.^^â- -T:-f*- .•,• ^-tfV •»l --â€" "^tSP "' OATMF.AL AS FOOD. THE TRUTH ABOUT IT. Says an Irih pit f-r :â€" Oalmeal is a I gays a contemporarj -.â€" A ihort fooj of retJ strcnirlli nud nutrition, time ago we called upon » oertain liaviiiR claims to bo bcttir known and party iu this city and a«ked him why mi IK wilier tiK.l than it i« at j resent, i j,a did not adyertise. Of n.nch wrm-o n:j a brain food, it j "Oh." he anawered, "what'i the conui^s i.lio^i.l.onis onoiiifh to keep a I use Nobotly will ever Bee it." man doinu un ordinary amount of| "You're mistaken," said we, "eyery brain wc; ii in t;f otl Lfi;ltli mid vii."'r. page of our paper la read." All modi. -Jil autlioriti.:^ unite in tbe j "Nonsense," ho replied; "even if • pinion tbat (Mtfii with milk, it is a people did read my adTertisement; I*rffcl ffo.1, and iiavin^' uU tbe re- they would never think of it again. 1 ij+ii-itf." for thr; (iLVtlopniont of the Jon't want to advertise." bjfttni, it i-3 a irt-ciniiK.ntly a uj^ofulj "Butâ€"," f.x..! for t:-ro\vin;; ciiijilren and tlio "No tuts at all. 1 don't want to yonnf? generally. Oatmoal re uires advertise, and doii't bother me any tnnth w^jkini^ to f:;Tf.cliially burst its more I'm busy." And he walked rur( L c. 11.-. Ii;t wli.n It is will cooked back into Lis store and sUsngled a it will thick" n li'iuid mucli more than poor little fly that Was helping itself â- ••inal itt â-¼.ei/l.t in wjiiun flour. â€" i from a barrel of sugar. li.c- oals 'f til' couiiiry i.r.' tijerior j lime passed and we never again to those prown u tho Continent -and I jnt,ujated advertising to him though in the- southern part ef Kn^land, but Qjgjtujg him dady. The other day certainly inf.ri r to tl.e Scotch, where j the gentleman called at onr saetan. cnsiderable iniii- ure ti«):'u to culti- ifjtj^dng a littlwuncertain a« to how b* viite them, ai.d it is neeiikbs to point I would be received. We cherished no cut that the hcotcJi rj-e an esannle of hard feeling and motioned him to a .-.tron;' utl ihoiou^'bly ribust^ci,; httle nation, wliich r--nk i« j'iirly set down i ••£ guppose you heard of that %i b" iBf.^ denied from tiie plentiful use affair of mine below ' of ontai-ai. I.»r. Gutlirie ba.^a-^eried! "Oh, yes," said we; "that httle that his countryman hnve the lartrost ' jgcapade on King street the night L'.uih 01 any nuuou Ln the world â€" not' evfcu tho Knk'lisb bvi^-/ -,uch larjje h;ad.iâ€" wbicii hn uttnbutfc.i to the uuiTontnl iii' of oittniejil, a.H universal it i^, l*in" foiiud alll.i jU tho tublt-M of the- /irh an i tb.; table- of llio [Kjor Yes, we've got the par- before last, tieulars â€" ' "liush not BO load.pieasa," aald b«; "of 'jourse yoi're going to My aothing in tbe papers about it ' And why not It i» a matter of --m tb.. morning ibey have the n^^erest to your friende and the poblic jrfjrrilgiF: and i!i ih' ev;nUi(^ the- Ira- g^iierally."' diVi-.nal c«k'). Til.' two iriui^iide j "Heavens 1 Why it would ruin me." ways of co.)kiii" i«.rn.l-' and cake "Ob, no, guess not; nobody wil I bftnnofk wbi'-b I will describe, and i ^ycr see it." hi- .-oii.c otK.rr ni',d of cookin;,' to I "Yva they will and it will roin me afford an aj.;j 'I .-ibl-.- vuri-.ty of dislie,. ^g gyjg as I am sitting here. I'll be lir^t,jUin, V.' will comiuiijoe with ii iho laughing stock of the town. They r'.,ipt for ponid"e- â€" lo three- piiitb ^^j;l ggj, it_" of boiHn;-,' water Hdd a kvel t'.aspoon- \\,q jq^^ jqJ touched him i^ fiiTely on the shoulder. mm^ f"A of sal: iiiid H pirit of cour.