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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 20 Jan 1882, p. 3

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 •1^ i i! Of bcr IcetthfM %hieb %m »• Ufcly De laid b«foit- yoti, tfd to vueli I iB ^itc you *ti«iiUii it* ft bill te r bpxtJEi; 'Till* ffficM, ditcbet and • uater rourai â-  i » bill to proride for a ^eueral lair ftr Uic coiMtnietMii of waterworfc* W ettie*. tuwua and «fl lage« a bill proTiding fa- tti« iug of railway trark* bj ikneto aql otber roada a bill for tbs liUfMtidll of boilen, with a Ti«w to aSonling atioDal aecuritiea againat explo- (loba a bi!l to make proriaioB for tuaiijtaiiiiiig and promotiiig the pallie '/wealth a bi 1 for aimplifyitig tbe lawa corceruing re*l proitertj and conTcy- ancing a bill to nmove hoiim defecta in tba law of eridaoee a bill to plao« on a mora â- Uiafactory fo«tia* th« law of 13el is cartwn aaaea and a bill i» facilit*t« the ettabfiahineiit of fret librahe*. It harin: beeome aeeeaMrjr in the intareeta of aettlement and rereaaa, to dlace under timber licenae a few town- Bliips lying to the aonth of French Itiver and Lake NipiMing diatrieta, tlie activity of tbe tuaber trad* laat year affordwd a faTorable op|artaaitj of •elimg at pabhc aactiou the right to cut the ])ine timber in these town kiiipe, c .(vering the limited area of 1 ,821 square miles and it ia gratify- iuz to ki ow that the result was most satiitfactory, the sale having (among I'ther advantages) increased the avail- bble means of tbe Province by nearly thre -quarter* of a million of dollars, besides addiad to the reveune the an- nual rani to wbi«h the puicliaaera are hable, aud the dues on the timber which they mty cut. Id consequence of circumstances not within the cintrol of either gov- i;rumeut, the accounts between tiie Province and tbe Dominion are still nuitettled aud the money coming from the Common School fund for local imprevements in tbe counties in which the lands that produced the inud aro situate, has not yet been re- eeived by the Province. In view of the prolonged delay, I recommended the payment of the principal (aboot $125.(KXJi to the counties interested, out of the consolidated revenue of the Province, in anticipation of the receipt of the uiouey fr jm the Dominion. The subject of constructing new Provincial luildiues adeqnat* to th* growing rrqnirements of the Prohoe*, and tli* necessities uf the pubUc ser- vice, has continued to receive my at- tention during tbe past ysar. Much more time than ha^ boen expeot«d was ronHiinert ia procuring necessary iiioditications to be made iu tbe plans ruceired previously toycur last session and 111 tlic prnparati-)n of the specifi- cations. The preliminary work has now been tompleted tenders have been called for and th* result will b« coiuinuuicated to yoa. llie i'ublic A:couDl4, ibowing th* rucvipts and expenditure of tbe past y ar. and the e«tiinatos of moneys re- qiii.ed for the services of the eurr*nt vear, will be laid Lefore you. The eslimatea have been prepared with every regard for eeonoaiy eobsistent with the public intertst. i cannot allow the present oppor- tunity to pass wit lOut expresiion in luy own name, and m that of th* people of tliis prnviucs, the grief aud indignation wiich, iu common with t)io whole civilized worlil. wu felt at tlie Khocking and unprovoked murder or tlin late honoured and lamented l'rt!