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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 20 Jan 1882, p. 2

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 I'Sh and •^V'^s fashionable^ j I '^,^^^^. from I, "^i f^Hlct^ ca^ of iih».L**« »vl Ni..g bargains i^^^ pent, vvhich is „ I "" Tea Sett \t jrjl F». price 50.:. ♦*-50, i 'EST. F.UU ,,^^^.^^J HEWets WANTED h' nil 1 term "^« ON MUSIC CO.. 919 anTei A V x-.rirT Of liegraph Poles SOFLi .•:ni. rpwAi:,,.^ „.; [000 Cords Cedar Po* MAlil.l, ,; WHJTTijJ lotographsj •ti'.l" ill I' â- â-  tyio an' 'inish â-  • ;ill till' ?•â- , -i:'-* wliicli ^•lll ' .Mii:. i\l.l.l;l;v. Ill;- 1 I'l vi u,,rk ilont. tli.j II K I'liii'i.miijilR'r. I'.rMlO -!â- â€¢â€¢!â- !»â-  I :ill-l euUtfsJ |iii»Mti 1- nil lllV "M-k II iiilxr lli' -l:iii 1, jTfr U* 3tiI llM.iCf. • |iijiil,?r strV? jnail*. M^tli"' nlia'l'W m (h* nil /liiii- iV'-..r£iii' rit of Frisfi |:i"i't \-.iu 1 â- â€¢ iri.l f.ia'ft all nixiui I •i. i,. i'.l dWNK.IV:-' EUGENIA ist.SawandLatlil .. n-!Ma.I» it" "*•'•' iraP""" -â- ^â- .i Mi;i t i' 1 i-iiufi'lta; 1 f« j â- I i;i»f.:i-; â- '!l If -• '•"'â-  .,1 Ri:iF:irf»| â- .ip.i'i; \M» lATIl al«J] t»N HAND. t, 'Rktl rT. Kutt.Timt. '"" â- ^, â- "â- TJ ...I. l-„.u .uiill.U'I-^" \f. AKlTT.EiiJ^J tmRTlinc â-º DISCOVER OST WANHOOD '•f^^T' .-;,CT of vtmthfnl "^r?;"" » ' ' â- ;i».imr:rs';rn:rc"b^"g^| I;. lUltlMIil »t. «. V. .111, t r f 'â- ' „ ,iiifl(- la M.a h.»i. ^«^â- '-|J•^.â- ^"f^ P»»H |,1 â- â€¢ .. r, "'".iCTlSii*' l/«i.a.:o,UY;jro «cj â- :_'it HI -•' â€" T â€" " " iffoi I.,..„.U..«rtâ„¢J'S!i3»«J Vâ€" ,i.-i^iia "i"'" 'V- " ,u.t. â- l"«*;"'"^,.o-. â-  ihflti; '" 7' goitS 1^. .=tfe to n-e I" "^;S5l^ l„Me-t W 1 '*^L, ^^ *^' Lnctioa. fcr prod^ tj :P-S: JOHN GARBI THE STANDARD. ,^ «^ 0TH.ER__N0TICES t^^^^TiTT^^SiitLer prcpLet. is Oar Merclianta are doing a ru.biDg fcaiiness those times. The proceeding* of Proton Council ^wded out. Will appear next week. MMsr». Brown Son, want 1,000,- l.,g,. Read tlieir adtertisement. T J White, Pentist. will be at the lUterft Uoicl on Wednesday next 25lb. The ileighing f jr the past weeu has bJlj gooJ. the cousequense 18, buai- Soxe of the largest saw lo^s we ,Ter »* »" being brought into Mark- ^e ;b« past week. jif. William Brnwn adTertisea a bouM to rent in this i»sue of the -Stan- AiTertiieuieiit lu another 3j1- ^^iPftt.'^ltdi^eMMi) BUD giBQ. Mtfsri. Brown 4 Son, ara running ^iriaw mill tilll2 o'clock p m., f,ttj day now to enable turn to fill or- il»ri- U»rk»lale fcliatic},' nnk is nnw ir fit -ciasi coudiiioH.parties can teen • Mtiiju uckets at reduced ratth from J. Vitlbh, i.ii-i'iiutor, Farfffcrsare taking advantage o th» receul iuow fall. Grain, Railway ti*ii. telejjrai'h poles, wood, saw logs, 4e., M9 comiiiK i' largo quantities. Aha â€" L"'nnst8 who have tried i.Tj^jjuRY. pronounce it tha fiuest thin J oij ti.« f**-" of thi« earth for tlMs U«iu aii'i breath. 5 cant saiapUs. llr !•""'• J'*^" ailvoi tises the sale o/r«iuai' farm property on January Hill. Ill t'l'" '1^/" of l*'liiiili«iton. See ».