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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 4 Nov 1881, p. 3

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 I »1 41 -i "•111 i i • I' "" 'i«a««*-^ JSS'^- ft; RAILWAY MATTERS. From the Durham Qiroiiicle, At the request of a iiiunb«r of rate- payers the Mayor called a public meet- ing in tlie town hall, on Monday even- ing, to diacnss the railway eitnation. About forty ratepayers assembled. The Mayor was called to the chair,and Mr. land, ST., seconded by Jo«. F. Mowat â€" That the interests of this town are eerionsly prcjadiced by the raflway remaining incomplete and it is the opinion of this meeting that no longer time nbonld be allowed the contractor to complete the work than the lOtb of Not., and that the Board of Directors tfbonid be reqacsted to notify t.h« con- J. F. Mowat appointed Secretary. The j tractor that the work will be re-let unless completed by that time, an 1 chairmjui briefly explained the objects of the he undcrstool it.and ciilled upon Mr. J. H.Hunter.M.P.P., Ofnonc ot the instigators of the mect- ius; to make some remarks. Mr. Hunter said the object of the mc-etiiif,' was to learn the true state of the railway. T^ie rate] avers were en- titled to explanations as to the- cause of tiic delay in. completing the rod. and exi'resiijed surprise that none of the directors were present. The delays were inexplicable to the general public. JJefore proceeding, however, he dedirod to correct any misapprehension in reference to the object of the meeting, it wasnot, he said, for tlie purpose tl oppressing indifa^ation, but simply for the iiurjiObe of deviling s'.me means to tljo dirett'jr.-' find get some iiiforinatiou.if powsiblc, as to when we were likely to get ro^nil.-ir trains. Some of tlic dir-ctora appro veJ of tlie meet- hig. Ti;e meelmg was certainly not for the puqiosc of censuring the direc- tors, but biniply as he said before to {. t infonnation. The ballastlug was to Lrvo been completed on the let Septem- !»€)•, then on the 15lh and now people in .^I')i;nt Forest state that the road wiii u'lt l)e opened tliis winter. If ho thou^'Lt this wa.H true he would close Lin storehouse at once. If tho'roail WKsi not going to be opened the people filiiii-.ld kiio-;v it. A deputation should bt iij'i oiiiti .1 to v.rit on tlie directors' i:ii'I iTi^'C upon th.'iu the necessity of j'etiiiiL' tin- !-t;:'.i' j; uronnds and ap- ro!i-hf s- jnit iu tl'tkiit fihtipe. The •ii.'ecioi-.-. v.o'il 1 no dnubt pay attention to the !â-  -pK ts of thi-; meeting. Mr. .T;ickso;i li'id f tated to liim that evening that railway niatters were in a very un- » if i.-ifaetory s'.ate.this being the case wo slioi;M know the nature of the troubk-. it would be a .serious matter indeed fur â-  lii lown if the road was not speedily )]• iie«l, ])en];lo were getting very anx- ius ab ul the matter ami were desir- j ,us f assisting llm directors in every possibi" way. lie flien read an iufer- ' .liii„' |.;n-:i.Tapli froin the Hannover fx/st in wliicli Hymjiuthv was extended ...nd a^ iistance pnlirerod. Nobody iii.jjeai--. to know, he .said, how nni'jL ballistin«,' yet remains to be done, some .â- - .V liilf :â-  iiiile. otl.eis a mile and a ai^d I I'll. rJr. T. A. Il;iiii^ stated there were lliier- iiiiie.1 yet to In done, i):issed ovir that a committee consitiug of Messrs Middaugh, D. Jaccson and James Burnet be appointed to present this resolution to the President to-morrow and nrgo npou himtlte necessity of gir- in^ this resolution effect." â€" Carried. At this juncture of the proceedings one of the railway conductors inform- ed the meeting that i( was expecte.