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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 4 Nov 1881, p. 1

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 •I I? Lf Tiriilt,lrey I IrMtyry iJhansre ot ITiine. ?t0ii and ftftor MOITOAT, fad HOT. train •illran •â-  follovi: â€" QOINQ NORTH. Toronto â€" Union Station, Dep. 7:30 a.m. 13:30 pjB. 6.00 p.B Carlton 7.53 a.m. 13.4£p.m. 5.20 p.m VTeiiton 8.05a.m. l.OOp.a. (.SCp.m. HomberBam't 8.10a.m. IJOp.m. 5.50 p.m. Wrxxlbrvige. .8.45 a.m. 1.50 p.m. 6.05 p.m. Kleinbuig.. .. 9.05 a.m. 3.13 p.m. 6.34 p.m. Bolton 9. 35 a.B. 3.37 p.m. 6 4.l p.m. ' Mono Boad .. 9..V) a.m. .05 p.m. 7.0.5 p.m. Charleston. 10.35 a.m. 3..5fip.m. 7.5p.m. Alton 10.50 a- B. i.Otp.m. 8.0Sp.m. Obamoitiixe â€" ArriTe.. .11.10a.m. 4.26. p.m. 6.30 p.m. Depart.. .11. SO a.m. 4.45. p.m. OrsDgeTiUe Junction 11.4a a.m. 6.05 p.m. L%ar- 1 11.69 a.m. 6.'iO p.m. Su«| ima 13.30 p.m. 6.J0pm. DandiiJk 1.15 p.m. 6.50 p.m. 'tratfin 1.35p.m. 7.11 pm, FlnahertonAPriecT'e 1..56 p.m. 7.35 pm. Markilal* 3.15 p.m. H. 05 p.m. B»rltly 3.35 p.m. 8.J8 p.m. Willia a.tford 3 50 p.m. 8.16 p.m. Arnott 3.0.: p m.. 9.0* p.m. ChatHwr'irth 3.1.^ p.m.' 9 lAp.m. P. (-kfr.rd 8. .38 p.m. 9.36 p.m. O.Tc-u Soun) 4.00 o.m. 10.10 p.m. QOINQ SOUTH. 0.TC1 S'-i!i I, tiepart 6.311 a.m. 13.00 noon. lU^.kU'ni 7.00 a.m. 13.30 p.m. "bitMvur:h ,.. 7.20 a.m. 13.5.1 p.m. Ari'itt 7.30ain. 1 O*; p m. Wilii!«'aifrJ.,r 7.48 a.m. 1.38 p.m. h-^Ti'.j 8.0.5 a.m. I.48r.iu. Mir;lili 8..30am. 3.1.',p.m. yiHx'ii"iuki'ricenlle H.5.5 a.m. 3.4.' p.m. I'rotoii 9.1.5 s m. 3 10 p.m. I.iii-l-ti' 9.35 a.m. 3.3;! p.m. 8'i':l!)ii-.K 10 l.j a.m. 415 o.m. T.airi-I 10.47 a.m. 4.50 pro. Orati-^n.Mi' Junction 11.00 a.m. 6.05 p.m. Oa«xoE'iLLr. â€" Arr. ll:l.'a. III. -5:20 p.m. D;p. 7.1./ a.m. ll:'..5a. tn. 5.40 p.m. Alton 7.;" a in. 1I..5.5 i.m. 6.00 p.m. ' sides, tbe guards ore well armed for Ch«rl.Kt.,, T.soani.liiopm. 6.18 p.m. g^y emerijciicy. Seutinelspace tUe Mfiii" l:il .~.i.. a.iu.'lJ 17 I'.m. 7.05 p.m.' •' ,\ ii i- i j »i lJ.,lt..n '^.l.-.a.ra. l.lOpm. 7.33 p.m. '°P " ^^^ '*1' '"«•* SOITOUud the KIinl,irK...;t.0;5 l.rtOp.m. 7.55 p.m. I'enitentirtry day aud uigbt always WiMKlliri'lp' .;t.2.j a.m. 1..5 p.m. H. 17 p.m. IIi]mb;r Sint '^a.m. 2.0.' p.m. 8.33 p.m. wufomeUnof in ft» aght ilo that wonld alnMMt make • penon't hur stiffen with fmr, ud eanae tfaeir Mood iiefafl). I know not whether it ittfae thoogbta of tbe percoa inhaliitiiig the cell, or a slight eoneeptioo of the low- er regiouB. is broturht into â-  penon'e mind m be razee ictothe dismal bole. After a minute exanuoation ot tbe prison room we paaeed tlirougfa tbe dining ball, which is nsed a* a chapel for wonbip, from this throngh the eooking apartment and laaodry, these indicating that quite a basineae s done in both. Before learing, tbe guard directed onr a iiall soutaing all tlie old men, a ti^ht wbicb I am snre will ncTer be erased from the mind of either one ol ns. Men who hare been in prison fur rears aud jears, all waiting patieotly aa if it were for death to take them awa/. All stooped as if tbe hemv} weight of trouble was bear- ing them dowu in aorrow to tlie mother earth. Tbe forlorn and dejected look of these poor old men is enongh to draw oat feelings of sympathj even from the most bard hearted With this concluded the sights with- in tbe walls of the Penitentiary, and when W9 were out into tbe street once more there was a kind of imperceptible feeling of relief pervaded oor minds, not from anything that happened with- in bat from a thought which I believe mast strike the mind of ev«ry visitor to tbe great Sing- Sing of Canada, and that is, what a terrible havoc tbe pris- oners coald mtkeifthey only start ed to rebel agaiust guards and everything eJFe, and what the resuita would be if it should happen just as we were in, bat such a thing is not possible, for prise uers are not allowed to speak a word tonne another for this reabon, no plots could be devised be Onaa Banna, lwa, Sept. SO, ISH. (^aa. T. DoiLK, WaOtertoa, Cuada. U" my iiaaM er am» of Compacy to any artiele or tslscra â-  that wiU do yon moat good. lafsmerisaei Wheat Exchange ia iimatiiig yith glorioaa wie- ceeainTownaadintlMWeat.^ People wonld hail yoar eominc aa'apaUia beneetor. Snooeee awaiU yoa bar*, eoao at oMa. J. A. Paaxns, Searetaiy. MEAFORDBOAD. Wmtoii in 00 a.m. 2 '27 ji.m Carltim lo. 10 a.m. 2..39 p.m. TonoNTfi, â€" I'nion Httation, Arriv' 10.30 a^i. 3.0(J p.m. 9.40 p.m. n Htatir t Ufa. i 9.00 p.m, 9.15 p.m. ' with rifiieiuhand, so thatevery move- lUL'Ut within iii noticed hy ihobe ou the THE STANDARD. i^rlday. Nov. 4tli. 1881 'o'ric^K, T IK "aiiala AlviTti«inK A(?cncT. Ni. 3*1 nin;' S»ritt \V«-t, Ton.nto, â-  W. \V. HUTCH KR, Manatifr. I' ./.' I to t':Ci\\» « IvortiiiomeutH fo s |i;i|.. r. watch-towers. Alter all we question oaraelves and ask, Is it possible that seven hundred and thirty»ei^ht persons are io one single pnsou performing penal servi- tude for disobeying tbe laws of the laud? Is it not euormous? AUCTOR. Kingston, Oct. 22, 1881. BadBoads. Weather very nneestaio. Where if Venor 7 Is be aaleep or on a jonmey. iMPBOvutsMT or Stock. â€" Mr. Bobert Baehanan while at the Toronto Exhi- bition, porehased three Booth Down lambs, one mala and two females. This is a step in the right direction; will not some one else import mto the ne^hbnrhood a thcrongh bred Boll, as there is great room for improvement in the stock of this coanty. Beat this Who Can.