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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 6 Jan 1882, p. 2

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 itsu,. TBACH [UBBN ST.. M^i^^ Ill, Mid r,,,^ i*"**. |H08. MULLAHn ktAKriTT |r •ds Cedar p^jj* l(?l»e»t Prictw »i^ 1^ â- "' r^EE WHITTI^r* â-  «oTk don*. "«i»l'li»r. '")k .auJ. over Om STiinu I'v-'s maUe. ' im.nt or Pramet Ck«». uJ forget »1J ,50^ r» ICOWNK PhM^iii^ 1. 15. imi. ||. â-  Lik^ Leaiiiffl, M'LEOD, VUKlMlJ. BE BEATQ; MHV hiiTe h«d tlif ifc_ Iwrii baMfootoi) viU bw ' ive jiHi rwived |^ ||q. ' k of iuatlier ever h(n I viiaW, cousUtiOKof Spuiia iiul Calf, and ara o»* im t.iro T.a.Hr^. (i.-nt«, ^th Hint fhoos. from th* M^ li'i.l priin. Ua. Vork a Snecialtjr. •4Hi. Invisible patatoaiilM M. M. McLMOi I lath, iH»i. OWEN. I LOR, 'arland'sSte^ iRKDALE, r jnrra to fill all orf« »«* I piompluww. "" latest: )n Plates! M UN HAND. |0NEpILEWAlTIN8 ^» ^~' ' â- ! â-  Fit Guaranttei j -^A,- .J has MODERAt* 'J C.A.OWO â- ,v. mh. 1881. lERON H0 and xu ^**' STAHDARD. ^lJLJ- â€" ' ^T^Uss Watch, go to Wil- ^^ A. DoBlopB. '*^u'ks. Reeve of Eapbrasu.. n as last we«k. r"'^„,e of those Seth Thomas Kr^hUaeWdco.. ",tho«e useful article Pocket ,ull on hand ai »^ irpoort'^fthe Standing '"1 IV MarkOule Public Scholars J j,„l^jl pear «,Qt to procure '» choice braud of liiAnd. first Barr oat class Head meiil A Pl'BLIC l^TDiO SbOD^ called ui ilM oitlsenB of town Kirf viUii«.W l*» ooBsMtf w^ B Ati w prevent the hgir from taming Ocry and faliiafont. If Uiiit important qnefltinn reenTod their earnest MO- Bideratioo they would ooaiumoiudy decide that aeience bad irt laat dis- covered jtometltiog that woald answer this pupuse â€" 2ud furthermore would reeomaend Cingalese Hair Benewer asb^gtliis Bomethioe for restoring the hair to its natural color, and pre- vent iu falling out. 60 cents per bottle. For sale by all Druggists. _We had caU from I clear v .ice and • mMtody KaiK rTR^^-Dolds last week He .s Tjr'uDio completiu;{ his stud- 'p^gjjist aiid Cliemiit. Secretaries of Aj^ricultural So- '„U do uo a favor Ly Bending 3«s of the officers elected at the meeting nest Thursday, jual Meeting of U«lla'.id 'ricultuxiil ZJc iii Ca.iipWls Hiill „C Thursday thai :Jth INfi |Kh".»rii-»iidheai i„h.T-a U'SC assortment of olI»,oVi»,.Sl«tc.*. Stationery, c. Tarner i '"â-  followed by siHgiBg ky the- school which showed good training. A leiijtliy progranuoe Was fpone through and well rendered. We decline giving the names of those who took p«rt, all of which acqaitted themselves with credit, as our space would not penOit of a detailed report giving justice to eacli however the entertainment was Society will klip best tlie school has ever given and C'hats- I ii i.a H flom shing condition, all sppear- iubt: I e well aitisfieJ with the evenings enj yinent. Proceeds $49. The com- mittee deeerres credit for their Tidoa- ble services in the manageoMaL new tfriamfMBfltt/ta |b#»Sth eoCi: ' P. V» IIm ts M ioe of m verr pieâ€" ^j m^ ^tt m'ma i 1 ,1 "ma.' IBtk. fln. nPer tke pMt samiaw praMntc WW bda IB the school taoaea, ewticB No. 7. and then the ple«saa« tea puty was bdd. TW ladies in the neighbarhood supplied the tea whieh was io abondanee. Af' adckessed iot B»eetin|;, Bev. Mr. B6L- Bteio Joeeph HcAr of Hoparille; feter UaGt^gat, oC DnndJk; atf' ID Dufferin Hall on Monday evening " â„¢ .