I I" » .J t. 'I i :f I r i^ AhOUSD THE \Y08L1 TlifKiA' WARSING. Kow is tite Jhrjuuii f^ir aixiaMi eoida luiil diatresdug coui,'lis .. treat thetu with llagTurdg I'ecii.rmI Baltatn. it ti.i»» II lli.*Lz«,»,rLiu«,cr(ini wlioop M t coH( h, Lnu.cliiti*. and all pul- nioiiary t« in]lauiU loadiuK to aou- kmoptit'ii. A Miriui'liis tin m«n uow tbiuka fl.fcrBi- M.iiictjiihgiii Hpiri'.tialism after »;i, f r i f i:hi Le^u iffitred f 1.000 for m oI«i «-.c, k vtLirh lias lately f»k on to •trikii.g II: » niystonunt manuar, ad- awtrnif. act. rdiiig tt auacceifed code, all II ij)»i (.f iuii.i-r;ii.»i,t quOblions *biclj MHiivm ask about tLtir futures. (iiiLTr OF waoNo. â€" boiua people UveafaaLioiiof confuaiug excellent ^meit^e" reuiediea with the large mass of "pa- tfcut luediciiKw," and m tliia tlioy are KUiltj of a wniig Tliere are 'aone adverljAtd reiutdiea fully w..rth all tliat lasakedAr tLenj, and on* at kafct weJEDovo/â€" Uop BiUon. The ^riter lias Lad uccabion to use the niiiera ill just such a clim«U» as we h»Te moat of the year in Bay City, ao' has alwayi foaud tlicui to be first claai and reliable, doing ail that ii clainitd fur theiu. â€" TiiUtn* The Nxodus of uegroei f/om Edge- field, S. C, and its viuiiut.v has reach- ed raliier diacuurapiug propor'iona. .Nets ufgro is I'ft uijou souio cf the iIaiitst.oLi«. The c li'irtd preacher ilaoiuioud who iucitt.d thn people to runi' Te aiid cclUtcted a considerable euiouut of ui'.iiey with nhioli l) Jyiait Aiksnxai and firnyidcuecnidLaodations l r his follower* iiSK nut been heard from Mince hiit liepHrturu. It in feared ihaf be in au a'lrjit nuu despicable iiiMve, tfa(..igh many of the negroes attli retain tlieir ouC'ieuce uj hiio. UADBLFi£I;KI MANY PHYSI- CIAN.S. And (irew no. better bat rather worse. Mr. D. H. IlowarJ, "f Geneva. N. Y., after disniusn.i^ Ins pliyeiciane. Mini litaiiy half a ^ross .; tlj various blood and livfcr reuifdits iviTeitieed, with ji 1 beiiwfil whcu ^^l,a boUla of Bur.icick Bli.odhitttrs ciind him of pHr»iy»iiiand Gtue.al U.'iility. A». the ndvaiiccd »-^.- ol 00. Ii • i.ay» he fo' Isyi.iin^' Hgnii:, nn 1 ia overjoyed at ijiH womiei ful rec.(.rv. The frishiiiti) d Uinwii L'uiverbity, ill I'r(/vi'l.;iicif, Liii'-rvl tJicir uuiiual ilniiior (if iinttHrcr, iiini i-rp|'iired to havu ail f-lalii.iiiti- ^iiij.l tnu" includ- ing kptitJus and slu^'h. At the time ii|ipt.iiiiij.i. tiny inardii'ij in i)r()cesjoii to tliu (iiiiiti^ IihII, With laiiiM rs flyii.g Mill (ip).«titi'« sharp. ri:(.y f und the lali'i,--, ill icMvi Villi, hcnut ri'iiiuants of the fi-ast. whi;li hail hofii pufou hy the HiiplKiiui'iHs, who iiitd ini|' gill tlicm- tilrt., 1,11 il,o ciitci.-. III],! iiidiiciji' GARREELD^S-GUARDED ivyyiB So Itwff'a UxM au ntaiiaai! â- «w»^ the obseqiuaa that aaoy T4iiH'gnit visiting Cleaveland are larpriaed tc lea.n that a detachment of United btatvs infantry ire still detailed to watch the vault where lie the remains of the late honored PrMident. Nigfat and day can be beard the measured tramp, tramp of the sentry on duty, and it is intended to continue this watch- fulness on til the body is deposited in ground. Through the grated door can be seen the elegant casket givefl by the Maxonic brethren. Covered with beantifol flowers, kept fresh by loving hands, it is still visited dai'y by hundreds of people, many of whom eagerly seek the cast off blossoms as Near the vault is the shelter house, and on the other side of the lake the white tents of the sol- diers are pitched. At the base of the hill upon which 'he monument is to be placed, a glass bouse ia to be crccu