^ the ballasting would be completed this week. The meeling then broke op- ALMOST YOUNG AGAIN. My mother was a£3ieted a long timp with Neuralgia and a dull, heavy in active condition of the whole system lieadache nervous prostration, and was almost helpless. No physicians or medicine.s did her any good. Three months ago she began to use Hop Bittura, with such good effect that she seems and feels young again, al- though over 70 years old. We think there is no other medicine fit to use la the family." A lady in Providence, B I, â€" Journal. s. stoves Cooking Stoves, Parlor Stoves, Box Stiofyii^s, HaiiWoves, Drum Stoves. All the late imprOTemenU la style and finish. HARDWARE! TINWARE, Paints, "Wliite Lead, Paint Oil, Machine Oil, Goal Oil, Lamps, Sec, â€"ATâ€" Haskett Bros. Markdalo, Sept. 28th, 1881. 600D NEWS A6AIN. I; TRUST THE LITTLE ONES. I call to mind to famiUes that have grown up within my knowledge â€" two homes presided over by parents who wore anxious to do right, and to rear their children to do right. In one of those homes the lock and key were put uj)on evci-y door behind which cake, tiirt and sweetmeats were stored, and u])on every drawer containing curiosities or trinckots. The good mother and sternly just father meant well â€" til' y meant to remove tempta- tion from the path of their children â€" but what was the result As the children came to the age of reflection, they wore forcibly reminded of the fact that they were lot trusted. If they were not trussed by their own parents who knew them well, of c 'urse lliey were not worthy of trust. They naturally accq)ted the situation but just as naturally, their wits found work in circumventing tlic keepers of the hideii trcasiu'cs. Fruit or pastry, ac- cideutly left exposed, sure to dis- app-.-iir. If the culprit was found, he w IS juurshed. By and bylhc eldest 6^, t ;o cinlhen found false keys to fit the locks of the closet doors and so it I 1 .;i I on Friday last. He had f-.t j came to jiass that .systematic theiving iiif.i;-.imti"ti from train liiindb. He bec;imo the ordrr of tho day. however, .sug^'est tliat a c.nido In the otiier home, with the same .•â- iilli-uKii be iiiii^oiiited by tJiis uuuiIht of children, nothing that could Bwy Ms ai Work. â€"HAVINGâ€" • LATELY FITTED UP My Grist Mill in FIRST-GLASS RUNNING ORDER! 1 am prepared to tarn out all work in a first- class mauner. ylonr anil all kinJs of feed delivered free o any p"'"' o' ""' villaiie. Tlian'.inKyou all for past favors I hope by strict atteutiou to business to merit a con- tinuance of the same. W. J. KOWE. Darrheaa Mills, Sept. 20, 1881 64-3m FLESHERTON ti'T' to" go over Ui(. hue to-iinrrow I .1,1 the trui' stiitc of afl'.iir and rl tl ;i iiieeliiig to-nioirow cvon- 'â- â€¢fr. Hunter s:iid tlie company had :ri 1 ;; ;;!im r i'l if li was not doi;i"his dii'y li. â- ' â-  MliP coiiipclled to do so. '.I • •111 .l.clil 4 in â-  w- biit l' III • w.-nll I... ..â-  -titi III ' I. lM|r, • wliii-l |||.|1 Mil. I ri'ied'tlj-v. :ii .M iiiii! ;lll iHi'i â-  I â- r, I H'i'i â-  .,; .. .1, â-  :â- '!â-  [:)]â- â-  .1 il f •I 1 ti til III l-^l.j. il 4. »ri I. Mr ' h' I I 1.1 il iM'iil â- \ l':r I, .\ li III ivi-r I'l V li II fllilt.'lll M 1,11.1 I'.f. Ii;i\i' l!i riM V I 11 « d'ltll i Inn' I ill I" liir. It Ml. t!i 1:1 Mr Ml III r::rl jio-.-ibly extito the normal desire of a eliill wa-. ever locked up or hidden. â€" I'lMin c(llar to garret, all storing places of fruit, ))astry and sweetmeats, were ojieii ani free. One of tlie very first idi a impressed upon the minds of tho cliiMren was, tliat they were worthy 111- woiill repeat that the of trust. And they we're tnisted. No not I'lir till purpose of faLso desires or appetites were created !] He ho;c.l tho by conce.iling from them good and I 110 time in i!n|rov- 'pi asant thiii,,'s. And so, being trust- rniiuds. It wo'iM el, til. ygrsw up trustworthy and the i n MKlel bUnSeH ;iii 1 ru.