â€" Mr. W. J. Cooey has an applo tree oat in bloom for third time this season. This beats the mach-boastcd second crop of ripe strawberries as this tr»e has apples from the recond bloom on it now. IjfPBOVElCKNT IN ChCBCH PaOrKBTT. Throngh the e.tertion8 of Mr. Bichitrd Smith, a new picket fence is bewg pot around tbe graveyard at tbe btoue church. This might «erve as an ex- ample to sotce others in the ueighbor- liood. Mr. John liowe, owing to bicknese, has been obliged to postpone his trip to the North -West. ghan to Uucrn StAiod taiion UoHaai airf]iiirbnM»«Baye tbcm tobaSd anew school h aaas, in eaae Enphiaaia aapplement tha aame by girmg doable tbe amooat Ifored hj the D^ty Beeve, seeon- ded by Mr. 8b ate. tbat the pebtion of E. W. Moove and others with regard to getting more te nitiJ i y added to Union Sebool St^iion No. S, Holland and Euphrasia, be left over for farther eooaideration. Mored by Mr. Shntr. seeimded by Mr. Norton, that Mr. Oya ion gat eolvert at Chataworth repaired. Muyed by Mr. bkatel f^coadM by the Depaty Beeve. that Mr. ifarUM) be allowed to repair the Mdg^M'flM bliad line. •- A • ' Mored Bf Mr. Noit9D.'i0iMidil by^ Mr. Bhnte, tbatMn^^cdm Lore get an order for $SjiO. and that Mr. Cameron bar flour lot the eaina. Moved hy Mr. Norton, seconded by Mr. Giiiespie, that we adjooru till the 18th December. CaasoN Paica, Clerk. No. 8.] SearieICa BaU. Village'bf Hoperilla, Jamee CaTanagh De^oty Betimuiig Officer. Diviakm No. 8, in the hooaa of Dmican McMillan, loi 18, oon. 16, Pfltar Dow Depnty Betamiog Offiew. DiTisicm No. 4, in the bouae of Bobt. Fraser, lot 82, oon. 11, James Fraaer Deputy Betoming Officer. Divieijm. No 6. in the Orange HaU Dandalk, Alexander McConnell Depaty Batnm- ing Officerâ€" carried, Mr. MoArdle voting nay. „ ., Kaokâ€" Abbott. That this Connoil do now a4joam, to meet again on the leoend Tneeday of December, at Bobt. Ghmlona Hotel 'Dandalk. JoHH V««T, Tp. Clark -.~.~«a*.^v- PHOTON COUNCIL. Conneil mtl, a* \tt adjonnimeut. at Cedarvilio, ou Tii sdav, 26tii Oct. 1881, at 10 a. m. Members p- 'icnfâ€" Mrssra. Abott, McArdle^Baaii y and Bluck. Depu- ty Beev pr(*i(lini;. Minntea i:f the previooa mreting held at Hopi vi:lr rfnd and curfirniod. B' veral C('U\ti:unica..ous leccived ani rpal. TEACHEBS' ASSOCIATION FOB COUNTY OP DUFFEBIN. r*«b«Bait{)r. Deab S»,â€" In diflchaige of a dnty impoeed on me by the members, I send yon the foiling accoont, which I hope will be of interest. I may remark, en pattant, that, as we were called npon to be present at 9 a. m., Friday, 14th, to fill ont a very extensive two days' programme, I took train Thursday evening, being joined, en roiiu, by a number of others, and was pleased to see a fair sprinkling of the gentler â€" you know. A ride on the road was splendid exerciee after our sedentary occupation, as we bumped on down. Somewhere below Shel- burue wo came to a bigger bump than of vse each a free eipreeaion, and I know le will tdn no offence at it) that 1 «TW met he ia • man in eraiy good tenae of the wwd and to know hua ia to know yon have a Inroiker. Your obt. servant, JU H. Pa.m. Dosdalk, Oat.» 18M. I ... ^lai EUHBA8U AGBICULTUBAL SO- CIETY'S PLOUGHING MATCH. The ploo^ung matoh of the above named Boeiety took |dHeon tbafam of Mr, N. Clark, on the 26th ult. The day proved to be spK ndid, and we had the beat ploughing match ever held in Euphrasia. It was a beautiAil sight to see 16 teams of boraea with the beet 6t plougfas/f diflarent oolors,start up the field, though I believe it ia pleasanter to be a looker-on than a ploughman in Eup bn i Hi a Alibougb Mr. Clark oarriod ont food onongh to satisfy any ploughman, aud they are proverbial for being big eaters, still the on-lookers had the advantage, for we went into tbe bouae and had a good AN EGBEMONT FABMEB KILL. SDOM TaS BAJlLWAY. A aad and fatal aeeidest oeeurred on the line (^ the O. B. ftW. By. about seven o'clock ou Monday even- mg, whereby Mr, Jamts Hunt, farmer of the township of Egremont, lost his life. He bad been in Moont Forest daring the day transacting business, and was proceeding homeward along the line when the gravel train backing up ran over iiim, completely severing both legs and one arm. The body was otherwise teriibly mutilated, acd waa alnoai onreopgnizaUe. The night »L.s exceedingly dvk, and it is supposed prevented bim from obaerv. iog (ho train aproaehing. â€" Chronicle^ ATEBBIBLE FALL. ' A TOUMO HAM AT SIKOBTOM FALLS FBOK A i BCAirOLD nVBMTT HISH. KiKOBTON, Ont., Oct. 26.â€" This morning a ouig man named Cridi- lord, an apprentice lo Mr. E. Tosiel, and substantial hot dinner, then when the contractor for the mason work on the ploughing was done, all hands in! the new cotton factorv, ascended to and eat agam. If you are spared for the top of tlio tower to resume worki another year, and I hope you will be, ' He had not been there l^ng until he come oat to this end ot the County, was precipitated down throngh the spend « week at the ploughing scaffolding, striking on the bottom matches, and get tut. Many thanks: with a dull thud. He wrs picked up to Mr. Clark for his hospitality, nor; in an apparently Ultless condition, dowewisiito forget the female por- .Doctors wore speedily summoned.' fie tion of the family for their kindness jfell a dibtiuc^ of scvonty feet. Jle McArdltâ€" Bill Llcy. That the report usual, foUowed by a Buccession of the CoiiutJlli Tb of diviMoiie Nos. 2 bumps about three hundred yards and 8 of the water coilrse 6i- the liop- kiueou property, be received and FROM BEKKELEY. INTERNATIONAL WHEAT EX- CUANUE OPEN TO THE WORLD. tji;ii iiiiTiDNS aro rccrivcu at this office tliu t •'.I'txiun I'ap r^ ai'l Mub'aaiueb. ItAII.IK!). Ill â- . H'llifl per your, WKKKLIKH. • 7 7.0 Ti-r- it \Vr;i!v (IImU?, per riar. 91 ..-.0 •• .Vail 1.00 M i M.n •' S|«.ctotor " l.O-l 1 1 1 '*:iriri»'r " •'â-  l.fO a- I'.i'ii; A iiiiTrriiii " i:20 MoSTIII.IE^. r 1 1'... it.-, |. r yiur, f 1 00 A. 11 Ill .^LTii-nlt'irm â- - 1 .-,0 O-ii i..::l.. II,. It ' '.;( â€" _:_ .