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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 30 Dec 1881, p. 3

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 'I' V. V i;i -i â- j-t' JUflTn-i Vj Mr. McMilUa lJ[y' Hall, tbst orikn h« i«iiMloii A Tr«Mar«r in Umr clBAonl Tia • !*• ftw RalMwi iMMy.â€" CmtunI. .^Hr. OtaaortM aMnrwd. MeoodMl ly ML MeSlillaa. UiAt $9.80 bepni F.OolbOTt for ripiiim brid(« nn Lot l|. Con. i. K. G. R.â€" MTTMd. Mr Hull ..Ted. ieeona«d b; Mr mUocTou. tlifti th» 'lr*«rar«rb- r- f^titd $18.70, beiDg •m«aiit piuJ p*«niiiMnt for ro«(] tLsviatmo un tot IS. Goo 4 N.D. P..â€" carried. Ifr. M-il movad, mc •iid*i by Mr. â- bU, that tbe eo«U of saitâ€" GleueruM f«. Ihe orponttion of Glendg â€" bv fliid aa fnllons Soiicitora' fa-a, $16 %ttnaMM' fact, f 28.65.â€" eainad. Mr. Olenoroad morcd aeeo: ded by Mr. McMillui. tbat ibe a^lectora of ^arom b« paid $4.00 eaeli.â€" -carried. Mr. Hall movad, a •cotided by Mr. Sail, ibat tba following aeonnoU be fM Edward Builedge. $3.00 W. aBomboagh, aaryayin^, $10 Bow- 1 k Hotehiaon, blankb, $5.07.â€" ea Mr. Mali movei, m:coijJed by Mr. ieil, tbat Samuel Allen be paid $10 fcercigwayiDg on 2uil and Srd C4 ns.. I|.U.B.: J'bn UUuiiD 11, $180, ba! ' Act of bridge cnntnict, and Patrick G|pnnor $98, b)iDg25 pereent. off tiie ^Dtract for bridge at L-t 6, Coo. 8 â- iM'ariied. ' In addition bi tbe ah«vo fifty ordera Wtro iithuitl on tho Treaaarer in puy- wf/biit (if work on mad't and bridgei*. «^uuntir 7 to $4t2 1^. Mr. M;: Mil Inn moved, soeonJed by Mr. (ilencro-4H. that vi I iw McLachlin, Li't 36, Ct.u. 1 S.U.I!., widow Smitb^ af L0« 80. ijM. ». B.OJU and «buw McDonald, riot7,('«a. 8 R.D.B bs exampt frotm tax^f ir '88 aad t at tha Collectori be notified to tbat eff*«i. â€" aarriad. Mr. Neil niuvaI, »ocon ad Sy M McMiiiau, tha' J;^iio bimpaou be paid ^12 for fancral exp»i:«ea of widow 8»aton.- -jarn d. Mr. McMiilao i.('T»r*, aecoudel by Mr. Neil, that Joacph Black be paid $2 Ot) fi.r kcrviccii as fi-nce viewer. ca.'rieJ. 9teimi»A ^|fc,j|fc^^ IM; tbe aaU tWHMaa win ia ky Oanaa WDaea. wha will laaaiv* aad pa* all tha4abia « tha hli fcw DmW tfcU Mb 4a7 oI Piiiwir.A D.i W.. lOBOBGSWIUMH. tTBOB.J.mTPKH. H iiiia aa •€. W. Batlaiica. MK %lJOn par paeka«a. or paclacM tor |5.0ft, or wiU be aan on net ipt erf tbe icoair by ei-^ Tomito, OBt., Caoaaa nibacriber. Lot 60. Con. S, Eaat T. A S. Boad, Hcdlaiid. aboat^the laat of One WhHe Bheepk to prove property, pay it awav. BICHABD A. BOOTT. 67-8i.i. A PERMAHtNT CURE FOR LAm " BACKf ',:,•'»â- * Pilaa. DbaaaaaW tta Kidam 1 »»»»^ SSLy Oe«-te er a-aJ-* -PfiWf- MufillTIBf AOnOM, â- - fia.T._ ^d. mnt B aaa l a f l*d •ts Fabki j.w. BTEl ILBICf TAOe. a. W. PABBOMi. Oaadalk. HnntT PABUUt. DathaM. WARNING To lilt Eltcftrt of filoRolga OE!CTL.zmN, â€" Having been requested by a large namber of tbe Batrpascrs of the Xp*i ihip ef Glcnelg, to mo for tbe office of Obnn- edman for tbe Township, I Have dended to do so. Laat year I was nominated, bat ow- iag toaiokneas in my iamily, vas noable tegive asy attention whatever to tbe eleetiou, bat notwiUutandiog this I received a very large oninber of votes, almost siifficient to elect me a Ccancillor. If oieeted to rBpresentttt* Townahip at tbe Council Board, I ahall strive to do wkat I aine^rely bebeve to be for the best intevesta of the Township aa a Conneil- lor, if elected. I remain your obedient servant, JOHN BLACK. Dec. 23, 1801. 