•Jed: T/rieni^' that T u niisesinDr ?. '^^^ I have l^" ilU'isposeofati^^* i:: Ars SPECIFIC ^^- cfow Taking. Lassitude |*«7:'C ..r.. ..rh.rl.,.ea.ve. th,"^*^ « « ..i.-.iiu|.l!. n »„j a Pre •'luri; ii:iTo. t-- KiiU r«rtienlars in n«, """•"• "•;"" «« «Je«iro ••'• ri.o l.y man toev»rv M. Hlr S}.rTiti., MedicinB "•• !• ' I»;ka,;, or ,j, K.:.. I'.r j.,.(»(t. or will be -^ THE 9RAY MEOICNIE __ Toronto, gni^ '^mm I-.- Vures Cholera, Cholera M^tutL 2nterjj. Cramps, Colic, Sea 8 A.] less (ird Summer Complaint â- all Vir.l.ya Infantum, and all'coZ^ 'â- '//./« ppv'.iiiar to children tutk. â- •. (â- "' will bo found tqtillt y.ncficial for adults or e/W*if FS SALE BY ALL DRUCCIS^ T, r^3LBURN A CO, Procrietor«.Toiwrtfc â- ^PKDALE leWorl ^^ *^^':, STYUi â- ' 1. 1- Oi-,!.T8 Ktrt* :: 1 •..11 lo prempllj*! t.V. I i... ;;;:,-â- ! Guaranteed. '!£/ TO HEAim ^GK BLOrc '..-â- nil the clopceil svennoofili* Ki«incys and Liver, anjai V KLthout vreakoninglhesystoi. r :iif ari'l fmil hamors of tie V •' • 5-ime lime CofTMtUlf 7 of the Stomach, cunng Mi- Dv popsia. Headaches, Du- Heartburn. Constipetion, of the Skin. Dropey. Dia- Vision. Jaundice. SaItRb«B«. -la-s. ScrofiUa, Flnttena* « irt. Nervonsnesa and Oeneni 7-. .i;; rhcse .ir..l n-.inyo»b^«^ â- â- ..•, viel'l t" ;hf hap py 'P* ** DOCK BLOOD BITTBB Bottles 10c;Eegnlar«»ll' F. r salL- ly :ill ilealLTS. -.1 !t:« dt r«., rroprlel»n. TWi*^ ZMOST POPULAI^ ;iNlfMAEH]NE! .jlA! DE r^-3 19 ORDEfi CM ^GO ILL. ORANGE MAB8- -i-y o.u-», OHMSOII, CIA*1,\ •^X«c. x ?S""' •- ff; â- ysitJ {^ii»"l?ii: -r?si m'":?.T.t«iv**j.ij!:f1 rt«5 iJfna ,ortly- In the meantime Goods are being clea^d out to male rSSii fbrtJSBfeifed stock iM^Ul^ ,^. _â- Farland from the largest hbuses in Europe, r Jj U A ^»- ' *^__ ^piient for 1 iiay' S«p{ember2, 1881. ^T H E R NOTICES. Moi;th'y Cattlt Fair next p. astorine" Uacfaine Oil, for ' OMMhiuery. it is. also ex harness and leather, mak- ing itwater and weather proof. For sale by dealers. A pood youag team of QXen ^T^^tod. jVpply to U. Hamilton, HittXAWAX â- A *^ ' ' • iii( •' 6tu ""'• I ' eiitcnBive saleof LanSiby'pub- Jolm Urr is having bis bouse lie aucliou at McCollougb's Hotel, on I cj. T.iuecreJ with biick "Uuet say it's the nicest ttnng I ever oaed for the teeth and breath," says everyone having tried'TBABEBBY,' the new toilet gem. Got a 3 cent sam- ple. â€" â- ♦.^i^^* ACHICAGOQiRL AT CONCOflD. (jEO. 'A'bigh r has returned from jjte. Marie, where be has been ^i^t spring. Carter is now in Sault Ste. gud is working up t:.i- a good Fawcett, -^l a call from Mr. '*, v)ia«r^ and Mr. ^Yat)on, cf "^Y.i^-tr. li«8t week. ' p^eMJtnt has taken a turn for "jrthera.'it few days, aud un- .^Ki»P" ""'O" rlace there are *ij,p.joniis recovery. cheep I'reserve Jars a special- tV.e;»'" ,U3 k ^o" 1 Vtilsin "'l preach in the ]l!oJ,.tci.ttrtb,Markdalc, nest Sab- â- Ail Association of the flinrt'li, Markdalo, will BbvKriM ,b«zwroii Wtducsday, Oct.5Lh, Uj of tlic 01. uelg Full Show. â- •aplfctt a'^â- ")rtment of Actiicr- ';,'iii..i. U"KH at the Medical is coraineucing to come in, purflia-e made here was by IJi/.'jcrs li'^t week at Sl-1*^* for sui ?1."' f"r full wheat. The .;«.-r- ii'.t I if iho beat. ^v:) nil company, arc .«nl ' -..r-iif â- -('astorine machine v_^â- Ill, uts will bcpr â- aecutod, ;f â- •(. 'iii"s of Proto'i and • Twiiship Councils crowded ry.ii.T With BOVi-ral communi- â- .,x'A iti tiH of interest. Will .:a«t w, ek. v.mr I'r.-ii-i-ve Jiii:^ fiaiu Hey- iSnn, i-iiiiipest in town. .Onroran, T. M. Minist.-r, will 1 rrcicli ill tlie Oran^jo H;.ll, \,:i.. (in S;ibliitth iie\t, at :» o- •ji. .Vll aro kindlv invited. •TIKK has jii -t ri'ii'.Til a fine ^c:it i.f upjlcs I'-acli.::, p!u_:i.«, • ions, .tc, and will li.ave '.-w ilay.s. J.oi.k out for nJn.f;- ment in xl week, too bn- -r It this Wit k. T.!ir •]• :i"T rr "Castorlno" ' ".I. .i:i.l sec t'lat the barrel •fi^tirine :i~l as none other af.o M' (Ir.iii* li '.s liinov -iiirijit.ir' l)iisi'n-ss, to iltjnscn 'tr.'