«ident of the United Status. By no community waR President Gar- tivld's death more sincorely mourned than by the people of Ontario. Ill O' .» ditmibiiiirK you to the oner- oui and important labours in which forsoiue timo you will be engaged, 1 desire to express the hope that your dohbcrationa and cecitious will, as on former occasions, Se such *s to man if' Hi your wisdom and yoor patriotism, and as will contribute to the continued develupmt'nt of tbe varied r*Bouree8 of oar Kr»a. Province, and to the increat- ed well, being of its inhabitants. After the delivery of the speecli the floor of the House was cleared, and in a few minutes an adjournment was declared His Honour then left the ^hamb*r and returnad to Govsrnmsnt house. The Speaker tKk the chair at 8.46 p.m. properbea eveiy caa*. !%» aplmttttuB] by Miy ' BEAB. Aboot 1« oatoA laat MmJij in* a lady hmag on VuBi ATWiaa ia WoodBiwCtty. CoL, waa foUewed booM from Main St. bj what aha took to b* a laica N«w faoadkad dof Ar- hTiag bom*, pba paaaad at tba doc* itJb^il^aaHagpv Jm^t^" til* aaimal got qnl*.«loaal» bar, aoamed barnilii^ki lady aaUod ia. H*r sorana* may Da wiaginad whan, in atritaaff a light, aha aa« » hog* blaek faoad bear lookjag at har ahowinf liia taatbaa ifgrinaiag at bar miatak* I mora dead thaa aliva tha lady o^ad tiM door, aqd galhanac har skirta mwoaum â- wnWmai do.b^ gan ahooiof tha baar. Bnun, aa if approaching tha gravity of aha aitoa- tion.borriad out, wbaroopon tha fright aaad Udy fall into a ehair,aBd did not raeovar har preaonea of mind for at laaat fift**n miontaa, whao ah* ran to a naigbbor's and (old of her advaa- tana.â€" Wo«d BittrTima. THE SECBET OF BBAUTT. No eoamatic in th* ^oiM aaa impart baanty to a fa«a that i* diafignrad by unsightly blotch** arising im- par* blood. Bordoek Blood Littara ia tfa* grand purifying madioin* for all bnmors of th* blood. It mak*a good blood and imparts th* bloom of baalii to the moat sallow eomplaxion. Aniwcb this. â€" Did you aver know any persei. to be ill without inaction of the Stomaoli, laver or Kidneys, or did you ever know cue who was well when either wna obstrueted or inactive and did you ever know or hear of any ease of the kind that Hop Bitters would not cure 7 Ask your neighbor th* same question. â€" Timt$. BENEFITS OF A CLASSICAL EDUCATION. By a recent change in th* corricalm of th* Milwauk** high acbool, Greak ha* been dropped fr3m th* (tadi*a, thongb Latin is still r«tain*d, and a city papar ragards th* dropping of Oi**k as a mistak*. We think so, too. Years ago we held old foggy notiona upon educational matter*, and thoaght that English osght to ba taagtak in th* pnbli* seboola. It seaaad to us