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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 20 Jan 1882, p. 1

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 m^ f It' i ' -%! m mn ^ordftfi; amy l lr«etri|. â- fi^jatt Obangrc^ oi mine. -Anmmmam Ikmnat^, PmMta 0*-% IMl OOiNQ NORTH Tv'Toato. dip I.lim^. 4.10 p.m. ;i :«-««â-  7JS«A. 4.28 p.m. V Vslou -,. 7.41 " 4.36 •• "tKintry 7.53 " 4.48 " ^Uu.uUir Summit 7.W •• 4.44 " ^o. .Itilet 8.05 " 5.00 » S.]'i:.Uoig 18 •• 5.13 • au B 8.M •• 6.26 " K- BomL HAi •' 5.40 •• Cfi«rl«aiMi ».W " 6.U At !. 9.23 " 6.M •• 0lll5l«TIUJi â€" Arr:-' ».»7 • e.95 •• t-.?«irt „ 9.4.5 •• 6.5« •• Hifi.: viUe June i».57 " IJOO •• .â- 10.07 " 7.10 •' •Crotrbic'i 10.19 •' 721 " Pneii.ime 10.33. '• 7.94 " fv,, :»Ik 11. Hi •• 8.06 " '.i' UD UJO " 8.31 'â-  n fiartoiutP'Tilfen.34 " 8 37 " Mi.kdBle 11.55 " 8.55 •• .;• kly 12.10 p.m. 9.10 '• 12.21 •• 9.21 " tiOll 12.33 •• 9 33 •• svoith 12.40 " 9.4a â- ' 'Hieklorf 18.53 " 9.53 •• â-  â-  ••â-  HocBV 1.15 •• 10 j5 •• I The aoDMl meeting o( the Artem- esift Ag. Sowity for the eleetion of offices wMhtiLin Fleibarkai on the i 12ili uitt n* {aUo*in(oflkcu dect j cd for the ei»^..n| ye*r, vu Pte«- dent, P.. OTer Viee-PiMideat, A. Mun«n«ii. Direetor*, J. Bindiat A. M. Akitt. and I C*inpben. Attdi-t"" ' tors, W. Clayton, and W. F. DoU- Secre' ary-Tre»»QPer, J. Brodie. It VM Timlni te iimi^t ^km mmiem mitk East Grey Conntj Bodeiy and taoM a TowDsbip Exlubitioa. I i GOING SOUTH. Jixra Soaii4, depart 5.15 a.m. 3 80 p.D. ^j:. -klord 5.40 a.m. H.55 .m. **\ .u«urib S..*!.? a.m. 4.10 p.n, Ar-iott 6.02 a.m. 4 IH p.m. A.liiaintford.., 6.17 a.m. 4 .VJ p.m. UT-ly C.3' a.m. 4.45 p.m. â- i'.rliiiala 6.45 a m. 5.0.3 p.m. Pietiiart'nAPriceville 7.05 n.m. 5.3.J p.m. Vr.'.oa 7.19 fm. 6 40 p.m. n Klalk. 7.32 a.m. 5.51 p.m. St: harm. 8 02 a.m. C 2c p.m. "f' 't'jiaV M. l.j a.m. 6.38 p.m. J't.r'il 8.2i a.m. 6.5(1 p.m. fra3g'TJle iaoettoo 8.3.5 a.m. 7.00 p.m. â- tfa^.tBTILLI. TROTOJf AOTICl LTIKAL SO- CIETY. The annual meeting of the Boei«ty waa held in the Oraoga Ball, Don- dalk. on the 12tb inst. There waa a large nnmber present. "sTifa. riart K'.-'^a 'â- f '.mtoD H â-  lo Boad i' i-.n K.xiijburn V... 'iKiiljse ' :.'.Ur Summit.. l-"p-ry Wi-sl' n Ca,!' :i ...8.45 a.m. ft,53a.m. ... 0.O.5 a.iu, ..9 15 a.m. 4.5 a.m. .lO.IHjR.m. ..10 12 a.m. li).2.5 a.m. ..10,32 a lu. .1(1 37 a.m. ..l(l.5() a.m. .10 57 am. i-.j '0, Uuioa St'ii.11.15 fi.iii. 7.10 p.m. 7.30 p.m. ".â- 12 p.m. 7. .52 p.m. H 22p m. 8.a5 p m. 8.47 p.m. tf O'ip.m. 0.07 pm. 9.12 p.m. 'J 2.5 p.m. 'J.32 i.m. 'J. .511 p.m. barlMoKae, fljunmj John.Me|^, ar^ T tt; Jnomriahar, D. of 0^ latCom. Walter SiBona, jfed A kra qd ar ifadil. 8rd Hnm BebB. 4i|| WiHam 1. ^b- MalUa. Mk Jote K. jBtafbiiL^ raotOK memcT, ,XIm Diitaiai OninatlAlgi til„Sf»^ ton metattheH*ll,KdgertonC!onierB, on January 10th, 1882, for ,drt •*»-? boBUiesa. tion of officera and jpneral_ The folijwiiTjf'SrSbnm were lected Bobert Einnel, Pifllrict Maater Jo- aepbMcArdle, Depnty Diatriet Mm- ter; Oeois« Batbaifard, Diatriot Chaplain Samael Edgerton, Diatriet Secretary; John Abbott, District Treaaarer Alexander McConuell, D. B^*^TT T" V ' "â- eYOTBiHW JWBB. '-^^-^ Thomas Han bnry, praiident of the ., â- ^ *^ Sireotor of Cwwnoniea. After the IlIL '^ana'la Adv^rti.^iti;; .AgtncT, Nl. 30 1. .».,â- â€¢ .Stri-ct West, Ti.r..iilo, W. W. HITCHKK, Mnnafler. 1» »! lorixAl to Tir::yf t Iv) rtiHumenti fo • .1- «ier. Hociety. in ibe Chair. The Secretary's Report, in behalf of the ofiScers and directors of the Society, waa read as followt â€" To tk4 Mmb*r§ of Uu ProUm Aqr. So- eufy. We beg leave to state that the Societt is in good working order, while at the same time we regret tlie legal difBculties that the Society had to contend with daring the pabt year. We feel the prosperity of the Society has been effected thereby. In the year 1880 ws reported a meabersbip of 110 this year we only report a mem- bership of 80, showing a decreaie of of 30. We woold say the samples in the TariouR classes were of a superior quality, although the number of en- tries were not as large as they were the preyious year. Your Directors would urge the ne- cessity of the shew being held within an iuclosnre in fulure, as yonr direc- 1 tors consider the want of an enclosure a aerions loss to the society â€" A. G. HfsrtR, Secretary. The Auditors' Report was read. Several items ot legal expenses in the report were brought before the meeting Dy the Auditors, each bill was passed by the unanimous vote of the members bad taken np the iaauraoee scheme. Dr. Christoe, of Flesherton, was appointed medical examiner for the Township of Proton. SURPRISE PARTY, •-- .iirrioia ara ri o-ivtKl nX tliis utlira ' fillowiiit; l*n|itT and UuKaziues. UAiLiea. «•-.