FRBBOF ^1-' " •**••!« c. w. Rii n DUNDAU l» the Mma da* m tte FOR n. A.G. hmi vtmiwm JOB WOI DONE PROMP Send it to the SrAntMete. Ifji neit work done at moimiit ji tu, we ara confideat «â- â- â- Ml BILL HEAOt, LETTER HEiWj, CIBOULIBB, N0IB9. BEC£] POSTERS " SALS BILLS. BTBSAimS. PAMFHLnii PROGBAMM» VISITING OIBM. PLAIN ORl it wjUbp .»«««»•«*•• ' GuaraP*?* S|ti« Adverti' would do «B*3k5 Oorr moat •â- *' r^ cw rut* to. ^.. IHJ STABDiRD, V^H EITN OTJCE S T^Foatei't chothujg, » ffood tweed iSforf7.60. gnow feU to the depth of M^eral j^jjou Monday nighU jbe io^« (^ «•• P" '" "'" j,rt been in • f»»rful sUte. The wow Bhorel Brigade were bneily ^.gei on MoBdV "orai"K- â- ^« moiey j-troniae the FU»hfirton T g»tbe*«. *»» "â- * '•**'*â- ^t at hoT»e bUnkeis m tofrn. w,K«,Qa Mason have the be«t B/l«hB in the county. CaU and tiieffi- Grtin eontinaos to c«»me in pretty /reely. notwithsUnding the bad condi- tion of the roade. For a siylinh and snbBtantial Gutter you can't do better than call at Mo jieona A Mason's. Mr. Edward O'Brien says he will Tifit the yillage from ouce to twice a VMk with eupphes of that choice beef. ToBOWTO od company, are sole manufacturer* of-Caetonue" machiue oil. InfrinwementswUl be prosecuted, Mr. Masson, Solicitor, Oweu Souud, will be in hM branch office, over Mc **«riand« store, on Friday and bat- orday every week. Tb«re is no disputing it, Mr. Doll eiin nu- ^â- eli »uy Jeweller in this section of waatry. Wood is a searee commodity in tfarkilale just now, and if there is not a ebauf^e in the weather, tliose who ),g,e wood in store, will need to wstcli it. ^1 your dealers for "Castorine" igtaliiuv oil, and see that the barrel if bnaded. 'Castorine," as none other if genuine. 6,000 Telegraph Poles wanted, at oaee, ior which SOcts each will be paid in cash. They must be SO feet lona, G iuches at top. and peeled ftraiifht, sound cedar. C. W. Knx LIIX'C. Two new Post OflBces were opened this week in Grey, one at Mr. James Edge's, Olenelg, about 3J miles from Paiham named Edge llall, and the other at Crawford's Mill, Mr. .Tames Criwford being Poi'tmaster, the Office boing named Aberdeen P.O. The isaih will be carried three times per week. The Post Office named Hay- wards falls has been closed. IIoMESTT. â€" It is commonly said that Ton cannot make an honest man be- lieve that Khito IS black and vice re^sa, Dut those who liave grey hair, by nsinR the "(JlSOALKSK Hair liKNKWKR," will fiuJ tlmt this apparent difficulty is easi- ly ovprcome. For Riilo by all Drug- Ifists, .10 cents a bottle. Coo. Laidlaw, Esq., of Toronto, known as the fittlur of the narrow psiifje railways, piis.sed tLroii^'h by Rpccial train to Owen Sound on Mon- duy eveniii^j accomianied by other jrominont Kaihvay men whose names wc did not loam, ucitlier did we luarn tlie biisiues? exactly â€" no doubt howev- er, it is in connection with the chan{;e of manngciaaut. It S?3iK£ KOB iTSBLy.â€" Mr. Doll of Flesh- trtnti. Im» sold uvrr one thoiuaud doUarx w..rtli «t watches since his return from Switz- erliui'l. ^Ikcjakical Ohguijiette. â€" This innsiciil inatrnment, which may now b« called celebrated, is {-)r sale at the Staxd.vkd Office. lu tone it is equal to the Cabinet organ, but it has this advant.iye over the organ, "it can be performed on by a child of six. whtre- a« the Cabinet organ requires months' of study to bo able to produce the simploiit tune," Particulars can be bad at this office also catalogue of Miihic. See advertisement in another column. I'r. Carson's Stomach and Consti- pation