Grey Highlands Public Library Digital Collections

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 15 Jul 1881, p. 3

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 W' »!' r: M f hi I i /I, :UI now Hb OAUaHT THEM. Ae6le*)r«te1 Miid aoi trie I re cher in litlle trick on his peopi get them to come to TUey haJ been in th« •wheneyeritsnitt^sl Uier ing him much ODUoyn i8t«r on SaD]ay told hiJ p-)opl be would, cu the next Sunday, have ' grmethiug of anusal impcrtanee to cctpniunicatc to them, bnt tbat in or- der to avail themsclTes of the benefits of i^:^eT miu t all be m their aenta at (he y«ri,-oiou.eni atpjxmteAtor b^si*- Oiai^ H* service. It torn*! ouk fbat all lie had to eommnuicate was the expreoiiioD of his pleasaie at finding them aH in tLeir petite inseaHrn. Only tj|^,per8cns.wr;re latQ* and the othera. grinLed i^ tliem as they came in on tip- toe, and tojk their teata. It mas the impression of most of those who were thas lured into a spasmodic pun- ctuality, that the miaeter had sold them very cheap. L1V£K WOUNDS. '[From tho r.ochertfir DemocnU] The works oil surgery gen-jrally set down qi ill shot ^/oMnds through the Uv- tr as c!:c"(3iu"ly darigerouu. The bnr'ical UJFtary of the war of the Ke- bfcllion, liv Snr;,'eon Geoeral' Barnes, gives the statititics of such wonndu, which ehrw a good percentage of re covehes. The Surgeon Gpueral writes: 'In fifty-nme eases the in jury to the liver was tne dominant lesion, and the cases in this group mny be trrmcd uncomplicated cases." Of the fifty nine cases, twenty -five had 4 favorable result. The (lander of wouiiIh of tiM liver were first, piiouury hemorrhsce, and afferward traumatic perkoniti!«, or ahseese ofthebspatn paroucliyma. llcports by the surgeons attending President Garfield do not indicate the exact nature of ths wound. It is probable that it is not yet fhlly known but it is beheved thiU the liv cr ii shot tbrungli. The surgicu! his- tory (-ays that guu shot wounds at short range are more lacerated than at long ranee. The pistol of the as- sassin carried a buUett as lar^e as a musket ball, and itb execuliun must Lavo beer, ttiribli Cciuphcattid cases of .ahqt wounds tl.rngh Uie hver are sucE as are associated with fractures «f ribs, lesions of the lung, of the dia- phragm, stomach, hepatic ducts or ;.mI1 blacMor, ol tlie sjiiecn, pancreas, ktiineys, or bloid \fSbelj. Of ouu hun- dred and f)nrtron tfisos of c iiaplica- tod wonnti« of tlip liyor, tliirty-sevcu cases are rccidiil by tlio SiirEietn Geniral as liuvitig recovered. This per cent., even, is enconragiug to the anxiou.s pcofK whu art' watching ev ••ry'Bi^ii rep' rt'jd frfm the bedaido of the Bu'Tcri:' I'rc-idcut. The ;,'reat danjrrr is uov iiu luubtcdly from peri t'Onitis or ati. i hs. Tho impact ot a bullttt »t nh'-rt i*Mi;e cau^c a stellate fitirfMre if thr livor. Tliis is owing til til.; :.itrr i;rf:uo btiiig h-ird- (Ttlian tliiinnej-. Such fractures are very ncrioiis. A.VnHi I«Med Uie •Wh ea cn and Katt- ^.jBiiASbey ommti