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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 23 Sep 1881, p. 2

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 mo bNew â- '.v'.-'i./r*. „-,^vd T ITflE STANDARD. .T- BROS. :en per cent, in priea, k»^ 1 lie right. "" Is, ts and Shoe, ide Clothing, antles for the L^, See "tj-s. ^D PRICES ui croaiM' in our boainev. O^ khirh ilat.; «« Purpose ro-opmj^*^ part of Mur Lusineas in thT^S t to be favored witlj SIX-I. Bnrtir. Wlitat and all km,^ (oil- vou nvil. ndex II Invention. L DEVIC] i!^ to Play ISGMPANiMENTS. hi: organ! or Old, whether] 1 talent or not, LAY ANY- a VERY T V ME id take old way, b expense on, etc., etc. receip of â-  y ^^ember23. 1881. .^f^rmsfor ssle »nd to rent. *^,r*itb stray catUe. See aJver Mclntyre'8 new and columna this week â- "-^ and see \lveBt u6 from giving an account '^Vj to the Toronto Exhibition; " *iUeWe»t»noarnext. „„j natch at, a reasonable '!^';j xhomas' clocks are decidedly ^f f made. Get one from "Wilcox Pjvou waut a set ofDarncss, light 1. 'rv or a whip, trunk, Saddle, or J iu our hue, just call at U. Oiuidalk, opposite the Post krtlii" Jce. Bjtt?r« Iii»giv»lbose indebtod to Lj,» gentle hint that they require [,td .raent of all over due accounts, what they say in Uieir adverliso- D„U in giving wonderful bargain* in „ built It is 32x52 feet edifice. It ijcteJ tQ 1)C opened in October. by XIr. Mclntyre's iO?l I ^\,t R. C. Church is being ctbon, about 7 miles East of jjik. It is 32x52 feet, solid brick. Li «ill 1)L' a substantial 1 1 baiT'^ned to look at hitr wiu- ,:i'v some bottles there. I .,j iu mid Ix.ught one. Yum, I mil hurrying back to get lodifr. Iciiwe ^li" 'I""" subject to Bilions- Vc,,n,tii':ition, Dyspepsia, I u digcs- jf »iiV l^'d"i;y Affection, should jtiiiiiU'"" "f an ablo physician a,e l)r. Cir-sin's Stiituach and Lmidti'U r.ittcM. In large bottles |j) cents. A. Tiuner iCo., s^iecial Biafor Maikd.ile. •jIcLojI k C). have something jUij" t" those W!!0 have had a tun nibf'irtuiio. Read their new Mt;-*!ii""ts in another column, if V j;i are ouo of the unfor- ;ii i. In' J. n 'WO k. Ml li;.s now Ktoro, llicuar.l :;l Bfi'k. has been fitting up .i/f(iniills, and is now in a po- ^s to 'uuraiitec Fati.-^fiiction to mrb'j uiu'.y favor liiiu with ihcT rnacf. The road at tnc m'!l is nmiToved. fifust siiy it's the nicest thing I rusti! f.»r the teeth and breath," jevtry .110 hiivirg triod'TK.\iii;r.uY.' Um toilet gem. (let a 5 cent sam- llir-" potiitoc is on ciinhitlon at dec. grown by li-^ury Bayce, It. wi'i-lis 2lbs. Ei^'ht of jnouM make a man a meal, or ^VJi".!*. taken tliico times a day Rji.u- w " I m douSt bj v;d L;n!atiiigpi!ls(?) Itovirlhiiid one lady remark to |tli(rt!i:it it brat all how crowded Firluiiil- .-â- ti-re is every day. one i't wiitf I on for ever so long. llilrliiiT 1 \\onld rather wait an tth;i;i â- _•â- ) 1 '"whcrc. for Mac. cer- clt.i3 .-'11 theapiT than any i] huvf i \. r been into. iaf;imi!y M.dicii.c Dr. Carson's Diicli aiiii Coiistii'iition Bitters are IvtiiLiiii' the place of pills, they tlikiily 1 jrr'iiiil, do not gripe, i';!i. iir |ir hi • ii:imo!i iiad are 111 h arj M vc^'i t.ibl. |»:.)0 cent-. A. TrBNEB la;;onts rr Markdale. ••r c 8 oz. hot- Co., RCANS PRICES! r .WFOBD* cct East, Toronto, 0*. 3» M;il.. I ,\ Wel.-ih, contractors. mill,' till foundry buildhig for- Tliiv li;ive a dozen or more alwork. ;iMd expeet to have it m iiiiil p'ofcd by the 1st of Oc- .»lnu Mr. Motfatt will put in cu'lmnry at onco. and commence '»ltli the loadt pos.sible delay. .Cwwn never claimed for his liwHoustipation Bitters any Turs fuWEu OF Heahno, but S"" ijoiet coiiscionsnef s of tneir 'uiai virtues ho prescribes them liwe wh,. suffer from derange- rftlie Stiiiii.ich, Bowels Liver fev.s. In hirge 8 oz. bottles ftntis. A. TiREB C()., special ^r.MarLdale. The cheapwt and bedfalmk oT inr- nitare at O. Grant's. AJBazMT and Cm«nt wifl ba held on the day of Glenelg Fall Show, by the Ladies Aid AssooiatioQ of the Presbyterian Chareh. For partiealars, see posters. BE PBEPaBED. Many of the worst attacks of obd- era morbas. oramps, dysentery and cholic coma soddenly in the night, and the most speedy and prompt means must be used to combat their dire ef- fects. Dr. Fowlers Extract of Wild Strawberry w the remedy: Keep it at hand for energenoies. It ruttr faU$ to cure or relieve. Picture. Photo, and Motto frames in abundance, at Grant's Markdale. The mixed train on the T. Q. ft B, By going north on Wednesday, left the rail.doine considerable damages to the track. The Mail train going south on Thursday morning was de- layed about fonr hoars in conseqnenoe. CANADIAN CHOLERA. This terrible disease is but littleless fatal than real Asiatic cholera, and nqnires equally prompt treatment. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw- berry will cure it as well as all other form? of bowel complaints of infants or adults if used in proper time. The circulation of the blood "has been demonstrated by the microscope and the proof of the circulation of Estorbrook's Pens is that they are found everywhere. Use "Castonne" Machine Oil, for all kinds of machinery, it is also ex- cellent for harness and leather, mak- ing it water and weather proof. For sale bT dealers. Toronto oil company, are sole manufacturers of "Castorine machine oil. Infriugem cuts will be pr secuted, Ask your dealers for "Castorine" machine oil, and see that the barrel is branded •'Castorine," as none other is genuine. Use "Castorine" Machine Oil, for all kinds of machinery, it is also ex- cellent for harness and leather, mak- ing itwator andwoathar proof. For sale by dealers. A visit to W. J. McFarland's im- mense establishment will well repay any one in want of goods. He and his largo staff of hands are -working night and day with tlieir coats off op- ening lingo bales and cases of dress giKds, winceys, shirtings, shawls, mantles, .silks, satins, carjiets, l.iccs, tweeds, flowei's, c., c., selected personally from the manufactures by Mr. McFarland while in Europe. The BbftJes of evcninKwere falling fast, As throni,'b Miirkilale city passed A blootning mr-id 'n easUmere JreeseJ, With this dtvice upon her breast McFarland's cashmeres are the best. I'rice 55 ets., all -vool. H.'i h ows were knii beneath her veil. Hit evt' i'.rts'.ioil .ike u cuiuit's tail. Anil in cliiiioii 'o.if,'l.i BUng The ttiui-s of oatliiuclisli tengiie Cio lo MeFarliiiid's for your winceys, kid gloves, iind everything you want, he imports direct. Oh 9l(i;' the vouig man c ieJ, a.iJ rest Tlivt.iiil h':ul ii"in ties vest. A teat rolled aow.i her pu'niea clieek. Cut still si'i! answerwl wJia squeak The LTealest hit of the df.j' â€" clolhing for yom\.',, elolhiiig for old, nud boots â€" thousands, of pair.s â€" cheap, at Mc- Fai-land's, and don't you forget it. The Saddest of Sad Siohts. -The grey hairs of age being brought with sorrow to the irrave is now, wo are glal to think, becoming rarer every year as the use of Cingalese Hair Re storer becomes more general. By its use the scanty locks of age once more resume their former col-^r and the hair becomes thick and luxuriant as ever with its aid we can now defy the change of years, resting assured that no Grey Ilair at any rate will come to sadden ns. Sold by all Drug- gists, 50 cents a bottle. Death of Rev. L.^colan Taylor. â€" The news of the death of Rev. Lach Ian T.aylor, which took place at Sack- ville, Ne .v Brunswick, on Sunday the 14lh inst., will bo received with uni- versiil regrit throughout Canada. No minister of the Methodist Church in the Dominion was more widely known, and more universally liked. A native of the Uighlaiids of Scotland, he was possessed of a lull share of the Celtic energy and eloquence, and in the po- sition of agent of the Bible Society, which ho occupied for many years, as well as in the subsequent lectures on his travels, he was familiar in every portion of ihe Province, and many will be the regrets expressed that the eloquent tongue of Dr. Taylor is now stilled iu death. recently .reeted^»a^««ff, TheBar»*5rf :jtoti.*«i ,^.' style the table with all ^^ .^_- V iittfiition being 1 ,^»tt^» The only »«f*Vl^ »• ,f ,.l attentive Hostler*. Markdale Ilonse is being f iminoved this week, by the ot balconies on Sydenham " Street.?. It ads dmuch to peirance of this fine building iaway with that unfinished ace that it always had. The les are being put up by Mr. Jtil'lesherton fs.iv.r Watches at »12, usually sold 'mint I a for two years, at Doll's, ^js.\je^ tiitf REE YEABOLD '***' m EdTRAY. • VMKINTOTfflB^ ana Farm to 6, Osprey. m Steer. The owner ,l,.rt.T. pay expense* Sept. 13th, rtS*^^ --^ al«) weU w»t*~- thr^ years. Situated tMj^ For further P|»rd^»^ voNs, on the P!?f'wi,»^ ASIA. 1«^ on. Hrfose. â- OE rasia. 8opt.l5tb^ the PW^jT^/^^.*- Si E into leS, eon. earlff in J«,SeF*.