that aa English waa tb* langnaga of the country and tbe English seienoe the only one* nsad in businew. it could not do the children any par ticnlar barm to teach th*m a littl* English occasionally â€" not too mnob, •o tbal it would intarfere with their Greek, Latin, painting, drawing and dancing, but enough so they could buy two yards of factory eloth at eight e*nts a yard aud feel satisfied m their mind* that it cam* to tan cant*. We were running a little country paper at tuat tim*, and work ai bard as •ver w* might w* could not make any money, and w* conid not acoonnt for it. One day w* droppad into a school axamination, where Latin was being p*el*d off in great flakes, and Greek was being talked into a man filing a circular saw. We saw at one* wber* we were makini; our life a failure and wasting our energies, we returned to the office determined to remedy tb* defect. W* opened on the pnblie th* next waak with pl*nty of Listin and Greek and the {effect was wonderful. Tbe pubhc bad been suffering for just that kiud of thing and tbe edition was'^zbausted. Subseriptiocs began to pour in trom alll quarters w* eu- lar^ed the paper and came to Mil- waukee, still crowding it* eolnmns with Latin and Greek. The publio knows the rest. Money baa flowed in upon us so that w* hay* to koep a man with a splint broom at the door to sweep it back. This ii what Latin and Greek ha* don* for as, and w* «an truthfully say that w* had rathar se* a boy able to writ* a bmatifnl es- say in Greek any time, than *** him banged for horse stealing. It is mor* ereditabl* to bim. â€" Milwaok** Sim. TOM BkttBtACTKM. A|nlM.un- McK£NNA MASON CHILBLAINS. These troublesome complaints may be speedily cured by Hagyard's Yellow Oil, the great rbaniaatia remedy, which, as an external application and as an internal remedy has a widar range of us*faln*as than any similar preparation in the world. All drug- gists sell it. 86«. HE USED TO BE A BOY HIM- SELF. The other day a show came to Lit- tlr Hock and was shamefully imposed upon V Uuele Isom. While standing near the tent he saw a crowd of low spiritd bovs grieving on account of financial depression. 'Does yer yongsters wanter go to der show T be asked. The boys responded in noisy cbom* 'Well, come on, den. I ustcr be a chile myself, an' nnlike de' moc' of uiea, 1 hain't forgot it. Count dese boys,' he added, addressing tbe donr keeper. The man began oounting. and by the time the b )ys bad paaaed in Isom was walking around, talking to acquaintances from the piantt,- tioos. Here,' said the showman, 'give m* twenty tickets.' 'What for? Doe* y*r think m* a lottery agent 7' ' i'oa pasaid is twenty boys, and I want the ticket* or the money.' ' 'I d««n owe y%r no tickets, and I doan owe yer ue money. I didn't tell ^T ter pass delMys in. I said caunt â-  ni. Is alwa\R heard ibat showman .. ^oo.i on riihioaiie, ati' I wanted to •aiislv luvKelf. Yer nmy dat dar was twenty bovp. I' doan* apnt* your Won*, cas* I ain't uo matb*rti*iB. Bpoaei I tak* a lot ob' btoya to dar ' bank an' ax*s bim