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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 7 Oct 1881, p. 3

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 K.'%. n 'â- ! .1 "1 •I ^sHraliaral. HOUJUd) Council met at Vogan's hall, on Se^ 90th, 19S1. Mcmfaan all pM^t. Bwre in Jhe chair. A comninnication was weettni 1roi^ •CYbTEillN F.\BMING. TLSo t; rortmpfl no department of .isiuCFS 111 v^iiicli a deCuite aud con- i "' ^^'^^ ** Enpluasia rwipecting the raaoe- ;ioD of Hcbool seetiona 1, 3 and 3, Holland and Euphrasia. Also from the Cleik of SycknhaiB respecting by-law of deviation on Spe'i deviation (town line). Moved b; Mr. Norton, woonded by Depnty-Beeve, that Mr. Miriam be appointed a* arbitrator be- twetn Holland and Enphraaia, and that the Clerk notify the Enphraaia Cooudl to that efleet. Moved by Mr. Norton, tioaoiAid by Deputy -Beeve, that Dr. Kennedy fat order lor 916, tor road woA perfonned nndar him. Moved by Mr, GiUeopie, aeconded by Mr. Norton, that 95 be granted to repair bridge opposite Dr. Kennedy's hoose. Moved by Mr. Gillespie, Bocooded ty Mr. Bhnte, that the Commisaioner let the above 9o. Moved by Mr. Norton, aeconded by Mi. Shnte, that the Clerk and Mr. Jackion be paid 91 'each, for assiDting pnrvcyor at Jackson's deviation. Moved hy Mr. Norton, aeconded by Mr. Shnte, that 910 be gi anted to repair croitsway ni ar Masem (eaet side road). Moved by Mr. Gillespie, seconded by Mr. Shnte, that a rail- ing be pat on bridge on 40 sideroad, not to cost more than 910. Moved by Mr. Shnte, it--conded by Mr. Cameron, that Henry Sher- l'ck receive 52 for clearing out and repairing culvert oppof-ite his place. Moved Ly Deputy lieevc, seconded by Mr. Norton, that the bills of Lilbom and Smith, for lumber and repairing, tc paid. Moved by Mr. Shnte, seconded by Mr. Norton, that 91 be expended on culvert on Congcr'a eideroad. Moved by Depaty-Iieove, teconded by Mr. Ehnte, that the bill of Charles Delano, (or gravel, be paid â€" 93.10. Moved ijy Mr. Gillespie, seconded EiHtciit F\!3tciii of mai)a(;ement is so ir.ucL n eili .! as iii farming. In Eng land anl bcotluud.wljero an extended xptrieueo ih tLe guide in practice, aiid »li. re, from the great value of land, the l.'is^hrst rente are paid ly the t*' 'it f»rrcer8. we find ii. each Incftiify a v TV gfnf-ral conformity to a woll-))lfti:neday8tBm of farm prae- ticp, TvLicli is reaaonably " riairafd, under tlic circnmBtanccs, to give tJie r Kt rcsrlts. TLe low price of the virgin soils of America, when first t r- i:j;ht ur.tkr cultivation, together vuh a lack f mHrkete for a variety of P'odncfa, and the many other oon- ditioDB inseparable from the settlement f a cocr.try, have led to habits f firactic* that are porJiapB bef t dc- I'.ned Ly tL»ir lack (.f system. Under I'iCse conditions, pre-vcuted in what :r-:r be called pionccr faroiing, the ♦• i.drucy iH to grow, R] tsclu- eivcJy, Bomo particular crop, that '•' !j.ii:u.' ds H riudv sale at paritig J ric- -, withont taking into consider- â- I'iou the effects of itii continuous trvwihou the fnture iiroductivciicss 'f the ai/jl. The j'ioiieor who is tuLjectfcilto tLo hardbhips and pri- vations that arc of nbocstiity onneet- 'i with th'j first settlcmont of a new roTTurr)-, iH nndonbtcidly Uj receive the n!! benefit of the accumulated riches of the soil Le brings nndercnltivation, find t)ie "Bcouhng" practice hc-resorta |.. a'thou^h nmformly censored by ,,y nr. SLutc, that the Clerk write to Registry ».'...., LtUMl writ.ts, IH without uouht. office and enquire if there is any ckim against nri'lcrtL|;Circura.^tanco.s, the bcbt h(i 'not m. eon. Z. Moved by Mr. Norton, second- • .:, p.,h.,.bly for his own in- .j i,y ^,^i,i,^p.^, ^^^ ^i,^ 'lerk notify the r...d..ato inter. :â-  •,.- ir. .^Usur Milks. i.,,^a,„t ^, .^e T. G. d- li. Ita.lway Company " ""b "-*• ately, commencmg at tlie crossmg and run- t:.r.aofa^v.Hl r-otcelhif ar..