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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 28 Oct 1881, p. 3

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 y r i â- â- ^ 1" tn MELAJfUlllUH "XQBlOUlii UBSZi EXHIBITION. Ilie aponal Ezhibim tbe Me- lanlhSiT/Sfifcultili^ SSSiaff, wfkflheld h(:re ou TliTirsdiiy and Fridiiy last, and proyel to be very saccessfol. The first day of the uh -w the wetitb«r waa fnir, altJiongh some^thiU oool, bnt Fri Ihv ruoraiiig was gloomy, and dor- iu' the forenoon tliere vian Bome rain, wlii"}! no donbt preventod many from artcnliii'4. The aftttnooo tnntaJ oat £. '•, «nd afforded an oppoitnnity for til. L:-.,-" croftrds in the rillag* lo viat tl.c -how fjTcmds, and it u abtiuiated tLni bttvrecn two and three thonsand vi j'orij passed through the gates, the I mill, W. Jeffry, Sd Wm. Q«Qm tiuQii'i{jn^ nfaetoring Co., Sd, A. C BelL Sinf;^ Buggy, O. Idand. 8d O. Pattanon â€" Sin^ eatter, O. Patterson. iron barrow, John Qninn, Sd A. A D. BelL Horse ahoes. G. Patterson. Doable Hamese, F. MarshalL Doable light haruew. F. Marshall. Coarse boots, Thomas Wilder, ad B. Bealey. Fme BooU, W. A. McKee. Collection o/ boots, Ch«0. Addison, 93 B. Bealey. Collection of leather, B Bealey, ad (i. MarshalL Collection of feather spe- cially recommended, Charles Sinclair BjireMi^ Irwin Bros. Bedstead, Irwin Bros. Table, Irwin Bros. Fanning ad Chas. Hamilton want yon to tail â- â€¢ ham jom kept Youaatf ad fanfly wall Um past aeaaon, vban all tha xtt/ktt m hare beaniieksoai^l#kM« ha« tha io#ors Tiotiog na su oft wi." 'fiSro. TaylOT, the aoavar fa vary mmf,lMati Hop Kttva m tka*; kaptnyfiunHy waD and amad tha doctor bills, lima doOaia wortk of it kept as wdl and aUa lo work all the time. I'll wanaat yoa it has cost yon and tha naigfabors one to two hondred ddlara apiaaa to hasp the same tiaie." "Deacon, I'll oaa yaov banaftar." rtcii'ti beii;;,' c(,noiaeraLly in excess of :ii!y prevjjus y©ar Of the tthtbi- lil'.i'n it)eli it is ounecessary to speak, K-iiHce it to BUY, that it was not behind lu.y of its predecessors in point of t-'eu'ntl exocllonce. We might say t' r. tltc oflicers and dtk-ectorB deserve li » bu^t, contribnted in agrest I •'•â- s'ir.-' '.fj tL«; .success of the show. V r ihc iLiairs of the successful com- I tit'T iu the various departments v." refor our readera to the PRIZE LIST: Dkaft Hobses â€" Span of horses, f; • il ;.y Dr. Hpronle, BC. P., John I'.i Jr. 21 .Joseph Panl. Brood Ibre, J 11. McGUl, al Thonus Dunkin. Tw.-var old (Telding or Filly, special b. \\ni. McGillivray, A. NohJa. «d y\ rk HHrri.4o:i. Tearliag Oolding or r,l!.-. Isf Hr.d M Wm. Gallaugher. ^nliiKCdt, J;:me8 McOill, ad Wm. I'uciier. Boot Cutter, Wilson Bros. Horse rakaw W. Galbadi, ad 0. Hamilton. OookiBg atore, A. B. Noble. Collec- tion of tinware, A. B. Nobk. DoKESnO MAXrFACTCBX kXD KUOLB. WoKK. â€" Uom(made full cloth, Mrs, Bench. Home-made satinet, Mrs. Bintool, 2d Mrs. Fawcett. Checked for thfir wol! directed labors^ flannel, home made, Mrs. Bintool, 2d Mrs. Fawcet.t Plain flannd, home- made, Mrs. Fawcett, 2d Mrs. Bench. Collection of factory work, W. C. Towns. Mitts, Mrs. Wilder. 2d Mrs. MiUbhall. Stocking yam, home-made, Mrs. B. Baird. Factory cotton yam, Ist and ad Mrs. Wilson. Fancy milt, Mrs. Davidsoa, ad Misa Stoaa. fim- broidary. Mrs. J. Hamilton, 8d Mrs. Amae. B^aidiag vork.Mra. Ibtahall, 2d Mrs Hemstreet. Enittad laocMiss Gillespie, 9d Miss Stone. Plain sew Mrs. Watson, Id, Mrs. Hemstre (-: Geve.'.a:. I'i.i;fo«Ks. â€" Span of Horses "tiul l.y \. k D. IJell, Robert Cope- 1 iti'l, 2d \). Huthf-rland. Broo'l Maro, -Vu' Ifiirri.son, M G. W. Skelding. 