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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 23 Dec 1881, p. 1

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 ^IW^ I' 1. i- ti- ll \4 iseMndalkHerald. Ij i ^y Dec emb er 23 rd.l881. • ^•^\L k nrHEq N TiCES Uur reat-'ers will 'â- â€¢. .: .... u. ek for the Wk if r :ji- 'iiurtt-r I. rt so l»'uvy has be^u ;1j a..;.,;iii i â-  our adv«rtisiu sjiace t'iiat it wat 'â-  ' to avoid it. While ofTeri: g ,..i«-npi,l(.^- we he^ to tMider to onr • njKir'.iis jiairoiih a Merry Christinae â-  jiii a very hapvy New Year, and to r.-iani tlieu) oar heart-felt ti.ftnks for !Jie very lil«rable support we have re- leved at their handu since commenc- iH' buKinebs. It ib but a little over a year since we, with some fear, Innnched our bark on the tide of journalism. Wehad.nn- 'ul.ile)ly, mauy friendii in theontset. knit we'alao had any nnmber ot "Job's 'joiufurt«rii," who were kind enon^h to ii.fonu nstbat we would be sick of the job liefore the year was nut. We are 1 »ppy to say, however, tliat this latter f Irtss have proved false prophets, and tMiit the Standabd to-day stands on a f;.rn i*a»»e8. Our circulation has more t.'.;'u doubled and is still d..ily iucreas- i ur. (.»iir job patroiiago, we think we â-  ..ii su'ely say, in not surpassed by auy vi!!.i;»e office in the Ltomi-jion, if it is » vt-n equalled. We have added largely t't onr plant, and are now in a position t'l i^ive better satisfaction than ever. ' f -r present premises which we erected "li.-i summer is the commodious ;a the Cuuuty, and, with the additiouH V. are continually making to onr :nf terinl, we wi'l, and we say so with- out hesitation .have the best establish »' out iuthe Countj'.ere loop. We w^ill, i»s heretofore, ttim out our work prompt neat, aod at as low a rate as is '•' nsistcut with a fair return for our lubor. We again thaiik onr patrons and assure tliem that we will ever en- !(-avorto retain the coiifiilcnce that has, up U) the present, been bo freely l^â- ],lited in us. Try Fosters 40-:t. tea. ".. e Mr. loU'!i »U)ck of Wntchea, half Job work donn neat and prompt at th' Sta.ndirk (Jflic"' I 'i IH. K. UuM wktrhvM, from tlO up • i i y.xir s:il« liilN .it the Stahdabo '» 'i.-e, Miirkilale. If yoii wiiiil to hire a good livery I, ' j;o to T. Miiilikws. M- iii!l h«» H»inftliiii|{ fino in spectacles U'l i k uiid failing eyt-H. V â- â-  t'hri.stiaas Toy's and Presents, ';o I'l Jlrown's, MiirkiLile. ii'ij Trunk •* antl Valices, at T. •f '•ii-.v.s IIiPMi^s.s .Shop, w of 'hristm i-i an 1 Now Yea r's ' -it .M 'lutyru'-s. ' • JiiT of that famous 35c Ja- .1, at IJrown's, M;irl«lalc riiiijliniMits of the titasou to ;.. .1- 111 A. .Mclrityru.^'f a.ssortuifnt of Wliips, at .]j i'h'"A'°s lliruus.i l'j-.talilishinent, i!..lnb, I. .1. White,- Dentist, will bo at the .•â- r« Hold on W((lufc.-.iltiy, il, lliSl. 'Iiur' i.t t' k iiith â-  m.lule. •'â- â€¢r rli.^aiv fasliioiinlilp ami durablo â-  ' r "iiit.s iiiul Llstt'r.s, f^o to Brown's, file STASiiArai for a year to any ad- 'i- •^^ postage proimid for §1.00 or 26c ' r three months. be a sho'itin match ou at the Mansion llotiKe r..r all k n,l. of (ii-orcrii's now. ^h and chi .11' go to J5rown'i .Mark- V\v nish s !ill coiitimiOK for Trroco- I.npior.s r rovisioiis, etc., to A. 1. •Intvri's. Tint .\tinivcrs try of tlie Flcshrrton Illi"" Saliliaili School will bo â-  1 1 in MoniliiV, tlio 2nd, New Year's. I'or Ki'lt r.iiots, that will keep your •. I'l warm during' the cold weather, go ' Itrown's .Markdalo. Wh it is tho use of 1 aying $1 for I axe when you can get them in ' 'skctls for H"k-. Ir. p.'ll liR'iiii|vortfl liifi Ktnok of WntcliPji â- 11 llic olil roiintrv him^i'lf, consequently ' iviii. «r.«l will, iiiiilersell any jeweler in xMlion cf country. i'hrislnuts is comming, don't forget iir lulilrcn. Santa I'laus buys all '.is gjiids at A. Mclntyro's. .Mt'ssrs Mercer and McLanghrcy ,nve piirchaxed a Jersey Red liiar ° wishing to iuipr â-  their stock .i| Tigs should call ou them. The Prosliytnrian Subbatli School Nnniversary at Floshcrton will be held ' M'liida}' 2litli, Christmas, when II good time is exp*'ctcd. flioro has been an average of Go i" of grain per day, this week on 'ur Markvi, if there was sleighing wc !.'ljeve that amount would be doubled. kuA ' â€" Dentists who nave tried I'k^bkrkt." pronouuce it the finest r'in.o (i: the face of this earth for the t' th and breath. 