•^••»n »«• =*»»•«. !*â- â€¢ the 22Dd inst. The btfdl was cxowded an all appeared brim full of fan and Ictermined to have an enjoyable time. After tea was served; idiicn was excellent and in abundaooe, the sup- erintendant Wm. Brown, Esq., look the chair and called the audience to order, when Master Herbert Brown delivered the dpoiing f^dreee ia « fwoula annonace Co flier i t» Bt i (i(tM9^oeiRidalk and surrounding cowitiy that I ai^|te^authorized agent and am now {Kepared to sell the best sEfiHG mssm\ quantity of eatables beiqg left a weial was held on Fridky night, tMMi oit. tiq!feiMyNiPti9^p«^ ^y ' were -4eliÂ¥eee4 by lirf. gsijdet aad others. Amount of proceeds $7-40, mkmg a total of $51. 1W mauag» ing ocMMitieehoe itjfood sabi tion,'«nd iutef)f4n tfe uj ae ii i b e to in the spi ing. This will make anotb* er place of worship in oar township. G. OlMllTr niknnfiactured. TTieyarethe wond-fwaowBwi Hew YMkaiagadr And, tion. moBenyer. t thaqevei ^sput^ THE "GLASeOW HOUSE.' X3 fcSF JT3P.A. I -i ig U Ae tSMen. wUkiac • Bmpff N«w "^odt b£idti atoi^ ban *k wUkiac »} iraVerKtScfNalW tD- Witosaol P i u SiM ' iw i L^ Iwt leMiiiil I g iiiTijiiiii iif H'l â- â€" ' â- â€" Mie )em» s«Mk of ateS«coiMb.«iMisiia« il TxTTT T .. TU 3=T'W. g Hits m GAPS, READT-lfflffi tl«Tffl(«; B0ot8 and Shoes, Groce^* FLidHERtdfi^ ilVi;cM -â- Â» fas^ owedt -We desire to ro- ads uf families. Owing to the recent saver» storns on the Atlantic, seven cases goc^s, D«V»c/ IniprtaC'on$, for W. J.^MdFar • I me#tin' of Glonclg Ag- 'and arrived two weeks late; sudte' " •? w o7v wilfbo lield iu Duf- I oi "'«• t" ««"'" » ^P^edy sale, he offers Markdaie for rocieving I the'u much under re«ala» pnccs.- ,„al lieiK.rt and election i "»'•" ^^" following :â€" 24 Ladies' hea- w.r.-^u'^aH i^ej ^^. j.|^^,^ (~|^^j, Mantles, £3.00, well yXtlog'i WHuted, f r cash ^utr of hitiihrr en \vMu\ for silc, jgiment next week. G. .S I r^vn |(,D.M:rk.lalo. •.inrJ Wedu'sliiy in Jan- ,; Jay i.ieucli \.'nr,byRti»tiite, Ijiii;,' of ;li .\iiuual lU'.oliiig i;^;,ctiral Division Aj,'ricultural ,ifs, »:, 1 liie RiC'ud Tliiirsilav in fnae month for Towu^hip Socie- Ijfri will "• » meeting of the Vials I- '•«« of A. O. U. \V. Ill U,, hi) p "I. Friday ovening thi^ ,i, at H (.clock sharp. Every it.rii rtq icotud to attend. loi- j'.jiiM.: -i^ I" be attiiided to. |i,V'irkdale Skating Rink will be ((iil.lic on Saturday even- y,â„¢ boy* l"ok up vuur skates luetlial tlio straps are in order. us li»Vitli»; i';e i^ t'j he in tifbt class uy,,'n ftuJ- warraoted not to tear rpiiiii if yoii si* down rather sud- I mouralvice, if you want any Utnllei, "â- /««"•" Flannel*, J'resi ^j I '„((nm, I'll- â- â- 'Is, 'I'abU Linens, nwrptii' ^, (.'usliiii'ji'-*, an I liia.;k, grl W. .1. McFarl.iiid 8 piic.