• Iail7 'il'ihc*. per vaar, »7()0 Mail, •• 7.00 wraKi.iKa. 1 ;t« WeaWiT (tloli», i-er vdar. 91.00 Mnrl l.liO '..n â- â€¢ Sl»-'-la'or " 1.00 I.I r,iTni»r 'â-  1.00 •!::ifir .Vmfrirnn " 8.20 ifrisrni.ivii. â- â- â€¢â€¢r Ailvrrf-iitr, p-r »f»r. Sl.OO 'i«ri AirnV-iItiiriHt '• 1.C0 I.ittlu Ones 1.5a J^i'itet-^. fcL^ members, and the rcp^r^ adopted. It siiowed a memljcrship of 78, and a Lalauce of $59.74 ou hand. Tho resignation '^f Mr. John Scar- lett nas handed iu and laid on the table. The elecciou of officers and directors for the einuing year, resulted as fol- lows â€" Prtsidtiit, Thomas Haabury Vice-President, John Anderson Di- lectois â€" Robect Black, Peter McOre gor, Samuel Stokes, James Bosbor- ough, Andrew Riddle, James Robin- sou, George (ilazier, Johu liun'Me, John Abbott. On motion, F. Z. Nixon and Wm. Nelson were appointed Aaditors for the eiisniug year. A. G. HrsTER, Sec'y. A Borpriae party wm hdd.BDder the auspices of L. 0. L. No. day evening the 13th inst., for the purpose of making a presentation in the ahape of a purse containing t»v dollars to Mrs. John McEee, the wife uf the laat Past Master of tba lodge, for the kind and courteous manner in which the members of tue lodge have been entertained since its inaugura- tion, some three yeart ai(o, by Mr. and Mrs. McKee and family. The address was read and the pro- seutation made by the District Mas- ter, Brother J. Brodie, on behalf of the brethren of the L )dge. The fol- lowinfj is the aidress and reply The Members of Loyal Orange Lodge, No. 1132, to Mrs. John McKee, of Artemcsia, GRKerwo Dunnt; th^ past three years of the existence of our lodpe, iti meetings have been held in the vicinity of your As Dr. Armatroog ha«b(»e6m« are- aideat Mwkdal^ w« tbiwgbt it aut amiss to dip the following from tlM Ptaiy Botnd paper, which mf*»ia tor itwlf:â€" Dr. Armstrong waa entertained at an Oyeier Supper, given by a few of his many friends here, oa the eve of his departure for a new field of prac tioe. It appears the doctor had ac- cepted an offer from the "front" of a good practice (with big pay I suppose) before he fully realued how difficult it would be to teke himself sway from his friends and his patients here. The supper was given at the Armstrong 1132 on Fri- 1 House, and after the usual toasts, the doctor's health was drank m cola water. On his response, tfie doctor expressed his high esteem of the peo pie of MoKeller and ite neighborhood, and his sorrow for having to part from us at leaf t for a time. Tha chairman Mr. S. Armstroug,expre8aed the senti- ment of the audience when ha wished the octor success n his new under- taking, and that he would be welcome back at any time shouhi his place here not be filled by seme other physician before his return. We cannot now afforb to be with- out a doctor. The people haye got in the habit of expecting to find a doctor at McKeller, and we hope the prac- tice here will not be left long uuoo copied. ORANGE NOTES. ABTEMESIA DISTRICT. Tho annual meeting of th» District I of Artomesia L, O. Dibtrict Lodge waa ' held ill the lodge room of L. O. L.No. j 1,J588, on the 10th inst. There was I a large attendance of the bi^jtlireu. j All the lodyos iu th(i Di.-itrict, ol which there are seven, being well represent- ed. After receiving and di.sposing of the reports from tho private lodges to the Dristrict Lodge, aud other rou- tine business, tho election of officeri took place, with the following result, viz.: â€" District Master, Bro, James Brodie. 1,118, reelected; D. D. M.. Bro. William Wright, 509, re elected; Di«iiict Chiiplaiu, Uro. Thomas Kells, 1,383; Diitrict Secretary, Bro. John I.,l,118; District Treasorer, I'.ro. Jas. Elliott, 1,045, re-elected; lare for the round i"'"=* Director of C-remonies, Bro. James d. Carson, 1,113. The next meeting of the District Lodt^e will be held at Eugenia, on the 14th of June next. The following are the officers elect for the current year in the various lodgi's compri!*ing this District â€" No. 244.â€" W. M., Bro. Joseph Blakely D. M., Bro. James Best; Cliap., Uro. John Hales Secretary, I'ro, George Moore Treas., Matthew Tlio .\nnual Meeting of Cilonelg Ag. j tuiaty, wiis ht'lii in D.ilTeriii Hall on I 'luraday, the I'ith inst. Tiiore wan larce atti'iuhiiice. Wo gave th' oth- vn elc"t last week. Tl.e Tre^isurer's ;i.rt wan read and rccieyeJ, also the .aditors" rcpoit, everything boiug it- â-  ifactory. Taero was a balaucj of ^113 Hi the Trci%s:iry, bn^idtis a paid ..imnbi-rBliiii for tlio year 1SS2 of 03, ;ilcii:;j a of ?179 ou hand. The t ,â- â€¢ 'tf have iL'.isjd tivo :iorc;s of laud â- ,. Mrs. .\tkins n for teu yoara, and yr" i-*e building a 11, ill, and fencing '..:t ;»r'iunl lu the !?prin£C. Subscrip- *â-  »cs are now out for tha purpos-j if raismg funis r the bihlding and iciiciug. and we liofio tlie public will be ' "!pral m this matter. and we v.ii] have "" annual show second to aone in the i- untj. The annual mectiLg uf the East Grv.y Agriciiltiiral bociety was held in iiuTuwnUail Flfs.iertou, on Wed- lny, th' 18th insl.; it was not, iio.vevwr as largfly uttpudod as it i iiouid h;ive noon. I'liw lollowiug of- .icer» were elected fur tlie ensuing ytar â€" Pre.«id'ut, Mr. lluinaa Keilt. • e-elvcted Is^- Vice, Johu Abbott, • x- Deputy Rerve of Pritou 2ti(l Vice, U. R. Eliia, Coiiuciilur, Euinasia, â€" Diseetors â€" Mussra. (jieor^«j Wnrht, (ia^roy S. D^iuiude, Fleslj»'rton A. 'iaiwhaw, FIvshertuu J. MoMoriis. Osprcy J. Cuuier.'U, D^-puiy R-'eve, UullaaU George,]ou, Eu- puraaJM; JoBe]'b MiArdie. Proton; â€" R^uW«an, -C jU,:i',;w'Kil Towu^hip aud Wm. Buruc't..\rU'iu6iit. AiTdi- twa, lfris!»r». W. G'lviou *(id Wiu. MirlMiri-t- risslKitou. Mr. Sy Dr- niBue «»s rail' I'd bct.Jtfnf.â€"^ TtK *«lviii«lilj-y r -iii!iri(°ng tlie show THE standard: " •^•Iclax Jaiunrv 20th, 1882. Mr. I» ilTii a'lv., will apjioar next ••!k. In; Ills puich-iB' "l Mr. Wilcox's •*. ick at C'Misirlorahly lens than lOOc .1 the ?, and intends Holling for 80 '»\i at /list oint. I»iir bngg.-.tniii ii.- 10 till advisability 'f having a cheap e;vciirsi'iii over the '••niHto, (irey tk Br ice Railway has lippu idopt( d, iiiiil the Company an- noniico All cxcnrsidii t Munday, the .Urd inst. The train willliive Mark- •Ic at 7.