'i"u» y.-.-.r oil pel(Unj{ or filly, special l.v I'-.-.ii. liros., Thos. Dunkin, 'id W. Mt.'.MCC. Yearling gelding or filly, G'o.g' Kliiiw, 2d Miirk Harri«oji. f ' lii:" folt, Mark llarriHon, 2d G. W. hk'Dinfj. 'â- "•riMiK Iloiisi:-;. -Special bv Wm. .;•" M. P. 1'.. .I.uiie.-.Curric,2d W. ..•â- I" 3(1 llfcTirv Fawcett. Hack in i :.• -s, sjitcial l-y T. Jenuingu, Esq., •J. (. Mciiistrcct, 2.1 Wm. Calbock. '.â-  â- Idle Iiorsr^, Kpt'ciiJ by n. Carson, i' r-. 'I'-is Uajriilton, 2d Mack IIotccis. J' -I ilrivlir^ horso, C. M. Hnstings, 2d '.ii-l.- llo\vfs. Two year old stallion, .Jtfiifs MHiill. 2d .John Dell. "I':-".: •I.lill-HKKI)('ATTLK. Bllll.tlireC â-  :.!•! iii.'l ovr.~ Colwell (rralinin, 2 I I'li'iiiiJis Kofjnir'on. Bull two ynars ' i ' i: •! niuXor, lUlpli Foster, 2d Bich- i" I !itt, 3d .lo^.ph BankH. Bnll ' '•â- . â-  • r.vd 2.1 Iticliard Brett. Milcli •â- â- â€¢â- . â- â€¢ ' r.l iJntt, 2l Joliu IlawkiuM, 'i'..- V. ;.r 1 1 licrf" r. JIark Uarria-ai, .: ' I ..- IIil of Giudrs., â- ' ' • I. Mill II cow, 1st and •J. ' â-  ' .iii~."ii. Two year old r. I .t;.| -J.l lliilpli Fo-itor. Yeai-- 'â- 'â- i' 1 !; I'iiihiv, 2.1 liobt. Gray. â- â€¢ « !l. l!...i!i;iH DiinkiM. 21 R. \\..r»:"!^ oxfii, .John IJ. :â- ..,.' :iy. • • v: ' n.-frotswoH-) ' .Ii y, 1\.-,.|., 'o.»iicy i .is'iii. A"f'il ram, â- Â» 111-')-., Siioarlir.i: '• 1 ' ' '.i y llroii. R.iiii ;, •; "I'MKy Hrrvs. .\';el •111, 2il f'oniipv I'.ros. ,. '-t iJd Cociicy • â- \- i. •• 111, o. "ucy 1 in IS., 2d â-  I ... .:• â-  '1. â- â€¢. \;rcd Ev/i'.Mark •â-  â- !. ;.li iiiiiiks. Slicar- .. Iiriiik.s. Ewe latubrt il' .- A..,'id Roar, .laino!; -|'rim,' I'i/s, U. Gray, 2jd •.i;;i iri. â€" .•\j,'od li);u-, K. f;ii:i..,'pi;,'s, J. .Maiiiiiii;,' 2.1 ' • I •. .. Spfcinl by U. Mcir- â-  â- .. ..I':ir.\ Incd. U. (Jniy, 2d .â- â- â€¢ .. ;. by li. Mort"n,for • •f .iiy l.pi'd under oishtoun -Iu) .1'.^ liraidon. 2d B. Mor- '...' I'iiir (iicso, B. Triuiblo, â-  V Ui-.' Turkeys, W. Biut- .! 'I,n I'.Juir. Duck.s, James J' ' M.iny T^r..-i., •. I iruh. 2d U. Trimble. Qiune.-i, â-  iiitl. "., 2d S, Liudsay,. Span- tiwlii. 2.1 R, Hartly. I'lym- n i; r»aird, 2d R. llurllty. ... J.I Iluvt.tblo. ing. Netting, Miss Gille^ie, 2d Mrs. Rob- ertson. Crochet work, Mrs. Marshall, 2d Mrs. Hamilton. Tatting, Mrs. Jacob Silk, 2d Miss Gillespie. Fancy hanging basket, Mrs. Ferguson, 2J Miss Mary Ann Hall. Leaiher flow- ers, Miss Irwin, 2d Mrs. Watson. Ber- lin wool work, Mrs. Bobertson, 2d Mrs. Watson. Wax work. Miss Wat- son. Straw hats, Mrs. Hall, 2d Mrs. P. D. Henry. Bug, Miss 8. J. Hall, 2d Miss Gillespie. Knitted lace win- dow curtains. Miss Davison. Hair wreath, Miss Gillespie. 2d Mrs. Wilson Uonitou lace, Mrs. Fisher. Pointed lace, Mrs. Beabum. Driving woollen Mitts, Mrs. Bench, 2d Mrs. P.D.Hen- ry. Slipper case, Mrs. Watsca, 2nd Mrs. Wilson. Embroidery on silk (recommendedj, MiiiS. Stone. Jar of Ilouey, T. P. Hodgson, 2nd Mrs. Bin- toul. Photographs, Geo. Gillespie. Collection of photographs, Geo. Gilhs pie, (recommended). Canned fruit, W. Robertson, 2ud Mrs. Watsou. Factory made cheese, 1st and 2nd W, U. Ripley. Special Prizes. â€" Ey Dr. Barr for home made bread, Mrs. Wilder, 2nd Mrs. Henry. By E. Berwick Co., for tub butter, Mrs. Wilson 2ud Mrs. .Manning 8id D. McVaunel. By F. A. Campbell, frenh butter,Mrs. Wilson 2;id Mrs Albeniotliy, 9td Mrs. Silk. Ry P)y Mason, for collection of but- t'T, Mrs. Henry 2ud Mrs. Bosley. By Dr. Bj'stin, for gent's shirts, Mrs. Purvis, 2iid by A. B. Noble, Miss Bliwir. By Dr. Norton, for gents slip- pers, Miss Blair, 2ud by A. V Gal braitli, Mrs. Amecs. ByG. A. Pric liard, f.r patchwork quilt, Miss Stone, 2:1.1 Miss Mortimer. By Hannah A Ferguson, fsir log cabin quilt, Mr." il"iry,2iul .