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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 30 Sep 1881, p. 2

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 «^««^» ITA' wbieli we offer at duced p oOi^ 'i^. riu! \:ilnp» in erery Hne. STOCK OP Crockery, and iliid prices ODd Taloas I-artmeut. AND SAVE nj.plieg at the "ToroDto HoM^» J Wm BRi NTION! yew A^' BROS. ..( i.M I r tvnt. in price, henee w«^, will Ih^^ riglit. jds, |oots and Shoes, lade Clothing, lantlesforthe \6l See TTs, and" prices Ml ii!rn'iis' in our bosineai. Ov \hi('!i iliito wc pnrpoae !•-«(â- â- â-  I It |i.ut of our business in tW iwl 1 1 ni-l to b» favored with a 1 3^x11^1-, b: nnftir. Wlicat and all Unriiaf] i Index 111 Inventiol IS A ri ii:: D ORGAI ng or Old. wlie cal talent or B*l PLAY AN^' n a VEB^ [- TiMBi uld take Old way, at expense .tion. etc., et^ n receip of rSOâ€" orca' VL.B -^-" I JBA â- greo^' THE STANDARD. prioay September 30, 1881. OTHER NOTICES f0CAL_* ggg^H cents at ReynolJB ft Son's, r A labonring man wanted at once, ipply to James O'Brien. pivision Coatt at Fleshcrton on Qciohet 19th. fweuty-onc (21) cents paid lor fctter at BeynolJs Soli's, Watches, all prices anil in great v»- j^ty, »^ Wilcoi, the JeweJIer'i*. £,sUlliciil of cattle strayed from y Burtcn's, Uollaud. See advertisu- jjjv. J. S. Corcurau will preach (D. V I in tbo Oniuse lldll, on Sabbath j,gj^(jct 2ud). All we kiadly ia- tUeil. L',E '-Ciistonue" Mucliiiie Oil, for j|] kiu'l-i "f machinery, it is uisu tx- celi^nt f'r liiirms-j aiid leath'.-r, iiiak- iag it water and weallier iiroof. I'or fciile by dealers. Eobert Inin, of I'roton Towusliip, has lost a colt, for the recovery of wkiub4ie ia oT«!ring iwitaW* reward. Sm liAud bills. TonoNTo oil couip.'iny, are '^ole CiinufnctiirM-s of '-Castoriiie iu:icliiuc ^l Iiifrin;;eiucnt.s will bopr stcutcd, Udbt. Kells. cldt-st son of Thomas 0-, Ksq., Artimcsia, left here or. TLar=il;iy bound fur Maiiitob:i. If he •jtcs tin; couutryhe will rciuuiii there. \Vc »'i=" '""• success. \ii yotir dealers for "Castorine" ()il, iuid see that the barrel tra. It is raner^thr Hkmilton tad " N«nov«itc jCr^it YaUflT.and iig- aDiB(*9%il' eontroUed hf aaoOoaiptMy, ue likeTj to pass mto Uie hinds of 'ifa 8j«»di cate. Tda Swo^rt or 8vo Sijttj. -Tha grey hairs of age beia;? brought wiHi sorrow to th9 i^rave is now, wa are glai to think, becomiag nrf«r man year a» the use of Cingaieaa Hak Ba- storer bocomes mira geueral. By its uw OwMaaty looks olage onoa more rasamo their fortfer col-v and the hair booomas thiok and taxuriaat as •v»c with its nii we can now defy thadiaagaof yasrs, rastin- asanred that uo 9rey Hiur at any rate wiU come to- Krfdtti as. eHi by all Drot- gists. 60 cents a bottle. JOTTINGS FBOM ITAXWELL. Slight showers in this neighbour- hood. qwklj, «UMamid. and their uaaat ftttr storey bnek baildio^ Baecnmbad t j the lames. W. J. ^ulife next^ tai the *«^J^dfd to W-l»ry's Dildiuif, ooeapuMTby T. ITesi as a gents' forniaiuug store aui W. A. Ho^gMa printing ufBieaod book store. The store of Metsille, tair 4 Co., next twik^re, and on it the excrtiDos of the fire brigade wei« now concentrated, and the engine plared •toadily on it without any seeming effect for « long time, as it h^d a Man- sard roof, and it seemed impossible to rf get the water to xnzh to the fire, which had got between the upper oed- ^^ b"6 aud-i«of, but finaHy they sneeeed- defy [ed in stoping the lames in that dfree- ttoo. In the meftnttme. ar- oaciii"" JJ llfiH 1: •! ••Cibtoriue," as uoiie other iR» to Play GGOMPANlMEimj ••.Ifiii' -^ ly it's tlio thin?; I j,,.r ii'V t'i' th tjjth H-i 1 breath," jiji cv'TV'iiio haviujj tri-jd'TiiAUiiBuv,' t'lioo* tiilot gina. Gjt u5 cent sain- |i!e. Any jir^un liaving stray cattle, hheep "r li V^^ .jbout their premises, ilji.uM advirtisu tlieiu at once, as Ihey tHii fhiim iH.lhiiiK for tliuir keep in ol^e tlieir owner should find them •|H'il.'s rciil-rmg them solves liable to Iwfiufil tiii harboring thj same. '-.r. "Castoriiie" Marhiue Oil, for »;i liiiiil- 'f iiinchiiiery, it is nlso ex- -iiriit fur hitruoss and leather, mak- ui^j and weather proof. For fit Ly ilciilt-ri. FiKK.â€" Our Eutjeiiia coiTespoiideiit MTs tliiit on Turslay iiiglit 2"ind mst., the lightning struck the stabler of Mr. J. 15. Sloan. The building »iiJ its coiileiitrt, liny, oaU, waggons, cuttiTs, lie, were speedily destroyed, makiiii,' it iinpossibhi to save anything. Mr. .Siiiuu's loss will he considerable. Will-' i\ (loos not giiarauteo t' sl'U 2*1 t'l l(» per C'jiit. eheiiiKn- tliasi any otiii r man in tii.f tra'lf. f.