|v«'tisciii5:it'ui anotlior column. iVe W'l"' draw the atter.tion of oar -eadiis to the adverti:;ement of .Mr. Muhsd Akikt, j)ri)pni.tor of ili« I-iJe' I'la Krist, Baw ard lath; null- I Si. \ai.k.ntink. â€" Tho largest, i, auU liniidsouio btook (,{ Viil'ntiiicb t VI r hr'.ii The Markdala LoSgt of A. W. an making prapari graod coi:ivernui( titcnrjenUrt dnui February. The Estrelle company ar« billed to produce the moral drun* of Uoele Tom's Cabin, in Doflena Hall, this, Tharaday evening. .They are apoken of vary highly by the press throagh- oat Canada and as they only remain one night in Markdale, we woald re- commend all who wish to see this thrilling piece, to not fail to attend. Dr. CarRon's Pulmonary CoaglTi' Drops are an excellaut ExpeeteraiU loosening the phlegm far more recadily than any other preparation. For Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Tickling in the Throat and Soreness and Tight- ness of the Chest, tbev have no equal In large bottles at 60 cents. A. Tur- ner and Co. Special Agents Markaale. So great has been the rush of job work the past few months, that we have been compellei to purciiape an additional press to aaible tu to keep up with the demand, and are now in a position to turn oat work on ihe shirt est notice, equal to any office in the County, and at prices which defy com- petition. Give us a call and judge for yourselves. A good preventative for Fevers, Ague and Bilioi s Disordeis is Dr. Cursuu's Stomach an 1 constipation Bitters a j striitly vegetable preparation. They tone the system, purify the Blood and .i^a V oi tcitw t Udef tE^er -JMIH- at Ji»r!-' i*fa«aj3 1 woalg announce «) the ' inlqttitj^ dCiSifndalk and surrounding country that I O^ i^ri^ authorized agent and am now prepared to sell the best J Has now on band Coffiai of all sues and Thexf5irethe vV !l^XOi; I "^orld-fenowned .- â-  «.a New Yf k Singer 1 SBMHfi mannfactured. 1â„¢ Im^.lHiafB^ii moderate. UNDERTAKINC And, oiftreover, there is no Also a full stock of HoDsehold Furnitiire Ordered wcrk of all descriptions executed with the ntmoBt despatch. A fall stock of RUSTICAND PHQTO FfiilrMfB which will be sold cheap for Cash. increase the appetite, and render those taking them almost proof against disease, sliould be used in every case instead of pills. A. Turner and Co. Special Agents Markdale. We are bath glad and sorry this week. Glad to nuhounco that such an enirgetic bii^incs!) man as W. F. Doll has made up liis miud to go into business in Markdale and sorry to lose our geniiil and whole-soul friend E. D. Wilcox, who has sold his business to Mr. Doll of Flesherton. Ell's name has become prom^ xteoded t« at aSIumn of^AocfpetSOO tHitt ev^ llSCSd OOq ol -â- 'â-  .. .^Ei^^.r*- «• ' •jfliem wilf dispute thi»-«sieii. tion. PLEASE CALL AND GIVE THEM A TRIAL N.B. â€" Old machines bought JAMES HANNA, Agent. Seasoned Lumber of all kinds Taken in eicliangu for Furniture. G.GRANT, MARKDALE. Markdale, Deo. 23, 1881. 67-tf. GEORGE NOBLE, INSURANCE AND LAND AGEKT, LICENSED AUCTIONEER For tlie County of Grey. AoENT for the following reliable Coinpaaiun almost as i CITIZENS' of Montreal, famdliar as " Household Wo^ds," and his amiliiii.' fiico will be missed for many n long day. but he has left a good man in his pWcc. an I we be- spuiik for him a geu lui.s support. It into Mui'k- ^evor neglect a Cough or Cold ai dale.ii i:'w oi, xhil.itioi, at the Mfdi- •â- "«â-  "'u very apt to lead to serious try on Short. •^.t Xotice rtl lliiil. by A. Turner .\; Co. ' ^^""S troubles. Dr. Carson's Pul- nioiijiry Cough Drops have a xvonder- AdUICri/rtlJAL, of Watcrtown, and TRADE A COMMkKGE. (Mutual) of Toronto. Solo.non wii.awisoman. and hadif,.,, ,t}-^^,t „, relieving and curing Lehved in Markd.tle I.o 'f'^l^^y'^Aon'^hsUohUaudM^S.^^tiousol the cl.unl UI...II M.-lYiilaiHi and '"dnreJ t;„,,.