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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 12 Aug 1881, p. 2

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 purchiM iu,, 3r ually JITB I country store N" J.ways ascertain irfj^^ t advantage, thaTu^ .-â-  I'Avcst price, â- "" le is RAE'8 IDALs: VED. iiiy friends that I lyi^^ ^r. ;;h scs in Dr Sproule's y lo {,Mve particnlan .,/ ""^^-- I'-fh good, \vi;l t.isposeofat lowest U' .^xi:- cINTYBE. V ;ter£'List,li IN Il'EC.UNlI O, i^r,.' ' •!!'â- :. ;» JanU given tlm l i:ir.i iii'lK.I or JeliTerfd to tkt d • iii f(.i:«.l in the sfeond mtk ' â-  I- "I â- *â- â-  o/lSTS," the eopiei, • .1 I M .•t:«ii to U) so trau.,*^ « • .( Ill' lit iniiln puriuar.1 »i| ..â- : i- .-..i.s aiipe»riu)s t.y ibel, â-  A--t-iiuiit liiill ol ibe mi' .• I 1.1- iiititlcj to vote ia Um U i. 't ).iiri.ns (..r memlMm of tk I A- -MuMy, anil at Municipal J i'i;h!-'Jii sii.l list was fiitt pat4 • ' â- : lit Kuplirasia, ontheTkii^l I I -I. iM-l. tiiiil 1 mains thttt (or â- .. l.lii-liTs are called apon to i :.!•' H aii'l ii any oniiaMaiwi ii r :ri--i nrv foiinj tliei*ia bM«| • â- .'• j-iMi-t'i.'iiii'H to bare tbaiia • •:• I .f '• .1'!:/ lo law, i i. â- ' "ia-iii. iliij jihijrf/ I ' :-.k. I 1- -k ofthe tud] v"oter3 ijitt,!^ A I TUE TiWNgan gr mlMT I r 0I1«». 1 |i i; i^ ii'S-'\f ?ivi'a t'lal l| ir..ii~i.:itt"il -IT (IrliviTKl to ._ !!• • 'I'lir t iri llir TbirH iMl •; « • '•••' r"irr»' /,(«» M" .i;-' i liv sshI -Tction to be » I ;• 'ivi r.d â- â€¢( tlicbslimdepi â-  "f ;:;; |Hrsiii8 ippejnm 1 I A-.- s nient hfij o( il !..ii-:'!» Aâ€" ii:l.l.T. ind rt ill I I 'or and that said lilt a I •:)• in mv ofliLV, at Maiirell, (1 V ..r Ai.;nst. l!i«I, uii ti.r iii^j'irxicin, Khcters rt* i I.' '\H»i;i;.' the sairf '"' â- " ..'1- f-r any tth«t •rr«i» in I i. 1 • fi.»i' .ramediate .III' ai.l iTrors ctrrected ' .!•.â- . I .11 mv office, at SiaiwsU, i»' -- AVtTTIAM MILKE. Tp. CI* ,yis^"i O F- A.I-1-* B ii' t^r9 Kispec tfui l,,oo* JOHNSON, 14*^' 1881. ,oid on CoW^'J^T s. O.^-ans, •" 7 fi^^rr, :arl.diUe.A.»3/^l*^_^ OUT FOR NEW y»ii UJi KMr9f^;i- -!«ir .i-: ^.fefciTA iHvortly. Ill tl^e meantime Goods are being clewed out to mak« room for the large stock which is now being selected personally by Mr. Mo- ' :? Garland from the largest houses ill Europe. fjf STAMDARD. KaiTT^ther notices. f.rt Laborers m demand. 1 c.-ioi. ru-opcned on Monday. .i.i. loy3 buffering from pa' as jader the tlrrd vest button. ipy^K^.N*'-â€" Mr. John liPDSon, »lio beeQ in returned borne on Saturday laal iTlSl' |r«»oNTO oil company, are sole 'Licturer. of "Castorioe machine lafnnsements wiJJ bepr wecuted, LpMsrble works are iu full opera- jsi^l'o proprietor appears td be ° rerty lu3y, as indeed ho cught. Jti{^ be turns out is first-class. -aanlealera for "Castorine" oil. and see that the barrel •Cistorine," as none other |A5i (hi: j^E tjok place on Monday (^•wetn A. Speers and D. fcton*. "f^'"'" vi'lagc, which was il'v won "J"' " ""nied. We I ' t leara tlie amount of the stakes. iHE Kei'l i McD(Ju;jall block is pro- m'J np.illy, aiitl when finished bt qnite au ornament to oar vil- Work on the new Standard of- is bemg pushed forward vigor- r. |[i8 "Castorine" Machine Oil, for J kiuJs of raacliinery, it is also ex- Lent f')r bariitss and leather, mak lit wat,r and weather proof. For ij bv dialers. [f.£YOl' (iOiNG TO TRAVEL tj,j;f,irLrt a supply of that Dr. l_»l^jK.xtiaet of Wild Strawberry. r,j,iiipori'T remedy for sea sick- i ui a p (.