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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 19 Aug 1881, p. 2

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 ovtB' premiseslTDr Q » usy to gi^^ Sp^ ^^» dispose ^J^ .?H at* '«st "-f3^' *-- -•ecc: f y. â- f.- I' In the meantime Goods are being cleared out to make room for tli^lai*ge slock which is now being selected personaUy by Mr. Mc- Farland from the largest houses in Europe. [^ I Nineteen Papa, HI I^S- Board can brw I ^« Ml. Forest. Aag i,. "^j Extract ,^, Cures Uhofera.ChSmllL sentery, Cramps, Co/;c S nf."°"d Summer CompiZl Cholera hfantum. Si\ plaints peculiar to ckildZl ing, and will be fyZ, beneficial for adutU or t FOR SALE BY AU DIM T. MILBURNfti, ^!!!!i|^Tt ' MARKDM MarbleWoi Monuments, i-" cMTV U'?CTi|tii'n of To FIRST-CLJU mil lit rt'aonaUe .r»le«. 0-d«n 1 \ii r stnt by mail will f* i Satisfaction Gua S/i..;. iirxt dni,r to FuriTll W. UOHNSTOI, Vii'tuale. Ang. U!ih.l881. THE KEY TO H! BUROOGK Vn\(y:Vi all the clo«rf t Bowels. Kidneys *^J^\ off griduilly without «««™J"1 all the impuriliei md «« "T" #?cretions »t the »»«*."£ '_^i Acidity of the St«a«ll=««l ousness, DTapeP*** tiness, Hoartwm DryncM of tlw »""-^y cess of Vision. Janndic* 8^ Erysipelas, SorofoU. '"JJ the Heart, NerTon«af«T^^ Debility :.«nthejiet»i-»y lar Complaints Tie"' '" '*J5{| cf BUEDOCK BLOOIW^ Sample Bottles 10c, Be|W rot sale by all '«'"' V. ac».. il; III jti-i-p' ,oU»^ ,lyT«fc.1*^ ,p; OTHER NOTICES. rcrowd in town yesterday yeb»daca)^fromMr.^\atson, [,,^ ileaford .Vonitor on Monday. L' W. Uulledge has of BuBOLABT. â€" On Sanday night the store of Richard Hotter, Owen Sound â- naa entered by burglars, and a smaU quantity of money taken. Owen bound appears to be infested with a nest of burfi[lara, as not a week passes without the papers recording one or more cases of the kind and no clue to the perpetrators. What are the Owen son, realizing 230 bushels. How does the experience of other farmers cor- respond with this The hack wheat was a trial, and at tho rate of yield recorded cannot be regarded as salis- factory. Mr. Sealcy sys the oats in his district have neyer turned out bet- ter. He has several magnificent fields. As to tlie time foi fall wheat sowing, bis long experience has taaght him that early seeding is by far the best. SPECIAL NOTICES. Sound jTolice doing. We believe they '^^ always tries to sow betwee the Iht Bold hi:* farm j^^^^.g ^hief of police and three ^• w uuiieoge ii»3 "â€" â€" iiuvu a vujci ui i;uuce ana luree or )(,ple Leaf) to J. C Thibaudcau' for f^ur constables, and yet burgelers are that oil. ,l,aler3 for "Castorine" n,l. and see that the barrel C.istoriuo." as uoue other 'uonnt Forest High School re-opene X.Ui. See advertisement manoth- '%« I8tb has aarived. but where l'^Dapand .now st.,rm c^iti, commencing to. come in, Jlepnce asked for it. Toiwsio '"I company, are BOle ttartr. of "Castorine machine lo»'"JJj^ge,iient3 will bopr )8ecuted, FMiesi' Siianalian appears to bej .^./ufflbcfcf Btyhsh rigs he turns ocf .us J'" I o»cl"n« I ^genuine. W J McFarland. Esq., was to sail U'Ltverpool yesterday, the IHlh „j,ge home. ScB^-aiBK f'r the SrANDARO the best i^ pat-or in this section of the '^ty. To llie end of the year from aiMiy^" «"it8. wjvjuieiitd are constantVy, being ^ta t!iu manufacture of stee! pens. fffifsr-oks are of superior excellence f^fiilubvall Btatiouer.s. n'l! tH3 wp«-k publish a v.i v iiiter- M-au Inter from our csteeraoJ towus- jia \V .1. McFarlaud, lisq., wlio is :.,»onav.3ittothe Old Country. 