-kbiiiliii!:L' iip)Rit ll-isketts Mill.' li. will I'o g'al til mo. I"-.!.' i-:i~ii.m. rs. Uij it v.iJi M'.,' so iii.iny hca'.iti- l^,' w.ifn »â- »•. ;i hiv.s " ilecaust! K-.;isa â- .: .:mi..- articl,- at r -;'l'«^"" \-Ai\v jirice. llo has a large J. Mi-riiilriii.l I.uul. d in Vuchec li.Uy. r li.rwith \V. F. Doll l:-i Uil::ir.l-(tn of Flishertoii. i'l-rtwip lire r-;protcd Lome to- Ur. Mcrui'aiul will arrive next •1V7 rain ft, inn passoJ over tins E "â- •. as We were going to press â-ºupaii*! by the severest thunder Mijii'jiuig we have witnessed in Kit. h was of short duration few, n«8iiii, fi.r the Stand.\rd the best â- W{'fr 111 this liectioii of the ff. ill,, tiid of the year from "liMM.iN.i.â€" On Tuesday Aug- *â- Mr l,ivid Lewis cradled 7 P«l 2iir..ds ot barley on lot 2, Euphrasia, from 7.30 a. m., 0., We wtmld live to know if I'll cmi boat that, if such there ^ai out. C,itorino " Machine Oil, for l^iis of machinery, it is also ex- F'W harness and leather, mak ^HtiT and weather proof. For '^•'dmliTs. f a fiit-cla8s Carriage or SVag- ';»t(. IV.I. Shanaban's, he is 'juffthr lialiiucG of bis stock at f' Kdncod prices' to make room I'-itji stifkofi-utteis and sleighs, -finlipr the place, opposite the "'^we, Mill Strott, Markdale. •' JoM ciiauco for a good bar- «â- (â- »â- Work on Messrs. tlnid Jk *•"' 3 bio. k is completed, aud is PN tie tiiiost building so far in [;• '^« block IS 82 feet front by 50 *P. tiiro' story higli, aud seven rw under the whole size. Monday, 6th inet. Fine valuable farms in all. See advertisement in another column. A Lakge Bear. â€" One day last week Mr. Richard Btannol, Otb line En- phrasia, spied a very large bear in par- suit of his sheep in the field. Bruin dtsappeaiTed when he saw Mr. S. And St-li. AnotBeb.â€" While Mr, J. Orr was on his way home from Mark- dale, about a week a^o. a bear crossed the road in front of him. two and a half miles west of the village. Where is our sportsmen and crack shots Let us hear of the death of some such tjame as above mentioned. The good aacomplisbed with sieel pens if incalcable, but the cost of a box of Esterbrooks is only nominal. The stationers have them. The trade supplied by Brown Bros., Toronto. For all Liver and Kidney complaints and affections of the Stomach and Bowels use the great Dyspepsia reme- dy, Dr. Carson's Stomach and Consti- pation Bitters. In large 8 oz. bottles containing 70 teaspoonful doses at 50 cnte a bottle. A. Turner Co., spe- cial agents for Markdale. Tue second annual Picnic of No. 6 R. C. Separate School, Glenelg, wlU be held at Webster's School Houe, oq Wednesday, 14th inst., when there will he Athletic Games, good music, Ac. D'uner at 12, noon. Admission to the grounds, including dinner, 25c. See bills for further particulars. Dyspepsia can raadily be cured by taking according to directions Dr. Car- son's Stomach and Constipation Bit- tors. The.v ereatly aid the digestive powers and tone the whole system, in large 8 oz. bottles at 50 cents. For sale by A. Tlbseb Co., special agents for Markdalo. Mr. Samdel Caswell. Sb., formerly oi ihis place, who has been iu Man! to.i.'iii lor II inimbe of years, gave us a ca'l on Saturday, 20th ult., and left neie on tlu f.-llowaig Monday fi)r Iio- laud. He informed us that he leceiv- ed a Pass from Winnipeg to the abovo I'laee. Ol-ject, to eucourago cm^^ra- tro'i. In .-onsiqui ice of the aKaigftina- uon of the Telegraph Companies, the rates which were reduced about a yeur to 20 cents per 10 words have bceu raised to .the' old piicc, 25 cents, m all liaes, and no ui«hl; messages will be bent for less than 25 cents, for which amount any number of words up tt 25 will be taken. 'Jhis arrange- ment came inti- effect on the 29th nit TiiKUK is no better family medicine t'la-.i D.