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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 23 Dec 1881, p. 4

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 ALE »â-  Fact 'Ory NGS, OW BATTONs. fid Shlagieg s Promptly ^^^ "H •pie of M«rkl»le and __^ »*t, and hop«8 by eloITTi^'W iifuUir.keepah.U8|^ ^J behI orth Shore. u nar. OS. McNj^ II o(««^* f^'jJSLg^ Com*/ â€" -â-  A,eo^27b. ODtion oj tk« poblwh •'^^ '^ioil tl.ey comply with the ruUf. •""^tlTES OF ADVEBTI8ISG: ' .150 00 iu(Mk.«i do ••;; 4 00 Cf ^.^ .nd and«. fir.'t' in..rtion W Svb *ab««iB«nt inMrtioii ' „,;, ,ot*nliDei.6rstin«eHion.. » 1Mb tubteqaent insertion. • • *» (t,„ Mu Unei. ttr«t iiiMrtion |K,r line E*eb «ub««ipaent insertion. â-  •; ,. Tb. -.mW of line, to be reckonea b.v the j;^,. Aa»erti.eaeDte "»'»"' 'f'^J iJii,,.. .Ill b.pabli.h«. "" '°^"„'„?« Tm MMrdioclT. All trmnwionr »l"erii»e jrjrrn. t i« the omc, o* P"bhc...on^ tl elKk e the Thur.Uy »o«mK pr«^ •I •^' ""liftciLEDOE. Proprietor. 17 60 16 00 8 00 4 PIOFCSSIONAL A BUSINESS DIRECTORY. rkj*cianB,Surgecn^ -Accoucheur Offica M.U«l" H^; reeidM... at ^;:,^.tWn.i88o. 1-T Ct9«l- â- Vili.uaabl* acil SteaU OClj^| «t cd Pricei. '9 $S0«|| rroRNKT AND 80UCITOR, IS NOW A jj^T f'r •tten'linj? to all kinJ« of U* „.,„ â-  flice-»t K»vs Hotel. V *i»l«^ •*• '"'l' 1***' *^- niKWSTKK, MASTER AND DEP. REG. K ifl Cbaneery, SoUry Public, Convejan- I'^gf^ -Owen Sound, in Vieker'n Block ?ei«' St.; and in M«rkd»l«, o»er MeFar- .^ibierc, OB Friday »" Saturday every 57.1, ery, and Gktn vil ii'i salifacujry In tmi SAVE MONEY I ' Toronto Huiiie." Vm BROWN iE \,A I.itii.lH, Town or Y ND FOR Fr*M dk Frost, BARKISTEBS. AND ATTOPJIETS-AT I.»w, Solicitors in Cbancery, Convey I (Msn, te., Ownn Hound, have resumed at Ihfbsrton, OfBce open every Thursday, as kjritof're- I ^^(0 PaosT, J. W. Fbost, LL. B. County Crown Attorney. 1 !.â- â- Â« dfc K«we, B" illRISTEKS. SOUCITOBS, *iii CON- vrvsncerH. Markdale. Orriri MrFurland'n Block. Mi.ocy to lend, ou Farm Security, at 6 per "" U" Q- C. J. W. RowE. Prnti«trj|. ^H? nr. J»He* J. ^riilt*, hwiitont to Dr. Cameron, Owen Sound. |-|i;'II.I. UE AT THE BEVEUK HOTSE, I W M:irkil'ile, on the la^t Wedni-s.lay in 1 Mih month, when he will be pre{)ared to per- Iktktil iperations required upon the mouth 1ait«-iBotft satisfactory maaner, and upon I »MAn»*'i« lornn. 1 y |tti«crllati««««. Wiwm. B.rowB« JttUBll uK MAJtKIAGE LlCENSiiS,Ae. Coiaimis« inner in B. R. Ac. £«»eyaniiiu iu all its branches promptly Mkeilsd to and rarefully executed. y B.â€" Mnney to I.«od ou Real Estate •«- I MM' tfi'ri.lslo Sept. 17. 1880. l-J VOL. a.-No. 16. BTTILDBB Al«ncOMTftACfOB.(i mA bridi). PiMtariac yrttaalariy â-  ttwi dad to in t*wn or oonatry. li^ftlMonwork tn*. ind. vmx. I Siteney l^oanod IVItmwaMnMMQnta.ataBtfaMa. â- pmr AT e m cur- ^Iraft« issued and ColUetions made on all podata,** losraat rwlM. 'â- â€¢ --•â- "'â-  "Wii-Lrcua A oo. Uarkdale, S«pt, 1«S0 S-Ir WALTER RIHIDUS, BiUITICIHrEiR NEXT Door to Hanbary't Foot and Shoe Store, Dnndalk. Beef, Pork, Mnttcn, and Sau««ige always on hand, Fish mi Poultry in their e)tKOQ. Meat delirtred Xft any part »f the Tov j. N. B.â€" Farmer* baving Fat Cattl« or Sbeep to disposa of. would do well to let me I will p*y Cash for nueb. 10 ly. E. HUMPHRIES, ,ttwmTot^ Undertaker ANt eUlHCTMAKER, Has new on hand a full itock of COFFINS of all sizes and prices. Shrouds, Glovea. Crape, and CofBn Trimmings, constantlv kept on band for sale. Also a full stock of HonstMd Forniture! Picture Framing a ipeeialty. A STOTK OP Watches and Clocks I which will I e^^old very cbetp for cash. A call is lOiieited, Duad»l!c,3e9t. 2nd. IMl. i-4t F. F. TEEPLE S CARRIAGE WORKS, OINDALK, 0!«T. Aleiaader Br«w«. JISUKH rf .Marriage Lieenaes, Fire and Life iQ-iurance Agent. Commissioner |u B K. ite. Conveyancer and Licensed |iasiMnr.'r U)i the County of Grey. Farmers, IHwebi.iia, aiul Land Sales, Functuully at- JMiiis^ ' mkI rharKtamade verv moderate. hics'iUo. ^.pt. 17. 1880. 1-Y U. R. m. emlkrmltk V 1 rrtlKSFKH .\ND GENERAL LAND • HA Autiii. Wiiliamsfufil Station. Auction "" " •» ^1 Ihm tU.'jt.U' 1 in all parts of the Coun'y. OwiltKuMun Comini'ision. Kates inodiiiitre. fitsct r.;'ins. anl Swing M.iebines i Iso ht.t i odO.-uamentai Trefs, Vme«. Agrirul- tlrtl lia|lsmenu. and Machinery of all kind* •tit Wli.aiatt.rJ. Jan. 27. I4HI. .-..nsult niw. *Siirri«»«* The gnbaciiber is prepared to supply Uie public with WAGGONS, DEMOCB.