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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 6 Jan 1882, p. 3

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 •Tv, If if ' ft i 4 m *t. â- f;"'.K.'T=!!g^-' ' I (top apaodu^ w innafaon fin* dotbes, r*W. lir«,ty to UurtT.fir. mflM-f^ '*2.' "S'iJS:*?"?. "•^I ^?!urn r'J ' »n UDU.«1 fool.8bb«bitof^plo?^ «eIS«Te. obatruction, it b«iuK uoiLjok lew » • j f •' if^, .5 tk.. k„^ 1 rp, qu«c« doctor* or OMDK io much of the Uwa A baned fureit. TLe trees re -i i. i. i ^i ji i,rees ve y,ie hambog medicuie that do«« yoo tti tti all ^trifiei •oi •gatiBed. are of all oul/ harm, aud put joar trust in that NiL DESPE RAifDUM. THE OBBT EKOLnH BEUEOT, ui unUihnj eve for Seiainal Wcakncw, Spenaatontna, Impotaocf. kad all diseases that fol'ow as a seqneDoe of Self-Abnae as loss of Memoi7, UiuTeraal Bete* IbUafr I' iitnde. Pain in the Back. Dimnea* of Vision, Premature oM age, uid man? otnex Diaeases that lead to Insanity r^â„¢' J. t y'""" ,^P**"' "intpk. p«i» remedy: Hop Bitter, that tec to tweuty feet. whid. la aa car^aahlray. *k. iimj cost, you or ci«â€" piicn and a Pre- fl!!^ t*"^*"'!? "•" ""•^? '»y wUl see good times and hare good mature Gra».. flia workmen I Ley came upon the.. heaUh.-CA.o„,a I a-Poll particulars in our relicks of a bT/?oiie age in at lea.t; ,^, v » t • ' pamphlet, ^eh we desire half adf.zMi Joealifiea, aiidhaT«met A member af the Vermont Mg'«- jtolind freeky mau toerenr wit)i Hot H little difficulty ou their ac- '»'ure has been fined, under a statute one. The Specific Medicine couut. The trees are vei v perfect wbich hih vote helped to make, for U sold bv ::il Dn-.g^i^ts at ' ' ' keeping an unlicensed dog. He is »l« Pe-; PM".*^* »i»d f Ul i be taken out nearly whole If auitabie machinery ware empljyed. BURS'R AND bCALl»â€" IMPORT ANT REMEDY. or sit Afts Tikn^ J ....!_ 1 packages for ».-..0i. or will be sent free by Bow convinced that the law is nncou- j'^jj^q rectipt of the mou«v by addressing, â- tilutional, and will lest it u " courts. "i THE ORAT MEDICINE CO., I |.Jy Toronto, Ont., Canada After a wed^g pitrtyli^ aa9eod)l â€" ed in a church -at Blobflifhgtcm, -Jll'., Fe^jT ye»rs sice? (Sp' """ the 'be father of the girl offered her $500 "American .\griciiltii.ii' reconimeu- dad the uho of ISich; bMi;iti of tSoda, that IS tli4 conn uj i cj k :ig .i In, for tnost^kinds of burntf. bince then fre- qnsDt «xpei'imeiitg aud oliHcrvatiuns, Ute 9pjiin« of physiciaus, and the bent me licai journals, liave wore tbao •otirmed all what we then said. As harij.4 aii'l scalds are alwnyg liable to occur, aiitl a« the remedy, though sim- ple. I'na proved eTlra'.rdiiiarily useful It sboiilii tiu fixe I III rhe minds i{ f ve- ry one. The soda, and the carbonic acid BO r«adily sot at iii»erty from it, have aiiiesihbtic, autiHfX'piic and dia infecting picf»erti«s- all hij^hly bene- ficial tut burus. For sliijlit bams covrr all the in- jured f arts witli a Ifty( r of powdered so«la. I'or dfep..-r hiirns, but wher* the skin is not tr^.k-n, dip lincii rags 11: a soiiiti n roale bv dissolving one- if siic would back out. She took tht mouy, remained at home, and sei.t Word to the minister to dismi68 the at- sem'dy. HAD SUFFERED MANY PHYSI- CIANS. Aiid grew no better bat rather worie. Mr. D. H. Howard, of Geneva. â-  N. Y., alter dismissing his physicians, tried nearly half a gross of the various I blood and liver remedies ftdveitised, With n: benefit when one boltle of j "lAME INTO THE PREMISES OF THE Burdock IJlood bitters c';red him of V^ subscriber, Lot 50, Con. 2, East T. 8. ,. 