^itive cure for all bo*el BPiiiitj ii'lucel by bui water, .uf li't, orofcli'niite. Whether [iflif or abraal. it shoull be kept llaad iu case of emenjoiicv. jwaI F.i'coQ, tlioiiamo of R, (.•••• (j well kuiiwu steel pji. is d-i -v- Ibm /-"'f. a reaping hook, ku'^- M by the shape of the Fii'coa's •C.ntDtiiie" Machine Oil, for Ital-^ of mtcaiiiery, it is als ex bifir harness aul leather, inak- :»;l! T audweatli r pr.»of. F4ir tSV ileiller-. frtdv can't tln-y ;ne r;k-)i thiigs :w.l an u'liJertrtker not a th'iu- t\ m..s from Markibile, win n liv la il.S loCill piliKT llje U.i' M!,' ni,?eaiii'.: unripi.' |-.iit. "It np 'i\ lni-ill'S-:." i:n:l»0(.K HLOOD inilELS Caris !icrofel:i, {•rvsiptias, salt J, pilvs aiKi u "7^\ ' Woddiog Bioga iust to bftni at Wilooz's. Ta« Stand/w) from nov notil the end of the yer for 40 oenta. FoH a Hood Seth Tlioma* dock tro to Wilcot. Benson bas a new AdTerlisemeot in this week, to whieh we wopM »" the attention of our readers. Sel)io« off balance of gommer goods at Cost, to make room /or our Fall Toronto for some t-me' and winter stock.â€" Reyotytds 4 Son. This Prize list for Qleaelg Fall Show will bb out thia week; and for Proton, next week. The minntes of Euphrasia Coanc' have been ^received. Unavoidably crowded out. Wi" anpear next week. Strange bot Tri;«.â€" An apple tree may be seen in Mr. Mark Armstrong's orchard, adjoining the village, ttiia week in full bloom. We are happy to see that Mr. Jno. Montgomery it able to be around again after Ibe buvetd accident be met wiih 8oa.e lime b'-ice, by bis borse runu'Qg away. An entertainment wi'1 be ^iven in Dufferin Hall, on Tuesday evening the 16tb, after ordination services. Admission 25 cent. For particulars see A'osters. Mesbsb. Butteb k ^t^ say that Kold has been found in Maikdale. Well, we can hardly believe that, but there is no doubt but that tbeir store is weU supplied with everything need- ed in thofam'ly and at Vary reason- able rates. Reafl the'r advertisemeut and then give them a ca" For the nest two weeks, only, will sell balance of stock at cost. â€" Bey- uolds Son. MK.ItUTi.EDCK, oftliis jon.ual, went to Toi"i)to ou Ti'o-duy lo purchase more upe pud mlier m..»- ml. Tins bas betu reiidcied u»-cessHiy by tbe Very Jaige incitii^e iu our pai'-ooase, aioiog fiom f le piompt aod bitisi'uc- toiy mnooer 'i wbch we to '-a out our woi kv W. DssscN lias now in Svock a fine sel'Ci'ou of peaches, letuou.s, aud eveiy oilier iruit constantly ou baud ill liiL'ii- !--i\soQ, which will be siipplied ;il iiie li'v\jsi ujurket price. Ciue liim a Cik'l. -A pvHJit wiiinan eultifed the elevator frjiu Ilie r,.;'.\\r to I pper TiA J. Q le- OL'f, at ihe lup, ou Friday, iiei'oie n.;icliii)-' ide bottom Hie p^tpulatioa wa^ increased one, !^'c iiavj'ig ^iven birth to a cb 'd on Tlie way duWB. The poor woman walked IO her home '-i Ciiaoiplaia Hireet r i- aided. DiSPEPSTx can readily be cured by tiikiug accurdiug io du'ecctous Dr. Car- son's Stomach and Cou»ltptliou Dit- tcrs. They jjreatly aid ihc digestive powers aud tone the whole Bystein. Ill large 8 oz. bottles at 50 coots. For sale by A. Tuhneb Co., special ageu's for Muvkilale. Mr, Ven.sok now predicts a great change iu the weather »bout the lime the new cduj t is in ila ptiiijeliou. This will occiir on the 20t.h iustant. During the week cod'Ug ou Ihiic day he thinks we shall be nearly fi-.zpa by fiosls 11 ud Btrong cola uoi Iheily wiaus. TiiKce is 00 betUr family mediciue than Dr. C.nsou's Slomacb and Con- stipation Diltiris. TJiey are taken alike by both olii and young. Taev iu\i^oiaie tho syolem. They should iuvanably be used instead of those lit- tle well kno»fa naubcous parnatives called piMfl. In large 8 08. boHles at 50 cents. A. 1 Okneb Co., special ageutsfo.