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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 25 Nov 1881, p. 2

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 A. 1 AILob McFarlnBd'ijJi, MARKDALt, i« prepsTud to flQ _. pioi^ptiMM. ^* 'H THE LATBJ3T. OS BAHD. IG DONE WHILE WAiTij 1.' od fit Ouaranue^^ iARGES MOt«RATt. C.A.oi„^ • Nov. 8th. 1881. i.l.rsi'Me.l, Lot U, Conee-Sl? H IKif.r^ ming two yeZTjI' I otLcrs »potted white iS S" ra-ion conceni;n« thor »W bu tliar.kfiilly recaived by ^^ TH03. UoAtt* ;uinettei ed Organ. linstniin nt. In lone it ka^ 'I liv nil arti-st ill orteio n^ lui rhi'.iiical iu itB "TtiM â- A rtapiily oi all kiud* ul i ii- a Uiluature reel otgio. vitk ^ir|i.i-~i' the Ciibinet Or^u (w a^ M^^ iu»8t aeeumpliabtd 11^ eliauUm, and co3»«)a«ti} Ht iwical instrumeot jati M"Htreal ftar. F.ABBOT AGO. L Markdale. toxQ. ki-.P BY TC6NEB4C0.,I ceries, s, 1" OTHIN X3. I lassware .,--, the importers WTJ^T l, 'pr;nK irorT*^"*!! ^1,1.. t.. b'lv their goo^ xvill be fBW •• OSTEE. d. 09: he street ,k BlOOft; ruKNER CO. STANDARD^ ^T HER^ NOTICES =^ 'iucevs aud Dress Goods c Barnl^"" of Owen Sound, ,he Jeweller has removed to s litelj occupied bj' the ]* jjij new shop looks Tery tbin;? ..ivifstiio nicest tuinj? x '^^llheteclh and breatb." â- L^oe having tried'TEAB«Riiy. .m. Get a Cct. sample. ill. • t, ' .^iri^i of the gauge on the 'n l,.,^ip3nt:dhom tLe2Gtii UitS.J^^rX'.x.'uber. ^Juct..r, on tiio T.. G. B. wiJJ ap'Hiir in uniform when -t tak' l'!-""" â- ^^^'"' "'""^*' .*iu :U Li:^toiy of the road. j^jT. Lo matter win. says that i-iuoiil i 1" "•^" 'â- ""' liimLâ€" toij- L svicit. and nicely ureSBi. J, ^j^iv ,A iiiiiigs, bat wuiiuut .w»ta:: iluii thft unsatisfactory J tiic bad stale of tiie roaJc, pretty lively. Giaiu, Dtof. k are bron:iht in forsake i" aiitilioii. .-.Itli I) -litrtiue.'if of St. Ioiiis I citniontly cousidrriiiy file i VHociiiiitii'Ji u pieveiitivo i? Xiiu i-,o;iclu3Ki;i lUlivid J. Wi.r.'!, leljli-t. "f 0*011 ,;ib..iit tho IJovLi-e 11 t',I on 3ili.ii:it. All ye tiiiit aio ll,urv liT '••â- !. ^^'I'J ^*""t tn ,ru^ w.'1-ks Hi"!) liafc retuni- »â-  a'.iit-r is Viry c ild 'ivor tiieriiJi'^U"It-r having r»ucli- •low »='â- " '"*^ weok. lis; likuB lrt.u'i;uji!i({ to find out the "u,i.,fDr. Cirsiui's Stiniiiifii ^ii:iti;:i lil"r! and th^y hix- tin: lav «ritt^ fiiinily uicdicino ,i(ii:i I'l'lic fir all diTiiii- ,(':ij- St»:ii K'li. IJ.iT.'uls, Liver vi. Ill ltr;je bottles, at .5() i B'.i.aiV; Co.,8pocuil a^ont .TVAtivo C invention for the „â-  »,is li'.Ii in the Markdiilo iirkuii-, ou 'l"nd!iy Irtst. U li. .-itl 520 di-L't^atOH ti u ill 'l"V (iito, which took ,r '..ii.i..i iL,' ti.A!; la.MKMUEli. llir.iili;i 1 wants luoro Tur- 1)11.;. s, iijid Ciiiekcus for .Stnve tli'Mii 21 li'ours be- i:i 1 li^n't ^C:tl^l tlldia. .