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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 12 Aug 1881, p. 1

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 1 â- 1 iS f I i w ^1 'v Tiftitif ftwy â-  wiM If* Markdale. r.e-kl.T W:niaai«ford. A'Qutt C'batnrorth .. Uoekfnril OwcQ SuunJ. JlA.a.n(2re of 'Fixne. Ob and kft-r MONDAT, trd NOT. trains w'l mna* foHowii: â€" GOING NORTH. Toronto, â€" Union Station, b«p. 7:30 a. m. 13:20 p. m. 5:00 p. m. CarUon, T.f-aa.m. 13.4ep.iB. S.Mp.m. We ion 8.05 a.m. 1.00 p.m. 6 JC p.m. BBmb«ram't8.)0a.m. IJiOp.m. 5.50 p.m. Wocabru]ge...8.4Sa.m. IJiO p.m. 6.05 p.m. Kle'obarg.... 9.06a.m. 9.13 p.m. 6.34p.m. Eo'U)a 9.25 a.m. 2.n7 p.m. 6.4S p.m. Mono Boaa.. 9.50a.m. S.05rm- 7.05p.m. t'ba'lMton.. 10.35a.m. 8.50 p.m. 7.50p.m. Alton lO.0Oa-m. 4.05p.m. 8.06p.m. Oat1CBTU.L« â€" Arrive 11.10a.m. 4.25. p.m. 8.20p.m. De ia;.. .11 30a.m. 4.45. p.m. Oraoi^Til'e Janetion 11.4 a.m. S.06 p.m. Lxnrel 11.5i» a.m. 6.i»0 p.m. Siielbaraa 12.30 p.m. 6.00 pm. r.aadalk 1.15 p.m. 6.50 p.m. Proton 1.35 p.m. 7.11p.m. FI«sherUnAPne«*'e ).55pm. 7.85 pm. 2.15 p.m. 8.05 p.m. i.'.io p.m. 8.28 p.m. 2 50 p.m. 8.46 p.m. 8.0.= p.m. 9.06 p.m. 8.15 p.m. 9J6 p.m. 8.38 p.m. 9.3A p.m. 4.00 v.m. 10.10 p.m. GOING SOUTH. O.TeD Sound, depart 6.30 a.m. 12.00 noon. Hot k(ord 7.00 a.m. 12..'»0 p.m. Oil' ^orth 7.20 a.m. 12.55 p.m. Aruot: 7.80am. 1.06 p.m. WiUiamtford 7.48 a.m. 1.28 p.m. Borkl; 8.06 a.m. 1.48 p.m. M.^^Ldale 8.30 a m. 2.15 p.m. I im'.ier:.'oJ[PrieeTille 8.65 a.m. 1.45 p.m. T roUia 9.16 a.m. 8 10 p.m. bibdalk 9.36 a.m. 3.30 p.m. Kiieriuroi 10 15 a.m. 4-15 p.m. Laurel 10.47 a.m. 4.50p.m.^eville Junction 11.00a.m. 5.05 p.m. OSANCEriLLE â€" Art. 11:15 a.m. 5:20 p. a. Iep. 7.15 a.m. Il.ji5 a. m. 5.40 p.m. Alton 7.35 a.m. 1 1.66 a.m. 6.00 p.m. Cliarleston..7.50 a.m. 12.10p.m. 6.18 p.m. Mono Road. .8.25 a.m. 12.47 p.m. 7.05 p.m. Bolton 8.45 a.m. 1.10 pm. 7.S3 p.m. Kleinburg... 9.05 a.m. 1.30 p.m. 7.55 p.m. WoMlbrid^'f..9.25 a.m. 1.50 p.m. «.17 p.m. Humbcr Snit9.4.»a.m. 2.0.5 p.m. 8.33 p.m.' Weston.... 2.27 p.m. 90« P"" U,n,,.pi,oId farlton.... 10.10 a.m. 2.39 p.m. 9.15 p.m. "O""®""" ToBONTo,â€" Union Station, We tbotjgbt we had a good mEcuine Arrive... 10.30 am. 3.00p.m. 9.40 p.m. j^ ^^^ facasehold until one day the agent of the New Home presented him- self at our door and proceeded to de- liver an oration upon its characteristic merits. "But," we answered, "oar machine serves us nicely and suits us well, and we do not care for another." The agent, however, was persistent, and finally begged the privilege of leaving one of bis machines with us, "for tie ladies to try." The rt'qiiest was not utreasonable, so we granted it â€" but more to oblige the agent tliaa anything else for we I really did not want the machine, aad had not the remotest idea of buying it. j The machine ouce in the house, it was natural that the ladies should look it over. They did so, and as a conse- quence fell io love with it. They say that without the slightest wish to de- AHOTHIB BEAB ST(»Y. Oa Monday of bat we«k, Mr. Wm. Croffotd. liOietm., Towoatipof Pro ton, while puHOg tbroogh • svamp on hia road bom«, saw what Le took Ht first to be a pig. but GO approach ing be diaooTered, rather to liia dia may. that it wm a bear. He passed on, baring bo wcaponB with which to attack bis bearsbip. He had proceed- ed bat a short distance when anotJier one came oat of the swamp a few yards ahead of him. Hera was a d •lemma. What was he to do He was iu near- ly as had a fix as the caUaut six hun- dred at Balaklava. Eear in front of hiiB, Bear 5n rear of bim, and for ongbt he knew, Bears allaroaod biao- Plneking op eouraga, he Arew a stick at the one in frnnt of him, which bronght forth an ominons growl. Then, like Bob Acres, he felt his coar- ace all oozing out at tbe tops of his fingers, and thinking "discretion the belter part ofTalor," took to his heels but unfortunately in liis haste he did not look where he was goit.g, trippe«\ RDil rolled over. Poor William, he thought his last hoar ha coipe, rap- idly there passed th rough ois miod thea gony of the dear ones at home who were watching for the one who would never come. However, finding be was not molested, he rose to bis feet, look round, and to his great delight found his enemies had all disappeared, and he went on his way rejoicing. THE USUAL RESULT. It is not io be denied that a good sewing machine is one of the most im- portAnt appurtenances of the modem THE STANDARD. I'riday, August .12th, 1881. IVOTICK, rpHK Canada Advefl^Iug A^encv, Ni. 29 J. King Street West, To onto, W. W. BUTCH Kit, Mavnyfr, )»ai •nori/!eil lo receiv** ailycrliaomeuts fo ,.ii» pa.ier. L _. J Si 'scniintoNB are received at tJii!i oBice ft* tbu following I'upcra and Muc liiiues. MIUEIt. "... oriio l.i!ly 'lobe, per yij^r, WeEEMEg. S7.00 7.00 Toiotito Weekly Globe, per year, M:iil Ilii'iiMloM " S|K olator " C.ii "Ilia l-'aiinfr •' Si'iiti.'ic Amurirnn " ilONTIII.IES. y â-  ini" Ailvocati' \tf,- veur, Ann II' .111 ,\' â-  :riiliiii .nt " t»l" l.; ().., " PE.nil OF C'UL. CC\MbEl;L.\ND. It lins b'jiii known for sonic time '.