-e meal, t-Unir^ .11 l.'ii- n:':il i-i diti'u ed tbroui/h ll.e WH'ei-ahout ei^'ht Or ten niiLutOH. Cover it closely then, and pliici; il uhiio it will fimwior f' r an hi nr ftviid ntiring durii! • the whol'i f th'.t tini.' Serve lota:id Willi ii.. hfll ii. .-i.i.^ h- po.s- .ibb' a'-codijmni"l witli :f:!lk, maple syrupiir .-.ii;';:r, aiel ri' ;-ni. Co liiaki; ontiii-al c;i!. of n:..al, !:•' I t' It. a v.ill }•.;â- :;! it liit' il v.ith a I l.lh (ifl Jt to -V. II. II.. •. wi'h »... nl, ti to • Well, we admit, ^he people wil see it but then, jou know, they will never think of it again." IJ is words came back to him ia a flash and he trembled so violently thai hin eyebalh fairly jineled, and he waa sach an object fcr commiseration that wo romispd to keeji mum. Thin littlo moral is drawn from tho above, I I.e •• I'i ,1 li.'wl n.|iiart !^vhicll is applicable the world over: li lol'f wati r L^]^ u pjjjij t„ijjy(.r(j(je^ and ho will .1' d 'i: di, cover j jyj„j^.jj.,tgiy jjjjy, ill the majority of eiises, '.hat "Nobody will ever see it ' The Staudaud J9 ^larrBi) tq sb tbb Best Local Paper that la pabHsked fat lJ« â- •»?. It}* P»» lUbail rverr Friday Bomiag in time for aret ^tt aad MBl t« aa/ addma PR^Olfpi^ftTAOEl )â- advaaoe, «f IMi tl «o» WJW4. C. W, SUTLBDOE, adUgtaMftafrMoi. A PhR.vlMNtNT CURE FOR UME BACK. Pileg DiBeases of tbe Kianeys, Bladder and Urinary Organs, or aitcncUnt complamts. IMDUBITBLE EVIDENCE GIVlHa^N- TIKF, SATISFACnON. Pictou, April 20, 1881. O.STi.«J«xjl,-I find that vour Pais "f giving entire Batisfaition, i.nd wish yon jn- cre»»ed sales for so valuable a remedy for Diseases of the Kidneys. Signed, db. j. B. MOBDEN. prices-^JhUrs P»d, S1.50; Bagular Pad. 19; Special Pad for Cbronio Diseases. 13. Ask your Druggist for Pamphlet and lesti- monials, free. Sold by A. TIB.-VEB A C'On Markdale- PABKEB k CO., Owen Sound. J W. ELLIOTT. Chntsworth. STEPHENS A McCAKBOLL, Meaford. M BICH-\UDSON. Flesberton. THOS. SIEPHENSON, OraogsTiUe, O. W. PABS0K8. Dundali. HENRY PAUKKR. Durham. 59 â€" «H»- it â- I" ' 'â- n.l d|. Il,' • It ;â- ' lib !l f; •. ..|| ,:i ..;, I.;li f.Ji J tlV |.:' • Ilie.i !i-( iiiin fr lit I.,! Ilillli- to ;illoW 1, I ill) r.t-t'l"'iird I ijut ijiiyerti.^o gratis some ijmo iudis- i:t tl •â- 'â- """ '"d I crelioii he i;i!iy commit, and ho im- r .M.' t'ovi r ,„,.,ii,,t(.|y jrrows indignant over the "'"' certainty that tlis whole world will know It. ;â- . •. ini:.i;t^ p. II It .,!ll tl,.rl.l.f I. li. III on to an ci.it it 1 'ri.l i; lotiaili" l;r. Ol Ajj.ly II. t.ik'i iii\*:i. â- ;! V.-II..W U.I i' v:if i lll;iK r. II... I;, f iilllii'i-.:i N- er'ii 11... iiJit.-i »i.i :i!i liirt'r II II M I I Mifi. .N'l bi williOMt it. ';;i I.I' i.i.'m: WJIF.1:K KiNOKANCE IS liLISS TI.S lOLLVTOBEWLSE. L)r. filiss, if aot.a success at probing iff-r bulletn. w;is hiijlily succeasfnl io I (Il sp.-itchin;,' bulletiiib but tho grau- w (»i! (iiid j..^t htillotiu ofBucce.sa is tliat which I I reel II -lis. |j[,.rji|,is the wonderful cures perlorm- 0.! by liiiidiici Blood Liitters, that m,iti;iile..5^ tciiio and blood purifier which Hct.s at .lucu upon tho llowels, the SkiLi, the Liver and the Kidneys, uhili.' It invigorates and strengthens th,' whole yybtem. A NAH l;\L HAHOMETEB. DUNOALK HEBALO Is the same Mze as the BTASDABti, BDd Is also published at this affloe r3-F03a si-oo. .SI A. G. HUNTER, Loeal Editor, Dundalk ' rriu ly I ir r.rii:.^i...i,|!!;rii.- !• i.i.»s. inlluni- .:i.,-L..il sle.iild nr Tou WAST MARKDALE â- 't- III i I h:'l. itfi' •l;l' I .\( III II I ;i .-.il V llil! t-.r w .1 I. ii' ' I- ...d. th- ro ,i.. t .m I" ilii|l; f liunu' hill I. Ml 1 .1 .-. d.'