-, proofl„, .^^j^^.^^^^^^j,^,^, „, the hill, other- •1 -ji-iat fr" *. r.-nCfivH-., drviiess, ven- i • â-  .u i .. T» â-  ',. â-  â-  wi.«; to make a crossing in the rroper place. ,, • » 1 1 Moved by MtH^^rs. Shute an'l Cameron, that I • 'v.iiv.ti.i. nt.y liar, it l|.|[.fl muc;i to ,i„. cierk notify the person Uving on lots 43 'â- rt;/.- tUi "d. bir.d en.N. Am o.'.cava- i lui.i 44, con. 2, N. K. T. A H. K., to remove ti ri !i..iii i he fir-t luitiio, in sjzo de- i """^^'â„¢'"'""' " """"""' °PP°"'*-' "'"P^***- •â-  •-.I...' t.; .1 li.r, reonired cni.acitv i V'T^ "' .•""""' 'T°° a"*! fi"°"i' "" f, I- â-  1 â-  .1 " thc Ikive l»e instructed to attna the aajoum- '•r â- . .• • ;:..r, .-ui.l uj this er.'Ct a ht ilt ,,[ ^|, .,,, ia,„is f^r laxes. M.jve.! by Deputy f' srj.- .,1 timlwrH -poHts with plank, I I'.-.v.- nnl Norton, that the valuation made •" • l«»tf |»-n, imd .in wjiieh phirc a j "y ""' i'*-*"^** of Sullivan and Holland, with â- it roof. Th.: ••arth that ha.H been "V""^, '".."""T."'"!!'"" ' ' J"VV„" y... I ..,â-  ., al'i-ted. Moved bv Norton and Gill.^pie, x.-v... â-  ,. t:, ov.r the Struc ,,,,('9,0 b,. expend. 1 on centre side road. â- ;â- .â- . 'H!lll th«- Wlioifrl.JfVtrod to the M„ud by Kon..n and Deputy Heeve, that â- :• to 'f two f.' t. A door Hhonl'l bo ' th mte he 10 mills in the 9 on uU the rate- â-  i" i ih.' I X|rtjKod end of the cellar, j ""'â- = property in tiie Townsliip, to cover Imth 1 ,.- ...I ,.' ;,.! i 1 I ' "vn^liip. c'luntv and school rate. Moveil by 1. .r ..i^., ^w.icl. the r....ts ni.-iy ho ptit ^j.„., ^l^ ,,,„,;,,.,, „,,^j ,i„..^„^ „, jj^ ,;, :i' tiKeii orit. 1 he h;jirtller tlje j ^jv,.ii to op. n un road leadini? to town line at ••' still be C'nVen!v;iit, the 1 •"i' fide roiil. Slo"ed by Gillesiieandle))Uty â-  '•â- â- â- . I. it nil .WH to IcsH eriiuMire to ' !•" ^â- 'â- - ""i' we proiKwe to give John Shea 81-3 .,, • ,..,... «_ r 4 i fur the ilrvii'tion (jn hi.s farm, othirwise we I • ^t. .. •ixuiuUij of straw pr-:)- „,,,„,i„j j,^,,„ ^j^;,,,^- ^, „,,,i,^,„_ «„^ „„. :r; th'M'v.,rwiiy. n-l:l all g eiitly ufy .Mt. Sl^ :w.f ll.i-i iv^'imi"" Move 1 by ..I'Jjin;,' Oilt ll;' fi,,st. Lv.fV ' .-^iiufi- un i l j.u'v Iteeve, that *. bo exirn'i- •! I with liinliy r.'.its l4i ho btor(-(i, I ' ' "" •"" "i'li'oad, mar Cove's. Moved by â- ih.v H r :.,t-e,.ll;ir. either ^v 'â- """ "" ' '" '""""" 'm9 km mnrders ft dftj on the average in LoiwJon. The popuU- tion of that«ity alone is nearly equal t» that of Ireland, and abont lOOJXK) more tlum that of Scotland. The aftlt mines of Cheshire and Worcerter, England, yield so abaod- antly that the supply is sufficient for entire ooimtiy, and more than half ft miUion tons are export«d ftonoally, A bible was recently sold in London for nearly $3,900. It waa the earUest Bible known. It was printed at Met« by Guttenburg, in 1642, and contain- ed only the Old Testament. A further experience with one of the hundred ton guns about to be sent to Gibraltar and Malta took place on Wednesday, at Woolwich. Tlie mons- ter gun was loaded with 420 pounds of powder and flat headed shot 2,000 pounds weight. Two roimdfl were fired with satisfactory results .â€" *â-  • Markdale, Augu»t 24, 1881. Messrs. A. Turner Co., Gentsâ€" I take ronch pleasure m certifying to the benefit I have expe- rienced from the use ol B. B. Bitters. I have suffered much for years back from Dispepsia and constipabon. â€" Last spring I used four bottles of B. B. Bitters, purchased from you, and am happy to say have enjoyed perfect health since. Yours truly, his Jama x Bxattt. mark A SAFE REMEDY. Many medicines check too suddenly attacks of Bowel Complaints, inducing dangerous inflammation, Dr. Fowler's Extract cf Wild Strawberry, cleanses, .strengthens and heals tuo disceased find weakened mncuous surfaces of the Stomach and Bowels, and safely cures every form of Summer Com- plaints. NIL DESPERANDUM. â-  1 on ,, .J.iliiri a!i I |i( imtv Ueeve, Iliat IJv-laws (â-  .5,, oiiliel U} l7,i„rlH !