~sr^ ^ff- 'I ,» t â- i' 5! Tiicift, 6rty I Bnctyry Oliaiigre of rrixne. On ssd titer MONDAY, SrJ KOV. train GOING NOr.TH. Toronto â€" Union Sta;!-,!), Dep. 7:80 a.m. 13:30 p.m. S. 00 p. IB Carlton, 7.62a.m. IS.^Sp.tn. 5.S0p.in. Weston 8.05 a.m. 1.00 p.m. 6.3Cp.m. HamberSnm't 8.30a.m. 130p.m. £.50 p.m. Womlbnilge... 8.45 a.m. 1.60 p.m. 6.05 p.m. KleiDbarg 9.05 a.m. 3.13 p.m. 6.24 p.m. Bolton 9.35 a.m. 8..17 p.m. G.43 p.m. IfoDo ltoaa...9.50a.m. 3.05 pjn. 7.05p.m. Cbarlestoo.. 10.35 a.m. 3.£0p.ni. 7.60 p.m. Altou lO.SOa^m. 4.0op.m. 8.Uoi».m. OaA]ioevn,LB â€" Arrire 11.10a.m. 4.35. p.m. 6.30 p.m. Depart.. .11.30a.m. 4.15. p.m. Oraat^eTilleJanetion 11.45 a.m. 5.05 p.m. Laurel 11.59 a.m. 5.30 p.m. Biielbam* 13.30 p.m. 6.00 pm. Daudalk ....1.16 p.m. 6.60 p.m. Proton 1.35 p.m. 7.11 p.m, Fl«.ihertonftPiio«T'e 1.55 p.m. 7.35 pm. Markiialtt 3.15 p.m. R. 06 p.m. Berkljr 2.85 p.m. 8.38 p.m. 'Willia-n^ford 3 50 p.m. 8.46 p.m. Ar:iott J.O.'J p.m. 9.06 p.m. (JliaUwurtb 8.1.5 p.m. 9.16 p.m. IVickforJ 3.3S p.m. 9.3fi p.m. 0.. a Suunl 4 1)0 p.m. 10.10 p.». GOING SOUTH. Oviyi S'ad, depart 6.3' a.m. 13.00 noon li. »;..rt 7.0f)a.m. 13..10 p.m. C'.i^ti'.oi'ib ..^,... 7.30 a.m. 13.56 p.m. Ar'i!il 7.30 a.m. 1.06 p.m. Wi;.;.»ai iJ *a '7.48 a.m. B'f'iiy 8.05 a.m. Mtr\ ii.i 8.30 a a. J'l.M':--;"aAPrieeTUl« M..55 a.m. P/:vi ..» 9.1.^ a.m. I'i:il.%k 9.35 a.m. Mi;ll.iir a 10 l.i a.m., I.anr. 1 10.17 a.m. Oran?.'Vill Junctinn ll.OOa.m. OB/!iterii.i.E â€" Ar.-. 11:15a.m. 5:20 p.m. I'l'p. 7.1.'a.ru. 11.35 a. in. 5.40 p.m. AU.m 7.i' .i.rn. U.^Si.m. 6.fKI p.m. Clmr!' .Ht'.ri ".â- "l ii m. IJ.l'i p.m. M(.:io IS'..%1. .M. •_" \.m. lit? II. m. Doltuu H.-J." a.ta. 1.10 p.m. Kli iiil.iir;;. ..'J.'t' n.m. I.rtO |..in. \Vi...U,i..i;c..;i.-2.-, a.m. 1.50 p.m. fl iiiiKi r SiQt '.Moa.m. 2.O.* p.m. Wist'.ii lO.fMia.m. •Z.27 p.m. rarl',..:i 10. 10 am. 2.39 p.m. Twaovro, â€" I'ui'.ii .Station, .Arrive... 10.30 a.m. 3.00 p.m. 9.40 p. O. B. k W. BAILWAT. Tbt fiMTgnn Baj and Welliiucton Railwsj is now completed t. Dorluun, and the people of tlutt town, celebrat- ed the erent on Monday laat in grand style. A special exeorsion train left Dorliam at 7 a. m., for Stratford, aniving at that place at 10:80. The fisiton were shown roond the town by the Beeve and cooneillor Bead. At one o'clock the return tnpoommenoed and on arriying at Moant Forest, a halt of an hoar was made, daring which a Innch was served nnder the aaspices of the town coonoil. On arriring at Durham the principal gnests were entertained at a banquet at the leading hotel, after which a meeting was convened in the town hall. Mr. Geo. McKechnie, reeve of the towD, presided, and addressed congratulating all concerned on the completion of the railway thus far were delivered by Messrs. Jas. Mc- Mnllen, vice-president of the road B. 8. Faller, president of the Btrat- ford and Port Saron railwiy D. D. Hay. M. P. P., D. Borimxer. T. M. Daley, of Btratford H. MeKeown, Mayor of Palmerston Dr. Bam hart, Mayor of Owsn Sound, Geo. Jackson, M. P., and others. Hopes we express that before loug the road would be farther estended to Oweu Boand, a diatauce of twenty-eight miles. The best of feeliiig pr^vaiied, and confideDce was felt .that the opening of this line would make a begiuning of great prosptrity 7.0.' p.m] ' aod growth for Durham, Mount 7.:i.3 p.m. l-'orest, and surrounding districts. 7.55 p.m. ' ,11-^ H.17 p.m. i After the moetiug, the ctlebratiou of 8..33 p.m. the day liuJ a fit'iug coucJusiou in a 9.00 p.m. â- ' 9.15 p.m. I grand ball. 1.28 P.M. 1.48 p.m. 3.15 p.m. 3.45 p.m. 8 10 p.m. 8.30 p.m. 4 If ».u 4.50 p.m. (.06 p m. Oar Kbool ground will aoon wmt tiie minatore outward appearvBoe of a oebtral prison, the ground is baiug aa- flloaed with a hieii board fence, it ia â- aid one of the tnuteea is a eootractor I aappose yon have weathifr in Mark- dale, oar own optni' n nearly acree with pats, that we are goiuk to have eight mcnths of winter and foar of bad weather. If Tennor has anything to the eontiary let lu bear from him, quick. If yon want to enjoy a soft drive, take the gravel at Fleaberton and go east, young outn. Please correct the gravel above and say M-U-D. in big letters hke that, so that people can hear them. EUPHRASIA COUNCIL- A meeting of the Township Gonncfl of the Township. of Euphrasia was held, pursuant to adjonmment,on the 29th day af Qctober, 1881. Members all present, the Beeve in the chair. Minutes of last session of Council read and confirmed. A claim for fCO damages, made by James Kerr, Esq., regarding the loca- tion of a bridge, and the approaches thereto, over Beaver Biver, was laid before the Council but not complied with. The Beeve, Mr. Gib-ay, the TmuSa- er and Clerk, were appointed to con- sider the advisibility of procuring a safe for the use of the municipality. I BEMINISCENCES OF A TmP FBOM OWEN SOUNITO BaULT bxemabik. Btdal Ban. Oct., 18. 1881. Oar last commnnieatiQa l«ft oa at Bmce Mine*. We mailed it some- time ago. and if it did not reach you we will i«- write it from meraotyabort- l^ine miles from across the water from Brace Mines to the eoalhwest bhngs Hilton on St. Joseph's Island, next to Manitooiin, this is the largest Idand on the Lakes. On seeing St. JoMph's we think of the promineut A 8URPBISED PHYSICIAN A Draw PAHBurBaoovMS Tmjwbh TH» InTEWwrnosi or a HuifBiJt G««- MAK.