\ viiT'i( Tin: KiN( STUN I'l.Mrh.NTl.Viii. To the Editor. Deab Sir, â€" As will be seen by my recent issue of the Traveller, (my own journal, which I have endeavored to make jovrnal iif heart and a journal of aitul) tliis movcmeul was inaugurat- for the benefit oilhe 40,000 "London Mutual" Members, through them for the benefit of the country at large m tbe East, and for the fArmors ot the «ide, icitle fVcat. It has tnly been upon the strongly expressed wishes of many of my oldest aud warmest friends â€" agen- cy patrons and won patrons â€" through- out the Dominion that I have changed that idea and given a wider scope to Iiittniational Wheat Krchange hy open- • iiiij ti) the world the certain benefits to bo derived from it. Having done so, I have worked for the past month most incessantly to makeitasuie success This i, w) doubt the largest public east and west. I have to thank the liiulliii^' 111 t'uiiu.Ia. To tho eye of many kind friends whose kindly words til;- ol..!, rvcr, a.s h.j approaciies tliiii have thrilled mr with heart and uill to '^v-.i*. ;;ln.n^'h'.|.l, nothing is to Lc seen work it up to tho success already had. l:it j'Vrat Ujas.-ive' walls, towering I It is hummint; glorioubly throughout The above village is' situated in Holland Township, ou the T. G. k B. Railway, 6 miles North of Markdale, aud hat the following plaee of business. Hotel by Jas Allen, General store by Mr. Lund, two blacksmith shops by B. Abbey and Thos Sargent, T. Brown Waggon maker, J. Picket Sec- tion Boss, Alfred Williams Steam baw Mill, and Berkeley P. 0. By Mr Flem ing. The place has a thrivicg appear ance. Mr. Sargeant has erected this sea- son a large dwelling house and Black- smith shop, and has rested his farm to his tw3 eldest eo.j«. Mr. Alfred Williams lost a horse two weeks ago, hy having liia foot caught on the railway switch wiiile backing over tbe track after unl mdiug a load o' lumber. Tiie horse fc.l, break- lug i i-j le{-. adopted â€" carried. Mr. MiJdIeton entered aud took the chair. Blackâ€" Buckley. That By-law 233, to levy a rate to meet current ex- long but, as the ladies on the train were school marms, there was no fool- ish screaming. The poor old car, un- able to support such a load of wit and learning, had got its hind legs off the track. General Bagatelle was ou board, however, and he made things peuses, ha^ing been read a first and Ay â€" one brakesman went flying into second time, be cow read a third time ' tljc ditch for getting m his wayâ€" he aigned, sealed and engrossed in the swore till the gravel flew in all direc- Minutes carried. tions. As we travelled on to the next McArdleâ€" Black. That Mr. Budi- jampin? off place, I ^as rather amus- ley te instructed to re-let any jobs not «^ at the remarks of a brakesman :â€" done by the 1st of November, which I " ^^""V^^ complain of this road going have been let on 87 side-road, and if «° ^^°" "" ^^ ^^^^ '^^ ha^veu on FBIZE U;T Ist Class, Men, 8 entries â€" B. J. Loughoad 2nd James McConnell. 2nd Class, Men, 4 entries â€" G. Bad- ger 2d J. Smith. 8rd Class, Boys from 16 to 18 years of age, 4 entries â€" R. S. Clark B. Chirk 3rd Mick Foy. 4th Class, Boys under 15 years of age, 2 entries â€"8. J. McKnight 2d Joseph C. Jobe. 5th Class, special, to be ploughed for with cast head and shear, 5 en- tries â€" Joseph Bowes 2ud F. Foster 8rd T. Douglas. T. Abercbombie, Sec'y. Ci»rr««p»ttdntrr. WHS taken to fiis home at the Grand Trunk depot/ But a short time ago another ma^died fr^m ii juries receiv- by a falling; briuk at the same factory. Later. â€" The young man injured at o»»= ^^^ cotton mill has been taken to the ^^ ' hospitul. After falling seventy feet he ttriick ou bis !:i:id a iI face. His wrists were disl. cited aii.l both lon- arms brcken. ILs lace Ptrujk snviral sharp st'ncs, which peuitraiei thi; flesL. Bjth npper and loT.'er ja-vs were sniHhhi^d into numhirluoti pieces. It IS Paid tliiit after Ktrinii.g thi-^T'iiuJ he nhr.uiid"d several limes. Tho djc- tors s:iy he cannot liv9. He' in aged 17. The cold air cuiscd hiui to el.-ince arwiind to kci-p I is feet warm. His heel strucK a Bmnll piece of b'icl which ovcrbiilanced hiin anil he went d \vn through an open Rpacc in tl;e seafi'old an.v additional expenses, to draw on the Treasurer for the same â€" carried. Abbottâ€" Bla-sk That Henry Mon- shaw bo exempt from the township tax for the year 1881, in consideration of I ^^^' Editor, it is a medal the loss of all his out-buildings aud ^°^ business, crops the present year by firuâ€" carried "^l'*^ School Buildings, a fast road, some of them would be killed but on this road if we do get off, we go 80 slow that nobody ever gets hurt."It is not a bonus they want. But now McArdleâ€" Abbott. TUt the Coun cillor of division No. 2 be empowered Orangeville, Oct. 14th, '81. Association openeel under auspices to let and inspect a road job at lot 25 " "^^ President, N. Gordon, Esq., P, He dehvcrod a verj- PRICEVILLE. n-.viiy iit^rive the e.f the Spictatur. ' the East and West across this contm- :iiil ii'itliin^* i»cMliarexpee-t the htiivv |ent. Prominent among those friends stands your eminently snccefsful neidlibour, W. J. Mci^ailand, Esq., whose great interest in the welfare of tiie farming communify is fully shown by Li J good letter following this. To tho demons nf|himlaai much indebted for the sure are opomd, and success of my fcherae of International Whnit Hrchanje which will be turned to the best account next week in Iowa. With jiitt such frionds at home to aid it in my absence west, the move- ment shall not fail ol good results. See auvtrtisement uestweek in Stand- ard and Iowa edi'ion of Trarehtr, within thieo weeks, which will be mailed to the ratej^ayers generally of this au.l other Counties of Ontario. '""" "*â- â- " "'^•" vhe. Meanwhile Mr. ilcFarlaud has kind- \. rial rito small piecc3..seQm- j ,y volunteered to give any desired in- t.ike the place of gravel for formation. Yours faithfully, Chas. T. av.naos The guard kindly Dovlk, Manager International Wheat 11' ::it"iall the manufacturiue -c'j'.iik I'f ih.' poiuli rous iron grate, all tl:i:^ indicting that something pre- ci.u.r i:iainj witliin, but when we nrr aiiii:ilt(ii and tlio massive iron L:.r till race _in'-li other oa if never to r. i'.ix their ti;ht t^ra.sp, we feel that we ;i: â-  â-  TK-['i,'5ud with all land. Oiir ivis :id of the Ii'igo walls wo Cr-Ii • iip'Mi fh' pi le.,' a.s it wero npon Tiia.iuiiit'iring metropolis. Then lii iL w,' h-ar the hum of machin- :i:id tlie hustle f»l over seven hniil 'ii',. within the confines of one !