-.r. r I j I 1' â- I .III.' .11 U-llllIM d I'vi r;, ho.iy ha.s lulmired the delicate ;iil iii'.,'t iiiiiii woili iif tiio spider, • •v. rviH..ly hii-. watclii d her movements .1-. -h â- ^|lll^s 111 r Woilik'rtul Web, but ,.iil di iii't kii w that she is tiic most nil ilili' weiither jir jpliet in the world. ' I'.el'nre a wind storm she shortens the thi-i-adi tlnit â- usp-iuled her web, and loaves till 111 ill thi stttc a^ long as I hi! wiaiher reuiuiiis uusottled. When â- ^iip b'iii'.lii'!is these tlircad." count on iini- w.);itlii'r, and in proiortion to tl.i ir 1 iii^tli wi'J bo its duration. \\ le n :i .spider rests inactive it is a I i::i of r.iin if s!ic woik.i during a r;iiii, Ih- .-are :l will soon char up- and II tiiain c'liir for :»iiio time. The spiili r, it is sal l,ehaii;,'i;s her web every tvv.iity four hniir^, and tho part of ih' iliiy .~!iu clid.jbts to Jo this is al- WiiV.s si-jnificiiut. If it occurs little til !oro .-inisot. tho ui^'lit will be Hue 1- -.iril li'T c',.,ir ,.i, 11. iiijo the old French ".Vr.ti'^jiee dii 6oir, espoir." lid .;.\\ v» 1 â- i:i». I i;i.Iivi.!ili! tht' iVl! I It'll Till, .ill It. nrid, ul.r •r.il ho I'u.Mnio U.-UII'l • •tl r IS tll.J Wi-i tl.o ul'll ':St Ao •• .M 1. •.'-, w.i-i: 1 livr 111 •iii'« w. â- :itd iiit. u.-uii'l ii aUiiiit tu'o • i! I'k HI ijr'iu 'riiiMi; at tho estab- Ii'ri:ij!i: I'f .1 y,-.!! |..ii'\vii iiii^ertitk"!- ir, I .i.;i W.i f.l'.iijton. ,\'t-'r ku'ick- II M^ tliii diMr Kit •^••vii:il mm. I'll*, tli'i |T'i'ii«t.ir « anio ij t!io win low unit '.wle.i I liit •'A 11 It U::IUi.d 'â- ' •â- .iMV. \!r. Inc.' a:iid ills iii- 1 livmt. J loi'^. ••! w.i:. t t.. -.I'c y^iU f r a m"in o' l' in- .l.nMi." â- •i y,.i \va- r to _i;i\o ci ord.-T "' H k 'I !ii' lU.'U rlnkiT. •â- ^ "' an ••I'.ii I C.eiii d \v;i.' .-ui i 111.' M-lO'T. I l.i-.J I •( '.il I.'l l'.r^.S^eli lui.'-i ii ilM.l i"U!;ii- 1!. « :i -tr,ii». and Ullj i!- i .; til. iK'ii 11 â- - tliii iiriii r.1. ••Ni.i\," .-.iiii Ik, â- .vti.ii lui I ito I. I" y-iii V *S;.y. ji'.c. I want t'l orlr vi u Im ..I III 1' 'H'l. t 1 li'V l.ie.f. •Villi :ire tl..' list mill I .\iii.t iir ii,i\, :ii.\ini:iL; t-'d'wi.li. ti." I r.i:,'ht, sir." 1'.;. I'll li-rtuki r w!i b.;.! iij'.b. !;r. 1 the f. r«'t!i;»i-d t' liir* downy mm III" Us he \\i':.t HAVE HOPE. Ill t'.irc you despaii' of curing a iriMiliiesojiiL' cnugli jtist ver{,'ing on c.iiisiimption try Hagyard's Pectoral r':iL-;i'.;! it iuis cufi d others, wliy may it not cure you All dealers sell it. Thj litt'o dani,'htor of Mr. Franklyn, will) KaiiuJ his re.iiidence t.i tlie sick I'rtsM. lit, (ila.ly.s, a maiden of nine .hiiiumers, gues bear-hunting in the ll.x'ky Mountains, in boy's clothes, with her father. fiiiw to restore oil paintings â€" carry thi'iu back to the owner. Not satisfied witli tveiy other color, the juler of Tiini:! Mustai'iiha IJty. Oueis'a beer mu;,' and tiie other is vmerc bug. The cii'.iiiiuliuni IS of no imuortance. llAiiVARl.'.S BAL- tluuuht he .iv out :i;i I couch, luuv- :i'oa ' "Si'l.i M;;;iil!. INdENIOlS INVENTION. S^nii- shieW'l Viitikto i.as invented a key thrit wiil vvni'l a^y wiitch it is a net ^itliK'bmuir. t;i a cliarin, and i' ••» -Ml' tu w.rk ii'KO a chsrm. S does til" i;r;iT'i K. t .. 1! i.tli Uiirdo'.-U Jdiiiul IliKi^s, till' 1.1 iilis! lii.sci'veiy • •; l!n aj-'e' il ^llili I -s ail the SeClt:- ll' e.s, uiiii cle:i:i-o utal ;i;v!;4"rati s Ino jiiiiru sysitiii. is;;ni|ile c.nU l.i:^;.^ .