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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 12 Aug 1881, p. 3

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 ' r I i^ f^ jimj tif ^. ^.mi- (m CHRONICLES. Hoar mo, ob ye tillers of the soil opeu yu jour ears and barken iatomv vjice I'ut not yoDr trnst io men wlio show nntoye mode's of (-.traoi^e and wona- crfii! iuveutiuus, elr^e vo be bamboo/1- td uTiU JfCJcved. L'M'k n-it upon the in'xlel of tbe luauUiue tlmt ^oetb forth into the field to rf iji and ga!.h«r np tbe sLeaves. Nor upt'D the pamp that reqnireth not hnnjnf^idto sedncc from its snb- lerraneJ^ybpd tbe ppargling waters for the rcfreBhment of lowing kine. Turn ye away from him who pre- fenteth them flee from the sound of hifi velvet embroedered voice. i.' J it bit ye like a bcrpeut and sting yt like th prickings of the concience of iiim who defraadeth the publuber (tnd I'ayeth not his yearly tithes, i'rom bis hps droppeth taflyas drop- tbe sap from the sugar trees m It' 'am]is ot oar fathers. ^SllUn him, oh ye agitators of the «-j)('.dfcd field, fur he will draw over t:,iiiC eyes the fleecy snbstance which J v.ool yea, vi.'iiy, he will horns- V. or.'lo ye with worils that are pleasant i.'ilo tilt ear, Ilu viii hay unlo ye "Sign ye this- to tbe acreâ€" in all 2,000 tfe«a. "Well, how did yoa get your monej back?" I asked. "filack walnuts are worth $2,50 a boshel, aint they Ill get 400 bush- els this year. That's $1,000. A linnJred dollars a year is good rent for land wortn $15 an acre, aint it ?â- ' "Well, what else " I inquired, growing interested. "The trees, • continued Mr. Graves, "are growing an inch a year. When they are 20 years old they will be nineteen incnes throngh. A black walnut tree niutteen inches throngh is worth $15. My 2,000 trees ten y^ars from novr will he worth $30,- 000. If I don't want to cut them all I can cui half of them, and then raise a bushle of walnuts to the tree â€" that is, iret $2,600 a year for the crop. Two hundred and fifty dollars an acre is a fair rent for $15 land, ain't it " â€" Chicago Tiihunt. JUL"i. During this month summer com- plaints commence their ravages. To be forewarned is to be forearmed. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is the host known preventative and cure for all forms of bowel complaints f vl: -It. that ye may act in my stead j ^^^ gicknoss incident to the summer aiiJ .supply tlio toiling masses with my g^jji^cn^ i. tndiv.ork. ".- trvfc ye as my agert, for will ye jioi therefore wax rich will not the tiifvcr and Rold flow into thy oofi'ers. "Sign quickly I beseech yo, that 111. other may not reap the golden h.ii Test in thy stead. '.nd when ye sign or ensjrave upon »lif; covenant thy sial, ho will go on i.'s ay /ej(jcing,caying unto himself: "' trily, did I not strike the duffer hfCi'i.s'Tuely did I not turn the trick i;i !rii ^-np nliape " V.'ii'-n a f'r^iiiglit passe-i the ma- «:!:;•.' s have come not the wonderful liifi-hanism hath failed to meteializ-. !; t in their ^ted there c'mfcth unto IM.rsou cliiilied in liuo raiment ,. look of dignity. ...1 i.r'Hcheth unto ye your own .uant, haying I'.vv unto luu what tlioii owest TEN DAYS TOO LATE. A man who lives m the Saginaw Valley was at the depot to take the train for home. As he was buying his ticket, an old friend who lives here, slapped him on the shoulder and gave him a greeting. After a few salu- *.ions, the Detroiter asked "Have you married again " "No." "Do you want to " "Yes." "(Jome with me, I know a widow whom 1 can recommend." "Can we get hack to tbe depot io fifty minutes " "Yes easily." "Very well lead the way." That's all tlierc was said about it Vli II ye will wax sore afiiiid, and V'li.r h'-arl will be in your hooom as h' " V ub till; biscuit of the amateur 'â-  ..I:' until they reached the Cenlral Market. !e u|. the ducats, else I brm^ yu xi,o Detroiter walked the Valley man e tlie jud'-;e. up to the stiiiid of a well known and '•old hero thy uoto of h iid f^r fair looking widow and said: • "*• "Mrs. IJlai.k, my friend has only a few minutes to spare. You aie a widow " "Yes." "Throe children " ,\iid yo will go di)wn into gar i "Yes." lit-, for scnp iinil jiay tin; ainr»uiit. I "IJoalthy, good natured, and a il, tin- htrair.'i r Wfar.s an electric I uitinbi'r of tha Baptist church ' â- V. ' j "Yes," '.I (I will n th man of raiment "Very, well thir. is Mr. Blank of â- â€¢â€¢U Ih ye will say unto your »ife Sa.'inaw he is forty-.sevtn years old, • ., VLnly, anj not 1 a onfoiir.ilid s(,iiii(l as a dollar, owns a goo.l farm, :. I has two ciiildroii. aud is looking loi aM co.'id wife. Do yoii like his look.s? Will yciu tucon 'age hiin'PDoyou thiuk â- ,'u coiilii love liim Ho jsiua hurry, :ii-d c;in"t fool aw;iy time. Yes or no ?•' "No, " replied the widow, as slie ar- nii;f,'ed her pie i)lant and rudi.Jios "he's ton days to lato I am ongaged to a v.idower iu Tjledo." "That's honest injiin " "True as I live." "Nnff.scd -good morning, and ho li:i., thiity-onu miiiuLcs kfs t'j go to the triini." And Iho S;"'naw w ilowcr picked up hi.s '^r\\. ru'.k iiiid walkel olT with- out a cliM'ige of coiintvuauce. â€" e- t/"i( ill !â-  '/ id she wji] sjftly rop!y, "\x I'Mi voii will .seize vo'irli.di'or and ipoo the deliit ni.f-- thereof: i 'iii(i'i'i 'iishi!!-.^ S7'J2,li( 1 I nri li.e criMlit sid illierof: le in:,'....SH»,'»()l),IJ(hJ,Ol)0,000 ;oi;si WHICH DIDNTCOTCH ON. v. or ,lr.\. I a tlirei' il:t_v.^ n a Imrs' iiii w," eiivjer ill p ii on Woodward Colored iii.t; ami i-.k'!d4iou I'li;^ hi lori' n I .i w.iiil I p,i^-:. '•â-  was told thai â- , 1 ly i 'lit luiiiul"" to wait, ,.1 le 1 sp'iloi d v It ii...s ,ai:i III. aiiiin cl dai 1 • i.iit oil' !.i-, liMWlo .in' 1 w-.v.w •• •• ••e Ito-.v he Will htan' do r.iil- I • •' e-jiiii h 1 1 sien about twenty â- .. iii'r and Wiis a-' tiiin as .sheet inni • i^K re wa-. a •;â-  ner.'il laugh at the 1 f Ills b iiii; afraid of anything. ••â-  iibelesi as tin.' Fjake Shori: train â-  ' .1 '11 llie the old horse •. Iiih head, picked np his ear.; and â-  il ronsideniMy aiiini..tioii. A^^ ' iiu • I ni' 111 si;;lil he b'j-; I'.i l; Ill liir-dnver hiltl a stilV line, â- li.l x-\.