-. Carson's Stomr.ch and Con- Bilters. They are taken .dike bv both eld and yonnn. They Mivigorate the system. They shou.d iiiva'iablv be used instead of those ht- tle well known nauseous purijatives calleJ pills. In large 8 oz. bottles at 50 cents. A. Tokneb iCo., special agents fox Markdale. Him. Bros, bf.ve planted fou- hitch- ing posts ill front of tlicir establisii- luo.it, which we hope to «ec used foi l..at purpoi-c, as it is a groat iucon- vciiionce for persons when coming ' a ciobsing to have to go round a team i.i order tu cet across tlie street. Tiier- who seem especially fond their teH.n stanling over Wi- hope to see olber me-clinnt- -J liiiewise. Harvest is about over, and has been at least one of the finest we ever had, the weather has been dry aud exceed- inglvwarm, consequently the crops have been housed earlier than usual. The lat.3 sprhig wh»at is rusted con- siderable, but with that exception the A young lady on the West Side has just returned from Bostou. While there her uncle, who is a reporter on a sporting paper, took her to the Sum- mer School ot Philosophy at Concotd. She heard some one read an essay dn the AbLoluteoess of Absolution, and became infatoated with the doctrine taught. "Chawles," said dhe to het loyer tbe other evenmg (heis a clerk in a harness store). "Chawles, do yon realize that you cannot differentia the iadissoluble absoluteness of the ab- solute " "No," he replied, "to tell yon tbe truth, 1 don't," and as it was the first time be had seen her since she got back, tbe suggestion uttered struck him with some alarm. "Did yon ever stop to inquire/' she began again, "into the iucboation or the rudiuientary ineipieuts of the rhapsodical coagmentatinus of your thoughts of love " "Well, not to spealt of." he said. "Then, if there is one drop of blood iu your heart that pulsates for me if there is ore concest, nooscopic or psycological, that in the incogitancy ot your dreams or iiAhe perquisition of your walking hours, absorbs a thoMght of me, I beg that you would eliminate aay abstruse or equivocal particles of distrust trom the profound ard ah tr^nspicious abuormality of your love." ^^\^ "Great heavens, Maria, have youH^' swa'lowcd a dictionary " "No I have not," she said, with a lookofslern and forbidding displea- sure "I have been to the school ol pb"osopby at Con'-ord." Chicago Inter- Ojer.o. mm HoNcr-ED AVD Blest. â€" When a boiird of emiient physicians and chemists announced the discovery 'Liunn»ri â- â- -V ..!-**♦-* -L,'.; ,t*..^,.••:^â- !•â- .;^,vI;^iâ- ,„^,i, "â- ^:.-,^'.» â- ^â- â- m-'-^-xz .: ,♦ » .1 oenter of the earth. Oa the Unrd day all river creatures and on tbe fourth all aes ereatans will perish. On the fifth tbe birts wUl die, on the sitth the houses will fall ia, on the seventh the rocks will be deft, on the eighth there wiU be a great earthquake, on the ninth all the mountains Willi fill uj, on tue tenth all men will become dumb, on the eleventh the graves will be opened, it will rain itars, on the thirteenth all man will die, on the fomrteenth Heaven and earth will be barued. and finally will follow rSenr- rjction and tha d»y of judgment. i** THE MARIEtS- MABKDALfi. VsioAT, Imto 10, 1881. ^, â- â„¢ " 6,»6 to 6.76 Uprmg Wheet per basli., ii«w 1.10 »c 1.6 FaU do.- Uarley Oats Peas Potatoes. Butter, per lb Eggs, per iloz. *;...:... Pork, dressed, s. Beaf Oeese per lb Ducka, per pair ForwU, per pair ...i.^.i. Turkeys, nor lb Sheepskins ...i.i.ti Hides i. Grass seed, •lay Wool ......... Green Apples, per. bushel Lard i i Tallow Dry Cord Wood do. do. 1.10 to 1.16 J.0e 0.30 o.ao 0.30 0.17 0.19 7.00 4.^ 0;0S ' 0.10 ' O.ao 0.07 050 e.oo 3.0O 10.00 d.33 0.50 o.io 0.06 l.SO 0.65 O.S-2 0.60 0.36 0.00 0.00 7.8S 6.50 0.00 0.4C O.M 0.07 0.60 7.00 8.40 It.OO OM 0.75 o.id o.ot 0.00 that by combiniug some well known va'uable remedies, the most woilder- fu'i medicine was produced, which would cure such a wide range of dis- eases that most all other remedies could be dispensed with, many were skeptical but proof of its merits by actual tiial has dispelled ail doubt, aud to..day the discoverers of that ///•('((« miilirine. Hop Bitters, a^e honor- ed aud ble.