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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 13 Jan 1882, p. 1

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 mt i,!, ?!•* m â-  If ' v^ I ^jcft^t, ircy ft Inctlf. ::banfre oi T'ime. 8. 1881 r'r.rr •onac TbundkT, Deocntber 30ING NORTH. dop. â- imr'it 7.16 .! 7.41 •' 7.53 " 7.59 " «.05 "" HAS " 8.31 • 8.44 " 9.15 •' 9.3 • 9..S7 l.45 'J.!)1 10.07 10.19 10.32 11.05 11.20 onAP-Tille 11.36 t- ..lia Jane â- :â- ,». I.e.. 4.10 p.m. 4.38 p.m. 4J6 " 4.48 '• 4.54 •• 5.00 " 5.13 • 5.26 " 8.40 " 8.13 " 6.33 â- â€¢ 6.3^"" 6.60 " TM '• 7.10 " rtJ " 06 21 w 37 y bo/*' 11.65 " 13.10 p.m. 1221 •• 12.33 " 12.40 •• 12.58 " 1,15 •• GOING SOUTH. baud, di'part 5.15 a.m. 3 30 p.m 5.4' a.m. ffth 5.55 a jn. .. 6.(12 a.m. -tiM orl'i..,. 'd.... ,[IIO.. 806 8.21 8 8 9.10 9.21 9 38 9.40 9.53 10 15 .11 Ui.ui(urd 6.17a.m. i.v 6..30 a.m. iale 6.4.'i am. â- srcnttPricfcTillfc 7.0.5 a.m. 7 la am. '« 7.32 a.m. "i'lu 8 02 a.m. • â- '» 8.15 a.m. 8.30 a.m. T.lle Joaetion 8.35 a.m. S VI LLC. 8.4Sa.ra. fl.53am. •â-  'JO.' a.m. .â- â€¢!..i! ♦ I." a.m. 9 4.0 a.m. lO.liii a.m. ..10 lia m. Hi.a.a.m. ..l:i2a.Ri. .11) :)7 a.m. ..10..v() a.m .10. 07 a.m. Hivi â- â€¢I biiiK i.. lye "f .Summit, ry t,*in IM. .i:t.. Vuina Sfu.11.1.' a m. 3. .05 p.m. 4.10 p.m. 4 18 p.m. 4 32 p.m. 4.43 p.m. O.O.* p.m. 5.2.J p m. It 40 p.m. 5.54 p.m. 6 2i: p.m. e.Stt p.m. 6.50 p.m. 7.0C p.m. 7.10 p m. 7.3 1 p.m. 7.42 p.m. 7..0"i p m. H 22 |. in. h.^S |i m. .17 j m. 9 I'Op.m. ;i.i7pra^ «.I2p.m. y '2'j K.m. U.o2 p.m. '.i.-OO p.m. x'i ici-:. j""!!'-; '"ana-la A'hert;»in; AjicneT. Ni 2" .Kiii;{ Strvut \t'p4t, ii.ronlr). W. W. UlTf HKh. Minager. a .1 riz«l to T'!W.7- i lvi'rtis-meuts fo ' IjttpheDs .i.iTi"JS are r^.i ivi.) ii tliiH oilicw '..» f.iiliiwiiiK l*ap.'i4 nu'l .MacRziDci.!i. •• â-  .Mail. »7 0« 7.00 â-  WKl'Kr.IKH. rnnij Wwklv (il..!.». per jrrar. Nfall » '..I r.irm«'r " 1' ilif)« .-^ ni^r.fiin " tl.m 1 .00 J .(HI 1.00 tlONTIIMRH. iTi \.lv(icat», per ytar, •mi .\ifni-Pillnriiil " '...flu Olll'.H 'â-  ei.oo 1.50 1.50 leO^Frank AnoU. «0: BoM. Bm- â- oui 80: B. J. Bnmii. 7f: HiMhrth Kar, 70; Msmi* Bowm. 81^ Wm. J- UoagUa, 62; Millie Ljoos, 8C; Etti* Ford, 97; Joseph btin»on, 180; J. B. Thibaudean, 106; Bobt MelAoghrey. 95; bunnal DoogUa, 75; Aniue M^bt, 6*; £. 8. Batl«dgi. 62. Qeognphy, max. 160â€" R. J. Brown. 78; Bob«rt Benson. 80; Frank Arnold. 70; Elij- abatb Ksj, 87; lUmia Bowes, 12f; Wm. J. Douglas; 62; Millie L^na, 40; EttieFord. 110; Joaepb Stiiuw^. 12fi; J. B. Tbibandeau, 78; Bobert HcLangbiej, 106; Hamnel Donglas, GO; Annie Mii;bt, 68. Enclid, max. 150â€" fi. J. Brown, 78; Ehzabeb EajT, 184; Wm. Donglas, 06; E'tia Ford, 116; Jotepb Btinson, 120; J. B. Xb^adsau, 89; B. McLaagbrey. 8Cf. ^irammar, max. 100 â€" Frank Ar^, 52; Bobt. Benson. 75; B. J. Br«M»D. 71; E. Kay. 73: M. Bowes. 78/ W. J. Douglas. 65; M. Lyons, 53; I^Ford, 80; J. Stinson. 88; J. B. ^ibdudeuu, 64; B. McLanglirey, 70; S. Douglas, 60; Anuie Migbt, 74. Algt-bra. max. 160 â€" Frank Arnold, 80; R. Benson, 88; R. Brown. 53; E. Kay, 75; M. Bowes. 80; W. J. Doug lab, 41; II. Lyons. S-i; E. Ford, lo'S; I J. b.iuKoii, 85; J. B. Thibaudeau, 69; R. McL»u£hrey, 75; S. Douglas 48; Annie Migbt, 50. i FlKfaT A.VD haCOSD DiTISIOSS. â€" Ca- i nadiau History, max. 200 â€" b. Davis, 105; Herbert Irwin. 165; Wm. Davis, ' 95; Aencs WLiU, 1.S5; Jot^eph Btin- j son, 172; Robert McLoughrey, 148; ' Milln; Lyons. 57; Miunie Douglas, 74; I Manila Anderson, 104; Samuel Dong- 1 las, 80; Robert Benson, IOC; Bobt. J. j Browu. 120; F, ank Arnold. 67;! Auuis Migbt, 11 W. J. Douglas, 98; Mary P'rter. id; Mamie Bowas, 108; Lizzie Kay. 148; Ettia Ford, 173; E. B. Rutk-dge, CO. We uotice from tha above that the pupils of tba secoiij dirisiou bare tlirown thobe of the first division cou- Hid'-rablv in the cbade, and it in quite j 0!-?ibie ajj veiy piobable, that many iif llie jiUii jrs may carry off tho inter- lao'tjate laurels from the seniors if Ihiy do not soon awak»" from their lelhnrgy. Thibo Divisio.n. â€"Spelling, max. 100â€" C. Brydeu, i'i: Lizzie Thioau- dtau, 53; Maggie Bailey. 80; T. lieu Bon, 450; Edith Noble, 8(); Fred Step- beiis, 88; Miiinif Dmidas, 84. Gram mar, max. 150â€" C. Brydon. 75; Elbe Thibaudeau, 125; .Mu^-ie iiailcy. 47; Tbo3. Beiis(.i), 50; K.' Nnblo, 78; F. lt/5; .Minnie Duuda.'f, 79; .Miiry BtiK.oii, C3; Maggie Mil8«p, 35; A. S. Wil«on, 40. Geography, max. 150- C. Bryden, 35; E. Thibaudeau, den in ttie ohair The Warden veai â- â€¢Tend flommanieatioat, airi addra*- â- ed the Conoeil iu reference to mftttsrs to come before them. On motion of Ur. Middlekm, eeeoni- ed by Mr. Fox, it wsa decided to pei- itioa tbe Pottmnster Oenenl for two mails per day on tbe T. Q. k B.. tbe petition to be enlraated to Mr. Lane, Measrs. Jackaon and Spronje aaked to 00 operate with him. After aome animportamt basioees, tbe Council adjoamed till Thoxaday at 3 p. m. THrasDAT AJTEanooK Mr. Sing preaeuted report of Prop- erty committee, recommending pay- ment of accouLt lor repairs to tionth Grey Registry Office alao aome oth- er acconnta. Tbe report waa paaeed. Mr. Howey preaented a petition fr JS! a number of ratepayers with re (srence to judicial expenae, wbicb was refercd to Fin.nee committee. Mr. McKecbine presented repsrt of tbe Finance committee. It recom- mended with reference to appoint ment of County Engineer. A com- mauication frotii Proriucial Secretary with reference to aalary of Gaol Pby- pician .vas recommended to be laid • F^YEBSH TbeaboMMoaed i»hL hra •« rattier lively for the paat' fbw #6eks, tbe return of alenliing has made baa- ineaa lively* Blaetion on lfonday,«v*7 one