«.. siyiiMl saled nnd ei.Vo'-s.-.l on 1. • .• 10 III.- I..W01- part of (lei Uir. ,1,.. minnies. .Mov-I by Sbute and Di-imty- 'li -..'Ill to Htor • ii hiri'e (|iiaii- Ite-ve, that this Coainil adjourn lill the 2sth â- â€¢i iO'-: in til., celliir of tin; limise, "' "' "'I" i- â-  -as. ., ri^i.,.,' fn.iii th-ni dnni.f,' j ^â- "'â- 'â- "' I'"""' ^â- '^•'â- "• â- â€¢r .iiir I- -ii-i ri, --, t til.' in-] ' •"• 'â- â- n^.,,, .\„lr„ lur.t /â- .; i \ViI AT KVKliV OM. SAY.S ML ST I Bi:. iLri:. •â- *••• All niiite 1.! jiiiii^c of Dr. I'owler'ii •' ' I • ». â- ! It IS no viled l'".xir.ict f \\ ilirsiniwhiTiy who 1 a- â-  !..... ,ii. t'li'lm^j ti b.i ii.iulo 1 tiieil it.s IVicricy in auriii^; Choi, ra .M-iihiis, C'nttu|i- J3"scutcry, NiiusiH, •iM.l .Sfiiiiucli iiiiil Jiowel C'liuiilaints, ;jriierally in ehiithiii or adults. Every '.lâ- ^'ll| ba.'iiM kip iih.ipply on liaiul. QBArS SPECIFIC MEDICINE. rriHE GltEAT ENGUSH 1 llEMEDY.a..unfaiUn« cure for Seminal Weakness, Spermatorrhea, Inipotcncy, and all diseases that follow an a heinioncc of Self- Abuse RH liips )f Memory, Universal Before TaldOgi La:jitudo, rain in the Hack, Dimness of Vinion, Premature old age, and many otner Dl-ea9'8 that lead to Insanity or Consnmpti' n sud a Pre- mature Grave. fcs'Full particulars in onr pauijJilet. which we desire to Heud free by mail to every one. The Specific Medicine is BelJ bv uil Ilrn:gists at Sl.nn p,"r jw.ek.i^-e. er bix After Taking, pacla^'c for f.5.(KI, or viiU !« aeiit free by mail on ie ipt of th*- nionty by addressing. 1-ly THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., Tdioiiio, uut., Canada. • ii'hii..!^ii rM)t.., h.trkn, te. l.lltlVl ii| by Ion;' hoLOli ci'ilifl- •r..l. •'•'I" •i- l .1 iiiir.eiieoiH ciiies. I .IT' 1 13. rliy.; 111. diein -, â- .• '1 \;:!i:il.| â-  nni â- â€¢â€¢11. -i, I. ..vv;i rirtiiiciit.Mi by â-  ' I ii BiiterH, 1 I' k ol 111. .lain Ml I- I. To tl. IM.'.or of 111.- SriNi.ABO. Di \!i ^^lu.â€" If y.ju hiive iiiiv curiosi- ty t.' boiUewhilt ulloUt the DoWU S.-itliijieiit for the c.)nvoiiience of y..'ir r. ;:d Yi We will liiko tli.-»iu aloiij; til. 'â- .!l;:i^".vo').l roiul to wliatiidininvn i.i • ;• 1 I ' r- t li~li u"i"!ir I " -McCoiijiid oriiur, tlieiioe east one nn.'i:; r. ll tLi.-. he:^•^..n to j c nees.-iou. The corner lot belongs aj.t' rs A countiy hut. Is j to 'dr. A. Down, on which there is •' f""' '""•" '• rMntl.l.^ creeled 11 ne-.v Uiiek ho ise, whic! (.'(il.i-'ii.'il • :i \n le r iti.ilry. II ' .1 iu:ii briM.k iiiiid. torehi-. ei'ilii- ii-i,l ii.irr â- wiiicn whe.ii finibheil, will ho i:.iua'i to any in n. nil 'erlrii;'!!, and ut j '.â- 'i *-'"'iLitiy f.jr comfort and ;-onvjn. • ' .K. ...Ii, .1 Ji!,,. 11 v.diintiTr at i iiiuo. I tmdorstand that J. llanlury i .tlvi'l Ilnn. At ni-ht b- j done the brick Work and il. Byera the e.. t.. Ih. h..l.l aii.l x|",',! I ^^.,^^,^j ^^^j.,^ ^. .,j ,.i,ieli Mr. I), idhigh- 'i :..;ir to th.. verauuuii s «c- I .• r m l .1 » r ,• ., an.l 1-. -.1 h.,w ea-v ll... I ' "-it'-fi^l. Tho next on that hiio i£ eitif t.i"-iief.. h.w ho .â- 'iinb.-.l j-^fr. r. Holeriiau, whohas also a very • â- â-  tr ..-.I., iinhiti-h the line. an. 1 1 line hoiisj nearly new which is of ii.f ri.r t.I; r. -..lit iv:iK with I f^.i^o st iictiro vory handiomoly • I iHv H Mitli-ilii'd. At till:- 1 â-  1 â- !. I c ,. • » 1 ^r« c ' 11 1 ,. .paiiiteJ, .dr. J. b'.iumirigs a:ij Mr. b. f" :i ' .V f i;: • lip w. II fnf oil, â-  m 1 e",. Uini.d "Mi-ltr, „;;, i ""o'^ros have iilso very hue houses, ' .-t: t • M V r th. ni ti^li tli.v .- ' aiid I may a.ld that tho above named t .â- ii..tli..r man hers yer men have tli'.ir baras and out build- i!ij,'o .J lite iirk" piii;,' wiihth'jir dwell- in;; lii.ll .tb, uiiJ to EiO their ffellclcau- ni UJ) li-juis and fences would bo do- ir.