-Bjd by all as benefactors. â€" DeiuDcrdt. jiiuc-A-r-uic. A HrSBANO WHO LAfOirEO Several men were making oit- chases in a Michigan avenue sto-e yesterday, wlian a man who had bejn looking oL't 01 tbe wiadow for some time turned and Kaid '•Well, tl'afs a bud case." "What is it?" enquiiedtwoor three atonco. "Well, I dou't know who is the hus- band of this woman ouL here in tbe w.i^on, but if I were he I'd go across the sticct aud binasU that fellow's liead." "Why?" " "Wtiy. because he hag been work- ing like a bc.-.Ttr for this last half hour to get up a flirtation with her." At this ouo ot" the men began to chuckle. Then the chuckle ran into a h'ligh, and f'ually he had to sit down. "Whai's- ihe matter with you?" iome oue askud. "Way; I'm â€" I'm that womans hus- band." "Aro yon .*nd you are laughing over the flutation 1" •Jâ€" I can't h.iip 't," he said as be went ofl into a'lother fit. "Just thitk of hira a fli-ting aud a 8t»-utting up and down and a doing thepurty when the old woman out there has been stone blind for seven years â€" ha I ha.' ha 1 "â€" M. Quad- Flour, per bbl. Spring Wheat pier bash., do. do. J?'LESHERTON. 'orrected veeltly for the Sianda-d by R. j. SprouU, Flesherlon.) Thubsdat, Jane 18th 1881. •6.60 to le-QO 1.08 toi 1.15 1.08 " 1.15 0.60 " 0.05 0.34 " 0.S6 0.jjO " 0.55 0.30 " 0,30 O.ie " 0.18 0.12 " 0.12 7.00 " 0.00 4 00 '• 5.00 0.60 • 1.25 i.rtrt '• 7.00 6.00 " 9.00 2.00 •• 2.'*0 0.21 •• 0.25 0.10 " 0.12 0.05 " 0.07 Fall do. Barley Oats Peas Potatoes Butter, per lb. Eggs, per doz. Poik, dressed. Beef Sheepskins Hides Hay Timothy seed, WojI Lard Tallow SPECIAL K0TI0B8. llotbera! MotberafIl MotbenM Are yon disturbed at night and broken of ybor rest by a siek child soilenng and crying with the exortieiating p«in of entting teeth I If M^so at ouoe,aD^ g«\ • bottle of JIBS. WINSCOW^ BOCnBOfO SYBUP. Il will retl«T« tbe'poor little taflerer immadi- atelyâ€" depend apoo it there is no mistaie •boat it Thert is not a mother cpou earth who has ever used it, who will not tell yon at oneethatit will reg-^i«te the bowels, and gire rest to the mother, and reHef and health to the child, operating Use magic. It is pM- faetly safe to Oae in aU MM,naid pUasant to t^' state, and is tke prSieriptioa of one of \h0 oldest atfn beet fenale ^^ywiemis md nitraes ia the United States. SoU every â- wkereatMeeirtaabottle. 80 ly BEESTahd CflfUfOBT iorAm SOTFElilMd Br«wa'i H*itfM;k*l« Piduiccal bs ilo equal for relierin:; pain, both inter- nal and eztemaL It cures pais, in the Side, Back or Bowels, Sore Throat, ltheuma:tism, Toothache, Ijira)lago and any kind of a Pain or Ache. "It will most sarely qaickeU the Blood and heal, m it* acting power is won- derfnL" " Brown's Houseliold Panacea," being (cknowledged as tbe gi eat Pain Iteliey- er, aoi of doable the strength of any other Elixer or Liniment in the world, should be ia every family handy for use when waited " as it really is the best remedy in the world for Cramps id the Stom.ich, Knd Pains aud Aches of aU kinds," and ie for sale 'oy all IiArnggists at 25 ceifts a bottle. 30-lv THE K8T PAPERI TIT Tl BBAUllFULLY ILLUSTBATED' 8e^ YEAB. STARTLING DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A Ti6ttin of joottfid Inipmdcnoo cnufac PmDB" tne Decay, Umvtut t»lait7, LoM Manbooil, etc b»Tiag trlfd In Toia ercry known remedy, ba« dis- eOTCicdssimi^MlfciivkWhkiibewiU sead FBEI to hi* «BltoW«iiAren, â- ddiasa J, H. REEVE*. 4S Oatfcam St.. N. T. DUNDALK MARKETS. Fail wheat 90c to «1.03; Spring wheat »t to 81.06; Barley 5i»e to 70c Pens 58c to .5')c; Oats 23c to 33c Pork »7.25 to J7..50; Po»a toes per bag 60c to COc; Butter 17c to 8c; FIpjjs 00c to 18c; beef 5o to uj-c: sheep ckins 75t^ to Sl.on; hides 57.oo; gra r seed 52.50 lo '-2." H.iy *7.oo to 7.5o; wool 2ic to 28c; liinl loe; t.illow 6o- TORONTO. {Cpe^idl to the Standard.) TonosTO, Juno 9, .1881. Whoat.faU, per bush «1 30 to 91 33 V/iieat, spring, do 1 30 to 1 33 Barley, do 75 to 86 Oats, do 42 to 44 Pen.' do 75to 80 Rye, do 69 to 93 Clover Seed do oo to 00 Dressed hogs, per 100 lbs... 8 50 to 00 r)e.'{, hind (luarters 7 50 to 8 50 Beef, fore quarters 00 to d oo Chickens, per pair o 4a to 65 Fowls, do 00 to Oo Dncks, ppr brac?...v Oo to Oo Geesr. eacli 00 to Oo Turkey .s 00 to 00 Buitcr. largo roU.s 00 to 00 Liuttcr, tub dairy 13 to 15 Butter, store-packed 00 to 00 Eijgs, fresh, per doz li to IB Eggs, pnckoil o 00 to 00 .