T«lephoo« a^vL ^ANTT^ VSAXt 5.000 Cords S^^ Fur which th,Hi^^«ynj^ Photograo '° •'BIT -tvla Hav,. all th-, ,e„ ,„i(^ (.CHI 'AI,L«,:v '•* r.y tl,.. „ » l'u.,:oKr,pber" «.imraiii. c all uiy ^^^. "PI « u...ml,..r the ,ta„a. t'.ocu,.. the shadow ^^ JI w I finr assortment of fj^ •^ I Jo-i' veil Ko «,„1 forget JT" J. L. BU(\VNP*|t*J Mi»rk.:ttlc. Dx. I-,, isai ' â- UGENir Grist, Saw andlatti IIh. n*; miula o«|tciiaive jg, I iv Uir.sl Mill I feel e.iLfl,l«rr K.,..i| ';:vtiMr:ii-ti«i;. ' iGOnD FLOUR ALyVAYSOm Clinfping Done Every (i-tom Sawing and BiUtl^, r.i.|.i-,t lii.tici' IMMKR AND LATH 'aLWB ON HAND. • rrv. IViitirniit, White A.h, B!i4i .- A""!. I'iue anj Hpiu,oc« Lop ^« •Iv. M AKITT.En^m, A. OWEI TAILOB, sverMcFarland'sSi MAilKDALC, '1" !ir Is Kiparpil to fill ill Qldtf i pioniptueu. THE latest; 'ashion Plates! ON HAND. fllNG DONE WHILE WAITIi Good Fit Gutr»X5t«e4 CHARGES MODlRATt. C. k. oW- .; i.U. Nov. 8th. 1S8!. DISCOVERY^ (OST MANHOOD utim of Touthfnl i pmdenc* â- If t ird in T»in •rtrj k: -n " • «m:ple»!lf(nir' wbict »• I., w.f »(t»TMm, •ddMM â- • .tkaui tt^ !«. *• .1 ,,,l f..r reli. irm« P»" "Tgifc x: r.ial. It ur«" P"" " "j,^ U..,v.:.. Sor.' Tlir.iU, MJjal* I,-. LuiubV »'" "â- '.•j,^*! •It will iQ»t »'"â- r *••â- ,a l.r,il. «â- its liClUlg 1 j-^ili" J6HM (^ABDIiq'BB, eSdaik, is soling the feaJance oj hts large ^oqk of Stoves ai coat for f hirt^ ©aJrS IHE STANDA0 "j^muary 13-.^_1882. ^THER^OTICES MABKDALE. From the Siaxdaid. Friday the 27th lust.. is Court a»y i- FlMbert§i). tMjie quMtitiet of farm produce itill For a i?ood pair of Spectacles go to WUcoi the the Jeweller There i» a woman liviqg la MarK- jje who !• 102 years of age. John B jwe, Vandeleur, told Lis Ur. H Riddel, for $1,H75. f»nn to Mr jjjjre was »liippetl from Markdale SaturJay last, over $12,000 worth of butter. â- j£r. M. bcnlley, of Owen S un.l, parcba*el tronn W. .1 MoFarlH:].! last friday. $9,000 wurth of butUr. l^ number of teams wanted at onco fc, h*al pine sawl-.gH, apply to A. Mc- poogali or Win. Lucas MarkJale. England, as to her navv, fears no Mopeiiwr, neitlior does W. J- Mc- ftflind with his /•;«://.Vi. '•»â- "' a"d 5„KA importatious. XheAiiuual meetiii" of Eist Grey Al Society, will be held iu the Towu H»llFlesberto:i, on Wedue.;.lav uext, ll,, 18th iu-t-. at 1 o.ciock p. m. UentisU who have tried jjruuounce it th«'liije8t| face of tlii* earth for tlib i A (ood pravaniatfT«lDtEQVaiaUt|i# and fiilioDa Disorders is Dr. Canon's Stomach and oonstipatinn Bitton a â- trictly vegetable pr«par.ition. Tliej tone the syatem, purify tb« Blood aud inereaae the appetite, and render those taking them ahnoat proof against diiease, sboald b« used in avary caaa itsteail of pilla. A. Turner and Go. Bpacial Ageata Markdale. We baye made arrangamanti ainee our laat isane, whereby, we are enabl- ed to give as a preminm, to every snbseriber irho will pay a year in ad- vance for our paper, a book eontain- ing 100 pages.entitled. A treateea on the horse, and his disease*. The book is worth SOcts., and every peraon who has a horse should have one.wewillhaTe them on hand in about a week. G. GRANT. 1 tbinz ou the tetth and brentli. 5 cut samples. Ai a pnrifiar of the blood. .