„l luDiJujr of that liousehold would .r-li f!ij .slatio 1. Tho as soon of tliou^'ht of linding her child ii'id wimld not be c'ltii.i'.,' its own fiii^'cn-s offa- finding it iiriMi-iiially OTiiiuated u-iu.; tlmsi' fhigur(,« in ste.ihiig. t. and it iiiu-t bo And whu shiill s.iy how much of !ii loiiiraetor, s ilici- [thU eiivly elnoati.ui is Ciuried into the me of tlie luo-t !i'fti.r-lif •. for weal or woe ?. Fur more there, wliicli ;,'.ivc I b.lifve tliiir. is generally considered. Theiv is a vast di.foivncc between iieedli'ss'y scithig teiuiitation before the liiilo ones, and a generous hearty ti'iisting of tlu'iii. xViiil. again, th"rc tire exeeji'iiuis (â-  nearly all rules. I i-::iii\v i! eliil I with eyi.'s so weak, and li'ii"s :-.) paiiifuily sensitive, that he easiiMt lijiir tho suiiliL,'lit or the fresh air. \cl We believe sunlight and fresh air to bcgciiicrally go d foreliil Iren â€" Kliiiimuiiiua is iiot the iiorinal condi- tion (ifoiir little oiio-^. If. p.-^rchauce Mu iiiihiek tireliiu is discovered to be a'ls'diuely alllieted with that pilfering (lis,-.!-.., li.t the reiiKily of restraint be api'lii'l Imt, in the name of love ami nierey. dn in't aliiiiuister the medicine t til., dear eliild th it is lieaUhful,â€" it may he as diin;;en)U8 as it is unjust. Till' first duty nf a parent is to give and ace â- ;it perfect tratlifulnoss on the ]iin (if (he thiMnn. It establishes s If r. sj.ict, and begets that proper s'liM' (,i r,â- spo:l^^lJiIitv whieh carries r n phid that tlie t.n:l, r. \vi;i, ii |Hif.'er h.nestV in life. Trust I. .1 the e.-,tnii lie, iiiifl the j, UK,, f.^th it uwakoiis sincerity, and il rr, 1 as it was 'le.'mlit pnnlnces iiiwar.l inMinotiii^'s v.liieh are rand Trunk wo ili attend b :t the r,il c-lions of an upright cou- seiijneo. Harness Shop 'piUE Siili-rriiier 1.0KS to inform the pnWic I tlm^ 111' lias coiistiiiuly ou hawl a large iiisortmeiit of CARRI8E, BUGGY AND TEAM M L U' in goiKl atyid aud of the THE BEST OF MATERIAL, .\nl as ho mom? bneiie-f? rri.i? -I'-a call, as li,; will h"Il for Ciisli. :it the iowt.,t li' A (jooil supi ly â- 'â-  "â- ;• ,l:i W: if Diir! 1 li: I '0 \i il: lili, .l.,ri'l lip -AU' â- I lllll ri^. iiillaiid. Kini wii' • Il fi 111' III Ihe ril sr., tlioiiL'ht ' eiitilli d to ' til m. liters raihv.iv, as II 11' .1 â- â€¢.. ir V. nil the e.i!4- II .-. ill tiiwji \v.i iv- It was ii'i woudvr iiii|i:ilii'nt. I'lily dinetiir jiri s- it lliii'ontriic; w,' to 1 I'v 1st Se[iti';ii!irr, I- I'Xtin h'l 111 l.-.'Ji I- jVImnit I'lir,^' and iheyshiml 1 b' treated II ' \v«s Mitistie.I the i'lnrs weiv aiixi'iiis to i.| .â- â€¢iiii|ili t. .1. The ill liy •t animynii,' In, the diln 't .. I- ;iny III Ip fur it. Tho I ii'illiiii" to hile. iil"'li a kid why the j .}( II nut been let at the ailMi'Ii^e.d ill; r. .•; I \i'i I I., â- â-  li r \\. il ••^y th, t :iii' 111 lit, r. M.-. N. M.Iiitvre said that Mr. I)v. I ill lor and liimsi;lf had. now the »-,i-iirn t iind Were al^uut to proceed -v.itli the .Mirk. Mr. 11 • iter said our position was .certainly ii \ery humiliating just ai ar. I lo him as if Mr. NewniMii wa.^ ailiiued to do as he liked and the dire.'turs were afraid to tell him, here, liiiidi ynir wurk or we will relieve you of the job. Mr. N. was not allowed to iritle V. Iih his other contriols, but be could do as he liked with thi.-^ road The enntr.u-tor was master of the situa- tion. The eonipany were now pnying Ihe v-iriiiiis watehmcn at the crossings and the job at the station would cost a consiih r.ihle nii'iv now if it had been let in gool weather. The onlv r,aon he had lie.trd for the delay iu iho biillastiiiL,' was that Newman's nieu-i had all u'ot drunk at the Moimt Forest Fair. Probably they had not got sob- er yv't. Tho eo:itraetcr had broken his i'on'r:;ct .and sliould be lo 'kcd after. 