^. .Vr(( I'lint, iiijd '• Djb t you j ptit!" i ';« weather the i ast week has been ' rcool ami fur Weed pile is, â€" well i'ot l be Boou.H'e have' tried to be j un acoiiiiit of the state of I. lis, l."l now there is good sleigh- tvill ai-.oct thoie who have! ill. pay tiicir subscription in I iiure. You worth a I worth $4.50. 24 Ladies' Black Beavel^ I Mantles, $a.50, cheirp at $^.50. " 18 Ladies' Diagonal SHtiu trimmed Man- tles. $r.UO clieaj) at $6.00. HO ^a- j dies' very fine, richlv trimmed llfau- tlcs, :r oifX), nholesnle price $7.9i. 50 Childrt ns' colored Jackets ^itf) Hood, satin lined, from' 50c up. 27 Ottoman Shawls, rcvtrsilde, $3.00, wlndesalo )«rico $4.25. 20 Stripped tUtoiuiius, $1.J0, worth $3.00. 28 Wove Plaid Shawls, 90c and $4,50â€" I very cheap. 400 yaids Black Silk â€" cheap. 2U0 yards Black Velveteens • â€" ch?af 20 dozen Black Silk Fringe I â€" cheap. fi dozen Silk Ci^rd and Tassels â€" cheap. As-k Salesmen to show you goods advertised. â€" ANDâ€" ' CABINETMAKKII, -- ' Has now on hand Coffins of all lisea and A TRIAL .ebooO Yi$ N:B. â€" Old machines bobgfat TPJi^tefti HANNA, Agent. for hire, charges moderate 5M5gSB5cBtc -XttXSS GOODS Car 8e.«wtiil«a. BIiACK OAStaOOM iw OtTB fra»te.«pb PBUQS froaa S«. np. AQ kinm HCnBMfll Bl s nt ata and llooaav CadardoUting Ttaj hmf. Para Umb Tie. s«r yard. WbHe Cottons and Heavy Qiey ff^tfT' teai .fier M Boots. Shoe* and BaMMts, ever MWiiaMa^MlMklMBi; aad' for 1«m itM»«7 tliBn aboddv mdiraia sold a%'-POST TBAIM TOVKO HTSON TEA, S As. for'll. J.' ..... .- ' • • -« IT 4 i â-  .. iflffal 6if GddlMI ITe. 4# A First-elaM Tailor jiM MIIKner 1 ta iiaaaetion wilh tk» asN hliakâ€" ny HT (3aU ai^ iujWiit ^Mda tetea pw Aariai Vr'*, Ic »T*Ji » ao. NELSON, Proprietor, ^Glasgow House Noteds" -^ Cheapest House NofH^ of Toronto. Dandalk, Deeasaber 81b, ISBl. i-ty ^^MM mmd. Htllliain â-  Â¥ ' fjj'.i'.flv ',»«â-  .i.'-.if:x* :•â- ; r**- •^.,. «,- XTKsftstei** ft\S â- si) ti-.3ii I • ^tHi *ar*n .Msijer! 1**50 I'm 6"ar»f"» ^. »: t f*¥»i'~^ 'â- â€¢ J â- " :. â-  1 e».. -s^ ",â- '..,?;.' » .-..^ i lit"' 3 '•* ' .-'u READY-MADE GLOTHHid •-k ' promptly attended to at all honit ef day or night. \^ Alao a full stock of HoQseMd Fonutorel Ordered wcrii of all deaeriptions eze with the -utmost despatdi. Btad brill z It along at KtUiiiiiik will not work bl'hl'U it IS Ci'ld. ligrentmaiiy peoilo ore troubled kcold Ictt. wliicli is i::vari*My »ibvaKlui.'gish circulation of the k fow dosoa of Dr. Carson's DUNDALJt. (From the Heralil.) A smart boy wanted to learn the B'a.cksmitli busskiess,at F. F.^Tceples Dindalk. Grand Masqurade on Tuesday even- in;; uo\t. iu Duudalk riiik, a boss time cxpoctod. if you want to bny a good farm, call on A. G. Hunter, Real Estate .Agfut, Dumlalk. Tiie great ff\le of Village lots, the pi(.