6 cent tamplss. • ISopE Walking- â€" A gran^ mid-air, I ' ' rope performance, will be given i.- Maikdale, according to bills, ou ii'ouday uext.Chrismas day, at 4 p.m. .-Vny amount of Oranges, Lemons, C_. wcrs, and confectionery â€" the very I. St. at A. Mclntyre's. Ir. G. Grunt aa will h« seen by re- i!. 'ic« to our aavertifcing eolamos, li ^.- iulded undertaking to his business n. ' s prepared to furnish a hsarae v. -.en ueces ary. 4 Siivs Dondald to Pat Where are y.!i -.oiug to get y^nr Christmas and ' S?\T Year's supply? Why, of course, ni .dclutyre's. That is riglit I am y:. t making for there. Ku Engine left the rail at Owen tUuud before leaving the aboye place oil Friday morning, last, causing a de- lav ,.£ three honra iu starting. Ur. Doll say:i in tliiii isaue tliat he cull Still watches cheaptsr than any man ui the IViuuty. The bubt way to find "jt il it ia so is to give hiia a eall. See i:v» A i«njc Mscmro will b* held in S: iale'« Hot«l, Markdale, next Wed- Ecs Uy evauiti^, f v ii« porpoee of .-.i.„ ».«)Ri to uy«uau a lire Biig- i-ii ' ix tliis vil^K^. Lu. U iutereat- e.' piur 103 attend, M Uiuoe iu.eudjAg *^j .at th Ciceo will iuo be â- ocall'td. We an likely lo hmw a lively liiae at oar Aiutoal MmmI BMliag iu Ifar^Jale, wa woold adviae every mm iatenatad to eotM mt to it oo Wed- neadav the S8th. A fresh stock of Candies far the HoUday8,at Monigomery's, the Baka. ALo all kinds of Cakes. (Bride Cakes a specialty). Jtist leave your orders, wfj won't tell anyoiie. flie last few days the village has bem i'iii:y wii iLr"«gei^ with far- ((IlIb disjxjtinig of their gram, and laying in their supply of necessaries fcr the hullidays. Our Merchants are making a grand desplay this year, and all appear to be doing a good busmess. la the grocery line .Mclntyiie makes a fine show in wU thelaxories necessary for the fes- tivities of this season of the year. A grand entertainment will be held in Dufferin Elall, on Monday evening, January 2nd, New Year's Day, ia con- nection with the Presbyterian Bab- bath Bchool. For full particulars.see posters. Sosie say there is nothing like telkther, but evidently Wilcox thinks there is nothing hke printer's ink. See his advertisement on our third page and then give bim a call, yoa will find bim a pretty square roan to deal with, and his goods are just what he represents them to be. Mr, Masson is in Markdale every Friday and Saturday, and is well pleased with the amount of business he is securing. Ul has now any amonnt of money to loan, both private and Companies' funds. Gray spent seven years in perfect- ing his "Elegy, " but the time requir- ed to get a box of Esterbiook's Steel Pens is just long enough to send to the nearest stationer. Wholesale by Brown Bros., Toronto. McFarland has his store decorated in style. Four (.illars support two arches loaded with evergreens, over which are scattered Chinese lanterns. Fancy goods, c.,iSec. Mr. Dunlop has his bakery nicely decorated for the holidays. The Christ Chnrch, Sunday School Xmass Tree and entertainment will take place on WTcdiicsday, 28th inst., in Dufferin Uall. The entertainment to commence at 7.30, and will consist of Xmas Carrols, Dialogues, recita- tions and distribution of Xmas pre- sents. Any person desirous of subset ibiug or the Glube or Mail, or of renewing their 8ubRcrii)tiou for the same, will save the trouble and risk of mailing by haudiag us the amount required, $1.00 for either of the above papers, and we will have them scut to any address without further charge. Tiierc is no doubt that our Cana diap climntc is conducive to Lung affections, and for this mason Dr. Carson's Pulmonary Cou^h Drops should he in everv house. For Coughs, Colds, and all other Iiung and Throat affections they have no equal. In large bottles at fiO cents. A Turner and Co., Special Ageut Mark- dale. Markdale Foundry. â€" This New^ es- tablishment is now in full operjition, and every thing about it works hke a chaiiu. The proprietors are first-class practical workmen. One of the bro- lliers is a moulder, another a machin- ist, and a third learning the business, while the old gentleman, their, father, •s a mould and pattern maker. They arc kept vcty busy, and will, no doubt, do a lage business. Wo wish the firm success. A great many people are troubled with cold feet, which