1 I, 11. « ' Koad, Holland, about the last ofSepteml)er para'ysisaad deueral Dehility. A' ' the iidvanced age ol GO, h* says he stipattoa. IMBlacaa, â- cai«l Baal Breath. I«aa af Ap petite Jaaadlee, I«M ef Honr HUasach. Liver ptalMtiOrao; illness arising Irom the ack,B«weUoriUdBe7a. Ttier an Ml^ mild and thoroogb In their acnoD. FroSiltOa puistsaooee. ^^^^.^ ^n^ â-  â- â-  m^w, KSTf«4.Y One WTiite Sheep, to prove property, fceb young ag.iin, and is overjoyed at it away. hi wonderful recovery. j A womau caused a commotion at C7-3iiis. Wadeua, Miuu., by wildly cha.siag a big ilo;; and crying â€" "Stop him I he has swallowed a txrenty dollar bill." Tlie owner is requested pay czncnses, and take BICHABD A. SCOTT. Williamsford P.O. third ol an ..iinc- of tho Hoda in a pint An r,ijliging butcher proiui/.iy c.iught of water; lay the i^gn on and keep the l.eaht, killed hiin, and recovered! them moist with the solution. For I the money yert sever burnH. fol!owc-d bv suppu- ration (foi mat i. n of pus), apply the! Benjamin Philiborl has just died in raga in the sami; way, k'.-*.pinn them St. Louio. He was worth $300,000 fnoinl but frequently pxchauge them j ^* other notable distinctions were wliRn dry for frrsh Mm--, and f,-arifully ^^^^ ^° " not been oat of the city wasii off, witli t|,e H.I In sojition, any' '" "'J' three years, and had never iMRt.r ihiit has s(T;unul.-ited under riddt-n in a bteau boat or steam ruil- Iteatli. " tiiiit it loiiy no*, bo absorbed into an i juiMon tin- I!oihI. Leading European int'diral joiiii.tils give iiu- murouM iiiHtunci'H in m •liili, by the a")V» trjatm;:it, extm.^ivj burns of vry HfxiTu chiirrtcur have healed H}ii«dly, leaving little sciir. \V.^I!.\:TH lilO.M NK\\Si'APEi;b. tlmy ycurs ago,iu 'lOt of thf severe 1rintr.i w len tlnre mi.h much hard- ship iinioriir thu p.wir, a city paper •u^jfiril tfmt old n \v-;|)*jierH .spread r,v»'r tiii^ liui, wojill for n an eicclleut anhstitiit" fur Mnnli^rs and civorlf^ts. Thjh hioii)4lit ti] I II liii joiiriiai a great drai of imniilu-iH ri lici c- fnnu other |.H|i r-., but It bro :,'•,•. cciinfort to ixHiiv a poor taiiiily. I:i tin (f l I clithio^' psii i illv, vv I ii-.» ii-iate narnili. ui'.li wei road car. I LAMEB.\CK. I Lumbago, Kidney complaint, Neu- ' ralgia, Kheumaiism, and all ]iaiu and I iiitlamuiation are Bpeediiy cutcd wul • llagyards Yellow Oil. Croup, sore I throat, colds, t)nriiB, scalds, biuiscs, ' froHt bites, chilbiuins and all wounds of the flesh are quickly healed ly Yellow Oil. Stammerers are commonly worse off among strangers than wlien talk- ing with frituds, the difficulty being in [lart a nervous affection hot theie is it peculiar case of an Ohio boy who can spea.' {.diuly at home, while he carnut utter a word auywhere else. A PERMANENT CURE FOR tAME BACK, Piles, Diseaaea of the Kidneys. Bladdw and Urinary Organs, or attendant oomplaints. IKDUBITBLE EVIDENCE GIVINft^lK- TIKB BATISF ACTIO. Picton. April 20, 1881. Qtmvmnm.