[eity (/f K. J. Doyle, is to taue place mvllie lUtli insl. the Dundalk- monthly Fair, oil Tuesday, the 10th inst. A lai'^u atioiidunco is expected. We had a large market on Tuesday. Wa noticed aeveral farmers from a distan'e. and wsre elad to see them. Cliarlog McC .niiell soKl seven Vil- lage lots, tins wuek, iu his new sur- vey. Dondalk is extenjiug its boan- dnries, G. R. Middloton. will have an Auc- tion Sale of the balance of his goods now for bar- fflncfi mid (•on^,tlpatiou Kilters on Saturday, to-morrjw, â- 0.111 pr(.i{m- a fice ciicul.ition of giniiij. h.iuhI and Slimolato and T )iie the fi,,, -^' q, 4 B. Railway trains are at 50 juakinz splendid time these days. Special w^^xs is no time allowed to run across V*- Sold IU large bottles A. TiiiiuT and Co., iX. Mtrkdale. I'Jtstk.h SrppKR. â€" .\ few of UDiiiDs fni'uds ontorliiiiit'd 'ttT nii[ii.-r at the " on ruipp r Mr. B. him at Mansion cvcniii" last. ti; "et a -ci 'ar. II you want to {;et money on the very best teiins, and the very lowest rate of interest, cull on A. G. Hunter, Loan Agent, Duudalk. There were seven thousana bushels ot grain purchasod on the Duudalk muket in one day last week. A good tune among the farmers. It i.-i coiilidently believed in Duu- dalk, that the Marqui" of Lome will bo apuoiuted Viceroy, and the Earl of Dalhousie is reported as likely to suc- o.el Hi* Excellency as Governor (itueral of Canada. The annual meeting of the Proton (1 iicultural Society will he held in ' Orange Hall, Duudalk, on Thurs- ti:w, the 12tli inst., for the purpose of rcceiviug the Auditors' Report, elec- tion of ofliceis, aud'other husiness. Friday ut'ciu's vnTc made by n. Koht. Myl.'s, "Archd. Elliott. I IcuKiii. and oiiiors. A viry en- Je evi-uiu;^' w:is spout, it is need a wiv that the sui'per was tirst- ai the uuiiit' of the gonial hostess Kay, is ampk' gnurantce. W.J. McFaiiaiul is the only mer- t iloiug lu-:ieas iu Markdale uiipurts du'Mct from Europe, '"c^ lie citii save his custoinera lUi' '"i(uil.l/,),;i,l;ltj /iri;/jf. .NiMuw Es, APE. â€" Mr. Joha Mc- â-  whv\ wovkiiig iu Mr. Mcr- »oodb, luot with a very serious wnt wlui-li came near proving Ho iiiiployed iu t,'etting saw lojjs, and while skidding Th\t PDzii.ET7An A^oftisentent the »kid titw up, striking him appeared in the fliAjkLB'iast Wilkin a •ie luad aiid rendering him uu- manner whkh puzzl^' most ldl|ders lous. iti which state ho remained i to make aeJKC out gf it^fe»ii^ is j^st *ar;y three days. Dr. Spioule, ' as plain and easily islK I in and informed us that it ' week as t*e.»miAines • pretty clto-o call.but prououuces' is no puzzle to \p4erstaud 'thy aow out of danger. j ;ew York Ssingertiat such S -Vo: j wide ixpiiatiiMi. Tli^ J^e se coq}' Caua- pijte \^ ^\\ thee p^t9'Sn4*iiny^iOer- A full stock^of RUSTIC AND PHOD FRAMES which will be sold cheap for Cash. $tas«ned Lumber of all kinds Taken in exchange for Furniture. G. GRANT. MABKDALE. Markdak, Deo. 33, 1881. 67-tL 800D NEWS Mill. ImM lis at Work. -H. WING- LATELY FITTED UP I'y Grist Mill in FIRST-CUSS RUNNING ORDER I 1 am prepared to torn out all work in a flrst- class manner. jrlour and all kimU of feed delivered free to any part of the villaee. 