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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 7 Oct 1881, p. 1

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 V..^. '^N^-^X i» i l;i 1' I k Itf U ' i ' I' t. 'I- â- 'it. [â- 4' â- ' â€" â- iiiiriSaii^wMi^at. mgllMMMWM? T6foitt,Brt| I BractfR*! Jhanire of mine. On an.l after MOITSAT, Srd NOV. tnin frillru:! M tollowH: â€" GOING NORTH. ToHDnto, â€" Union Station, T)Ii. 7:UOa.m. l'i:30 pjo. 5.00 pm Carlton 7.52 a.m. 12.45p.m. 6.20 p.m. West'^ii 8.05 a-m. 1.00p.m. 6.3Ci).m. HamijeTSnm tB.lOam. l^JO p.m. 5.50 p.m. AVo.V.t/.iHge' .8.45 a.m. 1.50 p.m. 6.05 p.m. K'eiulciig.. .. O.O.'.a m. 2.13 p.m.*. 24 p.m. rv.ion 9.2 a.m. 2. .37 p.m. 6.43 p.m. 'o ii Eoi'a...0.i0a.m. S.OSp.m. 7.05p.m. (..rlcoa.. 10.35 a.m. 8..:n p.m. 7.50 p.m. Alioa 10.50 a fai. 4.06p.m. 8.06 p.m. Oiit.t.fiiu.c A -i.'.- ..I' '0a.m. 4.2." p.m. 8.20p.m. I..9ii .,11.00a.m. 4 4.5. p.m. i ni^,'cii eJuDclionll ta.m. S.OSp.m. I.. i..| IL.iOa.ui. S.iOp.m. 12.30 p.m. 6.X) p m.'i'K 1.15 p. 'D. tK^O p.m. P otoii I.:j5p.m, 7.11p.m, J-i.. (ifTl'n*;'Mcev'o 1. .05 p.m. 7.35pm. payment of lofts had from Am T «onto CompMiy. Tlk» yminnir, after opening tliu letter tnd penuiaf coLtents, wroto CKlmuw sppn^af him of ita receipt, aad of the miBtalHi bttt addiug that hk company eovUl deal witii faim ftboat the loan on better ad Henry llwpop, 8d John Biind]|e, P* E Ae; i«M. Walter. HfitUe, «i Swnnd OsMU, 8d ^air pwe IJVMHk Bol B«BdIll^8d^ Ban, Samod GngMI^ ^^. Ci hen, 8dBdtt. Black.. Bhen^mgEmp, Waltep^ Kickle. %i Saiaad^6iegMi Sd Geo. Campbe^L terms. Gilmonr replied declining the offer, and requesting the letter to be' Swd«.-Sow; aged, Henry Hannon forward to Toronto, to ita proper des- tination. Some two weeks aU^sed after the time the solicitors of the Toronto company shoold haye reeeiT- ed the letter before its arrival, and an enquiry into the'canse of the detention :.I.i kUle.... .. .. .. 2.15 p.m. 8.05 p.m. 1'...- 2...5 p.m. 8.28 p.m. '\V,"iaiA^fOii 2 M p.m. 8.16 p.m. AriioU .S.05 p.m. 9.'6 p.m. riiatswo/lli 3.15 p.m. 9 16 p.m. ItockforJ 3.38 p.m. 9.36 p.m. Owcu H«anil. 4.00 o.m. 10.10 p.m. GOING SOUTH. Oveu SoauJ, depart 6.30 a.m. 12 00 nooa K'.-l.tord 7.00 a.m. 12..'J0 p.m. '"w-. iWworth .. 7.20 a.m. 12.55 p.m. Anion ....... 7.30 a. ui. 1.06 p.m. WiMiarasfwrJ. 7.48 am 1 28 p.m. ;;.rkiv 8.05 a.m. 1.48 p.m. M ;;i..i. .... 8.:V)a m. 2.15 p.m. Hcs!icrt"nJ:I» 'cevillo 8.55 a.m. 8.45 p.m. IV'.ton 'J.15 a.m. 3 10 p.m. I;i:jtlilk. ... V.o5 a.m. B..30 p.m. Hli':Uirut.. 10 15a.ia. 4-15 i.m. r.HUr.! 10. 17 am. 4. .50 p.m. Oriirr" •.illc Juuctioii ll.OOa.m. 5.05 p.m. ;.:'N .;:V!i.l.F- Arr. 11:1." :i. m. ':20 p. m. l.-li. 7.15 li. III. ll.:;.jii. m. 5.40 p.m. Al'.x.i 7. 'â- "• n.m.1 1.-'^5 -Lfu. 6.00 p.m. rlnir!' t. II. .7.5' 'Lin. I'.i.l0ii ra. 6.18 p.m. :.!•.». ..III.. •.'.â- ; a.iu.l2.l? ;i.ra. 7.05 p.m. !;-,'-.(,ii ^H.t.l a.m. 1.10 pin. 7..'J3 p.m. Kli'iiliiiiM. â- .'•••"â- ' '.m. 1.30 p.m. 7.55 p.m. W.i ..;.'..â- â- !/.â- .!â- . 25 a.m. 1.50 p.m. 8.17 i.m. •â- .' "^it'.t.Uia.m. 2.0.' p.m. 8.33 p.m. V•^•^l..•| lO.OOn.m. 2 27 p.m. 9.00 p.m. I il'on lo.lMa.m. 2.3'J p.m. 9.15 p.m. 'J uiuis lo, â€" I "lion Station. All-;-.! ...M.riOa.m. 3.00p.m. 9.40p.m. â- '.sM^^ THE STANDARD. 1 liUay. October 7th, 1881 r|lllK Canii.'a Ailv.:rti^iiiB Aru-.-v. I^ 2'.i L KinV Sin it \V(-t, Toninto, W. \V. lilT'HEU, M. ni/'f. ' f â-  :.ri/,i;ltl) rc'cuivo » IvcrtisJiiiciiU fi) l!,-s [•:.;-r. S ipiMf-.s nrr r i-i lyod at Uii.^ ilUi'c 1.. til • r.H".viii" fnpirft and Maea/.ini-- ri. fAILIKS. ' ..- .-it ;.:,• (;i..l»' per year, • " .Mail, " '•7 li 7.1 •- • WFFKI.IER. â- f .r.,iii W. ililv ;, (icryi'ar, .. • ^f,,jl 'â-  S|"-lator " r'lmvr II.'.li 1 IH 1 (HI 1 i'ki ^â- â- . :..i»nr .\liH rii'ilri ' 3.211 Mmnhii.iks. I'.i »i. \h."!l' i"r vrar, .;i 1 • •! •llllll-t â- â€¢ I..-.:- ,S(.Ml.TI|].\(i WKON'.. resulted in an information being laid nnder the Post Office Act against Kent fur detaining the letter. The jury returned a verdict of gnilty. The judge, on passing sentence, remarked that the offence was a serious one, and called for imprisonment by way of punishment, but in yiew of petitions presetjted on behalf of the prisoner, he would in^pose a fine of $400, the prisoner to be held in custody till it was paid The fine being paid the accused was afterwards released to the relief and satisfaction of his friends. LIFE OF GABFIELD. (Guelph Daily Herald. Sept. 28, 1881 .) We Lave just exaujined advance sheets of the "Life of Garfield" from the World Publishinjr Go's Office, Guelph. It coutasiiS about 700 papes, beautifully printed on good paper and profusely illustrated with some SOenBravingf), including steel plate o Gen. Oarfiuld and Arthur, this is the only autlit.'utic â- work published, en- dorsed by tbe family And reliitives of Gcueral GaifielJ. Read the foUow- iug endorsement fraroB.H.Hindsdale, ol Hiram College, Obio, the most in- timate friend that General Garfield hud "I beg leave to say that I rcKard this book as a most valuable aud well worthy of a general circulation. â€" B. A. Hinsdale This work is beintj issued by the World Publishing Company in connection with the largest publishing house in theUnited States, and neither labor or expense has been spared to make the work all that it should bo. Several clieap imitations are on the m irk' t, be :^uro you see the Life of G.iiliol.l thiit yon buy is written by J.