^r no mie mail ciiu do so and all be straight but i;u,ir;iiitce-, v;;lilo for your Uinney eViTv iiuicj, ami sti!-^ as cheap a; any maM, or set of n)e:i, in the trade. â€" sjfc his hlock. Miss Unrth liis a fine stock of fall SWij. Iliits, 15 iuiieDH,Foath';rs, l"'!o\y- « Ties an i liibbons iti Ombre ibits. Wi'ol wraps, Jet Tr'niimiig, Jhiit'l Miii.iMi.nt.-' Cjrd and Lissels, .\V»- riri-;es, smd Fancy articles, all puij V;il;! â- . TLf 11 ve niK'ieiit orders of arcliitcc iiirM:ii tl;e Tuscau, Doric, Ionic, iVriiitliMii and Conijiosite. Tlie five kaiiiu;,' litis of Fbterbrook's make are tliL' F-ilcou, IJank, Enjjrossing, titr.i Fine and Sv-huul. Siiii-r wc have rtdnc?d the price of tlie SrANi.\:.i. I.) :J1.UU ptr year, we Imc bad a rusli of new siibscriber*. Bear in niniil, in order to got the beiie- fii of till' rntuction it must he paid 1 ill ii'lv:;iice. We will send it to »iiy~?Kli\ss froin u»jw to 1st January fr'i.Vts. Siibirii)e at once for tlic cinitpist l"f:il paper lu the DouiLniou. Tliiisi' tt':i.) .-ire subject to Bilious Dv^sA' 'list ipat ion, Dv^pepsia, Indiges- tion nraiiy Kulney .Vll'ection, should take till' 11 ivisc of an abb; pliysieian â-  »Uil u-.- I»r. (.'arson's Stomach and; The timber men are on the path again in.thie townsU|p. ' A great number of sheep have been bonsht up in this village fcr shipment to other parte. When ia FleahertoB, go «,d «, Mr. DoO's new store, hia wonderful itock of wateUe ftod new goods. unworn Mr. John L. B. Hamhn, of this place, and formerly of Owen Sound, resueued all claimsnpou bachaljrdouj last week and teok to himself a pirten- or f(.r life in the person of Miss.Isabel- Hndson; of this place. The Marriage cer' mony was solemnized by the Rev. Alex. MeDowfeU, of Duutroom. We wish them a long and happy lif,-. W. F. Doll will fTjarantee to sell Lidy'g (ioid Watcli^H from 'JO to 40 per cent, lower than any other JowoUer in thia County. The fact that we are having a cood year is evident, for m^ny are the tramps that collect on us now. A great number of the farmers in 'Jii-' vi"iuity have threshed their crops and the yiald seems to bo encouraging. The congregation of St. Mary's Ciiurch here, meet for Divine worship iu the Orange Hall at present, as the church is beiug repaired and improv- ed. As a family Medicine Dr. Carson's Stomach and Coustiiation Bitt rs are rapidly taking the place of pills, they iiro equally effectual, do not gripe, weaken, or produce nausea and are purely vegetable. Iu largo 8 oz. bot- tles at 50 cents. A. Tlhner Co., special agents for Markdale. TBI naa was xxTSXDnio bafult. souili and east, the" buildings to the south of Long Bros, being all of wood, with the exception of a stone dwelliae belonging to C. Cameron, and unoc- cupied, which was completely destroy. ed. The confectionery store ot Fore man A Sons, the grocery of R. W. U'Briou^Coopet's 4Batchraaker a shop, ShefSeld's restaurant, Pattoa'u boot uid.sho* â- biip,.abiL Areher's grocery were*all consumed tgetiiur with all the storehouses «tnd preniinee in the rear. The heat was so intense that it set fire to three or four wooden budd- ings on the o|^osite side of Huron- tano street, ^hiob ia ninety- nme feet wide, and they were soon consumed. They were owned by T. Long Bro. and B. '.illary, and oc- cupied respectively by I'eiritt, tin shop, Broughtou, saddler. Anderson C"., hardwaie, Mus Storey, boots audshoes, and Chellew M«Ar«e and Kati mond that Jaaea Bwti^ CouMillar iarUvwon Noakeaftw- «t| iBBd a Wdje *, the town Hw. betinw, PtDtanaad Egteaont at the 4^1000 â- Â« ^»*^*f «« RjP-WQfifraHl an ewl â- ?« •*»»Ji|CU*a#iy the "»«3 "f t«^aBae-H3M»ied. Bl»ck and Uolrdk mofad that the Cobb- 2« o Diriaion No. 2 be alowed to let f M ^Pi tt gravel oa ths 12th mie road at the lllh eon. adjoiiuiig the 14th eoa-aadtfae «i^iit be taken oet ot tte Hatiite habm maoej mnoiag to tha livi«io».-r3*med. Abbott «a4 BIw nwred Oat the aRean .^M» •ppoanziff on roll agaioct lot 2l^ range 4 to the amount (d f W.I7 be ersaed as the mate tffmn to havo hocn shaiged in c. rot,â€" Canied. Abbott and Black moved Oiatlot 91 ia eon 14 be placed ia the cdlaetor'aiaaatthevalae of fSSato Bobt Colgin.