â€" Some weeks ago Dr. G -, a very reputable and widely-known phy- sician, living on C Btreet, was caUed to attend a very compliwted case of rheumatism. Upon amvmg at the house he found a man about forty years of age, lying in » pnMtrat- ed and serious condition, with his whole frame dangerously a£fected with the painful disease. He prescribed f jr the patient, but the man continued to grow worse, and on Sunday even- ing he was found to be in a very alarm- ing condition. The knees and elbows and larger joints were greatly inflam- " X u • /I J- xr *^^ Wo ed and could not be moved. It was part It takes in Canadian History. We « ^^ ^^^^^ difficulty that the think of La Salle, Jolliette,Marquette, ^^\^^ ^^^^ be turned in bed, witli and other heroit Frenchmen ot Ifug ' '^^" ago, who travercsed it and endured the most severe trials and hardbbips to preach to arid convert the red man of the forest, fit was on this Ibland thst some oenturiea ag) a French priest was mossiicred wiiiie at nia^s by Algonquin la.iif.tu, who suddenly sprang iu upon a baijj uf Uuroas and murdered tbc pri' st an.) the greater part of the w '»liii p^r*. The descen- dants of tbi'-** wjio Wfr« left after tiiis affray now 'ito a( Lcretto iB Quated, ProTica. It was fr^m here enj;i;iibkcr B'k«rts em- barked in i^y'.i. wbea he to'jk MicL:liii.ach :»«. It ^s plfas^cxt to set foot OD scch histi rio soil, iftit for The amount of $3 was struck off »U the l.istoric nioa-^ries, Hilton is Joseph Key's taxes, said amount hav- j no' » 'arg-' I'!«--«. a ^^^^ "«â- '*^"' P"«^ ing been placed theii- in error. j ofiice and dock are about all t}i.it cmi- John Wright was permitted to pay stitute this village. Fonrlesu miles -*JJj THE STANDARD. I'rida.y, Nov. Uth. 1881 lUlK (an w. \v. i5i;i(nr:u, .Mon.i^^r, r -4' â- ! 'â- /,•] t reci.-ivw »'iverti«uinfU?H fo t'li I'..)., r. r .lit., j'i T.-r. i-l-.t I'ariiiiT iti!ic AiiK'rirati ll II Some of our local eoUms. are advo- cating the total abolition of our County Councils. We cauuot go quite that far, but we do thiuk the expenses connected therewith can Lo very ma- terially reduced. Fcir instnuco, we »eo no necessity for three sittings of that august body annually, when all that is required could be managed iu two, If auythiug very important .il.i.vlveit.HMK AKtncy,K6.2a|'"urreJ, requiring iuinjediate atteu- Wi-^i, ri.n.iiii), tion, a sjiecial meeting could easily be convened; but this wo thiuk would sel lioni cconr. Tliou again we believe that one re lirescntative for tach muuici|uility if iill that is required. Keprcsoutatiou according tc population is well ecough m cur Dominion Parliament; iu fact it is a necessity but we see no reason that the same principal should be iu- troducod into our County Councils. Wo think tlio Warden's address might very well be done away witu, and a ihiy thereby saved. This miiflicry, by our municipal bodies of Parlia- ui'.ntary UMigcH, is a perfect farce and a iHelcsa exptnse^and the sooner it is .â- i! iiiiTi'Ns arc rwci'ivfil at tiiis f t'l ' fwiLiwiUK l'a|.i;r. an. I UaKaainos hAM.IKV. (JIlIh' j.it year, Mail, •' •fi.-e 17.00 7.00 :i:ki.ihs. .Mail Six'Ctutur " MiiNTirr.iK.H. • itf, [XT yiar, â- ilt'iii..t '• Sl..".o l.liO 1.00 1 Oi .T.-.'O Sl.fK l..-)0 1 ".0 i'i:u(;i;K.s.s of tiik t., G. ir 'lb r...ir.I (.f l»iroctorrt of tlio T., i. it I;. Ilailw.iv luit yesterday uftor- 0)iM 111 l:iu ollii-f.i of tlio Cunipany. 'I'lf r.i \VH a full atttiulance, RiiJ the w.i!: ;il. loi'.si III going on tlif road wi.s fii.L'Iy tliciis.si-il. From tlio en- j.:i." r'.-i ri[i. irf of tlio progress of tbe yt.i-i found necessary to jiOHt- f the gimso fruir inst. Three inm W'.ri â- r .-i i! I' .ii.' tli. cii:ili;,'liig 111. 12 t' til.- liliMl li!i'l{.' r.icli »»(l foot lung, weru com- jili II on tlic liii" last wik, one in III.' tii\.:i I'ip i.t .Xrtliiir, over tli(- I'or.r .Mil.. ' â- . ll. niii.llur over the Sunble l;iv. I ai \Villi;!iiiM".ird, and the third t.v. r till- Sp.y l^hvr at Cliat-iwortli. "•'I'll.' l'..i;iril.f l)ir(ctors will take atrip "V. r 111). r..ii.I next Friday, for the pur- »â- • "f iiisj'u-tiiig tlie work and mak- ill," any .K«.,'gistioiis that its members Jii,i\ CI insider advihablc. OlilTUAIiY. sent to oblivion the better. riie reduction of tho number of re- proentativcs cuu only be made by Act of I'arliament, but it lies with the peo- [ile to have thcotlicr reductions made, by sending only such men as will pledge themselves to move iu tho mat- ter at (ho earliest moment. to the Township Treasurer $14.64, being the taxes against W. J lot 27, con. 10, and the Clerk ordered to strike said amount off Non-Eesident Collec- tor's Eoll before sending it to the County Treasurer. Mrs. Mick's taxes on N. E. i lot 27 con. 11, were rotnitted on account of her present circumstances. Tho Reeve was authorized to em- ploy a Surveyor to locate a road cross- ing lots 1, 2 and 3, con. 5. By. law 310, appointing Deputy Be- turiiing Officejs to hold the next mu- nicipal elections, was can'ied through the different staged and passed. The Treasurer was ordered to pay to George Viokers and Will'am McCon- uel, Esqs., $2 each, for ser\ices as valuators iu the case ol- Johnson and Necley vs. the Corporation. The Treasurer was ordered to pay to the Selectors of Jurrs as follows Kohcrt Dunlo)! §C, John Clughstou SI, Robert Myle.s $1. The Tr.'asurcr w.is ordorod to pay tho Rofcrcos on Union SchooL be- tween Euphrasi.i and Coliuigwood as follows â€" Jumcs Struihors §4.40, J.J. Faimuig §5.20, Andrew Giier $j 20, said amounts to be rctniucJ frum Tru.stees Il.ites in School Sections coiiconied. The Treasurer was ordered to re- mit to C. W. Pvutlolge, priutoi-, .