspection of the Goods re- spectfully solicited. My Saw Mill ?.t Littlie Falls, is in lull operation. All kinds of Logs purchased Sawing done by the Thousand or on Shares. Wm. HOGG. neaberton Stntion, Dee. 28, 1881. 67 QB^CXft^d^ FvBsrs having Fat Cattle, Pigs to dispose of will do weU to eaU at No S Bums' Block, opposite the new Uniea |ftfH-'« Oet. tSta, MU. I A. M^INTYRE 4 TEA! TEA! TEA! A. M'INTYRE r^lOVLX, ^lOVLX, E^lO-CLT- McINTYRE'H mwwi UQOomi McINTYBE'S Cigars, Cigars. MoDliYBE-S ^jad evesythii^lkapt nUa flnt-elass Qrapec^jHid .Liiingr 8^ ' ' ' always on hand, cnur roa cam. â- - •â-  • tf_ • \-\nr* McINT^REB MEAL! MEAL! MEAL! McEN'iyRES Pork, Po^. Pork. MoINTYBE'B i- WANTED. TtitgriililrfriMSOFLLiiC AMD UPWARDS; ALSO 5.,000 OorcjB Cedax Posts, _, Vor^^ielttheHi^MetPricee win te paM- MAB^A WMITTAKKK, â-  • """ii'.r â- - ^; •â- -â- ^; notice to Gontracton. As WK EAVI A liABOE }UANTITT e( Saw Lags at oar ndll this esaeoo, we agoodehanee. UmIoss in tke woods. A food e( Saw Lags at oar ndll this wOIgiveeo wiBte all shaatr and stsMa also ia tho woods. An^ nsitias wiaiaaste Jiars a s ewtin t o| this ttsAwtadowaDtaasena.' The hMlTahoat No Trouble to show Goods. Gome anrf Examine for Yourselves. se. Ti Flesherton, November 4th, 1881. 14 OliristmaS! IS CLOSE AT HAND, ANP Al.I, THE NECESSABIES FOB THB OOOP .;. CHEEB USUALLY INDULGED IN AT THAT SEASON WILL BE BEQUIBED SUCH A3 Baisins, Currants, Spices, SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEES, *0., and no better place in Markdale cao be found lo obtain these artielM and at l^tMMf prices,' than at *.1 i â-  â-  â- â- -t BUTTER^^RAE'S- ' â€" -IN THE -r-^ ^5 â-  WE ABE SECOHiD TO NONE. -o- Tou wil iU need a New Suit for the HoUdayif.- and our ail-WOOl Tweeda S is t shI Enrliah and Canadian, cannot be surpassed rn this section of country, and we seMea lÂ¥w, as any other firm in Markosle In all branches of the above line ot goots yo* WU SaA we are not behind ths times, and we guarantee nil our goods » tw jest as we rspsssMS* them. Give »8 a call, and we feel assured we con supply you with aU you BMd.-aad .* satisfactory prices. BUTTER dc RAE. (I â€" â€" -â-  ., Ws also caiTV a large stock of CBOCKEHY, GLASSWABE. LAMPS nd LAMP tlX 1UBE8, BOOTS and SHOES, HATS, CAPS, and in fart eveerthing nsoalJy ksH » a general store.â€" Bcttkb Bjle. The WEEKLY MAIL PRESENTATION PIAT£. P THE GREAT CANADIAN WEEKLY FROM NOW TO THE END OF 1883 FOR ONES DOLLAR NEW FEATuitEi* i^'on i««a. Every subscriber te the Wseawt M«iL for 188t will Booeive a Tel- â-  ibis Chart, aatitled ANATOMY OF THE itltl wiii a Fine Engraving, diiplayiat at a glance the oxaet locality ef prominent dioeaxts which afliet the hor a. Tho reading Batter will doMirihe 3t of the most eoea Bioni Iecni 4|nestion« and Ansirei«.â€" Qnrstiona involving (nintsef taw; aa4 e/ interest to the agricnliqral community, will be replied to and ezplaiiied y a duly qpaliAeC piastitionei, and the replien published from time tu time in THE Wi^JlfLT MAlLu ' Tke Arrtcaltnrai Department of THE. WEEKLT.MAIL will b. ia «harge of a thoiougbly practical elitor, who by suecial atteution tct it, proposes to «aks that de- partment alone worth more than the whole subseription' AA of the paper. â- "» will ke fided by the following authorities :â€" ' â-  â-  li. B. AsHOLp, EfU)., President of the American DairTfli'aa's AssoeiatioB, Will -eeatHkat^ a series ofarticles on cHfelEHEMAKINft and DAIBtINO generaily, «Ml wiU Mfky to (jnwtitnnrKm sttbwiMliars n|Ma these sabjeots. Hon. X A. Wn^ABD. ot Little Falls, N. T., ons of th. b.*! anthmlMes â- Mes hUhs werM sa thsM irtisBll, ' Cheesemaking and Uream^ries, wUl oontribute a seriw of artieles.on i One nf the leading Veterinary Sargeotis of Canada, will write on. VETXBIKABT net, ters re«ralarl^,*and'wiU4Iso answer all qoertions sent by sobseribeibi in th* MaU :..'â- :â- â-  '.: O TP9.,WEEKLT MAIL is the best weekly newspaper -pnbli shed ia Cenada. It eontainstabre daUe and other Telegraphic Nes^s than any «ther weeWv ia the 0e minion.' ..•.• It eoataia. daring the vsar SUO columns of New and Tatermtlar Blari^. '• It- â-  It eentains oVerltOO oolnmns of Agrioaltural Matter, by the best asitsrs ea PaifKar. ChesMmaking, Foreetry, ths ears of Honm and Cattle, Frmit Saisvw. ffsfwai Ijllisl tBTe,*e. " -,••â- ' It is noted for its Beliable Market Reports, Hone aad ffersiga. '• Itis th. cheapest and best Family Pape* pab^shed. â€"' "«£W ' ' TH1t.WaBKI.y 1U%-Om »BU|r p«r Aomua. â-  ' • -.^ â- ., iri^'t^^ .- THB0Air.TlCA'nj-ft*v.n-»MlarsjJer Annosn. â- â€¢ -.. «t*c'-rf a Me extra charge lor sending papers ta say pos t oBas in %«at1|(f|ahi 'M.M» 'wt» Sand your erders now ti .."â- --' •d^ â- Â» Il l MABKDALE " â-  • f • ... SE 0.^0. iiT ii n;C ALEX. EUTLEDGKElv^fero^etbr â€" fâ€" â€" â- â€¢-..•â-  *** rriBIS HOTEL i akige three storey Mek baTdinr WeetiUv. sr^eMd end iMed «y «Mk ^X. every Modem aewrenimiee. It is funrisbed in Fir** riM« atrl* Th'llaris easfdM :-».^.i f^^^vMajBim. Btiniam- on a good „m u,, ^^, brard. of Wines. Liquors and Cigars. *id tie Jshl. with ^11 tki.d«ilja*4es the eaaaoa. The travelling Public may rely, npon.evvnr^attenrio. Wtee paidlSa Ihdr r ilM«i ?^ 'W if â- | i-.: i tori. Oâ€"dHmmpU XoMM for CvwmtreUl Travtllfr$ Tt" «)*tT m mwrn* te»m nil T f tâ€" t ••â- â€¢-wtBiaH ifst aiiM«T»; ^,:. ••'v^ '• .• -i v-*' .1 ' ' itiiifiii^iiiii

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