-t that tli9 health of Lieut. Col. •â- ' i"l. W. ';iiul)crlaiiJ, Manawiiis; Di- ntotor of the X(;vtlierii RaJhviiy, was HI a vory prccarniis state, and there • fureoiir riMilcr.s will, iu a mcasnre, be pn'jMireJ to hear of his death, which ti)ok place at his family resilience on Friil;iy lii'-t. His death will be sorely flit ly the biiard of Dirccturs of the NorUiei'ti Hallway, for he was the life aii.l isoiil of it. and it ia ouly through hi.-* riiiij^y and untiring elTort.s tliat tlio l.'.iuJ is in c!wisteuce tp day, as it \v:is ill a ]iretly critical financial cou- ditiuii at the lime lie assumed control of it. Mr. Cumberland was iu his si;;ty-8ceind year ut the time of his deulli. THE PRESIDENTS HEALTH. jjg-)lcry or dippaiage any other machine, ton I this.'all things considered, is, in their "qo opinion, the most desirable oue to be 3^20 had. I The upshot of the ^uole matter was j'.-f, that the old machine was disposed of, 1.5J j and the "Light Ilunning New Home" â-  I â- â-  installed iu our household â€" a vcrj fiir and satislactorv rrratsement be- ing made with the agent. It is pronounced a genuine Leant/ and a real comfort, and "our folks' wanted ua to tell otiier folks about it. Tills unrivalled runcliiue is manu- factured by JOHNSTON, CLARK CO., 30 Union Square, New Yoik, who wish us to say that all who will send for tlieii- new^ illustrated catalogue and enclose their advertisement (print- ed on another pagre), will receive a set of fancy advertisinj; novelties, of value to those collecting cards, o. «tt» TiiK health of the President was not ah satisfactory on Saturday last as nsaal, and the physicians in attend- ance found il neeeesary to perform another operation, in doing which they R.scertained the location of the bulltt. and from the knowle«lge so gained they feel satisfied that neither the liver nor the peritoneum has been tiachcd. Dr. Agnew, the |.rincipal phviciau iu attendance, says the wound i» not near so serious as was at first tliought. He has little or no hopes of being able to extract the ball, but has very strong ones of his oltimate recovery. Fall grain is an nnnsally heavy crop in the ueghbourhooJ of Perth, and it Well saved will, it is expected, redeem to a great extent last year's failure. ORDINATION AND INDUCTION AT MclNTYRE. Ou Wednesday, the 3rd inst., Mc Inlyro presented a very attractive and yay appearance, every one we met was in holiday attiic.and all seem- ed to have their niiuds set on some particular oliJHCt; and so it was, for ou that afiernoon the Presbyterians I'f Mclnt.vre, Maxwell aud Feversham were to be united to Mr. Chibholm, B. A., as their Mioister. The services took place in the church, a nice plain, brick edifice with very comfortable fittings inside. The wise people of Mclntyrc acted on the good old plan of getting a cage before they got the bird now they haye both, and our desire is to see them prosper At Mclntyre tliere is a firs-trate iiotel with ample accommodation, "out and in," managed by an active and obliging proprietor, and there is a very fine store, where nearly every- thing, from a needle to an anchor,may be had, owned by aa intelligent and obliging gentleman, ad now they got a young, active and accomplished minister in Mr. Chisholm, and if the good fdks in this locality do not go Mr Di'.lon, a leading agitator of ahead it will certainly be their own Imithsr Um rifbt baud of fellowship The )|od«ator seat pcoeeaded to ad- dreM Mr. CtnaboIiB' en liia duties aa a Christian Pastor, taking as his text Paol-s advice to Tnn.fliy. "Take b«wd to thTsell" (We will pn the address in full next »eek.) This w an admirable addraas. mahy practical points wsre pieaentad in it, and. if Hf- Chisholm "take b«« " to them all, he will be a model mioister in- deed. Rev. Mr. Morrison, of Proton, addrfa8ed the oongregatian on their duties to their pastor, after which Mr. C. sliook haada w^tL tbe members and bdberents of the Cfanreb, and the Ordmation and indnetion rf Ber. John Chisholm to the Pastorate of Mclntyre, Maxwell and Varenham Congregation was eoneloded. In the evenmg there was a very nice Tea Meeting in honor of tbe event. After a plentiful snpilyof tbe best of cake and delicious tea, the nu dience Tere called to order and Mr. Wm. Brown, Merchant, Markdale, was voted to the chair. After a few opening remarks a long and nch pro- gramme was begun. Rer. Mr. Eakin, of Dundalk, was the first speaker, fol- lowed by Revs. Mr. Morrison, Proton, Mr. Mcijeod, Ptieerille, and Mr. Mc- Gregor (CongregationaUst), Mclntyre, also Mr. PoUock, a fellow stadent of the newly ordained minister, and Mr. Meldrum, of Flesherton Station. Mr. Anderson sunx several of bis best songs dorinz the evening accompan- ied by Miss Anderson, and the Sine- hamhton choir sang two pieces with mnoh taate and precision, accompan- ied by a young lady belonging to tie choir. There was a cake bronght forward which was intended to have been an "election cake," but this was not carried out, and on motion of Mrs. Chisholm tbe cake was presented to Mr. Anderson for his kioJacss in adding