Bitters, are rapidly taking the place of all other purgatives, incluihug Pills, Powders, etc. Their action is mild yet effectual and they are a cer- taiu cure for all billions complaints, hi larxe bottles, at 60 cents. A. TruNKB k Co,, special agents for Idarkdale. Honor Roll. â€" Honor Roll for ilojc- »«U Public School /or the month of Oc- ti'brr. Pupils arranged in order of merit. Fourth Class Ella Kerr, Cyrus Field, George Heron. Sen. 3rd Class â€" Rich. Preston, Alice Nicholson, Lily Long. Jcs. San Class â€" Eddie Tuck, Tilly HamUn, Annie ilerou, George Hamlin. Sen. 2.nd Class â€" Fred. Field, M. Schinamon. Jun. 2nd ate amT( a Ta BoovT Ace. Scott Aat look Wi •dini^ majori^. TDtii A lady named Bridget M oGqI^TmU templed^ light a fire. Tht. wooflU was green, ao ehe aaed «nl Ssnday. At • 'itdiiosable wedding in NeW ^orkw the orsanist having been ce- pwy MMMfeMnr appcofn-' upon the entry of the bride and groom, broogfat oat in the organ's kradi ait .lone •'.^•« Fooling Thee." 4 IW? 'ir^*m* C«»4in jTei •nred at Moiftgoigerr's Bakery 'aba w«^of caJkeapAhapd^ ' Tha person who took an orereoat from the Markdale House will kiudly retam it net latar thMi Moadaj th« 21st inat., or a warrant will be isatted, as the peaaon i» k«awu ., We wiq^e tjje HtuxpAMD or Haa- ALD, with ftuy of Ul« ffjLl^ pub. hcations «»r f 2, or • either of. them canbeqlUiced«mglT«t$l. Weekly MaiZ, Weekly Gloh'tr^rmm AdrotmU and Ottuda Farm«r. The American Agriculturist in connection with th SxAWDAao w Ha«L»$i. 8mgiy41.60. II tba partiM who expresMd there doobte as to my haring «ld OT«r thousand doT Urs worth of »»tehe. since mj return iron SwitzerUud will caU at my store in Fleshor- ton, I shaU be pieced to show them mv books and prms tha attrtemeot.â€" W. V. Doll. Groat inoonvenienoe la fdll in this village OD •cconnt of c^tlillg off of all oommun icaliaD ' between the village «ad station by witre. Mused by cloeingop the Dqniiniou Telegraph Office. We think it wonldliave b!«u nothing more than reasonable bad the Montreal Co. given couuection, as the wire passes the office. The ex- pense would have been very triffling, and at the same time they would liavo gained th-i gratitade of our people. "Must say it's tue nicesi ihing I ever used for the teMh and breath," says everyone haricg tried'TEABERity' the new toilet gem. Oet n-6ti. sample. To preserve the eyes ight get a pair of Mr. Doll's pebble glasses. Uss "Castorine" Machine Oil, for all kinds of machinery, it is also ex oollent for harness and leather, mak- ing it water and weather proof. For sale by dealers. On Tuesday last, Mr. A. MsDougal took us through his portion of tlio now brick block erected this snmmer in conjunction with Mr. John Ruid. The banking office we have already des- cribed. The other portion of the first flat we believe Mr. McDongal will oc- cupy as a harness nhop. The second and third flats are intended for dwell- ing purposes. There is ample accom- modation for two families. There is a parlor in each division, one called the Butiornut room and the other the Ciicrry room, which are fiuished in oil. On this flat are also kitchen, pan try, dining room, o. The third is ar- ranged for sleeping apaitmeiits. The bedrooms are largo and airy, and sev eral have large clothes- jlosets attache J Take it altogether the building is a credit to our village and we do not think its equal can bo found in any village inourDominion.andinvery few towns. W. D. McLood was the archi- tect ana supevioteded tho whole worK, and it is a credit to him. T'le