is iuvariai'ly caused by a sluggish circulation of the blood. A few doses of Dr. Carson's Stomach and Constipation Bitters will soon produce a fice circulation of the blood and Stimnlate and Tone the system. Sold in large bottles at 50 cents. A. Turner and 6»*,~,.Si)ecial Agent; Markdale. The annual election of officers of Mark'lale Grange No, 834 took place in their Hall on Friday Dec. 16th with the following results Thomas Manu, W. M.; Geo. Richardson, O,; Thos! Elliott, Jr. Loct.. S.; J. Coleman, Treas. J. EUictt, Sec, B. Coleman, Chap.. J. Myers, Steward, S. Lackey Ass. S.; E. Lomas, G.: Miss E. Drew, C; Alice Di T.; Jane Walker. F.; Mrs^ S. Walker.Lady Ass. Stewardess. .\. Elliott and B. Coleman, Auditors. B. Coleman Joseph Myers, and J. Elliott Executive Commiitee,J. Elliot Delegate to Div. Grange. The above cirange is in a prosperous coudition at present. Now that winter has well commenc- ed we would advise our readers against using pills containing Calomel and other injurious substance, as there is great danger of catching cold after their use. An excellent substitute for pills 18 a Vegetable Preparation known as Dr. Carson's Stomach and Constipation Bitters, a family medi- cine that from all accounts, will soon take the place of every other purgative and blood purifier. A Turner and Co., Special Agent.Mirkdale. A MERRY CHRISTMAS, T^e moat complete Farmers' and Mecbauioa' diary ever pobliahed; every person ooKfat to have one. See them aft the ScaiuiABO Office, onty 40cta. Oar packet for Molntyre P. 0.. la» week was returned to OS yesterday fcr address, while the addreas waa stdl plaia on the parcel. 'We send it td- day together with this week's ieaae. â-  â- Â« ' *• FEVEB8HA1L from a ConespocMot. A correspondent in a late 8«amA«o said tiist Feversham was still in the samo place, everything quiet, and the people trudging through the mad. Wall, we may say to that inJividaJ, that Feversham is still in the same fel- f^*^' "' ^^'y " remain, as it is bailt on a good soiid rock bat is not very quiet jast now, on the contrary is rather hvely. with no mad, but good sleighing, and the merry juigle of the sleigh-bells u to bd heard everywhere, consequentlr business is on the in- crease. Tho flour mill is being thoroughly repairsd, and will be m first-olsss or- der Bhortly. 1/yott w»"t No. 1 flour and a good return, gi»e the Fevar- sham Mills a call. Livision Grange met here last Fri- day, there was a good attendance and everything passed off satisfactory. There has been great destruction among the cauiue race during the last week, resulting from the death of a calf which some miscreant poisoned and left in a conspicuous place. Fev ersham is almost clear of dogs now, aijd there is many a sad face over the death of some lavorite spaniel, c. The population of this place and surrouading neighborhood is greatly on the increase. We think there will be more houses required before long, and expect to be applying for an Act cf Incorporation shortly. We regret very much lo learn that Mr. R. T. McGirr met with a very serious loss lust Saturday eveuing in the death of his celebrated and well- known trotter, Pochahontas. OpiiM Era. MEAFORD ROAD. AXO A HAPPY NEW TO O.SE AND Aid.. YEAR. May the good year 1881 maintain and leave you prosperous and happy. May peace and plenty dwell within your gates. May stmshine enter each home and each heart and may sor- row, and above all the dark shaddow bringing sickness, poverty and death, not enter your household. And now dear friends, with best wishes to all, and bright anticipations for the future, I wish yoa one and all a " Merry Christinas, and a very Happy New Year. Sincerely yours, W. J. McFABiaMD. A PiTBuc McxTtKo Shoald be called uf the citizens of evmy city, town and village in the Dbminion, to consider what shoald be done to prevent the hair from taming Orey â€" and falling oat. If this important question received their earnest con- sideration they would anaoimomdy decide that Kienoe bad at Ust dis- covered something that woold aiswer this porpoee â€" and fortLermore would reoommeud Ciug«leee Hair Beuewttr asbttiogtlus suuiuU'iuK (or reatoriiig the hwir to its uataral ouior, and pre- vent iu faKutg ooL £0 eeuts yer bottle. Pmt aSa by aU Pt ng g a From our Correspondent. The annual meeting of the Union Sabbath School for the election of of- ficers and teachers was held on the 14th inst., with the foliowiu!; result, officers :â€" Superintendent, Wm. Bu- chanran, Jr. Ass't-Supt., Philip Sparling Secretary, Jno. J. Graham Treasurer, Jas. Brolie Librarian, Joseph Bach'anan. Teachers, male â€" Bible Class, Thos. Boland 1st Testa- ment Class, Philip Sparling 2ud do., Jno. Freeman Juvenile Class, Hen- ry Sparling. Females â€" Ist Bible Class, Mrs. Thomas Bolaud 2nd do.. Miss Buchanan 1st Testament clasj, Mrs. Jas. Sparling 2nd do., Mis.i Boland Juvenile cla.