\TS, BUGGIES, aingl* or double, SLEIGHS. CUTTERS, BOB-SLEIGHH. Together with all kinds of repairs in wood or iron on slicrt notioe, at rcn^^onable rates. F. F. TEEPLE. Dnndalk. Sept. 3nd. i88i. i-lr REMOYED, REMOVED. I, l3«arI,TI«rh«l«l««Jf) v.. 11 b..,.:-.V.r-tWex«»||»-»r ..llv. Advirc on li'g*! F" •.mrtinsMts ot niy»u»" ** J .;,v mottn i« Th.^engl" ' lle«»«** I'.ii'K. DAVIS, all Vwk«* GENTS m It*** J. G. SlB«, DOMINION AND PROVINCIAL LAND .-iiirsvur, lraiiKhtsman and Valuator, IVMforii Slid Markdale. Having pr e .ised |fnria,'is; Land Surveyor CUarles Rankiu's |«tU4 lUTk of oriKiual Field Notes, Plans. Ilafitri* Inntr-iotions, frc.,of all liis Surveya 1(M«;ihin Mie last fifty-five years, I am I rwifM to make Surveys in strict accord- 1 lew iu(ir««itli. rrofiiea and Estimates itwiirkiin/ H lilt. Plans and SpecifioationH I 'wBillmu Bridges, furnished on applica- l** Mi.nov to I^oan at M per cent intirest. j^ier»i,yi/tter. or left with G. .1. BLYTH, I*"'** w.ll In* promptly attended to. •isi' IT. IsMO. I-T T. E. DA VIA. iDliriiFR A r(NTBArrOR.(Stoneand IU Ur i lii. riastrring and Country Jobs. *»iDyi to. StonoruttiiiK a Spe- "'.» K~iiiiiiiti"t on all wock. free Satis- MlioB ,;*iiti-»-l. *," R«»idcuce coruerof â- â€¢â€¢'n a ,il Sproule S;r«ft». Maukilb. Ist»mber SI, 18*). Ifi.y HncSE.S10N,AC.\RRl.\GE P.MNTER. Coutracls takcu iu town orcouutrv. IJaaUik. Oct. 12. Iti.Sl. 7iy SAVE YOUR^OMBINGS. Mrt. T. G. Morgan, begs to announce to 1*^ Ladle- of Maikdale and vicinity that she l* ftinrf.! to work up hair combiugg into "icii.i5. vnfT" .ind curl t'"rms nimleratr l"«ll la solicited. BeHidence corner of Mwr 1*4 Quepu streets, opposite M r. Bowea' a ^itn bv Mail pranptly attended to. â- "^iaie. Sei*. I. lUl. A. C. ATKINSON, TAILOR, Hnving removed to Main Street, is now pre- pared to fill all orders on the ahorteat poaaible notice. S*trU. jltCVERE HOTEL, n.AMIiDALE. Y SPROUIiE. Proprietor. T 1883. low '*, Toronto-, ^S popular Hotel has had a bante ad- ttioH added to it, thoroughly refitted, S" now neeond to none in the eonnty. lUbling and attentive oitier. firat- ^etommodatiou for commercial travel- T!Lj^n«» •!.•• p«r ««â-¼. 17.1y MBAFORD, Ont. McUiRR, PnofaiCToma. I' J 1^^ •eeommodation for the travelling ,S^ ^0 bar is well etoohad with the IhsT °** Md Liquor* and the beat 1-7 2.4 i.r ibeM r^^in\kl HOTEL. ibJ^ "°°"'odiou8 Sample Baoai* l^nSdR. T!" *^» best the .w*^ kf ToV^b" and attentive Hoall«'e LATEST Fashion Plates BECEIVED BEGUIAKLY. CHARGES MODERATE. Satisfaction Guaranteed Remember the F*lace NEXT DOOB TO NELSONS 8TOBE. MAIN STREET. Dnndalk, Nov., 1881. 13-fira. THOS. MATHEWS, WISHES to tender to hi* nnmeron* cu!t4-mers hi* *ineere thanks for their very liberal patronage daring the 16 year* he has been in the Harnee* Businees in Mark- dale, an would reepeethUly M^eil a eontinu anee of the *ama, feeing eonflident fthat he ean giv* Entin SatUftetim. Kverything usnally kept in a Fl B8T. CLASS lAMESS ESTOUSIIEIT, always on hi*d, and cold a; moderate rtttea. ^^Nooe bat good workman employed and the beet of metwrial* seed. Markdnla Mav. Id. 188o- lo HAIR CUpiNG AND SHAVING Every "WorklMg Day, Hy TTlioiiiaiCi Smitb. Xaaept Friday* and Saturday* natil noon ke wlB be in MaatMrtoB. mr Mes AIM for Toomb S^lUaie, AOytl.lWt. ^ami UIUIIATKII, §9arml§m, ttiatiea, LimhȤ9, imckaelm, Urvmn of Urn Chtit, $otit, Qiiuf, if Throat, imoll' hat mod Smroiiu, Bono mad UM»,BooordMUjf PUM, Tootk, Eoi oai Hoodoeho, FrotM Foot and Ean, amd all othof Pains and Meko*. Ve yueiraUoe cm wrih sqaals Sr. Jienaa Oft sa a ««A ««***b HmfU and ekesy btnval %tm%*f A IftsI salails kot tt aaa*anev«lf •fWliut ootlar M Cseta, ami svsty sa* Mfcrtnc wllk psia «a ksv* *wp sad pa*iv« |s*e( 1 Ms daiaa. IHrsettoM la Bsiia lee ff BOLD BT AU DKUeeiBTB AID DEALEU n KEDIOIIB. A. VOOZXER A CO.. Stoves. Stoves Cooking Stoves* Parlor Stoves, Box Stoves, Hall Stoves, Drum Stoves. All thi late improvement* in style and finish. HARDWARE! TINWARE, Paints, "White Lead. Paint Oil, Machiixe Oil, Coal Oil, Lamps, c., â€"ATâ€" Haskett Bros. Markdale, Sept. 28th, 188' li*llJj ROBT. ASKIL., Ha* opened ont a Fir*t-Claa* Furniture UNDERAKIN6 ESTABLISHMENT. And therefore has supplied a want long felt, especially in the Undertaking Line. COFFINS, CASKETS, SHROUDS, and all FONERAL FURNISNINaS, supplied on the sliortos notice. A. Hiilendid Hearse fer hire at moderate ratea. furnTtuee! From the Common to the Best and Lattst Styles, ia everything in the line. Otll eal »e3 for yoarsolves. ROBT. ASKIK. ns m mw. IN GREAT TABIETT. THE CHEAPEST! BECAUSE THEY ABE IN THE MARKET. 