â€" Carried. Baekk} sad Abbott mored that the Ctatt be reqnened to ooriespond with the County Trewuier, regarding to west half of iot Ho. 230 con. 3 to be sold for taxes at the ap- fMaehingaabiaBdiffoandaoliaUe to have the samMCKioTMl as the taxaakave been paid. â€" Carriedi McArdi and Black moved that the Ti«aa- nte is^enl)} aolhorizo-l to give to-Jas KixoM aeertain note made Dec. 4Uil«76a8the s-une haa beea^ paid and duly certified to bp old Councillor. â€" Carried. Abbott and Buckley moved that the bill of N. Ure 4 (Jo. be paid the amount being ^T.lii foi Harrision'f niannul and postage. cixzi- TOBONTO. {Ffteiml Hfk* Stmmiant.) ./. TcsontoWsphiaiber, t th, Ifr")!. tJaO. pev bu«i^ ..^. .H S4 to il sf tj^ia^toUT .-."^.^ 1 3« tc 1 as i 8 to 44 to U 76 U « to o o(i Jin H ns Id 30 m 00 to dK- Oata. do 5*«' dc Hre, ' do Clover Seed dn. .U Draaaed hob's, per njb JOL Beef, hiai quarter* ....... Beef, fore qnarlers ^i^MM, j«r pMT.. ,.. o 4* Id â- rewU. do ..V OS la Paeks,p«r taaee «-% Oeeae. aaak.^. ^^ Aie Turkeys ,..,..... 75 tio Batter, large roils.... 20 to Batter, tab ;Ua7 90 |» Batter, sMre-peekad 00 to Bggs, fresh, per dos o 18 to EgI|K,pasked •..*... « 00 to Apples, por brl 1 oo to PoUtoes per bag...... ....â-  80 to Onions, per bag 1 50 to Hav. W 45 83 M o ov 8 SO 8 SO oo OM On OM 7S 1 60 US4 n 00 90 n 00 t w w 8 Oo itllO to 16 00 SPECIAL NOTICES. ed. of C. W. BuUcdge for td.SO for statMVMCr and printing be paid.â€" Carried. Council went into committee cf the iHaie on by law No. 236 with Mr. Abbott, Deputv a»evo ia the chair, committee rose an 1 report ed by law as filled ap in eommittae of the whole. Council resunjl, Iteeve iu the chair. Abbott and filack nioved that by law 236 rpadafirst and sticonitimo ba now ra.aJ Mothers! Motbeivlt Ifetlmnt I A(* ytm dktarte4tai«igtit ap(l laohen t f joar rc«t by a aitk cMbl sfaSsring aad eryint; with tliae^oruclstiug pain of oattiiif Mwih! If »», go at oiioe and get a bMle of MB.S. WINSLOW.S S»XTHING 8T«TJP. It will reUeve the poor littl.3 sufferer immedi- ately â€" depend upon it there is no mistake about it. T(ie/e is not a mother upon earth bo lia.H CTur used it, Trho will not tell yoa at Black and Abbott moved that the aacotiiit ' bc^ that it will regrlHto the bowels, aad give rest to the mother, and relief and health to the child, operatiuK lixe magie. It is ptf •etly safs to vbw ia all cascH.aud pleasant to the state, aud id tho pre«riptiou of one pf khc oldu.'.t and best 1.,-malo physicians and nniscSs iu the United States. Sold every whcjre at 2» cents a bottle. SiO Iv CUUROH RE OPENING. The rc-openiog of the Methodist Church of Canada iu Duudalk was a decided success, On last Sabbath, at 10.30, the Rev. Mr. Fish of Owen Sound, Chairman of the District, de- livered an excellent sermon. At 2.30 p. m.,, the Rev. Mr, Eakm, Presbyte- rian Minister of Duudalk, delivered an able discourse. At C.80, Mr. Fish a,^ain lucached, delivering an iastruc- aud and enthusiastic soviuon, to per- perhaps the largest congregation that lias ever congregated in Duudalk. â€" Every av.iilable seat was occupied, which made the Trustees think for the first time that that tliey had not made I llougiitou, eh. idler iJissSliory, bwts the a.lditioi) to the church large and slioes Clullew furniture â€" all a ' total loss. It is impossible to uii^hl t. 1 f "'^*=^^^"^J«- 71'« fi" I third time «gnedse^ed"inj';ug"rM80d^in'th"e tueu extended to tha east and burned minutes.â€" Carried. nine dwelling houses and several' McArdle and Blaok moved that the peti- 8*0 Ides, the principal sailerers bein" I '°° °' "°^ ^- ^=""«" "^^ o'^liers for a Sunt "rf • f%^^ °^n^^.*^^*^ i B^^^^^^^^^"^^ Uuutor Macdonald, Mrs. Hooking, »10.00 provided the people interested give ten J. Pearce, Miss brown, and others ' days gratis work to be preformed un ior the ' councillor of the Divisiou. â€" Carried •Buckley and Black moved that the several members of the Council be allowed J15:00 each for letting aud inspecting road Jobs paid by apportiumcn ls to ibo various Divis- ions. â€" Carried. Bltck and Buckle; moved that Jamcn Cav- auagh, referee iu conneeciou with Uie Scliool Sectious 3 and 9 to Mount Forest bj paid the sum of }10.(X) for his servises and tiiat the Keeye and Deputy Beeve be paid Jl.OO each having been summoned to Mount Torust ia the same connoction.^Oarried. McArJlo and Buakky moved that this Council recieve their pay up to date. â€" Cairi- ei. Blaolt and Buckley moved that the Clerk rocjuest t'ue Cou;icil of Egromont to niaku an expenditure of tSO.UO ou the bouudary hne between Proton and Egremout opposite the 19th con. in the first name I township to meet a similiar amount expendid by Proton. â€" Car- ried. McArdle and Buckley moved that this Council adjourn to meet at Cedarville on the 4th Tuesday of October no^it.