so much to the entertainment. Mr. A. made a suitable reply. A col- lection was taken up instead of sellins tne cake. We could observe some who were not all suited on the cake business, not that they were displeas- ed at Mr. Andeisou getting it, for he is a general favorite wherever he goes, but they had their minds ma^e up for a brush at an "election" and would not give one ccut to the collection, saying that if it bad been managed as proposed it would have turned in over twenty dollars. We would not be sorry to hear that Mclntyre folks (and others as well) were so much divided ou this point that in filturc there would be no "election' in the matter. The meeting throughout was a very pleasant one; all joined in wishing Pastor and eople happiness and prosperity, and judging from the manner in which they have wroa^u so harmopionsly in the past the pros- pects for the fuinre-are very biijjht. After singing "God Save the Queen" all took to their respective homos t-cI1 pleased with what they had seen, aud heard, aud tasted. â€" Com. A By-law ba pa â€" «vi0ffcfocttoUio««n««- J ' Ward No. i-W' tiurA session â€"John Hf^yard McLeaghry Ward Ho. 8-John WadHo.4^W. T. Mo- giabotham Kee. yf. J. Bmixua, Clerk. • COUSCIL MEETINGS. Proton Cooftolmaet atBaid'B Hotel Dabdalk on tbe 6th. Glenaig at the Toim HtU on the Hdland, at WiHikmaford Station tbe lOtii Sept. Osprey at Mcln^» on the aand Sept Eapbrasia Conneil meets on Bator- day Aug. «7A^^^^___ Hones.â€" We wish it disinetly understood that we do not hold our«iUe« repooaibto for the opinions expreaaed by onr oorraapoodento, To tbe Editor of the Stad*bj BiR, â€" Those of yonr readers who have desire a to witness a troly Apostol- ic ordination in oontradietiou to the mono-modial or episcopal form, should not fail to avad themseltos of the priTilsKe of being present in Dufiferin Hall, Markdale, on Toeaday. tbe lOtb inst., at 2 o'cloek p.m. At said time and place the Presbytery of Saugeen of tbe Presbyterian Church in Canada wi'l meet tc set apart accordiLg to tbe simple rites %iid ceremonies of the early Christian and apostolic church a Pastor of the Markdale aud Flesherton congregation. All those who have a debiie to nuderstaud and appreciate the Scriptural form of ordination as practised by tho Apostles aad their immediate follower?, should attend, as an occasion like the present may not soon pteseut itself in Markdale. In crdci- that those who witness the interesting ccvemony rcfeiTed to may be p; ofited thereby, the writer would icspecirully tuggost a careful perusal of the following portions of the sacred scripiuie, via: â€" Acts, 6 6, 8 17, 13 3, also 1 Tim. 4 14, and cognate passages. lam sure Mr. Editor, that iu this age of religious life and christian ac- tivity, a rofcrtnce to these matters which fl 'pertai n to higher duties of lile cannot le token amiss by any of your leadtrs or considered out of place even in a secular journal, I therefore offer the above remarks without furtlier apologj,' WM. BKWN. MiKD*LE, Aug. 9, 1881. the Irish Land Lengce, who nas im- prisoned some time since for Ins treasonable utterances, has been re- alesed, nrconditonaHy, nod it is said other promioent off-jnders wi'l short- ly be released also. AuBicuLTL'BAi. lalKirers appear to be acarce all over the Piuviace. Iu the Ottawa dist-'ict the farmers are offer- ing $2 per dayaod are nnabl« to pro ears the necessa-y help to secnre their crops, which are said to be nn- Bsnally good this vear, and far above the average. Tbe regatta iu Toronto, on tbe 7kh 8tb of Sept., Um firet week tho la- dniitrial E\hibitKu, promines to be iha greatest aquatie b ,ea ever held in America. Tiicket, Rom, Hanlan, -and all ti»* big gaos Wi 1 take p^r;. TLe Bii'ways are lo rui cheap Exeorsiod tra'ns on those days so as to enabla a'l who wiah, an opporttuity io s«e tbe caMtnted oarsBseB of tbe fault. The proceedings of the day began shortly after 10 o'clock, when the Presbytery of Saugeen met in the church at Mclntyre with the Rev. D McLeod, of Priceville, Moderator. â€" Mr. Chisholm was examined iu the various subjects prescribed by the Prerbyterian Church before ordina- tion, vis â€" a Lecture, a popular Ser- mon, and an Hebrew critical exercise; also on Biblical Greek and Hebrew, Theology and Church History, all of which were very highly satisfactory, showing that Mr. C. had neeived a thorongh trainiag at Qaeen's College. Rev. Mr. Eakin, of Dandalk, preaeb- ed, after which the Moderator asked Mr. Chisholm tbe nsoal qoestions, which were nil promptly answer^ Mr. Chisholm then oae l s d and the members of Presbytary laid tfaeir banda oa bim (1 "nmoih 4 ebap. 14 yw.), while tbe Uoderator oficred np a vary iaspsusai'e aad lei:vant prayer after this waa otar tba mambers of J?nab/U«7 pvM lUair Mwly otdaiaai ARTEMESIA COuNClL. Coc.