mason work and plastering was done by John Haubury, and he need never take a back seat in his Hue. We will give a description of the Rcid portion next week. Wilcox has got the most complete stock of jewelry ever brought to this section of the country. Bee it. For Dyspepsia or Indiger.tion, Habit- ual Constipation, Piliousueas, fjiver or Kidney Affections, the (safest and best remedy is Dr. Garsun's Stomach and (Jonstipation Sitters, the great family medicine. They can with perfect safety be giyen to theyouncest ehild as they are purely vegetable in composition and mild in their action. Sold in large panel bottles at 50 cents A. T'tbsk* Go. special agents for Markdale. .. Rkmovxo. â€" William Lucas Co., this week remcved ^ir Banking office to the McDongal fortion of the now brick Block ereeteJV Reid McDou- gall, this Bnmtner. We do not think there is any private banking institution in Uanada c*n boost ot a nicer office. The counter in the main office is of a semi-circular form, of hard wood, built by E. Purris, and finished in oil. Classâ€" CahsUPreaton. Robert Heron, las is also all the wood work. In the Annie Beemrose. Bem. 1st Class â€" ' rear is the private ofiRoa of Mr. Lucas, htodapdidM: be pr«fMW tn take photo«r«plK«M ftn.t«nMtt wwk. np stairs m tlMr»e« Wanted oflSee. Watohev Gierke, (^lioa, ChMJis. %lier codii^, liflkla4ishe#«irfves, t»rjeweller*«. rW.J. ICfsEaitid ia*xwe(Tbg and opening oatBewCls irmj day.â€" ttVMa of ^e«,_^ aa^we of Sawi, S^ Midty«*(^B4MaJ7aUs, Glass, S^tBon, H«ne AOa,^ra«icMt. Un- Unu, an(L liaiain«rB. opaned and iatd[ eliea^p this waek. ifr. A. «ieat4B.jlKriedThiinday iQocning «t â- vutt to bis parents in LMjiaCo^.BeVwaa^rpsentedwitb a RiMte snd.vTSretHipn die 0VJ of his |cHuture4^fth«| TiIl»Ji«5rs. We wish Hiu^ a safdfjj^rney and an improve- ibnibt in liis beaHb. Partienhua of presentat«^ neliweafc. WANTEIP IMMEDUTELY. For Wianipeg, oae ear load of Tnrkeyi, Gtfese, Daek«, and Chiekans. well cleanad, and no -food in crop. â€" Hij/hett p4etpaidhy W. J. MeFarlaad. ilt, Wilcox is, this iveek, removing -to the ^oitiow «r Hilia Uoek j nst vaMt^ sdby tbafank, on. MiU atnet. op pofaite the Post Office, where be will be found as osoal at his post. His new premises are mneh larger than the old one, and he will be enabled to make abetter display of his large stock of jewullery, plated wore, Ac And don't you forget it, ive sell cheaper than any other house in Town â€" Reynolds Son. The whistle of the Foundry is bow heard regularly, and ever3rthing will be ready in a few dayt for active eerriob. The Moffat brothers are first clasa Mechanics, and energetic and indus- trious young me. We can therefore be- speak for them the kest of success. How is it I never look so neat as yon do, Jim ' I spend as mneh as you do for clothes. Simply because I get my Clothing, Hats, Ties, Boots and (Hoves at MeFarland's.and you do not, Dob. If you want to get Boots, just call at Reynolds Son, the. cheapest stock of Boots and Shoes in town. McKENNA A MASON oa«* op, K»«rtB,«r fair ,.....;.:. ttefciys. psr lb... t.CO •.0* "fay Onw A yyls t par. hiiabtl.. Tallrtw DrrCoriWeod 0.19 " CU FLXBHEBTON. Fletkertom^ Rear. Mr ML Bfriag whaat] VaU 4o. Barier OaM PMs VkatAi. Nov 18tk.2B« IJOte 1.18 " 0.70 •• The WEEKLY MAIL CifiRIAfiS VORIS! â- MARKOALK. O.SS Hotter, y« lb. Ida Phillips, Frank Tuek. Samuol Reatty. Jun. 1st Class â€" Lottie Ker- ton, Amy Kerr, Cas. Schinamon, Char- he Heron, Wiihe Harrison. â€" E. J, Fkrguso^, Teacher. I'eople are beginning to find out the true virtues of