â€"l find that your Psd» «• ffiring entire satisfaction, raid wish yon in- creased sales for so valnable a remedy for Diseases of the Kidneys. Signed. Dr. j. B. MOBDEN. Pricesâ€" ChUd's Pad. fl.50; Regular Pad. •S; SpccUl Pad for Chronic Diseases, *3. Ask your Druggist for Pamphlet and Teste- monials, free. Sold by A. TFBIVEB COm HI«rli*««« PABKKB A CO., Owen Sound. J. W. ELLIOTT. Chatsworth. STEPHENS McCARBOLL, Maaford. If. BICHABDBON. Flesherton. THOS. 8 TEPHENBON, OrangaviUa. O. W. PAK80N8. Dundalk. •• HBNBT PAEKBB, Durham. ^VARNINCT There is gT8»t danger of tak- ing cold from wat feet. If you want to Guard Against Sickness! Keep your feet drr and warm by procnring your BOOT'S 1 KAY THOMAS. A writer in 'D'nhill trac»;s Curlyle's matter I characteristics back to original Purit- aroapt I ani-m, which wii» tho basis of his ht, and i lumJ, imd s*ys. "To the genuine •I not I- .i;-i.|.'r that there is no Puritan a cree'd is notliing which does wainitli i!i thr- â- â- ..v.-i 11 M tli"iii-;i;!v«; „„t, iimuediatcly embody itself in a bii' that thiv luircly pievriit tho boat J war-cv." of l!i(i hodv fiodi lai^inj; olf. Wlint ever'rf.or c.M.hictoi of laat will lillEUMATIC REMEDY. iiiiik' a j^ood cover 1.^' Paper itst-lfl There is no better cure ' t Riu ii- I.. a |i .â- â€¢! (• I'llu t ir, bit -till pnorur ' niatiiu tiian llagyinls Yellow Oil an- rlie tjiin l.iyi •• •! uii tirit. n re con- used according to direCiion;» i.n the Satisfaction Guaranteed. Med- icated Cork Solea. all sizes, kept en hand, lleniembcr the plaoa opposite the new Standabd Office. i2 M A N H 6 O D McKENNA MASON HOW LOST. HOW RESTORED. ..I III KM- lavl n| I I'UKp.ipi r^ â-  M,in l.-.y. Wlli-ll two 'i' thrrc iiu asjiapers II fnii- anotiier. A few aid over tile b'ld Will kiep "•iM. iiii:-li warnii r .than a.iiiic n f tho 111 .i»v ' :...-â-  V. ivi II lili!ii!:it.-.-. \Vi- not pill)!...-.- ii. ws;iii|. 1^ ;is a ilU-tU:ito foi bliiiili. l- ,111.1 colllfirti I.H, but li is â-  •ii»' '•( ;!i i. I.I il, .-,!ii;:* th.i! a is u- -V t I.o v. I'l liiivt lli:i;' o.ii' iiiav.byihe tiei .ft! .â- . n u I :i[i 1 1 M cnri' ;; Ci'lil I i' I r i:i.iti.ini\ il.jii be.l, and b ittie. ItalHocuroi lUirns, .SeaIdH, Erost Piles, llruiHt-.s, lauieiicMo, and all of the flesh. All dealers sell It, price 25 cent.-:. CARRIAGE V/ORKS MARKDALE. T i! wu • annoi atlor.l to ;;ive a 'li.stitilte f^rriiy a Idii ii! m a c nrifi'iler, we niiiv s inv til i!i li'.v I 1 iiji-na^e tlw n-i fiilii -«. 1-' il.iir lliiii co.verin^s by â- â€¢ iriiii'ir II t « liy •.^â- f'l. ws aj'iitbe- finii liifiiir^ I M iv li â-  vv.- 1 lo leiuliid â-  le -..•« 11 1 'T'.V 1' !l.| '.V pl,.i:,:N, lliat I V I â-  lu â- \ 1 â-  111 In 1 A.tV fi' 111 ll.i'iw, uiid ariHii/i ig T. coVi-r o ii. -l'i 1^ vt r lli'!ii, lliev may be f.r' • r»i-! ir"ri har:'i on s.v-rrlv r.dl 1. 1 ' t \Vi:h ri |il lilts a-, \\ i!li iiir "• i*'-^. r .. II" ' 1111.11 t! f •! ' I h •.' t; ii-s li. \i ' f 1 111 wi'l pre- •• if I !â-  •^.â- .•^•- â-  t luat. Xmti iiari A If ;. „!l:ii 1^' I I I ' (•/" IlIK ANNTAI, SCH I'd. JfSKTiNd K. B 1^--1 ».ll 111' lielil 111 thi' S.-.'mi) House. M '.rl'lnl on \Vi-l!ie'liiy, ^tiili inst.. coui- iii 111- lit; Ht in oe nek a.m. Ual.-i'avii.s uml nth !.â- * iulei\..-,l.'d, of ' S. S. No. 1, .\rirfuie«ii' iiTi 1 (deiielt», r • p-iriii-i !a-ly reijiuitteii lo be J r •-. n?. ns tin' Truvt.i'H are ino'.t ansious tiiil III! iiirSii' lia\ii(.'g iv.ii.eis i-liou!il be full 111 iir.l, iinl Hint Ih uffiiirs of iJn- win.-cil, I !i':aii-iil mil etl e:\Vi.