- Markilale. If a reporter does not dish up a cer- tain amouut of local news every week he is called poor bI «k, Imt what can the poor fellow do when everyll)i'« is as di-11 as dishwater, rot even a dog- fight lu vary thu du'l monotony of the scene. For all Liver and Kidney complaints aud affections of the Stomach and THE MARKETS MABKDALE. FuoAT, Jone 10, 1881. Ion' 6,25 to 6.75 Spring Wheat per bush., new 1.13 tc 0.00 Fall do. do. do. 1.13 to 1.13 B%i]»j J.; â- â€¢ 0.65 0«*» OJO " 0.31 PeM 0.60 •• 0.63 Potatoes. 0.80" 0.36 Batter, per lb 0.14" O.U Eggs, por dox 0.18" 0.00 Pork, dressed, 7.00" 7.35 Beef 4.50 " 6.60 Oeeseperlb 0.05" 0.00 Dueka, per pur 0.40" 0.4f Fowls, per p«ir 0.20" 0.36 Turkejrs, per lb. 0.07 " 0.07 Sheepskin* o 7 j 1.35 Hides- jj.oo " 7.00 Otms see*. tioo " 2.4tf *I«y 10.00 •• 10.00 â- VVool 0.33 " 0.00 OreenApptoa, per. bushel.. 0.40 " 0.50 Lard 0.10 " 0.10 Tallow 0.06 " 0.07 DryOordWood 1.80 " 0.00 FJiESHERTON. by {Corrected veekly for Ihe SUnda'd tt.J. Sproule, FUtherton.} 'fHDBSDAT. Jane 9ih 1881. Flcur, per bbl. 85.00 to 85.50 Spring Wheat p»r BUih., 1 .03 to 1.06 FaU do. do. Uo. 0.96 tl 0.«7 Barley 0.60 *• 0.78 Oats 0.00 41 0.3o Peas 0.60 »• 0.60 Potatoes 0.30 44 0.30 Butter, peril). 0.14 •« 0.14 Erjjs, per doz. 0.10 4» 0.00 Poik, dressed. 7.00 It 0.00 Beef 400 6.00 Sheepskins 0.60 • t 1.25 Hides 5.00 t. 7.00 Har C.OO It 9.00 Timothy seed. 2.oa «• 2.40 Wool 0.22 •• 0.23 Lird 0.10 tt 0.12 Ta'low 0.03 11 0.07 DUXDALK MARKETS. F.iU wl.C't 90c to 81 Oi; S ) wheat »1 totl.06; DiT-lov 50c to 70c; Pe;- JSc tooOc; O.its 2 '.c .o o3c Povk i7.2o to 87 '0; Pota- toes per "•• Glc to iiOi; Biillei- 17c to 18c; Kj^g 00c to ISc; •)."'r .jc lo 5Jn; sheep skins 75c to 51.00; h' h; 57.oo; j;..' s SL'ed*'2.uO to y2.7'r, H.1.V (^7.00 to 7. Jo: wool 2'.c to 28o; U'd loo; ta'low Go- all hntuors of the Ciir' s dyspepsia, liver com- t. liiliim-vit-.~-^. c iiiitipatiou, drop- lil'i' V corupliiiiits, headache, .usnis-. fiiualo wcakne«3 and ;nl iKIuiitv. FisE. List I' evening about acloo!; a barn bjlnnging to Mr. Al- Warner, 'Jtli line of Euphrasia, rtrufk I'y l.^htuing and burued tiler wuh ituhle and a quantity of Fi)\vi.i::;s extuact of STU.WVliMlKY. l(i'res-iianiiiTe nnp'aiuts, diarrhoea, ;ttry, clinlera inorous, cholera .liiia, S'liir st'iiuaoii, colic, nausea, liu.uiig, caukcr, piks and all manner fluii'S. |S«uiiwE-vri;.^Mr. Frank Beat- |0{ .\rtem.N;a, who started ou Ihe N July (or M.intau'*, had a very rinm estt^ from death on his way y mIh tin passenger on the Ci'y ""mi/fy, which was burned at HH-'i. most of bis clothing. nmi.'tcd to mention last week l^' McI. -.kI ACo. had started a iwd Siioe shop on Alill Street, I pre-jii.-iw lately occupied by V. "•l- They guarrantee saiisfac- il we would recommenl our I to cive them a call. 'much labor the Recording Au- 1 have eBCAied had old Noah tokonto. â- ~ {f fecial to tlie Stand 'rd.) ToROITO June 9, 1881. Wheat, f.%11, per hiili ....*r 20 to M 22 Wheat, spring, do. ... 20 to 1 23 B.irley, do ... o'j to 60 Oats, do. ... ... 41 to 41 Pi-.^s, do. ... ... (m to 73 Rve, do. ... ... 00 ti 00 Clover Sied do. .... o oo to o oo Dier.ed liot.;s. per 100 11; ...8 00 to 8 50 lief r. liiiid (I'la; tors ... 