•â-  'ii.ion. Pafisiiig along through !• '•I' we came first where m^n 11: 111 p ..' it I-. I ry, ri.l fi .il: t .. bii 1 y eiii^aijed in cutting ftoiie ';iMin£j piirpi .^es, and a little 111 -iv- t priv-a- r I'll iiu't. fh..;v drj iitiin iita of the penitontary. I'lrs; w.' came to, the tailoring ex- talili-.liiii nt. wlu^Kgfa great number of men aro iiii|.lMyed in making wiarin? npparial for tho convicts, this consists I'f trow-i r« onr half yellow ami tho otlur half hrown, the same with the Coat. Next in order was the Loot and «-?Kit' factory, and in this we see nil tlin moiii'in uppuratu.s for making bouts with neatness and despatch. Ill the .same building below tliese Ui.inufactiire'rs were the cabinet shops nil 1 ilaing mills. Nothing was notic-, ed here, but we are quickly directed into ft place' which proveil to be very iiiterestinv' and which astonished us b« yoiiJ mcai'Use. This was the ma- .-jhiiie shop and lock factory. All the Icclis and latches on I'Ur doors are made by convicts (f tho Kingston IVuitoiitiary. The guar 1 told us that merchants from difierent parts of •Canada came there; anded order locks to supply the whole hardware trade. ^â- "rom this we were taken into a large circular buildius;, which contained all the cells for the convicts. As near as we could make out the ase ot the building seemed to be shaped some- thiuf simihi. to a waggon wheel, in the centre was a large circular court, and from this on every oide branclied off long halls, each contain- ing cells The building being so ar- ranged that tho guard can see the deio'-s of over eight hundred eellfi staudittg iu the tLiddle of the court. These are arranged one above the other for six stories, the approaches bring made by menus of iron stairway and mm platfcrros projecting out from tlie wall, thiia leaviu;; everything ex- jM-ird !•â-  the rveof the guard. Tliero are aleo dark oells in which t'lcy put convicts who are unruly and behave indcCently not a ray uf light is .illowed to penetrate into tbesesmaU dnogeons, in order that tbe punish- ment may be more severe. The mard wanted ns it go intill be 4vonM shut tbe door that we ^ight bel wi^t Uk« it waa, bst thei:^ Exchange, Walkertou, Canada, and Cedar Rapids, Iowa. M.RKiuLE,Ont.. Oct. 17, 1881. Chas. T. Doyle, Esq. De.ui Sir,â€" I am much pleased that you gave mc the privilege of perusing your spicy little sheet the 7'/(i;i7/( From my knowledge of the farming cominurityof this section of country, having been engaged in purchasing and fihipping wheat for the last twenty vears, I feel satisfied that they want just what you propose, viz: â€" a change Your scheme as fullv set forth in ♦.he Taveller, is a good one,- aud well worthy of support. Ivnowing your push aud business ability, I feel certain that you will succeed in your laudable endeavors in which you have my best wishes. Yours very truly, W. J. McFabland. The Cedar Rapids Fire, Lightning and Tornado Insurance Company. Secretary's Office, Cedab Rapids, Iowa, Sept. 29, 1881. Chas. T. Dotle, Esq., Manager Inter- national Wheat Exdiauge, Walker- ton Canada. Deab Su, â€" As per your request we have with pleasure sent a circular to each of our 800 farm agents, and sent one hundred thoasand (100,000) cop- ies of our Farwen' Journal to the farmers of tbe. North-West in which we have requested the sending to this office for you immediately, properly labelled samples of the best flouring wheats grown in the respective locali- ties. Your plan is inoetcommendable, aud should plaoe the wheat growers of the United Statesani Caoada under lasting obligations to yon. Please commend the Cedar Bapida Insurance Company in your eatarpriae. With best wishes for yonz Very truly yonra, „ J. A. Pkixuv^, $««, •Ort" "i,-l --ix vies; ,*~ji From our Co^Tcspondent. Mud mud mud The Catholic Church has a new roof. Tho"0 be joyful chib," only meet seven nights in the week now. Mr Beaton of Toronto, and Mr. Mc Donald ef Durham, have rented John McRaes shop with tho intention of crrrying on the carriage butiness. Geo. Simpson has had his new cot tego veneered with brick. John Mc- Arthiir also is yeneering his new store aud dwelling with brick, and things in general are having the appearance of the "hum." The stranger in our streets might question the morality of our town, but on examining the "volcano" fiom whose crater is issueiug forth ashes, soot and imprecations, he finds that a stovepipe isjbeing erectel. The following is the result of month ly examination for Oct. of the Price- ville Public School â€" Literature and Philosophy, â€" Mary Nichol Historyâ€" marks obtainable 60 â€" Sarah Ferguson 48 Mary Nicol 47 Robbie Ghent 45. GjoiT p y. â€" total 50,â€" Mary Nichol 45 Bertie Ghent 87 Apnes Webster 36. Can- adian History. â€" Walter Turner, Robt. Moi reheftd,Robt. Rielly. Arithmetic, â€" Walter Turner. Junior Arithmetic â€" Willie Webester, Ada Sumerville, Maggie Nichol. Senior Arithmetic. â€" Saiah Furgeson, Agnes Webster. Maggie Moorbead 85 Bertie Ghent 80, possible 45. Averane for month, Sr. Dept., 20-3. Miss Wright's Dept., 17 85. Mr, Black. Principle. S. I., Dufferin telling address. Minutes of last la-^eting read by F. B. Denton, Secretary. Report of committee for drafting constitutiop. Mr. Gordon asked for more time. He would draft tbe By- laws, but foimd the Constitution was Constitution read in 12th con., as the road is almost impassible â€" carried. McArdle â€" Abbott. Thjrt a craut of $20 be laid out on 7th and 12!h side-roads, on the 6th aud 7th sons., by Mr. McArdle â€" carried. McArdle^Abbott. That the arrears of taxes now due against lot 228 in the 0th con., be erased from the County ' '""' "^^' V l*^^ Treasurers books, as the lot appears,' ^y ^^® Secretary, to be entered in error, as the owner Moved aud seconded, the next hiis produced receipts for tie same^ •.iicetiug of the Association be iu May carried. i o^ 1WH2. McArJlo â€" Buckley, Thnt ll.t ' ^^f"^iJ i»el seconded, that the fee be Reeve issuo an order to John Boyd for '^^' o*" that each member for §1 (in $4, for four days work, for lot 12, in i ^•"'^i'».? /«e 3.5c) liuvo choice of Canada *i » 1 -••.,, ' ^thool Journal or G.iges Eromiuicr the 1st con., as soon as fini.