ed, enclosing ihe funeral car, still trimmed with immortelles and the trappings of woe. An aged couple who had been gaz- ing with tear dimmed eyes upon the casket, approached the guard and a^k- ed if they might not be permitted to have a few flowerers from off the cofiSin. Ue told them he could not open the vanlt. They were much dis- appointed, and said they were from the distant South, and had always been rebels, but that the death of Garfield had changed their feelings, and that they had journey far for the privilege of btandiug by his {oomb. NIL DESPERAifDUM. ttArtsKOFie rnsB essaT KNOiiiSH I. BEKBDT.anoniaaiiij eon for Senuoai Weakne*. Bpermktoirhsa, Impoteocj, and aU diMaae* that iollow M • 8«qaeDoe of Self-AlniM u loa3 of Vemo7, CmTanal ^Mwp. Lasiitnde, Pain in the Back. IuiiDeM of Vifcion, Premature old ace, M maJiT otner Dis«sea that lead to Tn aa aitf or ConBaniptii.B »nd a Pre- mature Gtst*. ^TFuU particulars in oar pamphlet, wliicli we desire to tend f'e* y mBii toe Terr ona. Ihe bpcL^nc Medieio* U sold by all Dmgguts at j_ II 00 per paekape, or «ix AJte TakM. packages for »5.00. or will be sent free by uiail on rectipt of the money by addressing. THE 8RAY MEDICINE CO., â- ' s^'i-is tlEJIQ l-lv Toronto, Ont., Canada Higtilr rocoimnnided for BUtoaaacaa, â- cad-Aehe, stlpaU«m,Ia DlBtecss, Hcaitl Breatk. Less ar A** !, Jaaadlee, 1/mm ef aiMSMh. UverCMB- gfnmtbe pcUte, jMir ai *lalBt.ar any illness •rising ack,B»welsor Kldarys. Tbey are i mlldsadttKvoagliintbeixaeiioa, Fiaetltol filltlaadose. pm^.^ ,j^ fOMX. m FISHING FOR OYSTERS. ,•â- • uit hour liiiii in ;,'ui tiie iJiuiii r r earlier. ••1»(.N TGIVi: I r Hi!-. .SHU" Wen. the ineiiiorabh- wnrd.s of dome liKiii. IB I er; v. lire ii| tiio kiiip.' ii:*r'i i, l.tit try I'.u.cii.ck lii'.(,d;iittcrs. it riiri « xtiitrH V. i,y ii"t _m,ii V U re- i;'tii!«. itfjiiiiitta iiiid t"hfH a!l th« • •rga'is (.f s. cii L! II. a:i.l i' .Htores lost \itaiity. Tii' lnii;i' s iif fiti-li:, 11. ma for llir H lii-r*. ;il I'.ilicB, Cixili ail- li'Nlu: lli-il 11 ii:i-, l)".;i li ri.t,"d ill till! uxfiii^.. i.f UK ;ii;i"l ^i"'llIl^.i( r, i;i;l is ii.» i-..-ily f-r lli« rLcei'ii 111 of d:ibi- «i| N.ilih"r- or ilicll :i.,'»'i :t!l 1 liitiilU lui iiih, iiiiii' or i'lfiu.i^' wiili.it re- curd t I'll 111, UM i.'i uiv II' 111 ill si fi- ll r, arc'iidiii;; til ll.i: cIlHltiT yiVt'H by til)' l.t;{i.H)atiiir df oiiiic-tiiiit iii iM4. It IR li'|ii i| tiiilt tliii llis'Jtilt' I'ln-. 'id ri'iiiiiii'iid It-' II la ha fiivor .ilili- ;iU"iiti :i iif tUis IuiMk" u'ld thai tiv ii iis.isiiiiifv and ^jt-iiiMiiBily a lui'.j" iiiiiiili'-r â- / A'lirtliy jiur^i/iii may rc:ivii till' coiiifirlk ol It hi'iiir. I I.AMKl'.ACK. I liiiiibair' Kiiliicy o •uijilmut, Neii ral^ia. Itliciiniiiiisiii, ai:.l |nin and' iiillaiiiiiiali'iii :ii'i' kpiiiiiiv i-iii^il wicl lla(;arlH \allik' U:l. (.'r^up, sore throat. (â- '•|,t(, 'liiriis, ^L"iLis, biuisiis, friNl hi'i'K, ciiilhliiui" uii 1 all wnun^Is • •rtliii ll 'ill ill) q uolvly liL'.ilc,l by Voili.W Oil. The oyster fisliery la these localities 18 carried on ux two ways, either by tongiug or dredgiug. The firit method being confined to small areas and to a limited number of fishermen, and sus- ceptible of use but in shoal water, need not be considcrud. The second metb- od of toking til* oysters is a follows Ihe in.'itrumentUKed iscailed a dredge or scrape, and resembles a large iron claw, the rails representing the teeth of the dredge. To the back of thisclaw, or the dredge, is fastened to a baj; of iron meshwork large enougli to hold two or three bushels. When the dredge is dragged