- ., iirriviii^'iit liironto about -(ii returjiiiig. will Iruvc Toronto • ' (i p. la., then by " giving exciirsion- z hix li'iiis in whiih to «eo the â- !'ts in tliH city. •â- |. yi.r.o. Mirtakcs Tvill oecin in tho best re- painted fainilie.s, as all our renders know. All illiutratioii of the truth of tins old .tnying will be found in tho report given of the -x lal held at Mr. Angus Mcliitjre's liitit week in which we were made to say, .through tho irlensnrss of a •.â- ompontor, that all tho ff'TtR -of tfie genial host aud hostess to make their visitors feel at j G. Orr D. of C, George Blakely homesndeMJoyiliemsfelvswcrei"Hvain|igtCcm., Sydney Doup. 2ud Thos. instead of not i.i vain. Lynch Law ' Wauchub, 3rd Samuel Wauchub, 4th noes not prevail in CnLada otherwise ftohert Sample, Ctli Oeorije Ludlow, ihcre would liave been a funeral in Mebersliip 43. Mnrkdale last w,\k. Xo. 509.â€" Bros. William Wright, W. M.; William Galbraith, D. M.; Roliert Morrow, Chaplain John Gra- ham, Secretary Thomas Snell, Trea- surer George H. Boyce, D. of C; I 1st Com. Mitthew Spear, 2nd John Siiell, 3id Jiseph Beaty, 4th Robert I Ulaii 6th Henry Green. Member- j ship 2t !• No. l,045.^Bro3. J^imes Elliott, W. M.; William Brady, D M.; John I W. Ford, Chap.; Allen McDougal, I Secretary Thomas Elliott, Treasur- ier; Joseph Dormer, D. of 'D.; Ist I Com. John Shnc, 2ud Thos. Wwel, 1 3rd William Blakely, 4th Thomas LacKey, 6th \\ illiam SeWell. No J,] 18. â€" Bros. John I. Graham, W. M.; Robert Campbell, D. M.; Michael Akitt, Chap.; James G. Car- son, Secretary Joseph Fenwick, Treasurer ;. C. Armstrong, D. of C; 1st Com. Henry Weber, 2ud John Linton, Brd David Wright, 4th James Brodie, 5th Moses bLer vood. Mem- bership 19. No. 1,383. â€" Bros. James Lackey, W. M.; Archibald Elliott, D. M.; Tiiomas Boland, Chaplain Thoaas Kells. Secretary John Boland Trea- surer Richard Shears, D. ofC; 1st Com. Samuel Lackie. 2nd John Mer- cer, 3rd William McLaughery, 4th Thomas Garbnt, Jih Henry Wyvel. Mumberahip 18. No. 883.â€" Bros. William RaUedge, W. M.; W. A. Stone, D.M .; James HeiuphUI, Chap.; Frederick Gee, Se- cretaty Tl^omas McArthar, Traas.; fUocyPiper, D. ofC^ lat Cow. A. MoBm), ind ADgUa MvLead, SrJ An- dwclling, and during this period we have, from time lo time, been frequent yisitors to your fireside therefore, we cannot fail to remember your pleasant welcomes, and yon open, frank and generous demeanor, with your gra'u- itous labor to make us comfortable. We thought sometimes that we sure ly tresspttssed on your good nature, and' yet nothing in your actions show- ed the falightcit evidence of it. We find it to be our doty as well as plea- sura, as a small token iu a tangible form, to present you with this purse aiid small sum of money, trusting that, as a true friend to the order we love, you may live to see its extensive prosperity, aud your partner and fam- ily, after being true to yur country and God, we miy at last meet in more exalted friendship above. Signed, on behalf of the lodge, Ross Robertson, W. M. Wm. j. McKee, Sic'y. Brother McKce, on behalf of Mrs McKee, thanked the brethren for their ain«tbeo£jiwiri««W»e vodi.Ivtil*'^^^*^ n^H^aifalueaa to yoa ^j jLwg iite J*^ eolnmntjand aaatb«li^)ur So lehalf or nMH^ar^aaMid in yo^otisM^ IP- maia ^T^^ ".IT thT^a^ Maaager of it« '-^^"^^"SJ i^^JT^i i^S*SaUw^rEa.twood on th6 Spanp 6«a.iar*ot»»»^«/«« •'JilJSSiifct, anent the recent PO" ^^OTaathonUes. ffie^iXinatoon a»at^i^r 999 veart the Company, backed hy the Great Wes- tern, baa b«eo orgamzad to build a Una eastward from Toronto to a point of oonnectioB with the Canadian Paci- fic about 150 miles west of Montreal. At the commercial metropolis of Oan- adait will connect with the Qnebwj, MontTMl, and Ottawa road, which m turn forms a close connection at (Que- bec with the Intercolonial road, wliose eastern terminus is Halifax. The Quebec, Montreal, and OtUwa road is the property of the Province of Que- bec. Negotiations for it* rurchase by Sir Hugh Allan are now on foot, and it i" understood in Canadian railroad circles that his offer will be accepted. It was at first supposed that ho waa acting in behalf ot the Grand frntik people, but later information punts conclusively to th« fact that he is one of the Stephen-Osler-Childers syr-dicate, between whom and liie Grand Trunk there has not been any larmony for several months. During tho season of navigation there has for the past two or three years been an active rivalry between the Grand Trunk and Great Western oyer thf west-bound emiarant business brougbt to Montreal by the Allan Steamship Ime. The Great Western has all along insisted that the Grand Trunk should divide the business west of Toronto, which 18 the common junction point of the two systems in Westorn Cansda, and remain content with the absolute control of 330 miles of the traffic. This the Grand Trunk refuses to do, as its system touches all the impi-rt-iut towns iu Western Canada. In order to get any of the businexs the Great Western was obliged to enter into an alliance with the sreamboat lines run- ning OB Lake Oiitarion and tiie river St- Lawrence. This arrangement. li)W3ver, was of value only during the sfason of navigation. When the not handle any article of steel. She boats ceased running on tlii* lakes the was a veritable magnet, and needless, j whole of the traffic became the proper- kni/es, Jcc, would cling to any part ty to the Grand Trunk. The great of her person. The publication excit- Western people determined they ed a good deal of courtesy eoucernii)« nroold no loiiijer