$3, for advcnisiug Voters' List. Tho Tre:.jurcr was ordered to pay F r i..^ with regret thai we '.his week nuii.iunei the death of Mr. George l.aiiib. Sr. lie had been suffering for n i.uiiilii'r of years from heart disease, "mill lii.-i deiui.-;o, though yery sudden, wa' not altogether unexpected. He w.: niii' of the pioneers of the County of (.-r. V, and a resident of the Town- ^lirp f »;U'uelg for about 28 years. Ili '.,.;« l..rn iu Mfeifhire, Scotland in til' vi'.-ir HI."), and came to Canada in I""'ii. â- llr first made his home in rai tfor.l, where he resided for three J-. .urM. fi.iu whence he removed to the Township of I'rlenelg, where he ro- luaiiu d ever since, where he haJ with Ji!ieia-iii;; toil and indomitable energy Kiu'ceidi-d.ii) hewing out a comfortable Jiomo for himj^elf, and at the ago of C6, We some weeks ago askod how it was that a Monthly cattle fair had never boon held m Markdalo, and urging tho people of our village to move in the matter. As yet we have not heard of anything Laving been doiio. llow is it that our citizens, who are proverbial for their energy and push in other mattera, are bo supine iu this The holding of such a fair would be a deciiled beuifit to our business men. It wonld betlie means of bringing a vast concourse of people to our village, who othorwiso would rarely or never visit it, and would be tho means of advertising our village, and prove to the out side world, that for itssizo, Markdaleis 'Second to None" in Ontario. Come gentlemen wake up. The December Session of the County Gouueil is approaching. and if anything ia to be done it must be done at onoe» Fleaherton, and many other of our neighbor ing villages have their monthly iairs, and reap a great benefit therefrom. Don't let it be said that Markdale, the premier village of tho "Ilouuty of Grey, is fal- I ling behind her sister villages on this question. for scrviees on Union S:;hool Iju.iiutj.ss between this Tov.iisliip and lloUiUid, as follows â€" James Struthor.i $5, and Andrew Gricr §5. Also to pay Kubt. Duuh.p $5 for ex'.ra services concern- in;,' all tho Union School Sections con- nected with this Township. The Reeve's ordcio were issued on tho Treasurer to jay as follows â€" Sheldon Ward §1 for road work, Jno. Pickering $6 for reUef of old Mrs. Gro}' Joseph Hawkin, 2 for services as fence viewer, Archie Daividson $2.5 for ro.ad work on town-line, A.ngus McGinnis $108 for work on 24th and 25th side-line, John Griffith $80 for cros.sing on town-line Coliuigwood, John Kiikpatrick $28 for work on 1 1th line, the order to ho held until tho work be completed, Joseph Haw- ken $28 for work on tho 11th line. J. M. Lanktree §1.25 for repairing culvert, W. C. Ilewish $3.30 for plank A. \. McConnel $2 as fence-viewer, Jo' a Clugston $10 for work on 18 ai.J 19 side hue, Jon.Anderson $110.- 94 for work performed 7th line. The Council adjourned until the last Saturday in November. Robert Dunlop, Clerk. €«vvt»p0ttitntt. Notice. â€" We wish it distinctly understood that we do not hold ourselves responsible for the ojiinions expressed by our correspondents. OSPREY. From a Correspondent, whtii most nun would expect to sit -â- ^hout three inches of snow fell Friday down and enjoy tho fruits of half a nigi.t and Saturday. Tho roads are c.ntu.y of unremitting labour, he pass- j^ „ ^ad st.Uo. id ijuietly away to u better land. Ue havis a large family to mourn his loss. Mr. Lamb was well and favouiably known throughout, tho Township, anil will be ,.a,llv uiissi.'d by his large circle cf acquaiiiti'lnces. "Mav iiiir fiKit.t.'ps ncTi-r falter 111 till' piitli thnt lio has trod, Miiv «,. »urliip at tho altar Of ill.' great and living? Uod." The Marquis of Lome left Quebec for Euji'.and on the 5th inst. An ad- dress was presented to him by the Lieut. Governor of Quebec, to which his Excellency made a suitable reply. His reply is tho subject of considerable ccmmeut to-day, especially that por- tion iu whicli he states that nothing but domestic misfortune would make Lim 'ive to another the cliargA so dear to hiiu, which IS interprett*d as fore- bhadonriug his resignation. â€" ' ♦ Says the Mail â€" Scyeral of our con- toiui-oraries are discussing a very im- portant subject â€" the irool and mutton questiou. The L-Jiidon Fret Preu thinks th.it Mr. Brown, the superin- ti^udcnt of the experimental farm at Gue'ph, has dt-inoustrated that the description of sheep which will return tarL'i^'is thj great, st net profit is a iSJUtuvlo-.vu gtude. TheLachute H'atek- MaM thinks the expinments of bena- tjr Cwch.au a::i Hon. Mr. Abbott priTe tiiit the blirops'aire Downs are From onr owntn«spondeit. Hollowe,en, was calebrated in due form in this neighborhood, the fences were built across the roads, and in some places logs were piled up so that it was impossible to pass with a team, ploughs woro found in the morning hanging ia tree tope, some of onr farmers are yet lookup for Uieir's, others found it neoesaAry to get help to take theirs down from the tree tope, I wakening the lohabitanta at 18 mid tiia b.