-im'W 1). McCiihe, the ttreat American lli-t.iriau, aiith'T of Pictorial History of iiif World, Piillnvays to the Holy Liul, History U.S.. Ac, c., Alsc ':ju su.-c the work you buy is nine inch- es i(.ii.,' and aix inches wide. About I 70-: p.i;," a and profusely illu.stratcd i Til.: c'u:ip citcli penny ediutious that are b-ii'j,' a.lV'rti.scd do not compare i Pair Sfiai^ Piga. WiUiam McLaren, 2d Thomas FehheU. PouiTBT. â€" Pair Oeeae, Alex. Mc- Doiudd, 2d Bobt. Black. TiirkeTB, 8- Stockes, 2d Joseph McArdle. Barn- yard Fowb, Dnncan UeMellanK iai Joseph McArdle. Dacka, Bamud Stocks, 2d Duncan McMillan. Grain.â€" 2 bushels Fall Whaat, Jno Bundle, 2d Robert Black, 8d Jas. Bos- borough. 2 busLels Spring Wheat, Geo. Campbell, 2d Robert Black. Two bushels Peas, Samuel Fleming, 2d J. Abbott, 3d Geo. Campbell. 2 bushels White Oats, Joseph McArdle, 2nd R. Black. 3d Geo. Sturroth. 2 bushels Black Oats, Thomas Fennell, 2nd A. Riddell, 3d Henry Hannon. 2 bush- els Barley, William Hardy, 2d Robert Black. 1 bushel Beans, Jas. Ferris, 2d W. Irons. Boots. â€" Bushel Potatoes, J. Mitch- ell, 2d G. Campbell, 8d J. Ferris. 6 Swede Turnips, Bobt. Black, 2d John Dazell. 6 any other kind Tamips,|0. bturrock, 2d Bobert Black. 6 Cab- bage Heads, Bobert Black, 2nd 'John Agnew. Variety Potatoes, Jas. Fer- ris, 2d Samuel Stockes. Six Beets, James Ferris, 2Ld Robert Black. 6 Garden Carrots, James Hannon, 2nd J. A. Scarlett. 6 Field Carrots, Boht Black, 2nd John Bundle. Peck Po- tato Onions, William Sturrock, 2d J. Ruudle. Peck any other kind Onions, Dunciin McMillan,2d D. K. McArthur. Two Pumpkius, James Fen-is, 2nd D. .McMillan. Twelve Tomatoes. Wm. Irons, 2d S. Gregson. Six Cucum- bers, James Ferris, 2u4 John Abbott. Six Citrons, John Agnew, 2nd James Ferris. Fruit. â€" Twelve Winter Apples, H. Hannon, 2ud John Agnew. 12 Fall Apples, Samuel Fleming. 2nd John Agnew. Twelve Pears, John Lakings. Twelve Plums, John Lakiugs, 2nd H. Hannon. 12 Crab Apples, John Ab- bott, 2d Duncan McMillan. D.URY. â€" Tub Butter, 50 lbs., James Ferris, 2ud Henry Redmon, 3rd John Dazell. 5 lbs. Butter, put up in any shai)e., Jas Ferris, 2nd John Abbott, 3rd Jol'ii Bundle. Home-made Cheese, Bobt. Black, 2nd Dimcan Mc- Millan, Srd Wm. Sturrock. Loaf of Bread, John Lakuigs, 2d Alex. Rus- sell, Srd Samuel Fleming. 6 lbs of Honey, T. FenncU. Home Mavufa'-tures. â€" Blanket, f.vciory made, W. H. Petterson, 2nd '!o. lilanket, William Stewart, 2a Duncn Mt Million. Full, home-msule. 5 yds, S. x leming, 2ad Jul;i:bt( r. Milliner. k3.itinct,l.ome- made, 5 yds, llonry IJeiliuou. Flan- nel, hoino-mif.k-, o, Vv. II. Toter- son. Piiic-h Quilt, .J.ihn Lakings. 2d .., ... 11., I Josciih Mu.Vr.iie. Knitted tJnilt, Jno wi;h ,lii;m in any way, buy only the r i- r- r\ u 'â-  i i- i J j J " J '"'• I l,,il;ii!;,'s. i'ltiiey Quilt, iJios. lennel, 1 iJ.l Henry Hiiuiioii. I'iue bhiit, S. b f. A(ii:XT.S WANTED. Apply to the World Publishing (.'o., (iiit'ph. ».«• I'IK/rON K.\LE SHOW. W;-. ii'c ii.r.rnivd that the "iTAMi\RD rtMi-li • I'.iii'iiiiii (â- M Siiturday evciiiiir; ii: !• :ul nf llio iiiornin;,' ns it slionld. |-r'-iii i\iii;l "1. y, I'.ppiiig. and (Irirr?!- vill' w ncciVeil complaints tiny ilu not nccive yieir papiTJ uii'.il ihc? Tnisday after publication, V '•â- .•:••â-  tl:.y should r.-fi'iM' it t!;" pro- ••• ill •• Ivilnnlay. At I'oin i!:i ::'mi, i(. r.iinplani iif receiving thi ir a- j'lTs two or tiirco days behiiiii line. \V hoin- liiis notice will put a sli'p to }!!•• iMiisc. If it does not «â-  will see i! u iiiliM to the P. O. Ins^KCtor will Ji.lVC l!ui ill- Mid ciTict. t)'i !:i '.ay. Sjtli Sept.. we took the tiniii at Markiliile for ilundalk, a dis- t iiirc of lii miles, wliii-h took an hiur. Tl'iTe wf wore joined b.v Mr. P. MifiPvLror, Mr. (ieo. Middloton, Treas- Stocks. 'indJoliiihtoa Milliner. Em- hroiilery, William ll:,i\'.y. ;id JJ::iston Milliiii'r. KiiiUed Lace, J.Tnn Lak- in,,'s, 2d Williiiiu Hardy. Antim;icas- .sar. John Lukini^s. liraid Work, John- .stoii MilliiKr, 2d Join' Lakings. Tat- lii;i,' 'A'ork. W. II. Pe*er.son. Crochet I W ork, Johnston Milliner, 2nd W. H. I l'ite!-s-.;n. H.iir Work. Johnston Mil- j liner. Wax I i'uver.s, .Tohnston Mil- I liner. J;erliii Vi'ool Work, raised, J i.!i::slo;i Milliii. r. Hookc.l Mat, P. Me(ire;or. 2nd Thos. Femi»ll. Pair Men's Mitts, Duncan McMillan, 2nd urcr ProtiTii Aj^ricultnral Society, and .liilin Abbott. Kag Cai-jiet, 5 .yds, D otliHs. We drove to Ilopeville, a ditanco of 9 miles, which was done in 70 ininu'r^. The road is very good. iin 1 a i'Miiber ..f fine farms arc to be F- F. Teoplo. s- !