^^ ^,„j Lungs, As Dr. Carson is miOvercuiit I I aiils, est, .,i j^^,,^,, Canadian physician of H»t. l;.-.,ls, J les. aod 1 obac-co. „,.,.,. ^5^,3^,, succes.sful prnctice, there is little won.'ur timt his IJemeilieS are so p'.pniar with the Canadian people. A. Turner and Co. Special Agents for Mar.kUalc. A number of Choice Farms for sale, also Village Lota. Auction a»leH oondnctsd in Town or Coun- Cliarges moderate. Bills, Blank Notci, and Stami's provided. GEO. NOBLE. Makkdale. May 20th. IBRl. 3R It Daadalk, Dec S6th, 1881. letf Foundry! AKDâ€" » • MACHINE WORKS. We are prepared to ezeentc all kinds of Turning and Boring, GOOD NEWS AGAIN. 'I'hs ll'i.Viil /leuulii-j of Europe owe na-li 'f l!i"U- ji'T^ mill ultr.iLtiveiiess I tu '.Lrt iiilliipiicu of Ayer's Hair igor. fiu"li keeps tho li;iir fresh and bright. It'V'iii want to su'iscrihe for tho Montreal lltia d nn\ Wi'kly St'ir, or r»!icw for th' stme, just Imnd m SI to flj( S:a\i.aki UlViL-e. We liivj hc- :urel tir- «:,'• ticy fir M irk 1 il .;. Ml. I-. I" II I I'.ivis \v.iiit.. ll).f)i)U lligif' 111- mill nil t'l'j .Mtafird Iliad parlii-- III til lici^iiborh'od of tlie ibnTe iLill w.iiilil il 1 \v.jII to 81'.! hiiu, iiU' u dfii riiiiin il to ket'p his ini'l lull "I- r.rU"ii. DUNDALJv. (From the Herald.) Largo quiuitica of grain ;ire C'lmiag iitt) tlie luurkei. Imki Mills ai Woi â€"HAVINGâ€" L.\TELY FITTED Mv Grist Mill in UP FiRST-GLASS RUNNING OBDER .\ Ml,' time at thn rink ou Moudsy ' evening. E. G. (uirney, chaiupion I pkiner of Canada, gave an exhibition ' of I'iiucv ikatlli" uli ice. ' ' "â„¢ prepare I to tiini out all work ni a firsit j â-  " ' I cla«s manner. Rnuember the Auctii n Sale at • 'â-  MoCiiUi.ii. h's Hotel, Dundalk. ou I Sutiiiiiuv, Feb, 7th, when a number Kneiiil.-'hip," Cicerj s;iyd, "13 the "C.'j t ;iig 111 the wiirlil concern- L-.|;:!i.' use of \\!iii-li all ..lankiii 1 are ijjriii.l,' tint all W' iters a;;rce that a I'n'i I" Il i~ n ii-i li'ratiiiu, and Ebter- Lrcuk a vili be foiiu 1 to be .\ 1. We are ghij to learn that Mr. Sandy Urcwiileo, of Osprey Tjwu- li.i ' «U" w:n r.-'p^.ite.l t' h ivj 1 mt «ii iriu lv i'enr' ;ico;d' nlly ih"t.c:iiif- o I'iit.tU- ail iror sliecp \vill Lie suld. l|iuticu!iir see bills. During the pa,«t 30 days James .Mciliilan, lute of Fiosliertiu, weighed and hia.led fnurtpiu tlionsun I busluls of gram out of Win. NtlsoM's grana- ry. Good for Dunilalk. We notice the new arrival of Goods at tho tllasgiiw House, consisting of F.-ini V 'riiblo Clolljs. Twoods, IJIniik et-" itc; v r\' f'i.ii} 5 1 d uti'n nuMi's iDj aiiii;it:itiiti necossary, is agiuii ' C illars. Maesf qiMlity. stand-ups ;\nl i!.l»t.i i,c ..bout, ;ind that thu arm turn-d'.wns, at lt)o eiicli, or $1.20 wa. u .1 aiaputiited the bono oulv I""' '.y-^'" Give the Glasgow Hwiue " ' a ca' btjiiig 1 Isiiffiel diliveied free il!:.i:e. J-'lonr and nil to any j'art of tli. IlifiiUinfryim nil ;or pMst fivers I hope by striet attention t' Ini-iiiess to merit a con- tinuance of the .saiue. \v. J. rowf:. Bariliead Mil!.^, y t. 20, 1S81. 54-3m Nothing Like Leather. M. M. M*LEOD, MA!iKli.\LK, W7TH General Lathe Work Done in a practical manner. PLOWS! And Plow Points will receive our special attention, knowing through practical experience the best class of Irons for such. r;3 â-  â€" â€" dd yoii â- i*l ia.U *. f«*krj ««; xofin Millsir e â-  ,^DA3 M !«-• '"'â- â- , •.• 'i' t. S. â€" Parties iadebted b note d^^KMlLMSooant wjU r'"" tjjjtsvil settie at OBM.. ,. ^,.., ,\^ '„ .