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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 16 Dec 1881, p. 1

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 j *f I â- Itl i â-  ^^ TifMrtf.lrti llriMly. 8, IMl QOINQ NORTH. Toronto dap. 7.15 •.a. 4.10 p.m. *CftriWfl .. 7.S3BJB. 4.38, ^m. W«ton .. 7.41 •• 4.3« •« Itxaen 753 •• :R«DUr SnmmU 7.59 4.48 4.54 M W«)dbri*»o... ... 8.06 " 6M " Iftainborg .. .. 8.18 " 5.U •• Bolton .. 8.31 •' S.98 « Moooo«a.... .. »^-. •• S.40 M Cbultstoo .. 9.15 " 6.19 H Alton ... 9.«6 6.» • « OSAJi«B*IUBâ€" A -i»e .. 9.37 6.S5 " Depart .... 9.45 6.5* «« :Oma^TiUe Joqe 9.57 " 7.00 ;LMiral .. 10.07 » 7.10 'Cromtiie'*... .. 10.19 •• 7.21 «« Matbarne â€" .. 10.3S •• 7.34 " thudalk .. 11.05 " 8.06 •« Jl-rotonr .. ll.JO *• 8.31 M Fk«benonftP'i ilklLSC •• 8J7 • • MarkiUle ... 11. SC " 855 •• :Berkly .. 12.10 p.m. 9.10 44 WniiinKford .. 12 31 •• 9.21 *• ^Arnott ... 12.38 " 9.S3 *• Ch«t»worlh..,. .. H.40 " 9.40 • • jhocM.lord.... .. 12..i3 " 9.53 *• (tyr%y tviCND.. .. 1.15 " 10 15 " .•^ jLrtJt^*?^ ^HE STANDARD. Friday. December I6;h. "1 31. wmmmm Fottr MfioM ft« 9100 «eh hM bMD entered «gaiaifc a retamiiig ofBoer in the PruyuiMirfQaebee, for Dambcnng And oUMTwiM iBMrkinf bdkt p«Mn at the recent ehrtiwi, Aerakt ^n»a- chiain^ a vbde vfflaft*. Thirtf^T* aotiona arc T*t W entarad. Tb« Bonoaant aractaiaf AUaniala atation, by the employaaa of the North- era Kailway, in meoaary of the late Colosei ComberlADd waa uiTailed us tiatardaj last, with impoeini; cere- monies, and vaa witneaaad by a large eooooarie of people. Tb« feeliof againat Ooittean, the murderer of Preeideut Garfield, i in. creaaing daily. The jailor baa reoeiv ad anooTmoBS letters reqoeating him to remove all the other pruoners from the wing of the priaon in which Ouit- teaa ia placed, aa it is the mtentioD of the wntera to blow np the aforeaaid wing by dynamite. K#rrc«tiiÂ¥eiic(. NoTici.â€" We wi«h it dtBioetly nndersUnd UuU we tlo not hold oorielreR reponsible for the opinion* expressed by our oorrespoodenoe BE PLY TO DB. A. 0. U MoOBEOOB'S W. JS'OTICE* THK Csns'ls Advertising; AgensT. »^ »« King Street Weit, Toronto, W. W. BUTCHER, VLanafer, la siiri^riifl t-i reoeive »lTertisements Ic this p*p«T. 8t;iacsiPTio!«s «ie reeeiTod st lhi« ofies fe Um toUoving Pspttrs and kUtfssiMs. Sr.ooto Daily Olobi-. pet veer, u '• Mail. Tiacuas. Jot'm.V, Weoklj Glxh*. yef ye«»v •• •♦ Vail Hamilton " Speolalo* ** Canaiia Farmer " iistouliflfl Ajuonean " Nii^TULiaa. Varmor.! Aitvneala, p«r T«a«, Amtrtcan Ayr .cult uruit ' Otr L.ttW Ones " «â€" .^ ' AOF.NTH WANTKD. -Bid pay.â€" Liirht IPerk. St^nHy Employmsnl. fc. BTKN, 46 •7.00 7.0O •l.()0 1.00 1.00 1.00 a.30 11.00 l.W 1.60 8aui|liM tr" â- â€¢â€¢â- san itieel A/lire-n. M. BTKN, 20 NEWS NOTES. The f^)utario LejjisUtore i« enramon *d to meet ou the 13th cJ Januarj. Mush damage and hss of life has Lo«ii caused by a typlioou on the coast f)f louqiiin.' Th'TO is little doubt but that the jury in tlie (imtteuu case will return a Tcrdict of willfiil nuird«r. Anodior BuL-iniirino telograph com- pany »t beiiii; talked of in London. Knj'liwid, to lay cablLU to America and india. (^â- a o«r loaJ o/ liogx i»»r» sliippad to Mamto')ti, and Bcvvnteon car kale I.. l.a«t CaiubriJgu, oil tSaturday.from Toronto. A train-load of trucks for the Tir- (vnto, (;rey ai.i Uriice railway arrived at Tii( .ulo, ou Saturday morning from London cur works. To the Bditor. 8ia, â€" It has been asserted that the abore Urder is a fraud on the credul- ous public, and after due coosidera- tieo, I am inclined to support the as- sertionâ€"but still open to eonriction. Suppose we calculate on a member- ship of 4,000, and that each member recoire $2,000, as death, wheneyer that may take place, which will amount to eight million dollars, ($8,000,000). How does the Dr. intend to raise the above amount Is it by a payment from each member of $18 a year Let us see â€" ayerage of the member- ship to-day, "ay 85 years say that they will all reach seventy, that is, that they will live 85 years longer. If 4,000 members will pay $18 per an- num, tliat would amount to seventy- two thousand Dollors ($72,000) year- ly, and that the member continues those jiayments for the next 85 years, the total amount paid in would be two million five hundred and twenty thous- and dollars. ($2,520,000), but to give each member $2,000 at death, xe find that eight million dollars ($8,000,000) is required. Uow does the Dr. intend to make up the deficiency, which is five million four hundred and eighty tiiousand dollars ($5,480,000). There are other matters that I woald liko to have light thrown upon, but the above will suiBee for the present, as too much light might injure my al- ready dull vision. M.G.A. Df.vnALK, Dec. 12, 1881. CLIFPDIOB FBOM OtJB LOCAL KXCHAMUE8. WoBs Bramn.