'uc llev., S.Fi'-htr, Pnmilivo Me- uoJh: mi..ister,will pnacli m Ora.-e 3411 ... Sal.balh u.-xt, id :J o clock p. All an- kindly iuvited. L\g "t\i-torino" Machine Oil. for of machinery, it is also ex- h;irii- an'l yeatlu'1-. d woatlier proof, of almost daily occurrence, and yet the aforesaid police hare been unable to find any cine; ' Qlite an exciting incident occurred at the residence of one of our vil- lagers on Tuesday night. The head of the family was sitting quietly enjoy- ing his evening smoke and conning over the colmnsof the Mad. His better half was at the oDher end of the table, like Queen Dido, darniug a hole in a stocking, and the two boys were sit- ting at the back door laying out plans for the morrow, and searching for the comet. Suddenly the quiet Serenity of the fccene was disturbed by a fearful scream and in tushed the two boys with palid faces and protruding eye' balls. With 80u.e difficulty they were quieted and asked what was the mat- ter, oh. such a big black bear made a rush at us and growled. Out rushed the valiiiut father, seaziug an axo as lie went, followed by his wife with a heavy iron poker, and the boys bring- ing up the rear, holding high the lamp so pa and ma could have plenty of hght. After searching all round the premirtes and finding nothing, they looked out on the road, and there spi- ed Mac's'big black Newfoundland dog trotting quietly away with a bone in iiis moutii. Thus ended what ni'.:ht have proved another very exciting bear btory. and 10th Timet, of September.â€" Hamilton THE MARKEtS Mothers Mothers 1 lifothers 1 1 Are yon dirtorbed at night and brokan uf your rest by a sick child snllering and crying with the excruciating pain ol eattinc teeth 1 If so, go at once and get a bottle-of HBS. WmSLOWB SOOTHING 8TBUP. It will relieve the poor Uttle sufferer immedi- atelyâ€"depend upon it there is no mistake about it. Tbeie is not a mother upon earth who has ever used it, who will not tell you at once that it will reg %te the bowel*, and give rett to the mother, and relief and health to the child, ojierstiiig liie magic. It ii per- fectly safe to use in all cases, and {deaaant to the state, and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United SUtea. Sold every* where at 95 cents a bottle. SOly niitk For L-li!i.sed by )ir- for ex inak- For â-  k kinds Iwienl for H it water an Istj by dealers. Tv first lot (f goodK pure IHt.McKuriand while in EiiL'laul iiveakre this woik, and now wo may Bee a big ruih to .Mac's I'sK "Castoiino" Machine Oil ill kiiiiU "f machinery, it is also cjlloiit f'lr liiiriiess and lc;atlier, :3i{i: »;itir and weathxT proof •»l'i bv il:ili'rs. 'Vr],:irn lli:it the skating in Iiiiililkt.-ll i:i one d:iy this week lilha f.arful cr;isli. and is now a! t.tal wreck. This will be a Riri.u Ijjito it propm-tor Mr. John llaii- baK. |!u^iIu^.^ i^ ijofniHig in Markdale ifbavsHolan idle machauic m town, til our lud^^^rll•^, are working tj their. (iilleste\ti lit and they can't keep up iitb tiic ilomaiid, and new indus- tntswJI bo opt uid before the whiter St iu. We see tbc " V. \dreitiser is adver- limgfi.t lo.iKX) servant girls, are yfmi;oMi^ to do with them, •limmv, wisidu'it t;'i(' bo suthcit.'iit, ov are yoa ?aDg Id start a Moriuoru colony of vuui own. ORDINATION AND INDJOTION IN MAliKDALt:. The services in connection with the Ordination and Induction of Kev A. Wilson to the Ministry of B'leshertou and Maikdale congregations of the I'resbyierian Church, took