^s. Miss Siiar- ling. The annivprsary of the school will be held yu the 31st of January, in tho Wesley Church. Tickets. 25 cents eacli, proceeds for the benefit of the Salibath School. The usual pro gramme will be carried out, viz â€" Music, Recitations, Speeches, anl Readings. Agood time is anticipated. Debating Club. â€" A Debating Club has been organized at the Stme school house, • officers â€" President, James Brodie Secretary, J. C. Buchanan Treisurer, J. J. Graham. Nights of meeting, Thuisday. The opening debara, "Wheather Hie African or In dian has been most oppressed by the White man" â€" Captains, John Rowo and Robert Graham. Change of Teachf.b.^. â€" Miss Elleu Graham, of Orange Valley, has been engaged for the school in this neigh- borhood. Mr. J. C. Buchanan, our late teacher, is ri luaymg to the Now England school. We hope tiliat he might tie as successful iu his now school as he has been hero. Weather very changeable, a little snow, a good deal of rain, and abun- dance of mud and rough roads. A foot of snow and good sleighing would be vei} acceptable. Lot ns^ope that it will soon bo here. was h-ld by the meo»b«a on the ev J- ia, af W«dB««I*y. »ha 14th uial. Mr. M«'"'" 8*»*»« •*«"^«" â- ** ihougb a touutbM of auoth-r csrtiure gatioii, had been apeaUlly i^v»t*i by the committee to attend, and after tea and the u«u»I comoumitaula wisra d»- p„ed of, was auauimoasly voted to the chair. Oa taking it, Mr- MclJraui rafered to ewtah* views that some had «rtotheaeeeiid*d»â€" i; •»«»?»•- ous to that happening, the author of evil and his lominaries wjnld leave DO stone nutomed to get poaaession of the Chnrch through making the lat- ter pleased with themselves, *o With reference to the Priceville congrega- tion, the Chairman thoo«ht it might be a powerful means fat goodâ€" the membership b«iag large, and even wealthy. He was speciaUy pleased with such a reunion of members of a congregation 1M the present, and hop- ed it would prove beneficial to the Church. Eev. Mr. McLeod, Minister of the congregation, was then called ou, and referred to tho eonditioo of things years agi, and to his pastorate of some three or four years. He did not know exactly whether it was Lis Lartuue or misfortune to have suceeded two such men as Bov. Charles Cameron aud Rev. Donald Fraser Ministers who were both able and zealous, aud also deservedly popular in tho towuships of Artemcsia, Proton aud Glenelg, to the utmost bounds of which thair la- boars extecded iu those days of mea- gre miuistorial supply. Mr. McLeod said Ou coming here, a perfect stranger, he was agreeably surprised witu the kindness received thoo and since. Cjnsiaeriug the reports he had previously heard of tho turbu- lance said to have been manifested. â€" Ho had been well supported by the Eldershipâ€" a body of men with whom he was glad to say he could always cordially aud agreeably co-opTHte. In reganl to this meeting, ho was gra tified to see so many presont. This was a first attempt to estdb!ih an an- nual Hocial reunion of mambors if tho congregation the object not being to raise money by making a charge for admission, but simply to have a year- ly inendly meeting where money would not be c.iUcd for, but where the members could enjoy themselves iu a friendly way, and have a talk about the affairs of the Church geneially. Various members of the CongrcgHtiou subsequently addi^ssed the meeting, and after a yote of thanks to the Chairman, th? bi)nedictiou was pro- nounced by Mr. McLood. LIFE OF GARFIELD. PRICEVILLE. From a Correspondeut. The Presbyterian Church here, after an epoch of struggle and strife, is gradually em rging ou dry land. â€" Priceville is one of those places where, previous to the late union, the people were devided into speparate sections â€" the one deli[,htiiig to be denominated "Auld Kirk " the other "Free Kirk." Sometime previous to the general