-. i a b'lii,' time to j cided proof of tiinft ta^te. Their lariris are of clav loara ai'd lies in a V. i;i:ii iir.i) .-^cour.. I 'â-  .tnrv l;:.v !• â-  of V k upon, but wlu 11 atteiKh 'ii.iual fnitTrin;?, It S'-onis fll- 1 .. ,• 1 » ii -, " ,, â-  ., • ' position t) roceivo tao lirst r.ty^; of the lid till tliiM p'un I ' •' b.-.'n MvoMo.l if, wh.^n ""•'â- '"" • v. ;â-  iMnini'iici'd to troiibl.. voii, !•...» tl!;. n lliirdock B1.).h1 "Bit- I'riee :?I.(M trial size 10 oeiili. At ..»I!H1N(; AN KDrtATIiiN. tiiiu. Tho m.trk of tasto docs n 't .stufi at hoiuo with those men. Bat w'hcii they go to mill or market liiey take out clean well mended bugs, if not now, with titriuga on each jBud tho best samples cf grain, wdl 'cKai â- ,,,,. I.. 1, 1 I ,v.i lined and always calls forth the \v li\ l von wish to leave r-ehool t • \..»ir a â- .•.'• sadly aske.l the jThiei- " 'S" «' tho market. Many wouli j ol riMiniry solnnd iiiit near Jiiii- jl'iolit by taking a hint from the sno- il. r.;!i.'iitiatii!.ir with a ^ 1 cess of those men and quit coming to li..n-,..l i.ii|.|| i.f twlve years; •' v 1 ' !,-:l!l. .1 e.inil I., i.i^ Iii.i.' â-  •â-  I'v. b':ini.. loll., tliiiii; iiii-hiy.-,.did I "'"' "»""W' for strings, grain not half i!.;liv.-." p. r I--*, d till- ni.lent. i fauiietl, and tho pain of grumbling â- 'Aii.i i.- that?' u.-ked tin \\ :i^ ii.T. welve years; " .v.'U i ,u^i-;i.,t ^yith a mimbeir of lbs, of hay .aratively notinii ' iiii ' and pea straw for patches, hay and that they got 20cts loss per bushel than their neighbour. Ouo can toll what sort of a wife a farmer has by tile bags which nro sent to mill or Market; many complain of their fan- • said ^the priiieipaK uiui; mdl that cru be very easily re- miuded Mr. Wm. Strain has on hand u number of the host mills in the I 1 lliat ll lllist;ike in .-.pel- Irtehr-s a boy a ciilToii • a bi;; j;irl in twx. hour.-' •In |.-;;n. Ik. rl. r :v i' .:'e. k. â- [' ..: I- -eli...d.- â-  V"Trr' ti lr.,.''i â-  till' b.ty ]^)K books. •â- yiui ~hoiibl i., :\e J. ft .-I'hoiJ three years ih:o.." »•!• -I v/- e.v-T-ra ct-tit-t^/it- i\ oouiitrv that Can bo bought very re- j^j^ a.souablc, either on time or for cash, lr. r. wlers l^stract of Wildistraw- ^^"' J'" =°'" " "S^^' " ^^« a^^^^e 1.-' fV I? the best remedy for infants te.rhuiK.itis safe, pleasant and reliable, I'l.'i cuiis prauijitly all forms of B'-wol C'omphuulri. For 'niiadi.'ni I'i, .lera-or Cholie and Dysouiery of I"iei- ciii'dreii or adulcs there is no i»l.â- '.l.^.r rtiuodv. 'r â-  lit;- lore. ii.v!ul»ei.-. of tho Brit- isii I'arlianu lit have reached the age of ionr si-.ire. ire tit jr.'.-iijt TO f.ums in Lau- â- 11 wliicii the foot ttiid mouth A O, l\ Pttsliiie ili.-.ea:-e oxi.sts. iJi^.^siT. â€" The Grey llairs of old ft^ â-  -.ioiuand auJ siioiild receive repoct â€" but tho Grey Uairs of 'young people rc.i'iire at'entiouâ€" in the way of us- i:.-^ t.'iu^i!iies Hii.r lleuewer. Sold by all lrn|7gist 50 tents a bottle. -o-liii Brir.ii: e-;iiu..tcs that Great B-li.iiii has looi t'iOO.OOCOOO by bad uii.'vvuts the past lliroo years. ^\.w'u Im.v'U UiO recent damasies to th.' Bi-ilish crops that the current !ii'ii deiiei--."-v ii: the United King- AHABD TASK. To find a better remedy for dyspep- sia, indiget,tiou, aiitl imparities of the ao;.i ia Citim.;toU at 13J,!JOO,0OObush- Mood, than theBurdock Blood letters. 1 ,. Piice §1 00, trial bottlco JO ccnta. named sottlomcut you would think it was a youthful village springing up, in fact it would bo hard to find a mile of any road in tuo country with the samo appearance. Mr. Thos Addison has a very nice nonse and lot on the uorucr on which is erected a tlack- smith shop and \Ir. J. Foresoythe is goind to build a waggon shop this fall. We are personally acquainted with those men and never beard any one say aught against Lis neighbour but on the best of terms with both themselves and their wives. 