•:: in iliat socti '?i of c.inntry. We no; iced a very line hank ham, G5x80, .McMillan. Collection House I'lants, •John Abbott. I.iiil! ^lills tion I TilANUFAcTunEs. â€" -Luiiiber Waggon, Spring Wiiggon, Thos., 2nd F. F. Tecple. Bnprgj' T. Swan. Set Horse Shoes, unfiled, F. F. Teeple. 2d A. H. Burnett. Pair XW presont season by Mr. Wm, JMous Fine Boots, Wm. Irons. Coarse .s;ich buildiiii^s are an indica- Boots, Win. Irons. 100 lbs. Flour, ro;,'rcs. The day was fine '1* ;: 'v.ifiiu AN Ai;uuri,Tri;i-T f.i; ' I ..... 1. 1: l.sT, contains a clioise bcKc ti ;. f articles on a' wide range of ••!!! J 1 Is among the leading conti iljii- »••;•• :.'i Pitkr IlENhERSoN â€" "Cciiiy l":.ii::iii' in Dry Weather" S. H. i '.:;. -is. Ju. â€" â- ' I!i;,'ht an! Wroi;g in i;-ick Work" prof. G. C. C.^i.n.vrn.i. (Coriu'll I'niversitv) â€" "Maunre Made .id. r Cover" Tim Bi-nker â€" "Again t'ii;i"i!i;; Flase " Dr. J. B. Lawes l.'oilian: led, England) â€""Nitrogen lis .Nilric Acid" Prnf. A. Liaitakd ^.\in. V t. College) â€" " Anthrax or CI- rb.n " Col. F. D.Ci nri.sâ€" "Swinc llaiNili;/" ;Ilo!i. X. A. AVii.i.ARn â€" " Ani' ru.ii: Cheese and Its Exports" Ma'.ov.C. Wi i.ii-."l"iibiased Judging at Fairs" Prof. N. S. Townsuend (Oliio liiiver.-iity) â€" "Wheat Soil, Tiilnge. Varieties and Harvesting" Pr. M\M.v Mii.KS â€" "Sjstemin Farra- i'lL,' ' Prof. Cvurs Thom\s (Kntomolo- •ji-al Coiuini.sioii)â€" "Counteracting Injuri ms InsocW; Hon. R. W. Fik- .N\s --'Nebraska's Agricultural Out- lo.ik" Mrs. E. II. Lkland â€" "Rearing and i'raining of Children." There are many other valuable illustrated aniclcs. including; Notes fo Farm and Gari\en Work Skunks Ferrets Plan of Snrtill Barn Flood Fence Smut on Wlieat, Oats and Barley Sulky Plows New and Old Flowers Notes from the Pines. .V full supplp of Household Reading ttie Boys and Girls' Columns can but please and in- struct the ycung. Terms, :?1.50 a year, 15cts. a copy. Obanob Judd Oo., Publishers, New York. llioiu'h sinivwhat dusty, and a good num'.ier 'nid gathei-ed by the time we !U-!i"l'i. T!:- ;ho\v of Dringht Horses was I very !:•!;) 1, the tp:!iiis entered in that I class beiii;,'Verv fine specimens. The two-yoar-e.ld colts wore something ex- tra, liiid if the horses of Proton may bo j;i ]-,-eil from t!io exhibit of the above 1 they are ahead of their neighbors for 1 hor.. !R. Mr. McLaren had a very fine pen of pi rs, some nine or ten in all. In the- HiJl things wore crowded yet orderly. Mr. Hewctson, of Dun- dalk, had a display of millinery, etc., which was set off to good advantage by his milliner. Miss Foster. A lady's suit of mink seal, valued at $90, was one of the chief features of the above display. W. H. Peterson, wool man- ufactiu-er, of Dundalk. had a good se- lection of woollen goods. In Grain the exliibit was not large, but the quality made up for the small quantity. Roots and vegetables were good. The ladies' work filled the aiartment assigned to it and done no discredit to the exhibitors. There was good accdmmolation considering cu-cumstances. Mr. Scar- lett, the hotel-keeper, made ample provision for the large crowd and John Hopkins, 2d Andrew Riddle. EXTRAS. Cutter, highly recommended man- uf.ictured by Toomas Swan, of Mount Forest. Carriage Team, recommended; own- ed by Donald Ferguson. Slippers, exliibited by Thos. Fen- nell, recommended. I'ouit liace, exhibited by Thomas Fennell, recommended. Collection of Tweeds, Dress Goods, Millinery and Mantles, exhibited by W. S. Hewetson, of Dtmdalk, highly recommended. Berlin Wool Work, exhibited by Mrs. Milliner, highly recommended. Three samples of Com shown, re- commended. ' The day being favorable there was a liirgc turnout, especially of the young people, and everything seemed to be favorable. The ' Judges were on the ground and accomplished their work with credit ajd general satLsfaction. We were pleased to meet all the offi- cers and directors of the Society at their post, arid credit is due to them lor the manner in which they dis- charged their duty, having made every endeavor to give satisfaction to all competitors. It was thought by some of the old fathers that the show would be a fail- ure this year, on account of some dif- ficulty which arose during the year as A criminal cafe of curious but gen- eial interest was disposed of lately at the Middlesex Assizes held in London, Out. It appears one Malcolm J. Kent, the manager uf a loaning corporation in London, received tbroueh the post a Utter from from ore Gilmoar, a Minto farmer. The letter was ad- dressed to "The London k Canadian Loan and Agency Company, London.*' This Company's place of business was at Toronto, and hence tho Loa Ion P. O. autliontics delivered the letter to Kent, as tha latter's company had a somewhat iimilar name. The loiter enclosed au agrecmsut executed by Cilmour, extending for a farther term also Mr. McArthur and Mr. J. Mc- â-  to where the Society would hold its .