1 hanking yon all tor past favors I hope by strict attention to business to merit a eon. tiiuiauce of the samq. W. J. BOWE. Barrhead MiUs, Sept. 20. 1881 64-Sib MAfiBHiE WORKS, Beg to aimonnae tbat tbey bava work in Markdale aa Msihinigti, Iron and Biaas Foaadeis, Ae., and froaa thcii know- ledge of the requirements of the trade in Markdale and surrounding oountry, hope, by moderate prices, strict attention to basinoea, and pronptitade in the execution of orders by the moet skiUfal workmen, to merit a ahare of pnUio patronage. W« are pepated toezeents all kinds of MB mm Turning and Boring, WITH General Lathe Work Dooa in a piactieal manner. PLOWS! And Plow Points will receive oar special attention, knowing throng praotioal experience tha beat elaaa of Irons for, such. GEORGE WILSON, Wholesale and Retail IBUTCHEEIl BEEF, POIIK OR MUTTON SUPFLSP. from 1 single pound to a whots eaMBSs, at the luweat market prices. FISH FOWL IN THEIR SEASM Farmers having Fat Cattle, Sbeep, or Pigs to dispose of will do well to eall at No. 3 Barns' Block, opposite the new Unifn Block. Markdale, Oet.25tli, 1881. frnk^tm^sM. thk thijnfeel^- A^ 0^ "P^S jKiu can riffl them. J^paoe 'btto IS no doubt that our climate is oonducivs to :tionj, and for this reason Ir. j- the authorized agent ktjiunda "â- 'u s Pulmonary Cough Drops ' â- old bo in every house. For p ;bi, Colils, and all otlier Iung Vliront affections tiiey have uo p" 111 large bottles at 50 cents. A [^« Mid Co., Special Agent Mark- f. T. M'jUarky received quite aa tion on MumUy mght, when it IMS tied that he *•« the success- '«jlida'e for the De^aty Eeeve- "?â-  A ni.uber of his fiod3 Biet ^* »t tlu- Revere Hotel oiKn hit *ni-from tho Town Hall, and hand- "*;ud congratulatory speeches ' the cider of the day, or night We regret that we cannot Ha£«l| idaBk. f-r Thd opetung of tlW Skating Biaks uuder the niasageineat of Mr. Bteii^ hofi' was a eiiccese. Althohgh there were a number of sooiil gatherings in different places thnr« was a good tmA out at the rink, uid ..aU fttHy euioyed thenselv9s. Now that the ice is in good order we baveoo uoabt but will enjoy the haimless fuo, as itpi bapsis the b96tj9Meul^r-eae#MeeB (Mtt it is po8(ible tq pnjoy jti tins season d( theyear. "" â- ' " Bargains. »â€"- -*- ^^ *i i m LOOK here. John, my dear, we'll deal at TAYIiO|% tiesa' tliU Mi. I tarday aad yon oan get better vala* toi voiiri IN ABUNDANCE. ,/ Dnadalk. I tall von it is a square place to deal, t •• M. waatkifi yest a^,4My ether hMaa i» j TEA, SUGARS, GROCERIES arssLKOots. HATS GAPS, Women'ft t oats, DRESSGOOOS, 4ko.« *« R. M. GLOTHliG TWEEDS AKD JWBWK Pft. »POTS 8 HOES I a* SIX B50TS AND shoes! FOR THE MILLION. ItATS AND CAPS FOR EVERYBODY. At Eock Bottom Prices. OE=»X=»OSI'XES Dandalk, Beptambw SndiSSJ. R. F. TAYLOR. i-tai. '.«.' 3fc-- Box Stoves, Sugar Kettles, Land Boilers, will raoefve our btteation. We else iatro- dnee onr new rAilLY iiiiLE to the public. This new machine will mangle Linen, Cotton, and Woollen Goods, giving them a beautiful smooth and glosay appear- anoe. It also improves the elothea, whereas liot irons injure them. We will alao aana- factore CAST-IRON GRAVE TABLETS! with or Without marble slab for name, A«.