1 might say to, that many a man has went to the Down settlement for a wife lately and is not sorry he did. If I got oat again I will let yon know abont some other settlement. T. O'Shahtm. TkeporMtaiu! Beat Hedlelae ever Hade. AealinMiiatloB o( Hop*, Buohu, Maif Jral«l»»"d Dand«llon,irttii«uuieb««i mntemoTkUTepropertlM o( all otber Bitten, makesVtheKTMteM Blood Purlflar, Liver ltg( y 1 ator. »™i Ute M id nealtb Bctorlag Ho dktHa e^aa poariUj loog toM vlun Hop Bitter, an na^d^o opwatl. I^ glTt a*T U^ Ml vigor to th* tp4 lad laflm. To all whose emmploymeoUeaaM imffnlari tyof thelo«el.o^^ariQai7 onpuu, or who r» quire an Appetl.e^^'^oQle and mild fltlmnlant, Bop Iii I ti n ate tnTal^oalile, without Intoi- leatlns* ' Nomuerwhatyoarfe^eno8* or .jmiHuuis are what the dleeaae or aU Wenl b oae Hop Bit- ten. Don't wait imUl you a»™ rtck but It jon onljleel had or mlKialile ,â- â-  them at one*. ltma7WTe7aurllfe.Itba«|.aved handled^ •(OOwUlhepaldforaeal* *h(7 wui oot career help. Do not Biffer%»'«*J"""*«J« nilXer.hut aje and urve tlMta^*" "' HOP B Remember, Hop Bitter. I. n^kvOe, draned drunken ooetrom, hot the Pnreet^^' " " BtM\ Medicine erer made the *WAUS8 and BOrv* and no perwxi or Camilj Bhuuld be wUhuQt them. P.I.C. I. an ahaolnte and Irrertlble eniel forUrankenefB, uiw of oplmn, tobaoeo and I narrzotica All sold by d iug girta. flendV for Circular. Be* IMin â- Â«. Oa., ' Bfxibiii^leill.1 and Ttmolo, On^ THE KEY TO HEALTH. Unlocks all the elogpetl avenues of the Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carrying eff gradually without iveakening the system, all the impurities and foul humors of the itcretions i at the same time Correcting Acidity of the Stomach, curing BUl- ousaess, Dyspepsia, Headaches, Dla- dness, Heartoum. Constipation, Dryness of the Skin, Ih-opsy, Dim- ness of Vision, Jaundice. SaltBheom, Erysipelas, Scrofbla. Fluttering of the Heart, Nervousness and General Debility all these and many other simi- lar Com plaints vicM to the happy influenoe of BURDOCK BLOOD BITTEBS. Sample Bottles 10c Regnlar sixe f L For sale by all dealers. ff, HIUirBlf Jk CO., rroprletort. Toraat* Cures Cholera, Cholera Morbus, DU' aentery, Cramps, Colic, Sea SicH- ness and Summer Complaint also Cholera Infantum, and all Com* plaints peculiar to children teeth- ing, and will bo found equally beneficial for adults or children. FOR SALE BY ALL ORUCCISTS. T. MILBURN CO., Proorletort. ToronlBa MARKDALE Marble Works Monoments, Tombstones And every desoriptiao of CenMtery work exeonted in FIRST-CUSS STYLE! and at reasonable ratea. Orden left at the aliop or sent by mail will be promptly at- tended to. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Shop next door to Bttere HoUi. W. I. JOHMSTOI, Prop. A. M'lHTYRS TEA! TEA! TEA! A. M'lliTYRE McINTYBE'H UQUORSraiQUOISl MdNTYRE'S Cigars, Cigars. McINTYBE'B_^. Oofiee, Cofffee ingkep â- ll MoINTltBE'8 MEALI KMLI MEAtl MdNlTRE'S Pork, Pork. Pork. MoINTYBE'jJ rrea.84 Teas. Naâ€" "-XS-.S^'^^S^"' **" "" â- Ii 1 .1 ii V. I i V .:fijl' adi SAiSHr -rurJ-ji^ 'fciils ..,,. „ DOORS^fJ-iV -- â- â-  ' • " BLINDS ' MOULDINGS, V HOLLOW BATTONS, FRAMES. Lumber, Lath and Shingles, Always 'on Hand. Orders ProiAptly FlUed. O' â-  -^ .. "â-  â-  *;. TheSnl««Ib«wIahe.t)wtiirntl«»k.tothep«vtoot«wtaUfc. wid rWnlty tor Ike TeArui»SrSin«gMh.Te giran him in the p.*t. 4nd hope, by eloM tttenUon to memt • •^°""'?Sr« MW Sd«l my bMin-.. «d -i" «» »«««" k«»P • ^Stock of PINE LUMBER ALL SIZES, DEESSED AND UNDRESSED. H.Tinff at reoeiyed my fiwt ahipment of Pite Luinber and Lath from tha North Shore "'^^^ ,nd will have another •choonet load in • few day*. AM Kind* or l^laln and l^ancy Turaingr Uirk'ale Ao^. 10- h. 1881. 