submit. The Credit the girl, aud many people called upon i VnHey road being in the market, they her at her fi ome. Recently she was wisdv took it in, so as to prevent its taken ill, and the local physiciaws were falling into the hands of t'lo Grand Trunk land, having thus prneticiilly two lines 'iiiiu the Michigan frontier to Toronto, They Came to the dm elusion that they were in a position to force the tight on the Grand Tr.uik. To aid m this direction the\' joined hands wiih the Canadiin Pacific THE ELECTRICAL GIRL WHO LIVES AGAIN. London (Can.) Advertiser. It is now abjut three years niuoe the Adctriiser published the story of the Electrical Girl in the townsiiipof Romuey. I'he tale passed through nearlv all of om- exchanges, and oc- casionally re-xppears now. The stoty in brief was tuat the girl was so highlv charged with electricity that she could TUE30AY, MN'VrSIST, 1882, M^ VUlaee of VlaherUm, ,^i3K3SiMpr«-." balance On the northfcil*! Boad.iA «* LoU Noa, !.:« SrdI To acres _~ -jâ€" -- â- ^-' ...j.,.-- Zfc^ar. er«i«.«a«o»**raiiie DwelUug Lg B41M and 8*»»^-^»^'°P^:J* iratttWl by a VOO^ VMk erosriak the Farm, Twins eaiy. Tx pwrllpriars 4pt-ljt to BOBEBT DAVrB» AvatteMV.BMa Estate* Inrav- Agt. Huihartm. Jafc »«th. 1888. Tiahu;'l Cofflfr^aMd see our Ladies' Cloth Coat.; "^^ ' '""' 'iy lariat and best stock of dry goods ev « r" K^l to select from. ""**« »iw!| Sob our Scotch, West of England and C 1 from SOqto fLfiPpctyd. A splendid as«rt'" T, •••"' Ju quohty aud style *«4 ' See our l^e importations of Gents' Rp-H ^I»on)loa»iwb0!(i«r(»jat8. style and fit nnJn?^"'^^'ie Died for ano*lher case. Al»o called in. She described her peculiar sensations. In her knee-joints severe pains were felt, shooting at intervails as though a battery were at work and giving her uitiTmitteut shocks. The kneebei;an to swell, aud the pains spread to other parts iu her body, generally becoming pannauent in the joints. All the doctors could do was of little avail. Occassicnuly slight j will be a well-built liup|runiu!,' through relief would be obtuiueJ, but in wet or j « tliickly settled fanning couutry and in murky weather the iiains voul.l re- close enough to the Trjuk f i- kind mark of respect towards himself I double in viohuce. F:.,:illy when tiie ' a distnuce of 830 miles; t give it as aud family,tru8ting that they all might j doctors had given up tieating lier, au.l keen a compt^titi m it.s it m.iy desire. It mOkWS SMVM OttRE. Tbe nvost succeaaAil Reaiedy evar discovered, as it is certain in its eBxt» aad does not blister. Bbad Paoor BaiiOW. FROM THE ONEONTAPRESS.N.Y. Oueonta, New York, Jan. Cth, 1831. Early laat anmnier Metinrs. J. B. KendaU A Co., of Enosbuigb Falls, Vt., made a con- tract with the pablifhurs of the Presi for a half column advertisement for one year set- tiat; forth tlie merits o{ Kendall's Spavin Cure. At the same time we secured from tiie firm a ^oaatit.v of books, entitled Dr. Kendall' Treatise on the Horve ami his Dis- eases, which we are giving to advance paying tiubscriliers of the Preu as a premium. Aboat the time the adve tisc ment tirst ap- peared ir this paper Mr. P. Cr. Scheimerhoru. who resides near Colliers, had a tpavined liorM. He read the adyertisement and con- cluded to tesi the effleaey of the remedy, al- thoDgh his friends laofhed at his credahty. He l)«n|(ht a bottle of Ktndall's Sjiaviu Cure and commeueed usiiig it ou the horse iu ac- cordance with the directioug. and he inform- ed us this weeiktiiatitcffectedsuchacompiete cure that an expert horscmau, who examined the animal receutlv could find no trace of the spavin or tlie |)lace where it had been located \lr. Sclierniorhorn has since «-curcd a copy uffEenuall's Treau.~e of the Horse and hitf Dibea-es, wliich he prizes very hij;hJy »ud would be lotii to part \Titli at any price, pro- vided ke could iiol obtain anotlier eupy. 8u much for ailveftiaQg i-eliable articles. Kendall's Spavin Cure. New Hamburg, Ont., Dec. 28th, 18»l. Mr. F. H. McCallum, Dear Sir :â€" The bot- tle of Dr. Kendall's Spavin Cure boiij^ht of you last Rummor gave me the utmost satis- faction aud performed a wonderful cure upon Syndicate, and the indications arj a mare nineteen years (JJ Ix-longing to ine, tnat before a year has elu'isjd thern wiiich was badiy Knarined for ten years. She w.-»3 so lame that I could hardly get ht-r t j Till- l.lInl'Uu^A is -iiiirtly piii,- afu'r using half a b ttlu of tho cure, and the is hke a young bor^e again. Yours truly. J. F. Both. be long spared to enjoy the same fra- ternal feelins;a of good will and respect for each other. The after part of the' evening's entertainment consisted in partaking ot an excellent tea provided for the occasion by the ladies present After the inner man liad been satisfied, the light fantastic toe was tripped until tho " wee sma' oors," when all spepa- rated for the irrespective homes, well pleased with thx evening's enjoyment. " Happy to meet, snrry to part, in hopes to meet again." O.NK Who was There. csruEf. tcft VHh the direc aMwtaUMa. )r» tot lartbiroon- ,, r drew RaUedge, 4th B. J. Mertiam, tlTwrun.h. «p for d..cus..ou, and «* ^^™« ^5»*»- M««U»^lf 04. .^ jpcderfol d.scoyerv eve:: ' forbwiraiiir '" No. 1.132.â€" Broa. Rom P.Wr*.f a, «.d. fogfta b^afit nf afflicted mwr^^^^^* jr^D. 11.; B3. aa waiaifcr tha poochotae^or wIuckI ".