â€" Fisding it nbU to fiokh tb* wcritoo lh« Baflwa^ to Wiarton (his aeaaon, tba Compaay hM iiaohaif ed tha Uborefs ui dii- •oalm9d:aU «Mco»tfaa awn A ili m of Um Hm tilt ^fiasn^^amtmw " By rafenoM to oar •dTtrtkiiig eol- omnaitwill be obaerred tliat Uesara. LeLuKiiiiD MeOoy Wm iiw l^w d Tbe boaineaa will in fatore o* earned on by Mr. MoCoy. His new adT«rtiM- •MBt «iU^MP«ac uuiMtaLâ€"Ckidm EnttrpriM. A oommittee haa beMii^poiiilad to eanTass Arran iirace. Elderslie, Ham- gean and Graanook to raia« mooay for the purchase of a first- claaa imported Clydesdale stallion. Iba step has been taken tat the purpose of improy- iag the breed of draught horaea in these townships. â€" Chetley EnUrprtM. On Saturday evening a yoong man named Davis and Wm. Graham un- dertook to settle their differences by a rough-and-tumble fight, in the yard of the Queen's Hotel here,and daring ita progress Davis snceaeded in biting off Oxabam's high! Mtr, tAm vhiob the oombatants were aeperated by their admiring friends. A warrant waa issued for the arrest of D^tis on Sun- dayT but bo far ho has eluded capture. â€" Shelburm Fret Vrrst. Fm a Glenblo.â€" Hetweea two and three o'clock on Saturday Morn- ing, the 8rd inst., Godtrey Mcdonald's house, on lot 19, con. 4, was destroy- ed by fire, with nearly all its contents The inmates on being awakened by the fire nad not time to put on their clothes. Mr. McDonald, in endcaver- ini; to save a few articles from the burning buildins;. had his hands and feet badly burned and blistered part of the hair was also burned off his head. The fire is believed to have originated from a barrel of ashes that bar! been left in the back kitchen. There was no insurance on the build- ing or contents. â€" Durham Review. m^ ^bmAr- ed.aiii^obw ob b" '•J.t*;^^ birthplMV^Mi^ PSB£LS OV/THE .BI91?. fa the Chieago, Vljf*^ inowaed' awiM- )yton, ia AB ui He. howerw. kei* ^4toird«ghter kjJJ^^J ' r irltn apefepefer eonreaponl- ^^.^^^^iJTi^^ t» !.:.« ~^hila%Tinff her* the iJSf%*^^told^5!i ?or Bam- -f^t' M m w he Srft't wife Mid resided wi^ himM iuTnot the agreement were «n«A^ Sy Burprised wb«F:fcf ^T**,,,;j! â-  ^- Stfb*en shii^ ^^^°Z »ife^ • w *^oov pieee tw The Standabd is an excellent med- ium for advertising over two hundred new subscribers have been added this fall to our list, and stdl they come. The DuNDALK Hesau) is looking up and the circulation increasing fast. Mr, Kd^'ar Dewdney. L'ommisioner tf Indian affairs in the North-West has btMi appointed Lioat.-Governcr of that Territory. Rcveral bills aro to bo iutrodacod at the prosent session of Congress at Warthington. tiiuding to the suppres Mou l »ol,. -uy ill Uiah. Tho Krand jury at Walkerton yester- day brought in a truo bill against Mr. N. J. Clarke, lieunse inspector for South Bruce, for embezzlement. 'lue machine shops of the New Brniiswick llailway at St. Andrew's were destroyed by fire on Monday â- Igkt. I'he loM 18 eatimftted at fflO.- QUO. The Grand Trunk intend improving tlioirline butween Toronto and Bellville ^hortIy. The steep grades will be re- dncedand the short curved straighten- ed. Daring the paai week eitjhty ear loads of grain, bonded at the Northern elevator, were freighted over tho Oraud Tmnk railway to Quebec, tH rouuio Europe. Tdbin, the Fenian arrested at Brad- ford for being connected with various Irish plots, has been commit- ted ou a chargo of treason-felony uid conspiracy. I Wallace Boss expresses a willing- resa to row Uanlan on Toronto Bay, and also will not greatly object to ad- mittmg Trickett if a sweepstake* race can be arranged. A' special general meeting of the ato«k holders of the Ontario Bank is called for the 24th Jannaiy, 1892. to raeieve the resignation of the Board ofOireotors. In another column of oar paper will be found an aooonai-of a horrible oa^ tostoophe, which oeoarred inVieona, in whieh it is now stated that oyer 1,000 litei were lotk. Borne Laodred tad aixtj Caudiao famiHrt at pweaat living in the States •I. Miahi^Mi, iUaois. and New York, of mor* or leas meftos, are aboat to lemove to the Turtle Mjontain district Mr. W»»Xendrie, Fftsidantof the llkrooto, Grey and Briiee railway, has iaraed »aardof thanks to the eisfJoyae Cev tlie saocMaful cflteti r\f^ llMiB-i»' llf» work ot-ehangiag OSPREi'NEWS. From oar Correspondent. Yerv littlo took place here during the last few weeks which is worthy of