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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 9 Dec 1881, p. 2

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 "fiEKi ad %ai Ig^ •M* • a ' pars, Rai^i J* ""•rants, 4^ other »rtietei» ik. iT.tiT on hand, •od ^•"'•^ 1^" « PRICES v« iiie a Call, t'^c. Irt, 1881. â- oods Store •s Presents .i.s. ND SEE HIl ^.•rft|. A!l,nm8. Wriling Deia^ It Cifiii-," Mustrtclit Cum. l^ l.i..iunii V««p». Gild «!»» ^,;,, :a ll.iuu. l*i^ur,' Kow, Bntii !iHtUil...i. Little Wi.l«A«tta -â-  t'lrl Cases -PsarlioiTof. •-. \V.itcIi»sâ€" jj-ilj andnlw, I "l«cl*l «iid complete. 1 V. r imiorlfd into Dnmiilt ;i!' a Mirry Chri^nua mi M)\t K [JIICG STORE. 1^ :]|(-liinak«T. all vbooif .. 1.1 V (1. W. P. IKS von Tt IK GOOD lAT si;.\.s(i Spices, [EE, Cm. ,0 arlirlta acd at toUoa AE'S. Lt»f«t iE. c, eU u »• t.. »H- J.I.t i • "f^ «itii 111; VHii nep.1. i":!" R RAE. ..of ODS! DesliS' us' Writing l^lbums, Mental .ises, and rtment, »%o,cb _:tafrents, scellaneous jr^ â- Books. Chns^s, Medical fla^ JSTANDm ^^^^^Sb^r^li. 1881. NOTICES ii« 1,10- â-  TLero is no do^t ibai oar Omq* diau climate is Jbndacive V Lang affectiond, aud A tliis nMatui' Df. Carson's fnlnnary Con^ Dropt »Lould he la/every Lju.'**. For Couglis, Colds, ^J all uther l4uug bud TbruuC affa«tiou8 tiiey have, joo equal. In large bottles mi SO eenta. A Turner and (J»., Special Agent Mark- im^AJbfi. u-hat ft rwlj for Cbristma* and l'J^.^goodi lo.A. Mclutjre. f* «•. .tock ia well wortJi luspocl- "'fbW»t»cUaffuruiture. bee it- 1 JJarg^" ' Uvercuata aul u.rry C!inbtn»»s aud a Uappy (yd couipiiu}. are sole- ra ,jf--C.i:i'jnuu" machiii-. ..-uts will UeprOSeCUtcii, ;•§ inUK- Mj .1 i. of «att-hi,s. "li. wcU. :»uJ ba.-.»i-ia i» li-jMiU- Brown Hollands, 1«, 15, 18, and 22 cents, all lioen aud one yard wiae. I'able Linens in bleached and nn bleachad damask. 40, 42^, 60, and 60 cents per yard. Table napkins and Towelling all arriviasf.parchasad from Ferguson, Dickaon Co., Belfiwt, for W. J. McFarland. the only direct Im- p rter of goods in Xlarkdale. We were in error last week when we said that Mr. -JameB Reid, of Mount Forest, Lad the contract for the maaon work and plaatcnngof tne Reid Block. Wc bliould have said Mr. Jas. B^id. of MiirLdale. Jl,wi- Ilollfor Majcu-ell Publit School u,r \.„e,„ier, 1881. tourra Classâ€" i-:i:;i Kerr, Cyrus Field, Gto. Heron, .\;.' -1 â-  (;a:ii( y. Skx. 3itr Class EJ- FaiDAl, I«. 9th M81. •to "=,. 6,00 to «A Bpnas WheM p«nb»»h., mw (c IJU f»a da. ' to. do. 1.18 t*:l.SS 5«% Pats Poaa Batter, pn fit. U...Z.i^ ^Kg*. P«r ilo» Pork, drtM8«d, Beef Ueeee per lb. Dueka, per pair Fowls, per pair Turksya, per lb Shecpgkma Hides .5. Grass seed. Hay Wool Oreen App{e«, per. baabd. Lard TaUow â- Â«â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢ • Dry' J.70 OM 0.73 0.35 0.U 0.18 «jOO tJ» 0.0t ' Q.4» ' OM 0.07 ' OaO t.oo â- • •.» • 0.60 0.11 • 0.06 -* IWood l.i« •' 0.K OM 0.74 O.iO Cm 0.00 6.50 6.00 0.00 0.4« OM 0.00 1.66 tmi tM »M 0.00 a7« O.It 0.07 0.00 j^fs The !/-• ^i% «•%. i • *».;-.â-  (Over Sbuoabb Primtimg O0m»^ '^. '01 -^O i.r.-i Jl; Si* ' • "V-; 3£* PHOlfitAKEN IN EVERY STYLE IdlsSisa. I rim M»iMWiB loLvB IS ADMIZISD XO BX THE FLESHERTON. (Corrtcted vreekly for the Standa'd by R. J SprouU, FletherUm.i FmsAT. Dec. 9th. IMl. Best liocal Paper that U p^MiAadiM the mmar- lliaMb- bahad mTmij WxU^ Moniag ia tiaa for fint taaia aad Mat to aa^ â- j,Cjilt-':t^r U Ward -Su. 2. -u t.