to cOu%t 'em, doe* dat signify dat de oasbisr ia gwine ter paa* em into de money room t No sab. (fo hack tcr rer t«iit I aaaa a •rowd geingio.' Th* shuiimian. ramaoibenBg that k* bad laft tba entniie* Hsgoaidad, tuu*-J and Isoia walksd away. â€" IM- AOOODPILTKB. Tahtrfk ynr* water iu tha U*Qaa awry faMilt^*lMoUtt«v* good- filter, th* bcaMlimd n6u'ttrt d*peada krglj a^d'th* naa-eifiPOperlT fittand water. XlM- liwi" Mi^lBMMw litar fnr th* blouJ. ttf4: 0«»»l* Mttaro kMm tha Utot aad ^a;i "j t.'crett'vy r.ji. s ri iies't -.j •^n^t) a. It i* iba-graitd blow I pnri- •'!«,. :i»»* r»g"ii!»tiig -flit. Two highwaymen recently ttole a New York editor's pocketbook, and then dashed toward the ferry They were of course captured, as they didn't hav» enough money to cross. BURNS AND SCALDS Are promptly onred as well a* all flash wounds, sprains, brnia**, eallona Inmp*. soreness, pain, inflammatisn and all painful diseasea by th* great RhaumaticKemedy, Hagyard's Yellow Oil. For •xtarnal and intamal ui*. Price 2«c. THE NarrowCauge â€" IS A â€" THING OF THE PAST BUT â€" REYNOLDS SON â€" AMM â€" Still to the Front! with a large and well s ele ct ed stoek ol Staple and Faaey DRY GOODS, Boots and Shoes, C ockery, Aca, whieh tbey ar* seOiiig awi^ down at nek bottom piiess foe essh. FLOUR 4 OATMEAL FBBSH AND OOOD. i^o. 1 oo^^L. Oil:. X At t1%. per Laparial galea. CARRIAGE WORKS' MARKDALE. As the season of the year is apptoaeWm that Sleigha and Catters are wanted, w* wish to intimate to the farmers and pabtie in general that we can sapBly thasi with any thia^tfaey want m that line, saeh as lion^ Sleighs. Enee-Bobs, Block-Bobs, Demoorats, Square Box, Portland, Swell Body, and Double-seated Cutter OF ALL EIKDS AKD BrTLKa Aa we use aothing bat fint-ehMs aiaterial we can GUARANTEE SATISFACTION Call and Inspect our Work! on hand before porehasing elaswnere, CABEFDL ATTENTION GIVEN TO HORSESHOEING and Oeneral Jobbing in *r»Ty Une. SHOPâ€" On Mill Street opposite ta Spronle's Hotel. Horse-Shoeinf; a Specialty Markdale. JnneS. 18 1. -4 FLESHERTON Hamess'Shop. CORDON Has always on band a full assortment *f HEAVY HARNESS, "WHIPS, SLEIGH BELLS, TRUNKS, H O R SK BLA NKETS. SCOTCH COLLARS I Warranted to fit, and made of the mj best material, and at the LOWEST LIVING PRICES. RICHARDSON'S BLOCK. J. 60BD0N. N. B.â€" Oood Stat* and Rda^ Ibabsv tahea. Fkehvtea. Dee. Mi. M81. IA Call and be eonvincut. PAliLAWniTBB UOOD8 HELL- iMOAT OOOT FOa » 80 DATlft. BEYNOLD8 |I'1K)H. liofice to XoiractAn. A k %B HA^T^MB q^AMTITT A, •• woWti win Is aD J«„rW«l*, /se.Strf. f'«. n?m.' twtahyew is;; for so rataaUe • oftkefidners. Higa s d Vaa. ftM( Bagalia tU, a'gMiialJad te Chieai* Pissasse •»• aMrf^.Aae. Boaty A. TimiBB C«L, Itau* rABXU* CO- Oo*i Soaai. /. W. nUOYT, Oatswoilh. nxrmars mocabboll, n ia i s t i. a, mitiSABOBOir. Reeherte.. rtbB. 8TWHBN801I. Oraaf*»aie. a. W. FABaONt. Daadalk. «• HMDITfABnB. PaA«a â-  WARNING Ihmisirsadaaisrofkk- faig sold from wet fee*. If 7** waatt* Guard Against Sickness! Keep jroor fsew drr *a3 wans bjproearing joax Ihdb^rtilfcwaa«^arf«ia«ta a«i as dOTS I â€"teenâ€" KAY THOMAS. SatWaette Ooaraatsed. Mad- isated Cork Sole*, all (ises. kept va hand. Bemsmber the plaee oppoeit* the new TUniM» Offles. 