-:/.' ^l.i'ii i ciuo dealers. I'I'.CTORAL SAM. C.iiYs courIis, colds, asthma, croup, will). piu,L; ci)nj,'h, s to. throat, brou- eiiiiis iiii'l all liiii;; complaints that il ;id t'l c.'iisuniption. Price 25 cents. .V i.nrs-' was telling about a man who l:a 1 luo'iine so terrible worn out by di-siv:itioii tlist he could not keep any food "ii his stomach, when one of iist"iiers asked "what does he live on t!i"ti '" "1)0 his relations ma'am," :iiiwei-ed the nurso. '•How are you. Itrown " exclaimed I'l ii.h r^on. "I have been en a re- (.'iihir wild ^rose cliase, and I'm glad I've fiiiind von at last. " Feuderson 'iilili..*id ho had sai'i somethingprctty smiirt the w.iy tho boy laughed, but he can't for Hie lifo of him tell what it was. JOB WORK DONE PROMPT Ki ml it to the SriSPAnD ofSoe. If yon desire mat work done at moderate prices send it to us, wu are eontideut we can soil you. Do yon want BILL HEADS, LETTER HEAD^ CIIiCULARS, NOTES, HECEIPTS. POSTERS 8AU8 BILLS. 8TREAMEB3, D0DOEB8, HAMD BILLB, PAMPHLETS, PROGRAMMES. VISITING OARDB* BUBINBBS 0AED8, BALL TICKETS MHFER TICKETS, Or in fact aaythiog lo tbe yrinticg U|e, PIAIN OR IS COLORS. Sen4 us your order by Mail or otherwise and It will be attended to at oaee and ve will Guarantee Satisfaction. MarbleWorks MoDQmeDts, TombstoQes And every deseri] tii-n ol Cemetery â- »rork exiciitod iu FiRST-CUSS STYLE and at reasoual.io rates. Orders loft at t)ie Hhop or sent by luriil will bo promptly at- t'l It'll to. Satisfaction Guaranteed. S^'V rujt ili'or tu Uertre llutA. W. A. JOHNSTON, Prop. .^. 1 l.--lv IScqakCoatM). PVKELT Vecxtabu: •-•Uy TOf fiTimended r Klllou.BCH, I!-i.!l-.Vcb-, CoB «.iiunlioii,lndlgee- -i.i, Vf'/,l:\p^s, (IrnrlbarBf l;rr:\:!]. Vu*» of Ap* im;;:»" J'.si:iidlrr, Lo«s of Meniury, «;,», S»-:n;-.*h. live3-4om PlaiiiS.ci'.-.i.y ;.!:-.' â- :•":. ,v.-^tT'»a Die atom acb, lliim-lior I^s.^.-ic j They are Bafe, mild and tl.oroo.-h in lauir acuou. FroUi 1 to4 jil!jijado-o. P3H E 35r. PES BOI. A7/. iJESi'l:iCMAS.K PRAV'3 SPECIFIC MEDICINE. T'l!:. (ri:i:AT KNi.I.ISH il".i\. K'l uufniliiu cure I'lii Si mill. 1 Wmkuess, S!"!-: iiiiirilii-a, Iiipiiteucy, '.:: i iiU 'liso.ist.'i tli-it fill ow '~i "«^"i\ ' ' " '"' ""' "' S. lfA!iu e -?*a • ^v^ :n 'ii -^ of fieH'rv, Uinvei nal Befon Taking. I'i -itu.'.e, i'Kin in tUe Back liimne-'S et V: ion, Pri'malnre old R^e, and iii:uy ol'iir iiiea.^i'f tliit -ad to IiiK.'inity or (.'.n;n'.ii;it 1 u and a I'r iu.iSiirt« (li.iiri' l-sTiiil ji'vrticii aril in onr w^.^S p.\iiil;i.i- 1. \il.:',;i \vt- lU-.iire t'l ei'.i! ',..• !. '11 '..l i.l; vi"V HUH. Ti'ii S-.i • i.' M '1 ei':i' is .i.-ll I'V ,.:i i;v;:--;.;s ;u ji in prr iMc!. •.,â- ,. I'l- .-.ii After Taking. parka.- vs f.r S'l.liC, I't MTiIl lo h-jiit frte by ma.1 (.11 r. i- i; t ' th" !:;.'iuv liv u iJre.-sillg. THE GRAY Rr^EDICiNE CO., llT To. »i t.. Canftia t T01 fbuf 'Ufilne88.wfA, 1 by the lOf estnln c Toor 'datU« avoid s^XDoIantd and a â- » Mop Bitters. U 70a are 'oanf( and! discrutioD or diaslpal rled or fiinfirle. old orl oor health or la aa^ roiy on ho| Wtaoerer 70 a are, j iumeTer 70a feel I kaft 7oar »Tsteml aads ctoaiudng. tOQ ' m or â- Hmnlattng ' _i9boutitto27oattiui, ' Lake Hop Itters. oiUngov k work. 1 nlffht work, to __ tore brain nerre and jwaate. lue Hop B. safferlnff from an7 la- |tloa ir youaremai^ fotuur, snffering from T\g on a bed of tlok- I Bitters. Thoanadiilto aA li|QaU7rrom aoma I form of KIdnSV pdiaeaae that mltf I hare been preveoM "TA timely tue ol Mopr Have TOO d| ptjsiat kidn QT urinary com ' Unt, diseesi the sto _-IBeU, bloQd Mprr ornrrtYsf foa win r Bued If 70Q n NopBH HOP O. I. o. aa abaolota and Irreilfft** ble o Q r • for dnukenass, ueof optam, iobaeeo, or FAIL aoMbftt^i. NEVER SSiw^* wra 0*., ATimalo,0»l. -WLakv. \. V'iir nii/iit. i.iiiiie 1.1:* f r:ii « ,;ii II \\\V y 11. â- i'l V M.;.v in 1 l s I )•; A CURE FOR CROUP. Ajiuly tlnniiel saturated with Hag- viud's Yellow (Ml mid administer the Dil iiiteriiiilly ou ii little sugar as di- rected on t!ie bottle. Yellow Oil cnrcA lihiuraiitism,' Hums, Scalds, Chil- blains. L;iiueur»s. and III! flesh wounds, ill tths, 10! •'^11 dealers supply it, price 25 cents. IT 11 aa moil!