\ciL met in the Town Hall, Flesherton, August 1st. Members all present. Reeve in the chair. Miii utes of previous meeting read and confirmed. Communications from John Creasor, Owen Sound S. II. McKittiick, Or- angeville, and W. Milne, Maxwell, presented aud read. Petition from John Gibson and others presented and read. The following accounts were order- ed to be paid â€" John Talbot, oravcl, statute labor, $3.16; George Moore, gravel, statute labor, §2.28; Thos. Lander, Reg. By-Law, $3.02; W. Richardson, Telegrams. $1.79. By-law No. 828 to authorize Trus- teen of S. S. No. 12 to borrow monty, 329 to repeal 824, 380 to levy school rates, 831 to levy rates, 382 to levy Police Village rates for 1881, introduc- ed and passed iu the usual way. Mr. AVebster moved, seconded by Mr. Elliott, that in accordance with the petition of John Gibson and others, Alfred Ward and Wm. Parks be noti- fied by tho Clerk to remove their fences off side road 180, 1st and Srd con. W. T. S. R. respectively. â€" car. Mr. Elliott moved, seconded by Mr. Wright, that the application of Hugh McPhcrson relal ive to culvert be re- ferred to Councillor for Ward No. 1. â€" carrieil. Mr. Webster moved, seconded by Mr. Wright, that the Clerk noiify Jos. Galbraith to move bis fence^iav- el road allowance opposite lot 118 1st West.â€" car. Mr. Pedlar moved, Kecoopi d by Mr. Wright, Ihal Cnuucillor for Ward No. 4 be lusl-ruclcd to sec to repairing bridge opposite bts 79 sod 80, 1st N. D. R., the same biiug iu unfit state for travel. â€" car. Mr. Cluibt'e moved, suconded by Mr. I'bdlar, that in oid;r to settle the mailer heiwf.en Commiw'juer Wright and Jas. Cornfield, the Cuaucil ii favor the sum of $6.60. â€" ca' The fol'owiug road jobs were otder- ed to be paid:â€" Ward No. 1â€" M. Wil- liamson, ii0.26;S. fieodersoD. $4.- 76; Peter Mnir, $5. W»rd No. 2â€" John Blittu, balauce of special grant ou loanliue last year (9.80; William Hill. $8fi; Thos. Graogtr, $84. Ward No G. r ullage. $6.26 R. Cooper, $10 Scolt Jamison, $3 Jaa. I'laber, 80e.: John Glmtou, special pmnt oa town- hue Artemesia and Oaiirey. Mr. Pedlar moved, aeeonded bj Mr. Webster, that C. Bellamy be paid $2 being stainte labor charg(d, said work baiviDg bean pariormad. â€" aar. Mr. Elliott movwl, aemndad by Mr. P«idlar, that the following parsons be appointed Odlaolara far tba enrreot " â€" •""""' winve, wai. a doaorial year «t • sriary of $M aw*. sn^tM ' toS^iiSU^* TLif* '**^" To tbe Editor of the Standaeo. S.R, â€" It is known lo some ot your iinuiei'ous readers that oii% of the young lady teachers in the Markdale Public School wa" raanied during tbo vai-aiioo. RiTt'iing to this matter I uu'^er stand it Las be.n circulaied by some wicked dei^i^u in;? person tbat the *ru8- tees re 'used to allow ILo young lad.v iu quesiion to give up her position till the end of the Juat. I beg sir in the name of the Board to give this report a distinct and nn equivocal denial. Mrs. Cheilew "la.s 1. ever either directly oriudiicctly, eiih er by herself or any other person,»si. cd the trustees to relieve her of hci- position. Had she chosen to ij so, a repuest very reasonable, would havj been at once graateJ. It is not tru?, therefore, that t'le trustees have boon 60 cruel as to prevent the o.iQg wife from accompauing her hasbaaJ to Colliogwood or elsewhere. Why, sir, what are the facts; I liavo bad several applications for tho posl tion but have invariably told the par- ties that as Mrs. Cbcllew/utixot oiked tile rcUeced,i\xc presunij)liou was that she intended to teach 1 11 the close of the year, to which tbe trustees would offer no objection. Why any one should give currency to such a stupid fulsehood I cannot divine.people don't generally act mean- ly or churlishly without a motiveâ€" the motive in this case is entirely wanted, hence the improbability of romour. "Wm. Bi;own. Markdale Aug. 8 1881. BBliWJSBUNAWAT ACOTOBNT. 8in« Ja-i»«««'*h^« 5"i*Sl^S A ,^avA of r«»»way acotdenia in Uu« iSTon'Vnaa/u.tabl^in*" deKvsringtaa having «"SP!fJ"J' H.nry WiMams to ^n« ^»*JK and while thus engaged ««•«?***??: fright snd ran away, throwing M^- Williama ont and br«doag b»fil»oold- er blade. The tea was soatered along the roadnd other u^juries done Mr. Williams waa conveyed" home, ana medical aid procured, and we are gUd to bear that be is progressing frw- ai,ly. Meanwhile a constable firom W^erton arrived with a warrant and arrested the bUod man lor podbog without a license. He was taken to Walkertou and fined. Om Monday Ust a team belonging to Masvs. MoHeohuie ran away m toe Station yard, where t»i«v had been drawing lamber, and mnniug over loga. sMmpe an^ stones dashod through »S board fence at Uie South end, breaking a post « J short, and run- ning down the hill towards tbe nver struck a atnmp and rolling over seve- ral times landed at the bottom m a oonftised heap, tne waggon tongne and resoh beio« broken, and one of the horses bad Jfs leg so badly frac- tured that next duy it had to Iw shot. That will be a serbusloss to Mr. Mc Kechnie. as the horse was a good one. On Tuesday a team belonging to Mr. McCaohff, of Normanby, ran away from McKeehnie's Mill up to Gara- fhtxa Street, and in Inming a corner fell, and were captured before they could get away again. In this case no serious damages was done.