- j ^,.^^ jjn.w.iriJge. Al.ce Niaholson, Lify ,. 1 bt al Ihc .Ma;L ;-L llo..f.L [^,.^,._,_ .J, n. 3kd Class â€"Annie Heron. .\_.j,y iJie I(Kli ofUtceiuUr, tol Kil.lie Tuck, Cyrus Brownridge, Ar- " i fliur Iirowund«e. Sem. 2nd Classâ€" '»^' „. I. Ma^i'ieScbinamon, Fred. Field. Ju« IjCUi'tiu** ""»«"'*K' " '"^°'i:i'«i^ Classâ€" Calista Preston Walter ",, Draa btorc. -ti^-'i^^^t"" I .M.-CaMum. Hobt. Herou. u' BeUtv 3;.:i.uer Ci^riitiua. -^r.U, s^.,, j^^ Classâ€" Frank Tuck Sam" .-i -I ""^cy '^^'^^- i Bcatty, Fred. Game?. Jux. Isi Clkss ,,.!.- Jealt-r^ for "Ca=.t .n;jo" J ji! and S'-^a tb»t tJje barn! Birgaiaa atU-J- S:iai:;iliai/ B \\.^il.- Ill-' bb'P""" Ills bli 'ph^uif ful; "•US ami cuUcrs, fur tale i.t 1..:u«.-c.l ].rice CJias. Schinamon, Cbas. Heron, W ilarrisou.â€" t. J.J. Ferousom, Teach- er. Flcur, per bbl. Spriu^; Wheat per ba^^h.. Fall do. do. do. liarley Oats IV-as Pitatoe» liutter, per lb^a, per doa Folk, dressed ,. Beef Sbeepskias Hides Hay Timothy seed. Wool Lard TaiJow •6.-i5 to 0.00 1.30 to 1.83 1.18 " 0.70 " 0.38 " 0.65 '• 0.30 " 0.30 " 0.16 " 6.00 '• COO '• 0.60 " 6.00 •• i2.0 •' 8.00 '• 0.32 •• 0.10 •' 0.06 " 1.33 0.65 0.36 0.68 0^ 0.00 0.00 6S.0 •.041 1.M r.oo lii) .40 0.00 0.18 0.07 FREE OP P08TA0K I â€"MOKâ€" A great many people are troubled wirh c.lj fet-t, which is invariably cnu.-,ed by a sluggish circulation of the bl.od. A i'cw doses of Dr. Carson's j \\^l••at,Sprin: Stoiuach and Constipation Uitter8p*"'y ,,,,1 y of tl.e fi..--a 1 ian,l „.,. ,,, ,„^, „,„i ^tininlate and Tone the I muter -â- " """' .s^st.-ij. .Sold in lur;,'e bottles at 50 Kfj^s any bale llilis, Tia cciit^, .\. Turn, r u;id Co., Special .1 „ «... \f.._l. 1 .! l»,»tcr: W. J. McFarliitid has aJvir of ar DUXDALK MABKET3. tri.r ir'i" ,i il .1""' ^^" *^*'" " "" I'avt; I -^iKulii'.* who nave jf â-  iiriiU'iiliici; It tlio tried fui-^M' ,^ ;d.- Uc-; of tliH earth f li- liiu [iJ i(!i- 5 c'-ut Kaiuplns. !., • J-j-A II .r IS showiu.; ai. ,t-' ii'-^- -^ 'ot ol' t,'u:) Is !f .\i;i:is I'JOiciits. lu'l I,, J r^xpiire a Sofa, Ltuii;ji' or u; li-i laiiiiluro hue It ri, Via to i-aU aud cxiiiuiuu J. »â- - .-^l ck, i'lc.-dlrrtiJll. 'i-,f Mil-" Maithuit; Oil, fir f i:; iclillit;ry, it IS alsi IX ijiiu-;-" and leathi-r, m.'iii- \nM ail J wcatht-r prjof. For .fe»l?rs. 1 iJi it at .Mclut\rc-'s. at il:ilifux rm S. S. Corinthian, ' uf Drab CorJurny, Drab ^{oluskine, I5i-uwii C'ir.iiiiMY. Mantle iJiitiiH, La- (li- s- (.)'iilt,.-d .lii: ts. JJiilli.uitcun Lus- tres, Small spot Fianael in Blue and Scarlet, Wuita a.i i (Jolored Quilts piircIiahL-d diroct froiii English nidnu- l'ai,-luri-rs. .\xwiii:.i; Vk riJi. â€" Wu have to chron- icl" a''cr dt-sertion from the ranks of bav^-liolordoin, in the person of our ijeiiial friend Mr. George (iraut, wLo, aftir tlui. dL-l'bciatiou, has taken Miss M:iiy .\mi liurcli to be a partner of ';is j'i3's and sorrows in the time? to c( ;:.(â- . Wc hardly know which to c u- yiatuhili the- luostâ€" the gentleman in {,« tiJiiL; a good wife, or the lady in get- ;, uc-r«, Sandy, takj a dr..-« out ii,g a good hu.sbaiid, tiiertforo congrat- ulate iheni both, and trust tlieir jour- ney through life will be a happy and prosperous one wlieii we bay that wo say we bolimo wu but utter the wish ol all will! hill] the happiuesB of know- lufj them. .