- 'ihcy were couvcrsins.tlie otiierday, ab'Uit II comiQon friend, when Dutter- by f.iid "Poor fellow he's {jot the mumps." "Sorrv to hear it,' replied Quilty "csu't he get anything far tliem " "Well no, " answered Batter by v\ithout a fliuh, there's no market for tl'cm now." t Ot,UO It witu .. 'i.-vwyi»r h;ia i-i. ply Working to have a he is t;oiiig visit fr..:ii AMI.; .v.! HI* v;i 1 1 i-.'u'i.it: J i. ill mi; UT ;u pcruon for j Dissolutson of Partnerthip tiw "ift I'i Ml.' ' i.ir'ur. C.x SK Y.t -The rOTICEU beiuby giren, that the Oo- .*ND i,K.%:cr.â€" liiO laaiU ' ,wrtaerhip f.jrmerlj -snbsigting b«- •anSO iif iiPrvoajliV!'-* is jaiii^'oitionianil I txYOCii iiu undursigT e.l n* 'nteher«, in iSuis cauM' bv wt^Uiiiss of the MirkJale, tmd«v tb* stjle.orfinii of Wil8««p N' aiieatC."!. .\.l i i.' Ca:i^ havd 60 tud i.erV".- '*â- ! i '.;.iol .1 i t.i wiiiiout u-tiui; llo^ iii ur^ Ui. tr :i;;t'ieij Ih -sto'iiaeii. ^liirtfv â-º.!.â- • 'iixx.l. iiii.l k-fp the ari I Ki luy-i acriv..-, 1 1 «*rry oil all tl.o {I IS I I IS i;i »;i..U' iu:«:iJi' oi thu •yj;u a. â€" -V /» JMic. B y.U'ii.was dissolved by mntiial coDsent rn tlio 0:h day of Itecemj^r. 18^1 and that th? vakl bmnMvt-wili hifntart; be oarried on by fieo^ce Wilaon, wuo • Ul f »««»â-¼â€¢ and pay livfcr ' ail «le"deb'.8 of the ltk fitni. \)%'je\ thill ath da» of December. A D.tWIi. "j liKOROE W1{,S( N, Sigie.l THOsJ. 1. BSXUEN. \YiixMi»â€" C. W. Buti«dfia. « it Advertisers wouH do well to remember that for special advertising we publish in oix two papers for 25 per cent, advance on one papers' charges Correspondence Buut be in onr office by Tuesday cvrDtng gecore a plaoe in that weec'a iisue. to C. W, RUTLEDGE, SnrxoB aav Paoranrroa, lUrkdale, Out To Diseases, Complaints and Acosikts which Hagyaku's Ybllow Oil is euans. teed to cure cr relieve either in Man or Beast. TMEN rTEItllALLT Ftl CROUP, I COVGns, CBAMPS, SOJtE TUBOAT, ASTUJTA, I COLDS, Jte. *PP11£0 EXTERMAILY FU BaKr3I.4TISM, I XEIRALOZA, CttlLRLAIXS, awELLrsGa, GALLS, LAMEXESS, COJfTRACTIOys LrxB.4ao, DEAEXESS, BPRAISa, CALLOrs LUUPa STIFF JOLXTS, FROST JUTB, CORXS, BBIISKS, ITCa, PAiyrysACK, PAIXlaSZDBjJU. Vca Of mcoey refunded. J WKITlMit wâ„¢ EACH BOnu. PtIOf aio. I^WLBTOSr es CO^ PsopHrtow Choice Farm for sale. 9 lilLES FROM IIAEKDALE. LOT J 19 q* Ovncesxom .\r»Pw«i.*, East «ide T. A tonber. liic alK.ve farm is a rerv deaii«hU proiertv and will be .oU chll7 A^^ WM. LITTLEJ0HN8, '• KCTLED Sei.t.2ud, 1S»1. or to C. W. I5„,,^.. MarSu'J!' '*â„¢*^ U4i W. BULMBR. The People's Photographer, Flesherton WboUs^ain prepare, to take Pictttrea,anaaoCopyin«andEnl^.-b«^^^^ we arereceivin .large .tockof ^0^\%^^^^^t^i"^^: "c^'^l Fixings, which we can, and mean to ieU at KemarKaoijr uww â- eeore bargaini. i, „« «iv._, m„,{ei] acd enlarged by TOtir old friend. Bring along yoni pictnrei and have tatm eoptea ana eiuiuB j BULMER. FleaheitoD. UaiohlO, 1881. MAEKDALjj Sash and Door P^ noi SASH, DOORS, BLINDS MOULDINGS ;, HOLLOW 'batto ITe^^ HAVIKO LBASED THE PBKMI8B8 LATELY OCCUPIED BY TDBWBB 00.. I HAVE NOW ON HAND A FIBST-CLASS STOCK U» Dry Goods, Groceries, MANTLES, READY-MADE CLOTHING Crockery and Glassware The above stock has been purchased for casli at a season whoi tie importers ore runuiug off their surplus siock i^t and under cost to make rooin