qaiet and sober owin| to oar ho- tel keeper, Mr. McAlear, olcsing bis Bar dorinc ^« day whiek epeaka vcl- omee in his favor as it waa the only one iu ilie Townaliip eloeed. A iocial waa given m the Plteebytar- ian Cbortsh on tbe 28rd Dec. whieh was well patronised the ohatoh being ODwded to iU utmoat capi^ty. After enjoying an exoeUent tea Tbe chair waa taken by Mr. C. Neil wlio added greately to the eyening, enjoyment by hiadrollaxj. Music waa famished by the Feversliam and Mclntyra Chcara, addresses were delivered by the Bev, Mesars.Hall and Cbisbolm.and a read- ing by W.G.Ahster.Proeeeds amount, to $81, which were appron-'iated to the church fund. A social waa also given in ibe school ever till January sesbion. A petition house on the a7tb Dec. by tio pur»l« Mr. hilJat to tbe Legislature to abolish secoud selection^ of Jurors was recommended in response to communication from tbe Co. of Elgin. The committee did not see their way c!oar to make any recommend with reference to grant to Provincial Exliibitioi The repni t was adrpt A. A by liw vrai introduced to establish a fair at Iiu]k(61d. Council adjourned till Friday morn- ing. THE STANDARD. " ifiay January 13th. 1882. 80; Ma'i.'i liailf^, 25: Tlioi. Benson 47; Edith Nohle, 12; Fred SifDhens! 15; Miiinio Duiuln.s, 75; Mary Ben son, 37; Miijjirie .Mils^ap, IU; A. S. Wilson, 75. Arit'Umefic, max. 150 â€" C. Bryden, 40; E. Thibaudtau, 142; Maggie Bailey, 30; Tlios. Benson. 48; Eaith NoMe, 35; Fred Stephens, 145; Minnie Dundas, 78; .Mary IScnson, 40; iia.f'ifie Milhap, 3i; A. S. Wilson, 50. Frt-d Steplipus, Eliio Tnibaudeau, and Miuuio Dundas havo succeeded iu pa.ssiu;; for the second division. Of who fried tho promotion exauiiuatiou from tho second to the first department, Joseph Claik, (reo. Wilson, George Bowes, and Herbert Brewn wtro successful. R. I). Teacher. lass â- 'lent fitno, and • '1 1 promptly. II, !•. Tiie 'P.. (i. A B. Kailway it now a .,t class road. Trains are making friii^'ht is being Salt is eomin,'.f rr»m tho salt wnrks without ifiinont, add Tolegiaph piles, 1-., are lining shipped to tbeir •I 'ii in liko niaiiiii'r. The pas- â- :itlic liHS lar'lely increased, II • (I'lubt, continue to irapro- ' would sugijnit tho eom- iv(! a cheap excnrtiiou over the I ii.foru .•iprinij, giving farmori a i-i if I'l have a plc-.tsure trip at a .1 • r tl».) yi-ar wliu-i liny are not â-  li'iHV. Tho in')st of excursions Hi placo lit the KuiniUi'rseaaon.wheii nil ve (â- lH^s cniiiiot leave their â-  rl house thoy arn dcjirived in a M' in-%i«iiro of enjoying a cheap trip ••• tb'i railway. .\ great many ex- i an excursion when the change iiift gauge took place, and we are I r the opinion that it would be no p- .•uniary loss to the company, but I r.illisr the contrary, to five one yet 1 PRESENTATIU.N' AND ADDRESS. To Mr. II. Meliirum. I'lesberton Static u AG:ent. Dkau MKi.oRrM, â€" We, the Bhippers reciovfeia of goods by the T. G. B., Hailwav, on tlie eve of its completion to the Standard Gauge, knowing tbe disad vantages you havo labored under in thoyarl, as tho F'.u.hertou agent, owin;^ touiisfttisfactory condition of tbe road, and want of rolling stock â€" niftny times subjecting you to uncornplimen tiiry remarks, not by any acts of your per.sonally, and censured for disappoin- tment* of shippers, wbicb were beyond your control. Feeling a deep gratitude to you for the efforts you ba^^ made to rolicvn the pressing demand, tno care- ful ciavt-yiiij,' ard consigning of goods eiitnusted to your care, tike this op- pf.rtuni'y of showing our appreciation of your |mst attention to onr wants, and cstoum by which you are held by us hv presuntingyou with thit* Tea Service and clock, as a light token of respect and at 'Ik; game time wishing you the coiiipliincut.s of tiio season, hoping you may iivo long to fill the important position f)f Fiesncj-ton agent of tbe T. G. Si B. R., and when tha train of time shall convey you from us, may he farmers are interested in tho Rail j ^^^ 'eat Master reward all ynur WW --â- â€" 1.-:.- *....:. 1 f"" ef- aiid are doing their share in pay- lot; I'or till- latu iiuprovemeuts on the s iiue. aiiil wd funk it nothing more 'iaii light to give tli«iu a cheap ex- ruriniin, whilu it would, we believe, Oti an advantaKO to tho company; Wiiat say our coteius on tho line f W d Would like to have their ODinion •111 '.lie matter. MARKDALE PIT.LIC SCHOOL. Tlie f.dlowing is tbe result of the Kxnuiinatiou of tho Markdule I'liiilic School. FiK.sT Division. â€" .\ritliracti.c â€" Max. fiiarUs 17." â€" Susan lavi8, 83; Win. Davii, 97; Mjirlh;i Andii.s..ii, 30; .\. Whilo, 120; ilaiy Porter, IJ;!; Miii:iif Douglas.s, 48; "jlirheit Irwin, 148. 4lraininar â€" max. 15U -Susan Davis, 4iO; W m. lavis, 87: Martha -Viidorson, !U!; Aijiics While, lit!; Mai y Porter. 120; Mmnie Douglas, 87; U. Irwin, 75. Euclid â€" max. 175 â€" bueaii Davis, 130; Wm. Davis, lOJ*; .Martha Ander- son, 145; Agnes White, 143; Mary Porter, 140; Minnie Di^ugias, 112; Htgcbert Irwin, 150. Statics â€" max. i 180â€" S"Ban Davia, 130; Win. Davis, 80; Martha Anderson, 134; Agues Winte. 128; Marv Porter, 43; Minnie UiU^lBs, 110; H. Irwin, 125. Liter- ature â€" max. 150 â€" Susan Davis, 68 Wm. iDavis, 70; Martha .\ndeison. 130: .\gne» White, 115; Mary Porter. M; Miunitf Dt)Ugl«», 0; H. li win, 110. .Gioj:rapny, max. 150 â€" Maiy Porter, 80; Susan Daaa% .Ti; Agnes White, 120; Wm. Davis. 70; Herbert Irwin, 80; Martha Andeison, 76; Minnie Donglas. 70. Chciuistiy. max. 120 â€" Mary Portei. 60; iSHisan Davia, 75; Agn.'s White. 90: Wm. Davis. 70; 11. Irviu, HO; Martha Anderson, 80; M. DoNvkx. 74; Jvoaa U 'Uglns. SQ; J. B. Thibaudiuu. 