\Vplo.3. per brl 2 oo to 2 5o Potatoes per bag 40 to 45 Onions, per bag 1 60 to •i Oo Hav 8 00 to 11 00 11 n v.nue of Itaviug til' crossing. jield will be above an average. Mark- sSt, *-"iARD ofllce, ia now being 'fofward and will be aompleted " lUoiuli, the proprietor has avo It built larger than l*»tor^ ,...11 â- ••â- ohr. iilf ' """' '"' atl bas there P'^-1 s:x fct to the length. ^•^C S.n;in, I ON THE HyMEN- [jy **--~Last week Mr. C. Greg- ""'J'^r. of Toronto, took to him- A Fool omce More.â€" For ten years my wife was copfined to her bed with such a complication of ailments tLat no doctor could t5ll what was the mat- ter or cure her. and I used up a sma'l fortune in humbug stuff. Six mouths ago I saw a U. S. flag with Hop Bit- ters on it, aud I thought I would be a fool once more. I tried it, but my folly pi-oveil to be wisdom. Two bot- tles cured her, she is now as well and stronf as any man's wife, aud it cost me julv t.voauil..r.ssuch folly pays." â€" H. W., Detroit, Mich.â€" /•';»« Preas. »»irp ouu of onr esteemed yoang ets are on the ri.se aud will likely rule high through the season. Threshing is now the order of tue day. Farmers are looking pleasent, and why should they not. There is no time a man can look pleafent so easily as when he is in tbe midst of' prosperity. The Saddkst op S.\d Sigutb.- The arey hairs of age being brought with sorrow to the crave is now, we are i'lal to think,, becoming rarer every vear as the nso of Cingalese Hair Re- storer becomes more k'eueral. By iw use the scanty locks of age once more resume their former Co '« and tl.c haiV becomes thick and Inxnnant as ever • with its aid we can now defy the change of years, resting assured that no Grey "'" »*, "" 'i?^. "" come to sadden us. Sold by all Drug- gists, 50 cents a bottle. Accident.â€" A son of Mr. Wm. Douglaw, ivge«UbKit lOyaara, wliiie playing in'tbeyardj,«tejpp»4opia piece of broken glhss, inflicting a wound an inch iu depth to tbe sole of his foot, severing an artery. He bled profusely. D(. 8fronle waa callpd in who sac- ceedeil in stopping l!ie "Ue d^ng by compression, as it was unpossible to pick up the artery froflaihe- nJitnrt,a* the wound., ThiH shonM be a waJfnmg I earafol aa BeWARB. â€" 'be Yankecpatoat right men are on the war pat'i, tbe farmers should bcwaie. Their modus oper- HuJi in tliis c.^scp-e a't follows: A .nan ropie.spu'ii'g biL'se'/as ijene-Hl fsreuk for Aver's ghaiprneis, «i«,'i 'leadquar- ters «t f oro 'tn, cat's aud desires bis iatonded vicJii to become a J agent for a township, and on inducivg hitr to become s pr idnces a racmoraud- um of a.i ord-r of a q.^avtci oi" a givss of tbe sli;" .» iip"s wirii an agreement A W.ichr*. SlnawlBttanSLM, WUt.M.tU PSllS, lalUSloSKoldtS. SoiUKOldtll. ChM^Mt »td bMl .^ tor yomr owm BM or WMwl.tlv. purpoarc V.l vhl. c.l* 1^1 M PLE 9. i will mail (Free) the recipe for i simpl Veoetab..* BAi-M..that will lemove Tan FBECKLkS. PIMFLES and BiiOrcHKS, leav- ing the xkin soft, clear and benntifui also instractions for producing a luzL.aiant growth of hair on a bald lie^d ^^r smooth face. Ad- dress, enclosing A 3c. stamp, Ben. ^aridelf Co.., 6 Be*kman st.. N. Y. '.( n THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. Trb oisiiTino AmBeicah is a large .Vrst- dasa Weekly Newspaper H Sixteen Paget, printed in the most beautitol style, yrtftuety iUuttrated vith ipUndid engravingi, repre- senting' the newest luyentions and the most recent Advances in the Arts and Bdenoes inelsding New and Inte^estiog FaetsisAgri- miUore, Hortiealtare,- tbe Home, QeiOtb; Medieal ProgreBS, Social 8eieii66, Hatoral History, Geolo^, Astronomy. The lAioel valnatile practical papers, by eminent writera in all deptrtments of Science, will be found in theSeientifie AmerioaA. Turms, 93.30 per yeaf Vi.M half year, which inclades postage. ti^scoin(tB to Agents, SiL-ale eoppies, lOc Sold by aB Hewsd eal- em. VMm by peetal order, to I^TrM CO Publiahare, 87 