\ I'l MLETiNi}- Should be callil of the cilizens of cv -ry city, tnvii :riKi vill.i^'e in tile Dominion, to c.i:i;;.l.r v.h.-it should be done to prevent tli- ha i.r from tuniing (irey â€" and lalimg out. If this important in received their earnest con- si, Itraliiii they vrould unanimously il. (-lie that .-ie:ic- had at last dis- eo\er. d S'liiiething tiiat Would iinswor this piiip:ie a:, "r Would riciniinenl Ciii..r.,;, si- Hair Uencwir as b. lie.,' this s..metlii:g restoring. tie- hair to Us nat iral color, and pro- Vent itr r.Kiii-.^ (lilt. 5:) ce^its per bwttlo. l-'or s.ile by all Druggists. I 7///..r ]:„n for .S. .V. .V«. 2, Artc- M«r!.'ii, who opened out in '»((•.?.(/.â-  .Voi-()H//r 1881. Skmou 4rn itj-: iluâ- ^lnes.i two weeLs Cla; 8 -maximum marks, 400â€" Fan- .•;.!Jhi-. -.[...k to .MeKeiiiia Si. n-( Ire .\-,, :f:i:); liobt. McNicoll.i special) L-iia\ii;;r secured u Kitilation l".:a:na Wright, 'IJI Oscar Wriuht, Wlieat, FaU, No. 1 1 Potatoes Pork Hay 11.52 to 11.11 1.20 to 1.23 '3 55 to .76 1 65 to .70 ' 1 36 to .36 • 1 20 to .21 12 to .15 " 4o to 40 •• e.'.O to 6.75 " 10.00 to 12.00 TOKONTO. 1 9 /.I ,-» T"KKiis "' reapers, la-iwi-rs Ltj..;;^ iiichiii'js, [irefur "'Cas- ,i.-aiu-- oil to any other, it itcii iirJ, seal, or elepliant, kiirrinttd not to fuiu. iirn k U. I' Chi.rch, Mo ,. will beoJH-iied next Sunday, ..!;-;. T!i- l;isl...p ofllii^i:. ,CJiii:H-i the opening services. 1, it :o;;;u „.ia. tvir.d iVliutnK T lire ailvortjr, â- jii-au'rv of Iclegrai'h "le.- I 1 nU 1 fi-.-dar iiojts. .Min,-- WH!;t !n- n-. lle:id a-lver- .i!i"th'-r c-duinn. .• ~!i.'i ;. i ling t his st m-I, r::..!^; in imothei silver show ]L 5ii"p IS Worthy of an in- I Wheat, fall, per bush.. Wheat, spring, do. Barley, do. ... Oats, do. I'mis, do. live, do. .., C'loyer Ssjed do. Iiresseil lioK.s, per 100 lbs... 7 25 to 8 50 Beef, luiiil qaarters 5 50 to 6 00 Heef, fore quarters 4 00 to 6 00 Ciiickeiis, per pair o 35 to 50 Fowls, do 00 to 00 Ducks, per brMce 50 to CO Jeese. each 60 to 76 Turkeys 75 to 1 25 BiUt.-f. lar^e rolls 25 to 26 Butter, tul. Jairv 21 to 22 Butt.-r. -ii,.rH-ii,icked 00 to 00 Kc^'s. fresh, perdoz o 22 to 23 r.--s. packed o 00 to 00 Apples, per brl 1 25 to 2 00 l*otat:«s per Img (i «0 to 85 Onions, per bag 1 15 to 1 30 H.iv 12(10 to lo 16 --J la ttnmm, m lUW U not w pW4 C. W. RUTLEDQE, Xditor and ProfirMtaar. reUKS ALWAYS ON lANB I â-  .:..,, .-•♦1 j. L. BBOWN, Artin. Mazkdale. K«T. 90th. ^861. 64-It. â€" THB â€" DUNDALK NERALD .91 30 to 81 3S 1 35 to 1 37 75 to 05 44 to 0-^1 78 to 60 95 to 1 00 I o oo to o 00 la the Mme siie as the BrAVDias, i published at this offlce aditalao ra-FOR tl.OO. .ES A. G. HUNTER, Looal Editor, Doadalk TEOll m, BLACKSMITH, Woald annoanee to the pabhs that he has leased the BUeksmith Shop lately occapied by Mr. James Haana, and will carry on the bnsiiiess in all its branefces. **»iir"£ lakea ISPrlzesiHorseslioeiiig be will treat all kinds of diseaaea pertaiulng to the foot, via Hoof-Bound Oonfractlon, QUABTEB CKACKS, INTEBFEBINa. «., tie. All Work Warranted. THOS 8PICEB. Unndalk. Mot. 4th. 1881. 10-3m. si'ECL\Lv noticl;s^ 'tti;rMiriii- feindrv. pi-i M;r fia it rs to iinich our [tullliii;- fii tie- advertise- .lli. \V. j;, iisoii. He will iDe aJvi-rii^es, an I is wortiiy y tlios" who wish cheap F""J«», til I le on for )»Imn •' 1 hi r Inxiiiie.-;. i last '-,' Mvlnlyve iiifornis lis • ' I' vti il may ba icij'ure.l â-  ».;! 