-» am, A yery successful Tea. meeting was held in Mclntyre Presbyterian Church on the evening of Djc. 28 th. After tea was served, the audience was cn- tertaine4 for at least three hours, by a number of interestiurspeeohee, music, readings and recitations. Couspic- ious among the speakers, was Rev. D. McDonald of Creemore, whose humor- ous speech greatly moved the resibility of the assembly. The musical talent of the Township, which was well re- presented, was augmented by Miss Blain of Flesherton. Mr. Wm. Ham- lin ol Maxwell, gave an excellent re- citation in his usual vigurus style. The financial proceeds of the evening, amojuted to the sum of $70, exclu sive of expenses. On the following Monday there were a Sabbath School Festival and Xraas tree in the aame place, on which there were presents for the voung in connection with the Sunday School, to the amount of fSO.OO. At the annual meeting of the Osprey Agricultural Society, the following office bearers were electd for the year 1882 :â€" Prfittidedt Wm. Guy, re-elect- ed First Vice, Joseph Taylor,; 2nd Vice R. Y. Berk; Sec, Treas., Josiah Gamey,; Directors, Joseph McMorri- eon, Andrew McGirr, J. R. Sing, D. Grant,Neil McLeaii,and Donald Rich- ardson Aaditors, John Kirton, and W. L. B. Hamlin. FROM "THE TIMES." Editof a/the Timet. â€" The veterinary department in yonr valuable paper is always read by mc with great interest and I value the information recieted from it a hundred fold more than the small amount paid for the paper. One year ago you published a letter from Dr. John Bales, relating the wooder- fol success he had iu curiu); sp««inc and splints with KeudaU'e Spavin Core, and his allobioD'a to asiu^ ii now ia his practioa for several human •tlmenls on account of the anrcaas he has always had with it. Tbe above statamaata from aopromioect » Phys- ician g^va the great faith in ita effi reg.trdod her simply as a pliy3:oloi;i.:al ' ,, also uiidcrsto.vl »li!!t a.s aom as Sr. wonder, a tramp culled one day at j Hugh Allan acquires lh(j Quebec, tho h -use. Whiie he was boiii;,' given i^Xoiitreal, and (3liaA-i road he wil, a meal he was told alouv aud usUed mj^ke Quebec tlie siimnicr t^;rininn. ot preimssion to see tiie g;r). He had j tue Alhin St.-n" ship Una. tin' been a soldier in tha Crimsan ar ny, I business of whieh will b.- gien t tlie Quebec, Montreal, and Ottawi Rail way. The Mieliigan Central will con- nect Cliicago with this now Canadian line to tlie scabiarJ. and while A-nrkiug in the treixlies around St. Petersburg he contracted rheumatism in the most severe Inrin, and noticing that the girl's svuiiitoius agreed with his, he pronounced licr to be suffering from rheumatism. The parents of the airi wns ove^ j'vod, bu^ were a^-am cast down as they roualled iMcFadtes the fact that the doctors had 'said they i i? .^'" "' could do nothing for her. "Why." said the !;ramp,"do you want t bother the doctors about rh^uinitism Get a bottle of St. Jacobs Oil. It cured me, aud will cure any case. I know plenty of old soldiers who have been cur'^d of chronic rheumatism by the use of St. Jacobs Oil." TUi; ad- vice was taken, and the so called El- ectrical Girl istoday prepared to add testimony to the thousands of others who bear witness to the efficacy of the great German. Remedy. To the Editor of the London (Canadian) Aditrtiur. Dear Sib â€" As you have given me a good deal of notoriety by writine of me as the Electrical Girl, I thought I would write to tell yon of ray condi- tion. (Here follows the recital which 18 siiimneriz-d above.) My parents nbt^iued'a bottle of St. Jacobs Oil, an I to its effects 1 owe the fact that I am now able to walk without pain, aud the swellings iu the jointa have all disappeared. Yours very truly. BCBAN J. HofTjUS. MARRIED- MclsTTiiEâ€" On Dec 2(j:h. wiili- 're».iyl'ri;ni Church. .\lflii:.rri' by the iiev. Jolin C'hisiioiiu, B A..' .\lr. Jiou- ald Mcl'a lyou, Carjinvr, to Flora Mclntyre, both fjf Ospivy. TnoMPson â€" OiiAiiiM-^Cn Pi-c: 2f^th, at the ri:sidcnce of lli- bride's father, by the Bcv. J. Chisholm, Mr. I'homas Thompson, of CoUingwood Towm-liip, to Miss Mary Graham, of 0»pre_v. McMoBBis â€" WiNrE-.i.-; â€" Ounce. 29, at tlie Besidence of the bride's the -Rev. J. Chishohn, Mr. Dani..-! Mc.MorriK.priutej-, CoUin^.vood, to Miss, liliza Jane Winters, of OsprcT. Badjbboâ€" ^CoLs.iNâ€" \t the rcsideace of the bride's fiitlii-r, by tho- Hev. J. Chisholm, Mr. J. Bodjero, of Artimcsa, to Miss. Eliza Colgan, of OBprey. Notice. â€" Wejwibh it disiuctly understand ^hat we do not bold ourselves reponaible for the opinions expressed by our correspondence REPLY TO MR. BOLAND. Mb. Editob. â€" In last week's issue of your paper I notieed a coinmunica- FRO.yi A PROMINENT "PHYSICIAN. Wi4-hiiigtonville, Oliio, .June 17th, ISW Dr. .1. B. Kendall it C.),, O.-nts:â€" Rpadiiii,' y.mra.Weriisomr It in T'of. Field and Farm, of Kendall's Spavin Cure, uiid having a val- uable and speedy horse wliich h;id Ik-cu lame from spavin for eighteen mouth-s, I sent to yon for a bo:t)e by express, which in six weeks retooved all lameue-^.s and enlargement iind a large KpUut from an ther liorse and both hor-cs are to dav as sound as colts. The one bottle w«s worth tome one hundred dol- lars. Eespectfully yours, H. A. D]i»Toi«TT, M. D. Kendall's Spavin Cure. O^ Hi::flA!