Dr. Carson's Stomach and Constination Bitters, and they are becoming the favorite family medicine of the Canadian public for all deran- gtments of the Stomach, Bowela,Liver and Kidneys. In large bottles, at 60 centa. A. TimNES A Co.,special agent for Markdale. Manager, whioh. is t^panious, well hghted, and well ventilated- Ihir bank has branches in f lesherton and J. Dundalk, and all appear to be doing a rushing business. Although Mr. Lu- cas has resided amongst us but a sbdM time, he has by his oourteoosiiess and affability made himself one of the most popular men in our village, and- the managers of the Flesherton and^ Dundalk branches, Messrs. MePher- son and £. G. Lmamt are no whit bet. hind him in popiarity. To wish them sacoess wovld be snperflaoas, as they have attained that already, According to present arrange meots, the mail tram under the ne w manage- ment of the T., G. B, Road will leave Owen Sound at 5:16 a.m.. stop- ping at Oiangevilla 8 minutes for n- freshmauts, and arive at Toronto at 1 1 30. The same train will leave To- ronto at 4 o'clock the same evening, â- topping at Orangeville 15 mintites and arriving at Owen Sound at 10 p.m. The tram men will go through to To- ronto and return the same day, and will make the roond trip each alter- nate day, instead of ehani^ng trains at Urangeville, and returning each day as heretofore. This a^rangemaot' will a great convenience, as pee]de can ^0 to Toft^ulu and hfeve fo«r boors ifxi half Li do bosina8« and r4taziiS"' «r« fikal^^ ti/S«S!5?d,y, ^,^,.u [Co-] MAHCTiCTVUSS 01 reapers, mower^ and threshing machines, prefer "Cas- twioe " maelune oil to nnj other, it will ont wear lard, seal, or abphant,,, and is warranted not to' gidtt. Mr. J. Brownridge's sawing maehin was at work on the farm of John Her- fon, 9th con., Artenalia, Um aaw by .^„„ "L^^ some neaob getting oat of the goid^K 'siS^S^iW^r^^ Mr. H^rrttB o» tlu aim. bat from the prumptitnde of Mr. Brownr* ridge seising the saw it^«as pr^ented from severing the limb from the body^ Mr. firownndga got badly cnt aboi titrfiKe. lrV«:h oaf^^al at t y t ion bot^ attaation po TIm International WhMt Ex chaaga. EVEBY- ' OPEN TO LIVE FAKMEnS WHEKE. Tlie Certaik Bkksfits- Aeaiu I say Cer- tain Besewisâ€" to be derived from the prom;it patronace of this moreTBent have bren optiud to lice farmert ererytchrre. 1 want no one to invest a dollar â€" more or leas â€" in it. who has the sligheat fear that it will bo li bad invcttment of that doUar â€" more or less. As hown by my late edition (5500 copiaa) of 'Traveller," (my own jonrnal, which, see for September and November, 1881). This movement ra i luanpirated for the beaefit in Canada, of the -10,000 "Londox Mutcai." MEMBEBS and through them for the eotmtn/ at large, and lor the farmers of the States of ihe West. MEUBERS OF THIS "LOMDOS MUTUAL," OT SAJJiBA. I ^ed to keep li for you, bat flndiug tba movement popclab KVEaitwilBBE, and the current clamor that tt shottldbG lllade «* broad in itt a^Heatlan in Venttda as was probosed for the farmers of the SUtea in the \Ve«t. 1 finally yielded to the ndvice of many of my warmest, old-time frienda of matarer years than myself, by opening it to t)u vorld. HaviuK doue so, I have lived for the past mouth almost sleepless, to create for â- ' Inter- national W heat Exchange" ah hoiortai. utk. I have fonnd it necessary to delay my leaving for the West for a few weeks, m order to form Caxadian Connections at yarions points throughout the Dominion, with proper men to represent and receive