-,1^ •â-  ' ' ' " '"' "T^ DtWDAla, !)ss. M. W81. "-^ W-t^ ^.V 1881.- CHRISTyjitt- ^Ij THE "GL1sGO# HOUSE.'?;^] Tft: -rBESENTS the eomplixnsnts of the season, flshinf aU a a|i|v Ms* Tsar. j| IS Jr scarcely six monahs since this house was ope^sd, vai as week after w««k has p ^ss business has rapidly increased, which has at the pxssent data enabled the yeepsiaM H import diieet from Enrope. Feeling tkankful to th» fa iMi i i s (A Proton mad adjaeeatiowd* ships for their libera patronage, Unsting to merit a continuance of th« tame, wouliss- spectlnlly invite inspection to the new large stock c all kinds of goods, oonsistitm of ^ry ti^^Amp f^M^y t^^4mp HATS AMD CAPS, READl-IADE CHOTHING, Boots and Shoes, Grodettes and Crockery. DBESS GOODS for 80. worth 16c. BLACK CABHMHBES for 860. north 40e. WOi. GETS from 5c. up. PBINTS from 6c. up. All kinds of flannels and Shirtings at lew prices. Blankets and M oollen Underclothing very ehcap. Pure Linen Taliings froifc iiOe to T60. per yard. AMiite Cottons and Heavy Grey Cottons from 6c. to lOo. Tapastrv Carpeting. Boots, Shoes and Bublers, over 2000 pain to select from .io pasteboard soles and for less money than shoddy goods ai« sold at. DUST T£A from 17c. np. Pom TOUNG HYSON TEA, 3 lbs. for »1. A First-class Tailor and Milliner! In oonaeetion with the estabhshment. tS* Call and inspect goods before purchasing Highest price paid for all iiin«i« of Grata and Farm Pr«dHce. Discount ot 9 per cent. oflTior cawb. Wm. NELSON, Proprietor. 'Glasgow House Noteds" Gheapest House North of Toronto. Dandalk, December 8th, 1881. x-ly i)^vi «.•!.'{• 1*1 Mr :•! • ,:: » --.A Jtil"t »".f h;., ;a,.„ «i ..?. a/^'C i^_^..y3.;.l """J-n .-».»rt' --c Selnbf^i Jry doodi I v'aN immense STbCK â- â€¢^V" 9 V JUST 1 HE thing; V-V-*J! .^Mi^ â- ^;-';-' READY-MADE IN ABUND.'iNCE. BOOTS AND SHOES SEE, Bargains. SEE, Bargains. II â- .!. lhW AN AKIIST T HEATED VISITOR. HIS In binii -11 ere's time th^rc wns h "liile 111 tin alV.urs of men, " now the tif.l ).' u. rjie atfiir.-* I'S w^unen. W'o,]- liiiigh,. â- ,,.-, Ai .\1( Tarlaiid's. Wed- j /•„ t,,^ I-:,Ut,.roflhe Sale'n(\\uss.)Rf.rtter. dmt'lla. i.l.ves. l.;icii»nt McFiir- ' .1 woiiM have accei.rcd vour ' kiml have acceprcd I iiiviiiiti in to visit yon in yffiir new ipiaiteis witli p1t'K-u'e before this, loil II' it my old enemy, Mr, Uiiouiuati^in rrv t. !4 ty Mr. .Mfrel I pounced o' n-i ho siiJUenly. He ur- riv.!.. last Eli lay, and, witiiout st.p- i puig t'l sv-iid U|i bis card, rushed m ' mill g. lupti'l m« b}' the iiatul with 1:1 H cr;-ie-il condition. I si^.l, a g.'ip that 111' a few hours my Iii»4;pii,riits uoMrieil peojilo of Flesh liaii.l and wrist Wire so bnd'y swolieu W'tii'i: their h.als 1 1 'jt,!! :r a;i 1 nod p.iiiiful that I f. It as tliongh one B*;/np a*» of somo liU^ l-w u Is '•" ^^" 1^*"" "' """ '"^^^ "â- "" „ I "v.r iii.'». Mr. I'lieumatism has been pruvHii.j; f„r h; want, j ,, ^. ,,,^,^,,,j ^.,^.^,„. ,,. ,,.^;,,,, ,,„. ^,.„,.^i '"«â-  f 1..-^ !i-ii;Iy. Nvli;!,.. lie H lii ii.= v,- us alw.iy.. swells an 1 pius 01 a Ifreieui li,lple.. c.uiliti ui. creut 'imnv air«anil makes himself at 1*1, is. !. V. y Mniilles, .Sliav,;!,.. and I'TSi.-j ,1- .\iel':irlaiul s, iHiiig at Psstly IV :iiceil piic-s. We are Ma!i -T. ..iei his arji broken last '•'»ka:tli.- riiising of Mr. fiin\»r's EUii.H still. NOT TO BE BEATEN .MI tlio-e v.lio nipy li^ivt. ],r. 1 iLp misfor- tune to have lieeii liorn b.iref:;oleil will bear in miti.i Unit \vi- liiivi' ju-t '.ei; ivi'il tl.c larK- est and be,-t st.