\ â-  I :! ' Napoleon ' iat's only dc .11 •' railroad comin' in Steady, what's de use o" p.iutia' on ' ' the train tlmndered in, the horse r. il up and pawed the air.sliook off i.Mi 'vlii (Talihed tho hridle, and 1,1 leu aroiiod.he upset liie W.lir,!'"ll 1 i dilel'ed it iind went up the I'om" I- fiii.e with the forward wheels ii •iii,j;;ifter. The owiH r was jiick- I â- â€¢ in a ela/.ed Condition, more i: i than i'ljiired, aiul when one â- '.i iTiiwd remarked the horse ' I stand tho railroad very weM, riaii rrphed. 'â- u'eil. I dnnno. Ho "peared to •1 doriilroad allright but it was t I'lll.u'ino an' de kivered kyars i'h he didn't cetch on to. I spocts •; I lie wi'v he acted dat h's been ohor free or fo' times." â€" M. I. il!\i:iO liOCCllLY LKD. II.\ND- iri\WA TKAellKK T.4KEN KROM 1H3 1 .11 A.No ll I KK.n l.N A 1"0N1 \w.\, Aug. 4. â€" An Ottawa yonng .1 i.s j^oiiL- through an unpl as.iiit â-  I.I Murrny B'-iy. where lie has • iji'Vmv; his sniunier vacalion i tn:it a couple of nigiit.s ,Tgo â-  ij at the hotel where he was •was niic •ivmonioiisly vi-s'tvd y after â- uidiiiv;hlby some parh.s Were disi,'uis,'d, and, desj'i o Irs :;.ous ctT'iris, he was taken out e place and ducked in an ad it ioiid to .such an c-Uent that it iiim some lime to gi't over tho .s of tho forced balh. Tho letter iig tbeintelligeuce doiS not give rirtieulars of the affair; but from â-  is written it is quite evident that war a Woman in the case. The '.g is aid to liav3 beoii ad- â- ieieil hy some of the eiu;'.oyes 'Iiotel, who ni.iy have been jeal- f the captivating qualities of '.he â-  a young man, whose city oc- 111 1 is that of a teacher in one of ablic schools. .. '.LACK WALNUT STORY. "::. smartest Texn6, and. iu fact, irtest farmer I ever met, is A " na Graves, who live-) on a 100 ;rm west of Waxahatchie, iu J, Texas. After Mr. Graves J.-.' -â-  lowu me his cattle and cotton h t /li me over to see his wood.s. • '.Veil, what (A it ' I asked, as t. i linted out a teu acre forest. •• Vhat of itr" Why them's black -v.'ilnnts, sir. Ten acres of 'em. Plant- uil 'em myself, ten yors ago. See, th' y are teu inches through. Good trees, eli " And oure enough there waa ten acres of hand-planted walnut trees. Til Ucdaboat 200 feet apart, 200 No Hosi-iTAi. NEF.DK.n.â€" No palatilal lios|ilal needed for Hop Bitters 'pa- tients, nor large salaried talented puf- fiTs to tell what Hop inttors will elo or cure, as Uioy tell tlicir own story by their certain and absolute cures at home. â€" .Viic Yuri: rmlijicinliiit, NATURE MAKES NO MISTAKES. Nature's own remedy for bowel comf.laintfi, cholera morbus, chohc, er;n ip.s, vomiting, sea sickness, cholera infiiiituiii, diiirrliaa, dysoulcry, and all ilisaases of a like nature belon;;ing to the .snininer .season, is Dr. Fowler.3 Kxtractoi Will Sliav.bcriy, which can be obtained of all dealeis in medicine. FLESHERTON Harness Shop! THE SnliBcribcr lieps to inform the public that be 1ms constantly on hand a large nsortmeUt of CARRIGE, BUGGY AND TEAM HAR!