6 eo to 7 oo liefc' fore quarters no to oo Ci'ckens, p.r pair O '.*•' t» 45 few T, do 01 to Oo 0:) ' Oo lree«c. each ... CO 1) Oo TiirUr-. no • H) Uiiliev. 1.1 â- -;;o roli .... ro lo no Cuti. r, lull dairv 1 lo 15 Butler. ..ure-l).r'ked F..;^-;, lo^'i. iM;r doz. Oil to 00 .,.. 'l to IG Egj;-. picked ... o 01 to 00 2 5o Potatoes per bag ... to to 45 Onions, per bag 1 ".0 to 2 Oo Hay 8 00 to 11 00 MONTHLY CAT â- TLEFAI esday in RS. Du-hamâ€" Third Tu ench Gotten to take a pair of flies I iiowels use the great Dyspepsia rcme- •L Air „ ,.„„„ .,.dv, Dr. Cai-Ron'b Stomach and Coosft- tfce Ark. Wc are a moral mar, but j ^.^^^ ^.^^^^^^ ^^ ,^^^^ g ^^ ,,^.^^,^3 owli fenr had our minister oeeu couiaiuiug 70 leaspooniul doses at 50 centsa boti'e. A. Tl-knek Co., spe- rinl iigeutsfor Markdale. Fii:,r CLV^s Job Work done prompt- ly and cheaply at the Standaiu) office. The Garden Party on Monday evening at the Methodist Pai-sonage was in every respect a snccess. â-  TLe evening being pleasent, the parly was laruely attended, about 200 beiog pre scut. The amusements were heartily enjoyed by fact every one seemed brim fallof Jnn. The refreebmeDts were dispersed with a relish The Ice cream and lemonade were also made scarce, and those bouquets, what a variety, from the modest girden flower to part of a potato patch. Some ol the young ladies were a little dear, we mean with their bouquet-. The pastor and hw amiable lady did all in their power to add to the enjoyment of those pre* sent. Proceeds $86. "n; tliis morning about 5 a.m., il I have been told that we were »«5triii„'],t to that place where 'â- 'rs put battered type. ,.;-s Esc.\pk.â€" A little girl. W of Mr. Jas. F. Sproule, bad 'â- U miraculous escape from being ' ine day last week. Escaping W raotlior's watchful eye, the *â- * ine attempted to go down the l***.\«», niiich n-c very steep and **l"iigtb. and losing her bilaocc ^^a Up to bottom, rcoeiviog a 'severe shaking and some slight Tile mystery is the child was filled. ' 'hut pnaea. Ent^-bprise. â€" Tlie Hop ' Miinuf.icturi'n: Comoany is H"chester'8 greatest business Their Hop Bitters have a sale beyond all precedent, from thtir intrinsic value found *ay mto almost every household â- â€¢and.â€" (iru/i/itc. FiBST or TU* Season.â€" Thoe. E»1-, .\rteuiesi*, bas a'ready ^â- 1 the product of a twenty acre Barley, being the first tliresb- *e liave heard of m this locality i»'-a#oc. The product was seven ^eu a "1 6!rv-eii{ht bushels and 'i'tri? ot clean barley, being an fc.w* " *Wy.evvp' a id t •*,- r^J-.' month. Pricevillo â€" Monday before Durham. Hanover â€" Monday before Durham. Mount Forest â€" Third Wednesday in each month. Guelph â€" First Wednesday in each moiitlu Harrislon â€" Friday before the Guelph Fair. Drayton â€" S iturday before Guelph. Elora â€" The day before Guelph. Douglasâ€" Monday-^eTore Elora Fair, Hamilton â€" Cyrstal Palace Grounds- the day after Guelph. Berlin â€" Fist Thursday in each month. Bramt)ton^FirSt Thursday in each month. Listowel â€" Firet Friday in each month, Fergus â€" Thursday following Mount Forest. Rosemontâ€" Fifteenth of February, April, June, August, October and De- cember. Primrose â€" Wednesday preceding the irangeville Fair. OrangevUleâ€" The 2ud Thiursdajr in each month. Flesherton â€" Monday before Orange- ville. Duodalkâ€" Tuesday before Oi-angeville. Shelburneâ€" Wednesday I e'or Orange- vilje. Marshvlllcâ€" Srroud Wednesday in each uioiit'i. " Walkertonâ€" The last Wednesday in ea'-.h month. M'hlmay â€" Lat Wednesday