\rdle gave a helping hand, accommo- dating those from a distance with stabling for horses, c. Tho following is the Prize List, kindly furnished by A. G. Hunter. PRIZE LIST, HoBSEs. â€" Span draught, S. Stacks, 2d W. NicUe, 8d G. Campbell. Span General Purpose, R. Parslow, 2d Jos. McArdle. Mitre, foal by her side, G. Glazier, 2d John Dazell, W. McLean. Buggy Horse, W. Stewart, 2d H. Mc- Gurron, 8d W. Hardy. Saddle Horse, S. Fleming, 2d T. Fennell, 8d Hugh McGurron. Colt or fillv, 2 years old, Geo. Campbell, 2d S. Stockes, 3d J. Rosborough. Colt or filly, 1 yr. old, G. Glazier, 2d S. Gregson, 3d J. Fer- ris. Spring Colt, Geo. Glazier, 2d J. Rosborough. Cattl« â€" Thoroughbred. â€" Durham Bull, Bobt. Black. Gradeâ€" BuD, D. McMeUan. Cow, R. Black, 2d Jaa. Ferris, 8d Alex. McDonald. Heifer, under 8 years, G. Campbell, 2d H. Hannon, 8d Jas, Ferris. Spring Calf, Jas. Ferris, 2nd Bobt. Black, 2nd do. Yoke of Oxen, Alex. McDonald. Sd D. MeMiUan. 8d Oeo. Campbell. SaxBP. â€" Aged ram, J^ Bundle, 2d B. Black. exhibition. We would have been pleased to have met some of these old fathers at the show, but they were absent. p«b ft^eplorsbU ^^ .HMtecyn- ffm, Hudh^tjlhe Anreh ha» bean *• Btepfm^ .^ tMoM Itr, tbe oboidi and for ^ga^^tx^Oit^ba/^ two (Chmreh and ^tatefhaye^boep^ doaaly eonnected M to be almaat hidutiaguiababla, the one from Oia olEer. It is a long time •meetkna of Um tan IdngAsBW. via: tha Yaodala, the Ostrogotha, and the Lombarda, ia typified by the ten toea oT NrtnehadHftrar'e iaxugtt^^^*^ hetA was of fine gold, hir hreaat and arma of aiiTer, bis bally and thighs of braas, his legs of iron, his feet part of iron and part of olay, were completely under the sway of the Pope, benee the Tiara, or three-«TOwn*d cap, which he wears on bis head. Indeed, since yory shortly after the days of the Apoetler. when Borne was the Capital of tha Soman Empire, and of tlie world when the Uoman Bishops af- ter having been looked up to fur a while by those more remote from the Capital, began t consider i! as r^^ that buperiority. which the burroimd- inc chorches^had freely yielded. If Borne is the Quocu it Cities, why should not her paster be the King of Bishops? WiiV s'.iinlj not the Bo- man Church bo tho mitiier of Chris- tendom W'hy rhoul.i not all nations be her ohi!d;cii, and her authority their sovereign law It was easy for the ambitious Lcartuf man to reason thus ambitious Borne did so, aud all know the result â€" Ever since then the encroachments of power form s great part of history, as the resistance of those whose liberties are invade! forms the other portion. And why i" this The reason is easily come at, so clear that any one may see it, viz that church and state were too closely connected, "running too much in the same groove," and this has been my theme in all these letters. Taxarious says I am "afraid that a regular taxa- tion system would cause many to fling churches and religion overboard." In this he is wrong I am not afraid. I said that even this would "work for good," but it would be as sure to "wind up" the taxation system pio- poscd, for it would just bnng the sup port ol religion on the onl.v {larties who ought to, and will support it with out being t-ixed, viz â€" the Christians. Nothing surprises me more than tc see professing Chrirtians straining ev- ery uervc to draw support to the church from the outside world. I cannot tliiuk money got m this way will do mneh good; I haye ahvays looked upon the free will offerings of a converted sinner to the support of the cause of Him "who died that he might live." as being like the 'quality of mercy" of which Shakespeare writes "it is twice bk'Ssed it Messes th;il gives, aud him that takes." Man is a curiDus beiug. Some men absent themselves from chirjh and church ordinancc.3 professing to be oCadod at the conduat of some member or of- ficer in the church, or even it s )iuh- thing the minister lias said or .loiu. The congregation ra vy bo ia ar ears to their pastor, and lie may reidly bo in comparatiyo want, au.l s'l nil hi even hint about money from tJie pui- pit, some are so "thinskined thit they will be oifduded,and alisent th.?iase;ves from his miuist.rati-'t8. Such lu^^n are much to be pitiod. If the minis- ter has to say anylhiug ibout in m^y, whose fault is it Doubtless the con- gregation are not doing their duty, for if they did their duty, there would be no need of sermons with a "sillcr tail" as some call it. I think the real cause of these men acting as they do, i^i something else than they profess it to be. It is, I fear, because "the root of the matter i.i not in them " "they have the firm but not the power of godli- ness" they Inive ohIii "a name to live," and they want that name to cost them as little as posuble and «ij;h all they