«-k of li iitlier ever before Castings of everv description, Bnse BeUs" l.rou^jlit into Maikdiile, I onai -ting of Spanish Sole, l-'r.-iieh Kij. aiul Calf, mid iir' now pros ptire.l to niaiiufiietiud J.aJii^s, (ieiits, louth ai'd [i.s-e.-i boots nnd '-hoi'S, from the stoija to the line-t k d ami I'rinirllii. Box Stoves, Sugar Kettles, Land Rollers, will receive our {attention. We also introj duce our new FAMILY MANGLE! to the iiublic. This new machine will mangle I.inen. Cotton, and Woollen Goods, giving them a beautiful smooth and gIo.«sy a}ipear- aneo. It also improves the clothes, whereas hot irons injure them. We will also nsann- facture CAST-IRON GRAVE TABLETS! with or without marble slab for name, As.; also Tomb Bailings, I'liU Pillars and Orna- mental Cast Iron Chains f^r same, also aU kinds of Ballu-ter Bailings, House Fencing â€" plain and ornamental, Machinery Brass Sewed 'Work a Specialty. Invisiiiii- ]iatcliing alsc .Ml work warranted, dune here. y\. y\. McLEOD. issi. K, l'.\Vi\-.'X ri'ipiesta iia to say. I lis hs k 1I .at lii'iiie. tleviMiriiig mv substauce an 1 leaving me p.ioi m tle-h an. I poc!;.t ii:»«nd-husmess t..',.^,t^.^,^^„r )„, i.,„xi, and staid tw â- Â«r. ^S. F. l..ll.of ll.shertoii. Tlios. i.,u„„ths. I thru ma* up mv nmid I liavii;;j Watches, Cloekn, or .leweilerv j that the 11. xr iiuie he came I woui.i eh.m^^j iiif?, as ht- ha.s alw.ivi; g.ilv iiled Uown evervr!u.)g s't bciore him n 1 1, ,1 "" soim wli.u it a loss what to feed â- Â»i!i6 acconuls, will pleape cti a 1 ,., ,1 1 ,• 1. 1 j 1 â-  â-  • I'lni with. Iiiit llnally concluded to givi hiiii tlir^-e squnre meals* day of St. Jacobs t)il â€" morning, noon and night. Tliis fam h' is disgusted with, I an. 1 is packing up his crunk and will leave by t.i-moriow or next dav says I he cannot stop any longer as he has I pressing I. nsiiicss elsewhei-fl. He is a *»» mi!kiiiir a cjw (n tiie barny.irl, ii tie»cheroiis lellow, and 1 have no â- li'ubi 111- iiiteu Is visitiiiij s.-iut; of our Salein I'ri nds if he d^e* just give i him the same tare that I did and he II won't stop long. .1 S. Lefavour. I ""'Vev. r. ai-d we understand not much t.-.? w, r^.. t T A " 01 n i known or available to the public. The sci- I -â- ^ I TBLIC .^a.'iiiNG hliouM he ences of medicine and chemistry have never 1' is f xp.'Cted tiiat when the Do- i called iif the ci-Lizons of ev?ry city, 1 P"""'"^«" " valuable a remedy, nor one so "11, 1. 1 â-  1. xi ,. â-  1 11 .1 T\ • • 1 potent to cure all diseases resultine from •a'l-ii; I aril iment meets the Ciovern- I town anii village in the Dominion, to impure blood. It mrw Scrofula and â- â€¢ntwi.; take the duty off tea nm' 1 consider «hat should be done to j Si' scrofnious diseases^ Erysipelas, *fiee ;i:i I a'iow it to come in free, i prevent tho hair from turning Grey "• J. .McFarland woula advue his! â€" am! tailing out. If this important 'joiners and the public not to j.ur- ' question received their earnest con- '"•se te,i in quantises until alter the sidenitinn they would unauimously Disease," Neuiirgki^Fessale Weak- "ity coiues I a' thereby .saving from 5 ' 'tteide that science liad at last dis- 1 ?**»••. •• JryegwUrltles, _Jaun«Uee, MO». •r .leweilery I « Mr Wiici'x's. an- r'eii I. »l.-,l ti er I I Wrt get the same at once, an I th «e â- ^Hig acconuls, will pleap ittle th'ni imn;eiiiatply. Those hold- I itp a;\'unts U'.;aiiist Mr. \V i:aii have' tt» lue paid by presenting them. T'l i.iKi" .