for their spring iniijortaticus, con- sequently I nm ill a position to give bar 'nins to tlune who are able to buy their goods for easii. Call and see Tor yourselvrw and you will be aurc to rail a(faiu. ' HENEY POSTEE. HarkJole, November 15tk, 1881. C21y Mechanical Orguinette. An Automatic Reed Organ. ^o "Tlie Orf^inettC may now lie railed a celibratott iuftrninrnt. In tone it is akin to tbe Cabimt Ortan, but tho orgiin mr.Kt lie niariii'iilateii by an artist in order to jiro iluce iiiUhic tie Orociskttb is ou the other hand i ntirely mechaniral in its actien, and at a trifling expense it oao be miUc to fuinish an util.mited supjdy ol all kiudi of ln'u^ic. â€" Ttrrunto Ulobe." "The OriOlinette is imlei^l a mn.siml w mder. It if a niinnture reeJ oigan, wi*h ap Strom; *ud meloiii.iiin a tpiic ai tlir (.nlnint Size. It surpasses (bs Caiiiuct Or:;aii for llie ruason that the igneramm iu niusio cui ;i!ay it as wvll ai the most accouiplislitd pro- ci-sor. Tms OnocisETTE is stroii:.; and accurate iu it.' m.-'chaoisin, ami ooaBe;iueut;y not ittblo t'j get out of order." â€" Montreal Oiitelte. "The Orguinette is the mo«t vierfect automatic omsieal inntrnraeut vet inrsnted â- Its repertorie is unlimited, the tone is remarkably good."â€" J/uMfrfu/ Itur. Prices, $10 to $16. '"r.::,:- w. F. ABBOT CO. 1 TO 21, VOLTIGERrS STREET, Solo Manufacturers and Patcntoesi. rOIVi"XlE â- 4lIj C. W. RUTLEDGE, Agent, Markdale. $500,000.00 .SI North of Scotland Money T*?eâ„¢?o1n;a"I:;:roSlanv";!,'.n"^rr* 'r"' -^- 'hâ€"t favorable ExiienwK reJnc'd\o the lowest po^s.nlp'^^"^^ pT" ^*"" '" °°'"°- ""' ""«â- coJ.mnnicateliv letter to tremX?s«ntlfc "'"""« ,\° "" '^i" P'""" dajs. All communications promptirat^nd J to! ""'" «"' P^'"""'^? on Won- ^- W. KUTHEBFOBD, Loan Agent. INARMS r-OIt SAf.E. perty wanted, or call personaUv on MouZ" l^^rtLX^^u'in "1 """' "'»♦"'« ki°l ' Vri- tertns, and priee of the cl«s of property wintod. "'""'" "" K"'" rcspecUng location, O W. ItuTHBRroRn. Estat e Agont, Ac. BWx 6X, Shelbuiie^. low â„¢'r"°"°P^^-^'°^'^^"""'"'-^ English and C«.adian Stock Companies, "• »*• RciBERKOBD, Distriet Asent O â- November 29th, If-Sl 1.3m. WARNING! There is great danger of lak- mg cold from wet feet. If yon want to J » Guard Against Sickness! Keep yoar feet dry and warm uy procuring yoor BOOTS I â€" FBOM â€" KAY dL THOMAS. BatufMtion Guaranteed. Med- icated Cork 8-.l«,,4U.i,^. kept «h»nd. Kemember the plaia opposite the new Bzm/dxmj, 'Office. MANHOOD W HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED. â„¢7T S*'***â„¢**" Essay en tin radical and nervous DobUifv, Mental ad e?e^'^l«""^P«»i'°"«°^ toJ^rr^J etc., remdting from exceBe«. ^^ l=«-Piioe, in a scaled envelope, only 6 eta or two postage aUmpg. ' ' ^ssay, cJeariy innonatiatea, (roM Air^ .Tears- successful pmctioe,;tlIV alamimT^ «|e',uences may be radicallv «u«l ^S tX dangerous uae of iutcinal mcdicine«r^ It! nse of the knife pointing outTS J^ at once simple, certain and efleettiS.^ mea,« of which even- Ettfferer. ToTkttS what his condition raav be n.«» »^_, i • cheaply privately a^d^;X-^ »°" """ ev^Sh^rv^^'l.l^^-^ mCBlYamlltHleitCf,. Lumber, Lath ancLaiiiji Always on Hand.- Orders Promptly jl very liberal patronage they have given him iu the past, iiii,| hu..^.* " ♦ii^ i â€" ;-„. tp merit a cootinuance of the same. ' "-^ do^ ^^A I have now extended my busiuess.ftud will in fiitiir» li^.^- ^^.1 PINE LUMBe Direct from the North Shore ALiIi SIZES, DEESSBD AND UNDRec I JUl lCinlaiof'l*l«in tviKl I^moy f Done iu a flrst-olass ui ai ner. )^l THOS. Markdale, May 27th, 1881. |-«ad«l4iM jtu. No bdl an arnMCM ari e^ion of tbe publish Hftfr* wittjout payini iTMpoasiMe for the years aub- 1 tb^ eomply with the mUe or â-²DVERTI8IN0 MTWr t6«« WO •••••• •â- •••â- *â- 80 ••.