along the bottftm the teeth or claws dig up the oysters and shells, which pass heiwoon them and into the network behind. Toe action is eomewliiit like that of a har- row. Tlie dredges vary greatly in size, being fiom two to five feet across the mouth, and of greater or less *eight.accoiuiiig to the depth of the water in which it is intended to u.se them. Th% dieilging vtss'jis vary in sizo from live i't thirty ton, and all usa two dredges. When on tJio oy.,ter ground the dreJges are droppid one from each side, and a â- Buflicient amount of line paid out to Koe.it, "iJijiit I '"'"â- " 'â- ^e 'akiiig of the teeth; the I I, ik'spairin!? I Vi*s.ei is then kept under easy tail and jRt I m idciate tpeed until the dredijcs are full, that h«iiig iodicatsd by tlio Utraiii on tilt- dnii^ing Imo jind by othfei- siLjiis known tc the lishermen. Tiiu lusUiiineut is then hauled in by I nifaiia of a Rtna'l winch, the contents .:: ptifd on thedeck, and Iho dredge |iiit ovi r ii;{.iiii. Thij i.s cou;iiiut.J I liutil liie \\Asi-\ is n'^ar the edgs of the I I'cd, wlieii the dreiii,'ea are ncoveri'd, the veb.sel put ahi.ut and tlie drudging I Ls re.-iuiH'il ill the o^jpoBite cor.rao. U liili: tiio tiri'di;9s are in the water, iliie mill, stnd, spouge, mas-, or other il.liis brought up are separat"d Irom |th" oyntiir am], together with lill oys- Ifrs unfit f'lr market, thrown Lack in- I to Iho wutor.-ro/i(/(i/- .Vij«'c Muiithli/. i APERMANflHTCUREfORaiBE PJ... Pisea... of fid-ey* "?^S Urinary Organs, tMaai»at oo^a»Mi' IKDCBITBLE EvAjEHCB ormWJ^W* TIBB aAnSFA«;TIOK. 'pidkn.Apra30, IWU 0«!TLS«».-I IndVha* row Pads «• giving entire satisfactida, «id wish jon m- creased isles for so TaloWJe a remedy «« Disease* of the Kidneys, wigned, Da. Ab. MOBDEN. PricMâ€" Child's Pad. »l.afc Begulai Pad, t3; Special Pad for CUroni^ Diseases, Ask your Druggist for Pampl monials, free. Sold by A. TlTBlfEH «"0„ Btau^dalc PARKEB A CO., Owen Souni^ J W. ELLIOTT, Chat worth. STEPHENS McCAltKOLL, Maaferd. M. RICHA!;L»SON. FleshertoD. TUOS STEPHENSON, Orangsrille. U. W. PAKSONS. Dondslk. «» HIN'BY PARKBK. Dnrham. WARNING! There is great danger of tak- ing cold from wet feet If yott want io Against Sickness! Keep your feet dry and wana by procuring your BOOTS 1 KAY THOMAS. OB ffliU OH, M. 0H» H^ W. BUIiMEK. The People's Photographer, • y-[ piesherton ,«.d«ooowii*«-*«i.'«i««-^'~^ :â- Sash and Door Pact SASH. DOORS, '^rhoiai to take JkTSTJf MOTTOBS and Ifotto aBdoth«_Pram...aigFraj. Fiziiwe. ira bi Menribargaiaa. ^^ t.^thaiBeovi*d aBdiilarea by fW «»'"*»'• Fleaherton. MaiehlO, ISSl- JTew BtlLMEIf. mm HAvnro ii^BD thb pbbmsbs latily oooupi«d " HAYWO M^J^^ ^^^ ^j, 3^0 raST-CLABS BTOOK 0» TUBXBB A 00. McKENNA MASON y^^^P^j^"^lyM CARRIAGE WORKS' MARfCDALE. .\» tlid si^a^ioti of tl.f vpsr i» Rpj.roacliing lliat Sli"t'iii»iil (â- ilU IS flir waiitcil. we wiali to iiitiiuite tn t:i" I.irm :.h 'ipnl jj^iblic iu goiit-ral tiiat we I'ui 'I'l'iy thcni with any tiling tlii-y wuut lu ihiU liue, 8ucli as Long Sleighs. Knee-Bobs. Block-Bobs, Democrats, Square Box, Portland, SweU Body, and Double-seated Cutter OF ALL KINDS AND BXILES. Bstisfaetion Guaranteed. Med- icated Cork Soles, all iiizss, kept en hand. Kem 'mber the plsoe opposite the new Btaxdard Offioa. 40 MAN H D CXD HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED. w .\a wo uso DotLine but Crst-cla^s material wo can I "OE have recently published a new editi'jn of lr. 