-hed, that ,t club rates of GJc-Canied. the cwnerof the lot, James McMulle-n,! Arithmi-tic to Bet^nnors. â€" has paid the same into tlio Townshij. Lawsoii. A cl;.ss of juveniles brou„'ht Treasurer for tbe venr 16S0â€" carried '"" " ""^^' f^*" *•'" oe-casioi One Abbottâ€" Black. ' Tliaf f l,» r;.,.v-,. "'"'^â- " thoii-ht he was lirid up, took a is.«ue an order iu NoncB. â€" We wish it distinctly understood that we do not hold oomelTes rcsponbible for the opinions expressed by our oorrcspondents. To the Editor. Sir, â€" Dundalk is under obli^tions to you for giving us so readable a ya- per. It is quite a credit to us as well as to our village. I see that you en- courage the expreosion of opinion on public matters by your subscribers. Churcli affairs are the order of the day at present iu your columns. I have been thmking that Dundulk might have H share in helping to elucidate some of the questions discussed aid wiite you with this iu view. 1 have I got the numbers of the Stasdakd I ,, r- i which kcludo the correspondence, and ' " "'f" Y\ %- 'l "' .1^1. 11, ... 'passenger tram leU the I nion bti-to' I must sny that Dundalk will need to i Toronto, at i:con, for Chicago. It is wakeu up if she desires to keep in line. intended toeontinuo to niii this train "As iron sharpcncth iron," so let ns every Sabbath. Thismalici us bl•eak-• as8iat iu i ubbiiig each other up Your I '"^S of one of the eotnmaii^in nts correspondent '-M' hits the nail on fllor"L-"' Tl"' ^^' ^^^"' ^^V the au- ,.„ I «,•,.,. "" thonlies. ihe V' ceel evei v chr.stian the head very eff..ctively in his stnct |i Untari'i slinnl he rri.s.d^t it. uros on Ci.urc'i practice as con- Eviy iiKclaii..-. Mil;: :n, aud labour- [latted with Siiiptural tlitoiy 1^" slioi Ii piote a;;aiit it, .f.r to whatever hut ' "i'""' i* '"^nns tl.e Jalii:.- a^vay aud K, „ „„,i„.u„„, .r.rHi,.i:,i':,:'^;s;i' :â€" ?;;i--t,;;'« i.iBiiilo most disropulal.U «uj,. as to go ,1 l,v, ,, ll.t. ,,,„„ „.„! ,„:,„,â- ;( ,!,» tDHUI BIEIHi' "•y-ofgia. Sciatic*, -^ Backache, SorenT, *]}!{ Scalds, C^'O^i Tooth, Ear end Hud,A. f^"»* end tek..^\ u *o/C; ,„„, ;,^2l " »i U tUncOoat Id EIbtmi !_,_. BOLD BY All. DRBflo\;S a.vogSsC -.VVING LE.\SF.n THE tlieirpati..,,:.,... j,. »"^*"' 1 ,^ IlOWr^IJSli Honor Roll, S. S. Nj. 2, Orange Valley, Aitemcsia, lur Oct., 1881. MaL.inmTi marks S48. Seiir. 4tji Chissâ€" R bt. McNic il 2ud Fanui Grcvin. Jucr. 4th Herbert Heiiry, 244 Libbie Tnompson 331 Wm. Thompson 211. Third Class, Ist Div., Isabella Cunning j08 Priidenc Fleslier 280: Ben trice Flesher 218. 2rd Div. MMXiiium m-.i: ks, 833 â€" Blake Anderj^m 271 Asa lli.l 271 Clara Hill 2G6. 3id Div.â€" Maggie Burnett 295 Wes'iy McNicdl 259 Lizzie MiliUe 2.'55. 2nd Class â€" 1st Albert McNic jll. 2ul M.av Buriiett. £UuLl;c;..^i:,l, lrp.,^„^ 1 KoofboundQsntrii Cun-a, aUo kieri,^ I Unvc uikvn Thiriefli for Hoisohoei^* All Work Warrant Dniiiluik, Not. 4xh. IliO 'l' V.\Lr.\DLE Farm Propem In Ihi' Town.-' 'â- f r.u iu liic t..uiity JOrt; ' T.'EUE VII.:. IE cu, J, WEl.XtSn.W. i.f:: Krs ^„ ^^^ ;8.S1, at 11 oVJork ih Oulnnv.. Icdec'S llotpl, ill tif yu^ 1.^ Vr:u-..r eiiutamt.i iiro. ria n .M..rtvi-ii r,^^ he pfoJuci.l a; tl;. .;,),., ly f;^^ Tlie're can be no churcl That the Reeve "'T" '" ' '^â- â€¢*" 'i"' "«' • «• A 1 "Juoiiin' f the bniin, and began to '*^"" """"â- "â- " I liquify; carefully removed by the col- Biowuforthe sn.n of *r-0, for tho lar. By means of the removal. Miss enctionof a bridge over the sonti-i i Lnw-sou got tliroiii,'h very uicelv. sdf-Bupp.rt. "M â-  points out such ways aud shows wherein they arc of e.isy avoidance in a n iigious reiise. Get a elevper rel gl .us feeling to per vade the mind, this trouble would he (Vcr come. If mini, tors, instead Lord's c";av. â€" ,(ni .â- mtie ji ite The assos-:ii, ;:t of Toronto fo? 1?82 u .i-iiSgjjf I '•'-liloacf*»i(^f Kl-.-:.;-;.!. (.OOIR^Jfll iii-'.i'orW. I*! w lit !â- ;â-  ».-•• '»M '"it irk I rarc(4 1 â€" J;, â-  Piitorson â€" Till- N' ..f l'...t No. 2 iii ei;.!iij! .; 1 r ill.ailll.,_' ;,• ;1. lowiij;.' i:ii] :ir..iH!i;. lie... 2.-r, :.r .V..rt»h»Vi C:iiiil!«!!- 1.. • .N. â- â-  ;).,. ;:aVjMi4 of the To. vu-' .i. v.i; iali ot !â- Â« V. c ••.•.â- â€¢'-.ris'Wii iMTPs, mrt Til' (o!l!.\iii„' '..;.|-..-n:-r.;.s,-- ^.Sji on tilt; piiMi -• .i ..;i| i.(» «mi ka'.iF" I ri il ;1. T*frj a ii"t^ta just been completed, showing a i.MarUal« t.t 1 .-•â- ri:;.-iyo,()»;», or an in- P Teiim^ â€" O 1 IV ' crease -i J?2.13(;,0i'i, ovor the ment lor i»Hol. i he i-icrja.sL- branch of the Saugeen, on between Proton and Egremont, oppo- site con. 5, Preston, as pc-r motion of town-line I ^^^a^er brought back iu smiljs rain 'one. Thr.t tlio nc- amon jting t HOLLAND COUNCIL. Council met at Vo^an's Hall, for the transaction of bnsiness. Members all present. The ]:(eev^ in the chair. Communications were re^ from tho T.. G. B. Railway Co, with re- gard to crossing at 50 side-road also one from John Shae with respect to deviation across part of his lot, aecept- the Council's offer of f 15. Moved by Mr. Norton, seconded by Mr, Shute, that By-law No. 9 be read a first, second and third time, and engiosed on the Minutes. Noved by tho Deputy Reeve, secon- ded by Mr. Shute, that the Reeve and Treasurer be authorised to sign de- bentures to enable School Section No. 7 to borrow the sum of |500, vbeti prepared. Moved by Mr. Norton, seconded by Mr. Gillespie, that the Clerk notify the Manairer of the P., G. A B. Bail- way that the Gooncil w^ aaeept a crossing at 50 side-road, commencing at a distance twenty rods east of the railway on side road, and running direct to present croesinjj, in lien of j"'°J8 resided