*.lP«- "»»- â- ^^ 'HiosT UoiJEi.NO.â€" Mr. Orr in ins, that three of our village 'Visited his place on Sunday ^W carried away several of his ^r. Orr says lie knows the '^plicated well, and unless •"wn u made he will prosecute "'^fn rigor of the law. NVo lieiill' it is time thesemiduight eatioaj Were put a stop to. [â- ^ *»vi frum 20 to 40 per cent, by .â- "« "atdas from W. P. DoU- In ' 1* uual .MIT Fhilav and every fair P'^mMi. Ivan's block. *rt.\llen, n voung man from ibboorhood of Markdale, ar- 'ttie on a visit this week fh)m Uis employer being a *Dsive owner of flour mills, *c., Ac, and having been pornt'd out by thelato fire. He, t "ill return as soon as his sets part of his buildings â- ^ which will be in about a P^K -ACKNOWLEDGED. }^^ MuUUolland, Oakville. N \^^ several years I have /^om oft-recurring billions '•'dyspepsia, and complaints k Ri"' **"'• Since using your 1 **'*^ Bitters I am entirely DESTRUCTIVE FIRE. THE GREATEST PART OF DCNTBOON DE- STROVED BY Fiae. THE KESULT Of CAHLE8NE8S. Ahojt 9 o'clock on the evening of the IGth inst., a fire was discovered in the stable of H. Watson, hotel-keeper, consuming the building iu a short time. From tiiis the fire extended to the store of J. Gray, in which was the office of the Montreal Telegraph company, the dwelling of Dr. Kirk- land the store of W. Campbell black smith shop cf Mr. Cluson, and two other houses were also consumed. The fire is supposed to have originated from leaving a lamp in the stable. Carve«)i«itdriire. NoTicz.â€" Wc wish it distinctly f-ndetBLOod that we do not hold ourselves reaponsible for the olrinions expressed by our oorrespondente. To the Editor of the S'iSDitio. Dba« Bui,â€" In reply to W. S. Chris- toe, (he denies Ratepayer) I wn iu a position to address him by his pet name. But I am sorry to say. Dr., that yoQ are no more righteous than be. It is a pity to see a reete and a warden subscribe to such an obscene epistle. "When the wicked rait, the people moom." What must the foun- tain bo when snoh an unclean stream proceeds fcsmit? W dame Bamonr be true, I am •« the firtt that ribnked you Wken you drew a picture of the most degraded, dissipated, drunken profligate that conld dwell in your imagination, and his ragged little boy, then yoo stated that this man describ- ed m yoiB- lectnie ,i^ *by agthy of you* Mf «ndTa Irertr th#-ht»Hoy.' Then ma«VV «»*^ " *^* audience rebnked yoo with the following quo- taftm "BoBor thy lather lytd mother *«^* flatf Gen. it 28." U that be tnw, and too ha«e irfhiinft «« A* m. tate your man Friday of the Aitmmt P«8ta»ed jBo to have, then there la hope in store for Dodds, whose aate- oedenU are respeetaUe, aad is worthy to be called a man. Yoor theory would establish the notion that labor, however hononrable, is degrading; bat this ia only believed by those whose education has been barely suf- ficient to make tbem believe, that idleneaa and geutililj an allied. I have aUtad work, and draw the larg- est salary of any man in Flesherton, and have not changed my occnpation but aspire to be a first cla^s judge of grain and head miller, and am not at the beck of every Biddy and Bridget in the land at all boors, rain, hail, or snow or chimney-sweep, or Tom, Dick, or Harry, and bound to obey but hjw appreciated please enquire in the neighborhood of Eugenia. Doubt- less, Mr. Editor, the Dr.'s history is fresh in the minds of your namerons readers, since Mr. G. J. Blyth circu- lated it through the medium of Ui Ejcpoutor. However, it matters little to me, I do not stoop to dabble in dirty matters. My history is very shrart. Dr., I mean to live, to have a name when you will be forgotten. A man may occupy high and hononrable po- sitions and qualify for the same on property owned in another's nam and be a poor, miserable creature himself. You mistake when you think I as- sume pleasantry, I am only amused looking at you driving in the old di- lapidated chaise perhaps you will look spruced up a bit when you get Dodds' old harness on. One would think the old horse and rig, not omit- ting yourself, had been in the ark with Noah. In regard to my artlciCs and their merit or demerit, we will not dif- fer bnt look to the effect. Ratepayer Buid the roads were in first-class con- di'iou, I held they were not, which has been proven to a demonstration, f:02i the fact that th 3 Council gave a grant to be applied to the very sec- tnu of the road complained of, and when the commissioner went oyer the road, he said the grant was only an introduction to the reqniremenls and that it was too late to expend money e.