â€" G»y Beruw. ACCIDENT OR SUICIDE nUAK om}'x snots ram DOS ves-isaoAT MOVNUia. Yesterday morningaboutten o'clock a commotion was caused at Riverside by the report, bronght to the village by a little girl named Gossman. that a man named John Bolton bad been drowned in tlie river, Bolton lived with his brother on Oe Grassi- street, and was married only recently. The cu-cumstances atteodiug his untimely end are to a large degree enveloped in mystery. The following aro versi- ons A the affair, the only witness to the event, other than deceased's bro- ther, being the little girl mentioned above. The two Irothers were to gether at the Eingston-road bridge, when deceased pfopcsed tlwt they should plunge intothe liver togetlier but the suggestion did not meet with a response. Then, again, it is said that deceased was drowned while at- tempting to rescue a dog which ao compauied him. Tbe animal got in- to the water, aud Bolton while in the act of taking off his co;it wiih the io- teotion, rt is srid, of reecumg his can- ine friend, overbalanced himself, fell back Over ti.e bridge into the water, and was drowned. It seems no ote but tho girl Goss- mau was near the bridge when the man met his death. She ran home and raised the alarm. She at the time was unable to give a coherent ac- oount of the affair. The fact that deceased did get into the »iver wae sufficiently proved, it is thought, by the finding of his caat ou the bank, aud the recovery from the river of his hat. The coat was iaeuti5ed by Mr. IJai-tlett, Bolton's fr.lhcr-iu-law.'lve o'ciock Esjj'iiuailo Con- stable Will '.-'U) sari ived wii,h tho ne- cessary appuiaius fk'r diiig|;i;!g the river, and aTtera search of iiboiij t.vo bourn succeeded i. I fiiidiujT' tlia holy, which was at ot.ce conveyed byCouuly (Jonstable Bedley to tlic late lioxo of tbe deceased ou De^rassi-street. A street car driver with whom the two Irothers returned irom the ciiy in the morning, status that they were both under the influence of liquor, aud that they had no dog with tlii-tn. The surviving brother says that when Mr.MKi Mrs- GlaMTOta Md Mra. IfUliam Gleneross, bmI with • ftarj MrioM «90idwt wban rataming booM from Durl»M» on 8«tardaf awning. 6th in«t.. a httle bafcra dark, ai the teiageatthenorthandofMt. Jack's place, 8th con. GtenaUr- Wli«i as- cending the hill to tbe aMt of the biidga, Iha o«iiaga in whidi they were aealad wart aaddanly iamn u front off a ledge of roek. iwamg the hind wheels with a sodden jerk, threw the oocnpanta ont, diaaWing the ladies «, tbat one of them bad to be carried home, the other managai to walk wxtb the assistance of a person on eadi aide of her. Dr. Jameison, of Durham, arrived abopt 12 o'clock same night and attwidad u tbsir wonada and bruiaee. They are progres9iDg.BO far, favorably, though v«y sick and sore, being bidly braised about tbe bead aud body. Tbe road where the aoaident oc- eorred is very unsafe for traval, and many have predicted serious misshaps when happening to pass that way.â€" We hope the attention of tbe proper oflicials will be directed to this, and athar dangerous places, in order to prevent or onard against occurences of this kind. We understand tbat Mr. Philip Meffgitt, who was aon-straok lately while working at the foondation of Mr. HaU's barn, at HalPs MilU, Glenelg, Is now able to resume work, though somewhat deaf especially on one side. People exposed to the scorching rajs of the snn in exces- sively hot weather should endeavor to keep the head oool, with water, leaves, linings, c., and thereby help to pre- vent casualties. Had Mr. Meggkt fallen very far he would undoubtedly have been killed, as it was be was in- sensible when found, though be fell ouly about five feet. Paddt feoh Cobk. THE CENSUS. A summary of the results of the re- cent census was published ou Monday of last week, aud the population ot the different Provinces, with their in- crease since 1871, rie found to be as follows :â€" Province. 1871. Ontario I,fi20,861 Quebec 1.191.616 New Brunswick, 286,594 Nova Scotia.... 887,800 P. E. Island 94,021 Manitoba 12.728 Brit Columbia.. 88.686 Territories aud Manitoba e::tei C0,l00 1881. 1.918,460 1,868,469 821,129 440.685 107.781 49.509 60,000 100.000 8,680,590 4,860;938 8,686.596 664,887 Total increase NCC«ASfe'BT PBUVICES. Provinces. Increase «ioce 1871 Ontario Quebec Ntw Brunswick "^Dva Scotia Prince EJward Islual Miiiiitu'Lia j;,itis!i Columlia 26,414 Territories and Manitoba ex- teuton 89;5C0 292,609 166,95H 86,635 52,785 18,760 86.781 Taking into account that during tho decade the country hau passed tbiongii a period of depression which had a they got to the brid;,'e deceased took I tendency tc lesson immigration ami 0.