hfiiAm m mm bCR to inform tb Pabtie. that Itut ttajr are prepared to f amiab all kinds of Vebielai, ia::h as DEnOCBTS, WACMSOM8, BTCn lE ^ORKSH^^ IS THE BArTSoi 1RO iK^NNXMASON and by oiiing the Best of Material and Good Workioaiuhip, hope to reeem; a fair ahaia of yonr patrona^. Special attention grieato HOBSB SHOBINO-^ " General Jobbing As wrwarantall onr wo«k. A call U aoBeit •d, aad wf guarantee nSabetioii. Shop oa Hm street, of^poaita the Severe Hotel Harkdale, Uaieli 8. 1881. S.S-Sbi. STRAIGHT LOANS, KOFDIES, CHARGESMi. m aaauoxf AT meet TaSff vKLima^ ^i-ieoY^ ^otTwait^S^S FLESHERTON Harness Shop! UNION FIRE INSURAl .- LANCASHWB *» T â-  IBRXTISfi AlifelSfc'Al^l ' CONFEDERATIC^ ^5l!5-v S8B^^lm^p^n )^i^ FliBSHBRTONJS^TIQH*- ..4..iv..i^ a. -iJ^ Wanzer Sewing llachmes, Uneaqualled in range o£VA and ease of motion. D O H B B T'i QMQ:A1^B Unsurpassed in beanty of tune and power. Pajms for Sale and More Waiited. Thankful for past lavors, I am determined to merit » further share of pubKc patronage by fair and honest dealing THB SaUcrfber beRS to in^onn the pabUe that be baa eonstantly enband a large asKortment of CARRIGE, BUGGY AND TEAM HARNESS. Made in good style aod of the THE BEST OF MATERIAL, And as he means LusineM gi*e bias aa early call, as he will sell at the lowest living prices, for cash. A gcx)d supply of WHIPS, TBITIVKS, Cm always oo hand. Scotch Collars A Specialiy, And a good fit caaranteed. rS'Remember the stanil the Post Office is ojjposito. N, C- Stave timber wanted. and prompt attention. Markdale, March 29, 1881. THEOPHILUS iJALL. 29-tf. J. GORDON. Fleshfirtoa. March. 1881. 16 ESTABLISHED 35 YEARS WEEKLY illE JIAN WHO WAS MXEP. "i!i;.4lly, I'l the intrusion,"' ;â- ; ni in :i .m :: up. -Y-i â- â- â- 'â- â-  â- â- - did vdii \v.,h ' "\V.!l- V :i -1 .;.|-i.: ..:; ero.^.-i .d tfet \\[ s -N i:- .!. ';ii. 'â-  •'].;.' s.-«!r(- tli:a .v:iv l:;y-. !l' AVii-tliii-itto'i \^,i r'lii'i I .i.'i I li.; I li t' Ins 111 111 r -«;•â-  diiv. ir.' il'.- |i;i-:i .1 il flit, an.l iliou !, '1 ., j-ou will excase â- aid a sl.i;Lbyl()oking ':.'.r.zi iig.iit lonkod •'I :-.1/1j, Sir. AVLat '1,' I:u n bit mixed. ;; 111 \Vii-!iiiii,'ti)ii wlia 'â- â- â- *!. 1 wfis inclined -.t yr t 1 know that • r.'.-.vfvs scoofiiisj a- ' !. ••-u (:ike:i it in- the A\\'^. Good SPECTATOR A L .IIGE EIGHT-PAGE PAPER â€"ONLYâ€" ($1) Por Year. Per Yenr. One of ttie .Largest and best " "Weeklies iu Canada. the liall tlii.-ty ri-iJ ;;:id' "Say.d"n"t !l:iv'c ill of me, but I mu still mixLd up â€" lUtadfuly mixed. r Hi' OHO mj.:6 ju;s- Wuiy tlOll '" 8U' it N'T. I .1 :.:i; .vho cominandc'3 the N • 1 !i I, I I'l I â- ' f. U. it was Joshua, but diliit I.'.! put :;ji money ou it. Nli- Wii.s iil.-iv-. :..l.lliusi aiK'Jiid, you ku'\v, anl I h 1 a dim ilea that he mi;;";, have t;v!;r':i a wlmck at the suu. Very much cl'ii !^" f' you. Sir." Tiiis tinir lu' wti)t h:i!f w:i down Stairs and riitianed on tip-too. The agent looked up a:id saw him ia the door ;nil hi-rj iv quored "W'lr.