fork Bow, New York. PATENTS-tio^-wT^S. c entlflc Aftieritan. H^s$f«. Krmii Co. are olicitors of American and For- olgn Patents, have had 35 years experience, end hste.the largest estabJi^liment in the #oTld. Parents are obtained on the best terms. A special notice is mode in the Scientific Americnii of all inventions piltented through this Agency, with the name and residence of the Patentee. By the immense circulation thus given, pablic attention is directed to thi merits of the new patent, apd soles or intreidaetica often easily efieet«d. Any person who has made a aew distove- fy ot invention, con ascertain, free of charge, whether a pteiit can probably be obtained by writing to Mcnn 4 Co, We also send free onr Haind Book about the Patent Laws, Patents, Caveats, Trade-Marks, ther costs, and how procured, with hints how to procure andvanoes on inventions. Address fur the paper, or concerning patents, MUNN CO.. 37 Park Bow, New York. Branch Office cor. F and 7th sts.j Wash- ington D. C. TERROR OF YOUTH. A GENTLEMAN who Bn»erre(t for year- from Nervous DEBILITY, PREMA- TURE DECAY, and all the effects of youth- ful indiscreiidn, will for the sake of suffering humanity, send free tf all who need it, the recipe aiul directions for making the simple remedy by which he was cftred. Suffering waiifflin^ ap advertiser's expeii- ence can o so ot addressing in perfect con- fidence, ' JOHN p. OGDEN, 20-It 42 ©edar st. New York AGBNTS WANTED. -Big pay.â€" Light \Verk. Steady Employment, Samples free. Address, M. L. BYBN, 46 Naussan Street, New York. 20-ly TO CONSUMPTIVES. The adxertiser, having been permanently cured ot thatdread disease. Consumption, by a simple remedy, is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferer.i the means of cure. To all who desire it. he will send a cojiy of the prescription used, (free of charge,) with the directions for piopairing and using tlnJ same which they will find n Slre Cure for Co;--- SCMPTIOM, AsTHltA, BaoNCHlTtS, Ac. Parties wishing the Prescription; will please address, Bev. E. A, WiLiOu, 149 Penu St., WiUiamsburgh, N. Y. '^ly CHURCH DIRECTORS. that as ho :]s 'lien he is to remit -oM schoo,„..te) .nss Efiza- *° j^Pl^tl '?,rJi*fLX ^Wsirouij. eldest daughter I "*• -\rm8tron.-» r" them of 6f this place. a long and hapf y hfe. to where thev throw their broken glaae. The little lellow is dom« pretty well, bat will have to be kept very qmet for inree or four weeks. one ball the proceeds to the co'npaoy at tDFonto aud k^^sp tho other Iriif. A few (lays after auotlitT ma i calls represeuhng Ijiji.snif atton-ey f-" the company, au.! prodnci.ig ab^'I ofsbip- meiit d .-.u i;i U immeJi.itJ p.iyinciit for the goo'ls or a noto for the same whicii, il' iMlO'nn'ied wiMi, en- deavors l fri::^l.te'i bis victim ito ravment by thro.ts of legal proced ing*. Scvi-nil io the neitfliborhoo.! of'FnU.ou. Liicohi cdimty. have I'ceu viclimized '.o t'jc estnnt of $198.â€" tfiectator. I u rn* â- " And now an old lUlian prophecy bas been raked np aud this little globe is to 1.0 relieved from further duty oo the 15iii|««j ff**^" ^^- Th* |)rop%fy%aJfaT«|r*On tbefourteeutft ceutury by Leonardo. Aretiuo. who, it U*Wiraca wa« tbe "boas" prophet of 11 le country at tbe time. The eooree of destrnStiou will last for fifteen days on the first day the sea will overflonnits-.bTttnd-wies, and y\ the seeoD^^^iirM-^^weeraU avm to tha MONTHLY CATTLE FAIRS. Durhamâ€" Third Tuesday in each month. Priceville â€" Monday before Durham. Hanover â€" Monday before Durham. Mount Forestâ€" Third Wednesday in each month. Guelpb â€" First Wednesday in each month. Harristonâ€" Friday before the Guelph Fair. Draytonâ€" Saturday before Guelph; Elora â€" The day hefore Guelph. Douglas â€" Monday before Elora Fair, Hamilton â€" Cyrstal Palace Grounds- the day after Guelph. Berlin â€" Frst Thursday in each month. Brampton â€" First Thursday in each month. Listowel â€" First Friday in each mouth. Fergus â€" Thursday following Mount Forest. Rosemont â€" Fifteenth of February, April, Juno, August, October and De- cember. Priinrose â€" Wednesday preceding the Orangeville Fait. Orangevilleâ€" The 2nd Thursday in each month, Fleshorton â€" Monday before Orange- ville. Dundalk- Tuesday before Orangeville. Shelburneâ€" Wednesday beforOrange- v=lle. Marshville â€" Second Wednesday in each month, Walkertonâ€" The la sJ Wednesday in each month. Mildmayâ€" Last Wednesday «tf each month; caiaST CHUBCH. Services- J^ept. 2'6, 10:30 a. ni.; Oct. 3rd, 6:30 p. m.; 10th, lOrSO a. ra.; 17th, 10:30 a. ra.; 21th, 6:30 p. m.; 31r,t, C;.