^ccpt tj patch it up. You w.Htched the correspondence between Ratepay- er and I, and shoulc' have taken action iu the matter, and done your duty like a good honest pu'olic servant, and saved yonr popularity that you pay so much adoration to but you are timid in your policy yet rash and yaiu of your wisdom yet constantly euilty of follies yet a slave to the basest per- sonalities jealous of your rights yet from want of courage, continually al- lowing young men to sh-^w yen the township's requirements and I showed you that you kicked Arte- mcsia's best interests to the wind, be- cause it happened to be popular with a few loons that liov.led well for you on election days. If you had been sincere in your convictions you were excusable; but I have taken the cali- bre o{ your hciul, aud lo, it is shallow. Every man should show his principles, and lot people know what he believes, especially on great religious, moral, commercial or political questions. If Le does, ho will not be called a syco- phant or a fool. But the day will come, yea, has come that we see the T., G. B. radwny passing into the hands of thrs Mortliern Company. Now they control the Hamilton North- Western an! Credit Valley, â€" four lines east of us. We have Nfessrs. Hendrie Co., owning the en- tire stock in our road, and Mr. Wm- Hendrie, Picf ident. If any of your readers doubt tlie statement, please be referred to last week's Owen Sound fimet and who got fie credit of sav- ing the tovrnship from p.ayin? the bonus You, Dr. If Artemesia had known your mission the morning your first smoke curled through the roof of the old log cabin you took refuge in, they would have put on sackcloth and ashes. When will the year of jubilee come. But ou may object that it was correspondent who caused the roads to be repaired, and say it was the men that waited on the Council perhaps it would be no offence to say that I bont thoce men and were they not both respectable and responsible, aud Found business men, not like your followers, and do not require blowing up like the Sampsons of the Advance although that editor vowed not to no- tice Dodds, see the way he howled. I have no doubt. Dr., when yon got this dose that you will act what is call- ed the Bantltee. It generally t ikes three to manage Dodds. The' only difference is, in this and the last, a woman figured to some advantage bnt Barney O'Hare may turn out like you. Dr., no man at all. Stfll I cherish your convictions and agrcL^ that you made a mi.stake in re- Dukmg Sandy. Nay, you thought to silence Sandy. Your »-tatement about the Widow Thompson ia a downright falsehood, and she was not a widow at the time. She was going to give my money to another miller, and when she paid up she was at liberty to deal with whom she 9A-if fit If you are anxious about the sucsessof the kdtanee, never write another line for its columns, aud it will succed although the moral rays of Flesherton has not penetrated it to any depth yet. and it is you that is to Wane, doctor. Certoinlw the remarks of the Editor on the elnmioating bo- dies are learned. But whit could yon expect when he draws his inspiration from you, doctor? II the municipalties Bufbr loea from joxa actions m the railway matter, I suggest the tar yoo have prwared be applied to yoorseU. Far^foo-weU. dogtor. Glory i»J«»r shame. With the best wishes for the sucees* of the SiAin)A«». â-  ^_._ Yours, G.L. DODDS. Ma. B~u*. JUw Jioc frtisr tow*. toA strcsa Lof woA moBB my irtmB, prerentrf me frcwi *rftea#%i soon- to IfceBer. Mr. Wards oommmiieaion whkh ^«Kod ioAo ST13^ of die 7« iMt ^Mow. 3M»MC *M» I ibal) d«V9te • UtUe taae of that diSue wdiLo^ Si litriMiiigiiHata to the domontade My tofk lii«iiiiiii» on radiiig tfaat \Mm was one of sarpiMe ud fily f MByriae ttet a gwtlrman of his •â- â- â- wderikam and nAn^' nea* ahonld tUov bioiKlf tct iadnlge â-  tbs use of lac ;aaee so unbecoming; pitjy U»t '•' " ' â€" '-^ rimilit hjin til tmamt *fi*i lofty ain. • â-  -i,* 'â- ^-^' W^ Jx WesiMts: "Itiaa -trni^. Iw|iuiliiii |. eone dewa OB him, but •« it voold be too modi Ifts briogiiig oot a cmtmrn to Aoata /ir, we win allow hia poatioM to m*« him thiitime." Ver7 00iidd«eitoi.iMd; wood- eifal foriMaranoe t Mew, it is poMible that tkia may be oraiaideted a grand "hit" in some qaarten in our opinion it ia amplgr eoarae. â-¼algar and egotistioal, and Mnys a famiHa- rity with the language of Ote fUi market, â- tnngely inoonaistent with good breeding.