•r.i [laii by \V J. Mcl'"ar- APOPULAB BB TTagyMTih paetoral the most deservedly for the care of eeogfai. eoldi, mm throat.asthma.whooping oou^, croup, hrocchitis. and all ^toloioDAry eom* plaints. Fot sale hy^H Ctathn, Mr. Fawcelt. of the AJtmut, dtxp- pel in on Monday. He wm op to tt- tend the ConaerratiTe CoDventiun. Special bargains in Lsdr's Oold Wsteha at W. F. I.U-8. Fierfierton. ^^ IMMENSE Sales are being made every day by McFarland. every body says he sells more goods than all the other stores put together. His store is always crowded with cnatomers, many have to Ro swiw unserved owing to the crash. When iu itarndaU if yon w ant to see a lashing business call at \\. J. Mcl?iurUad's. Dr. C.irsou'B btoraach and Conitl- palion Bitters, are rapidly Uking the place of all other purgatives, inclndinx Pills, Powders, etc. Their action is uiild yet effectual and tliey are a cer- tain ctira for all billions complaints. In lai 'e bottles, at 50 cents. A* TtKNi;K Co,, « agents for Mnilulale. .Ir.^t rwivel a lot of beautiful Ensligh f V.!or( d GaiJ ScttB, very low, at VV. F. Doll's K;. !-lierton. ' ' Mr. Dan. McFarland, as will be i.on by reference to our advertising colnmiis. has leased Richardeou's I51iieks.niih-s shop, where he intends to carry on a general jobbing business. Horse ishoeiiig a specialty. Give ]nm a mil. For Dypepsia orlndiprer.tion.Habit- nal '(lu^tlI•ll!ion, Eihi)U8ue8- fjiver or Kidney Affections,. the infest and best remedy is Dr. Carson's Stomich and Constip.itiou Sitters, the great fnmily medicine. They can with jHTfcct safety be {fiyen to theyonngcHt cliil I US llicy are purely vegetable in • iin'i sition and mild in their action. S.l' in huge panel bottles at 50 cents A. Tr UNEK Co. special agents for Maikuctlc. J|PALE. Itarisi 4o. Potatoes «Utt«.pMlb i.._ Poik,drem«d " S*~« P«* 2uck.,p«i»ir ^,. Fowls, i^pijj ,.,. Turk*7i, p«Tlk ^. """opstiiii Hides Ora^s leMt Hay Wool Green Apptos, Lard taUow Dry Cord Wood.. it. Hot. IStlr ««U. ••/••••â- â€¢ S.0OteCA *». lo. 1.1« tef.S» J.70 ' «JC J6 " tf JS o.n '• o.M OJU •• 0.4a • OM " cunj «.1§ •.« • OO" «.£0 iM^ 8.00 0Uj6 " 0.00 0.40 " 0,40 OjOO •• OuOO 0.07 •• 9M OM i.U «.00 '• 7J» S.oo " iOO lfi.O» ' MJ» 0.-11 •• 0.00 0.60 " o.n 0.13 " O.U iH mt The WEEKLY MAILHmIw stock! New Prices ' THE QREAT CANADIAN Weekly from now to the end of 1m2 FOR ONE DOLLAR PRESENTATjOM FUTE. â- ^Mtaass tba •sm* IskOiIv of «- hot**. nT «in4easr»s» elths PTEW FKATUnBii KOR i^lili. ,..M 0.06 .... 1.^," 0.07 0M Ff.^SHEBTON.' -V^ {CorrteUd weekly for the StandM'i b^'jLJ SprtuU, Flahtton.) Flcar, per bbL Spring WTieat per boah.. Pall do. do. do. Barley Oata "CAA .....