87-i2iiia. n W IIJ Tbeia is greaf dancer 6f tak- ing euld from wet feet If yoa want to OH, ♦â€" " e People's Photographer, Flesherton Sash atii) Door ^( SASH, DOORS,: ^^ J5llNDS MOULDINGS ;LH0LL0W ' l^aia »BfcaPSa*«aMi^*» •»»**•â-  ^wn-^^,, PBAMBti.-*^IN» FRAME F-I3CIW ^^ BULMER. Mttc Lumber, Lath ijoA Always on Hand. Ordei« Proapjjj Tka Wnbaerlbar wiahaa to retnm tbattkt'totbe p«o|^ 4 u^ tery Ubaial patrnnafa hay bave givaa bim in tbe past ^iT^^tM.^ â-  • tOMTttaeoatfaiaanoeoftheaane. " ' " "opei b,7 my b«afaMas.aiid wiU in htnrt k^ aSSL £««â- Â« A^ .7 f » Mi^NTXiES, E LUWlBr] ect from the North Shor, ES. DBBSSED AND UNDjL • or Plain «»d t'ancyTj Voaa |n a flrat-elait maoncr. .I'ffob brrA Markdale, May #tb, 18Q1. THOS.M0I Cuartd Agaiiist Sickne Keep your feet dry aad warm by procoriox your ?-:**; SOOX -r«o«â€" '• A, Resp«etfally yenrs, CLAM 4 CO. Jaly 7th,l8ttl. t 43-6m .Mr. Mr\I:IIan mived, seconded by Sir. Neil, tiie Ciork's poatap and statiiinory account, amounting to $8 70. be piiid. â€" carried. Mr. N»;il iufv..J, scoonded by Mr. McMiI'nu, tlint tlic fullowiug clainiB ba j'nid: â€" Mr. Glencross, comniie- mi^si'iuoii W:inlupiTop iation, $8.72, for Kervii-ea on committee and attend- lug special grautx, $8.00 Mr. Hall, (Oiiiiiii^HKiu on VViinl ap])ropriation, $K"Jl5, and coioiuittee work, $16.00 Mr. MrMiliaii. cniiunissioii on Ward appropnatiiiii, $11.21). and attending to sp.xjial grants, $-5.00 Mr. Nail coiiMiiissiou uu Wiird appropriation, $11.7i vp-cial tfiaiits Miul coiniuittee, $1M (to Mr. .MtlCae, atteudiiig com- mit tes f.-r MOnnd HI, $l(i.OO.â€" car. Mr, Hall ui"ved. seconded by Mr. (iIeiiiT(i3», that ,^dain Tra.vno.- be re funded $2' 0J, bfiiig the amount w'tli ,, intevo.'.t paid by Inm at a lax sale in f ISTt;, oif L'.t 13. C.Mi. I'i. Glenelg. as n titlu wa.i cjuveyuJ by said gale.â€" earned. Mr. liall moved, aeconded, by Mr. (•l'Il^ro^!â- , tbat Jamea Edgaa I4 paid $2.X for 8pcift) services in «4ni:ec- tion with collecturs Alex. Boll and TliiiUBH Gray.- carried. Mr Neil moyed. seconded by Mr. McMillan, that the Clerk be paid $15 fipf Borviccs uiukr tiie School Act. â€" earn 1*1. The K«pvo 1 aving le't tbe rbnir, it WHS mved hy .Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Neil, thiit this Council tender tht- Heevp, F. McKae, Esq their ri)ni-ks for hm able and impartial man- ner 111 discharging his duties aa chair- man of thiR Council. â€" earrifd unitni- moutlij. Council adjourned. A CURE FOB CUOUP. .