\ Tuesday afternoon a picnic was held iu the grove of Mr. ArmslroDg ac'joining the village in honour of the Misses Reid and Miss Mclnlvrewho are about leaving oor village, the former for the Slates, nnd the latter for Toronto. About thirty sat down to tea, which really did credit to the ladies of Markdale, and we are Fafe in saying that the gents present did lull justice to the good things provided (the Lemon Pie not excepted). After tea a pleasant time was spent in games, singing, reciiatioLS, 4c., and as the day dechued the party repaired to Duffeiia Hall, where tho evenmg was spent in social amusements, and at late hour the party di»-perscd well sat- isfied with tbe day's recreation. V e all join in wishing the Misses iU 11 ami Miss Mclntyre snccess iu tlieir pew homes. off his coat aud j^smped from the cenlre of ilie biiil-.e ou the south side, into the WHirr f r tr a i -g tliat had somehow goi, i ,. J " an.l bt.ingl JDg to get out, b. I ff .e J questioned as to particulars, hi-, a jswers were very confused, aud it was evident I hat he was too driiiiij 'v he iible to give any relia'jk ao-i i.ij! ^.f lin Of tuis much be -; i\.l. u iili ccrtiiiuiy, tlini. liis bjoi'ie juai:--.l otl ilie briiigo.l.liiii. he oiily roai; i,(» Uio huifiice onco. and that lie hnuseir lai! to ibc bank to sat if he could loucler him any assistance aud then ran home to toll tliem tliat Jack wiib drowned. The f^irl Gossman, the ouly other person present at the time, says that sbe saw both men on the bridge, aud that dec-'ased went down the embank men tat tho city end, between the sidewalk and the Club Iwat-house. He fell in from t^iat bank, and sank abouttwelve feet from ',} shore, aud about thirty feet on tbi- south side cf liio biiuge. This ac count is corroboratee by a man who was working at the time at Davies' brewery,, and saw what occurred from the t.op of the building. H • says that deceased went to the end of the bridge and took off his coat, and io endea- vouring to gtt over the rail fence he fell over aud rolled down the embank- ment. The deceased, John Bolton, was an employee of Marchemout Bros., aud was said to be lairly steady and iu- dustrious. On Monday he went to an excursion at Lome Park, and did not resume work yesterday morning. The report that be was married only the previous evening is not coircct, as h" uad been married for some months. It is not known whether an inquest will be ordered to epqujre Jnto |he facts of the casa. â€" G/o6«. -â€" â- '-â- .*• Tea Masonic Excursion onPriday under tbe auspices of Lome Lodge' here nftmbered between 400 and 600* A la*te contingent came from Mark' 4â€" B. Feowiek, $«9.84t ^»'«. Flesherton. Dandalk and otier places. The train being somewhat lata m arriving at Toronto, the Em- tnirmof India, which was to liave Uk en tbe e'.carsiomsis to L,.rne Park liad departed without tnem. Tiia ex' eor8.om8tscoa8eqoeutly amused tbem- P««ably, on tbe wude. ve-v satis »d by the Shelburne brass and string banda. who con.ide,ably .uliS the te.l,ouscess ol the jouru.,.^ •ffiwr. OD the wiH»e. ww. We do not oftci make t ly nditmal mention of tbo propriutary meilicians advertised iu our oolnmi», hut we be- lieve it to be a juty we owo t.. readers to cail their aU..ulion u, the advertisem ut of Dr. J, C. .\yir's Ague Cure which uppeaiB hi Hud Issue of the paper. We know Iro'ii ixprriatice l^iat nc^hing is mote di-heaimi^j i,;.»u ih^ luftdiou- approaches and i)€ii,Klic«l attacks of malutial s'lii miasMatic tlis- °/^" The remedy {irepand by Dr. Ayer4 Co. bas be«u in na« inauT years, and bas proved a itosilive autj- dotefor disorders of this natnxe. It 18, withal, a safe and harmless one to Uke. being composed entirely of vcg- otable angredieute, without either qiimine or minerals, unlike other s? called Ague Cures, and aonaequsntly. racaj^bla of prpdnsiug tbe depbrabU meeU whioli follow tba use of thos*- dfog* Our western people ow« a debtigf gntitada to Dr. Ayer for the f«»«fct»on of thw valuable mediciae. It* tlMtr use will save muob aal[er lag fki we reeoosnend rt arith the -11 *i^* "nfdenoe in its alvlity to do »ua«rt u drrmiaed for hfc,-rA*ki««. thus retard the growth of population tiie aggregate increaHf of 601,337 to the population of the D imiuton is a vtatifyiug one. tenoing to show that notwithstanding this drawback, tlie country has made a substantial pro- gress. Outario, of tx)urse, takes the lead iu progress, but a remarkable feature ol the census is the yery large increase made by Quebec, numbering 1G6.9.38, while iu the decade between 1861 and 1871 that Province ouly in- creased 79,950. Tlie Marati me Pro- vinces, though not making such rapid progreiis as Outario and Quebec, have yet made rapid pi ogress, the aggrc- iiiciease heiug about the sama as bo- tweeu 1861 and 1871. Tbe popula- tion of British Columbia as given above, is ouly an esti nate. and in some of the remoter districts of the other Provinces the nnmbers are esti- mated tco; butthe figures will be fourd verv rear tbe mark. The population for Manitoba is that within the old boundaries. The principal cities of the Domioioo, the figures for which are given, have also made rapid ad- vanceâ€"the only exception to the rule being St. John, N. B.. which owing to the great fire and other untoward circumstances shows a decrease from 28,806 to 26,128. The population of the other cities, compared with that of 1871, with their respective iocieases, are aa follows â€" aQLg Or its equivalent, can purchase an* may require io DRY (JOODS, q^^^^ BOOTS and SHOES, or m fact an^^ll^ FOITIT^ In a general country