| also Tontb BaiUnp, Pall Pillars and Orna- lasiKtal Ca4;lMU Ckains far aasM, alao aU kinds of BaUiiiter Bailings, House Fencing â€" plain and ornamental, Maehinery Brass CaaUoga of eveiy description, Biaas Bells, large or small. MOFFAT BROS. Markdale,:NoT., 1881. 634y TA I L O R SYDENHAM STBEET. Markdale, July 7, 88 1. 4S-0m. „ y ., V. •* ,1 r^ that winter has well commene- /* wi.uld ailvise our readers against JJ.f'ls contaming Calomel and IJJ^'niiirious substance, as there is j^ "wnger of catching oold after l^li"**- Au excellent subatitato for Ihb,,** Vegetable Prenvation On few Ye**i Eye, altout «*i^ e'dockk tUe ajaint'cjf! tile was abosmf^ *ilien it Iras disio«er«d that th|s tbiv- I sy ih connectioti with the (^t iaAl dry kiln at Ifr. Clo^liley's nulls, wj^s „ on fire. 11 was feared thittttie fire "port of tlie speeches; ^s tome ^^gi^ j^^ ^thrf^gh the bfick wa^ •^•m were gems in their way boi iuto the tmll. bot by tba-MiikUate"if feporter got so full wejl^, of about one hundred of the yillagers Oq Monday the bazaar of the La- dies' Aid Booiety, in oonnaetioa with tbs Metliodist Church, was a graiM. success. In ttie evening the oyster Buoper in the Orange Hall was one of the best public suppers that we have had and Cathartic PiUs Combine the choteeft cathaKte priarfl^ee in medicine, in prtfjoltioos aeeniatMy ail- 1u.steil to seciiro acUvJer. cartalnty, mad uniformity of effect. TW #»• f'" ^â- â€¢^" of veara of careful study and PWsOcal ex- periment, and ai^ the moat effeetaal Jara- edy vet discovered for di s ea ses caaasd vp derangement of the sttMOaeli. '**«. smj bowels, wliicli requira promp* a** effeetval treatment. Avaa's Piua are Bpet;^iiy appliraWe to thfs class of diaaases. TUwy act directly on Uie digestive aud a«imi» lative processes, and restore tcRtilar healthy action. TMs eatansivQ wm 1v phvsicmns in their pi ictlce; and b/'Wl civiliKcU nations, is one of the niuiiy proofs of tlieir value as a safe, sure, and rfectly rellnble purgative uodicilie. com])ouiuled of Uie concentrated perfe Bein" virtue.'« of "purely vegetable aubsUncea, iajurian•profeTas end ea iatered to cUidrea jrllh |tMeet sly ._„ are ftasitivev free "" 9i'"f' â- " -^id ean 1« aamin- they any iaiuridna Arrn's Pilu are an effectual cure for CoustipatloQ or Costlvenesa, IbII|KPS« tion, Dyapepaia, L«as of AppaUir, Ftoul StoMaoli aad â- Â»eath,J l»s i B*M Headaeke, Ums «t nemorr, i(ambn«aa, BiUoHsaess, jMU41e«. Bbswass nim Emptions and SIUb P is tasts, Pwg^ W. BENSON GROGERIES Fres^i and at the verv lowest prices. Cash and Farm Pro- duce taken in exchange for goods. No Trouble to show Goods. Come anif Examine for Yourselves. 13- T. SX»JEBOTTX-EL Fleaherton, November 4th, 1S81. 