%ES9. Miulc iu good style and of the THE BEST OF MATERIAL, And as lie meiins bnsincss give him an early call, as ho will sell at the lowest livinR prices, for cash. A good supply of WIIIFS, TR13IHS, Cm alwny3 on hand. Scotch Collars A Specialty, And a good fit euaranteed. fcS"R»'mcmber the stand the Post Office is oppo.^ite. N, B. â€" Stave timber wanted, J. GORDON. Fleshertpn. March. 1881. 16 MARK0ALE CAMIAGE_WORKS McKENNA MASON HAVING leased '.tie Waggon and Black- 8mi;h Shog owned by John Benson, eg to inform the Public, that that they are qrepared to foruisb all kinds ot. 'Vehicles, pucli as BVGOIES, D e:vocrts, ITAOOONS, ETC^ AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. And by u^in^ tbe Best of Material and Good Workouuiship, bop« to reoeiw a fair ahare yoTiT vatronage, Speeial attaatimk giTento HORSE SHOEING ASD General Jobbing As we warant all our work. â-² «aU is solicit- ed and we guarantee satisfaction. Shop on 1Q11 street, oppoaits the Berere Botd Markdale, l(%nh 8. IMl. » «b. Markdale Gteneral Agency IS THE BEST PLACE TO GET STRAIGHT LOANS, MO FINES, CHARGES LOW. If you want Insurance 'patronize the UNION FIRE INSURANCE Co. LANCASHIRE FIRE and LIFE Co. BRITISH AMERICA ASSURANCE Co., CONFEDERATION LIFE ASSOCIATION. Wanzer Sewing Machines, Uneaqualled in range of work and ease of motion. D O H E R TY ORGAN S, Unsurpassed in beanty of tune and power. Farms for Sale and More Wanted. Thankful for past lavors, I am determined to merit a further share of public patronage by fair and honest deahng and prompt attention. tHEOPHILUS HALL. Markdale. March 29, 1881. 29-tf. CO (D EH *** o c6 it. 3 t 1â€" I t- 09 COOKING, PARLOR AND BOX STOVES Always in Stock. As I keep all kinds of REPAIES for tbe Implements L sell. Farmers will see the advantage of dealing with a Local Agent. WM. Flosherton, March 24, 1881. STRAIN, ^lesl:Le3:to3:a.. 28 tf OH, HEAR. OH, HEAR. OH, Squander your monay if you want to, if not, get yourPhotojjraphs of VV^. BULMER, The People's Photographer, Flesherton Who is again prepared to take Pictnres, and do Copying and Enlarging as heretofore. We are receivin alarge stock of MOTTOBS and Motto and other Frames, and Frame Fixings, which we can, and mean to sell at Kemarkably LiO'w Prices Call and secure bargains. Bring along your pictures and have them copied acd enlarged bv vonr old friend. BULMER Flesherton, Maich 10, 1831. ' THE EUSH. THE EUSH. Tliree AVomen alter a. Dozen Heiringfs SPRING HAS MADE ITS APPEABANCE, AND BUTTER RAE In order to make room for their Spring Stock, offer all their WINTER GOODS A. CO ST NCW IS YOUR TIME TO GET BARGAINS In Dress Ooods, Clouds, Shawls, Men's Caps, Shirts, Drawers, Overcoats, Flannels, tc. ES- DON'T PASS THE PLAC?'A8~WE MEAN BUSINESS, .si l^TeTxr O-ood-S -^xrlTrirLgr 3Dsiil3r. In Tweeds, all patterns. Cottonades, Ducks, Shirtings, Ginghams, Denims, White and Giey Cottous, Dress Goods, Prints, Hollands, Towellings, Collars, Ties Braces, Colored and Dress Shirts, and all small ware usually' ' kept. Hats in Felt and 1' nr â€" all prices. Ordered Clothmg a Specialty. IS* Don't forget that COOPER SMITH'S BOOTS are the only Boot* worth buying, and we are tbe ONLY SHOP in Town that keep them. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE IN ALLL STYSES. N. B.â€" We trust teat all cnst-aners -nil remember that we lilJST have money If ae- coonta are not paid by the 13tk last., the Bailiff will deal with them after that date BUTTER RAeI Markdale, March 3, 1881. D. J. SHANAHAN'S WAQON and Carriage Works, Just opened, opposite the drug store, Mill street. Having long experience in the busi- ness, we feel confident we can gire satisfac- tion to those favoriiig na withtheir orden for CABBIAGES, SFBDiO WAGGONS, IiUUBEB WAOOONS, Ae. Horseshoeing, and all kinds of repairing n oar line either in wood, iron, painting, and trimming neatlr and promptly exacated. Wa oae nothW bat good material and em- ploy ftnt-«lasa praotical workmen. Ov aim is to rit* the best ralne for the yeast money, thus secBxing a repetition of inoar esteemed order* and the benefit of roar inilneace among yoar frie'ns. Markdale. April 64h, 188] 30.3b, Public IVotice. NOTICE is hereby given that the new ,n, road open through lots 99, 100, and 101, on the 3rd concession W T 4 S B in tebhS^"' "' ®"""" " "°' P'0P«riy"'es- The corporation of the townahip of Glen- elg not having any tiUe to the road throngh cfditth r" °°*^^««P»«iWefor.nyT cident that mav happen on said rotH JAMES BBOWN,"" rns-LAYKAE. '«'k. n~,'„ Townahip ef Glenelg, Oct. 19. 188O. SAVE YOURCOMBINGST fwfJ?"*^ ' '°' "P oomWngs iS^ switches, puffs and curls, terms modSat^ AcaUissolioted. Beodenee comer ofluA Tl^ »*«**•. opposite Mr. Bowe. W Maikd»l,.JD^. x^ i^tiiii?!^*^- BOBT. ASKtN, MA.RKX A L.E, Bm opened out a First-CUaa Furniture UNDERAKING ESTABLISHMENT, And therefore has supplied a want long felt, eape^ally in the Undertaking lane. SPECTATOR a;l^uoe BIGHT-PAQB PAPER -OKLTâ€" COFFIKS, CASKETS, and all BHBOUDS. FUNERIL FURNISHlNeS, â- applied on the shortes notice. A. tSplendid Hearse tec hire at moderate rates. PUENITUEE! From the Common to the Best and Latest Styles, in everything in the line. O all and see for yoorselves. ROBT. ASKIN. One of the liargest and best "Weeklies in Canada. Agents reoei^ • 26 CenU for every ye«»y " f^ber. Any party «mding »« *^ f^ acribers wiU receive a copy, P~*-P^ .°f,â„¢ Farmers Account Book, worth one doUar. in pUce of the n«ul •««'«-*«'„J!Sf pSst card for Sample Copy A '^^*^' wSoh is «mt free. The only P^P" Jf Canada that publiahee « Draoght Colnam. Addresa SPBCTATOB PBnmNO COMPClY, Hamilton, Ont. Not. 11. 1880. SHOP TO RENT. THAT large rjid commodious brick build- ing, (iwo storeys), adjoining Mr. Ben- son's ^ocery store, .uitable foranybusinese. can be had on reasonable terms, either by the month or for a term of years. For terms, 40.. apply t« BBK80K. Markdale. Angnst 4th, 1881. *7-tf. MONEY to LEND AT SIX A FEB CElfT. STRAIGHT LOANS, on Freehold proper ty. Private Funds. ' 3. O. IRVING Markdale, Jano 2nd, 1881. 