stoi% ZIT Purchasieg, you should always ascertaiu„i ' can purchase to the best advantage, th^J^ the best goods at the lowest price, j^j* 11 i place is â- â- â- Â«'*i BUTTERR dt RAE'8 mahsda; August gth, 1 88 1. REM_OVED. I beg to inform my many friends that I U. removed into ray new premises in Dr Suro^ Brick Block. Too busy to give particnb! this v/eek; but might say I have Iresh gS arriving daily, which I will dispose of at lotM living rates for cash. CJ-tVLL Ajsiy s£:£^ M\z^ A. MgINTYBJ IfirkOale, Angast Srd, 1984. SuBSCETBE for the SrANDASD the best local paper m this section of tbe County. To the end of the year from date only 40 cents. D- diO. iBFtON â€" In Glenel^s ou the ulh icai., Mrs. Itobt. Ireton. agcti 23 ye.irg. MARKDALE Voters' List, XH tran-iiMt!ilor (WbbJTi sous tiin:tioiif.i in IIkm*^ " Voters' I. â- Â»/ .Vr. ofwa; u^ e.l y f.,U ;v.:l:oii lo Ik fc t •Klivi-rwl ..f li: |i,; ^v!. ., Act lf Ull •' «c,l.!) iJftU.L sistil Asstsiiifut liull ol i:e ^| palit.y to bo ciititlod to toV a tbf liality at el(( ti^ns for memWnitl lativc A,sseiiib]r, and at Hoiii^i aud flial till -iuil lislwM inti my oOicp. at Kii|ilir«'iit.aitW1L Ai^ofct. IH.'3'l. aiij remaiiKtbtJ iio!i. EKcti f- ate called ii;ii" vlie .-:;i. lik( unl ii as; 'ja« othi r I'TTOTs are fouaJ ibnrn iii"'.iti' i'TiK.-nt!i!!i'« 10 liirei cc •â- .-.•l.'.t avo J i.ii 10 la». J'ai •' r.; I' iiHia^ia. Uiiu ut, .\,L ibii. liODEEK i-^'M t'Jcrli cf tiiei "^^^^^^^^^r- --^^y Yoters'I/iiS 1871. ISSl loc-'ease. J 07 .935 U0,«S9 S5.457 56,032 86.445 80.333 59.699 62,447 2.74.S 39.5«)3 S«,IOS 6.590 36,7 (« 85.965 ».a49 VM «7,417 6,972 16.H2(i 19,763 8,937 «.i07 14.093 1.686 f oat rati To'oato, Qaeliec C'.i t HH'i-ax, fiaiu Hon, Ovtnwa l/OOtioti, Kio^otou, Oor own Conutv, we find, bas in creased Jrom 66,895 ia 1871 to 74,- 104â€" tbe populations and increases of the different riuiags b^iog as fol lows â€" BonhGivy, BMt Grev. Ho lb Grey, i8,ee» 2^199 IMW 29.553 8t*l7 7,1(» i,T87 59,8 -O. «, Time$. W.104 U,709 P».»t. A.«a«„T._aB Vonday last .lobn Krnmholtz, a youth of 16, ac- companied by a youooer brother, was ttaming fan bark intoColpoy'sTiHaRrt Oq arriving at Spragse's bill "^je younger boy got off to lock (be wag- gon wheels. Before this traa accom- plished the horses started down the hill. l*ho bark slid forward and the naforlunaje yoath was thrown to the yroobd. Uij-wBggon passioidin-jooal ly orer hJr cbwf. meo picLaJ ^^n hewaa.iQsonfible. Dr. BeUUy wpR immediatelv sammoae'O. but Ufa ^as extinct befbra b^3:*rij»4. .Wfc.^^n- ..otbave a more oi^rlant t«.e for ealbng aiier.tion -to the diMJgHf.ns r-adoftbebn] in queattivn.- A lit- prevant ^tba .recorraar i of audtiler •aoh a calaroitf.- "w-aor Marble Works' Monuments, Tonftstones And every dcfcrirti- n of Cc'uictcxy- work executed in _^ FIRST-CLASS STYLE! and at res enable rates. Ord.^rs left at the shop or sent by mail will be promptly at- tended to. â-  ,â- ,-. Satisfaction Guaranteed. 8hp next door to Revere HoVih W. H. JOMMSTON, Prop. Markdale. Atu;. lOtb, 1881. 48-ly W. BENSON HAS KOW ON HAH'D â- "â-  i M Sijjiy of liiim' WHICH CAIflfOT BB nCKIXIB. INGR0GERIE8! I Onr stock is Fresh. LsTing ju»t been par- ' ehaaed from the best dealers in tbe ]£at(tm ' markets, HTeas a, SpecicQtj^. HiscellaneoQs Articles! loeluding Unions, Or n:ea, and Fndta of •U dMet^ttoas. may be had o« varr z««ion- allatenas. â-  Miyii UAUIY or TBI Tiin.UJli to; Nil cr am. N JOTICE i.' liirfKy titaM trati-i.'.i;t?u or dfiirat^ a| sons mc'i-.tiitiit^ I in tbr Ton i Sections cf ' ?*' Vn^' Lkitli pies re^i'r;',4 l.y t^.vd.sctkmfcki mitti d or i- !inril ii(tli hi to srJd .\ t â-  f .,;: ptrfors sp( lust Kâ€" :»â-  I '.-.~ p ttitut k'iiX mniifeijwiiity a; t!ert«ts lot l tlio I/ct-*!.ct!*f .^•'-tchjr udid cip'il l.r'.i'n^. a:iu tlitl s»iii Ml fio^teil up in mv offic' il Hindi Third d ly .f Ai-fUst, 1»?1, rfij tlse.r- fi.r iiisifntii'D, F.I«Mb upon t» examirse the saii W 1 omiiisionfi or any ctlwBiioi thtrt^in. t t^e imnMlmt I have the mui errors oornae* i law. L)ated 31 niv office, M 14i»i 18^li. w\^'y\^ b THEI MOSTPOPUy -• or ALL- ^SKWINBMABr 16 if^e .^^--^r ' p. 8.â€" Those indebted to the nnaertisned would do well to settle at ooce and save farther trouble aa I am in need of mooev, being now engaged in tbe ereetioa ot a new brick bu i l din g wd require the monav. f t^TL WilSon li^!^8on. Marlfiiii. Aog. tOth. IQ^t. Slj. proM VMNff Pmiidicivsi M. 8To«M«f, ^, New roi^, n,:'., .r -VICTORIA- Bu:hu.l!vaUrsi ^H£ CR£/IT SPEClFfC Ji"^f: â- â-  K I D NEV s Bt HAS NO SUHPASSty' Mm ^30 UNION eft'"' G'hicacoiu.*' K^.spectfnUjJ JOHNSOR* Jd'y 7 h. 1881. Sjlet atteudci '.n ^VJ^ r Gt ods sold on Oo»-^^; r!inc». Ot^'»n», »»• KruitandOrn*ui«o*j^ii tiiranupUnjcuU.*"" ca file. ,. a io" A 1 w choice f;. f,i*,»*» 1 lIoiieT to low •* A 1 w choice Ii "Jl^^ lloiiey to loan •» *Jjj»J. =S^^^ bakicaas. jr^ t- jjarkJslcAHl-*^' U-* LOO -«« ly. Id tbe meai STAMDARD. r, A-o^ust 12th, 1881. « OTHER NOTICES. .jinkorers in demand. r«-opened on Monday. Lu. boys bTiffenng from pa' is iar tbe thrd vest hatton. iL.