place at tile latttr place, in Diifferin Hall, on Tuesday, the 10th iust., and was large- ly attended by members of the congre- giitioiis and others' An enltrtaiuineut was given in the evening, tea being served from G to b. The fiu was excellent (provided by Mclui.viii and the pastry waj truly rich. .Va.r tea, which was served lu the iu the Hull, all repaired to the upper tloor. and Mr. MelJrum was voted to the chair, which he filled in his nsuul offhand business like manner. He first called on Mr. Snid- el. Presbyterian Student, who spoke lor a short time on the Training of Ctiildren, which was no doubt consid- ered a vey appro|riatc subjeet for a young man. Mr. and Miss Anderson llun gave one of their popular songs, which was appreciated very highly. Mr. Milne, of Maxwell.gavj a reading ill Ills usual masterly manner. Mr. iind .Mrs. Mciiityie gave a iavoritc .Scotch -song, alter which came K.;v. Mr. Chisholm, who stirred t'le miith- lully element, and dwuU particularly on the necessity and beuehts of liber- aud actions of the a song. Dr. Spioule MARKDALE. Fbidat. June 10, 1881. Flour 5,25 to 5.75 Spring Wheat per bush., new 1.13 to 0.00 Fall do. do. do. 1.12 to 1.12 Barley J.45 " 0.65 Oats 0.30 " 0.31 Peas 0.60 •' 0.62 PotatowH. 0.30" 0.35 Butter, per lb.- 0.14 '• 0.14 Ej^gs, per doz 0.13" 0.00 Pork, dressed 7.00" 7.25 Beef 4.50 " 6.50 Geese per lb 0.05 " 0.00 Ducks, per pair 0.40" 0.4£ Fowls, per pair 0.20 â- ' 0.25 Turkeys, per lb 0.07" 0.07 Sheepskins 7d 1.25 Hi.les 5.00 " 7.00 Gra^s fic-a. 3.00" l40 Hay 10.00 '• iO.OO Wool 0.22 " 0.00 Green App?es, per. bushel.. 0.40 " 0.50 Lard 0.10 " 0.10 Tallow 0.06 " 0.07 Dry Cord Wood 1.80 " 0.00 FLESHERTON. {C reeled weekly for the Standard Pv R- J- Sproiile, Flenherton.) â-  ' TiiDBSDAT, June 18th 1881. Flour, per bbl *5.50 to »6.00 Spring Wheat per bu-ih., 1.08 to i.l5 Fall do. do. do. 1.08 " 1.15 B..rley 0.60 " 0.65 Oats 0..34 " 0.36 p,.,,s 0..*) " Potatoes 0.30 " 0.30 Butter, per lb 0.16 " 0.18 Kw^'s, per .loz 0.12 " 0.12 Poik, dressed 7.00 " 0.00 Beef 4 00 " 5.00 Shefpskins 0.60" 1.25 Hi.les 5.00 " 7.00 Hay 6.00 " 9.00 Tiraat'iy Bce.J 2.00" 2.40 Wool 0.21 " 0.25 Lard 0.10 " 0.12 Talow 0.05 '• 0.07 BEST AKD COMFOBT lo thb SUFFEBINO Br*wm's HoMs«h*M PMMScca has no equal for relieving pain, both inter- nal and external. It cures pain in the Side. Back or Bowels. Sore Throat, Rheumatism. Toothache. Lumbago and any kind of a Pain or Ache. "It will most surely quicken the Blood and heal, as its acting power is won- derful." " Brown's Household Panacea," being acknowledged as the great Pain Believ- er, and of double the strength of any other Elixer or Liniment in the world, should be in every family handy for use when wanted " as it really is the best remedy in the world for Cramps m the Stomach, and Pains and Aches of all kinds." and is for sale by all Druggists at 25 cents a bottle. 20-1t The standard IS XHB STARTLING DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. a viotim of yoatbnil Isipmdsnee eanniyi frui^ tore Decay, Merroiu DettUitr, Lost Hscbood, etc. bsving tried in viin every koown remedy, has dis- covered s Eisiple selTcnn, which be wUl send TREB to his feOow-auireren, addniss J. H. BEEVES. $2 wuehn. 8l«wlan(t.ML WkttaBMal %!,. ImiuHootoldM. SolldcaldtlX •looefrM. TWHirwsaoai.: for roar own Ba* or â- pi iu UtlTa pwvMM. ValwM* ««*• 'wSTiMW â- Â«wi««*. ChMMat Bod bMl IM. Vrtl MM PIMPLES. I will mail (Free) tbe recipe for p simple Veoetablk Balm that will rem^e Tah, FRKCRLKS, PIMPLES and BLorrtEs, leav- ing the skin soft, clear and beautiful also instructions for producing a Inx.iriant growth of hair on a bald head or smooth face. Ad- dress, enclosing a 3c. stamp, Ben. YanJelf C»... 