'ulVor«ell'» Celebrated Kssay ou tha radical and nervous Iebility, Mental and I'hyneal Incapaoity. IiujH'dimcnts toManiage etc., rosultinn fro.ii iixci'»sc.i. fc*"l'iice, in a scaled envelope, only G ct»., or two postage stamp.n. The -celebrated auihor, in this almirable Eosay, clearly deaioiibtrates, from thirty years' successful j)r.iciioe,'that alarming con- sequences may be radically oiiwd without the dangerous use of internal medicines or tha use of the knife j omling out a mode of cure at once Biijiple, eeitaiu and ellectual, by means of which eveiy sufferer, no matter what hia coniition may bo, way cure himself eheajily, privately and radically. fci'Tlr.-i Lecture should be in t' bauds of every youtii aui evegr uiau in the laud. Address Ths Ouiverwfil! Medical So,. 41 .\uii St., Xrw Fork. Post Oiaco jj.ji iZJ Dry Goods, Groceries, MANTLES, ,, READY-MADE CLOTHING Crockery and Glassware! I^A MI»S, Ac Ac. The ab0T« stook has heea porehased for cash at a season whaa the importers are mDaiog off their stirplas atock at and nnder cost to make room for their spring importations, con- sequently I am in a position to give bargains to those who are able to buy their goods fo) easli. Call and see for youneives and yoa will be sure to call again. HENEY FOSTEE. ^. :^^: BLINDS MOyLDlNGS, HOLLOW Markdals, VoTcmber I5th, 1881. 6SI7 par .K I.'iiii.svillo briilcf^rooiu, iiau;oil Ivlwavil l-'ep, who (lisiivpciiied mvstc- rii)iily scvornl woclcs ii"o, rcfiirnii] lo l.i.-i Jioute ^â- n Tiiiiisdjij- with ihe fi)U(.wiug fcxtrai.r.liiiiuy aecouutof his iibhi'iici' "I left tlie St. Jiimo!:! hotel I iu Nfcw ()rlt';ms. Louisiana, (.11 tlie af- " ttTiioi-n (if .\(.v. iliUh, 1S81, lo visit till- sttn-k y.inlh. While there I wot a fiitiiil, who toM uie tliiit II former ;utiior of mine, t;a!iied K' yiii)I(ls,})iul ,, I I'C^ii I'lispojiiii,' of ,-:ittlo whk'h li(])in' ii.H tiiun i.f U.,.M,. -Mlle,Oh....hHa^,,l toKie. Ha stateJ that lietuold, l...e.i thr.«i, ;iiti. a .•^nUc of i-XcUt;- „!.. th.-n ill th' cilv' aiul I atroiice ii..-i.t an.! .h.^uMV i.y the .li*c-.-brT I went i.i sear.h of l"iin. AI;out.hi,k ilmt li.K ui^^ste.ii.u-. .l.s,i|.i.ear. • j 1 f,„„i.l him on the Al-iors ftrrv l.o:U .1.1. iiiK .several .y^'"' 1""' 'f " wK.-ii 11 ii-ht hetween us rnsiU'.l. aiul' ..UK. ral.l.' liilic!.^ of eveiy descriptl .U J.e k„ock. .1 juc into the riVcT. T r,' I.Hl.niMin.,. t...itiz..mul th-j i.luce «» muuher tiailiu- myself iu the wiite. .hio to llie mii):iiKl.t luarauiliuas of .1 ,|,„1 )Vom tliat to the ^IJiJ of Decem- vmn.'ial.!u miiiilon hilly whr.M reputa- her eveivthiui: is 11 hhink. Ou thit tu.u li«., aU-;iy.. been ahovo rui.roach. day c iMM.iousne.ss retnriieil to me.aiul 1.1. tiii.li-r an I aro.iii.l h.r house have f,,,,,,.! ^^v.self in a ho.H'iital at Tcnsa- h«.-ii f..u:„l scores ofiuov.ihle I'roperty. 1 ei.k Morula. I was told bv the snr- ii.,-lu.iin^s..i.fi.:ii~, bricks, ]auiUr,|.e„ii i:i chai-e tlmt I h.td been rarpeU. ,.^..ste.ers hair. Bhi.iglca. brou^'hl there hv ihe captHin of a ves- cio-keiy, cnrrii'.iio ajirons and b host ^,1, the name of the ves.-^el I GU.^RANTEE SATISFACTION C ill and Inspcit our Work I ou ht:ij lief.irc 'iiri'ha"in sisiwbare. CAIKFrr, A ITENTIOX lilVF.N TO HORSESHOEING a-i.ii (ieueral Jolibiu; in every line. bliorâ€" On Mill Street opjiosite tt S'lr lul liol, y. r. of at all. of iil'ier till mill 111) viihi r.Ki f.nifiive •)bjei't was, f.'r she diK's not all val'itis i No vessf-l I ilo not ' Irememi.er, who h:id found me clin^' oi,e|iij^, to a jii'icc of drift wood hi the what tl.o v.)iatt«sjMi,.si,,.,,j., ,iver. AssxaiKs I was ,, ri .