4» M A N H (0 O D HOW LOST. HOW RESTORED. WE hare reoontly pabllshed a new edition of Dr. Catwerwcll** Cclckrate^ Eaaar on the radieal and nerrons Debility, Mental and Physioal Inospaoity, Impediments to Marriage etc., resolttng from eioetset. firPiioe, in a scaled envelope, only 6 ets., or two postage stamps. The oelslnatad aothor, ia tkii sdauraUa Essay, elearly demonstiatea. (toia thirty years' suooessfnl praetioe.^tltat alarming oon- seqoeneea may be radically oared witboat tha dangerons use of internal medicines or the nse of the knife pointing out a mode d cure at onee simple, certain and efteotoal, by means of which every sofFerar, no mattei what his condition may be, may cure himself ah eapl^ priTately and radically. l^rThis Lectore shoold be in the hands of erety yoath and every man ia tbe land. AddreM Th« CilYtrwall â- edical Goi. 41 Ann St., New Faek. Past Ofiee Box 450. Burdock Blood WILL CURE OR REUEVC BlUOUSMESa, 9IZZfMi88, DYSPEPSIA t IMDieeSTIOM, JAUNDICE. ESY8IPELA8. SALT SHEUM, HEAKTBURN, HEADACHE, And •very spaclse of d l â€" â- Â» « artelna from aiaorderad LiVER. KIDNEYS, 8TOMikO»l BOWELS OR Bt.OOO, MARKDALE DROPSY, nUTTERINQ ' OF THE HEAKT, ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH DRYNESS OF THE SKIM, Marble Works Monnnieiits, Tombstones And every description of Cemetery weril exeented in FIRST-CLASS SHLE I sad at reasonable rates. Orders left at the shop or sent by mail will be promptiy at- tended to. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Shop Tugt door to Rswmrt UoUi. Ws As J8IIST0R, Props Markdale Aoff. 10th, 1881. 48-1, H AC YARD 3 YELLOW OIL 1T0^ BLrWDS ' V â€"-MOULDINGS, ^: i*.kt«**, .HOLLOW BATTOuc Lttmber, Lath and S] Alwayi on Hand. Orders Promptly PuuT IharaaffW P* if- i ' ariahaa l» lattta ttianks to the people of Mirkd»U M«e tbsgr hate givea him in tha past, and hope, k, !l!^. Wd tu "merit a eoatnnaaee of the same. *••• N^^* ' mj baainssjknd wiD in future ketpt h,,, a..^ ^^* "™» •-*^4S;,?S1S»'1^'S221S^ Dry Goods, Groceries, MANTLES, ,i»INE LUMBER i w A i l^S '• Direct from the North Shore. â-²IjI« 8IZ£B. DRESSED AND UNDRESBlu THOS. McNlA. â- ; *-^ POWDEXS. te a MILKS nOM MABKDALB. MTIU ln a s sss insi 1, Aitsaasaia. Kaet sUa.T A B. Bead, eeeiaiaioc SO aerteâ€" 4« ^••- • is under eoltivstion. and tbe bakM^S tiaber. Ifce abev. fam i, ^I^TLS* " win be »oU 4aaaJ aW3 .»*k? b*ae*ir*7ft*£i: ^^^jl^^JjJ^thisWL Faelartbsrjar: WM. LITTLiJOaUB, •tfl.C.-#.Bwaa*..«l»a:;i« READY-MADE CLOTHING "«•â-  C,T7"EnE3CO.A-' mpio^ A3i^ e«i^e» Crockery and Glassware! I^ A MPS, Ac Ac. The sbev* stoek Ine beea pnrehased for eaah at a •**^»J»5'«.