1" f..:in I in liis store. .rail. lis;); ller'j.rt Henry, I'JH. Jinior Ini Ci.vss- W. John Wair, 311 IJeii- j.-lniii WMte, .Sor. Bella McNicoil, I'J:). 3:;i Class, 1st Divi.sion â€" maxi- mum maiks, 4U0 â€" Isabella Canning- ham, :!;â- .'.» r.i itrice FleElksr, Siiii; M. .\nii (licen, ;i27, 2nd divioiiin â€" Pru- di 111-, i- leslier, i'ylCj Agnes McCiue, SOS i;nphem:a Burnett, 2S6. 3rd ili\i ion-Biako An li-rson, 843 Asa llill. -JIS; .\ir. Whitby. 224. 4th di- vr.:..n -Clnul Dili. 32S Mag;ie Bur- Blair, 282.â€" TuEo. UEST AM. COMFOIkT to the SUFFEIUSO Bro\«'ii'« IIoHMehoId Panacea lias u e.j'isl f.r reliiviiii; jiaiu, both iuter- iiitl uiiil external. It cures pain in the Side, liiiek or Bowels, Sore Tliroat, IlliuumatiBm, Toothache, Lumbai^o and ain' kind of a Pain or Ache. '-It will most surely quicken the Bloo.l and heal, as its acting power is won- .leri'ul." " llr.jwirs Household Fauacea," beint; ackuowlejf^edas the preatPain Kcliev- er. and of douole the iitri'ii.i;lhof au7 other Klix.-r or I.iiiiiui nt iu the woiM, should be i.i o.e.-y family h^iud.v for use when wanted " as it really is the best remedy in the worjd for tJraiiips in the .Stomach, and I'ains and -U-hi-T of aM kinds,"' and is for sale by all l)rut'«ist.- lit 2.i cents a bottle. 20"-lv Molheis! Mothers ' Mothers .\re disturbed «t n'i,-Ut and broken cf vour re^t b.v a sick cjiil.l suffering and ci-ylii^' with tliL exemciatiiig jMiii of cutting tei til I If SI. ge- at once and get a bottle of .MUs. WINSI.OWS SOOTHING SYKUP. It will n li. \e the i.o(.r little suUtrer iinmeiii- atel.vâ€" lei'.u.l ujion it there is no mistake iihoLii, it. Tliere ii not a mother upon earth who liai ever used it, who will not tell you at oil. -e til It it All! reg-'ste the bowels, and g'M- re^t to tliemoth.r, and relief anu health I t the ch'.M, operating lise magic. It is t,r- foctl.v sufi- to use in all cases, and pleasant to till' state, HM 1 is the prescription of one of till! oKle-i ami best female physicians and nurses in the United Stiies. Sold every- v.lieie at •-5 cents a bottle. W Iv IP YOU WAKT iiitt, .•;2ti: Boht li \i.!.. Teacher. Nov that winter has well commenc- 'Steu, Lai ,m Tuesday mght ,.d we w.. aid advise our r.iaders against â- " «•- ^t^Jrlu set in an. i at using piils containing 'alomal and â- â€¢â- .:nie of writing the m.lica- "'tli.'r injurious substance, as there is gr. :i' danger of catching cold alter th. il u ' .\n excellent siihstitute for I'N 1.1 a Wgetable Preparation l,ii..\vn ii-.J)r. Ciirs .n's Stomach and I.' iLstij iM n i'.iit.'is. a fiinily medi cm. th.i;. I'.oni all accounts, v. ill soon lake t]:e jluco of evcrv other purgative iin.l bl.'.i! piintier. A Turner aud Co., Sp cmI .\g nt,Mu-kdale. We intend iss'iing TiOO extra copies ill,! Si.wi. Mill and Hkualp the ^Teek -liofori- Cinistiiias, for gratuitous diF- triLiitioi;. Tiiis will be a splendid op- f.-, ni.ufl.j, tunr.y foradvtrtisersto let the public l^-l. biM-.K tin Class I know what tluy have for sale. Send ta;ual.Ie, 3S() Darbiua „. your advcrtisement^ at once, as the •--l; -Junie Donnelly, "HI ":4tuer f.rthe past week has, •â- â€¢â- â€¢Â»e Wi:l l,iiv.-;:...(l sleigh- "â- â- "/.a; w inter iiu^ really s.t •' "' 1 -I.,' -o. "••I I. '1 ii3 ti::it I' â- â- â-  '" .1. ».' ad kiiow tliat. 'â- â- ' :.:i.-w ih. ir -.t.-cK of ' -T .