88 3m. MARKDALE HOUSE. ALEX. EUTLBDGB, Proprietor. r THIS HOTEL is a Urge three storey brick building, recently erected and fitted np with every modern convenience. It is furnished in First-Class Style The Bar is sunplied with the best bracds of Wines, Liquors and Cigars, and the table with all the delicacies of the season. The travelling Public may rely upon every attention being paid to their com- fort. Good Samj Roomi for Comm'rcial Travelleri. TbC OllPy Hoici that mns a Bus to and from all Trains. Good Stab'.es and attentive Hostlers. 18 Artemesia Warehouse! FLESHEETON STATION, o Now oh hand for sale, and will be constantly renewed, a complete Stock of Dry Goods, Ready-Made Clotbiog, Boots and Sboes, HAEDWARB, CROCKERY, GROCEKIES, PROVISIONS, c. o t3. All kinds ot Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods. Inspection of the 5tock respectfully invited. Lumber, Lr.ths and Broomhandles manufactured and for sale. i'lcshcrtj.n Station, May 27th, 1881. 2-tf STOP. MAEK. LEARN! And then you wiJUnow where to go to get the best value for your Money at R. J. SPROULE S GREAT ANNUAL CLEABIG SALE, lisU, AT THE POST OFFICE STORE, PLEBHEETON. GENAERALDRY GOODS, FURS, MILUERY, I3ead.3r-3i^ad.e ClotliirLe-, BOOTS AND SHOES, Hats, Caps and GrQberies TO THE LOWEST POIN I POSSI and in order to do bo, Will Sell at and Under COST FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS. ' C^fCii-^u^-^^^^^^^^^ tions) outside our natural businefs relations in nJlf. i. """""Po'onsrecommenda- not properly treated by the.r mo e hono ,We de Jer" IndT.""' '" P"""" *^'" *^«y •«• Ton will find cverythinir tliat I ^ii iWL. 1- ' °™* «'»'tom from the many, as you can poBsibly getT y"?r moLy a Jy whTrc "a!? h^r? " "i »« 8«^ ^^1»« dealme 1. the only true course for a businessman ' '"'^* ^*" "" honorable My Urocerie. are all bought for strictly flett cosh, consequently I can and will seU at The Lowest Possible Prices I For CASH and FARM PRODUCE BUT IVOT FOK ORETIT. __ __ .^ "^^ '"' '° '~=k "^d 'or sale, a krge quantity of ' " PUKE SEED GEAINt Such as White Bussian, GlasBow Red rboff .„j 41. â-  .. Pure Clean Peas. Oat, akffiey:^i2^i*°i°*?*HT'^^ Spring wheat. ALk, Seeds, and as it pays each and every F^IrTotwSi^'°j:^ ^^ " " " Oarl^ paying a few cents extra, and purcSain^gooS wticto!^ ' " ' "^« «'°"«y ^J I am now gelling large qoanties of COARSE LAND SALT FOB MANtlKE, ' Which will piy every Parmer Ficf Tinii^. *. that every FaAner .his \Z^iy Ft^I^^^ZZV '^V"' « " and a. I am anxion. direct from theManufacturers. andboughtfrn:f.ShSSJo« wL'"*^ ""' ""» «=« 1 wouW also intimate that my SPRING IMPORTATIONS AEE AERIVING DAILY, And I will have opttned ont and ahow On The Ist of April, ^^UieLargestandBe8tAs8ortedStocla.Terb«Hm.t„rtothi. „«t of u,, I am, you obidient aerraat, â-  .ii.„. .. .,/.,,_, ^.,,R J. Flesherton, March 10 i«8 1 ' *^ «;- y* HILL BROS., H 3 ' Would announce to the Ladies of Markdale and ing country that their stock of Millinery is nicely ^^%i comprising ' ^ss^ Trimmed Hats Boii CHILDREN'S HATS AND SUNSHaDj;. RIBBOHS, FLOWERS, FEATHERS Uh ORNAMENTS AND TKIMMINqc^ LADIES' MANTLjjjI CUT AND MADE TO ORQei^ Our General Stock is well assorted in all branch We won't take up your time reading a long advem- but would solicit a call, believing we can give entij^' faction to our patrons ,„IPT MOBNING [L-gt i^oreign and Provincial KjUaenoe. County Business, RrttS-B and an Instructive „,« 81.50 in three months, itSlthe end of the year. No 'J nnta all arreaBes ar« '°t theoption of the publi-h- 3 »iBI" without payinc l^lJagiWe for the years sub- ^JJycomply with the rules. Of ADVBBTISIKG tr,0 00 27 r,o l.