^iii. dj:»dripti^u, Liii for the Eut-inight, by riuging tb* school kaU; tuu and ihrt fl.u(x. I Uttt't wh4t is eallod hoQowa'aa. very Several hundred rods of fence were put into amusing positions last Mon- day night. Several ploughs and other articles ore not to be found, and re- wards las high as fifty dollars iu some casys) are being offered for the cul- prits. Mr. W. L. B. Hamlin, of Maxwell, is now doing a rushing business. Suc- cess to him The parcel of money lost by Mr Milne, on the 29th of October, has not been found yet. We beheve it is said to have contained a consiierable sum. Prayer meetings are being conduct- ed in the northern part of the Town- ship, by the Rev. John Chisholm, who is very energetic in his labors. In Feversham everything seems to be quiet everyone trying to get through the mud as best they can. f o the EditioT. Db\b Sir, â€" Mr. Milne, of Maxwell, lost quite a sum of money, and has strong suspicion who the guilty parties are. I would have let you know in time for last week's issue of yoiu paper, but thought your correspondent would have informed you. Yours, c. Nejio. IfiUGElilA. MEAT INSPECTOR 8 OFFICE. Toronto, November oth, 1881. Sir, â€" You are hereby cautioned agiinst receiving, buying, selling, or otherwise fradiug Poultry, the crops or craws of which are full, or partly so, whether such crops or craws have been stuffed, or otherwise filled witn proper food, or with hay, straw, grass, leaves, stones, sand, wood, or any other substance, or inflated with the human breath, or by any wmd in- strument all Buch fraudulently dress ed and unwholesome poultry being liable to confiscation and the owners or dealers therein prosecuted accord- ing to LAW. Robert Awde, Inspector of Meat, e. Attbret Delemaine. â€" Last Monday I evening this "Boy Wonder" gave one of his Entertainments iu Hull's Hall, in this town and was largply attended. The usual "free tickets" were not given to members of the IVess, but that omission of courtesy does not cause lis to detract the merit of the Entertainment. As a Yentnloqnis, the Professor has few equals on the continent of America while his De- montipiestiam, and Hydraapmephis- U^lds, filled the aadienee with an astonishment there has never before nsat tbe gas* of a Markdale aadienee. The entertainment was so well ro- eeirad tfaai Atl^roiMaor «aa atdieit- •d to give OS a re-bearing and to whidi we baUeva be baa conditionally eonaentad. Boaiotoit be we could to it more around the noith siilo of this isle brii.ys us to Richardson's Dock, another port on St.Josepli's. Anoth- er place hke Hilton, with appearentlj a little more life and trade. The land on St. Josephs is good but a htUe stony. A gradual rise is every- where preceptible on the shore. A- board and sailing ouce more. Twnnty seveu miles to the west, and we catch sight of Garden River. Truly it is the garden of anything wo have seen in Algorna, if a pleasant situation has anything to do with a place. Nestl- ing on the bank of the noble St. Marie River, witli arauge of mountains half a mile to the north running westward it occupies a moet pleasing position. If the ladies ol this place were as pret- ty as the place itself we would re main, but ala. I there is too mii'zh ludian in them, and when the whistle blows wo takfi ourselves on board. Twelve more miles' westward up tbe narrow winding river which drains Lake Superior, and we» ate at Sauit Ste Marie, the Capital of Algoma. It is within a quarter of a mile of Lake Superior, and contains tho C.urt House, fail and Registry Oliice. Tim best school house iu Algoma is here, and we have never seen its equal as a a public school. Tho brick so'iool at Markdalo is a good one but it does not comi;aie with this. Thisoueis heat- ed with steam, the water is supplied by a wind mill, hot and cold water in. every room, and neat wash room go to make some of tho comforts of this building. The ladies aro much pret- tier herethau at Garden River. This is the proposed terminus of the E Igar Line of R.ailway. It boasts of a v, e!l editod p.iper, "The Pioaec " Tlio country back is well settled ui. Ij.is- iuess is flush. Sault Sta Muri'M; f lur hundred anl thirty pis ini'j? from Cjllingwood. We see here what has not b3en y.t started elsewh,»io in Algoraa, viz a dairy tarm. Tho pro- prietor does a good business in ice cream, rt2d iu puppiving boats. His stock of cows averare seventeen. The I Sauit docs a good business in cord- wood. The teacher's examination is being held here (July 7). Ne.irly thirty candidates wrote were succcsstnh Tho river liero runs very rai.idly Rnd is about one fourth of a mile in wi.