•â-  \u^ \- ,,iie -ot the [••l t\.il..iile lol- olll»',Ve- â- ' lat. .: 1 d.iiiig. und aJvis â- ' lli»eWle. I I' r S. s. Vi. ERRORS OF YOUTH. (11-:NT1,KM.\" who suHerred for year- r\. fmm X.-rvous DEBILITY, PKKMA- TUl.E DECAY, and ail the effects of youth- ful indiscretion, will for the sake, of suffering h.iiii iiiit.e, M n.l free to ail who need it, the recipe ami ilirectioiis for making the simple r. nu'.l.v liv which he was cure.l. Suffering \viii.s:iiii,i UP adverti-ser's experi- ence can o so ov addressing in p. rfect con- Udeuce. 'JOHN B. OODEN, 20lv 42 Cedar st. New York PIMPLES. I will mail (Free) the recipe for a sirnple Vfof.tabi.k IVvi.M that will remove Tax- FllKC'Kl..fc.S. I'lMPLES aud Blotchib, leave iug the skin soft, dear and beautiful also instructions for producing a lux iriant growth of hair on a bald head or smiKith fitce. Ad- dress, enclosin.v a 3c. stamp, Ben. Vandelf Co... 5 Beekman st..N. Y. 20-lv TO CONSUMPTIVES. The a.lvertiser. having neen permanently cured ol til it.lread di.«ease, Consumption, by a siinpl.- reiiiidy, is anxious to make known to his felU.w .sufferers the means of cure To all who desire it, he will send a coj.y of the I prescriiitiou Used, (free of charge,) with the directions for juepairing and using the same which they will tiud a scbe Cube for Con- siMPTiox, .\sruMA, Bboncuitib, iSrc. Parties wishing the Prescription, will please address. Itev. K. A, WiUon, 149 Penn St., Williamsburgh, N. Y. 20-ly REMOVED, REMOVED. Ma-;:; marks ohtainublc, 2;.f. Michael Nor- White, 197. 3iiD â- â- s 'l. :a;nable. ;12.'.â€" Mary •1 U.^:.\ Wright, 224; «'r. 2t Mi.N.ME Tnii.Af- sir. L.v; u-d *:.siii...,s space i» limited taken up. and is being fast -Those languid, causing vou to I'll on vour feet FOIP. TllOlSANJ) DiI.LAR FlKi: AT CI. -MiKsr.lllG. i CLAKKsiina;, Ont., Nov. 24.â€" This morning, about half past one o'clock, a fire brcke out in part of the premise" owned by Jlrs. Rowe, aud lately occuiued by Thomas Leary as a irniii that is taking liom ho:el, Btf re the inhabitants of the ' Us elasticity drivim; i village were aware of the fire, it had =» v. Mir cheek that gained such headway that there was frethd' ^° possibility of saving the building. Use of 1 he high westerly winU bloynng at the •â- i.niip,,;, vour vital forces, -r irrt.iMe and "Tcta, v,..l l,y the ..""' "'medy. Hop Bitters, j time soon carried the flames into the â- ^* -d oLstiuctions of your stables, beliind these to tLe Masonic Hall and the large frame dwelling to •'.tv»,t at otce, while the •*« of periodical pain is per- j'Oi ved. Will ' you heed '•""'i -Mfiifdav-NV" "j^^'"' Mantles, Shawls, _^'^.« Milliu ry goods untU -sr^'fst stock iu the coun- â- ^iclarlaLds. K't. rj* bt c^rritd on the morn- -C" '^^"â- "•" aud on the to Tor.utoou theT., The mad will dose ' as foil ••»i»-; »v the east, long owned and occupied by the late F. Lefroy as a hotel, with the stables thereto belonging, and all were consumed. Had the building where the fire originated been wholly fiame instead of strip and rough-cast, rr'stnt arrangements nothmg could have saved James Camp- bell's and W. Johnson's premises. The loss is divided as follows â€" Mra. Rowe about §1, GOO, insurance for $1, 000 the Masonic Hall and shed. $700, insurance for §300 James Campbell $200, insurance for $50 Solomon Olmsted $1,500, lusoxauce unknown. 1*1' jj^^- as follows :^Going 11.