1I-' understood also, that the Govern- ment subsidy granted to the load be- tween I '.-.rham and Mt. Ferest had not yet I" en r: 't, bo dii1 not know how this was but would see into the matterif the (liroet'irs wished him to do so. The f^iibsijy o*5 the other lino had been received right up to Cliesly. Mr. Ihinief sai 1 \v had told people that day that he cou!.l not buy more t;rain as he could not get it removed, "nd he hlf very m.uch humiliated at being compi I'e I to fell them so. It A. as ill the interest of the town that the r al sImuM be completed at QDce. Mr. Woodltud R'i;,l they were very busy now liing tlue farm crossings but in the suir.mer when they were needed the farmer;: could not gpt them attend el to. Mr. Piirker snid it was very easy to find fa;:U. Tho dirrct'Ts had worked hard, a!i I if Ihoy Inv.l failed in getting tho roal oompletei earlier it was not I'tirfauU. Mr. N. McKeziiino said that as Mr. ilactiir had tundored his .best service he JT nld suggest that Mr. H. and Mr. V/uodhtnd shoul'l go oyer the road and rep'irt Mr. Hunter s.iid he was Roing to T iront' in the morning a-id woald m iki it a punt to ascortiin liow much wor\ t!iero yet to be done lt«jLi then movoii ly Joshua Wood HOW TO riJESEUVE EYESIGHT. FAILING Tho Jlag.izinc of Pharmacy gives tho following rules for the treatment of tho eyes f )r those wlio find their tvesight beginning to fail Hit ill su.-h a jiosition as will allow tlio li,dit to fill obliquely over tho shoulder upon the page or sewuig. Do not use t!ie eyes for such purposes by any artificial light. Avoid the special use of the eyes iu flic morning before- breakfast. llest tJ em while reading or sewing, or looking at small objects, and by looking at things at a distance or up to the sky relief is immediate- ly felt by so doing. Never pick any collected matter fi-om tho eye lashes or comer of the eyes with the finger nails rather moisten it with sahva and rub it away withe ball of the finger over the closed eye lids tow;u-ds the nose this carries otf any excess of water into the nose itself by moims of the little canal which laads into the nostril firom each inner comer of the eye Keep the feet always dry and warm, so as to draw any excess of blood from the other end of the body. Use eye ghtsjses at first carried in the vest poc- ket attached to a guard, for they are instantly adjusted to the eye with very little trouble whereas, if common spec- tacles are used, such a process is re- quired to get them ready that to save trouble the eyes are often strained to answer a purpose. Wash the eyes abimdantly every morning. If cold water is used, let it be flapped vgainst the closed eyes with the fingers, not striking hard against the balls of the eyes. The moment the eyes feel tired, the very moment you feel conscious of an effort to read or sew, lay aside the book or needle, and take a walk for an hour, or em- ploy yoorself in some active exercise not requiring the close use of the eyes. DESERVING OF PRAISE. Too mnch cannot be expressed in favor of that nnsarpasaed romedy for coughs, colds, asthma, crpnp, sore throat, and all Inng compUinU. If you suffer from neglected colds, try Haggjarls Balsam. The c J3t ia trifli ig, ouly 25 cent«. WHIPS, TtII.K?», nlw.nvs onlmii.l. if Ac. e 1 Scotch OsHsrs !i Sp3s[aUy, And a ijjoj fit uii-iriiuiupd. tS"Iterneraber the saud the Post UiTicois ojipositu. N, ii. â€" Stave timber wautej, I. GOR0ON. rieslierton. ^fa^cL. It^Sl. 16 Eobt. S. Bae, TAILOR, Sydenham Street, MABKDALE. Markdale, July 7, ISSt. 4.3 6m MARKDALE CARRIAGE WORKS! McKENNA MASON HAVING leased '.be Waggon and Black- smith Shop owned br John Benson, eft to inform the Public, that that thej- are repared to furuisb aU kind? ol Yehicles, aob a« BVOGIES, DEinOCRATS. WAGGONS, ET€^ AT PRICES re SUIT THE TIMES. And by aiiug the Best o( Material and Good Workmanship, hope to recciTn it f.iir ghars ofyoar patroua$;e. Special attention given to HORSE SHOEING- General Jobbing I As wevarant all otu work. A call ia solicit ed and weanarantee satisfaction. Shop on Mill street, opposite the Berere Hotel Markdale. Uaich 8. 