5 Beekman st.. N. Y. 20 Iv Best Local Papei^ » f HE COUNTY. SabwrilMln it, oiil7$1.2S p«r uuntm, Persona can enbscribe at any time. THE BEST PAPER I TRY Tl BEAUTIFULLY ILLU8TBATED. 86th Y£1AB. DU.NDALK MARKETS. Fall wheat OOc to 51.03; Spriui; wheat $1 to *l.()t); Bii ley 'lOc to70e IVas .»8c to "i'.)c; 0,it.i -J-c to 3;ic' Pork S7.2." to S7 ".0; Pota- toe-i i)ir li:i(,' lilte to "lOe; liutter 17c to I He; Iv_':.N(i(c l) I'^i-: ln'tf 5c to â- ijc: sheep skins ""ic to â- Jl.o.i; \vh'-i ?7.oo; grass seed J2..i0 to '2.7' Hay â- J7.00 to 7.00; wool 2"ic to ^8c; laj'J loi-. tiiUow tjc- TORONTO. (.rpfvin/ to the Standwd.) TonoxTO, June 9, 1881. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A GENTLEMAN who snflerred for years from Nervous DEBILITY, PREMA- TURE DECAY, and all the effects of youth- ful indiscretion, will for the sake of suffering hiimanity, lend free to all who need it, the reeipe and directions for mdking the simple remedy by which ho was cured. Sufferers wiiib*nin, t no advertiser's expert-! eiice can o so oy addressing in perfect con- lidence, JOHN B. OGDEN, 20-iv 42 CeJar st. New York OF ALL DISCRIPTION, PLAIN anil in COLORS, Exeetit«d with neatness and despatch, at ikt THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN^ Tas ctKXTinc AifsaiCAX is a large VrA- Class Weekly Newsp^fier of Sixteen Pages, printed in the most beautiful style. pro/uM^y illuitrated vith tpUndid enffravings, repre- senting the newest Inventions and the most recent Advances ir the Arts and Sciences incloding New and Interesting Facts in Agri- culture. Horticulture, the Home, Health. Medical Progress, Social Science. Natural History, Geology, Astronomy. The most valoable practical papers, by eminent writers in all departments of Seienee, will be found in the Soientifia American. Terms, 13 30 per year. 91.60 half year, which includes postage. Discounts to Agents, Sir Kle eoppies, lOe. Bold by all Newsdeal- er*. Bemit by postal order, to MUKN CO Publishers, 37 Park Bow, New York. I" A T'Tj^ XTfyC! In connec- il. i HjIM 1 O. tion with the entlflc Amertcan, Messrs. Mdnh #Co. are oUcitor^ of American and For- eign Patents, have liad S5 years experience, •nd have the largest estsbliiliment in the world. Parents ate obtained on the best terms. A spteial notice is made in the Scientillc American of all inventions oatented through this Agency, with the name and residence of the Patentee. By the immense circulation thus given, public attention is directed to the merits of the new patent, and sales or introdmticn often ea^y effected. Any pfeTsOn #ho has nSade a new discove- ry bi invention, can ascertain, free of charge, whether a (itteut can probably be otitained by writing to MtitM it Co. We also send free our Hand Book about the Patent Laws, Patent*. Caveats, Trade-Marks, ther costp. and how procured, with hints how to procure andvances on inventions. Address for the paper, or concerning patents, MUNN CO.. 87 Park Bow, New York. Branch Office cor. F and 7th sts., Wash- ington D. 0. ^^ .AmTZTSi^ M^z^:^. A FDLli A8S0BTMBNT IN TBiE FOLLdWttfd ON HAND LINGS KEPT CONSTANTLT ACCENTS WANTED. -Big pay.â€" Light Work. Steady Emr-loj-ment. Samples free. Naussan street. Address, M. New York. L. BYUN, 46 20dy a'.ity in the lives Mr. people. .