\ii-.-Diibort3on. By Irwin Bros., Berlin wcol wreath, Mis.«'s, 2ii.l Mi-.d Hamilton. By .Tno. StiriHoii, f ir b^st Covorlot, Mrs Rec- biir I, 2ad Mi.'-^s (nillcsjiio. By J. â- JamcrDii, for Peuinansliip, N. W. (u'W.m. Oruaraojital Penmansbip, by N. W. Gowau, rocommended very lii;,'lily, boiuii an address by the Coun- cil of the towu.^liip of Molancthon to John Mills, Esq., upon his retirement fror.i ;h' ullice of Treasurer, after hav- ing iillod the same honorably for a coi-.tury. By Liuds.iy Bros., for home made choose, Mrs. B. J. Whitten,2nd !Mrs. Rintonl. Raspberry wiuo, home loa.lo, Mrs. A. Toole. â€" Shelburne Free THE POWER OF THE PBESS. ,.i\. i;..irs ANi Flovr. â€" Flour, 1 iiiiii 2d r. P llodgKon. Collection 1. r; 11. h|KH.iftl by A. Harris A Son, V- I l.r.2d Henry Fawcett. Col- L. i.m (if -r.-iin, special by Wm. Cal- 1 I,, r. .p, R. PoUey. Collection of I...1-, .-^iHrial by Wilson Brothers. W. Mill ill.-., Jil M. Harrison. Swede Tur- I ip-. â- ,f,iial by F. A. C«mpbcll, Esq., IbiirvFavcet, 2d R. Foster. Fall wli ?, (i. W. Skeldiug, 2d F. Pellott, 1-iillir, John Davidson. White Bus- .sian. .Iiilin Davidson, 2d Wm. Andor- si.n. .\iiy i.tlior kind of sprin;^ wheat, ..' -Ill Favi.l.-n, 2d Joaopli Stone. â€" r..iil.-y. 11 nfy Fawcott, 2d J. David- II. \\ !iii.' oat-. Wm. Anderson, 2d ;. Davi.l.M-vji. lU.ick oats, Wm. Stono- i. .111-1. Si.iall piMH,Johu Hall, 2d John •.i\id;;u. Mas seed, Wm. Henry, J\ n. Faveelt. Timothy seed, Wm. ;. hi.-. tU II. Fawoett, Indian Corn .\' r i.lhy, 2d P. D. Henry. Ear- ;..â-  r. Litoes. 1). McVauncl. 2d Wm. .... \:i\ .â- tlur kiud -f potatoes, •, 'a.. 'U.-4|' 21 .Mi.-."Riutoal. Col- ti â- ' 1' r:;', II. Bcsley, 2d Wm. ..I. ALvikou turnips, R. PoUey, â- 'I (.' tliV.iiiui. Any other kind of 1 ps. Am. Heury, 2d R. Foster. â€" ;• .:.i.ip E. Berwick. 2d R. Stewart i.v.i-BodCiirrot.s. H. Fawcett, 2d D. t ;.,a..i.iil. Short red carrots, Mrs. ..:..L ..;i, 2d R. B.iird. White carrots. V. l).!ln.2dM. Harrison. Potatoe :i..ii^ J. r.olblo, 2d A. Toole. Seed :j â-  -,'^r«»uray, 2d Wm. Anderson. â- .'..'1 nui^iis, George Boabum, 2d R. 'In-riv. vdhbage, E. Mortimer, 2d I B!.;;v. Pu-.upkius, B. Bradford, 2d i:. ".I'l'v. S-juiish, P. D. Henry, 2d ll.ill. Tom.itoes, A. B. Noble, 21 F. WiMemesi. Beets, Cooney I' 21 W. ShLlds. Celery, A. 1- r. -vi, 2dK. Berwick. Citrons, i;. '.-lor, 2d B. Stewart. Fall Ap- jSh. McGIioo Bros., 2d, McGhee !r:-o-. Wi;it(v .\pples, Mrs. Wilson, jd .McGliea Biw. Collection of Ap- 1 ^, Mi-.i. Riutoul, 2d W. August. â- .:r_e cr.i!'i, tioorge MarshaU, 2d D. t j.-luoui. fcWbUl crabs, B. Policy, :.' • !.ii. Wil-i-ni Lombard plums, T. i: ;;'!m, -ii riioma.^ Wiggins. Any. .1 1.; r l.ind of plums, V»m. Watson, 2d V.iKeu. Collection of plum8,W. \\ a.-^'t; P^.as, E. Ferris, 2nd Wm. Ouc of the old-time editors of Michi- gan was boasting ^he other day that ho had never been sneI for libel, or attacked in hu •anctum, but he eooJd recall many narrow escapes. Twenty- live years ago, he was running a red- hot paper ou the line of the Michigan Central railroad. A man named Car- sou, who was running for some coun- try oiBcc, was civen a bad racket, aud the editor received a note that if he ha.l anything more to say he might expect to receive a good pounding. Uo had a still more bitter attack the next week, and the paper was hardly mailed before in walked Carson, the candidate accompanied by a brother and two ooasina. The four wera strap- ping big fellows, and each