publication. At Maxwell, however, tbingH have been considerably re-ad- juatod. Mr. Milne, who for many years boc- cussfully kept a general store, Bold both it and the goods, and is to retire for some time, to his farm residence. But his many friends expect that his stay ou tUe farm will bo only temporary, and that before long ho will resume his late business, if not at Maxwell, at some of the other business centres in the township. Mr. llamhn, who has token Mr. Milne's place, is doings a rushing business. Ue is good-heart- ed and obliging, and well deserves the public patronage. The building lately occupied by Wright Davitt, as a furniture store, has been purchased by Mr. Stinion, ,of Singliampton, who is to occupy it as a general store about the beginning of the New Year. Mr. R. Taylor, who is' Mail carrier and proprietor of the stage line be tween Colliugwood and Jleaherton, lefised to renew his eontraot with the Government unless they made it more remunerative. The result is that a man named Robert Brown has *^^he contract lor the ensuing year, and it is to be hoped that he will prov^ as universal a favorite as the one in whose hands it ia at present. We anticipate a little excitement at Uie approaching municipal election There are three candidates in the fijld for the office of Reeye. Messrs. McGirr, Gamey, and Sing. Mr. Max well is goint; to attempt to defeat Ar chibald Mclntyre in competing for the oflce of Deputy Beeve. We think it takes a good man to defeat Archy. In the eastern part of the township things are very quiet. There was a shooting match at Mclntyre last week, and no one could strike the bull's eye but Alexander McDougal, therefore he went home with the goose. The new Churoh which is being boilt at the South line by the Episco- pal Methodists is making slow pro- gress. It will sot be ready for open* ing this year. Mr. Samuel McLean, of Proton, died at his residence, in that Town- ship, on the Ist inat., after a short aqd sey^re illness, aged S7 years, 7 mofttKs and 10 days. He was well respected by all who knew him he leaves a wife and large family well provided fi.r. He was buried on the Srd inst., witn Orange honours by the District of Proton. Ho was W.D.M. of Proton for the present year. MAIL ARRANGEMENTS. There arc superior Spectacles for weak or failing eyes at W. F. DoU's, Flesherton. Another change will take place in the T.. G B. Timfl Table, when a coach will run from Owen Sound di- rect to Hamilton, and ono from Ham- ilton to Owen Sound each day. A switch is nearly completed at Mono Pioad where the T., G. B. crosses the Hamilton N. W. Railway where cars will bo changed as above. Don't all wait until Cr^ristmas day to get yourpicture. Why? Because th.-re will be such a throng you will not be Bure of getting so gooi a Photo. A PrBLic Mektino Shou'd be called of the citizens of every city, town and village in the Dominion, to consider what should be done to prevent the hair from turning Grey â€" and falling out. If this important question received their earnest con- sideration they would unanimously decide that science had at last dis- covered something that would answer this purpose â€" and furthermore would recommend Cingalese Hair Ronower as being this 'sometling for restoring the hair to its natural color, and pre- vent its fallmg out. 60 cents per bottle. For sale by all Druggists. Our eari were shocked on Tuesday night, by some very emphatic lan- guage, used by a couple of oar esteem- ed citizens, the night was extremely dark and as the aforesaid citizens were wending their way homeward and when in front of the Reii-McDougal Block, one of them ran against a scant- ling which reachos half across the side- walk. A few momenta after the other fell over a block of stone lying just at the edge of the sidewalk, and measur- ed his length on Mot!:er Earth. Had any of the Police Trustees or Path- masters ieen in the neighborhood we fear there would have been a pugilistic encounter. We would not like to an- swer for all the protanity caused by their not attending to their duty in seeing that the sidewalks are kept in such a condition that pedestrians are noD in danger of breaking their necks or doing themselves some bodily harm. ALIVE IN A COFFIN. A TOClfO WOMAM SUPPOSSD TO BE DKAO SCBEAMS OUT WHU.X MASS 18 Baife SAID. Among Other advantages which our citizens exjected to derive fhm the change of gauge on the T.,. G. A 3. Railway, th^ of increased postsi facilities was one of the most prcmi nent. The Board of Trade ha peti tioned the Postmaster General for two mails per day by railway and