4i-y y A FDLL ASSOUTMKNT IN THE FOLLONVINO LINES KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND Dye Stuffs, Paints and Oils, Patent Medicines, Schoo Boooks, Stationery, Fancy Goods. Toilet Articles. Pure Drugs and Cheraicals, Choice Teas and 'Tobaccos. Agents for Vicker's Express and Montreal Telegraph Companies. ilarkdale, Ang. 3rd, 188I. A.TURNER CO. 13 Artemesia Warehouse! FLBSHBETON STATION, Now on hand (or )-alo, and will be cou:4tautIy renewed, a complete Stock of Dry Goods, Ready-Made GlotMng, Boots and Sboes, HAKD'WAEE, CBOCKERY. GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, c. o 13. All kinds o! Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods. In.=pection of the Stock respectfully invited. Lumber, Laths and Broomhandles manufactured and for sale. FlpshtTton Station, May 2"th. 18S1. 2-11 p G9 d 90 p h-- ^^ P ^^ oci CO -^ g S M- ^â- B ^^ 3 â- " 1-3 ^p M- *tt P af H |H P 3 IVI p S s I c/3 o (W *^ » CD • hi CO H iz! CD CO _^.,^.«^^^k. B K DA L lU^^ 'i T j- COOKING, PARLOR AND BOX STOVES Alwavs ia Stock. As I keep all kinds of REPAIRS for the Implementa I sell, Farmers will see the advantage of dealing with a Local Agent. WM. STRAIN. IF'lesla.ertoEL- Fleeherton, Marcb 24, 1881. 28tf OH, HEAR. OHJEAR. OH, HEAR. Squander your monsy if ycu waat to. if not, get yourPbotographs of W. BULMER. The People's Photographer, Flesherton Who is again prepared to take Pictnres, and do Copjing and Enlarging as heretofore Wearereceivin a large stock of MOTTOES and Motto and other Frames and Pran,« ferrfb^S.""'""'"""'"'" "" " Kemarkably Low Pri^^/ '"(^'^S Don* in • fltat-«laM maoner. Markdala, May S7tb, 1881. THOS. McNEA. 87-tf LATE Ot specially Attractive, Seasonable, Fashionable and Staple To band, which we offer at Greatly Reduced Prices 1 tVe offer special ralnes in every line, OUB STOCK OF Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, and Glassware Is very complete, and •natomera will find prites and Talnes satisfactory in ererr partmcu^. GIVE US A CALL AND SAVE MONEY I by purchasing your supplies at the "Toronto House." ' • Wm BROWN Markdale, Sept. 26th, 1881. 4-» fe "i m irvr^i i pj »4 The 81 Best S nbacribafor it, only |j^ JpifM*^ ^titiiiri PerBomcanjiibicnk,^ •^s OF AJ.L DlSCRlPTioj PLAIN and in Coi â-  â- â-  Vx^ tt rnsuaHBs i^BIDAT MOBFrtNO I tiM l*t««t roreign and Prirrtncial 1 lataliUMMO. Ooonty Brtfltrees, ^-^ -â- 4 a IiiatnWtite '^yAoee, tLSn in three months, L p^d till the end of the year. No ontinued until all arreages arfl except at the option of the publish' rties refusing pa|)»rs without payine jield responsible for the years sab- nnlll they comply with the rules. ITBS OF AliVEBTISINCi: knin. one rear J50 00 'i, do 27 60 M- do 15 00 do 8 00 do 4 00 I and under, 'first iiiwrtion. 60 J subsequent insertion IH I (o ten lines, firht insertion.. IH sotiaeqnent insertion 25 Tlines, first instTtioii er lino 8 I snbsppuent iiis-rtin 2 iBlber of linos tu be reckoned by the api«d measiiri-J by a scale of solid Advertisemi'iits without specific will be pnblish^^a till forbid and _ordiuelr. All transitury a'l-'erlise- llst be iu the office of publication by kon the Thursday moruiuK preoaed- Ipablicatinn. C. W. BUTIiEDOE, Proprietor. JONAL BUSINESS CIRECTORY. Sproale farter, [18, Surgeon .Accoucheurs c. Medicil HeU re«ii)?neo at [Hot"*- e, Sept IT.liS-^O. 1 v N large or siiij (.'imhI fUilor^ keciiriiy. interestI A11'«,.1 «yDraft« i-« i| all poiuti Ht Execated with Destuenuj; • V- • at the STAND 7 1 PS^FICE, ' Dutiilnik. INbURANGc LlCliN- r..r .\GtM f..r ;i. nilZKNS. MJ A;iiici 111 t:;\; at Law, OwcnSoua'l. !.â€" MiUei^'s building, over Rnbin. Poolet Street. l.y James .HaMMon, TEK.-ind.XTTOUNIiV AT LAW •r in Chancery. Owen 8011111I. 1880. I.y Frost Froat. TEBS, AND ATT()l!NF.VS-AT. Solicitors in C'liaiKti v. 'ii|iv'V Oxven Sound, liav,- r-..tiiiii.,I at j Office open vvci V Tlmrs lav, « ,, ., ViIIh^'*- I,!' â- â-  .\i|.Ii.-ti li trv ..ii Mi,.rt"t \. Uiils. iK.i.k N. _fcosT. -T. W. Fno.T.I.I.. 1;. (jogBly (-'rown .