â€" The Ber. gentleman is donbtleaa a mighty man in hia own wtimation, a veriUbte Cax- aoiniB Maohub. and hene^orth the tradition- al " Bearing Meg," and the " Qi«at Onn of Athlone" will have to be relegated to a back seat, and the gi«ar enfilfBiastital cannon of Markdale take their plaoe. Nererthelesa we are oonvinbed, notwithstanding Mi. Ward's self-impoied title, that the world will penist in ganging his ability and leatning by a Ck mbre unerring standard and that gentleman need not be sorpriscd, if he find that instead of being considered a real cannon, ho is voted but a mere ordinary squirt-gun. it is no sign of courage to see a person boasting oi his prowess, neither is it any sign of supe- rior learning or ability to see a person boast- iqg oi knowledge oo the oonttaiy, the brag- gart is generally a oowacd, and the boaatad â- oholar but a mere pedant. Mr. Ward thinks that I am deplorably ig- norant of " Church History," and professes to have discovered this from my letters. Now this is another instance of that gentleman's marvelous prescience, as no ordinary mortal could have arrived at that conclusion from the data referred to. We have said nothing as yet abont church history for the simple reason that it sheds but very dim and doubt- ful Ught on the subject tmder discussion, viz.: the government of the Apostclic Church. The Kev. gentleman admits, ai.l very just- ly, that the "last thirty years of the first century is almost an entire blank in church history " why, then, does he persist in fish ing among the uncertain, obscure, and often contradictory pages of profane history for a countcri'art to his " Catholic and Apostolic Church" if he is satisfied that it is to be found in the New T estament Is that not enough " To the law and to the testimony, if they spoak not according to these it is be- cause there is no truth in them." Mr. Ward would like very woU to draw o5t the attention of your readers from the Kell- /rnoirn writings of the .ijKJstlcs, to the V.tth hnovn writings of the so-called Aporil;8' successors doubtless conscious of the fact that the Apostles in their writings give no canation or encouragcm«lt to the preten- tions either of the KcmiFh or Anglican Lier achy. Church histoiy, while it may be ser- Ticeablc as corroborativo testimony, yet if it conBicts T\-ith Scripture, it cannot be ocknwl- cdged .as of the slightest value. While we speak tbu.s let it not be supixxsed that wo dread an appeal to church history or any other history. No 1 on the contrary, from these sources wc can show most unmistake- ably the gradual rise and dcvelopement of that plgantic apostaoy which arose upon the ruins of the eaily Christian church, and which overshawdowed Christendom for a pe- riod of nearly tliir'.ecu hundred years from the bonie source wc learn that the form of government which that opostate Church i.doptcd was the Episcopal. How do wo ac- iiciint for the fact that tho Churolu« at tha Beformation, with the sinjo exception of the Auglican, rejected Epiecopacy as a Eomish invention Shall we be told that those emi- nent reformers, Calvin, Knox, ZuingUas, Me- lacthou, Ac, knew nothing of Ciiuach history? Why did the Church of England alone of all the Reformation Churches, cling to Episco- pacy Why this The Church of England was and still is a gigantic poUtico-religious organization, gotten up for the express jiur- posc of bo'isiering up monarchy aud aiisto- crocy just as Orangeism was gotten up in after years to prop up the S'.atc Church and la dlordiBm in Ireland. A careful study of Euglish history will convii co any candid in- quirer of t'lc iruth of this. The English Church was just as iiiuch a creation of the State as any citj' or mnnicpal corjioraii 'n, and hence, as a State engiii' it was i:iodd!od and orjanijied so as lo sjrve the purpo.