- "Xlixjdaga'u I' plefdod the strang- er, ".Say, I w.'.ut to ask you just one more ijiicotioii." "Yes " "Did yoa ever lend a man a dollar to help hiiu on his way to Columbui to see his dying wife " *â-  Never 1 You are thinking of old Dio'^enes. He jisotl to shell out to every dead-beat who cam6 along." "Mixed a;^ain, by tliuniey!" mat- tered the mail, and as ho passed down btiiirs he took groat pains to set his feet down ou each step like a man who had bet ou three of a kind and found a flush taking bis money. â€" M- Quail. WlCKtb FOH CLKBOniBI.â€" Bsv. "Wa.shinpton, D. C, writes I believe it to be all wroutj and even wicked Jor clerc;viaAD or other pablio man to be led into giviag testimonials to quack doctors or vile stuffs called medicines, but when a really ireritorious article £jide of valnablf remedies known to all, that all phyaicinbs oee and trost indu'ly, we «liinld freeiy commend it. Itherefrij cheerfully and hear- tily commend Hop Bitters for the |;ood they have done me and my friends, firmly beliaviag they have BO eqaal for family nse.. I will not be without them." â€" fi^ York Baptist Weekly. Agents repoive 25 Cents forovoiy yearly sub- scvibiT. Any party Kciuling n-t thri'o sub- rpribrrs will rc-i vl' p. Cv-i'V, post-piiiil, of the Pririn-r'-i AcroTint Biok, wortli one dollar, m place of tb.i ns'ial commis-!i"i. Send jKist (luV. foi S. iii|ile C'l'y I nr 'Wcclily, w'lifli is s lit frii' • The only paper in I aTi.ula tliut pabliaUoa a Dreiijjht Column. ,\il.:ii-ss .Sl'ECXATOU I'laSTlNG COMPANY. l-UuuiUun, Ont. X.iy. 11,1JS0. Dissolufion of Partnership. TAKE NOTICE, that -♦h« Prtrtnership heretofore c-iisriiig t'tv.oiin the undersigned, umior the niimc uf Ur:int .V Cbellew, as (My- in ' M.ikrr-:, in the Villai^e of Markdle. has thii liiiv bo'u dissolvaJbTtnntaalcaiisant â€" â-  'Vny li:il.;litics due by the late I"ii-m are to be lx)rue by Mr. (ieo. Ciraiit; who will hereafter carry ou tlie bti-incss, and any debts due them are to be paid to him. Dated 'Srd June, A. ». 1881.' GEORGE GR.\NT, ALFRED CHELLEW. Witneiis. D. J, 4l-3i ROBT. ASKIN, Bas opened ont a First-Chua Furniture â€" AlTD â€" UN0ERAKIN6 ESTABLISHMENT, And therefore has supplied a want long felt, cspeoiilljr iu the Undertalung I^ine. COFFINS, OiSKETS, SHB0T7DS, and all FUNERAL FURNISNINOS, •applied on the shortes notibe. A. Hplenclld Hea,Tse lor hiM a* modacBta iBtep. A yonnu girl in Dortmund, Ger- many, robbed her lover ol a vjjuable watch, whict^e.}»wi.ed. Tfaeyonnc; man haviug ttOei^jNfte \At^, notified the police, who tr.aced the theft to the girl. When brought to trial she avowed her gnilt with many tears and sobs, allef ing that, unable to purchase ber ^tfeddin^' dres|, aud^ing asiiamed to e6i;fets her poverv^to her ioture hnsban^ a^ ha^ j«i1oiicd liis «atoh with tbMl|)MMte^iz*g a anCeient aidonj|^1h^filSc4he(9tion to'eftif berse^T^cSnflyT It Is pleaaiant lo know that tliis piteous eonfeesioo wm Rsponded u) in a g^iUant and magnan- iaooa syirit by the despoiled bride- groom, who ilfifi]M( ^^^ '-Ih^ pria- Mier was and evw ^onld be his only love, aud thab^'be^wonld marry bn: 4»at of hand iit^ i»tgt ^â- ould cgiiiilii to aet her at liberty." Without a mo- meat's delav, tiie tribonal annnlled lover OiUTWK Vlf Mi WWIIIWH IMOTBM knnxaph^ FURNITURE! From the Common to the B«sff ani Latest Styles, in everything in the Una. am aal 463 for joai-i.