1 XI. libMi Any Nmnber or Stjle Promptly supplied from stock on the ihortest notice. All manuiaetnred by skilled me- nhanic*. with good matenal in the Latest and most improved Stdle. to the Special attention is alao directed largo and very laperior ato^ of growth HICKORY AND WHITE OAK i porehaaed (rom oae of the heat taotoriee in Canada, Buifteiont to manafactnre over fifty Waggons and Carriage* for the eomiag aea- •OB. Intendiag ^mtdttumt ihoaM m* ful an mapaotiaa of my â- took tmk mm» It WM tfaa fii^ tioM A« hftd ipokta for over an boar. Ear •Morinot bridenaaidt, fiv* Ixsidea Mia IWWt, all tliara. Tha draaaiiig-ioMw lnfht with fair gitia, toaliog toll* aaj laaaa, aad fragrant VMh flovtra. Miaa Talbot «nd tba Wi OMk maid vara aluue tritb Ike bride. Itia iMt toocfa bad \30^a kItui to tba toflet. TLe r«b4 of doad-white eilk swept rn it* nebncM far «i«liiiid ihe t»U, itlim figure looked taller and alimmer than ever tba Tir^iiutl oraiiga bloasoms crowued tbe light-brovru hair; the bridal reil floated like a HMst over all. Tha Uat jewel waa p{M*d, tbe lait rib- bon tia-), the last ful of htec arranged. Bha stood bvfora tha mirrur, fiair, pala panaive â€" a bride ready lor tbe ailar. A qfi«(tar of t«u I The Swus dock, tai l iiig ii tf lhu ^wwtani. attallad^ them. Flow the momenta flew â€" how fast iha guests were arriving tbrongb tlit stnrni I Tbe roll of carriages was al- mnet iucessanl uow, and liftiuu bcr dreamy eyes, Kathennt repeated Iter iuqnirr 'I wuuder if Gastuu hit come ' 'What a qaestion ' cried tfiss Tal- bot. 'A bridegroom late, and that bridei{roni Air. Dantree of all men. Of course he has eome, and is waiting iu a fever of impatiencf down stairs. Ninen, ruu aud see.' Tlie French girl went, and ctma fly- iug Imck broatlilessly. MuileiU'iiselle, how ntrangc. Mon- aitUt iautrea has not arrired. Mon- ssignenr, the abbe, is ready aud wait- ing â€"all tlif! guests are assenibl'd, bat ihon Viru the bridegroom is lute I' Miss TalLot looked at her friend. Nr^ither spoke nor moved. The flock of bridesmaids, a 'rosebud garden of girls,' came floating in with their miaty drapery, their soft voices and subdued laughter. It was ten o'clock. »m-i u« w«dtiiug lionr. There was a tap at the door. Nin- on opened it, and old Sir John, white as ashes, and trembling on his staB, entered and approached ihs daughter. 'Eatheriuo, Dantree has not coune.' '1 know it, father. Something has happen jd.' Her voice was quite steady, but a gray, ashen teiror blanched her face. 'Had you not better send to More came Edith Talbot interp«s.d. 'He was quite well when I lett this morn ing. Has George arrived ' 'Your brother is here. Miss Talbot.' 'And what does he say ' 'Nothing to the poiut. Before dark Diintiee if ft him to go ts his roum and dress. Yonr brother when sturting for here sent Lim word, and fouiid his room deserted. Taking it for granted that be wishad to bi al ne. md had l«!t for boarswood be ore him, your broth- er came over at once. Ue was astun- ished when he arrived at not fiudiug him here.' And then dead silence fell. What did it mean Below, the g'teat had gathered iu groups, whispering ominuns'y in the 'bridnl bower." bride aud bnJesmaidf looked at each ntbar'a pale faces aud never npoke. One by one the mo meuui told ofif. A quarter paat ten, aud still no bridegroom 1 Tnen all at once wheels dashed ui' to the doorâ€" iu the entrance hall there was the sudden bufttle of an arnval. Katherine'a heart gave one great bound and Edith Talbot, nnable to endure the suspense, unable to look at her friend's tortured face, turned and ran ont of the rtom. •Wait!' aha said. 'I will b« bnek in a minute.' She flew down stain. Some one bad arrived â€" a gentleman â€" but not Gaston Dantree. The new-oomer, pale, breathless, eager, was only Peter Dangerfield. But ho mi|{ht bring news â€" he look- ed as thoueh he did. She was by his side iu a moment, her hand on his arm. Wbat is it?' she said. 'Has any- thing happened to Mr. Dantree?' 'Yes, Dangerfield,' ex laimed Cap- tam De Yere, coming forward, 'as sec- ond best man I have a right to know. Shorten the agony, if possible, and ont with it. What's np The hour is past and the bride is waiting, where tie devil is the bridegroom ' CHAPTER XII. THE TELLINO OF THE SECRET. Where was the tsridegrom Gaston Dantree bade good-bye to Katherino Daugerfield, and rode down the noble avenue of elms leading to tbe ponderous gates. His horse's footsteps rang clear and sharp through the still, frosty air â€" the silvery mist of moonlight bathed all things in its pale mysitiu glow. ' He paused an iLstent to look back, erb he rode away. What a fair do- main it was â€" what a stately sweep of park, and glade, and woodland â€" fairer than ever in the pearly light of the Cbnstmat moon. How noble the honse looked, with its tarrats, its peaked gables, its maaaive stack of chimneys. And to-morrow all this would be â€" his â€" he an onteaat of tha Vtnf Twk s'Tfets. He laughed aoftly, exaltant'y to him- self, »a he turned aad roae swiftly away. 