• " I "I'll" t' 'ravel 1 btaitbd direetly to haVM ..,.!d ..r used any of lierBtaalmKs. I i,„uisviile. anivin-,' hen â- " It li.i-iv IS siieii a disei'se KH kU'pto- 1 forenoon, lam still loitiiut this Would lipjear to be a cakO of it. UllErM.Vnc KKMliDY. re Tliursday suttoriug from the ell'eeta of my misha)), but am rap- piiily recoveriiijf. Tluue IS no b -Iter eure 'or Hhen- ii.alisni Ui:t'i liuL^ynrdu Yellow Oil; usihI iieeor.Iiug to directiong en the 1 I'ottI It also cures liurus, Scalda, 1 rost 'its. 'HnflReb, iHmeiioss, andali woauds of lh«* tlwsh. All dealers awll It, \-t'\K« 25 crnts. .\ii I'.iiL^li.ihmaii uamt:d Ilobert Jiobsoi' lormeriy a pohcema:i and! r.ii-Piitly u (lav laborer, has hteii dc- fluted by the Coiirt of chaiiceiy the 1 r'uhili.i luirof an estate vnlm-d nt 1 $l,:ilJ !,(HiO. whifih hu« remained ic luv. ImijtU of the Kcelestastieal coin I liiissiM'erg since tlie njurler of his i f rniiilfaiher ill 1742. Tlie heir, who is su\cuty two yeiirs oid. la staying; at. .-lUltMiin Newcastle where he hasj lieen driven a Iiii.'fcl fo liistrHction by the blaii'li'-hineut of Visitors claiming Muo»l ft lationsiiip of every doj;iee. It ].-• p"i,"lb!e ihat ttio wretelied iiobsoii luigbt have cooHidered h.s birtiine an qiiirnlfiit f r these trmls had he lue- lily fnllcti into the liiiiii oi KJsurs 1,1111 I"Utint and aniii'-, bat a worst) ' t.ite «»s r"8eTrtii foi hini. No fe\rer tiiaii .our wotueu l::iV« aj'ptarcd lo ci»iiu him as lli'.::r iav..iii liusoau-l. If ^aI!!^• eii'eri'rit-ini: st. !ioj,'r«ph«i would kML-rrte him-xlf m the heir's aiart iiientM ha rauTTit VriMlr.co u rcMtring litrce in real life, from tlie j c^"rt of hia iii'tt boo.k. KoUs.iii w.iuM liouhiless tonBi.'.er i, a trni; -dy, but ilml wjuld l.ut liiiiJel llieresi .1 Uia world fl'Oul IbUgbii-g. IIOW TJCLTli; A COLn U.Win tha ii, at fifii'ig -f c'.dll or B'.iiT*t'iiij rem«u ill d 'Oi-k if posaible. bttilt the frtat iu iepi-i waur, gra- iiitAlly iuC'cMMMt; tiiK li«at an \»\\^ aa It cau b.' c litifor.io y ' 6'rn«. d.-iuk it^lT of w^r a i'-H-i-' t« t ui^« rfA. to ioduiM |H:rkiiiat.»ii, .vii i a.i iiaj- Tant** P«Qt-Ml tMatui a.C'T'iiuK ti riirectioiM uii t)i4 u tUe. M»^Vatd'a B«la*u 0«id* CMl^ua, iiilltyt f^ qrtM«ui4t*. ' .. THE NarrowGauge THINQ OF THE PAST! Horse- Shoeing? a Sjrecialty il^rkJale, •Iii.iV2,Us 1 -4 â€" lifT- REYNOLDS SON â€" KV.V. Stili to the Front! Willi a largi and well .-elected stock of .Stai.lc and Fancy DRY GOODS, Boots and Shoes, Crockery, Ac., wliitii they nre selling away down at rock bottom prices for cash. FLOUR OATMEAL FRESH AND GOOD. FLE3HERTON Harness Shop. GORDON Has alwnyii un hand a full assortment of HEAVY HARNESS, SLEIGH BELLS, TBUNKS, HORSK BLANKETS, To DisiASEs, CoMFUUNTS zod AcdaBHT* which Hacvakd's Veli.ow Oil is gnaraif tccd to cura or relieva eitlwr is ttAM or BCAST. TMUN nrrERNALLT FOI CBOUP, corona, SORB TBnOAT, COLDS, Oo. CRAMPS, ASTUXA, jipptiEo EXTEmuar rat SBrVXATISM, CHILBLAINS, SWELLnfOS, a ALLS, ZAMESESS, CONTRA CnOlfS LVMBAGO, TtEAFSJCSS, SPRAINS. NEURALOZA, CALLOUS LX7MPB STIFF JOINTS, FROST RtZa, CORNS, RRuiska, ITCH, PAIN IN BACK, PAIN la SIDE, ^tu. Every bottle euaranteed Co givo latisM- 1 tlon or moDcy ixfuiided. DIRECTIONS WITH EACH BOTTLE. KlOCSOt^ g.MTTiHTTEaT £s CO., Propzleton TORONTO, OHT. MARKDALE Marble Works Monuments, Tombstones And eTery de.-icription of Cemetery executed in work -AND FIRST-GLASS SHLE I and at reasouaWe rates. Orders left at th« shop or sent by mail will be promptly at- tended to. Satisfaction Guaranteed. SCOTCH COLLARS I Warranted to fit, and made of the reij beat material, and at the LOWEST LIVESG PRICES. ICKMEMBER THE FUtCm RICHARDSON'S BLOCK. J. GORDON. B.â€" Good Stave and Khingla Timber N taken rieaherton, Dec, 6th, 1(*81. 