\pply dauDi-l saturated with Uag- yanls Yellow il and administer the (hi internally 011 a little stigar as di- roctud on the bottle. Yellow Oil ciirea RheumatlKm, Burns, Scalda, jthil- blai:is,LnmeDeF.8, and all fleab wounds. All dealers supply it, prioo 25 cents. aEORSE ROBLEi INSURANCE AND UNO AGENT. LICEN8E1 AUOTIONEEB For the County of 0raf. Aaas ' for the following labable Coo puiias CITIZeNS' of Montreal. AOBICULTUBAL, of Watertowo, and TRADE A COMMBBCE, (Motnal) of Toronto. A namber of Choice Farms for sale, also Village Lots. Auction Sales eonduotad in Tawn or Coun- try on Shortest Notice. Charges moderate. Bills, Blank Notes, and Stamps provided. GEO. NOBLE. MAaauAi.a. M»r 20th ISfll. M-tr KAY A TH ViA- Satialaetinn Gnaraataad. Ilii- ieatad Cork Soles, aU sisaa,^^ on haiid. Bamembrrjbe puia iTpqaite tha pew OBee. EADY-WAP^^A^9Ti!i^WajI.ilffl CTTEasBC^b^*^ .^.:loo.r:(lJil 1 Cl^kery and Glassware .J^.X. s_ bLL MANHOOD HOW LOST. rtOW RESTORED. M^Umi ^r^m\ i\iATiii:rA.LE Foundry! MACHINE VORKS Beg to announce ihit tbey have eommenord work in Markdale as Machinists, Iron aiid Brass Founders, d;c., and from tbuir know- ledge of tlie requir(!iuciits of the traile in .Markdale and surroundiug country, hope, by inolerate prices, strict attcutioii to buHinoss, .ind promptitude in the execution of orders by the most skillful workmen, to merit a share of public patronage. McKENNA MASON OUB TABLE. We have rocieved life of Garfield P'lbliished 1 tho ]V. rhi publishing (.'(.napany ofQnelph, it is a piece of work'tbat no printing bouse in Canada need le ai^hamod of. Wo have rc!ieved the second nnicb- ar of tho Unral Canadian. It ia fully up to wliat was promised ia the first number, and can be bad, in connect- ion with tbe Rtandakd or Hexaix for 60c per annum. The Farmers Adrocaie for Deeembar baa baeu recieved. It ia, vitboot donbt tha beat Agr.enltural paper pab liahed in tbe Dominion, we will fum- isb it to any addreaa, poat paid for ♦1 Oini LiTTLK Oitxa. â€" Tbia i piea y magasina for ckildren ia to h^ai. Wa aasBot apeak too bigfaly of this work, â- nd woald rMOwnad ftll who lw««H|y ]ov« for tb«tr iiUh ouea tp anbaarib* for it. Price SI. 50, lubaeriptioai ro- cieved at thia • See, We are prepared to execute all kinds of mmi EEFm Turning and Boring, WITH General Lathe Work Done in a practical manner. PLOWS! And Plow Points will rec.^e our special attention, knowing through practical experience tbe best class of Irons for such. Box Stoves, Sugar Kettles, Xjand Boilers, «il HMree aw latteatioa. Wa alao tatt*- dnoeonr new FMhLY NAII6LE! Eastern bntchera mast look oat for sharp competition during the ooming wiuktM-, aa laef and pork will be sent rom tha West ia Mcif faaathiei nttH* preparetl for setail aale aa will a«aUt grocers and provision dealers to keep it on band and sell tbe eboieeet eota for ei^bt and ten e^nta a pound. Sir* loin steak and roat, it ia assarted, aau be aent from ll'iimi* alangb(er hciaec atfd lotd. for eigbtemta •)nai â€" tbatia, famiabed to retail meraianta at rates wbioli will auable Umbu to •ell ittfaeaov to tbepabbe. Tbia new maobiae will maiwla liinen, CottefB. aad Woollen Ooodi, giving tkem a beaatifal aaaootb and ^oa^ ^vear- anoe. It alao i m p iu tea tbe dotbea, iraeteas hot irons injaie them. We will alae maaa- .faefeBTB j)A$T;l|OR BIMIE ABLETS i witb or witbont smrbla slab for name. Aa.