1881. S54m. Public INotAce. "VfOTIOfiU bereby given that the new iN road aftfi throof^ loU W, 100, and 101, on the Srd coaeeasion W. T. « S. B., in the to-vnship of Qlenelg; is not properly es- tablished. The eorporation of Mis toMhl^ ol Olen- elg not harinx any tifie'to the road throngfa nad lots, will not he responsible for iDy ae- oidasit tiMt BKv kapfien «d said road. JAMES BBOWN, FINLAT MacBAE, Clerk. Be3?e ' Towttth^ of Glenelg, Oct. 19, 1880, MAMCD^i MarbleWor]^ Honimeitts, Tombstones And every description of fcmetciy work exeenteU in FIRST-CUSS STYLE anil at reasonable rates. OrJors left at the shoporBL-ul bv nma will ijc piomptlj at- U'-i '•' 1 to. Satisfaction G-jaranteed. Shop nfr;l,.'i 'i lU'nre HoUl. W. a. ^OaHSTON, Prep. 4P-ly MarVJiUo A ii;. li'lb. iPf*' TAILORING C. A. OWEN, FasMonaMs Tailor, H.VVIXii rnitcil the T.'uloviii,; Pepint- UK'iit over .Mi^l-'arliiiid's stuif, wishes to i'-.f iviii Ilii- pii'ilic of M:irk.i:iU' am! the 8urrouu;Uiin couiiiry, that lie is priiare to FILL ALL ORDERS Promptly and Tastily C U T T I N G! I no w il customers are waiting. THE LATEST FASHION PLATES Always ii liaml to cUose from. A Gcoil Fit Guaranteed â€"ATâ€" ' T.OAV rj^VTKS. Ksfilemember the Place, Over McFarland's Sfeove. MarkiLile June 10. 1881. 40-ij NIL DESrERUMAND. GRAY'S SPECIFiC MEDICIKE. rjlHH GKEAT KNCiMSH I llEMKPY.anuiilHiliu.i cure lor Ktiiiiiiiil Vi'i.ikiufs. Si'i'iuiitorihi'rt, Iiiipntiiicv. and nil ilisoa-f-; lliit fol m as a scqiieiici^ of !-\'lf-. 41111-16 as ]os-i of "Vluiiiiirv. I'liivertial Befoi9 Taking. Las-itule, Pain in tUf Ba.'-k, l)iiu!:e-.s of Virion, ricni.itiirp rM Rfv. and iii.iTiy ouiir IM-ciisfs that lead to Insanity or 'luisruciiti u Had a Pro- malnre Ciriive. R^s'Tnll i'a;'t:c-:ilrtra in our pami'liUt, whieh v.u de-iiro to "Ciid ftcc 1 y mail to-jveiy one. Tho Sp'jcilic Mi dicinc is sol'J bv ' U llrni,"' -Is iit $1.00 i-.i-r i':icku-o, t.r six Aftoi Taking. package.-, fill ?ij.('l' or v.ill he seiit free by mail on reo. i|t .r the Ir. a'ldressiwg. THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., l-ly il i.iiu. Hilt., (.'aii.ida. HOP.BITTERS? ^A JHedlcine, act aIMak«} BOPS, BrCQC, 9tANDRAKB| DAMDEUON. Aas TB PcsKsT ksT Bear MmiCikLQvALi'l TLia OF JlLL OTllXB BXTTKBS. THEY CURE All DIaestnof tbeStomscb, Bowels, Blood,! Uver, KllQeTa,and UrtaaryOr^anB, Mer- TOQaaesa^Sleepleuneuand eap«claUy remale Complalnti. 81000 IN COLD. wm (w paid tor a esae tber win sot ewe wl hatptortersnrttalnglDipureorlBjahoM foQDd In tbem, sk jma tfragglBt for Bop Bitters B.idlTTl tlkam before yon Bleep. Take aa Otaer IXI. C ts am absotatc and Irrealatlble core fori Pffunkeneaa, oae of opium, toba«c« and narcoclca. l^^B Bass TOB CiaotrLAa. All aWn tcM 1,7 Ifnoflrti. V H«p BlUm mt. Co.,^jcb«l.r, W. T.,annato,Oa.