«;3 of the state, and K'rg .Tames I, though a sim- pleton, yet he had sufficie it accuteness to see this, hcuce hii famous remark, "To Bishop, no King." Mr. Editor, we were led to mak^ thrse re- preiiiiinary remarks for the pn^jKne. f lefii. n.; mon! clearly the relative iiierils of tlie ques- tion at issue, viz.: " Presbyter versus Episco- pacy." Wc shall now proceed, »f;ia(ijn, to thocoiusideration of .Mr. Ward's letter. Mr. Ward remarks, "Among the .Jews none could approach the prescuoe of Uod but such as wure particiUarljiappoinfed by Him." Who denies this Why does tho Itov. gentleman lose his breith in combatting a theory which wealaniuit? Mr. W. next quotes Jerome, " What Aaron and his sons and the Levites were in the temple, such are the Bishops, Presbyters and Deacons in the Christian Church." Now Jerome died in the year 420; he Uvod at a time when the Church had fal- len from its origimal pnrity, and had begun to "teach for doctrines the commandments of i men." Evidei tly Jerome was then engaged as Mr. Ward is now in offering an apology for tho Episcopal heresy, to which the Church had not yet become whoUy reconciled. This ' shows us that Mr. W. claims that his Church j is modelled after the Jewish Temple, â€" the Bishop taking the place of the High Priest. How does this eomport with Paul's teaching in the 9 and 10th of Hebrews lei us sec. â€" " But Christ being come an high priest of good things to come, by a greater and more perfect tabernacle not made with hand9,that is to say not of this building neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us." Heb. ix, 11 and 12. " And for this cause he (Christ) is the mediator (or priest) of tho New testament." Heb. ix, 15. " But this man after he had offered one sacrifice for sins, for ever sat down on the right hand of God." Heb. X. 12. A careful perusal of the 9th and 10th chapters of Hebrews and cognate pas- sages will convince the reader that Christ himself is the "high priest" of the Christian Church, notwithstanding what "Jerome" or Mr. Ward may say to the contrary. What are we to say, then, of those who thus sacri- legiously and Uasyhemooaly tisurp the pla« and assume the title of our " High Priost." who " hath passed into heaven bow to appear in the presence of God for us." Heb. ix, 34. Now, Mr. Editor, it would be obviously im- practical for me to attempt in one article to fuUy dispose of aad coniute the nnmeroua and glaring blunders into which Mr. Ward has fallen in his last essay, as your space will not allow of this at present, neith?r have I had the time to do so hot during the eDSoiug weeks I shaD, if soared, do so, to that gentle- an's entire satiraaction. Mr. Ward need not soppose that this qnes- be settled by a mere wave of the hand, or an onaaiar nod at the head, how- ever lerrned or pretentJous. I now cJose part lofmyioply. W-.BBOWH. Mathdato, Sept. iMi. IMl. THE MARKETS MARKDALE. Fai»AV«|epila, 1881. *....•..... -fi,00 to 0.00 BfRBS Wheat per bvuh., aaw tc 1 » l*^ Ao. do. uo. l.* to Ouu ?**'*9^--. ..«• â- ' UJJl f -r .. „. .. ^jj «J« ttM Fototoos. Battor.per tk Bcrii, pai doB. ....'..;,,.' Pork, drt«s«d, O^KX *•â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢, Geeee, per lb Dnaks, par pair Fowls, p«x pair ., Turkeys, per lb Sheepskuu Hides Grass seed, Haj .,.•••••.. Wool Orfcn Apptea, per. bushel., Iard TaUow DrvCordWood J.9U •' U..18 " 0.W •• IIM 0.18 •• 0.14 •' 7.00 •* 6.00 •• 0.(15 " Q.40 " 0.20 •• 0.07 " OaD •.OO •• 8.00 •' 10.00 •• 0.22 " OM " 0.10 •• 0.06 *• 1.80 •• HAId^ SPECIAL NOTICES. ERRORS Of youth. AGENTLEMAK who snfferred for yoar- fmm NerrouB DEEHjITY, FEEMA- TUl^ DECAY, and all the effects of joutb- lul iudiscrpt^on, will for the sake o' buffering hDmloitf, icnd free to all who need it, the recipe and dirt-etions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Suffering waiiauD,( nn advertisei's ezpeii- enee eiu o so oy addressing in perfect eon- fidet^, JOHN B. OGDEN, SU-lv 4-i Oddar st. New York BESTA)ni.CdMPOBT totbb SUFFEBING Browv'a Household Panacea has no equal for reUeviug pain, both inter- nal and external. It cures pain in the Side, Back or Bowels, Sore Thrat, â- Rlienraatism, Toothache, Lumbago and any kind of a Fain c- Ache. "It will most surely quicken the Blood t.nd heal, as its acting power is won- derful." " Brown's Honi-chold Panacea," being acknowledged as the great Pain Behev- er. and of donblu the strength of any otter K'ixer or Liniment in tho world, should be ia every family li.^udy for use when wanted " as it really is tho best remedy in the world for (yramps tn the Stomach, and Pains and Achef of all kiiids," and ia for sale by all Druggists at 25 cents a bottle. 20-lv $2 WatchM. KtMBw1n4l«n9a..