were arm* ed with a horsewhip. The tvo com* positors and the "devil" got up with all speed, leaying the editor without support. He realized the situation at once, and began " Walk in, gentlemen I presume you have come to horsewhip me " "We have," they answered. "Very well. Have yoa thoroughly considered tliis matter t" It doecn't need any consideration," replied Carson," "You have lied about n c, and I am going to Uok you within an inch of your life I" "Just BO, my friend but first hear what I have to say. Did you evpr hear of the press being stopped be- cause the editor was 03w-hided " "I duuno." W'ell, you never did. Lick me all you chose, and my paper comes cut week after week just the same. The power of the press is nez.t to the lever that runs the universe. It makes or brakes parties, builds up or tears down, plants or destroys. Aggravate the editor and Uie press beoomes a sword to wound or kill. Wallop me if you will, bnt next week I will come oat more bitter than ever." There was an embarrassing silence right here, and the face of each horse- whipper had an anxious look. "It will go out to the world â€" to America, Canada, England, France â€" aye I clear to Jerusalem, that the Car- sen family of this county live on roots and johnny-cake that they stole a dog from a blind man that they murdered a pedhir for a p^ir of two shilling saspendeFS that the women are clnb -footed, and the men work their ears when they sing that tha "What is the regular lubaeriptioa price to the Herald." interrapted BEA SICKNESS. The beat remedy and preventatiTe for Saa Biekneai ia Dr. Fowler's Ex- tcaet of Wild Strawbenrr. It ia also iLa beat ramady for all forma of Sam- mar eomplainta, wbethei on aaa or laaditvflloot fail yoa. All Drag- giata mU it 87| eaoU per bottle. A qaairal over hawdhng tiie ring re- •antly eaoaed a wedding to be bridten off at tbe very altar ia a Lowyille, N. T. Gbnrsh. A farmer ia tha ICdlanda of Eng- laad lately tamad about ten aorei m* to a mushroom bad, and made a i»o- fit of $£0 in leea than three montba. GRANDMOTHER Used to My, "Boys, if yonr bipod ia oat «f oader tiy Bordoek tea:" and they bad to dig tbe finrdoek and bod it down in kettiea, makiog a aaaty â- mailing daeoetion now yoa get all the onrative propertiea pot i^ in a palative form in Bardoek Blood Bit- ters. Prioe 1 .00, trial aue 10 oentr. A drinking nlooo in BafUo haa in its curta n. so that it may be aaeo frvim the street, "Our trust is in G d" â€" a delicate way of hinting that oo credit is given. A Broker in New York advertises for one million Confederate bonds at a qnarter of one per cent. He has al- ready bought over a million, and aays he ia acting for jof eign parties. A MATCHLESS MEDICINE. The oooliog,'-«lean8iDg,soothing and healing properties of Dr. Fowler's Ex- tract of Wild Strawberry render it the beat remedy in tbe world foi ail formt of bowol oomplaiata, sickoes of the stomach, cramps, cholera morbus And dysentery. Purely regetable. and al- ways reliable. There was great excitement tbioagh* oat Ireland over the arrest at' Dablin, of Parncll, Ireland's Dictator. Ha is chanted with inciting the peof^e to intimidate others from paying their rents, aud intimidating tenants from taking advantage of the benefits ao- cruuig under the new Law Act. A Boston firm made $40,000 nut of tha 'Ga. Bold pictures, an.l u-w small e^o'iest^Giiiteii 11 arc finding a ready sale in som» iarts ol N"W York city. TiUrv conaLvt of a miniature scaffold beam rf nine Wood, (r im â-  which a pasteboard ^g'lre of Guitoau is sus- [lended by a cord. •'THE LKAVES SHALL BE FOR THE HEALING OF THE N.