-M' sliouli receive tliat I iiii'ii! a'l 1 iiiti-iliij.'iit i-nti.-N'u whii'li ihe I 111.1 r.» I in.Dlve 1 ill ninn ' I V.M. UliilWN, !•• Mr.rL.litl. Dee. -JO. Is;:, Ii7 lin.' E have recently published a new edition of Dr. CulToriirell's Crirbraird Essay en the radicsl and nervous Debility, Mental and Physical Incapacity. Impediments to Marriage etc., resultiiiR from exce ses. ts'l'iioe, in a seale 1 envelojie, only C eta.. or two ^lostaRe stamps. The celebrated author, in this ailmirablc I EH'iay, clearly demonstrates, from thirty j Tears' successful practice, that alaruiins ain- I sequence.' nm\ be radically cured without the I dangerous use of iiiri rnal mc.licines or the use of the knif.' ointiiif; out a nioile of cure I at once simple, certain and effectual, by ' means of which every sulTerer, uo matter As the season of the vear is anproncliin}; 1 '^-" "'" ci"' lu^o» ""-ly 'e, may cure himself that Slii;.l.saii' Ciitter.s an- w.^iiteil. we w;«li cheaply, privately and radically, to iiit ni'ite 1,. till' finurs and pubLc iu ts'fhi' I.ctur._ should lie lu the hands of general tiiat we eaii supply tlicni with any **"'-^' -^i^i'"' •""' ' "â- ' O "^ati in ihe l.iiid. liiiiiK tlii-y want in tliiit line, mch us Adhet-s â- Loiijf Sleiclis. Kpee Bobs Block Bobs, Democrat" Square Box, Portland, Swell Body, and Double-seated Cutter OF .\1.J, KIM'S AND SrYLK.S. The Suivsmeli ie^lca! So,. F'V. 42 Ann St., \ctv Vcrk. p V^T 4.'.;) .\s we u-e untl.iii^; bi.t tirst class niater'al we ciiU GUARANTEE S.ATISFACTION Call and Insf'cc! uiir Work! I f- â- I i? I' -In IN I i,|\ 1. I !• nii. Sill I' \V. " thi. ui.iii'ira'ile words of Cou'e iii".i.ue I'.iiV. Wii i.ueat. 'Uoil t tiv.' lip th'i ali;|i. â-  p 'in-. dcspairiliE; iimiliii. Iiiit irv I'll! le' III i .d rittcr(i. It riirrx otliuri «iiy it it _\i'i! It re- niivali' r. ^j'oiiUH in 1 |i ni-n all the "ii; 'â- " f ss'iT' ti n. .iiid restores lo't Vitalilv. .•\ » r;:ioi m.\ni..\. S I'iriA C'lfri'i-poiid 'lit in a rece: t letTj.r wr l'« ' f ' ri ui:-i "f -v .-i^iiile T"' t â- '?. »h â-  IS iit1l',-ti-! HJtii Lloi't â- - â-  lotion. \t iiniii I in;; i-iuiil Ihe omnibus -latioiis. liaiiei u! tho lobhii 8 of •he tllfiities, and st •«|iiii» the |i'X'kct .•laiidli' I. 111. fs il file Ijili-s. Ho w ts arre-ti'il, C'luj^ht in tiie ac' and taken liel'ire thu L"inMii-^.-«rv of I'jiice, who 'riirrcd tins luiial s.-meli to be made 111 llirt ap-«ilniiit ••leiii'ifd bv tli â-  pM-i'iier. llui'lieds niid of. haiidk.'veliiefs of all kii i,s wore foun ' from the line rantlric emliroiilered ereliii f of the liiiiy if title, t" tho p'aiii h« luiued s.jiiar • it lin' n nra'Iv marked by the shop /irl. The l.!.pi li.i I «orl.eJ- iiis own •iitiitlii ill t'li' c I' 1.1 r r-f cell hninl- kerchli l' Ili was hao icd ov.r to jiin liuiMis, ntid the iHiiu'-i wh.o care to flaini th-ir ii.iii.Ikeiehii ts cwa have them ou ap;iiication u' the utrfccture MalHiuo .Mice Kejjiiaiip. has not yet marrK'd the ihiko ol in r ciioice, but as *-p(*tli:iiiii:iry she nTiK'.i's to have Imrrowe i the t ill. of i'S.jKK) to ad 1 to li-rdonr" T.ij III liny Wig' off.Ted her by H S\. I '^en.a mo'ieiary it^'eut. i»bo ;ia t been ilepn «•' t.i bo r .w il ill her nail. I' but whil foi-s peism took! hi.r tl'fsuiu in ij •etioi|. Il" f ititid he I ha.i lifi-ii for -tiiil"l. a. id tliiit the litdy h«d o(.r.Kiii-ii :t ' int hi.' iii- t rvi-n'i' 11, -die ' elii.ed to ailow Itiiii tiio i-ortiiiitssi â- ' t I » i.icli he uoii- sudncd I e was ••iit::!eii, c "iise juontly the facto of the case Imv,- het-u gouc into lv a court of. I U«, an I the m-t-' rew has leiii C'l.iii- iiiiied to pay JC12 Ml iudemiMty M. 1) lyer, HtKVT.tCi; '.!