••â- â- ••••••â- mO •••••••••••••• do I a/ti â- Oder, first iaaertiae. â- •eh talMa^aeBt iatertioa 1 aia !• taa linea. first intertion 1 aabM^aent insertion „ .„ liaai, first inaertiou pur line â- ••h eabfapnent insertion • fk* aaaW of lines to be reckoned by the â- pied measured by a ecal* of •"'d AdTtrtie*â€" «« without epecifie tiont will be pvUiabM tiU forbid aod HMrdinfly. All ttaneitory ad-ertiee- â- â- •t be iu the oflSee ol pabUeationby _...jan the Thumday »arai»« pr«««^ |tk«ir»ablieattoD. O. W. BUTLEOaB. Proprietor. ~IAL ik MlilliEU OIRECTORY. t7 60 16 00 8 00 4 00 60 16 76 ts BriLDi and] attended i Efltimati Daudalk Wi LATE IfflPOR r^oiaifl.Burg il« dk Carter, jet dec. Cf apeoiaUy Attractive, tieaaonahle. Fashionable miJ iajj;^ oods To nand.VIieh wo o:Ter at Greatly Reduced Pricei jtola,T °" rgeon .Acooacheur dec. flOC- Medieel Ball; rMidenee at late HoaM. 5J5^ •.pt K.IMO. Iv I !•â- !Â¥ â- . McMILLAW, TTOBNBT AND 80UCITOR. IS NOW mdj for attending to all kiodn of law m. CMeeâ€" at Kav's Hotel. 'Uala. Dee. Sud. 18«1. 64. t^ soots A'^P 380 Vie oUtr 'ip. eJkTvaliies ill tvi-v !.i,». " â- o !l"I' .STO j: (IF Groceries, Hardware, Grockerj, aoij Is rety oomplete, an I intmoii Vvlli ti'itjir:;- ' .in i v I'.i' s !.r.i«;«(rtiin -j Iiitrtmrut. GIVE US A CALL AND SAVE MONEY ABBISIEB, XCASTEB ANDDF.I' Kli; ia'flkaMM7 Notarj' TuMic, Convexui. $=oand, in Vieker'a Block flplett ML; aad in Markdale, over MeFar- MTi Stare, ea Friday and Saturday «verr gfc STlv â- Wrâ€"i dk Fr»»c, ABB1STER8. A.ND ATTORNF.TSAT ' â- Law, Solicitor* in Cbaocerv. CVnvey Ae., Owen Sound, have r«snrad a't ' tan. OfBec open every Thursday, aa i 'fore. I â€" Fao«T. J. W. Faoer. LL. B Cowity Crown Attorner. 1 Laae dfc R«we, ARBI8TERS. 80UCIT0RS, am CON veyancers. Markdale. McFarland'a Block. y to lend, ou Farm Socurity, affi ier j IN large I gOOiJ •ecnriiv. INTI Wlirafl all pointK,! Markdale. waI ^k.\t| k Sli'tj HHll SaUVS r.iiiUrv ii.l *iiy I'ait '.r X H i Slei-|. t.. i| know, Hn It y by purchasing your supplies at tie ' Ii'r"iitu Hwiitt. Markdale. Se;,t. 2Gth, 1881. Wm BROW Ai:^l^'€ 31E^ Waul uj to rurchttiie or IU;iit Im^'rwe.! Farm.*, V,'.:,i !.:iii.;», Toi^ot V tl.e Couoty of (inj- •.•_ "-_v'^. SHOULD SE^ID FOR Un AM HaH uow !»â- if all M/«d Crai-e hiiJ k'fi| oii l.a^ Hool J. W. BowE. ir»ti«tr». fH|y Mr. JsMies J. Wlift». it to Dr. Cameron, Owen Sound. ILL BE AT THE REVEIIK Hot SK, Markdale. on the last Wetliieslm lu nioath, when he will be preparKd tc iht all oaerations req-jired upon the mouth e BtMft eatisfactory manner, and upon nalila terms. i v Watcl whicU Will I Duu.tU:;.! F. CAR: |M«rrUaii»*a«. â€" or Farmsfor S ' H' Thuse having liio t'.Mp'..'rtIae t-.i d;ipi';s.,'-.a! ?!io:i! i ,• •;ss;t ?nr^^SK» *•* pay. CVlALOat'E SENT U.V M-il.,l' tt-it* ., The »tlL' iOBB OF MAlllUAliK LI(JF.X.Sl»S,.tc. afieiicner in B. R. Sie. lymeiBg m all its tranches |irampt!y i ^^ .\.t(ii "' I i« and carefully eicK:uted. .â€" Manay to Land ou Real Estate se- rkdale. Sept. 17. 1880. 1 y Alcxaader Bmwa. ItTEB of Marriage Lieenees, Fire and ifls Insurance Agent. ComniiiiHioner B. ite. Conveyancer aud Licenced ioneer for the County of Grey. Farmers, Hanti, and Land Sales. I'uncl'jiilly at- to and charges made verv mud, iaii- leeviUe. Sept. 17. 1880. l-v slei(;h Together or iMJU 4yu ale ana -I- • â- » â- I liavo opcnrd ait OKirr hi KntlrdKr'a iroJrL Itariidilf Mill be toHiiJ cvny '3':iHi»dn}. i i I v^" i^' Leases, Mortf,'i»gos, A... 