\- TI')NS." The leaf of the Wild Rtr.i wherry lias veriti.-d that Soriptura! quotation. Di- F. wool's Extract of Will Straw- berry is the luurvel of healing in all varieties of Sammr ConapI.Juts, aud i"luxey, Olxdeia M »rbas, Choleru In- I'.iiituiu and ev'jry form of Bow. 1 Com- plaints of children or adults promptly yield:; t.j iis powir of healiuj;. An a; tbetia corrospoulcnt of t!ie Now York Herald thinks that the only commentator who ever did justice to ho ' iinprovsmcnts" of civilization at .N'lHg i!a Falls wai an Indian who v.'atciK'd all day the workmen build- ing a bridge from Goat Island to the maiulaud, aud as he rose at nightfall to sro away said heartUy, "Damn Yankee I Ugh '" ot Cnumimptiim »ai a Pl» â- M^arsQtava. /Cr»aO y ti sa h aate ea» pamiklat. whidi wa dasfaa to amd frae by mail toevary oaou HieBBMafie IMiaiiM tesrid kgr att Draffiirta al â€"a â-  rMwy* of «! • awasy *y MMME Mn Taranto, Oat., TEAI TEA! TEA! II90MS l_IJQ80M I IfdNTXBE'Sr Cigars, Cigars. -MoINTYiK'S hMt nine flnt UcVfTtvsrn woiiimfLimmi |lflirrYEE'B iMBOiaaav aa4 mmCALHAU VHE KET TO NEMlila BURDOCK BLOOD Uirfocki «TI tbe el. Bflfwab^ Kidneyi an( of the Uw^ euiyiog eff padully without weakening the iystem, •II wc imparities snd foul Innsets of tbe aacretions st the nme time Oo P acti ng Addity of tha Stomach, c«rii« nu- ouneaa, Drapepda, Haadaehea, Dis- Mlneiii Hatftbnn, OanstfpatloB, Dryaaaa of tha SUn. Btomt, Dim- naaa o f^Haton. Jaundice. SaltShenm. Sryitealaa, ScroftaU. Flnttating of Vb» Bmxi, Karrounaai and Oaneral Debility M these and many other uini lar CompUinti vield to the hsppT Inflncaoa af BDBbOCK BLOOD BIREB Sample Bottlaa 10e;BegiilMrBiiaiL For nle hj all dealen. H ^â-  «â-  i." 2^.i^ A rOLL ABSOBTMKMT IN TIE r(II(^J0 ON H4N0 1»JB WW »^i" Dye Stuffs, Paints and Oils, jL Patent Medicines, Schoo Boooks, x Stationery, Fancy Goods. Toilet Articles. Pure Drugs and Chemicals, Choice Teas and Tobaccos. Agents for Vicker's Express and Montreal Telegraph a. Kg Sash ttnd Door F^j SAorl, II .HiiT '^p' -if niodi :: DOORS^ .lihuvui. BLtNDS _i W *-.4r. ,.. 'i*"vA* HOLLOW *.-,i,'4 -v^VJl "'"â- â€¢."• â-  "ATTo, Idunber, Lath and Si T.-lff.'.: â- â- â- â- â-  .:â-  ijgsKJKr.- AlwvjB oa Hand. Orders Prompuy •i-1.; " nU SahaaffW iriabea to ntnra thank* to tha pmple of UirW. aHyHharalpatraaafttbaveKivmhiminthapalt, aodhopcH »nr7u**Wl a aoatiaaanaa nllhr iWrn" ' '"^cX I have aaw estan dad my b w s Tn iaa. aad will in tntort k» lJ^I PlflE t-UMlBt, AXIi SIZES, DBESSED AND UNDfijc JLH Blinds or I»UUii and l^'nnoy ^^ Doma ia a ftnt^alaa* a»aDb«r. MarUale, Majr S7U. 1881. THOS. McK] V Cun8 Cholera, Cholera llllorbus,Dy' tentery, Cramps, Colic, Sea Sick- neaa and Summer Complaint also Cholera Infantum, and all Com- plaints peculiar to children teeth- ing, and will be found equally beneficial for adults or children. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. T. MILBURN CO., Proorietors. Toronto. MARiCDAL l*iiblic INotiice. N'0riCEi3 hereby given that the new ro.'\d open tUronKh Iota 99, lUO, and IU! on tbe it-d eooeession W. X. 8. B., in tbo towusL'p ol Oleaelg, is not properly es- •abl'slied. Tbe eorporation of the township ot Olen- elg not haTin' anr ;itle to the road through said lots, will not bp responsible (or my ao- eijeiit thai mnT happen on said road. JAMES BUOWN, FINLAY MacBAB, Clerk. Bee^ Township ef QleueK, Oct. 19, 1830. Stoves. Stoves F' Carson. "Only twelve abillinga a year." "Put na four down.? •' • "Very well â€" aix doUara â€" that'a correct. Run in and aea taeâ€" all of »ou, and if any of yon wp«A U aeaany Detroit Cxcliam?08 I aball only be too ACTi-KLts- â€" Iron beam sod glad to Berro jaa."