\yei*» |SarsaDarii:alia» "" eq^al- ft womltr- (uUt imi.r.i»e« t"« i'ii)!'Iexi..n. unJ briDja to old an*' y"U"J tlic U1jo._ of Ibealtb., U' /. McFari.ii: J A^.xXr, I'.irejlly with Ith* Enropean i;iiiuufactuiiTs, heiico |li« laves Ins cuiloniuri tlio wuolfcoale |jnen:h»iit^ jir.'tu.s. NerufiJ'ilul wliil-i Rome wm l-nrii- ng, and \V J. -MeFarlaiil, mul his llarge tnfT o'l -.lerks, nre busy Killiii.,' Never neglect a Cough at Cold as they are very apt to leid to serious Lung trofibles. Dr. Carson's Pul- in.)uary Cough Drops have a wouder- full effect in relieving aad curing Coui;hs Colds and all affections of th e throat and Lungs. As Dr. Carson is .* well known Canadian physician of over 25 years successful practice, there i« little wout^er that bis Remedies are ho popular with the Canadian people. A Turner and Co. Spswial AgenU for L'ar!dale. Royal District Lodge, of Hjil«nd. luut at the Lolge room of L.O.L. No. 17G, Berkley, on the 10th of Jan. '82, when the foUowiiig officers were elect od aud dully installed â€" Bro. Geo. Fleming, W. M.; John Gillespie, D. M.; Thou. Abbott, D. Treas.: Jan. Welsh. D. Cliapbiu Direci )r of Ce.-omomes Sect.; Walt#r Crawford, D. .Andrew Ritchey, District Undertaker â€" Ain CABINETMAKER, Has Dvw OB hand CoOna o{a]l staesaad A. o ooi hc^-rse: for hiie, charges sMderate. ^^^^^^^ promptly attended to at all hooia of day or night To the AlaosfnU stock of Household Fornitiire! Osderad wcrlt of all deacripticsu with the utmost dt spatch. A fall stock of RUSTIC AND PHOD FRAMES which will be sold cheap for Cash. |gooLs wliil'.- lii» u- i.^'llhors spend their Itune C'jUeeliii;,' dust, Iroiu tlieir goodi |(od couuters. A credit auction sale is aniionnced â- to take plitcb a' lot 21 coii. 'J, |CI«u«lg"U Tue'mlay tlie ITtli, ol farm liiock aud implements. 12 mouths Iciedit. During' tlio past Week, Chafsworth ihal ail iiicieawe of sriVonteen in iir popiil:ilioii. A woman with six- â- IND cliildren lias tajcen up her reni- IdiBce in tliat village. Au (JraiiL," Soiree wiil bo held iiithe Or»Bge Hail Miukiiale, ou Tticsd.iy. Jan., 17tli, when seveml talented lipesker* art exjifccted. Tea uerved litrtocluck p. ui. Tickets 25j. ThiWkati.kr. â€" Ou Siiiidi'y li44t, a Ittetily rain all day, v.liicii bwept the liuow sliuost all aw:iv, (i ehani^e, ho-.i-- if«, to'jk [line; (luring tlio night; Ituowtrs of .i:i(.w fell ou Mouila\' A C"i'ited criticism need uot. iie- \[-fi-.: ,7 be «iiU"ii with a line p iut- (jti. oiii- of l.otLibroolt's iiRdiuni rODad pointed peiis will uiiiiwer rtr leli. Ask your stati ncir for them. Griy l);\isii.ii (irant'P, No. 2, will IV'iiUieir .seiui unnutil iueetin in iha iJIii.Jule (irairjTi; ILtli.i'iic mile north Ic/Uari'lnliv on Thuraihiy the '2Gtli, Jin.. oMimiiiiiML'g at 10 o'clock a. m. .VuTicE. â€" Tiio party win took the lirewijod fruiu niy wond pile, onjni{.;ht |lut wi'«k, will [lions* return or piiy Tiie entertHiiira«nt, givsn ia Wil- iianisfo'l on the 21st Dvc in aiil of tile C.M.^hurch buiMmg fund was a hui-ees.s, tiiou;j'i tne roads were in a fearful stat-j.an.l the rain p)ured|lown in torrents. ' Tiiore was about $40 ra aliz;d, besides a collection, whiuh watt taken up during tlu evening, bring- ing th:' who'o fimnunt to about $60. The above sliould linve appeared long ago, but our reportur Loglected his duty. Lyal Oi-Auge Lodge No. 167, met in tiiL-ir hall, Berkley, on tho 3rd of •Ian.. IBal.when the followinij ofScers weie elected â€" Bro. Geo. Fleming, W.M.; re-elected John Gillespie, I).XI.; re-elected An.li»iw Walker, Treanurer; Walter Crawford, Sect.; Andrew Gil- lespie, Chaplain Edwsrd Br^wri, D. of C.; Committee, Ist John Middleton, 2nd U. J. Bovd, 3id .