â€" Carried. JOHN ViillT, ^p. Clerk. not known at present. The station buildings and platform were repeated- ly on fire, but were saved by the greatest exertions of the employes of the company. The wind, wliich was blowing a gale from the west, cariieil tlio Ura to Tobeys tannery, adiatanco of over half a mile, and set fire to tlio wood and tanliark tticre, a very large quantity of which was burned, and it was only by the almost superhuman exertions of Mr. Tobey and his em- ployes that that the tannery is yet uubur.'it. About seven o'clock tha steam fire engine from Stayner arrived, and the fire now seems to he under control. E. R. Carpenter, druggist, next building to Melville Fan:, will suffer a yery heavy loss from water which was played on the building.and in the music hall immediately above kis store aud Lindsay, hunter Mc- Donald will suffer heavily from remov- ing goods iu anticipation of tlie fire extending. Tuo principal sufferers are as follows â€" Melvilb Fair Co., general store loss will be very heavy, as the rojf of the buildin;; aud the Upper storey are coiupletely gutted, and the store is completely flooded with water. C. Patton, boots aud shoes Ba; t Bros., gents furuisliiugs W. A. Hogg, /vjiffr/rMeprintiugofl5oe, book-biiiderj. an- book-store \V. J. Fianio, general store T. L jug Bros., general store J. \V. Carey, boots and shoes S. W. BdU, general store Guilfoyle Bros., gencralstord (J. Cameron, stouj dw^dliag hou-e, unoccupied Forei;;u it Sons, bakers and conlectioncrs K. W. O'Brine, groceries R. Carey, boots and shoes Sheffi.dd restaiiiaiit Cooper, jeweller; Archer, Gioceries W. 11. Anderson Co., hardware; Perrit, tinsmith; enough. We would not be surprized to see another enlargement of the same church within five years. On Monday ovcriiig, the Ilarvest- Iloiae Tea Meeting came off, and was a grand success. After tea, Mr. J. J. Middleton, Reeve of Proton, was ap- poiutod Chairman. After a few ap- propriate remarks by the Chairman, itating the oigecv of the meeting, the Rev. Mr. Fish entered vi!,orously ou tile subject of liberality by subscrip- tion, aud within the space of one hour the total sum of §331 v,-as made up, which will pay off the entire debt on thechuicb, build a drive-shed, and leave some for other improvements after which the Chairman called upon Cjiistij:iti(,n Bitters. Iu large bottles I the Rev. Mj^Kiiit-. A. TiRXEB ivCo., special Minister, »g9uUf.i- Markdale. Mr. Eakni, Presbyterian Duukdalk, who gave a short ROUND TOWN. address, stating tlmt the sbject of the meeting was successfully accomplish- ed, and there was notoinn loft lor him to do, as the entu:e dept was wiped off. *f. lnniulo, of Flesborton, lias rpi^g j^^^ t^j, philps of Fleshcrton, fwcLis. Mr. 1). McLeod'd property ^^,^3 y^^jt called upon, who gave a I a 'he Curnor of Mill and guecu's St. I gj^.^.^ speech, and filled the house with â- '"â- "^â- """ mirth; said tiiat ho was pleased to -Mr. .1. W. LeaveuR, harness maker j yoe the progress made in Duudalk. â€" Uteef I'ushertoii, has removed to our! After which the Rev. Mr. Fish was rills;;!' iiiul taken up his abode ou fllill St. â-  Mr. Cl.ark, architect aud builder, of I *« ?aine place, has also removed to il.rkde and moved into-resideneelate- I i; 'x'cuiiied by Mrs. Alexander. Mr.T). McLeou's family have rc- Dovi.l tc Michigan. Mr. T. L. Moffatt, of Owen Sound, I «i!l take up his residence in Markdale aabcnt a week, and proceed to get 'Iji-- Kinulry into operation. Mr. C. \V. Rutledge, is fitting tLe 'Plvr t..ry of theucw STAND.uu)build- ®? as 11 1'hotograph gallery. It will W occupied by ilr. Brown of Mount '"tfgt, who -will remoye to this place «il«ttly. •^ JenUeman wa« iu town last week " » view of starting a Woolen fic;,ry. our machanics .uo fully employ- and ti Pwoas " e wore iuformed by a commercial "'teller, that there is not a place I â- " OuUrio, of the size of Markdale, called upon, who gaye a short and in- teresting account of the present and fuluer ofDundulk, stating that he was pleased to see the progress and im- provements that hsve been going on in our village since he was in it last, and complemented onr citizens for their energy, and prophesied great tilings for ns in the future. The church choir rendered most ex- cellent eeryicc on the occasion. Miss Lamon presided at Ihe organ. The Rey. A. Potter, pastor of the church, was present and active on the occasion and we are sure he was much pleased with the