of each montli. Thsrb are annmber ofoor Subscri- bers who have notpa'd their subscrip- tion. We need money for crryine oat oor contemplated improvements, such as a quantity of new job type, bnilding a new oflBcc, anil makingother improvemeuts rendered necessary irom tK« rapid ioorease of our. business. Tjis, R3 all kuow, requiree consider- able funds, and we wOl feel obliged h^ ihose who are in d«bt to lu, if th«»y wor d ca l and paj ap. SPECIA L NOTICES. Mothers! Mothers I! ISotherstI Are yon distorlied at night and brokaa of yotir rest by a sick child KolTering snd crying with the excmeiating pain of cnttiag teeth 1 ' so, go at once and get a bottle of MBS. â- WINSLOW'8 SOOTHING STBUP. It will relieve the poor little stiffeier immedi- atelyâ€"depend a; ion it; there ib no mUtske about it. Tit ..ta mother upon earth who ha 1 eft! will not tell you at once th^k !. wl jhe bowels, and g've re»t Ui themoiisr. and relief and health to the child, "e magic. It ia ptr- feetly safe to n% in "il ' .i.,es,and pleasant to the Slate, and tlie prescriptioa of one of the o e^t and best female pbysieians sad nurses in the U.i-ted States. Bold sreiy. where at 25 cents a bottle. SO ly BBST AUD COMFOET to tub SUFFEQIKO Br«w«'« H*aseh*M PMMMea has no eqoal for relieving pain, both inter- nal and external. It enres pain in the Side, Back or Bowels, Sore Thr.iat, Bheamstism, Toothache, Lnml^jjo and any kind of a Pain o Ache. "It n '11 most knrely quicken the B'ood and heal, »s iis sctiug powei- is won- derful." "Browns Household Panaees," being acknowledged as Uie g-eatPain P.eUey- er, and of double the ilreu^.h of any other Klixer or Liniment in^the world, should be ia every family b.\ady for use when wanted " as it really is »he best remedy in the world forUramps in the Slomvch, and Pains and Aches of all kinds. ' and i% for sale by all Drugi;ists at 25 cenis a botde. SO-lv STARTLING DISCOVERYI LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. vMiiii cfyoathflil Inqiradence eansw Pmfc tnie D«»y, Herrous Dehfilty, Lort HsQbood. etc, baring tried In vain erery known remedy, ha. dla- eorncd a simple self eaicwbicb be vUl wod FBEB PIMPLES. I will mail (Free) tTie. i-ecipe for a simple Veoetablb Bal» tb;it «iU remove Ta!i, FRECKLhiS, PIM '^liES pnd t ok hss, leav- ing the skin soXt, (ear aei^ l-eAut'Iul; also instructions fo'-p:o(lrcio'j a 1 "x ii'unt growth of hair on a bald heju u siuoo.h i,'ce. Ad- dress, enclosing a .Jc. b^'-n ),Ben. Vandelf* Co... 5 Bct'kman .. N. T. 20 ly ERRORS OF YOUTH. AGENTl.EM \N v/'jo snfTei red fo â-  years from Ne^-vo.'s DEDILITY. PHiSAIA. TUr.E DECAY, end pII tlte eff. t-s of Tootb- fnl indiscret'oc, will fo'l'-e i».i»e o' bn.'fe. ing hnmnnity. Jeod tree lo all wbo need ' the recipe and directions for Disking the vi unle remedy by which he w.'s PUied, Pufferers wmiaun(( t ne rdve.tibCi s experi- ence can o Ko ov addves'-lng '"n iieiTect con. fidence. JOHN B. OCDEN. 20 W 42 Cedar hi. New York The Standard IS THE Best Ijocal Paper a f HE oouirtf. Bobseribofor it, onlyfl.lU! per umnm. Persons eao snbecribe at any time. AQENTS WANTED. -Big pay.â€" Li«ht Werlf. Ste.'dv Employment. Samples free. Address, M. L. B'TON, 46 Naussau street, New Yoik. 20-ly TO CONSUMPTIVES. The pi'.vcrtiie: liaviiig lieeu iciminently cm 1 ol tli.'tdie.ul di.-o;ise, Co i"ni|iiion, by n b'liipli- u'lucd.v, ia ani'oas 'o niiUu known to ]i\ fiHow fi'ffe'r ;j the i.;! care. To all v.ho i" siie it. lie will ^»id n f o;)V of the pi-iscii)i'eii n.Hcd, (a-ee "f ct'i-'iio.) with the dir.ctJo !.s fo.