^th. We cross over the ffrrry for ten cents, and find our selv.s in Michigan, and in a large town called Sault Sto Maris. We find the people kind and full of busin- ess. We only see two good buildings. They are the court house and school. No building in the whole jdace will compare with the "Markdale House." The women are deuced pretty, aud we wish our Misses was not with us. This, however, did not stop hs from returning a friendly smile. Never mind, the next time we go on tour we will leave Susan Jane at home. The fort here is called Fort Brady. Ever morning and evenmg,at nnnrise and sunset, the soldiers fire a cannon loaded with blank piiell across tha river. This is to frighten us Canadi- ans. We have now completed the tnr, and are well pleased with it and make steps homeward. Nothii'g to mar onr pleasure, except a quarrel with Susan Jane, who grew jealous iu the Saplt because we took a prettv giri for a drive. Married men, when you travel leave your wife at home. We will now make a short resume of our trip. The UiOst thriving village is Manitowaning. The oldest setUed place is Bruce Mines. The best buildings are at tho Sault. The best Hotel is at Gore Bay, the best saw- mill at Thesselone, aud the prettiest women aud the fattiest babies are at tbe Sault, and bear in mind we are judges of the latter. In my next I will consider the Indian question. LOOIS N. THIBAtn)KAC. the aid of three or four persons. The weight of the clothing was so oppres- sive that means had to be adopted to keep it from the patient's body. The doctor saw that his assistance would be of no avail, and left the bouse, the members of the family following him to the door, weeping. At this critical hour, a neighbor, a poor and humble German shoemaker, apiieared to the grief stricken ones as a saving angel. He had heard of the dispair of the family, and now asked them to try his remedy, and accordingly brought forth a bottle of St. Jacob's Oil. As a drowning man will oatch at straws, so the poor wife appUed this remedy she had no hope, but would try anything, as a matter of duty. â€" The first appUcation eased the patient very much after a few houis they used it again, and, wonder of wonder.^, the pain vanished entirely I Every subsequent appUcation improved the suffejrer, aud in two days he was well aud out. When the doctor called a few days after, he was indeed sur- jirised for instead of a corpse, he found a nev/-inadc mai. â€" Kxihanye. rilEPOTENCTOFPEBCHEKON HOBSES It is claimed by high authority that Per- eheron horses are possessed of more endu- rance, are capable of performing a greater amount of quick, heavy work, are more trac- table and easily broken than any other breed of large horses. And that the colts, the pro- duce of Percherou stallions, partake iu a greater degree of the qualities of their sires, ihid from their great value brin:{ higer prices on the markets, than those from any other (if the large breeds. These are facts that will be greatly ajpreciated by the public. It is well kncwn that of aU cotrntries where draf; horses are raise.!, the French people are the only ones who make a practice of leaving all liie males entire, and of working them before .tnd after the service ends, a practice that has been in vogue in France for hundreds of years, and *o which may be attributed much cf the superior excellence of the race. Ev- ery one knows that the only way to iiecuu- a lit^h phjs cal or mental davclopiiicnt is to a lapt a judicious and systematic conrso of exercise. And the grand results attained by 'lie French have been by carrying out the principle of breeding from sires and d.iii.B b ith di.voll9ped pliVL-ically to the highest de- ;,'roo by constant use in such work as their ro.f eny would be called upon to perform. This system, practiced eontinally, has ;n- c;-.-*sod the prepoteney of cajli generati ii, and concentrated into transmiss.%b!e qu.alitie- i!l of those valuable elements dovelnjied by jaddicious training of age:;. Therefori' iij '.heLr progeny are found the docile and willing v.ui leers, with a superior ouality of mus.le, ;i'i.t a d.jusity and a toughness of bone.a goii- iral vigor ami powerful organization thai t'.iniiot be obtained from any race wIics,; sires .ive been f^.r geiii'ratioiis wholly cxpcniit i.o;n even the most ordinary labor; an! v.-liLise teiiij^er has been madein-Iliibie by e^.n- .tiint con'inemtiit, iu uicsl ca.~js in an is..ola- ;e,l stable. Then, if valuable, good tonipiiv Bill healthy, hardy work hor.-is are di ;i.. 1. bre..d fioai thosj ihr.t posso?:, iLci.e (ja;'.i:t:., transmitted throui;!) sues and dams t'lrougli the remotest andstrj-. On the crvnlnny, it j soft, loo.se-mu..ic!ud, spongy-boiiel, ill-natiui^l horses are wanted, breed fio.n those wliose sires or progenitors have never kiio.vn wh:'.t ;}ie coUiir is, nor iiave ever been 'devi loped by actual rt-avico. â€" Sudijm.lLiii: t...i/i«r- II tl, Chic';o. People «• beginuiog to find o«t thjr trne wines of Dr. Carson's Stomach »Dd Con8ti««ti«n Bitters, and they are becoming tbe favorite family m^ioiM of the Canadian public for all deran- gementa of the Stomach, Bowles,Liv«r LilKidnevs. In Urge bottles at »0 cents. A.' ToauM Co.,8pecial agent for Markdale. SomiHiKO New.â€" A now wrinde for rwsing funds at church and Sun- day school faurs oat west is as follows: The ladies write their names and weight on sUpa of paper, and Uie gentlemen draw tbe abpt, eaakfoiti*- man takiug the lady whose n»™« °« has drawn to supper, and paying hair a cent per pound on the weight of his partner. If the lady should hap- pen to over-estimate her weight it isn't oonsidfflwda sin. a« it i« for U» benefit of the church. "What is tbe meaning of the word tantaUsing ' asked theteacher. 'Please, ma'am,' spoke up httle Johnny Hoi- comb, 'It means a curcus procession passing the school bouse and the scholars not allowed to look out.' Mr. G. S. Brown has bought int the saw mill at Markdale, aud takes possession immediately. We trust be will make it a paying investment, aud we heartily commend him to the good people of that section.â€" J/onito' DocT033 UisADBEE.