-I res. ROBT. ASKIN. COOKING, PARLOR AND BOX STOVES Always in Stock. As I keep all kinds of REPAIRS for the Impboieat^ I sell, Farmera will see the advantage of dealing with a Local Agent. WM. STRAIN, Flesherton, March 24, 1881. â-  nesli-ertoaa- J8tf SABDWABBt CB0CKM|T, GBOaERIES, PBOVW0HS, Ate. Ail kinds ot CcJontry |»n)duce taken in ^«fchang« for Goods. Inspection »f the 5lock cespcctfuHy invkedv Lumber, L?.ths aad Broomhandles maniiif^ctiired and tor T..V FIELD SEEDS, INCLUDING CLOVER, TIMOTHY, CARROT, MANQEIi WURTZEL, c, Sec. GARDEN SEEDS A CHOICE SELECTION, All of which vnll be sold at lowest market rates. A.TURNER CO. Markdale, Tec. 9, 1880. 13 tf OH, HEAR. OHJEAR. OH, HEAR. Squander your money if ycu want to. if not, get yourPhotograpbs of W. BULMEB. The People's Photographer, Flesherton Who is again preparea to take Pietnret, and do Copying and Enlarging aa hwetofore. FRAMES ATSJy FR.AlVtE FIXIIVC^S. We arereeeivio a large stock of MOTTOBS and Motto aad other Frames, and Frame FixingH, vhich we can, and mean to sell at Remarkably Low Prices Oall and leonre bargains. ' Bring along your pictnrea and have them voided ard enlarged hr vonr old friend. BULMER Flesherton, Match 10, 1 881. â- *â-  ' THE RUSH. THE RUSH. Three "Women, aiter*' a. Dozen Xlerrinsps. SPBINa HAS MADE JTH APPEABANGE, AUD BUTTER RAE In order to make room for their Spring Stoek.offer aU their WINTER GOODS AT COSTT! NOW IS YOUR TIME 70 GET BARGAINS In Ir«u Ooods, Cloois, Shawls, Men's Caps, Shirts, Diawen, Orwecata, Flaaaill, Ai. IS- DONT PASS THE PUCE AS WE MEAN BUSINESS. 0. J. 8HAII4IMirS "WAGKDN and Carriage Works, Just o||ened, o^g|ute the dni| ^on, MiU the dnk *o«e. strMt ' fiamtf l«i« ezp«ane4 ii tU bM^ ne«8, ^«e (e«l coaAdent we c*a ^Tf ^^1*^ tion to tl)D«»1a^ifaig OS witkthairoffarf r cAUtuoia. SPBINO WAOOMS. a i T tS. 1'"^^^ WAOOOIW, Aa. 'HuiiHJuiiMteg, and all kiad-o( repcinng B oox line mtiieT ia w and We ptey" Onz aiai is to aive th* bMt valM f or tk* 17, thos aaeniac aiaiw^itkm vt itewD«d ordMs md the jurtf irfffT SO-B* rsM hn mfla BgyaarMsoda. Markdate. April 6th. 1891 In Tweeds, all patterns. Cottonadee, Dacks, Bhirttngs, Oii^faaaM, D«Btea, White and Oiej Cottons, Dress Goods, Prints, Holiands, TowslUngs, Colhus? Bes. Braces, Colored and Dreos Sh^, aad all small wai« aaaallj ^^ kept. Hats mFaU and tarâ€" all priaw. Ordered Clothing a Specialty. IS* Don't forget that COOPER A SMtTH*8«00T8 wg Ou only Btctt worth bujrin^, a^d we are tfae ONUT SHOP ia Town ihaX kara tbcm. • CBOCEERY AND GLASSWAKE IN ALLL BTYSE8. N. B.