ou the strength of a declaration by the Assis- tant Inspector that it had been dead- on, wa some weeks ago announced that we would have the two mails per day from the date of the chanee of gauge, which our citizens Lave since been confidently looking forward to. Judge of our Buprize, then, wlieu our Postmaster here received iustrnciijna that we were only to have ono mail per day and that arranged so as to leave us infinitely worse tliaa we were before I By the new time table for the arrival and despatch of mails; pu'ulished in this issue, it will be neeu that the only mail arriving from Toronto is by train at 1.16 p. m., while the only mail leaving is closed at 2.45. Taking say fifteen minutes to come from the train, it will arriye at the Post Office about 1.30 and reckoning an hour f jr opening, merchants will receive thiir letters about 2.80, giying tham just fitteen minutes to return to ttieir 6hops,read their letters and mail their replies Of course this would be ut- terly iiD))OBsible,and replies would have to wait till the next afternoon, as there is no mail by morning train. Even were several hours given in the after- noon, business men do not want to answer correspondence m the busieiit^ part of the day. By the preitaut ar- rangement, a letter posted lor Toron- to on M*iiday evening would not leave here till Tufeiday afterncu, could not be delivered lu^'orouto till Wednes- day momiug, aiid au answer could not be received hee till Thursday af- ternoon. Surely a^iwii like Owen Sound ck'inot be ex)4cted ta put up- with such mail »Ta[i;;emeut8 as that-! Since thei(bove was in type, D. Spry.yEiijrfT. O. Inspector, has ar rived m town, in answer to tlie memo- rial of Hie Board of Trade, and at an interview^ with the Council of the Board of Trade and others, promised to meet the wishes ol the town by en- deavoring to have the mail train leave herein the moinini;. He also prom- ised to report in favor of closed through bat,8 on the evening train to Toronto and principal intermediate stations.and in favor, of three street let- ter boxes. The gentlemen present were pleased with the promptitude with which the Post Office Depart- had acted, and passed a vote of thanks to the Postmaster General, as well as to Mr. Spry, for the courtesy with which he bad met them and given his explanations. â€" O. S. Timm, A MAIDEN'S VENTURIS. NOySL lUTRlXOKUL EXPEBIENCE BELLE VUXa. IN on the PouTEMsas ON TBB Cabs. â€" Two nulfl p«aaeogece were seated on the Queen streets ear going west la«t evening, when the entrance of several ladies led one of the nents to make the obaerva tion that ladies on the Tor jnto 8tret ear* never bad the politeueea to thank a man when he roee to give his aeat to one of them. The firat speaker in- siated it wae not ao, and aaid that in this reqect the American ladiee were far ahead of their Canadian cousins. The diaeaaeion waa proceeding when the ear etopped at a croaaiDg. and a reepeetably dreeead eoloared wooutn eateNd the ear, "We'll try (hat cMe joat hwa." aaai the aeeood apeaker, and he roM, leaviog hie 8e*t for the woman. "Thauk yoa V sbo said in a lew Toeee,*nd dropped into the vacancy beside the relnetaiitly ecnverted aati- .V*- â- "'â- - ' j. .-.â- â€¢ â-  '^04 .TfSUS^.U â-  Quebec, Oct. 28. â€" A servant girl in the employ of Mr. Pierre Gauvreao of thij city, named Josephine Gauvreau recently received information from a reliable source of the sudden death of a younger sister employed in a cotton factory at Lawranse, Moss. She ac- cordingly donned monming grab, but what was her sorpriae when on Wed- nesday 9he received a letter written in the hand written of the siater she bad supposed to bo dead. From the letter she learned tliat her sister had been ordered by th« phvsi- eian to use chloroform to iudaee sleep, and, taking an oveedoee, ebe had keen overtaken W • eleep ao protoral that it was thongbt die waa dead. She was aeeordingly prepared lor borial, aadtbemase for the repoee of her eo«l wasMof edebrsted, when all who ware in the cfaoieh were horrifisd by bearing a eerenm feom the oofiiin The Chief of Police was called this morning to settle a matter, particulars of which are as interesting as ihey are novel. It appears that one Thomas Barman t of this city, has been working durmg the past seaaon for a farmer residing in the vicinity of Hay Bay. This farmer is the father of a baxom daughter. Thos. looked upon the fair one with amorous glances. And finally told his tale of love. "Barkus was wiBlng" in this case, and so were her parente. Thos however, was not BO much in leve as to be entirely