\1. i'.. spoke a few words iu a masior- ly manner. Misses llorke Lazier DiU'tte. liev. McDainuid,(Metli-dist), al'ew words, especially congratulating egtf eoiigietiutions on their very wise and judicious choice of a minister, in the person of Mr. Wilson what ' Aniierson we;e again jgave anotherthrillmL' Scotch Hong.and were not permitted to take tueir seats again in the congregation but were ITSucliored and kindly obeyed tho re- Wlieat.fnll, per bush ?l 20 to «1 22 Wheat, si'riiig, do Barley, do. Oats, do Peas, do Bye, do Cievrr Si'od do I're '(•d li!Ks, er 100 I'o^.. lio'it, hind ij-.iiirters I'eef fore qiiai !â-  is C'hitkeus, p^ r pair Fowls, d.) Piurks, per brace ..â- .,. (ieese. eaeli I'm keys Butter, larne 'olii Butter, tub dairy llutter. siore-jiacked Et'^s, fresli, per doz Ki^t; *, tracked Apples, per brl I!otatoes 11.' bag Onions, lie. i'ag 11,1V.... 8 00 to 11 00 Mr. Miss called on hud 1 20 tc 1 23 55 to 60 40 to 41 65 to 73 (to to 00 o oo to o oo 8 00 to K 50 C 0(1 lo 7 oo 00 to oo o .S.) to 45 00 to Oo Oo to Oo 0 to Oo 00 to 00 CO to 00 13 to 15 00 to 00 15 to 10 o 00 to 00 2 oo to 2 5o 40 to 45 1 50 to 2 Oo TO CONSOMPTIVES. The advertiser, having been permanently cured ot that dread di«ease, Consumption, by a simple remedy, is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used, (free of charge,) with the directions for prepairing and using the same which they will find r. surk Cube for Cos- SCHrXION, .\STHM.V. BnONCIilTIS, C. Parties wishing the Presftrlption, will please address. Rev. E. A. Wil.-,on, 149 Penn St., Williamsburgh,N. Y. 20-ly CHURCH DIRECTORY. CiiaiST CHURCH. Services â€" Sept. 2G. 10:30 a. m.; Oct. 3rd, 6:30 p. m.; 10th, 10;.SO a. m.; 17th, 10:.30 a. m.; 24th, 0:30 p. m.; 31st, 6:30 p. m.; Nov. 7th 10:30 a. m,; 1 tth, 10:30 a. m.; 21st, lo;3o a. m.; 2Hth,6.3o p, m.; Dec. 5th, 6:3o p, m.; 12th, lo;3o ». m.; 19th, Jo:3o a. m.; 27th, 0:3o p. m. Sabbath I'Jchool, 2:3o p,m. Eev. James Ward, Incumbent. MONTHLY CATTLE FAIRS. quest to the satisfaction of all present. ^wkTu.miaa.Bhoeraakcrs.annonnce! ^.^,^, jj McLeod. Priceville, waa then ti»l tbtv bavc the largest itock of i c^Hcd to the platform, and gave a few they ' remarks in his carnestand appropriate way. Miss Uarke Lezier, were again called on, and rendered a piece ot music which was very highly ap- plauded. Rev. Mr. Wilson then gave a short address, after which one of the most pleasing and interesting events of the sea.son came to an end. All, we believe, were well satisfied with their evenings enjoyment. Iwhar m town. Tliey sny [Ol* specialty, but tajco the same pair;; I "tli uH branches. Se» advertisement (•T »Liuiicr column. i'oHnW Liver and Kidney complaints luil affi ctinus of the Stomach and '"*\\i ur.e the great Dyspepsia reiue- J-7. Dr. Carson'a Stomach and Coiisti- i'ihtm Hitters. In large 8 oz. Iiottles "Utniijiiig 70 teaspooiiful Je^. at 50 |»nt It bottle. A. TrBSER 4t'o., spe- 1^ agents for Markdale. Fifty per cent of the- punils of the I'-Itrkdalo School who went to the late •ivniiiatiou at Owen Sound, succeed I id n passing, two of whom took life 1 cmitiPttea. This is a result unsur- IPMscd, perhaps unequalled by any I Public School in the County, andspo;iks »»11 for tlie teacher of said School Dvs.KrsiA can readily be cnred by I ^mg according to directions Dr. Car- I wn's Stomach and Constipation Bit- *•"• Tbyy areatly aid the digestive PO'crs and tone the whole system. la lari^e y (^^ bottles at 50 cents. For *l9bT A. Ti'RNEB *Co.. special agents ' ^»rkdale. ^»w«sting is well