\i.ivr. -Oil I'ridiiy. tli l-'i -t.. while Miss Ciaincv, ihiiigh- tfroi iiii's. Ganiey llsq.. of Dsprey, iiyar.l, straw •.;ii,.k tumbled over burying "ir. Ovtr an hour eLipsed before she 5"Uiu I'vj e\tricat il;slie uame out i^live Markdale, So;. t. V.V. rOT rwi). giTKN' ST., M.ABKDALB. J I'liere 's on tin lot a brick iuuae, stable, shop. will, and listern. Will sell cheap and on ea-y term*. TIICS. MULLAPJvY. ^ralâ- kdalp. lee 'Jsth. ISSl. 68-tf large or small MOFFAT BROS. Markdale. Nov.. 1881 fi3-ly W. BENSON Has on hand aud for rale a flrst-«lass arti- cl») of ' CONSISTING OF Teas^ Coffees Sugars, Raisins, Currants, c., And every other article in the grocery line kept constantly on hand, and of the freshest variety and best brands. compound of the virtues of sarsaijeril- :illingia, mandraka, yellow dock, with IN LIQUORS! Is a la, still _„„. *b^^";irki°n'g,'^1^4SiiS5ig:".lli^l^t»i I supply a quahty tut will defy oompe- It is tbs purest, safest, ' and most effectual aUe#attve medicine taining elements. tition in JUarkdale. Rose, or St. Anthony's Fire, Pimples and Face-grubs, Pustules, Blotches, Bolls, Tumors, Tetter, Humors, Salt Rheum, Scald-head, Ring-worm, Ulcers, Sores, RheuMatism, Xeroprial *^c*!it» pet pound. He would also eoVered something that would ai'swer "gt.-i announce that anticipatinj the 1 this purpose â€" and furthermore would "•ptal of the tea duty he has purchased recommend Cingalese Halt Uenewer *5Uche-fs, or tj,5tK) pounds of tea, to] as being this sornetl ing for restoring •fnvs after the duty is repealed. Don't the hair to its natural color, and pre- vent its fallmg out. 50 wnts per bottle. For sale by all Drnggists. "•^liniie leas until you see the good ^\. J. McFarland will offer ou. "« visited Maxwell en Monday and ^and iiuiia a stir in thtt place. Mr. ^^aiuii u il i.u^'au extensive business, '"118 Ml. of Singh»mptn,is fitting P ' l"ace for a store, and will open H^r^"' 'â-  ""' "^^ another, Mr. hita Vi." "'"" opening in the same i ll^o'bHMUiss ui Mr. Hamlin's old 4^^^^r. Tucii is doing a larg" ^^^' "d keeps a very orderly JJJ|*««W» tirst-class table-; eveiy ^jj^ ;• apparenUy paid to the ^^itietraveUiugpubho. Gold. jrrL„ AfTections of the Liver, Dyspepsia, Emaciation, and General Debility. By its searching and cleansing qualities it purges out the foul corruptions which contaminate the blood and canse derange- ment and decay. It stimulates and enlivens the vital functions, promotes energy and strength, restores and preserA'es health, and infuses new life and vigor throughout the whole system. No sufferer from any dis- ease which arises from impurity of the Great chance to make "°"1 ^^^ despair who will «ive Atbk'S money. Those who always take advantage ol ti.e good chaiicvs for making n.oqfy tMt are offered, generally beccaie weidthy-, wnile those wht do not improve such chances re- main in pcirerty. Wp wart many men, wo men, boys and girls to work for os right in their own locaUties. Any one can do the â- ork properly from the first start. I'he bus- iness will pav more than ten times ordinary wag-«. Expensive outfit furnished free. No one who engages fails to make money rapidly You can devote your whole time in the wark, or 01' ly your spare moments. Full informa- tion and all that is needed sent free. Address Stimso^- u Co., Portland Main*. Sarsapakilla a fair trial. It is folly to experiment