- iiiop.tiiin' .im! osinptbo same which lliey V7iil Mjd a slt.e Cukb for (JoK- sr'i.-io.-, \^ â- ii-j.\. Bkonc una, i" e. Piirlies vv'sbiug tbe I'le-ei 'iii'ou, will pirn er" c Vcv. E. A, W â-  .vj, li'1 Penu .St.,, N. Y. 20dy CHURCH DIRECTORY. CHBIST CHUBCH. Services â€" Sept. 26, 10:30 a. m.; Ocl. 3rd, 0:30 p. m.; 10th, 10:.30 a. m.; ITi'n, 10: a. m.; 24th, 6:30 p. ni.; 31st, 6:.10 p. m.- Nov. 7th 10:30 a. m.: 14tli, 10:30 *. m.; Slst, lo:3o a. m.; 28tli,6.3o p ra.; D'-c. 5th, 6:3o p, m.; 12th, lo:3o a. m.; I'.Hh, io:3o a. m.; 27th, 6:3o p. ro Sabbath School, 2:3o p, m.- llev. James W.'"cl, lucumhcut. CANAPA METHODIST CHURCH. Services every a'jb't'.i it 1 ):3o a. m., and 6:3o p. m. Sabbath School at 2:3o p. m. G. S. Bowes, Snperiuioadont. Prayer Meet- ing. ITluisd.iy Evenings at 7~.3o. Rev. S.A- McD^armid. Pastor. PBIMATIVE METHODIST. Services every ' d 3rd Sabbath at 3 o'clock p. m. " â- -«:'â-  I 4th Sabbath at lo:.".o a. m., in t. ' aU. C. C. Gar- nett, Pastor. PBESBYn, '.IN. S r\;c38;n Dufferin Hal; every Sabbath at 6.30 p. m. Sabbath School at 2:3o p.m. Prayer Meeting at 6:3o p. m. Bible Class ou Fridays at 7:3o p. ir. 8t. JAMES CHUBCH DUNDALK. Servicesâ€" 11 o'clock a. m. Julv 24th and each aUeinate Sabbath, W. Bevaa, Incumb- ent. TAILORING C. A. OWEN. Fashionable Tailor, HAVING rented the Tailoring DepMt- ment over McFarlands store wishes to inform "le pnblic of Maikdale and the smroundingooontry, that he is prepars to FILL ALL ORDERS Promptly and Tastily CUTTING! Done w 'e customers are wa'.ins. THE LATEST FASHION PUTES Always on hnnd to ebose from.J A Good Fit Gaaranteed â€"ATâ€" ' LO\V RATES. 13'Itemeinber the Place, Over McFarland'B Store. jUrkdale June 16. 1881, •" fjf ALL DISCRIPTIOK, PLAIN and in COLORS, Executed with neatness and iiespatch, at the STANDARD MABKDALE. tf you want BILL HEADS, LETTER HEAf)'», CIRCULARS, NOTES, RECEIPTS, POSTERS SALE aiLLS, STRSAM£RS, I0D0EK6 Hand bills. HACYARDS PLCTORAl BALSAM. PAMPHLETS, PROGBAHBIES, VISITING CARDS. BUSINESS CABDS, BALL TICK3TS, Or in fact anything in the printing line, dou't fail to call at the Standard OFFICE, Toronto Street, MARKDALE Where we do work ia first-dass style aud at «i^ fB«M. •â-  "^»' 7«b THE KST PAKII TIf TI BEAUTIFXHJiY ILLUSTRATED. 36tli TEAR. THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. The cisaTiFio Amsbk ' is a large Frst^ CUfs WeeUy Newsriapc. of Sixteen Pages, prii.ted in the mo-t beani'iol style, pro/iuWy iUu trated tcith spUndid engratingt, repre- â- enting the newest InT'Dtiona and tlie most rece J t Advances in the Arts snd Sciences; Inctnding New and Interesting Facts in Agri- eolt'ire. Horticulture, the Home, Health. Med cid Progress, Social Science, Natural History, Geology, Astronomy. The most valuable practical papers, by eminent writers in all departments of Science, will b« found in U e Scientific American. Terms, 13.30 per year, 11.60 half year, whichinolndes postage. Disoonnts to Agents, S' le ooppies, lOe. Sold by all Nowsdeal- ero Bemit by postal order, to MUNN 1^ CO Pnbhshers, 37 Park Bow, New York. 1 A T^T? "Vn^Q In connec- il. L JQj IN ±0. tion with the c entUic AHSerican, Messrs. Mcini ftOo. are olicitors of American and For- eign Patents, have had 35 years experience, •nd have the largest dstablijhment in the world. Parents are obtained on the best terms. A special notice is made in the Scient' le American of all inventions oatented through thia