\iulrew Ritchey, •1th Geo. Ritchie, 5lh David Jackson. Thrt social givan in Mrs. and Mr. McIulvre'B house ou Weduesdayoveu- I ing. Was a veryeiijoyable affair. The I lioiiBe is large aud was wull lit up. j Our teller lus uiid respected citizens,' SeasMtd Lumber of all kinds Taken in exchange for Fomitnre. 3. GRANT, MARKD.ALE. Markdale, Dee. 38, 1881. 67-tf. GE0R6E NOBLE, INSURANCE AND LAND AGENT, LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of Grey. AaiHT for the fullovnng reliable Companisa CITIZENS' of Montreal, AGBICULTUIJAL, of Watertown, and TBADE A COMVrBRCE, (Mutual) of Toronto. A number of Choice Farms for sale, also Village Lots. Auctiou Sales conducted in Town or Coun- try on Shortest Notice. Charges moderate. Bills, Blank Notes, and Stamps provided. GEO. NOBLE. Mabsdilb. Mav 20th. 1881. 36 It 600D NEWS leAIN. Barry Mils ai WorL â€"HAVINGâ€" Mr. and Mis. Mclutjrc, did all in their iiowor to make those present feu' M houif, and we are glad to say their effjrts wore in viiin. Th«re were quite a number from the country Hiid also from Ficsliertou. The ani- usemeuts wereenti'ied into with a zust aiid all aiip'-arej to enjoy themselves lieaiuly. The proceeds amounted to FIRST'CLASS RUNNING ORDER 520. Tlio la-lies of the sjciety kiudly LATELY FITTED UP My/LliiHt M:U in thank tlie friends fot tlw^ir timely niid li'jcral patronage, and feel incour iij;etogo firwaid. The next social will bo held ou theevuuing of the 24tb inst., ill the liousi of Mr. Thos. Mur- ray, Glentlg. DUNDALK. (From the Herald.) It seems strange in our whitery cli-' font by the 2ittli -Jan., or I shall have „i,ito u, see wagu'ons and buiigies on Itttm arrested, iis they are known. Tuos. McNka. |BnT 111 t!ini' tnti' iiinxiitt to nil, ln'i'i»--t;iiii.ii.ly ti.iu' its mt-nn'ry call |Itt maiiv |irKciiiis livi-^ in uiauv a cliiiie Ari' I'l-t l â- • 1 1 • â- m,;;i will U'iflie in liiiK-.' litinemiiir tins and buy oinj of Wil- tiii Wiiiiliiim Watches. they are sure give Villi satisliicliou. k.ii.wle.li!caw »!»« ^J^ •*• ,f do.lil.- the sir. ngtbja w^^, Lii.i:i.e»t iu the •o^tj^ fandv handy for "'.*^W^, ..:liv U the be:.t rw"*^",^ •« all kind*." and « .f ""lUr :s at 25 cents a bottla^^^^_^;^^ r^rMothei-s!! "'^jjel „. disturbed at nigh»^»,il-^ I bv a sick =l'""Jldisi*'5 ,1th the excruciating P~" Igltia If «,, «.â- at once W?^^ g||»T- .heve the poor h"^°J^ •«« ei^nd upon It "^JTlfc-ji^ **5 T^eie i= not • *^Sw^l ever used it. ^^Uoi^-^;„fc^ ., ,f -rill r'^J^^SS^^ tothemotl.er.sud"^?^: Id. ' fe to anL t aud beat a tl,« United 25 oenU a botue. [,KS, PIMM.