bUnd. He did not want to bind himself for life, or for years to a woman who might not be all his f»ncy had painted her. So he con traeted to take ttw hloahing damsel on tna for twelve days. If at the and of that tune she satisfied him, he would marryherjifahedidnot. ha would it,,^^'***,^ P*renU. To S decidedly novel matrimonii mentwe are told the giil's atriwpiuftl v^ore^ »o^ ' COAL OIL EXPLOSION. A WOMAJI FATALLY BtHWED THIS ma AT OTTAWA. .. Moan- mer,pUip^. t«rvi0w ent 4^ mg incMintV i»Mr experianee £«uartar;â€" "C«ipt»in Bojton.jrou masthave seen a large pw* of the ' world?" "â- '•" I v.i. Uaptkm Bofto« :^" J Zes m*. »i the ai4-of ntf "fe**" ^»^^ Dress, I have travslled over 10,WW ♦!.» ujogtmatruaPiUfti v^m-w^ij, â€" Bilse on the river, of Amariea »"i,t2hS£t, ^f^Bdi^^t OrUkru Eazope have also been preeeoted to ' the erowned haadsof £ngland.F»nc« Gennany, Anetria. Belgium, Italy, i Holland, Spain and Portugal. «id have in my poseeaaion forty two med- als and deeoratione; I have three tinea reoeived the order of knighthood and been elected honorary member of committees, dube, orders and eooae- tiee." Reporter :â€" " Wore any of your tripe accompanied by much danger CapUm Boyton :â€" "That depends upMi what you ma call dangerous. During my trip down the river Tagus, in Spam, I had to "ehoot " one hun- dred and two waterfalla. the highest being aboot eight-five feet, and innu merable rapids. Orosstag. the Stsaita of Messina, I had three ribs broken in a fight with eharks and coming down the Somane, a. river in France, I received a charge of ahot from an excited Aud startled Lonteman. Air thoogh all this was not verv pleasant, and might be termed dangerous, I fear nothing more ou my trip than intense cold for as long as my limbs are free and easy, and not cramped or be- numbed, I am all right. Of laie I carry a stock of St. Jacob's Oil in my little boat, (the Captain calls it "Baby Mme,"^d hat stored therein aigusl rockets, thermometer, compass, pro- visions, etc and I have had li^t^e trouble. Bifore starting out I rub myself thoroughly with the article, and its action on the muscles is won- derful. From constant exposure 1 am somewhat subject to rheumatic pains, and nothing wjuld ever benefit me, nntil I got hold of the Great Ger- man Bemedy. Why, ou my travels I have met people who had been suffer- ing witli rheumatism for years by my advice they tried the OU, and it cured them. 1 would sooner do iritb- out food for days than be without this remedy for one hour. In fact I would not attempt a trip without it." SrWSTTED. MarMale. P-- l»t THOMAS ifliSOH. Markdale, M-4i BIUITICIHIEIR J _„-/.. 3^433-3; NEXT Door to Hanfcary'a Boot and Sbok and Q»V-9i •'^^ »" ^^ nalirt in «Nir ASGOW HOtlsJ pw ISXKIS tl» ea wplini j u i.f the aeaaon. wiahing »a »_ ' â- ** ""y* -^â- *^' house wa« opeiual. and *« tJ» k«. itt^Mt* ahiftf fof â- l^MtfnUT hioh lia4 at the praaent 4«(« KarofS^ It^ing thf nkful to the Unner» olTS *• tliglr liberal pe*ron«,,.uu«ting to merit a eoniiam-^'J? •*( iBV» inspe^ion to \^ now laig* stock of all Undr^n^*^ ^^J j(taq^4io^## Trns^^y «**.«^» ^Ji^^HTHTTIinrClPS. READY-MADE -^.^^.•^'•^ Itevitff fct Ottawa, Dee. 12.â€" A ehockuu? »nd DO doubt Utal accident Irem an ex- plosion of coal oil occurred here this morning.' Mrs. John Dunn, a widow, Uved with her two smaU children in a little cottage in Mount Sherwood, aud earned a living by charring in the Geological Museum. A youug man. clerk in a store near by, boarded with them. This morning Mrs. Dunn rose about f oar tor paat four and went down stairs, as was supposed, to make a fire. Shortly after one of the children heard amoning noise, and thinking somethiug had happened ran down stairs. He found the kitchen full of smoke, and his mothar lymg on the j floor in apparent agony, with her! clothing still burning in patches wheroj it was not already burned off. He' screamed an alarm, bringing the other child and the youug man down stairs, at this time both floor and walls were on fire. They extmguis led the fire and carried tho unfortunate woman to bed. Dr. Henderson was immediately summoned, and found the poor victim burned to a crisp from the neok to the ankles. She was unconscious, and remained so for some hours. Father Wlielau was summoned to administer the last rites of the church, and the so far regaiued consciousness as to re- cognize him aud some others. Dr. Henderson states that there is no possibility of recovery. The coal oil lamp was found ou the kitchen floor with the top blown off, giving evi1cnce that an explosion had occurred. â€" Globe. â- DiaaotatMOD, oi Ew-tnerf liip N OnOlie *|i*7 «*^«' thattbeC.