Buocess of the entire proceed ings. to jive even an a^iproxiiuate nmount of loss, which cannot be less than $25, 000, or how much is covered by in- surance. Longs' loss also M;;lville, Fair Co.'s, and Fiames.andB-st's, must be very iarg^ aa thoy all had laid iu their fall stocks. The Bank ol Toionto uud Centi-al hotel vero only saved by great oxertious. At one time it was thought that nothing could save thegrealer part of the town. As it is, the best business portion of the town ia a complete ruin. The Origin of the fire is unknown, but it is supposed to be fioin a match or cigar carelessly dropped ou the sidewalk and soon fanned to a flame by the very high winds blowing today. The telegraph wires are all demoralized. • PROTON COUNCIK BEST AND COilFOaT to the SUFFEBING Brown's Doaschold Panacea ha(noeqial for relieviui; paiu, both inter- nal au'l txte!-up.l. It cures pain in the Side, Back or Bow U, Sore Throat, Hhenmatism. Toothache, IiUmboj^'o and any kind of a Pain or Ache. "It will most snroly quicken the Blood buJ heul, as its actuig power is «oii- derfnl." " IJro.vii's Household I'aaacea," being acknowledged as the great Pain Believ- er, and of double the strength of any other bilixisr or Limmeut in the woild. Khonid be in every family haudy fur una when wuntotl " as it really is tlie best remady in the world for Oramps in the Stomacli, aud Pains and Aches of all kimls," aud is for sale by all Druggists at 25 cents a bottle. 20-lv ERRORS OF YOUTH. ,4 GENTLEMAi: who sufferred for year- jTV. from Nervous DKBILITY, PllEMi- TUi.E DECAY, and all the effects of mouth- ful iudisciution, wiil for the sake ol suffering h'lir jaity, jend free to uU wlio need it, the reei|e and directions fur making the Eiinple reiuoly by which he was enrol. Suffering waufDinft no advertiser's cxperi- euce can o so oy aldressiiig in perfect oon- fiaciiee. JOHN B. OGDEN, 20-lv 42 Celar st. New York $2 10. Jiuti»tuuKuMH- iMauaicviafii. nieaf I â- â-  lirii f-)i ynurown une nr MTMiiUllTe piuTmeca, Tm1arhl«r«t- alcswtrM. TUOmrbOSiiUUiaSliuaaH^ Kaw Vwk. PIMPLES FALL SHO^WS. DoMi.MON ExrtiBiTi !» â€" .\t Halifax, N S., from 21st to 30th Sept. Pbovincul. â€" At London from Wednes- day Sept. 21st to 29th. East Ghby â€" At Fleshertou, "Thurs- day and Fridaj' Oct. 6th and 7th South CHkey â€" At Durham, Wednes- day, aud Thursday, Sept. 28th and 29th. Holland â€" At Chatsworth, on Friday, Sept. 80th- Photon â€" At Hopeville, on Friday, Sept. 80th. Gle.selo â€" At Markdale, Oct. 5th. ' Euphrasia â€" At Rocklyn, ou Tuesday, Oct. 4th. SuIJ,IVA^f â€" At Doaboro, on Wednes- day, Oct. 5th. Eoremont â€" At Holbtein, on Tuesdav, Oct. nth. Dij?KERiN- â€" kt Oriugeville, Sept. 28, 29 and 30. MELAvt-rnj.v â€" At Shulburne, Cct GL'n and 7th. OspREY. â€" At Mjlulyrcs coruers, on. Tuesday, Oct 11th. •*M"-«Ka^iJi.';. .£ If lanilrlan iinl 1 liiaiiliri hi^t mim pmlaead ao valaabia a NiMdy, aStwa •• PotaMtDcsra all disMaas iwdtiM tnm h i pM i htoed. *]| cMM â- iâ€"f!sti aad an aataCiiloiM dlmtmm, BinlMlM. Bait yie««,8ei«% Aatkour^ Fb%lteBlaa Mia* Tauw7 HMMn! â-  mm nmmmXMWtm, jawcwiai 5 JmniarittM. Jaiwdlea, vt t£S Uver, DMMSa. m, aad Osnaral Peiuigr By tts â- aauhlin aad tt putxaa oat the fool coataatinata tha blood aad aNKaaddMar. It (ha vital taMU whidi whola amiaa. Ho sagim Ittm'aay dto^ aaaa wUdt ariaea from inpuitr of tha blood need daepahr who will flva Axn's BAaaAraaiLLA a fair trial. It is foUy to ezpefiment with the aaiaer ous low-fincMl in(xtaieB,af cbaap matariala, and without mediciaal vinasa, oitand as blood-pariflers, while diaaaas baoDBBca moia firmly seated. A\ik's SaaaATAKiUJt is a medicine of such concentiated cuiati«a power, tliat it is by far tha best, cheanaat, aud most reliable blood-aorifler kaawa. Physiciaas know its coupo«tiOB. and n* scribe it. It haa been widely used tor iStar years, ami has won the anqualiSed eaafl deuce uf miUiona wboni has bnnafltjil Prepared by Dr. «l, C. Ay«r It Co., rractical aad Aaaljrtical OisssBMat Lowoil, Maas. sato •( Au aairoaisTC avaavwaaaa. TAILOBING O. A. OWEN, Fashionable Tailor, HAVING rented the Tailoriag Depait- meut over McFarland's store, wishes to inform the public of Markdale and the surrounding country, that he is prepare to FILL ALL ORDERS Promptly and Tastily C U T I^ I N a! DOutf w U tstom^-irs are waiting. Look Out! il-its^rj -TOBr- â-  ax i»-U y^ it. DAVIS? .«» 1.-. â- ^.•â- iiXT'^^f -L 'â- â- - ' â- â- ^.^ -it- 'i* MAMMOTH â-  .V-.