** «»f ^9*12 on. for pro*!"" l^ihfeJT a a bald heaa -^f _;^" tji^ ,e«AiaaB»t2_^;_i:::,â€" Vjg^ NT. wAfgjp'iafi strca K»w »- .ill l)faM;,'e Soiree is aiinouiicbd to iwiiiace hi ()iaii.;p llail.Kdgertou's »ruer. Lot 2M, lyth con. rrot-ui, mU liiil.s s.iuih of Duiidalk. A S'lod Htiiff of speakers is Ticket j-.J,".e. For f.ill |)anieulars see Wis. The first lueeting of the new couu- |ti'i will take place the third Monday 1 Jaiiuarv, in the several Townships. lilt) date of tho first sitting is the Iwatiu all Towniluiis by act of i'ar- !i«u( and mutit be held iu the ssme fiwo as List luec.iiiL' of old council. Mr, Janied Black, sou of Mr. John Bluck of iliu village, was presented F-th an cugrossod address, accompaui- iby a (iold Watch, by ihtf C'ommer friiv-ll»r9 ••Vssoc^atiou, for his or 111 maturing the iusurance fosmc in cuui.ectiou with Itiat body. Dr. Carson's Pulmonary Con.;h Dpi are an axccUaiit Kxpee.tora t est'uiag the phlei;m tar uiorerecadily aay other pre]iaration. Fv^r •Jtiglig, Colds, Bronchitis, Tickling in "^•Tliro.tt and Soreness and Tight* "• of tho Cliest, tliey have uo equa i. po large bottles at oO cents. A. Tur- f«Budl'o. Special -Agents Mark. .ale. Tlie ammal meeting of Cileiielij Ag. Poucty was held iu l)utlerin Hall, on ^orsiiay. the 12th inst., when the Blluwiu,' were elected officers' for "82: ^•I'liiit. Wni. Douglas, re-elected l"ce I'nNidcnt, Kdward Rutledge,jr.; â- froits.. A, Butter; Dy-ectoraâ€" bavis, James Lauder, Geo. Llas- 't. S. liovce, F. Burton, J.imes Mathcw- Further the roads every day at this season of tho yo;ir. Duiulftlk is beconiiiig an important stHti'iii on tho T.. Ci. B. Railway. TluTO w ere loaded and shipped in three I'ays last week 21 car loads of grain. Business is good, aud if the sleigh- in\' coiitiiiues we may expect a good time iu Dimdalk. 'Ihere are large ((uaiititie* of graiu, wood, telegraph pules and hay coming iu daily. The F'.air v.-as not as largely a$tend- id as W'l expected. There were a expected, i nnniiier of cattle oi the ground with ' but few buyers. Pricos ranged fiiir. There was a large quantity of grain fr lui a distance. We notice that W. 11. Hewotson has several cases of goods ox. 8. S. C'itcaasian, which ye hear contains silks, cashmeres, and other European dry goods. They were passed through tho customs last week, and will be of- fered at very low prices. W. II. Peterson hr.s his new Wool- len Mill in full working order. Mr. Peterson deserves credit I'sr his ener- gy and push, as it is only about two months ago since he purchased the lots to build on, aud now be has every thing complete. An I'ntertaiuraeut will be given in the Orange Hall Duudalk. by the Y. M. P. b. Society on F^idav, January 2Utli. .\ii aole staff of speakers ar« ex p«ctcd among other names on the bill are T. S. Sproulv, M. P., A. W. Lan der. M P.P.. and W. Jelly. M.P.P. Au auction sale of farm stock and implements will take place on the fa'ui of Mr. Lawrence Breen, lot 253, con. 2,. West of T. S. Road Melanc- thou, on the 2udof February. This is an txtensivo sale. Mr. Breen having a large stock wiiich will be sold with- out reservo as he is going west. Terms all sums over $5, 11 mouths credit on approved paper. 20 Ions of well sav- ed hav will be sold for cash. 1 am prepared to turn oat all work m a first- cluss manner. r lour and all kinds of feed delivered free to any part of the villaee. IbauUint: you nil (or past favors I hope by strict attention to business to merit a con- tinuance of the hame. W. J. BO"WE. Barrhead Mxi:s, Sept. 20, 1881. 