'It'a better to be bom Incky than rich â€" it' better to be bom handcome than Ineky. A clear complexion and a set of regular featorea, a tenor voioe, and inaimtating manacra have done more for me than they do for meet men. Thej have made my iurtooe. Half tbe oMn and women in the world are foola at beat, and don't know bow to eae the gifta with wbiob natan baa endowed them. I waa bom ia Uie fatter, broofbt ap in tbe atreete, adopted oat of ebanfy, tqmed oat far ny aborteonnage, to ttanre, or ataal, to goto State prir«, er^-baeoiM 4be bteraty baek of a Mtorfing paper, ill* pnd awl n*astw. And Bow^^^^Bier â-  row ia av veddiof-^y, aad • baroa- et'a daagbter ead Oebaneee e#eicht tboaaaad a year to ka astride. Oat- ton Dantree, I eoogratuat* j«« agiiia, and etill agaui yoa'rt oaaef the •aUt.Jkmtnttoinmm the wioolit b%bnad,i»a Mated wayteenby «»Mlf ia aclody ao aweet^ Vad abbr. tba e««a tbe alaeiang pJibttaigalea, bad •ban bee naiqr in UedOBilMr.migbt have aaahaoed to UMaa aadeavy. Tbe of tbe muM weee freaeeC on biia. A Wide aad a foetaae, aad a Ufa ofpecpeAaal pkaa- â- re, ky begraod to-aotrea'a aoaiMi. TIMM waa od^ one tbotaiadlkM BmI of riMsâ€" 'jnnsa U efae.^Mold eome. after aUi aad hiaaaelf. I bebere, ran aeaM teU iriiat a weaaan may do. Teti imtg be as oartaiu aa that yoa ttf* aiaajMOl take one eootwe.- and ten to oae abe tabeetbe direetopiKMifta. Fer Mam De Iana a» to p^nne any man, though he aat oa the throne ot the Cieaari, ia tbe meat anlikely thiag on earth, and for that very reaaoo ahe may (ora op now. If she aboald appear to-mior- row, aud forbid the baunal 'Biieb thiuga happen soaaotiaMa,' Or, if^he shouU turn np a year hence, and proo- laim II y aocret and her wn ngs. Aad bigamy s a devilish ')gly w^rd.' Tlie shadow of the avenger purcued Mr, Ditutree into dreamiandl His visions tills antouiptial night were all •lark and oiaiuou*. He ie 1 aaloep. to see tiio face of the woman be feared, â- lark aud menacing; he awoke, aoU f«dl asUep again, to aee it pallid and despairing, wild with woman'a u.m at woe. He started out of ted at lattt, at some abuormal hour iu the di nd dawu, with a curse ufoi Lis lii;a. Bleeping or waking, the fa ;e of Marie De Lansao haunted him like an aveqg- iu^ gho;it. Tkli storm I ad c •im wi h t le new day â€" rain aud aleet beat the ^1 laa. the wind howled dismally aroua1 the houecl and up and down tba draog'ity passage. Mr. Dantree aoowl- ed at the dintant prosi ect â€" at:n rphjr- ic mfluencea did not affect hiin much as a rule, but they affected him to- day. I suppose the least seuaitivf of humtu beingi likes bri^t sunsljine. i«,a,uj iftvcsn, aao ciooonM nies Tor his wedding day. Mr. Dantrriu ourred the weather â€" cnraci tbe pur^uiug memory that drove him from his bed -â€"cursed his own fotiy iu lectiui; super- BiitiDUS fears trouble him, and having fijishad his litany, prvduca-l a siuuke- coloured bottle of French braady, a case of manillas, aud fluns himself in o a'l earv chair biifore the htill Biiouldtriug fire. He prime 1 bimself with eau d« rte until the breakfast bell rang, aud then desceude.l to meet his host and his sistter, and get the ya- poars of the night dispelled in their scciety. Miss Talbot de;)arted f(jr Scarswood almost im uediatc y after breakfast. Mr. DautruM eseoi led her to the car- nage, and moodily watched her dnye away. 'I sn opose I am to give your love to Katherme ' tho youug lady said, gaily; 'and I auppo«e we won't see you nn- til the houi Try and wear a less do- lorous face, signor, whou you do pre- sent yourself. It's a serious occasion, bayond donbt, bat not even matrimony can warrant ao gloomv a conntenanoe aa that.' How the long intertuir able hours of that day wore on, Gnstcn Dautree never afterward knew. Something was going to bnpnen â€" he aimply felt that â€" what, he did not know. Mane might come, or she miuht not but whether or no, something would hap- pen. The dark sleety hours dragged slowly alcng â€" be emokiid furioukly â€" be drank mire brandy was at all prudent or uaual for bridesgrocms â€" he went iu and