-^" -TO BE- Issued about 27th Sept. All parties wanting lands in the County of Grey should see this List. The largest of lands fc^r sale ever issued in this County. Those having lands fo dispose of should send in the description of their propertios for insertH)n, not later than Saturday, 24th inst. ROBTs DAVIS, Conveyancer, Commissioner iu B.R., Pical Estate, Loan Insurance Agt. THE MARKETS MAKKDALE. I'bipat, spt an, itii. Flour 6,2j to 0.00 Spring Wheat por bush., new 1.20 tc 1.25 do. lines were never more pros- »itli 80 many fine buildings. •ng Street East? The warm rams of the past week r*«hada decided effect oa vegeta- The building for the foundry was ^«d on Saturday last. It is a. aohd â- "â- ^f. 80 feet bug, two story, and is be hned with brick. y • MiUigans boy, wh o was so ae- mjured by a threshiug machine i"' 'H (^ " "™® ^c*. has recovered so Dr. Carson never claimed for his Stomach and Constipation Bitters any Miraculous Power of Hkaung, but with the quiet consciousness of thtir medicinal virtues he prescribes them to all those who suffer from derange- ment of the Stomach, Bowels Livea and Kidneys. In large 8 oz. bottles, a 50 centis. A. Tobnm Co,special agent for Markdale. DISAbTKOUS FIRE. $25„000 WOBTH OF PBOPKSTT SBSTBOT- XO AT COUJilOWOOD. #^ *• to be about again. Council met as jor adjoummoat at Hope- ville, on Tucsliiy, 2(Kh Bopt., at 10 a.m. Members of Council present. Bocve in the ohair. The minutes of previous meeting held at Dondalk read and confirmed. Several commnnioatioas reciove^l and bills of accounts rendered and read over. McArdle, and Abbott moved that W. Hen- derson be allowed to preform two days statute labor now duo against part of 13 iu 5th con. and when certified to the T'p. Clerk by the Councillor of the Division, that the Clerk re- duce the amount ?2.(X) of the arrears against his lot. â€" Carried. Mc.\rdle and Buckley moved that each Councillor be empowered to collect all the broken scrapers in his respective Division, and to dispose of them for the bcnifit of the Eoads iu the same. â€" Carried. Abbott and B^ack moved that the Ba'e for the year 1881 be five mills in the -dollar to cover all the liabilities and that the Clerk draft a by-law to that effect. â€" Carried. Abbott and Buckley moved that this Council appoint Councilors McArdle Black to in- spect course of ditch dug across lot 13 con. 13 and if the pres.'nce of the same is found to be a gricvcncc to Incite it in the intercs'.s of all according to their b.-st judgement aad make arranpcmcut for the expense so incurred. â€" Carried. Black and Buokley moved that the sum of Slo.OO be paid to Jas. Cavanagh to indemi- nify against loss of taxes for accepting note of John Page for some. â€" Carried. MciVrdle and Buckley moved that the bill of A. H. Bnruet for mending scrapers be paid amounting to $2.00. â€" Carried. Abbott and Black moved that the Clerk as- certain from the C^. Treasurer if the taxes of 1880 are paid on the following lots 18, eoa.lo 30, 32, con. 14 lot EJ 30, ooa. 15 tots 24, 25, 26, 27, con. 18 lots 13, 16, 18, 19, 23,34 25, 27, con. 19 lo's 9. 15, con. 3 lot 11, coa. 5 lots 7. 8, 9, 11, 16, con. 6 9, 12, 13, con. 7 tots 9, 10, U. part of 6, con. 8 tou 4,23, 35, con. 9 lots 2. 3, 8, 10, 11, 33, 34, 22, eon. 10 toU 30, 31, 23, 33, 24, coa. 10 loU 11, EJ 12, 20, 31, con. 11 lot 18, coa. 18 lots 1 A U, con. 13. â€" Carried. Black and McArdle aloved that a bridge be Fall Bai ley Oats i^cas ...••..., I'litatoes. Butter, per lb £^gs, per doz fork, dressed, Beef Cicef'e per lb Ducks, per pair Fowls, per pair- Turkeys, per lb Sheepskins Hides Grass seed, (lay Wool Greon Apples, far. bushel Lard ........... Tallow do. do. 1.2U to 1.26 J.OO 0.33 0.C5 0.30 0.2U 0.14 70o 3.0'J O.Uo 0.40 0.00 0.07 050 6.00 2.00 10.00 '• 12.00 0.32 " 0.00 0.60 " 0.75 O.IO •• 0.10 0.06 " 0.07 0.80 0.35 0.73 0.35 0.00 0.00 7.25 6.00 0.00 0.40 0.00 0.00 1.66 7.00 2.00 DrvCordWood 1.80 0.00 DUNDALK MABEETS. Wheat, Fall, No. 4t 41 «t \\Tieat,Spring, " (t tt tt Barley •• ti tt Peas tt tt Oats " Butter '• EK(?8 1 .51.20 to»1.25 2 1.15 tc 1.20 1 1.20 to 1.25 2 1.16 to 1.30 3 1.12 to 1.15 2 65 to .7a 3 SO to .57 1 65 to .70 2 60 to M 1 34 to .35 1 18 to .90 14 to .14 I will mail (Free) the recipe for a simple Veoetadlb Balm that will remove Tan- FBKCKLKS, PIMPLES anl ULOTcw8,leav. ing the skiu soft, clear auJ beautiful; ah instructions for producing a lux.iriant growtli ofhair ou a b.ild head ur smooth face. Ad- dress, enclosing a 3c. stomp, Ben. Vandelf Co... 5 Beekman st.. N. Y. 80-lv TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, having