| THE KEY TO HEALTH. Unlocks all the elogped avenues of the Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carrying cflf gradually without weakening the system, all the impurities and foul humors of the »cretions at the same time Correcting Acidity of the Stomach, curing Bil^ onsness, DTspepsia, Hejidaches, Diz- siness, Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy, Dhn" ness of Vision, Janndice, Siut Rheum, Eryupelas, Scrofola, Flnttering of Uie Heart, Nervousness and General Debility all these and many other simi- lar Com plaints yield lo the happy influence Of BUEDOCK BLOOD BITTESS. Sample Bottles 10c Regular size $1. For sale by all dealers. i"V' m^gsgj Cures Chohai,Cholem MorbuSyDu* tentery, Cramps, Colic, Sea SicH- neaa and Summer Complaint; also Cholera Infantum, and alt Com' plaints peculiar to children teeth- ing, and will bo found equally beneficial for adults or children. R» 8AU BY ALL DRUGGISTS. T. MILBURN CO., Propri etors. Torent*. Choice Farm for Sale. 2 MILES FBOM MABKDALE. LOT 119 Concession 1, Artemesia, East aide T. 4 S. Eoad, cnntaming-^O acTes-46 of which limber The above farm is a verv-desirahU proper^ and will he eold chLT A Zl ft^^barmandlc^ house ia Tihe pl^ WM. LITTLEJOHNS, or to C. W. RtTi.zi.0., UarM' "°^- Bnt.2nd,ld81. 5^.4^ ;~..Ti ATiriiifYRi p. TEA TEA I TEAT A. uriHTYRE n.o-ai, X^lo-ox, FlovuBâ€" McINTltBE'S McINTTBE'B UQUOM I_U9V0lt I McINTYBES Cigars, Cigars. McINTYBE'S Ooflee, CofP^e, MEALI MEALI MEALI MdNlTTRII'S Pork, Pork, Pork. MdN'nrRE'a rrea-s. Teas. ABdewiTthingkept nin. flr.t-cla« Orooeiy ««i m«»r Btow AnaoreiTW^ Jw*ya on li»iid, cma* MB cash. SMOXti l.'"-! liash and^Door p^i^a ' ,v-*i- %w^Uk $t«UDBi miClTHAU n^.^-iES -^ SASH,' â-  \^- • ^v ' 'â- .. DOORS, BLINDS • • MOULDINGS, '" '\:U â- â€¢ ^^v,HOLLO^y BATToj,^ Lumber, Lat^ and S AlwaTS on Hand. Orders PrompUjfju^l ni«-Sabferiber wishe* to return thanka to the people of MarkdiU tti rery liberal patronage they have given him in the past, aud hufH;, by^lj*S i basioM* to merit a eontinnanoe of the same. ' ' Vh^l IlutTanow extended my bnsiaesa.aDd will in 'ulnrc-kfepjfwi,^ ^^' PINE LUMBe Direct from the North Shore. ALL SIZES, DRESSED AND UNDRj;ssv.| All l^inds orr*ln.ii:i and I'^aney Xn I l)oue in a firRt-elaas manner. I IS PCBLISBKD rKUV FBIDAT IWOBXIIV Ib time to meet the early mails. Lortlt*^* *^* l*t««t foreign and Provincial 1^7 Loeftl Intelligence, County Basiuess, cereiBl Matter* and au Iu«tructiv f'g^^'advance, fl.SO in three montlis, moi V^ "** ***• '" "' *^^ y*"' ^^ ,r dJgoontinued until all arreages an- _J ap. eioept at tho option of the publish r^ptrtiei refusing papers without paying 1 1^ be held responsible fur the years hub- HBtions «ntil they comply with tho rales. SATES OF ADVEHTISING vear i^O 00 do do 87 5(t d« do ^=,rl5 00 th do do do 8 00 4 (M) 60 1.* A FULL A8S0BTMENT IN THE FOLIOWINO LINES KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND Dye Stuffs, Paints and Oils, Patent Medicines, Schoo Boooks, â-  Stationery, Fancy G-oods. Toilet Articles. Pure Drugs and Cheroicals, Choice Teas and Tobaccos. Agents for Vicker's Express and Montreal Telegraph Companies. A.TURNER CO. Markdale, Aug. 3ra, i8-Sl. Ki THOS. Markdale, May 27tb, 1881. McNl/ UTE 1 gig 2 p 3 rn t^ O CO M Hi CD Of specially Attractirie, Sea-ionable. Fa-hi(n»l,le ami Stuiile DriT Goods To tumd, which wc effer at lines and under, first insertion. Each subsequent insertion om aix to ten lines, tirst insertion 75 Bach subsctiueut insertion 2o er ten lines, tirst insertion per line 8 Each subsepiient insertion 2 "he number of lines to In; reckone.l by the I occupied measured by a scale of s.lid rier. Advertisements without si«citic atioBi will be publisbeft till forhiJ and irge accordingly. All transitory (id"erti». _ati matt be iu the office of publication t,\ I •'cloak OB tke Thursday morning preceeJ t tkeir publication C. W. BUTLEDGE, Pr.^prio'.i.r. lOFESSIOIIAL BUSINESS DIRE CTORY. Drs. Sproulc 4'sti-tfr, ^aiclns, Surgeon- ,AccoacLiejr Arc. IFFICB Hedicsl Hall; rusitlcnci nt rVdale House. arkJale, Sont 17, 1*S0. 1 liA Greatly Reduced Price, £rauL Ciias. n. frjIUrs, rister at Law, Owc-j: S,. iKFlt^K.