Agency, with the name and residence of the Patentee. By the immenso joirunlAtion thus given, pnblic attention it tKreoted to the merits of the new patent, and ^.des or inrodncticn often easily efleete^. Any person who h)Ji made a new discove- ry or invention, 6iu ascertain, free of charge, whether a ptteiit cm piobably be obtained by wiite« to Mcnh tt Co, WS also send free our Hand Book about the Patent Lsws, Patents, Caveats, Trsde M.iris, ther costn. and how proem ed. with hint how to procure andvaneea on inventiors. Address for the paper, or eonceming pi- tents. MUNN CO.. 87 Park r.ow. New York. Branch Offloe cor. F and 7th sLs., Wa^^h- ington D. C. MEDICALBALL f*^' H (J p ft B "^^r^ r Horse-iihoeing a Spec'alty. Mai'..da'e, June?, 18 n. 14 .f Il a compound of the virtues of sarsapariT- Is, stHlingia, mandrake, yellow dock, with the iodide of potash and iron, all powerful blood-making, blood-cleansing, and life-sus-. tainiug elements. It is the purest, safest, and most effectual alterative medicine known or available to the public. The sci- ences of medicine and chemistry have never produced so valuable a remocly, nor one so potent to cure all diseases resulting from Impure blood. It cures Scrofuls and all scrofnloua diseaaes. Erystpelas^ Rose, or St. Anthony's Fire, Pimples and Face-grubs, Pustules, Blotches, Bolls, I'amors, Tetter, Humors, Salt Rheum, Scald-head, Ring-worm, Ulcers, Sores, Rheumatism, Mercurial Disease, Neuralgia, Female Weak- nesses and Irregularities, Jaundice, Affections of the Liver, Dyspepsia, Emaciation, and General Debility. By its searching and cleansing qualities it purges out the foul corruptious which contaminate the blood and cause derange- ment and decay. It stimulates and enlivens the vital functions, promotes energy and Strength, restores and preserves health, and infuses new life and vigor throughout the whole system. No sufferer from any dia- tiaa which arises from impurity of the blood need des|tair who will give Avsa's Baksapahilla a fair trial. It ia folly to experiment with lbs noiBer. ous low«riced mixtures, of cheap materials, and without medicinal vurtues, offered as blood-purifiets, while ditesae becomes more firmly seated. A%-er's Sarsapakilla is a medicine of such concentrated curative power, that it is by far the test, chea|est, and most reliable blood-purifier known Physicians know its composition, and pr» â- cnbe tt. R has been widely used for fortj years, and has won the uuqualitied co dence of millions whom it has benefited. 2: Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer fc Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mast. •OLD ax ALL DaotMirrs ayxBTwasas. Robt. S. Bae, TAILOR, Sydenham Street, MARKDALE. MsrUalc, inly 7. ISS' iija •;.» â-  -Xt.-. JL^ .^. 18b ZS IB .^ Z^ S3c .-. -r A FOLL ABSniTMBNT IN foB fOLLOWlNO LINES KEPT ^ONBTANTlV OH HAND ,-:cw Dye Stuffs, '^r .,f/. y'^^"M- .t â-  Paints and Oils, :^-^ Patent Medicindsy Schoo Boooks, i^j-^ Stationery, '-^ Fancy Goods- Toilet Articles/ Pure Drugs and Chemicals, Choice Teas and Tobaccos. Agents for Vitker's Express tiiid Montreal Telegraph Companies. ,.;^ '• 'S A. TURNER CO. Markdale, Aug. 3rd. 1881. " â-  " ' 13 JUST ARRIVED â-  '"""" • â-  ' -• 'â- '" â€" â€" ^AT THE •â-  '^-/r^' 'TOKONTO HOUSE,' M A R K D A L E, wvv-. A SPSENDIt) LOT OF BOOTS and SHOES -SriTAELE For- Fall and Winter Trade I WHICH WILL UK SOLD AT Prim that Cannot Fail to Attract Attention. Intending purchasers-should see our goods and prices, before buying " ' ^â- ' J Wm- BROWM Markdale, Auguit, 3rd, 18151. ':, • THE TEN Insurance Commandments. 