••» Potatoes Uutter, pcrlb Ecg3, perdoz Poik, dic.ised ^. Beef Shsepikins Ridos Hay Timothy seed. Wool Lar.l Tailow Fbidat. Not S6th. 1881. •••••••» •*,•*••• •6.9S to 1.90 to 1.18 " 0.70 " OM " •.65 '• 0.80 " 0.80 •' O.Jfi " 6.00 •• 6 00 '• 0.60 •â- â€¢ 6.00 ♦• H.0 •* f .00 •• 0.«2 •• 0.10 •• 0.06 •• 0.00 1.16 IM 0.86 0.36 0.68 0.35 QaeatloM iavoMav elaw.i .™»^«jj^«5^^g^j^u^^^^ V -â€" 9* "» WE«n.Y MAIL wfll hs ia Mttor. who by s eri a l attwrthm to it, ssdsiisss to â€" ^^"-t db. whole sahsariyttaipds, JMETpsywrSe^iSrU' «a pMtMcnt ___ »lded by the fnOowinc anttiorities â€" HmtHUcttm Am» satowibsM atn* Umm sabjeets. •â€" â€" ^. -~ »"» »^P»y «» ^^"^^^^^l.^'^J^lll"' .- ' »-^- -♦»««- «. the woHd 0. One C»»«»««nakinf ud iirt^rim, wiu contribute a i-i.. ofartidi'o^thi; nl^' tmm^ixjkm^i^vtMi^ipmm 1 NBA *^- â-  3.. iEjSJf!. -.t.H,-*.«,-,.'**i 5sJ mmmit- ^•v*i MEW AHD REPLETE t«i«jiiriVt^,fiT!^'"y^"'«~°»°' Canada wiUwriUoa VBTBIUHABT mat »«i«eflUaily,»adwai«UoM.weraUqn..tion.s«Ubys«bMribMstoUsMAtt: S^3^^ Jf *â-  »«t"^ki7^«w«paper paUished In Canada. JU^Uu»s mors CsW. «d oAor Telepaphie «7wVthaD an, ther w^AlV *, tfc. Do- il ^^*, 1^°^*.^* :•" **"'"°°» °' N"" «"» I"»««^in Stone.. W ' tuir*" ' '^^ "• ' " ""-^ •«" CatU.. Frait Bw«i.g. Gwaral^iSl 66.0 6.00 XM 7.00 15.0 t.40 0.00 0.13 0.07 .;! I- i::i!.iny, arc .sole 1-" .1 tililiv; ' iii.icliliii. ;â-  il :it- V. ill hi' Hiosi-clltinl, ::i.i ill i WCik ti) j^ivd :i la .f tJK U.'i I IJlock, but s t^ili ru'.iiliitious, and Il r..r f it 'r ;:•. other l-i!. ri ::;r '•Cartt.aiuL' \..\\\ -^v tiiit tho bai-r-- •(„â-  iTii," '.A iioae "flii' .1 .) l\v ::|i J i:li'imi- 1 ctfir -i.i ,;i !ho •.-â- â- â-  L'.:;ll W 'il! 1 'Ul/ i-TlUJ tiic .; viii; il. .1 j.i^..^ ..I.. Ji jIlJ'.V v".l .3iv •1 ^i/i.y, and Atond.av iirl iliv' il! ny jii!;:!.' ^f th,' I'l' 1-1 \Vil;us]:iy wa^' ;.i; i:v iii rai wm y^^ain. •••li::." M:\:!it:jo Oil, for -iiMcliiii 'i-v. It i-; also ox. .i.i;i.. ,fi i 1 'th T, inak- U a'l.i ,v. .ii'i r i^r i.ii. For ti ^â- 'Jlaiii;. li pliicj a^ ;.i\ liLot, aiiil WHS r s tici s r^'aliz-cd • .ok s.l I. .Mr. \kx and requires a li til indebted. .•djioi'B, 111 )\Vi'r. pi"aiiioLiu..-,?, pref^rr '-Cas- «u'i' iiil • 1 any otUi.'r, it T'^wWl, .^,•al, or clo;)ijaut, 'â- â- â€¢â- wrftJni.l to K'"i- fc iTrll ;ii. 1 1 vvrito are yulu- liut a ^ood poll rill.- on.. Mii.l iiidis|fii.ibl() F- Ta-Ki! i.i tho K-;t.Tl)rook :1 k;...\vu aud widc'y a^)- sli"viji-j a tiiio stock of K'!t I'T \inas and New bu.,t I'orgLt tins. Ml, I'Utito^rapiior, has ar- I'iifU up hiii a'lode over the l-iee. Ilo will bd prepared |k« business itbout the latoi Mr. Brown comes to us ticaiii' i, and we believe is l?«iii,;; tuorough satisfaction jOiiy ]. itiouize him. f~lt I LMiuiuoiily said that luul.. liu boiiest. man be- ' Is i.!a..-U and ricf tirna, |*aoii;i' .