5-); Juwph Btisson, 60; Robert M':i..aua'lir.-.y. 40. The .a*t fnur b^ing to t.i4 teuoud division «ui have lik«u up tUs sitl.iect of their done Signed by Mr. Richardson, S. Damuile, W.M. Elder. J\ Gordon, ;. L. Dodds. .1. W. Wilson, J. Armstrong, H. Koliortson, Win. Wright, r. Sarj/eant, R. J. Sproule, A. Munsliaw, W. V. Doll, J. W. Bates, Win. Clayton, Wm. Stra:n, Wm. RicliiirdsoD, Wm. Ho(,'g, J. H. Heard, H. Hooper, FBIDAT il 1EX1S3. The Warden read statemculs from the County Treasurer of tbe accounts with the differc-nt towr.ibi))s. Mr. .Mckeclmie pressutud report of the Finance Coinmniittic, which rrfjr- ed to a gratif .ii gdec.»rase in jury ex- penseti duriii;i the presfciit y«ar but as the otiijr mnt! (r» refei td to in peli- ti' n weie beycnd juris iictiou of Coun- cil, no ncti(Jii waM rbCi inmeudcd. Tha Wa-dL^n ri'ad tin report of com- mittee on tiie matter on school section boiiiu'ry m Suhivnii. Tho Council w.-'iit into committee on the rt.jiort ot Financo committee, ilr. Abbott ill the chair. A lengthy discussion ensued, in which the feel- ing was very generally expressed that tbtrc should le a further extension of the jurisdiction of tbe Divisiun Courts but the other things asked for m the petition were not thought desirable, it was eventually decided tf) refer the report hack to put in a clause recom- mendiiifj the extension of the jurisdic- tion of Divi.'fiou Courts. Mr. McColiuan introduced a bj'-law to confirm a by law of tbe towtshiu cf CollingwooJ. By law to establish fair at Holstein was passed through its various stages, ill-. Sing presented a report of Co Property Committee, recommending payment of several accounts. The re- port was adopted. On motion of Mr. Fox, the sum of $25 was allowed to the Registrar, nd he to look alt«r the boating of tbe building. Mr. McKecbuio presented second re port of Finance committee, which was adopted. 'J'he Bvm of $20 was voted to th? Chairman of Public Property Commit- tee, and $15 to the Chairman of Fi- nance Committee, as recoginition of extra services during tbe year. On motion of Messrs. McNicholaud, Sing, the thanks ot the (Jouncil was presented to the warden, with $100 in appreciation of Lis services, and $50 to cover incidental expenses. Messrs. Howey and McGirr moved in amendment to make tbe who'e amount $100, but tlie amendment was lost. By laws Nos. 297, 298 wore put through the remtining stages and pas- sed. The reported of tlio Education Com- mittee was adopted. Moved by Mr. Kennedy .seconded by Mr. McNaught, that a potiti.)n in tbe ordiuary form, sined by the Warden ,aud sealed with a coporate seal, be forwarded to tho Ontario Government praying that the agreement, entered in to 1 etween the Grand Trunk Railway Companies, dated 13th May last, be legalized by an act of tbe Ontario Legislature. â€" Car. Messrs. Murdock and Blylb moved in amendment to leave it to tlie Gov erumcnt to do as they considered beat for the interest of the Country. Tbe amendment was lost. The Council adjourned till Satur- day morning. SATUBDAY MOB-MNO' There being no quorum present, the Council adjaurned. â€" I), 6. Timu. of 8. S. No. 7. Ospreyaa a farewell entertainment.for the TeacLer who has retired. The aehool house was very tastefully decorated by the chil dren, and tbe children and elder oms responded bravely, as tbe houM was filled until there waa scarcly standing room. Tea being served, the ciair was taken by Mr. M, Carta. Muaicwas furnished by tbe Fevereham and Buckingham Choirs, and addr^aea were delivered by Rev. Meaars. Iali» Noble, Cbisbolm, Stevenson, Mr. Mc- Girr Reeve of 0«prey and Truateo of the school, each expre»aing bis aorow and reg/et at parting with the Teacior. Readings wore given by W. L. B. Hamlin, and Master Robt. Bat^^s, Reseta tioos by Misses Alice Hall tnd Martha McAlear, a dialogue by Maitcr Robt. Bates and W. McAiean. After tbe programme was ended tbe potiils presented tbe Teacher with a wntin!; desk accompanied with tbe following address Ma Alisteb, Dear Teacher â€" We tbe pupils of tbe S. S, 7. 08prey,wbo latve been so much benefited by your tuition during tbe past year, learning with dtep regret that you are about to leave us, desire to preaent you with this desk as a token of our esteem for you, not because of its intrinsic value, but as a scuveuir of respect. As you look uiMii It in days te come you may think of us, whom yon leave be- hind and rest asured that whatever may be onr lot in this life we shall not forget the happy hours we have spent with you. And if we should never be permitted to ueet again in this life we b'.po and pray that it may bo our hap- py lot to meet in that better land where parting is uukuowu. Iu be-' half of P pils S. S. No. 7. Osprey. Thos Bates. W. J. McGma. Mr. .^listor made a suitable r.ply and tx^irrsKod great regret at h ivi;'g to yi-.n with his p:i;)i!s. Aftei' this all rcpaiicd to their resiiectivo homes wr U salitficd wilii the evuning, ctitcilaiu- mont. COUNTY ttEMS. POLICE ^USTEBS. TbaatectoonofPolioaTmeteesa for this fillaae. for 1882. passed off wy quiotiy on Monday Ust. 2nd imt. Tha foUowing ganUemen were elected:â€" Measrs. 8. Damnde, A. Munshaw and W. Clayton. By this it wiU b. tf •» we have a Trustee for the East end of the village, one for the West end and ooa for (ba oentre.