orders throngh my movement. I have made such connections through (irey and Bruce, and now go West. W. J. U'VABLAND, SSQ., has kindly undertaken to receive orders, and make delivery of Western grain for me. at Mabkuale. Orders must be promptly given by all who wish to be thus benefitted. Before November 16th, current, I shall send Ma. McFarlami) and the other Canadian repre sentatives of Ihternational Whsat Kx. cHANOE, 80 far as appointed, aamples of all the best flonrinjj ^p^iJ)g wheats (already col- Iccted and coming in) from the best wheat producing section* of Illinois, Iowa, Minne- sota. Dakota and Wiseonsin. Ml AIM aania to mraoooc* isro bach DISTBICT, ONLY SOCB OOOD rLOtJaWO VABHt- TIE8 AS WILL B» BPBCIAI.LT ADAPTED FOB THS ROIL OP EACH LOCALITT, my arrangements m the west have been made accordingly. Every farmer can, therefore, order intelligenUj from tbe samples sent to Canada, which wiU be li..elled as follows :â€" Name of Wheat • • • Kamc of Grower ' Wko* Grown Section Township Bango Nature of Soil Average yield per acre How long grown there. • Signed Agent. Tkouaatufa of sooh UbtUed apeoimena are now awaiting my arrival in Iowa. I have Uved /or three wumthd under A TBBRABIia TOLCAXO OP TBODOKT In order to make my /n««n«atio««i Wheat Exchange a eiire mecet* for all who patronize it • to make It result so that I can look back ton iu nue yt ara a p o a it with tmtmat aAiia- PAcnoN- I shall, therefore, eorry tttoa tue- L I ifMfs' wnte. hanoraWj and well for tho f iCVlMt'auibilkowtaKrWi.Jkysaa. Qmd wWMaand hopes for nQr sooBess are kind, PUT ^wmi^ NOT Mova wHEir. I ifcall mhrn Meaoaa*^ no asss e(»tjar *^.tfcaa I have order* for at Cedar BiHIudB, lowa, oil December IStVae^^ "*^ ™°' nothing esR-or vp^of li» â- » i i y i Jgg^f ptiocacfo v^aiiims. li order wrhMn w««t- em grown w*Maici*i«-»e«rC«^«A, Iih^ have with me through the Wi**tme «rf the -gi,glimt fn IsT PBiaa. PAiHnra HXbU, from B.H. McKal Jf|lkerton, AXTWBl Hook ronaao of IsraaaAtiosAj. ., ♦^X to manTa. emWst •lU.ibefcâ€" ly lor a Bohls pafc- WSBAL Fjffi l^ t I .it dowBtafce^^hiatma.' Aane^'M "T A..K*« A 8««»a Ao»«VTWhil»fl5gk*"'A •' • "-â€" Mnramer and pruSlane to « piedoM. Tiasslssii is Wt '"' ~^' tMoe Bcaosa I nave liadSFflKMo "fSJ?" be rigsiaas A Slow* boA- v.. ** t .^ufc. â- • uH y Su..' ».. •1 11 fr. â- ':,U 'VST .y^. Jt ' Jb l^vi.. i^iStMi • • -- â- -^^s.-zL •m #•, Timothy seed. Wool Tallow â- •--V • ••••••* 0.15 e.a» MO " 6.00 '• I«.0 " 1.00 •• CM O.M» •• l» 0.W 0J6 0.«8 OM 0.00 0.00 ««.o )M0. l.u T.00 lAO' t.M 0X0 o.ia m ,^^ Iptee-Bobs, ^ock-BobB, IDemocrKto. Sqiiarft Box. ---^^ Pbriland, " Swell Body, and Double-seated Cutter OP AU. miBB AMD 8-mss. u« tKPKDUUL. MABKETS. ,w^A Wheat, Fan. Mo. 1... (I IS ** fl Wheat,SpciiiB, •• I " t... " 8... "â- S... " t... •• I.*!.' Bailiff Peaa It Oato Butter Effi .11.9 Oto %1M 1.16 to 1 JO* IM to 1.18 to Lli to .70 to JO to .08 to we ean QUARANT^E SATISFACTION Call and Inspect our Workl ea lUod Mot* purehaaiiig dsMTiian. CAKBPUli ATTKHtlOir COTXX TO JIOR8ESHOE1NQ •adOMacal JattUafia "vscy line. BHOPâ€" On Mill Street oppodU to Spmole's Uotfll. s .60 to •••••« •««*»• to !..••• SO to J2 to l«i 1.16 JSO .60 .78 .63 M SI ^6 TOBONTO. ..81 80 to 81 88 .. 1 85 to 1 37 7fi to « 44 to 78 U 5iob "On 8 Wh«at,faU, per1n8h.. Wheat, spring, do. Barley, do. Oats, do. Peas, do. Rye, do 95 to Clover Seed do o oo to rrMised hogs, per 100 lbs... 7 9* to Beef, hiud quarters 6 60 to Beef fore quarters 4 00 to Chiekana, per pair o 8f to Fowls, do 1... 00 io ' Ducks, per brace SOW Geese, each 60 to Turkeys :.. 