( alao Toaib BaiKins, Pall Pillars and Onia* â- Motal Caat lien Cbaiaa for aaaae, abo aB kiada e Ballastae B^iKtigi Honae F plain and Castii^ ci • ' MOFFAT BROS. mAGYABD'S BAL- I'EtJTOBAL SAM. Curc^c^.aigbs. ckls, aatitaM, eroap, wboopica eungb, a r« tto**^* bras- atetioaOTall Ian-; ;eiqM|aiDU â€" ' •nafutnpii 'ti rne? 3 aaiiU' CARRIAGE WORKS I MARDDALE. A» the seaKon of the year is approaching that Sleighs and Cutters are wauted, we wish to intimate to the farmers and public in general that we can supply them witb any tiling they want in that line, such as Long Sleighs. Knee Bobs BlockBobs, Democrat' Square Box, Portland, Swell Body, and Double-seated Cutter OF ALL KUTDS AND BlYLEH. Kb we use Dothing but first class material we can GUARANTY SATISFACTION Call and Inspect our Work I on hand before purchasing elsewhere. CABEFta, ATTEHTIOM GIVEN TO HORSESHOEING aad Geatral Jobbing in aveay line. BHOPâ€" On Mill Street mpposite t Bproole's Hotel. M n r 1 Horse- Shoeing a Specialty HarkdaU, Jane3, 18-1. -4 DlMOlutlon of Partn«r- •hlp. TTTS.THE UNDEBSIOMXD. DO HSBB- VT *t mntnaUy agree tbat the partner- stiip I wia taftu e *abaistbi(t between as as Sparling A Bowe under eertain artielea of ao-partnarsbip be, aad the sa w s is bereby disaatvad. AU d^^ts owing to the aaiJpart- aarsbip am te beaseaiTad ty tbe saBa. fleniy Sparling, aad aD demands en tka aaf d pait- aersbip are to be peaa a o t ed to bias lor p^- vent. In witnesa a b a i a td wabava h s e aiia l e set our baada and aaal tbia Kfib aay e Da- eemter, IWt SKmC aad seaMd Ife tbe praaaMaof 7«a. A-Bawa. HKNBT 8PABI4NG. JOHN Faetey E have recently pabliahad a new edition of Dr. CsilTerweirs C«l#kr«Se4 "-irr «« tt^a radical and nervoiu Debility, Mental vA Physical Incapacity, Impe-iimenta toMaziiaga etc., resulting from exee:iBe8. larPiioe, in a sealed envelope, only ft-ats., or two postage stamps. The celebrated author, in this admiraMa Essay, clearly demonstrates, from thirty years' saoceerful practise, that alarming am- sequences may te radically cured without tbe dangerous use cf internal medicines or the use of tbe knife pointing out a mode of cure at onoe simple, certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, oo matter what his eondition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. t^Tbis Lecture ahomld be in the hands A wtsrj youth and evetr man in the land. Address TIra Cidvtrwtll iadicat Ga,. 41 Amb %tm, New r«rtu Faal OOea Boa 400. Tba aboea atoek baa been pnrehased \at cash at a seaaoo wbai tbe importefaua nnuog off tbafar aarploa aieck at aad nnder cost to make room for tbetr opnrn iaiHo^Mns. eon- saqnantly I aa in a position lo«ivabai(alaa to tboia wbo a(»«bU t* bi9 tbair^ )|aods fo. easb. Csdl sia« aee for yoarselTca stad /•â-  will ke Msr« t* csUI -:HljNRY EQSqjBE. Markdale, Voremlier ISth, 1881. 