been permanently cured ot tlMttlroad disease, Cuusuinptiou, by a simple remedy, is anxious to make known to his follow suffercrB the means of cure. To all who deaiie it. he will send a copy of the prescription u-eil, (fruc of charije,) with the directions for prepairing and using the same which thoy will Had a bi'bb Cure for Com- suMPTioN, Asthma, Bhoncuitis, Ac. Parties wishing the I'rosci-iption, will pliia-ie address, llev. K. A, Wiis.ju, 149 Penn St., WUliamsburgh, N. Y. 20-ly THE UTEST FASHJON PUTE8 Always on hand to chosij firoUk. A Good ^t GMianteed ... â€" ATâ€" luO^VV RATES. n iS^Bemember tbe Place, Over McFarland's Store. Markdale June IC. 1881. 40-it 1 FliESHEBTON STARTLING DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A Ti'jtim of youthfal lm|midenc caiipjuo Prems- tnre L'e ay, K.!r\oi;» Dchiiity, L'6t Manhood, etc., bavici; t.-iid ia vsia every known rpmi'dj, has dis- coTfT. il (I f iiEPle self cure, which 2 v ill send FUEB to LU feUow'-BiifftrcrB. aOdreas J. H. UEEVEtt, 43 Cliatbaia at.. K. Y. AaElMT.S WAJMTiJD.-BiB pay.â€" Ij'fht Work. Sicmly Siuplovment. Samples free. Addrc.»s, M. L. BYBN, 46 street, Nuw York. 20-Iy ±'JjESHEBTOxV. (Corrected veekly for the Standa-d by R. J SjfrouU, FUihertvH.) FamAT. Sept 30th 1881. Flcur, per bbl Spring Wheat per bush Fall do. Barley Oats Pas Potatoes Butter, per lb. do. do. 96.25 to 1.20 to 1.18 " 0.60 " 0.33 " 0.66 " 0.30 " 0.30 " Eggs, per doz 0.14 Poik, dressed 7.00 Beef 600 Sheepskins 60 Hides 6.00 Hay iO.O Timothy seed 8-00 Wool 0.33 Lanl 0.10 Tallow 0.05 0.00 1.24 1.20 0.78 0.34 0.72 0.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.00 1.25 7.00 12.0 8.40 0.00 0.13 0.07 Harness Shop! 3 SURPAS6ESj.' OTHERS [2 30 UNION 6a NEW YORK G'HICAGO ILL.- t^ Orange mass. THB Subscrilier beg« td Inform the public that he has coustantly on hand a large assortment of CARRIGE, BUGGY AND TEAM ' IIARIVESS. Made iu (jood style aad of the THE BEST OP MATERIAL, And a% he means bnsiiiets give him aa ear call, as he will wll at the lowest living pricesl for cash. A good supply of WHIPS, TBU.'VKS, 4cCm altrays on hand. Seolch CoUars A Spadalfy, Aad a good fit guaraateed. BTBemember the siand the Post OSoets opposite. N, B.â€" Stave timber wanted, J. GORDON. Flesbnrton. M.arch. 1881. 16 Farm io Rent. SOHTH HALF LOT 7, CON. 12, EU- PHBAsiA, 10' acres, 80 cleared and auder cultivation. House, bsira and stables on the premiies, also well watered. \S'iU rent for a term of years. Situated three miles from Markdale. For further particulars Hply to JoBV Ltoks, on the premises, or to C. W. BnTLEDOE, Stakdabi^ oihce, Markdale. Euphrasia, Sept. 15th, 1881. 63-Bf STR.A.Yli:i CAME into the premises of the Subscriber, lot 103, con. 3, west of T. S. Boad, Glenelg, early in August, a Yuarling Steer, red. The owner is reqnesto i to prove proper- ty. P*7 charges, and take him away. I E. H. BOYCE. Glenelg, Sept. 5, 1881. 53-3t NOTICE. Beepectf u)ly yours. CoixjNGWOOD. Sept. 26. â€" About 4 odock this afternoon bell ituv _, .. an aUnn. and fiw was sean issabg- enacted s«ro«s tha Sanasen rtrat oppo«tc ^cmtS^pSmise. occupied by J. .WH-- •«. -^vidin. that tho«.t do act Carey as a boot and shoe store and shon. I'he adjoining building,oooupied bv P. W. Bell 4 Co., was soon en- veloped in fl%mes, whiot quickly ex- tended to Guilfoyle Bros, on the Boatbjuid to tbe verandah in front of T Long A Bro. oa tlte aortb. Long's arooerr. which was a frama buiidiag, -HiMaitJraiMB^tk*J«nQe.-C»med. NotliiDg Like Leatber. lot 15, eoti. !», jcoviding that theoosl exceed $75.00 and that the Beeve aad mover do lat aad iiMpeet tbe same and are facial authorised to arrange for deviatiea « the same if deeoied aecesMiy. â€" Carried. Blabk aad Abbott laoved that the som of %6j00 b« paid to Jas. KcMordo for gravel ^^ ^«.. off his lot oa the 14tb cob. ia fall far W. M*LEOD CO., yawwnATJt, NOT TO BE BEATEN4 AH Ihoee who mv have had the misfor- taae to have been bom barefooted will bear in aiind that we have jas* received»the Urg est and hei4 stock ot leather ever before broorfit into Ifarkda l e Buas iitii iB Of8p«pi»h Sou, FrmA Kip and Catt and are now i«- pM«d to mjiiiiblllhrt fiaiUaa. GanU, Tooths aM VIssiTITt-" aad aak; tMa the stoga to the floMt k'4 aad pranalla. ftewwd-WOTk a Speolsaty. AU work wanaated. lavisihte iMtshiag alsa July 7kb,1881. JOHNSON, CLARK CO. THE snbsrribei the'r nnmeruu* customers wish to ia- 43-8m TTIOB the erection of Snow Fencing along 1? .the line of the