^ "•'"•â-  ""J going North, A. C. ATKINSON, TAILOR, Having reinovej to Main Street, is now pre- pared t.j-lUl all orders on the shortest possible notice. -LATEST- Fashion Plates RECEFVED REGCLAKLY. CHARGES MODERATE. Satisfaction Guaranteed Remember" tlie I*lace NEXT DOOR TO NELSON'S STORE, MAIN STREET. DaiLklk, Not., 1831. lS-6ak JOB WORK! DONE PROMPT Bond it to the Standard office. If yon desire nest work done st moderate prices send it to us, we are confident we eau soit yon. Do yon want BILL HEADg, LETTER HEADS. CIRCULARS, NOTES, RECEIPTS, POSTERS, SALE BILLS, STREAMERS, DODGERS, HAND BILLS, PAMPHLETS, PROGRAMMES, VISITING. CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, BALL TICKETii DINNER TICKETS. Or in fact anything in the printing hne, PLAIN OR IN COLORS. Send as yonr order by mail or otherwise and it will be attended to at once and wa will Guarantee Satisfaction. Foundry! AUD MACHINE WORKS, Beg to anuotmce that they have commenced work in Markdale as Machinists, Iron and Brass Founders, tc., aud from their know- ledge of the reqviirements of tlie trade in Sfarkdale and stu-rounding country, hope, by moderate prices, strict attention to lusin.BS, and promptitude in the execution of orders by the most skillful workmen, to merit a share of pubhc patronage. P,nrlf»ft 9LOO oow to TIE (UKnacnK^^ Toronto. ITeT^ Cash Store. HAVING LEASED THE PREMISES LATELY OCCUPIED BY TURNER A CO., 1 HAVE NOW ON H.AND A FIRST-CLASS STOCK OF Dry Goods, Groceries, MANTLES, READY-MADE CLOTHINQ CiA. omMi t- s Stor^i OferMcF MARXDALE, WImm he is pnpared to lill aU d.-'.rr »is!i ' i'.. ptniuptueas. THE LATES^' Fashion Plates I ON HASH. «1 A CUTTING DONE \Y!I!IE WAITING A Good Fit Guaranteeci CHARGES MODERATfi. C. A'.OWjJl!. Markdal?, Nov. 8lh. IfS!. McKENNA MASON 'ca We are prepared to execute all kinds of Turning and Boring, AHTH General Lathe Work Done in a practical manner. PLOWS! And Plow Points will receive oar special attention, knowing through practical experience the best class of Irons for sach. Crockery and Glassware The above stock has been purchased for cash at a season when the importers are ruiuiing off their surplus stock at and under cost to malio room for their spring iinpi.itHti.nis, eon-, sequently I am in a position to give bargains to those who are able to buy their goods fn cash. Call and sec for yoursrlvrs and yon will li surr to 'aii u^aiu. HENRY FOSTER. Markdale, Noycmbor 15th, 1881. eaiy Mechanical Orguinette. Advertisers wonld do well to remember that for special advertising we publish in our two papers for 25 per cent, sdvanoe on one papers' charges. Box Stoves, Sugar Kettles, Land Rollers, will receive onr latteution. We also intro- duce our new FAMILY MANGLE! to the pnblio. This new machine will mangle Linen, Cotton, and WooUen Goods, giving them a beautiful smooth and glossy ai'pcar- ance. It also improves the clothes, whereas hot irons injure them. We will also manu- facture CAST-IRON GRAVE TABLETS! with or w.thont marble slab for name, Ac; also Tomb RaiUngs, Pall Pillars and Orna- mental Cast Iron Chains for same, also all kinds of Balluster Railings, House Fencing â€" plain and ornamental. Machinery Brass Caatiugi of every description, Rrass Lt-Us, large or small. MOFFAT BROS. MarkdalOi.Nov., 1881. 03 Iv. CARRIAGE Y/OKKS! MARKDALE. -As the Feason of tjicy.'-rii- i-t :i!-i'i..i«aiua that Slei^'hsand 'utle.