^ â- abusting be- on tits »th day e D iiâ€" X 'r- 1881 «'Jâ„¢" ^0«n!« wa«». whft wiU »c«lvaj»l pey Datel ttds W»day « Dee««»2!*^:\?*' 1 TH08 " BsMc^ Boots and Shces, Groceries and C â-  rocker, VtJBBS O608 «or ee.- worth K«. BLACK CASHMKKE8 for »s, CEY8 biOoM. VB- fPOf^P ^°^ ^c. up. AB kinda of FUnneU^*** V prioea. wiiikeM asil tloojlba, UaderclotUing very cheap. Pn^ l** Sbirt^ ' ta 76e. per yard. "White Cottonf and Heavy Grey Cottons f ronT^T '•'*»i; ij Carpetioff. Booti, Shoes and Ribbers, over 2000 pairs to select from ' ""'*«.' and for leas aioiMy than sholdy goods are sold at. DUST xti, 'â- *"" TOUNO HTBOM TBX. 8 Iba. ior |1. « Wm 8i«n*d "Wnrtssâ€" CLW. ITV BIRTHS. I AiiB â€" In Glcnc-lp, on the 8tb inst., the wife C'f Mr. George Lamb, of a son. (FROM BRAZIL.) The Nev^ Compound, its woo- dertal aftiaity to the Digestive A.ppara,tus and tiie Liver, increov- iag the dissolving Jaices, relioT- ing almost instantly the dredfal nsnlts of Dyspepsia, Indigestion, and the TORPID LIFTER, makes Zopesa an every day necessity in nvery house. It acts gently and speedily in Biliousness, Costiveness. Head- ache. Sick Headache. Distress af- ter Sating, Wind on the Stomach. Heartburn, Pains in the Side and Back. Want of Appetite. Want ot Energy, Low Spirits, Foul Stom- ach. It in vigorates the Liver, cap- ties off all surplus bile, regnJates the Bowels, and gives tone to tha whole system. Cut this out and take it to yont Druggist and wt a 10 cent Sample, or a large botUe for 75 cents, ana tell your neigjibor about it. WANTED. "a quantity of Telegraph Poles 50 Ff. Long AXD UPWARD.S; ALSO 5,000 Cords Cedar Posts, For which the Highest Prices will be paid. MABEE WHITTAKBR. Markdale P. a 63. arrttDge- parents. It was iflsi^ediataly opMMd and the when BaPnhardt told the cirl tonftftZ.' ya^ irOMto talMt«»4te Fesl^tey 'to her mammaw she if .« -A Si* consented and the two loveri came to Belleville witk the intention of tJt rjlfe "oon^b^l quahficatioBs. The twelve days expueJ last SatunUy. I toretuiiu not quite " ' " *•• »•• .i tad ' "THE STANDARD" â€"ANDâ€" Rural Canadian, From oow till end of 18§3, For the small sum of SI.60. By arraujjement with the publisher of ihe RUh.VL CANADIAN, the new Agricultural FortuiK'hay publUhed at Torouto. which has been pronounced by the Pres.i to be a "MODEL publication of the kind," and to •feompare HrmnHj with the best American journaU of its claas," we are enabM to offer both papers for $1.60. The regular price of the two is $2. Should any of our readers desrie a copy of CANADIAN FARMING, an EncyelopsdU of Agriculture by practical farmers, we are ready to furnish The Standard and J ,?" Canadian, and the book, in full cloth binding, with nearly 300 fine il." luatMtioBS, all for 12. The price alone of i/anadian Farming is 11.50. SUBSCEIBE NOW â€"AMD OKIâ€" Bala nce of year FREE. "Taa AoaiccircBAi, Papuov Casaba." farmers'adyocate â€" AXIâ€" W. WELD, EDITOB^D ^^opm^bB. IMPROVED* ENLARGED '-1882 »«awwTBwi MoaEiixoaTaAmssl E»«ry Departmm mder Ikt tery lint TaUnt. 0»»y f 1 per AanHM, P*8t.^aid. Wtnp^ months, 26c. Intending aub- «rf»*w aw iDTjted to send for r5*»to wiinbw. Address. â€" *~ Th. Fa««.,. Apnein a Hom Mioamn [â-  __, London. Canada. Made ia tvtrj S^le an* Rniah. Have an the teqoirftes which con- •tttata a Good Q aTia a r -- Only FirU-Clem woA dpa* Try *«« â- â€¢" Pbotof"" Old Rctnres copied *ad enlarged. Guarantee all my work. All the popular styks m«^• Procoie the shadow are the Mb- stance fades. Have a fine assortmeDt of Fntmos, Cheap. Remember the Stand, over the Standard Offiee. So dont you go and forget all about it- J. L. BROWNE, Photo Artist. Markdale, Dao. 16. 1881. **-ly. A MERRY CHRISTIAS AM* A Happy New Year. THE Snbacriber desiren to call the atten- tion of those about to eommit matri- mony, that he u prepared to furnish "WEDDINQ CAKES, and every other article of confectionery suitable fur such occasions, in the Most Artistic Style, and of a fiavor and quality, that oaanot be surpassed. soii^.£:c: K, ANU Surpice Parties Supplied with every desirable article of Con- iectioneiy on the shortest notica, and at reasonable rates. IH THB Article of Bread 1 DEFY COMPETITION, And will deliver it at the residence of all who may favor me with their patron afto. A DU^XOP. Markdale, Dec. 15, 18S1. 