m the M«wipalityâ€" the original road allowance other CoKiici! â€" carried. Abbottâ€" McAarello. count of Arcliio Riy, 80c, be paid, and that the Fio^e issuo his order for the s.uncâ€" ciuried. Bucklf^yâ€" MoA.rdle. That the Rcevo issno an order in f.ivor of Andrcv Br-.,w2 for the n.monnt of $(j.82, beiu- 8pcci:il gnint for br.ilJing a culvert oii tho towa-lina between Proton ard ErMr.on\ it bci:i- half the amount of, th work â€" Curried. ' Bickley- Black. That tlie Clerk be i stnjcted to ascertain from Iho Cjunty Treasurer the amoimt of taxes agamst lot 80 iu the 3rd con., and in what year the said lot was iu defAidt â€" can-ieel. };ncH(yâ€" Abbott. That a of $5 be given to repau: the road opjxisite lot 82, cons. 2 and 3. on Hogshack, provided that John Mulhall gives three days giatis work on said ]diXC08, and the Councillor of Division No. 1 let tho job when the gratis work is doue â€" canied. Buckleyâ€" Black. That the Clerk be instructed to correspond with tlie County Treasurer, and get the amount I pâ„¢_„ „,„ ,. of taxes against lot 80, con. 3, erased I ^^^v man bis due, the compositisn from his books has the same as been ^^^"^^^ "^^"^°- paid â€" carried. Blackâ€" Abbott. That iLe ByAxvi apjwinting Collector and defining his duties, having been read a first and second time, be now read a third time, signed, sealed and engrossed in the Minutes, and numbered 237â€" carried. McArdleâ€" Abbott.' That the Reeve issue an order in favor of John Vert for $100, as part of his "salary for the year 1881â€" carried. Abbottâ€" Black. That John Coop- er receive hi« bond given for perform- ing a road job on 89 side-fine; said rgad job being part of arrears of taxes on lot 85, con. 8 â€" carried. Blackâ€" Bnckley. That the report of Mr. McArdle, regarding the water course between the property of John Harvey and Russell's, be received, aud that it he on the tabje lor fm-ther con- sideration â€" ca^ed. McArdle â€" Abbott. That a grant of $15, be made to Widow. Boyce, she being an afflicted indigent person who afterxoox session. Geography to Bogiuuers.â€" Mr. Kel- ly. Beat anything I ever heard since my n.ativity. How to Teach English History.â€" John Tftit, CoUiugwood Collegiate in- stitue. He would teach by epochs cared uothmg for dates, (let every boy throw up his cap). Said the Saxsous opposed the Normans more than tho Dines. (Doubt it v\ry much). He said the Tudors sounded the death knell of English History. (I think they relieved the nation somewhat, by tixking the power of oppression from the baiTons and the Church into their own hands). He spoke of memory as i an enemv a separate faculty. (I thmk that me- ' mory is a developemeut of any f:iculty. But Mr. Mait is decidedly one of our best men and a most conscientious worker His subjects are well han- dled. Coming in as a free lanceâ€" aud a sharp oueâ€" ho makes thiiigs lively Essay on Elocution, by Mr. Varcoe â€"\oico rather fine for the subject. Illustrations rather digressive. Mr Steele seemed to intimate that the il- lustrations were to powerful for the subject matter. Still to give the asses-- .... .... .^.....-^ IS ijii.'.- of i-audering to the worldly cropensi- i ug, and s prin i:.Hii dm to ii w ti's of tLcir people as to money raising buildups mui the cpei ing of new ways, would nfer«ly s.t their fics ' "" again-t nil dubious methods, half the bat lo would be won, aad then »be 1 1' 1 ' llH'n! 'ale. r ii. iiiu "f til rafti*' VII r/.ARRIED- I On Tn.s,i«y, til.' Sith iiist liy the Rev. other half wiuld uot be so vcrv hard â-  ' "L "â- !. ai rt:. r si ' of tUc briJus to achieve, by a resolute, con;istent ^Slel'^.f'^i!: ^^U^u sic^^r^!' of ^^1^ " trrni- •» i ;. ii:r.lf tanii l-'riiiiiii«T iuilniiiiir»iif^lT» JONrs I ::..-i,^MAlK'^~ S'»irt...»';*-r.M*l!'»'l.t Ha.- Or to .ioi,N r.-.o .». K ij Mwililo. Toront... O-.-.. l::'.!' HI, » \^iJl"STt. ton. Thompsonâ€" Due- Ksrr.sâ€" At tlic rrestyterian ' V "i' -M.iusf by Kev A. WiUo'i, uu ""â- **"â-  the 211(1 iiist.. .Mr. Geo. Tlioinpscu, to Miss I'zabciii liiackburu, aU u{ A.itemu£- teaching if the great gospel truths lu harmouy with their practice. Nothing has phased me hotter iu the letteis of "M" than hia evident faith iu the church to come back to Ler first love. He does uot pick out her faults for tho sake of fault-finding, out he deals with ' n ^, fl,o«,„»» -f^ "" '"""^a"' wltU^RicnABPSos In Chicaj;o, on the 8,1th Oo'., ii-ematter asifit can becuied aud as i 'I'lioimu G.. sicoml s.n of Mr. Tbom;8 I!i"-a:usOM, of Eiijiliiiisia, a;,-ed 2i yrarf. L.ej;nâ€" Iu Glen; I-; on the 'JOtli O.;., MrGe-o. L^iubSr.. i.nlitr of .Mr. Jo. i-pli L;iuib, of this jMnce. Ag. tUi vrars. I' N A MclNTVl:i. yreiBE. iB» SOKV Noto for ^^ A iioiluis. sfwJ^' H. Toil. i'l;,-ott;. â- .â-  ,-.m hir, ili? ai I at this ot^o- ppii •â- _• »i.vii.-ri:;i. «K!»? s aivcrtl.- !rV :.l. r.W.BVTIiPtt Mar'tdale. Oc. \^h. l'«"l. DIED. wise to make a oroanug on tbe ordin- al plan, and as tbe road has been abat up for the last three mcatbs, the Council require that the road shall be opened at onoe, otherwiae legal atepa shall be taken. Moved by Shute. sacondcd by tbe Depaty Beeve, that lioiry Sihwlook recMve the sum of $SMiP. f « opaiung and covering oolveri oo ToroBto lioe. Moved by Mr. Shatsi, feeoodad by Mr. Norton, that Jvatm Maoom ro- oeive the eum of $SfHr«itiag aa arbi- trator oa Union Sebool Seetaoaa Noa. 1, Saad t. Holkad and Eofhaum. Moved by Mr. Shoto. aaooDded by Mr. |iFt«B. tbfit t^ nm o |8p jw Algebra to Beginners, -Mr. Steele, ^. A, Head Master OraugeviUo High bchool made a very ingenious use of the balls to give pupills a start m thii abstract subject. I could not agree with him on his illustrations for the substraction of minus quantities. He did not err for want of abihty, but be- cause he accepted the common illus- trations of the books, which, if he exammes caiefully, he wiU find to be eiToneous. But to elucidate this sub- jet would require ahout two columns of your paper, Mr. Steel is a reaUy ah e man, as mdeed his posiUon indi cates and his other subject. Analysis and Parsmg of "The Deserted m lage, proves him to be thoroughly master of EngUsh, "ufimy Mr. Tait, Senior Arithmetic. But the pnncipal feature of the occasion of J.Lachhn Hughes. Esq., 1 « I uT\ ^**°° "' evening of the ^t"".5^?