64-3m Nothliig Like Leather. M. M. M'LEOD, MARKDALE, NOT TO BE BETEAN All those who may have had the misfor- tune to have been born barefooted will bear iu uiind tliat we have just received the l.'Ug- Cft and best --tock of leather ever before broufjlit into Markdale, consisting of Spanish Sole, i'r^^uch Kip and Calf, and are now pres pared to manufacture laadies, Gents, /oath and Mi.sses boots and shoes, from the stoga to the tiuest k (I and pruuclla. Sewed 'Work a Specialty. AU work wp.rranted. Invisible patcbmg also doue here. M. M. McLEOD. Markdale, Sept. 19th. 1881 Ladus aad GstUtemm I would announce to the inhabitants of Dundalk and surrounding country that I am an authorized agent a^d am now prepared to sell tke best SEWING lACHINES! manufactured. They are the world-renowned New Yark Singer 1 And, moreover, there is no person that ever used one of them will dispute this asser- tion. PLEASE GALL AND GIVE THEM ATRIAL. N.B.â€" Old machines bought JAMES HANNA, Agent. Doadalk. Dee. 96tk, 1881. 18tf K^itiii Sros^dk j*ia.«.k:t^le Foundry! AJJD- MACHINE WORKS. We are prepared to execute all kinds of mm mm Turning and Boring, WITH General Lathe Work Done in a practical manner. PLOWS! And Plow Points will receive our speci-il attention, knowing tlirough practical experience the best class of Irons for such. I^J^. I^'mtkirs. Thomas Davis. H "â- -â- aud .\lexander Mercer. I'^^cul.uj next week. 1^* arc requested to say that ||»» Police T.Uritees intend putting I"" law lu force, in legard to children ^wS years old not attending school. J. i* not only a violation of the law. I, '» loss to the section, as they only »» government mouey for those " »tteua Bchool. Parents will there Jo wf 11 to attend to this matter 'â- toooi delay. ccmis J __^^ accident of a verr iK 'ri'"'^^' happanad at the raising «e Flesherlou Station Flour Mills, lue»aay evening. The raising *jll advanced when night came • Wd lu raising one of the plates, it Ilii^'J'l' pikes, and crushed Mr. |^jji7*"oy. breaking his arm above »»d k â- "H'«^ne was badlv frac- l"**,! " "" 'â- «»" He waa at ItoQ, iV^'^^fJ to his home in Fleeher- ^«u ""'"• ^-"'n wbero the ao- l«na. t-"*,'**^ iu,aad set the broken K, .,:,' •'•wed. however, that it IOT TWO, QUEEN ST., MABKDALE. J There 's on tho lot a brick house, stable, shop, well, and cistern. Will sell cheap aud ou eay terms. THOS. MULLARKY. Markdale, Dec. 28th, 1881. 68-tf Box Stoves, ^ugar Kettles, Land Eollers, «ill receive onr fatten tion. We also intioj duce onr new FAMILY MANGLE! to the public. This new machine will mangle Linen, Cotton, and Woollen (roods, giving them a beautiful smooth and glossy appear- ance. It also improves the clothes, whereas hot irons injure them. We will also asaua- factiue CAST-IRON GRAVE TABLETS! with or Without marble slab for name, fte.| also Tomb Bailings, Pall Pillars and Orna- mental Cast Iron Chains for same, also all kinds of Balluster BaiUngs, House Fencing â€" plain and ornamental. Machinery Brass Castings of every description. Brass Bells, largo or small. MOFFAT BROS. Markdale, Nov., 1881 63-ly W. BENSON t dET M7 Wool cabi^!