14 diristma^ IS CLOSE AT HAND. AW ALL' THE NECESSARIES FOR THR OOOD CHBEB USUALLY INDULGED IN AT THAT SEASON WILL BE REQCIBED SUCH AS â-  â- -/_ 1 Eaisins, Currants, SpicesV SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEES, Act and no better plaoe ia Markdal. ean be found to uutaia tknae articlaa and pricea, than at ' ' at b*«tmR BUTTER RAE'S. -IN THE- Has on band and for sale a ilrst-alaaa arU- TO THE^ PUBLIC. The Subscriber respectfully intimates that his stores at Plesherton Station and Eugenia. are fully stocked with General Goods, suitable for the season, and will be constantly renewed as required, consisting ol DRY GOODS, HARDWARE CROCKERY, GLASSWARE. BOOTS, SHOES GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, c. FRESH GROCERIES a specialty at this seasoa. All Kinds of Farm Produce, Cordwood, and Saw Logs taken in exchange for Goods. Inspection of the Goods re- spectfully solicited. My Saw Mill ?.t Little Falls, is in lull operation. All kinds of Logs purchased Sawing done by the Thousand or on Shares. Wma HOCC. Flesberton station, Deo. 23, 1881. .67 COltSISTINa -/n Teas,Ciffees Sugars, RatsHts* Qurrants, Ac.,^ |r#4 *»• I vm WWt^i '•I'r. Carbon's Stomach and ^^^a Bitters, a famii " "om all aceounU. will »»4^L^*'**8 of everj other porgative ^i^^orifier. A Turner and Co^ •«»»*, Markdale. laDuod^lk. Oyster-, both 061*;^;^ il^JSrtJSl^ hot, tea, coffee, pies, eakes and impart rJnewd aaalth beard that some of the lailiea had two plates of oyatera. All togatbe* it ^M« Tnniors, Woraas, Orlpes. Diarrhoea, DysMtetT.. OpsW PflesTbiaordara ot the %»twi. wtd/M other diseases resalthic from a ilsiiDlMs^. Btato ot the digesUve apparatus. As a Dinner Pill they have no eqoal. While geptle in their action, these T]ua are the aieat thoroagk •«« ssBMHas cathee- tic that can ho employed, and aeter Jlv» pain nnleM the howeis aralaflaeseO, then their ini)»ence ia IteaHng. late the appMlta and digeative niteb ,nt waiters oontribated to makej "^^^ c«um. it cue of the soeial eveiuBg^ We prepar«d byOr.^. (XAf^r^fcCo., rnwUealM4.A ABdevsTyo** ^tiil* aE#^«'99. *!!! kept eosMtaafl*' on head, aad ol tha trsabest ;ieMty and baa* breads. ii.'.i'j-' 'p.aibr.^ -n /// )£j 'SlQ.«J'dm aq^Utythatwill 4sr tition ia Maikdala. ,. P^' 008 r.T lewssi^^MA A ./- mLBemmxaKOL X«HcUs, p». u% i«i.- 1 1 A. M' INTYRE TEA! TEA! TEA! ,»;â- ;- ,A. MINTYRE TT-OVLI, ^^lO-OX., S'ioVLX-' MTT C^OO^S S4ir« T ' WK ABB SECOND TO NONE. Toe wOI B^ a H«w Btiit for the HoUdajrs, and our all-wo«l Twe«4eâ€" 8Mt«hd Wng HA and Canadiaa, catiaot be snrpaaaed in this section of country, and «.« ocU as low, aa aiy otfaei' firm in Markoale la all bcaaehes of the above line of g«d« yon will find we an set behind the tinus, aad wa fl Ba saatee aU our goods to be juat as wa repranaa- the». Oive as a sail, aad wa l ee tasWB t^ sm ean supply yon with all yon aead, aad at satirfaetory prises. iWTTER dL RAEa' â-  i» WaalsoeanyalsiseelMkerCBOCKliBT, OLASSWABB. LAMPS and LAMP nx TUBBS, BOOTS aad SHOES. HATS, CAPS, and in laat evarvthing nsualJy kept la a general store. â€" Borraa A Ras. The WEEKLY MAIL I THEORV^AT CANADIAN WEEKLY ^l»OM NOW TO TKE END 6# lail^ FOS QNEI DOLLAR PRESENTATION PUTC. Ever? subsfriber ta the If ssslT Mais for IMI wiU BeMivs s Tal- aabla Chart, entitled AMATOMYePTNIiMti wi Ji a Fine Engraving, displaying at a glanoa tha axaet lueality of prominent di«aa(es wbieb afliet tb. bor.e. The reading sMtlejr will describe M oftbsaoat eoa BOBcaaes. UoIMTYEtt m i m !