union of the Church, the Ministers of the two congregations hers bad re- signed their chargps and gone to oth er fields of labor, the idea being, that there was no chance of union under either ol the Pastors, although both were gifted men and much liked by their respective congregations. The result, for a time was chaos. Some- thing like unioD, howeyer, was at last brought about three years ago last summer.and Rev. Donald McLeod.from P. E. Island, was called and settled as Minister of the united congregation. Mr. McLeod, although not a strong man, physically, has proved himself a worker who needeth not to be asham- ed, and under his ministrations the union of the once speparated people is being surely, if slowly, cemented. In all snch cases the process of cohesion must, of cecossity, be slow, and by hastening slowly, the desired end is invariably all the sooner accom- plished. Last winter a Yoang Men's Association was formed, under tbn guidance of some of the older mem- bers of the Church, and something was done in the way of having a se- rieaofpablio leetoros. This winter we are are glad to see that the yoang men are disposed to take the initia- tive ttienuelves, and carry out the programme of spiritual and literary developmMit It is to be hoped they will {wrsevere, and fiad theit reward in an ever wileninr msbtal raaee, aud an increasing vigor imparted to the general work of tlie omigrega- In aeeonUnee with a leeola^n enma (o at the last aonoal bnxincss of the Uhacch, a frae Social •f (Ouelph Herald, Dec. 8, 1881.) We liave just received a copy of tlie Life of Garfield, by James 1). The work is endorsed by B. A.. Hins- dale, of Hiram Coilegn, Ohio, and the following extract conconiiMg it app-ars ii! the Cleveland Heiald of Nov. 'J.ili, IbHl:â€" "President B. A HiiisilHJe, of Hir- am, authorizes us to mate public the following sratemeut "•.Mrs. Garfifid has appointed uie the editor of Goneral Gaiii 'M's voiks, v/ith instructions to collect, cilit and carry them thiou^^h ili." {^r Sii as -spc d iiy as is consistent witl completeness au.l thoroughness.' " " 'The commisMou that Mrs Gar- fiidd has given me covers the 3pi?eclic3, addresses, ami published papers of General Garfield, but has nothing to do witli his hfe,' B. A. Hinsdale. " It will be seen by the above state- ment that tj^e work Mrs. Garfield has cummissioued I'lesident Hiusdalo to edit IS not iu any sense a "Life of President Garfield," but it is only a compilation of liii "s^ieeches, address- es aud published papers." It will thercforo contain no account of the assassination of President Garfield, his long suffering, and heroic death. Wo are much pleased with the work. It cont-iius 768 pages of well printed reading, and numerous illustrations which were not promised by the pub- lishers. Tho World Publishing Com- pany of this city have the exclusive right for the Dominion of Canada, and we undorstaud they are selling large numbers of the books, aud, although wo understand that cheap, inferior editions aro being introduced, yet it docs not seem to interfere in tl;c b»1o of t'lis very elaborate work which is rec(-mmeuded bv tho unst intimate fnciiils of the !aio President GrtrfieM, and we are t;ltd to hear that so wor- thy a work is having such a an exten- sive circulation. A few mere good agents would do well to apply at once to the World Publishing Company, Guelph, Ontario. Orangsville Lodge, No. 156. Orange- ville, Out., Ancient Order of United Workmen, was organize! o i th« 14th iust., by 1 G. Inwood. D.G.M.W., assisteil by Dr. Wm. McGregor, P.M. W. of Royal lodge. Guelph. The offi- cers are:â€" F. C. Stewait, P.M.W. • Dr. C. M. Smith, M.W. S. Wallace, Foreman John Wallace, Overseer G. W. McKee, Recorder P. Frank, Fmancier J. Crozier, Receiyer W. Sutton, Guide J. H. Hoffman, I,W • R. A. Stokes, O.W. The following are the trustees of the lodge M. Wilkine, E. Leslie, and D. McDonald. This lodge starts out with nnusiially bright prospects. Instituted with forty charter- members aud wi'h suffi- cient applications to make its member- ship over fifty, it comes to the front as tlie strongest lodge organized dur- ing the term. ,yoli trill e-iable the •aUrl»nw« rTietor to oomiuaud a 'f «^»: waw Ibe U» the mi«t«ht, Mr. B. J. ta^utM* u» which he prefocmed lua work.