|s] Dundldk Woollen Millsi Where do yoa get Tonr^ P ^a/mg^mffrngm ^^ â- i9*r'^-^ IMTMMrLkCm TO «n klWI^JLAU COOOS AT LUW PBIC^a. r.; iM f-i.! â- ^I_: ileaae to m1i and P. Sâ€" PutiM indebted b) note or bo)k Moonut will pic settle at once.' ij,. L W. H. PBTSBSON. DTnnALX. Dee. SS. IMt. OT-tf. 1881. CHRISTMAS. • 1881. THE "GLASGOW HOUSE/' TBESENTS the eoai^UinMiU of tlie season, wishing all a Hi^ky Waw Tear. It is r searcely six monshs sines this house wa« opened, and as weekaher week baa yas s ei t tostoesi has rapidly inereaaed. whieli ha* at the present-tetfe' eoaUed flie proprietor to import direet from Hvaofe. Feeling thi nkfnl tu the farmers of Proton and adjaeant i(sn- ships for their Ubecal patronage, muting to merit a oontinoanoe of the same, woold re- spsetf ally invite iaspeetion to the new large stock ot all kinds of goods, eonsi sting of HATS AMD CAPS, READY-MADE CH0THIN6, Boots and Shoes, GrocerieH and Crockery. DRESS GOODS for 8e. worth 15c. BLACK CASHMEBES for J5c. worth 40e. WM- CET8 from 5o. np. PRINTS from fio. ap. All kinds of Flannels and Shirtings at low priees. Blankets and W' oollen Underclothing very cheap. Pore Linen TaUings from 90e to T6e. per yard. White Cottons and Heavj Grey Cottons from 6«. to lOe. Tapestry Carpeting. Boots. Shoes and Rubbers, over 2000 pairs to select from .lO pasteboard soles and for less money than shoddy goods are sold at. DUST TEA from 17c. np. Pure TOUNG HYSON TEA, 3 lbs. for»l. o A First-class Tailor and Milliner Ia eonneotion with the establishment, tsr Call and inspect goods before purchasing Hlgheat price paid for all kinds of Orafaa suid Farm Prodac*. Diaeount ol 9 per cent. olTlor cash. Wm. NELSON, Proprietor. "Glasgow House Noted." Cheapest House North of Toronto. Cenei-ai Dry Goods I â- •:I1.T An immense stock. ^wm M^4 AiUUs^#l^y t JUST IHE THING; nh READY-MADE IN ABUNDANCE; i/ .^i;:-" Dandalk, December 8th, 1881. i-ly BOOTS And Shoes I FOR THE MILLION. HATS AND CAPS FOR EVERYBODY; SEE, SEE, Bargains. Bargains. LOOK here, John, my dear, we'U deal at TAYLOR'S from this out. I Tras there yes- terday and you cau get better Talue for vonr money than at any other hoase in Duudalk. Ltell yuu it is a equare place to deal. TEA, SUGARS. ATtD â€" GROCERIES or AI L Kiaoa. HATS CAPS, Women's Coats, DRESS GOODS, R.rtl. CLOTHING and Ordered, BEAUTiriL TWEEDS AND WORSTEDS. BOOTS SHOES or ALL KIXDS. GROCERIES J Fres\i and at the ven' lowest prices. Cash and Farm Pro- duce taken in exchange for goods. No Trouble to show Goods. Gome and Examine for Yourselves. Flosherion, NoTember tth, 1881, ' U At Eock Bottom Prices. Has on hand and for sale cla of a flrst-elass arti- FFtESlM R. F. TAYLOR. Dundalk, Bepiember 2ndi88f i-Cm. TAILOR, SYDENHAM STREET, 01iristiiia.S IS CLOSE AT HA-ND, AND ALL THE NECESSARIES FOR THE GOOD CHEEB USUALLY INDULGED IN AT THAT SEASON WILIi BE REQUIRED SUCH AS Raisins, Currants, Spice s^ SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEES, ac, and no better place in Markdale can be found to obtain these articles and at kottoa^ prices, than at BUTTER RAE'S. O IN THE :,_. f 'It WE ABE SECOIVD TO NONE. Uarkdale, July 7, 1881. 