16. rso. 1 pOJ^L. IL. At 37e. per Imperial gallon. ES* Call and be convinced. FALL k WINTER GOODS SELiL- IH6 AT COST FOR BBTNOL.BS SON. Notice to Contractors. As WE H.iVE A LAUGE QUANTm ol Saw Logs at our mill thia saasoa, we will fifye contractom a good chanoe. The lega will be all skidded in the wooda. A pood â- hanty and gtable also in tbo wooda. Any prtitjs wishing to hare a contract of thia kind win do well to see as. Tha diataaaa to haul, aboot two-and-a-half mBea, on a good road. B. A A. NBILSON, IS-St. Proton Statioo. Shop next door to Rev«rt Houl. W. A. jeHNSTON, Prop. Markdale AnR. 10th, 1881. 48-ly BjirtTo c k $500,000.00 North of Scotland Money AIVI PKFVATli: FUIVDS, TO LOAN on Farm Seeurity at 6 and 6J per cent, yearly, and on the moat faTTable terms of repayment offered by any Agent or Money Lender in Ontario. No Finea. Expenses rednoed to the lowest possible figure. Parties wanting to borrow will pleaae communicate by letter to the undersigned. Box 51, Shelbome, or call peraonally on tfon- dara. All comiatmieationB promptly attended to. ' " GKO. ItUTHEEFORD, Loan Agent. I am anthorixed to sell a large nnrabor of Improved and Unimprored Farms exceedingly cheap Parties wanting to buy aiiouli communicate with me by letter, stating kind of pro- perty wanted, or call personally on Mondays. Particulars will be given respecting looation, terms, and price of the class of property wante-l. UKO. BoTHBBroBD, Estate Agent, Ao. Box 51, Shelbnrue. O All kinds of property iniored in First-class English and Canadian Stock Companies, at low rates. GEO. CcTniaronn, District Agaat. COINVEYaIVCHVO. Deeds, Wills, Mortgages, Leases, Assignments, .\greements, Ac., neatly and properly exe- cuted. Charges moderate. â€" -G. W. RcTnanroED, Con. and Com. iu B. B., Shelburne. N. B. â€" By priving a week's notice can arrange to meet parties at Dtmdalk or any point named. â€" GEO. BuTBiBroBO. November 29th, 1x81. 64.3m. WILLIAM STEAIN, Dealer iu all kinks of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, WAGGONS, Sewing Machines, Organs, Fanning Mills, Tin and Copperware COOKING, PARLOR AND BOX STOVES Alw.Tg in Siook As I kaep all kinds of REPAIRS for the Implemeuto I w\l, Farmers wUl saa tha advantage of dealing with a Local Agent. WM. STRAIN, ^^lestLeTtr^â- « Fleshecton. March 24. 188L asTf r4 (0 (D Bitters Q) Q) I.IBOM THS PdESCXdSa OF JOHN HaaAaa, !/' 9, Coneeuion 11, Eophra- ria. al-yaarHeMfiallrad. Any iuform-ttiou a* to ita whawsfcon'i viU be toMkialty t«- Choice Farm for 2 MILKS FBOM MARKDALE. LOTIW. Concession 1 Artemeaia, East vj t T A 8. Boad. oontaining 50 aeraeâ€" 16 of «Udi u under enllivation. and the balanas terd timber. ITie above farm is a verr ^Adde propsrty and will be «U cheap AlJod frame barm and log boose ia on tl iTt Pois«f 410U given thia faU. For fwikvW tacoiar* apply to ^^ J WM. LITTLEJ0LN8. On tlie iv^^L^ or to C. W. BuTUDei, i*»vj-1t vj " Sept. 3iid, 1881. SMi ' W. derire to annotuio. to our p.t«,n. and the public gcne^Uy that we Uv. iiut .^i,^ our annual and well selected stock of '•'»" J"« «*«eiTed FANCY GOODS! CONSlSTINa OP -- • Ladies' Work Boxes, Ladies' and Gents' Writing n u Photo^ph Albums Autograph Xm'I^M/ntS"" -^^ Photographs, Card Cases. Vases, aid ;l* ' "«t Sets, Moustache Cups, Shaving Mugs, DoUs, --. V-- ' JU JVc., c, -- â€" In ,BOOK( k^^?n^^:^^r' " Services,- Prayer'a/idTivmi R^ITm' "?â- »«"•• Ck«cf Cardsâ€" a very fine collection, a -^i^A^• S"!«*WM *fedicirir|fli BATTOK Lumber, Lath and Shingi. ., =.