75 to Butter, large roUs SS to Butter, tub dairy 81 to Butter, store-packed ....... 00 to Eggs, fresh, per dos o 23 to Eggs, packed o 00 to Apples, per brl ••• 1 26 to Potatoes, per bag 80 to Onions, per bag 1 15 to Hav.. 1200 to lol6 SPECIAL NOTICES. herwill trust all kinds of diseases pertaining; to the foot, vis a8liT 76 1 25 o^ae 33 00 38 OOil 3 00 86 1 SO BBST AMD COMFOBT to ths SUFFEBING Brown's Ho«aehold Paaacca has no equal for relioTinit pain, both inter- nal and external. It tfnres pain in th« Bid*, Back or Bowels, Sore Thrmt, Rheumatism, Toothache, Lumbago and any kind of a Fain or Ache. "It will moat sorely quicken the Blood and heal, as its acting power is won- derful." •' Brown's Household Panacea," being acknowledged as the great Pain Believ- er, and of double the strength of any other Elixer or Liniment in the world should be in every family handy for use when wanted as it really is the best remedy in the world for Cramps in the .stomach, and Pains and Aches of all'kinda," and ia for sate by aU Druggists at 35 eenta a bottle. S-lr TEOl ^n, BLACKSMITH, Would annoanoe io ths publia that he has !•â- •• the Wlsekstnith Bh lately ooenpied b^ Mr. Jamss Hansa, and will carry on the ImtflMBS iniOl Hs braaehss. Haoiag taken sSlBPMeji Horseshoeing lla»f-taialCaotraetlai« QUAlftTEfi CBACK8, INTEBFEBINa. All Work Warranted. THOa SPICEB. Ihmdalk, Nov. 4»i, 1881. lO-Sm. WARNING £f others I Motboretl Mothers t Are yon disturbed at night and brolicu of your rest by a sick ehild sufiering and cryins with the excruciating psia of cutting teeth I If so, go at once and rt«t a bottle of MBS. WINSLOW'S SOCrTHINO SYBUP. It will relieve the poor Utile sufferer immedi- ately â€" depend upon it there is no mistake about it. Tbeie is not a mother upon earth who has ever used it. Who will not tell yon Sl once that it will reg-Nte the bowels, and give rest to the mother, and relief and health to the child, operating Use magic. It is pt,t- fectly safe to in all cases, and pleasant to the state, and is the prescriptiou of one of the oldest and best female pbysioiAns and nurses in the United States. Sold ererf where at 25 ecnts a bottle. 30 It ERRORS OF YOUTH. t- â- A GENTLEMAN who snflerred for year- from Nervous DEBILITY, PKE114- TUKE DECAY, and all the effects of youtll- fnl indiscretion, will for the sake of suffering humanity, aend free to all «hJ need it, the recipe and directions for making the simple remedy by which be was cured, Suflerijqg waismn(( flp advertiser's fei^erf- ence can o so oy addressing in peHe«i co|ir fidence, JOHN B. OGDEK.. ao-lv 42 Cedar st. Nevf Totk PI M Pl-ES â- Smh I will maU (Free) the r««ip« fot^'tdllf^ Veobtablb Balm that »ill remove ^iix- FBECKLKS, PIMPLES and Blotches, teatir ing the skin soft, clear and beantifol ;(lso instructions for prodaoing a luxuriant growth of hair on a bald head or smooth face. Ad- dress, endoeing a 8o. stamp, Ben. VandaU A Co... 5Beekman8t..N. Y. 80-It AaEH'X'S WANTED. -Big P*y.~ Light Werk. Steady Employineiit. Samples free. Address, M. L. BYBN, 48 Natissan street. New York. SO TO 00N8UMPTIV|B. The advertiser, taaying oeeo permioientl/ cured ot that dread ditease, Oontumflijtii fa^ a simple remedy, is anxious to make tmbVn to his fellow sufferers the means el enrs. T(i all who desire it. he will send a eopy '(A the preaeziytien naed, (free of chargej with the direetions for prepairing and asing the same which they will find a guns Cnas ior Cos- aoMmos. AsTRXA, Bbonchris, Ae. -, Parties wishiilg the PraaeriptiOB, wtB please address, Bev. E. A. Wihion, 149 Peiin St., Williamsburgh,H. Y. 2#J[y,_ There is great danger of tak- ing cold from wet feet. If you want to Guard Against Sickness! Keep your feet dry and warm by procuring your BOOTS I â€" raoH â€" KAY THOMAS. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Med- icated Cork Soles, all sizes, kept Uli hand. Bemambcr the plaoe eipposite the uew' iSrAiivAa* " Office. 49 TaT«€«ttpOl FbnONC bOLLAR fittiiifirniilii mA a rVM KicwflM.dliKJ hst«e. tts nMtas sssMh aTeltfkMl soM H BiE:W W^iAJrVTRBm VOlSt ISf^O. ^isatotksssiaTotiMoe^ntktlutirstdari Iwf OljDtlfttttS,' 'â- â- «* .. â- rrr* :r • .. ,*. BPKCMa VAOOOmr nsi '»i^ X-' ?- "" ' 'J ' â- •cT';.-y I â- A.c 7 i :j iisU S^ T*»" '-i sn^MiX i t li'-in f.j-'i .r ,•♦ f»- ^LESHERTOM, IS THS PLACB TO OBY ktBSt CLASS OOODS AT X.OW PBtCtfS. General Dry Goods •I D. J. Sfl/MAIiArt WAGON and Onrriage Vimrkdi* Ijwt oosBal, (mostls the dtnc sCmw, MUl â- ttMt. Ontic Wir«v«*MMiuiB' HOW LOST, Wi AN IMMENSE STOCK. "Tax AoaicuLTUBAL PATEn or Caisasa." â€"THEâ€" FARMERS' ADVOCATE Home' Magazine. 17TH TEAR OF 1'UBU.CATIOH. W. WELD, EDITOR AXD PBOPBIETOB. IMPROVED* ENLARGED -1882 MOBS WBITIBS I MOU ILLUHIBATIOllS t Evsry VeparUnmt under the isery lieit Talnit, Oaly 1^1 per Ammm, f^osf^aid^ Trial trip. 3 months, 26s. fntendifig sub- wsribers are invited to send for a saispls' number. Address^ Ths FasKsaa' Astooatb Hosts MAdAzms, London, Canada. ^|p»»t 'OtlM^ T -tiiE *» STANDARD â€" AKD- ^ut'dJ, Canadian, Proas lioW till cad ttf 1889, For the sm all tw i of $1.60. By arrangement with the pdblislter ol the BtnuL CANADIAN, the nc« AgHcnltnral VotialKhtly vuMlshed at Toronto, which has been pronounced bv the Press to be a "xoflSL pablisaiioaL of the kind." and to "ooopare taTorably with the best American ioofasls of its class," We are etiabled to offer Mth papers for fl.OO. The regular price of ^•. two is 'i. Should any of our readers desria a copy of CANADIAN FABMINO. an Encyclopwdia of Agriedlture by practical farmers, we are ready to furnish The fltAB«lsrl and â- Iflrtbl 0nna4ian, sod the book, in full (dolh Irinding, with nearly 900 fine il- Insttatioas, all for |2. The priaS alone of CaasUHsMi FanalaK is tl.SO. dUBSGRIBE NOW â€" A«» OST â€" Balance of year FREE. Wuvn Mi4 XUtUm^ryt JUST IHE THING. READY-MADE CLOTHING IN ABUNDANCE. BOOTS i^ND SHOES! FOR THE MILLION. HATS AND CAPS FOR EVERYSODY. GROCERIES Frest and at the very lowest prices. Cash and Farm Pro- duce taken in exchange for goods. f»*i No Trouble to show Ceods. Oomo and Examine for Yourselves. K. ir. s:FS3otTr-EL Fttaharton, Mot«lib«r 4tk, 1881. 14 uk atiktadsol Mrltas sMkctlB ••oA iM*, â- M iriatalDc Mwttr â- •* yfCMptir ssm4 W«*N aotUnsbvl voodttstwial vmli pM tfst-sUss prsetisst vockaeK. Ol* sla iatoi^atbs ^aslTsl^tw«* fast BObsy, fhos aMarhig a.^epatittsb « af tstaesMd ordsra and the benefit of /Mr lossee among your frisns. Ibrkdala. Aprfl Olh. 188) SO-*s MANHOOD HOW RESTORED. have recently published a ajw edition of Dr. CalverweflM Celebrated Eksbf on (b% tadioal and uertoos Debility, Mental and PhykiesI Licapacity, Impediments toMarriass etc, resulting from exceesee. ts^Prioe, in a sealed envelope, only 6 eitir,-' or two postage stamijs. The oelvbratcd author, in this admirable Saeay, dearly demonstrates, from thirty. years' sncoeeaul practice, that alarming con- sequences may be radically cured without the, dangerous use of internal medicines or the use of the knife pointing out a mode of coia at oooe sinipfe, oertaia