4S-6m. V 5iciLiA„ •HAIl^ S Has been in euiislai nao by the paltlle for oTer twenty and Is the Iteet preparsUoa cTer invented for RESTOB- ING GRAY HAIR TO ITS YGUrnFUI. COIXB AND LIFC CONSISTING OP The Masquerade Carnival at the riuk wns largely attended. The Mas- quers were well representfd. There was a large attouaiiCA of visitors, and all seemed to fully eujoy themselyes. The entertainment was enlivened hy instrumental music â€" D. Strachan, orL;aDist, J. McMillan violinist, ftnd Professor Ketchum cornetist. Tbe following characters were represMited in costume â€" Fairy Queen Sisfers, Misses Kundlo' and Philips Fl^wer Girl, J. C, Atkinson SweU QeaiL W. Bull Chines, D. SlcQuarrie Irish Gentlemun. Fred Middleton Fat Man.R WJritley; Tali Man, W.Bon- dle. Squaw. D. Voddea; ladian Summer, Thomas Lakings Clown, W. Shaw. Best lady's eostiune. Misses Bandel and Phillips best gent's oos- tame, Wm. Bnll, for wbieh prixea were given by Mr. Stienhoff, tbe pro- prietor. The refreshment rooms were well patronized. All that could be ' desired on sneh an occasion was se ed by two ladies and one gent waiter. This was one of the best entertain- ments of the season. The best of order prevailed. We do not hesitate to say that Dandalk can hoMt of Ae beat skating rink Nortii of Toronto. It sappllee the nstnrml food and cotor to the bmli Klanda without â- tininB the sliln. It -will Increase aad Uiickea the gnmth of the hair, prevcBt it. 'Jâ€" -i.«~y abd talUoc o' .ad thoa AVERT BAUM£8S. It ears. Itdtlns, tlons aad DaadraC. A. a HAIR DRESSIHO It la verr dealrahle, sl*lac tbe hair a eUkea eoftaae. wUck all It The State Assayer and (Aemist of Mass. and leading Physi- (nans endorse and recom-, mend it ai a great tnnmpb inmedi* ^UWflMOHMIS DYE WHISKERS t»«ha»i4.S9a BI.ACK a* «t «S Win off. FRBPABkD BV LP. IUU4a.. MSIIA,I.D^ Teas^ Coffees Sugars, Raisins, Currants, Ac., And crery other article in the grocery line kept constantly on hand, and of the frashest variety and best brands. â€" x--.- IN LIQUORS! I can supply a quality that will defy oompe- titiun in Markdale. IN PRIGES I can oonpete eitli the best hoi dale. I Mark- Give me a. Call. " " V. ' WILSCS BENSOH. Markdale. Dee. 1st. ISM. « GEORRE WILSON. Wholesale and Retail TO THE^PUBLIC. The Subscriber respectfully intimates that his stores at Flesherton Station and Eugenia. are fully stocked with General Goods, suitable for the season, and will be constantly renewed as required, consisting ol DRY GOODS, HARDWARE CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, BOOTS, SHOES GROCERIKS, PROVISIONS, c. FRESH GROCERIES a specialty at this season. AU Kinds of Farm Produce, Cordwood, and Saw Logs taken in exchange for Goods. Inspection of the Goods re- spectiu!I solicited. My Saw Mill ?.t Little Falls, is in lull operation. All kinds of Logs purchased Sawing done b} the Thousand or on Shares. Wm. HOGG. Flesherton Station. Dec. iS, 1861. 67 Ton will need a Ne^ Suit for the Bqlidays, and our aINwool Twe»da •estsM Enrlieh and Canadian, canSot be surpassed in this section of euuutry, and we saB as low, as any otliet' firm in Markdsle Iu all biauchcs of the above line of noodt yo« will Aa4 we are not behind tbe times, and we guarantee nil our gooU to be just as we reprasea- them. Oive us a call, and w« feel assured we cau supply you with ell yoa seed, aad aC satisfaetory priees. v^^ BUTTER RAE (I We also carry a hu-ge stock of CROCKKKY, ULASSW.ARB, I..\.UI*g vid LAMP riX TUBES, BOOTS and SHOES, HATS, CAPS, and in last crerrthins usually kept ia a general store. â€" BuTraa Bis. The WEEKLY MAIL Â¥ THEORPAT CANADIAN WEEKLY FROM NOW TO THE END OF 1882 FOR ONE! DOLLAR PRESENTATION PUTk.