â€" Some say whiskey hardens the brain; others say it softens it. Meanwiiile people without brains will keep right on drinking it, as it don't make an atom of difference to them not an, atom. â€" I\uche:iter Herald. %^^' "S^^X t4c :j!^^:i' â- ^-' M* o V ^(J A. TURNER A EXYZ DEMOTED THE BIRTH. Haxetâ€" In Ptindalk, the wife of S. Haney Merchant, of a son. MARRIED Wilsonâ€" McGisRâ€" On the 21st ult, at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rv. J. Smiley, M. A., of Durham. Mr. Jas. G. Wilson, of Egremont, to Miss Margaret Ann, daughter of JJr. Andrew Mcu.rr, of Glenelg. DIED. Trotter â€" In Dundalk, on the 5th inst., Mr. Jas. Trotter, grand f.-ither of W. H. Peter- son, of Dundalk, aged y8 years. Drug Store Across the St â€" -TO- Dr. Sproule's new Brick Bii Markdale. Nov. 9th, xSei. 13' O^ WEEKLY Tho acknowledged Siip«ja all â- Weeklies. AGENTS W«i IN BVBBY UKREPRESEKm Time, it is said, proves evorylhii j^. and among otlirr things it 1ms' prov- ed the value of Dr. J. C. Ayor'sCljir:-;- Pectoral as a HtaudarJ icnu.dv f V diseases of the thro:it \n\ lunj^i.' 'Piiis is a honsc'liold nicdiciuo with th^ns ands of people, aud deservedly so, for it has bern iii use more than f. rtv y. arn, a:id all who r.^e it know that it accompli.ihes eveu more than is claim- ed for it. Nearly every cotcmiiiiily possesses evidei'cos of its great cur ative power, in persons who h-.v.' been cured by it of varions throat aud lung complaints, aud who owe to it alone their reooyery from the threat- ening symntoms of cousumptijii. Iu Over twenty i emergencies like croup aud sudleii ' colds, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is ihu remedy that every family should have at hand for the treatment of these cases as they arise.â€" /.'icAmo.vJ, Ya., iitariitaril, I. N. Stone, writing to the Fruit lifcorder, says :â€" Seven years ago I had one acre of ground which I vTish to set to strawberries the foUowiii" sprmg, and knowing that there were a great many white grubs in evory foot of it, concluded to plough in deo)! just before whiter set in. I co:nni.u ced one afternoon and plougiied oi:n- fourth of it a hard freeze at ni^ht kept me from ploughing the b.alauce untU spriup:, when I finished plou'di- ing the piece and set it to strawben-res. The plants on the fall plougliing were not disturbed at all hy the grub,° while those on each side were nearly all destroyed hy them. Suice then I have adopted the plan of ploughing fruit ground justbiforo it freezes up for wmter, aud have not had a«y loss from grubs and cut worms. Honesty.â€" It is commonly said that you cannot make an honest man believe that white is black and vice versa, but those who nave grey hair,by using the Clngalesk Haib Eeneweb,- will find that this apiiarent difficulty is easily overcome. For sale by all Druggists, 50 cents per bottle. ks^^b, Ihbashixo Machine Accident â€"A young man named Morau,- son of Mr Kobert Moran. of Arran, while thrash- ing at Mr Morrisons in the above township on Friday last week, ac- ciaentaUy feU mto the cyhuder, and one of MS legs mangled up to the knee, iledical assistance was immed lat^lv obtained, when it was deemed necet- Bary to amputate above the knee He lingered for a shoit time after tie operation, when death ended his snf fermgs and on Sunday kst was buri- FROM BRAZIL.) The Now Compound, its won- derfal affinity to the Digestive Apparatus and tho Liver, increas- ing the dissolving juices, reliev- ing almost instantly tho dreadful results of Dyspepsia, IiMigestlon, and the TORPID LIVER, makes Zopesa an every day necessity in ^very house. It acts gently and speedily in Biliousness, Costiveness, Head- ache, Sick Headache, Distress af- ter Eating,'Wind on the Stomach, Heartburn, Fains in the Side and Back, Want of Appetite, Want ot Energy, Low Spirits, Foul Stom- ach. It invigorates the Liver, car- ries off all surplus bile, regulates tho Bowels, and gives tone to the •vhole syrstem. Cut this out and take it to youi Druggist and get a 10 cent Sample, or a large botile for 75 cents, ana tell your neighbor about it. HotMag Like Leather. M. M. M LEOD CO., VA".KDALE. NOT TO BE BEATEN AU Mscriptioiis Bent OS between let Oot'r aad 31st Deoe]n])er, 1881, will entitle Sxil38ori1}er to^ From d«to of Sobecription to end of 1882. V^^flLl Enclose $1.00 now to\ THE GLOBE PRINTING CO.. Toronto. McKENMA MASON (U- VALr-lL Farm In ih. Propertj T.i»i.-L.--.:r.:;ibi!3aa V.-,-: â- •::!.si'.vY. All th.xe who nny hiive had the risf^r- tuiie to hare h 'on b.tni Lan footed will h ur iu mind that we h ve jmi received the hug est iiid he^t stock of hatliir ever bef.,Te hron^Tht into Mnrkil.ile, ronMi-tin-; of Spanish Sole, French Ki|« mid I'alf. (ind are now jire- p.ired to juannfiictiire I.adii-s, Gents, /ouths and Mis-es lioots and kIkh-s, from the «toca to the fiuot k'd and pram IU. Sewed Work a Specialty. AU work warranted. Invisible patching also done here, M. M. MiLEODA CO. Markdale, Si;r.t. 19th. 18.3t. TEOS. P.LACKSMITH, WouM a-iniiin-,. t„ .),o public that he h»s leased the h'lacksiuith Sh6p lately occni ied by Mr. .latrn s Hanna. and will carry on tbe busiuess iu .1:1 iti branches. Haiuug tak.n 13 Prizes g Horseshoeing ho wiU fceat all kiads of diseases pertaming to the foot, viz Hoof-Bound Contraction, QUARTER CEACKS, INTERFERING. tc., c. CARRIAGE Y/CRKS! MARKDALE. As tie sra.son of the year i^ arproachir.? J'^Y'v ihat.Sle .ihsund ;itterH are wiuite'di w. w sli £,' '"' .