â€"-i^**roU Fre* Jolm Qninn. 2d Mr. Rcaburt; Pre»». Cooking BtoveSv Parlor Stoves, Box Stoves, Hall Stoves, Drum Stoves. '.11 the late improvemenU in style and ftniih. HARDWARE! TINWARE, Paints, "WMte Lead. Paint Oil, Machiue Oil, Ooal Tfil, Lamps, IkC-* -ATâ€" Haskett Bros. Markdalc, S«pt. SStk. 1881. Companies. Markdale. Ang. 3rd, xMl. A. TURNER CO. 18 600D HEWS laiM. Barry lis at WvL LATELY PITTED UP MyOTiat Ma in FIRST-CUSS RUNNING OBDERl V â-  1 am prapaiad to tan est all wort a a •»!- PloorandankMaaf feed aaUwaad baa o any gart ol tba viDaae. TkaaUag yaa ail ioa faal lavaaa I hapa fajr â- triet attention to baaiaaaato â- aiU a eoB- tinaarjno d tha samn. W. i. B0WBb Bairiiaaa HiBa, gapt. W. 1881. M-Sai Marble Works MonumeDts, Tombstones And eTery description of Cemetery work exuoated it^ FIRST-eUSS smE I and at reasonalile rates. Orders left at tlie shop or sant by mail will be promptly at- tended to. Satisfactipn Guaranteed. Shop ntxt door to Rntre HoUl. W. A. JOHISTOI, Prop. Markdale Anit. 10th, 1881. 48-ly trail of 6arffi»M ' Sbeet, Vi: I With his ^lvograpb,^«^nowledge(1 I by himself t^fce l^^st likeness in fTBcrl^Bdrcd. Slmjff^ Cept««, 33 cts. ^4fr Aato;ravh LetW giTen with I picture. AddressX^ Cabqubtilui, Oua. Co., r St., Ckttato\ Copy Sbobib I 119 Mmnt St., Ckltato. 40,000 aold in Chicago Inaide of 48 honra. TAILORING O. A. OWEN, FasbiOMble Tailor, HAVINO rented the Tailorinf Deput- meat oyer McFarlands store, wishes to inform the pabHo of .Markdale and tha soRoaodingeoantry, thathe is prepare to FILL ALL ORDERS Promptly and Tastily CUTTING! are waiting. COOKING, PARLOR AND BOX STOVES AlwRTs in Stock. As I keep all kinds of REPAIRS for tbe Implements I seU, bariuers will see the advantage of dealing with a Local Ageut. WM. STRAIN, Flasberton, MaroL ii, 1881. LATE IMPORTATl Of "paeially Atineetiye, SeasenaUe, Fashionallr uj gt^ TJiifY Grood^l To aand, whMi we offer at Greatly Reduced Pricet ttr 900^9 A)l^ $8^ We offer special valnes in every line. OUB STOCK OF Groceries, Hardware, Crocl^ery, anil Gljii la Tery complete, and •i'lstomers will find prices partment. and Taliifs ^Btisfatturv « GIVE U8 A CALL AND SAVE MONEY by porcUssing y oar supplies at the • Tu.'ootu Hoa-e." Wm BROWI Markdale, Sopl. 26lb, I8»l. ... STOP. MAEK. mm. And then you wfil linow where to go to Kct t!.e best viUk. f'r r"iJ H'..*, R. J. SPROULE$ GREAT A^Srt^yAL D h V, CLBAKIG AT THE POST OFFICE STOEEI FliESS^ETON. £8-tf OH, HEAR. OH^HEAR. OH, HEAR. Squauder your monay if ycu waut to. if uot, get yourPliotograi)h8 of W. BULMER. r The People's Photographer, Flesherton Pi^IitJT'Jwi^ '•" •J**^"' MOTTOES and Motto aad otW fcMa.. «.d Vr..! Bring along yoor pietores and h.T. then, copied ard ealargad by ynw .Id Mead. FUsherton, Maieh 10, 1881. B U LM ER» ATTENTION -o Iiarge Arrivals New fioods! In order to make room for hoary Spring Importations now arriviiic daily, I k«« m Todaeing my preaaat laqta aal well selected mi a!Korteii stwk ol GENERAL DRY GOODS, FURS, MILLIKI SS©sia.3r-av£ad.© Clotlilrie*, BOOTS AND SHOES. V Hats, Caps and Groceries " ' TO THE LOWeST POIN I POSSIBLE, and ta otiet to do so, wm Sen at and 13 nder COS! FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS. Tbe akxA k aU acw, atrell k*a«l|«, and well wortb the ..Wntimi "l*';-'*^' tm OBOCEBIESyoa wiU Aud'cwiTt king ofFirsl-t Him **'!t,( le of ssBis ol o«r wiudy Mcrcbanl- lA oar way"" ua*» Aa I do not ponaa the ooarae i lagaa, a sanding oat aameroaa aamylea of eheap trash («ith ""^=^('°l??'