*^J55'?;[^^J^"^« off their seqnently I ai eaili. OdI r« stoek 1m beea pnrehased for cash at a season wnen uw uaporMn ar. niui~a surplus stoek at aad under ooet to make room for their spnag uapOTtftioas, ew- V lamia a position to give bargains to those who are able to boy their (oods for HENKY FOSTER. Markdale, VoTember 16th, IMl. Oly $500,000.00 North of Sootland Money AJVI miVATE FUTTOS, TO LOAll on Farm Seeori^ at 6 and 6i per cent, yearly, and oa tbe meet feveiable termsofrepayment offered by anv Agent or Money Lender in Ontario. No Pines. Bzpeoscs redneed to the lowest poMible figure. Psrties wanting to borrow will pleaae oommunicate by latter to the undersigned. Box 51, Shelbnme, or call personally on Mon- days. All eommunieations promptly attended to. GEO. BDTHERFOBD, Loan Agent. FA.RMS FOI* SAJ^E. I am authorised to sell a large number of Improved and Unimprovad Farms exceedingly cheap PartiM wanting to buy should communicate with me by letter, ststing kind of pro- perty wanted, or call personally on Mondays. Partionlars wiU be given rsspeeting losation, terms, and priee of the class of property wanted. GEO. BuTBiBroaB, EsUte Agent, As. Box 51, Bhelbam*. All kinds of property instued in First-class English and Canadian Stoek Companiee, at low rates. GEO. Btnanroan, Distriel Agaat. jl^l Kinds or Plain and Fancy x»ir Doae in a flrtt-elsss manasr. ««k^le. May Tth, IMl. LATE Of speeially Attraetive, Seasonable. Fashionable and Stafir Te nagnl, whieh we effer at Greatly Reduced Pricit, tm »oote Atm esotii We offer special values in srsry line. ,OUB STOCK OF COTVVE Y AlVCIIVQ-. Deads, Wills, Mortgages, Leases, Assignments, Agreements, Ae., neatly and proi^erly exe- cuted^ Charges moderate. â€" O. W. RoTRsiuroai), Con. and Cora, in B. B., Shelbnrue. N. B. â€" By giving a week's notice can arrange to meet parties at Dundalk or any pmnt named. â€" GEO. BoTHsaroaD. November 89th. 1«81. M.Sm. Groceries, Hardf are, Crockery, aDd Gla Is vary soaqtUte, and ^ostomsrs will find prices anj values tatiiftoor; a t^ psrtment. GIVE US A CALL AND SAVE MONEYI by parehating your supplies at the 'Toronto Hoass." Wm BROWI Markdale, Sept. 96th. 1881. Wanting te Purchase or Bent Improved Arms. WiM Lands, Town or-Viilifi hipa the County ol Grsy SHOULD SEND FOt lb WILLIAM STEAIN, Dealsrin all kuka of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, WAGGONS, Sewing Machines, Ogans, Fanning Mills, Tin and Copperware COOKING. PARLOR AND BOX STOVES iiI"Li:.^uis*VtLJx^t^e^.1j^^^^ WM. STRAIN, ^aeeli. ©itcaa. Fl*shar*on. Maroh 14, 1881. *«»sw-l. fei^t D. -OF- Farms for Sate and to Let. -^ â€" ^-o â-  •'-:-/•' These having like Propertiee to dispose of should oonsnlt ms. Snv "' ' Wmj. CATALOGUB SENT ON APPLICAT10l"^[' I kave opeBrd ^»Ofllcc In RHtledce'a Hotel, ;nartt4alf, v** will be r«aa4 eV«ry Tharadaf, and will bepreparaitow"" "-^-â€"1, Mortgages. *o., Ac, neatly sti4 corrsctly. Advies on l«gtl P* free. Also to attend t* all the different departmsots ol my la every department of my business my metto ii Tkcreofk aeee and Fair Dealing ll(«Mi^ Aactl*a Salea candncted. Renta, AcroHBts, '• c*" yroaiM retaraa aaaeie. CHARGES LOW ROBT. DAVIS. CoBT*Tai»o«r, Oommi*aion*r in B.R., Seal Estate, Loan Inw^f, Mii*toaaaeinieet*o«rpa*roasaadth* fabOt'aMtab^^s «.w. i^ oar amnal and wett^^Sia .tfllft^ ^•â- â€¢i* }an '^lid^^^AiL^'^f' ^^ ^^•^ Writing Dedc Photo^apiu, Card Cwe«, V«««, " "*^ Toilet Sets, MottsbcW^Giiut, â-  WEEKLY AGENTS IN ITU* IflSitoiHiHi a: Shaving lyings ' D^Us. "T V '^^'f^^^iv'i^ *c., *c. '.BOOKS ireluve a choitt Services, Prayer andl^mi BSfa/lfiSSS? 