-| )0 « (K» 4 ««• %l ^e ve*' do do do do :•••• tnder, first insortion.. luent insertion i lines, first inMvtioii.. _quent insertion (ir*t insorti.iii l«r lini" ^puent iiiRcrtiiin. 50 1." 75 2.1 8 2 Thankful for past favors, we would solict a coniiji, of the same. B23C Markdale, May 28th, 1881. [of lines to le reckoiiod liy tho moasurod by a cale of s"lid (rtisemouts withni-.t upccific 'kapnblisbfea till forbid and ily Ail transitory adtvertiae- lin tkfl offioe at paVUmAm^ \e Thoraday mornin«f»«oee«- ktion- ^BCTLEDGE, Proprietor. BUn.I'l I'.ri.i.!. l•l:l^t, uriiiuptly :it:iii.|^| i cialty. K»ti:uats faction (.'uariiiitt â-  .1. Urown and S|rotiU' DeceiulK;r 31, Iw^ 'â-  W. C^ GXEKAI- .\';i| X N!ir--"V St...k, Stj.t. 17. IS" ~~GEOKu BlUiT Mill St., Maikl-'i" Uariiess sbf^p. l«-;Meatdi:T.- ScT)t. 17. »H*»" s\ ^n\ I MAEKDALE Sash and Door Facti SASH, DOORS, BLINDS ' V v-C: ' ' MOULDINGS, --: • â-  HOLLOW BATTONS, Lumber, Lath and Shinglg| Always on Hand. Orders Promptly Filled. o The Subscriber wishes to return thanks to the people of Markdnle tDl rin^ i-i very liberal patronage thave given hiia in the pa't, and Loj/ts by close altuto ic a continuance of the tame. Ihave now extended my business, and will in future ketpafgJStoclo/ PINE LUMBEItl ALL SIZES, DRESSED AND UNDRESSED, Having st received my first shipment of I'ine I.rwbfr oi,d Lath, fitm Ik liaii and-will have another schooner load iu a few davs. All liinds of I*lain ami l'^nn-;j Tuinii^ Done in a f;rs^t-cla^s maulicr. ' iki BUSINESS rRECTORY,^^^ 'aie^icat^ ^onle Carter, {anigeou.' AccoucUeui'B Sec ledical Hali; rusidcucc at C^t 17.18«0- 1-v MB. Pt'HDV, gCBGEON, ACCoUClt "^â- ^^ Mf^! i Law, OweuSoand. lillers's building, ovir l;.'!..ii- tulet Street. J v (I ri'dll.itr ..' J T..1..: ;.. pr ui|'i,\ .i'.: II â-  iiX'l. ii. ' l.N..r-...T- X .â- '•â- -* ' ' â-  ' IKTE.^EST A| -- I )«t A Fro^i, JKS, AND ATlul;\-|.',.- AT Jicitors iu Chiimi'v. t\:\,\,\ BU Sound, â- liav" »t hk- 1 .^t «j'T».-.i-":* Bfliee open every Tu'i.- -J.iv, ah j all j ••â- tlr. ut^ J. W. rr. ;.i,T.. I',, own AttoriK'V. I kfiand ATTOliN V AT I.JV'.V 1 Chancery, Owiu "'iuii,l. 1-v S- ' I U:â- .^l». â- es Li:ti»»ti. r.AT-LAW. SOIK.ITOU I.N j Notary Public, Ac. j 1 at lowest iat»-s on irron«l Laiid- bni^'lil iitii -..IU A.i;Nf '.I t!i Uer iutroduc.'i (iif "f etimmis- i.lV l. Vr t'.. )UNDAIjK. 2Ut, li-.t. THCS. McNl M»rkdi»le, Miy 27th, 1881. :?»• $1.00. M Index I fM.Ar.iiiAor. i.icEN.s::s,.vc., oa-»' :ii 11. !l. .v.*. ail its bran-b»â€" jromjl' i carufally eiociilfl. ey to Liud on l!;;il Kstatc s*-- ep*.. L7, ISSCt. 1-y Kaatl^r Br:»\vH. |Marri.".pe Lie. .i" I'ir • ml Slice \miil. C.un.r-«j..!i.l t'juvi'Vitiu.r an i t.l.-r.-« .1 rtheCouuty .)