^rivy hair, by using '^eskI'mu Hkmiwer," will 'in' riitdilhcultyis easi- •r sale by all Drug- '•^â- ' I'ottlg. "^« t'Utdrtaiument an- '"^•'â- f^, u couueution with V-i CuuicU proved a success P'»il.v and Bjcially. T^ie |*;upieaby Key. Mr. Turn- '""^ut, wlio alter tea opened •iB wrth a suitable ad- *Pfigriiiu;ne, consistini; of 'Wrume„t;il umsic, Kead- â- 'J'J^ aiij l)ialo),'ue8, was 'â- ^ Cftiu to those who tojk Pnatt iiiUlrcses were giv- Ws. Kukms and Potter. I^tssbud .j.r socially iti the ^f 'he word. Special "'« the lu iuii;;or*, tUe '**^*iid 51. son, whose un- *vie iusirumental in """iig to such a pleas l^"*^«ful issue. The pro- '^*«"eiglib«rhooUoi?20 2»ioffat Brothers announce in this issue of the Standard that they have thiir Foundry and Machine shop in working order, and are now prepared to fnriiish anythiag in their lino with proniutiiess and at fair livinjj ratfs. Head their advertisement and then tjive tliuin a call, and we ft;el assured they will giv3 yoa full satiKfaction. Goinij to do some trading aro you? Well, tnke my advico and go dir.'ct to M.-Fariarid'i, be is the only raerohaiit ill Markilal'j that iaip-irts liis i^ ili- rei;t, and c ).isjqacntlycaa sjll cheaper tliiiu the lest. His 18 o^^.it Brown, Blue, .^^yrl!e, an 1 IJrouzj Lus'ros are very c!ica| his winceys aie ch. ;p, his Cashmeres are cheap, his Flanii.-!s, hbav.-l.-4, and Mantles ate cheap. Iu fact I can saye §1 iu every $10 worth 1 purchase by haying from McFarland. A HEAL NECESSITY. No house sh mil he without a hot- 11' of iLi^iyard's Yellow Oil, in c^â- se of accident. There is no prcjiaralicn ..ihr.-a'.-ri'i.' jiurn.iuity that has mad:; .ii.i^iy p.r.aain'^iit cur.\s, or reli v,-.l s; i:r.u-!. i:iiii mid misury. It is ciii 'ilhy s nii; the Good.Sanaiitaii, l)v .(h r^ thi! Cii e-all, auj by the alUicted iin 'V.ij-l ol' .Mercy. lliil Bros, arc advorti.-in;:,1)y way of hind hills, for tenders foV ^he snjijly'of "'ii.U'JO rail .vav tie/, and 2,000 i: f.l-i if coi:u- pOits, fjr which they â- :.'^A ]i ly ca-h. Vv'c will j-ive tlio SrAVD\no or Hkh- At.», with any of tho following inh- lu-ations for $2, or cither of thorn can bo obtained singly nt $1. Weekly '.l'/(V, Weekly Gluhi: Furnien A/lcocatc n-.-.d C f.mda Farmer. The American iu(^'i«init(ii° in connection with tlic orxNii'iin or 51.. Singly, §1.jO. A. (). r. n'.â€" A Lod^'oofthe Anci- ei I Order of L'uited Workman or^'uniz'd hoie on {onday evening last, v,)tli a coiJsiiieraMe luemhership. when the following oilic.jrs were elect- ed :â€" A. 15. Lang, P. M. \V. J. liiitli.rroid, M. \V. 1). Morrison, F \V. .1. Pisterso!), O. G. Gorhet jr., li. II iliirie, i ' J. McLauchlan, 11.; ' II ill. jr., G. J. W. Fa'dfern, I. \V. 'J. C. P.arco, O. W'-.