out in a restless fever that would not let bim sit down. He paced ap and down the leafless aisiea, the aleet driving sharply ia bis faee, tbe keen wind him. for be vra« of a chilly nature. Were pre- sentiments true None had ever tronbled him before. Was it a guilty oonaeience It waa tLe fit at time he ever realized he had a conFcience or was it a worse demon than, the gloomy fiend ofâ€" indigeation *A slnggish liver has made men blow their brains ont before now, and a dyapeetio stomach has seen ghoata. Prea^ini^enta are sentimential hum- bnge â€" it's the heavy dinner at Sears- wood, and the French eookery at Morecambe, combined with a leadra sky, and a miaerabie Deeember day. If the internal long day were ended, and the hour come. I thoold feel al! right, I know.' His host watched himci rionslyfrom the window, wandering about in a storm like an unquiet xf i it. Bride- grooms may be restletfc aa a rale on a iiappy day, but no such reetleasnesa as this. 'There's something on that fellow's mind.'the young Sussex sqi^ire thought 'lie has the look to dav oi a man who id afraid, and I don't think he w a coward as a rale. I've tht nght from the first this marriage odd bi a dencedly bad job, and it'*- no end of a nity. bhe'a sueh a trum)/ of a girl â€" little Eathie â€" no nonaeube about her you ki-ow; ridea to hoaudi like a born Nirorodeas, dancf a like a i iry. plucky aad tboronglbrei firom toj to %â-  Aad bba'e coing to tar^w iert- I. away on tbia daibr,fdr no reaaon n- der heaven bat that be 'a got a good I' o'xing face. Uarg it all I Why did I ever fetch him down to Morecambe, or why need K^ttiarino Dangerfield be e jeh a htile fool Wh«'a to tll oathe f dlow haaa't a aife already out iu New Urieaua ' bometiiue in the afternoon the bridegioom eieet flung himself on hia bed and fell beavUy aaleep. He did not dream thia time be alapt â€" for boara â€" the benefieial effect of French Bteady, no doabt. The short oarfc day bad faded entirely oat-^tbe ean- dJea weta lit and Sqaire Talbot'a man atoodover bim a^jnhog bim to rise. 'Bag parding, rir, lor d i ata r li in g yea, bat teatar'a hotdm, air, and It'a 'alf after six, Mr. Daatree, nr.and time, aaatv-aMa-4e«etapaiid draaa. • bacdH8.«.b.tbatra eleyeiOTt Mbwf I aetr kafwiaHa Will â- ot^mymi MrDa atit e leaped Half faal-eix. aad tiae «o b*)ara, to bed. no beMked leeeit LMTiar bald np any Moâ€" if aoy- Vcraaiaatad) tbat.lir, rtri»e. aarâ€" if joo pleaa dinna^'e to arf an boor bUer than banal, air, tbia oeeaaionâ€" yoall bite joat to drea and no more.* itewia waa aa adaobia bia bai At balf^at atfan Uf, OaitM Msded It. (Gaaar iafiiVieyaaing white waM-eoa^^diaincipd atoda, dtea ooak, abidyboott^hibtdfiar tbe aa- litbal HaMitbeafoira Neither ate maeh â€" both were and silent. 'What ttie deuce ever laade me hriag tbe feBow r tbe aqaire kept 'tbiufcinf, -moodily, easting gloomy glanc-t athwart the tall epergue of flowera between them. And 'Wui any- thing happen, after all V the bnde gream kept aying 4eer and oeer ' 'will tbe haireea of Bearawood ba my wi e to- marrow monuag, or will aome- tbiug prevent it at the eleventh hour, and^xpoae me? It wonld bejast my aaoal hrtiraM lack.' He went hack to hia room after dinner. Thei had not lingered, aud it was still only eight o'clock. A quarter befo'-e teu «onld be earley eu- ongb to arrive at Scarawood. nod run theganntletof threescore conoos eye*. 'I wish it were over.' he exclaimed, aloud, almost savagely. 'I wouldn't undergo such an ordeal agaiu frr all the beiresseH iu Great Britain.' 'It is a nervous business,' a voice in the doorway responded *but take courage. There's many a alip. you know, and though it wante but two hours to tha time, yon may escape the matrimonial noose, after all ' Gaston Dantree avrang ronud with an eath. There, in the doorway, atood Peter Dangerfield. 'I beg your pardon, Mr. Dantree,' the lawyer said, glibly, coming in, and shutting the door, 'Yoa don't look best pieased to tee mn, but that is not to be wondered at.' 'Wlicrt the devil dil you spruu f^â€" •â-  vc^. s»Mawi3«,aemanrt, angrily. 'I sprang from nowhere â€" I've given op gymnastics. I droye over from Caatieford, in the rain, on important business â€" important business to yon. A quarter past eight, all dresied for the oeremouy. That gives us au hour and three-quarters â€" plenty of time for what I want yoa to do.' 