%«. Wlittamrtal Hintt^Oiii 9^. Imliallim (uUlc. SeliacoldSlX ChMprst aoa Iwat frr jour own aso or aparulaliv* piirpo««a. VnlosHlvcali- ata(Mfr««. TUOXPSOS ACQu ISa NuaaH^ law Iot*. PIMPLES. I will mail (Free) the recipe for a simple Veoetabi.b B.vlm tliRt will remove Tan- FBECKLEB, PIMPLES and Blotches, leave ing the skin soft, clear and beautifnl also iustrr.otions producing a lux.iriant growth of hair on a bald head or smooth face. Ad- dress, cnclosiug a 3o. stamp, Ben. Vardclf St Co... 5 Beekmaa st.. N. Y. 20 Iv WHISKERS WtH ahaaCB tbe beai^ to a BBOWH or BI.ACK mt discretloB. Belnc In oaa preparation It Is easOjr applied, and prodooes a permanent color that wtll â- at wash off. PKEFABED BT R. P. HALL CO., NASHUA, ILL Sold br all Dsilm Is lUdkha TO eONSUMFTIVES. The advor.iaer, having Ixcn prrmancntly cured ol dread disease. Consumption, by a simidc remedy, is anxious to make known to his ftllow eniTfrers the miansof cure. To all who desire it, he will send a cojiy of the prescription used, (fri-e of charge,) with the directtous for jiiep^iirint; and iisiiig the same which they will find a suns Ci'ui? for CoN- scMPTioN, Abtuma, EaoNcniTis, lie. Parties wishing the I'nscrii^tion, will ease address, .Kev. E. A, Winion, 149 Fenn Williarasburgh, N. Y. 20-ly STARTLING DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A Tiotim of yonthfol impmilencp canptrt; Prem* tuie r*ctay, Nf-n-oua r^ehihTy, Lost Manhood, etc., baring t:i'-d in vain every kunwn remedy, ha^ Ms- corered a pimple self cure, which ho will eead FIllj to bli ld]ow-«ufi;.-rera; oddmss J. 11. RE£Vi:;Si« 43 CluUlfUU l^t.a 7ti\V. TAILORING O. A. OWEN. Fashionable Tailor, HAYING rented the Tailoring Depait- ment over McFarland's store, wishes to inform the public of Markdale and the surrounding country, that ho is prepare to FILL ALL ORDERS Promptly ani Tastily C U T T 1 N G! Done w il cn3lonKra arc waiting. Look Out. Look Ou -FOE- iiH-'F- •J»- n. i â- .sti A'i' â- Â»Â«Â» ai.-.-;-3 .-i MAMMOtrt t -TO BE- [issued about 27tH Sept. All parties wanting liattds in the County of Grey should' see this List. The latgest list of finds fur s.ile ever issued, in this County. Those having r.inds to dispose o( should' send in the descripiion of their propeitits for insertion, not later than Saturday, 24th inst. ROBT. DAVIS, dohveyancer. Commissioner in B.R., Real EstAto, Loan Insnnincc Agt^' A' QEN'i'S \VAJSa'3D.â€" Big pay.â€" Light Work. Stevly Emplovraent. Samples fro». Address. M. L. RYRN, 46 Nanssau 8'roet. ti^v Yiiili- aii ly THE LATEST FASHION PLATES Alu'ay« ou hand to ciiojo from. GOLD Or its equivalent, can purchase any thing you^ may require in DRY GOODS, GROCERIES,' BOOTS and SHOES, or in fact anything that is" usually rouN D A Good Fit Gaaranteed -AT- rs'Reaaeniber the Place, Over McFarland's Store. M«l»aalu Jnno 16, lesi. 40-ji eURMSSEef^OTHERS t /fobi?80ijWapKBDL " ^ao UNI0IL8ah£W YORK 4 bHICACO ILL. c*^ Orange masb. u'j 7th,1881. PvCfpectfulIy yours, JOHNSON, CLARK CO. 43-6m yoor tion Mothers Moth«*.-8 1 1 Mot^eM 1 1 Are Toa distarbod at night and broken cf ToarrU by a sick ehiid «««ring a. irring with tke «omoiatoa« pam of eatt" iM^ If so, go at once and get a bottle of 1^. WINSI^JtrH 800THIH0 8TBUP It wiU T.U«»« the poor little 8«*«tarlM»«« ii,,5^-i.»«4o,JnitT tbere li «* *Mtti â- boot it. Tbeioisnota mother upon earth who hai eT««»Bdit. wha wiUnot teUyon at „B.e«iatit wiH reg"'*»e «ke noweU and hn rest to the mother. «rf««Uef and health to the chiW. op«r»tiii„ liaa â- a«la. ttiapJ-- (Mtly aaf e to nse In «n eMe*.aad plMsant to tiM sUte, awl is ^he :p»e«riptiia of one of ibeoloeUaoJ best femJe phjal^ius airl Bsrae* fadia United Htata.. Bold evwy- «iK^at»««it«abattla fO^U NOTICE, TEE cnbstribci in retnrning ihankd to their nnmevous customers wish to in- timate that they have A URGE STOCK OF LEATHER of all kinds from cowhide to the finest Mo- rocco on hand, suitable for the Fall trade, and customers will find it to their advantage to give us a call. We have no specialty, all kinds wUl reoeive-ihe same attention. p. S. â€" All parties having got boos from us during tho Summer reason, not giving satisfaction, will get them repaired free of char.(e. as it was the fault of a bad, nnprin- HpsUedyi'iing mau we had wcrking witii tis daring that time. KAY TH0INA8. Markdale. Aug 18th, 1881. 