66-3m. A First-class Tailor and MiHina,i| In eonneotion with lh» eattblishment. fc*" Call and inflect goodi Wi â- ISliMt price paMfor aU kinds of Urain aa^ p^ ' i»toc*wat •! • per eeat. offlor caali. *** I Wm. NELSON, ProprietoJ ** Glasgow House Noted." Cheapest House North of ToroM. indalk, December 6th, 1881. ^*^\ Dondalk, m^mm TAILOR, SYDENHAM STREET, Markdale, July 7, 1881. ^^ FLESHEBTON Harness Shop. GORDON Haa always on hand a foil asaortment of HEAVY HARNESS, "V7HIPS, SLEICH BELLS, TBUNKS, HORSE BLANKETS. -ASD SCOTCH COLLARS Warranted to fit, and made of the very best material, aud at the LOWEST LIVING PRICES. KEMEMBEB THE PLACB RICHARDSON'S BLOCK. J. GORDON. N. B.â€" Good Stave and Chinsle Timber taken Flesherton, Dec, 6th. 1881. 16. w."benson • â-  â-  Oh r i s t in aN 18 CLOSE AT HAND. ANI» ALL THE NECF.SSAlilKS FORTHKjk CHEEB USUALLY INDUL(iED l.X AT TH.U SEASON- WILL BE BEQUIKKD SUCH AS Raisins, Currants, Spic SUGARS, TEAS. pOFFEE, ic., and no better place in Markdale can be found' to obtain these trticlet inj tk prices, t!an at BUTTER RAE -IN THE- ^^nt €00^$ um\ WE ABE SCrOMD TO ;VO.E. Yon will need a New Suit for fv. Holidays, and unr all-vi ool TwrHH Enpliah and Canadian, cannot tt*. surpassed in this sotticMi of counir}, id h at any othet' firm in Markdale la'ail hiauches of the olftoodi ni we are not behind the tiiaee, and we gua).tiitee ull our poi^lii to b«juitii «^ thHm. GiTe us a eall, and we feel assured we c.iu suiiply yuu witb thj» 1 aatiafaetory prices. BUTTER m W* alM carry a Urge Btock of CBOCKERT, (JLASSWAUE. UMPS mi U» lUUES, BOOTS and SHOES, HATS, CAPS, anJ iu lact TervthiDX br* Cenaral store â€" Buizxa Jt IUe. r-l (D Wedenie to to onr pairon» and the public ;;.n.^ral!v ili»' ** ""â-  " ou* annual and well .suli-cttJ ^totk of Has on hand and for lale ole of a fir8tlaa« arti- FUTimti FANCY GOOD â- â- 2 ' CONSI8TINC* OF â- â€¢â- . Ladies' Work Boxes, Ladies' and Gents' WntiniH Photograph Albums, Autograph .Mbums, Metal Photographs, Card Cases, Vases, and Toilet Sets, Moustache Cujs, Shaving Mugs, Dolls, .7 j c., c. coMsisTma ov \, Coffees Sugars, RaisiiM, Currants, e., AadereiyoUiw artiola ia Uie |r«M^ Une kept conatantly on hand, and o thTSahirt Tanety and beat hranda. IN LIQUORS! Ioanit9|^»qnBmytha»iriU iUtr oeotM- In BOOKS weTiave a choice assortment,'" Landscape, Poets, Bibles, Revised Testaments, Services, Prayer and Hynin Books, Miscellaneous, tatiou Books, and Children's Picture Books. Cardsâ€" a very fine collection. A good supply ,^^,| c., all suitable for Xmas Presents and yicv.'»^-" 13. ill pRioci "•tunates on work «ee. ' »mWk.8»|.{««',er*a.X3a. LV3m xtu Muj ima-: fc"i o. Skylit;? i^k-' â- ith^beat ./. WtSUtti â- r" 'â- i^, A. MMNTYRE 1 TEA! TEA! TEA A. IN'INTYRE ;, |||EAII««EAII«I*^' Pork. Pork.Po^f -iloINTYRE'B CTjfars, Cigars. Opitteie, Coflee. «*a t«|U iagfep» a in a first-dass Grocery and ««•* alwaye on hand, cheap fob cash. TJT" â- i^^'l^ y^^uiui:ar jlo .1 A^^*^ riTf*! ..!..,. ^.vT*' •'â- ""^j«*t.\'" u 'â- I?/ (I., jzn-ij ^./. ' i 9»ezt* muim -a^ wi "other notices ^a^jtudeij, about tiro inohea of aoow Win pose of ate reliefti pain, Bcalds, bi| â-¡earalg., none tij l£ doaee will cu- cr few b«,les| Colic as bl [flâ€" j-j pleaaant JKoaday. rain anow diaappeara. [fgMd*7, ataadyrain all day. 1 W jiiHMJ'T «Ucbt froat. ia Skatiiic Binka ia balow par. .yof^ ae«i Ui. DoU'a Cbrtatmas Goods? j doac. It eoQM^aMDt of Teas juat "' ' i* ^^ igtFMter'*- *Ooaa*y Council meats at Owen an Monday next Per •£â- â€¢ 1*^7* ^°^^ Watch ^o to tb« Jeweller, r lot of t oa. Watchca to hand at |r;iaa'a. Dnnoau Arnott shot a large deer I waek. Ha sold it for $8. TU ClnJ uuftl "oa m| at HolaudI 2lBt ust. Trust 'uuJ It is itl yards Jec] cure for â- , J .asthma, n't teoable yourself looking for 1 tr^^ui^],^.^ ^^ tiat adv. 1 p„c*i rains arrive pretty regalarly ou v^^,,, ti„ ,^ aiuoa tlie ehauge of gauge. Cards ^ve TO* aeen the apleniid Krencli Cook* havt-yoiu tho cow Ni re TO* ai Doll'a, Flohcrton. Iiaa totally disappeared the rumble of the waggon is agaiu arrived a; on the streoto. x i;i-:ii ^ood ia a scarce commoditv' iu with i- ,;,{ at prepent, and if we do uot '"""'• i 'â-  jLlf..Kl. A I Srniiiacli {liiug was coiiiparitiVbly good will en ,u 1 I Saturday, and there was a throng too Ii!.'.h iday on oor streets and Lufdne^s "'•«"•'• I .ciiils. A. Agent, Ma Dirro oil company, arc hjIc 1 if.;,,. ,^. (aiaotursrsof"Ca8toriue" macliiiie I "" Infrunjemeuts will beproucciUoJ, I®"' ^1 ";^' Oranga soiree will bc'hil.l in laew Hall, KelU' Coiuers, Arte- ou Thursday, December, 22nd. 25 eeota. iHMii i-;iiim lie OratuferilU Gazette caaio to „(}\.^.|,,„j^ last week iu a new bhupu. Jt la "ur mT.s an eight page with bU|i|ilem('iit. """iiM i Ipreseuts a very creditable apptur- *«!nal. Ill i, [you would like to give yrur«itct. I'mii. r uo ,a present, get voiir pii(t()i;rii)'li diih-. be uew gallery, aud give it. .Mr. -j-jj^ rue is a gool arliit, we've tried rA»i/.. u\ iMj,. V.