^0 p. m.; Nov. 7th 10:30 a. m,; 14th, 10:30 a. m.; 2l8t, lo;3o a. in.; 38th, 6.3o p, m.; Dec 5th, 0:3«« p, m.; lath, lo:8o o. in.; l9th, Jo:3o a. m.; 27tb, 6:3o p. m, Sabbath School, 2:36 p, m. Rev. James Ward, InCrnnbeut. CANADA METHODIST CHUBCH. Services every al)bUh at l,):3o a. m., and 6:8o p. ni. Sabbath School at 2:3o p. m. G. S. Bowes, Superintendent. Praver Meet- ing, Thui sday Evenings at 7:So. Bey. N.A- McDiarmid, Pastor; PEIMATB'E METHODIST, Services every 1st and 3rd Sabbath at 3 o'clock p. m. Every 2nJ 4th Sabbath at lo:3o a. m., in the Orange HaU. C. Gi Gar- nett, Past6r. PEESBYTEBIAN. Services in Duflerin Hall every Sabbath at 6.30 p. m. Sabhath School at 2:3o p.m. Praver Meeting at 6:3o p. m. Bible Class on Fridays at 7:3o p. m. ST. JAMES CHUBCH DUNDALK. Servicesâ€" 11 o'clock a. m. July 24th and each alternate Sabbath, W. Bevatf, Iiicnnib- ent. H Q Horse-Shoeing a Specialty- Markdale, Jnne^ 1881. 14 tf P B *^ p ft B TAILORING O. A. OWEN, Fashionable Tailor, HAVING rented the Tailoring Depait- ment over McForUnd's store, wishes to inform the pnbUc of Markdale and the surrounding country, that he is prepare to FILL ALL ORDERS Promptly and Tastily C U T T I N G! Boae w U wtttomers are waiting. THE UTE8T FASHION PUTE8 Aiwafs OB hand to ebose fromj Cathartic Pills Combine the choicest cathartic prinri;)lp8 in ineilicine, in proportions accurately ad- justed to sccuro activity, certainty, and uniformity of effect. They are t!ie result of years of careful study and pracfieal ex- periment, and are the inost efteotual rem- edy yet discovered for diseases caused liy d^ranjomeut of the stomach, liver, nati lowe!s, which require prompt and cffeetun'i trerttiiient. AvEit's Pili.s are specially appHi-ablc to this clas.s of disea.sc^. They aet directly pii the digestive and assimi- lative jiroeirsscs, anil restore n'gMl'.r it;«ltliy aetioiT. Theif fj^tenrivs ustj liy phy.sN-iJtnS In their pijefice, and Iiy a;I civilized nations, ia one ol tlic inii:iy proofs of their vdlue as a safe, sure, and perfectly reU.'ililo' purgative iiiedieinn. Being coinpotiiided of the cone^utrated' virtues of purely vegetable 8ul)staiues, they .irft poaitively free from ralomol ot anv injurious iirojiertio.s, .nnd can be admlu- Ist'ered to ehlltlreu with perfect safety. AvKu's Pn.LS are an effectual cure for ponstipatiou or Costivcness, IndlKes- tlon. Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite, Foul Stoinnch and Breath, Dizziness, Ileadacbe, Loss of Memory, Numbness DUiousness, Jaundiro, Ithcumatlsin, Kruptions and Skin Diseases, Dropsy, Tumors, Worms, NeiiralsiH, Colir, Gripes, Diarrhceo, Dyseiiter.v, Gout, Piles, Disorders of the Liver, and all other diseases resulting from a di^lordered •tate of the digestive apparatus. As a Dinner Pill they have no equal. While gentle in their action, these Pills ore the most tlioriiush and searching cathar- tic that can be emiiloyed, and never give pain unless the lioweis are infl.imed, and then their inHuenco is healing. They stimu- late the appetite and digestive orgiinsr Ihey 6perate to purify and enrich the bhxxl, and impart renewed health and vigor to tbe trboie tij-steiri. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass. SOLD BT ALL DRUGOIbTS ETSRyVHKBS. Sbs^.iA*i^! A FULL i^SOBTMBNT IS THSl ?OLLOWIKa iStCtH tBPT COilnAlKllf ON HAND Dy^ Stuffs, Paints and Oii^, Patent iledicinesf/ "ohoo Boooks, Stationerjf, â- ,:â- â- :-: Fancy 66ds!; Toilet Articles, i;; v. Pure Drugs and Chemicals/ Choice Teas and Tobacco^/ Agents for Vicker's Express knd Montreal Telegraph Companies. V $\ A. TURNER CO. Markdale. Aug. Srd. Itel. .