^ to im.mi-.e to th.» farmns and ]ui4!o iu '^^";V|' ' general that we can supply thcin. with "Atjy j^'"'"" ihaig they want m tkat line, such as l"»iii â- . proj-erty Lon.^ Sleighs, .- Knee-Bobs. Blo.ck Bobs, "Deraocrat.s, Square Box, Portland, Swell Body. i::c Jfci utWi I; iiitkf..ifi-.i% th. n^ii 1M-1, at 11 i.-.h- ledpo*' llirtrt. in y2urki:i*r. m ViKuci i«i CiiIlt;.-!:( .1: r.r.SiU ^ivflfip '--it bv jeo i;i.t i ai til* siir, l!i? lonil )•â- :•. 'â- â- :,';â- r Mn-r.Tf ^:^ Ti.-. .N\jtu hLEJ;aS Ti th* !»tt C-'»«B i ;:t!;'iiM.;». (.vcwii Tlf :;â- •-... luO.'t or :(^:. Til 'â- !â- â- . lili lit- «res«iil vkt% I'arcl 2.-l'iidrt Mi'rtp."' t«^ CVhm ' .1â€" Ll.: V...1 in tk :;:;(â- of t'.v r..-v:i.l:i: â- ,( 'lii'difi-' â- * o! '.in c 'ii'.,.;jiii.' H*- aOi«- â- "â- "'I rip- f â- .' ••• -.-â- ur r -viam'.- "â- â- 1 '-k.t;:" i-r !iii-.-:' .\.'"iii •' *^* li.iv:n.: .riik.i Ui:fH'ii.».ci^«-"J .-iti::'...d ,t:',iil !l.iu;!"vf*'0-u^« Mdi kdiUt' and Double-seated Cutter '.oI?;'!lr:io"rc«"lii't5^* I l.-la-ic t. ••â- .:i- n-lil'O Kiii 1»* sale. r. r ::irtli. r |:lriu•^ll«^ •?!*' Ju.\KSli!iOS.,vM.'.CE53 S..;;c!tors,M»*o:.i(Ki..« Or to John Lyons. Esq S"*^ Torout' o.^.. r:"'""' OF ALL EII;D3 AND SIYLES. A.S we u=!e nothing br.t first class material we can GUARANTEE SATISFACTION Call and Inspect our Work!. on hand before purchasing elscwucre.-' " AIX CABEFDL ATTENTION GIVEN TO HORSESHOEING and General Jobbing in everv Ine. bHOP â€" On Mill Street opposito Vj Sprjulc's llofel. C. A. OWEN, riONSAli -or- â- YaliiaDle Fiirii f:1 f â- i:,- Tiir: to^sseh** Proton and Art In the Coi:ii!.v of lir.'j. ibew «' Tuesday, Src. I5^*.* at one o"l1 in the »ftni«»' • 1..iiji.'n H.'tel All Work Warranted. THOS 8PI0EB. Dunda'k. Nov. 4th, 1881. 10-3m. IIN THE ViLLAGEOfW -Vlietl^ Enterpriit. TAILOE, Over McFarland's Store,] By vir:ii crrtain M.^itt.-a^ri' f r..v.vr- of S" ' «hi'-fc '" tUe «!.â- . Ii. lllr*-'--^'""!^. l'arcell--V...l.-r.|'ort^rfJ Feri ill tlie I'ltli ovi.-:-i.u ProtiHi. ciiir.tvi.fuir."' said lot.liivlii-i'ioat-'f*""' (jnoii, liv r The- foll.AM-.- iniiToi--- \liiiui *â- *:.. WILL CURE OR REUEVE GET OUT DOORS. The doM confinement of all factory work, gives the operatives palid faces poor appetite, languid, miserable fil* mgs, poor blood,inactive Uver, kidney, and unnar7 troubles, and all tbe phys icians an J medicine in the worM «f„ not help them unless the/ get ouHf doors or use Hop Bitters, Se p^jf Md best remedy, especially lor'^* cases having aban.lance of heSuT 5^8hme and rosy cheeks LS* They coat Lut a triflfl rkJj=.^^°^- eordtr. n.f P ^yf.PeP^'a orIndigeeUon.Habit. ir^""P*"°"' Eiliousne,., W or Kidney Affections, the .afes tan^ best remedy is Dr. ckrson's Stomch and Constipation Sitters, the ^-e^^ family medicine. They ..I ^^Th S0I..I in krge panel Mties";;:^ cents special ageo^ fo, not OrSKPSIA. JAUNDICE. ERYSIPELAS, SALT SHEUM, HEA/rrBunN, ' HEADACHE, WjTTEIHf/0 • OfTHEHEAKT, ACIDITY OF t „-y^ STOKACH, DRYNESS OF THE SKIM. the perfect safety be giye^n^S the"oa"est child as they are purely vegetable in composition and mild m thfir TtioL ool'.l in krge pane' " '" â- **"""« A. I'dbmkb Co. Markdale. "I hope this is not ooonUittM*' u »~ -«»â- .. wm •aid a lover, u he to«J -2^- """n ^««h6al, two white hind feet *i«*M -o-J ft! i, r v^«pJ^l•M, ES'l'«AYjElOK,ftiJbr. C^fi'°*° *5« premiw. of the robscriber, 18thof8epi«niberl«,t, fcawgBd ban*, wSh rhite hind feet, and le waetcui hsTe tk. Pronng property and p*^ „. JAMKS Oot.l9^^l•n, MARKDALE, Wh«e he is prepared to fiU all order with pinmptneca. THE LATEST Fashion Plates ON HAND. CUTTING DCNE WHILE WAITING A Good Fit Guaranteed. e CHARGES MODERATE. i -i- ' '^X"' "^^i- "â- C. A. OW-N. Harkaal*, Kor. 8th, IPSl. on till' piitLii-' • haviiiK eriv!,.l ii.fiv" • ^t ^ituate.l a'.MiiU :! tuJc^ "' Priceville. J*! Parcel i-^^^^^^';^' Brown Lot N... :.'n»l"^fi of the t"..vnli.;' -f ""*\«it»l fol!owinp mipr.'V. ia«i" „^^\ the))reii.i es: a'""'-*'"'^^ H*^ erecttd tl 1 «"'*,_-*• Siluited ;.l-.iit i' "»•«* â- " Diindaik. wrt«**Jk/l ra.c.l 3 :â- :.:. rr.inrt^^,i;jl cession .{ .I^.' "»^""".,t*^| Co.ii.tv ,!(â- :. v.c..iil»al^J^I r les. Ih. lol"â„¢"' .J^ lid t..he,iitlie|.un";;^( ;.„! .1. ..;.... .)!• Iii""... {l» A. llcINTTBE'8 STORE, A PBO MIS »35 ^^ for Six DolUre, signed bv A. J?*l, ' »*»«« can have it by calling MM-s,ge.M»hfi«^^^^^^- or Kai erected llu ivtii wTiIiin two II i .oreia^ Parc.l4^rn.UrJi..^r;f^,"» McOiiron. J,,.t So. ' aion if the tuvrisliil' jfldfji* of (J-n-v, c'uia:iii's! I'^n*^-' The followiiit; imP ;iroT«« .itb*' TfW^* on the priiu:; •^ • uuJor c'.il'iv.i ivii. crei-ted til. r.' 'i- ^.rff^ '• Parcel '• ' ' "",.*'!^**J (Jordan. I" "' ' W. *,"1*1 south of th.ln..l.*"'»^„^«a of Arteuiesw. m "'" " „t ^, tb«' jE_STANDARD. ^•tiday Nov. 11th, 1881. OTHER NOTIOE8 «^4 tg^ in need of wood. I yoa toe Mr. DoU's sto** of Watcha* "j^fst anow on Thursday last, and nor scores one. \a^-n taODBy and patroniie the Fla«horton MreUar. iKisi Donglass has a fine stock of liristcias cards. See them. [ur. Oeor^elreton had strawberries [bloom on the Ist Nov. I). Wilcox will remove his shop Will lur5()d â- Uediuj casoH • or bidd the wod mou.lej •2.3ct6 Tl. ,reek to the premises now occu- j^ j by tbe Bank J pieaerre tbe eyesight get a pair of Mr. I'i pebble glasses. [lie roads are iu a very bad coudi- 1, and business is somewhat dull iu â- sequence. I is no disputing it, Mr. Doll can uii- any Jeweller iu this section of Btiy. Ir. Wm. Biolby has 30,000 feet of hemlock lumber for sale at hit 1, Meafoid Rjad.or delivered. rhe SrANOABO to the end of next 1 1^"'!