'What â€" you â€" wait â€" neâ€" to â€" do Mr. Dangerfield, I coufess I am nt a loss to â€" ' 'To understand me â€" exactly â€" quito natural that you should, and all that. I'll explain. Circumstances have come to light concerning Sir John Dangerfield and â€" well, and the young lady yon are going to marry. As K friend of voura, Mr. Dantree, 1 consider it woald be a shameful de- ception to let the marriage co on while you are in ignorance of those circurastauoes. 8ir, yon bare been grossly deceived^ â€" we have all been, and â€" but it's impossible forme to ex plain* Thereby hangs a tale. The person who told rac i* waiting ut Cas- tleford to tell you. I drove here at onceâ€" my trap is waiting outside now. I made my way to jour room unannounced. I know the house.and I want you to put ou your hat and great-costf and come with mc to Cas- tleford att once." Gitstou Dantree stood very pale, listening to this lengthy and rapid harangue, bis presentiments were all true th n â€" sometl.iug was going to occur. At the last hour, the glit- tering prize fur which he had fought and won was to be snatched from him. His lips were set hard, and there was a dull red glow not good to see about bis black eyes. But he kept his tem- per â€" under all circumstances, it was the rule of his life to keep that. Mr. Dangerfield,' he said, 'will yon be ao good as to open the mytteries a Uttla Your speech sonnda melodra- matic â€" and I don't care for .melodra- ma off the boards. Why am 1 to go to Castleford What are the eironn • atanoM Whom an* I to meet â€" and how have we all been deceived Do you wish to iosinnate anything against Miss Dimgerfield ' 'Not a word â€" not a ayllable. Sbe is blameleas aad I don't wiab to stop yoar marriage â€" Heaven forbid I No one will wish you joy .two hours hmee. when the ceremony la over, more sincerity than I.' Gaalon Dantree looked at him, staggered a httle. Tbe marriage was not to be stopped, then. He drew a long itense breath of relief, 'This is all very strange. I wiah you would explain. I'll go with you to Castleford â€" it will kill tbe interven ing time as well as anything elae, but, I'd rather net go in the dark.' 'You must. Take my word for it Daatrea it is necessary. It is impos â- ibie for me t J tell yen â€" I am bound by oath. Come with me â€" eome I swear yon shall be at Scarswood by ten o'clock.' For a moment Dantree atood irrea- olate. Tnen eoioaity overcame every other feehng. He aeized bia bat and coat with a slight Uagh. •be it 80, then. iMtd aa, aa tbey aay in novela, I ftdlow â€" •â- d^my good f jilow, dnve like the very doo^' He ran lightly down itaira-^Peter DaagerMd followed. There waa a flush on tbe lawyer'aaallow parcbatnt oheeka, a fire is hia d«n, near aigbied eyea, all nnoaoal there. Tbey met no oae. Tba aqaire wae in bie'lu^part- ment,' the eervante aere ba^. Tbe gig lampa of Mr. Dangwfleld'a trap loomed bke to fiery eytia tb»etormy blaeknea. Dantree lapad in, Oao- gaefleld faUowed. -eaatebad op tbe rasae^ aad aped awajr libe tbe wind. It waa a dead, aileat ariva. It wm aafMwDaagitifieUaaalddoto bold tbe reut and make bit wi^ tkroogb tbe darkaea of night and atora. Gae- toa Daatra aat wkb folded arma wait mg. What waa ba to bear f wbera wae be going f â€" ^vbea vaa ba to twT aaa't aa ddii g aigfaV Tba bgbtt ot thaAnt it wae opcaied iaataatty, aad Qat- ton Dantra aw â€" Mra- VaTaaor, She was aiagaifltieatty dantdf to- night. liMKobtatyai^ ailk at iJi'l • •\i'i3 iagoftfaataoa tbaaaboeaihe IhlhaaaiAathay baiaee aa inn tte i 3at,abo6tlei took anea, aad Petar Psaâ€" fiiiil,itb brtaf 'lUt way. Ikatwt,' armag t at LAME, mVt. m fitii Ab- 80i)T£D. w.r.Dquu n*ib* •aahtietf a tht oraHbibbHkbair^ The range iti lUNihteat. tbtiMuali^ witg ibibaBf daBale,thealHWDd ey^a awa I tag a brigbtar, bbwker taaa aver; and that peea)iar amile on bar e^ifr4 abaped month vat never ao raueat before. 'Yoa did not expeet to tte me, Mr. Dantree, did yon Yoa didn't know 1 have een in OtMtitH airiiote week And I've oome to tbe wedding aU tbe way from Paria. I er oaad tbeobannel at the hak of expiring Ita tbe aftonia of aea-tieknea. I braved yoor beaetly Britiab climate, I botiad myaelf alia a whole wak bare, without a wal to speak to â€" anâ€" to be preMnt at Katb erine Dangerfiald't wedding, if â€" that wedding ever takes place.' Mr. Dantree looked at his wateh, outwatily, at least, perfectly cooL 'It will be aooompliahed fact in one hour, madamt. And tbara's a g^od old adage about it'a being well to srait nntil you are aakedâ€" wouldn't it have been bt- ttar if you had remembered it? Your affection for Mias Dangerfiell doea eredit to your bead aud bart, but I fear it ia unrecipropated. She loyea^'ia aa old nick leva Holy water.' ^O BB CONTINUKO.j Causb Axn ErrBct.