â€" *«»«•• VERY NARROW ESCAPE. On Wadneaday last onr good citiien, Mr. Wm- Wright had a very narrow Mcapefrom death. It appears Wright was dnying down the the Orange Hall near Fleehtrton sto tion, in a* cutter, wlien. happening to look around, he was startled to see a team of horses and sleigh tearing down tbe hill behind bim at a furious rate. To remain in tbe ng and attempt to drive out of the way. Mr. Wright knew would be almost likely to be at tended with fatal results. With rare presence of mind, be took the situa- tirn iu at a glance, and threw him- self from tbe sutler and almost al the same instant the runs way team came in collision with his vehicle, and liter tUy smashed it into atoms. The runaways came to a stand opposite Mr Jeremiah Pipers place. How Mr. Wright's bone escaped injury is a miracle. -^'/«sA^rton kd tanee. A very serious aceident occurred on tbe 9tb fine, St. Vincent, yesterday, wbicb came very near resultjns fatally to a young man named Albert Liiuro" eon of James Lemon, Walters' Falls. He was driving along the 9tb Hue on abad ofcrain wh»n a team belonging to Mr. A. Blanchard attached to a load of wood coming down Acbosoa's Hill started to runaway. Young Lemon jumped off his load and aiood in the middle of the riad t» stop the runaways, when be was knocked down by tbe horses and raa over and drag- ged un3r the loaded sleigh for sever- al rods. He was very badily bruissd, and also received a severe wound on tbe forehead, which was sticbed up by Dr. Parsons, who on being sent for arriyed about two beurs after tbe accident just after the young man was regaining cotl8ciou^^de8^. â€" Mojiitor. A GOOrTTHINGTOKNOW. Profissor Herrmann, the wonder- ful magician, known throughout the world for his skill, used St. Jacobs Oil for a severe attack of rheumatism in tbe shoulder, anrt was cured by it. He considers St. Jacobs Oil valuable preparation. • NEWsT'OTES. EvoN should G.iitteau*be convicted and sentei.ced this week his execution could not take place until May, ow- ing to the existence of a st;itut4 in the District of Columbia under which a sentence of death cannot be eteciited until thirty days after the begiiininir of the next term of the court succeeding tbatatwl'icu sentence is prououuc- od. OSPREY. clie-ni»t-y only Uteiy. For 8 ibj-et tli.;y tiae «( lb â- â€¢n»i-Lj'lv M-iW. U ' â- l!-lt(»epiug, max. 1*0â€" Mar/ P riyf. 50; S.i»ao D»vis. U; Vji • VVUitw. lot; Wm D.iviK " .1 iTWi ' HO; 'J-r'ba AiiJtriOii, 90: Uiwaic limiclea^, OS. M^'-XB PirinoM.-^AiitlirMtia, ntx Wm. L. Young for A. Macpberson, Flesherton, Dec. 29, '81. The presentation was made by S. Danuide. in the easy graceful manner of that geutleiusn, after which Mr. Muldrum replied in feeling terms, expressing bis surprise and at the sanio time thanking tne. merchants aud shippers fur the tokens and con- fidence tLey had expressed lor the oc- casion, that bo bad been presented to some extent, nevertheless he would treat th partjes in a business like manner- Tbe company's books were to be seen, and they would show whether be had shown partiality or not. Mr. J. W. Armstrong addressed the Uttle company of yillagera in a few »hosen aud appropriate words, and called on Mr. R. J. Sproule, who spoke of Mr. Meldrnm in terms most gratifying, and scorned tbe idea of any referene«%«ing made to tbe books to establish Mr. Meldrum's conduct as an agent. And each of the above mentioned gentlemen, in tum.threw in their mite in oohtributing to the happiness of Mr. Meldrnm an 1 themselves, after which there was a plentyial anpner of oysters and other viaudt, to whieh am- ple justice was done. The sociable httla oampacy seperatod at an early hour.after a very enjoyable time, and wishing Mr. Meldrnm and family a happy new year. COUNTY COUNCIL. TbetCoaoeil eronrnf Dee, SI on Wedneeday Dr. ChHatoa, War- Osprey is rather quiet just now that tbe bolidaya are over. People have to settle down to business tbe same as ever. Mr, Stinson, of Maxwell, is build- ing an addition to bis store, and in- tends opening nut a first-class stock in tbe spring. We lost all our snow on the 8th, and now we are praying for more. St. Mary's Church, Maxwell, was reopened for public worship on tbe 1st of January, after bc^ng thoroughly refitted. Tbe above building is now a credit to tbe managers and contrac- tor for the neat and elegant style in which it has been finished. The annual meeting of Uickling Grange No. 881 wae held in Brother Hickling's bouse. Moved andleecond- ed that a vote of thanks ba tendered to Brother and Sister Hickling for their courtesy, and the efficient man- ner iu which they have conducted the business of thin grange during the past year â€" carried nnanimonsly. By the auditors' statement of Brother Hickling's books the assets over the liabilities amount* to $107.89. After a pleasant evening spent in discussing mattrrs pertaining to tbe grange tbe members separated well pleased with the past success and future encourag- ing prospects of the grange. The followin officers ware (hen elected for the ensuing year â€" Master, Bro. J. Hickling Overseer, Bro. W. Inkstar; Lecturer. Bm. R. (3op«r; Steward, Bro. W.W. Hickling; Asst, Bro. W. Moffat; Chaplain, Bro. Wiight; Treaa., Br W. Hopper; 8ecrcUry, Bro. F. Wbewell; Gatekeeper, Bro. J. lukster; Cema, Sinter Ann lukster; Pomona, Uistar Janet Inkster; Flora, Sister Mrs. H. Wrifflit: Ii. A. »., Slater 8. W. Hicklins; D'^le«!ate, Bro. J. Ink?ter; Aoditors, Br'«. F. WhaweU lukster. The surgeons who stteiuled Pi-e- Hident Garfield in ins last illneos are said to have agreed tliemstdves aa tt) the reuiiiiferatioi; they should riv spoctively receive, .