„. Orders Promptly jpj,^ AlwjB on Hand. Tb* Snbseriber wishea to return thauks to the people of MsrkdKl ery liberal patronage they have given him in the past, and hot** tv^'f "*»? i nisineaa to merit a continuance of thr same. ' '«•• ijwj I have now extended my buaiu;saaiid will in fntur* kp«n ., PINE LUMBe Direct from the North Shore. AL.L SIZUS, DRESSED AND UNDREsss *^»^a. AH ICintl* of I*hiini and I Done in a flfnelass mai.bt THOS. Markdale, May 27tfa. 1S81. ;TcK|i|^ «* LATE ipomii Of spec nUy Attrastivc, Seatonalle, Fasbionable and Sttplt To nanJ, which we offer at G reatly Roduceci Pricei. sir «^0$$ A^S $80«t| We offer special values in every line. OUa STOCK OF Groceries/Hardware, Crockery, aid Glii la vsry complete, ani -ias'.j.uai's wlU.fi-al prices 'Lrtuifut. auj vahits «»:iafict07 m GIVE US A CALL AND SAVE MONEY! I by parchasis^ your supj, ies at th^ • Toro.-uo Uottie." .;; Wm BROWll Markdale, Sept. 26th, 1881. • • " ., ,-^ ' Wanting to Purchase or Ilent Iaipr.vrU'Fwm=, Wild I.anilt, Townor ViJiph j^. the Coufi-.y of Gruy • ' _• SHOULD SEND J FOR f •Vr-OF- Farms for Sale and to Let Those having Kke Propertiea to dispose o.' ahoulJ cousai: :n«. SBf* S«l* '1 pajr. CAlALCliUa SENT OX .VI ILK ATW-M. ::â- »- I have openrd an Office in Kniiedge's llolrl. narkdak. will be found etcrjr TiiiiiVda), and »vi.i Le|.ivpa.vat..eiKci«l*| Leas6.s, Mortgages, .tc, Ac. :.callv.t !â- . cori\-c;i AutK* cii I'M' I*" free. Also to attend t* all the different aejuirruKuls if ki.t bojinisi Id every department of uiy buiiuess iiiv jui'f.il it Tkoroati- ness and Fair I'criUiij Anctl«a Sales conducted. Hrnis, Acoruni*. f" cell**"" prouipt retKrns made. IIAKUi:$ LOW. ROBT. D^VIS. ConvaTancer, Comnilsaioner iii li.R., Real E*^. ' Iii»«f^' ♦• ill Sitoiitiiu 8«nt u be tw dwi lit Oot*^ ad 31it Beo«mlMr,1881,wiU WEEKLY eL« Tke aokxLOwledgred Si? all WeekliM^ agentTwani DKREPRESENTEl) 01 Gf-B:E3A?| al« or lakwilpMw to Mid of 1882^ Rnclpae 9LOO now THE 6L0BE PRUmNG CO.. Toronto. MAKKDALE HOtJ EUTLEDGB, Pr^P^ .-c»s«^*^ fpHia HOTKL ia a Uim three storev brick bni'dine "'^\'^1^K Jh^V*^ "««l«*»i«dliVenifcnee. It is fnmifhed in First C*"' '^j^ a»4 *. iJ^f'^f^' 1«» •â- •V rely upon ••*er »«' j^Jl^5!S?fJ*'?*^'?r C^mmerfial TravfUrr. The tlie â- eegaa^ ofWiiiaa.Liq.ora and Oipars, ""i ^^'",„ WMi^ff â- th»,ptfnnn9 Pahlie may rely upon ""rjl^^f^^ 'KSST ^^avttrmmmnTmtiftt; -ti«i staU«f ^^ r ' .-» â- Tiw.i-ii a«d Piw»inet»l V O Lj. PMTineial â- isinm. .^^. U JO i» three moBtha, ST^Iba mivm^ year. No aaed aatU arre^tes am J at the eptioa of the pnblish lefMliif PV *tthoQt pajlnc aU laeiiiiaan-"' (or the years aab- fta tbar »onv^r *^th the ralae. %tt OF ADTEBTISIKO ^ffm Tear* • .•••• 9SO00 tJ SO 16 00 8 00 iOO CO U 7S W • s I ander, first inaertioB. ^oent insertion I Uaea, first insartioa qoeat inaertion at insertion per tine ,jant inaertion vl liaea to be reekoned hj the meaanred by a aeale of aolid Tertiaenients without speeifia be pnblishea till forbid and ^Ij. All transitory ad'-wtiae- in the office of pnblioation by ).tha Thursday morning preaeed ation. W, BUTLBDGK, Ppoprietar. AWMIEtt DI RECTORY. lyr«*- Carter, â- Surgeoii* .Accoucbcar • Sec. Ifadieal Hall; roaidouee at JOHI BUILDEK AI and brick)^ attended to in tov Estimates on ' Dondalk, Sep tu 8^ 17. IMO. II -! «i»L l-T I]f B. IIIcllIILlA!V, IT AND BOUCITOB, IS NOW â- attending to all kinds of law _|aeâ€" at Eav's Hotel. 'Dee. Snd. 1881. 64. J. iiiAnso}«, EB, MASTER ANDDEP. BEC. neery, Notary Public, Convtyan- wen Soand, in Viekar's Block and iu Markdale. over MeFar- on Friday and Saturdav every 57 .ly Prose dfc Froat, TEES, AND ATTOBNKTS-AT olicitors in Chancery. Convey I Owen Souud, have resumed at Office open every Thursday, as J. W. FaoBT.LL. B. r Crown Attornev. 