9***' g^ Books, and CbiJ Ac., all wutalic bt ^H^iiiiii ^^ IttOot^taddlit Tki WttUr Mi Eadoae S1.00 now to w ^^l^llmaisaaa I tte* to meet tbe early aaails. I the latest roswigD aad Provincal iBteiUgeosa, Oaaalf Basiiie«s, Kottars aad aa lastraetive 'advanee. • 1. 60 in three moaths, â- a«l till the end of th* year. No â- tinned* until all ni-reagfB am esaept at the optioa of tbe publish I refadocpap^rs u ithont payina tsld loepoBniH- for the years snb- I aotil they eompty «itli the mlee. LTB8 OF ADYBBTISraO: ,«Be rear m....%WO0 do ......•*•..•.. â- ' •'O do •....•••...... lo oO do io " do 4 00 I and under, first insertion M I subsequent iorartion 15 ia ten line*, first insertion.. 7 subsequent insertion K I lines, first insertion per line I ,^ sobsapuent iusertion 3 Saaber of lities to be reckoned by the eapied measured by a scale of snlid AdvertiMmeots withnnt speeifio will be publiabMi till forbid and •rdingly. All transitory ad'ertise- be in the office of publication by ee the Thursday moraing preeeed rpobheation. C. W. BCTIiEDOK. Proprietor. VOL. BtriLDKi and attended to i Estimated Dundalk, I m lAl A BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ian*, ir*«lc A AraietroBff, i,tv.rgeoii Accouche r fco. Mediaal Hsll; rasidsuse at iBoase. ja, 84t IT.ltSO. 1 V irgal. JKXT AND 80IJCIT0B, I -i NO" ' for attending te all kinds of law Ofleeâ€" at Eav's Hotel. Ja, Dec. ted, 18.SI. C4. Wm. IN larpe or i good end security. INTERE! Alio* l»- Draft* 14 all oiut«. at Dundalk. sj 11 J. nA«so;«, FEB, MASTER ANDDEP. RECi. uijknoety. Notary Public, Convayau- _^ Owen Sound, in Viekor's Itlork |St.; aud in Markdale, over McFar ire, on Fridar and SatuixUi\ every 57. 1» Froat A Froat, IISTKK.S, AND ATTORKEYS-.U' SohcitiiiK in C'liaiiriiv. Convey ke.. Owen Soauil, have resume 1 at In, Office open every TluirsJa.v, as raosT. J. W. FaosT, LL. 13. nty Crown Attornev. I Lane dfc R3w-c, IISTERS, SOLICITORS, aud CON- fencers, ifarkilale. I McFarlanils RIork. ' te land, ou Farm Security, at r |ier s, Q. C. J. W. Rows 9«nti«tra. Ir. Jamr^ J. Wliiir. at to^Ur. CaiiitToii. Owen SmiukI. BE AT THE RKVKliK iiolSE Carkdale, ou the \n\t \\'v.iii,-s,imy in itb.wlicn he will 1m- |irr|ar il t.iri' uperations re.iiin-.l U(ioii tli iii.ii'.li lutt Hatinfacturv iu.iuiier, sikI ii],,iu blf terms. 1 V iKi«rrllanroa«. Win. Browu, tR OF M.*.BRI.\( Qinissioner in U. U. •kc. bysnring in all its bmii'-licii prum^'y 1 to and carufulh i-xecutp.;. -Money to Lend ou Itcal Kst.-tl« si- »!•. Sept. i7, 18«0. Mea N'KXTIV Storo. still SauKfi^** P.iiiltrv ill tl «nv psrt ..f t N. Ii -|-.i. SIs""*-!* Ill fcii^t kuoir. a« I w,l| E. Un AND I!a« ii» 'ii !i of all :iM '•ai'f. uii'l J i.f.]i on l:a: Housel I ..t. Watch wli. .!..