\ccording to this arraiizement Dr. Bliss wants $50,000, Drs. Agiitw and Hamilton $25,000 each, Dr. Reyburn $8,000, and Dr. Boyntouand Mrs. Eilson $1,000 each. It .8 nltocether probable however, that the CongrcBsional committee which is ccnsidering their claims will recom- mend that they be paid from six to eight thousand dollars each, aud have done with it. EUGENLV. From a Corrasponleut. The annual Graugo- supper of Eu- genia (iraugo is appointed for the 18 h January. Admission, 40c. per coupK. Tickets can ba bad from any of tlu memhtrs. good lime is expected as usual. Some of our big puns are expected to be present aud deliver ad- dresses. Ye editor, is hereby required and notified to put in an appearance. Supper from 4 to 5 o'clock p. m. Yesterday mcpiiing between 11 and T n ei ' 1 ' 11 'lis o'clock Mr. Thomas Boustetd. a J. B. Sloan narr.'^wly escaped what /.u t^ i rm "°'^»"« • „,• 1 J I „..„ I. „ f » 1 1 » ' 8"u of Aid. Boustcad, of Toronto wak- niight have been a fotal accident. A) ,. ,. ' ' V t il- r 11 r »i eel into his room, put a pistol to his piece of scantling fell from tbe upper i i i • i. i tV L xi-_- i" I 1 11 forehead and shot hiraasU dead. No Tbe Marquis of Lome and Princess Louise spent Christmai with tbe Queen. story cutting his head severely aud stunning him for some tim«. He is getting alonf, all right again, although bie head requires bandaging. The Municipal contest in Ward No 4.ArtemeBia township, between Mpssrs, Hanlcy, Pedlar and Webster, result ed as followes Hanlev Pedlar Webster Majoiii.y for Pedlar Iu Ward No. 2, Artcmesia, tbe con- test resulted as follows: â€" Bobind 62 â-  Elliot 81 Majority for Elliot 19 .. 1 ..72 ..63 .. 9 EUPHRASIA ELECTION. Tbe following are the votes cast the different polling jilaoes for the re- spective candidates: KKKVK. No. 1 2 8 4 6 6Total. Robt. Mylea. 63 80 66 26 38 10 282 Jas.PattersoD,20 24 75 6G 6 56 DKPUTY-BEKVE. Jas. Boyd. 27 22 30 43 15 SO Jno. Boyd, 7 35 ?9 2 2 2 T. Gilray, 42 61 81 87 42 19 COONCILLOaS. D. B. Ellis, 55 83 95 44 15 35 Jas. Erskine, 16 18 77 66 31 60 W. Fawcett, 40 79 65 32 17 11 Jno.Hurlbutt,52 84 88 8 8 G Jno, F. Kerr, 3 48 48 9 2 3 m 237 157 77 272 cause has be^n assigned for laucholy act. tho me- Abiil is to bo introduced at Wash ingtou for the gradual retirement of greenbacks and national bank notes. The bill will tciieal the tax on bank cheques and on the deposits and cap- ital stocks of banks not issuing culating notes cir- THE SUICIDAL MANLA. His LIFE DErPAIBKD 0» 249 267 244 146 1J8 GLENELG. 810 For Deputy Reeveâ€" Thos. MuUarky, Thomas Davis, 278. COUNCILLOKS, P. NeU N.Dnnsmoor...' W Gleneross George Binnie John A. McMillan.... Arch. MuCuaig JohoBlaek... ..216 ...216 ...202 ...189 ...168 ...118 ...IU PRICE VILLE. Owes Sound, Jan. 10. â€" To day John Sparrow, an old resident of the Town, committed suiiede by hanging himself. Shortly before noon lis went out of the bouse towards the barn nothing unusnafwas noticible in hie manner. When dinner Aas ready a member of tbe family went out to call bim. Getting no response to the call, he proceeded to the barn, where Sparrow was found suspended by rope which was attached to a beam No!ause is at preasant assigned for the deed, but it is believed he was troubled attimes with a delirious mind and had frequendy thrtatened to com- mit suicide. This shocking occuirence was fol- lowed by tbe report that another at- tempt at suicide had been made, which proved true, although at pre- sent without a fatal result. Walter Elliot, labourer, made an attempt on bi8 life earley this morning by cutting his throat with an axe, and afterwards battermg his head with the same weapon to complete the work. Ha was, however, frustrated in the act and placed in charge of tbe chief con' stable, wno conveyed, him to gaol. Elhot 18 a young man, and recently married. Tlie cans which led to the attempted committal of snob an act are unkcowu. His wounds are of a serious nature, and to night slight hopes are enterUined of his recovery. A Prauc MsETiKo BhonJd be caUed of the citizens of every city town and village in tbe Dominion, to consider what should be done to iJ^t^io not hold onr^^J*P^;^J^ QM»ruua»-l hereby tender you _- thMiks for yo" aapport at the Meafoid Road and Tieuiity for^eur ^ost ananimous •°PP«" ^^^J^^" iidiag the statement to t^« ^^tâ„¢. nvMr. Brodie, your Meaford Road cLrre^ndent I think rt most nn- ^f^ooneapondent to make use ?ure a candidate. V^^*^^?:^Z SSTbeforetbe f °^°°/°'.°l\Jj have repUed to it. I would not have Sight « bad of it. People Xl MturaUy think from Mr. Brodios Sment, that if Ididnot get t le above suK^rt it would be useless for them L torn out. If the entire vote Aat turned out had been poUed correcUy, the majority would have been sixteen. Two of my votes wer^ a few sec Dd. too Uto. I also loet two by baUols Sag badly marked. I W enough votes 1-ft in the Ward to have turned the scale if they had turued cut â€" Thanking you, Mr. Edit.*, for space iu your va'nable columns, I rf^main, yours truly, Thos. Bolaitd. MASS.\CRE OF 1,200 MEN IN ZULU LAND. Details have bee i rccicved of tbe j dreadful massacre which lately took j place in the territory of Hamu, oueof' 13 appointed Zulu chiefs. It appears that the massacre was of a most un- provoked and cruel character, Ilamu he seized tbe cattle of the Ahaqulusi tribe, aud the latter were disposed t.i resist it if not to retaliate, but were pacified and induced to disperse by the as surance that Mr. Os- borne tlie British Rssident would inquire into tbe matter. A certain proportion of tha tribe including the jbief and most of the headiinen, remained iu order tJ see Mr. Osborne. Hamu, Loweve,r did not give them thii oportunity. His force at once fell upo"i them and kil- led about 1,200 men. Tbe blood thirsty warriors subsequently spread over tbe country aud neized a number of kraals belonging to tbe Abuqulusi, murd rini{ whereever they fouad them many women as well as men who were unable to escape. Itappjars that when Hamu saw Mr. Ohb me he actually asked bim for a pass that iie might sand to tho Transvaal and recover such of tho Abaqulus'i cattle as had escaped. 