â€" We tnist teat all unsVvnsrs wiU TeaBsaber tkat va.MXniT have mooeT- B m. eoonta are not paid by the ISthtest^tha Bailiff wiU dt^w^AMi after th^da« ..GUTTER A RAeI Markdale Marah 3, 1881. Vr- STOP. MARK. LEARN! And then yoa will know where to go to Ret the best value for your Money, at R. J. SPROULE'S GREAT ANNUAL CLEAEIG SALE, Chord hk li AT THX POST OFFICE STORE, FLESHERTON, A CoodChance. To rent lor one or more years. Lot 9 con. 9 Sndinaia.tenaa easy. COacrea in g^aAs. fr' "' W. J. IfoFABLAND- UJAdaIa,lteMliUU. M-S li«^ii^a» W^««.da^ «^ THdS.-H. TdtJNG. laQ».llar Mt- »** In order to make roan lor heavy Sprirglap irtatio/is now arriving daily, I have decided redneiiig my preaant lai^ and well sMeeted and assorted stock of GENAERALDRY GOODS, FURS, WLUERY, BOOTS AND SHOES. Hats, Caps and Groceries TO THE LOWEST POIN I POSSIBLE, and in order to do to, Will Sell at and Under COST, FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS. AS I do net parsae the course of some of ow windy Merchants of our n«i|dtborhup Vfl lagee, of sendiug out numerous samples of cheap trash (with nnscmpolouswoommeBda- tions) outside oar natural bnsinan relations, in order to impraaa the nnUie f^t tlu* «» "ll^P*^ tr eated by tkeg m gr. boBowbl. dealer., and d^nuSoTSl aS?, darcss?.!ss55?scKiir^ -i -~-w.^ i»u.tbt^So«bi. IfyOneetieaateaUVMcittfeeaMetlyMttcaah, eoaaafatatly I MUt aiid wlU id al The Lowest Possible Prices I For CASH and FARM PRODUCE BXJT NOT FOR OIlETIT, o ' -i^IbaMalaoiaateekMdfcraale. PURE SEE liaiia^aaalttliraf Wonderful Inventiot THIS IS A MECHANICAL DEVICi For Learnlng^to Play CHORDS AND ACGOMPANIMENn ON THE PIANO AND ORG T.:^i**f2.: Smhas Pure P*JMg .aadaait paja aafeveMtiaxi Olaagow.led 'Bariay. -Primr and evecy Fanner to aoir •xtra, and pazehastng a good I em now selling laise cGArse la «lualivfll 'FOR, M j%. nr r ewey Tanker f|s« x)a||^y^ SAYEYOURGOMBiNGS. Iba. iLa, Maaaa, be«i to asinewiwe *» kb^Zklif««l MaiWaie andiilMtvttMfkeke iei liiiifltowndi sy^lreonMapi ite sea i» ee.yii â€"dearie, teMe w I i M li AaanissfUrfM. Bi^taaa aapMriof Matki qoeen itriite^ii m t M li Mr. Bowee* real. FOB SALE.. ThttaanaboatlMaOTHdaerad. Ike 1 aiei andbonicfatfornatt ^-^"'-^"^-TTiiaiiBil Mi gSig 1^1 The 1st of April, tin a MariuUlj^ eo. 16 «a4i (• treaay. TU stMe of lapair. I "'**. ""d dl oeewaaiT MiMiii *W'»I ttl Turn, Â¥nLadt P^ AHy person, Young or Old, whetW r^ havQ any Musical talent or noif| can learn or PliAY ANT- "F THING;, in a VERY ~1lHraB% ' T I ME ^^^^hat would take years in the old way, besides.^ great expense ft» Books, "JJuition, etc., eta ^^^aid on receip of ^A I am, yoor 4*rtta«»aer»ant, Met FkllKt' :o,. R J. SPBOtTLE, ff SSL' n m â€" AL.»0^ • IJ^OR eiALBS AT LOW PRICES! ADDRESS, J. A. GRAWFOBD. 429 King Street East, Totu^' isso: von 'iC'BAA 91['Bl iH:aA *^u JO ^uaji lyoaol UNailiNVdl iiAaa foiiuaA 3 •^ C â-º^p • CO • o a u-' n •n â€" in o o n n o K o Ir. 3 3 r^ " Ci. C- Q Co (« X c o o =â-  S OPq •* ^m art. »\ »:??=« __ tft 3 hi a "« o "• p 5r • ~â€" y P • n ol 3- yj a [Oi.[j •8 c a o. as B* CO o a o 3 ol 3 o •«

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