\ttoriiiv »il»'|» PrntUtrjt. MAE KD All I IfyOU WMt STOP. MARK. LEARN. And then yon will know where to go to get the best valae for your Money, at R. J. SPROULE'S GREAT ANNUAL CLEARIG SALE, AT THE POST OFFICE STORE, FLEfc?HEETON. BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADij, ClRCl'LARS, NOTES. UECnPT?, "AliMri;s avi' I'-n. ;: to Ur. Caiuiron. o». u Souiid. hm I Mill ' .. ,i.- .. E AT THE UKVEHK HOTST:, â- kdale, on t!ii last W.'lii.NtlMy hi s. 1 1 ITt! .l-» when lie will be prepari'.] t' per ' irations r-iiire,l n]Kii tl:.- iii..utli I â-  t«»|_ It satisfactory maiiuir. uii'l m|,.ii wOsin terras. 1 v 1 M.n.iti.i ^i«rdluttr«it«. Wm. BroivH, WMoF MAiiiti \(ii: i.:t;:xsi:r*r*c. â- â- issiouer in H. It., v. 9Wcing in all its liraii'-Ucs jinmijith liiiliaiid Ciir«f:,!l i\..iii.'i, B.-4loney to Lend uu Ileal Estate st- uUlll.Sept. i7. 1880. l.v _, Cutters, S!i Alcxitutlcr Brown. SCBKoI MiirriHp.- Lieeu8e Firf an,l Uh l«sur*nce .\geiit. t â- .iii;iiis-i,,ui i i B. B. Ac. t'oiivi-yaui-er nn.l l.ii'.|i^.,| tiintttftoT the Con'itv tif (ir. V. l-', nbMlV *n.l Land Sales, rinetii.illy at' hadteaid diaries made v.r\ iale riee vait. S i pt. 17, 18Si l-v •eorjce C'arnvt, Jr.," Un).LOAN ANIXIKNKIUI, Ai.rNT (hWB8oHIid. Miini'v tu rti !,,»â-  n' lifcrest. I'riucipal pavabli- at the DiataDn of years, an! int. r.-t half y.-.r- Jf^, or principal and ii; r.-j.a' Iments POSTERS. In order to make room for heavy Spring Importations now arriving dailv, I h*ve daoided reducing my present large and well selected and assorted stock of GENERAL DRY 600DS, FURS, MILLIERY, BOOTS AND SHOES. Hats, Caps and Groceries TO THE LOWEST POIN I POSSIBLE, and in order to do so, wm Sell at and Under COST, FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS. The stock is all new, well bongllt^ and well worth tho attention of the closet buyers. In GROCERIES you wiU find evrytbing ofFirst-Class Vaine. Aa I do not pursue the course of some of our windy Merchants of our reiphborinB Vil- lages, trf »«Tiding out numerous samples of cheap trash (with unscrupolous recommend*- tions) outside our natural boHJDcrs relations, in order to impress the pubUc that they ara not properly treated by their more honorable dealprs. and draw custom from the many. You will find everything that I seU Jnst as I represent It, and as good valn« as you can posubly get for your money anywhere, as I have alwava held that honorable denlinir ia the only true course for a business man. My Groceries are aU bought for strictly nett cash, con8enieDtlT 1 ean and will sell at BAL£ DUuLS. STREAMERS. Flanber of desirable Improved Farms _^ ly tL '*f «albr»iih, tCflOKEKU AND (iKNKKAl. L \M aW*iilmm»for.l Stat. .11. Aunj;.-! 'i in all parts ci tlio i'li'inty. â- â€¢â- â- â€¢'1 Coniinissiiin. iJat. s lu .l rai.-. •^Ol^s. aud Sc«in^' M.ichiiu- als.. j ^.'â- â€¢Jknauieatal Trees, Vines. .\uTienl D0DGEK8, H.\NI) Bllli wuts.anjMHrl.iuei.) I. Jan. 27. l«Hl. 'fall kni.l. WArjtio: HORSE RAKi CI %u:i| Allkuu{.Mj /.;] Manufurliiix :ii: 1 1 I; I" L 1. S 'II r.. M I- ,i. itiy ir.i-l.-. .: t ••••m. :j:.- lit J .1.1 i-i;.= r. .):. .,; ••«-ry di- .-rii'*:' • t;i«- liMlK* t. .-iti-l o.r.ji- t- I.' tl.. -1 .. II.1MI1I.' up' I' I. i.(| • '!•â- â€¢â- . I ai:i ...â- â- ,!â- , i • tie .i.lviiiita;-.' ;i, i ,• I'lrl:. • i,i V .It,. will .l.i«-..:i U.j;... .: II'IK :U tile ni.iik. I ' th'Hi III .ji ility â-  J.l, THOS. M "â-  w 'l-MiS I '• I-!. 111. 1- PAUTHLETS, 1 1 ' *• promptly atleu.l, J I,.. IV Ms^ eTdavis. ^Jf^A tO.\TBA TOl'.. iS:,,:„ a,i,i l^lasteriuR and Cmiitrv .1..!,..;. ded to. St.inieultiiiK'"B S|.. -.tes Oil all w.irk. fr.-e. Sati 'd. *,* roulc Streets, .\1.uki..vli.. 'WO. i;.v Bring along your pictures and have them copied ai:d enUrged by your old friend BULMER. ae Flesherton. Match 10, 18S1. D. J. SHANAHAN'S WAGON and Carriage Works, Just opened, opposite the drug store Mill street. Having long xperieneo in the bnsi- nesa, we feel confident »e can give satisfac- tion to those favoring ua withtheir oidert for CABBUGEB. 