â€"O. S. Jim IS. Dridtlk Lo.lge, No. 150 :â€" Rov. .1. S. Di;'.;!!!, P. M. W. J. Deans, M. W. W. Nelson, F. W. S. Ilewet- soii, J. Lamon, il. P. Barclay, F. T. Uauburv, 11. T. ]oa(;hley, G. G. 1{. Phillips, I. W. 11. Graham O. W. DUNDALK MAB5ETS. Wheat, Fall, No. 1 Wh. at,Spring, *, (( Barley Peas Oat8 Butter 1.. 2.. 8.. 3.. 8.. 1.. 2.. 1.. 1.. .61.2 Oto 61.23 1.18 to 1.20 .1.20 to 1.23 1.18 to 1.30 1.12 to 1.1a .70 to .80 .50 to .68 to .60 to .36 to .20 to .12 to .60 .78 .62 .36 .31 .15 TOitONTO. Whoat.fall per;ba«h fl 30 to tl 38 Wheat, spring," do 1 35 tc 1 37 Barley, do (i 75 to 'J5 Oiits, do 44 to 45 P'-as, do 78 to 80 Byu, do 95 to 1 00 Clover Sceil do o oo to o 00 Dressed ho;,'s, per 100 lbs... 7 25 to 8 50 Beef. 'iin.l iiuartcrs 5 60 to 6 00 Beef, fore quarters 4 00 to 6J0O Ciiiekeus, per pair o 35 to 50 Fowls, do 00 to 00 Ducks, per brace 50 to 00 (leese. each 60 to 75 Turkcya 75 to 1 25 Butter, large rolis 25 to 26 Butter, tub dairy 21 to 22 Batter, store-piickod 00 to 00 Ecss, fresh, per doz o 22 to 23 Ejjgs, packed o 00 to 00 Apples, per lirl 1 25 to 2 00 Potatoes, per bag 80 to 85 Ouions, per bag 1 15 to 1 30 Hay 1200 to lo 16 It ..J^tTj-. „n.iM " " eoiumns of New and Intwwtin; Btoriea. :.^l!::^l"T„!e?!*l'?»"-^^?!«l'°~lM-"«- tr^tt. be.t writer, on D1rTi»6, taiuBg, Qti U t "S!*^^ i«« dU«. Mwket JBsyorU, Horn, .nd fm^igm. E55 WXKKL7 MAILâ€" Oas OqUm a^ Ann«a jvwi •rMn MOV M Office Store. FLESHERTON, 18 THB PLACB TO GET HBBT CLASS O00D8 AT LOW PHIC£8. General Dry Goods *=' ;o.!..»' «f' «â- â€¢ WN. NELSON.- IT. i. MANANAl^ 'WA.OON and Carriage Works, Jast opened, oMcait* th. drag store, '1IU' Mfeet. Having long experience in the bnsi.' •M., w« feel eonfldent we cau give satiafae- itiesk to thotiefaToriBff as withUisir orders (or OABMAQBS. 8PBIM0 WAOOOMS, 7' LUUBBn WAO'JOKa, *^- Honeahoeing, and all kiud. ol repaina^ ia oar lin. either iu wood, iron, paiutiur â- ad trtsamfaig neatly an.i p-unipilyexeeata(' We Me Bot^nr bat good material asd Mk Iploy rst-elaM praetisal workmen. ' Out aim U to Rire the iMi raiatttfttm peat money, thus Mearing • i*p»titioa «l itar eiteemed orders an4 the |MB«At etyea*^ oAoenoe among yooir Irians. Karkdala, April 6th, la^l. MKSi« MANHOOD TORONTO HOUSE, AN IMMENSE SVOCK. SPECIAL NOTICES. BEST AND COMFORT 10 the SUFFERING Brown's Household Punaccn li..t- no eq lal for relic-/in.^ pain, both inter- nal .10(1 external. It cures pain in the Side, 15aek or Bowol.s, Sure Tlir.iat, Ttlicumatism, Tjothaclic, Lamba^ro and any kind of a Pain or Aulie. "It will misl surely quicken the lil.ioil i.nJ beal, in its acting power is woii- iler.'iil." " Brown's HouiChoM Pauacsa,";; ;ickuowlo(lt,'cila.s the great Pairi*lJelieV« er. and of iloiiMo IheslrenKth of any. other KlixLT or Ijiiiiiai ut in the world, sboiild be ia ove y fa'nily h lu ly fo. use when Wiinted " as it really i-i tho best reiuiidy in the world for IJraiui.s in tiis .SLimach, and Pains and .