want to counted i;ood, respectable Christians, aud throw the bUme on somebody or somethini;, instead of avowing the real 34U8e, viz that the evil 18 in themselves, that their hearts itre not right with God that they are still in the gall of bitterness and the bonds of iniquity. If such will leave tho church apparently on whimsical grounds, why not write tlic-lr names off the roll at once Why sh )uld not the dead limbs ba cut eft the spiritual tree If we would keep the church in healthy state, clear away all those noxious weeds; "dig around, it, and dung it," and see if it will not then bear fruit. Let the minister warn, admonish, reprove, let htm do all he can to bring sinners "into the fold," bat let not the Roll of church membor- ship be blurred, and bloated with the names ol members who have not for years sought to commemorate a Sav- iour's dyins Love, aud obey the com- mand "do this in remembrance of me. ' in ftrettoosand miles now, sad • new ^aroh»obe.qjened,onwhiAth«J. ^igM'9* «ot do aD-Jn our pa*e» «p nt Paul »«!»n^ an4]y8«Bb.attti« ^opening. |I».*-*««^^*J*" And get our Victoria Howflie o (VTEirsotno. OARD It nravnaik' » Mm r*- juiageiou. coffers fitted? Baul •*! 1^ yoB tiiae 'Hat ther^ be no gathennga Wbenleome.- Wliat doe. the ohu^ ing about it; be w»a -entirely wrona; the Awijh ao^ not git alta^ » *»»» w«y «Hr. We -«i-t U Mi»*«it«« season aodififfl of «e««n" to r* meney: newr mind Paul, he was an old fashioned man at the beat but this is the age o( improvement, we can- not stand still, we must do as others do see, not long suico there was a great gun came lo a church opening in onr neighborliood, and instead of a powerful speech as some expected, he commenced an auction, aud took bids from old and young, meml^er and ad Uerent, stranger and friend, until all bad been done that could be done, and wound up by singing "Ho, My Comrades," in the language of the South Sea Islanders, or some equally distant race. Well, Mr. Editor, we oertamly Uve in an extremely peculiar age; but, al- though fashions change, although men's ideas on every conceivable sub- ject should change, although every- thing around us should change. Re- ligion remains the same Christianity is just the same to-day as it was on that morning when our Saviour burst the baiTier of the tomb and arose a Triurapnant Conqueror. If the early Christian Church was supported bj voluntary offerings, why should not the same be done now? In olden times the way was t j brinq an offering, tho Collector or Treasurer had not thi-n to wait on the people, tho people waited upon them. I see that the Sabbatli School lesson for next Sab hath bears directly on thi« piiut I hope Superintendents and Teachers will bring the les.son home ia their sev- eral classes and bnng out the spirit of liberalilj that is there taught. It is a degraJiuij thing to see men well-to do in the world, men with otUr tvaVvitm ~«»aBa of th* towa, being (it^ ^t;w 4th, 1 881. f*-^ In-vention. â€" to !â- â- -«' Piano or Or«ati.--j of tho Popular Air. bT iH.ta. at Hght. withoot Ma.,crT.lent. The Comj-ay ^\f^]^ FBIT ll.tXX) if »°y ehUd ten y«ir. old falls topllTANT OMBofoarp-pul^- tone, on S. Piaoo, Organ or Melodeon within ONE HOCB .fier roc-nvinK the and In- " ^^rith, 1881 -XT- t» ttv .%â-  y $Ros. • AUCTION SALE TU FaiD Property. Under and by virtue of Powers of Sale coiitainea in Cfr:ai-i Mortgages, which wi.l be proiiiceil Rt tlie lime of eaU, there will be offered for stj^ by Pablie AnciioD, by. GEO. NOBLE, AUCTIONEER, at Iliitlel.,'e'i Hotel, in the VILLAGE®' M ARKDALE, â€" â€" â€" ON^ farms clear of debt, and money out ppiQAY I4JH QF OCT.. 1881, nt. intprnst. T.avinff their minister in ' ' ' at interest, i^aying their minister in "mere nothing," but it is to be hoped that as we have just gathered in a bountiful harvest, and realizing so high pries for our produce, we will show our gratitude to tho Giver hy giving a fair sh^ire of his own for tiie support of Gosptd ordiuauces. I know some congregations that are deeply in debt to their minis'er let us hope that 1882 will open with sheets clear of ah debt^!, aud a good balance on tho cred- it side of our Congivgationil Lediiors, and show that we will voluntarily sup port the ciiur jh and sot asi"e t;ie ne ce^sity of a "Tax" AI. In *]'" month of 0^-tober Typhoid, i^Jilions, Miliiri;il Fevrrs arj v-tv pr(-'ut. Fora .-liU'.epreve.titive take, 'Ci'fJi ir t'l (U,.Tri .11- 1U C.\R- SUN'S STOM.\-.ll lUrXi.iiS. They piiiily tli.' Syjitmi Avii v.i,(l ;heiji.)ii. 'i'ii y ar â-  useu t gn4it a.'v.nitiiiri' i;i F.vr .1 :d Xt^uc Ji tiicts. Ii.hirgi- 8 oz. I'ottics, at 50 cents. A. Tcij.Niiit Co, .s^K'cial agent iwr Miirkda-iJ. It is si.^aii'icayt of Queen Voiotoria's hold on Uie he.ins of hor e lo that she has to jiroTiibit luanii'titr.tiqns wbi^-li most crowued liea-ls are only too anxious to get. Strict orilers were triven agauist iiny sort of demonstra- tion duriu;^" her recent juiuney hy night to ScotLmd, her Majesty prefer- ring silecp to cheers. DIED. IlomToxâ€" In Ho'lanl on tli.