Toronto, Grey and Bruce liailway, will be received- by the undersigned up to Saturday, the 17th September. PUns and Specificatioas can be had on appUcation, or may be socoi at the Head Office of the Company, Toronto. All material supplied by the Company. EDMUND WtiAOGE, Oenend Mani«er, T.. O. A B. By., Toronto. JocDoto, Sept. 7, 1881. ;. St-9t in retnroiog thanks to limate that they have A LARGE STOCK OF LEATHER guhdfela,S9(k UMi, 1881^ NOTICE. NondE irhereby given that » pronm- sory note for f 1*0.86. /purporting to" be madehv me in favor of the "Globe Ligbt- nins-Bdd Co.," was obtained from me by one D. itherford. who represented himself to be snjgniil of said Company, as. and for an s liM»ahidt« ' to' tix leeaipt of li^taing rod material. I having previoosly acrsad to act as the Contpany's local a«ent. As I mAaasd said aatacial and neiver in- to give any note tharsfor, paysMnt of M^ iiotc is refaied. I 8enaa). TUOIUB XKIOHT. Maitdak. A«. 18th, 180i. U-tt. ot all kinds from cowhide to the finest Mo- rocco on hand, suitable for the Fall trade, and customers will find it to their advAntage to g' ve ns a call. We have no spc«ialty, ail kinds will receive the same attention. F. S. â€" All parties having got boots from ns during the Summer Feaeon, not giving satisfaction, will get them renained free oif chare. as it was the faolt of a bad, unprin- ripslled young maa we had wcrkiag with ns during that time.- KAY ATNOMAS. Markdale. Aog 18th. 1881. 4)i U. E8TRAY. CAME INTO THB PBBMISES a the nndsnigned, I«t £, Coa. 6, Osprey, in July last, a two year old Steer. Tbe owner ia requested to pfovs laup e itj i, pay CTwe ns w aad take him away. DAVID KADIUi. Oipnj. BtfL nth, 1881. GOLD Or its equivalent, can purchase any thing yoil. may require in DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BO9TS and. SHOES, or in fact anything that i# ;, -â- - usually • In a general country store' ZIT Purchasieg, you should always ascertain where yoil can purchase to the best advantage, that is get the best goods at the lowest price, and thai place is ATHBSS XABOU) HABS* TiAim g siiav 58-at. \nL BBOWM. BUTTER dt RAE'S MAHZIDALE. To III Whom It May Concerds As the season has arrived when money is plentiful and v.'c have no collector but the bailiff, we mvst have our accounts by the loth of October.^- f August gth, 1881. 'â- %..,.* â-  • V ' Bobt. S. Rae, TAILOR, Sydenham Street, MARKDALE. Markdale, July 7, 188: 43 Cm MARKDALE CARRIAGE WORKS! McKENNA MASON HAVING li-nsed ibe W^^ou and Blaek- sinith Shop ownod by John Benson, en to inform the Public, that t*n4 they are lepored to famish aU kind* o( TahlolM, och as BVUUIES, DE.TiOCKTS. WAUOONfl, ET?^ Asn AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIME And y n-iiiiK t!ie Best of Material and Good Workmanship, hope to receive m fair idrape ofyuiir uatronai-o. Special attention givefito HORSE Sa:OEING ANK General Jobbing f As w'w.ira'it pi! our work A call n. Mlleif (1I snd wc'tTHiirantcc satisfwtinn. Shop on Mill street, opposite the Bevere Hotrl Markdale. March 3, 1881. K Snf/ Farm for Sale. LOT No. 9, Conceasian 10, Olenelg, con- taining 100 acres â€" 80 of which is eleaied and nnder cultivation, the balance well tiabereil, chiefly hardwood. Oa the premisee is a bara 80xS4, a hoose and out- boiidiagB. and a yooag otahaid, is well wat- ered aad well feooed with eedar railii. It is sitoatod H Biles from the thrirhix village of Markdale. Title good poe««ssioa given at once. Win be sold dt a raeriflea, as the pro- prietor is gciag Wast. Apidrta JOHN BLACK. Trarcrtton KO. or to C. W. BoTXJBnes, Markdale. Sua. 1881. n-8t* ' SAVE YOUR COMBINGS. tha IskUas ol Ksifcdak and rieinity that the is fiipsiiil ta walk ay hair aomldngs faita AaaOisMlMited. BsMaMsancMredfack Mid Qm aa stre e ts ^fyesita llr.^B«waa'a* i 9 Horse-Shoeing a S ecialty Markdale, JimeS, H 1 ^tf Choice Farm for Sale« 2 MILES FBOM M.VBKDAlifc. L0T118. Concession I. Arteineeia, BMt siie t. A S. Boad; CO ing fO aeresâ€" dS ef WMeh is nnder en lion, aud the bakiiee hard tiatber. Thi. ulwv liuia is a very desiraUa property and will be roll cheap. A good (tame barm and log honse ia on tbe idiisa. Pocsessiou given this faU. For hirther par- tieolars apply to WM. U1TL5J0RN8. On tlie iM iiin i ssSi or to C. W. BcTLXDoa, Markdale. Sept.3u.1. li6l. ( ,8eyt.l.iau. HAia mim m shaving -â- â- ' i " Ht 1 ••*i^*W.I«** Wed for T.« Bh I "J- Harkdlk, StUy il, UJl. • » I 'â-  ' wiJ^jlpTS U o 9-

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