\elu:^ of all liin Is," and 13 for sale by all Dru.;.:ists ct 25 o-jts a bottle. 20-lv Ail 3 there M;. thevs Mothers I Ars you I'.isturbe.l ai, iiiplit .ind brol.en cf your re;t ly a sick child suffering and cryini; with I'lo excruciating pain of cutting ti-iilil If so, '.,'0 ut once and Kt-t a iHjttle of MILS. WINSLOWS SOOTHING SYKUP. It will relieve the poor little sufferer imtnodi- at"ly â€" lep.^nd u;)oii it there is no mistake about it. TUcic in not a mother upon earth who has ever used it, who will not till you at once tliiit it will reg-'ate the bov,-eN. and pive rL.:t to the inotlu'r, and relief and health to the child, opcratiuR liKC magic. It is p«,r- feelly ««fe to u=e in all cases, and plsa^^aut to tlie state, and is the prescription of one of the ol l.!-t anil best female physicians and n'lr.-.! s iu tlio Unit d States. Sold every- where at 25 cents a bottle. 20 Iv â-  JUST IHE THING. READY-MADE CLOTHING IN ABUNDANCE. o BOOTS AND SHOES! FOR THE MILLION. -o â€" IF YOU T»ONT BELIEVE IT, ASK ANYGEliM.\N. And he will convince ou that St. Jacobs Oil is the most'rful reiuely that hasovcr been brought be- fore the public. Khenniatism of many years staiidiiijj has yielled immediate- ly tu its almost inai^ical influence. As nia'iy tiave expressed it, it- action is eleetncal, seetninij to drive the pain before it until all discomfort leaves tho body and the warm glow of health and comfort remains. It is a certain cure for neuralgia, fiving luime hato relief upon the first ap- plication, anil curiiiii, in a short time, the most inveterate cases. WARNING! There is great danger of tak- ing cold from wet feet. If you want to Guard Against Sickness! Keep Tonr feet dry anil warm by procuring your IBOOXS 1 KAY dt THOMAS. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Med- icated Cork Soles, all sizes, kept en hand. Kemember the place o]posite the new ^Sr.iKDABi Office. 49 SAVE YGUa COMBINGcJ. Mrs. T. G. Morgan, begs to annouoee to th.- LaJieJ of Markdale and vicinity that she is prepare1 to work up hair combings in.o switches. I'nfl. and tarln, terms mudenttr Acall is soiiGiMd. BeHi(i^o«,cunier of Mtt r.nd (jaeeo streets, opposite Mr. Eowes'rd., UClll-U. Order, bv Matt premptly atteaded to. ERRORS OF YOUTH. GENTLEMAK who sufferred for year- rv from Nervous DEBILITY, PBEMA- TUrE DKC.W, and all the effects of youth- ful in lisi^ tion, will for the sake of suffering humanity, 3end free to all w'jo need it, the refipe and directions for making the simple re;ne-:ly by which he was cure.l. Suffering Wiiisiiinx Of fidveitiser's experi- ence can o so oy^ssiu;? in perfect con- Bdence, JOHN B. OGDEN, 20-ly 4i Ce lar st. New York PIMP LE S. I will mail (Free) the recipe for a