« FLESH. Thousand 8 of trials on hmnaii fle h has provv,d beyond a doubt tliat "KENDALL'S SPAVIN CUKE" has sufBcient strength to penetrate and virtue to cure the wora. oases cf xbeoinatii-m, eorng, banyons, froct-bites. or a:iy bruise, cut or lameness which are not affected in the least by ordinary liniments. It does nr)t blister but ou the contrary re- moves all Boreneas. St. Johns, P.Q., Oct. 27th, 1S81. Dr. B. Kendall Co., Gents :â€" I have used your Spavin Cure with great success ou spav- 1U9 curbs and splints. I know it to be i good remedy for ringbones, bona s.iavins, cu a, galls and al' kinds of lameness aLd many other difficulties about the horse. One of my men sprained his ankle badly. I ap- pliad KendaU's Spavin Cura aud I never siw iuij thing work hke it. he was well in a few l lys. 1 know it to be good for man as well a beast. I procured one of your Treatise on liie Horse, by maU for 25c., and I think it wastheme^insoi saving me »100 ou one Inrse that I treated accor.iing to thp direc- ti ms given in yoor book for displaced stifle. Yours truly, Wm. J. Pbabboh. Dnaham. P.Q., March 10th, 1879. Dr. B. J. Kendall 4 €..,' Gents :â€" About a y ir ago I feU m the road onto some ice aud Wis badly hurt in the hip joint, which caused m. much suffering. I triel various reme- dies but none gave rehef, untU I tried Ken- dall s 8p«vm Cure. I ai,plied it fuUstrength t« ce a day for two weeks during last October an 1 It effected a perfect cure. I hava since th u been weU and free from lameness. Ii, M very TalnaWfe tor Qaa ai^wfell ai least. Yours truly, Chestsb K. Gbkkn. ks. Bargains. m B This is t»^ right house to get bargai • sides^etting the ve ry latest English TJ^h WlHlT"«iUMIMlh«yt»mtf direct fro^V' 3ltp tv)86o ^^ds. fashionably. „ r L h OTHER NOTICES v22b0*i m • wMthw fKpliet. is rptf JMlnow. [^ tfcrebanta m doiag » rusLing thaM tiiDM. [f^MoeMdiocaW Proton tkuncii Brown Son, want 1,000,- b^a, B«*d Ui*ir.ftdTertiBement. fhmtSt will be at the 'dtd' fin Wednesday next a reiilcte. a Larg^ consignment of new.and fresh G-oc^ri A iina and delicately flavored Tea wliich I can ^J'lStd _a dollar. I am determined tlint our fiiendst K.^tlie desperately rouj?b roBds to Dundalk I'l^'^ltwl • 'paid for their froiibk by getting barei^!, -^' every department. "â-  CrdckWy^ iiid Glasfware Department, whicli witii ©Terj necessary. Handsome China Tea ' ""^J Handsome Glass Sttts, price 50o " W BUY WHERE YoU CAN BUY CHE.A.PEST NO FAVOUR. â- â€¢: W._s. HEWET Wb» al^Jf lii°f '°' *^* P*' ^®*" ^** good, th» couaequenae is, bnsi- «l th( largest saw \oga we IW u» b*uC broagbt into Mark- I tb« pMt week. â- ^jfffitSu^ Brown adTartisea a r IK nmi in this latue of the Stan- AdTartiaemeut iu another ool- Brown ft Bon, ar« running rMW mill till 18 o'clock p- m., §tj now to enable tbm to fill or- The W.ftw grand literacy « Febroar Tbe prodaoa Tom's Tbarsda of very b| oat Cans one nigb^ commei thrilling Dr. Drops ar bxiseuiuj than Couglis, the Thrni ness of tl| In large ter and So gra work til. I havo bw.- additiojij up wall position I •«t notii' County, petiticii for v.)urs| F.\IK D£. Dnndalk, Jan. 19tb, 1882. H'UHe to Ke-nt. Doable Teaement, with stable, on Toronto street, Uarkdaie. WM. BBO\\'N. Mvkdale, J(.n. 16th, 1M2. 71 8t. I LECTURE to YOUNTMEN ON THE LOSS OF M A N H OOm wante3 "'"'»";•»•"â-  1144 SJ?' Mar.lale.^S:K2?^ Wl i:.i.-i.i,„„...a,,,lK,lisou'^i^ have recently published a nnw edition of Dr. Culver«'cll's Celebrated E^say on the radical and nervous Debility, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage etc., resulting from cxoe-sea. ' • j ts^Ihice, in a scaled envelope,. only 6 els.. I or two postage Rtamps. I The eelelntated author, in this adniirable Essay, clearlT (lemoiiBtrates, from thirty years' succcasful practioe, that alariiiinK cun- sequenees may be radically ciiri-d without the dangerous use of internal modicinos or thu use of the knife pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be. may cure hiinstjlf cheaply, irivately and radically. ttt'This Lecture should be in the hands of ever,, yotith aud every man in the land. Address The Culverwall isdieal Go,. 41 Ann St., New 1 ork. Pest Offiee Boi 4.50 Lot west half of east half 12, eourt'ssiou fi. EuphrHs:a, containing 50 acres. .Alxmt six acres cleared balance liard«-uod foA clay loam. 'Win be 'old ch. ap 50i cadi bal- ance to suit purch'aser. For jiarticulars «}â- - ply to PETER McABTHUB, Mark.lale. Or to C. \V. Bi-n.BlGE, Sta:ibari; OV.ce. 7-6tâ€" â€" 2C-Ct. "i"!;iii- aij ;t,rnr- W A NTEJ Telegraph Poles SJii 5,000 Cords Cedal For w'.Uc!, i\y H ;-l,..;l' t "^.'i $66! a week in your own town. $5 ontfit fiee. No risk. Everytiiinp new. C'apiUii ii'ji nquireii. We will fnrnlsii you every- thing. Many are making f»r^uut-a. Liidie? make as much as men, and b 'V:^ aud tiiiia make great pay. Beadier, if you w;int a bu-i ness nt which yo i can make (ijreat 'Ay all'tlw- time you work, write for i)irticuiaiTs 1 1 H. H.u.LBTT A Co Portland, .Miiir.e. Photogra 1,000,000!,, Lugs Wanted! i' rj-'HE 8UBSCBIBEBS ABE PBErAEEI) -tlxib .5U er .T rtvie is iij ll.ivi- tt'.I tbv t-.';.;«i:« TLis (lonri (iiL;.tKt. Oir!y I'll;' 1 .(i »si Ki"riiMa Tiy 111, ii w I'initiicn)*?! Olii l'ir;iir â-'K'lMiitsjp (iuaraut. I all niv-'-o-k H' iiii_iiilHr til.- ^talii, utsislj Ol'lil-H. Ail the|..iptii(rftT!f!i Pr.i.-ui.' the slisikir «w » fn.i.-. ive :i!iea'.nra^a;o!Fn»l 1 do!i't vwu â- ,â- ' «:iJ f"r.fiLis| 1. 1,. lU;o\V.\L :..rk'l;k^Ii«t,l5.:'(-1- to iay tlie EUCENII Highest Price In Cash I (Jj-jj} Cj|j|]jl|i| for any quantity of good sound Saw Kigsâ€" ' ' J hird and soft wood. ALL KINDS OF LUMBER KEPT ON HAND. li;y ..r M Miil 1 f«. ta'S" £â- '• .-n;i^f.!esi•"a. GOOD FLO'JULiV^yj^i Bilh I' Wed on Short Notice. Car Spacial attention paid to custom /Awing. P. S. â€" None but good timber wanted. ' G. S. BllOWN k SON. Markdale, Jan. 11th, 1882. 70-tf. L O OETrdu T FOR TIIE !M mmi SEE S:.15K sIk rt.