49-tf. CT NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that a promis- sory note for fiSO.SS, purporting to be mads bv ice in favor of ib^ "Ixlobs Light- ning Bod t;©-," was obtfincd from mo by one I Botberford, who represented himself to be an i«ent nf said C"upaay, as, and for an acknowledgemeat for tius leceipt of lightning rod material, I having previously agreed to act as the Company's local agent. As I never purchased said material and norer in- tended to give any note therefor, psyaient of said note is refoaed. (Signed). TROXAS KWOHT. -Naikdals. Aag. lath. l«8i. tl-U. AOCnONPBB AND OEKKBAL L4in Agent, Wijliamsford SUtljn. AaeSm Sales attended in all parts of tfca C«â- t^ Cwood* foii on Oomioisakii. B a t e* madsaata. Pwmos. OnouMi, Mid Brwitt UMt hi mm â- !« Fruit andUriuuiuutat TtMS, Vioas. A«riMl- 1 ^-^ tari»l lat fto ia e iits. nn l Msrt i n a r y of sM I riadu â-  -y oo U. WJliamsIonL Jan. 27. ROBT. ASKINi Has opeticd ont e First-Class Furniture â€" AND UNDERAKING ESTABLISHMENT, And therefore has supplied a want long felt, especially in the Uadeitaklng Line. COFFINS, CASKETS, SHBOUDS, aad all FUNERAL FURNISHINaS, supplied on the 'liortes notice. A. fe$plci|^il HecLTse ier hire at moderate rates. furnIturei Frum Uio Common to the Bes) aiJ Latest tyiss, in everything in the line. .Till VI 1 i'-i fr yirirsaWji. ROBT. ASKIN. FLESHERTON Harness Shop! THB Suheeriber begs to inform the public that he has constantly on hand a large assortment of CARRIGE. BUGGY AND HABIVESS. 1^ Hade in good style aad of tbe THE BEST OF MATERIAL, TEAM And as he means bosiness give him an ear call, as he will sell at tht lowait living prices for cash. A good supply of alvaya OB band. Scstcli CsUars A SpscIiUyj And a good ftKaaraateed. â- ber tbe slaad the PoU Offioe is Btaw timb«r mtmkti, .^^V J. GORDON, nsshnrtoa. Marak. I8S1. 16 t J OHBKAI AOi^XT AJID OBAFEB D T Marssjr Hloek. WiUiasuford Statioa. In ai general country store Pufchasieg, ycm should always ascertain where you^ can purchase to the best advantage, that is get the best goods at the hjwest place is price, and that" BUTTER RAE'S To All Whom It May Concern. Asthfe season has arrived when money is plentiful and vr6' have no collector but the baiUff, we have our^account^ by the loth of Octobef-i August gth, 1 85^. ' ' • " i Bobt. S. Bae, TAIL OR, Svdentiam Street, MARKDALE. Markdale, Jily 7, 1881, 43.«ni HAIH CUTTING AND SHAVING' ON U'ciliiftilni'x anil fialtirilny*, liy Tliomns* Rmith," tJ^ Orders fiHi'd for To.mb Stones. Markdale J illy 2 1 1 s«l. 4u-3iB MARKDALE^' CARRIA6E_fORISl McKENNAMASOf^ HAVINO lessed the Waggon aud Blaek-- smith Shop owned by John DeBSOB eg toiiifortn the Pchllc, that tlmt they ar* re|ar«d to fiirniiUi all kinds if Vehiclt-s.' nob HH BVOOIES, â- FETIorRTH. WA«WO!VS, ETC./ AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMET. Aud by ntiiig the Best of MHtiTJiil and Good Workiuanxhip, hope to ri'-fie a flur iriiara* ofyonr patronage, dpecial nttC.iiioB givmto" HOESB SHOEING Ceneral Jobblrii^ As wpwarant all onr work. A esll is Mlietf â- 4 aud we guiiranttui saiisfaotion. Shop o:i Mill strjot, opposite the Bavere" Hotel Markdale. March 3. 1881. i' Sm. SAVE Y0URC0MBIN68. Mrs. T.O.Morgan, begs toanncnnre to the Laaie* of MsrUale and Ticinity that she is iseiirnd to work np hair oombiugs iutn switches. iraHs and earls, terms moderate Aeall is solicited. Beoidenoe eomer of M).i% and Qoaen stresta, opposite Mr. Bowes' rs..i denee, Oiaera by MaO pramptiy attsudaa ta. lfa,k4Bls.Sap*.l. UU i3fll. .^ ,^ Sept. 17. la*). Farm tor Sato. I or Ho. 9, Cooeesskm 10, »«m)ic aott- J H***^ VJO Iâ€" Hit of IAMB is dimrrt aiii siiilwr â€" IMiaHns, lbs baknas rnU tiabstMi, M^r bardwood. On tbs i. a bam Mi34. a bonis aad oot- .ad a Toong orchard, is weO wst- 'wsU feoMtd with ssAtrnOa. It is 4ta2iM^M ^to fnm tba tbiiviag vBlsfs a MsihMs. •BUsgsod, po-2~« lg^«» ^^vTirai bs ssld at a saenflss. ss tbs vn- prfstortefobiiWsst. Apy^to JOHN BLA(^lav«rali«PX cr ta 0. W. Binuan. IteMaia, ta«.iMi. a-mr N P s 9 1. • Horse-ShoeiJij! a Specialty Msrkdale. Jnne2. \t -M Choice Farm for Sale. 2 MILES FBOM MABKDALE. Coaeess OB 1, A rt s M SS ia Bast aids T. LOTH*. '" " 8. Bead, cot tainlBg M seresâ€" 4« of wbieh is wtdsr eult.Tation. and the b.lsne» bani timber. Tbs above farm is a vory dssitaUai' property and wiU bs poU cheap. A ROoA baae bam ard log boose is on tbs piMa. PoMesaian givm tbis faU. For tuj thtr fw» tisakrsspply to WM. lilTTLSJOBDa. «r to C. W. BuTLBaaa. MarSk. 8s|)t.3ad.l«Sl. %lM,' J* r' »t I i ' w i « 1 Ki 1 il- • â- I 11 1 1 ii A «^

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