8PBING WAGGONS. LUMBEB WAGGONS. 4e. Hopmhoeing, and aU kinds of rep»iruur n ourUne either in wood, iron, pZntimT and tnmmmg neatly and promptly eWted' We ,»e nothing but good mat^ ^^^I ploy first-class practical workmen. Our fun is to give the best ralae for the east money. Urns securing a reuetifa^^ cur «t.emed o.der. and th'e SeSo^o^' flnesc among your friens. ' M«U«'.e. kvn\ 6th. 188J |m« I*iillic INotice. NOTICE is hereby given ibat the new ,m 'â- "' open through lots 99, 100, and lUl, on the 3rd concession W. T. 4 8. B in ihe township of Glenelg, ig not properlyw- tabushed. • «- ,r The oorporation of the township of Olen- el« not having any titie to the rond UuwbA 8«d lots, will not bo recponsible for anyiS- ?r?Si "' â- *•' ll«n on laid ro*d. JAMES BBOWN. UnLAT MacBAB Clerk. ^B^a Township ef Glenelg, Oe». 19, i880. MONEY to LEND AT SIX PEB CEMT. Mukdale, Jitto Sad, 1861, 88.8b. The Lowest Possible Prices I For CASH andFAEM PEODUCE BUT IVOT FOK, OREl^IT. o I hftve aUoin stock and for sale, a large quantity of PUKE SEED GRAIN! Seeds, and as it pays each and every Farmer to sow cle«n seed. »on w^mir. m„„i^^ paying a lew cents extra, Ukd purchasing a good article/ "***• »^ '" "»*k. money by o • I (m now selling large qnanties of COARSE LAND SALT, FOR ME -A. IV XJ R E seUing ih five and u barreT^tfat^L |^w^t*C«Th "i!!",*^ '*J have decided in direct from the Manufacturers. -.dS^iS^teU^h'?.?^?,^^ ^f*" " "'"« -oâ€" I would also intimate that my SPRING IMPORTATIONS ARE ARRIVING DAILY, AndlviUluTeopttaedoaftvidchav ' On the 1st of April, ^^.h.Large8tandBe8tA«»rtedStociue..rbrought«t«thls p^ of the L sm, yoar obidiM^t fsrvuit, R J. SPEOUIjE. Flesbertgn, Mareb lo i«8i ,, ' i. G. Sins, °ffKX AND rUOVlNClAI. T.WP 'â- â€¢ I'rauglitsiU'in ani Vi.liii:..! Markdale. ilavii^^ •„. i.., ..J ^,. ,, |d Surveyor CliniU- U„nk...s I ,...;,",,;,'" „ KHtlOtloUK, Ae....f Hll V.U Su^.V. ' â- "•"â- â€¢"" "•"'*=â-  IWL.- last flfty-live v.-.r-. I .vii "»"»alu. Surveys in stnrt w.-e .r.!- "J^Plli. IVortlcs an I IMiiii.t.J JJ?«t Bills Plans and .Sp,ciii. i.ti..,i. V ll J»| »r, Uri-s, fiiriiis).rj ,,ii ;i|.|,l|.:.. UIBMr^n 'n- hoan At H |Hr oeM ii.tei.-t. i mtnllCdO \l-j i i _;or left will, (i. .1. Itl.Vni. ,d..„^. „ I ••f il. 'â- ..u (.'iv.. f ' t-"«'.\-.;i.- J.m;, •;• th. 1.. t ,4 llinl. M-.1, .:,i:.-. N .-. I- SHTOP! HOW T. MUJ_.i- 1;..,. lamental Plasterer ^^^}^\ '" WA.SH-'J'U 1 (r stone and briikwork .•« ap. iftfu'tin-i (iiiriiiit.'-d. 1! si- .r.ii^, Mujkdiile. ipt. 1 (.*i,i. 1 V RE HOTEL, LE, Proprietor. Hotel has l.i.J H Urj-e ^.-1- â-  'u it, thcroij,! ly ititt. 1. tl) uont lu the kuuiity. ^^i.ii .ittoctive o-tler. Kirst- |tioh for couinu iT^l trav.-l "'♦• IHT dHV. 17ly iiOTr^i., ORD, Out. Pbopbietobs. 'odation for the travelling » well stocked with tbi »na Liquors and the bti,t Iii I'm '../„ ' 7.//. I M -V .V \\| REAPER." " MOWERl from all trains. I ly CIAL HOTEL '^ILLiE. Ont. ipdions Sample Booms- iti. .l V^^ " »â- " i»"i" ^w the best the market af ^A^^At*'""" Hostler's- ^T^NSON. Proprietor. anFshaving ' «* Saturdayt, '***as Smitb, '»' Toomb Stones. i:ii. I (f M.irk !iii Juiii -.•. |»s|. Province Ontarj I" or I V ». TOL'Ei-i;i;i,isni;i) in Price S'j.l MU l.ovi:i.I., .,t ti,. rj M.Trl;:.lit- a.,.| ..tli.| â-  if (liitiiriii, (if tli. Ciiv f o nniioiiiii-, tl,„t 111, ij. ritUVINCK 01- ONTVI: in N..V, ri»i ii ui xt, llpliabefical AM A Tllolujr classifI Business of thcDiisineiis ami I'liiff' Cities, Tuwns ami ViUspi CI..4SS|i-|l BUSINESS DU or Till: CITV OF MdNxJ The same car and utti iitl the Dominion and l'rnvinri4^ 1871 will be -iven tc tin- «. aamex res|eotfully snli it'-l.l vertiiiing made ki«ii ii|n ' JOHN I.OVKLL .V Miitr -ul, IM:eiiilM-r. IssiJ .J' ;^%.»'

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