•: .\ U)LL) Up-ll lll« first, f ei ii^i if chill (T lliiT»i.i' niij.ri ::i d "I- if |M' »ililo. b«tlie tJie f*.' iiT H-,., wHt;r, grn- •laikllv iiic â-  MMiii^ t le ii'a6a» lii({ aa !tc.*u b«- c.»»ui"rv.ilry ie jrn--. iL'titii fte» V cf "fcariii ;j.:»'ier le.i .r siiJ tea, 'â-  indvNJc iM-.s|'iii»t:o!i. nil Ial»e Uac-j yard'r kcN-t t^tl H-i'ulai akcrdiii^ to • ii«ctir!iitA«» Iba bMtlr. Ifa^-yard's d/.lf». V c-rrt 9ouj!i. asUuiaa, on tiai d bef' V pirelia in;.' els- where. ;ivi C.VI'EFVr, .\lTKNTlON CllVKN TO HORSESHOEING a HI Cicneral Jobbiu,' in everv line. ^IlOPâ€" Ou M-11 rule .Street nppoKito ••^ llotel. t» V r '•'«PiLIPETIME-|( 'OTHERS Horse-biioeiug a Specialty il.xrkdalc. Juaeli, 13 1 -4 nes|H-ctinilv voiirs, JOHNSON, CLARK CO. July Tth,18Sl. 43-6m nni GE0R6E NOBLE, INSURANCE AND LAND AGENT, LICENSED AUCTIONEER For tlia Coonty of Orey. AoKNT for the fuliowiu^ reliable Ccmpaaiaa CITIZENS' of Montreal, AGRICULTUKAL, of Watertown, and '^lUDE* COM^rt-.BCB. (Mntnal) M TcroBt©. A n im'icr of Choice Farm* for sale, alto Village tv'ta Audiou S Uea coo lactad ia Town or Conn- try oa 8boCt««l Notice. Char;es umlerate, BilW, Oiauk N«to-i, an I Stamii.-* prnuU,]. OKO. SOBLE. MiBuAt.v. Mar jnth. 1881. ?6 It AGENTS WAW ii-D. -Eig pay.â€" Litcht Wj.k. .S:ei». y Emf-l'-vinciit. Samples f rue. Aldre .i. U. li\iiA, FLESHERTON Harness Shop. CORDON Has a!wii s en liRnd a fnll assortment of HEAVY HARNESS, T?VHIPS, SLEICH BELLS, TRUNKS, HORSE BLANKETS, AND SCOTCH COLLARS Warranteil to fit, *n-1 made of the Tery best material, aud at the LOWEST LIVING PRICES. To Diseases, Complaints and Acliukmts wtiich Hacvakd's Yelxow Oil is euano- tcfd to cure or relieve cither in Man or Beast. TAKEN litTUMUT FOI CROVT, CK.IMFS, ASTUXA, COVGBS, SOUE THItOAT, COLDS, ie. UPHIEO EXTERNALLY FU RUErSLl TISM, CUILBLAIXS, SV.ELLrSGS, a.iLLS, Z-A-VEXESS, COyTBA cnoNs i-rxBAao, JEAF!fESS, BPRAjys, yEVItALOIA, .CALLOrs LVUJPS STIFF JOISTS, FROST BITB, CORXS, BBIISES, ITCH, FATS nf BACK, P.4JX la SIDE. *^ Every bottle ruaranteed to gire .afiffaf- tion or money rer 5"' ;Il;nded, DIREITIOIIS Wmi EACH BOTRE. PHIOE 900. LICZLBTSN Ss CO., Propzleton TORO^'TO, OHT. MARKDALE Marble Works Monuments, Tombstones Anvt every de^criptien of rouietery irork executed in FIRST-GLASS STYLE ami nt rea--ouable intes. Orders le't at {),i shop or sent bv mail will be piomplly a: tended lo. ISatisfacticn Guaranteed. I Shop next door to P.erfre Hotel. W. A. JOHMSTON, Prop. Mnrk'Ule AiiR. lOih 1881. 48-lv r.KUBXBER THE PLVCK i RICHARDSON'S BLOCK. J. GOHDON. X. B. â€" Goal Sjivo and Rhingla Tunber taken FUkherton. pM. 6th. 1861. 1ft. TmRTLING DISCOVERYl LOST MANHOOD RISTOaCD. a TMtaa af ytm^tai Hanodeaee catiilii( ft«Bi» tin Daca*. Mcrroaa Debiutv, I«t Kaakood, ata., teTiox trifd In Tain eTery koova nmaity, hu dia- Bums arfi-jv. m •owrr.I a rimpla arirenio. which ke wrU •fSL^U tt I'l hBow-»5flfer«rv«4»» •• â- Â« â- â- â- â- â- -»- Choice Farm for Sale. 211ILE8 FBOM MA^ALB. LOT 1 Ml Loncej.s:on I, Aitemesm. East b!,!.. T S. Bead, conflninR 50 .cre=â„¢46 ^S;â- cA â- snnderrnltiTation. and t!,e blp'e^^ timber. The above farm i, a verv d^i^lu property and »in be roll chea7 T^ frame bjirm .nd h,g l.on"e J^Z\L!