with the numer- ous low-priced mixtures, of cheap materials, and without medicinal yirtues, offered as blool-puriliers, while disease becomes more Qrmly seated. Atxr's SAJtSAFAKitJ^ is a medicine ot such concentrated curative power, that it is by far the best, cheapest, and luoet reliable blood-porifier known. Physicians know its composition, and p«*- scribe it. It has been widely used for fortr years, aud baa won the uuqnalifled conn- deaiee o( luillions whom it lias keaeSted. Prepared by Pr» J. Q. A^yer fc Co., Fnctlcal aai ASailytMal'cftateists, l-MireU, Mass. SOU! SI ALL SaUUSlSTS BTBaTWBSaS. IN PRIGES I can compete rith the best houses in Mark- dale. Cii^ive me a, Oa.ll. 'WILSON BENSON. Markdale, Dec. 1st, J881. S GEORGE WILSON. Wholesale and Retail {BUTCHER!! BEEP, POM OB MUrrOIi 8UPPIiEBT from s single pound to a whole caicasa, at the lowest market prices. f ISH 4 FOWL IN THBR SUSOI Fazmers having Vat CatSie, Sheep, or Pigs to dispose of will do well to eall at H9. 3 -Bums' Block, opposite the new Ur-'-~ riloek. Markdale, Oct. 35tti, IWl. r LOOK here, John, my dear, we'U deal at TAYLOB'S from this out. I was there yes- terday and you can get better valuf loi vonr money than at any \)ther house in Dundalk. I tell To^i it is a square place to deal-. TEA, SUGARS.! HATS G4'^S, R. M. CLOTKING, O O T 8 â€"ANDâ€" |WomenS'oatsJ and Ordered, j â€" .vN-nâ€" GROCERIES DRESSGOJOS,.T^'^EEbs^ HOES! or Aix KINDS. *C., A« AND WOKSTKDS. of all kinds. FOR The million. -o HATS AND GAPS FOR EVERYBODYi GROCERIES Fres.Vi and at the ven' lowest prices. Cash and Farm Pro- duce taken in exchange for goods. No Trouble to show Goods. Gome an( Examine for Yourselves. T- sr=»:BSO-crx. Flesherton, November 4th, lesi. 14 ia)^ At Book Bottom Prices. o:e=x*osite :E=»os'r o^e^ice:. m^ R. F. Dundalk, September 3ndi887. TAYLOR. i-6m. TAILOR, SYDENHAM STEEET. Markdale, July 7, 1881. 43-6m. TO THE PUBLIC. -O- The Subscriber respectfully intimates that his stores at Flesherton Station and Eugenia, are fully stocked with General Goods, suitable for the season, and will be constantly renewed as required, consisting ol DRY GOODS, HARDWARE CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, BOOTS, SHOES GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, c. FRESH GROCERIES a specialty at this season. All Kinds of Farm Produce, Cordwood, and Saw Logs taken in exchange for Goods. Inspection of the Goods re- spectfully solicited. My Saw Mill ?.t Little Falls, is in lull operation. All kinds of Logs purchased Sawing done by the Thousand or on Shares Flesherton Station, Dec. 23, 1881 Wm. HOGG. 67 rmyj* A. M'INTYRE TEA! TEA! TEA! A. M'INTYRE raOVLI, S^lOTJLX, IF'lO'OJIl McINTYRB'H UQUM$l_L10U(tt$l McINTYBE'S Cigars, Cigars. McINTYBE'S Coffee, Oofiee. And aTetything kept n in a first-class Orooeiy aod Lienor always on hand, caxAr roa cash. McINTYRE'B MEALI IttALI MEAL McINlTREB Pork, Pork. Pork McINTYRES rrea,«, 'Feas. Eo ytttrxve. ' :.:'v" ' â- â- â-  'â- 'â-  IS CLOSE AT HAND, AND ALL' THE" N'FXESSARIES FOB THE OdOP CHEEB U.SU.VLLYl.NDUL(iED IN AT TH.VT SliASOJf WILLCEBEyilBKD SUCH AS .,J: Raisins, Currants, Spice Sy SUGARS, TEAS, eoPFEES, c., and no better place in Uarkdale can be found to obtain these articlus and at tt9tt»ui prices, than at ..... ...-•: BUTTEfLRAE'S. â-  -â€" -I^ THE â€" ^mx €O^0d i.