- Erery siibwriber te the Wa.gLt M.is for 1S81 will BeeciTS a Taf- â- â- Me 'hart, ratitled ANATOMY OF UK Ititi wi,h a Fine Eui{raviiiK iljtplayiaj St a glance tbe *xaet luealitv of prominent disaates whieb aJBiet the htirs. The reading Batter will describe 28 of the Most mon eases. IBUTCHERU BEE7. POBK OB MUXXOH ft0IÂ¥UST from s sin^ poand to a whole eareasa. at ttia lewset matket priees. Flti A raWL jrnBi KASM r.i lasfs having Fat CeM2a. Oh ssy, «r Pits to aisBose of wiU do weB t«° Sail at K*. S^VBa^^Uoek, oppsss t i tba ass Bioek. MaAaata.Ost.t£Mi, IMI. ^fgtftti A. M'INTYRE TEA TEA TEA I A. M'lNTYRK yT.o%ir, Flo\i.T, DFUovLX- MoINTYBE'B I I McINTYRE'S Cigars, Cigars. MoINTYRE'8 Oofifee, Oofiee. And ararytliiiig kapt n in a Mi*^«St McINT^BE'H HEALI MEAll MEAIJ McINlTBE'S Pork. Pork, Pork. MeINTYRE'8 HTecuB, Teas. OmsMjr aad Uqaar BtSM IVE^\' FEATURE!* t'OR 1 Legml |HeatloBS aii4l Aaawera.â€" Questions iuvulring ruints ef law, sad interest to the agriciUibral community, will be replied t aud explained by a daly qualifled praetitioner, and the replies pubUshed from time tu time in THE WEEKLY MAIL. The AcrlCBltBral DepamiCBt of THE WEEKLY MAIL will ke ia ahar««' of a thoronghly praetioal e'litor,.wfao by special attention to it, propoie* to Bake^fwl de- partment alone worth more thaii the whole subaeripliou pries uf the paper, a. will ka sided by the following authorities â€" L. B, AasoLj Esq., President of the Amsrieaa Pairyaaa's Association, will eoatribale' a series of articles on CHEESEMAKIKtr and DAIBYINU geuerajly, aad wiil ra^ to' qnestioiu from subeoKbars upon these subjects. Hoa. X. A. WILLABD. cf Little FalU, N. Y., one of the be^t authorities in the Cheesemaking and Creamcrieo, will oontribnte a series of articles on these safc One nf the leading Veterinary Surgeons of Canada will write on VETEBINABT aak' ters reffolarly and will also answer aU qoertions rent by sabecribers in the MalL. o â€"â€"â€" THB WEEKLY MAIL is tba best weekly oi-wspaper published in Canada. It oontains more Cable and other Telegraphic News than any otlier weekly ia the Ba- â- iaioa. It eontains daring the rear 3U0 eolomns of New and Interestia ' Btoriaa. It oontains over 300 ool.mns of Agrienltural Matter, by the Ijest writers oa fiatfMltf. Cheesssaaking, Forsstry, tiM esse d Borkss aud Cattle, Frait Bataii^ Oeaetal Sgiiaal tors, Ae. It is noted for its BeliaUa Markat Beports, He.se aad 1 It is the dteapest aad best Faaily Pape* iwbBahe^ THE WEEKLY MAILâ€" 0fte Dollar per Anaaai. THB DAJT.Y MAtL-Serea EoUars per Annua. Ma astoa diaige ler sending iM^ars ta aay post-oSsa ia Bnat ttJIim 4k lka ' year s f ds ia ao* fo IL^JiJX. •**!*- ew MARKDALE HOUSE ALEX. RUTIjEDaE, Ttopfi^tori r â- mmSHOTEL i tlanre three storey brick Wdiliif. leeentlT ff^gW d aW i Xi e**^ â- ed ef a e oBT en i enee. It is fataished in Finit-CIam Ptrle TeBL. .. «ith tka bail biards of Wiaea. Liqaors aad (%trs, and the tabic wifh aH Ih* d^il *• ssaaoa. The travdliag Pnblie may rely npon erery attenanu fc«ng pai'l t» I fcrt. O es B as^g ls EeesM C waw s rs t al TraafHsrs TIm ssfift Hi OsMd MahSte aad aiswint i 4i V ' ^H. J -^v .♦ â- j M « 1 if.