-- 2!th ult.. Eliiii'ioih Liv.iia, iiughter of Mr. Henry llaiiul:on, age-J S'uioutiis and 21 (livs. K,9vvt*90n^tntt, Notice. â€" We wish it disiuetlv nnderstood that we do tot hold oarselrea reponsible fo the oDinions*! by onr correspondent To the Ed tor of the STAXCtno. Dkab Sib, â€"I daresay "Taxarioub" will be beginning to feel something like our friend "Tammas Tickle,*' that he has "floor^" me, and that his log ic being unanswerable, I am complete- ly "dumfoonded," but no, not yet. Taxarious says that if I will read up church history "It will be found that it was by superstition aud not bv Tax- ation that the State first enthralled the churches." There is much truth in the statement but I think it would be stating the matter more eoirectly to say that it was desigmng, unprin- cipled scunndrels, woiUng under the snperdtition of others, oombining in many instaneea fan*mei$m with Supe. • fft'fton, ignoring everything but teif. Bam Lamb. Geo. CampbeD, that brooght things ecclesiastical iaio I cannot help feelmg that there is somethmg of a harsh, unchristian sound in the word "tax" iu the sense m which Taxarious uses it. I always hke to go back to "first principles," le». us then go back I8OO years or more, when Christianity was in its infancy, what do we find in the New Testament? Do we find a tax impos- ed in the Apostolic church Verily njt. Nothing is surer than that the early Christian Church was supported by voluntary contributions. The ex- hortation there given is to give as God has prospered them to lay by them f "f ' °° tl'e first day of the week. And to show that they did not make a specul occasion, a time for collect- ing money, take St Paul's letter to the Christians at Corinth when he says. 'UpoL the first day of the week let every oneof you hiy by him in store *» God hath prospered hiia, tkai tJure "o g'tl^ering, when ««„. JXj Ve aolikethisn«m? If PmI Witt with- (FROM BRAZIL.) L ?5? -^^^ Compound, its won- idertta ammty to the Sfge^ve ^^^;f ^.a^«?, iie Liver, ^c^al and the TORPID LIVERf makes f^^ion^sl."' "^^ ^^^^^^itrin It acts gently and speedily in t^rEf/fli^fi^^^^' Distress at. ni^^'^^-y^i^'" o« « Stomach. Blck W^l^rfti" "« Side and l^nftU, r ^* °L-^ppetite, Want ol frh^* f SpMts. Foul atom- ^iolr^i;^"'^^ io^i^^l Cut this out and take it to vnnr Druggist and get a Wcent ISm?" ten your neighbor about it. ^^ (UlVEBTISElfKNT.) Miss Mabt a. TmBADEAD, Teacher in 8.8 No. 6, Glenelg, whipped a child of mine only seven years old, hist week for telling what turned oat to be an untmth. She, the Teacher made him take off his coat, and beat hira over the s'lonlders with a stick ootJlhewasblackâ€"DANin. McCabtt. PARM FORSALeT" T j^I^I^a" "' " ^•"•^ cart of T d «»« »w acres, (/) of which are deanvl .^:t :_ ?^^;st.te of cultivation, ^r^.wT ww«.d bT^ Wbir^^rtr" •»«ted 4 mile, from Mittkdale, ^^ ^. on easy terms. Pri«,, f 2,«So. is be For T*»y; Ma.,carT.lent. The Comj-ay ^\f^]^ FBIT ll.tXX) if any chUd ten year, old falls topllTANT OMBofoarp-pul^- tone, on S. PuMio. Organ or Melodeon within ONE mvT^»r rec-nylng the and In- "^ciioBs, provided «ud child ^^l with the fio'UTOS before it from 1 to 100 ow- refltly. _. __ » Pieces ©f Mnate wWfc â- â- - stracUoBBt mailed to any address on receipt of •! *n- clase one-cent .tawp for «*^'«",* "*„"j°f ' Asenf wanted in •t« State »M Coonty m the Union. Edison Music CO. f 66 ai5 4 817 Walnat St., PhihMJ a., Pa Portrait of Garfield. Size or Bkket, 19x24, With his Autograph, acknowledged by himself to be the best Ukeaesa in existenca. 97 per handred. 8inKl« Copies, 9S cts. Copy of AntoRraph Le;ter given with each picture. AJdreea. BhoBEB ft CAHQCEVILt-B, LlTH. Co., ^^9 Mfrrt Si., '"keago. 40,000 aold in CliicaKO inside of m liours. UmvMDm«t a »tt n ta0l ' » n* ihat»a of ten per fent. fa,prioe,nb«B._ i^-^=-^^--- friospwiBherigbl. "^j BtBiOkk if W^ftfeeyif ,.; gtaelw of Tweeds, Stacks of Boots and Shoet, Stacks of Ready-made Clotliing, Stacks of Mantles for the U| Osill ara-d. See "CTq, GOODS PLEHTiFPTAND" PRICES lijij We are determined to oontinne the large increase ia onr biuiiieRi. n MaBen, will return by the 1st of Octoehr, afwhich date we pnrpow teJSl of onr bnsinegg, and trust to eontinae that put of onr bu»in,.bs jn^Kj**^" manner. Thanking you for past favors and troat to be favored with a *** ' same. ""â-  V. B. â€" We are open to buy any 'qnantity of Batter, Wheat and all kim). you don't see 08 on the market let as know before you sell. ^^ " i Mwrkdale, S^tomber Uth, 1881. )«*» ed farm Ae N. W. nitersary on Tnesdi at 6 p4n. ren of otl] Sablath on Sunday] Lako, of CI r,THoro| going to Millinery his lar^^e Kt^ liis capnc his iinLUL'ul goods, yi'tj {1.00. Ohord Index Wonderful Invention THIS IS A a*. n. 3 p. m. o'clocU ii the cfternoon, the fol lowing Freeiioivl P:ope'ty in two ParceU, viz: Paucei, 1.