â€" O. S. Tima. antMU. BaamMntaDVoawnCaeaa. The General Seneiena wd County H^^JlTwd Wore^Honor jCjL Uaepharson on Tuaaday. »Qd j^Mypar»M^ ThaJodgem dismiMing the Grand Jorr «»d J^* to Sr«fenteen years asa Jadge, th» was the lightest court he ever There was only one enmiMi «^^* of J. H. Leary. charged with starting the Ute fire at Thornbary. bat th» Grand Jury dismissed the bUl. Ana foUowing is a list of tho Grand Joiy David Sunpeon.For«»M»i o. ^f«*- smith, Martm SwiUer. Jasper Bates, F. Bole. B. Ludlow. B. Harkness. H.W. Norton. Bobt Brown. Thos. Jones. Wm. McKeen. Jabez Banks, Alfred Lawson, Alex. Webster Jno. Fraxer, Thos. Oliver, Wm. Oervie, Albert Paterson.S. Whitmore, Jas. B. Yoaiig. Jno. Mdburn, Tbos. Moore. The following civil oases were dw- ^Amdmsom r« BiooAB.â€" Interpleader issue ou a horse seized in an execution against brother in-law of plaintiff. Jadinnent for plaintiff. Jno. Creaaor Q. C. for plamtitf J*8. Masson for defendant. MoixaM r» KaHNanr. â€" Suit for breach of contract to dehver about 100,000 feet of lumber at Williams ford SUtiou, under a written agree- ment whereby Mullen reserved the right to cull on his own discretion. Dispute arose in the culling, and de- fisuilaut refused to allow cuUiug to prooeed, or to deliver the lumber. Plauatiff sued fui' what he could haVe made on the lumber according to a sale then made by him, which he stat- ed at $180. Verdict for plaintiff. $25 with Divioioa Court costs. Jno. Crea sor, Q C, for plaintiff Jas. Masson, for defendant Lloyd r» Peabck was aUjourueJ for two weeks. â€" O. S. Timet. The Ceremonies attending the open- ing of tho new Roman Catholic church at MelactLou, tock place on Sunday last. 11th mst. The attendance was quite large, and the proceedings seem ed to be of great interest to those pres- ent Bishop Criiinon, of Hamilton, assisted by several priests, conducted the ceremonies. Th« chuichis a very neat structure, and is sufficiently lar^e to afford ample acccmmodatijn for the congregation. Both tho Bis hop aud the Architect, Mr. J. Turner, of Brantford. expressed theiiiSLlves as hij^hly ploascd *itli tho workmituship displayed in the building, and gave the contractor, Mr. J. C. Whitteii, of this village, great credit for the effi- cit'ut manner in which the work had been done. â€" free I'ict*. 'l Tofli»B«ctirt if aiMtlg. ObithiMW,â€" Hsviaf been rtenerted by a j_^___t_jHhg li^^pafsss rf ihitTamn. Aao of Okmels. to mn for the ofllce of Conn- the SowmJa, andgtvaa toaa to tk» Cut thia out aadtakatk to jromt Dnggiat mndaata iOe^tBuipJ^ orlrSita botUa for76omta. aai ISOTIOK. THE ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETINOFOli 1881 will be held in the Sobool Hoaao, CAME JKTOf THK PPEMIHEg '^F JTVE Bead, I oPaa-' "kW the last of Scpiwabtjr, ^fi,'.hi Slietp. T e (W»»CT « n^i -Htad to ro« p jpertar, rat «»enses, Mkd takte it uwuy. KICHABD A. SCOTT. Williaatffnd P.O. C7-3ins. *ttlH, ihip at OkmelK, ^,^ lot the Township, I have decided ta do so. Last jear I was Bomiaated, Imt ow- ins ioaieksen in mv fsmily.was unable togive â- ay aneatlaa w l ia tov e r to the deetloa, but Botwithrtanding this I received a very large aamber of votes, alaiaat cafBoent to elect me as Coancfller. If sleeted to sapieacnt the Towaahip at tlie CooBeil Board." shall strive to do what I nnoeTely bdiave to be for the eBt interests of the 'Township as a Cormcil- tor, if eleeted. I remain yonr obedient servant, JOHN BLACK. Pee. 23, 1881. .,.?'•. «7-2in8 ,v- McKENNA MASON oomp,rg CARRIAGE WORKS! MARKDALE. As the Reason of the year is approucbiiig thst SlcJphsanJ Cutters are wa!)ti'i!, we tiiBli to intimitte to tb^ farmors ami public in general that we can supply them with anv Markdale, on Wedn«'l»y, aetli mst., com- ^^^â-  ^^^ ^^^j j,j .jj^^ ^^^^ ^^,_^l^ moneina at 10 o'clock ».m. Ratops vers and otlTertTnter^sted, of V. 8. S. No. 1, ArtaMcsm and Olenclg, are partieuUrly r luewted to be present, as the Trostee. are meet anxKms that aU parties having grievances should be fully heard, and that the affairs of thescliool, financial and otherwise, should receive that careful and intallUfont criticism which the interests involved demand. WM. BBOWN, Scc-Trens. Markdale, Doc. 20, 183?. CTlioK.