^.,,s tions) ootsida oar natural bn«in«K reUtioiM, in oUar to iiuf ib" tbe pwW»f not aroperly treated by theu mora honorable deak^v. auJ lri cu«taai Yoa *m And ewMTtliliMr th^ I aaU Jaat aa I reprt-f.t'Ul il, ,»",JJV^ I as yua ean poasibly gat t^ yoaraaoney wa]rwher«, as I ha\ uera uw dealinir is the only troe eonrae t€f a boaiueits man. ^^i l atriaUT nett cash, conscqueiillv I ««â-  •»"'â-  'I Hy Oroeeriea are all boaght rae for a b jtht^atri The Lo%^c»it Possible Prices! For cash; and FAEM PBODUCB| jiji:iiT. BUT NOT FOK â€" o -AT- HILL BROS. Many linea of Oooda bought after tha fUl of ••• p prieeewillbe lij^t. kt^ t ii: r-f- 1 -v THE LATEST FASHION PUTE8 Alvajs on hand to oheae from. A Good Fit GoaraDteed â-  â€"ATâ€" ' KarKemembeir -the lOaoe^ Over McParlantftf Store, Stacks of Winceys. Stacics of Tweeds, :^^:^aeks #f Bc9»ts and 8h es. Stacks of Ready-made Clothing, Stacks of Mantles for the Ladlesa Call smd. aea o v., I..- fiooDs PMiTiFHi m mm ml •Waaw*teHBinritft«nt; â€" «v-. Mullan, win return by the l«t rf OrtoX^t wuSTi ?*'•"*â- ' '®"» *Bfi»* ct oar barinesa, an/ tmrt to cS^' uLT^ btJU^'^^. »?«*»« that 3 I am now aelling large quanties of CO ABBE LAND • bY o R m: A N I J « !•: ia SALT Whiah mmtujtnrj^tmm! Five DoUertfor every one idrfttfJ i" it. »'^?"^» that arary Farmer S (his loeaUty and neighboijnK TownsUiiw sUu.l t.7 it. if^\^ ^g aailiag ia iTe and /^ banrel hiU at Uia L.awcat CtuiU Prito mii "â- ^. diieat froDi tha M ata ctB i ara, aadhaaffhtfor natt aa-sh at Bottom I'rues. aad haaffht for natt aa.s1 ""SEâ€" o 1 iraidff also intimate that my MY yALL IMPORT AT ABB AIIRIVXNG DAELY. ' " "^Aai I will hawaopanad oat and show ' i â-  .. i Om oftka l iMf g e rt «Dd B«at AMorted Stoc^c erer broa«ht into aaa aad aU far lihacal patMoage ia tba nwt. and solint" m «roha,aii^e]aawhaia^ ^^ " l aa. oar obidiaat aervaat. tbii^ iii»f** .VTiilU •i .r. ..j-«,.,.4.. â- 4»--?: ^*M .i^mr t-^i «f â- 2:^^* •« open to boy Miy qnaatJtr 7»B d«mt ase as on the market iS 2«bS? .r^-Ma^dala, September 14th, 1881. -.-.i 'Jaw 'iAuj.\. AliESL'BtrTLEliGE, Proprie*^^ .11 tiM a^I^. 'f^fO^ f t»tt8ti| time to â- Â»~ (I prwinciftl J2i^lSS and an Instructive •ay- ;-n.a. 11.50 m three months. »«ifffthe opUon of the pablisH. |„B,n, one Tear ••• YO do do do do do do do 27 60 15 00 8 00 4 00 60 V 75 S5 8 2 IS larj •-" â-  sccixr-.ij'l B J. SPBOUI^' awSa Sl7?ia.^2^^""' ""^- ^r'«.- Class etyle •) Oaa^^Mss and 4UeotiT« \^k do • and under, first insertion.. u aabseqiieut in.scrtion. I to ten lLut«. iirst insertion., il sabs»iuiit insertion â-  • • jn Unes, first insertion per Uuc Cch snbsepuent inserriofi. • •• j dumber li !â- ' ^^ ^^T^Tlf of 'solla foccupi.-a "»^«"'^/ i't^^t â-º.pecifi" %. Aavoitisement. wituonv 1 ^^^ t,n. will be P»"|t^.',i?rv Ja-ertise- '^k"'«'S.e"Tb"r°l;mo?uiu« pr^J- Teshonal a business DIRECTORY. rciana.Surstcon .AccoacUeur j Sec .. FICE- Medical UtU; re-^-lc'-i.e at intI V. ir..ciKl 48teratLaw. Owen So^.a. ••: u.: s.C,Y __MUlersV luilai;i,;. â- â- vr l..i..ii- i,tore.'roiilet.Str.*t. ' v Ho -ftlUSTEU. MASTKK ANi'l.!!' l.lJ. [a Cb»no*iy. Notai.v l-ui.U. I -.uv.w..- CLi^Owen So-..:1. uv \,.-;..- i;..-U. I trst.; and in V.a.:..l:.i. ..v.. M.l^." Store on inl;iv an-l ..:..•. l:^^_J ' WOl Frost Ac i'i-i»Ht. ' ^BBIPXEUS. AM.^Ali. iiNKVSAi- " Law, Solicii'T^ I" .l.'i...iv. t.i.'.j rs .Vc*. O'vcu S.i'i-i.l. liin.- I.- i'ii! i f I ^erton, Oaiw«'p.M â-  ^i.v Tint =!.iv. a- ofore. 'â- â-  aoFBosT. 1,1....!.., iountv Cr..«;, Atl-rmv. I Mr. 2:\un'*. J. W.i«:*. ,.,t to li. rMiii. r â- !-. "^^' I' S.jtli!-1. Mark.Ul.-. .â- Â» t!.- l^.-t W. auea....^ '« i mouth, wluii 1..- «ai ;..• |-.