â€" M'U'i- s b;iil,lii.f;. .,1. r I a store, I'oulet Strci-t. J. .1IA«««0\. ABBIbTlUi, -MASlKJi A.\|ili:i' in Chancery, Xutaiv l'ul.Jic, « Ac. lOOS â€" Owen Soun 1. in Vin. i" I lett St.; aud 111 i,v. r M a Store, on Frida an-l .^auii.|.iv I I •: 1- rr i V ' ^1. » i;i.... J..H1 ;...,. .^ I*- • t.ii Vi • »• i\ •'» t» soots AI?S SSOi AVe, offer upccial valms in t\ttj iiw;.-,- Frost A E'rost, â-º ARBISTEU.S. A.M) .\1 I i-l:\i:vs AT Law, Sohcit.r.- it, i,;,i„,n. (,.,;i,\ era, .Vtc, U.VUU S..ii-.,i, i,,i..- ir .;iao.| .,'i ihertou. OUico ii.i-ii vciy rhurs.lai «. etofora. aao FaosT, 4 \V f «. j 'l ,{ County Jr«n .\Ui.iiii y. i Pmti^trjt. c.w COOKING, PARLOa AND BOX STOVES Always in Stock. As I keep all kinds of REPAIRS for the Iinpleinenta I sell, Farmers will soe the advantage of dealing with a I.' ca! Agoiit. WM. STRAIN, ZFiesla-ertorx. Fleshcrton, March 24, 1881. 28 tf Groceries, Hardware, Grockery, and I Is very complete, and lustoiricrs will tiii.l ainl v:.i:'-= a:;s[it;or i « I'Mrtm- nt. â-  GIVE US A CALL AND SAVE MONEY by parchasing TOOT sui'ilii-s at the ' V'.r-i;it5 Hoa-t." Wm- BRQM Markdale, Sept. 2CtU, 1881. ..":- Mr. Jaiuc-» J. \liiii« asistant to Dr. tauierou. Ow.n s.,u;r.i. riLL BE .4.T TH;i ii;;\ j,!;i: iiursi; Markd-iie, ou tin- l.ii W.-jtu-.M ,i» I month, wbeu he will liejT. jur...! i..(.vr- Htm all operations rviuie.! iijmjh tin u. ,i!i, ijl the most satistin-t.._. luauii-r, mni i,:-,-u ^paouable tonus. i Uii*ct'il;utt0a».: Wiu, iiii-»%%n. BSLKlt Ul .UAUHlAl.K l.i' l.Ns.U Commissiont-r lu li. It. *c. ouvtyanmi;^ lU all :l» oiaii-li--- j«. MUideJ to ana car-jlul;v i-i.-cu: i. K. B. â€" Money to Lend vu lii-aJ i;^l;t ^rity. '^Martdalo. Sept. .7. i- ••. r r Or its equivalent; can parch i.-^l ar.v thin: v;U may require in DRV. C.O^ â- ]).-. UkOCEKIEs BOOTS and SHOES, o: ii (.ici-iinithing th:: :â-  â-  â-  usually â- "-:.;' 11^ TOTjmD In a creneral counirv suw^ Brau il. Alcxau«K.- ISCiill ..{ ,\la.i.,. Life In-iiiiaiit.' a. K. iVc. Cuiiv,-v,i^i,.,.r ai,.i. i. itioneer lor the (Jou.iii .,1 (J;- v. 1 .h rcliauts, auil Laud ,ti,s, riiia-in., lei to and cli:ti-,s lu i iv \i-ia ni,.j 'rieerilJe, Sci'l. li,l s^- ,. lit. 1 » !â-  \.Ni' OH, HEAR. OH, HEAR. OH, HEAR. o Squander your raonay if yc u want to. if not, get yourPhuto-'raiihs of W. BULMER. The People's Photographer, Flesherton Who is again prepared to take Pictures, and do Copying and Enlarging as heretofore FRAMES APVO l^IlAMt: l^^IXIIVCiS. Fi^nT^rl"" "'"' 1°""" MOTTOES and Motto and other Frames, and Frame ferrb^rSs:"""'"""""" ^^" "' Remarkably Low Prxcee; C Jl'^d Bring along your pictnres and have them copied ard enlarged by vour old friend BULMER. 86 Flesherton, Maich 10, 1881. m Purchasieg, you s]K)uld ahv.iys ascertain where}- can purchase to the best ,Klvant,i!:i.. that i;--- the best j; at.' the lowest ice, and " .. â-  place is B. .^. (•alSiritsSia UCTIONi; EK AN I • ..\ i; i; Ai, ARent, Wuhamsl-M-.i Stal ..ii. "A-i- -^i â- . â- ales RtteuJu.l in all i.-iit- ,.f ti,.. ..::,.â- â- â-  ^kods Sold ou Coiiiui^ I: .;. K OS, Organs, aiil Se\viii .TitT- :i..-â- - t and UrnaueuMi. I'.ij V.I. teal Implomeuts, and M.ich;;!. rv A au «^a- •• le. WJIiamsford. Jan. I'T. /ssl. .. \.l ilG jBaf i BUTTER 6l RAE'S MAHISDAU J. â- . ^iii^. lOMISION ANIi li,.ni.\..iAI. l.VNi burvuyor, Drau»,'lii3iua an i \*«;iiit..i iford and .\Iark.l*(.-. Il.-i-.i;^. |.:,i.-l,-, ., iTiucial Laud Surv.ynr t.'naritl. liaii,...," stock of original l'i,-id X..t. i .^ ,^ )rts, luMtructions. .V-..i,fali I:.- .â- .â- .. a: le within the last lifty-:ivi- yn-, I sU, iare.l to make Si: i-.s iu jt:,.-i :„â- â-  ..'-i- e therewith. l'i..!ii,s :inl !:-!;:« .-.- Grading Hills. I'.it.s «., J .Sj. vaii ,. Bud ling Bril^'.-s li;ii,i-:, i „ „,.,.;.. ,. I. Money to I,..ati at s lers by k-tur. or l.