«: liflticT. Lr.MiJKii -vsn. L-^THi ;,r.\iN HAM* C IierrT. B-ittcrniii: ^^ t ' " ' Bass*..-!. l'mc"«BiU'-a-»"l (i!ll\ M. .^KF RTLINCJ Kendall's Spa-vin Cure. [8 sure in its effects, mild iu actions as it' lots not LUoter, yet it is penetrating and FROM BRAZIL) t xf n .1 j-PPa.rtxis and the Liver. hxci^ZH tion from Mr. Rowland, in regara to Jng- the dissolving juices^^i^ to tbe late municipal eleoliou. At »f„t^f f/V^**"*.^*-*^® ^ad^J ., .- -- â€".^b tbe close of the poll be attributed bis ^f^/-^^'Arii^%f^^^, ^^r::^l^lT^^^l'l.tur.'^^^i:S.i: copesa aa eveiy dav »«^«....*- .i_ ments, such as spavins, tphnts, curbs rinc' bones. caUons, iweUiugs and any lai^eness and an enlargements of tl« jdats or limbs or lor rheumatism in man or for any purpose lor which a hn.ment is naed for man or beast " '« "o* *^»n to be ;lie best limment for Side Mad n*n ever used, aeUng mild and yet certain in •»».â- -_.. I' effects. defeat to tbe election being beld in ^^~\^° ^^^^ day aecessityia Markdale. Since then, it seems, be I It acU^gently and speedily in tSrB3iii^t1*S^".^^tresM at. bas tUonght better of it, and tries lay the blame on me, the. by him pre- j ' ^a'Sig' Wryatf on the StoiicA sumed, Meaford Road Gun espon- ffel'^w""*^^ ' "»• -Side and â€" dent, for a statement n.^e by aaid ^^^^^}^^XT%^^^^^ ^es o'tf^'^.f^^^VB,!^^"',?^ we tank gives p^sitive n..v„ ^T^J^^^^ 3d as I fcad been afflicted for •*«*'teen. He correspondent, about the small inter est taken in thaf ueii{bborliood iu ti e election. According to bis theory, a correspondent of a local paper should not intei-fere in local aflfairs, or m any way express his opinion.Ho w wiseheis. He thanks t|ie ratepayer! of the Mea- ford Road and vicinity fo» their almost onanimous sunport. If be thinks be got a ananiiBoas vote froia Utp, I am satisfied. He s lys "if the enUre rote bad been iwlled correctly, Ifc Elliott's m^ority would have been o.y «, teen." Cuant again. Mr. Bol^d.and yoa will find the majority wotJ* be 'vhole system. ~u^j^oweis, and gives tone to tbe ^*^«"'=«^«' our knowledge, for belit as All OruggiBts hare it or can gat it for you o^ it wai be sent to any .ddren" on rJce pt ' of m^ ♦ r^*S'°£ii!**'?4.I'»-B- J- KEN- DALL CO.. Ba(Mlnu^ Mfc, yt 80LI BY ALL DB^OOISTS h^T^^ ^- "'»"*«*1' "•«" Whole- D^i^ on« and take it to your oJ^ie^^^Tro'^^§Ve1^£ ton y ouxneigubo, about il' " DUKDALK .MABKET8. Wheat, Fall. No. I.. wheat. Spring, " 1.. Barley Peaa Oats Batter eaej, ana as a can neen amiciea jor."""" ae aays that fi« ««l|«d years with rbeumatiam and hip-joint enough votes left to tnm »».-\.-i laaec««i «. badly that I o«uld hwdly they had tnrned out ' p*l!**^ " walk at Umaa. I produced a bottle hid for insUnce 'hU ' °* and as it l»»a completely oared me I seconder. ' «»9verand wiah to proelaiji it to all the world as Thanking yoo, Mr. Editor ii^L W.liL; JobnUeKoa. jonra, 4o., Potatoe* Pork Hay â-  â- IIJ8 to Las • -eo to .804 • .09 to .78 • -95 to .36 • -18 to .ao • -18 to .90 S5to 40 t.Ti to 7.10 .•U.00tolC00 Notice to Contractors. W^ iwi,' '*^' 'l"""'y °' Saw Log. ?oot "hanty and «uMe alao wiUdo "1«^™»» 0* seottring a eouteaet '.I1 to see Beat an^ ^imoliM tbaai ^^ '^^ SOU The "-«nniKi BtJ^-SElLBON, sale Agents. 71. Best! boaioaM now before the public. You can maki as uaa al a»kZ "' 'jf*** •* »»»k for •a- We will start von ai « j ""^^s**- «s*»i»tWM Ton can wort » time U the work. No;oa;rb;k;sU wiS' "" **• work for OS. K«w i« tlM time Ton can wort .^ Jorwhol Too ean live at homi Ai«d«t|,Vba])e^ a. val^.,; .-/-:- '.?»* i? â€" OFâ€" F»AIIIi A: TOWJSI Lot Also Tiirte Dwellinga and LiU.i. on the • "^.- 1 18111 Alflih Jan, 1882,' AT DUNDALK. I /Mr. R J. DOYLE V ill srll by Anc- iion ISO Town Lots. 16 Park Lots, .S Dwell- ings. 4c. Great BarRaina may W-. cstiH-cte.!. Some of the purchasers at Mr. Doyle's sate last have rwoM the lot purcliascd at four tunes the price at which th y purchasol them. Liberal tenas. One-third dow-n anoe in thjee annojd inatalmenta. Seo Ur^e bills and nii^M 70â€" »-2L- .,;*• LOST MANHOOD At.-,or.f_rOTtfrJirr;J«-/, tore r to l;:i f. i:.â„¢-"9««"L,'T 4* Chatbam i V â€" tInB*" UKST Br«»MS»' li,i»ii .. ii-i r fT.-.".;^ ro...l,al..'.J."»'f-"'"".S' or .\.-1,.... "It »lil '°"^jr«-J (1 â- i-** HI 1 hii.l bfsl. er. una of ..•" '"';J,«ii' tie' !-;li«-rorl.rar.Ht.tBi,^-,^Wl inev.-ry.t:i.=l;y;M^i;;,;,,3J.l';;v..!!.'^^i..r for('n....|-'»lp":^"Jjl» Ache- .»f all "irfJ' '""j^ Druv-'i-t^"' *•'•""_._ Others: Motiieff ^, Arey,..„l.rur.^ij7iJ^ ERRORS OF YOUTH. A 2?^i*»«Ai; who anlferred for vear- -fiTfi^^r-^tr"" DEBILITV, PUK.vlA- TULE DECAY, and .11 the effects of .oulh- hil mdiwetion, wiil forthe sake of suff.'rii.R hnmsnity jend free to all who need it, the and directions for maJung the simple remedy by.w^cfa (,« »„ ^^^^ Suffering j:.'.:] W-Si!^ â-  .^ '" •dWtiser's cTperi " Bderfoe, .JOHK B. OODEI?, «04t.^.,. W1N'1.«»«**„, «Hv-i-i-""'*i:!;. M Cedar st. New York TO CONSUMPTIVES. mS* ^^"?*".^"*« '»«' permanently ^M«d ol thatdread disease, Consumptio " "i^P' "â„¢*^y' " snxious to make k crv" ' teeili It will r.lii-"' .11.1 Hiuiiit.t. â- â€¢â- '"â- = Vn!*!"' wh..l:..-Pvrri.'*J';- ,^ oner tint i'"""tfi to.tli' where at "3 wu^ pirTp^ es- ion. by uown ™»^^««ftr«i tbe means of cure. To 01 Who deaft, it, he will .end a oopy of tbe of lia.r mi uZ5^*^ "»H*»»wrf oharce.) with the dre,^. f«tl««Br FKlXKl.tS.r»"j^Mi i„strnctia^*^P^^l lueeU^for nropalripg and n^o^ the same *«|*«taywtf-tBa a «eu Owe for Con "S«*- toljii^r BaSaoM.«c. !????