1 Wm. BAI Mom IN large or sma good sodor* aeeiuity. INTEREST I Allowad i i^Drafts Issul all pointa, at lowl Dondalk. 8«pt| Meat TKXT Door I Stor l)ur and SaasaKC alii Podllrv ID thf ir j any part the N. U. â€" Farm«d S'-eep to di»po*el know, as I will le dfc Rowc, DEBS, SOLICITOB8, Ait» CON- s, Markdale. fcFarkand's Block. I lend, on Farm Security, at 6 per Q.C. J. W. Bowa. 9««ti«tra. ^Hf f. James J. Wklie, to Dr. Cameron, Owru Sound, IE AT THE REVEllE HOUSE, kdale, on the lent Wednesday in .when he wUl be prepare.! to per atiouB required upon the mouth •stisfactory manner, and tipoo Itcrin*. 1 V licrrllattraa*. HV^nt. Brown, ^UF MABBUGE LICENSES. Jce. sioner in B. li.jfcc. Being in all its branches promptly and carefully executed. |loney to Lend on Iteal Estate sa- I. Sept. 17, 1880. 1 V Alexander Browa. [of .Marriage Licensteo, Fire and Bsnrance Agent. Commiasiouei t^ce. Conveyancer and Liceiucd I for the County of (irey. Farmers, and Land Sales, Puuctuallv'^t- nd charges mala verv moderate. .Sept. 17.1880. " Iv ft. in. Galbrnilh JNEEIt AND GESEBAL LAND Wiiliamsford Station. VWiction le.1 in all parts of tli« County. Ion Commis»ioii. Kalen inudei'ata. nus, and 8*wiug Marhines also mamsnui Treen, Viue«. .\grieul- amaots.and Machinery of all kinda |(ord. Jan. 3-7. 7«8l. J. G. Sine, ION AND PROVINCIAIi L.-kND yor. Draughtsman and Valuator, lid Markdale. Having pure'ia^ed ^Land Surveyor Charlen llankin'a 'of original Field Notes, Plans, Bstrnetious, Jeofail liih Suivcys the last fifty-five yc;ars, I an ' make Surveys in strict aennrd- vitli. Profiles and E«timatM Hilla, Plans and Specifications Bridges, fiirnisbed on applira- •y to L'an at 8 per cent interest. [Utter, or left witli'(i. J. ULYTH. vill be promptly attended to. i 1880. l.y T. K. DATI9. lEB A CONTBaCTOK, (Stone and a)- Alter completing 13 buildings I is stiU on the track and is still do eU kinds of stone and bnck -iag and tuck pointing. Those nplate building will find it to their I to give him a call. corner of Brown and Bproula saasALB. 16-y E.SIGS,4CABB1AGE I'.UNTEB. atraots taken in town or country' Oct. 12, 1881. 71y ii YOUR_GOMBINGb. |. O. Morgan, bpg« to aiincunce to 'of Markdale and vicinity that »li« 1 to work up hair combines into I puffs and curls, terms uhmU ratr ited. Befidence oiriier of M«j- ' atreeta, opposite Mr. Bowea' e^. MaU promptly attended te. â- Sept. 1. 1881. E. HI Und AND CJ Has uow ou liniiJ of all kizos and! Crape, and tOf kept ou Imiid fo Housebi I'lctuie I] Watchet irhicU will be 'l Dun.Ulk.Sfpi â- F. F.I CARRI Dl M The kul'iriilwr WAGGON.S. 1)1 SLEIGHS. CI Together witi\ all or iron on sli. rt Dundaik. Si-ptl REMOVl ERE HOTEL, JiAMKUALE. IOUIjE, Proprietor. Hotel has had a large ad- â- ed to it, thoroughly r«titt«d, leatid to none in the eounty. •ad attentive oetler. Ftrst- dattoo for commercial travel J ♦I*â€" per day. i7-ly fVAL. AdO'l'lil^. ^KtBAFORD. Ont. ^^^^ â- Paorameaa. lor the travelhng well atoeked with tbe Liqaora and tha beet Ja C. Having reraoTw pared to fill all L Fashic Buci;iv CHAKGl Satisfact l{oiii«iir NEXT ItUDU Nf.i Dundaik. Nov THOS. 1 all traioa. 1-7 IMyClAL HOTEL 'MyJLiLJt, Ont. Sample Booms TbaBaraad lards best the aaarket af Maatiw Uoatler's SOU. PtaycMtw i*l r WISHES cu't-mer very liberal atr has been in dttn. an wonhl i ance of the iiamJ ean give F.nttref usi fir] NIRNESS always on band,] t^TNone but the best of mateij Markdale Nat{ HAIR GUTl Every By T-ii^ Exeept Fridays when he ' ly Orde s fill Markdale, fnlj