6tly $5QaQ0p.QOt Kn. North of Sootland Money AIVI PRIVATE FTJ3VrS* TO I0 AM on Fani Seenrity at 6' and 6} per aent- yearly, and on tbe moat fav^Ue terms of repayment offered by any Agent or Moner Lender in Ontario Rxprasts tedoeed to tbe loweot possible figure. mmonieate by letter to the nndersigBed, Bos 51, Sbelbome, or oall personally on ttY TO IIEilLTa. Unlocks all tbe degccd avenues of the BviMlt, ndaeyi Mid Livsr. carryinf off gradually withont weskening'lbe tysteeii, all tbe impurities and foul homen of the •fecretions at tbe same time Caneetiac Addity of th* StonadiL caring nu! H will If h' days. AU oomaanicatious promptly attended to. Mo Ftnea. Partiea wanting to borrow will pleaae •• Mon- 1 Of ^ss i s ll y Attraetiva, Seasonable. Fashionable »a j^ 'Wbiahwa offer al (iireaitly Reduced Prj( T% ** •• We offer special values in every line â- â-  OCB STOCK OF G. W: RUTHEBFOBD, Loan Agent. F^\.«ivfs i^ot* HA 1^1::. I am antboriaad to sell a large number of Improved and Unimproved Fauns exceedingly cheap Parties wanting to bay sh«uld communicate with me by letter, T'l^'Bg fciud of pro- perty wanted, or eall personally on Mondays. Particulars will be given reepeeting loeation, and priee of the class of praperty wanted. O. W. EcTBaaroBD, Estate Agent, o. Box 51, Sbelbnme. All kinds of property insured in First-class English and Canadian Stock Companies, a low ratea. O. W. BcTBaaroiin, Distriet Agent. COTVVE Y AlVCIIVC*. Deeds, Wills, Mortgages, Leases, Assignments, Agreements, Ac., neatly and properly exe- cuted. Charges moderate,â€" O. W. Bi;TuiBroai Con. and Cam. in B. p., Sbelbnme. B.â€"4y giving a w«ek'a notice oaa aecangs te naned. â€" O. w. BtnBauroan. Kvrember 391b, thSl lauoB 8ir IMiMfee at Audalfc oaany JMlfcil 64J inni. iet,])iz- Oonrtipatien. of the Skin, DronnF, Djat- yhftBhewii. enaneti, liaeaa, Diynee neMof^n«ion.JMmdieo, TrtpdM, SoofydA. Jltttartnc of tte HMrt, HarvouiMH MiA OmmM DoMlity all these and many olber simK lar Complaints vield to the happy influence •r BDIDOOK BLOOT BBTBIS. lupla Bottlai lOe Begnlar aise f L For sale by all dealers. MARKDALE Majrble Works MoDoients, Tombstones And every deicriptiun of Cemetery exeouted in work WILLIAM STEAIN, Dealer in all kmks of Grocries, Hardware, Grockery, aij Is very eomjile'e, aal t'Uta noes wiU fin I prices and vsiaa ittiiiieiin partment. ' OlVe \A^ A CALL AND SAVE MON by parebaaing yoar supplies at tbe "Turooto Hoik.' Wm BROII Mark.Ule, Sept. SIth, 1881. ALL ME Wanting to Purchase or Bent Improved Farms, Wild Lan Is, Town or T%jb the County of Grey SHOULD SEND Fa lb OF- Farms iQcSal^ and to L( fc ,. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, WAGGONS, Sewing Machines, Organs, FaQujjig Mills, Tin and Cop|^ejMCp#^ Tbosa Lavug like Propartiea to dispose of abouU oonaalt ms. 9SrMi| CATALOOta 3EXT O.V APPLIJATIt* Hadoak. B£KBT 8PALOIO. 