}tr« t WE ABE SEro:iD TO 3iO:VE. Tou will need a New Suit for the Holidays, and our nll-wool Tweedsâ€" tjcetshd English and Canadian, cannot be surpassed intliiis section ol eountry, and we sell as low, as any other firm in Markdale In all branrhes of the above line of goods yew will find we are not behind tlie times, and we (juarantee all our gouls to be just as we represen- tiiem. Give us a call, and we feel asjuired we can supply you with all you need, sad a* satisfactory prices. BUTTER RAE stock of CEOCKEBY, GLASSWABE, LAMPS aod LAMP fIX sHOES, -BuTTBS dr Bab. 'We also carry a large i TUBES, BOOTS and SHOES, BATS, CAPS, and in fact everything usually kept la a general store.- The WEEKLY MAIL PRESENTATION PL* THEGRPAT CANADIAN WEEKLY FROM NOW TO THE END OF 1888 FOR one; DOLLAR Every stff'iriber tethe WascbT Mail for IMit will ReeeivasTal- uuble Cliait. pctitletl ANATOMY or mURSE wi,h a Fine EngraviifK. duplayi.s at a glance the xiact^ fucaiit.v nf prominent diseaxes whieb aJBiel the liore. The reading matter will describe 38 of the most soar mon cases. Legal Question* and Answers.â€" Questions involving points of la*, sad at interest to the a^^iicnlinral commuuity. Will bu replied to aud explained by a duly gualiflsd praetitioue, ai:d the replies publihed from time tu time m THE WEEKLY MAIL. Tlie Agricultural Department of THE WEEKLY MAIL will be i. charg. of a thoroughly practical e iitor, who by sxicial attention to it, pro|K)s«s to make that de- partment alune worth more thiiu tho whole bubsoiipiiou price of the paper. Be will ke oided hy the following authorities â€" L. B. ABSoL^, Esq., Piesilent of the .American " irvroan'K A«socialion. wdl eontribats a scries of articles on CHEESKMAKINtt and D.witVINCi 'generally, aad will repW to questions from subscril?rs upon the.e subjects. Hon. X A. WILLA'BD. ct Little Fall N. Y., one of the be-t auttinrities in the •ot11 osr Cheeseioaking and Creameriet;, will coutribnte a »i riei* of articles ou tli«M Hal)»efa. One of the leading Veterinary Surgeons of Canada n ill write on VETIvBlNABT mat, ters rei^ulaily, aud will al-o aub.vcr all (jutMiun^ tent by KulirciibeiE ui tbk MalL. THE WEEKLY MAIL is the I* st wrekly newspaper pnl.lishcd in Canada. It coutaiut more Uabls aud other Xulcgrajjhic News than any otiier weoklv ia the »â-  minion. ' ' ' It contains during the vear 3t0'eolumn« of New and Interostin â-  Stori?. It coataiub ovtr ;iOy coluuins ^f AtrrieuUiiral Mstti r by tlic bf-st writers Ml tVairrla^. Cheesemaking. Fjrestry, the careof and Catfle, Frnit Baising. Ueneta) #(rleal' ture, Ac. It is noted for its Beliable Market Reports, Home and Pereif a. ' V. ' ' ' It is the cheapest and best Family Pajier puLidslied, • j,. ' THE vVEEKLY .MAIL-One Dollar per Annum. â€"â-  " THE DAlf.Y M.\.1Lâ€" Seven Dollar, p,rAnniun. " Mu extra cliarga K/r 'vending papirs t« »v P°*'"A** i" 4reatlr!;«la or 1^ Vvliu ttsss. Bead roar orders nv to tisie: 2^.^xil^ t OZEO:tTTO- MARKDALE HOUSE, ALEX. BUTLEBQE. Proprietor rilHlarKoftTLi ilaree thrM trey brick frai'ding. reeentlr tit»4uJt and ^t«i ap witH X VMST modern convenience. It is (nruirbed in First f'lSM fftyle Tbe Bai i« asipli«i wilk ibs OSS* b'-ardn of Wines. L i] urs auJ Oigars, and tbe uUa with all the i)«*WaW* •f ths wywii ItM travelUug Public may rely n^ion ever}- atK-.ti:.'6li ittinr JKiA U tliMta-m.' ' fort. ^«oi l^ampU Rcxiio* for CominfrrUl TraflUrt Thf SlMjt IfnaAt V'imtrrH • â- â- â€¢ MMMd fr»ai â- ! TrsiM. ^^itia^J'^^iASiMWimiulm W k SSl 'If

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