_u»Kmti McINTYBE'S Cij^ars, Cigars. McINT\RE'8 MEAllMfiULinCiai McINTYRE'8 Pork. Pork, Pork. HcINXTIiE'B rreas^ T'ea.s. araiything kept n hi a Bfst e laaa Groswy sad Liqaer Stan alma; a on band, aasir roa casa. \, inMftti i'loidt if! ?»'KOca)fAi? i r!flfiMtti!fe!!M9 snsii i rs»i »•: '7.*»(^.^ TO eaniNVTivEs. Tha si d va rtiaai haviag Sared oi tb'tdnad diMasa, On a anwip ti iia Vf ,iaaazioaa to saeka kaoaa XUKB DBCAT. (al iadinraMaa^att' toMiVhm s a t e iw a the â- s a n s of eare. To ii.hawinaaad s eo|i7 of tha nd. lias e( dMwaa,) wttb the lOBS far wsaaicnw sal as0C ^vis sasw ttay wiUJlSl a^Boaa Ovas lor Coa- sowmovt AanHil. BaeaoaRia.^^ the Pi ea iMlpti on, wiO **. S. A Wil.«is, H» Teaa ERRORS OF YOUTH. 'a OBaTLSMAirtirika fraoi Kervoas PttBOJTX, j:;3;ta3lSftS2?S « Liaal Om â- !!•»â-  •â- JiwaTrfll \| â€" ' â€" Involving ruiata of ls«. sad of intetest Id wawiMtoaHl eotaaHMiiiy, wOI be wplisd to sad explained by a dalv qoalifiod praeMtioaet. aad the recuse paUiab«l troat tiaia to tin* in TBB WBBKLT If AIL. Ike a gff tTtlmi' Wlipai Wil â- Â» of THB WEEKLY MAIL will he ia '•' " Utor, wbo by snsill attantioa to it, propoMa to laaka t BswiU bw of a thoroogLlr prastieaf. alitor 'Fbo bv snasial attantioa to it. propoMa to mmku thai da., i)artaent^B*wirtiiM«N tbaatkawbslksiibseripttoDprioe el the yaper. partaent hob* wortt fided by Um feUewaag aathoritiss,:*- L. 1. â-  j i'y.n, Ea)., Presidant of the Dalnrwaa's Aisodatioa, MJH8l«MEAKIlNI'dM bAIBTDfO will MatriVeta, genenily. aad wol r^pty to' qnestions froB sabMribers apon thwa snbjects. Hob. X A WILLABD, sf little VaUs, N. T.,'«a#«f «ha bert anthoritiM ia tha world a«' ChoeaemakfaiC sad tJreameries, win eontribnte a sei^ of artiales on thetw sabjrsla. One of the leading Tetarinary Surgeons of Clasda wUI wriu on VBTEBIHABf tiki.' tsfs zecnlsrly, sad will slao answer all qaertioas seat by iabssribws io tha Mail/. THB WBKJOiT MAIL is thf 1 aeekly newsptr published ia Canada. It eoetaias ason ObUa sad ettar Toiecrapbie |fe«i than say elber wosklr ie Minioo. IteoatrfwiaesfattbsTeertWsoliâ€" sofWewaad latanstiKi BtosiM. It TP**'" ever 900 oelaaaas of Agriealtajal Matter, by the beet writen sCBsiMaawl CaMle, Frait Balaiac. OKHifbt Ve. It is noted •» its IS ie the ehoapest aai ramwmtLf â€" TBI DAU'T MAn. Baaitn Pwwrla«i K^. «wyt^ MARKDALE HQtJSB-; 7vr Ai TtiA hC' IJ rb X,/P\i X BUTIiBDGfi, IM^Â¥r6tor rriHIB HOTEL k a Una dues staasy brisk bal'iMi. s »ssB» r srat»d iad-ltSstey mili L awn Modem easmaisoea. It is feraisbed b Fint-Oew Style TlieBai ' «llh thebael hnrda s( Wiaes. ^^V^"** l^ssaesti. netranOiiig aji^^Ihe lahle Willi «U the IIVM ^gtttfDHniije iy pc" ' â-  Sal eltwQTe ' («;â- â-  1 f; 1!, u

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