â€" Lot Number Siiteen, in the Seventeenth Concession of the TownHhip ui Proton, in tho County of Giey, containing b}- Admeasi'-cmcut one hunil'eU acres more or le^s about fifty acres of the said Untl are cUsrU anl under cuUivatiou. and the ro- ni'-juder is «r.M) led with hardwood timber. The snul Lot h ituated about five milesf 'ox: Fle.shertou' Pahcel 2. â€" Loi NuniLcr S-:, i:\ the Tliii.I CuucuK.siuu eat of llie (iurnfriixa r.oad, in the Towi'sh'j) if Ht llnud. io the County of (.â- â- -oy. ciuiitaiiti|; by aduiea»nrenient oi« hundred ac-re.i more or less. About seventv aci'es of saM }aud a u clca"ed a..:d iu a static of ciilt'vatio;i. T^r.MS OF S LE â€" Tha purchaser of f ach p.irOTl will he iiq ilred to pav down at t'.e t'fno of saJ? a dt'iosit of ten pv cent, of tlie jiurchase nioicy. 25 per cnt. additional witli'ii one min'h thrrenfter, and the ra- maii.'derto lp secured hy hist mo-tgage. I'o' fuiihtr par:ic!ilars apply to Cuaslss Kino. SUellju -le, or to S!UL0CK. T.L â- , McABTrCrt A CuOWTnEB, Venuor s Solicitors, Come- K-u.,' chur-ih Sts., Toronto. 1 atel 22nd September, lASl. 56-lt IMPOxHTANT SALE OF VVI.T"ABLE FARMS! IN THE TOWNSHIP of USPREY â€"ON â€" TUESDAY, OCT. 20TH, 1881, at one o'clock iu the afternoon, at Tnck'.i Hotel, iu the Villfigo of Maxwell, the follow. ing valuable freeiio.d firm.-! will ].v offered for sale in two parcels by Ma. Jonx Spiers, Atiction-er. Parcsi. 1.â€" Lot Nn.nlcv Twcnty-fiTe iu the Fifth Concession of the Township of Os- prev, contr.;ni:;g one liumlred no,: es more or lis-, about BC\euty acres of which arecieared. Th;' bniUIiHj;:^ coii^is: of a giM^.1 ilweltinir house, a cottaj-e a;id a lar^ro iraiae bnru. Pakcel 2, â€" Lot Number Twt-uty-six in the Fif ih Couc;•^'•^ioa of Osp.ev. coataiuing one hundred acios lUoie or less, of which about eighty acres are eleareiL There are a cot- tage and u h irn on the lot. Ihest lofs arp situate on a j-o ro=J aud within a lude oi the gravel road b-tw«i!i Fleshcrton and Collingw.-,od. r.iii'l One will hf fold nnd.' the power of sale in a mort;;nr;« which «il; be produced, Puroel Two uiidrr a mortK'nj,e foreclosed in the tout of Chancery, A do- posit of ten dnllnrs for evprvoue hundred of purchase money to be paid" at the lime of sale to the VeHdors or their Solicitor, Tekms oi Sale liberal, and will be made known at time of sale. For further particu- lars apply to the Auctimeer at Feversbam â-  William MiUie. Maxwell or tt S. G Woid Solioilor. 12 Union Block lurouto Street' I'oioiito. ' S. G. WOOD, JOHN SPIERS. Vendor's Solicitor. Auctioieer. Toronto. Sejit. 28th. 168! Stoves. Stoves Cooking Stoves, Parlor Stoves, Box StoveSfV x^^ Hall Stoves^ Drum Stoves. All the Ut« improvementg m lijlk and finish. ««W-^8e«.a.lil!*'*^^ HARDWARE! TINWARE, Paints, White Lead. Paint Oil, Machiue Oil, Coal Oil, Lamps, dsc, Haskett Bros. Mariidale. Ssjtt. a wh, IMl. Z STRAYED -C lot 88, con, a E. T, 4 B «B.. HoUmI J^t the month of Jtwe. eight he^l oflSl hght oolor Witt. httb Md on neck i^hSZ I 'fc!!?' »»^°**«^. 1 "potted, ^^ d«k brown or â- UghHy hrinJwL A»Vi-S^ •hor.waH.thJSft.S^?;;^:^"' ^raANOlS BUBTON, Mwkiikto P. O. MM* ois Tilt: PIANO AND 6% Any person, Young or oid, whei have any Musical talent oidoI can learn or PL.AY ANY THING-, in a VEEl SHORT TIME, what would take years in the old way, besides a great expense for Books, Tuition, etc., etc, Sent, pre-paid on receip of 5 lANOSORCA VERY LOW PEICES: ADDRESS, /= I; :^ â-  '• J.kCEAWFOEl • â- " 429 Kir.g StiLcl Last,. Tor: roronto, April i^^h, S8u- MARKDALE H0U3| ALEX. RUTLEDGE, Prop" iok biiiMii.j. r.eei.lly "f"^,,f*^(' iiihhed ii! 1H..1 la Stylf '"^jH d ifTsrs, xndtl.i tsMf*"'^*"^^ ' .:,„ l.,.int'^..J T^verf £1?^ " "«« *»'«* â- "" briok'biii •lart?^,^ The trarellinShtblic may r-lv u,.o„ e^.rv «».... .â„¢ t"J.( I all TwHinn, Good stables aiid atk^JU" ' WHiDN A BRYDEN. BUTCJtIExtS, pwpMed to deader meM to any pim of the town. We h*n FOB THK EliOUSHI c; FOB THE IBI8H, AN^ #•1? utnnmrt noM who haw* no wtaanaltty «« will np- • :|«ywith I GOOD NEVS 1^1 LATELY FlTl^l FIRST-CLASS fiU*^: lam prepared .-^fjS;. 'FOB THl 800TUH U: •MISAGS; ^dil^ Sq^ tMh. 1881. T' Hour and ^k'-jji" toBuyi.urto/tb*n^ ^11 tinuADce of tw " » Barrhead Mdl^^ ;^'?;si' 'torn f«00 op ^â€" « of the Revere Htwue, a, »o •ddition of 90 feet to bis r^^ mating 170 feet in ^11. (.Mir dealers for "Castorine" ' ««1. »nd seethmt the barrel J .•C*Btorine," m none other "'• .... i_: COin of Eagenut, start on a trip |j^^^^» OB tbe»pth instant. will be a sale of valuable their utinr, rLpert/ .tTuck-. Hotel, vU- vastnu.nb ItoKlMit. on the 20th iust. -MriiaexDeDt in another column. Fxtra pri«e of $1.00 for 50 lbs. ive, stli. 1m *• 0«proy Agrieulturttl So- 1 '"«' ' " [Fall Show, will bo given by Variane, Mcrohanl, of Melntyre. t » Rocklvii Dil companv, aro soic • ^fih of -Castorina irachine The day raujents will be ir iccutj^, passed o _»q«ire any thiE,' in Auction- ' l'»^'"R ** give Mr, Georgd Noble a cell. chaMiig jr fan experienced hand, aud will '"^B » ••" olank notes, sUmps and print- tmporv i I at -verr moderate cl'*^K^s- P^augl^oo if vou saw tbe nice of Fiur. Ll If Boots I got at W, J. McFar- j The •/. â-  Ifor $3,50. He has SOUO pairs I j„ ,j„.