01 course the pass was refused, but unfortunately tb^ iiu ptession is said to prevail among tlif Zulus that England is the causo of all this misery and bloodshed. Two na- tives â€" Miuishane and Milwana â€" m giving an account of these deplorable occurrances, said '•'fruly we Zulus did n it kill in the old Jays of Panda and Cetywayn we just jostled onJ another, and f w weru hurt. It in you Eii^lisii.ncu who have taujht people to kill " It i* ceitain that tho Zulus ought no liu'er to have imposed upon then) chiefs who are adepts in the work of massacre, and who.^o chief ohj.)ot apparently is to eiirioli tbemselvas by tle plunder of tho tribes who*e exberiuiuatiou tliey bave effected. BIRTHS. KtiAAaâ€" la Dnrham, on tbe »th nit., wile of Finlay MacLao, £â- ., at a sou. tbe MARRiF-0. the JWh nit., by the Bev. Mr. WUUava, at the resideuce of the bride's mother, Oro, Co. Simcoe, Mr. W. H. Fle«her,yoniiieet son of Mr. W. K. Flesber, ei-M. P., Flesherton, to Mub f*-- «i" 8*i jeant, daughter of tbe late Mr. Wm. Sujeaat, Oro, County Bimooe. Patxistsbâ€" ScoTtâ€" On the 4th inst., «t Brian fiUU, Proton, by tbe Bev. J. Motri- •on, FaBX^. second daughter of Bobert geott, toEdmond Pallister, bothofProtou, IfcKxaâ€" Baf9v-In Toronto, on the 36th of Deoember. by Bev. J. D. McDoiieil. Mr. Jarnen UcEee, (miliar,) to Mrs, Heid, of VaogbaD Township. DIED. " Mkbbick â€" In Artemesia. on tbe 11th ult.. Bin. Stephen Merrick, aged 30 ycarx. MsRSicK â€" lo Artemesis, on 2lRt Uctober, JamesMerrick, aonof Mr. Stephen Meihck, aged 4 years and 7 months. Blaib â€" ^In Olenelg, on the 7th iustaut. Han- nah, beloved wife of Mr. Tliouiits Blair, agod 63 year*. Macdonau)â€" On the 6tb instnnt, after a short iUuAss. W. D. F. MacdonaH. long areaident of PrioeviUe, in tbia Coani.v.- His end wae peace. A«.i,to°'^S!!i Telepho M.rkd.U,"£.l wojrue and tt~r *i*fcrXj PhiU., Pa. 00, WANfJ 5.000 CordsS^^I For which the H^^,^^ J 63. ^*"^^*V^j Photograt (FROM BRAZII_) The Kew Compound, its won- derlul affinity to the Digestive A.ppa,rtLtiis and the Liver, increas- ing the dissolving Juices, reliev- ing almost instantly the dreadful results of Dyspepsia, Indigestion, and the TORPID LIVER, makes Zopesa an every day necessity in Vfery house. It acts gently and speedily In Biliousness, Costiveness, Head- ache, Sick Headache, Distress af- ter Eating,Wind on the Stomach, Heartburn, Pains in the Side and Back, Want of Appetite, Want Energy, Low Spirits, Foul Stom ach. It invigorates the Liver, ca Ties off all surplus bile, regulates the Bowels, and gives tone to tha whole system. Cut this out and take it to your Druggist and ^et a 10 cent Sample, or a large botde for 75 cents, ana tell your neighbor about it, l^"'ai*iii lot* n*«l •.« Lot wi';t h;il{ of easl luilf 1-, roiiof^?sron fi. Eupbrns'ii, coutaiiiiii^ "O acres, .\luiut six acres eleared baliincf bar Jvoo.-l soil cluy loam. Will 1)0 -oil' S.V'O cash baf- anei to Buit purcbasL-r. particulars ap- ply to •" Pr.TEU Mc.M;THt;R, MarkH.ale. 'â- "o'-onrailiM .•l!'.l( iiievmstvl-.,..-,,, „.„„.,,^«1^ (..~.l. (,ALI.1UT. ' Only I'lHsr-Cus^ 1 Ti.V ll,i- M I' OMf;ctur.Kc.,,c.u,.j t»nniai.t.-«;,a!ijuv"o-i K i;rinlM-r tli.^ *;,„;_ • •'iiicf. ' ' A'l i'.i r:"""KrstT;..«,:.v.. I*iL«-arc tliL- fchido f.-..!c,. Have i lit,, SK) do'i" VI. i -i. E. " ".. rMj Maik.'.al.. I).r. U. .^,1 EUCEHIA^ s] Grist,Sawaii(lIiii eit â- ^â- "nmwto:p,^ H«v'm.'iii:(.l« (-.itciisi., .jjj, my (u;st Mill 1 {..^i EoikI salisfafliot. f"l"a it;; GOnDFLOUaALA'^yS; CIiopi)iu;^r Done Ever] Cii-^tom Stwinj; aiii »Lorli»t li' tii'f. BiU f. Or to C. \V. RiTi fiM-.E, SxiM..',] 7«.Ct 20-Ct. ,f OlHcc. Gr^t bargains, in all lines at Fosters. DUN'D.VLK M.UtKETS. WTieat, Fall, No. 1 »1.;8 to»1.20 Wbeat.Spring, " 1 1.20 to 1.23 Barley " 2.. '.. .6" to .8 1 Peas '• 1.. 69 to .72 Uats " 1.. ...'.... .35 to ..% Butter " 1.. 18 to .2(1 KrRS 18 to .20 lolatoc3 " 85 to' 40 Pork ** ... e.Vi to 7.10 Hay ** ... il2.00 to 16.00 M.\11KDAEE. Fbidat, Jan. 12'.h 18S1. Flour 6,00 to 6.2"i Spring Wheat per bush., new 1.20 w 1 24 Fail do. do. do. 1.1.5 to Barley ).55 â-  ' o.7;i Oats 0.37 • • d.a7 Peas 0.68 • • 0.711 I'otatops. 0.60 • ' O.Cti Butter, per lb 0.16 • • O.IS Eggs, per duz 0.19 • 0.18 Pork, drenaed, 7 52 • ' 7.r(i Beef 6.00 ' • 5.50 Geese per lb 0.07 ' 0.00 Ducks, per pair 0.40 • 0.^0 t owU, per pair 0.00 • ' 0.00 Turkeys, per lb 0.07 Sbeopskins ' 50 l.t'io Hides 7.25 • 7.50 Oras.4 seed 2.00 •• 3.00 Hay 12.00 • 0.22 *• 16.00 O.CO Wool Oroen App/es, ner. busbel.. 0.75 • 1 00 Lard .. 0.10 " 0.15 TaUow O.OO •• 1.76 •• N. 0.07 0.00 Drv Cord Wood FhESHERTO Notice to Contractors. "%T TE have a Itx qnantity cf S;i' .I.oks V f which ari' i:iiw UiOsily .idU 1 up in tlie wooils. A c o 1 sli-iiit.v anU stable- also. Any person dcsiroMs of s-.cuing a eKiitract will do w. 11 to si'i' us at once. The distance to haul i.i about "i miles on a pood roal. R. i .\. Ni:ii..^()N, 20tf Station. 1,000,000 Iw LrMBini .\N-Ii UTH ON lUM). Clierry. r.-.!;;- nint. Whiui.; Bass\\o"l, I'ivic iKj'i.H-ui^o Of'lly. â-  M .\KinE; C. A.OWi TAiLOB Lugs Wanted Over McFarlarfsii 'â- rili: hLBKCiilBEItS ARE PUEP.UtED X to jiay tile Highest Price in fiir any quan'.it.v of pcoi srund iSaw h .r i .u: s ft Wood. Cash I Logsâ€" NIARKOALE, Where he is j.:\j\ire.I t.i tliii a ALI^ KINDS OF LUMBER KEPT t)2' UAND. â-  ' Bills liUcd on Short Notice. L*" Special attention paid to custom san-iitg. P. S.â€" Xoiio l)ut goo-1 timbc.