^ 19 .^ JUSf ARRIVEd â€" â€" ^at the " ' â- V. 'TOEONTO HOUSE/ MARKbAL fi A SPSENDID LOT OF \,.. • V*. BOOTS and SHOES SUITABLE FOii r viy " Fall and Winter Trade f WHICH Wn-L BE SOLD AT Prices tUat Cannot Fail to Attract Attentidii; -o- Iritending purchasers should see our goods arid ^fittif before buying-. •'•/ "T â- " â- ' *• -..j" yy S- Wm- BROWM; Marlidnle, An^iast, 3rd "18H1. -*.' • *^j. .., r" V A Good Fit Gaaranteed LOW HATBS. 13'Bdmember the Place. Over McFariand'8 Store. Ifaikdale June 16. 1881. 40-tf THBEfe gvod Store liif' -,; Applyettbe .-- ' 4-al-*. Bobt. S. Rae, TAIL OR, Sydenham Street^ MABKDALBs Markdak July 7, 188:. Ai^rS THE TEN ,,, Insurance CommandmentSi 1. Thoii shalt insure thy real and personal estate arid al that thou hast against fire, for â€" Defending thyself from misfortune until old age, Thy happmess shall equal thy wisdom. 2. Thou shalt not insure more than thou dost possess, (of insurance is a business wherein thou canst not make monty/ This is simply thy duty in order to preserve what thou hast acquired. Preserve that tfrhicli thoii sliait acquire,' "' Wbodo is prudent guardeth bis goods. 3. Thou shalt not insure less than thou -lost possess â€" for whit Ifaoo doM not insure, will not be paid in case of loss. Though poverty is not a vice To lose all is hot a pleasure. ' ' â- 4. Thou shalt not make excessire declarations of raltle re^ie^tiDg thy proi erty in case of fire but thou shall state truly that which belongs to ibie, Uui tLou mayest not have a lawsuit or gain a baid rejiutation ,,. .. ,,.^. As we make ourbod so must we he. »" â- • 5. Thou shalt also exhort thy neighbors, thy friends, and thy Msiiidiu to insure themselves, that they may escape Joss, and that poverty through • loss by fire be not laid to thy charge. That which comes by the flute goes by the dmm. 6. Thou shalt not backslide, nor hinder thy neighbor from making all Ibesc insurances, for those who are so iniprovideut as not to insnfre are thoM who are must visited with Ihsscs no one pities their conditidf?.' Those that ate beaten pat (he fine. »- .. •â- I ... 7. Thou shalt Hot search for evasion to itet rid of the expra*^ of iorar»aa^» lor it is low in proportion te thy position thou canst put by as much aa the value of tbe bottles oi wine thou drinkest, and then wilt then h«ve safB- cient for all,,thy insurance. Tbe pitcher ihiii goes often to the well must u tbe end be filled. 8. Thou shalt regard the expense of insmanee Uke the expense of thy iami and drink ' and as thou canst riot do without these, because thou hast hnxigtr, and tbisft tbou ^Jllt not motk hesitate about insiuruibe, beeaoM it wfll gir* thee security, tepose, feonsoUtion, and aid. In tiiiist and inirtortUBe .,.• .-ti: A pear in rfcserve i» a pleastirs. ' ' 9 Thou shall be earefifl Wh«n tbou insnrest (hot thou seUeiest a reliable iai â€"i»mm- panv and that tHe afent is on honest ona. t)ecii»s« in so doing m ease of a.loea thv mmtf shaU not have been paid for nought, and il tbckt loae thy proper^ and not(«t thy ^k «t- onoe thonwill be poorer than a eliureh rat. If thou fallest hi to poverty People will cAre but httle for tb^ 10 Tbon shall do all thy insurance with Itokert ^Nlwlit tha O f wvsra M St mi Land and Insuronoe Agent at Fleeherton, forâ€" i He represente only tbe best eomyanies, aM .. â- ,•- Hagasfds well his 1 atrons' interests. " ROBT. DAVIS.' ., Onvevaoeer. Commieeioner in B. B.. Beol Estate, Lmo. »ad»af ApA FMUKatf Bnuiab iaoe, EuUedge's Hotel. Markdale, every Thwaday. Resherion. Feb. 9. l«l' «MI_ ... tu" • 1 ' •♦f t- %•*- -Tnu' II"' I .;„wiSir° r H? ejl -.â- "â- • Qf-f '^: HAIR CUTTIHG AND SHAVING -.-iV-' Wed»fi»v» mU Siburdaj/i, Hy TTUo: fir Orders iUed ior Tecvb SAYETOUROmSmiS. Jte. T. 0. MotVHi. bMs te is vt tpttti *»mm «p landi pidts. AeaB fa ssBiilii *-.'3 Mr. l25^..ff if-"' f .â- /«iiiai,iMt. .«J--?2 r :i^r i Mfl»jvMaapi««nd^.«ttMM^iir 1. slJ» .i-a: .-tii: ^â- ^â- â- ^ â- »Jfe ' iTiriiBTlfa