('(ii. y. 1- fiu r dJ Land Sales, I'un'-I cbarKi'S made very iii iii;iTe. • ept. 17, 1680. " 1-V j • TTI/IKNS, • A -=;icr:.: Ti;.\i' A J.'iiul. • .f C- Villi •.•!.â-  â- ! A:i- -1 trv ..11 iH..-. " Uill, UN:;' .i,-..:| Wonderful Inventioiy »r gc orbot, Jr., }hS ANDGEX.'Or.AI, A.!:N"T ad. Moiiov to Lull .-It 1..-.V St. Priucital |Mv..|bl' at tli of years, aiiil iiit, :â- .â-  t h;»'l ;.. i.-- priacipal and iatiT'-t r.-j.ay Dents. MaKi;! Plain K T I.. pri.Ntl...' "!..!.: jUi^ O «.^v O THIS IS A • er of desirable Improv,'.! run::-; MECHANICAL DEVICI For Learning to Play CHORDS AND ACGOMPANiMENTS PIANOANPORGAU^ i. S. Sing' I AND PROVlNCUTi I.ANP i r. Draughtsman and Vain tor. f 'tarkdale. Haviii;,' juirc .â- Â»! ad Surveyor rli«-lo. lUn in's ' ori(,'inal Field N â- : â-  I'iuii-. I nictious, Jic.,o(«ll i.i- •- •.•••_^- ^lle last fiftv-tivi' _\i ;u-. I nke Surveys in sirjpt ii^..-. :l- ' Profiles and I'.-:. •!!.â- â€¢ lills. Plans ajid SjK-,ii;.iif'..i: ' Bridges, fur.iislic.l ..n .i|.|'rr.- ItoLoauat 8 iTciT.' :• -t er, or left wi;li «;. .1. I.J.VrH be proniptlvat;. ii'i.'d l- 1\ Ta. T- MAi Ii ;M ' .*i .l.«l,* V Any person, Young or 01d,whetli have any Musical talent or noij can learn or. PLAY ANY- THING, ija a VEBT SHOBT TIME, what would take years in the old way, besides a great expense for Books, Tuition, etc., etc Sent, pre-paid on receip of .lfliv,r.-.I !!â- â- â- : SAUSAc;: 1 ^*o Dr. Cameron, Ctvw 11 S.mnd, J"-^" S!i~.l. • iAT THEKi:vi.i;i: lioi Si;. ' i},, ••i;..-,.i' i dale, on tlir la-t \V,-.!!i. la.^ in ' »lien he will !..â-  i.r.'j.:ir.-.J i..|..r- kJT'-C.t-^.l lions require! u|iuii tin' ni'.iiiii j j,- .mt, |sati8factur\ Ui:iuui'r, and i:|k^u liu-i- 1 tu. II' N..:i I tl.' !â- . Mark.l.i;. .s.i I I :RE HOTEL, )ULE, Proprietor. Holrl has li*\ a Ihv- a' dded to it, tli.Tim;:lny r;.:-l- coud to iiouo .:i ll. c iji-y- and attcuiivi' o-iU-i. Kiisl- rp;ir. -; .: ation for I'l'uni.Tc;;.! ti.U' 1 i â-  i #1.00 p-r dav. i'-b r...,...i â-  â- â- â€¢' ih* f. rORD, Oaf. • rniiiT C'T"" iB, iaoraii:toBS. f i I 'J i i f *J Bmodation for tho travel! ti;;) ^t ia well stoik..-d with tli.- j and Li.iuois and tlic Wst â-º and from all trains. iiiCIAL HOTEL ^EVTT.i.F., Ont. ICcX :tii' Variety o â- V.PV â-  â€" A.1-.80â€" PIANOS 4 0RCAN VEBY LOW PBICES! ADDRESS, 7 ;â-  ^^^ j. A. CBAWF0B5. • i-! 429 King Street East, Torooto/April i4tH; SSi. ' " ^: ' I Mmmodious Siimpli' P.ionis 'oms, 4c. Tho V.iT un 1 lardir i *ith tbe best the umrS. t af I JjoUngandatteutiwIlo.tkrs j runin£ST COi iOS. ATKINSON' Iroprietor »"«*••»*••' • ♦" *. I880. )tandSlioeSliop.,BRIDES ers beg to inform the public Hy that they have opent .1 ;i s1k«' â- ^^misas lately occupied Ly D. ^iU street, where they are pre- ^, orders for all kinds of work in •pai ri n g dooe promptly. Work a Specialty. •neUy oaeh business we cau af • ' ** bottom prices. A call ro- ""t«d. No Split Leather Ubod 1 W. McLEOP CO. lAge.4tb,l881. 4t. SUl.|.' tl,- in liic busl • t V • 1 ' Tea U OTHER supi'd"n til' ' ' mostreawHiabii- 1 'iJ •lUl Markdale, X" ill

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