â€" Mr. John Bnson, who Lj Cost, "in Toronto for some t'oae and win rn«d borne on Saturday last Xbb Pi A NEW bani at Tea S| end of tli« Fob a to Wilco3i BeNSONl this week J attention Selling I oil eompany, ftre aole irars of "Oastorina mitcbine its will be pr wecutedt ilfarbla works ara in full opera- i ^e proprietor appears to be basy, as indeed he caght. ha tnms out is first-class. •oar dealers for "Castorine" oili »od " ^*^ ^^ barrel ••O.iatorine," as none other Show Willi Proton, n| The m( have be crowded (i Stba.nuJ may be sc orchard, week i'l fj We are! MontsoLud agaiu aliel Willi Sul.J IA0B t Jok place on Monday ^direen A. Speers and I). ^{ this viUage, which was j runii ig a I liythe first named. We An cm I iffmn the amount of the stakes. Ueid A McDongall block is pro- rapdly, and when finished Tqaite an ornament to oar vil- Work on the new Staxdahd of- bting pushed forward vigor- "Castonne" Machine Oil, for Is of machinery, it is also ex- I for harness and leather, rnak rater and weather proof. For dealers. rOU GOING TO TRAVEL ^t forget a supply of that Dr. ixtiact of Wild Strawberry. ior remedy for eca sick- a positive cure for a!l bowel ^ts indaded by bad watur, I of diet, or of climate. Whuthur I or abroad, it shoulJ be kt pt in case of emereonev. srd Falcon, the name of E-.t.--- I well known steel pea, is d^i 'V- FaLt, a reaping hook. 8nT- |bj tbe shape of the Fn'cia' "Oastoriae" Machine Oil, for is of machinery, it is slsj ex I for harness aud leather, mak rater and weather proof. For dealer?. k« can't they leave each things rsaid an undertaker not a thiu- Dufferin the lot'),! Admissiou see f'oBterl Mkk.s^J gold has Well, we there is iw is weM uiipl cd lU tile fthle rMtiM.j aud then g| For the sell balunc itulds k Sol Mk. iki [, to '1\.: t UlOXv IV |K Itas hei '1 very .la ;je a) 'ug f I) toiy w Ml o'lr woil*. W. i:«v Kel' ci«ii eveiy oili ill liiL'i- •• at till' |i ;\ V a c.'l. A r Ml-; ' fi'iifU i il I ailes from Markdale, when hj i 1-11 .1 â-  I bee, ill JOB local paicr the w.i. hig I eating unripe 1- J it. "ItHpuIs' iness." i«"l"' )CK BLOOD BITIKUS i scrofula, erysipelas, halt j piles and all humors of the Cures dyspepsia, liver om- i bdiousness. constipation. drp- idtiey oomplaints. hadac!ie. â- i:lS I Z L vl way il'jvvii.j IO iii-r homl iiide.!. tiiki less, female debilitv. 1)^' KCCi weakness aud j ^on s Stoi tir.-^. 'ill' â€" Last Frid;ty evening about I'oHirsj unJ Bk a barn belonging to Mr. Al- M" "'n t ni.1 1' r T-' I ' :*.lc ilV A 11 lamer, 9th line of LunhraKni, i^ .,• 1 ck by lightning and burned i with stable aud a quantity nf "'" " chrti'i'e I'j t| till ljl» cl JTl.i.s will iDrrii;: tl.ej FOWLEB'S EXTRACT OF ^LD STRAWlibUKY. isnmmercompluint6,diarrhmi, ry, cholera morons, clioli ra " t'"'l" ^* 1, sour stomach, colic, nausfi, fjosis iiu'i â-  l| ^g, oaaker, piles aud all manner 'â-  ~^y,,, ... [than l»r. ow Escape. â€" Mr. Frank Bent- sti(iaiii:i J" ktemesia, who started ou the aliki- in 1 ij tat Montaav had a very 'Im^V""'*^ ' Ifromdeat.. on his way ^,^_ ^^.^,_ __ |a passenger ou the (V./ c^lleJ pii Which was burned at j go otiii-. Heloat mostofhisclothir.!^.' .M lonitted to mention last week j h a j. ..ii lIoLeod iCo. had started a taui auionut Shoe shop on Mill Street, j he !.• caI'i J smiaes lately occupiuJ ly V. the jMx.r j. They guarrsntce saii.fac- ' s» di M ms di We woull recommend our f'\,'ht lu I to Eive them a call. the .-tc »ach labor tho Recording An- 1 i-'„r aii i.iv| have escaped had old Nuah !uid iitroc!i' otten to take a pa"r of flies U^'w^^^ls " t ilrk. Wo area moralmar, but] '^-'â- â€¢. "'â- â€¢,!'"" ' •• • palioii l.itici fear had our minister oecu ',^„_„^,„,, this morning about 5 a.'U.. ecnis h hot ' ^Id have been told that we wc-.' im! o j'enta f^t traight to that place where j l',,. i i-.- pnt battered type. jy and che..,l Bi-ons E*CAPK.â€" A little g'-rl. ' • of Mr. Jas. F. Sproule. had "' ' '•'7,"' 1 I evcuin-' at 111 niraonlous escape from buiug 11- was in cv.(i V day last week. Lscapmg j mothers watchful eye. the atUmpted to go dowat.iei ' _,, J ... ' si'iit. J lie ar which I'e verv sleep anil: ,1 ... " eiiioved bv all and losiog her bvaiicc â-  ,, J 4.' ^^ " „ hriinfultofluJ Kb to bottom, receiving a J J 11 disiK:rsea will abakiug aad some tli'.;lit I ' ,1 ipi. 1 â-  .1 1 11 I and ninonau*' Themvstery w thecuiid was] 1 aud tliosc b'l EimaPBtsE.â€" The Hop '(•aafactarini; Comoany is iters greatest business Tbak Sop Bitters have ,^iati hejrond all precedent, airmtriusie value found 7 Hilo almost every household ^â€"Oraphie. #r«Bc SEASON. â€" Thos. ,t Artamesia, bas a'ready *^ faodact of a twenty acre 'lay, baing tbe first tlireh- **a beard of jn this locality Tb» jifodnet was seven f "mI ffry-w^bt bushels and *|t elaaa bafley, being ao ^lH*f :^»e^ a k1 ti •*,• from the mojl of a jiolato |iul ladies were a tlieir bouqiet amiable lady to add U the sent Proceet] These c rei bers T.'ho hnvt tiou. We iKv out our contef 8uch as a qua bnildinga 11 ' improveiuccitsl the rapid iiio T :1s, :n all IJ' uL'e luud^, aul itione whn are wor d cr I and .«39e**- â- â€¢

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