^ Po«r.K,on given this fall. For fnrther*^^ titulars apply to «unner ^v W:.I. LITTLEJOBJJS. "r to C. W. ErT'^-:^.,, MaruLl^ ' '"'" Bei4.!^l,lMil. j^^ B,««.d„yoor-H««TifTcnw«tto.ifUl.»yo-rPbo«og^ W.BULMBB, r r The People's Photograplier, Flesherton FRAMES A]NI F«A1VIE *^^^â„¢ •*^,SK your pie.«- ««1 1»« *h« .t^iad «d .!«kr«.d by your aU fri»a. BULMEf. ITew Cash Store. „» -^ •.*,,.';? MAEKDAtg Sash and Door P^^ 'Mf^M^ ^twulM^ f^lPAT nOBNINO Dry Goods, Groeaiies, MANTLES, â- -._ READY-MAD^ CLOTHING Crockery and Glassware I^A ME»SS. c Ac. The above stock has been purchased for cash at a season whei the importers are mnming off their Biirplus stock at and under cost to make r. .om for their spring importatimiR cou- wquently I am in a position to give bar.rains to tl oie who are able to buy tbeir RooU^ fo cash. Call and see for yourselves and yu will toe sure to call again. HENRY FOSTEE. Markdale, Kovemlter 15th, 1881. 631y $500,000.00 -SI North of Scotland Money 'PC LOAN on Farm Security at 6 and 6 J per cent- yearly, and on the most favrrabh L terms of repayment offered by any Agent or Mouev Lender in Ontario. No Fines. lOxiK-nsis reiluced to the lowe'.t possible figure. Parties wanting to borrow will pleast c immunicate by letter to the undersigned, liox 51, Hhelbumc, or call personally on Vou- dnys. All comnuniestions promptly attended to. G. W. RUTHEEFOKD, Lo*n Agent. o I am authorizml to sell a large number of Improvod and Unimproved FanuB exceedingly cheap Parties wanting to buy sliould communicate with me by letter, stating tiiid of pro- perty wanted, or call personally on ifoiidays- I'articalara will be given reapooting location, terms, and price uf tho class of proixrty wantol. U. W. HuTBBiiroRD, Estate i^cnt, to. Box 51, Shelbuma. .\11 kinds of property insured in First-class English and Canadian Stock Companies, at low rates. G. W. KirniBroRii, Pistrict Agent. Peeds, Wills, Mortgages, Iieases, Assignments, Agreements, Ac., nestlv ftiid properly exe- cute 1. Charges moiorate. â€" G. W. RirnEKroRO, Con. ani Com. iu B. K., Shelbuiiie. N. B. â€" By giving a week's notice can arrange to meet parties at Dundalk or any point liainu 1. â€" t. W. ItuTHERFORD. November 29;h. 1 81. fi4.3ra. WILLIAM STRAIN, Dealer in all kmks of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMERTS, WAGGONS, Sewing Machinea, Organs, Fanning Mills, Tin and Copperware COOKING. PARLOR AND BOX STOVES i'lT^Flrml^^^i ^%;"'P*» kinds of KEPAIRS for the ItDplometil. I s,U, farmer, wtll see the ».lvnutage of dealing with a Local Agent. WM FlesUecton, Murnb 21, 1881. sTR.\iN. :Fies3=Leitcr5, 28 tf FANCY GOODS! CONSISTING OF Ladies' Work Boxes, Ladies' an.l r«„» • «r • • Toilet Sets, Moustache Cups ihaving Mugs, Dolls. c., c. Linds?g.P|^ J^BW*:.^^ assortment, including Services, Prayer and if^mi Book, vl 'Sâ„¢*'"'"' ^^"'^^ tattoa Books, aad ChUdMn' rSl ' ^^i!