* MILLIONS IN IT. J. D. Alexander, editor .Wir*, Bran- esyille Ga U. S, A., says •Ft the piist twelve mouths I have hocii bUi- fei'ing with intlummatory iheumatism I tried several piiysiciaiia but they faileu to relieve mo. A friend iccom- m'judcd St. .Jacob's Oil. I at once procurc-il a liulf doxen bottles, which I nave used, aud find that I am imiii'ov- ing all the time. It relieved lua at once when I am 8tiffcriut;t!rrib'a paiu aud prevents mJ from spending lutuy sleoples nights. Notliiutf has dMue me so much good." MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS. In Glenelg matters are quick. Mr. Johu Black as aunouuced him self a candidate for councillor, as will be seen by ouradvertisiug|column.4,and will, no doubt, bt:iiid a good clmuce ol being electeil. We have heard of no oppisitiou to tho lieeve. Thos. Mullarky is talked of au a candiaoe tor councillor. In Artemesia, things are compari- tively quiet. It is rnuiered that Mr. Geo. Dodds will be a candidate for lieove The old couucil will, no doubt, all seek re-eldction. In Osprey.lhe^e will bo livelytimes as opposition is Uko'y tobe bad for the office of Beeve.and tlso Deputy B^^eve. The man who recieves tiie largest number of votes will be elected assur- euly. In Holland, we hear of no opposit ion to the ileeve. Mr. Howey.aud very likely little or no change will be made iu the old council. Euphrasia is lik«ly to have two or three Beeves the coming year, or, rather, the Beeveship will be sougut bv that mauy. We think, however, that the present one, Mr. Myles, will be re-elected. Proton will have a change, as the present Beevc, J. J, Middletou, Esq., intends stepping down aud out. Mr. Peter McGregor is a candidate for the office. He is well known iu the Town ship, and will likely be klected. Mr. Abbott, it 18 said, will have opposition for the Deupty Beeveship, we think, however, Mr. A. will be elected. Undertaker â€" ANDâ€" CABINETMAKER, Has now on hand Coffins of all siz.sanil prices. uX. IjJ ooi «kaihio for hire, cLargcs mO'loraJc. UNDERTAICIa^C ^anâ€" ' --^.â€" ^^- J-- -•- â€" â€" â-  ---â- Â« promptly aitcnJtd to ut ali Luai!- ci night. Lon^ Sleighs Knee-Eoba " ^lock-Bobs, •' â-  Democrat*?, ' Squai'e Box, ' Por'tiand, Swell Bodj' aud Do'abie-seated Cutter OF ALf, KII.DS AND SlYLKy. -Vj we uso notlii:i(; lir.t Grs- W.' c-'.i c'jiss iDaterial GU.-\RANTEE SATISrACTION Call aiul ivspecl our Wcrk I ou hand bifore parc'muinj; olsewne;o. CATTirUL ATTKNTION GIVr.N :;0 HORSESHOEING a: J tic-ne.-ul 3\i\i\" ill evirv Lna. HK tW M ' *ii ?u!ll Rfreet oppcsi r)u!j'8 liote!. .0 ti Also a full .sloc'.i uf Honsebold ForDiloi' '•fl Ordered wt' of all doacripf !â-  ns e-iconiti with tho upmost d snatcii. A full ;i:o"i of RUSTIC AND PHOT; FRAMES which will be so'.d chcp for C.i-h. Ssasonsd L^^iiber c-f di kinds Taken in exchange for Fuini.ur!?. G. GRANT. i\rAl{KD.\LE. Markdale, D.-c. 23, 1831. G ' t' C. A. OWEN. f.^ V Y. An inspection of hi.^ He i. giving .pedTLj^ Flesherton, Dec. Jj i^*». M. M. NOT TO BE^BEA, All those wlm iu». I tune to Lave Wen \«TL^' "IMoo. in miixl that wi- 1 lave ju„ «t ami iH.t stock •llI!!**"C! brought int.. MarkJale *• i Solet„.ucl.K,,J{.2^«^„a parcel to ma,mfuc.mre lS^^^CJ •Pd Mis^s hoots wa sCeT; «*. N t)thet,ue,tkdauapruSi,|"*S Sov7ed Wcrk a Sjecui All work wnrraiittti. Inn.iir^- done hero. "»«iU,, M.irkdalo.Sept.l9tlUfJ[^'***J Found f)\ â€" ASD..., Beg work ill M •-oTii;o"^tl,atth,Th»5»^ I.;!kl:;,. as MachiaiK, ri Bra...K.,mt..,..ic..«udlromJ .Mar.. l:.i. ;i!i.l -r.n.uu.i.i: co.j,7* '»l M i ;i!i„,(l,en,.cut,„ti by the uio-it skillful workm^., u .siuirL' tf inAlic nitro^v V.'e are jirejared to eicwit ,D fej^ IfMlI 1 Turning a.nd Bonnj •VilTH General Laihe Wo l)o!if ill a practical maioa. Eorsc-Lhceir.f: a Specialty CLIPPINGS FROM OUR LOCAL EXCHANGES. CHAiewoKTH.â€" The new tteam fnst mill at Cawteworth, ovened by Mr Wr»y, is at lenarth in operation, after haTing been delayed about fonr months beyond the Btipniated Ume at which It was to have been completed, on ao- eonnt of the boUemot boin^ got ready winch, together with the eniine^ P^'lfy"' '^w nisnufactnred bv Q Gorbet k Soni, Owen Sound. «,; rcrt or the mechi.iery oonneoted with the Rn«tiD»f department bavin, been mannfactnred by Mewir.. W. » J a +roey. Toronto, and all apMw, il offir8t-ra*« qaality. bavS^*«i th. modern i.nproreuiwta l«ow m wl. ENTERTAINMENTS BEFORE OUR NEXT ISSUE. A Presbyterian Soiree at Rocklyn on Wednesday the 28th. Methodist ALOiversary and Tea- Mcetirgin Markdale, ou Monday, 26th ChriBtmas. Presbyterian Anniversary in Dun- dalk. on Monday, Uhristoias, Methodist S. S. Anniversary