and aflcatual, by means of which every sufferer, Bo matter what his condition may be, may ctire himself che^ly,privatply and radically. t3*This Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Address Tho CulYorwAll Nodical Ooi. 41 Aaa %U, New foHb Post Office Box 450. .leOCTSBlj' IRENEWEI^I Haa been in constant v^v by tho publl* for ovier tweacy years, :inl is (ho aest preparation ever Idvrntud for KZSTOn- rXG GT:.!.T n.VIK TO ITS tc-stntvi. coixB Asm LIFB. It cvii\ :ic3 tlio iintxiral tooA auH color to tli9 Unit (^aiiOs without Btaicing tle skin. It will increase and tliickon tlic Ba^^vtl of the hair, prevent its bimnclilns and fullins oCT, and thus AVEUT itAi/»vT.-gg It cures It^iiln;;, Emp- tlonj end Iandruff. As a HAIR ur.X^SSING it la veiT desirable, srlTlng tho hair a silbeD aatteesa vrhlch all •amlre. It kerps tho head dcaa, Gweet aad healthy. The State BSBTV cod Ohemist of Mass. sad lesdisft ftyd- cians endone and Tecoin- mend A SI a peat tnnmph inmedi" ^ttCWNOHAM-S Dy^ WHISKERS WUI chanso the beard to a BROWV or BLACK at dlseretlon. Being in oae preparation it Is eaaUy applied, and predaeos a permanent oolor that wHl not wash off. FBEFABED BY R.P. HALL AGO., NASHUA, LI SsM kr rf DsaisM Is MadUa* • k. ^iSXit^ ^t^iSM^- .^lSSJBm^ THEMOSTJJOPULAH 18 tija *^ UCHT-^UNNIN ,tm M\s4 £il^^ JUatber; t. ii.iHSUc»-. liOT tdei^^#TEiii â- All Otoae wito mas' havs Ui^iDie ssislsrT, thiie W b«N beea bora 1 S g lpt 1 jriU Mar. wnd that Mft hav^iast received e laig ei» m4 tei «tock «f 1 to t)Mi ILaeat kd add proaeOa: AU v«k«^T»ate4, Jaaaai^|^aaHm* 4«m1m^ ',( i^'j|*J5toj(D*C0. MarMsto.bBC;«K1««Ct Â¥Kiti^^i^ aEORKIpBLE, INSURANCE AND LAND AGENT, lilCEHSElJ AUCHONBEB For the County of fJrsy. ^SST for the foUowing reliable Coanpsniss XSHZLNS' of Montreal, ' AOBIOTTLTUIIAL, of Watsrtown. and ' ' " TBADB A OOHMfiBCS, (Ifiaaal) ofT iidM.Swnva •; ^AMiaaherof Ohoiee l^wna for aaiB-slao VaUi^geLoU Asntfos BalMeoodaeted isTows or Cooa- £nr an Aortast Notief. ChargeataodUrsts. BOls, Blank Motes, and Stamps proriisd. (S^Q. NOBLE. Masziuut. May SOUt. 1^1. M-lr ALL JMEIV! Wanting to Porehase or ttent improved f SMfta, Wild Lands, Town or Villiice Proyetty, in the Conntyof Grey SHOULD SEND FOR v Daw Mamini %af â- ta- iS".!» oi won OOjk$i ^eolDnH r.osT. A Note of hand, for tlOO, made in 7anaaiy 1880, and vajraMe to J. M. BeuxO. on I t ol JaaJ Mi y. IWL Mbd a by Xobi^Bowa, IMOn !â- ihi Bill II 111 fiiiias Ml hastj siliii lm isiil i isi ik ii i SM i i n s«ssslaw iniisi isliii la it i. M. bomiull. M-M. WaltsnrUb, Farm9 for Sale â- •^â- h ^K ff-T.-^'i Uke PmyerMss lo dispose ol ahoold sonsalt ae. 4sa CATALOaUS SBKT OK APPUCATIOII.- '^Wi^^' j-«,»att-„|-.r-:«fir' r-' ivA^trft^' •» f:,:ix. ...» ..%- *• â- â- til, mmtU4Mi; wftere I CTCvy Tharsdttft and wiU be prepared to eveeste Deeds, I, Ae., AB.,asatlrsiideotTeetiy. AAriee on legsl points Alseto a H s n d tosil thS^a^snt i n Mi tM i ul i ef ayb n i h ii In evarj dspailiuuiit of aay bn siu ss s aiy netto is Tkoron^- neas and Fair Dealing. t«* Accaaat*, Aci* C Id ALWAYS n LIFETIME k- 8URPA88E8j' OTHERS ^oIjusqij^pKBo. U UHKMI ea NCW YORK S'HICAaO ILL. -e o^ Orange masg. Be«fMctfuUy }unrs, i0IUi8GII,CURKakC0 Ji^ SfARTLINU DISCOVERY I LOrr MANHOOD RESTORED. .-_.» I A aMtaeOenMW taamdme* ea«ai» »isim """ pnltssBy. nsrio u s DsUbit, Luat SiUibend. me^ IsMlctrM ia vaia ei uj kaowa mnrdv, b»« dfc; ROBT. DAY! kRS.,BcdBsiii»B, etM. wUcb be miU SAl aSdicaa J, fi*Mta«. S IM wt m tm l l i a -I iliii 1 J *M W m M»«rMii III! imtm m v^arsbr^ 1 a ^t f' if I •â- .1