-rl :ir til. V Cii' I 1 J ill r IS â-  Ili"llS. » Kiiil Tlir:i; I ^e Orange Soiree ^l Berkeli'v wus sided succeua. bleighiug was utively gooil, consequently tliere crowded house. your dealers for '*Castrtriiio ' le oil, and see that the buriol ided. 'Castoriue," as uoue other luine. i. Thomas Smith, barber, will be lerton every l"'riday,aiid hjatur sntil noon, wheu he will be liappy it on those who may require hair Ig shaving, aud Bhaaipooing. ' Christmas Presents go to Huh- 's Drug Ktore, Fli'slieii.n. Stationery, Chrrstiuas C-triis, aud Fancy Ooixls. itions to PiU'Iiaiceiit should be iu a bold, roiuul, open iiiiiii. ^hich purpose Esterbronk's bloi.t Ibrond poiutcd pens are the Iu st. tlie Esterbrrx.k Hteel I'.n {.\.. ' bu St., New York, for Baiuple*. yon raqoire a Sofa, Louu:,'c. (.r g in the furniture line It ay you to call ami examine J. tea' Stock, Fkbhertou. j yon wish to subscribe for th Ma«7 or Gluhe, or renew your 1 ' ption for the same f If so, your money to us, we arc t-ond- mes for both the above p:ipers |«tij all Mil.) â€" Dentists who nave tried •. •, â- BST. pronounce it tin- fiinM â- ' on the face of fli is earth foi iIh " " t"" I and breath. 6 cent bamplw. .d w. w .ula „ ,_. ,, ii!iii; iri rresbyterian Cougrecation of, ,, ,, iitlirl ni|ull. ru intend having a eoine on gj, ;i ,i;ui..' 'V[, the 28th inst. Sev.riil ih. ii u- •nent ^Makers will be present, I'" '• ' I vocal and iustrumeutal mubic pronded. See bills. (i'ln Iff i'.a.s] ' ditn- Hons,. when the fol lii-.tK rs f r 1 d.'lil., N iC'llin;v. K.-!ls. Aif.-J taiy, .K.Iiu S.crvtniy. i Tri usurer, L:iu:.-r, M.| â- 11-11. \\ Siiji. 1.-. Ill iiii.i.--..r ri| mily by tli.- !• ii.iii. I i li III in i~ li'ii. 1*. i« -.iiii.! Iiu'iti- I U;.'lil l^Vi:]., I tliloKV !lii cur. -i J~ ,1 till Villi i!.:|;;i ::iJ Cuiil i):l •JTc. 1.1 â- â- alll trail. !• bv Mr; lliclil i oV. li^io|i .litiiu.'iiy U.I |.I'iu 111.-. Ii4 out l"-s.'i\.- known (â- â€¢ll~!ll :â- ' lil I eiiie tii.ii. li aivaraary Sermons will be preach- Italii il.. 1. I the MeUiodUt Church. Markdalt, an.lbl I j n Buday, the 26th inst.. irt Itt 3» ' ^l"*^^'"' " ' â- ' and 6:80 p.m., by llev. S. C. j ^^' "' " Jr., of Flesher'on. The an- j P"'«-"'i' â-  ' Tea-Meeting will be held on Moil "mn- n ^^•.l be 26th, commencing af 5 ficlock " •^' • For full particulars see posters "" ""' " ./- 1 .. ,r .. -JlhlJIli lif ll. Castonne ' Machine Oil, for is of machinery, it is nlso ek- "" ""'-^ ' for harness and leath.r. iniik: J 'ii"-^"ii "i-'n^^ 'water andweathcr proof. For onr br .lii. r o| ky dealers. .dit..i, .:.,.. iDEHT â€" On Friday evening of |;i 1 â-  ek while Mr. John liiclinr'Win, favhoini.' townline of bj-Jphrnsia and Hoi- â- â€¢â- " '"â- mh i, [was putting some cattle into th. j "'"' '-â- '"'^••""l one of them, a cow, threw bacK ' .1 ' r " ' '" 1 I till' l». lij striking him m the face, the cintinnal stri ^entering the cheek, inflietiiiR a ifii'l" rintr yo I, b«*. aotdan^erous wound. Dr. '" • "^."'y be ila was called and put three stich I '"' '"•"•^â- â€¢:^" „ ' 1 lrre!,Mi!;iriIi.s He IS progresamg fav-rablv. sysd-tn are ro] »or liollfvr S.S. Xo.G.M.hiie [sitcciul caiisi for Novembei. Marks obtiiinsble »"•"' "".v «' i^ 'BtKioB8aD Classâ€" Harriet I'.ich- """ ' ' "" "" 182; Kitty Thompson, 1 Id. i " "â-  8«D Classâ€" Annie Taylor. 184 »'lv« ri'""' 'J Montgomery, 188. Hr. KXIOE A ll'iwe \ff\;\ -Michael Dreen, 190 Will '"1J"1' ^1 Jl*on, 144. Jttniob 2Nn Class â€" To tiik ' Uartin, 179 Alice Breen. 172; iJo^m.^. W iCorbett. 158. First Classâ€" „.„:,,. r, [Boyd. 188; John Isaac, 192.â€" ^, ' '"' ^* (huHAM, Teacher. '°"" "' â- ^" L. No. 509.â€" At the Deceir- Bg of L. O. L. No. 509. Or- ^•^•Jt the followintr offic.ers were for the year 1882, yi2:â€" Bro. .â- fright, W.M.; Bro. Wm. Gsl- ' I-,M. Bro. R. Morrow, Chap.; Oraham, Sec. Bro. T. hnell, ti Bfo. --. Boyse, D.C. Bro. Ui OM. Bro. J. Snell, .; Bro. J.B«ity. 3rd c.M.;^)""*^^""**'^^"'" »• Biair. 4tii CM. Bro. U. â-  C.M. The regular nights [of Una lodge is the Monday â- tt 11 of moon iu each •] ^ua«w 01 reapars. mowers ' j,jj^„ machines, prefer "Cas- L, ,, oUtoany other, ^1 tl'c ^-^k "1 04- elephant, "" coi.ies of I â- 04 to rom. room 'or two filling' in tii«J only loci.-., fi the Stam,.\ii:,I them, or to aJ Owing to uj ryin;,' ilic uii our pap.r.s !iii| mail w ' days in coii-^.il lure cudea\or the Imjier on] iic-etions wilh| Next week copies each of tlie Duiiilalk a'haHl .1..

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