^j;, from. I ' re Villi cxiiil.:' \k| Cabbaob.^Wc noticed bobio [ae cabbatfo in Mr. Mclntyres j ^i'«"' fine as we ever saw. Tlicv \\ r i ToKti, we were infoiined, by Mr. '»^v un. ilkie. lift B*y it's tlie nuTFi ininj; I jciHjr the teeth anl bria'li." reryone having tricii-TK\i».'-:Ki:v,' |K toilet gem. Get u 5 cent .-aiu- jAlvcr J. Ill P'lt ill :• it v .-. IU' ;i;. «-«Il.l'lt I n ' 11- MECHANICAL DEVljj For Learning to Play CHORDS AND AGCOMPANIMEml Weekly f^/ofcc and St.wu.vui be had for §2 per uinnin, M:,j|, l^\^. ' iu advance. Parties subscrib- f^, ,.,;.., -j 01 the weekly (il,U ti4.u will re- ' i,j,„ j,,. j it to' the end of 1882 f(;r ^;l. tr.i.lui; n lis your time to subscribe, cd on -li 1 would draw the attiutir.u of iJ""" f*« " to the advertiKPineiit of Im i- palr^i luf^tiintaneous niiub' to tl..- I'l- '•" Or^an. The Trt ^.s oC '.Hi:! "a [the United h.'ates npijik miv rof it. Gk Noble, County .\r,cii..i:- ^ill 'ff'r for sale. a!, the Maiul,!'.- e, on the Htli iiisi,' two vali'jih'i one in Proton, and the nt!,- r ollaud. Kmd advcrtisciucn: in'^.i,), Sipr coin inn, .rv i. (° aiinl v\!ir!-!i but ;vi «iist:i .: h:- 7 •h'--.! "Cahtonne" Mac'iinc Oil, f./r inds of macliincry. it i.s alsnix- Bt for harness ainl Iciitiier, i))i«- i water anJ weather proof, l\i by dealur.s. BHES fcini kthan (iiiiics a chII. Hi- ii:i f ly n fitted and ri-iJovat.i thi.- Vi-- Uotul, and now, has it in tirt orii r, Head advi in ber c(diiiun. advi-.- T.K. til.- I.M ilj ,1. riES visiting IKvcn Sound and J""' -i aing over iii;jht sliO'ilil i;r.i' Mr. j â- â€¢"h--' U-i-lli IS. -I s*Hj.: i i ii. Ill ll' V!" « ?ii-tri ii ptons of Dysp. ji-i I or in \.:\, • H d'dl iiiiivy fciliiiL' intii .-II- " ' »!th a fri-jiciit ii--«"-i:iiiii'.v ui- â- â€¢ â-  artliiini. Lots "i M' nJ.ii m.d iMi! ical Force. \)\\. «"AI;miN,s 1^(,. M.\CH A.M aiN-vTli'.VMitN EHSS is thf rt^lolii /,'â- â€¢â€¢. ./•/ I..r distivssiii;^ coiiij'l lint. !i; iar;.^«- leK, at 5 fi;ts. .\. 'liirF;; .vt'«... lal agents f:» M.irii-lil. host stock of l'"'iriii: .ro .n iale, and we bi!icve'_i.h'" !«-.-t of Toronto, can be Kc-tii at. \l.v '•â-  â- ' •erooius, wlicre iv. ly.uv •â-  id in the riiriiit;ir. a;! t 1 ig line, aud at prices that t:i:;;. tu draw cubtoiu. KETS, C.ianns, N.rkl s, :-...i •' is ill g:ieat vaiKty af \\ lii-. Jew.-iler, TRAIN "'oiu;^ liort 1 '11 .M •!; i. â- 'â-  'â- ' ling bufore dayhtilK, run 'v. r « '" beiongiii;,' to .Mr, L .M-i)..".ii It half a mile from Ma!:..!a!- ;a- "' â-  ' anil bruised oin-^.ng to .\lr. 1" '" man. McDiflie'.s li..r • .o .« a ,!•' hours after tiie aci-i.knt, t'liaji- i" '• will likely recover, FSE "Castotiiie"' Mailiiiic Oj!. 1' r inds of in^iciiiiiery, it i al i «x fjpct for hariieN.-^ ami Iraiht r. iiiaK- I â-  itwater andweathvr pr .1. 1.. by dealert!. NNIVEBSAKV SirUlolJ.-, uill I ». 'reached in tlie .Mi-tlioili.-t iuiuii |,|;,-, i- 'anada, Fkslurtuii. on SalfMtii. 9th, asfolK.U!,: At 1().;5(» a.m., 7 p.rr., by tin ri..-,!.liiit â- ! ih. Terence, and ut 'l.'.M, ^»y llw. reena A liberal collection i.s su- ,_ j|,,, at each service in aid of :lic irch fund. â€" Jas. I. I'liii.e, Jr., innteudent, 'r. Carson's Stomnch and Const ijui- Biliers are m eviiy seii.- «f t:i r tturthi/ Jitniily wli'H-i, and •e glad to leaiii tiiat lii.-y ar. rap takiuff the place oi tL«e nau- litUe Pilis. A. TrsM.R .v to. agents for Marlid.i'c .BHELo Fall Show caiii"' olf «t^ lesday. The went In r wa.s fav..r The exliibit of limM s, cattl. and caiTiages was ahi;nl '•! years. By some mismmia-" "i or perhaps ignorance of the h "•fs. our reporter was deiii I il:.^ J privilage of seeing lhiou"li the j '" ' before the judges were tliiou;,'h. i«"o s .\: quently we have a very jxviv'ilje (.ir-i of the merits or demerit- of thi.--" 'rtant part of the show. We will ^^ « *â- â€¢' tl» prize list next week. t on the In traveller on 'he CoUmgwood road "•- ' Jli'iwell, last week got into a j W, il â- inma by his harness getting out ol of b .;: in A eouple of gentlemen over- fictory t him while he was standing ap- ;canitue!ic- â- ntly not knowing wliat to do, j ^y,|ij^ 'gh b« had with him all that was! ' .â- " I AI.I olilOi a »-.♦ ]°, ^^ temporary re- j^^,,,^.,, j,f •i ont i,d not seem to understand ing ham«8s. However tlie j """ gentlemen mad« the necessaiy f-^" " ' ' ***d started the modest travel- vaueiii. f "•» tm w»j rejoicing.â€" [Cou.J ' ,lii:!P par •( I h â- I" A h;. IV\-ell I 111 l.':iil\v.iy. t| and 'i' The :: l!,il. I. *M. e-» ela â- ; ti â-  M.d tV.;...n lllelid .Uo!i b. tatoe-. lbt%i. t. •Tin I may »oi ^^pllolS*"'

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