through, a num- ""'iwing already done. The yield. *6i«Jiero, will be over an average, "" tile quality good. Thi^, together "" fine harvest weather is very en- •^arajing to farmers, and in fact to '"• M tile success ol any business in '° »gficii!taial country depends very I *»teriftlly on the prosperity of the iMOcr. Tatae is no better family mcd'cin "'*n Dr. Carson's Stomach and Con I "Pation Uittors. They are taken "'iie by both old and younR. They "•'igot^te the system. They should l?j*"»bly be usod instead of those lit- le Well known nauseous purgatives *^«i pills In large 8 oz. bottles at ' J^ «ents. A. TuBNKB iCo. »««"t«fo, Markdale. "« arc pleased to announce th^ttha o»iug young ladies pa-ssad very "'table ennmiuation and were "*J aeiud.Mtes Mi»« Maggie "*»'», Miss TeKsia LyouB, Mina Fan *Trn{ iiA Miw L'T.a Jane B.uley I ^^ttij JSitaj o»4f con^iuduUtioBB. Tii' Mttii gives currency to the fol lowii.g mcii'ent, which exposes the essence of meanness â€" 'i'he head 1 master of a public school iu a western coc'ily has been rcci^ving $425 a I year, or a irillemore th; i .?8 a week, iu return f.r his servicesas instruct- or of the neighborhood. Just before the holidays, an educational t'-arap offered to undertake tho work fir $400; per annum, or at tho rate of fifty cents per week leas than the master was recieving. Now. if the trustees had been mean men they would have accepted the offer at once. But as there is not a spark of ineaness intheir composition, tli'?y determined to wait upon the schoolmaster and inform him of the lower offer they had ro- cicved. 'J'hcy waited upon him ac- cordingly and told him that he could either continue his position nt reduc ed salary or give to a cheaper man. Next year the trustees will be wondering how it is the school master d)es not preform his duties so heartily and so cheerfully as for- merly. But they will have the satis- faction of knowing they are keeping him humble. There is nothing like compiling the minister and the teach er tp pratice humility. Durhamâ€" Third Tuesday in each month. Pricevilleâ€" Monday before Durham. llnuover â€" Monday before Durham. Mount Forestâ€" Third Wednesday in each month. Guelphâ€" First Wednesday in each month. Harristonâ€" Friday before the Guelph Fair. Draytonâ€" Saturday before Guelph. Eloraâ€" The day before Guelph. Douglasâ€" Monday before Flora Fair, Haniiltonâ€" Cyrstal Palace Grounds- the day after Guelph. Berlinâ€" Frst Thursday in each month. Brampton â€" First Thursday in each month. Listowelâ€" First Friday in each month. Fergus -Tliiii-s.lay following Mount Forest. Uosemoutâ€" Fifteenth of February. April. June, August, October and De- cember. Primrose â€" Wednesday preceding the (n-anfrevi'le Fair. Oran-e\!ileâ€" The "iiid Thursday in each iiijiKh. Flesh' rtouâ€"XJou lay before Orange- viile. Du'idalkâ€" 'Cues lay before Orangeville. Shelburneâ€" Wednesday 1 efor Orange- ville' Mar-liville- Second Wednesday in c:icli month. Walk;iâ€" Thr last Wedncs-V.y in eaeli month. Mildm:iyâ€" Last Wednesday of ca.h niiutli. CANADA METHODIST CHURCH. Services every abbitii at lo:3o a. m., and 6:3 p. m. Sabbath School at 2r3o p. m. O. 8. Bowes, Superintendent. Prayer Meet- ing. Thni sday Evenings at 7:3o. Rev. N.A' McDiarinid, Pastor. PRIMATIVE METHODIST. Services every lat and 3rd Sabbath at 3 o'clock p. m. Every 2uJ 4th Sabbath at lo:3p a. m., in the Orange Hall. Ci C. Gar- nett. Pastor. PRESBYTERIAN. Services in Dufferin Hall every Sahbath at 6.30 p. m. Sabbath School at 2:3o p.m. Prayer M ting at 6:3op. m. Bible Class on Fridays at 7:3o p. ro. ST. JAMES CHURCH DUNDALK. Servicesâ€" 11 o'clock a. m. July 24th and each alternate Sabbath, W. Sevan. Incumb- ent. STANDARD 0£^2^ICB, MARKDALE. If yon wani BILL HEADS. LETTER HEADS, CIRCULARS, NOTES, RECEIPTS, H c s ft p t S Horse-Shoeing a Specialty Markdale, Jnue.