simple VfraRTABLB n.ti.u that will remove Tah- FUECKIiKS, PIMPLES and Bi-oTcnEs, leave iHg the skin soft, clear and beautiful also instructions for jiroducing a lux iriant growth of hair on a bald head or smooth face. Ad- dress, enclosing a 3c. stamp, Ben. Vandelf Co... 5 Beekman st.. N. Y. 20-ly TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, having neen permanently cured ot tint dread diiiease. Consumption, by a simple remedy, is anxions to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a cojiy o€ the prescriiitiou used, (free of charge,) with the directions for prepairing and using the same which they will find a sitre Cube for Con- sumption, Asthma, Bboschitis, Ac. Parties wishing the Presnription, will please address, Bev. E. A, WiUon, 149 Penn St.. WiUiamsburgh, N. Y. 30-ly HATS AND CAPS FOR EVERYBODY. GROCERIES Fresli and at the ven' lowest prices. Cash and Farm Pro- duce taken in exchange for goods. No Trouble to show Goods. Come and Examine for Yourselves. E. T. SI=I30T:7X-E1- A PERMANENT CURE FOR UME BACK, Piles, DiseMe. of the Kidneys, Bhidder snd Urinary Organs, or attendant complaints. INDUBITBLE EVIDENCE OIVINft i»- TLBE SATISFACTION. Picton, Ai5ir20, l«8l. GKjeTLBMBM.-^^nd that tout Pads are giving entire satisfaition, »Jid wish yoa m- crea8el sales for so valuable a remedy few Diseases of the Kidney.. Signed, Da, J. B. MOBDEN. Prioosâ€" Chad's Pad, W JO? BegiOw Pad, 63; SpeeUkl Pad for Chronie DiMaMS, 68. Ask voor Druggist for Pamphlet and Terti- moniala. fcee. Sold hy A. TVBinBB CO^ BiwrlL«aic. PARKBB CO., Owen Sound. J. W^KLUOTT. OhalBWorth. 8Tera£N8 A McCABBOLL, Mealoid. M. WOHABPaOS. Fleriie rt ca. TODS. STSPHBKSOV, OrM«eTille. a. W. PABSOMB, Dndaft. »9 Fleshsrton, November 4th, 1881. 14 :me]V! Wantnig to PorchsM or Bent Improved Farm., Wild Lauds, Town at VilUge Property, in the Coimty of Grey SHOULD SEND FOR Davis' Maimotli taklogue Farms for Sale and to Let. I Tbose hanng like Propertiss to dupose of should eonsolt ns. flare Sato •r â- â€¢ pay. CATALOaUB BENT OM AFPLIGATIOIf. Ci --K'.Sj! as 5li""V: â-  I kawe mi9vmrA •â-  •«€• ia Ba11e4ires II«Ml« lBavk«ate, wftere I nNUrsday, aad wiU bepreiNnd to eiseate Deeds, Lmm.. Mortgage., Ae.. Ac, neat^ and eomstiyl Utjmob I«gal poials fiM. AlsotoatteadtorilthedillewatiUssrtasBUolayfcartBsai. ' CCO" la ereiy departaient of my boriness my netto it Thoraa^ new and Fair De a ling Beats, A«e*aata, dkc^ c*ltoete4 aia«e. AactiMi ROBT. DAVIS, Cogw^yipoag. Coiiuai66WMr » BJB^ Bari Ertrte, Lo- k Iiuanam Agt sapjuk. Has the Largest and Best Assorted Stock in- Town, con sistingof Dry O-oods, Eeady Made Clothing, Millinery, Grroceries, Crockery, Q-lassware, V Boota and Shoes. Gasb for Grain. 