'S::, i catly a .1 â- • s'.y. •Alv.»c- o: K'lH' free. Also io ntteii.lte all tlio difTerent '1. iir.rtrjsnt? ofayfc' In every department of ny hrfinr "i" ii'y 'nottn U Tknf^ â- â- •15 and Fair Iie.i;.:, :, Auction Sales rfundneted. Etriita. Ais ';nnt»i. Ac w prciuyt retui-n« made. liAKCrs LOff^ ROBT. DAVIS, Convev*Mic«r, Commiioi}er in ll.i;.. K. I I. '.^t ..L '•'^•' t. Rf Galkreitk CCTIONFER AND OENKUAI. LAND Agent, Waliarasford Statuiii. Auctn.ii tttendui in all parts of Uie Comrv. It sold on ComtnisioM. Rate* inodemre. "la. ' r,?ans, anJ Sewing Maofaineii i Uo adO.-uamentai Trees, V;?i««. A^ri ..l- IlBtlemenu. and Maehinerj of all kinds lliaiaaford. Jan. 27. I«l. Iiiiida)k. REMO ♦' ' WEEKLY CO Tko adcnowledged agentTw/ IN t^ All Siliailitlaiis Ut Oofr aad 31st Deoemte, 1881. will entitle }]|M3zi1}i9^ to*^ Or^ |OMlMON AND rROVIXCIAI. LAND onnayor. Draughtsman aud Valuator irdaud Markdale. Having pi e ised acial Land Surveyor CiJarle^ Rankms i » stock of ongjual Field N^ites, I'laus. i r»«, lastriiotions, tc...ifall his .Suiviyn I w;lhin ;he last fifty-fiv« year.. I am ' red to make Survevn in strict arcird- therewith. Profiles »n.| Estimates ' ling Hills, Plans and .Specification- ling Bridge*, furnished on applira- Money to Loan at X per cent iiil.re-l ' â- • liy letter, or left with i J. HLVTH, ' .*'.•• '" prouipllv atteiide.l t... Pt;j7^ 88n. i.y *â- "• E. DAVIS. I iJ^'i*' rONTR tCTOR, (Stone and llrick). Plastering and ountrv Johi.. Ptly-^attended to. Stom-ruttiiiK a Sne fistimates on all work, free Saii«. M guaranteed. •.• Kes.deuce coru.rul 1 and Sproule Streetx, 'K*.uti.s(,B »«bw8l. 1880. if,.» rV^" HrtB}teinli«»ii;~ TOUSK.SIOX.ACARBIAUE PAINTKIl Coutracu taken in town or onuntrv! 'sik. Oct. 12, 1881. "7;,. I aAVE Y0UR_C0MBIN68. " ^T. O. Morgan, begs t nniirunre ti, j • of Markdale and vinnitv that -he •pared to work up hair ci,inl,"iu.s ii,t ttW. puffe and cutis, t-riiis iii.»l. latr I liaaoliciled. Renidence corii«T of Mwr I ja^ea rtraate, oppofite Mr. Bowes' «,- â- Mail prevptly atteaded t*. ySap*. 1. 1861. A. C, H. |»ar. FasJ UK( cn.MvN Fr«m d«k« off SobMdpttoa to wd of 1882. Enclose 91.00 now i THE GLOBE PRUITUIG CO. ^^ HOtJi MARKDALE i«trU. JVERE HOTEL, IVAMUBALE. »1*BOUIjE. Proprietor. |„JP**P^ Hotel has had a Urge ad- ution added to it, thoroughly refitted. â- o* aaound to none in the eounty! 11^**% ••'d attentive ostler. First. L! !Sr*'"'X 'datiou for commercial travel- TI'â€" » «r dav. 17-iy ,, „*«AFORD. Oiit. '/• *^Iim Pao«,.To... i~râ„¢odetiou for the traralhng I SS*?* ** *ell stocked with the 1 g| (^? ••** Liquors and the best l.'frfl?*»fro«iaUt^ain.. • "*•• 1-y Satjsfal NE.XT lKi Dundalk, TH0S.1 -prop ALEX. RUTLEDGS, 'I^ERCIAL HOTEL ^1H^S H.'TEI.i» a ler"e thri-e «♦• ' A«(k*«« -Jâ€" â- "" '" ,1.- r"'*ll'w'j â€" .. .... ...ri"e -ii'iri' ui'i " "' â- ' I .jip'r X' evptrmodentconvinicrce. It is fur-v-leH ill i "â- ; ' ,,i,lf tri* «" j fc ilh t!:e beat hrai ,!« of Wiues.L-iMors ami .i;:«r.i. "•â- ' ""' ,.m. ^^^ e season. at hrard« of Wines. L-i-iors ami :i;:«r.i. «•' ' ' ,.nii "^hirfi The travelling PuMic may r-.-lv nio-i ' "'^â- 1,1 «||I? ^Jj^ ynmtile Itnonii. f.ir ^â- .u-i'i/^r/.i.W rrirll" • •• j^juPi* â- * â- «d "root all Train*. Ooo I SfciJ.^- •'" U-- "iJions Ssmpk Booms iiS^. ^e. Xht Bar aad larda fS,J^ »• kwit the Market af SSr*.?Si? '***"»"'« Hostler's rflfjJ^TKWSON. Pwpriewr \\risni:s| ru-t irf very hU-ral i has been in tl dale, an wniilJ anee of the »i ean givt £b^ NARNES! alwav^^ on iiHii «*-Non. the beKt • f iiia| Markdaie HAIR GUI "^. Goof *« â- « :;!roai all Train*. Every! Except Frid»v when hij Orde.-s Markdale, Jij