•• '*»«r« .Jfc« l-m-rtptio-, wiU rkdale skating rink is now w ' ^,,„ i.^lMCootidiiion. parties can seen • and W a tickets at reduced rates fnuu J. f«lsb, propiietor. banners are taking advantage o I Me«ot now fall. Qrain, Railway fgW«.ph poles, wood, s.iw lugs, 0* aOfff'"t in large quantities. t ..-Dentista who have tried jT." pronounce it the fiuesf IS on the face of this earth f^r tlie and breath. 5 cent samiiUs. tr Robt. Davis advertises the sale laaWe farm property on January in the village of Fiashsrtoii. .See rrtisemantin another culumu. ^a woold draw tbe attention uf readers to the adverti:euieut ,, ,,- ,r- I 1 41 ., Uliulliar Mr. Michael Akut, "be Eugenia grist, saw ard laUi Stoin;i. stri.ily tone ill incr.iib. I takiii j disi-asf, I iuBt'^ad j Special Wr :ir« I wet-k. (I an oiii ri; D.ill Im. i'bti»in«!-.'5 I I'lse run K.i.. M 1 bUSlIK'!-- ' V. i's Hal lUMll ' iniii.y a lii d iriuil I s|H.'ilk N.v,r lituy ale- Lui;^ Ii I iiMiiiirv â-  full «ii' C.iiii^lis 1 tiir-:it .i:il ia w Ii iii ' tivi :i' V( Is i. ;;... ». 'jRip-l...; .\. 1 lii i.eij ', tSx. VaLEKTiNK. â€" The lH:ge«f. sfMt, and most hands'ime kt'uk Valentines tver brought into M.irk- B,i8 now on exhibition at the Aiedi- Hall, by A. Turner k Co. Solomon was a wieu man, and Und lived in Markdale he would liavu.' |ed upon McFarlaiid and nrdnrwd )v«rcoat, Undercoat, Piiuls, Vest, Boote, Ties. Si^d Tobacco. The Royal beauties of Europe owe eh of their personal sttractive-jes-. tie influence of Ayer's llair 'iKor. eh keeps the hair frosh and bri^;1it. I you want to suSscrihe for the itreal Htraid and WV-ekly St-tr, or tvlir tbe same, just li^nd in 51 ae SraKDaRD Office. We li-ivj r-c- tbe agency fur Mirk lal j. r. Edward Davis wauty lO.KiM ^for his mill ou t'la .Mcaf rd Ii nid aes in the ucigtiborliood of iiic of i:.|i,-v .- re mill would do woll to *. â-  Jiini. i- ,, ,, !«• 1I;« 11 ke is deteriniiied to keep his uii'i _M^-i si... ., [full operation. "^n'ui i:i ^Friendship," CicerD s.iys, "IS tin. "' thing in the w»rld couccni- 'â- " '^â- " " the nse of nliich all iiaiiUiii I are l;ii:ir.' but all w liters acici' timl ;i MMi.r [pen ie a desidoratutn, and l.bU-r- an i i- ifk's will be found lo be A 1. I ot gram " rv. .o. L IT ' II. I I III' .\ l-i- «•»• iTln^' fl, Won .11 ;tr tliL- (..III T C.',. tuiTr^'-v\ iij p'-r io:*. â- â-  ' a feare glad to learn thut Mr. iy Brownlee, of Osprey Tjwn- [p, who was reported to Iimv.j I mt ^arm by beini; accidc-nily sliot.c-uif- amputation necessary, i« H.CiKn I to be uboat, xnd that tiie arm i not amputated the bjnc only ai fractured. Shakespere's time there wm a ||i.\\ i.N ie in the aflfairs of men," now tlio i is in the aflfairs of women. WV-.'.. Dresses at Mi I'ai land's. Wed i /,,«/„. f ,,,; Hats. Glovfts. I.,ac«Mi nt Mcl'iir- j ^v .-..i I i's. Lovely Mantles, .Sliav.!.-, and invitjii; sts at McFarlatid s, sulliiig a! .pui,*. »Uy rednced piic^-s. ,„.,i ,„v ' 'i ft are sorry to say tliitt Mr. Alfro I |«"»"'-«;i • Jloy, who got his arm b.okon !ii»l "" •_' ' •k at tbe raising of Mr. Lm-.-r s 1,18 still in a critical condition. iKu,;|]a • I generous hearted peo;ile of Fl.tth luin i :i i put their heals ti^'utlur aa 1 an.lin.n' upa purse of some $G0 towu U " •^"' "" riding for his temporary want-^..ind I ^t of his family, wlulu IK- i^ m u.a int helpless couditi m. D.WiIeox reqtiPBta iis to sHV.tiiit Maold his stock and Business W, F. Doll, of Flesherton. Trici«. i monlh-. Watches, Clocks, or J«wc-il-ry i tin' ili Ir. Wilcox's, are reqiic-stfd ti vi: I 'â- ""'!- • i#ist tbe aame at once, ami tU te ig accounts, will ple«te cull a.i I ttJe thenl immediately. Those hoM- ' accounts ajjainst Mr. W can Lave I paid by presenting them. •V. I i: i a c ..laa: •â-  ir^ :i i:ri at T, bout !• l«.'*Vl:i;; I. t" ' I.a-t w, 0(|-l1 ,14 t I Was iiii-| I iiini witli. i:ivi III I II i| .Si. .lucd.s ' ninlit. Til janl IS jiaci leave liy t I h cann.t I'MlIll, Jl" I l| Sal. -Ill fri i] lliin Ui( Won't St 'i' lukiKD Alive. â€" On Friday, tli: inst., wLile Miss (.iaiiiev, d:iiij;h- (of Tiios. Gamey Esq., of Ospr -y, j pr..„j„^ i., milking a C3w in the baniynr I, a teMcii ron IW slack tumbled ovL-r Lurying 9v«r an hour elapsed before she- W extricated ;slie came out klive r, ftLid we uadurstaud not much ^°'»«- i .\ P., up iinpected tiiat when flie' Do- culK-d of il on Krliataeut meets the (iovein- town mi \i I will take the duty ofiF tea aiii* 1 1""' br aud allow it to come in frc-e. I (Hfv.nt tli.j J- |fcFariand would advise hie I â€" an" luliif DQMrs and the public not to j.ur- qia's:i-'ii it '*• tM in quantities until utter th« side ;tti'i. If ^^^ ^ffi thereby saving from 5 I dicid" lh;it| kjtljMkpM pound, lie would also *uvi'rcd b' ioun«e that anticipating; tlie I this piirp: tea dnty be tma purchased I recommr-rid xta, or 0,5UO pounds of tes, to as bcin? t'll "irUie duty is repealed I»"u t,tlic ii:iir l.. t^^ uatil von see the good i vent its f» |SiW. J. McFarland will oflfer ou. bottle. F ilfaxwell CQ Monday aud atAftatk iuthit place. Mr. Blin ia doing an extensive businesa, Stinaon, of SiDfrbampton.ia fiitiui^' •.for a store, and will open LMid yet another, Mr. I *:.' •'•oo* ^ning in the same I L,*Vui]MM in Mr. Hamlin's old is doing a lar;- aps a very orderly table eveiy ,.-,„ -TM »»y paid to tha ••twTdliag pubho Go ol u « ^....a are o£f«-it-tl, those Who lii' main in pive| men, hnys ftt| tht-ir iwu Iu work pro|ter 14 iue*- will pav wac s. Kx\'i one who •ii^'i^ V. '1 can lir^ or 0"ly i tion and all tlj UTtSbOX u C t

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