'in^ FIRST-CLASS SHLE I and at reasonable ratea. Orders left at the shop or sent by mail will be promptly at- tended to. Satisfaction Guaranteed. S*op nart doer to Rmirt UoM. W. A. JOIRSTOR, Prop. Markdale Aug. lOtb, 1881. 48-ly Magyar Ds YELLOW OiL I have opcmr* aa oaHa ia BaUcdgc's Hotel, n«rfc*b will be roaad every Ttinrsday, auJ will beprepsredicea Leases, Mortgages, *e., Ac. ne»:^ anH corn rtly. Aiviw on l»^P free. Also to attend' t« 'all th^ different departmenU of a} boo* In every department of n-y busiun-s uij metto it Tkomp AacUaa Sale* ceatfarted. Beats, Acrnaaf.Si Ac. praiaiit retaras aiadle. CHAIIGES lAV ROBT. DAVIS, Cmvev«£cer, Cominisaatiner "m B.R., Real Estate, Lo«*' WEEKLY tU Tbi Mknovledg«d iDSMHiiii Wa liaua to ^£^aStSlS!S Farm for Jials. 2i mjara oM mabkdalb. ^Lot ii« y â€" d wa ba aad ta^~ A aaad 8. lit Oot^adSlit S)M«te, 1881, WiU lAtUiU tutimitbit' to* Ladies J Work Boxes, Ladies' and Gents' Wrif,nv n u Pho^aphs^ard Cases Vases, akd I" BOOTS we have a choice Landscape, ftjets, S^S^^S-^srs^ assortment, inclndine ta C. W. BvTLanaa. 1 Sept. tad. M81, gifts. 38^%LEDGB. onMvi^ ihiWMNl^W »»?*.•* J«;j;5l^ J 1 Lfofniabadin ri5*iLl2»?»**-AK IIS**" 4ltea^frf 18/ ,«iae*e a ilSwittS e^ of tbe ?-CLâ€" ATnntil aU am ttaealyMO^ f^tigm â- a' Piiovineial â€" IJl^Pjmty Baainess, „Aa ak inatmctive moatbs, year. Ho _i_ijiin»aa â€" â€" " arreagee awi ""t^T^al *• option of the paUiab ' ^te«rf**^ P^P**" withont payins "rSf napoMibta for the years anb- *^5l thay eomply with tbe mlea. iTXS OF AltVEBTISINO Mvear •«» « t :::::::::::::: JsS do do 8 00 4 00 60 16 7o V 8 S I and under, first insertion X cabeeqoent insertion. (• ten lines, first insertion. d subsequeut insertion 1 lines, first insertion per line pji snbaepnent insertion r^uaber of lines to be reckoned by ttoe epied measured by a scale ol aoUd Advertisements withont speeine will be publishfca till forbid ac* •rdinglv. All transitory ad-ertiae- faast be iuthe office of pubUcationby _ck oa the Thursday mommg fie**" ir BBbUcation. O. W. BUTLEDOB, Proi»netor. w JONAL h MtWEtt DIRECTORY. P,^ Syraaie Carter, tciaite, Surgeon' ,A.ccoucheur dec. JE-- Medieal Hall; resideuee at '^*fcjlt 17,1880. 1-v INI OBNET AND SOUCITOB. IS NOW ' for attending to all kinds of law OfSoe â€" at Rav's Hotel, ae. Doe. Ind, 1881. 64. J. MASSON, ISTEB, MASTER AND DEP. REG. I Chancery, Notary Public, Conveyan- « â€" Owen Sound, in Vicker's Block St.; and in Markdale, over MvFar- â-  Blare, on Friday an.l Saturday orerr 57. 1 Frost Front, IBISTEUS, AND ATTORNKYS-AT Sol ritorK lu (IpHnceiv, Coiivt'V i(e., 0«'*Mi Sound, have resumed at rton. Office open every Thursday, aa are. PaocT, J. W. FaosT, LL. B. intv Crown Attornev. I IS-lt:J all point! Diind^ M N E2 and Sau P..nltn duv part] k n Si'r«pl kuuw. Laae St Row^c, SBISTEBS. 8OLICIT0B8. ahd CON- eyancers, Markdale. tcs McFarland's Block. to lend, on Farm Security, at 6 per i«s, Q. C. J. \V. BOWB. 9r«ti«trx. ^^ Hlr. Jaaies J. Wliite, ^tant to Dr. Cameron, Ovron Sound, L,L BE AT THIi UKVEUK HOISE. Markdale, on tlie last \Vc,lni-Hilu.