in Dundalk, Christmas. Presbytertan Entercainmsnt in Pro ton, School Section No. 7, Con. 6, on Wedi^esdav. TAILOE, Over McFarMd's Store, MARKDALE, Where he is prcpai-od to fill .ill order with piomptoesa. THE LATEST. Fashion Plates ON HAND. CUTTING DONE WHILE WAITIKG A Good Fit Guaranteed. CHARGES MOBERATB. The Canadian Almanac for 1882. bas been placod on our tabl, bv Mossrs A. Turner t Co.. who have it ffT «J« Pnce 16c. It U now in iU thirty fifth year of publication. It contains a list of all the Ministers of every demonination. Poet Offices members of Parliament, and local Legialatupea, County Townships, and Division Court Clerks, rates of post •««. and m fact more mformstion t»»n any work of the kind in the Dominion have one. published ETeiypeiBon ahoold C. A. OWaw. BIRTHS. S^^S~i" If^^*^*' »â- Â» «e 14th tne wiis of Mr. Allen inst. l(eIoii«dl, «f» ' " '• " ' • 7v»,.r,J ,..-.«.; ^_^ MARRIED. afl onieMi%. Markdale, Nov. 8th, IMl. k MERRY CHRISTMAS Happy New Year. THE Subscriber desires to call the stti-n- tion of those about to commit matri- mony, that he is prepared to farniah WEDDING CAKES. and every other article of confectionery suitable for such occasions, in tbe Most Artistic style, and of a flavor and quahty. that cannot be soipassed. AND Surpise Parties! /i., u reasonable rates. IN THB • j. Article of Clread I I DEFT COICPETITIOM IP LOWS And Plow Points wiil recfiv,o cnr fjieoial sttciitioB. b«| tLrougii laatiicil i AjKriiDtc tkWsas^l Iron-, for sad. Box Si'Oves, Sugar Ketthj Land Eolleis will receive our tten;ion. Vt ilfo »| Jiiee our new FAMILY MANtU! to the i)ul'jc. Tiii- n wmsckin'*-* Linen, CoTToii. ;:n I Woollen tiooa i*! ihoni ;i li,'an;:fni siin^tb »nd plo*? ^| iiucc. It also iuipiovcs tbecioih*' hot frons ii'.jnn- tl.. 111. Wcvillt* f,icturo CA8T-!i^0N GilAVE U0\ with or wit'inu' umrlilc i-U!) ft*' " I h!p Tomb Kaliiiijs. Tali Pill--s "" "I niontal t:tei Ir-n Cliaiiis fj mie^»\ kinds of lialla-;.' li:iMt\e^. Hcn«H"1 r'.r.i'u and unuiu. i.uil. Mwliiirft? 'I CastiuKi of iv- Ut. lU-vnjinon, ur t-iiiall. soijIfapl^Ba I RANGE Ki .-pvctluilv ".n •, JOHNSON, CLARK A CO. July7tL,1881. 43^^ their patronage. m MenAty. a. W0O3. Ov«y. to the Mr. :3 r HirtaakkIee.U.1881. L.^» Werk. Steady »" NaweaaabMl. V«w ToA. 4« FL.ESHEBTON ' Harness Shop. CORDON Has always on hand a fall assortment of ' HEAVY HARNESS, WHIPS, SLEICH BELLS, TRUNKS, -:-j: HORSE BLANKETS, -JkXD SCOTCH C CURS! Warranted to fit, rati nude of tUa very beat material, and at the LOWEST LIVING PBICES. 'SKHEKBEB nn PLACE RICHARDSON'S BLOCK. i • J. GOBDON. N,.^.-;-Otmd, stave and fhfaig!e limber FWiherlca^. J)ee.'»U; ISM. ' MOFFAT BKO .Msiil:d.i'.c. Nov., ISU. _____J! ~~^eEORGE NOBLE, INSURANCE AND LAND m\'Ti(tf£ti For t!ie C-mt^ •'**" AOENT for the followmi! relisW* C"** CITIZENS' of M.'u;r««l, AUEICrLTl-K.a.ofW»««** â-  of Toronto. w^*\ A nnmber of Choice Farms w Village Lots 1 Auction Sal.'s .•..•i.luctea in ^^ *^ trq., S!....t..tN...i.v. tl««^ BiUs, Blank Xotcs. sn,! hOO'V^ Mabkdals. May 20tli^J»l^__,^^ Dissolution of Pff^ ship. WE.THK rNPr.iiSlGXEP.J^ BTnintuall.vacr«tl««*7. ship beret, .for. -»•"""» J^***! Bpariins.. Ito»^ ""' rt« " II eo-partnerlii|' I"" »"" '"' rtI«*Z 1 nersliip ,iro toiu r.o.avedb/«r^^^ ne«lup a,c .0 ^V'T^X^^^ ment. â- -etoiir liand^ ceml)or, I"^l. .1 ni Si.!uea aiiJ soiika lu me P' joii.N- BOW£. WANTED. ,^ 1 shjii^ .^- At^hoftfiipsp s-^.y";; f'of io««*5» l.notMWO fot of ali km.^ "^Hji; Chprn-, Biitt.-rii"t. A«^' ,„ «ki« Uh.wvx1, Xi»|" «""^^' liiKli««t!ric.«.il"*P'*i; 0' â- i' U^i^ ^^ #-f WILLIAM STR. Dealer in nil kiuks of lULTURAL IMPLEMENT: Sewing IVIachines, Or{ ling Mills, Tin and C( IN61 PARLOR AND BOX Jtock. Ae I keep all kiiK^s • KKIWI J;.s n will see t:ie aJviiutage of dc-Hliiig wnh a l\ WM. STK.\IN, ^^1( M«rch 24, 18S1. v- Merry Christmas Happy New Year W TO ALL. to oar patrons auil the pulil.c Kin'-mlly ihJ •- eor aanual and well ^uU'ctnl stuck of NCY GO CONSISTDJO OF '0k Boxes, Ladies' and Gents' tph Al jyams, Autogiaph Albul togr*phs, Card Cases, Vases] ^ToU^t Sets, Moustache Cupsl K /f Shaving Mugs, Dolls, fe!^ y c., c. .1' __o we have a choice assort] ^P^ Poets, Bibles, Revised Test. 'Y^jre^^artd Hymn Books, Misccl '°*», and Children's Picture Bool very fine collection. A good supi ^^^^We for Xmas Presents and New ii «â-  •-^"'"

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