-s':u-e w«'i; ',i. w.. \v.,.ij to intimate to t'.i • i.i.,-:'.i :^ i, .... â- â- .;.';,• iu general we ci..: s-;:ii-.:v ;;.;â- ..! ..,,„ »i.r vhiug they want i:i •h..;".;..e. ..ifrU ;»;- Long Slei;::iG. .. Knpe-Bobs ' ' BIock-J^6)-.3; /. T^f r.l.c:^l.t^ Squares Boi.. Portland.:. â-  -.• â-  Swell l^od5'.,_ and Doabie-r-disid Cutter or al:/ki!:i is akd b j vies. A we nse nothing Ir.t lirstoJaw) uiHtirial v-, t an GUARANTEE GATI3FACTI0N Call and InspcU our Work I oil ha:. It bofoi-e !;urc!nUr»!g clfu whore. CAPEPCL ATTENTION GIVnN 11* HORSESHOE! 5\1C iiuii (ieneiiu J.'di.u^ iii ekeiy iii«.. SHOPâ€" On M'.ll -•' fin-.ed H- trcet otj"-sit(r t-i iK.t...' An Automatic Reed Organ. f M A. "Tho Oi'S^Slinettr mav i. .-. h- .-I'.le 1 a celebrated inrtruni. nt. In ti.ue it is akin to the Ciibuiel Uiu-an, out tie o.aaii niiist Le niaiiiiulatel by f.n artist in to jiro-'i duce musx tiie OUiSii.nkttk is on tie- oihe.i- leii d mtiielv lutclia-.iical in its acii.-ii, ujel at|a trillinc expense it oan be to fa;-..:.^!; an ui.lin.iled sui').Iy oi i.U Ui..d' of i,iii-ic. â€" roroiilij Oiuhe.' "The OrjTtliilOtte is indcel a nms-cal wi.n.ler. It if a nun.iture r.el ojfrnn, with' as strong' an 1 luelo.lioas a tone as the Cabinet Size It surpase- the 'a!iie..-l ()i:;au for the re.isau t'.iat i'ar igioram.n in m isle cin play it as well a. the lu'js,. accoiii,.hshed pro- fessor. TiiK ORoeiNETiK IS stidiii' aii'l aecmat.^ in its m-,!chauisiu, and coi;sej'ieut y not' HorSC-SllCClij*/ liable to get out of order." â€" iltintrt'^l Oazetle. M u K".i.l T ' !.c- 1 i "The OrSMJ""' " ""' ' ' perfi'ct autoi.iat;.- niu«ic,l iiistrimont yoi inveiileJ 1 -_â€"'.--. its rejiertorij is unlimited, the tone is remarkably po.iJ." â€" Moatre^il ' dir. ""i'l-r-'it. ;*x; ' t x.'i S. ec:alty â- SI ll»'V. Prices, $10 to $16. Sole Miiunfacturers ami Piiti nt.^o.s 5»ld for Il!ysfralt.t Catatosve to 1 TO 21, VOLTKJKKt S STEEEIIT, III 1 I nUlJyJ 1. \X UVi, i(ik::fUj, rive ii.-jf.r.M- ;» iv i' v« i.-. .,.*!.' Z ^i" X T" VI.. C. W. RUTLEDCE, Agent, Mcrkda!o. Notice to Contractors. As WE HAVE A LARGE QU.'.NiITY of Saw Logs st our mill this so;i.son, we will give contractors a good ch.ince. The logs will be all skidded in the woods. A good shanty and stable also in the Any parties wishing to hare a contract of this kind w-i!l .lo well to see us. The distance to haul, about two-and-a-half miles, on a good road. R. A A. NEILSON, 13-31. Proton Station. $500,000.00 ^^o'iili of Scotland Money ^v:i ntiv^VTii: i^uivi^s. rriO li0.4X on Farm Security at C and Ct p.:r cut .veail.v, and o:i tli. most fav rabli- I terms of r.'i'ayineiit ollered by any .\pent or Monr-v'; 1. r in Oiuario. No liii-s. EipcnSts reduced to the lowest jjossilite (icnre. I'arti. s van'iiis to borrow- will pi. ".si' communicate by letter to tin- un lersifrni-d. l!o\ "l. Shclbuini.^or caJl personally on tion- davs. All communicatioi.s prouiptlv altmded to. G. W. KUTHERFOilD, Loan .».^er.t. Ol o rc.i. the othiTs,.,-il wi..!-. a.i.i led. .\i;y infc'rination i.^ieeininir II •) w..ei- aboul.; ttUi be lhai.!:f illy rc-cei'.ed by THO.s. Mca.s:;y. C2-3t*, -.1 1 I., st u 1.0. Correspondence I most be in onr office bj Toesday evening to seenie a plane in that week's issue. C. W. RUTLEDCE, KHROB AMD PaOPBIXTOS, Markdale, Ont 3 MILCH COWS, 1 STEeIR RISIXO four years, nartly broke, having been drove in sleigh hut winter. Apply to Ueoboe IHEToN, Lot 92, 2nd Concession West of the T. and S. Road, Olenelg, one mile north of Barrhead Mills. 