^H'ai. before^ if she had (as she really has) the means within herself to do so. This is the criticism of a friend, not that of I will just refer rhorlly to some of his opponents. There is no doubt but IhiTj fire a cousiderable number ..f well meaning men who, wonld sn; port some such scheme as ' the ust tax of Taxarious f,,r a variety of apparently delenbible itascus, but, ou coning across such and discussing the matter, they have generally seen their grounds to be untenable- The truth is the spint of tho age is totaly asaiust tbe Church as a bodv, m xing Itself up in any way with pohtical or legal questions, and there can be no doubt that this spirit in tho present state of the world is quite in accord with ,he spirit of the church's lawgiv. er, and this can be admitted eveU by those who contend that it is net tlie duty of the Church to exercise an in- fluence for good on eyery question pertainmg to social well being. Tax arious says "tax the adjuncts, but leave the Goepel free. I would rather put ,t this way, "a free gospel m free adjuncts." "No tax, no debt, Ulficksniii!. force, (FROM BRAZIL) xnr the dissolringjaJces i»nnwi -,{?»?*» teutlr and spâ€"dllr in Biliousness^ CostirenSi^rSeJS. UcArdle-Abbott ^ttat tbe draft tofv Xt!**^°'y°°^' » mae- ol memorial to the ^ost" Master Gene- SmS t3*»" ' *»•" »*«- ral to authorize the establishing of a j- *°** *^* manage suchim maU route between Mount Forei^tAnd '^^^-^ *^^ H^ ^«^ speU-bound Dnnd^W.^darvil^audH^^^ Humor, pi^t there was mSuirt^S F^eUc. lufactwe^nly r^S ^m crymg for fe,, wemi^t bfT^ Your ce^rrespondent Subs;ri;: I ^?.?£lf iS^J'a.?^!^ HAIR curTiNG mm WednesJaiix atul SaUirif. liy IClnyuiati Smiti •S- .-g f:U.a f..r To..nilStoa* Markdale. July 21. l-^'l. *^* -A.1JCJ T 1 Ss ALE Ms Fai'iii Pif IN th;; ro"ii N.'^Jiii's w Proton a.nti ArtemeAj In the County ot Ciroy, tUwre will 1«* I â-  Tuesday, Sov. 15" '^^1 •t one o'clock in tlie aft nnon, »' Iiiiij;;r H'til, IN THE VILLAGE_^F DUWI By virtu.' .f r.iw,r-..f .Sil« '^^A â-  cerUiu .Moi-i^-i.-.s. wlii.l, »illU-or«*" I I tbe Kale, the 'ullmriii-' lUMiiTtii^ I'aicel 1â€" r.i.;, • m..i -.tM,-" tr.m ' ' FerRUson. Tli^' ra-t tiJ'u" "' ' iu tlie l:)t!i c.'iio.-i.:i "I '1" "° 1 Proton, cou-:ty of ei;. y. T'lf "'^t, saia lot, liavii." 1 -i (.titU.-J ti' »"â€"' !Ruson. by .!•' â- â- ' J"" "j^»l. I IThe following; iiiiiir..v. iii.'it " j^ ' on the pr-ii;i-."Al...ut 'â- - *^ 'Z^ imviiiKerccli-i tb.T.'o' .1 i"" '^â- â- ^i Sitaat.-.! uIk.u. 3 m li. ir.ia ' 1 I Priccville. 1^ 1 I Parcel a-Uiulor moxX^^ "*^\ Browp Lot X-. 7. in t! ^^jTZ^i I of till; towiiljip vif i', iP '"".^li* ^Grey. couUiiiiii? ;••:â- â- â- â€¢ nnrfJf'j^ '^^ owing irapri'\«'!iitr' tr» •*"Vj folic the preuii es almi;i 'i' sen presenta- now prepared by thJ8"CoimciJ Abbott-3h»ck. That nominations eiHors, for the year 188S ho »,»m • tbeViUageofJiuidT'an^SS T^tyt\^ demanded that the el«S T^JL^ "'""" :-DivSon nT l.m^the house of James Menzics 1^ 14, con. 6, J,^ Menzies D, tures°oâ„¢^""'" Associatio^e^' other syste^ttS SSS^ ""' erisjnetifiably sarcastic on tbe church sometimes pUmg op the debt, and then uung any and every means to clear it oflf. Fair Play makes a sharp point m reoommendirg whiskey Treasurers " t will be clear to all that if the vendors of ^hiakey may be eharch members, why not employ them ,n active work? I hardly think that Tammas Tickle i. quite s., .gnorant as be .e^8. Tamxnaa and Tibbie aw •«"«^ly fal^^. of the H««^ts â- *«»d. bat tl^ere i^ also gome eeiriKrat the bottom of tb^nonaenw. Alt^ getUer t]^e' di^^pdon of auch matters -calculated to maVeyjpr paper both readable "d «.rf«|. „a 1 i^^on Will long go on and b,iM np a paper «^Ubl. to yourself ^.dtliloSSj m wbieh it etrenlatea. "•' ' Mi** fa.â„¢- /^ â- *• '*«^ne8 Deputy Be- aM \.' ' *^ comlrined by him- T»alii-iwi Urt weak lor HtmMjo, ^fnoat left WaUwrton HearebiuB. Pains Lt^e^S,^^ V*"**^ **'"' " Back. WantotA.p%mi W^V^t ?.""'*â- " "'" ' " " Bnaigy, Low sSSE^avi-TSJ* " 1 l"nua;k. ^j*** rfas offaulixolu^bnl^^iSf^ 1 C»mpbc 1. Lots m .....i H. '"t -^ tAeBoi^fSSw^' "«5^^ leesai^iofthe tow,,-!.,,. " ^r^ ^hole system: ** *** i Conntv oi Or. v c...:i:.;i ;• 1: -^J^* Cfttt this ottt and take it tet vn»* '°' '*«'*â-  '"'^- f"'""""!-' '"'ri^Ta** Vxanist ^ndtetliOeeStailSS T** »" » "" "â- - l"^â„¢'" f^ Oralaig9botU» Ar 7tf^«5?'£2k «»e»red. with a t.i,ii:« .Tcliar.!. ••^ t^Uyoarnai^OTiboatA '^^ «"«"«» 'hereon i i..- bou e^^ *• within two mil. s of lI..i-.TiUf- 9^ J, W. MORROW »'y"^-L'"""'""'"'!Sr* w*.-..*WÂ¥V, McGnron. Lot Ko. 17. m ««' ^c*^ Licensed Auctioneer â- ^°"'"°' "'"" " Lo^n^^cnt, Dondatt, wiB reggV. p«.»5 Aliote of hand. fajtlOO.*m*te in Jannaiy, oJ Grey, eonta'ninc HXI i^^'^^»\ The following im;r«v.-menis tK^^^I on tbe premises .tbont â- '"J^^T^^l under enp.iva ion. with « 1V "" erected tlicreon. ^^ 1^ Parool 6â€" Uihlfr mnrtp?« vZ^^ Gordon. Lot Sol 37. i" t!« "\, ,^ •outh of the i)iir/i.iiii Ifc-*' ' e^i. of Art«ne»i», in the coiintv «^ j^ taining 80 acres ni.i f »' '"j p*** vi.^"^- ^^ n the C' -„ _-re« ni.i e »' '"j about 8 mUes from t!i' viH^w "» ft Termaâ€" One tiiiih ' "he P""^^ to be paid on tlic J»v "' '^l' ^. iW*. Made by John Bowe, tena» »m bd m«de .^"tST^T*' " *^ MWHtet of ' parUoulars apply to °ofafl*d«ymtimreh«aug«»at»te» I haw ao» raaaivol-raltu for it. J. ZL BOXNELL. WaHonfULi^ .a. Solicitors, Masn"" "Z^^ Or to Josxi-a ilcAiu-LF. E«-. " j|^ Tqi«»k),Oot.:7*!i. U«l- JONES BIIOTHKKS 4 M-^C " m XTMER NOTK»8 ^^ A. 1 timepieoe goto WUoox I ^B. Ifilne, of MaxweU, has sold rw atoek to Wm. h. B. Hamlin k flatonrir" â€" " ^« ^^^^ °^ iQtt6Ai, -new amounts to about ?^ bcMttful Necklets, at Wilcox J«wel»era» Oteiatooe is to t-ctire shortly. 