\ iu DUth,whoD he will 1 prepan-l to jkt I operations required iipuu the uioutli most satisfactory manner, and upon ftble terms. I v u Hat now of »U kiz Crapr. I ki-ft on Hoai Wat^ irbirk «. DuuUll iSti«trUattr0ii*. Wat. BrowB, BB OF MAi:i;l.\GK LICENSES, Ac. bmmissioner in 1). B. dc. ^eyancing in all its branclics pruniptly 1 to and carefully exucuicd. L â€" Money to Lend on Ileal K«tate i«e- ale. Sept. i7, 1880. 1-J Alexander Brom-n. SB of Marriage Licenses, Fire and Insurance Agent. Commissioner |B. e. Conreyuuccr and Licensed •eer for tbe County of (iroy. Farmers, tts, and Land Sales, Punctii: lly at- [tn and charfies male verv mudeiate »ille, Sept. 17.188I). ' l-y R.'^m. Galbraith. :TI0NKEU AM) (JENIUAL LAND eut, Wiiliamsford Station. A.irlion ittcnJeJ in all pui ts of the Coun:;. Isold on (,'ommist.iuu. Bates mod'-iH'.e. 'Organs, and S'WinK MHobim-s i Isu pnd Ornamental Trees, Vines. .Aifiji.ul- lijlaments, and Machinery of all kinds Bsford. Jan. 27. fSMl. S, G. SiMK, UNION AND rUOVINCIAL LAND nrveyor, Draugbtsmau and Valuator, land Markdale. HaviiiK pu a ased ^al Land Surveyir Charlr^ Bankin's ck of ordinal Fiel.l Nots, Plaiik. laatructiuus, A-c..of all his Suiv.ys jthin fbe last fifty-five years, I am 1 to make Surveys in strict occord- ^erewitb. Profiles and Estimates ling HilU, Plans and .SiM'cifications liug Brid)K't's, furnisliHl on a)li-a- loney to Loan at H per cent interest. ky Uttar, or left «ith G.J. BLYTH. will b« prou)itly attended tu. 1 7. 188((. l-T T. E. OA^'IfK. L.DEB A CONTBaCTOB, (Stone and rick). Plastering and Country Jol.s. 'j attended to. Ston-cuttin»; a Si*- r Bstimatei on all work frei- Sntis- naranteed. *,* Besidciict- coruerof Dd Sproule Streets, MAJsn^La. iber 31. Ii^du. 16-y sVftiSB.ACAJUUAOE PAIJTTEB. fCootracts taken in town orcuunti, let. 12, 1881. 71y YOURGOMBINGS. _T.O. Morgan, begs tu anucuuee to i«f .Markdale and vicinity that she r-tn work up liiir eowbiugs into pnffl aad curls, terms raoderatr Befidence corner of Mut s, opposite Mr. Bowes' es ^Mail premptly at leaded ta. 1. 18H1. ^WMS, HOTEL, Makkdale. ^BOUIjE, Proprietor. Hotel baa bad a larce a I- added to it, tkorongbly refitted, ad to none in the cuiiuty. id attentive oetler. First- ation for commercial travel- i •1.0t» »cr 4ar. l7-ly CAR The .:ib34 \V.\(.(i( SLEIC.I Tnl-'ClllT ' or ir./n ou Dunlall REMI Uavint: red pared to fill Fas] HE charI Satisfi NEXT I)^ Dunlaik,j THO! .IttAFORD, Out. *ttB, PaopaiETOBS. 'Winditiou for the travailing ar la well stocked with the ^^** itnd ZJquors and the best l-y '*«;«9dfitoaaU trains. ,^^4iAL HOTEL J***a oUlom Sample Booms TJJi *e. The Bar and Urde ^fablfaa beat tha aarket at aLMM»tl«« Hostler's DK, F t o g ii^ e .a t very liU-iul j has been in dele, an won auee of tliel can give e\ umx alway.- on 1 fcat^Nonn 1 tbe best of i Markdale hair" CI Evei Except Frid when IW Orde.- Mar^^dale,. rfaaa

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