|.Mr .1 I-]- • lallopcrau..:.- r- 11 "l "i"' t'" "•' "" be most s:i:i.f.Kt...v iu.:.ii...-. «!i.l i|-n oiiable terui-. lUi^tcltauce**. Wtn. Browu. Coiiimisiuli 1 111 15- K.Av- ouve; anoiM- in r'-I it' brai. •â- .• tT..:-.i;.t! goded VI anl cnreiiili.v i':-."-i.' t- I. B.â€" M.1U. to 1. :i i ••!' "•â- â- " 'â- â€¢ =•' "â- â€¢ irWalc. S-it. .-. 1-â€" â-  'y ksUKHof M.irn:ii i. .-J- ' »• r.x. y • LiTe Iiisar»i..v- •• 'â- â- ' •";â-  ".; 'b. B. Ae- ""V' ••â-  'â-  'â-  « I- •â- â-  • Blioiieer f.rtli.-t,".i'...v..t«;.. 1 '"' ';• Jrcliiuts, an.l l.:-'il •..-. f ;â-  • •;••• â-  tdei" to an.l ch i; -•• â-  1- r.- !â- â€¢ â-  ' â-  PriceviUe, '^-.l.i- l^- ' •'â-  '" " Et. M. i-tr.»i:ii«"» ucTiONBV.n v-N' ;.:s:.:m. ' .^^â- " _. .VlTcMjl,'rl'll^' .l-i -I' I '• • • ' les ntt.'uleJ i.i 1.:' i'lr;- •_•! ' ••• • ' •" • ^Js soM oil Co-.iiil--: '•'• i!' ' :â-  • •• ancs. Oriraus, aui" ' _^"' •"• ' • â- ,'"'" ait an J Jni 11 T il T • ' â- â€¢"•,; " »\ Im'ilemcuts. ai 1 'i i-:..ii' •;•â- -â-  lie. Flliftinif rl. Jin. JT. I-1. m- iiii m .J' I T J. ti. iMS. kOMlKION ANlt lll-'VIN. I\^ I. '.--I' aurvevor. Pnu(.'btviii rt i :i.:: it-i. fafordanJ MarkUl-' Il:^^i• ;• l"i'«-' â-  ' fovincial Land Suivivoi 'Mti- Ui'.- Itirc stock of oiitiiiial I'iiM ^•"•."•." .,rts. Instrueti.m^. .v......( .-i!! :i: n;i • ' De ^vithlU llie l.i-- •ifi.v-iiv.- '.t-. I •» Siiaiil to lUiike Siv»-. ' •â- '_) :••'â€"•' therewill.. rr.-;i!e r-1 1. :«••• Gi*.ling Hill-.TiuM ^ml ;• n.Mli..!.- â- BuiUing r.:. 1:.S :i- "•I •••' 'il • â- ' Monev t.. i.oiii ••• -^ " • 'â- ;â- *."";.';.,!• ders bv le\t/T, or !â-  ft «• '• ••â-  â- '• '•"' ' "• irkJalc. will 1.- (.roui; •.:.'"•â- ' I" t.^ |8oit. 17. 1-SN 1. il^. Victoi-iit |l»zi-« tlWL.S .S.)lM ^ATBAll GlU-lts. P-"i::"!.ror.. |Tbishonse. so L.nk' tbe •-I'"' â- â€¢' """';." ' j ••••'â-  id refumishe.!. ai:.l is •« ••."' f-i,t'»' f ' " .•«•;•. ... ption of 'uest^ i- v.i;i. n â-  i f "•' ""' t};« 1 â-  H bnrt House, it;i.l hi- tli- itU^u: '-- •â- ' '• '•"• .s.i.ii' • ' i from the M:ic.:uf .rtnW. U\ tl.- .f "Iti- r -, ,| jrtious of t'.ie t..-.vii. I. in^- -i:n.»t .* « ""i j ,,,,ve, ,ireet.'Us 1-ouiiiliy. • ' tlw « I October lib. L-^M. '•^y Trr -;will.:. T, i-. f*VI», ,,.,|., uilDkb A»Nr"»' •^"••*^*"""'""' 'â- ' ' ' Brick). I'l:..t.iin(r :oi.l r..iii'.iv .I..i-. ,.,.. .mi.tlv all.n.l.-l t" S:iM, e,.:;...,: ' N- -SspBI Uv IMiinati^ I'll all ww.». tl.-.-. t=i.i-^BFaj ction KU;ir;i'it.- • ». -• ' Irown an.i .S,.ro;i!. Su. Ia ".^•"••- UoeemlK. :il. H- •• â-  "l W.X. Hiit'i't. Sept. 17, 1«^" WM. S'OX: 'lain Orna aaaii'i "ij3.:r;; Estimates for an 1 ••' i.C'Vii ••!" :i?' Ucatiou. Satisfa.t:..n (lii-.iil- • K â€"»• eaoeâ€" Queer Stn.t. M irk.l.t'.e. Uarkdale. Sect. 17. 1-so. 1 .1. :. â- â-  i r .-an (MVd ^otd*. SEVERE HOTEL, UM SPKOULii. Proprietor. IHI8 popular H.t.l ba^ ha.l a larp- a.l- dition added u. 11, thoroiwlily r-lill.d. is now secoud to uon.- in tlie county. I Btabliug aud attcnlive o-tUi. ln^-t- accommodation for eouiin.reuU trav.-l Ternia ||»I.0» p«'r dstv. "ly j MEAFORD, Out. • i. MoUIKR, Pkoi-kietoks. Bvarr aeeommodation for tbe travelliiin [Mblie. The bar is well stocked »iih lb.- a n iasa t Wines and Liquors aud the be^t aan daot Cigars. '(•a 'boa to aud from aU trains. t^ jytlT, 1880. i-L COmiERCIAL HOTEL PRIOEVHjLiE. Ont. ..^, • __ It^S^ " aonunodious Sample Booms: r*2» Bad Kooms, Ac. The Bai aud hkrder nCTttsd with tbe best the market af good kltahUng aud attentive Uobtler'b- THOS. ATKINSON, troprietor. rmbas iict, isoo. tli. 1 -t| SKT( T. CHun i,',/.:(/ll| 1 BE./ Ploui .:# ^W(k

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