-r-Tbe maiu eaoM of nervousness is iuc|^sestion,and that is causei by weakness uf the stomaeb. No one can have sound nerva aud good health without using Hop Bitters to strengthen the stomach, purify the blood, and keep the Uyer and kidneys active, to carry off all tha poisonons and wa^ta matter of the system .â€"AWcaa» CANADA IN ENGLAND. THE "TIMBS" ON EHlOaATIQN TO CAM- A VeOBODOHLT BNGUSH OOLOMV. An Arrangement Hetvtm tht T., O., 4 B. B. B. and Ontario and Quebec ft. The Ttir e* in an editorial on the meeting ol the Women's Emigration Society, yt sterday uys: â€" "Canada is the goal towards which the aociety would point. If any oolony would t tract an indepeitdant supply of women emigrants that Colony la British North America. The voyage is the shortest and least expensive. The emigrant is not cut off irre.o/ably from' the comforts of the mothar oountry. as civilisation ia as widd/ t'iffused- there as in any Colony. The climate is healthy and above a'l, the Colony is thoroughly Englikh. It is permeated and perforated in all direotiuns with English society, and types of English life and English tlit u.;hts. If these advantages fail to attract the emigrat- ion of women, eitlier the women are unaware of the premium the sex com- mands across the At'antic. or tbey do not know the faoiliti^^s offered for leav- ing the overcrowded Mother Couutry" THB LKn coaroiATioN or cnaoa. The abates of the North-West Land Coi poratK n of Oa:iada are going well. BiltWAT MKTfEBS. The diiectora of the Toronto, Grey, and Brace BailWay announce an ar- rangement with the Ontario and Que- bec Railway C mpany by which the latter pay tbe foar par cent. (80 years) bonds of the fo mer. Safficient cash to pay dividenda to December, 1888, will be placed with the trastea in London. The St. Lawereooe and Ottawa eon pons will not de paid at matarity to- day, oinog to the smallnea of the net reciepta for 1881. TO COME TO CANADA. Whitley atrokea, the legal adviser of the Council of the Viceroy of India, will shortly retire from office and is determined to Make his permanent re aidena in Canad t. â€" Qiob*. do A Laot'b Wish.â€" "Oh. how I wish my skin was as clear and soft as yours," said a lady to her friend. 'You, an eaaily make it ao,' answered the friend. "How " inquired the first lady. "By using Hop Bitters, thnt makes pure rich blood and bloom- ing health. It did it for me, as yoa observed. " â€" Cairo tiulUtin. -.v-/ â€" "Brothers," said president Tf ylcr, in hia last annual apeeoh to the mon convention, "we dou't ex«ctly know tbe Temple fund stands. There is no need of Iceeping any account. There it the building going up right beiore your eyes, yoa can aa it all tor yourselvea. We will now sing the 836tb hymn.' This was regarded as rather oool, eoniideriug that tbe fond bat already absorbed averal miiliona aud cha gaofst«elinRin con- nection with it have been made. HAVE HOPE. Before jon dttpair of ooring a troublesome ooagh joat verging on oootamptioj try Hagyard'i Pet toral Balam it ba eared otbere,wby may it not cara yea r AU dealert all it A boat with eleotie motive power ia in eoora of coaatrooiion at one of the Tarda on the banks o' tha Seine in Paris. It is to be eighteen fat long and five fat wide. Tbe proprietor, M. Teller, propoaa to croa Uie Chan- ael ia it, and, if be be a n oce a a f ul. he vriU be able to cUim the diatioetion of having inaagartted the ajmlication of electricity to maritime traffic. WHERE IGNOBANOE IS Bj tKS Its FOLLT TO BE WH^ Dr. Bliaa, if nota ma â- t'i"iki^| far brikta. «w:lli^ t w fltat l^ m Vat ht gnta- la that wbieb oikjfj^mia*. Blooc Blood Bittert, that _^ Uood MriAer ^l^apon the Bosnsla, tbil^andtbe Kidneys, Coancil met at '7agaa\ ° Hall, on Deetaber Utt 1Mb, AfrHhe mnsao- tion of buBiu' a. ' ' j i Beeve in the Chair. Memb«n all preaent. Moved by Mr. ^n'te, eeoonded by Mr. Notion, Ot^k lot »4. eoa. 8, E. O. R., be placed on tbe BolU aad (bat Geo. Lee bs refunded f LK) u taxes ove^p^. •., • ' .