5,000 BnsMs Potatoes feted; GEORGE NIXON. DUNDALK, Sept. 3, 1881. /l/" QET YOUR â€" ATâ€" GARDINER'S. Shines as you put it on, and stops where you put it DUNDALK. DUNDALK. Oct. 21. 1881. My. -K. .IJLI SEE, SEE, LOOK here, Joha, oiy dear, well Ami at TATLOB'S from this oat. I was there ye.. terday nd yon oan get better Taloe for roar mon^ than at any othsr hooM in Dnndalk. I tall yon it ia a Eqoare place to daaL HATS GAPS, â- Â«a*sC«as, DRESS600DS. R. M. CLOTHING aa4 Ortiere^ •SAUItfVli irWCEDSj AND W0B8TBDS. â-²t Bock Bottom Price -J2f WOH/tt-'i yty. ti;tp»v»/!' HOW LOST. HOW RESTORED/ 1^ have recently published a BCW edition of Dr. Culverweir* Celebrated Esuay on the radical and nervous Debility, Mental and- Physical Incapacity, Impediments to^Iarriage etc., resulting from esu^^ses. la^Piice, in a sealed envelope, only 6 ets., or two postage stamps. The celebrated author, in this admimttf' Euay, Clearly demonstrates, from thirty years' suecessful practice, ;that alarming con* sequences may be radically cured without the -dangerous use of internal medicines or the" llse of the knife pointing out a mode of cure at onoe simple, certain and effectual, by mean, of which every sufferer, no matter, what his condition may be, may Aire t*"""' cheaply, privately and radically. ta(*Dit8 Lecture should be in the hai.i. of Li I ereiy youth and every man in the laud. Adores. Tilt Culvarwell itdictl Ct 41 Aaa Sc, FTevr rtrk. Port Office Box 450. ir ^,tGETA6^S' y -S'cin^,,! •HAir Has been la oonstaat OM by the pablle for over twenty yean, auil Is the Iteat preparation aver Inventod for RESTOR- IMe 6KAT HAIR TO ITS YOCTHFVX. COLOR AND y It .uppllea the natnral fiMd and color to the hair gliuul. without staiuing the aUa, It WiU IncrcaM and thleken the erowlh of the hair, prevent Its blanchlnc and Calling off, and tho. AVERT RAI.DN£SSi It cares Itching, Emp- tioDS and Dandruff. As a HAIR DRESSING It Is very desirable, siylng the hair • •liken MnneBS which all â- dmire. It keep, tho head clean, sweet and healthy. Tho State nanr ud Ohemiat of Mau. and leading Fhyil- dans endorse and recom- mend it aa a great trinmph in modi- cine. ^^CKINGHAM-S Dy^ WHISKERS win change the beard to a BROWM or BLACK at dUereUon. Belns la oaa pieparation it 1. oMlIy applied, aad pAtdnee. m penaaent color that wQl aet wash oflT. PBKPARED BY B. P. HALL CO.. NASHUA, ILi 8eMbjfaUD.««slar !.. ^niusik. ^tsc^k.*:^ THE MOST POPUt/At [BCWINHMAEHINEl le tlje *^ IjQHT-qUHNIN .1.1 ro ^l nMASfio 18 MMPiO "iTH LIPETIMB^- 6URPA86E8^0THERS ifopoijl^fapKSfGa MUMOMea NEW YORK 6'hicaqo ill.-* 'â-  e^(S^ RANGE MAS B. Itqi-cthiUy your., JOMtOR,eUttAGr. Jnly rtli.lMl. itStit STaRTUNC OlSOOyERYI $2£^ •â- â-  'â-  «'J f^-iV iu-£i£%£' iiu» ^tlifftt mi I? t^'imt -^'tji m t .01 it*^ 4tlii 4*

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