^' Now IS j^-" '" wi.-.i!,t ll" ar V diilo. TiiJ meet ill] held 11 There " rcgiila^ the us fe.aturc undc is a (Ii.J ill '1 \i vvi. Hi! T •boat 8 mile* irw» Terms '^â- '•â- '*^*o('^w' .lo:Ji tobepa.do.,tl..d«;';„^.y« ternw will be iM^e .m" particulnrJ »1P'J '" JOStS BBOTBEBS* J*' SoliciK**-*^^. Or to JosHPH 'rui., l^aia.ta.Oct.lT*'"" for $1.00 iu advance, time to sabseribe. (teo. WLittaker Las returned so from Cooks town, where he Iju.-, Bt tbe most o! the summer paiu Liu â- ,' ' fosoM^o oil company, arc sole "â- *l lufacturers of'-Castoriue" uiicliiiii • I'""' lufrmgomeuts will bcpiosecuted, '• '"" j i;ielu-..il ISraixs »oB Itseu. â€" Mr. Doll of I'li- !• rti.;],,]) J ^jttvM over oue Uiousaud dollars I ,. I of watches siuco his return fio.u .S\m/.- ' ' ' " od. ' I'Imi':- Ir. Masson, Solicit )r. Owou Sound, ^i',, I he iu his branch office, over .\ic- ad's Bture, ou Frid.iy aud .Stt-.' ^y «veiy week. 1 \. TurueritCo., Drug^ist.s,.\.o.. Ii:.vu oyed to the store formerly oclu tv J. i" SpruulB, 111 Dr. .Sjr.HiKV '"" " "' bnck block. ' ,.cl.s fr ;iss.iii,- Kmg to uuftvorablc Weather and ,.^,,.^ •delay, the widening of tili: ^-ll:!;," ,j.j lie T., G. t li. IJy.lias been pi^t- jj^; k1 for two weeks. J. your dealers f..r "CHst. iut" art- r.:..i.-. liue oil, a!iJ s,c lliat the Ijarr.:; i,;,.. ^auded. 'C.istoriue," as iioa .-..ithi i ... 1 mine. another cilutnn will Lo fuuuJ .1 uiug from Uobort Awde,' Inspector tesir j. Tijii.sc li'.vM^ jtj'ii'.ry r shouhl read It It lid guyerii tin lu- es accordiiigl}' • ' Filcox's stock is wpil Will til iiisp.-c" Hd has stacks jf Jetti;rv. See it. o! il |l'.«d- In!-; f..V .•. .\ei;::j r young man ii»iiiii?d Henry Joiu'~, drowned ou .\loi;diiy la.-t 11; J. Lounedy' mill p -ii.l, abnUt 3 tui!.s ' Williamslord. 'j'lie «kc.-:;so.i I but receut'v Liy.irij.l. I.I- ' ill! i M,-l Hiat liiii "u.iiri tlioSv â- ;.;â- '.•.}.;.• 3a Maaoii'K, and aiti't thvV ft- i,000 Ttk'crui'li Pi dee \\n\i' .i. " tor whicli S^cts o.»ch will I .• [in cash. TIkv must he ;j 1 f,,; 6 irchcs at t'lji. a;id. |i-_-!,-.l; Ifbt, sjuud ccJir. C. W. Uii- lust say it the rsuTKi il,ii, J used for tiie te.-ti; and l.ii;.;ii."" 1 everyone liitvii';; trii. h Tkai;,.* i.v |uew toJetgein.- U^t a ocl. s^'ij :. Je wo'ild draw tho aUt;n tint of.-iu era to Mr. C. .\. Owms clmi ;..•â- o.' itisemcut which iiij .;r- ti.i- Those ♦ho have itu-.-'.-i.; say the suits iic turns vul ;i:v too nice for aiivthiii;;.'" .n .1! M., W. .; T'.. Oli.. u III,: • .. Il!| 1- ,1 I-, 1 nil .M ti. V ;il V. |r. Masson was in his Law i.il:- I last Friday aud b«itard:.y :;iid !^ '" ' ' I satisfied with the aui':un; of hu-i- " '•'• I he is doing at j rc»ent, aud xtau .^ " " 'â- • • if it contiuues to improve lir wui •'^^' ^* to keep the oflice her.' op. n all tiuati-adoftwo days, us a. ;•" -eiiT. [Table Damasks, 87*. AH, 4.'i. p. au.l 60 coiits. l',iiviia--.i hy .J. licFarlaud when lu iJeifas;. M ]\ :. I. r a'j-i 1- I :..f :v "^il â- . -, •. ;!.â- ;.•:.. •, V. j* â- T 'r â- - r A. Mcliityre sh-avod us a tia- p' potatt.es, left wilLi )ii:i: Iiy I w, and bflid t'» n jirest.ut lU-' tr- 1.- BO of his whole cr.)|i, wiiicli v.«.- 'f anytluug we ever saw. 'lii..-:.' fseveuteeu potatoes in tli'.- !;.isk W Weighed ovu- :iu iLun'.*. ere will ho au exton?.ivi; A:ic'i-.:. [of Fawn stock. luipleiucuts, .v.-.. turdfly, Noy. lOth.at the lU\, r. Twelve montl:.-' c-e.iit ou ai^ over §5, Ly furui.-.l;i!i;.f ;,-:»,)d "»i"i' t.. Mr. Goo. Nuhlo, Count}" .\iic- 'J.s*^ |, kr, will do the "chin music." a..d -i. :.-, "Gastoriuc" Mafhine Oil. for it, „.j",„ ,,, daofmtichincry, it IS hIs., cx j l,„^.iM..^K j'.ui t for harness and Uatiur. niak ;,|j,. jj,,^ ,^ J â- water and weather pr f. 1 "• ,.f;i !„;â- •, by dealers. i Tl,: i's Ed*ardUi{.ien kiil.d a • .;-- !-,.• PlJ steer last week winch vv«i;j:e'd. I „. ,. 1 dressed, 730 pounds. Tin- ^;el f Iraised by his hrotiior JauK-. [•ays it will not i.iy to raise .;;i.d Mr. E. 01!ri.ii liu. -..\ ra: » beeyeg yet to kill for the local ',[ ,„.,\^ ,, i I'livre '.r.-i.^ J"'»*CTUBKBs of reapers. i:;o\vir- u-i lul a:i. pffshing iDiichiiies, prcfi-r '•I'.is-i i,„ i.t, :i • tachine oil to any otln-r, it at wear l*rd, sen], or elephant, i'"'" •arranted not to jjum. ' '-•"••""' " I will give the St,\ni/.\rd or Hi:it 'tth any of the foHowin;,' ptili ,for»2. or either of thcmh^.^. ^-,^^^- ^^ jbWmed singly at $1. Weekly ,,^,,„^ ^^ [»»eekly OloU Farmers .1.1,.., .,1. aad» Farmer. The American 4tiirut in connection with the ?H|guLD$l, Singly, $1..J0. "Pk«r. while attendine to a F"»w in Mr. w. Hoggs mill had 'Oiaahed to pieces, his wrench outrlily cinvar ^While adjusting a nut, and his was detland el throogh between a pulley Tho proceeds "•ll. The ahaft was makiusj cert aloiK aiui [J'T*||tiooa per minute. The As will U- seen ^^Wot taU at present whether er column cipl *ul have to be amputated magazine, iLe p| ed to the hand t .r â- • :.â- ' s.l..f. â- ! ,;iiii li.. I I selicti-d-, ;;!!• ' j,'raiiiii,i o'" I ;,'rcat cr. iit LCUO) ic UlM'il dining an i't 1 ail! 2. .Mi-si luiljshi.ol weiel cauvas.iru' • 'in| forthu liiiii former. .\it' r