«.;, 1., Iaii ialW.Si F. CARRll I'lie •. .1 -.1 Af \\ AdfiMNSj Sl.i:i«.H: 1 V T..:-fli. "r II ••II AlexBBder BrowH. j ER of ManiaRf I,i(eu;«. Fire aiij i luiiurance .\peiit. CoioiuiKsiiniri J 1'C. Coiivi'vaiicer and I.ireii.iJ j er fur tlieCountv of Uii'v. KHriin r.. ' ii„ Bts, and Land Sales, I'nuctiiallv »t- » and cliar'e« mad* very uiodnate rUle, Sept. 17. 18*1. R. in. Galbmiili w;lli lUik. s. -â- '"'REMOV nONFER ANI (ilNKliAL UNI) j sent, Wiilitmsford Slat.jn. Auction i Bended in all parn ..f tlio oiimy. I lold on Com'Di-si.i:i. U.ttos iDHlri-at*. ' lOrgans, and Sewiiin Marliines also j VdOriiameniai Tree«, Vmei. .^c'lcul- kplameats, and .Macliinery of ai: kitidt ssford. Jan. 27. fS^l. t, C. SiBV, INION AND rUOVINCIAL LAND J-veyor, Draiiglitkmau an 1 Valuator. laud Markdale. Haviiif. |.uisiia--d lial Li«.nd Surveyor Cliurl»» Raiikin's ' ick of orisiiial I'lcld N.te^, I', k, lastructioiis, .tc.of all iii- Suivrys Jjthin )he last fifty-five ycark, 1 am 1 to make .Surveys in strict iiccord. «re»itb. I'loliles aud E.stiiuates iing Hillf, Plans and Sicitirations Jing Bridjies, furnislictl on applii-a- lloney to Loan at 8 per cent intnest. Iby letter, or left with Ci. J. ItLVIll, Tie. will be promptlv attended to. 17. 18«(l. â-  1., T. s. p.Avisr LDER A COXTU.^CTOR. (Stona and fick). After coinpleliiti; 1;; LuiMiii;;! "ion is still on the t.-acK and is hi:l! 1 I to do all kiii'U of stone and liii« i a»;er:n« and m.-k oii,tiii;;. Tnone ' tttemplate ImiMin^ will find it to llieir Igc to give liiui a call. rieiice corner ol Bro^»n aiu. 8|ioule [MAXkiAi.c. IG-y JSE,SIiN.ACAIi!il.U.i;i'.VIXTi:R. ICoutracis taken in town orc:yiitry. aik, Oct. 1-J, 1881. 71y ^AVtYOU"R^iJU.^i..yao. T. G. Morjiuii l)/^ to a •!. line ;« lie- of M.irkdnle a.i.i viilini;. liiai â- . â- area to work ni hair «iiil. i ' i â-  â- â€¢ puffs and eurl terni iiexit-iai, I solicited. Re-iIeiie ol M I st.'eets, o|i]iohite».ii° ' by Mail pro-nptlv .itteH led to. Isle. Sejit 1. iM 1 " j; c. Fashi l;i I. AIiBX 'KUTIMDGB, Ttc^^ *fcwiy.pDt«.i alaitathi** atom Brisk bB JSi. 5?^ ••â- Â«â- Â«â- â€¢â€¢â- **••*. It k Iimiabed in r 'r-* ^-Tb; •*, •! sttseil*' fVERE HOTEL, MAtiilU «L,S^. *ROUijJB, • Propriecor. 'popular .lotel ha~ had a lai^' t.i- ion aodej to it, H'oi-o.ik.iIv r-av.i- i. [••OW eouud to uoue in lue o.ou.n •liup aud atun.ive o-tl.-i i-,ii. aunodatiou for co'ir.iieiemi tr.-ivel- ' V^J^ iilt |*a^; .. MJSAFOKD, Oui. â- eOlKK, I'Boi'Mittou.'" sOMHuaodatiou for the tia\,lliU|{ ^,"'** ""d Liquors and the U-«t »"*Oigara. V^ Jif^ froa »U trains. • "• ^WO- l-y JJERC'lAL HOTEL â- â€¢deoBuaodious Sample Booms .r^^'^, *e. Tlie Bai aud larda 'jtb t he best the market af '~JS5*S " attaotive Ho«Uer'8 CH.\KiI Satisfacl i C'ii:«-i I \i:\L 1 1. 1 ii I'Ml'l., N THOS. 4 ' -,1. \v l-il •11 I â- la?, iN't-ii ill I dl '• Mil •' 1 .l!ie.. « • eaii :?i /. Hmm lllv.:i\ oil 1..I' I t-r Ni.ii, I. II,] the bet f.f mall Markilale Na| HAIR CUTl Every IJ.v 'VU Kxee)il I'rida .si whtn he ' t*- Orders K-V*"*: 'isiaiAt,'

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