1. Thou shalt insure thy real and personal estate snd all that thou hast against fire, for â€" Defending thyself from nuTifortuno until old sge," Thy happtuess sbull equal thy wisdom. 2. Thou shalt not insure more than thou dosf possess, for insurance is a business wherein thou canst not make money; This is simply thy duty in order to pieserve what thou hast acquired. f Preserve that whicli thou shalt acqture, Wboso is prudent {^uardetb biii goods. 8. Thou shalt not insure less tJaan thoa -loRt possess â€" for wbsf tliou doe** not insure, wUl not be paid in case of loss. Though poverty is not a vicfe .,-â- ?-• " To loBc all is not a pleasure. 4. Tbou shalt not make excessive declarations uf value respecting tby prop- erty in case of fire; but thou sliall state truly that vhicb belongs to tbee, thai' tLou mayest not have a lawsuit or gam a bad reputation As we make our hd so must we lie. 5. Thou shalt also exhort thy neighbors, tby friends, and thy relations to insure tbeniselves, that tbcy may escape loss, aud that poverty through a loss by fire he not laid to thy cbar(;e. That which comes by the flute goes by the drum. 6. Thou shalt nut backslide, nor hinder tby neighbor from making all these insurances, fur those who are so improvident as not to insure are tbose who are must visited with losses ;â-  no one pities tbeir condition. Tbo»o that are beaten jiay the fine. 7. Thou shalt not search for evasion to K?t rid of the ex|enRC of insurance, lor it is low in proportion to thy position tbou canst put by as much as the value of the bottles of wine thou driukest, and thou wilt then have Sufis' cient for all thy insurance. The pitcher that goes often to the well must in the end bo filled. 8. Tbou shalt regard the expense of insuiancc like the expenso of tby meat and drink and as tbou canst not do without these, because thon bast huuger and thisrt tbou shalt not more hesitate about iifsuranoe, because it will gi^e' thee security, repose, consolation, and aid. In thirst and misfortune ' ' A pear in reserve u a pleasure. 9. Tliou shsU lie careful when thou insarest that thou seleetcst a reliable and safe com-' panv and that the agent is an hone't one, because in so doing in ease of a loss thy money shall not have been paid for nought,' and if thou lose thy property and not gat thy insif • aooe thonwill be poorer than a church rat. If thon fallest int4 poverty People will care but little for thee. 10. Thon abait do all Ay insurance with BolM!rt Davis, Um Conyeyaoeer an^ Land and Inioraaoe Agent at Flesherton, for â€" He represents only the best compiuiies, and â-  Be guard* well his patrons' interests. ROBT. DAVIS, Conycyiaeer, CommisaioneT in B. B,. Beal Estate, Loan, and Estate iLgsnt. Fleaberton' BiaDsh offlee, Batlsdge's Hotal. Markdale, evsry Thorsday. Flesbsrttm. Feb. t, 1881* ' " S9-tf HAIR CUniNG AND SHAVING! ow WfAneadau* and Haturdayt, Hy rrbomas Smith* f^r* Orders £r.ed for Tocmb Stonea. Jalyai. IfiSL SAVE Y0U1_G0MBIHG8. Mrs. T. G. Mo-jfnn. Legs to a-jDonnee t*, the Ladies of M u-'irdtie and vie 1 ly ikat s^s' is prep^-od to wo»k rn hs'r roriibint!* 1 "a' swiVbHS. pr^ a"d e« '». to'-irV aMde'Al' -^ AesU is solicited. Um'^.tmee eornm,ui Ma-lf and Quwii atrue;., a|-)i(toit« jur. Hu IW^ â- ;/ Xa(kdsii,Tca. M ' ' ' i^^iedUitiy. ♦"â-  .1 i:'r 'â-  'â- -

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