'jmgitrr to be Hn^h C. Childers. iFlasherton has a new list ids for aale see his new advertise- ling to the opinion of the pbrophets, we are to have an winter. J. Sproule Flesherton is doing ing business Bead his new ad- temeiit. â- Four paBBcuger coaches for the T. |A B. Railway arrived Tuesday last. roronto \yorid, J burch of England Bazar to-mor- r, and concert in the evening, aud I't you forget it." [oaoNto oil company, are miic luraeturera of "CiMtoriiie luachiiK- Ii:frmzements will he pr sccutL-d, hte best 18 thf^ cheapest, this a| to Auctioneers as well as dry- Trv K. Davis aud he cuuvinc- otat^es are a verj fine crop The [lit Forest Advocate man thinLs il mate for us, be is very tiioujht- -waUl brook tbem. At I which I month] Osprevl Mcleut Hect-or Dr. pation I place incluti'l aciiiin are a d plaintii A. Tn Markdj At al '!}uunci| 19th ul appuiiil year, Mofiat.l and 4 E. ing V! Ge.irgel paiu \)\ this IM No :, bouui as liur^ t'Ki diirj iiiiiiilii i| .11,11.:. this III aid k-a^l .J. \\V hj Xiw.s Brtshfiil I i.y Maikl r«.ad.iLi your dealers for "'Cast ritu" Miiue oil, and see that th«^' imriid " tuded "Cistorine," as none othi-ri "â- â€¢ ^••' • " sDaine. th.- 'J° r Lgageroents for the winter are n. .w ' Lg made, don't forg t that Wilcix, [a full stock of buth E-iigagcment II (KviO'ii 11 -Is. fr| r r.v-i li n TJ ut.M.lJ A^frtrdl ur.hiy jud Weddings Rings, ir. Massou, Solicitor, Owen Sound. I be in his branch otlico, over Mc- parland'e store, ou Friday aud »y every week. I i. Davis Flesiierton. i.s ackcow!edg ky all to he one of the Les,, Auciiun • 1 in the county, his charges are as ' "'" " iu any first class man. 1 I-cm-J.- tin- 1 beria is had in Shelburue and '••' ^I "l"!«l hborhood, we understand some ol '"' " *^ " [Schools have been clos.i.-d,aijd th.ii "â- "â- 'â-  • has been recently twelve deaths. ""'"" '•' forkville will likely ho annexed t.i ' ' onto shortly. The Vjr'iville ciin- ""'^• iror tho mjvemcnt, and Tor.jiiin j F' .r 1 ':.i [the 8-ime w.iy of thiniiirg so Tar. "â- " '•â-  â-  "r Ki ii.i- lust say it's tlie nice.«t tniiig I h. t r ni nsei! for the teL-th and hrtaitli," (.-ij,,! \,;.,i,~ everyone h.iving t;iLdTr..iULRi:v, j fau.ilv inJ Inex toilet gum. (iet a Oct. sample. J |iorfoct safj Je learn from the Mail then child .1;: lu^ ecu consii iictol f r the i" (i. .•. ' '• nilway 10 locomotjvis, i vjuis, ,â- '*•â- 'â- â€¢"' "'i ax cars, ainl 3 first chifs c(..Kli».s. -^- "'• good quality of cluy fur uiuking I has been fuui;d in tho vicinitv "i T... dslk. aLd R. O. WhiiLy, inu'ii. a brick yard there in tiie Vll.:l; r, Thomas Richardb()ti,o"lv.iiiluM- " ccieved the news by 'i'tlc;.'r.iiii, ""' ' â- â€¢â€¢'•â- â€¢â€¢ ke death of his son in CiiicHgo, „t, ';â-  â-  ••- n. lay, 3l)th uU. \Vi- have n.t yii y.-t «'-, Bed particulars. j .f.i^^ ^. lie Quebec Legislature will hr; .li~- !;'»: h -n sd ou November the 7iii. Tliv ' 'lii\ inations will take place on lh»| and the polling on the " ' •â-  • Bmber; i.M.i.: 1 '"il.- â- ;, il â-  or i-r vxi. -1 !dr.-i.i:d,t. 1 BE "Castorine" Machine Oil, f.-r .j-.r .:,.,. n; ads of muchiiK-iy, It IS â-  a!^-i t-x \i:'.j; t' at for harness and k-aLli.r,. w.ik Itwater aud.voatu.r pr .j.*" 1' if I by dealers lieQiartley meeting ct tho .M. :ii-""' ' ' I Cuurch, Markdale Cucut, will he- • i' • jnext Sabbath coinineiu-iiigat 10; Sf,:iiiij .l.tM:, m. A cordial iuvhi4ii.,u is lx .,,,r .„.,,]„, to all. be Gauge of the T. O. .t 15. 1! .1! i'ljtu!: 'j -i ' is to be chungud on Sal uidii\ tin- -„,,,. f 'j,-:, ' I mat., and trains t,f th.- '.,. 1 .. â-  â-  tin eauge arj ti c'noc run- j-jir,,., -,. -., .. :on Monday the 14th, j,.,^ .. i Turner t Co. are removing this whi. ' i lacroas the (Street to Dr. Sjirnulc's Hiir; v- •"â- 'ok building, and M. I'.jstir is v.ii;!- 1' "g a general store iu tho place i-uij-s I .. Vacated by Mr. Turner. j lu.-.i-'t. n !i •: ople are begining to find out the ' V- 1 " ' sj'ru:;i- ir. I I iin.l i-X" I":, .1 I thi.-\v iriii ' onstinatiou 15itters, anl th y arc "lug the favorite faiuilv ni-.-dieiiHi I Canadian public for nil d. r.m- 1 ' "' ' "'"" " ats of the Stomach, I!o«le8,Liv. r '""i'"' Sidneys. In large bottles, ut 50 1 "' '"""' A. TuBXEB Co, 62eciul agent I The-"]! •, ' wl"Ja'c. I"lligh.ll li.n ilson Bros, at Proton Station, are '""" " 'i'^.v a good busintss in lumber, us j "'l'-^' '•â- " "'• «' seen by Hand Bills, they now i*^"'.*' •"" "»"" I the iiighebt price in cash for any l'«"per!y and tily of logs, both hard and soft '"'"' l"'" ' '" to ly Liingii!;.^- ibif-'.ie S.juin- Kl i first decision under the I""" j,;,.]^ th ujht il. ct was given at Mon-igh,iii tliis :[]f ji,^, f,,,, .,1,,,^ The commissioners after view- .^^^ ,^_ j tl;. ki.- pe holding in the case, rfduci-d ^.^ i..-.,!.!. s ff.'ii « by arty Shillings for the ii-.jit j,,., ^i,C:l,- i- lyeare. I " I A I.IVKLY AnI P 'Ca«tonne" Machine Oil, for », /•. ,, ,. ,, .1 â- nil- • .-Vl V..I tt l--' i... 1 r"»» 01 macliinerv, it is also ex- 1 • f* for harness and leather. maU j f"r"»""«--^--"f l"' '"ster and weather proof. For the 2.3tli uli, :i [•t'V dealers. j tv*e.-v the cue J- McFarland has placed a very "^*'-»""l "" "*» at tbe corner of Toronto "'ot at an J iiiilj Iom! '**â- ' *° ^^^^^ of bis store. We sides were IukVI )^j*^ will follow his i„o ^jrcus me/J â- ^_^Te* great couveuieuce on I ^^^.j ti^trouj /escaped from tL ' â€" The Grey Hairs of old ' nielle the bear j I Ou. laJ" «bould receive reiect Hohtb still at laij •^^tSSln "♦?' """' Pf"'"" i exeilemei.t prev â- "•""onâ€" in the way of us- ' » Hair Renewer. Sold by IIonob Roli.. 'fiOeantsa bottle. ' month of Get â- !« [X£EP THE FEET DRY. "^^ ,^""' " "'"ll is th* I son, 102; L. J| iiietiM !I5***^ of "loppy weather McQuanip, 15'2.l T^va 01 eolda, and lung troub- jyi,u Mcyuarri| » A#*Sr " ^^^^ '^* " Classâ€" Katie Mc ^il" ^fficulties- Cure i ^^[^ john8'n,lt; ,^ Hagyard's Pector.l j j^^j. ^gt Classl "»t to take andalways j 190 • D. McLellJ VSX Aj 'J

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