-.wantcd. '.. S; lUWWN yoN. Mar'itdale, Jan. i:th, 1.^ 2. 70-Jf. THE LATEST, Fa?.iiion Plates ONfiA.'Jl). (Corrected weekly for the Standa'd hy R. J Sproule, Fletherton.j Fbidat. Jan. 12th. 1881. Flcur, per bbl. Spring Wbeat per bnsb.. Pall do. do. do. Barley 0»18 Peas Potatoes Batter, per lb' Eggg, per doz Poik, dressed Beef Sheepskins Hides Hay Timothy aeed, Wool Lard Tallow «6.25 to 1.20 to 1.18 " 0.60 •' 0.37 " 0.66 " O.SO '• 0.20 " O.lg " 6.50 " 4 00 '• 0.60 •' 7.26 '• ja.o •• 9.60 •• 0.22 •' 0.10 •• 0.06 ' 0.00 1.25 1.22 0.80 0.3H 0.70 0.35 0.00 0.00 7.10 6.00 1.25 7.60 14.0 S.OO 0.00 0.12 0.07 TORONTO. From ear Correspondent Mr. M. C. Black, latoPrmcipalofthei â€" -«*i« w Fnc«yille acbool, we made a mistake "^®°**' ^^^ ^«™ tnniing Grey ing pvmg the name of the hotel ia """ "^^'" °°*- «»« important which, t was held We shonld have ' ' o^"?° "" "^eir eamert con- said the Crown Hotel instead of the ""^^^o" *^*y would nnanunouJy Commeccial. "** decide that acience U^ -» i.^ j:7 Two of the old atoek of PrioeviUe have been laid in their "'"'" A «, "^." "â„¢ *•»» fonnPrij owlied t^ and W. 1 nulla, and her •on.-IiSaSS" acience had at but dia- coyered aomeUiing that would anawer thispurio«i--a„dfartLermore would Reuewer :t\ L- •â- *â-  recommend Cingalese Hair M being this aometKing for reatoring the hau- to Its n.itaral color, and nri Tent ito (klhng out. 60 mL *^ Wheat.fall, per bush Wheat, spring, do Barley, do Oats, do Peas, do By*. do Clovei Seed do Dressed hogs, per 100 lbs. Beef, bind quarters Beef, fore quarters Chickena, per pair Fowls, do Ducks, per biaee '.." Oeese. eaeh.. rnrkeys ,, .. Buttw. Urge roUa Batt«.t«bd«,y Butter .tore-piMjked eggs, b«ah, per doa. E8gs,paak»d Apple*, per bri... Potatoes per bag. Onioaa, per baa... Bar â- â€¢ • • ••*« â- â€¢1 S5 to 1 80 to 90 to 44 to 76 to 85 to 5 00 to 7 50 to 6 60 to 4 00 to o 45 to 46 to 60 to 60 to 1 00 to » to 18 to 00 to OSI to 00 to 1 00 to 90 to 1 16 to t 00 to ISoO II 27 1 34 89 45 80 86 5 05 8 00 7 00 5 00 60 60 76 75 2 00 0S6 90 00 M 00 8 00 1 00 1 25 I-i O OK OUT! FOR THE â€"OFâ€" "::' 1*^1 civ ^Sc TOW Ivi Lots. Also Tl rce Dtvcllirps and Lot«, *.;. mil m Jan., 1882, AT DUNDALK. Mr. R J. DOYLE "ill sell bv .\i,c- tion 150 Town Lots. 16 Park Lots, :V DweU- mgs. *c Great Bargains niav bo expoctcd. Some of the imrehasers at M) Doyle's sale Ust year have resold tho lot porehased at four tunes ibe price at whicli thtv purchased them. Liberal terms. Oue-third down bal- ance in three annual mstahnents. St« larRe bills and maps ' 70â€"20-21. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A GENTLEMAK who snfferred for Tcar- TLLE DECA\, andall the effects of youth- ful indiucrotion, wiil for the bum recip remedy wounin^ enoe can fidenoe, M-lT CUTTING DONE WHILE 11^ A Good Fit Guirastti CHARGES MODIMH- ' c.iOrt jr.".:l'.;.lr, NVv. Sili.T^i*! STmRTLINC Discovr LOST MANHOOD RDTD»| A Tiotim of T.iuthfcl i -prjJ«)» " tore Dc.iv, N.n^'ii* r-b-._;T. ^*' h«Tiii(T triKl ill vaia ftn V'l wriiHJ to liif feu 43 Chathaut t..X.t. Si'l^TVL REStTxi. C IMI.'I.T toTS'J Brown*. "»'•**' „mk«»^l Norbti ll:J. il i- .1 ' .-q 111 iial uud ' ' Back or l{.)-.v Toothacl or Ach-. -liwilm HKhxI 1.11.1 li. li. " I" dlTllll." â- â-  l" ,,.iuv,ii«P»in.^^| l.iniii.*.'" »"" "'^^*| H..n-H.?Ui beinc nckixuvlf l.viif "" '• f/t roril.' cr. and of Efixcr ii l.iiiiuiiDU" "" i:Iev..;v fa n'ly l.iul.vfor " i,»| "as it rw:llv i till' ' for;r!iiii.".nt;i.'-St""'»^' Acbo- of .ill kiiias." «o.t » Drutwisti, at J-i ceiits bolW- Mothers Mother^ I Motner» • • ^i Are you .h^turin-l at uj[M »-^# your re.t by cryiiiK wit'u b teeth! If s.). i wiNsr.ow dvertiser's experi- o 60 oy addreasinjt in perfect con- JOHN B. OODEN, 4» Ca^ St Mew Tork COMMERCIAL HOTEL PBICEVHiIjB. Ont. Lm-^ aud eoaamodiona Sample Boom. Good Bed ilooms, *e. The Bar and u3 w* supplied Witt, tha bS^^;^^!^!' foHa aood atdbUnc M« att«,Uve HoauL^: Taos. ATuxaoii iw^ "K TO CONSUMPTIVES. «„^^ ?*lT*'*^' *«™»8 oeen permanenuj cured Of tbadread dUease, Consumption, hj • «mple remedy, is anxious to make knowi to HIS fellow fuffererH tbe means of eure. To au who deemi it. he will send a copy of tbe nS^ used, (fr«. of eharg^Tiith the wwi « '°»' P"'P*"-iug and using tbe same whJcbtl^ywaifind a aoaa CiTa« f»r Coi.- SOKPTIoa. AsTTTji*. UaosoHITIS. Ac. «l- ?, '""iiiiig the pTHMription, w.:U st.,Waha«KburfJi,N. y. %^ij A " ??â-  .â- Â»Â« 1»4-»»Ma «MteMri*Mlk«M oncetbatit .vill '"""'t^J itlKf"^!?- give rc.t. oil). """•'â- '• •"/^^K fectly saf. to u^ in ""T^ i^A the state, an M^tl'%P^'SV ,beo^^â- tu,)a i^st]«?J^-goii7i nurss il. tbe "i.trd S»»- •' where at 25 cents a bottJ*. I will 'implE^ Veoetabie *l*,\?p,7iM,iBi*^.# FBECKI.hS.riMrhES^^^ ing tbe skill "It- ^L.IW^TTV initruction^ for f'^^l^ ofba.rou«Wll.c»a^^g^r-^ dr*"' ci)ci»',i.' «• Y Co... 5 Iktknian '*•• ^â-  A OF. NT L.Kb; I 8).inple» free. Ksasssa atree wA^Ji"ifeiJ W«rk. 'u \h l^- ;T~r"OTHER~NOTlCES liABKDALE. Ifioai the SwnA«»- ^j tba «7Ui mat.. i« Court day r«)Mbartoo. c« qowjtitiaa of lam produce still • Id laarkal. ror a «ood pair of SpecUcles go to « tba tl»* J^^el"' I ia a woman living in Mark ,^bo ia 108 y«»" of *e«- John Bowe, Vandelear, aold bis liolIr.H. Riddel, for $1,875. ^j^ vaa ahipped from Mark dale rlay last, over §12,000 worth increai taking difea ikstead bpacii We our las ad to I subscr vaiice I iiig lUC tiie bor is Wirt has a tbfitu c Not tliey ar ' Lung ' M. bcnlley, of Owen Soun.l, j lU'Hiai ' from \V. J McFarlaul last full i-:! .y.$».ooow.rtbofbutur. ^;;;;;;^' namber of Uams wantod at oiico ,[ pine eawliigs, apply to A. Mc- ^y^.