^^"^*ieous Presen- Cards-, vely fine coSfon T^ ^^' Christma, *c.. al^ suiuSe %.X^*^r°esenU IZ'^T^^J, â„¢^S. 13 " '^^'«^EI1 CO., Medical lUU. SASH, DOORS, BLINDS :: MOULDINGS J^l HOLLOW 'batw Lumber, Lath and SI Always on Hand. Orders Promptly ^ii% IB/ Th« Sobaeribar wisbea t j retnrn thaukb to the people n( Markd 1 T«7 liberal patronage they have giveii him in the past, aud hoi.f* k " "if i baaineaa to merit a contiouanre of the'game. t » by ^^' k\ I h»v« now extanJed my bii8iueB«.and will in future l«^ SI PINE LUMBd Direct from the North Shore ALiIi SIZES, DRESSED AND UNDBEs I ^11 liincls orl^ln-in a,nl KanovT luDe iu a flrt^t-alaaa â- nanuar."' r._„„ .l.SOinthre. montha. ^*' i^t.ntil all arreage. are ^irrrtheopiion of the publish **VV ;„„ oipArs without payinit ^t.'^^jStirfor the years aub- r*' "' .S.5000 ,Ba "ear ^^ VOL. JOH do do do do 27 50 15 00 8 (Ml 4 00 EO 15 T» • 3 ami biK att«nlel to 111 I' Estiiuatt? ' Dundalk. Se; "Wm. BA f «â- â- ] Is large or sj good «naj avcnriiy. INTERESI A... THOS Markdale. May 27th. 1681. LATE IMPORTIT Of specially Attraetire, Seasonable, FashioiiiUe atJ ao „d under, first iusertum.. â- ubnequeut lustrlion.. veuUucs, brut insertion.. â-  ubsequeut '"'""•""•••,â- â- â-  Ine,, firat insertion per line .nligepuent iiisrti'U • iXr of lino, to b. reckoned by th. '^d measurod by a acale of "M "^,,rti..mcuts withi.ut s^M.-•.f.o iiU be pubU^liHa till forbid ami .rdimtly. All transitory ad'^rtiae- :t?^ oo the Thursday nioru.ngpM-^o "•'w "i^ri.KDQE, Proprietor SIONAl a. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. a a surgeon^.AccoucLeur Sec 1 il 1 M e a ' a'.l 1 ointb, I X To nandi whieli h i, oSer at • Greatly Reduced PricejBffi-i^"'^-'" -oâ€" ta ^OOT$ A^^O S^ost ji tegal^ ._ I «.\ Sum' i( »i.l-Sa-.: auv I'u" Dec. 3»d. !•**•â-  M. IH.I' UKli. oinivan- £. Wc offer special values iu tvci line.- QUK STO( K or Grocj'ies, Hardware, Crockery, anil Hin Is raiy coiuidelo, au I MSiiaer* w.U Ii i I ir c •â- . ;im i I'ailuiiut. '•^'in^^ir: CIVE US A CALL AND SAVE 9A0HI) iy P'irchasing y«u"r siiypllrs at ti.o • T -i-' â- ;;;.; H:u».' Wm BROWll Vikii « r"..~-v j Owi"" Soun 1. in and in Mrirlida';!-. »\-i M.l"ar ,re, ou I'l-idav anf ' Froit A: I'roM, ^J xl ,1STK«S. \N'I Al :t)r.NKVS Al i Soliritorii iii • Ii»ii0tr». «.ii\y Ae Ow.«, havr r«-uii'-d.Ht ' " Office i.peu fv.rv TbariJay. « M«m'» •â-  if nil »;•â- ' i»i»- HI kfj.I i.ii I. AND Faa*T. J.W. Kh.^t.I.I. II. mty Crown .Ktt'Tiiev. l- „ SKi.u n "•' "» "" lYnncirs. Mark inl- Hoiise McFArlaii t'« lli to ItnJ, ou Farm Si-cu rity, •! 1 per ' [lUs*. Q- t: .1 \V. I'.owr. Markdale, S«:t.2ntb, '.sPl ALL Wanting to I'archaso or Ilcnl I.aprovcV. FjitUis. WiM '.•. T;vi;i vi ' A-.h» the Ooun.y uf (.in-y SHOULD SEND FOU SentUtrjt. Watch I ••h;!. w 1 I I'.ll: i.. ' F « Fir. Jarnr?. .1. W liit«-. ' ;an: to Dr. (•jta«r"'n.-«i»ii '-itil. ' A.UK KV TH .Ki.VKUK M.-lsK. MarkdOe. ..a iii. U- ^^ "'""".♦"' i (nth, when he will '"• prei-ar.-i l-' I" r o,,» r-.iiir.-d 'ii."iitb-n'""' i OF Farms for Sale ant tc Let rbose Iiaviiig l.k-! I'roi»it:et to J:sp.we of a'lo il.I c.:isfi !!?/: Sare ^ak â-  pay. CAr.\.i,v.:,.^UK SE.ST ON" .\; i.i. ,\J:.'S- I baicopeiird nn Oflire in Kullr.iffrS Ilolrl. llaikdslr. »» will be found ovci-y TliurKdaj. ami *â- ::, i» i; i a. .i i^ • Lea.nei, Morti'.tj,'es. A At.\, iipaiii u:i-" rorreotly. .%;» ;re on ••"'!»- free. Also to attend te all thadifferent dejiiirimeiits ••: n.v;*;^* Ib every department of jny bnsiuiss my inoili h Tftoro'ii-- liess aud f air IVaiiiij:. Auction Hairs rondurtcd. Rrni», Arrruii!-.. •• r*"'"^* prompt returns made. « llAKi3 LOW- ROBT. DAVIS, Conrevariccr. Ck)mmisaiou«r in B.R., Roal Kv«t, 1. i a:.l'"'r«' Ptt«crUanro(i«. \\ m. Bro\tM. KUF MAK'i.U"!