-ft « ^ka»le. will Iw |ii.,ui ^--.-.^. ..1,1 tn: yn,iui-i\;i.| lJ«l't. 17. ltS80. "Viotos-iii ?l '.i^ inVi..N .- \Li. • 1 â-  11 n|' I â- !-â-  !i: ifit- ' ;. J. M.» tj -ii-.. It *B»r«4» OiixiEB,! rjri-" ATTENTION ^o ' iwe Arrivals New Gfloils! -AT- HILL BROS. M my lines of Goods bought after the fall of te^n per cent, in price,:henoe we know that our prices will he right. Stacks of Winceys, Stacks of Tweeds, Stacks of 00 ts and Shes, Stacks of Ready-made Clothing, Stacks of an ties for the Ladies. Call sLua. See "CTs. G00D5 PLEHTimMF PRICES LOW. ^^^^ â€" TI j^oB lorpMt bTON M^ tmat to be baoni wil^ » ^l^^wSr^tS To All Whom If Kay Gansern As the season has arrivet.! wlien irnncy i^^i"""' have no collector but the baililT, v.c nu^^t ri.ivef|- by the loth of October. v August gth, i88i. FARMERS MEGHANK ESTATE, LOAN' AND DUNDftLK. OrJT. hoase, so long the o-ptTislfnvi.r-t. • f I tarming coniiuiiuitv. Ur.^ b;' :i i. i.i.,^| â- ^'"'"rniBhod, and i^ ni.w ,.|n-ii f,,|- v-..' ,,r on of guest.^ i «i::;iii «-ii-v r-:i-i- .if tin- t House, and lia.^ tli. a-Uaiit.i.-- ..! ;, i I from the iincmif irta!^:. 1 :i tl. if .-•4..^ •ions of the town, lioiiit- â- ^ltnat.• •!. I u. n »et. near CurU-ti" I-'duu.Ii v. ctober 1th, imi. ' iv ' [UlLDEl! A CO.V TilAi 111!:. iSi..i„- .,i,d Briik). riati'|-in}.' aii.l '.(unirk J.,!,,. aptly attrudi'd t.i. S!..ii. .•,. " S|-.' Kstimuti' on all w.nk. d..,.. s.i;.^. guaraiili-.-l. ♦,' 1!.- ,1 l-;ir.- i-..ii(,.|;,( »n ami S|ii..u!,. Stiv- :-. M \.ik.UAi.i:-. embur ;il. ft-^ii. I,;.! ' â- , W. L.. Sttiid:. .4 ;. [QNEUAl. Aiii.vT AMI li:\l I l; IN •â-  ' Nqraey StMck; \Vil!::ini-i 1 I S;:i!. •!!. â- Â«â€¢â- â€¢" ept. 17, IS-*!!, I i â- â-  t;.";i';;: TVT/^'VrTr'V Farmers wishing to obtain i.iio!"""'"""^,!.^' 1»J-V-/1 Xj X at the Farmers and M.cha:..V-' .A-'"'7 v),, l^ of Dundalk, where jou can get Moset at a redii.c.i r.iK "' •"'"^,,â„¢ i.'i ._._ I biiil.l^i n.« "••"'•^i^:,' X yourselves, â€" to pj^ off aprariuui m^rtgagv;. b'.iill â- â- ' n." !i.ii-«- or to obtain « c^ioe breed of lattle. Ls-Loans will .â-  i"tt H" '?* while the striotest privacy will be maintained iu all trMii-i.ttii'"" Ci^oocl iMortgragoK i ;««»**' ^, I.AlfDS.â€" I beg to call the attention of tbosi'«iM.'u;; '" I^JJ^^' large number of good and cheap Fwm Lots for salf • ^* ' catiilogoe and prices. T. Convtvinchig done witli oare, nsaindss ltd A. G. HL- -sie OFnOK~-On* iom tmXh of the Aaglo-Ataerieam Uotd. Dundalk September 1st, 1881. MABKDALE "AT.-p,X..BimxEDGE, Pr"' dcbniMin«rrec«;"'^st^.|«g:i Cigars :uiJll'^:."'"Ll*i«!r# j^t^reestorej^biiiok I lj_ l\ U (uriii^J* ToiD^r^aiTri^T 'ines.Iifqaorii RUd Cigar.* tie MBSe ^ntrtriVkUfiig PubUc may rely ufiou •^^"i.r.'T'.Blf "o' fort. Good SoMl* itooau for Commercial Tratellfri. rUC uye ti «B««C««ii«fr*aaiillTnite». Good Stabler "" "'jJ'.H* WM. lOX- iin ft OrnaiRsnfal Pisi'rcr •timates for stono and biit kWi.iU ..n ai' *tion. SatisfHctiiiii «inraii:v,.d. i;. .:â-  •â€"Queer Str^ft, M.irk.iali-. rkdale. Si'pt. 17. lx-«i. i teVERE HOTEL, itl.%KKUtl.t^:. SPROULEy. Propriettjr: ^18 popnhu- H.ittl has bad a ad- I CHUnll i "ition added to it, tln-iouglilv r. ijli.-.!.. VV A f "now second to u.iuc i.i tlie cm -iI- ' VV .rt.| " •J'Wing and attentive .»tlri. K"t. ^Jponunodat.ou for uuuini. uial t-av.-j- '•'•• »l.00 |»cr dMV. 17-l ^tBAFORD, Cut. MoOlBB, I'aui-KiKToiis. ' 5?f*»""nodatiou for tho travelling 1 W* " •^' stocked with th.- • of cr"** *°* Liquors and the bet ^Jlll^'AL HOTEL 'RlOBvniljE. Ont. J'^l*^""»»xiiou8 .Sample Rooms I •»Brt5?*!f; *«• The Bar and larde ^:toodaLi!i '" best the market af TnivT^ "Id attentive Hostler's Ii' 'till B,E,AP Flou^ii^l Uaikiaii HAIR CI II'mVI liy 'f Uatkdalc-J

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