\ 18^51 14-tf P ft 1 3 e* V POSTERS SAL£ BILLS, STREAMERS, DODGERS, HAND BILLS. Wheat Experiments. â€" Mr. Sealey, Reeve of Watenlowu. ha-- just thresh- ed out Bcvjn acres of fall wheat cf this year's grotli. The patch rea ized 435 bushelsâ€" an JVVcrageof G9 bushels an a^ie, proving a very good yield of excellent grain. It may interest far to know how the three descrip- tions of seed sown by Mr. Sealey turn- ed out. There was eown on the 7 acres 10 bushels of hack wheat iwlucU prbiqowi 100 "isb da 13 of Fn i, prodnciiig 165 bnsheb* li of Uaw TAILORING C. A. OWEN, Fashionable Tailor, HAVING rented the Tailoring Depatt- ment over McFarland"s store, wishes to inform the public of Markdale and the surrounding country, that he is prepare to FILL ALL ORDERS Promptly and Tastily CUTTING! Door w lie customers are waiting. THE UTE8T FASHION PLATES Always on hand to etwee irom.J PAMPHLETS, PROGRAMMES. Ayer's Hair Yigor^ FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR TO ITS NATURAL VITALITY AND COLOR. It is a most .isrecable dressinp, which is at once harmless and eftectual. for pre- serving the hair. It restores, with the gloss and freshness of youth, faded or gray, light, and red hair, to a rich brown, or deep black, as may be desired. By its use thin hair is thickened, and baldness often though not always cured. It checks falling of the hair immediately, and causes a new growth in all cases where the glands are not decayed; while to brashy, weak, or otherwise diseased hair, it imparts vitality and strength, and renders it pliable. The "ViooB cleanses the scalp, cures and prevents the forniatioa of daudrufT; and. by its cooling, stimulating, and soothing properties, it heals most if not all of the humors and diseases peculiar to the scalp, keeping it cool^ clean, and soft, mider which conditions diseases ot the scalp and hair are impossible. As a Dressing for Ladies' Hair Tlie ViooB is incomparable. It Is color- less, contains neither oil nor dye. and will hot soil white cambric. It imparts an agreeable and lasting perfume, and as an article for the toilet it is economical and unsurpassed iu its excellence. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer h. Co., PracUcal mud Aaalytical Chenlsta. Lowall, Mast. â- OLD BT AU DROaolSTS EVCBTWaiaB. Dye Stufife, ' • • Paints and Oils, Patent Medioinefii/ Schoo Boooks, Stationery, v; Fancy Goods; Toilet Articles^ Pure Drugs and Chemicals, Choice Teas and Tobaccos. Agents for Vicker's Express and Montreal Telegraph Companies. :. V A.TURNER CO. Markdale. An^.ilrd, 1881. f» â-  " â- "-•-â-  ' • -^-â- â- '^~ â- â-  â-  JUST ARRIVED â€" -^AT .THE 'TORONTO house; M ARKD AL r r A SPSENDID LOT OF ' BOOTS and SHOES rSUITAB'.E FOR ' • Pall and Wintef Trade WHICH tnLL BE SOLD AT Prices tbat Gannot Fail to Attract Attention. Intending purchasers should see our goods and prices, before buying ,, f Wm- BRO\^^N Markdale. August. .Srd, 188t. A Good Fit Gnaranteed â€" ATâ€" rS'Reniember the Place, Over McFarland'8 Store. Markdale Jane 16. 1881. 