62 -3t, QEOROE NOBLE, INSURANCE AND LAND AGENT, LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County ol Grey. AoKVT for the following reliable Companieg CITIZENS*, of Montreal, AQRICULTURAL, of Watertown, and TRADE A COMWEBCE, (Mutual) of Toronto. A number ol Choice Farms for aale. also Village Lots Auction Sales eondoeted in Town or Conn- try on Shortest Notioe. Charges moderate, BUls, Blank Kotes, and Stamps provided. GEO. NOBLE. MiBXDAU. McT SOth, 1881. aS-Ir I am authorized to sell a j.itfe uuniber of I.ii|.roved and finniproee 1 Far:n« excee lingly cheap Parties waiitin;; to b'.u sleiuM coin-iiunie: ..itli ne' by 1. It.r.;ni.' kin.i ..f pro- perty wanted, or call personally on Mon-biys. Particulais wi:l be given n .--'pi-e'.ii.r,' locnlion, terms, and I'rice of iL.: of I lui rt vaii'.el. G. W. IltTnE-.roiln. Estate .\g-?nt, ic. Box ol, Shclburue. 1 HlJl^AlVdi:. All kinds of prop. !ty insured in First-class English and Canadian S'lOck Coinpanie;, low rates. G. W. Uutukkiokd, District A(,"rnt. o Deoi's, Wills, Mortgages,- Ijeases, .\ssij;nraents, A',Toemciit-, Ac, neatly and properly eie- cute.l. Charges moderate. â€" G. W. Ritukkford, Con. and Coin, in B. II., Shelhurne. N. B. â€" By giving a week's notice can arrange to meet parties at Duudalk or any point named. â€" G. W. RnrnBEFoBO. November 29th, l.'-81. C4.3m. JOII.\ B. Memi.I.AX, A TTORNEY and SOLICITOB, IS NOW J\. ready for attending to all kinds of law business. OflSce â€" at Kav's Hotel. Markdale, Dec. 2:id, lt;Sl. 64. WARNING There is great danger of tak- ing col.l from wet feet. If you want to Guard Against Sickness! Keep yonr feet dry and warm by procuring yonr ^OOTS 1 â€" raoK â€" KAY 6l THOMAS. HOW LOST. HOW RESTORED. 7 Satisfaction Guaranteed. Med- icated Cork Soles, all s'zes. kept -n hand. Remember the plaoi opposite the new SriHOABn Offiec. The Cnlvervfiil Hsdlcal Ce.. 41 Abb St., Kew V«rk. 4} Po?t OfDcc Box 450. E have recently published a new edition of Dr. Culvcrwell's Celebrated EMsay on the radical and nervous Debility, Mental and I Physi al Iiicajiacity, Impediments to Marriage etc., resulting from excefses. tS'Piiee, in a scaled envelope, only 6 ets., or two postage stamps. The celetutited author, in this admirable Essay, clearly demonstrates, from thirty years' succes!!ful practice, that alarming con- sequences may be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicines or the 'I'ie of the knife pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, uo matter what his condition may be, may cure himscU cheaply, privately aud radically. I^This Lecture slionld be iu the bands of every youth and every man in the land. Addretis il 7\ LIFETIME SURPASSE9ji'0THERS 30 UNION SaNEW YORK r 6'hicaqo ill-^ «L«^ RANGE MAS B. zaosaoBa lte»|i. lUU I" vo... JOHKSOr^, CLARK GC July 7th,18e!l. !»: II' S7MRTLCi\*a DISCOVERYr LOST MAHHOCD RESTORED. A viottmof yocthfnl tirrr^'l»rr« antn ^â- .t-.^t tore Decay. K«n-ou«;-;. Iv«t IihIkvt!, eu... baTicc t:i*i} in vain eve.'-j known rvt»^y. ks« dlS eovm il s cimple s If cure, vbkti 1a « :II m^ 1 B£E to hk leiknr-aaffercn, (ddress J, U, ttUn'ISk. A^wi.«'«. nni*tiukmna)oe-,flri«.-Mi|aklMs«JF -sr f '« ' ». i r if

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