- 1-i' 1:NE if. mmsiiiiiir 'n H It .Vc. reyanciiip in ai! ils-iiriiii.!.;. I'r.iiuftiy t 'to aiui carwlullx .•xi'UK'n- j .â€"Money to l.-uu "U Kcal K«ia-.' â€" i lale. Sept. i7, 1 «•*•â-  I y -I. I k llrila. ...t.iai 1 ,1,M l.Al. l.AM' f 11:.. I ..1:1: ». .:i. llnl- lil'i !• â- Â»'" â-  ,.l.l'l.' •:»•• WEEKLY AGENTS Alexander Brown. 1 JEUof MKrnsTii, I. â- â€¢â€¢-"-• 'â-  "^^ ""•* I ife In-urauce Ai-nt. t ..iiiMn-«...i.»i ., R. .Vr. CoMV.viimvr an. I l..i-"if"-^ » for the â-  Mint: "!•"•. 1 "â- ""' ints, a-idliaii! S:il.-. l;urJ ia.:^ hi tl^ti to aud cliar-.-ii ma Ic v. ty ^UtTilie. bopt: 17. 1^-" (C. .â- Â»!. «all»tailli UCTIUNbri.K AN Aseiit, Wiiiiaiusf.iril M:- jatieadel m h.I puri «.)l'l ou 1 iiiuriii- I irgiuS. a'ld Si'iv. I J and Oiiiaiiieii.:i Tiu--" â- '"â- â€¢â-  ^- ' ' I _JlmpUiu»n:s.*.iJ ua.-i.-i*-.-' -I 'â-  »• «â- '• WhaiBatord. Jan "JT. 7»-l J. ti. «IMK, MINION AND riiuVlS' lAI. I.ANn "' ' ' r, •d ;n:i:!^^ oifTeyor. Drtti|.litii!:i;i'i ai^i Va' lal-jr ord and Murk lal.-. Ila^:^l^• !•'• e .* ^loiHl hand lU:ir\ lUn' ^k( slock uf iif.f.uAl Ki-:l V "••=. 'â- '••, ^pHu. InMliiioti.ius, â- â€¢.• ad !•: '«..â-  " " within Mie l.«st filtyf.v. .*!.. I a-* hv letter, or l-dt willi i â- ej lo make S'lrvt-ys in sir i-t :.•â-  ' lh"rewilii. J'rii:..'« am I .-.liin»'-« â- a-iiu;- Hills, I'laii" an 1 Si.-.-iliia:i..«- iiHiug llr: ii:'^. f'lriiislirt i-n aM'::-»- Mouev t'lLmu at â- â€¢ !•• «•-• ' â- â€¢â€¢'*â- ' J r.i.viu ,trn.i«d til. 1 V alu. will li« 'riui)'tl 't. 17. •«" __ T. K. l»AVIi. " uk|. Aft.-r i..iu|.:.;r:ig l: i.u'ld;i.».' 1 Fa 1 to i« still n Ih.' irm-l-- x- I y â-  t i ilo all of slum- .•. bn»k ' ' •r.i..« â-  entitle ilantoring ai.i tu-k |«iiiaiiu' i .â- â- -•»â-  |co'ulcUlll:ili- liullduiK W"i; lllid It to lii.'iT I itago lo ^;ivf biui a full- rideiioe o.iin.r of Brown and S|r.iilr â- â-  MAnai'i.K '«» S'lf^ \\ Il.*l«iiil««»«»i OUli rOUSK.Sli.N..Vt Al.KlAi.l^ 'â- ^""â- " i Couirarts laki-ii in Iovmi oi .r'.uuli j aik. fXi. 12. l^^"!- '_^ ' We YOUR COMBINGS. frs. T. a. M'TvMn. b. v- t.. mi- • ^•â- ' «â- â-  LAdiesof MrirkiH'.i- an I m-.t -i.- epareu t.i w.iik iii. Iim r .-••in'" ^•^ 'â- "" ni."l. '1" ,.. r â- â- ! -M.i M,.I.,.v.. â- . dies. piilTs uu.l iiil-. t'TMi- t. 11 is soliciU'.l. U.-dtiMf ••••r I Queen streets, " '-itt ». -ien bv Mail promptly alUu icd l«. farkdale. S«v^. 1, lH-1. M .-. 1 l»ir it THOI 9ttm iato «r SafewtivUaa to «ad of 1882. Endoee 91.00 now to TIE GLOBE PRIMTIHG CO, Toronto. MARKDALE H Severe hotel,. .tlAKKUALi:. 1 SPROULiE, Proprietor. ^HLS popular Hut.l bus had a lar^-.- ad- ._ ditiou added t.ii;. tburotiKbly r- litt' I. ia now socuud to iioikj hi tho ciutil stabling and utt;utiv o-tlei • 1 ir.t- accoinuiodat 11.11 (..i i traM-1 I ^J,| ,. Term* SI.OO H*""" *«»»'• '" â- - MEAFOBD, Out. • J. McUlUlt, I'aorBicroaa. JSverv aceommodatiou for the travelling »bhe. The bar is *xll will, ib- oicest Wiuej aud Lin'iiiiB uuii il'w 'â- â™¦â- -I f»ds of Cigars. free 'bu« to and from all trains. [_Ke pt. 17, Iht io. l-.v_ COMMERCTAinrolTL i'itlCiiVilji-iii. 0;il. t}f^ '"d oommodiojs Sample' â- 1 t*«a ttuums, vc. The bai an ' iarde •*lpu«M wiUi the besl till- uiiik- 1 al ' 'â-  fcooa Stabhag and attentive Hi)«il-r'i Uiu:i. AlkiKsuK, Irojirieier w III.- ' d»i. HARNI a.i^i ' ti • !• HAIR I E\1 I iy "

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