40-tl •OIR T:iBEE good stow pig'*. Apply at tba VISITING CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, BALL TICKETS, Or in tact anytluaf ta th« printing Hoe, dmi't fail to cxM at "tbe Standard OFTICE, i ' Bobt. S. Rae, TAILOR, Sydenham Street, MAKKDALE. Toronto Street, "S 7CS1, ijpaberisiT, aag. KIMBEBLXT mUiS. le 1»8]. 4»*i». MARKDALE Where «e^ work v^ ffawfr^hw viyle ma4 â-  aitf irieM. and ••«|oa'l jm Markdale. July 7, 188* 43.rri THE TEN Insurance Commandments. 1. Thou shalt insure thy real and personal estate and alV that thou hast against fire, for^- Defending thyself from misfortune untfl Old agtt Thy happiness shall equal thy wisdom. 2. Thou shalt not insure more than thou dost possess, for insurance is a business wherein thou canst not make money. This is simply thy duty in order to pieserve what thou hast acquired. FrescrvG that which thou shalt acquire. Whoso is prudeut guardeth his goods. 8. Thou shalt not insure less than thou dost possess â€" for what tbou dost not insure, will not be paid in case of loss. Tbough poverty is not a vice To lose aU is not a pleasure: 4. Thou ehalt not make excessive declarations of value resp^tifa'g thy prop-' erty in case of fire; but thou shall state truly that which telongB to thee, that tLuu mayest not have a lawsuit or gain a bad reputation As we make our bod «o must we he. 5. Thou shalt also exhort thy neighbors, thy friends, and thy relations to insure themselves, that they may escape loss, and that poverty through ar loss by fire be not laid to thy char(;e. That which comes by the- flute goes by the drum. 6. Thou shalt not backslide, nor binder thy neighbor from making all these insurances, for those who are so improvident as not to insure are thoB« who are most visited with losses no one pities their condition. Those that are beaten pay the 6ne. 7. Thon shalt not search for evasion to eet rid of the expense of insorence, for it is low in proportion to thy position tbou canst pat by M mneb t* tht Value of the bottles ot wine tbou drinkest, and then wilt ihen have snffi- cient for all thy insurance. The pitcher that goes often to tke well most in thi Aid ba filM. 8. Thon shalt regard the expense of insuiancc like the extetis« of thy meat and drink and as thou canst not do without these, because thon hast hnnger and tbisrt thou shalt not more hesitate about instirance, beVanto it will give thee security, repose, consolation, and aid. In thirst and miafortuce A pear iu reserve is a pteastfre. ' 9. Thon shall be careful when thou jnsnrest that tbou seleetest £ reliable and mie eoOT' panv and that the afent is an honert one, becaune in so dning in case of a loss tfav tnoatif shall not have been paid for nought, and if thou lose thy property and not gM tby inani" anoe thouwill bo poorer than a diurch rat. If thou tallest into poverty People will care but little for theC. 10. Th«u shalt do all thy insurance with B*hcrt Davia, the Conveyaoeer aiul Land and laBorance Agent at Klesherton, for â€" Ue represents only the Aest compaliies. and Be guards well his patrons' mttrests. '.i ROBT. DAVIS, Conveyancer, Commissioner in B. B,. Beal Estate, Loan, end Ketat« A^eoi. FVshvtou Branch ofiBee, Bntledge's Hotel, Markdale. every Thursday. Fleaherton. Feb. 9, 1881' 33-tf iiiarGuniNG amd shaving SAVE YOUR GOMBINQS. dHMiiiiaiiki6^iMiiiiii ii^^- Wtdn«»iay» and Saturday*, By rriionia.* Smiih. tafOrdma fiJlad for Xoomb Mooes. Mrs. T. O. MociaQ. bapt to the Lad v «f MaiEdale «a4 vie s pn;,arL3 to work im0 ' 4wite]i«s. i-oSs aart sapl i VeaHUioliollBt..- aaoctkioe tbatK ym.. t }: â- 'n.Hi T*

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