-Moved by Mr. Norton, teouodM'by Mr. GtUeapie, that Bohsrt Black re- paur Qilv«rt over road at 40 side-road, alao one oppoaite Mr. Cloa's, both;on town-line. Moved by Mr. Gilleep^, Attooded by Mr. Sbnte, that Andraw Fraebora be antfaorixed tepot in eolvert ^0' site lot 71, con. S, and not to exceed %% Moved by Mr. Shnte, seoouded by the Deputy Reeve, that ao order ba. issued for $2.14, m favor of Johil Crosrther. lor taxes over paid. Moved by Bhute, eeooodad by Mr.' Gillespie, that Wm. Hamnton receive an order, f r fll.45, boin^ taxes charged in error. Moved by the Deputy Bave aecond- ed by Mr. NorUn, that an order be is sued to Samuel Cnraon for 19, bc-^ ing an error in assessment, aud that the same be chorj^ed agauitt the east half of kt 61, con. V.' Muved by the Deputy Reeve, aecond- ed by Mr. Shute. that .iKim Paare get an order for $0.50. fr repairing Sau- ble bridges. Moved by Mr. Norton, seconded by Mr. Gilleepie, that an order be isaned for $8.00, to Mr. Cliarleton. for road work. Moved by Mr. Shnte,' seconded by Mr. Norton, that the Bt«ve apply to a lawyer for advice with regard lo a cri klng at M stde-rodul. Moved by the Deputy Rccvc, aooond- 'â-  ed by Mr. Shute, thai Wm. Whi'e lie allowed $8.00.' for repairing calverrmi McNabb street, Chatiiworth. An application from Dr. Mci'luUand with respect to puchasiug old rood on blind line, between the 11th and Tith, concession, lot 2. Moved by Mr. Shnte, seejuded by the Deputy Reeve, that the above ap- phcation bo acceded to by the Dr. paying $10 aird the conveyance fees. Moved by Mr. Gillespie, seconded by the Deputy Reeve, that the Tree surer play to eaob acbool aection Trus- tees the amount of acUool taxea leviud on their section. Moved by 8hute, secondel by Mr. Gillespie, that Mr. Norton get an or- der for one dollar for letting roal jot on town-line. Moved by the Deputy Reeve, second- ed by Mr. Giliedpic, that Goo. M- Auley be evempted from ptyiug Ihkos thia year on account of getting lii.- place burned by fire last fall. Moved by Mr. Norton, sv^^oiidrl by Mr. Shute, thiit the fullowin-^ P'isii.s be exempted from payiug take.s for this year: Widows McDi;u-mid.Hell.Charn- bers, Graham, Ceasor. Mathew.4 enJ James Robiuson. Moved by Mr. Norton, secohded h/ Mr. Shute, that au order be issued foi $6 to buy Mrs Bell, of visions abo, $6 for Mrs Graham, at Strathaveu. Mr. Norton moved, s coiided by Mr. Shute, that By-law No. 0, appointing Returning Officers aud )K)t1ing i^sciw, be read a first, sec ud and third titno. signed sealed a-id engrossed on the Minutes. Moved by Mr. Shu'c, seconded \rr Mr. Norton' that $2.82 he exUnde'd on the roll against Wm. Uowey, it being a clerical error in the Collector's RoU of 1875). Moved by the Deputy Reeve, second- ed by Mr. bhute, that the followiu persons get an order for the suma af- ter their names, being au utidcrcharge in the Collector's RoU of 1879â€" David Rae $1.00, Robert Hamilt 75c, Wm. Dixon 20c, James Wallace $2. Moved by Mr. Shnte, seconded by the Deputy RlMve, thai thoqe persons who did not pay the fuii amount of their taxes in 1879, throngh clerical error, be notified to pay without delay to the Collector or Treaanre, and Uke his receipt. Meved by Mr. Gill-spie, saconded by the Deputy Reeve, that lc;^J iro. ccedings be taken against Alexander CampbeU to recover the sum of $10.80 as taxes unpaid iu 1678, and that the Clerk write him concerning this reso- lution. Moved by the Deputy Reove.setand- ed by Mr. Norton, that the Council adjourn tine die. Carson Price, Clerk. m »m Henry Clay, a grandson of the fa- mous bearer of that name, went to Greenland a year or so ago, with the purpose of joininft t e Howj^ate expe- dition therj. Lik3 ha patron sinner, the expediti )n was a faduro, and Mr. Clay was left to look for the North Pole on his own hook. He did so, travelled a good deal by dog tesm,aud at last ooncludei to let the Pole jog along 14 it ha ban doing for emta- tia. Mr. Clay haejwit retcheJ hia home in Kentucky. INGENIOUS INVENTION. Some shrewd Yanka has invented a key tliat will wind any watch it is a neat atta/'.liment to a eharm, and it ie aaid to work like t chsrra. So doea tbe grand Key to Healthâ€" Burdo-k Blood Bitters, tbe greatest diseovcry of the a;{e. It uulncks aU the iezo-- tiont, and cleanse and invigorates tii# entire system. 8a«iple botHea, 10 MuU Urgo aia. $L00 of all Uodi- oine dealers. The New York Son declare* that ball fat batttr and hog fat ehoea. oold not for what tlipy era, but sa duiry prodaett, are fast noderipibing the Amenafttport trade in iliOMe pro- daett. ^ne revelation made by t!is laat tw» aatJiMial dairv e:nventions, a* to tbe exlaii* of this trade w -re Mtoanding h:it. olfiDsr?rrine and lari ebe«( faa^atmek a blow at thia eaoroMMi aa-l frtwinTaitnrp' «f r v- eaae. Abmt aj.cwi.oi) pvinbil" of better ai^d e'teMi. it ia t'totivh win have been «XDrt I thi« ye;r tbfu lut ioeiead of tbe owtiiiaed .ae.e Ot •xpa'f 1. â- *. ». ^W W m

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