^ â-  at Wm. Lucas Markdale. is liti\ tUnd, as to her navy, fears ii.. i-o V ititor. neither does W. J. Mc A Tu, id with his tlnjlitk, Jn»h au.i lA importations. la nuuaJ maetuir of East (iny Bociaty, will be held iu tlic Tnwn FlasUartou, on WeJuostluv next. 8th inst.. at 1 o.clock p. m. Dentists who have tn. 1 ^xar." pronounce it tl:e° liiiet K on tbe face of tliis cartl) tb^ and breatb. 6 cunt sai.i|.;.'s. pnrifiar of tbe bloo.l, ,\ye."s iriUa baa no equal, li uoii.lrr- a kpan iinpro»e« met ;i 170. i. whi'ii o.l .i-.i t 'iiiii I). M.; Wflbii t'liajilu Diri- T.,.- i:.- :i!.| I. • nil V. tbe toiupU'ii !i, ta to old an^ youu^j tbe lii .o._ ::.•..-..,, i.i. (â-  J. McFarland deals dirojil y whii mi. â-  v [oropean maiiiifacturer.-., bv:i'i- far.iil ares biacnstoiULi-.i thn wliol. -.â- ;.;!. in 'r: its's profits. :i:i' !• ro fiddled wbilo lloiue was L-iirir-- "•' ' land W J. Mci-'iiilaiil, uii.! In- '•'""' staff off ;)erka. are bii\v i^i liin rbilo bis U'-iglibors 8|il'iiiI tiu-ir. â- "' collecting dusl Irom ilicir 'oiiU [ooauters. j^ ,.,.., [credit auction sulo is ann'»)iir-.i- m t!i ii {take \nce ai lut 21 con. '.i. .J,:ii.. i •Ig on Tuesday tbe ITtli, ol fa'iii wo! k.-\ and iiuplemeuts. 12 tnuir.h^ W .M it. ii-.-l. iring the past Wcuk, Chutsworili tiad an increase of sovciit -tii in spulation. A woman with kix- 'cliitdren bas taken i.p lier rc«i- in Uiat village. Orange Soiree will bg lield liitiu Dge Uall Markiiiile, on Tui.l ly. 17tb, wbeu sevt-riil talciitii kers are exii«ctml. Tea Kerve i jo'elock p. m. Tickets 2.5.-. I Wkatheb. â€" On Siiiiili' y lait, » iy rain all day, v.liicii bWijjil ihr almost all aw:tv, a ciiuiij,'o, Jii4 J took place during tli.- nijj.jl. rers of auuw fell ^lu M i; lay. pointed criticis:n in.'el u.t ne- rily bo wiitti'ii with a tint; lii.:- Bu ou«- of Etti.rbiM.)i('h uK.liiiiii oad poiuted pei.s will iii:swi-r :i» Ask your stati nisr fir tiii.iii. W.ih i J^r( .. iii'i il -J h t, T.i- iuii, u ll.iU?,- Our- NJr. ... til ir • II .i;il ir II 1 a a 11'-..: $2:1. riiMri!, .•i: .i ai; â-  ' Kid il tj.-'.. 1.1 «â-  I ^rey Divisi'.u irHii;,'o, No. 2. «ili i tbeir semi aiinuul nicetin;: iu tii' kdale GraiigL- Ilall, one mile iiuitb larkJale, on Tbuis^biy lln- "•ili. commoiicii:g at lit o'cl.-c-K a. in ncK. â€" Tiie party wb i took t\if ^ood from my w joj pile, ..n. niL'bt reek, will please return ur pny •. by tbe 20tb Jau., or I bliall \ta\i- .njn arrested, as tbey are Liiown. tin i TUOS. MtNhA. '• (in time, trite maxim to nil. ine-itiouably ti.iie it lui iiii.rv :ill any precioiiti livi-^ in iuhiu h â- -! in.- I lost bev^'.ic*.* men .w;tl U'.I'Ih- iii l,f*i- ' Reinbcr tlu^ and buy une of Uil- Waltbam Watcbes.tiKV are Mir- ^ve yuu satislaciiou. ilfii!- i. Orange Soiree is atiuuuiioi.d tu '.,;,,.., I place In Orange Hall.Kdjjerlon i- j- Brs, Lot 28, laili con. 1 i..t-.n, j,.. It 4 miles aouib of Luiulalk. .\ .• ' ..•- staff of speakers is cxi'itted ets 25c. For full parucui^ra scv i'lii ~;-.t; Tl:.-l 'av-^ 'in.' i-v iininii i.iii 1. 'li..r. I" 11' be first meeting of tbe new c'iii- W, rill take place tbe thud .Mon liiy bjs luary, in tbe several Townsbiji*. l*.",^'""' ' date of tba first sittins l^^ the i Mil,-. •• l-^ dry (in- liu all Tuwnibi|i8 by act of i'ar- It and mubt be btJd iu tbe bviuc ' Tore) last meeting of old Council, j W. li 1.1. MiL IVt. â-  1 i:s til iad tbui;r â-  II I An line iiii|i|ciiu'i bfin ..I'M eon. 2. ' i r. Jamas Black, sou of Mr. Jobu of tbia village, was irescLtcd ' I f.'V uimI i' 1 an engrossed,ac'o:iMi.n:- ' i,,,n,;l, J Gold Watcb, by the Con»;u,r travellers Assuotatiou, for bi« in maturing the iusmaucv le in coui.ectiou with that bixlv. ' " • tli • tr: Carson's Pulmonary Cou^b " M. r. I'.] tare an â- xccllant Kxptte.Uiru t '-liittn. \ii aiag tbe pblecm tar niorercciilily ' ,-),.it-.l m^ aay other prejiaration. I'-.r' ui' T. S| iia, Culda, lironcb.tK, Tickling in" li, ,-, M I' sat and Soreness and li^^bi* tof tbe Chest, tbey have no iijua i. botllea at 50 ci'iit.s. A. Tur id Co. Special .\j:ei)tb Mark .:;!• ., lie annual mec-linv; of (iifi.t 1,; .\g. !ti,.,i,, ,,i, ty was he'.d iu liuUcrin Hal. on i an »si« v.- »y, tbe 12lb inst., wli. "â-  I a lar^t -i were elected ofliciT^ for â- Â«2: ' ,,m i-,-,i\| it, Wm. UouglHs, re-elx-lcd ' [President, Edward Riitledge, jr.: reas.. A, Duller; ljir-eior«- ia, Jameb Lauder, Geo. lliis- B. Boyce, F. Burton, J.tim era, Tboinas Davis. H. .Mailii w- id Aleitander Mercer. Fuiibcr Bulars next week. ... 'â-  tall .S.IHK.- requested to say that -pi .. roliae Trustees intend luttinf' !â-  I",.,,.' ' k_. â-  • iji.'iiniMii aw in force, iniogard toclnhlrm i,,^..,,,,,,,, years old not attending school, i t.^l" e fti.°?^^.,* violation of tiie latj-. j f. ,;,.,;7;,; **oas to the aectioii, as tbey only SoVMnment mouey U^r tliosi- J***nd aehool. Parents will there |.flo well to attend to tins matter ^aUy. r.-^An accident of a very happened at the raisiug Fleaharton Station Flour Mills, Sunmur. T«aada- • ' ' ' all SI illl- â-  HPlirA-. i ' el liay vi t: rink .,11. r » V. 1 III ltIIII .\lis-. kill fiirl. .). ' liiill: ink (ii'niliiii.i Man, K die. S.|ti ij evening. Tbe raising W. Shu« liUinK'i .-111] tumi' V» 1 Were giv«ii| lri«tiir. [*jU advanced when night cain« ^*%» raiking one of the plates it I Wfbe pikes, and crush -d Mr. |lUlloy, breakini? bis arm Thefbone was badiv Ir.ic- j w. II jiitro â-  tita break, lie was at il« ^ii d on It ^f^ *° ^^ l»'»™e in Flesber- cd by two J ^tttUV from where tbe ac Tin- »v:is 1|?*'**«4, D». CbrislL* was iiu- iii« uts of ^y Oallad ia,»ad 8«;l lIuU»«keii l-«rl r pr. " •• *««tad, however, that it i' ^ay tba Y^ «•â-¼â€¢ tg wnputated. be*^t skati

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